From 0275dd9b652a2bc4cce6011c49ee5a1595bb8fd0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 22:31:49 -0500
Subject: LinHES-config:  adding more python modules. Most things are not
 python, but is still used by install.

 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/        | 147 +++++++++-
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/             |  41 +++
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/    | 352 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/      |  94 ++++++
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/      |   1 +
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/          | 288 +++++++++++++++++++
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/        | 167 +++++++++++
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/     | 277 ++++++++++++++++++
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ | 199 +++++++++++++
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/    |  41 +++
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/     |  19 ++
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/   | 116 +++++++-
 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/        |  23 ++
 13 files changed, 1748 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
index 928c038..4dde3dc 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -1,6 +1,147 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import logging
+import logging, mv_common
+import os
+config_file = "mv_config"
+data_config = __import__(config_file, globals(), locals(), [])
+def setup_ntp(usepool,ntpserver):
+    if usepool:
+"Setting ntp server to %s",ntpserver)
+        print '''sed -i "s/$dbhost/g" ${BASE}/etc/ntp.conf'''
+    else:
+"Not changing ntp configuration")
+def setup_avahi(templates):
+    file="/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service"
+    if not os.path.exists(file):
+        logging.debug("    copying in mysql.service for avahi")
+        try:
+            os.makedirs("/etc/avahi/services")
+        except:
+            logging.debug("    Couldn't create /etc/avahi/services")
+        mv_common.cp_and_log(template+"/mysql.service",file)
+        cmd="sudo sv restart avahi"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def remove_avahi_service():
+    file="/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service"
+    if os.path.exists(file):
+        logging.debug("    Removing avahi mysql.service file")
+        cmd="rm -rf %s" %file
+        runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd="sudo sv restart avahi"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def setup_db():
+    logging.debug("    Setting up the database")
+def setup_mysqlnetwork():
+    logging.debug("    Setting up mysql network")
+def setup_mysql():
+    logging.debug("    Configuring mysql")
+def setup_func_key():
+    if data_config.SYSTEMTYPE == "MythVantage":
+        logging.debug("    Grabbing the key for Func")
+        cmd="/usr/MythVantage/bin/"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def setup_func_minion(dbhost):
+"    Setting up the func minion:")
+    logging.debug("   certmaster is %s:",dbhost)
+    cmd='''sed -i "s/^certmaster.*$/certmaster = %s/" /etc/func/minion.conf ''' %dbhost
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def setup_syslog(dbhost):
+    logging.debug("    Setting syslog to log to %s",dbhost)
+    cmd ='''sed -i "s/^destination d_remote.*$/destination d_remote \{tcp\(\"%s\" port\(514\)\) \;\} \;/" /etc/syslog-ng.conf''' %dbhost
+    return
 def hostypeprint(systemconfig):
-    print "hostran"
-    print systemconfig["Hostipeth0"]
\ No newline at end of file
+    logging.debug("______Start of hostype config_____")
+    install_list=''
+    remove_list=''
+    daemon_list=''
+    daemon_remove_list=''
+    if systemconfig["SystemType"] == "Standalone":
+"Stand alone system being configured")
+        setup_ntp(False,"null")
+        remove_avahi_service()
+        if systemconfig["hostypec"]:
+            setup_db()
+        install_list=("mysql", "mythdb-initial", "avahi", "portmap", "nfs-utils", "local-website", "myth2ipod", "mythtv-status")
+        daemon_list=("mysql", "mythbackend", "avahi", "portmap", "nfs-utils", "netfs", "lighttpd")
+    elif systemconfig["SystemType"] == "Master_backend":
+"Master backend system being configured")
+        setup_ntp(False,"null")
+        setup_avahi(systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+        install_list=("mysql", "mythdb-initial", "avahi", "portmap", "nfs-utils", "local-website", "myth2ipod", "mythtv-status")
+        daemon_list=("mysql", "mythbackend", "avahi", "portmap", "nfs-utils", "netfs", "lighttpd")
+        if data_config.SYSTEMTYPE == "MythVantage":
+            install_list.append('func')
+            install_list.append('certmaster')
+            daemon_list.append('certmaster')
+    elif systemconfig["SystemType"] == "Slave_backend":
+"Slave backend  system being configured")
+        setup_ntp(True,systemconfig["dbhost"])
+        remove_avahi_service()
+        if systemconfig["hostypec"]:
+            setup_db()
+        install_list=("portmap", "nfs-utils", "local-website", "avahi", 'libmysqlclient')
+        daemon_list=("mythbackend", "portmap", "nfs-utils", "netfs", "lighttpd", "avahi")
+        daemon_remove_list=('mysql')
+        if data_config.SYSTEMTYPE == "MythVantage":
+            install_list.remove("local-website")
+            daemon_list.remove("lighttpd")
+            install_list.append('func')
+            daemon_list.append('funcd')
+            remove_list.append("lighttpd")
+    elif systemconfig["SystemType"] == "Frontend_only":
+"Frontend only system being configured")
+        setup_ntp(True,systemconfig["dbhost"])
+        remove_avahi_service()
+        install_list=("mysql-clients", "libmysqlclient",  "avahi", "portmap", "nfs-utils", "local-website")
+        remove_list=("mysql")
+        daemon_list=("mysql", "mythbackend", "avahi", "portmap", "nfs-utils", "netfs", "lighttpd")
+        daemon_remove_list=("mysql", "mythbackend")
+        if data_config.SYSTEMTYPE == "MythVantage":
+            install_list.remove("local-website")
+            daemon_list.remove("lighttpd")
+            install_list.append('func')
+            daemon_list.append('funcd')
+            remove_list.append("lighttpd")
+    for pkg in install_list:
+        mv_common.pacinstall(pkg)
+    for pkg in remove_list:
+        mv_common.pacinstall(pkg)
+    for daemon in daemon_list:
+        mv_common.add_service(daemon)
+    for daemon in daemon_remove_list:
+        mv_common.remove_service(daemon)
+    if systemconfig["RunFrontend"] == "1":
+        logging.debug("   Will run the frontend")
+        mv_common.add_service("frontend")
+        mv_common.add_service("hal")
+    else:
+        logging.debug("   Will NOT run the frontend")
+        mv_common.remove_service("frontend")
+        mv_common.remove_service("hal")
+    setup_mysqlnetwork()
+    setup_mysql()
+    if data_config.SYSTEMTYPE == "MythVantage":
+        setup_func_minion(dbhost)
+        setup_func_key()
+        setup_syslog(systemconfig["dbhost"])
+    logging.debug("__End of hostype config")
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6723ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging, mv_common
+import os, re
+def setup_ir(systemconfig, data_config):
+"____Start of Software install____")
+    default_disabled = ("mythphone", "mytharchive", "mythbrowser", "mythnews",
+                        "mythgame", "mythflix", "mythweather",
+                        "mythappletrailers", "mythstream", "mythvodka")
+    default_installed=("mythcontrols", "mythgallery", "mythmovies",
+                        "mythmusic", "mythsmolt", "mythvideo")
+    other_pkg=("miro", "xe", "romdb", "xine", "dvdcss", "webmin")
+    for pkg in default_disabled:
+        try:
+            if systemconfig[pkg] == "1":
+                mv_common.pacinstall(pkg)
+            else:
+                mv_common.pacremove(pkg)
+        except:
+            logging.debug("  ERROR-- %s is not defined", pkg)
+    for pkg in default_installed:
+        try:
+            if systemconfig[pkg] == "0":
+                mv_common.pacremove(pkg)
+            else:
+                mv_common.pacinstall(pkg)
+        except:
+            logging.debug("  ERROR-- %s is not defined", pkg)
+    for pkg in other_pkg:
+        try:
+            if systemconfig[pkg] == "1":
+                mv_common.pacinstall(pkg)
+            elif systemconfig[pkg] == "0":
+                mv_common.pacremove(pkg)
+        except:
+            logging.debug("   ERROR-- %s is not defined", pkg)
