From 2679bf1f66456475177c3300cc68ce2016ed913b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Igo <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 13:27:35 -0400
Subject: bumped tweaker rev for sync

 abs/core-testing/tweaker/PKGBUILD | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/tweaker/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/tweaker/PKGBUILD
index d5b9f7a..67bfb3d 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/tweaker/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/tweaker/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 pkgdesc="applies tweaks to the baseline configuration and attempts to optimize settings for the hardware it finds"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
cgit v0.12

From ecaea0d90a7be8a46472924094404eb8626a9a02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Igo <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 14:15:23 -0400
Subject: bumped version and rebuilt to try to sync

 abs/core-testing/gtk2/PKGBUILD | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/gtk2/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/gtk2/PKGBUILD
index 63199ab..f3fb952 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/gtk2/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/gtk2/PKGBUILD
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 pkgdesc="The GTK+ Toolkit (v2)"
 arch=(i686 x86_64)
cgit v0.12

From 1656e7b6111798331fb834bf7d440e36b73425ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Igo <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 14:15:43 -0400
Subject: gnuplot 4.2.0, used in graphload

 abs/extra-testing/gnuplot/PKGBUILD | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 34 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/gnuplot/PKGBUILD

diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/gnuplot/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra-testing/gnuplot/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34d32ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/gnuplot/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# $Id$
+# Maintainer: damir <>
+# Contributor: Niklas Volbers <>
+pkgdesc="Command-line driven interactive data and function plotting utility"
+depends=('gd>=2.0.29' 'wxgtk')
+build() {
+  cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr \
+    --datadir=/usr/share \
+    --libexecdir=/usr/bin \
+    --with-readline=gnu \
+    --enable-history-file \
+    --with-x
+   make X11_DRIVER_DIR='/usr/bin' || return 1
+   make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg \
+      libexecdir=/usr/bin \
+      pkglibexecdir=/usr/bin install
+   install -D $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver/Copyright $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/custom/gnuplot/Copyright
cgit v0.12

From 6b6568b3395d069818ab71a9c55f6e92300e4751 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Igo <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 14:16:02 -0400
Subject: graphload uses gnuplot to graph total CPU load; useful in testing

 abs/extra-testing/graphload/PKGBUILD     | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 abs/extra-testing/graphload/ | 17 +++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/graphload/PKGBUILD
 create mode 100755 abs/extra-testing/graphload/

diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/graphload/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra-testing/graphload/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb73fc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/graphload/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+pkgdesc="command to graph the total CPU utilization for N-core systems for a given interval"
+build() {
+   LH_ROOT=/usr/LH
+   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/$LH_ROOT/bin/
+   cd $startdir
+   # executables
+   install -m0755 -D  $startdir/pkg/$LH_ROOT/bin/
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/graphload/ b/abs/extra-testing/graphload/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..79023ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/graphload/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+MYINTERVAL=4 # we sample once every $MYINTERVAL seconds
+top -d $MYINVERSEINTERVAL -n $MYTICKS -b -i | grep Cpu | perl -e "while(<>) { split(','); \$load = 100 - substr @_[3], 0, -3; print \$load,\"\n\";}" > profile
+perl -e '$second=0; while(<>) { chop(); $load = $_; print "$second $load "; split " ", $load; print @_[0] + @_[1], "\n"; $second+=0.25;}' < profile > points
+echo "set grid
+set xrange [0: $(($MYTICKS/$MYINTERVAL))]
+set yrange [0: 101]
+set xlabel \"time\"
+set ylabel \"CPU usage\"
+plot \"points\" using 1:2 with lines title 'total load'
+replot" > gplot.cmds
+gnuplot -persist gplot.cmds
cgit v0.12

From 1233da3e8ab22ef12722caa102255e9905ce2fc4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bob Igo <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 14:55:08 -0400
Subject: Had to drop down to gnuplot 4.0.0 because of libjpeg dependencies

 abs/extra-testing/gnuplot/PKGBUILD   | 6 +++---
 abs/extra-testing/graphload/PKGBUILD | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/gnuplot/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra-testing/gnuplot/PKGBUILD
index 34d32ac..24a801a 100644
--- a/abs/extra-testing/gnuplot/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/gnuplot/PKGBUILD
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 # Contributor: Niklas Volbers <>
 pkgdesc="Command-line driven interactive data and function plotting utility"
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ depends=('gd>=2.0.29' 'wxgtk')
 build() {
   cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/graphload/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra-testing/graphload/PKGBUILD
index fb73fc1..4fa0e66 100644
--- a/abs/extra-testing/graphload/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/graphload/PKGBUILD
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ pkgname=graphload
 pkgdesc="command to graph the total CPU utilization for N-core systems for a given interval"
cgit v0.12

From cd301114df042f35f6176d8ea210a26ad3ed31a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cecil Hugh Watson <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 22:58:37 -0700
Subject: Added 44 additional remote conf/lircrc.

 abs/core-testing/system-templates/PKGBUILD         |   2 +-
 .../remotes/Avermedia_77x/lircd-avermedia77x.conf  |  66 ++
 .../remotes/Avermedia_77x/lircrc-avermedia771.txt  | 475 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/preview.jpg    | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Avermedia_98/lircd-avermedia98.conf    |  97 +++
 .../remotes/Avermedia_98/lircrc-avermedia98.txt    | 477 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/preview.jpg     | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Avertv_USB/lircd-avertvusb.conf        |  65 ++
 .../remotes/Avertv_USB/lircrc-avertvusb.txt        | 482 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/preview.jpg       | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Cinergy/lircd-cinergy400600.conf       |  67 ++
 .../remotes/Cinergy/lircrc-cinergy400600.txt       | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Cinergy/preview.jpg          | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Cinergy_1400/lircd-cinergy1400.conf    |  71 ++
 .../remotes/Cinergy_1400/lircrc-cinergy1400.txt    | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/preview.jpg     | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Cinergy_T2/lircd-cinergyT2.conf        |  72 ++
 .../remotes/Cinergy_T2/lircrc-cinergyT2.txt        | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/preview.jpg       | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Compro/lircd-compro.conf     | 364 ++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Compro/lircrc-compro.txt     | 487 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Compro/preview.jpg           | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Dvico_MCE/lircd-dvicomce.conf          |  77 +++
 .../remotes/Dvico_MCE/lircrc-dvicomce.txt          | 475 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/preview.jpg        | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/lircd-dvicomceold.conf   |  76 +++
 .../remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/lircrc-dvicomceold.txt   | 526 +++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/preview.jpg    | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Dvico_slim/lircd-dvicoslim.conf        |  63 ++
 .../remotes/Dvico_slim/lircrc-dvicoslim.txt        | 475 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/preview.jpg       | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Flyvideo_2000/lircd-flyvideo2000.conf  |  57 ++
 .../remotes/Flyvideo_2000/lircrc-flyvideo2000.txt  | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/preview.jpg    | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Flyvideo_3000/lircd-flyvideo3000.conf  |  47 ++
 .../remotes/Flyvideo_3000/lircrc-flyvideo3000.txt  | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/preview.jpg    | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Hercules/lircd-hercules.conf |  61 ++
 .../templates/remotes/Hercules/lircrc-hercules.txt | 475 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Hercules/preview.jpg         | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Kworld_110/lircd-kworld110.conf        |  84 +++
 .../remotes/Kworld_110/lircrc-kworld110.txt        | 482 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Kworld_110/preview.jpg       | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Kworld_220/lircd-kworld220.conf        |  80 +++
 .../remotes/Kworld_220/lircrc-kworld220.txt        | 482 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Kworld_220/preview.jpg       | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Kworld_310/lircd-kworld310.conf        |  80 +++
 .../remotes/Kworld_310/lircrc-kworld310.txt        | 482 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Kworld_310/preview.jpg       | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Kworld_DVBT/lircd-kworlddvbt.conf      |  71 ++
 .../remotes/Kworld_DVBT/lircrc-kworlddvbt.txt      | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/preview.jpg      | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Kworld_tv878/lircd-kworldtv878.conf    |  70 ++
 .../remotes/Kworld_tv878/lircrc-kworldv878.txt     | 482 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/preview.jpg     | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../Leadtek_2000XP/lircd-leadtek2000xp.conf        |  77 +++
 .../Leadtek_2000XP/lircrc-leadtek2000xp.txt        | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/preview.jpg   | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Leadtek_PVR/lircd-leadtekPVR.conf      |  82 +++
 .../remotes/Leadtek_PVR/lircrc-leadtekPVR.txt      | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/preview.jpg      | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Lifeview/lircd-lifeview.conf |  48 ++
 .../templates/remotes/Lifeview/lircrc-lifeview.txt | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Lifeview/preview.jpg         | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Medion_RF/lircd-medion-rf.conf         |  82 +++
 .../remotes/Medion_RF/lircrc-medion-rf.txt         | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Medion_RF/preview.jpg        | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../Medion_X10_8080/lircd-medionx10-8080.conf      |  68 ++
 .../Medion_X10_8080/lircrc-medionx10-8080.txt      | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/preview.jpg  | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../Medion_X10_8802/lircd-medionx10-8802.conf      | 126 ++++
 .../Medion_X10_8802/lircrc-medionx10-8802.txt      | 487 ++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/preview.jpg  | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Nebula/lircd-nebula.conf     |  88 +++
 .../templates/remotes/Nebula/lircrc-nebula.txt     | 402 ++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Nebula/preview.jpg           | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Nexus/lircd-nexus.conf       |  73 +++
 .../templates/remotes/Nexus/lircrc-nexus.txt       | 459 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Nexus/preview.jpg            | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Nova_500/lircd-nova500.conf  |  69 ++
 .../templates/remotes/Nova_500/lircrc-nova500.txt  | 559 ++++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Nova_500/preview.jpg         | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Nova_T/lircd-novat.conf      |  60 ++
 .../templates/remotes/Nova_T/lircrc-novat.txt      | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Nova_T/preview.jpg           | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Nova_T_USB2/lircd-novatusb2.conf       |  77 +++
 .../remotes/Nova_T_USB2/lircrc-novatusb2.txt       | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/preview.jpg      | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Nvidia/lircd-nvidia.conf     |  62 ++
 .../templates/remotes/Nvidia/lircrc-nvidia.txt     | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Nvidia/preview.jpg           | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Nvidia_X10/lircd-nvidiax10.conf        |  71 ++
 .../remotes/Nvidia_X10/lircrc-nvidiax10.txt        | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/preview.jpg       | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/One4All/lircd-one4all.conf   | 111 ++++
 .../templates/remotes/One4All/lircrc-one4all.txt   | 730 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/One4All/preview.jpg          | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/One4All_6131/lircd-one4all6131.conf    |  31 +
 .../remotes/One4All_6131/lircrc-one4all6131.txt    | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/One4All_6131/preview.jpg     | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/One4All_7544/lircd-one4all7544.conf    |  49 ++
 .../remotes/One4All_7544/lircrc-one4all7544.txt    | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/One4All_7544/preview.jpg     | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/One4All_9910/lircd-one4all9910.conf    |  53 ++
 .../remotes/One4All_9910/lircrc-one4all9910.txt    | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/One4All_9910/preview.jpg     | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Packard_bell/lircd-packard.conf        |  92 +++
 .../remotes/Packard_bell/lircrc-packard.txt        | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Packard_bell/preview.jpg     | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Pinnacle/lircd-pinnacle.conf |  97 +++
 .../templates/remotes/Pinnacle/lircrc-pinnacle.txt | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Pinnacle/preview.jpg         | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Provideo/lircd-provideo.conf |  52 ++
 .../templates/remotes/Provideo/lircrc-provideo.txt | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Provideo/preview.jpg         | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Sasem/lircd-sasem.conf       |  81 +++
 .../templates/remotes/Sasem/lircrc-sasem.txt       | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Sasem/preview.jpg            | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../remotes/Technisat/lircd-technisat.conf         |  68 ++
 .../remotes/Technisat/lircrc-technisat.txt         | 347 ++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Technisat/preview.jpg        | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Tekram/lircd-tekram.conf     |  48 ++
 .../templates/remotes/Tekram/lircrc-tekram.txt     | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Tekram/preview.jpg           | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/Twinham/lircd-twinhan.conf   |  44 ++
 .../templates/remotes/Twinham/lircrc-twinhan.txt   | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/Twinham/preview.jpg          | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/X10_Lola/lircd-x10lola.conf  |  78 +++
 .../templates/remotes/X10_Lola/lircrc-x10lola.txt  | 334 ++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/X10_Lola/preview.jpg         | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 .../snapstream_mini/lircd-snapstreammini.conf      |  70 ++
 .../snapstream_mini/lircrc-snapstreammini.txt      | 474 +++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/preview.jpg  | Bin 0 -> 1587 bytes
 133 files changed, 24394 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/lircd-avermedia77x.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/lircrc-avermedia771.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/lircd-avermedia98.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/lircrc-avermedia98.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/lircd-avertvusb.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/lircrc-avertvusb.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/lircd-cinergy400600.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/lircrc-cinergy400600.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/lircd-cinergy1400.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/lircrc-cinergy1400.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/lircd-cinergyT2.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/lircrc-cinergyT2.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircd-compro.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircrc-compro.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/lircd-dvicomce.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/lircrc-dvicomce.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/lircd-dvicomceold.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/lircrc-dvicomceold.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/lircd-dvicoslim.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/lircrc-dvicoslim.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/lircd-flyvideo2000.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/lircrc-flyvideo2000.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/lircd-flyvideo3000.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/lircrc-flyvideo3000.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/lircd-hercules.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/lircrc-hercules.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/lircd-kworld110.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/lircrc-kworld110.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/lircd-kworld220.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/lircrc-kworld220.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/lircd-kworld310.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/lircrc-kworld310.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/lircd-kworlddvbt.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/lircrc-kworlddvbt.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/lircd-kworldtv878.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/lircrc-kworldv878.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/lircd-leadtek2000xp.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/lircrc-leadtek2000xp.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/lircd-leadtekPVR.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/lircrc-leadtekPVR.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/lircd-lifeview.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/lircrc-lifeview.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/lircd-medion-rf.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/lircrc-medion-rf.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/lircd-medionx10-8080.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/lircrc-medionx10-8080.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/lircd-medionx10-8802.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/lircrc-medionx10-8802.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/lircd-nebula.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/lircrc-nebula.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/lircd-nexus.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/lircrc-nexus.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/lircd-nova500.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/lircrc-nova500.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/lircd-novat.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/lircrc-novat.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/lircd-novatusb2.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/lircrc-novatusb2.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/lircd-nvidia.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/lircrc-nvidia.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/lircd-nvidiax10.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/lircrc-nvidiax10.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/lircd-one4all.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/lircrc-one4all.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/lircd-one4all6131.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/lircrc-one4all6131.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/lircd-one4all7544.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/lircrc-one4all7544.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/lircd-one4all9910.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/lircrc-one4all9910.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/lircd-packard.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/lircrc-packard.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/lircd-pinnacle.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/lircrc-pinnacle.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/lircd-provideo.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/lircrc-provideo.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/lircd-sasem.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/lircrc-sasem.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/lircd-technisat.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/lircrc-technisat.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/lircd-tekram.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/lircrc-tekram.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/lircd-twinhan.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/lircrc-twinhan.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/lircd-x10lola.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/lircrc-x10lola.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/lircd-snapstreammini.conf
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/lircrc-snapstreammini.txt
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/preview.jpg

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/PKGBUILD
index 904db3c..5add985 100755
--- a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 conflicts=( )
 pkgdesc="Templates used for system configuration"
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/lircd-avermedia77x.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/lircd-avermedia77x.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d30e172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/lircd-avermedia77x.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.8.0(userspace) on Mon Feb 20 23:15:48 2006
+# contributed by Joris Patroons
+# brand:                       AVerMedia
+# model no. of remote control: Unknown
+# devices being controlled by this remote:
+#                              AVerTV DVB-T 771
+begin remote
+  name  a771
+  bits           32
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       9078  4437
+  one           615  1631
+  zero          615   515
+  ptrail        620
+  repeat       9080  2189
+  gap          108056
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          SOURCE                   0x40BF807F
+          TELETEXT                 0x40BF40BF
+          POWER                    0x40BF00FF
+          1                        0x40BFA05F
+          2                        0x40BF609F
+          3                        0x40BFE01F
+          4                        0x40BF906F
+          5                        0x40BF50AF
+          6                        0x40BFD02F
+          7                        0x40BFB04F
+          8                        0x40BF708F
+          9                        0x40BFF00F
+          0                        0x40BF8877
+          AUDIO                    0x40BF10EF
+          FULLSCREEN               0x40BF30CF
+          DISPLAY                  0x40BF48B7
+          LOOP                     0x40BFC837
+          PREVIEW                  0x40BF08F7
+          BACKWARD                 0x40BFA857
+          FORWARD                  0x40BF6897
+          CAPTURE                  0x40BFE817
+          MUTE                     0x40BF28D7
+          RECORD                   0x40BF9867
+          PAUSE                    0x40BF58A7
+          STOP                     0x40BFD827
+          PLAY                     0x40BF18E7
+          RED                      0x40BFB847
+          GREEN                    0xC03F807F
+          YELLOW                   0x40BF38C7
+          BLUE                     0xC03F00FF
+          VOL_DOWN                 0x40BF7887
+          VOL_UP                   0x40BFF807
+          CH_DOWN                  0xC03F40BF
+          CH_UP                    0xC03FC03F
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/lircrc-avermedia771.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/lircrc-avermedia771.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2aa9e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/lircrc-avermedia771.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_UP
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_DOWN
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_UP
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_DOWN
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL_UP
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL_DOWN
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = PLAY
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = STOP
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = POWER
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = PAUSE
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = MUTE
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = FORWARD
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = BACKWARD
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = CAPTURE
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = RED
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = PREVIEW
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = TELETEXT
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = DISPLAY
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = PREVIEW
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = TELETEXT
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = PAUSE
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +1
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = MUTE
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = BACKWARD
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FORWARD
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = STOP
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = FULLSCREEN
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = PLAY
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = PAUSE
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = PREVIEW
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = FORWARD
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = BACKWARD
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VOL_UP
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VOL_DOWN
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = MUTE
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = TELETEXT
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_77x/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/lircd-avermedia98.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/lircd-avermedia98.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bfc07b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/lircd-avermedia98.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.6.1 on Tue Apr 25 14:31:21 2000
+# contributed by Christoph Bartelmus <>
+# brand:             AVerMedia
+# model:             ? (36 buttons)
+# supported devices: TVPhone98 card (ID 0x00031461)
+#                    TVCapture98 card (ID 0x00041461)
+# This config file does work with both homebrew receivers and 
+# original AVerMedia TV cards !!!
