path: root/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/mythtv-doc/mythtv-HOWTO-9.html
diff options
authorJames Meyer <>2008-10-23 01:40:37 (GMT)
committerJames Meyer <>2008-10-23 01:40:37 (GMT)
commit7f24a313f0815854ff88a0e33a066a73de4f3be1 (patch)
tree63f1de317bd6d4d3b283939c3481c3ed3e4e71f9 /abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/mythtv-doc/mythtv-HOWTO-9.html
parentde2ffe85032410437eb7dabdec63031e908fd43c (diff)
initial checkin of lighttpd and supporting libs.
Also included is a new package callede local-website. This package contains the contents of http://localhost that runs on every LinHES box. The initial checkin is taken from R5.5
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1 files changed, 649 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="LinuxDoc-Tools 0.9.21">
+ <TITLE>Installing and using MythTV: Configuring MythTV. </TITLE>
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+<A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc9">Contents</A>
+<H2><A NAME="Configuring_mythtv"></A> <A NAME="s9">9.</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc9">Configuring MythTV. </A></H2>
+<P>By this point, all of the compile-time prerequisites have been installed,
+<B>mysql</B> is running and has had its initial database setup. It's now
+time to configure MythTV.
+<EPS FILE="stop.eps">
+<IMG SRC="stop.png">
+<CAPTION><B>NOTE</B>: If you're running Debian unstable and you have compiled
+MythTV from source, you will need to install an additional package before
+you will be able to run MythTV. Execute the following to install the MySQL
+driver for QT.</CAPTION>
+$ su -
+# apt-get install libqt3c102-mt-mysql
+# exit
+<H2><A NAME="ss9.1">9.1</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc9.1">Configuring the Master backend system</A>
+<P>Open a shell and decide where you will store your video files. This may
+be one directory or multiple directories on the same or different
+filesystems. There is no default directory used for new recordings, you
+<B>must</B> create at least one storage directory and configure Myth to
+use it by running <B>mythtv-setup</B>. If you do not do this, then MythTV
+will be unable to record anything. The following example is specific for
+<CODE>/var/video</CODE>, but the same instructions would apply for any directory
+name you choose to use. See the
+<A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-24.html#advancedpartitionformatting">Advanced Partition Formatting</A> section for hints on creating a
+partition for MythTV.</P>
+$ su
+# mkdir /var/video
+# chmod a+rwx /var/video
+# exit
+<P><B>NOTE</B>: The last slash "/" is not required.</P>
+<A NAME="storagegrouptip"></A>
+<B>TIP</B>: Try not to have your video mount point on the same partition
+as your root partition, which could lead to the filling up of your root
+partition with video data if the mount fails. For example:</P>
+<P>If <CODE>/var/video</CODE> is created on your root partition and you then
+perform a mount of another drive to this directory there won't be any
+problems if everything is working the way it should. However, if the mount
+fails for some reason, <CODE>/var/video</CODE> still exists, so MythTV will find
+the directory and write files to it. If your <CODE>/</CODE> mount point is
+space limited, <CODE>/var/video</CODE> will <B>also</B> be space limited, and
+it won't take long to fill the partition. This will cause a number of
+side-effects, most of them bad. Instead, create subdirectories as the
+destination for the storage group.</P>
+<P>Your directory structure could then look something like this:
+<P>Your <CODE>/etc/fstab</CODE> would look like this:
+/dev/hdb1 /mnt/video/drive1
+/dev/hdc1 /mnt/video/drive2
+<P>Because the Storage Group path is <CODE>/mnt/video/drive1/video</CODE>, if the
+mythbackend can only find <CODE>/mnt/video/drive1</CODE> it will <EM>not</EM>
+write files to that share.</P>
+<P>After you create the desired directory or directories for storing your video
+files, you will need to add them to the proper Storage Group using
+<B>mythtv-setup</B>. This procedure is described below in the
+<A HREF="#storagegroups">Storage Groups</A> section.</P>
+<P>The first thing to configure is the Master backend system. If you are
+running multiple backend systems, the Master backend will make all
+decisions about which programs will be recorded on which tuners. If you
+have only one backend, then it will be its own master.</P>
+<P>The Master backend will always choose the first available tuner in the same
+order as you add cards through "mythtv-setup". In other words, the second
+card you add will only be used when there are two overlapping recordings,
+the third when there are three, and so on.
