#!/bin/bash # # /etc/rc.local: Local multi-user startup script. # . /etc/rc.conf . /etc/rc.d/functions . /etc/profile . ${MV_ROOT}/bin/install_functions.sh umount /tmp clear ln -s /var-lib-pacman/sync /var/lib/pacman/sync function mysql_check { mysql -e "show databases;" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null return $? } function mythconverg_check { mysql mythconverg -e "describe settings;" 2>/dev/null >/dev/null return $? } function install_db { pacman --noconfirm -R mythdb-initial 2>/dev/null > /dev/null pacman -S --noconfirm mythdb-initial 2>/dev/null > /dev/null } #set bootdev.txt for shutdown eject in archiso_shutdown mount|grep bootmnt|cut -f1 -d" " > /run/initramfs/bootdev.txt cp -f /usr/bin/eject /run/initramfs/usr/bin/eject #check to see if mysql is running stat_busy "Checking Mysql" ATTEMPT=0 mysql_check && printhl " Installing the initial database" &&install_db mythconverg_check status=$? while [ ! $status = 0 ] do #/etc/rc.d/mysqld start systemctl start mysqld.service mysqlstatus=$? if [ $mysqlstatus = 0 ] then mysql_check && install_db mythconverg_check status=$? else systemctl stop mysqld.service #/etc/rc.d/mysqld stop sleep 2 fi ((ATTEMPT=ATTEMPT+1)) if [ $ATTEMPT = 20 ] then printhl " Could not start mysql or install mythconverg in 20 attempts" printhl " Aborting install" exit 20 fi done stat_done #check network parms stat_busy "Checking network" init_network stat_done stat_busy "Probing network" request_dhcp & stat_done #save some cmdline options stat_busy "Parsing command line" parse_cmdline_2_db bootsplash_setup stat_done #search for remote stat_busy "Checking for remote" init_remote stat_done #printhl "Finished" #creating /myth for live cd stat_busy "Preparing Live Environment" . /usr/MythVantage/bin/mv_config.py HDIR=`dirname $MYTHHOME` mkdir -p $HDIR useradd -b $HDIR -m -p "" -G "audio,disk,optical,wheel,storage,video,users" mythtv chown -R mythtv.mythtv $MYTHHOME #creating mountpoint for live cd mkdir -p $DATAMOUNT create_media_dirs.sh $DATAMOUNT chown -R mythtv.mythtv $DATAMOUNT/media stat_done #printhl "Finished" stat_busy "Starting Services" systemctl start dbus systemctl start avahi-daemon stat_done echo $CMDLINE | grep -qi NoX if [ $? = 0 ] then echo "" printhl "No auto X option found. Will not start X." # /usr/bin/chvt 2 else stat_busy "Starting linhes-install" #/root/linhes_install/startx & systemctl start linhes-install stat_done fi # Set up automatically logged in user if [ -f /.livesys/autologin ]; then cp /.livesys/autologin /tmp/newuser fi