path: root/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mp3
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2013-01-03linhes-scripts: myth2mp3, myth2x264, myth2xvid: use mythutil to get cutlistR7-testingBritney Fransen1-2/+2
In mythtv .25 mythcommflag --getcutlist is depreciated
2012-05-18linhes-scripts: remove --peak from normalize command in myth2mp3Michael Hanson1-3/+3
2012-05-18linhes-scripts: fix typo and add nice to normalize command in myth2mp3Michael Hanson1-3/+3
2012-05-18linhes-scripts: Add normalize as a dependency for myth2mp3Michael Hanson1-7/+20
2012-05-18linhes-scripts: myth2mp3: remove / from titlesBritney Fransen1-5/+6
2009-09-26LinHES 6.01.00Cecil Hugh Watson1-0/+82