+ Therefore, you will want to have
+the greatest amount of disk space on the Master backend because its tuner
+will always be the first choice. You will then want to add your
+<A HREF="#nonmaster_backend">other backends</A> in the order of your
+preference for recording.</P>
+<EPS FILE="warning.eps">
+<IMG SRC="warning.png">
+<CAPTION><B>NOTE</B>: It is possible to <EM>not</EM> have the cards on the Master
+backend be the first ones used. However, if you are new to MythTV it is
+easier to configure the Master backend first before moving on to the Slaves,
+at least until you become more familiar with the MythTV system. See
+<A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-23.html#advanced_backend_config">Advanced Backend Configurations</A> for
+information on configuring multiple backend systems in various ways.</CAPTION>
+<P>Because MythTV uses a database to store all configuration variables,
+part of the bootstrap of MythTV is to indicate the location of the MySQL
+database server. If the frontend, backend and MySQL database server are all
+going to be running on the same box, you can continue to the next step. If
+not, you'll need to change the Host Name in the "Database Configuration"
+screen of the mythfrontend program.</P>
+<EPS FILE="stop.eps">
+<IMG SRC="stop.png">
+<CAPTION><B>NOTE</B>: Users that have been running the frontend and the backend on
+different machines have stated that they have been having issues with remote
+access to the MySQL database. The following instructions may or may not
+work. Add the following to <CODE>/etc/my.cnf</CODE> on the backend machine and
+restart MySQL.</CAPTION>
+<P>Run the setup program:
+$ mythtv-setup
+<P>The backend setup program will start and offer you a number of choices. It
+is <EM>strongly</EM> recommended that you go through them in order.</P>
+<P>The first question will ask if you wish to clear out your existing
+configurations for your capture cards. Initially, you should say "YES" so
+that there are no surprises later.</P>
+<P>The next question will ask you if you wish to clear out your video source
+information. You should answer "YES" to this as well.</P>
+<P>Once the graphical setup starts, you'll see that there are six choices</P>
+<EPS FILE="add.eps">
+<IMG SRC="add.png">
+<CAPTION>The Storage Directories feature is available only in the SVN version of MythTV.</CAPTION>
+<LI>Capture Cards</LI>
+<LI>Video Sources</LI>
+<LI>Input connections</LI>
+<LI>Channel Editor</LI>
+<LI>Storage Directories</LI>
+<P>Use the arrow keys to move around, and press the space bar to select which
+option you wish to configure.</P>
+<P>The first screen of the General configuration deals with IP addresses of the
+system that you're running mythtv-setup on and any master backend you may have.
+If you've only got one machine, then the default values are fine and you can
+move to the next page by pressing the space bar. If you need to move around
+the screen, use the arrow keys to move focus between settings, not the
+<P>If you will be deploying multiple backends, or if your backend is on one
+system and you're running the frontend on another machine then <EM>do
+not</EM> use the "" IP address.</P>
+<P><B>NOTE</B>: If you modify the address and use a "real" IP
+address, you must use real IP addresses in both fields, otherwise your
+frontend machines will generate "Unexpected response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION"
+<P>Changing any of the port settings is very strongly discouraged.
