path: root/abs/core/LinHES-system/system.install
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2016-04-07LinHES-system: in system.install kill msg_daemd to ensure there are no ↵Britney Fransen1-0/+1
messages that hang on screen
2016-04-07LinHES-system: clear msg_client queue in system.install to ensure there are ↵Britney Fransen1-0/+1
no messages being shown
2014-02-05LinHES-system: add to replace refs #958Britney Fransen1-0/+3
update to use update to update the db to use and run on install
2014-01-22LinHES-system: system.install pre_upgrade stop msg_daemon so it doesn't hang ↵Britney Fransen1-1/+2
around add to help msg
2013-12-12LinHES-system: change to run in cron hourly to run more reliably ↵Britney Fransen1-9/+3
after system is down or is busy.
2013-09-28LinHES-system: make bottom positions scroll the same as the ↵Britney Fransen1-1/+1
top positions
2013-09-26LinHES-system & func: Change OSD font to OverlockBritney Fransen1-1/+0 if cmd is --print_list wait 1s for data to be returned from msg_daemon
2013-09-25LinHES-system: remove old LinHES-system.install and add ↵Britney Fransen1-0/+3 to system.install
2012-10-01LinHES-system: cleaned up install file and moved sudo rules to their own file.James Meyer1-64/+12
2012-09-03Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/testing' into testingJames Meyer1-7/+2
# By Britney Fransen (10) and others # Via Britney Fransen * origin/testing: mythdb-initial: add MiscStatusScript value to initial db. refs #845. LinHES-system: remove dup .install keylaunch: update .keylaunchrc to run mythtv-setup as user rsyslog: increase log retention to 2 weeks runit-scripts: enable cron logging to syslog premake:initial inclusion. closes #801 libaacs-git:initial inclusion. closes #801 aacskeys:initial inclusion. closes #801 LinHES-system: Add scripts for misc status in MythWeb. closes #845. linhes-scripts: tweak myth2mkv. Update version to 0.25-004 dvb-firmware: add xc5000c firmware. change xc5000 modprobe options. closes #844 v4l-dvb: update to snapshot from 20120828. refs #844 LinHES-system: update to work with tuners in error. closes #843 curlftpfs: Initial Inclusion. linhes-scripts: minor changes to myth2mkv mythtv:Bumped to latest fixes. Added ./configure items to close #842. LinHES-config:7.4 rdt 9th anniversary release. Conflicts: abs/core/LinHES-config/LinHES-release abs/core/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD abs/core/keylaunch/PKGBUILD abs/core/linhes-scripts/PKGBUILD abs/core/mythdb-initial/PKGBUILD abs/core/mythdb-initial/mc.sql abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.25/mythtv/PKGBUILD abs/core/runit-scripts/PKGBUILD
2012-08-09linhes-system: removed .install scriptJames Meyer1-0/+104