path: root/build_tools/larch7/larch0/gui/layouts/page_larchify.uim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'build_tools/larch7/larch0/gui/layouts/page_larchify.uim')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build_tools/larch7/larch0/gui/layouts/page_larchify.uim b/build_tools/larch7/larch0/gui/layouts/page_larchify.uim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df7be8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build_tools/larch7/larch0/gui/layouts/page_larchify.uim
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# page_larchify.uim - The layout for the larchify page
+# (c) Copyright 2010 Michael Towers (larch42 at googlemail dot com)
+# This file is part of the larch project.
+# larch is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# larch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with larch; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+# 2010.02.07
+ ['Page', ':page_larchify',
+ { 'layout':
+ ['VBOX',
+ ':larchify',
+ ':users',
+ 'HLINE',
+ ['HBOX', ':overlay', ':locales', ':rcconf'],
+ '*',
+ ':larchify_advanced',
+ 'HLINE',
+ ['HBOX', ':oldsquash', '*', ':build']
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ # - - - - The profile editing frame
+ ['Label', ':larchify',
+ { 'markup': ['', " *** ", ['strong', _("The system to be"
+ " compressed must be installed and ready.")], " *** "]
+ }
+ ],
+ ['Button', ':locales',
+ { 'text': _("Edit supported locales"),
+ 'tt': _("Edit the /etc/locale.gen file to select"
+ " supported glibc locales")
+ },
+ 'clicked'
+ ],
+ ['Button', ':rcconf',
+ { 'text': _("Edit Arch configuration"),
+ 'tt': _("Edit the /etc/rc.conf file to configure the"
+ " live system")
+ },
+ 'clicked'
+ ],
+ ['Button', ':overlay',
+ { 'text': _("Edit overlay"),
+ 'tt': _("Open a file browser on the profile's 'rootoverlay'")
+ },
+ 'clicked'
+ ],
+ ['OptionalFrame', ':larchify_advanced',
+ { 'text': _("Advanced Options"),
+ 'layout':
+ ['HBOX', ':initcpio', '*', ':oldlocales', ':ssh']
+ }
+ ],
+ ['Button', ':initcpio',
+ { 'text': _("Edit mkinitcpio.conf"),
+ 'tt': _("Edit the configuration file for generating"
+ " the initramfs via mkinitcpio")
+ },
+ 'clicked'
+ ],
+ ['CheckBox', ':ssh',
+ { 'text': _("Generate ssh keys"),
+ 'tt': _("The ssh host keys will be pre-generated")
+ },
+ 'toggled'
+ ],
+ ['CheckBox', ':oldlocales',
+ { 'text': _("Reuse existing locales"),
+ 'tt': _("To save time it may be possible to reuse glibc"
+ " locales from a previous run")
+ },
+# 'toggled'
+ ],
+ ['CheckBox', ':oldsquash',
+ { 'text': _("Reuse existing system.sqf"),
+ 'tt': _("Reuse existing system.sqf, to save time if the"
+ " base system hasn't changed")
+ },
+# 'toggled'
+ ],
+ ['Button', ':build',
+ { 'text': _("Larchify"),
+ 'tt': _("Build the main components of the larch system")
+ },
+ 'clicked'
+ ],
+#Note that this should be disabled if installation directory is '/'
+ ['Frame', ':users',
+ { 'text': _("User accounts"),
+ 'layout':
+ ['VBOX',
+ ':utable',
+ ['HBOX', ':useradd', ':userdel', '*',
+ ':rootpwl', ':rootpwe', ':rootpwb'
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ ['List', ':utable',
+ { 'selectionmode': 'Single',
+ 'headers': USERHEADERS,
+ 'compact': True,
+ 'tt': _("Click on a row to select, click on a selected"
+ " cell to edit")
+ },
+# 'select',
+ 'clicked'
+ ],
+ ['Button', ':useradd',
+ { 'text': _("Add user"),
+ 'tt': _("Create a new user-name")
+ },
+ 'clicked'
+ ],
+ ['Button', ':userdel',
+ { 'text': _("Delete user"),
+ 'tt': _("Remove the selected user-name")
+ },
+ 'clicked'
+ ],
+ ['Label', ':rootpwl',
+ { 'text': _("Root password:")
+ }
+ ],
+ ['LineEdit', ':rootpwe',
+ { 'ro': True,
+ 'tt': _("The unencrypted root password for the live system")
+ }
+ ],
+ ['Button', ':rootpwb',
+ { 'text': _("Change"),
+ 'tt': _("Enter a new password for the 'root' user")
+ },
+ 'clicked'
+ ],
+ ['DATA', 'larchify_page_data',
+ { 'messages':
+ { 'uheaders': USERHEADERS,
+ 'rn_error': _("Renaming failed, see log"),
+ 'ud_error': _("Couldn't adjust user definition"),
+ 'def_skel': _("Default (/etc/skel)"),
+ 'skel_lbl': _("This folder will be copied\n"
+ "to build the user's home folder:"),
+ 'skel_ttl': _("Choose 'skel' Folder"),
+ 'newlogin': _("Enter login-name for new user:"),
+ 'newrootpw': _("Enter root password for live system:"),
+ }
+ },
+ ],
+)([_("User-Name"), _("Password"), _("Group"),
+ "UID", _("'skel' directory"),
+ _("Additional Groups"), _("Expert options")])