+(If you do accidentally change them, the defaults are 6543 for
+the master/backend server, and 6544 for the HTTP requests)</P>
+<P>Once you're satisfied with the values, move the focus down to Next and hit
+the space bar.</P>
+<P>The next screen details the Host-specific Backend setup. This is where you
+will set the specific directory paths for this particular backend. Make
+sure that you've followed the steps at the beginning of this section and
+created a directory that exists and that MythTV will have write privileges
+to. When you're done, press Next to continue, taking you to the Global
+Backend Setup.</P>
+<P>On the Global Backend Setup configure your backend with the appropriate
+settings. Use the left and right arrow keys to iterate through the choices
+available on each setting, and the up and down keys to move between
+settings. Move to Finish when you're done and press the space bar, taking
+you back to the main configuration screen.</P>
+<H3>Capture Cards</H3>
+<P>You should have no capture cards defined, so the highlight will be on
+(New Capture Card). Press space to begin.</P>
+<P>Choose the appropriate settings for your particular tuner. Use the arrow
+keys to move around and to make your choices, and press RETURN when
+complete. Pressing RETURN will take you back to the Capture Cards screen;
+if you have additional capture cards in this machine, press the space bar
+when the highlight is on the (New Capture Card) row to define another card. </P>
+<P>If you have made a mistake, you can delete a card by highlighting it and
+pressing the 'D' key, or you can highlight it and press the RETURN or 'E'
+key to edit it.</P>
+<P>Once you have no additional cards to setup, press ESC.</P>
+<EPS FILE="stop.eps">
+<IMG SRC="stop.png">
+<CAPTION><B>NOTE</B>: If you have a dual digital/analog card, such as the pcHDTV
+cards and some DViCO cards, then you should not configure this as two
+separate cards. Configure the digital portion as a DVB card, then click
+on the "Analog Options" button within the DVB configuration panel for
+the card and configure the analog portion of the card there.</CAPTION>
+<H3><A NAME="VideoSources"></A> Video Sources </H3>
+<P>When you start, the highlight should be on (New Video Source). Press the
+space bar to begin. The first field asks for the name of the video source.
+You may choose something easy to remember, like "Antenna" or "Cable". Once
+you've chosen a name, press the down arrow to move to the next field. </P>
+<P>If you're in North America, change the grabber to
+"", then continue pressing the down arrow to
+move to the next field. Fill in the username (lowercase only) and password
+that you have established with Schedules Direct, then move to the "Retrieve
+Listings" button and press the space bar.</P>
+<P><B>NOTE</B>: You need <B>wget</B> version 1.9.1 or higher to use
+Schedules Direct.</P>
+<P>The mythtv-setup program will contact the Schedules Direct servers and get
+your account information. Once you're done, you may click the Finish button
+and skip the next few paragraphs in this document since they only apply to
+users that are using the external XMLTV script to get their guide data.</P>
+<P>If you wish to continue using the XMLTV grabber, then move to the Zip/postal
+code field and put in the appropriate value.</P>
+<P>If you're outside of North America, then some manual interaction will be
+required with XMLTV. You may need to switch from the MythTV setup program
+to the console it was run on to interact with XMLTV.</P>
+<P>Once you have chosen your provider, press RETURN to continue. XMLTV will
+now begin collecting the initial data for your location. The screen may
+blank for a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the load of the
+listings provider and the speed of your connection to the Internet. Be
+<P>You will then be returned to the Video Sources screen. If you have multiple
+video sources available, such as Antenna, Cable, etc, go ahead and define
+them all, even if they're not all going to be physically connected to the
+master backend server. Once you're done, press ESC to return to the main
+<H3>Input Connections</H3>
+<P>The final configuration item is Input Connections. On this screen, you
+will associate the various video sources you defined earlier with a physical
+input to a encoder card. It's entirely possible that you have multiple
+tuners, and each tuner has a different input, so on this screen you let
+MythTV know which device will connect to which input source.</P>
+<P>When you start this screen, you should see a listing of the various input
+connections available on each of the Capture cards you defined earlier. For
+example, you may have a capture card with a tuner, a SVideo and a Composite
+connection. If you wanted to associate the tuner (a.k.a., "Television")
+with an "Antenna" source you defined in Video Sources, you would move to the
+<CODE>/dev/videodevice (Television) -> </CODE> line and press the space bar.
