diff options
authorBritney Fransen <>2020-07-06 02:43:08 (GMT)
committerBritney Fransen <>2020-07-06 02:43:08 (GMT)
commit0dbf9d118ddb29fb543cfed10bb0acf4d1a2a389 (patch)
parent0b98e2bf564833a70ed74fab6c6771b7d9d096d0 (diff)
valgrind: update to 3.15.0+
5 files changed, 61 insertions, 2391 deletions
diff --git a/abs/extra/valgrind/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra/valgrind/PKGBUILD
index 61e18d5..2151db8 100644
--- a/abs/extra/valgrind/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/extra/valgrind/PKGBUILD
@@ -3,107 +3,104 @@
# Contributor: Allan McRae <>
pkgdesc='Tool to help find memory-management problems in programs'
-depends=('glibc=2.26' 'perl')
-makedepends=('gdb' 'openmpi' 'lib32-glibc' 'lib32-gcc-libs')
+depends=('glibc' 'perl')
+makedepends=('gdb' 'lib32-glibc' 'lib32-gcc-libs' 'git' 'docbook-xml'
+ 'docbook-xsl' 'docbook-sgml')
-optdepends=('openmpi: MPI support'
- 'lib32-glibc: 32-bit ABI support')
+optdepends=('lib32-glibc: 32-bit ABI support')
options=('!emptydirs' '!strip')
- valgrind-fix-xml-socket.patch
- valgrind-3.13.0-test-fixes.patch
- valgrind-3.13.0-amd64-eflags-tests.patch
- valgrind-3.13.0-gdb-8-testfix.patch
- '0b13c1a080260497e6159bef4401ac1a'
- '183a51089321fcf117f0f723e8e1940a'
- '47728e356bb24a34eae52e932dd56c9f'
- '02ce4a4f96b2dd649b36a7b8b19bd9d1'
- '610c1e74a38d5e56a41eb59b25709ad40840e8c50d0d30bea20e9959cd65b99ae44626baf8a77505e5cd2ce70d120ae429a6861165546771395b00e534c3296b'
- '1cff77e987e2d20ce1563c96d76431c60c142c42afa978e32d3a8c8dda17d0f3c1ba29fe3d0fcf0e7445fa5ca9558690ecdaad259fb9d23f435dcdc0baa9175d'
- '5cb1643a8eab47ba2daa1438c50f1d29457d5aef69b6902fe3f1c72176ffa82d8048aac03ebc060ab6510cb8f59a9d41cfa1b80cf9661204b54120ee1961a607'
- 'd993b7af3debdbae1e0d997f8fe47a01f83975575a125bee425dfe6f474c6ec72a0c5252e88a762cc4e866dfcb2cb1bf5bab9fead8fb5393faf049fb4aefba4f'
+pkgver() {
+ cd valgrind
+ git describe --tags --always|sed -e 's|-|+|g' -e 's|VALGRIND_||g' -e 's|_|.|g'
prepare() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ cd valgrind
patch -Np1 < ../valgrind-3.7.0-respect-flags.patch
- patch -Np1 < ../valgrind-3.13.0-test-fixes.patch
- patch -Np1 < ../valgrind-3.13.0-amd64-eflags-tests.patch
- patch -Np1 < ../valgrind-3.13.0-gdb-8-testfix.patch
- patch -Np1 < ../valgrind-fix-xml-socket.patch
+ sed -i 's|sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets|xml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.79.2|' docs/
+ autoreconf -ifv
build() {
- # valgrind does not like stack protector flags
+ # valgrind does not like some of our flags
- CFLAGS=${CFLAGS/-fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt/}
- CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS/-fstack-protector-strong -fno-plt/}
+ CFLAGS=${CFLAGS/-fno-plt/}
+ CXXFLAGS=${CXXFLAGS/-fno-plt/}
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ cd valgrind
./configure \
--prefix=/usr \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --with-mpicc=mpicc
+ --sysconfdir=/etc \
+ --localstatedir=/var \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
+ --mandir=/usr/share/man
+ make -C docs man-pages
check() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ cd valgrind
# Make sure a basic binary runs. There should be no errors.
./vg-in-place --error-exitcode=1 /bin/true
- # Make sure no extra CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS or LDFLAGS leak through,
- # the testsuite sets all flags necessary. See also configure above.
- make check CFLAGS="" CXXFLAGS="" LDFLAGS=""
+ # Make sure no extra FLAGS leak through, the testsuite
+ # sets all flags necessary. See also configure above.
- # XXX: run full regtest but only report issues some tests fail duo
- # current toolchain and expectations, take a manual look if its fine
- echo ===============TESTING===================
- make regtest || :
+ # # XXX: run full regtest but only report issues some tests fail duo
+ # # current toolchain and expectations, take a manual look if its fine
+ # echo "===============TESTING==================="
+ # make regtest || :
- # Make sure test failures show up in build.log
- # Gather up the diffs (at most the first 20 lines for each one)
- diff_files=$(find . -name '*.diff' | sort)
- if [ z"${diff_files}" = z ] ; then
- echo "Congratulations, all tests passed!"
- else
- warning "Some tests failed!"
- for f in ${diff_files} ; do
- echo "=================================================" >> diffs
- echo "${f}" >> diffs
- echo "=================================================" >> diffs
- if [ "$(wc -l < "${f}")" -le ${MAX_LINES} ] ; then
- cat "${f}" >> diffs
- else
- head -n ${MAX_LINES} "${f}" >> diffs
- echo "<truncated beyond ${MAX_LINES} lines>" >> diffs
- fi
- done
- fi
- cat diffs
- echo ===============END TESTING===============
+ # # Make sure test failures show up in build.log
+ # # Gather up the diffs (at most the first 20 lines for each one)
+ # local f max_lines=20 diff_files=()
+ # mapfile -d '' diff_files < <(find . -name '*.diff' -print0 | sort -z)
+ # if (( ${#diff_files[@]} == 0 )); then
+ # echo "Congratulations, all tests passed!"
+ # else
+ # warning "Some tests failed!"
+ # for f in "${diff_files[@]}"; do
+ # echo "================================================="
+ # echo "${f}"
+ # echo "================================================="
+ # if (( $(wc -l < "${f}") < ${max_lines} )); then
+ # cat "${f}"
+ # else
+ # head -n ${max_lines} "${f}"
+ # echo "<truncated beyond ${max_lines} lines>"
+ # fi
+ # done | tee diffs
+ # fi
+ # echo "===============END TESTING==============="
package() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ cd valgrind
make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+ install -Dm644 docs/*.1 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/man/man1"
if check_option 'debug' n; then
- find "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" -type f -executable -exec strip $STRIP_BINARIES {} + || true
+ find "${pkgdir}/usr/bin" -type f -executable -exec strip $STRIP_BINARIES {} + || :
diff --git a/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-3.13.0-amd64-eflags-tests.patch b/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-3.13.0-amd64-eflags-tests.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c2cef5a..0000000
--- a/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-3.13.0-amd64-eflags-tests.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2104 +0,0 @@
-commit 4c8c3af18adc0a202d0e342b8ca3731a5b724a1d
-Author: Tom Hughes <>
-Date: Wed Aug 30 19:26:37 2017 +0100
- Fix eflags handling in amd64 instruction tests
- In 64 bit mode there's no way to just save eflags so we save the
- whole of rflags but we were doing so to a 32 bit variable!
- Replace that with proper rflags support that knows it is dealing
- with the full 64 bit flags word in 64 bit mode.
-diff --git a/none/tests/amd64/ b/none/tests/amd64/
-index 863e560..a144ec4 100644
---- a/none/tests/amd64/
-+++ b/none/tests/amd64/
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ our %ArgTypes = (
- m32 => "reg32_t",
- m64 => "reg64_t",
- m128 => "reg128_t",
-- eflags => "reg32_t",
-+ rflags => "reg64_t",
- st => "reg64_t",
- fpucw => "reg16_t",
- fpusw => "reg16_t"
-@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ while (<>)
- my @presets;
- my $presetc = 0;
-- my $eflagsmask;
-- my $eflagsset;
-+ my $rflagsmask;
-+ my $rflagsset;
- my $fpucwmask;
- my $fpucwset;
- my $fpuswmask;
-@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ while (<>)
- $presetc++;
- }
-- elsif ($preset =~ /^(eflags)\[([^\]]+)\]$/)
-+ elsif ($preset =~ /^(rflags)\[([^\]]+)\]$/)
- {
- my $type = $1;
- my @values = split(/,/, $2);
-@@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ while (<>)
- $values[0] = oct($values[0]) if $values[0] =~ /^0/;
- $values[1] = oct($values[1]) if $values[1] =~ /^0/;
-- $eflagsmask = sprintf "0x%08x", $values[0] ^ 0xffffffff;
-- $eflagsset = sprintf "0x%08x", $values[1];
-+ $rflagsmask = sprintf "0x%016x", ~$values[0];
-+ $rflagsset = sprintf "0x%016x", $values[1];
- }
- elsif ($preset =~ /^(fpucw)\[([^\]]+)\]$/)
- {
-@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ while (<>)
- print qq| $ArgTypes{$type} $name;\n|;
- }
-- elsif ($result =~ /^eflags\[([^\]]+)\]$/)
-+ elsif ($result =~ /^rflags\[([^\]]+)\]$/)
- {
- my @values = split(/,/, $1);
-@@ -553,19 +553,19 @@ while (<>)
- my $result = {
- name => $name,
-- type => "eflags",
-- subtype => "ud",
-- values => [ map { sprintf "0x%08x", $_ } @values ]
-+ type => "rflags",
-+ subtype => "uq",
-+ values => [ map { sprintf "0x%016x", $_ } @values ]
- };
- push @results, $result;
-- print qq| $ArgTypes{eflags} $name;\n|;
-+ print qq| $ArgTypes{rflags} $name;\n|;
-- if (!defined($eflagsmask) && !defined($eflagsset))
-+ if (!defined($rflagsmask) && !defined($rflagsset))
- {
-- $eflagsmask = sprintf "0x%08x", $values[0] ^ 0xffffffff;
-- $eflagsset = sprintf "0x%08x", $values[0] & ~$values[1];
-+ $rflagsmask = sprintf "0x%016x", ~$values[0];
-+ $rflagsset = sprintf "0x%016x", $values[0] & ~$values[1];
- }
- }
- elsif ($result =~ /^fpucw\[([^\]]+)\]$/)
-@@ -722,12 +722,11 @@ while (<>)
- }
- }
-- if (defined($eflagsmask) || defined($eflagsset))
-+ if (defined($rflagsmask) || defined($rflagsset))
- {
- print qq| \"pushfq\\n\"\n|;
-- print qq| \"andl \$$eflagsmask, (%%rsp)\\n\"\n| if defined($eflagsmask);
-- print qq| \"andl \$0, 4(%%rsp)\\n\"\n| if defined($eflagsmask);
-- print qq| \"orq \$$eflagsset, (%%rsp)\\n\"\n| if defined($eflagsset);
-+ print qq| \"andq \$$rflagsmask, (%%rsp)\\n\"\n| if defined($rflagsmask);
-+ print qq| \"orq \$$rflagsset, (%%rsp)\\n\"\n| if defined($rflagsset);
- print qq| \"popfq\\n\"\n|;
- }
-@@ -747,7 +746,7 @@ while (<>)
- foreach my $arg (@args)
- {
-- next if $arg->{type} eq "eflags";
-+ next if $arg->{type} eq "rflags";
- if ($arg->{type} =~ /^(r8|r16|r32|r64|mm|xmm)$/)
- {
-@@ -815,7 +814,7 @@ while (<>)
- {
- $fpresults[$RegNums{$result->{register}}] = $result;
- }
-- elsif ($result->{type} eq "eflags")
-+ elsif ($result->{type} eq "rflags")
- {
- print qq| \"pushfq\\n\"\n|;
- print qq| \"popq %$result->{argnum}\\n\"\n|;
-@@ -925,9 +924,9 @@ while (<>)
- my $suffix = $SubTypeSuffixes{$subtype};
- my @values = @{$result->{values}};
-- if ($type eq "eflags")
-+ if ($type eq "rflags")
- {
-- print qq|${prefix}\($result->{name}.ud[0] & $values[0]UL\) == $values[1]UL|;
-+ print qq|${prefix}\($result->{name}.uq[0] & $values[0]UL\) == $values[1]UL|;
- }
- elsif ($type =~ /^fpu[cs]w$/)
- {
-@@ -972,9 +971,9 @@ while (<>)
- my $suffix = $SubTypeSuffixes{$subtype};
- my @values = @{$result->{values}};
-- if ($type eq "eflags")
-+ if ($type eq "rflags")
- {
-- print qq| printf(" eflags & 0x%lx = 0x%lx (expected 0x%lx)\\n", $values[0]UL, $result->{name}.ud\[0\] & $values[0]UL, $values[1]UL);\n|;
-+ print qq| printf(" rflags & 0x%lx = 0x%lx (expected 0x%lx)\\n", $values[0]UL, $result->{name}.ud\[0\] & $values[0]UL, $values[1]UL);\n|;
- }
- elsif ($type =~ /^fpu[cs]w$/)
- {
-diff --git a/none/tests/amd64/insn_basic.def b/none/tests/amd64/insn_basic.def
-index 8b10da1..c3bef75 100644
---- a/none/tests/amd64/insn_basic.def
-+++ b/none/tests/amd64/insn_basic.def
-@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
--adcb eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] al.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
--adcb eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] al.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
--adcb eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] bl.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
--adcb eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] bl.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
--adcb eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
--adcb eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
--adcb eflags[0x1,0x0] : r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
--adcb eflags[0x1,0x1] : r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
--adcb eflags[0x1,0x0] : r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
--adcb eflags[0x1,0x1] : r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
--###adcb eflags[0x1,0x0] : m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
--###adcb eflags[0x1,0x1] : m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r16.uw[3456] => 1.uw[3468]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r16.uw[3456] => 1.uw[3469]
--###adcw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] ax.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
--###adcw eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] ax.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] bx.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] bx.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x0] : r16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x1] : r16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x0] : r16.uw[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x1] : r16.uw[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x0] : m16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
--adcw eflags[0x1,0x1] : m16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[87654333]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[87654334]
--###adcl eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] eax.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
--###adcl eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] eax.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] ebx.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] ebx.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x0] : r32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x1] : r32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x0] : r32.ud[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x1] : r32.ud[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x0] : m32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
--adcl eflags[0x1,0x1] : m32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432187654333]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432187654334]
--###adcq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] rax.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432199999999]
--###adcq eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] rax.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432200000000]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] rbx.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432199999999]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] rbx.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432200000000]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] m64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432199999999]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] m64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432200000000]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x0] : r64.uq[1234567812345678] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[9999999999999999]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x1] : r64.uq[1234567812345678] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[10000000000000000]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x0] : r64.uq[1234567812345678] m64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[9999999999999999]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x1] : r64.uq[1234567812345678] m64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[10000000000000000]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x0] : m64.uq[1234567812345678] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[9999999999999999]
--adcq eflags[0x1,0x1] : m64.uq[1234567812345678] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[10000000000000000]
-+adcb rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] al.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
-+adcb rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] al.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
-+adcb rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] bl.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
-+adcb rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] bl.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
-+adcb rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
-+adcb rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
-+adcb rflags[0x1,0x0] : r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
-+adcb rflags[0x1,0x1] : r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
-+adcb rflags[0x1,0x0] : r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
-+adcb rflags[0x1,0x1] : r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
-+###adcb rflags[0x1,0x0] : m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
-+###adcb rflags[0x1,0x1] : m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[47]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r16.uw[3456] => 1.uw[3468]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r16.uw[3456] => 1.uw[3469]
-+###adcw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] ax.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
-+###adcw rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] ax.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] bx.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] bx.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x0] : r16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x1] : r16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x0] : r16.uw[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x1] : r16.uw[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x0] : m16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6912]
-+adcw rflags[0x1,0x1] : m16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[6913]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[87654333]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[87654334]
-+###adcl rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] eax.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
-+###adcl rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] eax.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] ebx.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] ebx.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x0] : r32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x1] : r32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x0] : r32.ud[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x1] : r32.ud[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x0] : m32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[99999999]
-+adcl rflags[0x1,0x1] : m32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[100000000]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432187654333]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432187654334]
-+###adcq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] rax.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432199999999]
-+###adcq rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] rax.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432200000000]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] rbx.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432199999999]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] rbx.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432200000000]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] m64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432199999999]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] m64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[8765432200000000]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x0] : r64.uq[1234567812345678] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[9999999999999999]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x1] : r64.uq[1234567812345678] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[10000000000000000]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x0] : r64.uq[1234567812345678] m64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[9999999999999999]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x1] : r64.uq[1234567812345678] m64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[10000000000000000]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x0] : m64.uq[1234567812345678] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[9999999999999999]
-+adcq rflags[0x1,0x1] : m64.uq[1234567812345678] r64.uq[8765432187654321] => 1.uq[10000000000000000]
- addb imm8[12] al.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
- addb imm8[12] bl.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
- addb imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[46]
-@@ -123,430 +123,430 @@ bsrq r64.uq[0x1357246813572468] r64.uq[0] => 1.uq[60]
- bsrq m64.uq[0x7531864275318642] r64.uq[0] => 1.uq[62]
- bswapl r32.ud[0x12345678] => 0.ud[0x78563412]
- bswapq r64.uq[0x1234567813572468] => 0.uq[0x6824571378563412]
