path: root/abs/core-testing/php/PKGBUILD
diff options
authorJames Meyer <>2010-10-23 18:17:40 (GMT)
committerJames Meyer <>2010-10-23 18:19:39 (GMT)
commitadbcf19958300e9b6598990184c8815b945ba0ee (patch)
treef4283c850ac0ac202c17e78a637ee7ca8147621b /abs/core-testing/php/PKGBUILD
parent61a68250df10d29b624650948484898334ff22d0 (diff)
Removed old core and extra from repo. Renamed -testing to core/extra. This will setup the base for the testing branch.
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core-testing/php/PKGBUILD')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 188 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/php/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/php/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e297f0..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/php/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-pkgdesc='A high-level scripting language'
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('glibc' 'readline' 'ncurses' 'libxml2' 'pcre')
-#makedepends=('apache' 'imap' 'postgresql-libs' 'mysql' 'libldap' \
-# 'libpng' 'libjpeg' 'sqlite3' 'unixodbc' 'net-snmp' \
-# 'libmcrypt' 'tidyhtml' 'aspell' 'libtool' 'freetype2' 'libjpeg' \
-# 'curl' 'libxslt' 'pam' 'openssl' 'bzip2' 'gdbm' 'db>=4.7')
-makedepends=('mysql' 'libpng' 'libjpeg' 'sqlite3' \
- 'libmcrypt' 'libtool' 'freetype2' 'libjpeg' \
- 'curl' 'libxslt' 'pam' 'openssl' 'bzip2' 'gdbm' 'db>=4.7')
-optdepends=('bzip2: bz2' \
- 'curl: curl' \
- 'gdbm: dba' \
- 'libpng: gd' \
- 'libjpeg: gd' \
- 'freetype2: gd' \
- 'pam: imap' \
- 'libldap: ldap' \
- 'mcrypt: mcrypt' \
- 'libtool: mcrypt' \
- 'libmysqlclient: mysql/mysqli' \
- 'unixodbc: odbc/pdo_odbc' \
- 'openssl: openssl' \
- 'postgresql-libs: pgsql/pdo_pgsql' \
- 'aspell: pspell' \
- 'net-snmp: snmp' \
- 'sqlite3: sqlite' \
- 'tidyhtml: tidy' \
- 'libxslt: xsl' \
- )
-source=("${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.bz2" \
- "${pkgver}-${_suhosinver}.patch.gz" \
- 'php.ini' 'apache.conf' 'db-configure.patch')
- 'f2ec986341a314c271259dbe4d940858'
- 'fda535c2b333297972aad48ee9285b45'
- '96ca078be6729b665be8a865535a97bf'
- '74e5ce5a02488ec91b1c59f539e42936')
-build() {
- phpconfig="--prefix=/usr \
- --sysconfdir=/etc/php \
- --with-layout=GNU \
- --with-config-file-path=/etc/php \
- --with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/conf.d \
- --enable-inline-optimization \
- --disable-debug \
- --disable-rpath \
- --disable-static \
- --enable-shared \
- "
- phpextensions="--with-openssl=shared \
- --with-zlib=shared \
- --enable-bcmath=shared \
- --with-bz2=shared \
- --enable-calendar=shared \
- --with-curl=shared \
- --enable-dba=shared \
- --without-db2 \
- --without-db3 \
- --with-db4=shared \
- --with-gdbm=shared \
- --enable-dbase=shared \
- --enable-exif=shared \
- --enable-ftp=shared \
- --with-gd=shared \
- --enable-gd-native-ttf \
- --with-jpeg-dir=shared,/usr \
- --with-png-dir=shared,/usr \
- --with-gettext=shared \
- --without-imap \
- --without-imap-ssl \
- --without-ldap \
- --enable-mbstring=shared \
- --with-mcrypt=shared \
- --with-mysql=shared \
- --with-mysql-sock=/tmp/mysql.sock \
- --with-mysql=shared \
- --with-mysqli=shared \
- --with-ncurses=shared \
- --without-unixODBC \
- --enable-pdo=shared \
- --with-pdo-mysql=shared \
- --with-pdo-sqlite=shared \
- --without-pdo-odbc \
- --without-pdo-pgsql \
- --with-sqlite=shared \
- --without-pgsql \
- --enable-shmop=shared \
- --without-snmp \
- --enable-soap=shared \
- --enable-sqlite-utf8=shared \
- --enable-sysvmsg=shared \
- --enable-sysvsem=shared \
- --enable-sysvshm=shared \
- --without-tidy \
- --with-xsl=shared \
- --enable-zip=shared \
- --enable-posix=shared \
- --enable-sockets=shared \
- --enable-xml \
- --with-ttf=shared \
- --enable-session=shared \
- --with-regex=php \
- --with-pcre-regex=/usr \
- --enable-mbstring=all \
- --enable-mbregex \
- --enable-json=shared \
- --with-iconv=shared \
- --with-xmlrpc=shared \
- --without-pspell \
- --with-freetype-dir=shared,/usr \
- --with-mime-magic=shared \
- "
- cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- # avoid linking against old db version
- patch -p0 -i ${srcdir}/db-configure.patch || return 1
- # apply suhosin patch
- patch -p1 -i ${srcdir}/suhosin-patch-${pkgver}-${_suhosinver}.patch || return 1
- # cli
- ./configure ${phpconfig} \
- --disable-cgi \
- --with-readline \
- --enable-pcntl \
- --with-pear=/usr/share/pear \
- ${phpextensions} || return 1
- make || return 1
- # make test
- make INSTALL_ROOT=${pkgdir} install || return 1
- # fix pear path
- sed "s|$PWD||g" -i ${pkgdir}/usr/{bin/pear,share/pear/pearcmd.php}
- # cleanup
- rm -f ${pkgdir}`${pkgdir}/usr/bin/php-config --extension-dir`/*.a
- rm -rf ${pkgdir}/{.registry,.channels,.depdb*,.lock,.filemap}
- rmdir ${pkgdir}/usr/include/php/include
- # install php.ini
- install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/php.ini ${pkgdir}/etc/php/php.ini
- install -d -m755 ${pkgdir}/etc/php/conf.d/
- # cgi and fcgi
- ./configure ${phpconfig} \
- --enable-fastcgi \
- --enable-cgi \
- --enable-discard-path \
- --enable-force-cgi-redirect \
- --disable-cli \
- ${phpextensions} || return 1
- make || return 1
- install -D -m755 sapi/cgi/php-cgi ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/php-cgi || return 1
- # mod_php
-# ./configure ${phpconfig} \
-# --with-apxs2 \
-# --disable-cli \
-# ${phpextensions} || return 1
-# make || return 1
-# install -D -m644 libs/ ${pkgdir}/usr/lib/httpd/modules/ || return 1
-# install -D -m644 ${srcdir}/apache.conf ${pkgdir}/etc/httpd/conf/extra/php5_module.conf || return 1
- 'f2ec986341a314c271259dbe4d940858'
- '0ba86d39163d577c195d57c9129149cd'
- '96ca078be6729b665be8a865535a97bf'
- '74e5ce5a02488ec91b1c59f539e42936')
- 'f2ec986341a314c271259dbe4d940858'
- '13795526fe1a5da17c0aa46d5ea1a5d8'
- '96ca078be6729b665be8a865535a97bf'
- '74e5ce5a02488ec91b1c59f539e42936')