path: root/linhes/linhes-system/recordings.cron
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'linhes/linhes-system/recordings.cron')
1 files changed, 146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/recordings.cron b/linhes/linhes-system/recordings.cron
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..387910f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/recordings.cron
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#START=$(date +%s)
+#check if mythbackend is running and was just started
+for i in 1 2
+if [ `ps -ef | grep mythbackend |grep -v "grep" | wc -l` ]
+ now=$(date +%s)
+ mythbackendStartTime=`systemctl status mythbackend.service | grep Active| cut -d ' ' -f 11-12`
+ mythbackendStartTime=`date -d"$mythbackendStartTime" +"%s"`
+ if [[ $(( $now - $mythbackendStartTime )) -lt 59 ]]
+ then
+ #echo "mythbackend started less than a minute ago. Sleeping..."
+ sleep 60
+ fi
+ #echo "mythbackend not running. exiting."
+ exit
+if [ -f /usr/share/mythtv/contrib/user_jobs/ ]
+ recdir="/data/storage/disk0/media/recordings"
+ tmprecdir="/data/storage/disk0/media/tmp/recordings"
+ rm -r $tmprecdir
+ su - mythtv -c "perl /usr/share/mythtv/contrib/user_jobs/ --format '%Ct/%U/%T/%T %- S%ssE%ep %- %oY-%om-%od = %S' --link '$tmprecdir'"
+ # rename category_types (%Ct) from numbers to names
+ for cattype in $tmprecdir/*
+ do
+ if [ $cattype == "$tmprecdir/1" ]
+ then
+ rsync -a "$cattype/" "$tmprecdir/Movies"
+ rm -r "$cattype"
+ elif [[ $cattype == "$tmprecdir/2" ]] || [[ $cattype == "$tmprecdir/4" ]]
+ then
+ rsync -a "$cattype/" "$tmprecdir/TV Shows"
+ rm -r "$cattype"
+ elif [ $cattype == "$tmprecdir/3" ]
+ then
+ rsync -a "$cattype/" "$tmprecdir/Sports"
+ rm -r "$cattype"
+ else
+ #ignore Movies, TV Shows, Sports. Move all others to TV Shows
+ if [[ $cattype != "$tmprecdir/Movies" ]] && [[ $cattype != "$tmprecdir/TV Shows" ]] && [[ $cattype != "$tmprecdir/Sports" ]]
+ then
+ if [ ! -d "$tmprecdir/TV Shows" ]
+ then
+ mkdir "$tmprecdir/TV Shows"
+ fi
+ rsync -a "$cattype" "$tmprecdir/TV Shows"
+ rm -r "$cattype"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ #delete Deleted recgroup
+ for link in $tmprecdir/**/Deleted
+ do
+ rm -r "$link"
+ done
+ #move all links in recgroup dirs out to parent dir
+ for recgroup in $tmprecdir/**/*
+ do
+ if [ -d "$recgroup" ]
+ then
+ cd "$recgroup"
+ rsync -a "$recgroup/" ..
+ cd "$tmprecdir"
+ rm -r "$recgroup"
+ fi
+ done
+ #replace SE if no season/episode is in myth
+ for link in $tmprecdir/**/**/*\ -\ SE\ -\ *
+ do
+ newlink=`echo "$link" | sed 's/ - SE - / - /'`
+ mv "$link" "$newlink"
+ done
+ #replace SEyy if no season is in myth
+ for link in $tmprecdir/**/**/*\ -\ SE[0-9][0-9]\ -\ *
+ do
+ newlink=`echo "$link" | sed 's/ - SE/ - S00E/'`
+ mv "$link" "$newlink"
+ done
+ #replace SyyE if no episode is in myth
+ for link in $tmprecdir/**/**/*\ -\ S[0-9][0-9]E\ -\ *
+ do
+ newlink=`echo "$link" | sed 's/E - /E00 - /'`
+ mv "$link" "$newlink"
+ done
+ #replace blank original date
+ for link in $tmprecdir/**/**/*\ -\ 0000-00-00\ -\ *
+ do
+ newlink=`echo "$link" | sed 's/ - 0000-00-00 - / - /'`
+ mv "$link" "$newlink"
+ done
+ #add dash pt suffix if filename before the subtitle is the same
+ #so that plex will scan and include in library
+ uniqs="$(ls $tmprecdir/**/**/* | sed 's/ = .*//' | sort | uniq -d)"
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ for link in $uniqs
+ do
+ i=1
+ for dup in `ls -v $link*`
+ do
+ newlink=`echo "$dup" | sed "s/ = /-pt$i = /"`
+ mv "$dup" "$newlink"
+ i=$((i+1))
+ done
+ done
+ #change symlinks mtime to match the file it is linked to
+# for link in $tmprecdir/**/*
+# do
+# if [ -L "$link" ]
+# then
+# file=`readlink "$link"`
+# touch -hr "$file" "$link"
+# fi
+# done
+ #sync tmprecdir to recdir
+ #rsync -aOP --delete --ignore-existing "$tmprecdir/" "$recdir/"
+ rsync -aO --delete "$tmprecdir/" "$recdir/"
+ #check if plex media server is running
+ if [[ `pidof "Plex Media Server"` ]]
+ then
+ #get plex section and update
+ script -q -c '/usr/bin/ -l' | grep -i myth | cut -d: -f1 | while read -r line
+ do
+ /usr/bin/ --scan --refresh --section $line
+ done
+ fi
+#END=$(date +%s)
+#DIFF=$(( $END - $START ))
+#echo "It took $DIFF seconds"