+begin remote
+  name  TVPhone98
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       9078  4437
+  one           615  1631
+  zero          615   515
+  ptrail        620
+  repeat       9080  2189
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x40BF
+  gap          108056
+  repeat_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          POWER                    0x00000000000000FF
+          TV/FM                    0x000000000000807F
+          CD                       0x00000000000040BF
+          TELETEXT                 0x000000000000C03F
+          VIDEO                    0x00000000000020DF
+          1                        0x000000000000A05F
+          2                        0x000000000000609F
+          3                        0x000000000000E01F
+          AUDIO                    0x00000000000010EF
+          4                        0x000000000000906F
+          5                        0x00000000000050AF
+          6                        0x000000000000D02F
+          FULLSCREEN               0x00000000000030CF
+          7                        0x000000000000B04F
+          8                        0x000000000000708F
+          9                        0x000000000000F00F
+          PREVIEW                  0x00000000000008F7
+          0                        0x0000000000008877
+          DISPLAY                  0x00000000000048B7
+          LOOP                     0x000000000000C837
+          MUTE                     0x00000000000028D7
+          AUTOSCAN                 0x000000000000A857
+          FREEZE                   0x0000000000006897
+          CAPTURE                  0x000000000000E817
+          PLAY                     0x00000000000018E7
+          RECORD                   0x0000000000009867
+          PAUSE                    0x00000000000058A7
+          STOP                     0x000000000000D827
+          YELLOW                   0x00000000000038C7
+          RED                      0x000000000000B847
+          VOL_DOWN                 0x0000000000007887
+          VOL_UP                   0x000000000000F807
+      end codes
+end remote
+begin remote
+  name  TVPhone98_ext
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       9078  4437
+  one           615  1631
+  zero          615   515
+  ptrail        620
+  repeat       9080  2189
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0xC03F
+  gap          108056
+  repeat_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          BLUE                     0x00000000000000FF
+          GREEN                    0x000000000000807F
+          CH_DOWN                  0x00000000000040BF
+          CH_UP                    0x000000000000C03F
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/lircrc-avermedia98.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/lircrc-avermedia98.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f8fb43a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/lircrc-avermedia98.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_UP
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_DOWN
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = LEFT
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = RIGHT
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_UP
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_DOWN
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL_UP
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL_DOWN
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = UNLABELED
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = PLAY
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = STOP
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = POWER
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = PAUSE
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = MUTE
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+remote = TVPhone98_ext
+prog = mythtv
+button = BLUE
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+remote = TVPhone98_ext
+prog = mythtv
+button = GREEN
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = CAPTURE
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = RED
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = YELLOW
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = TELETEXT
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = DISPLAY
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = VIDEO
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = TELETEXT
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = PAUSE
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +1
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = MUTE
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = STOP
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = FULLSCREEN
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = PLAY
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = PAUSE
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = PREVIEW
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = 
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VOL_UP
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VOL_DOWN
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = MUTE
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = TELETEXT
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avermedia_98/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/lircd-avertvusb.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/lircd-avertvusb.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..391c8d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/lircd-avertvusb.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# this config file was created by using lirc-0.8 on Thu Sept 14 2006
+# contributed by elturisto
+# brand: AVerMedia
+# model no. of remote control: RM-FP
+# devices being controlled by this remote: AVerMedia DVB-T USB2.0 (A800)
+begin remote
+  name  rmfp
+  bits           32
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       8967  4524
+  one           565  1682
+  zero          565   559
+  ptrail        561
+  repeat       8968  2276
+  gap          107905
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          power                    0x00010074
+          source                   0x00010094
+          1                        0x00010002
+          2                        0x00010003
+          3                        0x00010004
+          4                        0x00010005
+          5                        0x00010006
+          6                        0x00010007
+          7                        0x00010008
+          8                        0x00010009
+          9                        0x0001000a
+          0                        0x0001000b
+          display                  0x00010095
+          snapshot                 0x00010069
+          chrtn                    0x0001006a
+          chprev                   0x000100ca
+          chup                     0x00010192
+          chdown                   0x00010193
+          voldown                  0x00010072
+          volup                    0x00010073
+          fullscreen               0x00010174
+          mute                     0x00010071
+          audio                    0x00010188
+          record                   0x000100a7
+          play                     0x000100cf
+          stop                     0x00010080
+          pause                    0x000100a4
+          rewind                   0x0001009e
+          forward                  0x0001009f
+          teletext                 0x00010184
+          last                     0x00010194
+          next                     0x00010195
+          epg                      0x0001016d
+          menu                     0x0001008b
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/lircrc-avertvusb.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/lircrc-avertvusb.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc28857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/lircrc-avertvusb.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = chup
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = chdown
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = chup
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = chdown
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = volup
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = voldown
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = forward
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = rewind
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = next
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = last
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = record
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = epg
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = menu
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = display
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = chprev
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = teletext
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = snapshot
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = menu
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +1
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = forward
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = rewind
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = next
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = last
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = display
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = chup
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = chdown
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = menu
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = forward
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = rewind
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = volup
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = voldown
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = next
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = last
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = display
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Avertv_USB/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/lircd-cinergy400600.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/lircd-cinergy400600.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8b0bd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/lircd-cinergy400600.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Please make this file available to others
+# by sending it to <>
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.7.0 (devinput) on Sun Feb 27 18:29:35 2005
+# brand: Terratec_Cinergy_Remote
+# model no. of remote control:
+# devices being controlled by this remote:
+begin remote
+name Terratec_Cinergy_Remote
+bits		16
+eps		30
+aeps		100
+one		0  0
+zero		0  0
+pre_data_bits	 16
+pre_data		0x8001
+gap		237493
+toggle_bit	0
+	begin codes
+		power	0x0000000000000074
+		app		0x0000000000000094
+		zoom	0x0000000000000174
+		1		0x000000000000004F
+		2		0x0000000000000050
+		3		0x0000000000000051
+		4		0x000000000000004B
+		5		0x000000000000004C
+		6		0x000000000000004D
+		7		0x0000000000000047
+		8		0x0000000000000048
+		9		0x0000000000000049
+		0		0x0000000000000052
+		chup		0x0000000000000192
+		chdown	0x0000000000000193
+		volup	0x0000000000000073
+		voldown	0x0000000000000072
+		av		0x0000000000000182
+		-/--		0x0000000000000045
+		audio	0x0000000000000188
+		mute	0x0000000000000071
+		left		0x0000000000000069
+		right		0x000000000000006A
+		up		0 x0000000000000067
+		down	0x000000000000006C
+		mouseleft 0x0000000000000110
+		mouseright 0x0000000000000111
+		text		0x0000000000000096
+		rew		0x00000000000000A8
+		fwd		0x000000000000009F
+		rec		0x00000000000000A7
+		play		0x00000000000000CF
+		prev		0x00000000000000A5
+		next		0x00000000000000A3
+		pause	0x0000000000000077
+		stop		0x0000000000000080
+end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/lircrc-cinergy400600.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/lircrc-cinergy400600.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5ac2227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/lircrc-cinergy400600.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = chup
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = chdown
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = volup
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = voldown
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = fwd
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = rew
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = next
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = prev
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = app
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = app
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = rew
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = fwd
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = next
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = prev
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = zoom
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = app
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = next
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = prev
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = volup
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = voldown
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = next
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = prev
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = av
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/lircd-cinergy1400.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/lircd-cinergy1400.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8458cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/lircd-cinergy1400.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.7.2(serial) on Fri Oct 14 16:29:58 2005
+# contributed by Sebastian Kraft
+# brand: 			Terratec                     
+# model no. of remote control: 	Cinergy 1400-T
+# devices being controlled by this remote:
+begin remote
+  name  Terratec_Cinergy_1400-T
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       9007  4495
+  one           557  1683
+  zero          557   555
+  ptrail        546
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x20D7
+  gap          110968
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          0                        0x30CF
+          1                        0x40BF
+          2                        0xC03F
+          3                        0x20DF
+          4                        0xA05F
+          5                        0x609F
+          6                        0xE01F
+          7                        0x10EF
+          8                        0x906F
+          9                        0x50AF
+          fullscreen               0x18E7
+          osd                      0x708F
+          volumeup                 0x38C7
+          volumedown               0x7887
+          channelup                0xD827
+          channeldown              0xF807
+          epg                      0xF00F
+          av                       0xD02F
+          power                    0x807F
+          teletext                 0xA857
+          clock                    0xE817
+          mute                     0xB847
+          pause                    0x02FD
+          play                     0x32CD
+          record                   0x1AE5
+          rewind                   0x2AD5
+          stop                     0x12ED
+          forward                  0x3AC5
+          up                       0x08F7
+          down                     0x28D7
+          left                     0x8877
+          right                    0xC837
+          info                     0x6897
+          ok                       0x48B7
+          tab                      0x58A7
+          audio                    0x9867
+          clock                    0xE817
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/lircrc-cinergy1400.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/lircrc-cinergy1400.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8dd42c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/lircrc-cinergy1400.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = channelup
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = channeldown
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = volumeup
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = volumedown
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = ok
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = forward
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = rewind
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = record
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = osd
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = epg
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = info
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = tab
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = teletext
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = osd
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = rewind
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = forward
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = fullscreen
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = ok
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = epg
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = forward
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = rewind
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = volumeup
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = volumedown
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = channelup
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = channeldown
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = info
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_1400/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/lircd-cinergyT2.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/lircd-cinergyT2.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..168743b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/lircd-cinergyT2.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# this config file was generated
+# using lirc-0.7.1pre2(serial) kantonix VDR
+# contributed by Stefan Bernshausen
+# brand: 			Terratec                     
+# model no. of remote control: 	Cinergy T2
+# devices being controlled by this remote:
+begin remote
+  name  Terratec_Cinergy_T2
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       9007  4495
+  one           557  1683
+  zero          557   555
+  ptrail        546
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x20D7
+  gap          110968
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          0                        0x30CF
+          1                        0x40BF
+          2                        0xC03F
+          3                        0x20DF
+          4                        0xA05F
+          5                        0x609F
+          6                        0xE01F
+          7                        0x10EF
+          8                        0x906F
+          9                        0x50AF
+          Green                    0x18E7
+          Osd                      0x708F
+          Volume+                  0x38C7
+          Volume-                  0x7887
+          Ch+                      0xD827
+          Ch-                      0xF807
+          Epg                      0xF00F
+          Av                       0xD02F
+          Power                    0x807F
+          Txt                      0xA857
+          Red                      0xE817
+          Mute                     0xB847
+          Pause                    0x02FD
+          Play                     0x32CD
+          Record                   0x1AE5
+          Fback                    0x2AD5
+          Stop                     0x12ED
+          Ffor                     0x3AC5
+          Up                       0x08F7
+          Down                     0x28D7
+          Left                     0x8877
+          Right                    0xC837
+          Info                     0x6897
+          Ok                       0x48B7
+          Blue                     0x58A7
+          Yellow                   0x9867
+          Red                      0xE817
+          Back                     0xB04F
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/lircrc-cinergyT2.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/lircrc-cinergyT2.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c4042fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/lircrc-cinergyT2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = Left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = Right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Volume+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Volume-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ok
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = Play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = Stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = Power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = Pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = Mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ffor
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Fback
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = Record
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = Red
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = Osd
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = Epg
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = Info
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = Green
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Blue
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = Osd
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = Pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Fback
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Ffor
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = Stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = Ch+
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = Ch-
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = Blue
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = Play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = Pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = Up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = Down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = Left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = Right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = Ok
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = Epg
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = Ffor
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = Fback
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = Volume+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = Volume-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = Mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = Ch+
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = Ch-
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = Info
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Cinergy_T2/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircd-compro.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircd-compro.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..41f2c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircd-compro.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+begin remote
+        name linux-input-layer
+        bits 32
+        begin codes
+                ESC                  0x10001
+                1                    0x10002
+                2                    0x10003
+                3                    0x10004
+                4                    0x10005
+                5                    0x10006
+                6                    0x10007
+                7                    0x10008
+                8                    0x10009
+                9                    0x1000a
+                0                    0x1000b
+                MINUS                0x1000c
+                EQUAL                0x1000d
+                BACKSPACE            0x1000e
+                TAB                  0x1000f
+                Q                    0x10010
+                W                    0x10011
+                E                    0x10012
+                R                    0x10013
+                T                    0x10014
+                Y                    0x10015
+                U                    0x10016
+                I                    0x10017
+                O                    0x10018
+                P                    0x10019
+                LEFTBRACE            0x1001a
+                RIGHTBRACE           0x1001b
+                ENTER                0x1001c
+                LEFTCTRL             0x1001d
+                A                    0x1001e
+                S                    0x1001f
+                D                    0x10020
+                F                    0x10021
+                G                    0x10022
+                H                    0x10023
+                J                    0x10024
+                K                    0x10025
+                L                    0x10026
+                SEMICOLON            0x10027
+                APOSTROPHE           0x10028
+                GRAVE                0x10029
+                LEFTSHIFT            0x1002a
+                BACKSLASH            0x1002b
+                Z                    0x1002c
+                X                    0x1002d
+                C                    0x1002e
+                V                    0x1002f
+                B                    0x10030
+                N                    0x10031
+                M                    0x10032
+                COMMA                0x10033
+                DOT                  0x10034
+                SLASH                0x10035
+                RIGHTSHIFT           0x10036
+                KPASTERISK           0x10037
+                LEFTALT              0x10038
+                SPACE                0x10039
+                CAPSLOCK             0x1003a
+                F1                   0x1003b
+                F2                   0x1003c
+                F3                   0x1003d
+                F4                   0x1003e
+                F5                   0x1003f
+                F6                   0x10040
+                F7                   0x10041
+                F8                   0x10042
+                F9                   0x10043
+                F10                  0x10044
+                NUMLOCK              0x10045
+                SCROLLLOCK           0x10046
+                KP7                  0x10047
+                KP8                  0x10048
+                KP9                  0x10049
+                KPMINUS              0x1004a
+                KP4                  0x1004b
+                KP5                  0x1004c
+                KP6                  0x1004d
+                KPPLUS               0x1004e
+                KP1                  0x1004f
+                KP2                  0x10050
+                KP3                  0x10051
+                KP0                  0x10052
+                KPDOT                0x10053
+                103RD                0x10054
+                F13                  0x10055
+                102ND                0x10056
+                F11                  0x10057
+                F12                  0x10058
+                F14                  0x10059
+                F15                  0x1005a
+                F16                  0x1005b
+                F17                  0x1005c
+                F18                  0x1005d
+                F19                  0x1005e
+                F20                  0x1005f
+                KPENTER              0x10060
+                RIGHTCTRL            0x10061
+                KPSLASH              0x10062
+                SYSRQ                0x10063
+                RIGHTALT             0x10064
+                LINEFEED             0x10065
+                HOME                 0x10066
+                UP                   0x10067
+                PAGEUP               0x10068
+                LEFT                 0x10069
+                RIGHT                0x1006a
+                END                  0x1006b
+                DOWN                 0x1006c
+                PAGEDOWN             0x1006d
+                INSERT               0x1006e
+                DELETE               0x1006f
+                MACRO                0x10070
+                MUTE                 0x10071
+                VOLUMEDOWN           0x10072
+                VOLUMEUP             0x10073
+                POWER                0x10074
+                KPEQUAL              0x10075
+                KPPLUSMINUS          0x10076
+                PAUSE                0x10077
+                F21                  0x10078
+                F22                  0x10079
+                F23                  0x1007a
+                F24                  0x1007b
+                KPCOMMA              0x1007c
+                LEFTMETA             0x1007d
+                RIGHTMETA            0x1007e
+                COMPOSE              0x1007f
+                STOP                 0x10080
+                AGAIN                0x10081
+                PROPS                0x10082
+                UNDO                 0x10083
+                FRONT                0x10084
+                COPY                 0x10085
+                OPEN                 0x10086
+                PASTE                0x10087
+                FIND                 0x10088
+                CUT                  0x10089
+                HELP                 0x1008a
+                MENU                 0x1008b
+                CALC                 0x1008c
+                SETUP                0x1008d
+                SLEEP                0x1008e
+                WAKEUP               0x1008f
+                FILE                 0x10090
+                SENDFILE             0x10091
+                DELETEFILE           0x10092
+                XFER                 0x10093
+                PROG1                0x10094
+                PROG2                0x10095
+                WWW                  0x10096
+                MSDOS                0x10097
+                COFFEE               0x10098
+                DIRECTION            0x10099
+                CYCLEWINDOWS         0x1009a
+                MAIL                 0x1009b
+                BOOKMARKS            0x1009c
+                COMPUTER             0x1009d
+                BACK                 0x1009e
+                FORWARD              0x1009f
+                CLOSECD              0x100a0
+                EJECTCD              0x100a1
+                EJECTCLOSECD         0x100a2
+                NEXTSONG             0x100a3
+                PLAYPAUSE            0x100a4
+                PREVIOUSSONG         0x100a5
+                STOPCD               0x100a6
+                RECORD               0x100a7
+                REWIND               0x100a8
+                PHONE                0x100a9
+                ISO                  0x100aa
+                CONFIG               0x100ab
+                HOMEPAGE             0x100ac
+                REFRESH              0x100ad
+                EXIT                 0x100ae
+                MOVE                 0x100af
+                EDIT                 0x100b0
+                SCROLLUP             0x100b1
+                SCROLLDOWN           0x100b2
+                KPLEFTPAREN          0x100b3
+                KPRIGHTPAREN         0x100b4
+                INTL1                0x100b5
+                INTL2                0x100b6
+                INTL3                0x100b7
+                INTL4                0x100b8
+                INTL5                0x100b9
+                INTL6                0x100ba
+                INTL7                0x100bb
+                INTL8                0x100bc
+                INTL9                0x100bd
+                LANG1                0x100be
+                LANG2                0x100bf
+                LANG3                0x100c0
+                LANG4                0x100c1
+                LANG5                0x100c2
+                LANG6                0x100c3
+                LANG7                0x100c4
+                LANG8                0x100c5
+                LANG9                0x100c6
+                PLAYCD               0x100c8
+                PAUSECD              0x100c9
+                PROG3                0x100ca
+                PROG4                0x100cb
+                SUSPEND              0x100cd
+                CLOSE                0x100ce
+                PLAY                 0x100cf
+                FASTFORWARD          0x100d0
+                BASSBOOST            0x100d1
+                PRINT                0x100d2
+                HP                   0x100d3
+                CAMERA               0x100d4
+                SOUND                0x100d5
+                QUESTION             0x100d6
+                EMAIL                0x100d7
+                CHAT                 0x100d8
+                SEARCH               0x100d9
+                CONNECT              0x100da
+                FINANCE              0x100db
+                SPORT                0x100dc
+                SHOP                 0x100dd
+                ALTERASE             0x100de
+                CANCEL               0x100df
+                BRIGHTNESSDOWN       0x100e0
+                BRIGHTNESSUP         0x100e1
+                MEDIA                0x100e2
+                UNKNOWN              0x100f0
+                BTN_MISC             0x10100
+                BTN_0                0x10100
+                BTN_1                0x10101
+                BTN_2                0x10102
+                BTN_3                0x10103
+                BTN_4                0x10104
+                BTN_5                0x10105
+                BTN_6                0x10106
+                BTN_7                0x10107
+                BTN_8                0x10108
+                BTN_9                0x10109
+                BTN_MOUSE            0x10110
+                BTN_LEFT             0x10110
+                BTN_RIGHT            0x10111
+                BTN_MIDDLE           0x10112
+                BTN_SIDE             0x10113
+                BTN_EXTRA            0x10114
+                BTN_FORWARD          0x10115
+                BTN_BACK             0x10116
+                BTN_TASK             0x10117
+                BTN_JOYSTICK         0x10120
+                BTN_TRIGGER          0x10120
+                BTN_THUMB            0x10121
+                BTN_THUMB2           0x10122
+                BTN_TOP              0x10123
+                BTN_TOP2             0x10124
+                BTN_PINKIE           0x10125
+                BTN_BASE             0x10126
+                BTN_BASE2            0x10127
+                BTN_BASE3            0x10128
+                BTN_BASE4            0x10129
+                BTN_BASE5            0x1012a
+                BTN_BASE6            0x1012b
+                BTN_DEAD             0x1012f
+                BTN_GAMEPAD          0x10130
+                BTN_A                0x10130
+                BTN_B                0x10131
+                BTN_C                0x10132
+                BTN_X                0x10133
+                BTN_Y                0x10134
+                BTN_Z                0x10135
+                BTN_TL               0x10136
+                BTN_TR               0x10137
+                BTN_TL2              0x10138
+                BTN_TR2              0x10139
+                BTN_SELECT           0x1013a
+                BTN_START            0x1013b
+                BTN_MODE             0x1013c
+                BTN_THUMBL           0x1013d
+                BTN_THUMBR           0x1013e
+                BTN_DIGI             0x10140
+                BTN_TOOL_PEN         0x10140
+                BTN_TOOL_RUBBER      0x10141
+                BTN_TOOL_BRUSH       0x10142
+                BTN_TOOL_PENCIL      0x10143
+                BTN_TOOL_AIRBRUSH    0x10144
+                BTN_TOOL_FINGER      0x10145
+                BTN_TOOL_MOUSE       0x10146
+                BTN_TOOL_LENS        0x10147
+                BTN_TOUCH            0x1014a
+                BTN_STYLUS           0x1014b
+                BTN_STYLUS2          0x1014c
+                BTN_WHEEL            0x10150
+                BTN_GEAR_DOWN        0x10150
+                BTN_GEAR_UP          0x10151
+                OK                   0x10160
+                SELECT               0x10161
+                GOTO                 0x10162
+                CLEAR                0x10163
+                POWER2               0x10164
+                OPTION               0x10165
+                INFO                 0x10166
+                TIME                 0x10167
+                VENDOR               0x10168
+                ARCHIVE              0x10169
+                PROGRAM              0x1016a
+                CHANNEL              0x1016b
+                FAVORITES            0x1016c
+                EPG                  0x1016d
+                PVR                  0x1016e
+                MHP                  0x1016f
+                LANGUAGE             0x10170
+                TITLE                0x10171
+                SUBTITLE             0x10172
+                ANGLE                0x10173
+                ZOOM                 0x10174
+                MODE                 0x10175
+                KEYBOARD             0x10176
+                SCREEN               0x10177
+                PC                   0x10178
+                TV                   0x10179
+                TV2                  0x1017a
+                VCR                  0x1017b
+                VCR2                 0x1017c
+                SAT                  0x1017d
+                SAT2                 0x1017e
+                CD                   0x1017f
+                TAPE                 0x10180
+                RADIO                0x10181
+                TUNER                0x10182
+                PLAYER               0x10183
+                TEXT                 0x10184
+                DVD                  0x10185
+                AUX                  0x10186
+                MP3                  0x10187
+                AUDIO                0x10188
+                VIDEO                0x10189
+                DIRECTORY            0x1018a
+                LIST                 0x1018b
+                MEMO                 0x1018c
+                CALENDAR             0x1018d
+                RED                  0x1018e
+                GREEN                0x1018f
+                YELLOW               0x10190
+                BLUE                 0x10191
+                CHANNELUP            0x10192
+                CHANNELDOWN          0x10193
+                FIRST                0x10194
+                LAST                 0x10195
+                AB                   0x10196
+                NEXT                 0x10197
+                RESTART              0x10198
+                SLOW                 0x10199
+                SHUFFLE              0x1019a
+                BREAK                0x1019b
+                PREVIOUS             0x1019c
+                DIGITS               0x1019d
+                TEEN                 0x1019e
+                TWEN                 0x1019f
+                DEL_EOL              0x101c0
+                DEL_EOS              0x101c1
+                INS_LINE             0x101c2
+                DEL_LINE             0x101c3
+        end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircrc-compro.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircrc-compro.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3a7fae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/lircrc-compro.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = UP
+    config = Up
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = DOWN
+    config = Down
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = LEFT
+    config = Left
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = RIGHT
+    config = Right
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = DVD
+    config = Esc
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = Go
+# Swap the PiP windows
+    config = N
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 1
+    config = 1
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 2
+    config = 2
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 3
+    config = 3
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 4
+    config = 4
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 5
+    config = 5
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 6
+    config = 6
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 7
+    config = 7
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 8
+    config = 8
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 9
+    config = 9
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 0
+    config = 0
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = TV
+    config = Esc
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = VIDEO
+    config = M
+# Below are keys used with the Hauppauge Grey remote
+   prog = mythtv
+# This is the Red key
+# We'll use it for "Delete"
+   button = Red
+   config = D
+   prog = mythtv
+# This is the Green key
+# We'll use it for "Information"
+   button = Green
+   config = I
+# Note the "repeat =" strings in the volume and channel.
