path: root/build_tools/l7/larch-larchify.orig
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build_tools/l7/larch-larchify.orig')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 588 deletions
diff --git a/build_tools/l7/larch-larchify.orig b/build_tools/l7/larch-larchify.orig
deleted file mode 100755
index 15a4d6a..0000000
--- a/build_tools/l7/larch-larchify.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,588 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# (c) Copyright 2009-2010 Michael Towers (larch42 at googlemail dot com)
-# This file is part of the larch project.
-# larch is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# larch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with larch; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-# 2010.07.13
-# This is a command line script to prepare a larch live system from an
-# Arch Linux installation. All needed parameters are passed as options.
-import os, sys
-from config import *
-from backend import *
-from userinfo import Userinfo
-from glob import glob
-import random, crypt
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
-class Builder:
- """This class manages 'larchifying' an Arch Linux installation.
- """
- def __init__(self, options):
- self.installation_dir = get_installation_dir()
- self.installation0 = (self.installation_dir
- if self.installation_dir != "/" else "")
- testfile = self.installation0 + '/etc/pacman.conf'
- if not os.path.isfile(testfile):
- errout(_("File '%s' doesn't exist:\n"
- " '%s' not an Arch installation?")
- % (testfile, self.installation_dir))
- self.profile_dir = get_profile()
- def build(self, options):
- if not (self.installation0 or query_yn(_(
- "Building a larch live medium from the running system is"
- "\nan error prone process. Changes to the running system"
- "\nmade while running this function may be only partially"
- "\nincorporated into the compressed system images."
- "\n\nDo you wish to continue?")), True):
- return False
- # Define the working area - it must be inside the installation
- # because of the use of chroot for some functions
- self.larchify_dir = self.installation0 + CHROOT_DIR_LARCHIFY
- # Location for the live medium image
- self.medium_dir = self.installation0 + CHROOT_DIR_MEDIUM
- # And potentially a saved system.sqf
- self.system_sqf = self.installation0 + CHROOT_SYSTEMSQF
- # Needed for a potentially saved locales directory
- self.locales_base = self.installation0 + CHROOT_DIR_BUILD
- # For building the (mods.sqf) overlay
- self.overlay = self.installation0 + CHROOT_DIR_OVERLAY
- comment("Initializing larchify process")
- if options.oldsqf:
- if os.path.isfile(self.medium_dir + "/larch/system.sqf"):
- runcmd("mv %s/larch/system.sqf %s" %
- (self.medium_dir, self.system_sqf))
- else:
- runcmd("rm -f %s" % self.system_sqf)
- # Clean out larchify area and create overlay directory
- runcmd('rm -rf %s' % self.larchify_dir)
- runcmd('mkdir -p %s' % self.overlay)
- if not self.find_kernel():
- return False
- if not self.system_check():
- return False
- comment("Beginning to build larch medium files")
- # Clear out the directory
- runcmd('rm -rf %s' % self.medium_dir)
- # The base medium boot directory, bootloader independent.
- runcmd('mkdir -p %s/boot' % self.medium_dir)
- # The main larch direcory
- runcmd('mkdir -p %s/larch' % self.medium_dir)
- # kernel
- runcmd("cp -f %s/boot/%s %s/boot/larch.kernel" %
- (self.installation0, self.kname, self.medium_dir))
- # Remember file name (to ease update handling)
- runcmd('bash -c "echo \'%s\' > %s/larch/kernelname"'
- % (self.kname, self.medium_dir))
- # if no saved system.sqf, squash the Arch installation at self.installation_dir
- if not os.path.isfile(self.system_sqf):
- comment("Generating system.sqf")
- # root directories which are not included in the squashed system.sqf
- ignoredirs = "boot dev mnt media proc sys tmp .livesys "
- ignoredirs += CHROOT_DIR_BUILD.lstrip("/")
- # /var stuff
- ignoredirs += " var/log var/tmp var/lock"
- # others
- ignoredirs += " usr/lib/locale"
- # Additional directories to ignore can also be specified in the
- # profile. This is a nasty option. It was requested, and might
- # be useful under certain special circumstances, but I recommend
- # not using it unless you are really sure what you are doing.
