path: root/abs/core-testing/tweaker/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core-testing/tweaker/lib')
2 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/tweaker/lib/Tweaker/ b/abs/core-testing/tweaker/lib/Tweaker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbadf29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/tweaker/lib/Tweaker/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Copyright 2007 Robert ("Bob") Igo of StormLogic, LLC and
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+package Tweaker::Definitions;
+use List::Member;
+use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy);
+# To install the above modules:
+# --
+# sudo cpan install List::Member
+# Recommendation Levels
+my $bottom = -200; # a reserved value, under which no recommendationlevel can go
+my $not_available = -100;
+my $unsupported = -99;
+my $inadvisable = -50;
+my $optional = 0;
+my $recommended = 100;
+# Interactivity Levels
+my $guided = "guided";
+my $minimal = "minimal";
+# Special variables
+my $null = "null"; # reserved as the script name for special Tweaks that define Tweaker behavior
+my %global_variable_hash = (
+ "bottom" => $bottom,
+ "not available" => $not_available,
+ "unsupported" => $unsupported,
+ "inadvisable" => $inadvisable,
+ "optional" => $optional,
+ "recommended" => $recommended,
+ "guided" => $guided,
+ "minimal" => $minimal,
+ "null" => $null
+sub get_global_variable_value {
+ my ($variable) = @_;
+ my @known_variables = keys %global_variable_hash;
+ if (member($variable, @known_variables) + 1) {
+ if ($global_variable_hash{$variable}) {
+ return $global_variable_hash{$variable};
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $logger = get_logger();
+ $logger->error("No Tweaker Definition for variable named $variable");
+ return $bottom;
+ }
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/tweaker/lib/Tweaker/ b/abs/core-testing/tweaker/lib/Tweaker/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec3a42a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/tweaker/lib/Tweaker/
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+# Copyright 2007, 2008 Robert ("Bob") Igo of StormLogic, LLC and
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+package Tweaker::Script;
+use strict;
+use DBI;
+use Switch;
+use Tweaker::Definitions;
+# To install the above modules:
+# --
+# sudo apt-get install libdbi-perl liblog-log4perl-perl
+# sudo cpan install Getopt::Lucid List::Member
+# choose the defaults for all options, agree to install all dependencies
+use Getopt::Lucid qw( :all );
+# see for usage details
+use Log::Log4perl qw(get_logger);
+# see for usage details
+# is highly recommended as well
+use List::Member;
+my $dbh; # the database we connect to
+my $sth; #
+my @known_options;
+# Print advice on usage and invocation.
+sub help () {
+ my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script');
+ $logger->fatal("USAGE:\n$0 [--check Option] [--implement Option] [--poll Option] [--iterations] [--help]");
+ $logger->fatal("Valid values for Option are: ", join(" ",@known_options));
+ $logger->fatal("Only one of the above parameters may be passed.");
+ $logger->fatal("The --check and --iterations parameters are not yet supported.");
+ exit;
+sub execute_shell_command {
+ my($command) = @_;
+ my $results="";
+ my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script');
+ open(SHELL, "$command 2>&1 |");
+ while(<SHELL>) {
+ $results=$results."".$_;
+ }
+ close(SHELL);
+ chop($results);
+ $logger->debug("Command '$command' produced output '$results'");
+ return $results;
+# Simple way to get the value of an environment variable from the executing shell.
+sub get_environment_variable {
+ my($envvar) = @_;
+ open(SHELL, "echo $envvar|");
+ while(<SHELL>) {
+ chop;
+ return $_;
+ }
+ close(SHELL);
+sub get_mythtv_connection_string {
+ # we want something like mythconverg:localhost
+ my $dbname = "";
+ my $dbhostname = "";
+ open(MYSQLTXT, "< /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt");
+ while(<MYSQLTXT>) {
+ if (/DBName=(.*)/) {
+ $dbname=$1;
+ } elsif (/DBHostName=(.*)/) {
+ $dbhostname=$1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(MYSQLTXT);
+ return "$dbname:$dbhostname";
+sub get_mythtv_authentication {
+ # we want something like ['root', '']
+ my $dbusername = "";
+ my $dbpassword = "";
+ open(MYSQLTXT, "< /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt");
+ while(<MYSQLTXT>) {
+ if (/DBUserName=(.*)/) {
+ $dbusername=$1;
+ } elsif (/DBPassword=(.*)/) {
+ $dbpassword=$1;
+ }
+ }
+ close(MYSQLTXT);
+ return ($dbusername, $dbpassword);
+# Database routines.