--btw imm8[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btw imm8[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btw imm8[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btw imm8[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--###btw r16.uw[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--###btw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--###btw r16.uw[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--###btw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btl imm8[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btl imm8[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btl imm8[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btl imm8[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btl r32.ud[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btl r32.ud[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btl r32.ud[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btl r32.ud[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btq imm8[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btq imm8[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btq imm8[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btq imm8[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btq r64.uq[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btq r64.uq[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btq r64.uq[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btq r64.uq[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btcw imm8[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btcw imm8[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btcw imm8[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btcw imm8[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--###btcw r16.uw[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--###btcw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--###btcw r16.uw[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--###btcw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btcl imm8[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btcl imm8[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btcl imm8[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btcl imm8[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btcl r32.ud[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btcl r32.ud[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btcl r32.ud[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btcl r32.ud[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btcq imm8[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btcq imm8[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btcq imm8[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btcq imm8[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btcq r64.uq[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btcq r64.uq[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btcq r64.uq[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btcq r64.uq[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btrw imm8[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btrw imm8[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btrw imm8[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btrw imm8[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--###btrw r16.uw[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--###btrw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--###btrw r16.uw[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--###btrw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btrl imm8[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btrl imm8[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btrl imm8[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btrl imm8[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btrl r32.ud[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btrl r32.ud[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btrl r32.ud[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btrl r32.ud[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btrq imm8[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btrq imm8[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btrq imm8[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btrq imm8[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btrq r64.uq[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btrq r64.uq[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btrq r64.uq[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btrq r64.uq[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btsw imm8[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btsw imm8[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btsw imm8[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btsw imm8[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--###btsw r16.uw[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--###btsw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--###btsw r16.uw[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--###btsw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btsl imm8[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btsl imm8[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btsl imm8[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btsl imm8[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btsl r32.ud[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btsl r32.ud[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btsl r32.ud[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btsl r32.ud[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btsq imm8[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btsq imm8[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btsq imm8[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btsq imm8[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btsq r64.uq[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btsq r64.uq[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
--btsq r64.uq[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x001]
--btsq r64.uq[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] eflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btw imm8[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btw imm8[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btw imm8[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btw imm8[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+###btw r16.uw[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+###btw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+###btw r16.uw[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+###btw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btl imm8[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btl imm8[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btl imm8[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btl imm8[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btl r32.ud[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btl r32.ud[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btl r32.ud[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btl r32.ud[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btq imm8[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btq imm8[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btq imm8[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btq imm8[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btq r64.uq[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btq r64.uq[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btq r64.uq[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btq r64.uq[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btcw imm8[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btcw imm8[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btcw imm8[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btcw imm8[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+###btcw r16.uw[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+###btcw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+###btcw r16.uw[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+###btcw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btcl imm8[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btcl imm8[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btcl imm8[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btcl imm8[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btcl r32.ud[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btcl r32.ud[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btcl r32.ud[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btcl r32.ud[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btcq imm8[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btcq imm8[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btcq imm8[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btcq imm8[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btcq r64.uq[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btcq r64.uq[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btcq r64.uq[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btcq r64.uq[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btrw imm8[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btrw imm8[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btrw imm8[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btrw imm8[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+###btrw r16.uw[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+###btrw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+###btrw r16.uw[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4230] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+###btrw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btrl imm8[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btrl imm8[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btrl imm8[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btrl imm8[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btrl r32.ud[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btrl r32.ud[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btrl r32.ud[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427530] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btrl r32.ud[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btrq imm8[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btrq imm8[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btrq imm8[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btrq imm8[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btrq r64.uq[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btrq r64.uq[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btrq r64.uq[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681356] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btrq r64.uq[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btsw imm8[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btsw imm8[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btsw imm8[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btsw imm8[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+###btsw r16.uw[0] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+###btsw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+###btsw r16.uw[0] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x4231] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+###btsw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[0x4231] => 1.uw[0x5231] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btsl imm8[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btsl imm8[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btsl imm8[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btsl imm8[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btsl r32.ud[0] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btsl r32.ud[24] r32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btsl r32.ud[0] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x86427531] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btsl r32.ud[24] m32.ud[0x86427531] => 1.ud[0x87427531] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btsq imm8[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btsq imm8[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btsq imm8[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btsq imm8[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btsq r64.uq[0] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btsq r64.uq[48] r64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+btsq r64.uq[0] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8642753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+btsq r64.uq[48] m64.uq[0x8642753124681357] => 1.uq[0x8643753124681357] rflags[0x001,0x000]
- cbw[123] : => ax.sw[123]
- cbw[-123] : => ax.sw[-123]
- cdq eax.ud[0x12345678] : => edx.ud[0x00000000] eax.ud[0x12345678]
- cdq eax.ud[0xfedcba98] : => edx.ud[0xffffffff] eax.ud[0xfedcba98]
- cdqe eax.ud[0x12345678] : => rax.uq[0x0000000012345678]
- cdqe eax.ud[0xfedcba98] : => rax.uq[0xfffffffffedcba98]
--###clc eflags[0x001,0x000] : => eflags[0x001,0x000]
--###clc eflags[0x001,0x001] : => eflags[0x001,0x000]
--cld eflags[0x400,0x000] : => eflags[0x400,0x000]
--cld eflags[0x400,0x400] : => eflags[0x400,0x000]
--###cmc eflags[0x001,0x000] : => eflags[0x001,0x001]
--###cmc eflags[0x001,0x001] : => eflags[0x001,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[3] al.ub[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpb imm8[2] al.ub[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[12] al.ub[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpb imm8[12] al.ub[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[34] al.ub[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpb imm8[12] al.ub[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[100][-100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb imm8[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[-100][100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb imm8[3] r8.ub[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpb imm8[2] r8.ub[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[12] r8.ub[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpb imm8[12] r8.ub[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[34] r8.ub[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpb imm8[12] r8.ub[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[100][-100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb imm8[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[-100][100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb imm8[3] m8.ub[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpb imm8[2] m8.ub[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[12] m8.ub[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpb imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[34] m8.ub[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpb imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[100][-100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb imm8[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb imm8[-100][100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb r8.ub[3] r8.ub[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpb r8.ub[2] r8.ub[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpb r8.ub[12] r8.ub[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpb r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpb r8.ub[34] r8.ub[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpb r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpb r8.ub[100][-100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb r8.ub[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb[-100][100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb r8.ub[3] m8.ub[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpb r8.ub[2] m8.ub[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpb r8.ub[12] m8.ub[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpb r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpb r8.ub[34] m8.ub[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpb r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpb r8.ub[100][-100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb r8.ub[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb[-100][100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb m8.ub[3] r8.ub[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpb m8.ub[2] r8.ub[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpb m8.ub[12] r8.ub[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpb m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpb m8.ub[34] r8.ub[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpb m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpb m8.ub[100][-100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpb m8.ub[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpb[-100][100] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw imm8[3] r16.uw[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpw imm8[2] r16.uw[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpw imm8[12] r16.uw[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpw imm8[12] r16.uw[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpw imm8[34] r16.uw[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpw imm8[12] r16.uw[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpw imm8[100] r16.sw[-32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw imm8[50] r16.sw[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw imm8[-50] r16.sw[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw imm8[-100] r16.sw[32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw imm8[3] m16.uw[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpw imm8[2] m16.uw[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpw imm8[12] m16.uw[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpw imm8[12] m16.uw[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpw imm8[34] m16.uw[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpw imm8[12] m16.uw[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpw imm8[100] m16.sw[-32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw imm8[50] m16.sw[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw imm8[-50] m16.sw[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw imm8[-100] m16.sw[32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw imm16[3] ax.uw[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpw imm16[2] ax.uw[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[12] ax.uw[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpw imm16[12] ax.uw[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[34] ax.uw[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpw imm16[12] ax.uw[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[100] ax.sw[-32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw imm16[50] ax.sw[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[-50] ax.sw[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[-100] ax.sw[32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw imm16[3] r16.uw[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpw imm16[2] r16.uw[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[12] r16.uw[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpw imm16[12] r16.uw[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[34] r16.uw[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpw imm16[12] r16.uw[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[100] r16.sw[-32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw imm16[50] r16.sw[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[-50] r16.sw[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[-100] r16.sw[32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw imm16[3] m16.uw[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpw imm16[2] m16.uw[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[12] m16.uw[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpw imm16[12] m16.uw[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[34] m16.uw[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpw imm16[12] m16.uw[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[100] m16.sw[-32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw imm16[50] m16.sw[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[-50] m16.sw[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw imm16[-100] m16.sw[32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw r16.uw[3] r16.uw[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpw r16.uw[2] r16.uw[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpw r16.uw[34] r16.uw[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpw r16.uw[100] r16.sw[-32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw r16.uw[50] r16.sw[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw r16.sw[-50] r16.sw[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw r16.sw[-100] r16.sw[32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw r16.uw[3] m16.uw[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpw r16.uw[2] m16.uw[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpw r16.uw[34] m16.uw[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpw r16.uw[100] m16.sw[-32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw r16.uw[50] m16.sw[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw r16.sw[-50] m16.sw[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw r16.sw[-100] m16.sw[32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw m16.uw[3] r16.uw[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpw m16.uw[2] r16.uw[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpw m16.uw[12] r16.uw[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpw m16.uw[12] r16.uw[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpw m16.uw[34] r16.uw[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpw m16.uw[12] r16.uw[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpw m16.uw[100] r16.sw[-32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpw m16.uw[50] r16.sw[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw m16.sw[-50] r16.sw[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpw m16.sw[-100] r16.sw[32700] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl imm8[3] r32.ud[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpl imm8[2] r32.ud[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpl imm8[12] r32.ud[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--###cmpl imm8[12] r32.ud[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpl imm8[34] r32.ud[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpl imm8[12] r32.ud[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpl imm8[100][-2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl imm8[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl imm8[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl imm8[-100][2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl imm8[3] m32.ud[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpl imm8[2] m32.ud[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpl imm8[12] m32.ud[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpl imm8[12] m32.ud[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpl imm8[34] m32.ud[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpl imm8[12] m32.ud[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpl imm8[100][-2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl imm8[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl imm8[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl imm8[-100][2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl imm32[3] eax.ud[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpl imm32[2] eax.ud[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[12] eax.ud[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpl imm32[12] eax.ud[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[34] eax.ud[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpl imm32[12] eax.ud[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[100][-2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl imm32[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[-100][2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl imm32[3] r32.ud[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpl imm32[2] r32.ud[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[12] r32.ud[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpl imm32[12] r32.ud[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[34] r32.ud[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpl imm32[12] r32.ud[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[100][-2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl imm32[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[-100][2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl imm32[3] m32.ud[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpl imm32[2] m32.ud[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[12] m32.ud[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpl imm32[12] m32.ud[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[34] m32.ud[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpl imm32[12] m32.ud[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[100][-2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl imm32[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl imm32[-100][2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl r32.ud[3] r32.ud[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpl r32.ud[2] r32.ud[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpl r32.ud[12] r32.ud[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpl r32.ud[12] r32.ud[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpl r32.ud[34] r32.ud[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpl r32.ud[12] r32.ud[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpl r32.ud[100][-2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl r32.ud[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl[-100][2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl r32.ud[3] m32.ud[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpl r32.ud[2] m32.ud[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpl r32.ud[12] m32.ud[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpl r32.ud[12] m32.ud[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpl r32.ud[34] m32.ud[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpl r32.ud[12] m32.ud[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpl r32.ud[100][-2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl r32.ud[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl[-100][2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl m32.ud[3] r32.ud[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpl m32.ud[2] r32.ud[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpl m32.ud[12] r32.ud[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpl m32.ud[12] r32.ud[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpl m32.ud[34] r32.ud[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpl m32.ud[12] r32.ud[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpl m32.ud[100][-2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpl m32.ud[50][-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpl[-50][50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--###cmpl[-100][2147483600] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq imm8[3] r64.uq[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpq imm8[2] r64.uq[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpq imm8[12] r64.uq[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpq imm8[12] r64.uq[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpq imm8[34] r64.uq[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpq imm8[12] r64.uq[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpq imm8[100] r64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq imm8[50] r64.sq[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq imm8[-50] r64.sq[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq imm8[-100] r64.sq[9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq imm8[3] m64.uq[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpq imm8[2] m64.uq[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpq imm8[12] m64.uq[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpq imm8[12] m64.uq[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpq imm8[34] m64.uq[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpq imm8[12] m64.uq[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpq imm8[100] m64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq imm8[50] m64.sq[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq imm8[-50] m64.sq[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq imm8[-100] m64.sq[9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq imm32[3] rax.uq[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpq imm32[2] rax.uq[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[12] rax.uq[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpq imm32[12] rax.uq[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[34] rax.uq[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpq imm32[12] rax.uq[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[100] rax.sq[-9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq imm32[50] rax.sq[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[-50] rax.sq[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[-100] rax.sq[9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq imm32[3] r64.uq[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpq imm32[2] r64.uq[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[12] r64.uq[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpq imm32[12] r64.uq[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[34] r64.uq[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpq imm32[12] r64.uq[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[100] r64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq imm32[50] r64.sq[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[-50] r64.sq[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[-100] r64.sq[9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq imm32[3] m64.uq[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpq imm32[2] m64.uq[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[12] m64.uq[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpq imm32[12] m64.uq[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[34] m64.uq[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpq imm32[12] m64.uq[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[100] m64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq imm32[50] m64.sq[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[-50] m64.sq[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq imm32[-100] m64.sq[9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq r64.uq[3] r64.uq[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpq r64.uq[2] r64.uq[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpq r64.uq[12] r64.uq[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpq r64.uq[12] r64.uq[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpq r64.uq[34] r64.uq[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpq r64.uq[12] r64.uq[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpq r64.uq[100] r64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq r64.uq[50] r64.sq[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq r64.sq[-50] r64.sq[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq r64.sq[-100] r64.sq[9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq r64.uq[3] m64.uq[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpq r64.uq[2] m64.uq[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpq r64.uq[12] m64.uq[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpq r64.uq[12] m64.uq[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpq r64.uq[34] m64.uq[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpq r64.uq[12] m64.uq[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpq r64.uq[100] m64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq r64.uq[50] m64.sq[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq r64.sq[-50] m64.sq[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq r64.sq[-100] m64.sq[9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq m64.uq[3] r64.uq[2] => eflags[0x010,0x010]
--cmpq m64.uq[2] r64.uq[3] => eflags[0x010,0x000]
--cmpq m64.uq[12] r64.uq[12] => eflags[0x044,0x044]
--cmpq m64.uq[12] r64.uq[34] => eflags[0x044,0x000]
--cmpq m64.uq[34] r64.uq[12] => eflags[0x081,0x081]
--cmpq m64.uq[12] r64.uq[34] => eflags[0x081,0x000]
--cmpq m64.uq[100] r64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--cmpq m64.uq[50] r64.sq[-50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq m64.sq[-50] r64.sq[50] => eflags[0x800,0x000]
--cmpq m64.sq[-100] r64.sq[9223372036854775800] => eflags[0x800,0x800]
--###cmpxchgb eflags[0x40,0x00] al.ub[12] : r8.ub[56] r8.ub[12] => eflags[0x40,0x40] al.ub[12] 0.ub[56] 1.ub[56]
--###cmpxchgb eflags[0x40,0x40] al.ub[12] : r8.ub[56] r8.ub[34] => eflags[0x40,0x00] al.ub[34] 0.ub[56] 1.ub[34]
--###cmpxchgb eflags[0x40,0x00] al.ub[12] : r8.ub[56] m8.ub[12] => eflags[0x40,0x40] al.ub[12] 0.ub[56] 1.ub[56]
--###cmpxchgb eflags[0x40,0x40] al.ub[12] : r8.ub[56] m8.ub[34] => eflags[0x40,0x00] al.ub[34] 0.ub[56] 1.ub[34]
--###cmpxchgw eflags[0x40,0x00] ax.uw[123] : r16.uw[567] r16.uw[123] => eflags[0x40,0x40] ax.uw[123] 0.uw[567] 1.uw[567]
--###cmpxchgw eflags[0x40,0x40] ax.uw[123] : r16.uw[567] r16.uw[345] => eflags[0x40,0x00] ax.uw[345] 0.uw[567] 1.uw[345]
--cmpxchgw eflags[0x40,0x00] ax.uw[123] : r16.uw[567] m16.uw[123] => eflags[0x40,0x40] ax.uw[123] 0.uw[567] 1.uw[567]
--###cmpxchgw eflags[0x40,0x40] ax.uw[123] : r16.uw[567] m16.uw[345] => eflags[0x40,0x00] ax.uw[345] 0.uw[567] 1.uw[345]
--###cmpxchgl eflags[0x40,0x00] eax.ud[1234] : r32.ud[5678] r32.ud[1234] => eflags[0x40,0x40] eax.ud[1234] 0.ud[5678] 1.ud[5678]
--###cmpxchgl eflags[0x40,0x40] eax.ud[1234] : r32.ud[5678] r32.ud[3456] => eflags[0x40,0x00] eax.ud[3456] 0.ud[5678] 1.ud[3456]
--cmpxchgl eflags[0x40,0x00] eax.ud[1234] : r32.ud[5678] m32.ud[1234] => eflags[0x40,0x40] eax.ud[1234] 0.ud[5678] 1.ud[5678]
--cmpxchgl eflags[0x40,0x40] eax.ud[1234] : r32.ud[5678] m32.ud[3456] => eflags[0x40,0x00] eax.ud[3456] 0.ud[5678] 1.ud[3456]
--###cmpxchgq eflags[0x40,0x00] rax.uq[12345] : r64.uq[56789] r64.uq[12345] => eflags[0x40,0x40] rax.uq[12345] 0.uq[56789] 1.uq[56789]
--###cmpxchgq eflags[0x40,0x40] rax.uq[12345] : r64.uq[56789] r64.uq[34567] => eflags[0x40,0x00] rax.uq[34567] 0.uq[56789] 1.uq[34567]
--cmpxchgq eflags[0x40,0x00] rax.uq[12345] : r64.uq[56789] m64.uq[12345] => eflags[0x40,0x40] rax.uq[12345] 0.uq[56789] 1.uq[56789]
--cmpxchgq eflags[0x40,0x40] rax.uq[12345] : r64.uq[56789] m64.uq[34567] => eflags[0x40,0x00] rax.uq[34567] 0.uq[56789] 1.uq[34567]
-+###clc rflags[0x001,0x000] : => rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+###clc rflags[0x001,0x001] : => rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+cld rflags[0x400,0x000] : => rflags[0x400,0x000]
-+cld rflags[0x400,0x400] : => rflags[0x400,0x000]
-+###cmc rflags[0x001,0x000] : => rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+###cmc rflags[0x001,0x001] : => rflags[0x001,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[3] al.ub[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpb imm8[2] al.ub[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[12] al.ub[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpb imm8[12] al.ub[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[34] al.ub[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpb imm8[12] al.ub[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[100][-100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb imm8[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[-100][100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb imm8[3] r8.ub[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpb imm8[2] r8.ub[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[12] r8.ub[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpb imm8[12] r8.ub[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[34] r8.ub[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpb imm8[12] r8.ub[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[100][-100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb imm8[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[-100][100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb imm8[3] m8.ub[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpb imm8[2] m8.ub[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[12] m8.ub[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpb imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[34] m8.ub[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpb imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[100][-100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb imm8[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb imm8[-100][100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb r8.ub[3] r8.ub[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpb r8.ub[2] r8.ub[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpb r8.ub[12] r8.ub[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpb r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpb r8.ub[34] r8.ub[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpb r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpb r8.ub[100][-100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb r8.ub[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb[-100][100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb r8.ub[3] m8.ub[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpb r8.ub[2] m8.ub[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpb r8.ub[12] m8.ub[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpb r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpb r8.ub[34] m8.ub[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpb r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpb r8.ub[100][-100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb r8.ub[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb[-100][100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb m8.ub[3] r8.ub[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpb m8.ub[2] r8.ub[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpb m8.ub[12] r8.ub[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpb m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpb m8.ub[34] r8.ub[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpb m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpb m8.ub[100][-100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpb m8.ub[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpb[-100][100] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw imm8[3] r16.uw[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpw imm8[2] r16.uw[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpw imm8[12] r16.uw[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpw imm8[12] r16.uw[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpw imm8[34] r16.uw[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpw imm8[12] r16.uw[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpw imm8[100] r16.sw[-32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw imm8[50] r16.sw[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw imm8[-50] r16.sw[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw imm8[-100] r16.sw[32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw imm8[3] m16.uw[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpw imm8[2] m16.uw[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpw imm8[12] m16.uw[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpw imm8[12] m16.uw[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpw imm8[34] m16.uw[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpw imm8[12] m16.uw[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpw imm8[100] m16.sw[-32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw imm8[50] m16.sw[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw imm8[-50] m16.sw[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw imm8[-100] m16.sw[32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw imm16[3] ax.uw[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpw imm16[2] ax.uw[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[12] ax.uw[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpw imm16[12] ax.uw[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[34] ax.uw[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpw imm16[12] ax.uw[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[100] ax.sw[-32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw imm16[50] ax.sw[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[-50] ax.sw[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[-100] ax.sw[32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw imm16[3] r16.uw[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpw imm16[2] r16.uw[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[12] r16.uw[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpw imm16[12] r16.uw[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[34] r16.uw[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpw imm16[12] r16.uw[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[100] r16.sw[-32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw imm16[50] r16.sw[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[-50] r16.sw[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[-100] r16.sw[32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw imm16[3] m16.uw[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpw imm16[2] m16.uw[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[12] m16.uw[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpw imm16[12] m16.uw[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[34] m16.uw[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpw imm16[12] m16.uw[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[100] m16.sw[-32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw imm16[50] m16.sw[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[-50] m16.sw[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw imm16[-100] m16.sw[32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw r16.uw[3] r16.uw[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpw r16.uw[2] r16.uw[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpw r16.uw[34] r16.uw[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpw r16.uw[12] r16.uw[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpw r16.uw[100] r16.sw[-32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw r16.uw[50] r16.sw[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw r16.sw[-50] r16.sw[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw r16.sw[-100] r16.sw[32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw r16.uw[3] m16.uw[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpw r16.uw[2] m16.uw[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpw r16.uw[34] m16.uw[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpw r16.uw[12] m16.uw[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpw r16.uw[100] m16.sw[-32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw r16.uw[50] m16.sw[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw r16.sw[-50] m16.sw[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw r16.sw[-100] m16.sw[32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw m16.uw[3] r16.uw[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpw m16.uw[2] r16.uw[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpw m16.uw[12] r16.uw[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpw m16.uw[12] r16.uw[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpw m16.uw[34] r16.uw[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpw m16.uw[12] r16.uw[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpw m16.uw[100] r16.sw[-32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpw m16.uw[50] r16.sw[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw m16.sw[-50] r16.sw[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpw m16.sw[-100] r16.sw[32700] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl imm8[3] r32.ud[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpl imm8[2] r32.ud[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpl imm8[12] r32.ud[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+###cmpl imm8[12] r32.ud[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpl imm8[34] r32.ud[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpl imm8[12] r32.ud[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpl imm8[100][-2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl imm8[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl imm8[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl imm8[-100][2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl imm8[3] m32.ud[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpl imm8[2] m32.ud[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpl imm8[12] m32.ud[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpl imm8[12] m32.ud[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpl imm8[34] m32.ud[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpl imm8[12] m32.ud[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpl imm8[100][-2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl imm8[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl imm8[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl imm8[-100][2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl imm32[3] eax.ud[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpl imm32[2] eax.ud[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[12] eax.ud[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpl imm32[12] eax.ud[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[34] eax.ud[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpl imm32[12] eax.ud[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[100][-2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl imm32[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[-100][2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl imm32[3] r32.ud[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpl imm32[2] r32.ud[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[12] r32.ud[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpl imm32[12] r32.ud[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[34] r32.ud[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpl imm32[12] r32.ud[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[100][-2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl imm32[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[-100][2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl imm32[3] m32.ud[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpl imm32[2] m32.ud[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[12] m32.ud[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpl imm32[12] m32.ud[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[34] m32.ud[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpl imm32[12] m32.ud[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[100][-2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl imm32[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl imm32[-100][2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl r32.ud[3] r32.ud[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpl r32.ud[2] r32.ud[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpl r32.ud[12] r32.ud[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpl r32.ud[12] r32.ud[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpl r32.ud[34] r32.ud[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpl r32.ud[12] r32.ud[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpl r32.ud[100][-2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl r32.ud[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl[-100][2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl r32.ud[3] m32.ud[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpl r32.ud[2] m32.ud[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpl r32.ud[12] m32.ud[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpl r32.ud[12] m32.ud[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpl r32.ud[34] m32.ud[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpl r32.ud[12] m32.ud[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpl r32.ud[100][-2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl r32.ud[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl[-100][2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl m32.ud[3] r32.ud[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpl m32.ud[2] r32.ud[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpl m32.ud[12] r32.ud[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpl m32.ud[12] r32.ud[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpl m32.ud[34] r32.ud[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpl m32.ud[12] r32.ud[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpl m32.ud[100][-2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpl m32.ud[50][-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpl[-50][50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+###cmpl[-100][2147483600] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq imm8[3] r64.uq[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpq imm8[2] r64.uq[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpq imm8[12] r64.uq[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpq imm8[12] r64.uq[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpq imm8[34] r64.uq[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpq imm8[12] r64.uq[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpq imm8[100] r64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq imm8[50] r64.sq[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq imm8[-50] r64.sq[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq imm8[-100] r64.sq[9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq imm8[3] m64.uq[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpq imm8[2] m64.uq[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpq imm8[12] m64.uq[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpq imm8[12] m64.uq[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpq imm8[34] m64.uq[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpq imm8[12] m64.uq[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpq imm8[100] m64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq imm8[50] m64.sq[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq imm8[-50] m64.sq[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq imm8[-100] m64.sq[9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq imm32[3] rax.uq[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpq imm32[2] rax.uq[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[12] rax.uq[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpq imm32[12] rax.uq[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[34] rax.uq[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpq imm32[12] rax.uq[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[100] rax.sq[-9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq imm32[50] rax.sq[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[-50] rax.sq[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[-100] rax.sq[9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq imm32[3] r64.uq[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpq imm32[2] r64.uq[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[12] r64.uq[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpq imm32[12] r64.uq[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[34] r64.uq[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpq imm32[12] r64.uq[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[100] r64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq imm32[50] r64.sq[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[-50] r64.sq[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[-100] r64.sq[9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq imm32[3] m64.uq[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpq imm32[2] m64.uq[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[12] m64.uq[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpq imm32[12] m64.uq[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[34] m64.uq[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpq imm32[12] m64.uq[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[100] m64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq imm32[50] m64.sq[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[-50] m64.sq[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq imm32[-100] m64.sq[9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq r64.uq[3] r64.uq[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpq r64.uq[2] r64.uq[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpq r64.uq[12] r64.uq[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpq r64.uq[12] r64.uq[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpq r64.uq[34] r64.uq[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpq r64.uq[12] r64.uq[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpq r64.uq[100] r64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq r64.uq[50] r64.sq[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq r64.sq[-50] r64.sq[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq r64.sq[-100] r64.sq[9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq r64.uq[3] m64.uq[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpq r64.uq[2] m64.uq[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpq r64.uq[12] m64.uq[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpq r64.uq[12] m64.uq[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpq r64.uq[34] m64.uq[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpq r64.uq[12] m64.uq[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpq r64.uq[100] m64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq r64.uq[50] m64.sq[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq r64.sq[-50] m64.sq[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq r64.sq[-100] m64.sq[9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq m64.uq[3] r64.uq[2] => rflags[0x010,0x010]
-+cmpq m64.uq[2] r64.uq[3] => rflags[0x010,0x000]
-+cmpq m64.uq[12] r64.uq[12] => rflags[0x044,0x044]
-+cmpq m64.uq[12] r64.uq[34] => rflags[0x044,0x000]
-+cmpq m64.uq[34] r64.uq[12] => rflags[0x081,0x081]
-+cmpq m64.uq[12] r64.uq[34] => rflags[0x081,0x000]
-+cmpq m64.uq[100] r64.sq[-9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+cmpq m64.uq[50] r64.sq[-50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq m64.sq[-50] r64.sq[50] => rflags[0x800,0x000]
-+cmpq m64.sq[-100] r64.sq[9223372036854775800] => rflags[0x800,0x800]
-+###cmpxchgb rflags[0x40,0x00] al.ub[12] : r8.ub[56] r8.ub[12] => rflags[0x40,0x40] al.ub[12] 0.ub[56] 1.ub[56]
-+###cmpxchgb rflags[0x40,0x40] al.ub[12] : r8.ub[56] r8.ub[34] => rflags[0x40,0x00] al.ub[34] 0.ub[56] 1.ub[34]
-+###cmpxchgb rflags[0x40,0x00] al.ub[12] : r8.ub[56] m8.ub[12] => rflags[0x40,0x40] al.ub[12] 0.ub[56] 1.ub[56]
-+###cmpxchgb rflags[0x40,0x40] al.ub[12] : r8.ub[56] m8.ub[34] => rflags[0x40,0x00] al.ub[34] 0.ub[56] 1.ub[34]
-+###cmpxchgw rflags[0x40,0x00] ax.uw[123] : r16.uw[567] r16.uw[123] => rflags[0x40,0x40] ax.uw[123] 0.uw[567] 1.uw[567]
-+###cmpxchgw rflags[0x40,0x40] ax.uw[123] : r16.uw[567] r16.uw[345] => rflags[0x40,0x00] ax.uw[345] 0.uw[567] 1.uw[345]
-+cmpxchgw rflags[0x40,0x00] ax.uw[123] : r16.uw[567] m16.uw[123] => rflags[0x40,0x40] ax.uw[123] 0.uw[567] 1.uw[567]
-+###cmpxchgw rflags[0x40,0x40] ax.uw[123] : r16.uw[567] m16.uw[345] => rflags[0x40,0x00] ax.uw[345] 0.uw[567] 1.uw[345]
-+###cmpxchgl rflags[0x40,0x00] eax.ud[1234] : r32.ud[5678] r32.ud[1234] => rflags[0x40,0x40] eax.ud[1234] 0.ud[5678] 1.ud[5678]
-+###cmpxchgl rflags[0x40,0x40] eax.ud[1234] : r32.ud[5678] r32.ud[3456] => rflags[0x40,0x00] eax.ud[3456] 0.ud[5678] 1.ud[3456]
-+cmpxchgl rflags[0x40,0x00] eax.ud[1234] : r32.ud[5678] m32.ud[1234] => rflags[0x40,0x40] eax.ud[1234] 0.ud[5678] 1.ud[5678]
-+cmpxchgl rflags[0x40,0x40] eax.ud[1234] : r32.ud[5678] m32.ud[3456] => rflags[0x40,0x00] eax.ud[3456] 0.ud[5678] 1.ud[3456]
-+###cmpxchgq rflags[0x40,0x00] rax.uq[12345] : r64.uq[56789] r64.uq[12345] => rflags[0x40,0x40] rax.uq[12345] 0.uq[56789] 1.uq[56789]
-+###cmpxchgq rflags[0x40,0x40] rax.uq[12345] : r64.uq[56789] r64.uq[34567] => rflags[0x40,0x00] rax.uq[34567] 0.uq[56789] 1.uq[34567]
-+cmpxchgq rflags[0x40,0x00] rax.uq[12345] : r64.uq[56789] m64.uq[12345] => rflags[0x40,0x40] rax.uq[12345] 0.uq[56789] 1.uq[56789]
-+cmpxchgq rflags[0x40,0x40] rax.uq[12345] : r64.uq[56789] m64.uq[34567] => rflags[0x40,0x00] rax.uq[34567] 0.uq[56789] 1.uq[34567]
- cqo rax.uq[0x0123456789abcdef] : => rdx.uq[0x0000000000000000] rax.uq[0x0123456789abcdef]
- cqo rax.uq[0xfedcba9876543210] : => rdx.uq[0xffffffffffffffff] rax.uq[0xfedcba9876543210]
- cwd ax.uw[0x1234] : => dx.uw[0x0000] ax.uw[0x1234]
-@@ -617,8 +617,8 @@ incl r32.ud[12345678] => 0.ud[12345679]
- incl m32.ud[12345678] => 0.ud[12345679]
- incq r64.uq[1234567813572468] => 0.uq[1234567813572469]
- incq m64.uq[1234567813572468] => 0.uq[1234567813572469]
--###lahf eflags[0xff,0xfd] ah.ub[0x28] : => ah.ub[0xd7]
--###lahf eflags[0xff,0x28] ah.ub[0xfd] : => ah.ub[0x02]
-+###lahf rflags[0xff,0xfd] ah.ub[0x28] : => ah.ub[0xd7]
-+###lahf rflags[0xff,0x28] ah.ub[0xfd] : => ah.ub[0x02]
- movb imm8[123] r8.ub[0] => 1.ub[123]
- movb imm8[123] m8.ub[0] => 1.ub[123]
- movb r8.ub[123] r8.ub[0] => 1.ub[123]
-@@ -714,54 +714,54 @@ orq imm32[-2042464975] m64.uq[0x1234567812345678] => 1.uq[0xffffffff96767779]
- orq r64.uq[0xeca86420fdb97531] r64.uq[0x0123456789abcdef] => 1.uq[0xedab6567fdbbfdff]
- orq r64.uq[0xeca86420fdb97531] m64.uq[0x0123456789abcdef] => 1.uq[0xedab6567fdbbfdff]
- orq m64.uq[0xeca86420fdb97531] r64.uq[0x0123456789abcdef] => 1.uq[0xedab6567fdbbfdff]
--###rclb eflags[0x1,0x0] : r8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0x94] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclb eflags[0x1,0x0] : m8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0x94] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclb eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x29] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclb eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[2] m8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x29] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclb eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x29] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclb eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[2] m8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x29] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclw eflags[0x1,0x0] : r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 0.uw[0xe194] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclw eflags[0x1,0x0] : m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 0.uw[0xe194] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[4] r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x0ca7] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[4] m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x0ca7] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclw eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[4] r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x0ca7] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclw eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[4] m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x0ca7] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rcll eflags[0x1,0x0] : r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 0.ud[0xfe01e194] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rcll eflags[0x1,0x0] : m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 0.ud[0xfe01e194] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rcll eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[8] r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x00f0ca7f] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rcll eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[8] m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x00f0ca7f] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rcll eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[8] r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x00f0ca7f] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rcll eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[8] m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x00f0ca7f] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclq eflags[0x1,0x0] : r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 0.uq[0xfffe0001fe01e194] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclq eflags[0x1,0x0] : m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 0.uq[0xfffe0001fe01e194] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0x0000ff00f0ca7fff] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0x0000ff00f0ca7fff] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclq eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0x0000ff00f0ca7fff] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--###rclq eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0x0000ff00f0ca7fff] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrb eflags[0x1,0x1] : r8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0xe5] eflags[0x1,0x0]
--rcrb eflags[0x1,0x1] : m8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0xe5] eflags[0x1,0x0]
--rcrb eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x32] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrb eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[2] m8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x32] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrb eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x32] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrb eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[2] m8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x32] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrw eflags[0x1,0x1] : r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 0.uw[0xf865] eflags[0x1,0x0]
--rcrw eflags[0x1,0x1] : m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 0.uw[0xf865] eflags[0x1,0x0]
--rcrw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[4] r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x4f0c] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[4] m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x4f0c] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrw eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[4] r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x4f0c] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrw eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[4] m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x4f0c] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrl eflags[0x1,0x1] : r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 0.ud[0xff807865] eflags[0x1,0x0]
