#!/usr/bin/env python2 # Version 0.8.0 import pprint import os import sys import re import subprocess import gettext from git import Repo,Git import ConfigParser import glob import shutil import optparse import fileinput import parched import time PKGHOME = "/data/pkg_repo/packages" SRCPKGHOME = "/data/pkg_repo/src_packages" ARCHABS = "/var/abs" # See what git branch we're working under git_repo = Git() branches = git_repo.branch() git_branch = branches.split('*')[1].lstrip(' ') if git_branch == "testing": SFIX = "-testing" elif git_branch == "master": SFIX = "" else: print "Can't determine which git branch is in use!" sys.exit(2) print "Git Branch suffix is:",SFIX def commandline(makepkg_cmd): #print makepkg_cmd cli_dict = {} cli_list = [] clparser = optparse.OptionParser() clparser.add_option("--asroot", action="store_true", default=True, help="Allow makepkg to run as root.") clparser.add_option("-A", "--ignorearch", action="store_true", default=False, help="Ignore a missing or incomplete arch field in the build script.") clparser.add_option("-b", "--bump", action="store_true", default=False, help="Increase package release one unit.") clparser.add_option("-5", "--md5", action="store_true", default=False, help="Clear out old md5 sums") clparser.add_option("--abs", action="store_true", default=False, help="update packages from abs") clparser.add_option("--recurse", action="store_true", default=False, help="Recursively search for all dependencies") clparser.add_option("--pkgdir", action="store", help="pkg dir to cd into.") clparser.add_option("--pkglist", action="store", help="List of packages to compile") clparser.add_option("-c", "--clean", action="store_true", default=False, help="Clean up leftover work files and directories after a successful build. ") clparser.add_option("-C", "--cleancache", action="store_true", default=False, help="Removes all cached source files from the directory specified in SRCDEST in makepkg.conf") clparser.add_option("--config", action="store", help="Use an alternate config file instead of the /etc/makepkg.conf default.") clparser.add_option("-d", "--nodeps", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not perform any dependency checks.") clparser.add_option("-e", "--noextract", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not extract source files; use whatever source already exists in the src/ directory.") clparser.add_option("-f", "--force", action="store_true", default=False, help="This allows a built package to be overwritten.") clparser.add_option("--forcever", action="store_true", default=False, help="This is a hidden option that should not be used unless you really know what you are doing.") clparser.add_option("-g", "--geninteg", action="store_true", default=False, help="For each source file in the source array of PKGBUILD, download the file if required and generate integrity checks.") clparser.add_option("--skipinteg", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not perform any integrity checks, just print a warning instead.") clparser.add_option("--holdver", action="store_true", default=True, help="Prevents makepkg from automatically bumping the pkgver to the latest revision number in the package's development tree.") clparser.add_option("--nohold", action="store_false", dest="holdver", help="Automatically bump the pkgver to the latest revision number in the package's development tree.") clparser.add_option("-i", "--install", action="store_true", default=False, help="Install or upgrade the package after a successful build.") clparser.add_option("-L", "--log", action="store_true", default=True, help="Enable makepkg build logging.") clparser.add_option("-m", "--nocolor", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disable color in output messages.") clparser.add_option("-o", "--nobuild", action="store_true", default=False, help="Download and extract files only, but do not build them.") clparser.add_option("-p", action="store", help="Read the package script buildscript instead of the PKGBUILD default.", metavar='/path/to/buildscript') clparser.add_option("-r", "--rmdeps", action="store_true", default=False, help="Upon