path: root/linhes/linhes-system/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'linhes/linhes-system/')
1 files changed, 1185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..041f612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,1185 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python used to auto add new storage to MythTV storage groups
+#If it's a new disk it will erase the entire disk and reformat.
+#Disks that are mounted, in fstab, size < 5000 bytes, optical or
+#have already been seen will not be presented as an option.
+import dbus
+import pickle
+import subprocess
+import sys,os
+import random, string
+import configparser
+from configparser import SafeConfigParser
+import glob
+from MythTV import MythDB, MythBE, Recorded, MythError
+from socket import timeout, gethostname
+storage_dir = "/etc/storage.d"
+pickle_file = "%s/storage.pkl" %storage_dir
+ 'Default' :'media/tv/',
+ 'LiveTV' :'media/tv/live/',
+ 'DB Backups' :'backup/mythtv_backups/',
+ 'Music' :'media/music/',
+ 'Streaming' :'media/streaming/',
+ 'Videos' :'media/video/',
+ 'Photographs':'media/photos/',
+ 'Banners' :'media/artwork/banners/',
+ 'Coverart' :'media/artwork/coverart/',
+ 'Fanart' :'media/artwork/fanart/',
+ 'MusicArt' :'media/artwork/musicart/',
+ 'Screenshots':'media/artwork/screenshots/',
+ 'Trailers' :'media/artwork/trailers/',
+ }
+for key in list(SG_MAP.keys()):
+ FS_LIST.append(SG_MAP[key])
+class disk_device:
+ def __init__(self,device,storage_dir):
+ device_obj = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.UDisks", device)
+ device_props = dbus.Interface(device_obj, dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+ self.storage_dir = storage_dir
+ self.top_mount_dir = "/data/storage"
+ self.config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
+ self.fs_map = self.get_fsmap()
+ self.is_device = self.get_is_device(device_props)
+ self.vendor = self.get_vendor(device_props)
+ self.model = self.get_model(device_props)
+ self.mmount = False
+ self.dir_sg = False
+ self.f = self.get_mounts(device_props)
+ self.is_mounted = self.get_is_mounted(device_props)
+ self.parition_size = self.get_partition_size(device_props)
+ self.device_size = self.get_device_size(device_props)
+ self.serial_number = self.get_serial_number(device_props)
+ self.read_only = self.get_is_readonly(device_props)
+ self.is_optical = self.get_is_optical_disc(device_props)
+ self.connection = self.get_connections(device_props)
+ self.block_path = self.get_device_file(device_props)
+ self.device_file_path = self.get_device_file_path(device_props)
+ self.block_partition="%s1" %self.block_path
+ self.in_use = self.get_in_use()
+ self.uuid=''
+ self.new_mount_point=''
+ self.disk_num=''
+ def set_partition(self,partition):
+ self.block_partition = "%s%s" %(self.block_path,partition)
+ def set_mmount(self,flag):
+ self.mmount = flag
+ def set_dir_sg(self,flag):
+ self.dir_sg = flag
+ def set_disk_num(self,num):
+ self.disk_num=num
+ def get_is_device(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsDrive")
+ def get_vendor(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveVendor")
+ def get_model(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveModel")
+ def get_mounts(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceMountPaths")
+ def get_is_mounted(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsMounted")
+ def get_name(self):
+ filename="%s_%s" %(self.model.replace(' ',''),
+ self.serial_number.replace(' ',''))
+ return filename
+ def get_in_use(self):
+ in_use = False
+ for i in self.fs_map:
+ if self.block_path in i[0]:
+ in_use = True
+ break
+ return in_use
+ def get_partition_size(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "PartitionSize")
+ def get_device_size(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceSize")
+ def get_serial_number(self,device_props):
+ serial_number = device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveSerial")
+ random_string = os.urandom(5)
+ if serial_number == '':
+ serial_number = "".join( [random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(6)] )
+ serial_number = "NSW%s" %serial_number
+ return serial_number
+ def get_is_readonly(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsReadOnly")
+ def get_is_optical_disc(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsOpticalDisc")
+ def get_connections(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveConnectionInterface")
+ def get_device_file(self,device_props):
+ return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceFile")
+ def get_device_file_path(self,device_props):
+ path = device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceFileByPath")