--rcrl eflags[0x1,0x1] : m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 0.ud[0xff807865] eflags[0x1,0x0]
--rcrl eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[8] r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x94ff00f0] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrl eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[8] m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x94ff00f0] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrl eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[8] r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x94ff00f0] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrl eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[8] m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x94ff00f0] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrq eflags[0x1,0x1] : r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 0.uq[0xffff80007f807865] eflags[0x1,0x0]
--rcrq eflags[0x1,0x1] : m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 0.uq[0xffff80007f807865] eflags[0x1,0x0]
--rcrq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xe194ffff0000ff00] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xe194ffff0000ff00] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrq eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xe194ffff0000ff00] eflags[0x1,0x1]
--rcrq eflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xe194ffff0000ff00] eflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclb rflags[0x1,0x0] : r8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0x94] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclb rflags[0x1,0x0] : m8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0x94] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclb rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x29] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclb rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[2] m8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x29] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclb rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x29] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclb rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[2] m8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x29] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclw rflags[0x1,0x0] : r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 0.uw[0xe194] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclw rflags[0x1,0x0] : m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 0.uw[0xe194] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[4] r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x0ca7] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[4] m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x0ca7] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclw rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[4] r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x0ca7] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclw rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[4] m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x0ca7] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rcll rflags[0x1,0x0] : r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 0.ud[0xfe01e194] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rcll rflags[0x1,0x0] : m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 0.ud[0xfe01e194] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rcll rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[8] r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x00f0ca7f] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rcll rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[8] m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x00f0ca7f] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rcll rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[8] r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x00f0ca7f] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rcll rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[8] m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x00f0ca7f] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclq rflags[0x1,0x0] : r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 0.uq[0xfffe0001fe01e194] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclq rflags[0x1,0x0] : m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 0.uq[0xfffe0001fe01e194] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0x0000ff00f0ca7fff] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0x0000ff00f0ca7fff] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclq rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0x0000ff00f0ca7fff] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+###rclq rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0x0000ff00f0ca7fff] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrb rflags[0x1,0x1] : r8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0xe5] rflags[0x1,0x0]
-+rcrb rflags[0x1,0x1] : m8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0xe5] rflags[0x1,0x0]
-+rcrb rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x32] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrb rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[2] m8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x32] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrb rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x32] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrb rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[2] m8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x32] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrw rflags[0x1,0x1] : r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 0.uw[0xf865] rflags[0x1,0x0]
-+rcrw rflags[0x1,0x1] : m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 0.uw[0xf865] rflags[0x1,0x0]
-+rcrw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[4] r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x4f0c] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[4] m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x4f0c] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrw rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[4] r16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x4f0c] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrw rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[4] m16.uw[0xf0ca] => 1.uw[0x4f0c] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrl rflags[0x1,0x1] : r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 0.ud[0xff807865] rflags[0x1,0x0]
-+rcrl rflags[0x1,0x1] : m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 0.ud[0xff807865] rflags[0x1,0x0]
-+rcrl rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[8] r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x94ff00f0] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrl rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[8] m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x94ff00f0] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrl rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[8] r32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x94ff00f0] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrl rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[8] m32.ud[0xff00f0ca] => 1.ud[0x94ff00f0] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrq rflags[0x1,0x1] : r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 0.uq[0xffff80007f807865] rflags[0x1,0x0]
-+rcrq rflags[0x1,0x1] : m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 0.uq[0xffff80007f807865] rflags[0x1,0x0]
-+rcrq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xe194ffff0000ff00] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xe194ffff0000ff00] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrq rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xe194ffff0000ff00] rflags[0x1,0x1]
-+rcrq rflags[0x1,0x0] : cl.ub[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xe194ffff0000ff00] rflags[0x1,0x1]
- rolb r8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0x95]
- rolb m8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0x95]
- rolb imm8[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x2b]
-@@ -810,8 +810,8 @@ rorq imm8[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xf0caffff0000ff00]
- rorq imm8[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xf0caffff0000ff00]
- rorq cl.ub[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xf0caffff0000ff00]
- rorq cl.ub[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xf0caffff0000ff00]
--###sahf eflags[0xff,0x28] ah.ub[0xfd] : => eflags[0xfd,0xd5]
--###sahf eflags[0xff,0xfd] ah.ub[0x28] : => eflags[0xfd,0x00]
-+###sahf rflags[0xff,0x28] ah.ub[0xfd] : => rflags[0xfd,0xd5]
-+###sahf rflags[0xff,0xfd] ah.ub[0x28] : => rflags[0xfd,0x00]
- salb r8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0x94]
- salb m8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0x94]
- salb imm8[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x28]
-@@ -860,252 +860,252 @@ sarq imm8[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xffffffff0000ff00]
- sarq imm8[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xffffffff0000ff00]
- sarq cl.ub[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xffffffff0000ff00]
- sarq cl.ub[16] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 1.uq[0xffffffff0000ff00]
--###sbbb eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] al.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
--###sbbb eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] al.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
--sbbb eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] bl.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
--sbbb eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] bl.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
--sbbb eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
--sbbb eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
--sbbb eflags[0x1,0x0] : r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
--sbbb eflags[0x1,0x1] : r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
--###sbbb eflags[0x1,0x0] : r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
--###sbbb eflags[0x1,0x1] : r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
--###sbbb eflags[0x1,0x0] : m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
--###sbbb eflags[0x1,0x1] : m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
--sbbw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r16.uw[3456] => 1.uw[3444]
--sbbw eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r16.uw[3456] => 1.uw[3443]
--###sbbw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] ax.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
--###sbbw eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] ax.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
--sbbw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] bx.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
--sbbw eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] bx.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
--sbbw eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
--sbbw eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
--sbbw eflags[0x1,0x0] : r16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
--sbbw eflags[0x1,0x1] : r16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
--###sbbw eflags[0x1,0x0] : r16.uw[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
--###sbbw eflags[0x1,0x1] : r16.uw[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
--sbbw eflags[0x1,0x0] : m16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
--sbbw eflags[0x1,0x1] : m16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
--sbbl eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[87654309]
--sbbl eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[87654308]
--###sbbl eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] eax.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
--###sbbl eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] eax.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
--sbbl eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] ebx.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
--sbbl eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] ebx.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
--sbbl eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
--sbbl eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
--sbbl eflags[0x1,0x0] : r32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
--sbbl eflags[0x1,0x1] : r32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
--###sbbl eflags[0x1,0x0] : r32.ud[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
--###sbbl eflags[0x1,0x1] : r32.ud[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
--sbbl eflags[0x1,0x0] : m32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
--sbbl eflags[0x1,0x1] : m32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
--sbbq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432175318630]
--sbbq eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432175318629]
--###sbbq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] rax.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972964]
--###sbbq eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] rax.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972963]
--sbbq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] rbx.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972964]
--sbbq eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] rbx.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972963]
--sbbq eflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] m64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972964]
--sbbq eflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] m64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972963]
--sbbq eflags[0x1,0x0] : r64.uq[1234567813572468] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746174]
--sbbq eflags[0x1,0x1] : r64.uq[1234567813572468] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746173]
--###sbbq eflags[0x1,0x0] : r64.uq[1234567813572468] m64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746174]
--###sbbq eflags[0x1,0x1] : r64.uq[1234567813572468] m64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746173]
--sbbq eflags[0x1,0x0] : m64.uq[1234567813572468] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746174]
--sbbq eflags[0x1,0x1] : m64.uq[1234567813572468] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746173]
--seta eflags[0x041,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--seta eflags[0x041,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--seta eflags[0x041,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--seta eflags[0x041,0x041] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--seta eflags[0x041,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--seta eflags[0x041,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--seta eflags[0x041,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--seta eflags[0x041,0x041] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setae eflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setae eflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setae eflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setae eflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setb eflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setb eflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setb eflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setb eflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setbe eflags[0x041,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setbe eflags[0x041,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setbe eflags[0x041,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setbe eflags[0x041,0x041] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setbe eflags[0x041,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setbe eflags[0x041,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setbe eflags[0x041,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setbe eflags[0x041,0x041] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setc eflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setc eflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setc eflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setc eflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--sete eflags[0x040,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--sete eflags[0x040,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--sete eflags[0x040,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--sete eflags[0x040,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x840] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x840] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setg eflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setge eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setge eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setge eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setge eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setge eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setge eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setge eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setge eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setl eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setl eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setl eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setl eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setl eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setl eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setl eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setl eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x840] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x840] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setle eflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setna eflags[0x041,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setna eflags[0x041,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setna eflags[0x041,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setna eflags[0x041,0x041] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setna eflags[0x041,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setna eflags[0x041,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setna eflags[0x041,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setna eflags[0x041,0x041] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnae eflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnae eflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnae eflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnae eflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnb eflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnb eflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnb eflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnb eflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnbe eflags[0x041,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnbe eflags[0x041,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnbe eflags[0x041,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnbe eflags[0x041,0x041] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnbe eflags[0x041,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnbe eflags[0x041,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnbe eflags[0x041,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnbe eflags[0x041,0x041] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnc eflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnc eflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnc eflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnc eflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setne eflags[0x040,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setne eflags[0x040,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setne eflags[0x040,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setne eflags[0x040,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x840] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x840] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setng eflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnge eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnge eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnge eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnge eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnge eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnge eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnge eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnge eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnl eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnl eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnl eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnl eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnl eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnl eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnl eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnl eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x840] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x840] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnle eflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setno eflags[0x800,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setno eflags[0x800,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setno eflags[0x800,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setno eflags[0x800,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnp eflags[0x004,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnp eflags[0x004,0x004] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnp eflags[0x004,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnp eflags[0x004,0x004] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setns eflags[0x080,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setns eflags[0x080,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setns eflags[0x080,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setns eflags[0x080,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnz eflags[0x040,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnz eflags[0x040,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setnz eflags[0x040,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setnz eflags[0x040,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--seto eflags[0x800,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--seto eflags[0x800,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--seto eflags[0x800,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--seto eflags[0x800,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setp eflags[0x004,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setp eflags[0x004,0x004] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setp eflags[0x004,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setp eflags[0x004,0x004] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--sets eflags[0x080,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--sets eflags[0x080,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--sets eflags[0x080,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--sets eflags[0x080,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setz eflags[0x040,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setz eflags[0x040,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