+"__End Software ")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67692a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging, os, re
+import mv_common
+def setup_pacman(create_link):
+    if create_link:
+"    Creating pacman link")
+"    LOOK")
+    else:
+"    Pacman link will not be created")
+    return
+def setup_ncid_client(dbhost,templatefile):
+    #This always runs
+    logging.debug("    Configuring ncid client with server %s",dbhost)
+    cmd = '''sed -e "s/^set Host.*$/set Host %s /" %s >/etc/ncid/ncid.conf''' %(dbhost, templatefile)
+    return
+def setup_ncid_daemon(port,templatefile,Runncidd):
+"    Configuring callerid daemon")
+    if Runncidd == "1":
+        logging.debug("    Port: %s",port)
+        mv_common.cp_and_log("/etc/ncid/ncidd.conf",templatefile)
+        cmd = '''sed -e "s/.*set ttyport.*$/set ttyport =  \/dev\/%s /" %s >/etc/ncid/ncidd.conf''' %(port,templatefile)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        mv_common.pacinstall("ncidd")
+        mv_common.add_service("ncidd")
+    else:
+        logging.debug("    Callerid will not run")
+        mv_common.pacremove("ncidd")
+        mv_common.remove_service("ncidd")
+    return
+def setup_splash(Usebootsplash):
+    if Usebootsplash == "1":
+"    Enabling splash")
+        cmd = ''' sed -i "s/^default.*0/default 1/g" /boot/grub/menu.lst'''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+"    Disabling splash")
+        cmd = ''' sed -i "s/^default.*1/default 0/g" /boot/grub/menu.lst'''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    return
+def setup_hobbit(UseHobbit,SystemType,dbhost):
+    if UseHobbit == "1":
+        if SystemType == "Standalone" or SystemType == "Master_backend":
+  "    Installing hobbit server")
+            mv_common.pacinstall("hobbitserver")
+            mv_common.add_service("hobbit")
+        else:
+  "    Installing hobbit client")
+            mv_common.pacinstall("hobbit-client")
+            setup_hobbit_client(dbhost)
+            mv_common.add_service("hobbit-client")
+    else:
+  "    Removing Hobbit")
+            mv_common.pacremove("hobbit")
+            mv_common.pacremove("hobbit-client")
+            mv_common.remove_service("hobbit-client")
+            mv_common.remove_service("hobbitserver")
+            cmd = "rm -f /data/srv/httpd/htdocs/hobbit/index.html"
+            mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    return
+def setup_hobbit_client(dbhost):
+"    Configuring hobbit client")
+    logging.debug("   hobbit server is %s:", dbhost)
+    cmd='''sed -i "s/^BBDISP.*$/BBDISP=%s/g" /data/srv/hobbit/client/etc/hobbitclient.cfg ''' %dbhost
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    return
+def setup_evrouter(UseEvrouter,EvrouterConfig,template):
+    if UseEvrouter == "1":
+"    Configuring everouter")
+        logging.debug("    EvrouterConfig is %s:",EvrouterConfig)
+        if EvrouterConfig == "tinker":
+            logging.debug("    tinker mode, not changing the config")
+            return
+        mv_common.pacinstall("evrouter")
+        mv_common.pacinstall("Xvfb")
+        mv_common.cp_and_log(template+EvrouterConfig,"/etc/evrouter.cfg")
+        mv_common.add_service("evrouter")
+        mv_common.add_service("Xvfb")
+    else:
+"    Not using evrouter")
+        mv_common.pacremove("evrouter")
+        mv_common.remove_service("evrouter")
+        mv_common.remove_service("Xvfb")
+    return
+def setup_DNSmasq(RunDHCP,ip,gw,nameserver):
+    if RunDHCP == "1":
+"    Configuring dhcp server(dnsmasq)")
+        logging.debug("    ip: %s", ip)
+        logging.debug("    gw: %s", gw)
+        logging.debug("    ns: %s", nameserver)
+        mv_common.pacinstall("dnsmasq")
+        mv_common.pacinstall("mvpmc")
+        mv_common.add_service("dnsmasq")
+        logging.debug("    Setting default route to my gw: %s",gw)
+        try:
+            f = open("/etc/dnsmasq.conf",'r')
+            dnsconf = f.readlines()
+            f.close()
+        except:
+      "   Couldn't open dnsmasq.conf")
+                return
+        for line in dnsconf:
+            outline = line
+            if re.match("^dhcp-option=3",line):
+                logging.debug("    Setting default route to my gw: %s",gw)
+                outline = "dhcp-option=3,%s\n" %gw
+            if re.match("^dhcp-option=6",line):
+                logging.debug("    Setting dns to my ip: %s",ip)
+                outline = "dhcp-option=6,%s\n" %ip
+            f.write(outline)
+        f.close()
+        logging.debug("    change nfsroot to my ip:%s",ip)
+        cmd = '''sed -i "s/nfsroot=.*:/nfsroot=%s:/g" /data/srv/tftp/pxelinux.cfg/default''' %ip
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        logging.debug("    Adding to resolv.conf")
+        logging.debug("    other nameserver is %s",nameserver)
+        try:
+            f = open("/etc/resolv.conf",'r')
+            dns = f.readlines()
+            f.close()
+        except:
+                dns=''
+                logging.debug("   Couldn't open resolv.conf for reading")
+        try:
+            f = open("/etc/resolv.conf",'w')
+            line="search lan\n"
+            f.write(line)
+            line="nameserver\n"
+            f.write(line)
+            line="nameserver %s\n" %nameserver
+            f.write(line)
+            for line in dns:
+                f.write(line)
+            f.close()
+        except:
+                logging.debug("   Couldn't open resolv.conf for writing")
+        logging.debug("    setup dongle.config")
+        cmd = ''' sed -i "s/mvpmc -f .*/mvpmc -f \/etc\/helvR10.fon -s %s \& /" /data/srv/tftp/dongle.bin.config ''' %ip
+        #COMMAND="%s/mvpmc -f .*/mvpmc -f \/etc\/helvR10.fon -s ${ip} \& /"
+        #ex ${BASE}/data/srv/tftp/dongle.bin.config <<EOF
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+"    removing dhcp server(dnsmasq)")
+        mv_common.pacremove("dnsmasq")
+        mv_common.pacremove("mvpmc")
+        mv_common.remove_service("dnsmasq")
+    return
+def setup_mythweb(UseMythWEB):
+    if UseMythWEB == "1":
+"    Activating mythweb")
+        mv_common.pacinstall("lighttpd")
+        mv_common.pacinstall("mythweb")
+        mv_common.add_service("lighttpd")
+    else:
+"    Removing mythweb")
+        mv_common.pacremove("lighttpd")
+        mv_common.pacremove("mythweb")
+        mv_common.remove_service("lighttpd")
+    return
+def setup_samba(systemconfig,data_config):
+    mythhome = data_config.MYTHHOME
+    if systemconfig["UseSamba"] == "1":
+"    Activating windows file sharing")
+        usersamba=mythhome+"/templates/smb.conf"
+        mv_common.pacinstall("samba")
+        if not os.path.exists("/etc/samba"):
+            logging.debug("    Creating directory /etc/samba")
+            try:
+                os.makedirs("/etc/samba")
+            except:
+                pass
+        if os.path.exists(usersamba):
+            logging.debug("    Using user provided config file %s",usersamba)
+            cmd = "install -D -m755  %s /etc/samba/smb.conf" %usersamba
+            mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        else:
+            Samba_media = systemconfig["Samba_media"]
+            Samba_home = systemconfig["Samba_home"]
+            if systemconfig["Samba_mediareadonly"] == "1":
+                smreadonly = "yes"
+            else:
+                smreadonly = "no"
+            if systemconfig["Samba_homereadonly"] == "1":
+                shreadonly = "yes"
+            else:
+                shreadonly = "no"
+            domain = systemconfig["Samba_domain"]
+            servername = systemconfig["hostname"]
+            try:
+                f = open(systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]+"/samba/smb.conf.template",'r')
+                t_smbconf = f.readlines()
+                f.close()
+            except:
+      "   Couldn't open samba template file")
+                return
+            try:
+                f = open("/etc/samba/smb.conf",'w')
+            except:
+      "   Couldn't open samba file")
+                return
+            for line in t_smbconf:
+                outline = line
+                if re.match("^.*workgroup", line):
+                    logging.debug("    Setting workgroup to %s",domain)
+                    outline="workgroup = %s\n" %domain
+                    logging.debug("     %s",outline)
+                if re.match("^.* server string",line):
+                    logging.debug("    Setting server name to %s",servername)
+                    outline="server string = %s\n" %servername
+                    logging.debug("     %s",outline)
+                f.write(outline)