+# This means that if you hold down the key, every nth instance will be
+# passed.  This depends on your system, so you may want to increase or
+# decrease this and see what happens.  repeat = 1 is probably too
+# fast.
+  prog = mythtv
+# This is the Yellow key
+# Use it as a volume key
+  button = VOLUMEDOWN
+  repeat = 3
+  config = F10
+  prog = mythtv
+# This is the Blue key
+# Use it as a volume key
+  button = VOLUMEUP
+  repeat = 3
+  config = F11
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = CHANNELUP
+# This is the "up" on the central diamond
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Up
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = CHANNELDOWN
+# This is the "down" on the central diamond
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Down
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = VOLUMEUP
+# This is the "left" on the central diamond
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Right
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = VOLUMEDOWN
+# This is the "right" on the central diamond
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Left
+    prog = mythtv
+# Middle button on the diamond
+    button = OK
+    config = Return
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = MUTE
+    config = |
+   prog = mythtv
+# Change focus for PiP (to change channel in the other window)
+   button = Blank
+   config = B
+   prog = mythtv
+# Toggle PiP on/off
+   button = Full
+   config = V
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = REWIND
+    config = <
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = PLAY
+    config = P
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = FORWARD
+    config = >
+  prog = mythtv
+  button = RECORD
+  config = R
+   prog = mythtv
+# Teletext
+   button = STOP
+   config = T
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = PLAYPAUSE
+    config = P
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = Replay
+# Use for backwards commercial skip
+    config = Q
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = Skip
+# Use for forward commercial skip
+    config = Z
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = VIDEO
+   config = quit
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = SETUP
+   config = osd
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = REWIND
+   config = seek -10
+   repeat = 1
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = FOWARD
+   config = seek +10
+   repeat = 1
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = PREVIOUS
+   config = seek -60
+   repeat = 1
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = NEXT
+   config = seek +60
+   repeat = 1
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = PLAYPAUSE
+    config = pause
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = PLAYPAUSE
+    config = pause
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = VIDEO
+   config = quit
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = VOLUMEUP
+   config = volume +1
+   repeat = 1
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = VOLUMEDOWN
+   config = volume -1
+   repeat = 1
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = MUTE
+   config = mute
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = PLAY
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Play
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = STOP
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Stop
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = BACK/EXIT
+ config = Quit
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = PAUSE
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Pause
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = CH+
+ repeat = 4
+ config = EventUp
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = CH-
+ repeat = 4
+ config = EventDown
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = VOL-
+ repeat = 4
+ config = Volume-
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = VOL+
+ repeat = 4
+ config = Volume+
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = OK
+ repeat = 0
+ config = EventSelect
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = MENU
+ repeat = 0
+ config = Menu
+ end
+ #vol down
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = YELLOW
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventLeft
+ end
+ #vol up
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Red
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventRight
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = FFW
+ repeat = 2
+ config = SeekRelative+30
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = REW
+ repeat = 2
+ config = SeekRelative-30
+ end
+ #ch up
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Green
+ repeat = 1
+ config = SeekRelative+60
+ end
+ #ch down
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Blue
+ repeat = 1
+ config = SeekRelative-60
+ end
+ #sleep
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = GO
+ repeat = 1
+ config = ZoomIn
+ end
+ #display
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = SKIP
+ repeat = 1
+ config = ZoomOut
+ end
+ #skip chapter forward
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = SKIP
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventNext
+ end
+ #skip chapter backward
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = REPLAY
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventPrior
+ end
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Compro/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/lircd-dvicomce.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/lircd-dvicomce.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..be3d537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/lircd-dvicomce.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Please make this file available to others
+    # by sending it to <>
+    #
+    # this config file was automatically generated
+    # using lirc-0.8.1pre1(dev/input) on Tue Jun 20 19:52:04 2006
+    #
+    # contributed by  Craig Cook
+    #
+    # brand:                      DViCO FusionHDTV DVB-T Dual Digital
+    # model no. of remote control: Fusion MCE
+    # devices being controlled by this remote:
+    #
+    begin remote
+      name  DViCO_Dual_Digital
+      bits           16
+      eps            30
+      aeps          100
+      one             0     0
+      zero            0     0
+      pre_data_bits   16
+      pre_data       0x1
+      gap            251756
+      toggle_bit      0
+          begin codes
+              1                        0x0002
+              2                        0x0003
+              3                        0x0004
+              4                        0x0005
+              5                        0x0006
+              6                        0x0007
+              7                        0x0008
+              8                        0x0009
+              9                        0x000A
+              0                        0x000B
+              rew                      0x00A8
+              playpause                0x00A4
+              ff                       0x00D0
+              mute                     0x0071
+              stop                     0x0080
+              rec                      0x00A7
+              power                    0x0074
+              camera                   0x00D4
+              live                     0x0182
+              folder                   0x0086
+              voldown                  0x0072
+              volup                    0x0073
+              chup                     0x0192
+              chdn                     0x0193
+              start                    0x001C
+              replay                   0x00A5
+              skip                     0x00A3
+              down                     0x006C
+              right                    0x006A
+              left                     0x0069
+              up                       0x0067
+              ok                       0x0160
+              dvdmenu                  0x008B
+              back                     0x009E
+              setup                    0x008D
+              tvpower                  0x0164
+              guide                    0x016D
+              info                     0x0166
+              alttab                   0x000F
+              dtv                      0x0179
+              mp3                      0x0187
+              dvd                      0x0185
+              cpf                      0x016C
+              aspect                   0x0173
+              zoom                     0x0174
+          end codes
+    end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/lircrc-dvicomce.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/lircrc-dvicomce.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4326a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/lircrc-dvicomce.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = chup
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = chdn
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = volup
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = voldown
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = ok
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = playpause
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = playpause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = ff
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = rew
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = skip
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = back
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = guide
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = info
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = aspect
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = guide
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = playpause
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +1
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = rew
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = ff
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = skip
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = back
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = zoom
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = playpause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = ok
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = menu
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = ff
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = rew
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = volup
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = voldown
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = skip
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = back
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = info
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/lircd-dvicomceold.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/lircd-dvicomceold.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d814713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/lircd-dvicomceold.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.7.0(dvico) on Sat Jun 18 00:56:01 2005
+# contributed by anonymous
+# brand:                       DVICO
+# model no. of remote control: MCE Remote
+begin remote
+  name           DVICO_MCE
+  bits           32
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   8
+  pre_data       0x0
+  post_data_bits  8
+  post_data      0x0
+  gap          195956
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          ok                       0x0000000000FE5E00
+          dtv                      0x0000000000FE0200
+          mp3                      0x0000000000FE0E00
+          dvd                      0x0000000000FE1A00
+          cpf                      0x0000000000FE1E00
+          setup                    0x0000000000FE1600
+          tv_onoff                 0x0000000000FE4600
+          guide                    0x0000000000FE0A00
+          back                     0x0000000000FE4900
+          more                     0x0000000000FE5900
+          dvd_menu                 0x0000000000FE4D00
+          alt_tab                  0x0000000000FE5500
+          replay                   0x0000000000FE0F00
+          skip                     0x0000000000FE1200
+          up                       0x0000000000FE5100
+          down                     0x0000000000FE5300
+          left                     0x0000000000FE5B00
+          right                    0x0000000000FE5F00
+          start                    0x0000000000FE4200
+          vol_up                   0x0000000000FE1500
+          vol_down                 0x0000000000FE0500
+          ch_up                    0x0000000000FE1100
+          ch_down                  0x0000000000FE0900
+          snapshot                 0x0000000000FE5200
+          live                     0x0000000000FE5A00
+          folder_open              0x0000000000FE1900
+          1                        0x0000000000FE0B00
+          2                        0x0000000000FE1700
+          3                        0x0000000000FE1B00
+          4                        0x0000000000FE0700
+          5                        0x0000000000FE5000
+          6                        0x0000000000FE5400
+          7                        0x0000000000FE4800
+          8                        0x0000000000FE4C00
+          9                        0x0000000000FE5800
+          0                        0x0000000000FE0300
+          aspect                   0x0000000000FE1300
+          fullscreen               0x0000000000FE1F00
+          rewind                   0x0000000000FE4300
+          playpause                0x0000000000FE4700
+          fastforward              0x0000000000FE4F00
+          stop                     0x0000000000FE0D00
+          mute                     0x0000000000FE5700
+          record                   0x0000000000FE0100
+	  white_onoff              0x0000000000FE4E00
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/lircrc-dvicomceold.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/lircrc-dvicomceold.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d196c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/lircrc-dvicomceold.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+   # Power Button
+   begin
+   prog = irexec
+   button = power_onoff
+   repeat = 3
+   config = /usr/bin/
+   end
+   # Channel Up
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = ch_up
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Up
+   end
+   # Channel Down
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = ch_down
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Down
+   end
+   # OK/Select
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = ok
+   config = Space
+   end
+   # Play/Pause
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = playpause
+   config = P
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = stop
+   config = Esc
+   end
+   # Escape/Exit/Back
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = back
+   config = Esc
+   end
+   # Escape/Exit/Back
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = tv_onoff
+   config = Esc
+   end
+   # big green start button
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = start
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Esc
+   end
+   # Mute
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = mute
+   repeat = 3
+   config = F9
+   end
+   # Fast forward (30 sec default)
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = fastforward
+   repeat = 24
+   config = Right
+   end
+   # Back (10 sec default)
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = rewind
+   repeat = 24
+   config = Left
+   end
+   # Skip forward (10 min default)
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = skip
+   repeat = 3
+   config = PgDown
+   end
+   # Skip backward (10 min default)
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = replay
+   repeat = 3
+   config = PgUp
+   end
+   # Record
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = record
+   repeat = 3
+   config = R
+   end
+   # OSD browse
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = guide
+   repeat = 3
+   config = O
+   end
+   # Display EPG while in live TV,
+   # View selected show while in EPG
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = setup
+   repeat = 3
+   config = M
+   end
+   # Scroll up
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = up
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Up
+   end
+   # Scroll down
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = down
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Down
+   end
+   # Scroll Left
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = left
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Left
+   end
+   # Scroll Right
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = right
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Right
+   end
+   # Bring up OSD info
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = more
+   repeat = 3
+   config = I
+   end
+   # Change display aspect ratio
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = aspect
+   repeat = 3
+   config = W
+   end
+   # Seek to previous commercial cut point
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = snapshot
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Q
+   end
+   # Seek to next commercial cut point
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = folder_open
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Z
+   end
+   # Numbers 0-9
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = 0
+   repeat = 3
+   config = 0
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = 1
+   repeat = 3
+   config = 1
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = 2
+   repeat = 3
+   config = 2
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = 3
+   repeat = 3
+   config = 3
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = 4
+   repeat = 3
+   config = 4
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = 5
+   repeat = 3
+   config = 5
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = 6
+   repeat = 3
+   config = 6
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = 7
+   repeat = 3
+   config = 7
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = 8
+   repeat = 3
+   config = 8
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = 9
+   repeat = 3
+   config = 9
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = dvd_menu
+   config = M
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = vol_down
+   repeat = 3
+   config = [
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = vol_up
+   repeat = 3
+   config = ]
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = dtv
+   config = C
+   end
+### MPlayer/Xine lirc setup
+   # Show OSD
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = guide
+   repeat = 3
+   config = osd
+   end
+   # Pause playback
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = stop
+   repeat = 3
+   config = pause
+   end
+   # Skip ahead a minute if playing
+   # If paused, resume playing
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = playpause
+   repeat = 3
+   config = seek +1
+   end
+   # Stop playback and exit
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = tv_onoff
+   repeat = 3
+   config = quit
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = back
+   repeat = 3
+   config = quit
+   end
+   # big green start button
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = start
+   repeat = 3
+   config = quit
+   end
+   # Mute
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = mute
+   repeat = 3
+   config = mute
+   end
+   # Seek back 10 seconds
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = left
+   repeat = 3
+   config = seek -10
+   end
+   # Seek forward 30 seconds
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = right
+   repeat = 3
+   config = seek +30
+   end
+   # Seek forward 3 minutes
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = fastforward
+   repeat = 3
+   config = seek +180
+   end
+   # Seek backward 3 minutes
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = rewind
+   repeat = 3
+   config = seek -180
+   end
+   # Seek forward 10 minutes
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = skip
+   repeat = 3
+   config = seek +600
+   end
+   # Seek backward 10 minutes
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = replay
+   repeat = 3
+   config = seek -600
+   end
+   # Toggle full-screen
+   begin
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = fullscreen
+   repeat = 3
+   config = vo_fullscreen
+   end
+   # Xine
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = playpause
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Play
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = stop
+   repeat = 3
+   config = Pause
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = back
+   config = Quit
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = tv_onoff
+   config = Quit
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = right
+   repeat = 3
+   config = SeekRelative+10
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = left
+   repeat = 3
+   config = SeekRelative-10
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = fastforward
+   repeat = 3
+   config = SeekRelative+30
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = rewind
+   repeat = 3
+   config = SeekRelative-30
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = skip
+   repeat = 3
+   config = SeekRelative+300
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = replay
+   repeat = 3
+   config = SeekRelative-300
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = up
+   repeat = 1
+   config = EventUp
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = down
+   repeat = 1
+   config = EventDown
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = ok
+   repeat = 0
+   config = EventSelect
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = guide
+   repeat = 0
+   config = Menu
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = setup
+   repeat = 0
+   config = Menu
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = vol_up
+   repeat = 1
+   config = Volume+
+   end
+   begin
+   prog = xine
+   button = vol_down
+   repeat = 1
+   config = Volume-
+   end
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_MCE_old/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/lircd-dvicoslim.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/lircd-dvicoslim.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b49c0f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/lircd-dvicoslim.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# contributed by  Chris Pascoe
+# brand:                       DVICO
+# model no. of remote control: DVB-T 
+# devices being controlled by this remote:
+begin remote
+  name  DVICO
+  bits            32
+  eps             0
+  aeps            0
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   32
+  pre_data 0x10046
+  gap          195755
+  post_data_bits  0
+  toggle_bit     0
+      begin codes
+          1                        0x00000000000011F9
+          2                        0x00000000000012F9
+          3                        0x00000000000013F9
+          4                        0x00000000000014F9
+          5                        0x00000000000015F9
+          6                        0x00000000000016F9
+          7                        0x00000000000017F9
+          8                        0x00000000000018F9
+          9                        0x00000000000019F9
+          0                        0x00000000000010F9
+          power                    0x0000000000000AF9
+          pcoff                    0x0000000000000CF9
+          camera                   0x0000000000001AF9
+          record                   0x0000000000001BF9
+          chup                     0x00000000000000F9
+          chdown                   0x00000000000001F9
+          volup                    0x00000000000002F9
+          voldown                  0x00000000000003F9
+          playpause                0x0000000000001FF9
+          rew                      0x0000000000001CF9
+          stop                     0x0000000000001EF9
+          ff                       0x0000000000001DF9
+          folder                   0x00000000000040F9
+          atvdtv                   0x00000000000006F9
+          dvhs                     0x00000000000041F9
+          menu                     0x00000000000008F9
+          aspect                   0x00000000000007F9
+          zoom                     0x00000000000004F9
+          epg                      0x0000000000000BF9
+          mute                     0x0000000000000DF9
+          back                     0x0000000000000EF9
+          hd                       0x0000000000000FF9
+          red                      0x00000000000005F9
+          green                    0x00000000000009F9
+          yellow                   0x00000000000042F9
+          blue                     0x00000000000043F9
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/lircrc-dvicoslim.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/lircrc-dvicoslim.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b3e6089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/lircrc-dvicoslim.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = chup
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = chdown
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = chup
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = chdown
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = volup
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = voldown
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = playpause
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = back
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = playpause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = ff
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = rew
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = record
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = red
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = yellow
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = menu
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = blue
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = aspect
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = green
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = menu
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = playpause
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +1
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = ff
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = rew
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = back
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = aspect
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = playpause
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = playpause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = menu
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = ff
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = rew
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = volup
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = voldown
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = back
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = aspect
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico_slim/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/lircd-flyvideo2000.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/lircd-flyvideo2000.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..03a5f14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/lircd-flyvideo2000.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# Please make this file available to others
+# by sending it to <>
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.8.1(dev/input) on Wed Jun 13 19:09:39 2007
+# contributed by
+# brand: /tmp/lirc.conf
+# model no. of remote control:
+# devices being controlled by this remote:
+begin remote
+name	FlyVideo_2000
+bits		16
+eps		30
+aeps		100
+one	0 0
+zero		0 0
+pre_data_bits	 16
+pre_data	 0x8001
+gap		208092
+toggle_bit	0
+begin codes
+	Air/catTV		0x0175
+	Video		0x0189
+	Audio		0x0188
+	Power		0x0074
+	AVSource		0x0182
+	FullScreen	0x0174
+	Stereo		0x0170
+	Mute			0x0071
+	Vol+			0x0073
+	Vol-			0x0072
+	Ch+			0x0192
+	Ch-			0x0193
+	Recall		0x0081
+	Enter		0x001C
+	1			0x0002
+	2			0x0003
+	3			0x0004
+	4			0x0005
+	5			0x0006
+	6			0x0007
+	7			0x0008
+	8			0x0009
+	9			0x000A
+	0			0x000B
+end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/lircrc-flyvideo2000.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/lircrc-flyvideo2000.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..08fb7fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/lircrc-flyvideo2000.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ch+
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ch-
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = Enter
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = Power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = Mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Recall
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = FullScreen
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = Ch+
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = Ch-
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = Enter
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = 
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = Vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = Vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = Mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_2000/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/lircd-flyvideo3000.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/lircd-flyvideo3000.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8b4f23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/lircd-flyvideo3000.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# lircd.conf.Flyvideo_3000_devinput
+# Lirc configuration file for the LifeView FlyVideo 3000 remote.