+ try:
+ path = path[0]
+ except:
+ path = "None"
+ return path
+ def partition_disk(self):
+ print(" Creating new partition table")
+ cmd = "parted -s -a optimal %s mklabel gpt" %self.block_path
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd = "parted -s -a optimal %s mkpart primary \" 1 -1\"" %self.block_path
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ return
+ def get_fsmap(self):
+ #block,point,fs
+ fs_map=[]
+ f = open('/proc/mounts','r')
+ mounts=f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for line in mounts:
+ temp_fs=[]
+ split_line=line.split()
+ block=split_line[0]
+ mountp=split_line[1]
+ fs=split_line[2]
+ block=os.path.realpath(block)
+ if block.startswith("/dev"):
+ temp_fs.append(block)
+ temp_fs.append(mountp)
+ temp_fs.append(fs)
+ fs_map.append(temp_fs)
+ return fs_map
+ def find_fstype(self,moutpoint):
+ fstype="xfs"
+ mp=['/myth', '/data/storage/disk0']
+ for i in self.fs_map:
+ if i[1] in mp:
+ fstype = i[2]
+ break
+ return fstype
+ def lookup_format(self):
+ fstab = self.read_fstab()
+ current_media_mount = self.find_options_type(fstab)[1]
+ new_fstype = self.find_fstype(current_media_mount)
+ #setting self.new_fstype so that it can be referenced when setting fstab
+ self.new_fstype = new_fstype
+ return
+ def format_disk(self):
+ #lookup format
+ #self.lookup_format()
+ #do format
+ if self.new_fstype == "xfs":
+ cmd = "mkfs -t %s -f %s " %(self.new_fstype,self.block_partition)
+ else:
+ cmd = "mkfs -t %s %s " %(self.new_fstype,self.block_partition)
+ print(" Formatting %s with %s" %(self.block_partition,self.new_fstype))
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ return
+ def find_uuid(self,partition):
+"Finding the UUID for %s...", partition)
+ cmd = "blkid -s UUID %s" %partition
+ tmpuuid = runcmd(cmd)[1]
+ splituuid = tmpuuid.partition("=")
+ uuid = splituuid[2].replace('"', "")
+ #"The uuid is %s", uuid)
+ if uuid == '':
+ print("Could not find a UUID for device: %s" %partition)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.uuid = uuid.strip()
+ return uuid.strip()
+ def read_fstab(self):
+ f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r')
+ fstab=f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ return fstab
+ def find_options_type(self,fstab):
+ mp=['/myth', '/data/storage/disk0']
+ for i in fstab:
+ split_line=i.split()
+ try:
+ if split_line[1] in mp:
+ options = split_line[3]
+ break
+ else:
+ options = "defaults"
+ mount_point = i
+ except:
+ options = "defaults"
+ return options,i
+ def add_fstab(self,bind=False):
+ new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', 'auto', 'defaults', '0', '1']
+ fstab=self.read_fstab()
+ new_fstab=[]
+ #determine mount_path
+ self.new_mount_point="%s/%s_%s" %(self.top_mount_dir,self.model.replace(' ',''),self.serial_number.replace(' ',''))
+ if bind:
+ new_fstab_list=["/data/storage/disk0" , self.new_mount_point , "none" , "rw,bind", '0', '0']
+ uuid=self.find_uuid(self.block_partition)
+ else:
+ #check for old mount point and comment out
+ for line in fstab:
+ if not line.startswith("#"):
+ if line.find(self.new_mount_point) > -1:
+ print(" Found old mount %s in fstab, commenting out" %self.new_mount_point)
+ line = "#"+line
+ new_fstab.append(line)
+ fstab=new_fstab
+ #determine options
+ new_options = self.find_options_type(fstab)[0]
+ #find blkid
+ #self.block_partition="%s1" %self.block_path
+ uuid=self.find_uuid(self.block_partition)
+ #construct new line
+ new_fstab_list[0]="UUID=%s" %uuid
+ new_fstab_list[1]=self.new_mount_point
+ new_fstab_list[3]=new_options
+ new_fstab_line='\t'.join(new_fstab_list)
+ new_fstab_line="%s\n" %new_fstab_line
+ fstab.append(new_fstab_line)
+ #add line to fstab
+ f = open('/etc/fstab', 'w')
+ #f = open('/tmp/fstab', 'w')
+ for i in fstab:
+ f.write(i)
+ #f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+ return
+ def mount_disk(self,no_mount=False):
+ try:
+ os.stat(self.new_mount_point)
+ except:
+ os.makedirs(self.new_mount_point)
+ if no_mount == False:
+ if os.path.ismount(self.new_mount_point):
+ print(" Disk already mounted, will not mount:\n %s" %self.new_mount_point)
+ pass
+ else:
+ print(" Mounting %s" %self.new_mount_point)
+ cmd = "mount %s" %self.new_mount_point
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ return
+ def mkdirs(self,FS_LIST):
+ print(" Creating directory structure:")
+ print(" %s" %self.new_mount_point)
+ for y in FS_LIST:
+ print(" %s" %y)
+ new_dir="%s/%s" %(self.new_mount_point,y)
+ try:
+ os.stat(new_dir)
+ except:
+ os.makedirs(new_dir)
+ cmd="chown -R mythtv:mythtv /%s" %self.new_mount_point
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd="chmod -R 775 /%s" %self.new_mount_point