+            outline="include =  %s/templates/user.shares \n" %mythhome
+            f.write(outline)
+            if Samba_media == "1":
+                outline="include =  /etc/samba/\n"
+                f.write(outline)
+            if Samba_home == "1":
+                outline="include =  /etc/samba/smb.conf.home\n"
+                f.write(outline)
+            f.close()
+  "    Writing")
+            try:
+                f = open("/etc/samba/","w")
+            except:
+      "    Couldn't open")
+                return
+            medialines='''
+path = %s
+public = yes
+only guest = yes
+writeable  = %s
+printable = no
+force user = mythtv
+force group = mythtv
+create mask = 0755''' %(data_config.SMEDIA,data_config.DATAMOUNT,smreadonly)
+            f.write(medialines)
+            f.close
+            logging.debug("     %s",medialines)
+  "    Writing smb.conf.home")
+            try:
+                    f = open("/etc/samba/smb.conf.home","w")
+            except:
+      "    Couldn't open smb.conf.home")
+                return
+            homelines='''
+path = %s
+public = yes
+only guest = yes
+writeable  = %s
+printable = no
+force user = mythtv
+force group = mythtv
+create mask = 0755 ''' %(data_config.MYTHHOME,shreadonly)
+            f.write(homelines)
+            f.close
+            logging.debug("     %s",homelines)
+        mv_common.add_service("nmbd")
+        mv_common.add_service("smbd")
+    else:
+"  Removing windows file sharing")
+        mv_common.remove_service("smbd")
+        mv_common.remove_service("nmbd")
+        mv_common.pacremove("samba")
+        mv_common.pacinstall("smbclient")
+    return
+def setup_NFSshares(UseNFS,templatefile):
+    if UseNFS == "1":
+"    Activating NFS server")
+        mv_common.pacinstall("nfs-utils")
+        mv_common.pacinstall("portmap")
+        cmd = '''sed -e "s/REPLACEME/*/g" %s  >/etc/exports''' %templatefile
+        mv_common.add_service("nfsd")
+        mv_common.add_service("nfs-utils")
+        mv_common.add_service("portmap")
+    else:
+"    Removing NFS server")
+        mv_common.remove_service("nfsd")
+    return
+def setup_dyndns(DDnsEnable):
+    if DDnsEnable == "1":
+"    Installing Dynamic DNS client")
+        mv_common.pacinstall("inadyn")
+        mv_common.add_service("inadyn")
+    else:
+"    Removing Dynamic DNS client")
+        mv_common.pacremove("inadyn")
+        mv_common.remove_service("inadyn")
+def setup_advanced(systemconfig,data_config):
+"____Start of advanced configuration____")
+    create_link = False
+    if systemconfig["SystemType"] == "Master_backend":
+        create_link = True
+    setup_pacman(create_link)
+    setup_ncid_client(systemconfig["dbhost"],
+                      systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]+"/ncid.conf.template")
+    setup_ncid_daemon(systemconfig["nciddSerialPort"],
+                      systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]+"/ncidd.conf.template",
+                      systemconfig["Runncidd"])
+    setup_splash(systemconfig["Usebootsplash"])
+    if data_config.SYSTEMTYPE == "MythVantage":
+        setup_hobbit(systemconfig["UseHobbit"],
+                    systemconfig["SystemType"],
+                    systemconfig["dbhost"])
+    setup_evrouter(systemconfig["UseEvrouter"],
+                   systemconfig["EvrouterConfig"],
+                   systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+    systemconfig["mythip"]="192.168.100.myip"
+    systemconfig["mythgw"]="192.168.100.mygw"
+    systemconfig["mythdns"]=""
+    setup_DNSmasq(systemconfig["RunDHCP"],
+                  systemconfig["mythip"],
+                  systemconfig["mythgw"],
+                  systemconfig["mythdns"])
+    setup_mythweb(systemconfig["UseMythWEB"])
+    setup_samba(systemconfig,data_config)
+    setup_NFSshares(systemconfig["UseNFS"],
+                systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]+"/exports.template")
+    setup_dyndns(systemconfig["DDnsEnable"])
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ae7edb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging, os
+import commands
+config_file = "mv_config"
+data_config = __import__(config_file, globals(), locals(), [])
+def runcmd(cmd):
+    if data_config.NOOPDEBUG=="FALSE":
+        pass
+    else:
+        cmd = "echo "+cmd
+    logging.debug("    %s",cmd)
+    cmdout = commands.getoutput(cmd)
+    logging.debug("    %s",cmdout)
+    return cmdout
+def services(systemconfig):
+    logging.debug("______Start of services______")
+    logging.debug("__End services")
+def cp_and_log(srcfile,destfile):
+    #return
+    if not os.path.exists(srcfile):
+"%s is not present, skipping...",srcfile)
+    else:
+        cmd = ("rsync -arhp %s %s") %(srcfile,destfile)
+        runcmd(cmd)
+def add_service(daemon):
+"    Adding service %s",daemon)
+def remove_service(daemon):
+"    Removing service %s",daemon)
+def pacinstall(pkg):
+"    Installing %s",pkg)
+    #extra pkg check
+    if pkg == "xine":
+        pacinstall("xine-ui")
+    elif pkg == "dvdcss":
+        pacinstall("libdvdcss")
+    elif pkg == "webmin":
+        add_service("webmin")
+def pacremove(pkg):
+"    Removing %s",pkg)
+    if pkg == "xine":
+        pacremove("xine-ui")
+    elif pkg == "dvdcss":
+        pacremove("libdvdcss")
+    elif pkg == "webmin":
+        remove_service("webmin")
+def reloadfe():
+"    Reloading frontend")
+"    LOOK Reloading frontend")
+    #function reloadfe(){
+    #PID=`ps -ef |grep mythfrontend|grep -v grep |awk  '{print $2 }'`
+    #/usr/bin/  clearcache  behost $dbhost
+    #if [ x$RESTART_LCD = xtrue ]
+    #then
+        #killall -9 mythlcdserver
+    #fi
+    #if [  x = x$PID ]
+    #then
+        #echo "Mythfrontend not running, will not reload"
+    #else
+            #kill -s USR1 $PID
+    #fi
+    return
+def restartfe():
+"    Restarting frontend")
+    cmd="killall -9 mythfrontend"
+    runcmd(cmd)
+    cmd="killall -9 welcome"
+    runcmd(cmd)
+    return
+def udev_trigger():
+"    Triggering udev")
+    cmd = "udevadm settle"
+    runcmd(cmd)
+    cmd = "udevadm trigger"
+    runcmd(cmd)
+    cmd = "udevadm settle"
+    runcmd(cmd)
+    cmd = "udevadm trigger"
+    runcmd(cmd)
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
index 969e12d..d5a247d 100755
--- a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ NOOPDEBUG="FALSE"
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbc18a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging, mv_common
+import os, re , glob
+from time import time, localtime, strftime
+import time
+def setup_lirc_links(mythhome):
+    logging.debug("    Creating links for lirc")
+    if not os.path.exists(mythhome+"/.mythtv"):
+        logging.debug("    Creating %s/.mythtv",mythhome)
+        try:
+            os.mkdir(mythhome+"/.mythtv")
+        except:
+            logging.debug("   Couldn't create .mythtv ")
+            return
+        os.chown(mythhome+"/.mythtv","mythtv","mythtv")
+    if not os.path.exists(mythhome+"/.mythtv/lircrc"):
+        logging.debug("    Creating symlink for myth lircrc")
+        os.symlink("/etc/lircrc",mythhome+"/.mythtv/lircrc")
+    else:
+        logging.debug("    %s/lircrc already present",mythhome)
+    if not os.path.exists(mythhome+"/.lircrc"):
+        logging.debug("    Creating symlink for lircrc")
+        os.symlink("/etc/lircrc",mythhome+"/.lircrc")
+    else:
+        logging.debug("    %s/.lircrc already present",mythhome)
+def scrub_modules(filename,module):
+    logging.debug("    scrubbing %s from %s",module,filename)
+    cmd = '''sed -i -e '/.*#%s/d' %s''' %(module,filename)
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def add_module(filename,module):
+    logging.debug("    adding  %s to %s",module,filename)
+    cmd = ''' echo %s >> %s ''' %(module,filename)
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def unload_all_lirc():
+    logging.debug("    Unloading all lirc modules")
+    cmd = "sv stop lircd"
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    cmd = "killall -9 lircd"
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    cmd = '''modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^lirc |awk '{print $1}') '''
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def include_file( incfile,filename):
+    logging.debug("     including %s within %s",filename,incfile)
+    try:
+        f = open( incfile, 'a')
+    except:
+        logging.debug("    Couldn't open %s for writing",incfile)
+        return
+    line = '''include "%s" ''' %filename
+    logging.debug("   %s",line)
+    f.write(line)
+    f.write("\n")
+    f.close()
