SERIAL 0 38400 UI boot/syslinux/vesamenu.c32 prompt 0 #timeout 300 INCLUDE boot/syslinux/archiso_head.cfg MENU TITLE Systems menu label atomic MENU LABEL LinHES on Atomic Ant! kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 append initrd=/boot/larch.img vga=792 quiet splash=silent,theme:linhes console=tty1 disablemodules=agpart,intel_agp label linux-serial MENU LABEL use serial port ttyS0 for ir receiver TEXT HELP Boot the LinHES live medium. It allows you to install LinHES or perform system maintenance. ENDTEXT LINUX boot/%ARCH%/vmlinuz INITRD boot/%ARCH%/archiso.img APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% console=tty1 remoteport=ttyS0 remotebucket=common remote=mceusb label linux-vesa MENU LABEL Force use of vesa driver TEXT HELP Boot the LinHES live medium. It allows you to install LinHES or perform system maintenance. Force the use of the xorg vesa driver ENDTEXT LINUX boot/%ARCH%/vmlinuz INITRD boot/%ARCH%/archiso.img APPEND archisobasedir=%INSTALL_DIR% archisolabel=%ARCHISO_LABEL% console=tty1 forceXvesa #label dragon #MENU LABEL Dragon Version 1 #kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 #append initrd=/boot/larch.img type=dragon vga=0x314 quiet splash=silent,theme:linhes console=tty1 #label dragon2 #MENU LABEL Dragon Version 2 #kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 #append initrd=/boot/larch.img type=dragon2 vga=0x314 quiet splash=silent,theme:linhes console=tty1 #label ausdragon #MENU LABEL Australian Dragon #kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 #append initrd=/boot/larch.img type=ausdragon vga=0x314 quiet splash=silent,theme:linhes console=tty1 #label 8400 #MENU LABEL For the Nvidia 8400 chipset. #kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 #append initrd=/boot/larch.img vga=792 quiet splash=silent,theme:linhes console=tty1 disablemodules=agpart label goback MENU LABEL Back kernel boot/syslinux/vesamenu.c32 append menu boot/syslinux/archiso_sys_inc.cfg