path: root/build_tools/l7/larch0/cli/
diff options
authorCecil Hugh Watson <>2010-08-28 21:23:23 (GMT)
committerCecil Hugh Watson <>2010-08-28 21:23:23 (GMT)
commitf83117d46d8fc1f6192783371a68607a192c3276 (patch)
tree21bf30aeb943fe6cb23eb9c62a0ba899de2af0d7 /build_tools/l7/larch0/cli/
parent69a0137390be9816d5ec5dc9e81d48817a817758 (diff)
Larch 7
Diffstat (limited to 'build_tools/l7/larch0/cli/')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build_tools/l7/larch0/cli/ b/build_tools/l7/larch0/cli/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7e00831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_tools/l7/larch0/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# (c) Copyright 2010 Michael Towers (larch42 at googlemail dot com)
+# This file is part of the larch project.
+# larch is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# larch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with larch; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# 2010.07.19
+# This is a command line script to perform an Arch Linux installation
+# based on a list of packages. All needed parameters are passed as options.
+import os
+from glob import glob
+from config import *
+from backend import *
+class Installation:
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ self.options = options
+ self.installation_dir = get_installation_dir()
+ if self.installation_dir == '/':
+ errout(_("Operations on '/' are not supported ..."))
+ self.profile_dir = get_profile()
+ self.pacman_cmd = self.make_pacman_command()
+ self.make_pacman_conf()
+ def make_pacman_command(self):
+ """Construct pacman command. Return the command, including options.
+ This includes options for installation path, cache directory and
+ for suppressing the progress bar. It assumes a temporary location
+ for pacman.conf, which must also be set up.
+ If there is no pacman executable in the system PATH, check that
+ it is available in the larch directory.
+ """
+ pacman = runcmd('bash -c "which pacman || echo _FAIL_"')[1][-1].strip()
+ if pacman == '_FAIL_':
+ # If the host is not Arch, there will probably be no pacman
+ # (if there is some other program called 'pacman' that's
+ # a real spanner in the works).
+ # The alternative is to provide it in the larch directory.
+ pacman = base_dir + '/pacman'
+ if not os.path.isfile(pacman):
+ errout(_("No pacman executable found"))
+ pacman += (' -r %s --config %s --noconfirm'
+ % (self.installation_dir, PACMAN_CONF))
+ if self.options.noprogress:
+ pacman += ' --noprogressbar'
+ if self.options.cache:
+ pacman += ' --cachedir ' + self.options.cache
+ return pacman
+ def make_pacman_conf(self, final=False):
+ """Construct the pacman.conf file used by larch.
+ To make it a little easier to manage upstream changes to the default
+ pacman.conf, a separate file (pacman.conf.repos) is used to specify
+ the repositories to use. The contents of this file are used to modify
+ the basic pacman.conf file, which may be the default version or one
+ provided in the profile.
+ The 'final' parameter determines whether the version for the resulting
+ live system (True) or for the installation process (False) is
+ generated. If generating the installation version, it is possible
+ to specify alternative repositories, via the 'repofile' option,
+ which allows the pacman.conf used for the installation to be
+ different from the version in the resulting live system.
+ The return value is a list of the names of the repositories which
+ are included.
+ It is also possible to specify just a customized mirrorlist for the
+ installation by placing it in the working directory.
+ """
+ # Allow use of '*platform*' in pacman.conf.repos
+ platform = os.uname()[4]
+ if platform != 'x86_64':
+ platform = 'i686'
+ # Get pacman.conf header part
+ pc0 = self.profile_dir + '/pacman.conf.options'
+ if not os.path.isfile(pc0):
+ pc0 = base_dir + '/data/pacman.conf'
+ pacmanconf = self.pacmanoptions(readfile(pc0))
+ # Get file with repository entries
+ pc1 = self.profile_dir + '/pacman.conf.repos'
+ if not os.path.isfile(pc1):
+ pc1 = base_dir + '/data/pacman.conf.repos'
+ if self.options.repofile and not final:
+ pc1 = os.path.realpath(self.options.repofile)
+ # Get repository path
+ if final:
+ default = 'Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'
+ else:
+ mlist = cwd + '/mirrorlist'
+ if not os.path.isfile(mlist):
+ mlist = '/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'
+ if not os.path.isfile(mlist):
+ mlist = base_dir + '/data/mirrorlist'
+ default = 'Include = ' + mlist
+ # Read repository entries
+ repos = []
+ for line in readfile(pc1).splitlines():
+ line = line.strip()
+ if (not line) or (line[0] == '#'):
+ continue
+ r, s = [t.strip() for t in line.split(':', 1)]
+ repos.append(r)
+ s = s.replace('*default*', default)
+ pacmanconf += ('\n[%s]\n%s\n'
+ % (r, s.replace('*platform*', platform)))
+ writefile(pacmanconf, self.installation_dir + '/etc/pacman.conf'
+ if final else PACMAN_CONF)
+ return repos
+ def install(self):
+ """Clear the chosen installation directory and install the base
+ set of packages, together with any additional ones listed in the
+ file 'addedpacks' (in the profile), removing the packages in
+ 'vetopacks' from the list.