+def setup_ir_remote(Remotetype,templates):
+    logging.debug("    Setup of remote type %s",Remotetype)
+    if Remotetype == "no_remote":
+        mv_common.remove_service(lircd)
+    elif Remotetype == "tinker":
+        pass
+    else:
+        currenttime = strftime("%b-%d-%Y-%H:%M:%S", localtime())
+        cmd = "mv /etc/lircd.conf /etc/lircd.conf-%s" %currenttime
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = "mv /etc/lircrc /etc/lircrc-%s" %currenttime
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        files = templates + "/remotes/" + Remotetype + "/lircd*"
+        logging.debug("    Using %s",files)
+        for filename in glob.glob(files):
+            # Ignore subfolders
+            if os.path.isdir (filename):
+                logging.debug("    %s is a dir, skipping",filename)
+                continue
+            include_file("/etc/lircd.conf",filename)
+        files = templates + "/remotes/" + Remotetype + "/lircrc*"
+        logging.debug("    Using %s",files)
+        for filename in glob.glob(files):
+            # Ignore subfolders
+            if os.path.isdir (filename):
+                logging.debug("    %s is a dir, skipping",filename)
+                continue
+            include_file("/etc/lircrc",filename)
+        cmd =  "chmod 755 /etc/lircrc"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        mv_common.add_service("lircd")
+def setup_ir_receiver(ReceiverType,TEMPLATES):
+"    Configuring receiver %s", ReceiverType)
+    if ReceiverType == "Serial":
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+        add_module("/etc/modules/.mythvantage","lirc_serial    #lirc")
+        cmd = ""
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+        mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+    elif ReceiverType == "Usb-imon":
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+        add_module("/etc/modules/.mythvantage","lirc_imon    #lirc")
+        cmd = ""
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+        mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+    elif ReceiverType == "Hauppauge":
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+        add_module("/etc/modules/.mythvantage","lirc_i2c    #lirc")
+        mv_common.cp_and_log(TEMPLATES+"/modules/lirc_i2c.conf" ,
+                             "/etc/modprobe.d/lirc_i2c.conf")
+        cmd = "rmmod lirc_i2c"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = ""
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+        mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+    elif ReceiverType == "iguanaIR-usb":
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+        mv_common.add_service("igdaemon")
+        mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+    elif ReceiverType == "tatir":
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+        mv_common.add_service("tatir")
+        mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+    else:
+        logging.debug("    didn't match receiver, using genric case")
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","lirc")
+        mv_common.remove_service("igdaemon")
+        mv_common.remove_service("tatir")
+def setup_blaster_proto(HostBlasterType,Hostnumblaster,TEMPLATES,systemconfig):
+    logging.debug("    Start of setup_blaster_proto")
+    logging.debug("    HostBlasterType: %s", HostBlasterType)
+    logging.debug("    Hostnumblaster: %s" , Hostnumblaster)
+    if not HostBlasterType == "pvr150" and not HostBlasterType == "None":
+        for i in range(int(Hostnumblaster)):
+            try:
+                proto = systemconfig["HostTransmitproto_"+str(i+1)]
+                logging.debug("    proto: %s",proto)
+            except:
+     "    unkown proto for %s",i+1)
+               continue
+            template=TEMPLATES+"/transmit/%s/lircd.conf" %proto
+            if os.path.exists(template):
+                logging.debug("    include blaster template: %s",proto)
+                include_file("/etc/lircd.conf",template)
+            else:
+                logging.debug("    template: %s is not present",template)
+def setup_blaster_transmiter(HostBlasterType):
+    logging.debug("    Start of setup_blaster_transmiter")
+"    HostBlasterType : %s", HostBlasterType)
+    if  HostBlasterType == "Receiver":
+"    Blaster is receiver, skipping module config for Blaster")
+        return
+    if HostBlasterType == "no blaster":
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","blaster")
+    elif HostBlasterType == "Serial":
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","blaster")
+        add_module("/etc/modules/.mythvantage","lirc_serial    #blaster")
+        cmd = ""
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    elif HostBlasterType == "pvr150":
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage", "blaster")
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage", "lirc")
+        add_module("/etc/modules/.mythvantage", "lirc_pvr150    #blaster")
+        add_module("/etc/modules/.mythvantage", "lirc_pvr150    #lirc")
+        cmd = "rmmod lirc_i2c"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = ""
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage","blaster")
+def setup_lcd(LCDtype, TEMPLATES, Remotetype):
+    logging.debug("    Start of setup_lcd")
+    logging.debug("    LCDType: %s", LCDtype)
+    logging.debug("    Remotetype: %s", Remotetype)
+    if LCDtype == "tinker":
+"   tinker mode detected")
+        return
+    if LCDtype == "no_lcd":
+"    Disabling LCD support")
+        cmd = "sv stop lcdd"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        #sometimes it doesn't want to die
+        cmd = "killall -9 LCDd"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = "  UNLOAD LCD"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage", "LCD")
+        mv_common.remove_service("lcdd")
+    else:
+        lcdmodule="%s/LCD/%s/modules" %(TEMPLATES,LCDtype)
+        if os.path.exists(lcdmodule):
+            logging.debug("    Adding module for LCD")
+            scrub_modules("/etc/modules.mythvantage", "LCD")
+            cmd = "cat %s >> /etc/modules.mythvantage" %lcdmodule
+        if Remotetype != "tinker":
+            lcdlirc = "%s/LCD/%s" %(TEMPLATES,LCDtype)
+            if os.path.exists(lcdlirc+"/lircrc"):
+                logging.debug("    LCD seems to support lirc")
+                #setup the lirc aspect of the lcd
+                #copied from setup_ir_remote
+                files = lcdlirc+"/lircd*"
+                logging.debug("    Using %s",files)
+                for filename in glob.glob(files):
+                    # Ignore subfolders
+                    if os.path.isdir (filename):
+                        logging.debug("    %s is a dir, skipping",filename)
+                        continue
+                    include_file("/etc/lircd.conf",filename)
+                files = lcdlirc+"/lircrc*"
+                logging.debug("    Using %s",files)
+                for filename in glob.glob(files):
+                    # Ignore subfolders
+                    if os.path.isdir (filename):
+                        logging.debug("    %s is a dir, skipping",filename)
+                        continue
+                    include_file("/etc/lircrc",filename)
+                cmd =  "chmod 755 /etc/lircrc"
+                mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def setup_ir(systemconfig, data_config):
+    rc = False
+"____Start of IR____")
+    if systemconfig["Remotetype"] == "tinker":
+"    Tinker mode detected")
+    else:
+        if not systemconfig["HostBlasterType"]:
+            HostBlasterType = "unknown"
+            Hostnumblaster = "0"
+        else:
+            HostBlasterType = systemconfig["HostBlasterType"]
+            Hostnumblaster  = systemconfig["Hostnumblaster"]
+        if systemconfig["HostBlasterType"] == "pvr150":
+            remotetype = "hauppauge-blaster"
+            logging.debug("    pvr150 blaster selected, setting remote to hauppauge-blaster")
+        else:
+            remotetype = systemconfig["Remotetype"]
+        setup_ir_remote(remotetype,systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+        setup_lirc_links(data_config.MYTHHOME)
+        if systemconfig["ReceiverType"]:
+            setup_ir_receiver(systemconfig["ReceiverType"],
+                              systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+        else:
+            setup_ir_receiver("unknown", systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+        unload_all_lirc()
+        setup_blaster_proto(HostBlasterType,
+                            Hostnumblaster,