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ def add_sg(self,DB,host,SG_MAP,weight='0',install_call=False):
+ print(" Adding storage groups")
+ sgweight=int(weight)
+ for key in SG_MAP.keys():
+ #print key," : ", SG_MAP[key]
+ gn=key
+ hn=host
+ dn="%s/%s" %(self.new_mount_point,SG_MAP[key])
+ #print dn
+ #print gn
+ #print hn
+ if install_call == True :
+ print("Will write SG for stuff after the fact")
+ else:
+ with DB as c:
+ #delete old dir without trailing slash
+ c.execute("""delete from storagegroup where groupname = %s and hostname = %s and dirname = %s""", (gn,hn,dn.rstrip('/')))
+ try:
+ c.execute("""insert into storagegroup (groupname,hostname,dirname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(gn,hn,dn))
+ print(" Adding location: %s to storagegroup %s" %(dn,gn))
+ except:
+ print(" *Error inserting %s into storage groups" %dn)
+ if sgweight > 0:
+ try:
+ #("SGweightPerDir:server2:/mnt/video", 99, "server2");
+ sgw="SGweightPerDir:%s:%s" %(hn,dn)
+ #print sgw
+ #print sgweight
+ #print hn
+ #delete old dir without trailing slash
+ c.execute("""delete from settings where value = %s and data = %s and hostname = %s""", (sgw.rstrip('/'),sgweight,hn))
+ c.execute("""insert into settings (value,data,hostname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(sgw,sgweight,hn))
+ print(" Adding storage group weight of %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn))
+ except:
+ print(" *Error setting storage group weight %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn))
+ return
+ def write_config(self):
+ print(" Writing /etc/storage.d conf file")
+ self.config.add_section('storage')
+ self.config.set('storage','uuid',self.uuid)
+ self.config.set('storage','mountpoint',self.new_mount_point)
+ self.config.set('storage','fstype',self.new_fstype)
+ self.config.set('storage','shareable','True')
+ self.config.set('storage','mmount',self.mmount)
+ self.config.set('storage','storage_groups',self.dir_sg)
+ self.config.set('storage','disk_num',self.disk_num)
+ filename="%s_%s.conf" %(self.model.replace(' ',''),
+ self.serial_number.replace(' ',''))
+ configfile="/etc/storage.d/%s" %filename
+ print(" %s" %configfile)
+ with open(configfile, 'wb') as configfile:
+ self.config.write(configfile)
+ return
+ def symlink_disk(self):
+ print(" Creating symlink for disk%s" %self.disk_num)
+ disk_ln="%s/disk%s" %(self.top_mount_dir,self.disk_num)
+ cmd = "ln -s %s %s" %(self.new_mount_point,disk_ln)
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ def symlink(self):
+ pass
+ print(" Creating symlink for /myth")
+ if not os.path.exists("/myth"):
+ cmd = "ln -s %s/media /myth " %(self.new_mount_point)
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ else:
+ print(" Skipping symlink, /myth already exists")
+#end of class
+def runcmd(cmd):
+ if True :
+ pass
+ else:
+ cmd = "echo "+cmd
+ #print cmd
+ cmdout = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+ #logging.debug(" %s", cmdout)
+ return cmdout
+def scan_system():
+ ud_manager_obj = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.UDisks", "/org/freedesktop/UDisks")
+ ud_manager = dbus.Interface(ud_manager_obj, 'org.freedesktop.UDisks')
+ current_drive_list=[]
+ for dev in ud_manager.EnumerateDevices():
+ drive = disk_device(dev,storage_dir)
+ if drive.is_device and drive.device_size > 5000 and not drive.is_optical :
+ current_drive_list.append(drive)
+ return current_drive_list
+def read_known_list():
+ #reading pickle file
+ known_drive_list=[]
+ try:
+ pkl_file = open(pickle_file, 'rb')
+ known_drive_list = pickle.load(pkl_file)
+ pkl_file.close()
+ except:
+ pass
+ return known_drive_list
+def write_known_drive_list(known_drive_list):
+ output = open(pickle_file, 'wb')
+ pickle.dump(known_drive_list, output, -1)
+ output.close()
+def search_for_match(system_drive,known_drive_list):
+ match_drive=False
+ for y in known_drive_list:
+ if system_drive.serial_number.startswith("NSW"):
+ #print "Match_test: hash"
+ system_drive_hash = "%s_%s_%s" %(system_drive.model,system_drive.parition_size,system_drive.device_file_path)
+ y_drive_hash = "%s_%s_%s" %(y.model,y.parition_size,y.device_file_path)
+ if system_drive_hash == y_drive_hash :
+ match_drive = True
+ print("\n* No serial number was found, matched using hash method: %s" %system_drive.model)
+ break
+ elif y.serial_number == system_drive.serial_number:
+ #print "Match_test: serial number"
+ match_drive=True
+ break
+ return match_drive
+def prompt_to_add(current_drive,destruction = True):
+ loop = True
+ if destruction :
+ prompt = '''
+ ** Adding this disk will remove all contents on the disk. **
+ This disk will be partitioned and formatted.