+# Adapted from the standard linux input layer config file found at
+# The remote name and button names are consistent with lircd.conf.Flyvideo_3000.
+# Created January 22, 2005
+# contributed by Jason Anderson (
+# brand:                        Lifeview
+# model no. of remote control:  Flyvideo 3000
+# devices being controlled by this remote:   
+begin remote
+	name	Flyvideo_3000
+	bits		32
+	begin codes
+		air/catv             0x10182
+		video                0x10189
+		audio                0x10188
+		power                0x10074
+		av_source            0x100b0
+		full_screen          0x10174
+		stereo               0x100c0
+		Mute                 0x10071
+		1                    0x1004f
+		2                    0x10050
+		3                    0x10051
+		vol+                 0x10073
+		4                    0x1004b
+		5                    0x1004c
+		6                    0x1004d
+		vol-                 0x10072
+		7                    0x10047
+		8                    0x10048
+		9                    0x10049
+		ch+                  0x10192
+		recall               0x10081
+		0                    0x10052
+		enter                0x10060
+		ch-                  0x10193
+	end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/lircrc-flyvideo3000.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/lircrc-flyvideo3000.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..565c2d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/lircrc-flyvideo3000.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = enter
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = Mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = recall
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = full_Screen
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = ch+
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = ch-
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = enter
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = 
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = Mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Flyvideo_3000/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/lircd-hercules.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/lircd-hercules.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a745dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/lircd-hercules.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.6.6(any) on Mon Oct  6 01:10:14 2003
+# contributed by Dimitris Michail <dmichail|>
+# brand: Hercules                      
+# model no. of remote control: unknown
+# devices being controlled by this remote: Hercules SmartTV Stereo
+# Works with module lirc_i2c, reports PV951 IR
+begin remote
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x61D6
+  gap          199964
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          POWER                    0x00000000000048B7
+          MUTE                     0x000000000000C837
+          PREVIEW                  0x000000000000F00F
+          FULLSCREEN               0x00000000000038C7
+          AV/TV                    0x0000000000008877
+          TELETEXT                 0x00000000000008F7
+          1                        0x000000000000807F
+          2                        0x00000000000040BF
+          3                        0x000000000000C03F
+          4                        0x00000000000020DF
+          5                        0x000000000000A05F
+          6                        0x000000000000609F
+          7                        0x000000000000E01F
+          8                        0x00000000000010EF
+          9                        0x000000000000906F
+          0                        0x00000000000000FF
+          SNAPSHOT                 0x00000000000050AF
+          100+                     0x000000000000E817
+          CH+                      0x00000000000058A7
+          CH-                      0x0000000000007887
+          VOL+                     0x000000000000D827
+          VOL-                     0x000000000000F807
+          PAUSE                    0x000000000000B04F
+          RECORD                   0x000000000000708F
+          STOP                     0x000000000000B847
+          PLAY                     0x0000000000009867
+          TV_REPLAY                0x0000000000006897
+          TIME_SHIFT               0x00000000000028D7
+          SEEK_BACK                0x00000000000018E7
+          SEEK_FWD                 0x00000000000030CF
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/lircrc-hercules.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/lircrc-hercules.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c54873b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/lircrc-hercules.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH+
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH-
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = PLAY
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = STOP
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = POWER
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = PAUSE
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = MUTE
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = SEEK_FWD
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = SEEK_BACK
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = RECORD
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = PREVIEW
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = FULLSCREEN
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = TELETEXT
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = PREVIEW
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = PAUSE
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +1
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = MUTE
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = SEEK_BACK
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = SEEK_FWD
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = STOP
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = FULLSCREEN
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = PLAY
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = PAUSE
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = PREVIEW
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = SEEK_FWD
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = SEEK_BACK
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VOL+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VOL-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = MUTE
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = TELETEXT
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Hercules/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/lircd-kworld110.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/lircd-kworld110.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eab7fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/lircd-kworld110.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.8.1-CVS(default) on Sun Jan 14 20:53:40 2007
+# contributed by Craig Courtney <craig at>
+# brand: Kworld
+# model no. of remote control: ATSC 110 Remote
+# devices being controlled by this remote: ATSC 110 HDTV Tuner Card
+# Generated with homebrew serial circuit connect to reciever that came 
+# with the card.
+begin remote
+  name  Kworld_ATSC_110
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       9084  4466
+  one           604  1650
+  zero          604   526
+  ptrail        603
+  repeat       9082  2218
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0xDF
+  gap          108354
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          power                    0x30CF
+          ch+                      0x7887
+          ch-                      0xF807
+          vol+                     0x38C7
+          vol-                     0xB847
+          1                        0x00FF
+          2                        0x807F
+          3                        0x40BF
+          4                        0xC03F
+          5                        0x20DF
+          6                        0xA05F
+          7                        0x609F
+          8                        0xE01F
+          9                        0x10EF
+          0                        0x50AF
+          numpad_up                0x906F
+          numpad_enter             0xD02F
+          standby                  0xB04F
+          mute                     0x28D7
+          stereo                   0xA857
+          source                   0x6897
+          zoom                     0xE817
+          shut_down                0x18E7
+          up                       0x08F7
+          left                     0x48B7
+          right                    0xC837
+          down                     0x8877
+          select                   0x708F
+          timeshift                0x9867
+          stop                     0x58A7
+          rec                      0xD827
+          scan_rev                 0x02FD
+          scan_fwd                 0x827D
+          play_pause               0x22DD
+          play_stop                0xA25D
+          chapter_rev              0x42BD
+          chapter_fwd              0xC23D
+          a                        0x12ED
+          b                        0x926D
+          c                        0x52AD
+          d                        0xD22D
+          e                        0x32CD
+          f                        0xB24D
+          g                        0x728D
+          h                        0xF20D
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/lircrc-kworld110.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/lircrc-kworld110.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7447a46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/lircrc-kworld110.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = select
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play_pause
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = play_pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = scan_fwd
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = scan_rev
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = chapter_fwd
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = chapter_rev
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = d
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = b
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = e
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = c
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = zoom
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = h
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = f
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = g
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = source
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = play_pause
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +1
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = scan_rev
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = seek_fwd
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = chapter_fwd
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = chapter_rev
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = zoom
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play_pause
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = play_pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = select
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = a
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = seek_fwd
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = seek_rev
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = chapter_fwd
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = chapter_rev
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = source
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_110/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/lircd-kworld220.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/lircd-kworld220.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a483e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/lircd-kworld220.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# this config file only works with a home-brew receiver!!!
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.8.1(default) on Sun Jul  1 22:59:56 2007
+# contributed by Bruce Schultz <brucejs71 at>
+# brand: KWorld
+# model no. of remote control: 
+# devices being controlled by this remote: DVB-T 220 tuner card
+begin remote
+  name  KWorld-DVBT-220
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       9144  4394
+  one           673  1578
+  zero          673   453
+  ptrail        666
+  repeat       9146  2141
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0xDF
+  gap          108141
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          power                    0x30CF
+          standby                  0xB04F
+          sub_tv                   0x7887
+          preview                  0xF807
+          snap                     0x38C7
+          shut_down                0xB847
+          1                        0x00FF
+          2                        0x807F
+          3                        0x40BF
+          4                        0xC03F
+          5                        0x20DF
+          6                        0xA05F
+          7                        0x609F
+          8                        0xE01F
+          9                        0x10EF
+          0                        0x50AF
+          numpad_up                0x906F
+          numpad_enter             0xD02F
+          mute                     0x28D7
+          stereo                   0xA857
+          source                   0x6897
+          zoom                     0xE817
+          min                      0x18E7
+          left                     0x48B7
+          right                    0xC837
+          up                       0x08F7
+          down                     0x8877
+          select                   0x708F
+          timeshift                0x9867
+          stop                     0x58A7
+          rec                      0xD827
+          scan_rev                 0x02FD
+          scan_fwd                 0x827D
+          play_pause               0x22DD
+          play_stop                0xA25D
+          chapter_rev              0x42BD
+          chapter_fwd              0xC23D
+          fun1                     0x12ED
+          fun2                     0x926D
+          fun3                     0x52AD
+          fun4                     0xD22D
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/lircrc-kworld220.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/lircrc-kworld220.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..702d238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/lircrc-kworld220.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = select
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play_pause
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = play_pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = scan_fwd
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = scan_rev
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = chapter_fwd
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = chapter_rev
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = fun1
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = fun2
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = zoom
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = fun3
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = source
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = play_pause
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +1
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = scan_rev
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = seek_fwd
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = chapter_fwd
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = chapter_rev
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = zoom
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play_pause
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = play_pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = select
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = preview
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = seek_fwd
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = seek_rev
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = chapter_fwd
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = chapter_rev
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = source
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_220/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/lircd-kworld310.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/lircd-kworld310.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7ee4bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/lircd-kworld310.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+# this config file only works with a home-brew receiver!!!
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.8.1(default) on Sun Jul  1 23:10:43 2007
+# contributed by Bruce Schultz <brucejs71 at>
+# brand:KWorld
+# model no. of remote control:
+# devices being controlled by this remote: DVB-T PE310 tuner card
+begin remote
+  name  KWorld-DVBT-PE310
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       9175  4402
+  one           677  1580
+  zero          677   452
+  ptrail        667
+  repeat       9177  2145
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0xDF
+  gap          108444
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          power                    0x30CF
+          standby                  0xB04F
+          sub_tv                   0x7887
+          preview                  0xF807
+          snap                     0x38C7
+          shut_down                0xB847
+          1                        0x00FF
+          2                        0x807F
+          3                        0x40BF
+          4                        0xC03F
+          5                        0x20DF
+          6                        0xA05F
+          7                        0x609F
+          8                        0xE01F
+          9                        0x10EF
+          0                        0x50AF
+          numpad_up                0x906F
+          numpad_enter             0xD02F
+          mute                     0x28D7
+          stereo                   0xA857
+          source                   0x6897
+          zoom                     0xE817
+          min                      0x18E7
+          left                     0x48B7
+          right                    0xC837
+          up                       0x08F7
+          down                     0x8877
+          select                   0x708F
+          timeshift                0x9867
+          stop                     0x58A7
+          rec                      0xD827
+          scan_rev                 0x02FD
+          scan_fwd                 0x827D
+          play_pause               0x22DD
+          play_stop                0xA25D
+          chapter_rev              0x42BD
+          chapter_fwd              0xC23D
+          fun1                     0x12ED
+          fun2                     0x926D
+          fun3                     0x52AD
+          fun4                     0xD22D
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/lircrc-kworld310.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/lircrc-kworld310.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..702d238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/lircrc-kworld310.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = select
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play_pause
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = play_pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = scan_fwd
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = scan_rev
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = chapter_fwd
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = chapter_rev
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = fun1
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = fun2
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = zoom
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = fun3
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = source
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = play_pause
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +1
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = scan_rev
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = seek_fwd
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = chapter_fwd
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = chapter_rev
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = zoom
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play_pause
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = play_pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = select
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = preview
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = seek_fwd
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = seek_rev
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = chapter_fwd
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = chapter_rev
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = source
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_310/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/lircd-kworlddvbt.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/lircd-kworlddvbt.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..425e107
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/lircd-kworlddvbt.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.6.6(sa1100) on Sun Feb 23 17:02:27 2003
+# contributed by Denes Balatoni <pnis at>
+#   Modified by Daniel Foote <freefoote at dview dot net> to
+#     work with remote that came with DVB-T card.
+# brand: kworld
+# model no. of remote control: ?
+# devices being controlled by this remote: tv878r tuner card
+begin remote
+  name  KWorld_DVB-T
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       8853  4526
+  one           533  1713
+  zero          533   589
+  ptrail        531
+  repeat       8853  2281
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x61D6
+  gap          107839
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          ch-                      0x0000000000007887
+          7                        0x000000000000E01F
+          preview                  0x00000000000038C7
+          zoom                     0x00000000000018E7
+          3                        0x000000000000C03F
+          1                        0x000000000000807F
+          epg                      0x000000000000D02F
+          vol+                     0x000000000000D827
+          vol-                     0x000000000000F807
+          5                        0x000000000000A05F
+          9                        0x000000000000906F
+          reset                    0x000000000000A857
+          turnleft                 0x000000000000E817
+          6                        0x000000000000609F
+          0                        0x00000000000050AF
+          power                    0x00000000000048B7
+          scan                     0x00000000000030CF
+          2                        0x00000000000040BF
+          mute                     0x00000000000008F7
+          snap                     0x000000000000C837
+          4                        0x00000000000020DF
+          turnup                   0x00000000000000FF
+          8                        0x00000000000010EF
+          backward                 0x0000000000008877
+          source                   0x000000000000F00F
+          forward                  0x0000000000009867
+          pip                      0x00000000000028D7
+          ch-                      0x000000000000E817
+          play                     0x0000000000006897
+          ch+                      0x00000000000058A7
+          stop                     0x000000000000B04F
+          function-                0x00000000000020DF
+          pause                    0x000000000000708F
+          function+                0x00000000000030CF
+          rec                      0x000000000000B847
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/lircrc-kworlddvbt.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/lircrc-kworlddvbt.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..70272b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/lircrc-kworlddvbt.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = forward
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = backward
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = function+
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = function-
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = preview
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = epg
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = source
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = zoom
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = reset
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = pip
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = snap
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = epg
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = backward
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = forward
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = function+
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = function-
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = zoom
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = turnup
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = epg
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = forward
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = backward
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = function+
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = function-
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = source
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_DVBT/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/lircd-kworldtv878.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/lircd-kworldtv878.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5817bfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/lircd-kworldtv878.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.6.6(sa1100) on Sun Feb 23 17:02:27 2003
+# contributed by Denes Balatoni <pnis at>
+# brand: kworld
+# model no. of remote control: ?
+# devices being controlled by this remote: tv878r tuner card
+begin remote
+  name  kworld-878
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       8853  4526
+  one           533  1713
+  zero          533   589
+  ptrail        531
+  repeat       8853  2281
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x61D6
+  gap          107839
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          power                    0x0000000000007887
+          source                   0x000000000000E01F
+          scan                     0x00000000000038C7
+          mute                     0x00000000000018E7
+          tv/fm                    0x000000000000C03F
+          1                        0x000000000000807F
+          2                        0x000000000000D02F
+          3                        0x000000000000D827
+          fm_scan+                 0x000000000000F807
+          4                        0x000000000000A05F
+          5                        0x000000000000906F
+          6                        0x000000000000A857
+          fm_scan-                 0x000000000000E817
+          7                        0x000000000000609F
+          8                        0x00000000000050AF
+          9                        0x00000000000048B7
+          fm_freq+                 0x00000000000030CF
+          0                        0x00000000000040BF
+          +                        0x00000000000008F7
+          recall                   0x000000000000C837
+          fm-freq-                 0x00000000000020DF
+          record                   0x00000000000000FF
+          stop                     0x00000000000010EF
+          play                     0x0000000000008877
+          minimze                  0x000000000000F00F
+          ch+                      0x000000000000F807
+          zoom                     0x0000000000009867
+          vol-                     0x00000000000028D7
+          ch-                      0x000000000000E817
+          vol+                     0x0000000000006897
+          snapshot                 0x00000000000058A7
+          mts                      0x000000000000B04F
+          function-                0x00000000000020DF
+          function                 0x000000000000708F
+          function+                0x00000000000030CF
+          reset                    0x000000000000B847
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/lircrc-kworldv878.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/lircrc-kworldv878.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e1ca297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/lircrc-kworldv878.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = snapshot
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = function+
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = function-
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = record
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = function
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = scan
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = minimze
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = recall
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = scan
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = snapshot
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +1
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = function-
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = function+
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = zoom
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = snapshot
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = source
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = function+
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = function-
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = +
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = recall
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = reset
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Kworld_tv878/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/lircd-leadtek2000xp.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/lircd-leadtek2000xp.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4238a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/lircd-leadtek2000xp.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Please make this file available to others
+# by sending it to <lirc at>
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.8.3-CVS(dev/input) on Tue Nov  6 17:04:54 2007
+# contributed by: Jeff Kosowsky
+# brand:		LeadTek
+# model no. of remote control: Y0400046 (bundled with Winfast 2000XP Deluxe)
+# devices being controlled by this remote: LeadTek Winfast 2000XP Deluxe
+# brand:             Leadtek
+# model:             Y0400052 (bundeled with Winfast PVR2000 TV-card)
+# Note: Only CH_UP, CH_DOWN, VOL_UP and VOL_DOWN will repeat. This
+# seems to be a limitation of the remote control.