- veto_file = self.profile_dir + '/vetodirs'
- if os.path.isfile(veto_file):
- fh = open(veto_file)
- for line in fh:
- line = line.strip()
- if line and (line[0] != '#'):
- ignoredirs += ' ' + line.lstrip('/')
- fh.close()
- if not chroot(self.installation0,
- "/sbin/mksquashfs '/' '%s' -e %s"
- % (CHROOT_SYSTEMSQF, ignoredirs),
- filter=mksquashfs_filter_gen()):
- errout(_("Squashing system.sqf failed"))
- # remove execute attrib
- runcmd("chmod oga-x %s" % self.system_sqf)
- # move system.sqf to medium directory
- runcmd("mv %s %s/larch" % (self.system_sqf, self.medium_dir))
- # prepare overlay
- comment("Generating larch overlay")
- # Copy over the overlay from the selected profile
- if os.path.isdir("%s/rootoverlay" % self.profile_dir):
- runcmd('bash -c "cp -rf %s/rootoverlay/* %s"'
- % (self.profile_dir, self.overlay))
- # Ensure there is an /etc directory in the overlay
- runcmd("mkdir -p %s/etc" % self.overlay)
- # fix sudoers if any
- if os.path.isfile("%s/etc/sudoers" % self.overlay):
- runcmd("chmod 0440 %s/etc/sudoers" % self.overlay)
- runcmd("chown root:root %s/etc/sudoers" % self.overlay)
- # Prepare inittab
- inittab = self.overlay + "/etc/inittab"
- itsave = inittab + ".larchsave"
- it0 = self.installation0 + "/etc/inittab"
- itl = self.overlay + "/etc/inittab.larch"
- if not os.path.isfile(itl):
- itl = self.installation0 + "/etc/inittab.larch"
- if not os.path.isfile(itl):
- itl = None
- # Save the original inittab if there is an inittab.larch file,
- # ... if there isn't already a saved one
- if itl:
- if ((not os.path.isfile(it0 + ".larchsave"))
- and (not os.path.isfile(itsave))):
- runcmd("cp %s %s" % (it0, itsave))
- # Use the .larch version in the live system
- runcmd("cp -f %s %s" % (itl, inittab))
- comment("Generating larch initcpio")
- if not self.gen_initramfs():
- return False
- lpath = self.locales_base + '/locale'
- if self.installation0:
- if options.oldlocales and os.path.isdir(lpath):
- comment("Copying saved glibc locales")
- runcmd('rm -rf %s/usr/lib/locale' % self.overlay)
- runcmd('mkdir -p %s/usr/lib' % self.overlay)
- runcmd('cp -a %s %s/usr/lib' % (lpath, self.overlay))
- else:
- comment("Generating glibc locales")
- runcmd('rm -rf %s' % lpath)
- script('larch-locales "%s" "%s"' % (self.installation0,
- self.overlay))
- # Save the generated locales for possible reuse
- runcmd('cp -a %s/usr/lib/locale %s' % (self.overlay,
- self.locales_base))
- if (os.path.isfile(self.installation0 + '/usr/bin/ssh-keygen')
- and not os.path.isfile(self.profile_dir + '/nosshkeys')):
- # ssh initialisation - done here so that it doesn't need to
- # be done when the live system boots
- comment("Generating ssh keys to overlay")
- sshdir = CHROOT_DIR_OVERLAY + "/etc/ssh"
- runcmd("mkdir -p %s" % (self.installation0 + sshdir))
- for k, f in [("rsa1", "ssh_host_key"), ("rsa", "ssh_host_rsa_key"),
- ("dsa", "ssh_host_dsa_key")]:
- chroot(self.installation0,
- "ssh-keygen -t %s -N '' -f %s/%s"
- % (k, sshdir, f), ["dev"])
- # Ensure the hostname is in /etc/hosts
- script("larch-hosts %s %s" % (self.installation0, self.overlay))
- # Handle /mnt
- runcmd("mkdir -p %s/mnt" % self.overlay)
- for d in os.listdir("%s/mnt" % self.installation0):
- if os.path.isdir("%s/mnt/%s" % (self.installation0, d)):
- runcmd("mkdir %s/mnt/%s" % (self.overlay, d))
- # Ensure there is a /boot directory
- runcmd("mkdir -p %s/boot" % self.overlay)
- # Run customization script
- tweak = self.profile_dir + '/build-tweak'
- if os.path.isfile(tweak):
- comment("(WARNING): Running user's build customization script")
- if runcmd(tweak + ' %s %s' % (self.installation0,
- self.overlay))[0]:
- comment("Customization script completed")
- else:
- errout(_("Build customization script failed"))
- # Get root password
- rootpwf = self.profile_dir + '/rootpw'