+                            systemconfig["TEMPLATES"],
+                            systemconfig)
+        setup_blaster_transmiter(HostBlasterType)
+        cmd = ""
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        time.sleep(2)
+        mv_common.udev_trigger()
+        cmd="sv start lircd"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        rc = True
+    if systemconfig["LCDtype"]:
+        setup_lcd(systemconfig["LCDtype"],
+                  systemconfig["TEMPLATES"],
+                  systemconfig["Remotetype"])
+    else:
+        logging.debug("    LCD not defined")
+"__End IR ")
+    return rc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e792f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging, mv_common
+import os, re
+from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
+config_file = "mv_config"
+data_config = __import__(config_file, globals(), locals(), [])
+def setup_zip(MVROOT,zipcode):
+    logging.debug("____Setting up the zipcode____")
+    if zipcode:
+        cmd="%s/bin/ -c ZIP -c %s" %(MVROOT,zipcode)
+        #Let's also speed things up for those in North America
+        #LOOK REVISIT
+        print "mkdir /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grabbers_non_na"
+        print "mv  /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grab_*  /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grabbers_non_na"
+        print "mv  /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grabbers_non_na/tv_grab_na*  /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/"
+    else:
+        logging.debug("    Zipcode is not set")
+    logging.debug("__End of zipcode")
+def setup_tz(timezone,TEMPLATES):
+    logging.debug("____Setting up the timezone____")
+    if not timezone:
+        timezone="unknown"
+    logging.debug("    Setting timezone to %s",timezone)
+    try:
+        logging.debug("    Removeing /etc/localtime")
+        os.remove("/etc/localtime")
+    except:
+        logging.debug("    Couldn't remove /etc/localtime")
+        pass
+    srclink="/usr/share/zoneinfo/%s" %timezone
+    logging.debug("    symlinking %s to /etc/localtime",srclink)
+    os.symlink(srclink,"/etc/localtime")
+    print '''sed -e "s~^TIMEZONE=.*$~TIMEZONE=\"${timezone}\"~" ${BASE}/etc/rc.conf > $TEMPLATES/rc.conf'''
+    if os.path.exists("/etc/php/php.ini"):
+        logging.debug("Changing timezone for php")
+        print '''sed -i "s/^.*date.timezone.*$/date.timezone=${timezone}/" ${BASE}/etc/php/php.ini'''
+    mv_common.cp_and_log(TEMPLATES+"/rc.conf","/etc/rc.conf")
+    logging.debug("__End of timezone")
+def setup_nfs(systemconfig):
+    nfslist=[]
+    logging.debug("____Setting up nfs____")
+    scrubnfs(systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+    if systemconfig["HaveCentralNFS"] == "yes":
+        logging.debug("   Using a Central NFS server")
+        if systemconfig["NFSserver"] == "file:nfsmap":
+        #if it's a file check for it, failure results in downloading attempt from MBE
+            nfsmap_file=data_config.MYTHHOME+"/templates/nfsmap"
+            if not os.path.exists(nfsmap_file):
+                logging.debug("    Couldn't find local %s",nfsmap_file)
+      "    Trying to download nfsmap from MBE")
+                nfsmap_file = download_nfsmap(systemconfig["dbhost"])
+            nfslist = process_nfsmap_file(nfsmap_file)
+        # if it's an ip  parse ip and download file
+        elif["NFSserver"],":nfsmap"):
+            ip=systemconfig["NFSserver"].split(":")[0]
+            nfsmap_file = download_nfsmap(ip)
+            nfslist = process_nfsmap_file(nfsmap_file)
+        #else treat it as a single mount point
+        else:
+            item = (systemconfig["NFSserver"] , systemconfig["NFSmount"])
+            nfslist.append(item)
+        setup_nfs_fstab(nfslist)
+    logging.debug("__End of nfs")
+def setup_sleep(systemconfig):
+    logging.debug("____Setting up sleep____")
+    autoshutdown = systemconfig["AutoShutdown"]
+    stime1 = systemconfig["Shutdowntime"]
+    stime2 = systemconfig["Shutdowntime2"]
+    cstime1=''
+    if autoshutdown == "1" :
+        if  not stime1 == "-1" :
+            cstime1 = stime1
+            cshutdown = cstime1
+        if  not stime2 == "-1" :
+            if cstime1 :
+                cshutdown = "%s,%s" %(cstime1,stime2)
+            else:
+                cshutdown = stime2
+        logging.debug("    Shutdown time at %s",cshutdown)
+        cmd='''sed -e "s/HOUR/%s/g" %s/cron.template | crontab - -u mythtv''' %(cshutdown,systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+"    Shutdown not enabled")
+        cmd='''sed -e "/00 HOUR.*/d" %s/cron.template | crontab - -u mythtv''' %systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    logging.debug("__End of  sleep")
+def process_nfsmap_file(mapfile):
+    logging.debug("   processing nfsmap file %s",mapfile)
+    nfslist = []
+    try:
+        f = open(mapfile,"r")
+        for line in f.readlines():
+            if line.startswith("#"):
+                continue
+            item = line.split()
+            if len(item) <= 1 :
+                continue
+            logging.debug("    %s",item)
+            nfslist.append(item)
+    except :
+        logging.debug("Couldn't read file %s, or some other error",mapfile)
+    return nfslist
+def scrubnfs(templates):
+"    Scrubbing nfs")
+    mv_common.cp_and_log("/etc/fstab",templates+"/fstab.conf.template")
+    #used this sed cmd because it's clean and took me forever to figure out =)
+    cmd='''sed '/^#STARTSCRUB.*$/,/^#ENDSCRUB.*$/d' %s/fstab.conf.template > /etc/fstab''' %templates
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def download_nfsmap(ip):
+    nfsmap_file="/tmp/nfsmap"
+    myurl="http://%s:1337/templates/nfsmap" %ip
+    req = Request(myurl)
+    try:
+        f = urlopen(req)
+"    downloading %s", myurl)
+        local_file = open(nfsmap_file, "w")
+        #Write to our local file
+        local_file.write(
+        local_file.close()
+    #handle errors
+    except HTTPError, e:
+"    File download failed")
+        logging.debug("    %s", myurl)
+        logging.debug("   HTTP Error: %s", e.code)
+    except URLError, e:
+"    File download failed")
+        logging.debug("   %s",myurl)
+        logging.debug("   URL Error: %s ", e.reason)
+    return nfsmap_file
+def setup_nfs_fstab(nfslist):
+"   Adding nfs paths to fstab")
+    try:
+        f = open('/etc/fstab', 'a')
+        line = "#STARTSCRUB --------------anything in this block will be scrubbed\n"
+        f.write(line)
+        for s, m in nfslist:
+            line = "%s %s    nfs \n" %(s,m)
+            logging.debug("    %s",line)
+            f.write(line)
+        line = "#ENDSCRUB\n"
+        f.write(line)
+        f.close()
+    except:
+        logging.debug("    Couldn't open /etc/fstab")
+    logging.debug("   Done adding nfs paths to fstab")
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71bc442
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import sys , os, commands , glob, time, re
+import logging
+import mv_common
+global etcnetdir
+etcnetdir = "/etc/net/ifaces"
+def setup_MYTH_IP(systemconfig):
+    default_interface = systemconfig["default_interface"]
+    try:
+        defaultip = systemconfig["Hostip"+default_interface]
+    except:
+        logging.debug("    Error occured finding the defaultip")
+        defaultip = ""
+"    Using %s as default ip", defaultip)
+    return defaultip
+def setup_MYTH_DHCP(systemconfig):
+    default_interface = systemconfig["default_interface"]
+    try:
+        defaultdhcp = systemconfig["HostUSEDHCP"+default_interface]
+    except:
+        logging.debug("    Error occured finding default dhcp")
+        defaultdhcp = "0"
+"    Using %s as dhcp value for %s", default_interface, defaultdhcp)
+    return defaultdhcp
+def flush(netdev):
+    logging.debug("    Flushing %s",netdev)
+    cmd = '''ip address flush dev %s''' %netdev
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def kill_dhcp(basedir):
+    logging.debug("    _Start of kill_dhcp")
+    logging.debug("    Killing off dhcpd")
+    stddir = os.getcwd()
+    piddir = ("%s/var/run/") %basedir
+    try:
+        os.chdir(piddir)
+        for FILE in glob.glob("dhcpcd-*.pid"):
+            f = open(FILE,'r')
+            pid = f.readline()
+            f.close
+            cmd = "kill -9 %s" %pid
+            mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+            os.remove(FILE)
+        os.chdir(stddir)
+    except:
+        pass
+def setup_nameserver(dns):
+"    Adding %s for DNS", dns)
+"-----------NEED TO SETUP setup_nameserver")
+    #grep -q $1 ${BASE}/etc/resolv.conf
+    #status=$?