+ """
+ if not query_yn(_("Install Arch to '%s'?") % self.installation_dir):
+ return False
+ # Can't delete the whole directory because it might be a mount point
+ if os.path.isdir(self.installation_dir):
+ if script('cleardir %s' % self.installation_dir):
+ return False
+ # Ensure installation directory exists and check that device nodes
+ # can be created (creating /dev/null is also a workaround for an
+ # Arch bug - which may have been fixed, but this does no harm)
+ if not (runcmd('bash -c "mkdir -p %s/{dev,proc,sys}"'
+ % self.installation_dir)[0]
+ and runcmd('mknod -m 666 %s/dev/null c 1 3'
+ % self.installation_dir)[0]):
+ errout(_("Couldn't write to the installation path (%s)")
+ % self.installation_dir)
+ if not runcmd('bash -c "echo test >%s/dev/null"'
+ % self.installation_dir)[0]:
+ errout(_("The installation path (%s) is mounted 'nodev'.")
+ % self.installation_dir)
+ # I should also check that it is possible to run stuff in the
+ # installation directory.
+ runcmd('bash -c "cp $( which echo ) %s"' % self.installation_dir)
+ if not runcmd('%s/echo "yes"' % self.installation_dir)[0]:
+ errout(_("The installation path (%s) is mounted 'noexec'.")
+ % self.installation_dir)
+ runcmd('rm %s/echo' % self.installation_dir)
+ # Fetch package database
+ runcmd('mkdir -p %s/var/lib/pacman' % self.installation_dir)
+ self.refresh()
+ # Get list of vetoed packages.
+ self.packages = []
+ self.veto_packages = []
+ self.add_packsfile(self.profile_dir, 'vetopacks', must=False)
+ self.veto_packages = self.packages
+ # Include 'required' packages (these can still be vetoed, but
+ # in some cases that will mean a larch system cannot be built)
+ self.packages = []
+ self.add_packsfile(base_dir + '/data', 'requiredpacks')
+ # Add additional packages and groups, from 'addedpacks' file.
+ self.add_packsfile(self.profile_dir, 'addedpacks')
+ # Now do the actual installation.
+ ok = self.pacmancall('-Sf', ' '.join(self.packages))
+ if not ok:
+ errout(_("Package installation failed"))
+ # Some chroot scripts might need /etc/mtab
+ runcmd('bash -c ":> %s/etc/mtab"' % self.installation_dir)
+ # Build the final version of pacman.conf
+ self.make_pacman_conf(True)
+ comment(" *** %s ***" % _("Arch installation completed"))
+ return True
+ def add_packsfile(self, dir, packs_file, must=True):
+ path = dir + '/' + packs_file
+ if must and not os.path.isfile(path):
+ errout(_("No '%s' file") % path)
+ fh = open(path)
+ for line in fh:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if line and (line[0] != '#'):
+ if line[0] == '*':
+ self.add_group(line[1:].split()[0])
+ elif line[0] == '+':
+ # Include directive
+ line = line[1:].split()[0]
+ if line[0] != '/':
+ line = dir + '/' + line
+ d, pf = line.rsplit('/', 1)
+ if not d:
+ errout(_("Invalid package file include: %s"))
+ self.add_packsfile(d, pf)
+ elif line.startswith('!!!'):
+ # Ignore everything (!) entered previously.
+ # Allows requiredpacks to be overridden in addedpacks.
+ self.packages = []
+ else:
+ line = line.split()[0]
+ if ((line not in self.packages)
+ and (line not in self.veto_packages)):
+ self.packages.append(line)
+ fh.close()
+ def add_group(self, gname):
+ """Add the packages belonging to a group to the installaion list,
+ removing any in the veto list.