- if os.path.isfile(rootpwf):
- rootpw = readfile(rootpwf).strip()
- if rootpw == '!':
- # Lock the password
- rootcmd = 'usermod -L'
- else:
- rootcmd = "usermod -p '%s'" % encryptPW(rootpw)
- else:
- rootcmd = None
- # Add users and set root password
- if self.installation0 and not self.add_users(rootcmd):
- return False
- comment("Squashing mods.sqf")
- if not chroot(self.installation0,
- "/sbin/mksquashfs '%s' '%s/larch/mods.sqf'"
- filter=mksquashfs_filter_gen()):
- errout(_("Squashing mods.sqf failed"))
- # remove execute attrib
- runcmd("chmod oga-x %s/larch/mods.sqf" % self.medium_dir)
- runcmd("rm -rf %s" % self.overlay)
- comment(" *** %s ***" % _("larchify-process completed"))
- return True
- def add_users(self, rootcmd):
- userinfo = Userinfo(self.profile_dir)
- userlist = []
- for user in userinfo.allusers():
- # Only include if the user does not yet exist
- if runcmd('bash -c "grep \"^%s\" %s/etc/passwd || echo -"'
- % (user, self.installation_dir))[1][0] != '-':
- comment("(WARNING): User '%s' exists already" % user)
- else:
- userlist.append(user)
- # Only continue if there are new users in the list
- if rootcmd:
- clist = [('root', rootcmd + ' %s')]
- else:
- if userlist == []:
- return True
- clist = []
- # Save system files and replace them by the overlay versions
- savedir = self.larchify_dir + '/save_etc'
- runcmd('rm -rf %s' % savedir)
- runcmd('mkdir -p %s/default' % savedir)
- savelist = 'group,gshadow,passwd,shadow,login.defs,skel'
- runcmd('bash -c "cp -a %s/etc/{%s} %s"'
- % (self.installation0, savelist, savedir))
- runcmd('cp -a %s/etc/default/useradd %s/default'
- % (self.installation0, savedir))
- for f in ('group', 'gshadow', 'passwd', 'shadow', 'login.defs'):
- if os.path.isfile(self.overlay + '/etc/%s'):
- runcmd('cp %s/etc/%s %s/etc'
- % (self.overlay, f, self.installation0))
- if os.path.isfile(self.overlay + '/etc/default/useradd'):
- runcmd('cp %s/etc/default/useradd %s/etc/default'
- % (self.overlay, self.installation0))
- if os.path.isdir(self.overlay + '/etc/skel'):
- runcmd('cp -r %s/etc/skel %s/etc'
- % (self.overlay, self.installation0))
- # Build the useradd command
- userdir0 = '/users'
- userdir = self.larchify_dir + userdir0
- userdirs = []
- runcmd('mkdir -p %s/home' % self.overlay)
- for u in userlist:
- cline = 'useradd -m'
- pgroup = userinfo.get(u, 'maingroup')
- if pgroup:
- cline += ' -g ' + pgroup
- uid = userinfo.get(u, 'uid')
- if uid:
- cline += ' -u ' + uid
- pw = userinfo.get(u, 'pw')
- if (pw == ''):
- # Passwordless login
- pwcrypt = ''
- else:
- # Normal MD5 password
- pwcrypt = encryptPW(pw)
- cline += " -p '%s'" % pwcrypt
- skeldir = userinfo.get(u, 'skel')
- if skeldir:
- # Custom home initialization directories in the profile
- # always start with 'skel_'
- skel = 'skel_' + skeldir
- if skel not in userdirs:
- userdirs.append(skel)
- cline += ' -k %s/%s' % (CHROOT_DIR_LARCHIFY + userdir0,
- skel)
- # Allow for expert tweaking
- cline += ' ' + userinfo.get(u, 'expert')
- # The user and the command to be run
- clist.append((u, cline + ' %s'))
- xgroups = userinfo.get(u, 'xgroups')
- if xgroups:
- xgl = []
- for g in xgroups.split(','):
- clist.append((u, 'usermod -a -G %s %%s' % g))
- if userdirs:
- # Copy custom 'skel' directories to build space
- runcmd('rm -rf %s' % userdir)
- runcmd('mkdir -p %s' % userdir)
- for ud in userdirs:
- runcmd('cp -r %s/%s %s/%s' %
- (self.profile_dir, ud, userdir, ud))
- nfail = 0
- ok = True
- for u, cmd in clist:
- if not chroot(self.installation0, cmd % u):
- nfail += 1
- # Errors adding users to groups are not fatal:
- if not cmd.startswith('usermod -a -G'):
- ok = False
- if os.path.isdir('%s/home/%s' % (self.installation0, u)):
- runcmd('mv %s/home/%s %s/home'
- % (self.installation0, u, self.overlay))
- if nfail > 0:
- errout(_("%d user account operation(s) failed") % nfail, 0)
- # Move changed /etc/{group,gshadow,passwd,shadow} to overlay
- runcmd('bash -c "mv %s/etc/{group,gshadow,passwd,shadow} %s/etc"'
- % (self.installation0, self.overlay))
- # Restore system files in base installation
- runcmd('rm -rf %s/etc/skel' % self.installation0)
- runcmd('bash -c "cp -a %s/* %s/etc"'
- % (savedir, self.installation0))
- return ok
- def system_check(self):
- comment("Testing for necessary packages and kernel modules")
- fail = ""
- warn = ""
- nplist = ["larch-live"]
- mdep = (self.installation0 +
- "/lib/modules/%s/modules.dep" % self.kversion)
- if Popen(["grep", "/squashfs.ko", mdep], stdout=PIPE,
- stderr=STDOUT).wait() != 0:
- fail += _("No squashfs module found\n")
- if Popen(["grep", "/aufs.ko", mdep], stdout=PIPE,
- stderr=STDOUT).wait() == 0:
- self.ufs='_aufs'
- nplist.append("aufs2-util")
- elif Popen(["grep", "/unionfs.ko", mdep], stdout=PIPE,
- stderr=STDOUT).wait() == 0:
- self.ufs='_unionfs'
- else:
- fail += _("No aufs or unionfs module found\n")
- for p in nplist:
- if not self.haspack(p):
- fail += _("Package '%s' is needed by larch systems\n") % p
- if not self.haspack("syslinux"):
- warn += _("Without package 'syslinux' you will not be able\n"
- "to create syslinux or isolinux booting media\n")
- if (not self.haspack("cdrkit")) and (not self.haspack("cdrtools")):
- warn += _("Without package 'cdrkit' (or 'cdrtools') you will\n"
- "not be able to create CD/DVD media\n")
- if not self.haspack("eject"):
- warn += _("Without package 'eject' you will have problems\n"
- "using CD/DVD media\n")
- if warn:
- cont = query_yn(_("WARNING:\n%s"
- "\n Continue building?") % warn)
- else:
- cont = True
- if fail:
- errout(_("ERROR:\n%s") % fail)
- return cont
- def haspack(self, package):
- """Check whether the given package is installed.
- """
- for p in os.listdir(self.installation0 + '/var/lib/pacman/local'):
- if p.rsplit("-", 2)[0] == package:
- return True
- return False
- def find_kernel(self):
- # The uncomfortable length of this function is deceptive,
- # most of it is for dealing with errors.
- comment("Seeking kernel information")
- kscript = "%s/kernel" % self.profile_dir
- if os.path.isfile(kscript):
- p = Popen([kscript], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
- r = p.communicate()[0]
- if p.returncode == 0:
- self.kname, self.kversion = r.split()
- else:
- errout(_("Problem running %s:\n %s") % (kscript, r))
- else:
- kernels = glob(self.installation0 + '/boot/vmlinuz*')
- if len(kernels) > 1:
- errout(_("More than one kernel found:\n %s") %
- "\n ".join(kernels))
- elif not kernels:
- errout(_("No kernel found"))
- self.kname = os.path.basename(kernels[0])
- self.kversion = None
- for kv in os.listdir(self.installation0 + '/lib/modules'):
- if os.path.isfile(self.installation0
- + ('/lib/modules/%s/modules.dep' % kv)):
- if self.kversion:
- errout(_("More than one set of kernel modules in %s")
- % (self.installation0 + '/lib/modules'))
- self.kversion = kv
- else:
- kmpath = self.installation0 + ('/lib/modules/%s' % kv)
- comment("Unexpected kernel files at %s" % kmpath)
- # Try to find packages concerned
- p = Popen(["find", ".", "-name", "*.ko"], cwd=kmpath,
- stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
- r = p.communicate()[0]
- if p.returncode == 0:
- packs = []
- for km in r.split():
- a = chroot(self.installation0,
- 'pacman -Qoq /lib/modules/%s/%s'
- % (kv, km))
- if a:
- pack = "-".join(a[0].split())
- if pack not in packs:
- packs.append(pack)
- comment(" Package: %s" % pack)
- else:
- comment("Couldn't determine guilty packages")
- if not query_yn(_("WARNING:"
- "\n You seem to have installed a package containing modules"
- "\nwhich aren't compatible with your kernel (see log)."
