From d396125a3bf5de73f69ce08cd6eba7b57e22a6e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 01:10:37 +0000
Subject: gconf: remove old patches

 .../05_from_vuntz_gconf2-pk-default-path.patch     |  12 -
 abs/extra-testing/gconf/xml-gettext-domain.patch   | 367 ---------------------
 2 files changed, 379 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/gconf/05_from_vuntz_gconf2-pk-default-path.patch
 delete mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/gconf/xml-gettext-domain.patch

diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/gconf/05_from_vuntz_gconf2-pk-default-path.patch b/abs/extra-testing/gconf/05_from_vuntz_gconf2-pk-default-path.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c303e19..0000000
--- a/abs/extra-testing/gconf/05_from_vuntz_gconf2-pk-default-path.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nur -x '*.orig' -x '*~' gconf-2.25.2/defaults/gconf-defaults.c
---- gconf-2.25.2/defaults/gconf-defaults.c	2009-02-17 01:15:19.000000000 +0100
-+++	2009-02-17 11:12:39.000000000 +0100
-@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
- 	else {
- 		annotation_key = "org.gnome.gconf.defaults.set-system.prefix"; 
- 		default_action = "org.gnome.gconf.defaults.set-system";
--		dest_address = "xml:merged:" SYSGCONFDIR "/gconf.xml.system";
-+		dest_address = "xml:merged:" SYSGCONFDIR "/gconf.xml.defaults";
- 	}
- 	for (i = 0; includes[i]; i++) {
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/gconf/xml-gettext-domain.patch b/abs/extra-testing/gconf/xml-gettext-domain.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c5a78e..0000000
--- a/abs/extra-testing/gconf/xml-gettext-domain.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,367 +0,0 @@
-diff -ru GConf-2.26.0/backends/markup-tree.c GConf-2.26.0.patched/backends/markup-tree.c
---- GConf-2.26.0/backends/markup-tree.c	2009-02-16 18:17:43.000000000 +0000
-+++ GConf-2.26.0.patched/backends/markup-tree.c	2009-04-05 19:36:42.000000000 +0000
-@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
-   char       *schema_name;
-   char       *mod_user;
-   GTime       mod_time;
-+  char       *gettext_domain;
- };
- static LocalSchemaInfo* local_schema_info_new  (void);
-@@ -1351,6 +1352,7 @@
-     gconf_value_free (entry->value);
-   g_free (entry->schema_name);
-   g_free (entry->mod_user);
-+  g_free (entry->gettext_domain);
-   g_slist_foreach (entry->local_schemas,
-                    (GFunc) local_schema_info_free,
-@@ -1593,6 +1595,8 @@
-                              gconf_schema_get_type (schema));
-       gconf_schema_set_owner (current_schema,
-                               gconf_schema_get_owner (schema));
-+      gconf_schema_set_gettext_domain (current_schema,
-+                              gconf_schema_get_gettext_domain (schema));
-     }
-   /* Update mod time */
-@@ -1805,6 +1809,8 @@
-       else if (c_local_schema && c_local_schema->long_desc)
-         gconf_schema_set_long_desc (schema, c_local_schema->long_desc);
-+      gconf_schema_set_gettext_domain (schema, entry->gettext_domain);
-       return retval;
-     }
- }
-@@ -2339,8 +2345,9 @@
-   const char *ltype;
-   const char *list_type;
-   const char *owner;
-   GConfValueType vtype;
--  const char *dummy1, *dummy2, *dummy3, *dummy4;
-+  const char *dummy1, *dummy2, *dummy3, *dummy4, *dummy5;
- #if 0
-   g_assert (ELEMENT_IS ("entry") ||
-@@ -2377,6 +2384,7 @@
-                           "muser", &dummy2,
-                           "mtime", &dummy3,
-                           "schema", &dummy4,
-+                          "gettext_domain", &dummy5,
-                           NULL))
-     return;
-@@ -2683,6 +2691,7 @@
-       const char *mtime;
-       const char *schema;
-       const char *type;