+begin remote
+  name  Leadtek_2000XP
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x8001
+  gap          423871
+  toggle_bit_mask 0x80010073
+      begin codes
+          POWER                    0x0074
+          MTS                      0x0188
+          TV/FM                    0x0182
+          VIDEO                    0x0189
+          DISPLAY                  0x0166
+          CH+                      0x0192
+          CH-                      0x0193
+          VOL-                     0x0072
+          VOL+                     0x0073
+          FULLSCREEN               0x0174
+          TELETEXT                 0x0184
+          SLEEP                    0x008E
+          BOSSKEY                  0x0163
+          MUTE                     0x0071
+          RED                      0x018E
+          GREEN                    0x018F
+          YELLOW                   0x0190
+          BLUE                     0x0191
+          1                        0x0002
+          2                        0x0003
+          3                        0x0004
+          4                        0x0005
+          5                        0x0006
+          6                        0x0007
+          7                        0x0008
+          8                        0x0009
+          9                        0x000A
+          0                        0x000B
+          .                        0x0034
+          FINETUNE+                0x004E
+          FINETUNE-                0x004A
+          PIP                      0x00E2
+          ENTER                    0x001C
+          RECALL                   0x0195
+          BACK                     0x019C
+          PLAY                     0x00A4
+          NEXT                     0x0197
+          TIMESHIFTING             0x0169
+          STOP                     0x0080
+          REC                      0x00A7
+          SNAPSHOT                 0x00EA
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/lircrc-leadtek2000xp.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/lircrc-leadtek2000xp.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f16beb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/lircrc-leadtek2000xp.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = FINETUNE+
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = FINETUNE-
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = ENTER
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = PLAY
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = STOP
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = POWER
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = SNAPSHOT
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = MUTE
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = NEXT
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = BACK
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = REC
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = RED
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = GREEN
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = YELLOW
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = DISPLAY
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = RECALL
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = PIP
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = BLUE
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = DISPLAY
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = SNAPSHOT
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = MUTE
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = BACK
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = NEXT
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = STOP
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = FINETUNE+
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = FINETUNE-
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = FULLSCREEN
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = PLAY
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = SNAPSHOT
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = CH+
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = CH-
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = FINETUNE-
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = FINETUNE+
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = ENTER
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = DISPLAY
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = NEXT
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = BACK
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VOL+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VOL-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = MUTE
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = TELETEXT
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_2000XP/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/lircd-leadtekPVR.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/lircd-leadtekPVR.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..460ddcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/lircd-leadtekPVR.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.8.2-CVS(default) on Thu Oct 25 23:27:29 2007
+# contributed by 
+# brand:                       Leadtek
+# model no. of remote control: 
+# devices being controlled by this remote: PVR2000
+begin remote
+  name   PVR2000
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       8946  4535
+  one           530  1716
+  zero          530   593
+  ptrail        532
+  repeat       8945  2286
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0xC03F
+  gap          107856
+  toggle_bit_mask 0x0
+      begin codes
+          POWER                    0x00FF
+          TV                       0x6A95
+          FM                       0xEA15
+          DVD                      0x1AE5
+          RED                      0xD22D
+          GREEN                    0x32CD
+          YELLOW                   0xB24D
+          BLUE                     0x728D
+          TELETEXT                 0xF807
+          SLEEP                    0x02FD
+          MUTE                     0x28D7
+          BOSS_KEY                 0x926D
+          CH_UP                    0x30CF
+          CH_DOWN                  0x08F7
+          VOL_DOWN                 0x10EF
+          VOL_UP                   0x20DF
+          ENTER                    0xC837
+          CC                       0x0AF5
+          FULLSCREEN               0xC03F
+          MENU                     0xF20D
+          SCAN                     0x8A75
+          REPLAY                   0x42BD
+          PLAY                     0xC23D
+          SKIP                     0x22DD
+          OSD                      0x4AB5
+          BACK                     0x2AD5
+          STOP                     0x629D
+          FORWARD                  0xAA55
+          LANGUAGE                 0xCA35
+          1                        0xA05F
+          2                        0x609F
+          3                        0xE01F
+          4                        0x906F
+          5                        0x50AF
+          6                        0xD02F
+          7                        0xB04F
+          8                        0x708F
+          9                        0xF00F
+          0                        0x48B7
+          .                        0x827D
+          RECALL                   0x8877
+          VIDEO                    0x7887
+          AUDIO                    0xD827
+          DISPLAY                  0x6897
+          SNAPSHOT                 0x12ED
+          PIP                      0x52AD
+          RECSTOP                  0x629D
+          REC                      0xE21D
+          TIMESHIFT                0xA25D
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/lircrc-leadtekPVR.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/lircrc-leadtekPVR.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a15ee21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/lircrc-leadtekPVR.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_UP
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_DOWN
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_UP
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_DOWN
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL_UP
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL_DOWN
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = ENTER
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = PLAY
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = STOP
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = POWER
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = SNAPSHOT
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = MUTE
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = FORWARD
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = BACK
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = REC
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = RED
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = GREEN
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = YELLOW
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = DISPLAY
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = RECALL
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = PIP
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = BLUE
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = DISPLAY
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = SNAPSHOT
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = MUTE
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = BACK
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FORWARD
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = STOP
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = FULLSCREEN
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = PLAY
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = SNAPSHOT
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = CH_UP
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = CH_DOWN
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = ENTER
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = DISPLAY
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = FORWARD
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = BACK
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VOL_UP
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VOL_DOWN
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = MUTE
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = TELETEXT
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Leadtek_PVR/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/lircd-lifeview.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/lircd-lifeview.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2df0bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/lircd-lifeview.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+begin remote
+  name            Lifeview_trio
+  bits            16
+  eps             30
+  aeps            100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  gap             199996
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data        0x8001
+  begin codes
+       fullscreen      0x0174
+       power           0x0074
+       one             0x0002
+       two             0x0003
+       three           0x0004
+       four            0x0005
+       five            0x0006
+       six             0x0007
+       seven           0x0008
+       eight           0x0009
+       nine            0x000A
+       zero            0x000B
+       recall          0x0081
+       mute            0x0071
+       tv/radio        0x0181
+       sap             0x0170
+       ch+             0x0192
+       vol-            0x0072
+       enter           0x001C
+       vol+            0x0073
+       ch-             0x0193
+       pip             0x0175
+       source          0x0182
+       record/pause    0x00A7
+       timeshift/pause 0x0077
+       rewind          0x009E
+       play/pause      0x00A4
+       forward         0x009F
+       back            0x019C
+       stop            0x0080
+       next            0x0197
+       blank           0x0173
+  end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/lircrc-lifeview.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/lircrc-lifeview.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..845742a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/lircrc-lifeview.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = enter
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play/pause
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = play/pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = forward
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = rewind
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = next
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = back
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = record/pause
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = source
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = blank
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  zero
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  one
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  two
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  three
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  four
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  five
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  six
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  seven
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  eight
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  nine
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = recall
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = pip
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = source
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = play/pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = rewind
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = forward
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = next
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = back
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = fullscreen
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play/pause
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = play/pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = ch+
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = ch-
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = enter
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = source
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = forward
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = rewind
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = next
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = back
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = blank
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Lifeview/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/lircd-medion-rf.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/lircd-medion-rf.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8793475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/lircd-medion-rf.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# Please make this file available to others
+# by sending it to <lirc at>
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.7.0(atiusb) on Sun Jan 23 11:18:36 2005
+# contributed by Dirk Aust
+# brand:	Medion, Made by X10, China
+# Remote P/N:	20016398
+# Receiver P/N:	20016397
+begin remote
+  name		Medion
+  bits           40
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  gap          139873
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          TV                       0x00000014012C0000
+          VCR                      0x00000014022D0000
+          DVD                      0x00000014D9040000
+          MUSIC                    0x00000014DB060000
+          RADIO                    0x00000014032E0000
+          PHOTO                    0x00000014DA050000
+          TV_PREVIEW               0x00000014042F0000
+          CHANNEL_LIST             0x0000001405300000
+          SETUP                    0x00000014F01B0000
+          VIDEO_DESKTOP            0x0000001406310000
+          CHAN+                    0x00000014E00B0000
+          VOL-                     0x00000014DD080000
+          MUTE                     0x00000014D5000000
+          VOL+                     0x00000014DE090000
+          CHAN-                    0x00000014E10C0000
+          RED                      0x0000001407320000
+          GREEN                    0x0000001408330000
+          YELLOW                   0x0000001409340000
+          BLUE                     0x000000140A350000
+          TXT                      0x00000014FE290000
+          1                        0x00000014E20D0000
+          2                        0x00000014E30E0000
+          3                        0x00000014E40F0000
+          4                        0x00000014E5100000
+          5                        0x00000014E6110000
+          6                        0x00000014E7120000
+          7                        0x00000014E8130000
+          8                        0x00000014E9140000
+          9                        0x00000014EA150000
+          TV/RADIO                 0x00000014F11C0000
+          0                        0x00000014EC170000
+          DELETE                   0x00000014F5200000
+          RENAME                   0x000000140B360000
+          SNAPSHOT                 0x00000014ED180000
+          UP                       0x00000014EF1A0000
+          LEFT                     0x00000014F21D0000
+          OK                       0x00000014F31E0000
+          RIGHT                    0x00000014F41F0000
+          DOWN                     0x00000014F7220000
+          ACQ_IMAGE                0x000000140C370000
+          EDIT_IMAGE               0x000000140D380000
+          REW                      0x00000014F9240000
+          PLAY                     0x00000014FA250000
+          FFW                      0x00000014FB260000
+          RECORD                   0x00000014FC270000
+          STOP                     0x00000014FD280000
+          PAUSE                    0x00000014FE290000
+          PREV                     0x00000014F6210000
+          FULL                     0x000000140E390000
+          NEXT                     0x00000014F8230000
+          DVD_MENU                 0x00000014EE190000
+          DVD_AUDIO                0x000000140F3A0000
+          POWER                    0x00000014D7020000
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/lircrc-medion-rf.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/lircrc-medion-rf.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cc69f96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/lircrc-medion-rf.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = LEFT
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = RIGHT
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = UP
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = DOWN
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = OK
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = PLAY_PAUSE
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = STOP
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = PC
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = PLAY_PAUSE
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = MUTE
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = FFWD
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = FRWND
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = NEXT
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = PREV
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = RECORD
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = RC
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = PLAY_PAUSE
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = MUTE
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FRWND
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FFWD
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = STOP
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = NEXT
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = PREV
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = PLAY_PAUSE
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = PLAY_PAUSE
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = UP
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = DOWN
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = LEFT
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = RIGHT
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = OK
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = FFWD
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = FRWND
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VOL+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VOL-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = MUTE
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = NEXT
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = PREV
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_RF/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/lircd-medionx10-8080.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/lircd-medionx10-8080.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..68c9179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/lircd-medionx10-8080.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+begin remote
+  name            Medion_8080
+  bits            16
+  eps             30
+  aeps            100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  gap             139996
+  pre_data_bits   8
+  pre_data        0x14
+  begin codes
+       dvdaudio        0x0F3A
+       power           0xD702
+       dvdmenu         0xEE19
+       ff              0xF823
+       fullscreen      0x0E39
+       bb              0xF621
+       pause           0xFE29
+       stop            0xFD28
+       rec             0xFC27
+       f               0xFB26
+       play            0xFA25
+       b               0xF924
+       editimage       0x0D38
+       acquireimage    0x0C37
+       ok              0xF31E
+       right           0xF41F
+       left            0xF21D
+       down            0xF722
+       up              0xEF1A
+       snapshot        0xED18
+       rename          0x0B36
+       delete          0xF520
+       tvradio         0xF11C
+       0               0xEC17
+       9               0xEA15
+       8               0xE914
+       7               0xE813
+       6               0xE712
+       5               0xE611
+       4               0xE510
+       3               0xE40F
+       2               0xE30E
+       1               0xE20D
+       txt             0xEB16
+       blue            0x0A35
+       yellow          0x0934
+       green           0x0833
+       red             0x0732
+       vol+            0xDE09
+       vol-            0xDD08
+       chan-           0xE10C
+       chan+           0xE00B
+       videodesktop    0x0631
+       setup           0xF01B
+       channellist     0x0530
+       tvpreview       0x042F
+       photo           0xDA05
+       radio           0x032E
+       music           0xDB06
+       dvd             0xD904
+       vcr             0x022D
+       tv              0x012C
+  end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/lircrc-medionx10-8080.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/lircrc-medionx10-8080.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2476f76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/lircrc-medionx10-8080.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = chan+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = chan-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = ok
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = ff
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = bb
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = delete
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = tvpreview
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = channellist
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = setup
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = fullscreen
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = snapshot
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = txt
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = pip
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = tvpreview
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = play
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = bb
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = ff
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = fullscreen
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = chan+
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = chan-
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = ok
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = tvpreview
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = forward
+#config = ff
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = rewind
+#config = bb
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = channellist
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8080/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/lircd-medionx10-8802.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/lircd-medionx10-8802.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f897a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/lircd-medionx10-8802.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# this config file was hand crafted for
+# lirc-0.8.0(atiusb) on Sun June 11 22:49:23 2006
+# contributed by Ted Schipper <>
+# brand:                       Medion 8802
+# Remote P/N:                  20029724
+# Receiver P/N:                20024123
+# model no. of remote control: Medion RF remote
+# devices being controlled by this remote: Medion 8802 Multimedia Home Entertainment Design Center
+begin remote
+  name  Medion_8802
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   8
+  pre_data       0x14
+  post_data_bits  16
+  post_data      0x0
+  gap          227999
+  min_repeat      5
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          Line_TV                  0x719C
+          Line_TV                  0xF11C
+          Rec_TV                   0x6D98
+          Rec_TV                   0xED18
+          On/Standby               0xD702
+          Photo                    0x5A85
+          Photo                    0xDA05
+          Music                    0x5B86
+          Music                    0xDB06
+          Guide                    0x0631
+          Guide                    0x86B1
+          DVD_Menu                 0x5984
+          DVD_Menu                 0xD904
+          Video                    0x022D
+          Video                    0x82AD
+          Text                     0x6B96
+          Text                     0xEB16
+          RED/Audio                0x0732
+          RED/Audio                0x87B2
+          YELLOW/Angle             0x0934
+          YELLOW/Angle             0x89B4
+          BLUE/Title               0x0A35
+          BLUE/Title               0x8AB5
+          GREEN/Subtitle           0x0833
+          GREEN/Subtitle           0x88B3
+          Vol+                     0x5E89
+          Vol+                     0xDE09
+          Vol-                     0x5D88
+          Vol-                     0xDD08
+          Up                       0x6F9A
+          Up                       0xEF1A
+          Down                     0x77A2
+          Down                     0xF722
+          Left                     0x729D
+          Left                     0xF21D
+          Right                    0x749F
+          Right                    0xF41F
+          Ok                       0x739E
+          Ok                       0xF31E
+          Mute                     0x5580
+          Mute                     0xD500
+          Ch+                      0x608B
+          Ch+                      0xE00B
+          Ch-                      0x618C
+          Ch-                      0xE10C
+          1                        0x628D
+          1                        0xE20D
+          2                        0x638E
+          2                        0xE30E
+          3                        0x648F
+          3                        0xE40F
+          4                        0x6590
+          4                        0xE510
+          5                        0x6691
+          5                        0xE611
+          6                        0x6792
+          6                        0xE712
+          7                        0x6893
+          7                        0xE813
+          8                        0x6994
+          8                        0xE994
+          9                        0x6A95
+          9                        0xEA15
+          *                        0x0C37
+          *                        0x8CB7
+          0                        0x6C97
+          0                        0xEC17
+          #                        0x0D38
+          #                        0x8DB8
+          Back                     0x75A0
+          Back                     0xF520
+          Info                     0x042F
+          Info                     0x84AF
+          Select                   0x709B
+          Select                   0xF01B
+          Rewind                   0x79A4
+          Rewind                   0xF924
+          Play                     0x7AA5
+          Play                     0xFA25
+          Fast_Forward             0x7BA6
+          Fast_Forward             0xFB26
+          Pause                    0x7EA9
+          Pause                    0xFE29
+          Start                    0x76A1
+          Start                    0xF621
+          End                      0x78A3
+          End                      0xF823
+          Stop                     0x7DA8
+          Stop                     0xFD28
+          Record                   0x7CA7
+          Record                   0xFC27
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/lircrc-medionx10-8802.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/lircrc-medionx10-8802.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fb91d72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/lircrc-medionx10-8802.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = Left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = Right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ok
+config = Space
+# OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = Select
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = Play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = Stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = On/Standby
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = Pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = Mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Fast_Forward
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Rewind
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = Record
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = RED/Audio
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = Guide
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = Info
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = back
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = Guide
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = Pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Fast_Forward
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Rewind
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = Stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = Right
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = Left
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = Play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = Pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = Up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = Down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = Left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = Right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = Select
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = Ok
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = Guide
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = Fast_Forward
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = Rewind
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = Vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = Vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = Mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = Ch+
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = Ch-
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = Info
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Medion_X10_8802/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/lircd-nebula.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/lircd-nebula.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..611c804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/lircd-nebula.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.8.0(userspace) on Wed Dec 20 19:35:11 2006
+# contributed by Peter Wood
+# brand: Nebula Electronics
+# model no. of remote control: DigiTV-PCI Remote
+# devices being controlled by this remote: DVB-Card
+# Note unlike the existing lircd.conf, this one was captured with
+# the DigiTV IR receiver via the DVB card it's self. This was the
+# remote which came with a Revision B PCI card (Brought Dec 2006).
+begin remote
+  name  Nebula_DVB
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x8001
+  gap          135906
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          TV                       0x0179
+          AUX                      0x0186
+          DVD/CD                   0x0185
+          1                        0x0002
+          2                        0x0003
+          3                        0x0004
+          4                        0x0005
+          5                        0x0006
+          6                        0x0007
+          7                        0x0008
+          8                        0x0009
+          9                        0x000A
+          0                        0x000B
+          16:9                     0x00B7
+          14:9                     0x00B8
+          EXIT                     0x00AE
+          POWER                    0x0074
+          PICTURE                  0x016F
+          AUDIO                    0x0188
+          I                        0x0166
+          EPG                      0x016D
+          MENU                     0x008B
+          UP                       0x0067
+          DOWN                     0x006C
+          LEFT                     0x0069
+          RIGHT                    0x006A
+          OK                       0x001C
+          CH+                      0x0192
+          CH-                      0x0193
+          VOLUME+                  0x0073
+          VOLUME-                  0x0072
+          RED                      0x018E
+          GREEN                    0x018F
+          YELLOW                   0x0190
+          BLUE                     0x0191
+          SUBT                     0x0172
+          AD                       0x00B9
+          TEXT                     0x0184
+          MUTE                     0x0071
+          REWIND                   0x00A8
+          STOP                     0x0080
+          PLAY                     0x00CF
+          FFORWARD                 0x00D0
+          CHAPTER                  0x00BA
+          PAUSE                    0x0077
+          PLAYSPEED                0x80010CF
+          RECORD                   0x00A7
+          PIP                      0x00BB
+          ZOOM-                    0x004E
+          ZOOM+                    0x004A
+          CAPTURE                  0x00BC
+          WEB                      0x00BD
+          EMAIL                    0x00D7
+          PHONE                    0x00A9
+          PC                       0x0178
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/lircrc-nebula.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/lircrc-nebula.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c3d70b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/lircrc-nebula.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,402 @@
+# lircrc.example.[[Nebula Digi T V]]-nativelirc
+# 2005-04-02, Samuel Jacobs
+# Save this file in ~/.mythtv/lircrc
+# There are so many buttons on this remote, 55 to be exact. I don't really 
+#  know what to do with all of them, yet I'm discovering that Myth has 
+#  functions for all of them and much, much more! All in all, 407 lines of 
+#  yummy remote-controlled icing on the delicious cake that is MythTV.
+# Intended for use with:
+# NOTE: On my system I renamed the remote to "nebdtv". To use this file 
+#  with the download from (which is otherwise identical to my 
+#  copy) simply replace all instances of "nebdtv" with "Nebula_DVB".
+# NOTE 2: Not all buttons are used yet, and some key binding customisations 
+#  will probably be made to get the most out of the extra buttons. In 
+#  particular "Picture" and "Audio" are currently unused so I could 
+#  possibly set jumppoints to [[Myth Photo]] and [[Myth Music]] in future.
+# NOTE 3: The buttons on the remote are listed from the top left down, row 
+#  by row, left to right, with any unused buttons given comments where it 
+#  would appear if it was used here. The number buttons are listed in their 
+#  entirety before starting back at the "Picture" button.
+# NOTE 4: I just thought of another thing that could cause confusion, the 
+#  volume buttons are commented out because I use KDELIRC for that. They 
+#  are defined however, so just uncomment them if you want to use them.
+# Based on, and thanks to:
+# lircrc.example.[[Hauppauge Grey]]-nativelirc
+# 2003-09-17, Robert Kulagowski
+# TODO: TV (will probably use for launching mythfrontend)
+# TODO: Aux (probably a jumppoint to Live TV)
+# TODO: DVD/CD (there's currently no jumppoint for generic optical media, 
+#  so will probably use for DVD)
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Power
+    config = Esc
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = 1
+    config = 1  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = 2
+    config = 2  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = 3
+    config = 3  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = 4
+    config = 4  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = 5
+    config = 5  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = 6
+    config = 6  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = 7
+    config = 7  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = 8
+    config = 8  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = 9
+    config = 9  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = 0
+    config = 0  
+# TODO: Picture
+# TODO: Audio
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = I
+   config = I
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = 16:9
+   config = W
+# Unused: 14:9
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+# this will only work in live tv mode
+   button = EPG
+   config = S
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Exit
+    config = Esc
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Menu
+    config = M  
+# Note the "repeat =" strings in the arrows, volume and channel.
+# This means that if you hold down the key, every nth instance will be
+# passed.  This depends on your system, so you may want to increase or
+# decrease this and see what happens.  repeat = 1 is probably too
+# fast.
