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larch – a do-it-yourself live Arch Linux CD


This feature of the larch scripts allows bundling all the configuration information for a particular live CD 'design' into a single directory. That includes the list of packages to be installed, locale information and the particular tweaks and additions needed to customize the CD, in particular a subdirectory containing the 'overlay' files - those files which have been changed from their initial fresh state after installation and those which have simply been added.

In order to allow more flexibility with the overlay, larch now provides two mechanisms for providing overlay files. The simplest is by means of the directory 'rootoverlay' - everything in this directory will be copied to the live system overlay and its ownership will be changed to 'root:root'. In case it is desired to include files with other ownerships, these must be packed up with the correct ownerships into the file 'overlay.xpk' using the xpack packing utility (supplied with larch, see below). This requires some care, but is a little safer than, say, a 'tar.gz' archive because it has an option to pack so that only root can unpack the archive. In general however the 'rootoverlay' directory should be adequate, and much of the tweaking may be done in situ (i.e. within a running live USB system), using a utility - see 'Session saving' - to recreate the compressed overlay file-system (overlay.ovl).

If you would like to have a look at a profile, look in the 'profiles' directory in the distribution. Each of its subdirectories is a profile, the subdirectory name is also the profile name. If you want to make your own profile, it is probably easiest to start with one of the examples. Copy it to a working directory and rename it appropriately.

After editing to your heart's content, you can build the corresponding live CD system with the call:

        (path/to/)mklarch -p directory
where 'directory' is your profile directory.

The important files within a profile are described below:

xpack and non-root owned overlay files

To include non 'root:root' owned files in an overlay, create a directory somewhere called 'overlay' and place all the desired files therein with the correct paths, ownerships and permissions. Then run
        xpath -r overlay overlay.xpk
(from within the directory containing 'overlay'). The resulting 'overlay.xpk' file should then be placed in your profile directory. If you want to unpack such an overlay archive, you need to be root, go to the directory containing it and run
        ./overlay.xpk .
(don't miss the final '.', the unpacker needs an existing directory as parameter).

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