# page_installation.uim - The layout for the installation page # # (c) Copyright 2010 Michael Towers (larch42 at googlemail dot com) # # This file is part of the larch project. # # larch is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # larch is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with larch; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 2010.06.24 [ ['Page', ':page_installation', { 'layout': ['VBOX', ['HBOX', ':edit_profile', '*', ':pacmanops'], '*', ':editmirrorlist', ':settings_advanced', 'HLINE', ['HBOX', '*', ':install'] ] } ], # - - - - The profile editing frame ['Frame', ':edit_profile', { 'text': _("Edit Profile"), 'layout': ['VBOX', ':addedpacks', ':vetopacks', ':pacmanconf', ':repos' ] } ], ['Button', ':addedpacks', { 'text': _("Edit 'addedpacks'"), 'tt': _("Edit the list of packages to be installed") }, 'clicked' ], ['Button', ':vetopacks', { 'text': _("Edit 'vetopacks'"), 'tt': _("Edit the list of packages NOT to install") }, 'clicked' ], ['Button', ':pacmanconf', { 'text': _("Edit pacman.conf options"), 'tt': _("Edit pacman.conf options - not the repositories") }, 'clicked' ], ['Button', ':repos', { 'text': _("Edit pacman.conf repositories"), 'tt': _("Edit the repository entries for pacman.conf") }, 'clicked' ], # - - - - The installed package tweaking frame ['OptionalFrame', ':pacmanops', { 'text': _("Tweak Installed Packages"), 'layout': ['VBOX', ':sync', ':update', ':add', ':remove'] } ], ['Button', ':sync', { 'text': _("Synchronize db"), 'tt': _("Synchronize the pacman db on the target (pacman -Sy)") }, 'clicked' ], ['Button', ':update', { 'text': _("Update / Add package [-U]"), 'tt': _("Update / Add a package from a package file" " using pacman -U") }, 'clicked' ], ['Button', ':add', { 'text': _("Add package(s) [-S]"), 'tt': _("Add one or more packages (space separated)" " using pacman -S") }, 'clicked' ], ['Button', ':remove', { 'text': _("Remove package(s) [-Rs]"), 'tt': _("Remove one or more packages (space separated)" " using pacman -Rs") }, 'clicked' ], # - - - - The advanced installation options frame ['OptionalFrame', ':settings_advanced', { 'text': _("Advanced Installation Options"), 'layout': ['HBOX', ':installrepos', 'VLINE,3', ':cache'] } ], ['OptionalFrame', ':installrepos', { 'text': _("Use project repository list"), 'tt': _("Enables use of an alternative pacman.conf" " for installation only"), 'layout': ['HBOX', ':editrepolist'] }, 'toggled' ], ['Button', ':editrepolist', { 'text': _("Edit repository list"), 'tt': _("Edit repository list file used for installation") }, 'clicked' ], ['Button', ':editmirrorlist', { 'text': _("Edit mirror list used for installation only"), 'tt': _("A mirror list for the live system should be placed" " in the overlay") }, 'clicked' ], ['Frame', ':cache', { 'text': _("Package Cache"), 'layout': ['HBOX', ':cache_show', ':cache_change'] } ], ['LineEdit', ':cache_show', { 'ro': True, 'tt': _("The path to the (host's) package cache") } ], ['Button', ':cache_change', { 'text': _("Change"), 'tt': _("Change the package cache path") }, 'clicked' ], ['Button', ':install', { 'text': _("Install"), 'tt': _("This will start the installation to the set path") }, 'clicked' ], ['DATA', 'install_page_data', { 'messages': { 'edit_pc': _("Editing pacman.conf options only"), 'edit_pr': _("Editing pacman repositories"), 'edit_mli': _("Editing mirror list for installation"), 'prompt_ncp': _("Enter new package cache path:"), 'edit_pri': _("Editing pacman repositories for installation"), 'msg_pu': _("Package to add/update"), 'filter_pu': _("Packages"), 'prompt_pi': _("Enter the names of packages to install -" "\n separated by spaces:"), 'prompt_pr': _("Enter the names of packages to remove -" "\n separated by spaces:"), } }, ], ]