# Package repository entries for pacman.conf
# '*platform*' will be replaced by 'i686' or 'x86_64' as appropriate.
# '*default*' will be replaced by 'Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist'
# (but for the installation: a 'mirrorlist' file in the working directory will
# be preferred, or - if neither exists - then 'data/mirrorlist')

# You can add your own custom repositories (anywhere).

#larch: 		Server = ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/larch/larch7.2/*platform*
larch: 		Server = http://linhes.org/repo//larch/larch8/i686

#core-testing:       Server = http://localmirror/repo/i686/core-testing
#extra-testing:      Server = http://localmirror/repo/i686/extra-testing
core-testing:       Server = file:///data/pkg_repo/i686/core-testing
extra-testing:      Server = file:///data/pkg_repo/i686/extra-testing