+    #if [ ! $status = 0 ]
+    #then
+        #echo "nameserver $1" >> ${BASE}/etc/resolv.conf
+    #fi
+def setup_hostname(systemconfig):
+    logging.debug("   _Start of setup_hostname")
+    try:
+        hostname = systemconfig["hostname"]
+    except:
+"    Hostname could not be set")
+"    Using default value of me")
+        hostname = "me"
+"    Setting the hostname to %s", hostname)
+    cmd = "cat /etc/hosts | grep -v | grep -v %s > /tmp/hosts" %hostname
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    if systemconfig["mythdhcp"] == "1" :
+        logging.debug("    not using dhcp")
+        cmd = ''' echo localhost  > /etc/hosts '''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = ''' echo %s %s  > /etc/hosts ''' %(systemconfig["mythip"], systemconfig["hostname"])
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+        cmd = ''' echo %s localhost  > /etc/hosts ''' %systemconfig["hostname"]
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    cmd = '''cat /tmp/hosts >> /etc/hosts '''
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def setup_interface(netdev,systemconfig):
+    logging.debug("    _Start of setup_interface for %s",netdev)
+    nettrans = {'Hostip':'ip',
+                'Hostnetmask':'netmask',
+                'HostActive':'isactive',
+                'HostDNS':'dns',
+                'HostUSEDHCP':'UseDHCP',
+                'HostGW':'GW',
+                'HostMTU':'mtu',
+                'HOST_iswireless':"wireless",
+                'HostESSID':'ESSID',
+                'HostKey':'key',
+                'HostUseEncryption':'ENCRYPT'}
+    netinfo = {}
+    #populate the netinfo dict
+    for netitem in nettrans:
+        if systemconfig[netitem+netdev]:
+            netinfo[nettrans[netitem]] = systemconfig[netitem+netdev]
+        else:
+            netinfo[nettrans[netitem]] = False
+        logging.debug("     %s:%s",netitem,netinfo[nettrans[netitem]])
+"    %s wireless: %s", netdev,netinfo["wireless"])
+    try:
+        os.makedirs(etcnetdir)
+    except:
+        logging.debug("   Could not create %s",etcnetdir)
+    optionfile=etcnetdir+"/"+netdev+"/options"
+    if not os.path.exists(optionfile):
+        os.makedirs(etcnetdir+"/"+netdev)
+        mv_common.cp_and_log(systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]+"/etcnet/eth/options", optionfile)
+    if netinfo["isactive"] == "1" :
+        change_iface_state(netdev,"enabled")
+    else:
+        change_iface_state(netdev,"disabled")
+    if netinfo["wireless"] == "1" :
+"    Enabling wireless extensions")
+        cmd = ''' sed -i -e 's/^CONFIG_WIRELESS=.*$/CONFIG_WIRLESS=yes/g'  %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        #set the key and essid
+        cmd = '''  echo "essid  %s" > %s/%s/iwconfig ''' %(netinfo["ESSID"], etcnetdir, netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        if netinfo["ENCRYPT"] == "1":
+  "    Enabling encryption")
+            cmd = '''echo "key %s" >>  %s/%s/iwconfig ''' %(netinfo["KEY"], etcnetdir, netdev)
+            mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+"  Disabling wireless extensions")
+        cmd = '''sed -i -e 's/^CONFIG_WIRLESS=.*$/CONFIG_WIRLESS=no/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir, netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    if netinfo["UseDHCP"] == "0" :
+"   Enabling DHCP support")
+        cmd = ''' sed -i -e 's/^BOOTPROTO=.*$/BOOTPROTO=dhcp/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir, netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+"   Using static ip address of %s",netinfo["ip"])
+        cmd = ''' sed -i -e 's/^BOOTPROTO=.*$/BOOTPROTO=static/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir, netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = '''echo "default via %s" > %s/%s/ipv4route''' %(netinfo["GW"], etcnetdir, netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = '''echo "%s%s" > %s/%s/ipv4address ''' %(netinfo["ip"], netinfo["netmask"], etcnetdir, netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        setup_nameserver(netinfo["dns"])
+    if netinfo["mtu"] :
+"    Setting mtu to %s", netinfo["mtu"])
+        cmd = '''sed -i '/^mtu.*$/d' %s/%s/iplink''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = ''' echo "mtu %s" >> %s/%s/iplink''' %(netinfo["mtu"], etcnetdir,netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+"    Using default mtu value")
+        cmd = '''sed -i '/^mtu.*$/d' %s/%s/iplink''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def change_iface_state(netdev, state):
+    if state == "enabled":
+"    Activating %s", netdev)
+        cmd = '''sed -i -e 's/^ONBOOT=.*$/ONBOOT=yes/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = '''sed -i -e 's/^DISABLED=.*$/DISABLED=no/g' %s/%s/options ''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+"    Disabling %s", netdev)
+        cmd = '''sed -i -e 's/^ONBOOT=.*$/ONBOOT=no/g' %s/%s/options''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = '''sed -i -e 's/^DISABLED=.*$/DISABLED=yes/g' %s/%s/options ''' %(etcnetdir,netdev)
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = "/sbin/ifconfig %s down" %netdev
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = "ip address flush %s" %netdev
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def find_active(systemconfig):
+    interfacelist=('eth0', 'eth1', 'wlan0', 'wlan1')
+    logging.debug("    _Start of find_active")
+    try:
+        os.remove("/etc/resolv.conf")
+    except:
+        logging.debug("    couldn't remove /etc/resolv.conf")
+    if systemconfig["mythdhcp"] == "1":
+        cmd = ''' echo search lan > /etc/resolv.conf '''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = ''' echo nameserver >> /etc/resolv.conf '''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    for netdev in interfacelist:
+        currentnet = "HostActive" + netdev
+        try:
+            systemconfig[currentnet]
+        except:
+            logging.debug("    %s is not defined",currentnet)
+            continue
+        if systemconfig[currentnet] == "1" :
+            setup_interface(netdev,systemconfig)
+        else:
+            change_iface_state(netdev, "disabled")
+def vnc_netboot_check():
+    logging.debug("    Start of VNC/NETBOOT check")
+    vnc = False
+    netboot = False
+    try:
+        f = open('/proc/cmdline', 'r')
+        bootoptions = f.readlines()
+        f.close()
+    except:
+        logging.debug("    Couldn't open /proc/cmdline")
+        logging.debug("    Assuming it's ok to fiddle with the network")
+        return True
+    bootoptions =  bootoptions[0]
+    if re.match("vnc",bootoptions) != None :
+        logging.debug("    Found VNC option")
+        vnc = True
+    if re.match("nfsroot",bootoptions) != None :
+        logging.debug("    Found netboot option")
+        netboot = True
+    return (vnc or netboot)
+def start_network():
+    if not vnc_netboot_check():
+"    Restarting network")
+        cmd ="/etc/net/scripts/network.init reload"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd ="/etc/net/scripts/network.init reload"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+"    Will not restart network due to netboot/vnc")
+def stop_network():
+    if not vnc_netboot_check():
+"    Stopping network")
+        cmd ="/etc/net/scripts/network.init stop"
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        kill_dhcp("")
+        interfacelist=('eth0', 'eth1', 'wlan0', 'wlan1')
+        for i in interfacelist:
+            flush(i)
+    else:
+"    Will not stop network due to netboot/vnc")
+    pass
+def setup_network (systemconfig):
+"____Start of network____")
+"    Setting up the network")
+    setup_hostname(systemconfig)
+    find_active(systemconfig)
+"__End of network")
+##this is used by the install process to start the network
+def install_network_setup(systemconfig):
+"____Start of network_install____")
+"    Setting up the network")
+    #setup_MYTH_vars