successful build, remove any dependencies installed by makepkg during dependency auto-resolution and installation when using -s.") clparser.add_option("-R", "--repackage", action="store_true", default=False, help="Repackage contents of the package without rebuilding the package.") clparser.add_option("-s", "--syncdeps", action="store_true", default=False, help="Install missing dependencies using pacman.") clparser.add_option("--allsource", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not actually build the package, but build a source-only tarball that includes all sources, including those that are normally download via makepkg.") clparser.add_option("--source", action="store_true", default=False, help="Do not actually build the package, but build a source-only tarball that does not include sources that can be fetched via a download URL.") clparser.add_option("--pkg", action="store", help="Only build listed packages from a split package.") clparser.add_option("--noconfirm", action="store_true", default=False, help="(Passed to pacman) Prevent pacman from waiting for user input before proceeding with operations.") clparser.add_option("--noprogressbar", action="store_true", default=False, help="(Passed to pacman) Prevent pacman from displaying a progress bar.") clparser.add_option("--rmold", action="store_true", default=False, help="BETA: Remove old src and software packages from repos. Use with caution. False positives may occur (i.e. nvidia pkgs)!") (options, args) = clparser.parse_args() options1 = ['config', 'p', 'pkg', 'pkgdir', 'pkglist'] options2 = ['asroot', 'ignorearch', 'bump', 'clean', 'cleancache', 'nodeps', 'noextract', 'force', 'forcever', 'geninteg', 'skipinteg', 'holdver', 'install', 'log', 'nocolor', 'nobuild', 'rmdeps', 'repackage', 'syncdeps', 'allsource', 'source', 'noconfirm', 'noprogressbar', 'rmold', 'md5','recurse','abs' ] for o in options1: cmd1 = eval('options.'+o) if o is not 'p': if cmd1 is not None: cli_dict['--'+o] = cmd1 elif cmd1 is not None: cli_dict['-'+o] = cmd1 for o in options2: cmd2 = eval('options.'+o) if cmd2 is True: cli_list.append('--'+o) # Create makepkg command makepkg_cmd.extend(cli_list) for k in cli_dict.keys(): v = cli_dict.get(k) makepkg_cmd.append(k) makepkg_cmd.append(v) # Remove bump option from makepkg command if it exists if "--bump" in makepkg_cmd: makepkg_cmd.remove("--bump") # Remove rmold option from makepkg command if it exists if "--rmold" in makepkg_cmd: makepkg_cmd.remove("--rmold") # Remove "--geninteg" option (if it exists) from makepkg command. # Checking for *sums is done automaticly by mp.py if "--geninteg" in makepkg_cmd: makepkg_cmd.remove("--geninteg") if "--md5" in makepkg_cmd: makepkg_cmd.remove("--md5") if "--recurse" in makepkg_cmd: makepkg_cmd.remove("--recurse") if "--pkgdir" in makepkg_cmd: makepkg_cmd.remove("--pkgdir") makepkg_cmd.remove(cli_dict["--pkgdir"]) if "--pkglist" in makepkg_cmd: makepkg_cmd.remove("--pkglist") makepkg_cmd.remove(cli_dict["--pkglist"]) if "--abs" in makepkg_cmd: makepkg_cmd.remove("--abs") print "Makepkg Command:",makepkg_cmd return makepkg_cmd, cli_list, cli_dict class Packagefile(object): def __init__(self,cli_dict,cli_list,makepkg_cmd): self.failure=0 self.attempt=0 self.REPO = "none" self.DOCROOT = "" self.pkgfile = "none" self.pkgbase = "" self.pkgname = "" self.pkgver = "" self.pkgrel = "" self.pkglist=[] self.epoch = "" self.arch = "" self.CARCH = "" self.PKGDEST = "" self.TOTALPKG = "" self.GZPKG = "" self.XZPKG = "" self.repolist=["core", "extra", "chroot-devel", "mv-core", "xmpl", "local"] self.mydir = os.getcwd() self.variables = ['pkgbase','pkgname','pkgver','pkgrel','arch','epoch','depends','makedepends','checkdepends'] self.pkgrel_incremented = False self.makepkg_cmd = makepkg_cmd self.cli_list = cli_list self.cli_dict = cli_dict self.pkg_dependencies = [] self.makepkg_dependencies = [] self.check_dependencies = [] self.backupdir="/tmp/backup/" self.updateABS = "Update waiting or not requested" self.compile_status = "Pending" self.backup_pkgdir = "" self.pkg_dep_available = [] self.pkg_dep_not_in_repo = [] if "-p" in cli_dict: self.pkgfile = cli_dict["-p"] else: self.pkgfile = "PKGBUILD" self.updateINIT() def set_srcpkg(self): if self.pkgbase: self.SRCPKG = self.pkgbase + "-" + self.epoch + self.pkgver + "-" + self.pkgrel + ".src.tar.gz" else: self.SRCPKG = self.pkglist[0] + "-" + self.epoch + self.pkgver + "-" + self.pkgrel + ".src.tar.gz" #print "Changed " + self.pkgname + " release to " + str(self.pkgrel) def updateINIT(self): # Check what file will be used for our PKGBUILD # Does the file exist? if not os.path.isfile(self.pkgfile): print "ERROR in function config_file: Can't find ",self.pkgfile,"!" sys.exit(2) else: # Loop over contents to get our variables # Use bash to do it because PKGBUILDs are very loose with their format for item in self.variables: v = subprocess.Popen(['/bin/bash','-c', 'source ' + self.pkgfile + '; echo ${' + item + '[@]}'], stdout = subprocess.PIPE,) value = v.communicate()[0].strip('\n') if item == "pkgbase": self.pkgbase = value elif item == "pkgname": self.pkgname = value self.pkglist = list(value.split()) elif item == "pkgver": self.pkgver = value elif item == "pkgrel": self.pkgrel = value elif item == "epoch": if value: self.epoch = "%s:" %value elif item == "arch": self.arch = value elif item == "depends": self.pkg_dependencies = value.split() elif item == "makedepends": self.makepkg_dependencies = value.split() elif item == "checkdepends": self.check_dependencies = value.split() self.set_srcpkg() # Get needed makepkg.conf variables mpkg="/etc/makepkg.conf" f=open(mpkg,"r") # Read file contents into memory makepkg_contents=f.readlines() f.close() # Loop over contents to get our variables for mp_lines in makepkg_contents: if mp_lines.strip().startswith("CARCH"): self.CARCH = mp_lines.partition("=")[2].strip('\n').replace('\"','') if self.arch != 'any': self.arch = self.CARCH if mp_lines.strip().startswith("PKGDEST"): self.PKGDEST = mp_lines.partition("=")[2].strip('\n') def print_vars(self): print "####################################################" print "" print " Config File:",self.pkgfile print " pkgbase:",self.pkgbase print " pkgname:",self.pkgname print " pkglist:",self.pkglist print " pkgver:",self.pkgver print " pkgrel:",self.pkgrel print " epoch:" ,self.epoch print " arch:",self.arch print " Source package:",self.SRCPKG print " CARCH is:",self.CARCH print " Package destination:",self.PKGDEST print " Architecture is:",self.arch print " Repository : ", self.REPO print " DOCROOT : ", self.DOCROOT print " Current directory: ", self.mydir print " Backup direcotory: ", self.get_backupdir() print " Dependencies: ", self.pkg_dependencies print " Make Dependencies: ", self.makepkg_dependencies print " Unmet Dependencies - compile:" , self.pkg_dep_not_in_repo print " Unmet Dependencies - available:" , self.pkg_dep_available print " Update ABS Status: " ,self.get_ABS_status() print " Package compile status: ", self.get_compile_status() print "" print "####################################################" def getname(self): return self.pkgname def getfailure(self): return self.failure def getattempts(self): return self.attempt def getdir(self): return self.mydir def get_unmet_compile(self): return self.pkg_dep_not_in_repo def get_unmet_install(self): return self.pkg_dep_available def incrementcompile(self): self.attempt = self.attempt + 1 def calculate_unmet_depends(self): pkg_not_installed = [] pkg_not_in_repo = [] pkg_available = [] val='' command = [ "pacman" , "-T" ] pkg_list= self.pkg_dependencies + self.makepkg_dependencies + self.check_dependencies if len(pkg_list) > 0: command = command + pkg_list print " Checking for dependencies against installed packages" #print command pkg_not_installed = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,).communicate()[0].strip().split('\n') while val in pkg_not_installed: pkg_not_installed.remove(val) for i in pkg_list: split_package = i.replace('>',' ').replace('<',' ').replace('=',' ').split() if len(split_package) > 1: split_package_name = split_package[0] package_version = split_package[1] else: split_package_name = split_package[0] package_version = None pkgregext="^%s$" %split_package_name command = ["pacman" , "-Ss" , pkgregext ] #print " Checking for dependencies in repository: %s" %i p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,) p.wait() rc = p.returncode if rc == 0 : if i in pkg_not_installed: print "- Dependency found in repository, but not installed: %s" %i pkg_available.append(split_package_name) else: print "- Dependency not found, it must be built: %s" %i pkg_not_in_repo.append(split_package_name) self.pkg_dep_available = pkg_available self.pkg_dep_not_in_repo = pkg_not_in_repo return def get_ABS_status(self): return self.updateABS def get_backupdir(self): return self.backup_pkgdir def get_compile_status(self): return self.compile_status def find_repo(self): # Create a list with the directory names of our current directory tree dir_tree = os.path.dirname(self.mydir).split("/") # Loop through the dir_tree to see if we can find our repo for item in self.repolist: if item not in dir_tree: continue else: repo_name = item if repo_name == "extra": self.REPO = "extra" + SFIX elif repo_name == "core": self.REPO = "core" + SFIX elif repo_name == "xmpl": self.REPO = "local" elif repo_name not in repolist: print "ERROR in function find_repo: Cannot determine repository!" sys.exit(2) else: self.REPO = repo_name # Ensure our DOCROOT exists and if not, create it self.DOCROOT = "/data/pkg_repo/" + self.CARCH + "/" + self.REPO print "DOCROOT:",self.DOCROOT if os.path.exists(self.DOCROOT): print "INFO: Repository is",self.REPO else: try: os.mkdir(DOCROOT,0755) print "INFO: ",self.DOCROOT,"directory created. Repository is",self.REPO except: print " Creating DOCROOT failed" pass def dup_check(self): print "- Checking if package is a duplicate in core or extra:" #if REPO in ("local", "mv-core", "xmpl", "chroot-devel"): # return for tmp_repo in ("core", "extra"): if tmp_repo + SFIX != self.REPO: p1 = subprocess.Popen(["pacman", "-Sl", tmp_repo + SFIX], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,) p2 = subprocess.Popen(["cut", "-d", " ", "-f", "2"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,) p3 = subprocess.Popen(["grep","-w" , self.pkgname], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,) #output = p3.communicate()[0].strip('\n') output = p3.communicate()[0].strip('\n') #print tmp_repo + SFIX #print output #print "###############" if output == self.pkgname: if "--force" not in self.cli_list: print "#######################################" print self.pkgname," already exists in ",tmp_repo + SFIX print print "Use --force to overwite" print "#######################################" sys.exit(2) else: print "Force detected! Making package regardless!" print "#######################################" else: if output != 0: print " Package is not a duplicate" return def increase_pkgrel(self): if not "--bump" in self.cli_list: return print "- Incrementing pkgrel for %s" %self.pkgname # Backup the original pkgfile shutil.copy2(self.pkgfile, self.pkgfile + ".old") # Let's increase the pkgrel for line in fileinput.input(self.pkgfile, inplace=1): if line.strip().startswith("pkgrel"): self.pkgrel = line.partition("=")[2].strip('\n') # Add 1 to pkgrel new_pkgrel = int(self.pkgrel) + 1 line = line.replace("pkgrel=" + self.pkgrel, "pkgrel=" + str(new_pkgrel)) self.pkgrel = str(new_pkgrel) sys.stdout.write(line) print " pkgrel:",self.pkgrel self.set_srcpkg() self.pkgrel_incremented = True def clearMD5(self): print " Clearing out old md5sums" sumlist=['sha1sums', 'sha256sums', 'sha384sums', 'sha512sums', 'md5sums'] filename=self.pkgfile file_contents=[] f = open(filename,"r") lineIter= iter(f) for aLine in lineIter: if aLine.strip().startswith("md5sum"): if aLine.strip().endswith(")"): continue else: for aModule in lineIter: if aModule.strip().endswith(")"): break else: file_contents.append(aLine) f.close() try: f = open(filename,"w") except: outtext="Couldn't open file for writing: %s" %filename print outtext return False for line in file_contents: f.write(line) f.close() def updateMD5(self): print "- Checking MD5 sums" if "--md5" in