--setz eflags[0x040,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
--setz eflags[0x040,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+###sbbb rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] al.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
-+###sbbb rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] al.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
-+sbbb rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] bl.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
-+sbbb rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] bl.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
-+sbbb rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
-+sbbb rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
-+sbbb rflags[0x1,0x0] : r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
-+sbbb rflags[0x1,0x1] : r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
-+###sbbb rflags[0x1,0x0] : r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
-+###sbbb rflags[0x1,0x1] : r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
-+###sbbb rflags[0x1,0x0] : m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
-+###sbbb rflags[0x1,0x1] : m8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 1.ub[21]
-+sbbw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r16.uw[3456] => 1.uw[3444]
-+sbbw rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r16.uw[3456] => 1.uw[3443]
-+###sbbw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] ax.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
-+###sbbw rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] ax.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
-+sbbw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] bx.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
-+sbbw rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] bx.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
-+sbbw rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm16[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
-+sbbw rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm16[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
-+sbbw rflags[0x1,0x0] : r16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
-+sbbw rflags[0x1,0x1] : r16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
-+###sbbw rflags[0x1,0x0] : r16.uw[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
-+###sbbw rflags[0x1,0x1] : r16.uw[1234] m16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
-+sbbw rflags[0x1,0x0] : m16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4444]
-+sbbw rflags[0x1,0x1] : m16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 1.uw[4443]
-+sbbl rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[87654309]
-+sbbl rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[87654308]
-+###sbbl rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] eax.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
-+###sbbl rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] eax.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
-+sbbl rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] ebx.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
-+sbbl rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] ebx.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
-+sbbl rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
-+sbbl rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
-+sbbl rflags[0x1,0x0] : r32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
-+sbbl rflags[0x1,0x1] : r32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
-+###sbbl rflags[0x1,0x0] : r32.ud[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
-+###sbbl rflags[0x1,0x1] : r32.ud[12345678] m32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
-+sbbl rflags[0x1,0x0] : m32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308643]
-+sbbl rflags[0x1,0x1] : m32.ud[12345678] r32.ud[87654321] => 1.ud[75308642]
-+sbbq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm8[12] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432175318630]
-+sbbq rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm8[12] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432175318629]
-+###sbbq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] rax.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972964]
-+###sbbq rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] rax.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972963]
-+sbbq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] rbx.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972964]
-+sbbq rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] rbx.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972963]
-+sbbq rflags[0x1,0x0] : imm32[12345678] m64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972964]
-+sbbq rflags[0x1,0x1] : imm32[12345678] m64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972963]
-+sbbq rflags[0x1,0x0] : r64.uq[1234567813572468] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746174]
-+sbbq rflags[0x1,0x1] : r64.uq[1234567813572468] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746173]
-+###sbbq rflags[0x1,0x0] : r64.uq[1234567813572468] m64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746174]
-+###sbbq rflags[0x1,0x1] : r64.uq[1234567813572468] m64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746173]
-+sbbq rflags[0x1,0x0] : m64.uq[1234567813572468] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746174]
-+sbbq rflags[0x1,0x1] : m64.uq[1234567813572468] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746173]
-+seta rflags[0x041,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+seta rflags[0x041,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+seta rflags[0x041,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+seta rflags[0x041,0x041] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+seta rflags[0x041,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+seta rflags[0x041,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+seta rflags[0x041,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+seta rflags[0x041,0x041] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setae rflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setae rflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setae rflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setae rflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setb rflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setb rflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setb rflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setb rflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setbe rflags[0x041,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setbe rflags[0x041,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setbe rflags[0x041,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setbe rflags[0x041,0x041] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setbe rflags[0x041,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setbe rflags[0x041,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setbe rflags[0x041,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setbe rflags[0x041,0x041] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setc rflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setc rflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setc rflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setc rflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+sete rflags[0x040,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+sete rflags[0x040,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+sete rflags[0x040,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+sete rflags[0x040,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x840] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x840] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setg rflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setge rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setge rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setge rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setge rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setge rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setge rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setge rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setge rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setl rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setl rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setl rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setl rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setl rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setl rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setl rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setl rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x840] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x840] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setle rflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setna rflags[0x041,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setna rflags[0x041,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setna rflags[0x041,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setna rflags[0x041,0x041] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setna rflags[0x041,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setna rflags[0x041,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setna rflags[0x041,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setna rflags[0x041,0x041] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnae rflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnae rflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnae rflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnae rflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnb rflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnb rflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnb rflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnb rflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnbe rflags[0x041,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnbe rflags[0x041,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnbe rflags[0x041,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnbe rflags[0x041,0x041] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnbe rflags[0x041,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnbe rflags[0x041,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnbe rflags[0x041,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnbe rflags[0x041,0x041] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnc rflags[0x001,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnc rflags[0x001,0x001] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnc rflags[0x001,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnc rflags[0x001,0x001] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setne rflags[0x040,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setne rflags[0x040,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setne rflags[0x040,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setne rflags[0x040,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x840] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x840] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setng rflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnge rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnge rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnge rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnge rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnge rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnge rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnge rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnge rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnl rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnl rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnl rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnl rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnl rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnl rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnl rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnl rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x840] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x0c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x840] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x880] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnle rflags[0x8c0,0x8c0] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setno rflags[0x800,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setno rflags[0x800,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setno rflags[0x800,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setno rflags[0x800,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnp rflags[0x004,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnp rflags[0x004,0x004] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnp rflags[0x004,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnp rflags[0x004,0x004] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setns rflags[0x080,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setns rflags[0x080,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setns rflags[0x080,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setns rflags[0x080,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnz rflags[0x040,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnz rflags[0x040,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setnz rflags[0x040,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setnz rflags[0x040,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+seto rflags[0x800,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+seto rflags[0x800,0x800] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+seto rflags[0x800,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+seto rflags[0x800,0x800] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setp rflags[0x004,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setp rflags[0x004,0x004] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setp rflags[0x004,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setp rflags[0x004,0x004] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+sets rflags[0x080,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+sets rflags[0x080,0x080] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+sets rflags[0x080,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+sets rflags[0x080,0x080] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setz rflags[0x040,0x000] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setz rflags[0x040,0x040] : r8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
-+setz rflags[0x040,0x000] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[0]
-+setz rflags[0x040,0x040] : m8.ub[123] => 0.ub[1]
- shlb r8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0x94]
- shlb m8.ub[0xca] => 0.ub[0x94]
- shlb imm8[2] r8.ub[0xca] => 1.ub[0x28]
-@@ -1202,10 +1202,10 @@ shrdq cl.ub[1] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 2.uq[0x7
- shrdq cl.ub[1] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 2.uq[0x7fff80007f807865]
- shrdq cl.ub[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 2.uq[0xf0caffff0000ff00]
- shrdq cl.ub[16] r64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] m64.uq[0xffff0000ff00f0ca] => 2.uq[0xf0caffff0000ff00]
--###stc eflags[0x001,0x000] : => eflags[0x001,0x001]
--###stc eflags[0x001,0x001] : => eflags[0x001,0x001]
--std eflags[0x400,0x000] : => eflags[0x400,0x400]
--std eflags[0x400,0x400] : => eflags[0x400,0x400]
-+###stc rflags[0x001,0x000] : => rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+###stc rflags[0x001,0x001] : => rflags[0x001,0x001]
-+std rflags[0x400,0x000] : => rflags[0x400,0x400]
-+std rflags[0x400,0x400] : => rflags[0x400,0x400]
- subb imm8[12] al.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
- subb imm8[12] bl.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
- subb imm8[12] m8.ub[34] => 1.ub[22]
-@@ -1233,106 +1233,106 @@ subq imm32[12345678] rbx.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[8765432162972964]
- subq r64.uq[1234567813572468] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746174]
- subq r64.uq[1234567813572468] m64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746174]
- subq m64.uq[1234567813572468] r64.uq[8765432175318642] => 1.uq[7530864361746174]