+Using the left and right arrow keys will show you the various choices you
+have already created for video source. In our case, you would use the
+left/right cursor keys until "Antenna" was shown in the Video Source field.
+Press down to move to the next setting.</P>
+<P>On the connection pane there is a "Scan for channels" button, if you are
+configuring a digital source such as a DVB card, you need scan for channels
+and you must do this before pressing the "Fetch channels from listings
+source" button. You may scan for analog channels on an analog input, but
+this is not needed.</P>
+<P>The other button is called "Fetch channels from listings source". As long as
+you have a real listings source you should fetch channels from them for
+analog channels. You can do this for digital sources as well (unless the
+listing source is transmitted EIT data). If you are using XMLTV, you may need
+to switch from the MythTV setup program to the console it was run on to
+interact with XMLTV after pressing this button. It is possible to fetch the
+channels on the command line using mythfilldatabase. But if you need to do
+this, you will probably need to re-enter the MythTV setup program to
+configure the "Starting channel" setting for this source->input connection.</P>
+<EPS FILE="stop.eps">
+<IMG SRC="stop.png">
+<CAPTION><B>NOTE</B>: If you have a Hauppauge PVR-500, you must think of
+it has two PVR-150's on a single PCI card. For example, if you have a
+single PVR-500 card, it will appear as <CODE>/dev/video0</CODE> and
+<CODE>/dev/video1</CODE>. Each <CODE>/dev/video</CODE> device will have a Tuner input.</CAPTION>
+Once you're done, press RETURN to go back to the Input Connections screen.
+You would then finish associating the video sources to any other hardware
+devices you have available.</P>
+<EPS FILE="stop.eps">
+<IMG SRC="stop.png">
+<CAPTION><B>NOTE</B>: Don't add a video source to a hardware input if you don't
+actually have anything connected there. For example, adding "Cable" to the
+Tuner and to the Composite inputs without having something connected to
+Composite will lead to blank recordings.</CAPTION>
+<P>Press ESC to return to the main menu, and press ESC again if you have no
+further items to configure, thereby returning you to the command line.</P>
+<H3>Channel Editor</H3>
+<P>The channel editor is used to globally alter channel information,
+including items like hue, contrast, fine tuning and others. Users in North
+America shouldn't run the channel editor until you've completed the initial
+mythtv-setup and ran <B>mythfilldatabase</B> at least once to populate the
+<H3><A NAME="storagegroups"></A> Storage Groups </H3>
+<EPS FILE="add.eps">
+<IMG SRC="add.png">
+<CAPTION>New in MythTV 0.21</CAPTION>
+<P>Storage Groups are lists of directories that are used to hold MythTV
+recording files giving you a flexible way to allow you to add capacity to
+your MythTV system without having to use exotic solutions such as LVM,
+filesystem expansion or RAID Online Capacity Expansion. You can also use
+Storage Groups to organize recordings and to put recordings of a certain
+type into one subdirectory.</P>
+<P>Storage Groups do not offer redundancy in case of hard drive failure, but
+unlike LVM, if you lose a hard drive, you only lose the recordings that were
+on that drive. With LVM, if you lose a hard drive, you will most likely
+lose <B>everything</B>.</P>
+<H3>How to use Storage Groups.</H3>
+<P>By default, there is only one Storage Group called "Default", and it is
+used for all recordings and Live TV.</P>
+<EPS FILE="stop.eps">
+<IMG SRC="stop.png">
+<CAPTION><B>NOTE</B>: You need to add at least one directory to the Default
+Storage Group or else you will not be able to record anything with MythTV.</CAPTION>
+<P>For example, if you have 5 hard drives in your system, your first hard drive
+could be your "boot" drive, and the remaining four could be dedicated to
+media storage. You could format the drives and mount them as
+<CODE>/mnt/store/d2</CODE>, <CODE>/mnt/store/d3</CODE>, <CODE>/mnt/store/d4</CODE> and
+<P>Within each mount point, it's <EM>strongly</EM> recommended that you use a
+sub-directory and make that the destination path for the Storage Group. See
+<A HREF="#storagegrouptip">Tip</A> in the "Configuring the Master
+backend" section for additional information.</P>
+<P>You would then add the four subdirectories you created under the mount
+points (<CODE>/mnt/store/d1/video</CODE>, etc) into the "Default" Storage Group.</P>