- "\nPlease check that this won't cause problems."
- "\nMaybe you need the corresponding package for your kernel?"
- "\n\n Continue building?")):
- return False
- if not self.kversion:
- errout(_("Couldn't find kernel modules"))
- comment("Kernel: %s - version: %s" % (self.kname, self.kversion))
- chroot(self.installation0, "depmod %s" % self.kversion)
- return True
- def gen_initramfs(self):
- # Fix up larch mkinitcpio.conf for unionfs/aufs
- conf = self.overlay + "/etc/mkinitcpio.conf.larch"
- if os.path.isfile(conf + "0"):
- conf0 = conf + "0"
- else:
- conf0 = self.installation0 + "/etc/mkinitcpio.conf.larch0"
- runcmd('bash -c "sed \'s|___aufs___|%s|g\' <%s >%s"' % (self.ufs, conf0, conf))
- presets = [os.path.basename(f) for f in glob(
- self.installation0 + "/etc/mkinitcpio.d/kernel26*.preset")]
- if len(presets) != 1:
- errout(_("Couldn't find usable mkinitcpio preset: %s") %
- self.installation0 + "/etc/mkinitcpio.d/kernel26*.preset")
- # Save original preset file (unless a '*.larchsave' is already present)
- idir = self.installation0 + "/etc/mkinitcpio.d"
- oldir = self.overlay + "/etc/mkinitcpio.d"
- if not os.path.isfile("%s/%s.larchsave" % (idir, presets[0])):
- runcmd("mkdir -p %s" % oldir)
- runcmd("cp %s/%s %s/%s.larchsave" %
- (idir, presets[0], oldir, presets[0]))
- # Adjust larch.preset file for custom kernels
- runcmd('bash -c "sed \'s|___|%s|\' <%s/larch.preset0 >%s/larch.preset"'
- % (presets[0].rsplit(".", 1)[0], idir, oldir))
- # Replace 'normal' preset in overlay
- runcmd("cp %s/larch.preset %s/%s" % (oldir, oldir, presets[0]))
- # Generate initramfs
- return chroot(self.installation0,
- "mkinitcpio -k %s -c %s -g %s" %
- (self.kversion,
- CHROOT_DIR_OVERLAY + "/etc/mkinitcpio.conf.larch",
- CHROOT_DIR_MEDIUM + "/boot/larch.img"))
-def encryptPW(pw):
- """Encrypt a password - needed for user account generation.
- """
- salt = '$1$'
- for i in range(8):
- salt += random.choice("./0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- return crypt.crypt(pw, salt)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- start_translator()
- from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
- parser = OptionParser(usage=_("usage: %prog [options]"))
- parser.add_option("-p", "--profile", action="store", type="string",
- default="", dest="profile",
- help=_("Profile: 'user:profile-name' or path to profile directory"))
- parser.add_option("-i", "--installation-dir", action="store", type="string",
- default="", dest="idir",
- help=_("Path to directory to be larchified (default %s)")
- parser.add_option("-s", "--slave", action="store_true", dest="slave",
- default=False, help=_("Run as a slave from a controlling program"
- " (e.g. from a gui)"))
- parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet",
- default=False, help=_("Suppress output messages, except errors"
- " (no effect if -s specified)"))
- parser.add_option("-o", "--oldsqf", action="store_true", dest="oldsqf",
- default=False, help=_("Reuse previously generated system.sqf"))
- parser.add_option("-l", "--oldlocales", action="store_true",
- dest="oldlocales", default=False,
- help=_("Reuse previously generated locales"))
- parser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force",
- default=False, help=_("Don't ask for confirmation"))
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-# Should there be arguments?
- if os.getuid() != 0:
- print _("This application must be run as root")
- sys.exit(1)
- init('larchify', options)
- builder = Builder(options)
- if
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- sys.exit(1)