--testb imm8[0x1a] al.ub[0x1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testb imm8[0x5a] al.ub[0x5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testb imm8[0x1a] al.ub[0xa1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testb imm8[0xa1] al.ub[0xa1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testb imm8[0xa5] al.ub[0xa5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testb imm8[0x1a] bl.ub[0x1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testb imm8[0x5a] bl.ub[0x5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testb imm8[0x1a] bl.ub[0xa1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testb imm8[0xa1] bl.ub[0xa1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testb imm8[0xa5] bl.ub[0xa5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testb imm8[0x1a] m8.ub[0x1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testb imm8[0x5a] m8.ub[0x5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testb imm8[0x1a] m8.ub[0xa1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testb imm8[0xa1] m8.ub[0xa1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testb imm8[0xa5] m8.ub[0xa5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testb r8.ub[0x1a] r8.ub[0x1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testb r8.ub[0x5a] r8.ub[0x5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testb r8.ub[0x1a] r8.ub[0xa1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testb r8.ub[0xa1] r8.ub[0xa1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testb r8.ub[0xa5] r8.ub[0xa5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testb r8.ub[0x1a] m8.ub[0x1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testb r8.ub[0x5a] m8.ub[0x5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testb r8.ub[0x1a] m8.ub[0xa1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testb r8.ub[0xa1] m8.ub[0xa1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testb r8.ub[0xa5] m8.ub[0xa5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testw imm16[0x1a1a] ax.uw[0x1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testw imm16[0x5a5a] ax.uw[0x5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testw imm16[0x1a1a] ax.uw[0xa1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testw imm16[0xa1a1] ax.uw[0xa1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testw imm16[0xa5a5] ax.uw[0xa5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testw imm16[0x1a1a] bx.uw[0x1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testw imm16[0x5a5a] bx.uw[0x5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testw imm16[0x1a1a] bx.uw[0xa1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testw imm16[0xa1a1] bx.uw[0xa1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testw imm16[0xa5a5] bx.uw[0xa5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testw imm16[0x1a1a] m16.uw[0x1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testw imm16[0x5a5a] m16.uw[0x5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testw imm16[0x1a1a] m16.uw[0xa1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testw imm16[0xa1a1] m16.uw[0xa1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testw imm16[0xa5a5] m16.uw[0xa5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testw r16.uw[0x1a1a] r16.uw[0x1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testw r16.uw[0x5a5a] r16.uw[0x5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testw r16.uw[0x1a1a] r16.uw[0xa1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testw r16.uw[0xa1a1] r16.uw[0xa1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testw r16.uw[0xa5a5] r16.uw[0xa5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testw r16.uw[0x1a1a] m16.uw[0x1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testw r16.uw[0x5a5a] m16.uw[0x5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testw r16.uw[0x1a1a] m16.uw[0xa1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testw r16.uw[0xa1a1] m16.uw[0xa1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testw r16.uw[0xa5a5] m16.uw[0xa5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] eax.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testl imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] eax.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] eax.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testl imm32[0xa1a1a1a1] eax.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testl imm32[0xa5a5a5a5] eax.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] ebx.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testl imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] ebx.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] ebx.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testl imm32[0xa1a1a1a1] ebx.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testl imm32[0xa5a5a5a5] ebx.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] m32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testl imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] m32.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] m32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testl imm32[0xa1a1a1a1] m32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testl imm32[0xa5a5a5a5] m32.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testl r32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] r32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testl r32.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] r32.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testl r32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] r32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testl r32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] r32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testl r32.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] r32.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testl r32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] m32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testl r32.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] m32.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testl r32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] m32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testl r32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] m32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testl r32.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] m32.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] rax.uq[0x1a1a1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testq imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] rax.uq[0x5a5a5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] rax.uq[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testq imm32[-1583242847] rax.uq[0xffffffffa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testq imm32[-1515870811] rax.uq[0xffffffffa5a5a5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] rbx.uq[0x1a1a1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testq imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] rbx.uq[0x5a5a5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] rbx.uq[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testq imm32[-1583242847] rbx.uq[0xffffffffa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testq imm32[-1515870811] rbx.uq[0xffffffffa5a5a5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] m64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testq imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] m64.uq[0x5a5a5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] m64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testq imm32[-1583242847] m64.uq[0xffffffffa1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testq imm32[-1515870811] m64.uq[0xffffffffa5a5a5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testq r64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] r64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testq r64.uq[0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a] r64.uq[0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testq r64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] r64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testq r64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] r64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testq r64.uq[0xa5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5] r64.uq[0xa5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
--testq r64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] m64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x000]
--testq r64.uq[0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a] m64.uq[0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a] => eflags[0x8c5,0x004]
--testq r64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] m64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x044]
--testq r64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] m64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] => eflags[0x8c5,0x080]
--testq r64.uq[0xa5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5] m64.uq[0xa5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5] => eflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testb imm8[0x1a] al.ub[0x1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testb imm8[0x5a] al.ub[0x5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testb imm8[0x1a] al.ub[0xa1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testb imm8[0xa1] al.ub[0xa1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testb imm8[0xa5] al.ub[0xa5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testb imm8[0x1a] bl.ub[0x1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testb imm8[0x5a] bl.ub[0x5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testb imm8[0x1a] bl.ub[0xa1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testb imm8[0xa1] bl.ub[0xa1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testb imm8[0xa5] bl.ub[0xa5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testb imm8[0x1a] m8.ub[0x1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testb imm8[0x5a] m8.ub[0x5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testb imm8[0x1a] m8.ub[0xa1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testb imm8[0xa1] m8.ub[0xa1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testb imm8[0xa5] m8.ub[0xa5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testb r8.ub[0x1a] r8.ub[0x1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testb r8.ub[0x5a] r8.ub[0x5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testb r8.ub[0x1a] r8.ub[0xa1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testb r8.ub[0xa1] r8.ub[0xa1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testb r8.ub[0xa5] r8.ub[0xa5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testb r8.ub[0x1a] m8.ub[0x1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testb r8.ub[0x5a] m8.ub[0x5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testb r8.ub[0x1a] m8.ub[0xa1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testb r8.ub[0xa1] m8.ub[0xa1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testb r8.ub[0xa5] m8.ub[0xa5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testw imm16[0x1a1a] ax.uw[0x1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testw imm16[0x5a5a] ax.uw[0x5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testw imm16[0x1a1a] ax.uw[0xa1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testw imm16[0xa1a1] ax.uw[0xa1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testw imm16[0xa5a5] ax.uw[0xa5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testw imm16[0x1a1a] bx.uw[0x1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testw imm16[0x5a5a] bx.uw[0x5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testw imm16[0x1a1a] bx.uw[0xa1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testw imm16[0xa1a1] bx.uw[0xa1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testw imm16[0xa5a5] bx.uw[0xa5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testw imm16[0x1a1a] m16.uw[0x1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testw imm16[0x5a5a] m16.uw[0x5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testw imm16[0x1a1a] m16.uw[0xa1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testw imm16[0xa1a1] m16.uw[0xa1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testw imm16[0xa5a5] m16.uw[0xa5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testw r16.uw[0x1a1a] r16.uw[0x1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testw r16.uw[0x5a5a] r16.uw[0x5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testw r16.uw[0x1a1a] r16.uw[0xa1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testw r16.uw[0xa1a1] r16.uw[0xa1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testw r16.uw[0xa5a5] r16.uw[0xa5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testw r16.uw[0x1a1a] m16.uw[0x1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testw r16.uw[0x5a5a] m16.uw[0x5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testw r16.uw[0x1a1a] m16.uw[0xa1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testw r16.uw[0xa1a1] m16.uw[0xa1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testw r16.uw[0xa5a5] m16.uw[0xa5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] eax.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testl imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] eax.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] eax.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testl imm32[0xa1a1a1a1] eax.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testl imm32[0xa5a5a5a5] eax.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] ebx.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testl imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] ebx.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] ebx.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testl imm32[0xa1a1a1a1] ebx.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testl imm32[0xa5a5a5a5] ebx.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] m32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testl imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] m32.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testl imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] m32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testl imm32[0xa1a1a1a1] m32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testl imm32[0xa5a5a5a5] m32.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testl r32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] r32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testl r32.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] r32.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testl r32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] r32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testl r32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] r32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testl r32.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] r32.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testl r32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] m32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testl r32.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] m32.ud[0x5a5a5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testl r32.ud[0x1a1a1a1a] m32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testl r32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] m32.ud[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testl r32.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] m32.ud[0xa5a5a5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] rax.uq[0x1a1a1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testq imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] rax.uq[0x5a5a5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] rax.uq[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testq imm32[-1583242847] rax.uq[0xffffffffa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testq imm32[-1515870811] rax.uq[0xffffffffa5a5a5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] rbx.uq[0x1a1a1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testq imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] rbx.uq[0x5a5a5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] rbx.uq[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testq imm32[-1583242847] rbx.uq[0xffffffffa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testq imm32[-1515870811] rbx.uq[0xffffffffa5a5a5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] m64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testq imm32[0x5a5a5a5a] m64.uq[0x5a5a5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testq imm32[0x1a1a1a1a] m64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testq imm32[-1583242847] m64.uq[0xffffffffa1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testq imm32[-1515870811] m64.uq[0xffffffffa5a5a5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testq r64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] r64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testq r64.uq[0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a] r64.uq[0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testq r64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] r64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testq r64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] r64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testq r64.uq[0xa5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5] r64.uq[0xa5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
-+testq r64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] m64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x000]
-+testq r64.uq[0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a] m64.uq[0x5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5a] => rflags[0x8c5,0x004]
-+testq r64.uq[0x1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1a] m64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x044]
-+testq r64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] m64.uq[0xa1a1a1a1a1a1a1a1] => rflags[0x8c5,0x080]
-+testq r64.uq[0xa5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5] m64.uq[0xa5a5a5a5a5a5a5a5] => rflags[0x8c5,0x084]
- ###xaddb r8.ub[12] r8.ub[34] => 0.ub[34] 1.ub[46]
- ###xaddb r8.ub[12] m8.ub[34] => 0.ub[34] 1.ub[46]
- ###xaddw r16.uw[1234] r16.uw[5678] => 0.uw[5678] 1.uw[6912]
-diff --git a/none/tests/amd64/insn_fpu.def b/none/tests/amd64/insn_fpu.def
-index 590f584..525fd1b 100644
---- a/none/tests/amd64/insn_fpu.def
-+++ b/none/tests/amd64/insn_fpu.def
-@@ -70,30 +70,30 @@ fcomps[8765.4321][1234.5678] :[1234.5678] =>[8765.43
- fcompl st1.pd[7654321.1234567] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] : m64.pd[1234567.7654320] => st0.pd[7654321.1234567] fpusw[0x4700,0x0000]
- fcompl st1.pd[7654321.1234567] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] : m64.pd[1234567.7654322] => st0.pd[7654321.1234567] fpusw[0x4700,0x0100]
- fcompl st1.pd[7654321.1234567] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] : m64.pd[1234567.7654321] => st0.pd[7654321.1234567] fpusw[0x4700,0x4000]
--fcomi[1234.5678][1234.5679] =>[1234.5678][1234.5679] eflags[0x45,0x00]
--fcomi[1234.5678][1234.5676] =>[1234.5678][1234.5676] eflags[0x45,0x01]
--fcomi[1234.5678][1234.5678] =>[1234.5678][1234.5678] eflags[0x45,0x40]
--fcomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654322] => st0.pd[1234567.7654322] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x00]
--fcomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654320] => st0.pd[1234567.7654320] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x01]
--fcomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] => st0.pd[1234567.7654321] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x40]
--fcomip[1234.5678][1234.5679] =>[1234.5679] eflags[0x45,0x00]
--fcomip[1234.5678][1234.5676] =>[1234.5676] eflags[0x45,0x01]
--fcomip[1234.5678][1234.5678] =>[1234.5678] eflags[0x45,0x40]
--fcomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654322] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x00]
--fcomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654320] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x01]
--fcomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x40]
--fucomi[1234.5678][1234.5679] =>[1234.5678][1234.5679] eflags[0x45,0x00]
--fucomi[1234.5678][1234.5676] =>[1234.5678][1234.5676] eflags[0x45,0x01]
--fucomi[1234.5678][1234.5678] =>[1234.5678][1234.5678] eflags[0x45,0x40]
--fucomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654322] => st0.pd[1234567.7654322] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x00]
--fucomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654320] => st0.pd[1234567.7654320] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x01]
--fucomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] => st0.pd[1234567.7654321] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x40]
--fucomip[1234.5678][1234.5679] =>[1234.5679] eflags[0x45,0x00]
--fucomip[1234.5678][1234.5676] =>[1234.5676] eflags[0x45,0x01]
--fucomip[1234.5678][1234.5678] =>[1234.5678] eflags[0x45,0x40]
--fucomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654322] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x00]
--fucomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654320] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x01]
--fucomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] eflags[0x45,0x40]
-+fcomi[1234.5678][1234.5679] =>[1234.5678][1234.5679] rflags[0x45,0x00]
-+fcomi[1234.5678][1234.5676] =>[1234.5678][1234.5676] rflags[0x45,0x01]
-+fcomi[1234.5678][1234.5678] =>[1234.5678][1234.5678] rflags[0x45,0x40]
-+fcomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654322] => st0.pd[1234567.7654322] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x00]
-+fcomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654320] => st0.pd[1234567.7654320] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x01]
-+fcomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] => st0.pd[1234567.7654321] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x40]