+<P>At recording time, if there were four simultaneous recordings, MythTV would
+put one recording onto each drive.</P>
+<P>Or, say that you originally installed MythTV to a 80GB hard drive, and that
+hard drive is now filling up. You could simply add a new drive to your
+system, mount it and update the Storage Group to add additional space.</P>
+<P>You may create additional Storage Groups to store specific recordings in
+their own directories. Storage Groups are edited via the 'Storage
+Directories' section of mythtv-setup. </P>
+<P>You can also create multiple Storage Groups to group recordings together;
+recording schedules now have an option to specify which Storage Group to
+<P>MythTV will balance concurrent recordings across the available directories
+in a Storage Group in order to spread out the file I/O load. MythTV will
+prefer filesystems that are local to the backend over filesystems that are
+remote until the local filesystem has 2 concurrent recordings active or
+other equivalent I/O, then the next recording will go to the remote
+filesystem. The balancing method is based purely on I/O, Myth does not try
+to balance out disk space unless a filesystem is too low on free disk space
+in which case it will not be used except as a last resort.</P>
+<P>Storage Groups are global, but can be overridden on a slave backend by
+creating a local Storage Group by running <B>mythtv-setup</B> on the
+slave. If a problem occurs and the slave backend is unable to use the
+desired Storage Group, it will fail back and try the directories defined in
+the master's Storage Group.</P>
+<P>There's also a special 'LiveTV' Storage Group, but the directory list starts
+out empty. If you add a directory to the Storage Group, it will be used
+instead of putting LiveTV recordings in the Default Storage Group. This
+will allow you to put your LiveTV recordings on their own filesystem, which
+is similar to the old MythTV method which used a RingBuffer for LiveTV. Of
+course, you don't have to do anything, and Live TV recordings will just go
+into the Default Storage Group where they'll be the first programs eligible
+for expiration if the system needs free space for recordings.</P>
+<P>Usage information for all Storage Group directories is visible on the
+mythfrontend status screen as well as the mythbackend status webpage.
+MythTV is smart enough to determine which directories are on shared
+filesystems so it should not count free or used space multiple times if you
+have more than one directory on the same filesystem.</P>
+<H3>Migrating to Storage Groups.</H3>
+<P>Migrating to Storage groups is very simple: if you have existing
+recordings in a storage directory, then the system will automatically add
+that directory to the Default Storage Group. If you then add additional
+directories to a storage group, the system is flexible enough to check
+<EM>all</EM> Storage Groups for a file before deciding that it can't be
+found, which means that you can use the <B>mv</B> command from the Unix
+command line to arrange files however you'd like.</P>
+<H3>Advanced: Algorithm used by the Storage Group</H3>
+<P>This section details the logic of the Storage Group allocation engine.</P>
+<P>The current load-balancing preferences (in order) are:
+<LI>Local filesystems over remote</LI>
+<LI>Less-busy (less weight) over more-busy (more weight)</LI>
+<LI>More Free Space over Less Free Space</LI>
+<P>The 'business' of a filesystem is determined by weights. The following
+weights are added to a filesystem if it is in use for the following things:
+<LI>recording = +10</LI>
+<LI>playback = +5 (mythfrontend)</LI>
+<LI>comm flagging = +5 (mythcommflag)</LI>
+<LI>transcoding = +5 (mythtranscode)</LI>
+<P>If a recording is due to end within 3 minutes, it is not counted against
+the weight of a filesystem. This is done to account for the pre/post-roll
+and start-early/end-late settings. </P>
+<H2><A NAME="ss9.2">9.2</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc9.2">Post-configuration</A>
+<P>Run the <CODE>mythfilldatabase</CODE> program as directed. The master
+backend will obtain guide data for all the video sources you defined during
+<P><B>NOTE</B>: If you are using Schedules Direct and watching the output messages
+on the console or the log file it is normal to see a "401 Unauthorized"
+error followed by a "200 OK" when the connection to Schedules Direct is being
+From : Sun Jun 13 05:00:00 2004 To : Mon Jun 14 05:00:00 2004 (UTC)
+ => -'
+Connecting to[]:80...
+HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
+Connecting to[]:80...
+HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
+Length: unspecified [text/xml]
+ [ &lt;=> ] 114,125 63.57K/s
+02:58:03 (63.53 KB/s) - -' saved [114125]
+Your subscription expires on 08/20/2004 12:00:00 AM
+Grab complete. Actual data from Sun Jun 13 05:00:00 2004 to Mon Jun 14
+00:00:00 2004 (UTC)
+<P>Once <CODE>mythfilldatabase</CODE> has finished, start the master server before
+$ mythbackend
+<P>mythbackend will print information about connections and what it's doing to
+the console. If you'd like to see the options that are available for
+mythbackend, type <CODE>mythbackend -h</CODE> for help.</P>
+<P>As of MythTV v0.21, the available options are:
+$ mythbackend --help
+Valid options are:
+-h or --help List valid command line parameters
+-l or --logfile filename Writes STDERR and STDOUT messages to filename
+-p or --pidfile filename Write PID of mythbackend to filename
+-d or --daemon Runs mythbackend as a daemon
+-v or --verbose debug-level Use '-v help' for level info
+--printexpire List of auto-expire programs
+--printsched Upcoming scheduled programs
+--testsched Test run scheduler (ignore existing schedule)
+--resched Force the scheduler to update
+--nosched Do not perform any scheduling
+--nojobqueue Do not start the JobQueue
+--noautoexpire Do not start the AutoExpire thread
+--version Version information
+<P>Running mythbackend as a daemon and using the logfile option will allow you
+to have mythbackend automatically start up during boot. You can follow the
+steps outlined in the section called
+<A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-23.html#mythbackend_autostart">Automatically starting mythbackend at system boot time</A> for
+configuration steps.</P>
+<P>If you enable the <CODE>-l</CODE> parameter, you will want to keep your logfiles
+rotated (so that they don't fill up a partition). See the section called
+<A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-23.html#logrotate">Automatically rotating logs</A> for more
+<H2><A NAME="nonmaster_backend"></A> <A NAME="ss9.3">9.3</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc9.3">Configuring a non-master backend </A>
+<P>Ensure that you've granted access to the master MySQL database for remote
+backends as discussed in the section titled
+<A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-6.html#modify_perm_mysql">Modifying access to the MySQL database for multiple systems</A> and that
+you have the correct IP address for the database server in the "Database
+Configuration" screen of the mythtv-setup application on this slave backend.</P>
+<EPS FILE="stop.eps">
+<IMG SRC="stop.png">
+<CAPTION><B>NOTE</B>: Slave backends <B>must not</B> run a local MySQL
+daemon. By default, they will connect to their local daemon rather than the
+central database, causing unexpected behavior such as empty "Watch
+Recordings" lists and a failure to locate the Video Sources defined on the
+master backend. Modify the <CODE>/usr/local/share/mythtv/mysql.txt</CODE> file
+on all slave backends to ensure that the <CODE>DBHostName</CODE> has the address
+of the MySQL server.
