## Useful for use as installer, etc. ntfsprogs rsync ## generally useful tools which don't require X openssh sshfs lynx mc unzip zip ntp lsof dvd+rw-tools cpufrequtils hdparm acpid laptop-mode-tools sudo *base-devel pyqt alsa-lib alsa-oss alsa-utils cdparanoia cdrdao cups ## Xorg packages *xorg xorg-xkb-utils xorg-xauth *xorg-input-drivers *xorg-video-drivers ## X apps schlim luser localed xkmap gparted ## Not yet fully implemented, but might still be useful larchin firefox #thunderbird ## xfce gamin *xfce4 *xfce4-goodies *gstreamer0.10-plugins libdvdcss vlc lame asunder gimp gutenprint poppler-glib libwebkit wicd gksu python-notify python-wpactrl python-iwscan geany ttf-dejavu tango-icon-theme #cups-pdf hplip xf86-input-synaptics gsynaptics *lxde xsane meld ttf-ms-fonts ##openoffice depends on java, but the default is openjdk6 jre openoffice-base flac vorbis-tools xine-ui kdegraphics-okular k3b #scribus