+    setup_hostname(systemconfig)
+    stop_network()
+    find_active(systemconfig)
+    start_network()
+"__End of network")
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb81792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging, mv_common
+import re
+import os
+def mplayer_saver_check (cmd,templatefile):
+    logging.debug("    Checking for heartbeat command in mplayer.conf")
+    mplayerconf = "/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf"
+    if not os.path.exists(mplayerconf):
+        logging.debug("    copying in mplayer template file")
+        mv_common.cp_and_log(templatefile, mplayerconf)
+    try:
+        f = open(mplayerconf, 'r')
+        mplayerconf_contents = f.readlines()
+        f.close()
+    except:
+        logging.debug("    Couldn't open %s for reading",mplayerconf)
+        mplayerconf_contents = "#\n"
+    try:
+        f = open(mplayerconf, 'w')
+    except:
+        logging.debug("    Couldn't open %s for writing",mplayerconf)
+        return
+    for line in mplayerconf_contents:
+        if re.match("^.*stop-xscreensaver",line):
+            continue
+        elif re.match("^.*heartbeat-cmd",line):
+            continue
+        else:
+            f.write(line)
+    f.write("stop-xscreensaver = 0\n")
+    line='''heartbeat-cmd="%s"\n''' %cmd
+    f.write(line)
+    f.close()
+def killxscreensaver():
+"   Stopping xscreensaver")
+    cmd="xscreensaver-command --exit "
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    cmd="killall xscreensaver "
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def killgscreensaver():
+"    Stopping gnome-screensaver")
+    cmd="gnome-screensaver-command --exit "
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    cmd="killall gnome-screensaver "
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+def setup_x_screensaver(idle,theme,screenconfigfile,templatefile):
+"    Configuring X screensaver")
+    killgscreensaver()
+    logging.debug("    Why can't xscreensaver have a nice configuration !")
+    if not os.path.exists(screenconfigfile):
+        logging.debug("   copying in new template file")
+        mv_common.cp_and_log(templatefile,screenconfigfile)
+    try:
+        f = open(screenconfigfile, 'r')
+        screenconfigcontents=f.readlines()
+        f.close()
+    except:
+"Couldn't open %s for reading",screenconfigfile)
+        return
+    try:
+        f = open(screenconfigfile, 'w')
+    except:
+"Couldn't open %s for writing",screenconfigfile)
+        return
+    startline=0
+    foundline=0
+    for k, line in enumerate(screenconfigcontents):
+        if re.match("programs:",line):
+            startline = k
+        if,line):
+            foundline = k
+    themenumber=foundline-startline-2
+    for line in screenconfigcontents:
+        if re.match("selected.*$",line):
+            continue
+        if re.match("timeout",line):
+  "    Setting idletime to %s",idle)
+            outline = "timeout:   0:%s:00 \n" %idle
+            f.write(outline)
+        elif re.match("mode",line):
+            if theme == "Random":
+      "    Setting theme to %s", "Random")
+                outline = "mode:    random \n"
+                f.write(outline)
+                outline = "selected:    -1 \n"
+                f.write(outline)
+                continue
+            elif theme == "Blank":
+      "    Setting theme to %s", "blank")
+                outline = "mode:    blank \n"
+                f.write(outline)
+                outline = "selected:    -1 \n"
+                f.write(outline)
+                continue
+            else:
+      "    Setting theme to %s", theme)
+                outline = "mode:    one\n"
+                f.write(outline)
+                logging.debug("    Theme number is %s",themenumber)
+                outline = "selected:    %s\n" %themenumber
+                f.write(outline)
+                continue
+        else:
+            outline = line
+            f.write(outline)
+    f.close()
+    logging.debug("__End of xscreensaver")
+def setup_gnome_screensaver(theme,idletime):
+"    Configuring gnome screensaver")
+"    Disabling lock screen")
+    cmd='''gconftool-2 --direct   --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory  --type bool   --set /apps/gnome-screensaver/lock_enabled false'''
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+"    Setting idletime to %s",idletime)
+    cmd='''gconftool-2 --direct  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory  --type int -s "/apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_delay" %s''' %idletime
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+"    Setting mode to single")
+    cmd='''gconftool-2 --direct  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory  --type string -s "/apps/gnome-screensaver/mode" single'''
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    if theme == "Random":
+"    setting theme to random")
+        cmd='''gconftool-2 --direct  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory  --type string -s "/apps/gnome-screensaver/mode" random'''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    elif theme == "Blank":
+"    setting theme to blank")
+        cmd='''gconftool-2 --direct  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory  --type string -s "/apps/gnome-screensaver/themes" blank'''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+"    setting theme to %s",theme)
+        cmd='''gconftool-2  --direct  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --set --type list --list-type=string /apps/gnome-screensaver/themes [screensavers-%s]''' %theme
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    killxscreensaver()
+"__End gnome screensaver")
+def setup_screensaver (systemconfig,data_config):
+"____Start of screensaver configuration____")
+    screensavertype = systemconfig["Screensavertype"]
+    theme = systemconfig["Screensavertheme"]
+    idletime = systemconfig["Screensaveridle"]
+    configfile = data_config.MYTHHOME+"/.xscreensaver"
+    templatefile = systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]+"/xscreensaver.template"
+    mtemplate = systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]+"/mplayer.conf.template"
+    if screensavertype == "xscreensaver":
+        mv_common.pacinstall("xscreensaver")
+        mv_common.pacremove("gnome-screensaver")
+        setup_x_screensaver(idletime, theme, configfile, templatefile)
+        mplayer_saver_check("/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -deactivate &",mtemplate)
+    elif screensavertype == "gscreensaver":
+        mv_common.pacinstall("xscreensaver")
+        mv_common.pacinstall("gnome-screensaver")
+        setup_gnome_screensaver(theme,idletime)
+        mplayer_saver_check("/usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-command -p &",mtemplate)
+    elif screensavertype == "none":
+        mv_common.pacremove("xscreensaver")
+        mv_common.pacremove("gnome-screensaver")
+        killgscreensaver()
+        killxscreensaver()
+    elif screensavertype == "tinker" :
+        logging.debug("    screensaver tinker mode detected")
+    else:
+        logging.debug("   Unknown screensaver")
+"__End of screensaver")
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83d7c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging, mv_common
+import os, re
+def setup_software(systemconfig, data_config):
+"____Start of Software install____")
+    default_disabled = ("mythphone", "mytharchive", "mythbrowser", "mythnews",
+                        "mythgame", "mythflix", "mythweather",
+                        "mythappletrailers", "mythstream", "mythvodka")
+    default_installed=("mythcontrols", "mythgallery", "mythmovies",
+                        "mythmusic", "mythsmolt", "mythvideo")
+    other_pkg=("miro", "xe", "romdb", "xine", "dvdcss", "webmin")
+    for pkg in default_disabled:
+        try:
+            if systemconfig[pkg] == "1":
+                mv_common.pacinstall(pkg)