+Caveat: You may make a slave backend the primary MySQL server, or run a
+non-MythTV database on a slave backend as long as you have edited the
+<CODE>mysql.txt</CODE> file on <B>all</B> systems and made it consistent. There can be only one authoritative MySQL database in a MythTV system -
+errors such as the one above ensue if backends and frontends have differing
+ideas of which MySQL database they should talk to.</CAPTION>
+<P>Make sure that the IP addresses on the General setup screen are accurate.
+If the slave backend can't communicate with the master backend due to IP
+address misconfiguration then MythTV will not function properly.</P>
+<P>Configuration of a non-master backend follows the same general procedure
+as that of the master backend, with the exception that you skip over the
+"Video Sources" step. All possible video sources need to be defined on the
+master backend system; only the master backend will query a listings
+provider to obtain guide data for all the non-master backends.</P>
+<EPS FILE="stop.eps">
+<IMG SRC="stop.png">
+<CAPTION><B>NOTE</B>: Do not run <CODE>mythfilldatabase</CODE> on a non-master backend.</CAPTION>
+<H2><A NAME="ss9.4">9.4</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc9.4">Configuring and running mythfilldatabase</A>
+<EPS FILE="warning.eps">
+<IMG SRC="warning.png">
+<CAPTION><B>NOTE</B>: <B>mythfilldatabase</B> might take a while to complete,
+depending on any number of factors, most of which you can't control. It's
+best to just let the program run to completion.</CAPTION>
+<B>mythfilldatabase --help</B> will give a full listing of the options
+available. </P>
+<P><B>mythfilldatabase --manual</B> is another option; the manual option will
+allow you to fine tune channel frequencies and specify which channels will
+be added to the database. </P>
+<P><B>mythfilldatabase --file</B> is an option if there isn't an XMLTV grabber
+for your country, but you <B>do</B> have an XML formatted listings file
+created by some other program.</P>
+<P><B>mythfilldatabase --xawchannels</B> is an option if you have used
+<B>xawtv</B> to fine-tune your channels and would like to import the fine
+tuning offsets into MythTV.</P>
+<P><B>mythfilldatabase --refresh-today</B> will only pull guide data for
+today (in case of late-breaking changes to the schedule).</P>
+<H3>Periodically running <B>mythfilldatabase</B></H3>
+<P>In order to keep your database filled, <B>mythfilldatabase</B> should be
+run once a day.</P>
+<P>To use MythTV's built-in capability, you'll need to run the
+<B>mythfrontend</B> Setup option. From the mythfrontend, enter the
+Setup>General screen and advance to "Mythfilldatabase", the fourth screen.
+Select the checkbox, then complete the options as you see fit. The
+<B>mythbackend</B> program will now run <B>mythfilldatabase</B> for you.</P>
+<H2><A NAME="ss9.5">9.5</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc9.5">Grabbing channel icons for Schedules Direct users</A>
+<P>While the Schedules Direct TV listings service has several advantages, it
+does not support grabbing logo icons for the stations you receive. However,
+there are utilities provided with MythTV which you may use to grab your
+initial set of icons and to keep them updated if your lineups change.</P>
+<P>First, you need to generate or obtain an XML file with the information for
+your stations.</P>
+<P>If you have XMLTV software installed, there is a perl script in MythTV's
+<CODE>contrib/</CODE> directory which will generate this file for you. Run the
+$ perl
+<P>You will be asked for your zip code and the service that you use. If there
+are no errors, the <CODE>iconmap.xml</CODE> file that you need for the next step
+will be created.</P>
+<P>If you do not have XMLTV software installed and do not want to install it
+for the sake of this minor task, there is a generic
+<CODE>contrib/master_iconmap.xml</CODE> which you can copy and use but this may
+not be as complete as using the specific information for your service.</P>
+<P>Once you have an <CODE>iconmap.xml</CODE> file, add the icon information to your
+database and grab any new icons with the command:
+$ mythfilldatabase --import-icon-map iconmap.xml --update-icon-map
+<A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-10.html">Next</A>
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