+ Enable this disk for storage (Y/N)?:'''
+ else:
+ prompt = '''
+ ** Preserving existing contents on the disk. **
+ This disk will NOT be partitioned or formatted.
+ Enable this disk for storage (Y/N)?:'''
+ while loop:
+ str1 = input(prompt)
+ if str1 in ['Y','N','y','n']:
+ loop = False
+ break
+ print("\n")
+ if str1 == 'Y' or str1 == 'y':
+ rc = True
+ else:
+ rc = False
+ return rc
+def prompt_to_continue(process_list):
+ loop = True
+ print("\n\n\n Ready to add additional storage!\n")
+ if destruction:
+ print("** WARNING: These disk(s) WILL be partitioned and formatted. **\n ** All content on these disk(s) will be erased. **")
+ else:
+ print(" ** These disk(s) will NOT be partitioned and formatted. **")
+ for i in process_list:
+ print(" %s" %(i.get_name()))
+ str1 = input("\n Press Y to add disk(s), any other key to cancel:")
+ if str1 == 'Y' or str1 == 'y':
+ rc = True
+ else:
+ rc = False
+ print("\nCancelled: No disk(s) added to your system.")
+ print("-----")
+ return rc
+def prompt_sg(dir_sg):
+ #check for storage groups
+ print("*" * 60)
+ if dir_sg != True:
+ loop = True
+ prompt_string='''
+ MythTV storage groups are used for artwork, database backups,
+ photos, music, streaming, TV recordings, and videos.
+ The content on these storage groups will
+ only be available while the system is online.
+ Enabling MythTV storage groups will create the directories
+ on the disk(s) and add the paths to the MythTV database.
+ Enable MythTV storage groups (Y/N)?:'''
+ while loop:
+ str1 = input(prompt_string)
+ if str1 in ['Y','N','y','n']:
+ loop = False
+ break
+ print("\n")
+ if str1 == 'Y' or str1 == 'y':
+ dir_sg = True
+ print(" ** Will add MythTV storage groups!")
+ else:
+ print(" ** Will NOT add MythTV storage groups!")
+ dir_sg = False
+ else:
+ dir_sg = True
+ print("\n --add_sg option used")
+ print(" ** Will add MythTV storage groups!")