-+      const char *gettext_domain;
-       const char *dummy1, *dummy2, *dummy3, *dummy4;
-       const char *dummy5, *dummy6, *dummy7;
-       GConfValue *value;
-@@ -2693,6 +2702,7 @@
-       mtime = NULL;
-       schema = NULL;
-       type = NULL;
-+      gettext_domain = NULL;
-       if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values,
-                               error,
-@@ -2701,6 +2711,7 @@
-                               "mtime", &mtime,
-                               "schema", &schema,
-                               "type", &type,
-+                              "gettext_domain", &gettext_domain,
-                               /* These are allowed but we don't use them until
-                                * parse_value_element
-@@ -2768,6 +2779,9 @@
-        */
-       if (schema)
-         entry->schema_name = g_strdup (schema);
-+      if (gettext_domain)
-+        entry->gettext_domain = g_strdup (gettext_domain);
-     }
-   else
-     {
-@@ -3716,6 +3730,7 @@
-         GConfSchema *schema;
-         GConfValueType stype;
-         const char *owner;
-+        const char *gettext_domain;
-         schema = gconf_value_get_schema (value);
-@@ -3741,6 +3756,23 @@
-             g_free (s);
-           }
-+        gettext_domain = gconf_schema_get_gettext_domain (schema);
-+        if (gettext_domain)
-+          {
-+            char *s;
-+            s = g_markup_escape_text (gettext_domain, -1);
-+            if (fprintf (f, " gettext_domain=\"%s\"", s) < 0)
-+              {
-+                g_free (s);
-+                return FALSE;
-+              }
-+            g_free (s);
-+          }
-         if (stype == GCONF_VALUE_LIST)
-           {
-Only in GConf-2.26.0.patched/backends: markup-tree.c.orig
-diff -ru GConf-2.26.0/doc/gconf-1.0.dtd GConf-2.26.0.patched/doc/gconf-1.0.dtd
---- GConf-2.26.0/doc/gconf-1.0.dtd	2008-05-09 14:29:51.000000000 +0000
-+++ GConf-2.26.0.patched/doc/gconf-1.0.dtd	2009-04-05 19:36:42.000000000 +0000
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
- <!-- A single schema. What I am trying to say is "this set of
- elements, in any order". Duplicate elements (apart from <locale>) are
- not allowed). -->
--<!ELEMENT schema  (key|applyto*|owner?|type|(list_type|(car_type,cdr_type))?|default?|locale*)*>
-+<!ELEMENT schema  (key|applyto*|owner?|type|(list_type|(car_type,cdr_type))?|default?|locale*|gettext_domain?)*>
- <!-- The key for this schema (e.g. /schemas/apps/foo/bar) -->
- <!ELEMENT key     (#PCDATA)>
-diff -ru GConf-2.26.0/gconf/GConfX.idl GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf/GConfX.idl
---- GConf-2.26.0/gconf/GConfX.idl	2008-05-09 14:29:51.000000000 +0000
-+++ GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf/GConfX.idl	2009-04-05 19:36:46.000000000 +0000
-@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
-   string short_desc;
-   string long_desc;
-   string owner;
-+  string gettext_domain;
-   // Work around lack of recursive data types
-   string encoded_default_value;
- };
-diff -ru GConf-2.26.0/gconf/gconf-internals.c GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf/gconf-internals.c
---- GConf-2.26.0/gconf/gconf-internals.c	2009-03-17 02:47:13.000000000 +0000
-+++ GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf/gconf-internals.c	2009-04-05 19:36:46.000000000 +0000
-@@ -513,6 +513,7 @@
-   cs->short_desc = CORBA_string_dup (gconf_schema_get_short_desc (sc) ? gconf_schema_get_short_desc (sc) : "");
-   cs->long_desc = CORBA_string_dup (gconf_schema_get_long_desc (sc) ? gconf_schema_get_long_desc (sc) : "");
-   cs->owner = CORBA_string_dup (gconf_schema_get_owner (sc) ? gconf_schema_get_owner (sc) : "");