+sub connect_to_db {
+ my ($db) = @_;
+ my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script');
+ my ($dbusername, $dbpassword) = get_mythtv_authentication();
+ if (!($dbh = DBI->connect($db, $dbusername, $dbpassword))) {
+ $logger->error("Couldn't connect to database: ", DBI->errstr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub disconnect_from_db {
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+sub do_query {
+ my ($query) = @_;
+ my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script');
+ my $rv="";
+ $logger->debug("Processing statement: ", $query);
+ if (!($sth = $dbh->prepare($query))) {
+ $logger->error("Couldn't prepare statement: ", $dbh->errstr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ $rv = $sth->execute(); # Returns an integer when rows were affected; returns -1 when there's an
+ # error; returns 0E0 (true) when no error but no rows affected.
+ if (!$rv) {
+ $logger->error("Couldn't execute statement: ", $sth->errstr);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return $rv;
+# Make sure the option passed to this script is handled.
+sub validate_option {
+ my($option) = @_;
+ if (!(member($option, @known_options) + 1)) {
+ my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script');
+ $logger->fatal("Option '$option' is not known to $0.");
+ $logger->fatal("Valid Options are: ", join(", ",@known_options));
+ exit -1;
+ }
+ return 1;
+# Prints out each option that the script handles, separated by '|'.
+# This allows for a minimal .tcf entry.
+sub get_options {
+ print join("|",@known_options),"\n";
+# Prints out the passed Recommendation Level first, followed by any other
+# strings, separated by '|'. This allows the author of a Tweaker Script to
+# return explanatory information along with a Recommendation Level.
+sub recommendation_level {
+ print join("|",@_),"\n";
+sub process_parameters () {
+ # Accept these parameters:
+ # --
+ my @parameters = (
+ Switch("help")->anycase,
+ Param("check")->anycase, # Requirement 1.1
+ Param("implement")->anycase, # Requirement 1.2
+ Param("poll")->anycase, # Requirement 1.3
+ Switch("iterations")->anycase, # Requirement 1.4
+ Switch("getoptions")->anycase # Requirement 1.5
+ );
+ my $opt = Getopt::Lucid->getopt( \@parameters );
+ if (!(my $TWEAKER_ROOT = get_environment_variable("\$TWEAKER_ROOT"))) {
+ Log::Log4perl->easy_init();
+ my $logger = get_logger();
+ $logger->fatal("ERROR: \$TWEAKER_ROOT environment variable is not set.");
+ exit -1;
+ } else {
+ my $log4perl_conf = "$TWEAKER_ROOT/log4perl.conf";
+ Log::Log4perl::init_and_watch($log4perl_conf,10);
+ my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script');
+ $logger->info("\$TWEAKER_ROOT is '$TWEAKER_ROOT'.");
+ }
+ if ($opt->get_help > 0) {
+ help;
+ }
+ my $check = $opt->get_check;
+ my $implement = $opt->get_implement;
+ my $poll = $opt->get_poll;
+ my $iterations = $opt->get_iterations;
+ my $getoptions = $opt->get_getoptions;
+ # Requirement 1.6
+ if ($check) {
+ if ($implement || $poll || $iterations || $getoptions) {
+ help;
+ }
+ validate_option($check); # exits with an error if option is invalid
+ check_option($check); # Requirement 1.1
+ } elsif ($implement) {
+ if ($poll || $iterations || $getoptions) {
+ help;
+ }
+ validate_option($implement); # exits with an error if option is invalid
+ implement_option($implement); # Requirement 1.2
+ } elsif ($poll) {
+ if ($iterations || $getoptions) {
+ help;
+ }
+ validate_option($poll); # exits with an error if option is invalid
+ poll_options($poll); # Requirement 1.3
+ } elsif ($iterations) {
+ if ($getoptions) {
+ help;
+ }
+ #count_iterations; # Requirement 1.4
+ } elsif ($getoptions) {
+ get_options; # Requirement 1.5
+ } else {
+ help;
+ }
+sub set_known_options {
+ my(@options) = @_;
+ @known_options = @_;
+# These entries may or may not already exist. First, try updating them, and if that fails, insert them.
+# Pass in array references for setfields and checkfields. Each must
+# reference an array of lists, where each list is a key, value pair, e.g.