+ return dir_sg
+def remove_pickle():
+ try:
+ print("\n* Removing list of known disks.\n")
+ os.remove(pickle_file)
+ except:
+ pass
+def last_disk_num():
+ parser = SafeConfigParser()
+ num_list = []
+ for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir):
+ disk_num = parser.get('storage', 'disk_num')
+ num_list.append(int(disk_num))
+ num_list.sort()
+ try:
+ return num_list[-1]
+ except:
+ # conf file or disk_num is missing so fallback to /data/storage/disk# links
+ for disk_name in glob.glob('/data/storage/disk*'):
+ disk_num = disk_name.strip('/data/storage/disk')
+ num_list.append(int(disk_num))
+ num_list.sort()
+ try:
+ return num_list[-1]
+ except:
+ print("Couldn't find last disk number.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def main(scan_only, destruction, no_mount, install_call, dir_sg):
+ global bus
+ bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+ system_drive_list = scan_system()
+ known_drive_list=[]
+ known_drive_list = read_known_list()
+ process_list=[]
+ no_process_list=[]
+ print("-" * 60)
+ print(" Scan for Disks")
+ for i in system_drive_list:
+ #print i.mount_path
+ #print i.is_mounted
+ #print i.in_use
+ #print i.model
+ #print i.block_path
+ #print "--"
+ if search_for_match(i,known_drive_list) or i.in_use :
+ if search_for_match(i,known_drive_list) :
+ dstatus = " Ignoring - Disk has been previously skipped:"
+ if i.in_use :
+ dstatus = " Ignoring - Disk is mounted:"
+ if search_for_match(i,known_drive_list) and i.in_use :
+ dstatus = " Ignoring - Disk has been previously skipped and is mounted:"
+ print("\n")
+ print(" --------------------------------------------------------")
+ print(dstatus)
+ print(" model: %s" %i.model)
+ print(" location: %s" %i.block_path)
+ print(" size: %s" %i.device_size)
+ continue
+ else:
+ if not scan_only:
+ print("\n")
+ print(" --------------------------------------------------------")
+ print(" Found New Disk:")
+ print(" model: %s" %i.model)
+ print(" location: %s" %i.block_path)
+ print(" size: %s " %i.device_size)
+ if prompt_to_add(i,destruction) :
+ print("\n %s will be added to your system!" %i.model)
+ process_list.append(i)
+ else:
+ no_process_list.append(i)
+ else:
+ process_list.append(i)
+ print("\n")
+ print(" Scan Finished")
+ print("-" * 60)
+ if scan_only:
+ if len(process_list) > 0:
+ print(" Unknown or Unmounted Disks:")
+ f = open('/tmp/scan_report', 'w')
+ for i in process_list:
+ f.write("disk: %s , location: %s ,size: %s \n" %(i.model,i.block_path,i.device_size))
+ print("\n")
+ print(" ---------------------------------------------------------")
+ print(" Found New Disk:")
+ print(" model: %s" %i.model)
+ print(" location: %s" %i.block_path)
+ print(" size: %s " %i.device_size)
+ f.close()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ for i in no_process_list:
+ system_drive_list.append(i)
+ if len(process_list) > 0:
+ DB = MythDB()
+ host=gethostname()
+ for y in process_list:
+ system_drive_list.remove(y)
+ write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list)
+ else:
+ print("\nThere are no disks to add to your system.\n\nFor more options: --help\n")
+ write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list)
+ #BE = MythBE(db=DB)
+ #save new list to disk_device
+ #write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list)
+ #disk_num = last_disk_num()
+ if len(process_list) > 0:
+ print("\n Will add %s disk(s) to your system." %len(process_list))
+ dir_sg = prompt_sg(dir_sg)
+ if prompt_to_continue(process_list) == True:
+ write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list)
+ disk_num = last_disk_num()
+ for i in process_list:
+ print(" Disk: %s" %(i.get_name()))
+ disk_num = disk_num + 1
+ i.lookup_format()
+ if destruction == True:
+ i.partition_disk()
+ i.format_disk()
+ i.add_fstab()
+ i.mount_disk(no_mount)
+ #if destruction == True:
+ if dir_sg == True:
+ i.mkdirs(FS_LIST)
+ i.set_disk_num(disk_num)
+ i.set_dir_sg(dir_sg)
+ i.write_config()
+ system_drive_list.append(i)
+ write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list)
+ i.symlink_disk()
+ if dir_sg == True:
+ i.add_sg(DB,host,SG_MAP)
+ print("-----")
+ cmd = " -m fileshare"
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ #i.add_sg(DB,host,SG_MAP)
+def myth_main(no_mount,install_call,dir_sg):
+ global bus
+ bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+ #search for root
+ f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r')
+ fstab=f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for i in fstab:
+ split_line=i.split()
+ if not split_line:
+ continue
+ try:
+ if split_line[1] == "/" :
+ uuid_device = split_line[0]
+ break
+ except:
+ print("Couldn't find / in fstab")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if uuid_device.startswith("UUID"):
+ uuid_device = uuid_device.split("=")[1]
+ cmd = "blkid -U %s" %uuid_device
+ device = runcmd(cmd)[1]
+ else:
+ device = uuid_device.strip()
+ #should have something like /dev/sda1
+ #remove all the digits
+ device = ''.join([letter for letter in device if not letter.isdigit()])
+ system_drive_list = scan_system()
+ for i in system_drive_list:
+ if i.block_path == device:
+ break
+ else:
+ print("Couldn't find root device in block list")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not install_call == True:
+ DB = MythDB()
+ host=gethostname()
+ else:
+ DB = None
+ host=gethostname()
+ print(" Disk: %s" %(i.get_name()))
+ i.set_mmount(True)
+ i.set_dir_sg(dir_sg)
+ i.set_partition("7")
+ i.set_disk_num(0)
+ i.lookup_format()
+ i.add_fstab(True)
+ #if not install_call:
+ i.mount_disk(no_mount)
+ i.write_config()
+ #no need to make the sub directories because the install process has taken care of it.
