path: root/linhes/linhes-system/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'linhes/linhes-system/')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3cbf5dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+. /etc/profile
+#. /etc/systemconfig
+HOSTNAME=`/usr/bin/hostnamectl hostname`
+function msg(){
+ /usr/bin/lh_notify-send --app-name="LinHES" --icon=dialog-information "$1" "$2"
+function check_installer_user(){
+ if [[ "$(whoami)" = 'km' ]]; then
+ echo "Running lh_system_start as installer user km. Exiting."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+function applyUIsettings(){
+ /usr/bin/
+ msg "Welcome to LinHES 9!"
+function x11vnc_setup(){
+ konsole -e /bin/bash -i -c "echo 'Create VNC password.' && x11vnc --storepasswd"
+ mkdir -p ~/.vnc
+ touch ~/.vnc/x11vnc.log
+ sudo /usr/bin/systemctl enable --now x11vnc.service
+function bashrc_setup(){
+ if ! grep -q 'alias rscp=' ~/.bashrc; then
+ echo -e "\nalias rscp='rsync -a --info=progress2'" >> ~/.bashrc
+ fi
+ if ! grep -q 'alias rsmv=' ~/.bashrc; then
+ echo -e "alias rsmv='rsync -a --info=progress2 --remove-source-files'" >> ~/.bashrc
+ fi
+function nanorc_setup(){
+ sudo sed -i 's/# set tabsize.*/set tabsize 4/' /etc/nanorc
+ sudo sed -i 's/# set tabstospaces.*/set tabstospaces/' /etc/nanorc
+ sudo sed -i 's/# include "\/usr\/share\/nano\/\*.nanorc"/include "\/usr\/share\/nano\/\*.nanorc"/' /etc/nanorc
+function storage_scan(){
+ sudo --report > /dev/null
+ if [ -e /tmp/scan_report ]; then
+ msg "New Storage Found" "Run for details."
+ fi
+function install_lh_apps(){
+ #install programs that are not needed on the iso
+ #check network connection
+ netwait=0
+ while ! timeout 1 nc -zw1 443; do
+ [ $netwait -gt 12 ] && msg "Could not install apps. Check internet connection. Cancelling Setup." && exit 1
+ msg "Waiting for internet connectivity..."
+ ((netwait++))
+ sleep 5
+ done
+ msg "Installing apps."
+ konsole -e /bin/bash -i -c "sudo pacman -Syyy --noconfirm archlinux-keyring && sudo pacman -Syyy --noconfirm mythtv mythplugins-mytharchive mythplugins-mythmusic mythplugins-mythweb && flatpak install tv.plex.PlexHTPC --noninteractive --assumeyes && sudo flatpak override tv.plex.PlexHTPC --filesystem=/run/lirc/lircd"
+ status=$?
+ [ $status -eq 1 ] && msg "Could not install apps. Check internet connection. Cancelling Setup." && exit 1
+function sql_setup(){
+ sudo mkdir -p /data/srv/mysql
+ sudo mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/data/srv/mysql
+ sudo systemctl enable --now mariadb.service
+ mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | sudo mysql -u root mysql
+ sudo mariadb -u root < /usr/share/linhes/templates/db/permissions.sql
+ mythtv-setup -O theme=LinHES
+ sed -e "s/apheleia/${HOSTNAME}/g" /usr/share/linhes/templates/db/custom.sql > /tmp/custom.sql.fixed
+ sudo mariadb -u root mythconverg < /tmp/custom.sql.fixed
+function localweb_setup(){
+ konsole -e /bin/bash -i -c "sudo pacman -Syyy --noconfirm linhes-web"
+ sudo cp /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf.orig
+ sudo cp /usr/share/linhes/templates/lighttpd.conf.template /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
+ sudo systemctl enable --now lighttpd.service
+function first_configure(){
+ if [ ! -f ~/.config/lh_configured ]; then
+ msg "New install of LinHES. Starting setup."
+ install_lh_apps
+ nanorc_setup
+ bashrc_setup
+ x11vnc_setup
+ if [ -f /etc/systemconfig ]; then
+ SystemType=$(grep SystemType= /etc/systemconfig | cut -d '"' -f 2)
+ else
+ SystemType=$(kdialog --title "LinHES System Type" --combobox "Select the LinHES System Type: " "MasterBackend" "FrontendOnly" "DesktopOnly" --default "MasterBackend")
+ echo "SystemType=\"$SystemType\"" | sudo tee /etc/systemconfig
+ fi
+ #apply settings for specific system types
+ msg "Setup as $SystemType"
+ if [ $SystemType = "MasterBackend" ]; then
+ # create media directory structure
+ sudo mkdir -p /data/storage/disk0
+ sudo /data/storage/disk0
+ sudo ln -s /data/storage/disk0/media/ /myth
+ # setup DB
+ sql_setup
+ # run mythtv-setup
+ # need to run twice for default db install/upgrade
+ mythtv-setup
+ sudo systemctl enable --now mythbackend.service
+ # run mythfilldatabase
+ #nice -n 19 mythfilldatabase --quiet &
+ #msg "Guide data is being loaded." "Until this completes some shows will appear as unknown in the program guide."
+ localweb_setup
+ elif [ $SystemType = "FrontendOnly" ]; then
+ msg "Frontend Only"
+ #Frontend_only cmds
+ # create media directory structure
+ sudo mkdir -p /data/storage/disk0
+ sudo /data/storage/disk0
+ elif [ $SystemType = "DesktopOnly" ]; then
+ msg "Desktop Only"
+ #Frontend_only cmds
+ # create media directory structure
+ sudo mkdir -p /data/storage/disk0
+ sudo /data/storage/disk0
+ touch ~/.config/lh_dontrunmythfrontend
+ fi
+ touch ~/.config/lh_configured
+ fi
+function start_user_apps() {
+ if [ -f ~/.config/lh_startuserapps ]; then
+ msg "Starting User Apps..."
+ source ~/.config/lh_startuserapps
+ fi
+function start_myth() {
+ STARTCMD="/usr/bin/mythfrontend --syslog local6 --quiet"
+ if [ ! -f ~/.config/lh_dontrunmythfrontend ]; then
+ msg "Starting MythFrontend..."
+ $STARTCMD 2>&1 &
+ fi
+#apply settings for all system types
+/usr/bin/ &