self.cli_list: self.clearMD5() sums = [] pkgfile_contents=[] # Open pkgfile for reading f = open(self.pkgfile, 'r') pkgfile_contents = f.readlines() f.close() # Iterate through the lines looking for a match pattern for line in pkgfile_contents: check = re.compile('sha1sums|sha256sums|sha384sums|sha512sums|md5sums') sums = check.match(line) if sums: break if not sums: print " Adding md5 sums" # If no matches are found, append md5sums to the end of the pkgfile p = open(self.pkgfile, 'a') md5gen = subprocess.Popen(["makepkg", "--asroot", "-g"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE,).communicate()[0] p.writelines(md5gen) p.close() def make_package(self): if self.arch == 'any': self.CARCH = 'any' #creates both binary and source package print "- Making package" retcode = subprocess.call(self.makepkg_cmd) if retcode != 0: self.compile_status = "Failed: %s" %retcode self.failure = self.failure + 1 print " ERROR: makepkg failed with return code ",retcode if self.pkgrel_incremented: if os.path.isfile(self.pkgfile + '.old'): shutil.move(self.pkgfile + '.old', self.pkgfile) print " Reverted pkgrel increment." return False elif "--nobuild" in self.makepkg_cmd: self.compile_status = "Failed: nobuild" return False else: print "- Making source package" retcode = subprocess.call(["makepkg", "--force", "--holdver", "--asroot", "--source"]) if retcode != 0: self.compile_status = "Failed source: %s" %retcode self.failure = self.failure + 1 print "ERROR: Source package creation failed with return code",retcode sys.exit(2) print "=============FINSHED CREATING PKG==================" self.compile_status = "Success" return True def update_database(self): print "- Copying files and updating database" # pkgname could be a list of several pkgs. Since bash array format is # loose, let bash parse the pkgname(s) first, then return a list for us. os.chdir(self.DOCROOT) print print " INFO: Changed working dir to",self.DOCROOT print for i in self.pkglist: print " Package name:",i self.GZPKG = i + "-" + self.epoch + self.pkgver + "-" + self.pkgrel + "-" + self.CARCH + ".pkg.tar.gz" self.XZPKG = i + "-" + self.epoch + self.pkgver + "-" + self.pkgrel + "-" + self.CARCH + ".pkg.tar.xz" print self.GZPKG print self.XZPKG if os.path.isfile(self.PKGDEST + "/" + self.XZPKG): self.TOTALPKG = self.XZPKG elif os.path.isfile(self.PKGDEST + "/" + self.GZPKG): self.TOTALPKG = GZPKG else: print "" print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" print " ERROR in function update_repo: Couldn't find the new package",self.PKGDEST + "/" + self.TOTALPKG sys.exit(2) print " Package file:",self.TOTALPKG # Remove old package(s) from local copy oldpkgcheck = re.compile( i + "-" + self.epoch + '(pkgver|[\d.]+)' + "-" + '(?!pkgrel)' ) dirlist = os.listdir(self.DOCROOT) for n in dirlist: if n.startswith(i): if not oldpkgcheck.search(n): print n,"does not match" continue else: OLDPKG = glob.glob(oldpkgcheck.search(n).group() + "*.pkg.tar.?z") print "OLDPKG =",OLDPKG if OLDPKG: for DELPKG in OLDPKG: if "--rmold" in self.cli_list: print "Deleting old package:",DELPKG os.remove(DELPKG) # Remove any symlinks to old packages # We make it conditional on "--force" because force will overwrite # an existing package and we want the symlink to stay, pointing to # the newly built package with the same pkgrel. if "--force" not in self.makepkg_cmd: if os.path.islink(self.mydir + "/" + DELPKG): os.remove(self.mydir + "/" + DELPKG) # Copy in new package print " Updating " + self.DOCROOT + " with " + self.TOTALPKG print " Copying " + self.PKGDEST + "/" + self.TOTALPKG shutil.copy2(self.PKGDEST + "/" + self.TOTALPKG, self.DOCROOT) subprocess.call(["repo-add", self.DOCROOT+ "/" + self.REPO + ".db.tar.gz", self.DOCROOT + "/" + self.TOTALPKG]) print " Updating pacman database" subprocess.call(["pacman","-Syyyyy" ]) def update_srcrepo(self): print "- Updating source file repoistory" print " SRCPKG:",self.SRCPKG OLDSRCPKG="" os.chdir(SRCPKGHOME + "/" + self.REPO) print " INFO: Changed working dir to",SRCPKGHOME + "/" + self.REPO if not SRCPKGHOME + "/" "/" + self.SRCPKG: print "ERROR in function update_repo: Couldn't find the new package",SRCPKGHOME + "/" + self.REPO + "/" + self.SRCPKG sys.exit(2) i = self.pkglist[0] oldpkgcheck = re.compile( i + "-" + self.epoch + '(pkgver|[\d.]