+ if dir_sg == True:
+ i.add_sg(DB,host,SG_MAP,'99',install_call)
+ i.symlink()
+ cmd = " -m fileshare"
+ runcmd(cmd)
+def reconstruct_storagegroups():
+ print("\nRecreating storage groups from contents of /etc/storage.d/\n")
+ DB = MythDB()
+ host=gethostname()
+ for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir):
+ parser = SafeConfigParser()
+ mount_point = parser.get('storage', 'mountpoint')
+ mmount = parser.getboolean('storage', 'mmount')
+ try:
+ removed = parser.getboolean('storage', 'removed')
+ except:
+ removed = False
+ if removed:
+ print("Skipping: " + mount_point + " - removed")
+ continue
+ if not os.path.ismount(mount_point):
+ print("Skipping: " + mount_point + " - not mounted")
+ continue
+ try:
+ dir_sg = parser.getboolean('storage', 'storage_groups')
+ except configparser.NoOptionError as err:
+ print("SG not found in conf, get setting from DB")
+ dir_sg = False
+ # Get storage sroup directories from DB
+ recs = DB.getStorageGroup(groupname="Default")
+ for record in recs:
+ if record.dirname.startswith(mount_point):
+ dir_sg = True
+ # Write SG usage to conf
+ parser.set('storage','storage_groups',str(dir_sg))
+ with open(conf_file, 'wb') as conf_file:
+ parser.write(conf_file)
+ if dir_sg is True:
+ print("SGs Enabled for: " + mount_point)
+ print(" Creating directory structure:")
+ print(" %s" %mount_point)
+ for y in FS_LIST:
+ new_dir="%s/%s" %(mount_point,y)
+ try:
+ os.stat(new_dir)
+ print(" %s - exists" %y)
+ except:
+ os.makedirs(new_dir)
+ cmd="chown -R mythtv:mythtv /%s" %new_dir
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ cmd="chmod -R 775 /%s" %new_dir
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ print(" %s - created" %y)
+ print(" Adding storage groups to DB")
+ if mmount is True:
+ sgweight=99
+ else:
+ sgweight=0
+ for key in SG_MAP.keys():
+ gn=key
+ hn=host
+ dn="%s/%s" %(mount_point,SG_MAP[key])
+ with DB as c:
+ #delete old dir without trailing slash
+ c.execute("""delete from storagegroup where groupname = %s and hostname = %s and dirname = %s""", (gn,hn,dn.rstrip('/')))
+ try:
+ c.execute("""insert into storagegroup (groupname,hostname,dirname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(gn,hn,dn))
+ print(" Added: %s to storagegroup %s" %(dn,gn))
+ except:
+ print(" Skipping: %s exists" %dn)
+ if sgweight > 0:
+ try:
+ sgw="SGweightPerDir:%s:%s" %(hn,dn)
+ #delete old dir without trailing slash
+ c.execute("""delete from settings where value = %s and data = %s and hostname = %s""", (sgw.rstrip('/'),sgweight,hn))
+ if DB.settings[hn][sgw] == '99':
+ print(" Skipping: storage group weight DB entry exists")
+ else:
+ c.execute("""insert into settings (value,data,hostname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(sgw,sgweight,hn))
+ print(" Adding storage group weight of %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn))
+ except:
+ print(" *Error setting storage group weight %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn))
+ else:
+ print("SGs Disabled for: " + mount_point)
+ return
+class reconstruct_path:
+ def __init__(self,conf_file):
+ self.conf_file = conf_file
+ parser = SafeConfigParser()
+ self.config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
+ self.uuid = parser.get('storage', 'uuid')
+ self.mount_point = parser.get('storage', 'mountpoint')
+ self.shareable = parser.get('storage', 'shareable')
+ self.myth_mount = parser.get('storage', 'mmount')
+ self.bind = self.myth_mount
+ self.disk_num = parser.get('storage', 'disk_num')
+ self.top_mount_dir = os.path.dirname(self.mount_point)
+ try:
+ self.fstype = parser.get('storage', 'fstype')
+ except:
+ self.fstype = self.get_fstype()
+ try:
+ self.removed = parser.get('storage', 'removed')
+ except:
+ self.removed = False
+ def get_fstype(self):
+ cmd = "fsck -N UUID=%s" %self.uuid
+ tmpfstype = runcmd(cmd)
+ tmpfstype = tmpfstype[1].split('/sbin/fsck.')
