path: root/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config-22/
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Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core-testing/LinHES-config-22/')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config-22/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config-22/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bc1ae37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config-22/
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging, mv_common
+import os, re , glob
+from time import time, localtime, strftime
+import time
+import pwd
+def setup_lirc_links(mythhome):
+ logging.debug(" Creating links for lirc")
+ try:
+ mythuid = pwd.getpwnam('mythtv')[2]
+ mythgid = pwd.getpwnam('mythtv')[3]
+ except:
+ logging.critical("* mythuid not found")
+ mythuid = '1000'
+ mythgid = '1000'
+ if not os.path.exists(mythhome+"/.mythtv"):
+ logging.debug(" Creating %s/.mythtv",mythhome)
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(mythhome+"/.mythtv")
+ except:
+ logging.debug(" Couldn't create .mythtv ")
+ return
+ try:
+ os.chown(mythhome+"/.mythtv", mythuid, mythgid)
+ logging.debug("* Couldn't chown of %s", mythhome)
+ except:
+ cmd = ''' chown -R mythtv %s/.mythtv''' %mythhome
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd = ''' chgrp -R mythtv %s/.mythtv''' %mythhome
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ pass
+ if os.path.exists("/etc/lircrc"):
+ if not os.path.exists(mythhome+"/.mythtv/lircrc"):
+ logging.debug(" Creating symlink for myth lircrc")
+ os.symlink("/etc/lircrc",mythhome+"/.mythtv/lircrc")
+ else:
+ logging.debug(" %s/lircrc already present",mythhome)
+ if not os.path.exists(mythhome+"/.lircrc"):
+ logging.debug(" Creating symlink for lircrc")
+ os.symlink("/etc/lircrc",mythhome+"/.lircrc")
+ else:
+ logging.debug(" %s/.lircrc already present",mythhome)
+ else:
+ logging.debug(" /etc/lircrc does not exisit, can not link it")
+def scrub_modules(filename,module):
+ logging.debug(" scrubbing %s from %s",module,filename)
+ cmd = '''sed -i -e '/.*#%s/d' %s''' %(module,filename)
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def add_module(filename,module):
+ logging.debug(" adding %s to %s",module,filename)
+ cmd = ''' echo "%s" >> %s ''' %(module,filename)
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def unload_all_lirc():
+ logging.debug(" Unloading all lirc modules")
+ cmd = "sv stop lircd"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd = "killall -9 lircd"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd = '''modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^lirc |awk '{print $1}') '''
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def include_file( incfile,filename):
+ logging.debug(" including %s within %s",filename,incfile)
+ try:
+ f = open( incfile, 'a')
+ except:
+ logging.debug(" Couldn't open %s for writing",incfile)
+ return
+ line = '''include "%s" ''' %filename
+ logging.debug(" %s",line)
+ f.write(line)
+ f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+def setup_ir_remote(Remotetype,templates):
+ logging.debug(" Setup of remote type %s",Remotetype)
+ if Remotetype == "no_remote":
+ mv_common.remove_service("lircd")
+ elif Remotetype == "tinker":
+ pass
+ else:
+ currenttime = strftime("%b-%d-%Y-%H:%M:%S", localtime())
+ cmd = "mv /etc/lircd.conf /etc/lircd.conf-%s" %currenttime
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd = "mv /etc/lircrc /etc/lircrc-%s" %currenttime
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ files = templates + "/remotes/" + Remotetype + "/lircd*"
+ logging.debug(" Using %s",files)
+ for filename in glob.glob(files):
+ # Ignore subfolders
+ if os.path.isdir (filename):
+ logging.debug(" %s is a dir, skipping",filename)
+ continue
+ include_file("/etc/lircd.conf",filename)
+ files = templates + "/remotes/" + Remotetype + "/lircrc*"
+ logging.debug(" Using %s",files)
+ for filename in glob.glob(files):
