path: root/abs/core/mythinstall/MythVantage-app/mythbeselect/main.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'abs/core/mythinstall/MythVantage-app/mythbeselect/main.cpp')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/abs/core/mythinstall/MythVantage-app/mythbeselect/main.cpp b/abs/core/mythinstall/MythVantage-app/mythbeselect/main.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c5f9f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/mythinstall/MythVantage-app/mythbeselect/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#include <qapplication.h>
+#include <cstdlib>
+//#include "libmyth/mythdialogs.h"
+#include "libmyth/mythcontext.h"
+#include "libmyth/settings.h"
+#include "libmyth/langsettings.h"
+#include "libmyth/mythdbcon.h"
+#include <libmyth/exitcodes.h>
+#include "libmythtv/tv.h"
+#include "mythdialogbox.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "libmyth/dialogbox.h"
+#include <qlist.h>
+#include <qvaluevector.h>
+#include "installdialog.h"
+void initKeys(void)
+ REG_KEY("Welcome", "STARTXTERM", "Open an Xterm window", "F12");
+ REG_KEY("Welcome", "SHOWSETTINGS", "Show Mythshutdown settings", "F11");
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ QString becommand;
+ QApplication a(argc, argv);
+ bool bShow=false;
+ gContext = NULL;
+ gContext = new MythContext(MYTH_BINARY_VERSION);
+ if (!gContext->Init())
+ {
+ VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "mythwelcome: Could not initialize myth context. "
+ "Exiting.");
+ }
+ if (!MSqlQuery::testDBConnection())
+ {
+ VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "mythwelcome: Could not open the database. "
+ "Exiting.");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ( a.argc() == 1 )
+ {
+ VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "Not enough argurments");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ // Check command line arguments
+ for (int argpos = 1; argpos < a.argc(); ++argpos)
+ {
+ // ++argpos;
+ if (!strcmp(a.argv()[argpos],"-restart"))
+ {
+ becommand="restart";
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(a.argv()[argpos],"-start"))
+ {
+ becommand="start";
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(a.argv()[argpos],"-stop"))
+ {
+ becommand="stop";
+ }
+ else if (!strcmp(a.argv()[argpos],"-forceshow"))
+ {
+ bShow=true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cerr << "Invalid argument: " << a.argv()[argpos] << endl <<
+ "Valid options are: " << endl <<
+ "-restart " << endl <<
+ "-start " << endl <<
+ "-stop " << endl <<
+ "-forceshow" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ gContext->LoadQtConfig();
+ QStringList msg;
+ QString tempip;
+ QString justifyip;
+ QString temphname;
+ QString justifyname;
+ QString tempbetype;
+ QString justifybetype;
+ int listmaxpos = 0 ;
+ typedef QValueVector<QString> BEvector;
+ BEvector BElist (20);
+ if (!MSqlQuery::testDBConnection())
+ {
+ VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, "mythwelcome: Could not open the database. "
+ "Exiting.");
+ }
+ //select the master backend
+ MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
+ query.prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT data,hostname from settings where value='MasterServerIP';");
+ if (query.exec() && query.isActive() && query.size() > 0)
+ {
+ while (
+ {
+ tempip = query.value(0).toString();
+ justifyip=tempip.rightJustify(15,' ',false);
+ temphname = query.value(1).toString();
+ justifyname= temphname.rightJustify( 20, ' ',false );
+ if ( temphname == "" )
+ tempbetype="MBE: ";
+ else
+ tempbetype="SBE: ";
+ tempbetype.append(justifyname);
+ tempbetype.append(" ");
+ tempbetype.append(justifyip);
+ justifybetype= tempbetype.leftJustify(50,' ' ,true);
+ BElist[listmaxpos] = tempbetype;
+ msg << (justifybetype);
+ listmaxpos++;
+ }
+ }
+ //slave backends
+ query.prepare( "SELECT DISTINCT data,hostname from settings where value='BackendServerIP' and not data=:ip ;");
+ query.bindValue( ":ip", tempip );
+ if (query.exec() && query.isActive() && query.size() > 0)
+ {
+ while (
+ {
+ tempip = query.value(0).toString();
+ justifyip=tempip.rightJustify(15,' ',false);
+ temphname = query.value(1).toString();
+ justifyname= temphname.rightJustify( 20, ' ',false );
+ if ( temphname == "" )
+ tempbetype="MBE: ";
+ else
+ tempbetype="SBE: ";
+ tempbetype.append(justifyname);
+ tempbetype.append(" ");
+ tempbetype.append(justifyip);
+ justifybetype= tempbetype.leftJustify(50,' ' ,true);
+ BElist[listmaxpos] = tempbetype;
+ msg << (justifybetype);
+ listmaxpos++;
+ }
+ }
+if ( query.size () >1)
+ bShow=true;
+cout << listmaxpos << endl;
+if ( bShow )
+ LanguageSettings::load("mythfrontend");
+ MythMainWindow *mainWindow = GetMythMainWindow();
+ mainWindow->Init();
+ gContext->SetMainWindow(mainWindow);
+ initKeys();
+ runstuff(msg,BElist,becommand);
+delete gContext;
+ dorestart( becommand, BElist[0] );
+return 0;