+ tmpfstype = tmpfstype[1].split(' ')
+ self.fstype = tmpfstype[0]
+ self.write_config()
+ return self.fstype
+ def get_conf(self):
+ return self.conf_file
+ def get_uuid(self):
+ return self.uuid
+ def get_mount_point(self):
+ return self.mount_point
+ def get_shareable(self):
+ return self.shareable
+ def get_is_myth_mount(self):
+ return self.myth_mount
+ def get_disk_num(self):
+ return self.disk_num
+ def get_removed(self):
+ return self.removed
+ def create_mount_point(self):
+ try:
+ os.stat(self.mount_point)
+ except:
+ os.makedirs(self.mount_point)
+ def find_options_type(self,fstab):
+ mp=['/myth', '/data/storage/disk0']
+ for i in fstab:
+ split_line=i.split()
+ try:
+ if split_line[1] in mp:
+ options = split_line[3]
+ break
+ else:
+ options = "defaults"
+ mount_point = i
+ except:
+ options = "defaults"
+ return options,i
+ def read_fstab(self):
+ f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r')
+ fstab=f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ return fstab
+ def check_in_fstab(self,fstab,check_path):
+ for line in fstab:
+ if line.find(check_path) > -1:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def append_fstab(self,line):
+ new_fstab_line='\t'.join(line)
+ new_fstab_line="%s\n" %new_fstab_line
+ f = open('/etc/fstab', 'a')
+ #f = open('/tmp/fstab', 'a')
+ f.write(new_fstab_line)
+ #f.write("\n")
+ f.close()
+ def symlink(self):
+ print(" Creating symlink for /myth")
+ if not os.path.exists("/myth"):
+ cmd = "ln -s %s/media /myth " %(self.mount_point)
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ else:
+ print(" Skipping symlink, /myth already exists")
+ def symlink_disk(self):
+ print(" Creating symlink for disk%s" %self.disk_num)
+ disk_ln="%s/disk%s" %(self.top_mount_dir,self.disk_num)
+ cmd = "ln -s %s %s" %(self.mount_point,disk_ln)
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ def add_fstab(self):
+ #new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', 'auto', 'defaults', '0', '1']
+ new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', self.fstype, 'defaults', '0', '1']
+ fstab=self.read_fstab()
+ if self.bind == "True":
+ self.symlink()
+ if self.check_in_fstab(fstab,self.uuid) == True:
+ print(" Found UUID of disk in fstab, will not add it")
+ else:
+ print(" Adding storage to fstab")
+ if self.bind == "True" :
+ print(" Bind mount")
+ new_fstab_list=["/data/storage/disk0" , self.mount_point , "none" , "rw,bind", '0', '0']
+ if self.check_in_fstab(fstab,self.mount_point) == False:
+ self.append_fstab(new_fstab_list)
+ else:
+ print(" Found bind storage in fstab, will not add it")
+ else:
+ #check for old mount point and comment out
+ f = open('/etc/fstab', 'w')
+ for line in fstab:
+ if not line.startswith("#"):
+ if line.find(self.mount_point) > -1:
+ print(" Found old mount %s in fstab, commenting out" %self.mount_point)
+ line = "#"+line
+ f.write(line)
+ f.close()
+ #construct new line
+ new_options = self.find_options_type(fstab)[0]
+ new_fstab_list[0]="UUID=%s" %self.uuid
+ new_fstab_list[1]=self.mount_point
+ new_fstab_list[3]=new_options
+ self.append_fstab(new_fstab_list)
+ def mount_disk(self,no_mount=False):
+ try:
+ os.stat(self.mount_point)
+ except:
+ os.makedirs(self.mount_point)
+ if no_mount == False :
+ if os.path.ismount(self.mount_point):
+ print(" Disk already mounted, will not mount:\n %s" %self.mount_point)
+ pass
+ else:
+ print(" Mounting %s" %self.mount_point)
+ cmd = "mount %s" %self.mount_point
+ runcmd(cmd)
+ return
+ def write_config(self):
+ print(" Writing /etc/storage.d conf file")
+ self.config.add_section('storage')
+ self.config.set('storage','uuid',self.uuid)
+ self.config.set('storage','mountpoint',self.mount_point)
+ self.config.set('storage','fstype',self.fstype)
+ self.config.set('storage','shareable','True')
+ self.config.set('storage','mmount',self.myth_mount)
+ self.config.set('storage','storage_groups',self.dir_sg)
+ self.config.set('storage','disk_num',self.disk_num)
+ print(" %s" %self.conf_file)
+ with open(self.conf_file, 'wb') as self.conf_file:
+ self.config.write(self.conf_file)
+ return
+def reconstruct_mounts(no_mount):
+ print("\nRecreating disks from contents of /etc/storage.d/")
+ for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir):
+ print("\n")
+ cf = reconstruct_path(conf_file)
+ # skip if the disk was removed
+ if cf.get_removed():
+ continue
+ #print cf.get_conf()
+ #print cf.get_uuid()
+ print(" Recreating %s" %cf.get_mount_point())
+ #print cf.get_shareable()
+ #print cf.get_is_myth_mount()
+ #print cf.get_disk_num()
+ cf.create_mount_point()
+ cf.add_fstab()
+ cf.symlink_disk()
+ cf.mount_disk(no_mount)
+ print("\n\nDone recreating disks.\n")
+ pass
+def usage():
+ help='''
+ finds and sets up disks for MythTV usage.