+ """
+ # In the next line the call could be done as a normal user.
+ for line in runcmd('%s -Sg %s' % (self.pacman_cmd, gname))[1]:
+ l = line.split()
+ if l and (l[0] == gname) and (l[1] not in self.veto_packages):
+ self.packages.append(l[1])
+ def refresh(self):
+ """This updates or creates the pacman-db in the installation.
+ This is done using using 'pacman ... -Sy' together with the
+ customized pacman.conf file.
+ """
+ if not runcmd(self.pacman_cmd + ' -Sy',
+ filter=pacman_filter_gen())[0]:
+ errout(_("Couldn't synchronize pacman database (pacman -Sy)"))
+ return True
+ def pacmancall(self, op, arg):
+ """Mount-bind the sys and proc directories before calling the
+ pacman command built by make_pacman_command to perform operation
+ 'op' (e.g. '-S') with argument(s) 'arg' (a string).
+ Then unmount sys and proc and return True if the command succeeded.
+ """
+ # (a) Prepare the destination environment (bind mounts)
+ mount("/sys", "%s/sys" % self.installation_dir, "--bind")
+ mount("/proc", "%s/proc" % self.installation_dir, "--bind")
+ # (b) Call pacman
+ ok = runcmd("%s %s %s" % (self.pacman_cmd, op, arg),
+ filter=pacman_filter_gen())[0]
+ # (c) Remove bound mounts
+ unmount(("%s/sys" % self.installation_dir,
+ "%s/proc" % self.installation_dir))
+ return ok
+ def pacmanoptions(self, text):
+ """A filter for pacman.conf to remove the repository info.
+ """
+ texto = ""
+ block = ""
+ for line in text.splitlines():
+ block += line + "\n"
+ if line.startswith("#["):
+ break
+ if line.startswith("[") and not line.startswith("[options]"):
+ break
+ if not line.strip():
+ texto += block
+ block = ""
+ return texto
+ def sync(self, *packs):
+ return self.pacmancall('-S', ' '.join(packs))
+ def update(self, *files):
+ return self.pacmancall('-U', ' '.join(files))
+ def remove(self, *packs):
+ return self.pacmancall('-Rs', ' '.join(packs))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ start_translator()
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ operations = 'install|sync|update|remove|refresh'
+ from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+ parser = OptionParser(usage=(_("usage: %%prog [options] %s [packages]")
+ % operations))
+ parser.add_option("-p", "--profile", action="store", type="string",
+ default="", dest="profile",
+ help=_("Profile: 'user:profile-name' or path to profile directory"))
+ parser.add_option("-i", "--installation-dir", action="store", type="string",
+ default="", dest="idir",
+ help=_("Path to directory to be larchified (default %s)")
+ parser.add_option("-s", "--slave", action="store_true", dest="slave",
+ default=False, help=_("Run as a slave from a controlling program"
+ " (e.g. from a gui)"))
+ parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet",
+ default=False, help=_("Suppress output messages, except errors"
+ " (no effect if -s specified)"))
+ parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force",
+ default=False, help=_("Don't ask for confirmation"))
+ parser.add_option("-r", "--repofile", action="store", type="string",
+ default="", dest="repofile",
+ help=_("Supply a substitute repository list (pacman.conf.repos)"
+ " for the installation only"))
+ parser.add_option("-c", "--cache-dir", action="store", type="string",
+ default="", dest="cache",
+ help=_("pacman cache directory (default /var/cache/pacman/pkg)"))
+ parser.add_option("-n", "--noprogress", action="store_true",
+ dest="noprogress",
+ default=False, help=_("Don't show pacman's progress bar"))
+## I think pacman is going to get support for something like '$arch', at
+## which stage I could again consider architecture switching support in larch.
+# parser.add_option("-a", "--arch", action="store", type="string",
+# default="", dest="arch",
+# help=_("processor architecture (x86_64|i686) - defaults to"
+# " that of the host."
+# " This is an untested feature, which is probably only partially"
+# " implemented and may well not work."))
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if not args:
+ print _("You must specify which operation to perform:\n")
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ print _("This application must be run as root")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ init('archin', options)
+ op = args[0]
+ if op not in operations.split('|'):
+ print (_("Invalid operation: '%s'\n") % op)
+ parser.print_help()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ installation = Installation(options)
+ method = getattr(installation, op)
+ if method(*args[1:]):
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ sys.exit(1)