-+  cs->gettext_domain = CORBA_string_dup (gconf_schema_get_gettext_domain (sc) ? gconf_schema_get_gettext_domain (sc) : "");
-   {
-     gchar* encoded;
-@@ -600,6 +601,14 @@
-         gconf_schema_set_owner(sc, cs->owner);
-     }
-+  if (*cs->gettext_domain != '\0')
-+    {
-+      if (!g_utf8_validate (cs->gettext_domain, -1, NULL))
-+        gconf_log (GCL_ERR, _("Invalid UTF-8 in gettext domain for schema"));
-+      else
-+        gconf_schema_set_gettext_domain(sc, cs->gettext_domain);
-+    }
-   {
-     GConfValue* val;
-diff -ru GConf-2.26.0/gconf/gconf-schema.c GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf/gconf-schema.c
---- GConf-2.26.0/gconf/gconf-schema.c	2008-10-09 17:51:31.000000000 +0000
-+++ GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf/gconf-schema.c	2009-04-05 19:36:42.000000000 +0000
-@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@
-   GConfValueType car_type; /* Pair car type of the described entry */
-   GConfValueType cdr_type; /* Pair cdr type of the described entry */
-   gchar* locale;       /* Schema locale */
--  gchar* owner;        /* Name of creating application */
-+  const gchar* owner;        /* Name of creating application */
-   gchar* short_desc;   /* 40 char or less description, no newlines */
-   gchar* long_desc;    /* could be a paragraph or so */
-+  const gchar* gettext_domain; /* description gettext domain */
-   GConfValue* default_value; /* Default value of the key */
- } GConfRealSchema;
-@@ -63,7 +64,6 @@
-   g_free (real->locale);
-   g_free (real->short_desc);
-   g_free (real->long_desc);
--  g_free (real->owner);
-   if (real->default_value)
-     gconf_value_free (real->default_value);
-@@ -91,7 +91,9 @@
-   dest->long_desc = g_strdup (real->long_desc);
--  dest->owner = g_strdup (real->owner);
-+  dest->gettext_domain = real->gettext_domain;
-+  dest->owner = real->owner;
-   dest->default_value = real->default_value ? gconf_value_copy (real->default_value) : NULL;
-@@ -136,6 +138,17 @@
-     REAL_SCHEMA (sc)->locale = NULL;
- }
-+gconf_schema_set_gettext_domain (GConfSchema* sc, const gchar* domain)
-+  g_return_if_fail (domain == NULL || g_utf8_validate (domain, -1, NULL));
-+  if (domain)
-+    REAL_SCHEMA (sc)->gettext_domain = g_intern_string (domain);
-+  else 
-+    REAL_SCHEMA (sc)->gettext_domain = NULL;
- void          
- gconf_schema_set_short_desc (GConfSchema* sc, const gchar* desc)
- {
-@@ -169,11 +182,8 @@
- {
-   g_return_if_fail (owner == NULL || g_utf8_validate (owner, -1, NULL));
--  if (REAL_SCHEMA (sc)->owner)
--    g_free (REAL_SCHEMA (sc)->owner);
-   if (owner)
--    REAL_SCHEMA (sc)->owner = g_strdup (owner);
-+    REAL_SCHEMA (sc)->owner = g_intern_string (owner);
-   else
-     REAL_SCHEMA (sc)->owner = NULL;
- }
-@@ -228,6 +238,14 @@
-       return FALSE;
-     }
-+  if (real->gettext_domain && !g_utf8_validate (real->gettext_domain, -1, NULL))
-+    {
-+      g_set_error (err, GCONF_ERROR,
-+                   GCONF_ERROR_FAILED,
-+                   _("Schema contains invalid UTF-8"));
-+      return FALSE;
-+    }
-   if (real->owner && !g_utf8_validate (real->owner, -1, NULL))
-     {
-       g_set_error (err, GCONF_ERROR,
-@@ -299,11 +317,29 @@
- }
- const char*
-+gconf_schema_get_gettext_domain (const GConfSchema *schema)
-+  g_return_val_if_fail (schema != NULL, NULL);
-+  return REAL_SCHEMA (schema)->gettext_domain;
-+static inline const char *
-+schema_translate (const GConfSchema *schema,
-+                  const char        *string)
-+ if (REAL_SCHEMA (schema)->gettext_domain)
-+    return g_dgettext(REAL_SCHEMA (schema)->gettext_domain, string);
-+  else
-+    return string;
-+const char*
- gconf_schema_get_short_desc (const GConfSchema *schema)
- {
-   g_return_val_if_fail (schema != NULL, NULL);