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Up
+# This is the "up" on the central diamond 
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Up
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Down
+# This is the "down" on the central diamond 
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Down
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Left
+# This is the "left" on the central diamond 
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Left
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Right
+# This is the "right" on the central diamond 
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Right
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Ok
+# Middle button on the diamond
+    config = Return
+# The channel buttons are mapped to Page Up and Page Down.
+  prog = mythtv
+  remote = Nebula_DVB
+  button = Ch+
+  repeat = 3
+  config = [[Pg Up]]
+  prog = mythtv
+  remote = Nebula_DVB
+  button = Ch-
+  repeat = 3
+  config = [[Pg Down]]
+# These are the volume buttons. Uncomment them if you want myth to handle 
+#  the volume.
+  prog = mythtv
+  remote = Nebula_DVB
+  button = Volume+
+  repeat = 3
+  config = F11  
+  prog = mythtv
+  remote = Nebula_DVB
+  button = Volume-
+  repeat = 3
+  config = F10  
+# colours
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = Red
+# This is the Red button
+# We'll use it for "Delete"
+   config = D  
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = Green
+# This is the Green button
+# We'll use it for "Extended Info"
+   config = U
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = Yellow
+# This is the Yellow button
+# We'll use it for "Edit"
+   config = E
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = Blue
+# This is the Blue button
+# We'll use it for "Toggle browse mode"
+   config = O
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = SubT
+    config = T
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = AD
+    config = A
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Text
+# I REALLY can't think of anything to put here, so it does the same as EPG.
+    config = S
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Mute
+    config = |  
+# Here begineth a stickered area, so I assume the labels for these buttons 
+#  could be easily changed post-manufacture.
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Rewind
+    config = <
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = Stop
+# Again, I couldn't think of an appropriate function, so it's ESC.
+   config = Esc
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Play
+    config = P  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = FForward
+    config = >
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = Chapter
+# Change focus for PiP (to change channel in the other window)
+   config = B  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Pause
+    config = P  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Playspeed
+    config = J
+  prog = mythtv
+  remote = Nebula_DVB
+  button = Record
+  config = R  
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = PiP
+# Toggle PiP on/off
+   config = V  
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = Zoom-
+# Use for backwards commercial skip
+    config = Q  
+   prog = mythtv
+   remote = Nebula_DVB
+   button = Zoom+
+# Use for forward commercial skip
+    config = Z  
+    prog = mythtv
+    remote = Nebula_DVB
+    button = Capture
+# Swap the PiP windows
+    config = N  
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nebula/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/lircd-nexus.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/lircd-nexus.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..229db28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/lircd-nexus.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.7.0pre4(serial) on Sun Oct  2 00:24:32 2005
+# contributed by anton| and juergen.wilhelm|
+# members of linux user group Vorarlberg
+# for ir remote controler from Hauppauge WinTV Nexus-S
+# most of the keys are supported
+# brand:                       Hauppauge
+# model no. of remote control: WinTV Nexus-S
+# devices being controlled by this remote:
+begin remote
+  name  Hauppauge_WinTV_Nexus-S
+  bits           13
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one           944   828
+  zero          944   828
+  plead         980
+  gap          113932
+  min_repeat      1
+  toggle_bit      2
+      begin codes
+          Up                       0x0000000000001794
+          Down                     0x0000000000001795
+          Left                     0x0000000000001796
+          Right                    0x0000000000001797
+          Power                    0x00000000000017BD
+          Ok                       0x00000000000017A5
+          Menu                     0x000000000000178D
+          Back                     0x000000000000179F
+          Red                      0x000000000000178B
+          Green                    0x00000000000017AE
+          Yellow                   0x00000000000017B8
+          Blue                     0x00000000000017A9
+          0                        0x0000000000001780
+          1                        0x0000000000001781
+          2                        0x0000000000001782
+          3                        0x0000000000001783
+          4                        0x0000000000001784
+          5                        0x0000000000001785
+          6                        0x0000000000001786
+          7                        0x0000000000001787
+          8                        0x0000000000001788
+          9                        0x0000000000001789
+          Play                     0x00000000000017B5
+          Pause                    0x00000000000017B0
+          Stop                     0x00000000000017B6
+          Record                   0x00000000000017B7
+          FastFwd                  0x00000000000017B4
+          FastRwd                  0x00000000000017B2
+          Channel+                 0x00000000000017A0
+          Channel-                 0x00000000000017A1
+          Volume+                  0x0000000000001790
+          Volume-                  0x0000000000001791
+          Mute                     0x000000000000178F
+          Timers                   0x000000000000178A
+          Recordings               0x000000000000178E
+          Back                     0x000000000000179F
+          Record                   0x00000000000017B7
+   end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/lircrc-nexus.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/lircrc-nexus.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..169da14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/lircrc-nexus.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
+# ~/.mythtv/lircrc
+# MythTV native LIRC config file for
+# the new grey Hauppauge remote
+prog = mythtv
+button = Go
+repeat = 3
+config = I
+prog = mythtv
+button = Up
+repeat = 3
+config = Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Down
+repeat = 3
+config = Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Left
+repeat = 3
+config = Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = Right
+repeat = 3
+config = Right
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Channel+
+repeat = 3
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Channel-
+repeat = 3
+config = Down
+# OKSelect
+prog = mythtv
+button = Ok
+repeat = 3
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = Play
+repeat = 3
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = Stop
+repeat = 3
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = Back
+repeat = 3
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irxevent
+button = Power
+repeat = 3
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = Pause
+repeat = 3
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = Mute
+repeat = 3
+config = |
+# Fast forward 
+prog = mythtv
+button = FastFwd
+repeat = 3
+config = <
+# Rewind 
+prog = mythtv
+button = FastRwd
+repeat = 3
+config = >
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = Record
+repeat = 3
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = Red
+repeat = 3
+config = D
+# Decrease play speed
+prog = mythtv
+button = Green
+repeat = 3
+config = U
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = Menu
+repeat = 3
+config = M
+# Scroll up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Volume+
+repeat = 3
+config = F11
+# Scroll down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Volume-
+repeat = 3
+config = F10
+# double speed watch
+prog = mythtv
+button = Yellow
+repeat = 3
+config = J
+# Bring up Time stretch
+prog = mythtv
+button = Blue
+repeat = 3
+config = A
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button = 0
+repeat = 3
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button = 1
+repeat = 3
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button = 2
+repeat = 3
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button = 3
+repeat = 3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button = 4
+repeat = 3
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button = 5
+repeat = 3
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 6
+repeat = 3
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button = 7
+repeat = 3
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button = 8
+repeat = 3
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button = 9
+repeat = 3
+config = 9
+###### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = Menu
+repeat = 3
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = Pause
+repeat = 3
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = Play
+repeat = 3
+config = seek +1
+# Stop playback and exit
+prog = mplayer
+button = Stop
+repeat = 3
+config = quit
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Mute
+repeat = 3
+config = mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Left
+repeat = 3
+config = seek -10
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FastRwd
+repeat = 3
+config = seek -10
+prog = mplayer
+button = Right
+repeat = 3
+config = seek +30
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FastFwd
+repeat = 3
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = Back
+repeat = 3
+config = quit
+###### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = Play
+repeat = 3
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+repeat = 3
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = Back
+repeat = 3
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = Pause
+repeat = 3
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = Up
+repeat = 3
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = Down
+repeat = 3
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = Left
+repeat = 3
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = Right
+repeat = 3
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = Ok
+repeat = 3
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = FastFwd
+repeat = 3
+config = SpeedFaster
+prog = xine
+button = FastRwd
+repeat = 3
+config = SpeedSlower
+prog = xine
+button = Volume+
+repeat = 3
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = Volume-
+repeat = 3
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = Mute
+repeat = 3
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = Menu
+repeat = 3
+config = RootMenu
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nexus/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/lircd-nova500.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/lircd-nova500.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c66c9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/lircd-nova500.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# brand:                       Hauppauge NOVA-T-500
+# model no. of remote control: Hauppage Nova-T-500 Snowboard Shape Silver over Black
+begin remote
+ name  NOVA-T500
+ bits           16
+ eps            30
+ aeps          100
+ one             0     0
+ zero            0     0
+ pre_data_bits   16
+ pre_data       0x1
+ gap          199999
+ toggle_bit      0
+     begin codes
+         Go                       0x0162
+         Power                    0x0074
+         TV                       0x0179
+         Videos                   0x0189
+         Music                    0x0188
+         Pictures                 0x00E2
+         Guide                    0x016D
+         Radio                    0x0181
+         ArrowUp                  0x0067
+         ArrowLeft                0x0069
+         OK                       0x0160
+         ArrowRight               0x006A
+         ArrowDown                0x006C
+         BackExit                 0x009E
+         Menu                     0x008B
+         VolumeUp                 0x0073
+         VolumeDown               0x0072
+         PrevCh                   0x016B
+         Mute                     0x0071
+         ChannelUp                0x0192
+         ChannelDown              0x0193
+         Record                   0x00A7
+         Rewind                   0x00A8
+         SkipBack                 0x0195
+         Play                     0x00CF
+         Pause                    0x0077
+         Stop                     0x0080
+         Fwdwind                  0x00D0
+         SkipFwd                  0x0197
+         1                        0x0002
+         2                        0x0003
+         3                        0x0004
+         4                        0x0005
+         5                        0x0006
+         6                        0x0007
+         7                        0x0008
+         8                        0x0009
+         9                        0x000A
+         Star                     0x0037
+         0                        0x000B
+         #                        0x0029
+         Red                      0x018E
+         Green                    0x018F
+         Yellow                   0x0190
+         Blue                     0x0191
+     end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/lircrc-nova500.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/lircrc-nova500.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2d74c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/lircrc-nova500.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+# /etc/lircrc
+# ln ~mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc
+# MythTV native LIRC config file for
+# Hauppage Nova-T-500 PCI Dual Tuners DVB-T
+# Snowboard shape remote
+# Silver on top Black underneath
+# 45 buttons
+# Originally 
+# By Jarod Wilson, 2003/12/21
+# Amalgamated from Jeff Campbell's .lircrc
+################## MythTV Control ######################
+### ###
+#	Remote Button
+##	MythTV function
+#	Go
+##	Go to home page
+prog = mythtv
+button = Go
+config = ALT+H
+#	Power
+##	Turns monitor in Standby
+#prog = irexec
+#button = Power
+#config = sudo vbetool dpms on ; sudo vbetool dpms off
+#	TV
+##	Go to Watch TV
+prog = mythtv
+button = TV
+config = ALT+T
+#	Videos
+##	Go to MythVideo
+prog = mythtv
+button = Videos
+config = ALT+V
+#	Music
+##	Go to MythMusic
+prog = mythtv
+button = Music
+config = ALT+M
+#	Pictures
+##	Go to MythGallery
+prog = mythtv
+button = Pictures
+config = ALT+P
+#	Guide
+##	display EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = Guide
+config = s
+#	Radio
+#	ArrowUp
+##	Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ArrowUp
+config = Up
+#	ArrowLeft
+##	Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = ArrowLeft
+config = Left
+#	OK
+##	Select/enter/resolve
+prog = mythtv
+button = OK
+config = Space
+#	ArrowRight
+##	Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = ArrowRight
+config = Right
+#	ArrowDown
+##	Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ArrowDown
+config = Down
+#	BackExit
+##	Exit/go back/cancel
+prog = mythtv
+button = BackExit
+config = Esc
+#	Menu
+##	Menu
+prog = mythtv
+button = Menu
+config = m
+#	VolumeUp
+##	Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VolumeUp
+config = F11
+#	VolumeDown
+##	Volume down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VolumeDown
+config = F10
+#	PrevCh
+##	Change tuner card input
+prog = mythtv
+button = PrevCh
+config = c
+#	Mute
+##	Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = Mute
+config = |
+#	ChannelUp
+prog = mythtv
+button = ChannelUp
+config = Up
+#	ChannelDown
+prog = mythtv
+button = ChannelDown
+config = Down
+#	Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = Record
+config = R
+#	Rewind
+prog = mythtv
+button = Rewind
+config = Left
+#	SkipBack
+prog = mythtv
+button = SkipBack
+config = PgUp
+#	Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = Play
+config = Return
+#	Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = Pause
+config = P
+#	Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = Stop
+config = Esc
+#	Fwdwind
+prog = mythtv
+button = Fwdwind
+config = Right
+#	SkipFwd
+prog = mythtv
+button = SkipFwd
+config = PgDown
+#	1
+prog = mythtv
+button = 1
+config = 1
+#	2
+prog = mythtv
+button = 2
+config = 2
+#	3
+prog = mythtv
+button = 3
+config = 3
+#	4
+prog = mythtv
+button = 4
+config = 4
+#	5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 5
+config = 5
+#	6
+prog = mythtv
+button = 6
+config = 6
+#	7
+prog = mythtv
+button = 7
+config = 7
+#	8
+prog = mythtv
+button = 8
+config = 8
+#	9
+prog = mythtv
+button = 9
+config = 9
+#	Star
+##	Info
+prog = mythtv
+button = Star
+config = i
+#	0
+prog = mythtv
+button = 0
+config = 0
+#	#
+##	Toggle recording of current program (cycles through types)
+prog = mythtv
+button = #
+config = r
+#	Red
+##	Picture zoom
+prog = mythtv
+button = Red
+config = W
+#	Green
+#	OSD navigation through channels/programs
+prog = mythtv
+button = Green
+config = O
+#	Yellow
+prog = mythtv
+button = Yellow
+config = Q
+#	Blue
+prog = mythtv
+button = Blue
+config = Z
+##### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = Menu
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = Pause
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = Play
+config = seek +1
+# Stop playback and exit
+prog = mplayer
+button = Stop
+config = quit
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Mute
+config = mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = ArrowLeft
+config = seek -10
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Rewind
+config = seek -10
+prog = mplayer
+button = ArrowRight
+config = seek +30
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Fwdwind
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = BackExit
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = SkipFwd
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = SkipBack
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = Star
+config = vo_fullscreen
+###### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = Play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = BackExit
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = Pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = ArrowUp
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = ArrowDown
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = ArrowLeft
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = ArrowRight
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = OK
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = Fwdwind
+config = SpeedFaster
+prog = xine
+button = Rewind
+config = SpeedSlower
+prog = xine
+button = VolumeUp
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VolumeDown
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = Mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = Menu
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = SkipFwd
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = SkipBack
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = Go
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_500/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/lircd-novat.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/lircd-novat.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..27a575d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/lircd-novat.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+begin remote
+  name            nova-t
+  bits            16
+  eps             30
+  aeps            100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  gap             135988
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data        0x8001
+  begin codes
+       1               0x0002
+       2               0x0003
+       3               0x0004
+       4               0x0005
+       5               0x0006
+       6               0x0007
+       7               0x0008
+       8               0x0009
+       9               0x000A
+       0               0x000B
+       *               0x0184
+       #               0x0172
+       red             0x018E
+       green           0x018F
+       yellow          0x0190
+       blue            0x0191
+       power           0x0074
+       go              0x0161
+       tv              0x0179
+       videos          0x0189
+       music           0x0188
+       pictures        0x016F
+       guide           0x016D
+       radio           0x0181
+       up              0x0067
+       left            0x0069
+       right           0x006A
+       down            0x006C
+       ok              0x001C
+       back            0x00A8
+       menu            0x008B
+       prev-ch         0x019C
+       mute            0x0071
+       volup           0x0073
+       voldown         0x0072
+       chanup          0x0192
+       chandown        0x0193
+       rec             0x00A7
+       stop            0x0080
+       forward         0x00D0
+       skipback        0x00A5
+       skipforward     0x00A3
+       play            0x00CF
+       pause           0x0077
+  end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/lircrc-novat.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/lircrc-novat.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f075729
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/lircrc-novat.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = chanup
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = chandown
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = volup
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = voldown
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = ok
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = forward
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = back
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = skipforward
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = skipback
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = red
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = menu
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = guide
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = yellow
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = blue
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = prev-ch
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = guide
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = back
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = forward
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = skipforward
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = skipback
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = ok
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = menu
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = forward
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = back
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = volup
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = voldown
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = skipforward
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = skipback
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = guide
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/lircd-novatusb2.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/lircd-novatusb2.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d2bbee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/lircd-novatusb2.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# Please make this file available to others
+# by sending it to <>
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.8.1-CVS(dev/input) on Sun Oct  8 22:51:46 2006
+# contributed by JonS
+# brand:                       irrecord.nova-T-usb
+# model no. of remote control: Hauppage Nova-T USB Snowboard Shape Silver over Black
+# devices being controlled by this remote: MythTV
+begin remote
+  name  nova-T-usb
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x1
+  gap          199999
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          Go                       0x0162
+          Power                    0x0074
+          TV                       0x0179
+          Videos                   0x0189
+          Music                    0x0188
+          Pictures                 0x00E2
+          Guide                    0x016D
+          Radio                    0x0181
+          ArrowUp                  0x0067
+          ArrowLeft                0x0069
+          OK                       0x0160
+          ArrowRight               0x006A
+          ArrowDown                0x006C
+          BackExit                 0x009E
+          Menu                     0x008B
+          VolumeUp                 0x0073
+          VolumeDown               0x0072
+          PrevCh                   0x016B
+          Mute                     0x0071
+          ChannelUp                0x0192
+          ChannelDown              0x0193
+          Record                   0x00A7
+          Rewind                   0x00A8
+          SkipBack                 0x0195
+          Play                     0x00CF
+          Pause                    0x0077
+          Stop                     0x0080
+          Fwdwind                  0x00D0
+          SkipFwd                  0x0197
+          1                        0x0002
+          2                        0x0003
+          3                        0x0004
+          4                        0x0005
+          5                        0x0006
+          6                        0x0007
+          7                        0x0008
+          8                        0x0009
+          9                        0x000A
+          *                        0x0037
+          0                        0x000B
+          #                        0x0029
+          Red                      0x018E
+          Green                    0x018F
+          Yellow                   0x0190
+          Blue                     0x0191
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/lircrc-novatusb2.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/lircrc-novatusb2.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fad1483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/lircrc-novatusb2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ChannelUp
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ChannelDown
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = ArrowLeft
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = ArrowRight
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ArrowUp
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ArrowDown
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VolumeUp
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VolumeDown
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = OK
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = Play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = Stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = BackExit
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = Power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = Pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = Mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = FwdWind
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Rewind
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = SkipFwd
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = SkipBack
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = Record
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = Red
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = Green
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = Guide
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = Yellow
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = Blue
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = PrevCh
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = Guide
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = Pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Rewind
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FwdWind
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = Stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = SkipFwd
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = SkipBack
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = Play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = BackExit
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = Pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = ArrowUp
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = ArrowDown
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = ArrowLeft
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = ArrowRight
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = OK
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = Guide
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = FwdWind
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = Rewind
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VolumeUp
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VolumeDown
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = Mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = SkipFwd
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = SkipBack
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = Menu
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nova_T_USB2/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/lircd-nvidia.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/lircd-nvidia.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..133ac00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/lircd-nvidia.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+begin remote
+  name            nvidia
+  bits            16
+  eps             30
+  aeps            100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  gap             227970
+  pre_data_bits   8
+  pre_data        0x14
+  begin codes
+       CANCIL          0xDF0A
+       RIGHTMOUSE      0x517C
+       LEFTMOUSE       0x4D78
+       PAUSE           0x4D78
+       STOP            0xFD28
+       REC             0xFC27
+       ADVANCE         0xFB26
+       PLAY            0xFA25
+       REPLAY          0xF924
+       FFORWARD        0xF823
+       REWIND          0xF621
+       OK              0xF31E
+       SLOW            0xF520
+       LIVETV          0xF11C
+       LEFT            0xF21D
+       RIGHT           0xF41F
+       DOWN            0xF722
+       UP              0xEF1A
+       SETUP           0xF01B
+       DVDMENU         0xEE19
+       SNAPSHOT        0xED18
+       CC              0xEB16
+       0               0xEC17
+       9               0xEA15
+       8               0xE914
+       7               0xE813
+       6               0xE712
+       5               0xE611
+       4               0xE510
+       3               0xE40F
+       2               0xE30E
+       1               0xE20D
+       ZOOM            0xFF2A
+       INPUT           0x002B
+       CHAN-           0xE10C
+       CHAN+           0xE00B
+       VOL-            0xDD08
+       VOL+            0xDE09
+       WEB             0xDC07
+       MUSIC           0xDB06
+       PHOTO           0xDA05
+       DVDVCD          0xD904
+       DVR             0xD803
+       CHSURF          0xD702
+       CHGUIDE         0xD601
+       MUTE            0xD500
+  end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/lircrc-nvidia.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/lircrc-nvidia.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..53c133b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/lircrc-nvidia.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = CHAN+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = CHAN-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = LEFT