+ It's a powerful tool that could destroy data if not used correctly,
+ please be careful.
+ Scanned disks are ignored if they are mounted or have been
+ previously skipped by
+ The file system type for disks added by is
+ automatically set to the type selected for the data partition
+ at install.
+ Normal operations without options include (in this order):
+ Partition the disk
+ Format the disk
+ Add disk to /etc/fstab
+ Mount the disk
+ Create the directories
+ (if user enables MythTV storage groups)
+ Write out the disk config file to /etc/storage.d/
+ Create disk# symlink at /data/storage/
+ Create /myth symlink (if applicable)
+ Create MythTV storage group paths in MythTV database
+ (if user enables MythTV storage groups)
+ Options:
+ --add_sg: Create the MythTV storage group directories and
+ database entries for database backups, TV
+ recordings, photos, music, streaming, videos
+ and artwork.
+ -h, --help: Show this help message.
+ --new_init: Erase the list of known disks and rescan.
+ --no_destruction: Will not partition or format the disk.
+ All other normal operations will be performed.
+ Can be used to import disks from other systems
+ however, only works with the first
+ partition on a disk and ignores all others.
+ --no_mount: Do not mount the disk.
+ All other normal operations will be performed.
+ --reconstruct: Recreate mount point, /myth symlink, fstab entry,
+ /data/storage/disk# symlink, and mount the disk.
+ --no_mount is the only option that works with
+ --reconstruct.
+ --reconstruct_sg: Recreate the MythTV storage group directories and
+ database entries if they don't exist.
+ No other options work with --reconstruct_sg.
+ --report: Scan disks and print new found disks.
+ '''
+ print(help)
+ sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ scan_only = False
+ myth_mount = False
+ no_mount = False
+ destruction = True
+ install_call = False
+ dir_sg = False
+ reconstruct = False
+ reconstruct_sg = False
+ try:
+ os.remove("/tmp/scan_report")
+ except:
+ pass
+ if not os.geteuid()==0:
+ sys.exit("\nRoot access is required to run this program.\n")
+ if "--help" in sys.argv or "-h" in sys.argv:
+ usage()
+ if "--install_call" in sys.argv:
+ install_call = True
+ if "--no_mount" in sys.argv :
+ no_mount = True
+ if "--no_destruction" in sys.argv:
+ destruction = False
+ if "--new_init" in sys.argv :
+ remove_pickle()
+ if "--report" in sys.argv :
+ scan_only = True
+ if "--add_sg" in sys.argv:
+ dir_sg = True
+ #there is no distinction between FE and BE sg anymore
+ #but leaving these for backwards compatibility
+ if "--add_fe_sg" in sys.argv:
+ dir_sg = True
+ if "--add_be_sg" in sys.argv:
+ dir_sg = True
+ if "--reconstruct" in sys.argv:
+ reconstruct = True
+ if "--reconstruct_sg" in sys.argv:
+ reconstruct_sg = True
+ if "--double_myth" in sys.argv:
+ myth_main(no_mount, install_call, dir_sg)
+ elif reconstruct == True:
+ reconstruct_mounts(no_mount)
+ elif reconstruct_sg == True:
+ reconstruct_storagegroups()
+ else:
+ main(scan_only, destruction, no_mount, install_call, dir_sg)