--  return REAL_SCHEMA (schema)->short_desc;
-+ return schema_translate (schema, REAL_SCHEMA (schema)->short_desc);
- }
- const char*
-@@ -311,7 +347,7 @@
- {
-   g_return_val_if_fail (schema != NULL, NULL);
--  return REAL_SCHEMA (schema)->long_desc;
-+ return schema_translate (schema, REAL_SCHEMA (schema)->long_desc);
- }
- const char*
-diff -ru GConf-2.26.0/gconf/gconf-schema.h GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf/gconf-schema.h
---- GConf-2.26.0/gconf/gconf-schema.h	2008-10-09 17:51:29.000000000 +0000
-+++ GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf/gconf-schema.h	2009-04-05 19:36:42.000000000 +0000
-@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
-                                             GConfValueType  type);
- void gconf_schema_set_locale               (GConfSchema    *sc,
-                                             const gchar    *locale);
-+void gconf_schema_set_gettext_domain       (GConfSchema    *sc,
-+                                            const gchar    *domain);
- void gconf_schema_set_short_desc           (GConfSchema    *sc,
-                                             const gchar    *desc);
- void gconf_schema_set_long_desc            (GConfSchema    *sc,
-@@ -65,6 +67,7 @@
- GConfValueType gconf_schema_get_car_type      (const GConfSchema *schema);
- GConfValueType gconf_schema_get_cdr_type      (const GConfSchema *schema);
- const char*    gconf_schema_get_locale        (const GConfSchema *schema);
-+const char*    gconf_schema_get_gettext_domain(const GConfSchema *schema);
- const char*    gconf_schema_get_short_desc    (const GConfSchema *schema);
- const char*    gconf_schema_get_long_desc     (const GConfSchema *schema);
- const char*    gconf_schema_get_owner         (const GConfSchema *schema);
-diff -ru GConf-2.26.0/gconf/gconftool.c GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf/gconftool.c
---- GConf-2.26.0/gconf/gconftool.c	2009-02-16 18:17:43.000000000 +0000
-+++ GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf/gconftool.c	2009-04-05 19:36:42.000000000 +0000
-@@ -3295,6 +3295,7 @@
-   GConfValueType cdr_type;
-   GConfValue* global_default;
-   GHashTable* hash;
-+  gchar* gettext_domain;
- };
- static int
-@@ -3547,6 +3548,15 @@
-               else
-                 g_printerr (_("WARNING: empty <applyto> node"));
-             }
-+          else if (strcmp((char *)iter->name, "gettext_domain") == 0)
-+            {
-+              tmp = (char *)xmlNodeGetContent(iter);
-+              if (tmp)
-+                {
-+                  info->gettext_domain = g_strdup(tmp);
-+                  xmlFree(tmp);
-+                }
-+            }
-           else
-             g_printerr (_("WARNING: node <%s> not understood below <schema>\n"),
- 			iter->name);
-@@ -3636,6 +3646,9 @@
-   if (info->owner != NULL)
-     gconf_schema_set_owner(schema, info->owner);
-+  if (info->gettext_domain != NULL)
-+    gconf_schema_set_gettext_domain(schema, info->gettext_domain);
-   xmlFree(name);
-   /* Locale-specific info */
-@@ -3765,6 +3778,7 @@
-   info.apply_to = NULL;
-   info.owner = NULL;
-   info.global_default = NULL;
-+  info.gettext_domain = NULL;
-   info.hash = g_hash_table_new(g_str_hash, g_str_equal);
-   extract_global_info(node, &info);
-@@ -3801,6 +3815,8 @@
-             ;  /* nothing */
-           else if (strcmp((char *)iter->name, "applyto") == 0)
-             ;  /* nothing */
-+          else if (strcmp((char *)iter->name, "gettext_domain") == 0)
-+            ;  /* nothing */
-           else if (strcmp((char *)iter->name, "locale") == 0)
-             {
-               process_locale_info(iter, &info);
-Only in GConf-2.26.0.patched/gconf: gconftool.c.orig
cgit v0.12