# This is a script called from the installation script fix-system2. # Its purpose is to remove custom live-only stuff from a just-installed # system. # $1 is the path to the installed system root directory. INSTALL=$1 if [ -z "${INSTALL}" ] || [ ! -f /etc/rc.conf ]; then echo "ERROR: delarch installation adjustments failed:" echo " Please check installation mount point (${INSTALL})" exit 1 fi rm -f "${INSTALL}/root/Desktop/Install Arch Linux.desktop" rm -f "${INSTALL}/etc/rc.d/functions.d/larch-autologin" if [ -f ${INSTALL}/etc/rc.local.orig ]; then mv ${INSTALL}/etc/rc.local.orig ${INSTALL}/etc/rc.local fi if [ -f ${INSTALL}/etc/rc.local.shutdown.orig ]; then mv ${INSTALL}/etc/rc.local.shutdown.orig ${INSTALL}/etc/rc.local.shutdown fi # start gdm from rc.conf sed -i '/^DAEMONS=/ s|!gdm|@gdm|' ${INSTALL}/etc/rc.conf #***************************************************# # Replace uses of larchquit in xfce panels and menu.# #***************************************************# ### Unfortunately this isn't very simple. If anyone has a better way of ### providing different Quit actions in the live version and the version ### installed to disk from it, please let me know! ### Maybe it would be better just to provide a special live quit desktop ### icon which can be removed on installation, like the installation icon. defaultquit='' replacequit () { for f in ${INSTALL}$1/.config/xfce4/panel/*; do if grep "^Exec=larchquit" ${f}; then n=$( echo ${f} | sed "s|^.*-\([0-9]\+\).*|\1|" ) cp /.livesys/actions.rc \ ${INSTALL}$1/.config/xfce4/panel/actions-${n}.rc rm ${f} sed -i "s|=\"launcher\" id=\"${n}\"|=\"actions\" id=\"${n}\"|" \ ${INSTALL}$1/.config/xfce4/panel/panels.xml fi done if [ -f ${INSTALL}$1/.bash_profile ]; then rm -f ${INSTALL}$1/.local/share/applications/xfce4-logout.desktop cp /.livesys/bash_profile ${INSTALL}$1/.bash_profile fi } for hd in $( cat ${INSTALL}/etc/passwd | cut -d':' -f6 | grep '^/home/' ) \ /root /etc/skel; do replacequit ${hd} &>/dev/null done #***************************************************#