+)' + "-" + '(?!pkgrel)' ) dirlist = os.listdir(SRCPKGHOME + "/" ) if self.pkgbase: # Remove old src package(s) from local copy if "--rmold" in self.cli_list: for n in dirlist: if n.startswith(self.pkgbase): if not oldpkgcheck.search(n): print n,"does not match" continue else: OLDSRCPKG = glob.glob(oldpkgcheck.search(n).group() + "*.src.tar.gz") else: # Remove old src package(s) from local copy if "--rmold" in self.cli_list: for n in dirlist: if n.startswith(self.pkgname): if not oldpkgcheck.search(n): print n,"does not match" continue else: OLDSRCPKG = glob.glob(oldpkgcheck.search(n).group() + "*.src.tar.gz") if OLDSRCPKG: print "OLDSRCPKG =",OLDSRCPKG for DELSRCPKG in OLDSRCPKG: print "Deleting old source package",DELSRCPKG os.remove(DELSRCPKG) print "Copying new source package to",SRCPKGHOME + "/" + self.REPO + "/" + self.SRCPKG shutil.copy2(SRCPKGHOME + "/" + self.SRCPKG, SRCPKGHOME + "/" + self.REPO + "/") def cleanup(self): os.chdir(self.mydir) if os.path.isfile(self.pkgfile + '.old'): os.remove(self.pkgfile + '.old') print "Removed temporary backup file",self.pkgfile + '.old' #remove src.tar.gz so it stops cluttering up git if os.path.islink(self.SRCPKG): os.unlink(self.SRCPKG) # Remove any old -build and -package log files os.chdir(self.mydir) build_log = self.pkgname + "-" + self.pkgver + "-" + self.pkgrel + "-" + self.CARCH + "-build.log" pkg_log = self.pkgname + "-" + self.pkgver + "-" + self.pkgrel + "-" + self.CARCH + "-package.log" all_logs = glob.glob("*.log*") #print "All Logs:",all_logs saved_logs = [] #save the logrotate files saved_logs = glob.glob("*.logrotate.d") if os.path.isfile(build_log): saved_logs.append(build_log) if os.path.isfile(pkg_log): saved_logs.append(pkg_log) #print "Saved Logs:",saved_logs for log in all_logs: if log not in saved_logs: os.remove(log) pass def findPKGdir(self,directory, spackage_list): #""" # Searches for PKGBUILDS with name recursively in directory. # Returns False if the file was not found. # This is used by promote and update #""" print "\n Searching for %s in %s" %(spackage_list,directory) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): if "PKGBUILD" in files: try: currentfile=root+"/PKGBUILD" package = parched.PKGBUILD(currentfile) pkgname = package.name pkgversion = str(package.version) for spackage in spackage_list: if type(pkgname) == str: pkgname = package.name.strip() if pkgname == spackage: print " Found package in %s" %root return root if type(pkgname) == list: pkgname = package.name if spackage in pkgname: print " Found package in %s" %root return root except Exception, reason: #print reason pass return False def check_for_changelog(self, pkgdir): filename = "%s/__changelog" %pkgdir return os.path.exists(filename) def rsync_files(self,src_dir,dest_dir,rsync_flags="ar"): if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) if os.path.exists(dest_dir): try: cmd="rsync -%s --exclude src --exclude pkg %s/ %s" %(rsync_flags,src_dir,dest_dir ) # print cmd retcode = subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True) if retcode == 0 : outtext=" Copy was a succeses" print outtext else: outtext="- Copying Failed" print outtext return False except OSError, e: outtext="- Copying Failed: %s " %(e) print outtext return False return True else: outtext = "- Dest dir %s does not exist" %(dest_dir) print outtext return False def backupAction(self): current_time=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") src_dir=self.mydir last_bit_of_path=src_dir.split("/")[-1] dest_dir="%s/%s-%s" %(self.backupdir,last_bit_of_path,current_time) self.backup_pkgdir = dest_dir if self.rsync_files(src_dir,dest_dir): outText=" Backup of %s was a success: %s" %(last_bit_of_path,dest_dir) else: outText="- Backup failed" print outText def update_pkg_from_archabs(self): if "--abs" in self.cli_list: print " Searching if ABS has an updated PKGBUILD" dest_dir = self.mydir has_changelog = self.check_for_changelog(dest_dir) if has_changelog : outText = " Will not update, because changelog was detected: %s" %self.pkgname print outText self.updateABS="Failed, Changelog detected" return False #search /var/abs for pkg src_dir = self.findPKGdir(ARCHABS, self.pkglist) if src_dir: #Check for diff in PKGBUILD HERE diffpkg1 = "%s/PKGBUILD" %dest_dir diffpkg2 = "%s/PKGBUILD" %src_dir command = ["diff" , diffpkg1, diffpkg2 ] p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,) p.wait() rc = p.returncode if rc == 0 : print " Will not update, PKGBUILDS look to be the same" self.updateABS=" Failed, PKGBUILD are the same" return False self.backupAction() print " Updated pkg found, started copy from %s" %src_dir rsync_flags="ar --delete" if self.rsync_files(src_dir,dest_dir,rsync_flags): outText=" Update of %s was a success: %s" %(self.pkgname,src_dir) self.updateABS = "Success" self.updateINIT() else: outText="- Update failed" self.updateABS = "Failed" print outText else: outtext="- Search did not package %s in ABS" %self.pkgname print outtext self.updateABS = "Failed, did not find package" return False return True else: outtext = "- ABS update not requested" print outtext self.updateABS = "Update not requested" return False def install_available_deps(self): print " Installing available dependencies from repo" self.calculate_unmet_depends() for pkg in self.pkg_dep_available: print " " + pkg command=["pacman", "-S" ,"--noconfirm" , pkg] p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,) p.wait() def uninstall_available_deps(self): print " Removing installed deps" for pkg in self.pkg_dep_available: print " " + pkg command=["pacman", "-R" ,"--noconfirm" , pkg] p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE,) p.wait() def search_forpkg(directory, spackage): #""" # Searches for PKGBUILDS with name recursively in directory. # Returns False if the file was not found. # This is used by promote and update #""" pkgname = None pkgname_list = None pkgversion = None pkgFound=False split_package = spackage.replace('>',' ').replace('<',' ').replace('=',' ').split() if len(split_package) > 1: split_package_name = split_package[0] package_version = split_package[1] else: split_package_name = split_package[0] package_version = None #directory="/data/linhes_pkgbuild/abs/core/ddcxinfo" print " Searching for %s in %s" %(spackage,directory) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): if "PKGBUILD" in files: try: currentfile=root+"/PKGBUILD" package = parched.PKGBUILD(currentfile) if type(package.name) is str: pkgname = str(package.name).strip() if type(package.name) is list: pkgname_list = package.name pkgname = str(package.name).strip() #pkgbase = package.pkgbase pkgversion = str(package.version) if ( pkgname == split_package_name ) : pkgFound = True elif ( split_package_name in pkgname_list ): pkgFound = True if pkgFound: return root except Exception, reason: #print reason pass print "- Failed to find %s" %spackage return False def process_pkg(pkg_list,pkg_objdict,pkg_not_found,calling_pkg,recursive_failure): LHABS="/data/linhes_pkgbuild/abs" #makepkg_cmd = ['makepkg'] #makepkg_cmd, cli_list, cli_dict = commandline(makepkg_cmd) if recursive_failure == True : return pkg_list,pkg_objdict,pkg_not_found,calling_pkg,recursive_failure print " Updating pacman database" subprocess.call(["pacman","-Syyyyy" ]) for pkg in pkg_list: #skip over blank ones if pkg == '': continue pkgdir='' packagefile = None if pkg in pkg_not_found: print "***********" print " pkg not found, recursive_failure detected" print "***********" recursive_failure = True break for k, v in pkg_objdict.iteritems(): #print k #print v if k == pkg: print " Found package in working list." pkgdir = v.getdir() packagefile = v if pkgdir == '' : pkgdir = search_forpkg(LHABS, pkg) if pkgdir: print "\n\n" print "$-------------------start of new pkg----------------------$" print " %s , called by %s " %(pkg,calling_pkg) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(pkgdir) #print os.getcwd() if packagefile == None: packagefile = Packagefile(cli_dict,cli_list,makepkg_cmd) else: packagefile.incrementcompile() print "##########################################" print "* Number of times failed compile %s" %packagefile.getfailure() print "* Number of times seen for compile %s" %packagefile.getattempts() print "##########################################" if packagefile.getfailure() > 1: recursive_failure = True print "recursive failure detected, breaking out" return pkg_list , pkg_objdict, pkg_not_found , recursive_failure if packagefile.getattempts() > 3: recursive_failure = True print "recursive attempts detected, breaking out" return pkg_list , pkg_objdict, pkg_not_found , recursive_failure #do update here packagefile.update_pkg_from_archabs() packagefile.calculate_unmet_depends() list_of_unmet_to_compile = packagefile.get_unmet_compile() list_of_unmet_to_install = packagefile.get_unmet_install() print "* compile these" print list_of_unmet_to_compile print "* install these" print list_of_unmet_to_install #print len(list_of_unmet_to_compile) if len(list_of_unmet_to_compile) > 0 : #check if recursive right here if "--recurse" in cli_list: print " Couldn't compile not all dependencies are met" pkg_objdict[packagefile.getname()]=packagefile recursive_failure=process_pkg(list_of_unmet_to_compile,pkg_objdict,pkg_not_found,pkg,recursive_failure)[3] if recursive_failure: break print "* continue_working_on_pkg all deps found" else: print " Skipping recursive dependencies build" packagefile.find_repo() packagefile.dup_check() packagefile.increase_pkgrel() packagefile.updateMD5() packagefile.print_vars() packagefile.install_available_deps() if packagefile.make_package(): packagefile.update_database() packagefile.update_srcrepo() packagefile.cleanup() packagefile.uninstall_available_deps() pkg_objdict[packagefile.getname()]=packagefile os.chdir(cwd) #pass else: print " Couldn't find package in LinHES ABS: %s" %pkg pkg_not_found.append(pkg) return pkg_list , pkg_objdict, pkg_not_found , recursive_failure def main(): #pkg_list=['bac', 'system-templates', 'xscreensaver'] pkg_list=['bac', 'system-templates', 'udisks' ] pkg_list=['imagemagick'] pkg_list=['fluxbox'] #pkg_list=['libarchive'] pkg_list=['gnupg'] pkg_not_found=[] pkg_objdict={} pkg_list=[] global makepkg_cmd global cli_list global cli_dict makepkg_cmd = ['makepkg'] makepkg_cmd, cli_list, cli_dict = commandline(makepkg_cmd) try: pkg_list = cli_dict['--pkglist'].split(',') except: packagefile = None packagefile = Packagefile(cli_dict,cli_list,makepkg_cmd) pkg_objdict[packagefile.getname()]=packagefile pkg_list=[packagefile.getname()] #send the list of packages to compile and watch the magic happen #print cli_list #print cli_dict #sys.exit(1) pkg_list, pkg_objdict, pkg_not_found,recursive_failure = process_pkg(pkg_list, pkg_objdict, pkg_not_found, 'Initialloop',False) update_pkg = [] success_pkg = [] failed_compile = [] failed_update = [] #create lists for k, v in pkg_objdict.iteritems(): #print k #print v.print_vars() if v.get_compile_status().strip() == "Success": success_pkg.append(k) else: temp = "%s --- %s (%s)" %(k,v.get_compile_status(),v.getattempts()) failed_compile.append(temp) if v.get_ABS_status() == "Success": temp = "%s --- Backup location: %s" %(k,v.get_backupdir()) update_pkg.append(temp) elif v.get_ABS_status() != 'Update waiting or not requested': temp = "%s --- %s" %(k,v.get_ABS_status()) failed_update.append(temp) print "\n\n\n\n" print "#######################################################" print "\n" print "Successful updated from ABS:" print "----------------------------" pprint.pprint(update_pkg) print "\n" print "Failed updated from ABS:" print "----------------------------" pprint.pprint(failed_update) print "\n" print "Couldn't find these packages:" print "----------------------------" pprint.pprint(pkg_not_found) print "\n" print "Successful compiled :" print "---------------------------" pprint.pprint(success_pkg) print "\n" print "Failed to compile these packages:" print "----------------------------" pprint.pprint( failed_compile) if __name__ == "__main__": main() print "--------------------------" #libsig #libxml++ dep search and compile #