+# [["data", "somedata"], ["name", "skippy"]]
+sub change_or_make_entry {
+ my($table, $setfields, $checkfields) = @_;
+ my $query_string = "UPDATE $table SET ";
+ my $fields="";
+ foreach my $sets (@$setfields) {
+ if ($fields) {
+ $fields = $fields . ", ";
+ }
+ $fields = $fields . "@$sets[0]='@$sets[1]' ";
+ }
+ $query_string = $query_string . $fields . "WHERE ";
+ my $checkstring="";
+ foreach my $checks (@$checkfields) {
+ if ($checkstring) {
+ $checkstring = $checkstring . "AND ";
+ }
+ $checkstring = $checkstring . "@$checks[0]='@$checks[1]' ";
+ }
+ $query_string = $query_string . $checkstring;
+ my $rv = do_query($query_string);
+ if (($rv == 0E0) || ($rv < 1)) { # UPDATE didn't apply; do an insert
+ my $fields="";
+ my $values="";
+ foreach my $sets (@$setfields) {
+ if ($fields) {
+ $fields = $fields . ", ";
+ $values = $values . ", ";
+ }
+ $fields = $fields . "@$sets[0]";
+ $values = $values . "'@$sets[1]'";
+ }
+ foreach my $sets (@$checkfields) {
+ if ($fields) {
+ $fields = $fields . ", ";
+ $values = $values . ", ";
+ }
+ $fields = $fields . "@$sets[0]";
+ $values = $values . "'@$sets[1]'";
+ }
+ $query_string = "INSERT INTO $table (". $fields . ") VALUES (" . $values . ")";
+ $rv = do_query($query_string);
+ }
+ return $rv;
+# We update so many entries in the settings table that a subroutine makes coding and readability easier.
+sub change_or_make_setting {
+ my($value, $data) = @_;
+ return(change_or_make_entry("settings", [["data", $data]], [["value", $value]]));
+# Benchmark-driven tests for low, medium, or high "performance" often look the same.
+# If your test falls into this pattern, you can use this subroutine to simplify your
+# Tweaker Script's poll_options subroutine.
+# NOTE: This only handles options for low, medium, or high right now.
+# NOTE: You don't have to use this! Only use it if your poll_options subroutine
+# would look like this anyway. Don't shoehorn it to fit!
+sub threshold_test {
+ my($option, $benchmark_number, $name_of_benchmarked_device, $low_threshold, $medium_threshold, $high_threshold) = @_;
+ # e.g. ("medium", 512, "video card", 350, 425, 500)
+ my $logger = get_logger('tweaker.script');
+ $logger->debug("Threshold test for option '$option' ($name_of_benchmarked_device) with benchmark of $benchmark_number, where: low = $low_threshold, medium = $medium_threshold, high = $high_threshold");
+ switch ($option) {
+ case "low" {
+ if ($benchmark_number <= $low_threshold) {
+ recommendation_level("recommended", "Your $name_of_benchmarked_device seems to be unable to handle higher usage than this.");
+ } elsif ($benchmark_number <= $medium_threshold) {
+ recommendation_level("optional", "Your $name_of_benchmarked_device seems to be able to handle higher usage than this, but select this option if you want to reduce overall $name_of_benchmarked_device usage.");
+ } elsif ($benchmark_number >= $high_threshold) {
+ recommendation_level("optional", "Your $name_of_benchmarked_device seems to be quite capable of this setting, but select this option if you want to reduce overall $name_of_benchmarked_device usage.");
+ }
+ }
+ case "medium" {
+ if ($benchmark_number <= $low_threshold) {
+ recommendation_level("inadvisable", "Your $name_of_benchmarked_device seems to be unable to handle this usage level, but you are free to try.");
+ } elsif ($benchmark_number <= $medium_threshold) {
+ recommendation_level("recommended", "Your $name_of_benchmarked_device seems to be unable to handle higher usage than this.");
+ } elsif ($benchmark_number >= $high_threshold) {
+ recommendation_level("optional", "Your $name_of_benchmarked_device seems to be able to handle higher usage than this, but select this option if you want to reduce overall $name_of_benchmarked_device usage.");
+ }
+ }
+ case "high" {
+ if ($benchmark_number <= $low_threshold) {
+ recommendation_level("inadvisable", "Your $name_of_benchmarked_device seems to be unable to handle this usage level, and it is not recommended that you try.");
+ } elsif ($benchmark_number <= $medium_threshold) {
+ recommendation_level("inadvisable", "Your $name_of_benchmarked_device seems to be unable to handle this usage level, but you are free to try.");
+ } elsif ($benchmark_number >= $high_threshold) {
+ recommendation_level("recommended", "Your $name_of_benchmarked_device seems to be quite capable of this setting.");
+ }
+ }
+ }