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = RIGHT
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = UP
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = DOWN
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = OK
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = PLAY
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = STOP
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = CANCIL
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = 
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = PAUSE
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = MUTE
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = FFORWARD
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = REWIND
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = ADVANCE
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = REPLAY
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = REC
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = CHGUIDE
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = CHSURF
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = INPUT
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = SETUP
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = CHGUIDE
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = PAUSE
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = MUTE
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = REWIND
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FFORWARD
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = STOP
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = ADVANCE
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = REPLAY
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = ZOOM
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = PLAY
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = PAUSE
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = UP
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = DOWN
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = LEFT
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = RIGHT
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = OK
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = CHGUIDE
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = FFORWARD
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = REWIND
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VOL+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VOL-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = MUTE
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = ADVANCE
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = REPLAY
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = CHSURF
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/lircd-nvidiax10.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/lircd-nvidiax10.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1c06639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/lircd-nvidiax10.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+begin remote
+  name            nvidiax10
+  bits            40
+  eps             30
+  aeps            100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  gap             235987
+  begin codes
+       mute            0x14D5000000
+       playlist        0x14D6010000
+       chSurf          0x14D7020000
+       dvr             0x14D8030000
+       dvd             0x14D9040000
+       photo           0x14DA050000
+       music           0x14DB060000
+       web             0x14DC070000
+       L               0x144D780000
+       R               0x14517C0000
+       ESC             0x14DF0A0000
+       VOL+            0x14DE090000
+       VOL-            0x14DD080000
+       CHAN-           0x14E10C0000
+       CHAN+           0x14E00B0000
+       angle           0x14002B0000
+       zoom            0x14FF2A0000
+       0               0x14EC170000
+       1               0x14E20D0000
+       2               0x14E30E0000
+       3               0x14E40F0000
+       4               0x14E5100000
+       5               0x14E6110000
+       6               0x14E7120000
+       7               0x14E8130000
+       8               0x14E9140000
+       9               0x14EA150000
+       TXT             0x14EB160000
+       SnapShot        0x14ED180000
+       DVDMenu         0x14EE190000
+       setup           0x14F01B0000
+       audio           0x14F11C0000
+       slow            0x14F5200000
+       up              0x14EF1A0000
+       down            0x14F7220000
+       left            0x14F21D0000
+       right           0x14F41F0000
+       ok              0x14F31E0000
+       back            0x14F6210000
+       forward         0x14F8230000
+       fRewind         0x14F9240000
+       play            0x14FA250000
+       ffw             0x14FB260000
+       rec             0x14FC270000
+       stop            0x14FD280000
+       pause           0x14FE290000
+       mouse_n         0x0000001447720000
+       mouse_ne        0x000000144A750000
+       mouse_e         0x0000001446710000
+       mouse_se        0x000000144B760000
+       mouse_s         0x0000001448730000
+       mouse_sw        0x000000144C770000
+       mouse_w         0x0000001445700000
+       mouse_nw        0x0000001449740000
+       mouse_left      0x000000144E790000
+       mouse_right     0x00000014527D0000
+  end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/lircrc-nvidiax10.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/lircrc-nvidiax10.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0774c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/lircrc-nvidiax10.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = CHAN+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = CHAN-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = ok
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = ESC
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = 
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = ffw
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = fRewind
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = forward
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = back
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = chSurf
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = TXT
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = chSurf
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = fRewind
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = ffw
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = forward
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = back
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = zoom
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = ESC
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = ok
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = chSurf
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = ffw
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = fRewind
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VOL+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VOL-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = forward
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = back
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Nvidia_X10/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/lircd-one4all.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/lircd-one4all.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..00060fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/lircd-one4all.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# contributed by     Claas Langbehn (         01-May-2000
+# filename:			 RC-5
+# encoding:			 shift encoded, RC-5
+# brand:             Philips (and others)
+# model:             all
+# supported devices: all
+begin remote
+  name  one4all
+  bits           11
+  eps            20
+  aeps            0
+  header          0     0
+  one           889  889
+  zero          889  889
+  plead         889
+  ptrail          0
+  foot            0     0
+  repeat          0     0
+  pre_data_bits   2
+  pre_data       0x02
+  post_data_bits  0
+  post_data      0x0
+  pre             0     0
+  post            0     0
+  gap          113792
+  toggle_bit      2
+  frequency    36000
+  duty_cycle   50
+      begin codes
+	0	0x0000000000000140
+	1	0x0000000000000141
+	2	0x0000000000000142
+	3	0x0000000000000143
+	4	0x0000000000000144
+	5	0x0000000000000145
+	6	0x0000000000000146
+	7	0x0000000000000147
+	8	0x0000000000000148
+	9	0x0000000000000149
+	GUIDE	0x000000000000014a
+	SELECT	0x000000000000014b
+	POWER	0x000000000000014c
+	Mute	0x000000000000014d
+	Move	0x000000000000014e
+	VOL+	0x0000000000000150
+	VOL-	0x0000000000000151
+	PREVCH	0x0000000000000152
+	NEXTCH	0x0000000000000153
+	SLOMO	0x0000000000000154
+	ANGLE	0x0000000000000155
+	MENU	0x000000000000015d
+	SUBT	0x000000000000015e
+	CH+	0x0000000000000160
+	CH-	0x0000000000000161
+	PIP	0x0000000000000162
+	Swap	0x0000000000000163
+	PAUSE	0x0000000000000169
+	PVRMENU	0x000000000000016e
+	EXIT	0x0000000000000171
+	REW	0x0000000000000172
+	REPLAY	0x0000000000000173
+	FFW	0x0000000000000174
+	PLAY	0x0000000000000175
+	STOP	0x0000000000000176
+	REC	0x0000000000000177
+	SKIP	0x0000000000000178
+	Prev	0x000000000000017b
+	INFO	0x000000000000017c
+	TV/VID	0x000000000000017e
+	Audio	0x000000000000017f
+	THDN	0x0000000000000268
+	THUP	0x0000000000000269
+      end codes
+end remote
+begin remote
+  name  PHILIPS_RC-5_ALT
+  bits           13
+  eps            20
+  aeps            0
+  one           889   889
+  zero          889   889
+  plead         889
+  gap          113792
+  min_repeat      1
+  toggle_bit      2
+  frequency    36000
+  duty_cycle   50
+      begin codes
+          LEFT                     0x0000000000000155
+          RIGHT                    0x0000000000000156
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/lircrc-one4all.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/lircrc-one4all.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0b67174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/lircrc-one4all.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+# lircrc.URC-6131/RC-5 (Hauppauge PVR-250)
+# 2004-01-25, Joe Votour
+# Save this file in ~/.mythtv/lircrc, and make a symlink with ~/.lircrc
+# TODO: Test/configure the mplayer buttons
+#       Finish the rest of the remote buttons for MythTV
+# Power button/quit
+#    prog = mythtv
+#    button = POWER
+#    config = Esc
+# Change TV card input
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = TV/VID
+    config = C
+# Toggle Picture-In-Picture
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = PIP
+    config = V
+# Swap the PiP windows
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = Swap
+    config = N
+# Number keys
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 1
+    config = 1
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 2
+    config = 2
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 3
+    config = 3
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 4
+    config = 4
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 5
+    config = 5
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 6
+    config = 6
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 7
+    config = 7
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 8
+    config = 8
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 9
+    config = 9
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 0
+    config = 0
+# Exit button (returning to menu)
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = EXIT
+    config = Esc
+# Menu button (TV menu)
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = MENU
+    config = M
+# Guide button (EPG)
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = GUIDE
+    config = S
+# Delete (i.e. View recordings screen)
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = POWER
+    config = D
+# View program info (OSD)
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = INFO
+    config = I
+# Note the "repeat =" strings in the volume and channel.
+# This means that if you hold down the key, every nth instance will be
+# passed.  This depends on your system, so you may want to increase or
+# decrease this and see what happens.  repeat = 1 is probably too
+# fast.
+# Volume Down
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = VOL-
+    repeat = 3
+    config = F10
+# Volume Up
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = VOL+
+    repeat = 3
+    config = F11
+# Channel Up
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = THUP
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Up
+# Channel Down
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = THDN
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Down
+# Navigational arrows
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = LEFT
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Left
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = RIGHT
+    repeat = 3
+    config = Right
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = SELECT
+    config = Return
+# Mute
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = Mute
+    config = F9
+# Browse mode
+#    prog = mythtv
+#    button = DISPLAY
+#    config = O
+# Channel history
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = Prev
+    config = H
+# Rewind
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = REW
+    config = Left
+# Play
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = PLAY
+    config = P
+# Fast-forward
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = FFW
+    config = Right
+# Next chapter (page down for EPG)
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = NEXTCH
+    config = PgDown
+# Previous chapter (page up for EPG)
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = PREVCH
+    config = PgUp
+# Record
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = REC
+    config = R
+# Teletext/Closed Captioning
+# Audio button doubles as CC
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = Audio
+    config = T
+# Pause
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = PAUSE
+    config = P
+# Backwards commercial skip
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = REPLAY
+    config = Q
+# Forward commercial skip
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = SKIP
+    config = Z
+# mplayer keys (Untested)
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = EXIT
+    config = quit
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = MUTE
+    config = mute
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = VOL-
+    config = volume -1
+    repeat = 1
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = VOL+
+    config = volume 1
+    repeat = 1
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = PLAY
+    config = pause
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = PAUSE
+    config = pause
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = STOP
+    config = quit
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = DISPLAY
+    config = osd
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = FFW
+    config = skip 1
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = REW
+    config = skip -1
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = REPLAY
+    config = skip -60
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = SKIP
+    config = skip 60
+# xine key bindings.
+# Automatically generated by xine-ui version 0.9.23.
+# To run xine:
+# MythVideo: xine -D -pfh %s
+# MythDVD: xine -D -pfhq --auto-scan dvd (for DVD)
+#          xine -D -pfhq --auto-scan vcdo (for VCD)
+# start playback
+	button = PLAY
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Play
+# playback pause toggle
+	button = PAUSE
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Pause
+# stop playback
+	button = STOP
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Stop
+# set position to -10 minutes in current stream
+	button = REPLAY
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = SeekRelative-600
+# set position to +10 minutes in current stream
+	button = SKIP
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = SeekRelative+600
+# set position to -30 seconds in current stream
+	button = REW
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = SeekRelative-30
+# set position to +30 seconds in current stream
+	button = FFW
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = SeekRelative+30
+# decrement playback speed
+	button = SLOMO
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = SpeedSlower
+# reset playback speed
+	button = PLAY
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = SpeedReset
+# increment audio volume
+	button = VOL+
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 2
+	config = Volume+
+# decrement audio volume
+	button = VOL-
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 2
+	config = Volume-
+# increment amplification level
+#	remote = xxxxx
+#	button = xxxxx
+#	prog   = xine
+#	repeat = 3
+#	config = Amp+
+# decrement amplification level
+#	remote = xxxxx
+#	button = xxxxx
+#	prog   = xine
+#	repeat = 3
+#	config = Amp-
+# reset amplification to default value
+#	remote = xxxxx
+#	button = xxxxx
+#	prog   = xine
+#	repeat = 3
+#	config = ResetAmp
+# audio muting toggle
+	button = Mute
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Mute
+# select next audio channel
+	button = Audio
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = AudioChannelNext
+# select next sub picture (subtitle) channel
+	button = SUBT
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = SpuNext
+# jump to media Menu
+#	button = MENU
+#	prog   = xine
+#	repeat = 3
+#	config = Menu
+# jump to Title Menu
+#	remote = xxxxx
+#	button = xxxxx
+#	prog   = xine
+#	repeat = 3
+#	config = TitleMenu
+# jump to Root Menu
+	button = MENU
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = RootMenu
+# jump to Subpicture Menu
+	remote = xxxxx
+	button = xxxxx
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = SubpictureMenu
+# jump to Audio Menu
+	button = Audio
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = AudioMenu
+# jump to Angle Menu
+	button = Angle
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = AngleMenu
+# jump to Part Menu
+#	remote = xxxxx
+#	button = xxxxx
+#	prog   = xine
+#	repeat = 3
+#	config = PartMenu
+# menu navigate up
+	button = CH+
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = EventUp
+# menu navigate down
+	button = CH-
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = EventDown
+# menu navigate left
+	button = LEFT
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = EventLeft
+# menu navigate right
+	button = RIGHT
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = EventRight
+# menu select
+	button = SELECT
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = EventSelect
+# jump to next chapter
+	button = NEXTCH
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = EventNext
+# jump to previous chapter
+	button = PREVCH
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = EventPrior
+# select next angle
+	button = ANGLE
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = EventAngleNext
+# display stream information using OSD
+	button = INFO
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = OSDStreamInfos
+# enter the number 0
+	button = 0
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Number0
+# enter the number 1
+	button = 1
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Number1
+# enter the number 2
+	button = 2
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Number2
+# enter the number 3
+	button = 3
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Number3
+# enter the number 4
+	button = 4
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Number4
+# enter the number 5
+	button = 5
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Number5
+# enter the number 6
+	button = 6
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Number6
+# enter the number 7
+	button = 7
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Number7
+# enter the number 8
+	button = 8
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Number8
+# enter the number 9
+	button = 9
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Number9
+# quit the program
+	button = POWER
+	prog   = xine
+	repeat = 3
+	config = Quit
+# End of xine key bindings.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/lircd-one4all6131.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/lircd-one4all6131.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9562f79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/lircd-one4all6131.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+begin remote
+  name            OneForAll_6131
+  bits            20
+  flags           SPACE_ENC|CONST_LENGTH
+  eps             30
+  aeps            100
+  header          2449   542
+  one             1259   527
+  zero            675   527
+  gap             45430
+  begin codes
+       Left            0xDEB92
+       Right           0x3EB92
+       Up              0x9EB92
+       Down            0x5EB92
+       Select          0xD0B92
+       Exit            0x70B92
+       Info            0x2AB92
+       Guide           0x58B92
+       Menu            0xD8B92
+       Play            0x4CB92
+       Pause           0x9CB92
+       Stop            0x1CB92
+       JumpBack        0x6CB92
+       JumpAhead       0xECB92
+       JumpToStart     0x0CB92
+  end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/lircrc-one4all6131.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/lircrc-one4all6131.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..728c046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/lircrc-one4all6131.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Up
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Down
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = Right
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = Left
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = Select
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = Play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = Stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = Exit
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = 
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = Pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = JumpAhead
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = JumpBack
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = Menu
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = Guide
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = Info
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = Menu
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = Pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = JumpBack
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = JumpAhead
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = Stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = Play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = Exit
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = Pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = Up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = Down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = Select
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = Menu
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = JumpAhead
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = JumpBack
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = Right
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = Left
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = Info
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_6131/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/lircd-one4all7544.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/lircd-one4all7544.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c1787ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/lircd-one4all7544.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+begin remote
+  name            one4all_7544
+  bits            12
+  flags           SPACE_ENC|CONST_LENGTH
+  eps             30
+  aeps            100
+  header          2399   615
+  one             1175   620
+  zero            572   620
+  gap             45451
+  begin codes
+       1		0x01A
+       2               0x81A
+       3               0x41A
+       4               0xC1A
+       5               0x21A
+       6               0xA1A
+       7               0x61A
+       8               0xE1A
+       9               0x11A
+       10              0x51A
+       0               0x91A
+       av              0x55A
+       c+              0x09A
+       c-              0x89A
+       exit            0x55A
+       ok              0x8BA
+       up              0x43A
+       down            0xC3A
+       left            0x47A
+       right           0x87A
+       v+              0x49A
+       v-              0xC9A
+       mute            0xADA
+       rr              0xD9A
+       play            0x59A
+       pause           0x99A
+       ff              0x39A
+       red             0x1BA
+       green           0x19A
+       yellow          0xB9A
+       blue            0xE5A
+       menu            0xB3A
+       power           0xA9A
+  end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/lircrc-one4all7544.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/lircrc-one4all7544.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..57e702a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/lircrc-one4all7544.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = c+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = c-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = v+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = v-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = ok
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = exit
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = ff
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = rr
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = red
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = yellow
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = menu
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = green
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = blue
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = menu
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = rr
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = ff
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = exit
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = exit
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = exit
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = ok
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = menu
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = ff
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = rr
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = v+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = v-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = exit
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = green
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_7544/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/lircd-one4all9910.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/lircd-one4all9910.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..504718b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/lircd-one4all9910.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+begin remote
+  name            one4all_9910
+  bits            24
+  flags           SPACE_ENC|CONST_LENGTH
+  eps             30
+  aeps            100
+  header          4074  3901
+  one             584  1909
+  zero            584   909
+  ptrail          589
+  gap             64326
+  begin codes
+       1               0x7318CE
+       2               0x7328CD
+       3               0x7338CC
+       4               0x7348CB
+       5               0x7358CA
+       6               0x7368C9
+       7               0x7378C8
+       8               0x7388C7
+       9               0x7398C6
+       0               0x7308CF
+       enter           0x7F480B
+       tvvid           0x7A385C
+       rew             0x71D8E2
+       play            0x7158EA
+       fwd             0x72D8D2
+       rec             0x7178E8
+       pause           0x7198E6
+       frew            0x72C8D3
+       stop            0x71F8E0
+       ffwd            0x72D8D2
+       pip             0x71B8E4
+       swap            0x7C383C
+       fav             0x72D8D2
+       ch-             0x72C8D3
+       ch+             0x72D8D2
+       prev            0x7278D8
+       left            0x7568A9
+       up              0x7598A6
+       down            0x7588A7
+       right           0x7578A8
+       select          0x7F480B
+       menu            0x7088F7
+       guide           0x71A8E5
+       exit            0x7068F9
+       info            0x73C8C3
+       power           0x72A8D5
+  end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/lircrc-one4all9910.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/lircrc-one4all9910.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ea40c6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/lircrc-one4all9910.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = select
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = exit
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = fwd
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = rew
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = ffwd
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = frew
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = menu
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = info
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = prev
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = pip
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = menu
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = rew
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = fwd
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = ffwd
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = frew
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = enter
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = menu
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = ffwd
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = frew
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = ch+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = ch-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = prev
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = info
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/One4All_9910/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/lircd-packard.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/lircd-packard.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9e0e783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/lircd-packard.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# Config file for Packard Bell Remotes (with repeat codes!)
+# created by Samuel Wood (
+# brand:             Packard Bell Remote
+# model:             El Cheapo Packard Bell Remote
+# This is a config file for the cheap excess Packard Bell remotes 
+# you sometimes can buy from online auctions like
+# The receiver that comes with it hooks into the serial port and works 
+# fine with lirc 0.5.4.
+# The receiver that comes with the remote is near garbage. If 
+# you don't point almost directly at it, it will not detect. But
+# it's simpler than building your own. :-)
+# Repeat works fine for me. You just have to modify or add the 
+# "repeat=" lines in your .lircrc.
+# irrecord was used to generate the file, then I modified and 
+# added repeat codes. 
+# The button names used are identical to what was printed on the 
+# remote, except for the number pads (using actual numbers like 
+# "1" and so forth did not seem to work. Similarly, '*' is Star 
+# and '#' is Hash. LMB and RMB refer to the two mousepad buttons
+# on the left and right respectively.