-+fcomip[1234.5678][1234.5679] =>[1234.5679] rflags[0x45,0x00]
-+fcomip[1234.5678][1234.5676] =>[1234.5676] rflags[0x45,0x01]
-+fcomip[1234.5678][1234.5678] =>[1234.5678] rflags[0x45,0x40]
-+fcomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654322] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x00]
-+fcomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654320] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x01]
-+fcomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x40]
-+fucomi[1234.5678][1234.5679] =>[1234.5678][1234.5679] rflags[0x45,0x00]
-+fucomi[1234.5678][1234.5676] =>[1234.5678][1234.5676] rflags[0x45,0x01]
-+fucomi[1234.5678][1234.5678] =>[1234.5678][1234.5678] rflags[0x45,0x40]
-+fucomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654322] => st0.pd[1234567.7654322] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x00]
-+fucomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654320] => st0.pd[1234567.7654320] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x01]
-+fucomi st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] => st0.pd[1234567.7654321] st2.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x40]
-+fucomip[1234.5678][1234.5679] =>[1234.5679] rflags[0x45,0x00]
-+fucomip[1234.5678][1234.5676] =>[1234.5676] rflags[0x45,0x01]
-+fucomip[1234.5678][1234.5678] =>[1234.5678] rflags[0x45,0x40]
-+fucomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654322] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x00]
-+fucomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654320] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x01]
-+fucomip st2.pd[1234567.7654321] st0.pd[1234567.7654321] => st1.pd[1234567.7654321] rflags[0x45,0x40]
- fchs[1234.5678] : =>[-1234.5678]
- fchs[-1234.5678] : =>[1234.5678]
- fchs st0.pd[12345678.87654321] : => st0.pd[-12345678.87654321]
-diff --git a/none/tests/amd64/insn_sse.def b/none/tests/amd64/insn_sse.def
-index a9e92a0..277a062 100644
---- a/none/tests/amd64/insn_sse.def
-+++ b/none/tests/amd64/insn_sse.def
-@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ cmpordps[234.5678,234.5678,234.5678,234.5678][234.5679,234.5677,23
- cmpordps[234.5678,234.5678,234.5678,234.5678][234.5679,234.5677,234.5679,234.5677] => 1.ud[0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff]
- cmpordss[1234.5678,0.0,0.0,0.0][1234.5679,0.0,0.0,0.0] => 1.ud[0xffffffff,0,0,0]
- cmpordss[1234.5678,0.0,0.0,0.0][1234.5676,0.0,0.0,0.0] => 1.ud[0xffffffff,0,0,0]
--comiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5679,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x000]
--comiss[234.5678][234.5679,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x000]
--comiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5677,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x001]
--comiss[234.5678][234.5677,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x001]
--comiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5678,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x040]
--comiss[234.5678][234.5678,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x040]
-+comiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5679,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x000]
-+comiss[234.5678][234.5679,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x000]
-+comiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5677,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x001]
-+comiss[234.5678][234.5677,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x001]
-+comiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5678,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x040]
-+comiss[234.5678][234.5678,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x040]
- cvtpi2ps[1234,5678][1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4] =>[1234.0,5678.0,3.3,4.4]
- cvtpi2ps[1234,5678][1.1,2.2,3.3,4.4] =>[1234.0,5678.0,3.3,4.4]
- cvtps2pi[12.34,56.78,1.11,2.22][1,2] =>[12,57]
-@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ subps[12.34,56.77,43.21,87.65][44.0,33.0,22.0,11.0] =>[31.66,
- subps[12.34,56.77,43.21,87.65][44.0,33.0,22.0,11.0] =>[31.66,-23.77,-21.21,-76.65]
- subss[12.34,56.77,43.21,87.65][44.0,33.0,22.0,11.0] =>[31.66,33.0,22.0,11.0]
- subss[12.34,56.77,43.21,87.65][44.0,33.0,22.0,11.0] =>[31.66,33.0,22.0,11.0]
--ucomiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5679,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x000]
--ucomiss[234.5678][234.5679,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x000]
--ucomiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5677,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x001]
--ucomiss[234.5678][234.5677,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x001]
--ucomiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5678,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x040]
--ucomiss[234.5678][234.5678,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x040]
-+ucomiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5679,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x000]
-+ucomiss[234.5678][234.5679,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x000]
-+ucomiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5677,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x001]
-+ucomiss[234.5678][234.5677,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x001]
-+ucomiss[234.5678,0.0][234.5678,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x040]
-+ucomiss[234.5678][234.5678,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x040]
- unpckhps[12.34,56.78,43.21,87.65][11.22,33.44,55.66,77.88] =>[55.66,43.21,77.88,87.65]
- unpckhps[12.34,56.78,43.21,87.65][11.22,33.44,55.66,77.88] =>[55.66,43.21,77.88,87.65]
- unpcklps[12.34,56.78,43.21,87.65][11.22,33.44,55.66,77.88] =>[11.22,12.34,33.44,56.78]
-diff --git a/none/tests/amd64/insn_sse2.def b/none/tests/amd64/insn_sse2.def
-index 3cbdd41..7e0890e 100644
---- a/none/tests/amd64/insn_sse2.def
-+++ b/none/tests/amd64/insn_sse2.def
-@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ cmpnlesd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5679,0.0] => 1.uq[0xffffffffffffffff,
- cmpnlesd m128.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] => 1.uq[0x0000000000000000,0]
- cmpordsd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5679,0.0] => 1.uq[0xffffffffffffffff,0]
- cmpordsd m128.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] => 1.uq[0xffffffffffffffff,0]
--comisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5679,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x000]
--comisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5677,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x001]
--comisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x040]
--comisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5679,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x000]
--comisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5677,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x001]
--comisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x040]
-+comisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5679,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x000]
-+comisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5677,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x001]
-+comisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x040]
-+comisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5679,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x000]
-+comisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5677,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x001]
-+comisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x040]
- cvtdq2pd[1234,5678,0,0] xmm.pd[0.0,0.0] => 1.pd[1234.0,5678.0]
- cvtdq2pd[1234,5678,0,0] xmm.pd[0.0,0.0] => 1.pd[1234.0,5678.0]
- cvtdq2ps[1234,5678,-1234,-5678][0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0] =>[1234.0,5678.0,-1234.0,-5678.0]
-@@ -329,12 +329,12 @@ subpd xmm.pd[1234.5678,8765.4321] xmm.pd[2222.0,1111.0] => 1.pd[987.4322,-7654.4
- subpd m128.pd[1234.5678,8765.4321] xmm.pd[2222.0,1111.0] => 1.pd[987.4322,-7654.4321]
- subsd xmm.pd[1234.5678,8765.4321] xmm.pd[2222.0,1111.0] => 1.pd[987.4322,1111.0]
- subsd m128.pd[1234.5678,8765.4321] xmm.pd[2222.0,1111.0] => 1.pd[987.4322,1111.0]
--ucomisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5679,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x000]
--ucomisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5677,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x001]
--ucomisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x040]
--ucomisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5679,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x000]
--ucomisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5677,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x001]
--ucomisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] => eflags[0x8d5,0x040]
-+ucomisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5679,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x000]
-+ucomisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5677,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x001]
-+ucomisd xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x040]
-+ucomisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5679,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x000]
-+ucomisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5677,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x001]
-+ucomisd m64.pd[1234.5678] xmm.pd[1234.5678,0.0] => rflags[0x8d5,0x040]
- unpckhpd xmm.pd[1234.5678,8765.4321] xmm.pd[1122.3344,5566.7788] => 1.pd[5566.7788,8765.4321]
- unpckhpd m128.pd[1234.5678,8765.4321] xmm.pd[1122.3344,5566.7788] => 1.pd[5566.7788,8765.4321]
- unpcklpd xmm.pd[1234.5678,8765.4321] xmm.pd[1122.3344,5566.7788] => 1.pd[1122.3344,1234.5678]
diff --git a/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-3.13.0-gdb-8-testfix.patch b/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-3.13.0-gdb-8-testfix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f34da04..0000000
--- a/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-3.13.0-gdb-8-testfix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-commit 21788250c945713fa25c16f2683e1f9cd0bb6ccf
-Author: philippe <philippe@a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9>
-Date: Sun Jun 25 12:40:53 2017 +0000
- Fix some tests failure with GDB 8.0
- At the beginning of a Valgrind gdbserver test,
- 2 messages are produced when launching the command
- target remote | vgdb
- A message output by vgdb:
- relaying data between gdb and process <pid>
- (this message is read by GDB from the vgdb pipe, and re-output
- on stderr)
- and a message produced by GDB:
- Remote debugging using | ./vgdb
- GDB 8.0 changes the order in which the above messages are output.
- This causes 2 tests to fail, as the 'relaying' line appears
- then in a part of the output deleted by a filter script.
- To avoid this, change the filter scripts to always remove
- this 'relaying line', which is not particularly interesting to check.
- All the .exp files containining such a 'relaying' line are updated
- accordingly.
- This has been tested with various gdb versions (7.5, 7.7, 7.12, 8.0)
- on amd64 and/or ppc64.
- Thanks to Mark Wielaard, which helped to investigate this problem
- by bisecting the GDB patches in GDB 8.0 causing this change of
- behaviour.
- git-svn-id: svn:// a5019735-40e9-0310-863c-91ae7b9d1cf9
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/filter_gdb b/gdbserver_tests/filter_gdb
-index 7177720..ed78cfe 100755
---- a/gdbserver_tests/filter_gdb
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/filter_gdb
-@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ sed -e '/Remote debugging using/,/vgdb launched process attached/d'
- -e '/^Missing separate debuginfo/d' \
- -e '/\/_exit.c: No such file or directory/d' \
- -e '/^Try: zypper install -C/d' \
-- -e 's/\(relaying data between gdb and process \)[0-9][0-9]*/\1..../' \
-+ -e '/relaying data between gdb and process/d' \
- -e 's/pid [0-9][0-9]*/pid ..../g' \
- -e 's/Thread [0-9][0-9]*/Thread ..../g' \
- -e '/\[Switching to Thread ....\]/d' \
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/filter_vgdb b/gdbserver_tests/filter_vgdb
-index 2442ec5..f8028a3 100755
---- a/gdbserver_tests/filter_vgdb
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/filter_vgdb
-@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ $dir/../tests/filter_addresses |
- # pid
- # gdb 7.2 sometimes tries to access address 0x0 (same as with standard gdbserver)
- # filter a debian 6.0/ppc32 line
--sed -e 's/\(relaying data between gdb and process \)[0-9][0-9]*/\1..../' \
-+sed -e '/relaying data between gdb and process/d' \
- -e 's/\(sending command .* to pid \)[0-9][0-9]*/\1..../' \
- -e '/Cannot access memory at address 0x......../d' \
- -e '/^[1-9][0-9]* \.\.\/sysdeps\/powerpc\/powerpc32\/dl-start\.S: No such file or directory\./d' |
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/hginfo.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/hginfo.stderrB.exp
-index df47f11..669ff92 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/hginfo.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/hginfo.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
- Lock ga 0x........ {
- Address 0x........ is 0 bytes inside data symbol "mx"
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/mcblocklistsearch.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/mcblocklistsearch.stderrB.exp
-index 312d776..1313321 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/mcblocklistsearch.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/mcblocklistsearch.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
- Breakpoint 1 at 0x........: file leak-tree.c, line 42.
- Breakpoint 2 at 0x........: file leak-tree.c, line 67.
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/mcbreak.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/mcbreak.stderrB.exp
-index 65281d2..0f051d1 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/mcbreak.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/mcbreak.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
- vgdb-error value changed from 999999 to 0
- n_errs_found 1 n_errs_shown 1 (vgdb-error 0)
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/mcclean_after_fork.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/mcclean_after_fork.stderrB.exp
-index 995b42f..e812b8e 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/mcclean_after_fork.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/mcclean_after_fork.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
- monitor command request to kill this process
- Remote connection closed
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/mcinfcallWSRU.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/mcinfcallWSRU.stderrB.exp
-index 7789123..a2f2b87 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/mcinfcallWSRU.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/mcinfcallWSRU.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
- Breakpoint 1 at 0x........: file sleepers.c, line 74.
- Continuing.
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/mcleak.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/mcleak.stderrB.exp
-index 7782119..7ed3920 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/mcleak.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/mcleak.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
- 10 bytes in 1 blocks are still reachable in loss record ... of ...
- at 0x........: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:...)
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/mcmain_pic.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/mcmain_pic.stderrB.exp
-index c90e1fa..53ec0ce 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/mcmain_pic.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/mcmain_pic.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,2 +1 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/mcvabits.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/mcvabits.stderrB.exp
-index bdabb1e..f9ced7a 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/mcvabits.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/mcvabits.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
- Address 0x........ len 10 addressable
- Address 0x........ is 0 bytes inside data symbol "undefined"
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/mssnapshot.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/mssnapshot.stderrB.exp
-index 8bee8fc..e419ce6 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/mssnapshot.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/mssnapshot.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
- general valgrind monitor commands:
- help [debug] : monitor command help. With debug: + debugging commands
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_abrt.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_abrt.stderrB.exp
-index c8b2024..e69de29 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_abrt.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_abrt.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1 +0,0 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_exit.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_exit.stderrB.exp
-index c8b2024..e69de29 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_exit.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_exit.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1 +0,0 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_return.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_return.stderrB.exp
-index c8b2024..e69de29 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_return.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/nlgone_return.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1 +0,0 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/nlpasssigalrm.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/nlpasssigalrm.stderrB.exp
-index c90e1fa..53ec0ce 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/nlpasssigalrm.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/nlpasssigalrm.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,2 +1 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/nlself_invalidate.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/nlself_invalidate.stderrB.exp
-index c8b2024..e69de29 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/nlself_invalidate.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/nlself_invalidate.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1 +0,0 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
-diff --git a/gdbserver_tests/nlsigvgdb.stderrB.exp b/gdbserver_tests/nlsigvgdb.stderrB.exp
-index 672fea5..ed5bb61 100644
---- a/gdbserver_tests/nlsigvgdb.stderrB.exp
-+++ b/gdbserver_tests/nlsigvgdb.stderrB.exp
-@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
--relaying data between gdb and process ....
- vgdb-error value changed from 0 to 999999
- gdbserver: continuing in 5000 ms ...
- gdbserver: continuing after wait ...
diff --git a/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-3.13.0-test-fixes.patch b/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-3.13.0-test-fixes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bdd290..0000000
--- a/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-3.13.0-test-fixes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-commit 2b5eab6a8db1b0487a3ad7fc4e7eeda6d3513626
-Author: Mark Wielaard <>
-Date: Thu Jun 29 15:26:30 2017 +0000
- memcheck/tests: Use ucontext_t instead of struct ucontext
- glibc 2.26 does not expose struct ucontext anymore.
- Signed-off-by: Khem Raj <>
- git-svn-id: svn://
-diff --git a/memcheck/tests/linux/stack_changes.c b/memcheck/tests/linux/stack_changes.c
-index a978fc2b0..7f97b90a5 100644
---- a/memcheck/tests/linux/stack_changes.c
-+++ b/memcheck/tests/linux/stack_changes.c
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- // This test is checking the libc context calls (setcontext, etc.) and
- // checks that Valgrind notices their stack changes properly.
--typedef struct ucontext mycontext;
-+typedef ucontext_t mycontext;
- mycontext ctx1, ctx2, oldc;
- int count;
diff --git a/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-fix-xml-socket.patch b/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-fix-xml-socket.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 58f5e72..0000000
--- a/abs/extra/valgrind/valgrind-fix-xml-socket.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- a/coregrind/m_libcprint.c
-+++ b/coregrind/m_libcprint.c
-@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
- break;
- case VgLogTo_Socket:
-- log_fd = prepare_sink_socket(VG_(clo_xml_fname_unexpanded),
-+ xml_fd = prepare_sink_socket(VG_(clo_xml_fname_unexpanded),
- &VG_(xml_output_sink), True);
- break;
- }