+            else:
+                mv_common.pacremove(pkg)
+        except:
+            logging.debug("  ERROR-- %s is not defined", pkg)
+    for pkg in default_installed:
+        try:
+            if systemconfig[pkg] == "0":
+                mv_common.pacremove(pkg)
+            else:
+                mv_common.pacinstall(pkg)
+        except:
+            logging.debug("  ERROR-- %s is not defined", pkg)
+    for pkg in other_pkg:
+        try:
+            if systemconfig[pkg] == "1":
+                mv_common.pacinstall(pkg)
+            elif systemconfig[pkg] == "0":
+                mv_common.pacremove(pkg)
+        except:
+            logging.debug("   ERROR-- %s is not defined", pkg)
+"__End Software ")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026121f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging, mv_common
+#import os
+def setup_web_auth(UseMythWEB_auth):
+    if UseMythWEB_auth == str(1):
+        #enable auth
+"Enabling authorization for mythweb")
+        cmd='''sed -i "s/^.*include.*auth-inc.conf.*$/include \\"\/etc\/lighttpd\/auth-inc.conf\\"/g" /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf'''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else:
+        #disable auth
+"Disabling authorization for mythweb")
+        cmd='''sed -i "s/^.*include.*auth-inc.conf.*$/#include \\"\/etc\/lighttpd\/auth-inc.conf\\"/g" /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf'''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    logging.debug("Restarting lighttpd")
+    cmd="sudo sv restart lighttpd"
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
index 88961f6..1df4c39 100755
--- a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 import sys,  os,  commands,  glob,  time
 import getopt,  re,  MySQLdb
 import logging
-import hostype
+import mv_common , mv_network
+import inspect
 #____________________________________________setup the logging______________________________________________________
 LOG_FILENAME = '/tmp/systemconfig.log'
 DEBUGLOG = '/tmp/systemconfig_debug.log'
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,
                     format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
                     datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M',
-                    filemode='a')
+                    filemode='w')
 # define a Handler which writes INFO messages or higher to the sys.stderr
 console = logging.StreamHandler()
 # set a format which is simpler for console use
 #formatter = logging.Formatter('%(name)-12s: %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
 formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s")
@@ -35,16 +35,28 @@ logging.getLogger('').addHandler(infofile)
 def usage():"tell people how to use this")
+def setup_x(systemconfig):
+    cmd = "%s/bin/" %systemconfig["MVROOT"]
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
 def main(argv):
+    try:
+        MVROOT = os.environ["MV_ROOT"]
+    except:
+        logging.debug("MVROOT was not defined, using the default value")
+        MVROOT = "/usr/MythVantage"
     global cmdmodule
+    global systemconfig
+    systemconfig["MVROOT"]=MVROOT
+    cmdmodule={"misc":False , "sleep":False , "hostype":False , "hostypec":False , "advanced":False , "audio":False , "network":False , "advancedX":False , "webuser":False , "restartfe":False , "reloadfe":False , "ddns":False , "screensaver":False , "ir":False , "this_is_install":False , "user":False, "software":False}
         opts,  args = getopt.getopt(argv,  'c:hm:',  ["help","modules" ] )
     except getopt.GetoptError, why:
         print why
-        print "exception haappen"
+        print "exception happened"
-    cmdmodule = {"op": 'null'}
     for opt,  arg in opts:
         if opt in ("-h",  "--help"):
@@ -53,11 +65,77 @@ def main(argv):
             for i in arg.split(","):
+    if cmdmodule["this_is_install"] or cmdmodule["hostypec"]:
+        systemconfig["hostypec"] = True
+    systemconfig["mythip"] = mv_network.setup_MYTH_IP(systemconfig)
+    systemconfig["mythdhcp"] = mv_network.setup_MYTH_DHCP(systemconfig)
     if cmdmodule["hostype"]:
+        import hostype
+        cmdmodule["advancedX"] = False
+        setup_x(systemconfig)
+        cmdmodule["ir"] = True
+    if cmdmodule["network"]:
+        mv_network.setup_network(systemconfig)
+    if cmdmodule["ir"] == True:
+        import mv_ir
+        restartfe = mv_ir.setup_ir(systemconfig,data_config)
+        if restartfe == True:
+            logging.debug("    Setting the frontend to restart due to lirc change")
+            cmdmodule["restartfe"] = True
+    if cmdmodule["audio"] == True:
+        logging.debug("______Start of Audio Configuration______")
+        if not systemconfig["Audiotype"] == "tinker":
+            cmd="%s/bin/ -t real -i %s -d %s" %(MVROOT,systemconfig["Audiotype"],systemconfig["SoundDevice"])
+            mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+        else:
+            logging.debug("    Tinker mode(audio), not changing configuration")
+        logging.debug("__End of audio")
+    if cmdmodule["misc"]:
+        import mv_misc
+        mv_misc.setup_zip(MVROOT,systemconfig["zipcode"])
+        mv_misc.setup_tz(systemconfig["timezone"],systemconfig["TEMPLATES"])
+        mv_misc.setup_nfs(systemconfig)
+    if cmdmodule["sleep"]:
+        mv_misc.setup_sleep(systemconfig)
+    if cmdmodule["webuser"]:
+        import mv_webuser
+        mv_webuser.setup_web_auth(systemconfig["UseMythWEB_auth"])
+    if cmdmodule["screensaver"]:
+        import mv_screensaver
+        mv_screensaver.setup_screensaver(systemconfig, data_config)
+    if cmdmodule["advanced"]:
+        import mv_advanced
+        mv_advanced.setup_advanced(systemconfig, data_config)
+    if cmdmodule["software"]:
+        import mv_software
+        mv_software.setup_software(systemconfig, data_config)
+    if cmdmodule["advancedX"]:
+        setup_x(systemconfig)
+    if cmdmodule["restartfe"]:
+        mv_common.restartfe()
+    if cmdmodule["reloadfe"]:
+        mv_common.reloadfe()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     config_file = "mv_config"
     data_config = __import__(config_file,  globals(),  locals(),  [])
     #Read in systemconfig
@@ -76,13 +154,23 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             var, val = line.rsplit("=", 1)
             val = val.strip('"')
             systemconfig[var.strip()] = val.strip()
+    systemconfig["TEMPLATES"] = os.environ["TEMPLATES"]
     logging.debug("______START OF DEBUG______")
-    logging.debug("______cmd line options______")
-    for i in cmdmodule.items():
-        logging.debug (i)
-    logging.debug("______systemconfig______")
-    for i in systemconfig.items():
-        logging.debug(i)
-    pass
+    #logging.debug("______cmd line options______")
+    #for i in cmdmodule.items():
+        #logging.debug (i)
+    #logging.debug("______systemconfig______")
+    #for i in systemconfig.items():
+        #logging.debug(i)
+    #pass
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a91bf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging, mv_common
+#import os
+config_file = "mv_config"
+data_config = __import__(config_file, globals(), locals(), [])
+def setup_web_auth(UseMythWEB_auth):
+    if UseMythWEB_auth == 1:
+        #enable auth
+"Enabling authorization for mythweb")
+        cmd='''sed -ie "s/^.*include.*auth-inc.conf.*$/include \"\/etc\/lighttpd\/auth-inc.conf\"/g" /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf'''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    else
+        #disable auth
+"Disabling authorization for mythweb")
+        cmd='''sed -ie "s/^.*include.*auth-inc.conf.*$/#include \"\/etc\/lighttpd\/auth-inc.conf\"/g" /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf'''
+        mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
+    logging.debug("Restarting lighttpd")
+    cmd="sudo sv restart lighttpd"
+    mv_common.runcmd(cmd)
cgit v0.12