+ # Ignore subfolders
+ if os.path.isdir (filename):
+ logging.debug(" %s is a dir, skipping",filename)
+ continue
+ include_file("/etc/lircrc",filename)
+ cmd = "chmod 755 /etc/lircrc"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ mv_common.add_service("lircd")
+def setup_ir_receiver(ReceiverType,TEMPLATES):
+" Configuring receiver %s", ReceiverType)
+ if ReceiverType == "Serial":
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+ add_module("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc_serial #lirc")
+ cmd = ""
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+ mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+ elif ReceiverType == "Usb-imon":
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+ add_module("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc_imon #lirc")
+ cmd = ""
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+ mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+ elif ReceiverType == "Hauppauge":
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+ add_module("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc_i2c #lirc")
+ mv_common.cp_and_log(TEMPLATES+"/modules/lirc_i2c.conf" ,
+ "/etc/modprobe.d/lirc_i2c.conf")
+ cmd = "rmmod lirc_i2c"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd = ""
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+ mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+ elif ReceiverType == "pvr150":
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+ add_module("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc_i2c #lirc")
+ mv_common.cp_and_log(TEMPLATES+"/modules/lirc_i2c.conf" ,
+ "/etc/modprobe.d/lirc_i2c.conf")
+ cmd = "rmmod lirc_i2c"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd = ""
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+ mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+ elif ReceiverType == "iguanaIR-usb":
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+ mv_common.add_service("igdaemon")
+ mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+ elif ReceiverType == "tatir":
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+ mv_common.add_service("tatir")
+ mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+ else:
+ logging.debug(" didn't match receiver, using genric case")
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+ mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+ mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+def setup_blaster_proto(HostBlasterType,Hostnumblaster,TEMPLATES,systemconfig):
+ logging.debug(" Start of setup_blaster_proto")
+ logging.debug(" HostBlasterType: %s", HostBlasterType)
+ logging.debug(" Hostnumblaster: %s" , Hostnumblaster)
+ if not HostBlasterType == "pvr150" and not HostBlasterType == "None":
+ for i in range(int(Hostnumblaster)):
+ try:
+ proto = systemconfig["HostTransmitproto_"+str(i+1)]
+ logging.debug(" proto: %s",proto)
+ except:
+" unkown proto for %s",i+1)
+ continue
+ template=TEMPLATES+"/transmit/%s/lircd.conf" %proto
+ if os.path.exists(template):
+ logging.debug(" include blaster template: %s",proto)
+ include_file("/etc/lircd.conf",template)
+ else:
+ logging.debug(" template: %s is not present",template)
+def setup_blaster_transmiter(HostBlasterType):
+ logging.debug(" Start of setup_blaster_transmiter")
+" HostBlasterType : %s", HostBlasterType)
+ if HostBlasterType == "Receiver":
+" Blaster is receiver, skipping module config for Blaster")
+ return
+ if HostBlasterType == "no blaster":
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","blaster")
+ elif HostBlasterType == "Serial":
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","blaster")
+ add_module("/etc/modules/.mythvantage","lirc_serial #blaster")
+ cmd = ""
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ elif HostBlasterType == "pvr150":
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage", "blaster")
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage", "lirc")
+ add_module("/etc/modules.mythvantage", "lirc_pvr150 #blaster")
