#!/bin/sh # this is a script that gets run from the ~/.bash_profile # Note: this is being run from the $BROOT directory, # which, by default is /build_tools # First : only do this once, so check if it has been done: if [ ! -f ~/.run ]; then # Set the title bar: cat >> ~/.bashrc << EOF # Set the title bar: echo -e "\e]0; CHROOT : LinHES-dev/build_root \007" # End EOF # # Set up a new ~/.bash_profile: mv ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile.orig cat > ~/.bash_profile << EOF #!/bin/bash # ~/.bash_profile . ~/.bashrc cdb [ -f ~/loginrun.sh ] && ~/loginrun.sh # prompt: PS1='[\u@\h] \e[34m\W \e[31m\\$\e[0m ' # End EOF # cat >> /etc/bashrc << EOF # added by rdt alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias lt='ls -lrt' # End EOF # # end of "do only once" code date > ~/.run && chmod 0 ~/.run fi # End of first time test. # End