+ add_module("/etc/modules.mythvantage", "lirc_pvr150 #lirc")
+ cmd = "rmmod lirc_i2c"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd = ""
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ else:
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","blaster")
+def setup_lcd(LCDtype, TEMPLATES, Remotetype):
+ logging.debug("____Start of setup_lcd____")
+ logging.debug(" LCDType: %s", LCDtype)
+ logging.debug(" Remotetype: %s", Remotetype)
+ if LCDtype == "tinker":
+" tinker mode detected")
+ return
+ if LCDtype == "no_lcd":
+" Disabling LCD support")
+ cmd = "sv stop lcdd"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ #sometimes it doesn't want to die
+ cmd = "killall -9 LCDd"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd = " UNLOAD LCD"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage", "LCD")
+ mv_common.remove_service("lcdd")
+ else:
+ lcdmodule="%s/LCD/%s/modules" %(TEMPLATES,LCDtype)
+ if os.path.exists(lcdmodule):
+ logging.debug(" Adding module for LCD")
+ scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage", "LCD")
+ cmd = "cat %s >> /etc/modules.mythvantage" %lcdmodule
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ if Remotetype != "tinker":
+ lcdconf = "%s/LCD/%s/LCDd.conf" %(TEMPLATES,LCDtype)
+ lcdlirc = "%s/LCD/%s" %(TEMPLATES,LCDtype)
+ mv_common.pacinstall("lcdproc")
+ if os.path.exists(lcdconf):
+ logging.debug(" Copying in lcdconf template file: %s",lcdconf)
+ mv_common.cp_and_log(lcdconf, "/etc/LCDd.conf")
+ else:
+ logging.debug(" %s is not present, will not copy it")
+ if os.path.exists(lcdlirc+"/lircrc"):
+ logging.debug(" LCD seems to support lirc")
+ #setup the lirc aspect of the lcd
+ #copied from setup_ir_remote
+ files = lcdlirc+"/lircd*"
+ logging.debug(" Using %s",files)
+ for filename in glob.glob(files):
+ # Ignore subfolders
+ if os.path.isdir (filename):
+ logging.debug(" %s is a dir, skipping",filename)
+ continue
+ include_file("/etc/lircd.conf",filename)
+ files = lcdlirc+"/lircrc*"
+ logging.debug(" Using %s",files)
+ for filename in glob.glob(files):
+ # Ignore subfolders
+ if os.path.isdir (filename):
+ logging.debug(" %s is a dir, skipping",filename)
+ continue
+ include_file("/etc/lircrc",filename)
+ cmd = "chmod 755 /etc/lircrc"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ mv_common.add_service("lcdd")
+ mv_common.restart_service("lcdd")
+ logging.debug("__End of setup_lcd")
+def setup_ir(systemconfig, data_config):
+ rc = False
+"____Start of IR____")
+ if systemconfig["Remotetype"] == "tinker":
+" Tinker mode detected")
+ else:
+ if not systemconfig["HostBlasterType"]:
+ HostBlasterType = "unknown"
+ Hostnumblaster = "0"
+ else:
+ HostBlasterType = systemconfig["HostBlasterType"]
+ Hostnumblaster = systemconfig["Hostnumblaster"]
+ if systemconfig["HostBlasterType"] == "pvr150":
+ remotetype = "hauppauge-blaster"
+ logging.debug(" pvr150 blaster selected, setting remote to hauppauge-blaster")
+ else:
+ remotetype = systemconfig["Remotetype"]
+ setup_ir_remote(remotetype,systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+ setup_lirc_links(data_config.MYTHHOME)
+ if systemconfig["ReceiverType"]:
+ setup_ir_receiver(systemconfig["ReceiverType"],
+ systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+ else:
+ setup_ir_receiver("unknown", systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+ unload_all_lirc()
+ setup_blaster_proto(HostBlasterType,
+ Hostnumblaster,
+ systemconfig["TEMPLATES"],
+ systemconfig)
+ setup_blaster_transmiter(HostBlasterType)
+ cmd = ""
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ time.sleep(2)
+ mv_common.udev_trigger()
+ cmd="sv start lircd"
+ mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+ rc = [ True , True ]
+ if systemconfig["LCDtype"]:
+ setup_lcd(systemconfig["LCDtype"],
+ systemconfig["TEMPLATES"],
+ systemconfig["Remotetype"])
+ else:
+ logging.debug(" LCD not defined")
+"__End IR\n")
+ return rc \ No newline at end of file