+# I still need to modify the gap setting. Right now, if you don't 
+# hold the button down long enough, it may not register, but if
+# you hold it too long, it will detect a repeat or two. Feel free
+# to modify this to work better. If you get it to work better, send
+# me a copy. :-)
+begin remote
+  name  PackBell
+  bits           15
+  eps            30
+  aeps          400
+  header       9065  4500
+  one           597   532
+  zero          597  1643
+  ptrail        597
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0xF708
+  post_data_bits  1
+  post_data      0x0
+  gap          107000
+  repeat_bit      0
+  repeat          9050 2250
+      begin codes
+          Help                     0x0000000000006F90
+          Phone                    0x0000000000004FB0
+          Message                  0x0000000000006E91
+          SRS                      0x0000000000004EB1
+          CD                       0x0000000000002FD0
+          Aux1                     0x0000000000000FF0
+          Aux2                     0x0000000000002ED1
+          Aux3                     0x0000000000000EF1
+          LMB                      0x00000000000023DC
+          RMB                      0x000000000000639C
+          Up                       0x00000000000037C8
+          Down                     0x00000000000057A8
+          Left                     0x0000000000007788
+          Right                    0x00000000000017E8
+          Menu                     0x0000000000007B84
+          Mute                     0x0000000000003BC4
+          Enter                    0x00000000000047B8
+          CHUp                     0x00000000000027D8
+          CHDown                   0x0000000000006798
+          VolUp                    0x0000000000005BA4
+          VolDown                  0x0000000000001BE4
+          Display                  0x00000000000007F8
+          One                      0x0000000000005EA1
+          Two                      0x0000000000001EE1
+          Three                    0x0000000000000BF4
+          Four                     0x0000000000007E81
+          Five                     0x0000000000003EC1
+          Six                      0x0000000000004BB4
+          Seven                    0x0000000000005FA0
+          Eight                    0x0000000000001FE0
+          Nine                     0x0000000000002BD4
+          Zero                     0x0000000000003FC0
+          Star                     0x0000000000007F80
+          Hash                     0x0000000000006B94
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/lircrc-packard.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/lircrc-packard.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5e54f7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/lircrc-packard.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = CHUp
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = CHDown
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = Left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = Right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VolUp
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VolDown
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = Enter
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = 
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = Mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = Menu
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  Zero
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  One
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  Two
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  Three
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  Four
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  Five
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  Six
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  Seven
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  Eight
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  Nine
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = Menu
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Left
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Right
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = Up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = Down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = Left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = Right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = Menu
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = 
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VolUp
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VolDown
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = Mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = Help
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Packard_bell/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/lircd-pinnacle.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/lircd-pinnacle.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ebc04d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/lircd-pinnacle.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# contributed by Bart Alewijnse <>
+# brand:             Pinnacle Systems
+# model:             PCTV Remote (Perhaps other ones as well)
+# supported devices: there's only one I know of. (serial) 
+# Mail me if your remote is only partly supported, or if it has different
+# buttons than listed below.
+begin remote
+  name  PinnacleSysPCTVRemote
+  bits              16
+  eps               30
+  aeps             100
+  one                0     0
+  zero               0     0
+  pre_data_bits      8
+  pre_data        0xFE
+  gap           180000
+  toggle_bit         0
+  begin codes
+          Mute                     0xB53C                     #Mute                     0x000000000000003C
+          Power                    0x2D2F                     #Power                    0x000000000000002F
+          Chan+Play                0x173F                     #Chan+Play                0x000000000000003F
+          Chan-Stop                0xC63E                     #Chan-Stop                0x000000000000003E
+          Vol+FF                   0xF13B                     #Vol+FF                   0x000000000000003B
+          Vol-Rew                  0x643D                     #Vol-Rew                  0x000000000000003D
+          1                        0x9F31                     #1                        0x0000000000000031
+          2                        0x3D32                     #2                        0x0000000000000032
+          3                        0xEC33                     #3                        0x0000000000000033
+          4                        0xA834                     #4                        0x0000000000000034
+          5                        0x7935                     #5                        0x0000000000000035
+          6                        0xDB36                     #6                        0x0000000000000036
+          7                        0x0A37                     #7                        0x0000000000000037
+          8                        0x5338                     #8                        0x0000000000000038
+          9                        0x8239                     #9                        0x0000000000000039
+          Fullscreen               0x5E2D                     #Fullscreen               0x000000000000002D
+          0/AV                     0x203A                     #0/AV                     0x000000000000003A
+          Info                     0xCB2B                     #Info                     0x000000000000002B
+          Preview                  0xFC2E                     #Preview                  0x000000000000002E
+          Record                   0x3027                     #Record                   0x0000000000000027
+          Chan_Last                0x4325                     #Chan_Last                0x0000000000000025
+          F_TV                     0xE126                     #F_TV                     0x0000000000000026
+          F_TELETEXT               0xB829                     #F_TELETEXT               0x0000000000000029
+          F_RADIO                  0x1A2A                     #F_RADIO                  0x000000000000002A
+# here are some extra buttons a new version of the remote seems to have
+# contributed by Robbert Monna <>
+# brand:             Pinnacle Systems
+# model:             PCTV Remote (newest version?)
+# supported devices: dongle on serial port (from TV-Card)
+          L                        0x631F                     #L                        0x000000000000001F
+          Zoom                     0xB21E                     #Zoom                     0x000000000000001E
+          vol+                     0x851B                     #vol+                     0x000000000000001B
+          vol-                     0x590F                     #vol-                     0x000000000000000F
+          channel+                 0x7E17                     #channel+                 0x0000000000000017
+          channel-                 0xC11C                     #channel-                 0x000000000000001C
+          middle                   0x541A                     #middle                   0x000000000000001A
+          Menu                     0x101D                     #Menu                     0x000000000000001D
+          next                     0xF619                     #next                     0x0000000000000019
+          undo                     0xAF16                     #undo                     0x0000000000000016
+          pause                    0x0D15                     #pause                    0x0000000000000015
+          redo                     0x9813                     #redo                     0x0000000000000013
+          Rewind                   0x880E                     #Rewind                   0x000000000000000E
+          Play                     0x2A0D                     #Play                     0x000000000000000D
+          Stop                     0xBF0B                     #Stop                     0x000000000000000B
+          FForward                 0x4407                     #FForward                 0x0000000000000007
+          EPG                      0x2718                     #EPG                      0x0000000000000018
+# here are some more buttons that seem to be mapped differently from
+# the ones above 
+# contributed by InterCeptor
+# brand:   Pinnacle Systems PCTV Pro Remote
+# model no. of remote control: (I can't find any numbers on it)
+# supported devices: serial
+          9                        0x0000000000000082
+          Zoom                     0x00000000000000B2
+          middle                   0x0000000000000014
+  end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/lircrc-pinnacle.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/lircrc-pinnacle.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d3b9261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/lircrc-pinnacle.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = channel+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = channel-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = channel+
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = channel-
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = Play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = Stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = undo
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = Power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = Mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = FForward
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Rewind
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Vol+FF
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Vol-Rew
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = Record
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = Menu
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = EPG
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = Info
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Chan_Last
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = F_TELETEXT
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = Fullscreen
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = Menu
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Rewind
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FForward
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = Stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = Vol+FF
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = Vol-Rew
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = Fullscreen
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = Play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = channel+
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = channel-
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = Menu
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = FForward
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = Rewind
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = Mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = next
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = undo
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = Info
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Pinnacle/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/lircd-provideo.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/lircd-provideo.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d20ad85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/lircd-provideo.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+begin remote
+  name  PV951
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  header       9067  4482
+  one           597  1650
+  zero          597   529
+  ptrail        584
+  repeat       9068  2232
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x61D6
+  gap          107983
+  repeat_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          power                    0x00000000000048B7
+          air/cbl                  0x000000000000D02F
+          pc/tv                    0x0000000000008877
+          source                   0x000000000000F00F
+          mts                      0x000000000000C837
+          mute                     0x00000000000008F7
+          1                        0x000000000000807F
+          2                        0x00000000000040BF
+          3                        0x000000000000C03F
+          4                        0x00000000000020DF
+          5                        0x000000000000A05F
+          6                        0x000000000000609F
+          7                        0x000000000000E01F
+          8                        0x00000000000010EF
+          9                        0x000000000000906F
+          0                        0x00000000000000FF
+          +100                     0x00000000000050AF
+          ch_rtn                   0x000000000000E817
+          ch+                      0x00000000000058A7
+          ch-                      0x0000000000007887
+          vol+                     0x000000000000D827
+          vol-                     0x000000000000F807
+          func                     0x0000000000009867
+          ttx                      0x000000000000B04F
+          pg+                      0x000000000000708F
+          pg-                      0x000000000000B847
+          cc                       0x0000000000006897
+          sync                     0x00000000000028D7
+          ch+-                     0x00000000000018E7
+          autoscan                 0x00000000000030CF
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/lircrc-provideo.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/lircrc-provideo.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..90972b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/lircrc-provideo.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = pg+
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = pg-
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = func
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch_rtn
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = cc
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = func
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = ch+
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = ch-
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = pg+
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = pg-
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = ch_rtn
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = ttx
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Provideo/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/lircd-sasem.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/lircd-sasem.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25d6521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/lircd-sasem.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.7.0pre4(sasem) on Mon May 24 03:11:34 2004
+# contributed by Oliver Stabel (
+# brand: Sasem OnAir
+# model no. of remote control: n/a
+# devices being controlled by this remote:
+#	This IR came with the Dign HV5 HTPC case, manufactured
+#       by Uneed in Korea (
+#       AFAIK the case is called Ahanix HV5 in the US.
+#       The IR/VFD device is originally manufactured by Sasem,
+#       and sold as OnAir Remocon-V (?looks different from 
+#       mine but should be the same?)
+begin remote
+  name  sasem
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   24
+  pre_data        0x0C807F
+  post_data_bits  24
+  post_data       0x000000
+  gap             196000
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          1                        0x08F7
+          2                        0x09F6
+          3                        0x0AF5
+          4                        0x10EF
+          5                        0x11EE
+          6                        0x12ED
+          7                        0x18E7
+          8                        0x19E6
+          9                        0x1AE5
+          start                    0x40BF
+          0                        0x41BE
+          full_down                0x06F9
+          vol-                     0x0FF0
+          vol+                     0x0EF1
+          esc                      0x05FA
+          up                       0x0BF4
+          close                    0x07F8
+          left                     0x03FC
+          enter                    0x13EC
+          right                    0x1BE4
+          prev                     0x0CF3
+          down                     0x43BC
+          next                     0x01FE
+          mute                     0x0DF2
+          step                     0x04FB
+          play_pause               0x49B6
+          stop                     0x48B7
+          winamp                   0x1EE1
+          media_player             0x15EA
+          hdtv                     0x17E8
+          cd_player                0x16E9
+          win_dvd                  0x44BB
+          power_dvd                0x14EB
+          internet                 0x46B9
+          email                    0x47B8
+          a                        0x45BA
+          b                        0x1DE2
+          c                        0x1CE3
+          d                        0x1FE0
+          eject                    0x02FD
+          power                    0x00FF
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/lircrc-sasem.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/lircrc-sasem.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d73415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/lircrc-sasem.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = enter
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play_pause
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = esc
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = play_pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = next
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = prev
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = play_pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = prev
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = next
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = full_down
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play_pause
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = esc
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = play_pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = enter
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = next
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = prev
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Sasem/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/lircd-technisat.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/lircd-technisat.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3f0f3d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/lircd-technisat.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Please make this file available to others
+# by sending it to <>
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.6.6(any) on Sun Mar 27 11:39:40 2005
+# contributed by 
+# brand:                      
+# model no. of remote control: TS35 - Airstar2
+# devices being controlled by this remote: DVB-T
+begin remote
+  name  technisat
+  bits           13
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one           907   885
+  zero          907   885
+  plead         954
+  gap          113935
+  toggle_bit      2
+      begin codes
+          1                        0x0000000000001A81
+          2                        0x0000000000001A82
+          3                        0x0000000000001283
+          4                        0x0000000000001284
+          5                        0x0000000000001A85
+          6                        0x0000000000001286
+          7                        0x0000000000001A87
+          8                        0x0000000000001288
+          9                        0x0000000000001A89
+          0                        0x0000000000001A80
+          Mute                     0x000000000000128D
+          Ext                      0x0000000000001AB8
+          a/b                      0x00000000000012A3
+          Power                    0x0000000000001A8C
+          tv/radio                 0x0000000000000293
+          -/--                     0x0000000000001A8A
+          Menu                     0x0000000000000292
+          Back                     0x0000000000000A8F
+          Up                       0x0000000000001AA0
+          Down                     0x00000000000012A1
+          Left                     0x0000000000001A91
+          Right                    0x0000000000001A90
+          Sfi                      0x0000000000001AAF
+          Repeat                   0x0000000000001AA2
+          Red                      0x00000000000002AB
+          Green                    0x0000000000000AAC
+          Yellow                   0x0000000000000AAD
+          Blue                     0x0000000000000AAE
+          Ok                       0x0000000000000297
+          Check                    0x00000000000002B6
+          txt                      0x0000000000001ABC
+          stop                     0x00000000000012A9
+          help                     0x0000000000001A8F
+          tv/radio                 0x0000000000000A93
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/lircrc-technisat.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/lircrc-technisat.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8baa6b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/lircrc-technisat.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = Up
+    config = Up
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = Down
+    config = Down
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = Left
+    config = Left
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = Right
+    config = Right
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 1
+    config = 1
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 2
+    config = 2
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 3
+    config = 3
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 4
+    config = 4
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 5
+    config = 5
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 6
+    config = 6
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 7
+    config = 7
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 8
+    config = 8
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 9
+    config = 9
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = 0
+    config = 0
+  prog = mythtv
+  button = Menu
+  config = M
+  prog = mythtv
+  button = Repeat
+  config = H
+  prog = mythtv
+  button = Check
+  config = /
+  prog = mythtv
+  button = help
+  config = T
+   prog = mythtv
+# This is the Red key
+# We'll use it for "Delete"
+   button = Red
+   config = D
+   prog = mythtv
+# This is the Green key
+# We'll use it for "Information"
+   button = Green
+   config = I
+   prog = mythtv
+# This is the Green key
+# We'll use it for "View details"
+   button = Yellow
+   config = U
+   prog = mythtv
+# This is the Green key
+# We'll use it for "Upcoming episodes"
+   button = Blue
+   config = O
+# Note the "repeat =" strings in the volume and channel.
+# This means that if you hold down the key, every nth instance will be
+# passed.  This depends on your system, so you may want to increase or
+# decrease this and see what happens.  repeat = 1 is probably too
+# fast.
+  prog = mythtv
+  button = Left
+  repeat = 3
+  config = F10
+  prog = mythtv
+  button = Right
+  repeat = 3
+  config = F11
+    prog = mythtv
+# Middle button on the diamond
+    button = Ok
+    config = P
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = Mute
+    config = |
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = back
+    config = Esc
+   prog = mythtv
+   button = stop
+   config = Esc
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = stop
+   config = quit
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = help
+   config = osd
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = Ok
+    config = play
+    prog = mplayer
+    button = Ok
+    config = pause
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = Right
+   config = volume +1
+   repeat = 1
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = Left
+   config = volume -1
+   repeat = 1
+   prog = mplayer
+   button = Mute
+   config = mute
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Ok
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Play
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = stop
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Stop
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Back
+ config = Quit
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Ok
+ repeat = 3
+ config = Pause
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Up
+ repeat = 4
+ config = EventUp
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Down
+ repeat = 4
+ config = EventDown
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Left
+ repeat = 4
+ config = Volume-
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Right
+ repeat = 4
+ config = Volume+
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Ok
+ repeat = 0
+ config = EventSelect
+ end
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Menu
+ repeat = 0
+ config = Menu
+ end
+ #vol down
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Yellow
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventLeft
+ end
+ #vol up
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Red
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventRight
+ end
+ #ch up
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Green
+ repeat = 1
+ config = SeekRelative+60
+ end
+ #ch down
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Blue
+ repeat = 1
+ config = SeekRelative-60
+ end
+  #skip chapter backward
+ begin
+ prog = xine
+ button = Repeat
+ repeat = 1
+ config = EventPrior
+ end
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Technisat/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/lircd-tekram.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/lircd-tekram.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..90ae8f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/lircd-tekram.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# This is for the remote that Tekram bundles with its M230 card (Mach64)
+# Commands from the remote are hardware-decoded
+# contributed by Froenchenko Leonid <>
+# brand:             Tekram M230 (ATI Mach64)
+# supported devices: This remote control comes with TV Tuner cards from
+#                    Tekram based on ATI 264VT (btt829)
+begin remote
+  name  tekram_m230
+  bits  8
+      begin codes
+	0		0x00
+	1		0x01
+	2		0x02
+	3		0x03
+	4		0x04
+	5		0x05
+	6		0x06
+	7		0x07
+	8		0x08
+	9		0x09
+	RECALL		0x0A
+	ENTER		0x17
+	POWER		0x1C
+	SOURCE		0x15
+	PC_VID		0x12
+	STILL		0x11
+	TTX		0x0F
+	FAV		0x13
+	MUTE		0x10
+	VOL_UP		0x1A
+	VOL_DN		0x1E
+	CH_UP		0x1B
+	CH_DN		0x1F
+	PLAY		0x0D
+	STOP		0x0E
+	REW		0x1D
+	FFW		0x19
+	ADD_ER		0x16
+	FUNC		0x14
+ 	F_PLUS		0x18
+	F_MINUS		0x0C
+     end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/lircrc-tekram.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/lircrc-tekram.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6226f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/lircrc-tekram.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_UP
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_DN
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_UP
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = CH_DN
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL_UP
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VOL_DN
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = ENTER
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = PLAY
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = STOP
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = POWER
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = STILL
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = MUTE
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = FFW
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = REW
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = F_PLUS
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = F_MINUS
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = FUNC
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = SOURCE
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = FAV
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = PC_VID
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = RECALL
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = TTX
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = FAV
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = STILL
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = MUTE
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = REW
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FFW
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = STOP
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = F_PLUS
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = F_MINUS
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = SOURCE
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = PLAY
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = STILL
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = CH_UP
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = CH_DN
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = ENTER
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = SOURCE
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = FFW
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = REW
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VOL_UP
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VOL_DN
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = MUTE
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = STOP
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = F_PLUS
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = F_MINUS
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = TTX
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Tekram/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/lircd-twinhan.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/lircd-twinhan.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3fb3652
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/lircd-twinhan.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+begin remote
+  name  TwinHanRemote
+  bits           32
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  gap          115899
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          fullscreen               0x8001002C
+          Power                    0x8001001D
+          1                        0x80010002
+          2                        0x80010003
+          3                        0x80010004
+          4                        0x80010005
+          5                        0x80010006
+          6                        0x80010007
+          7                        0x80010008
+          8                        0x80010009
+          9                        0x8001000A
+          0                        0x8001000B
+          rec                      0x80010066
+          favorite                 0x8001002F
+          rewind                   0x80010017
+          forward                  0x80010031
+          ch+                      0x80010068
+          ch-                      0x8001006D
+          vol-                     0x8001006C
+          vol+                     0x80010067
+          recall                   0x8001002E
+          play                     0x8001001C
+          stop                     0x8001006B
+          pause                    0x80010014
+          mute                     0x80010032
+          cancel                   0x80010001
+          capture                  0x80010019
+          preview                  0x80010025
+          epg                      0x80010012
+          recordlist               0x80010026
+          tab                      0x8001000F
+          teletext                 0x8001001E
+      end codes
+end remote
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/lircrc-twinhan.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/lircrc-twinhan.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..296876c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/lircrc-twinhan.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch+
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = ch-
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol+
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = vol-
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = Power
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = forward
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = rewind
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = rec
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = epg
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = preview
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = recall
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = teletext
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = epg
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = rewind
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = forward
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = fullscreen
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = ch+
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = ch-
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = epg
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = forward
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = rewind
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = vol+
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = vol-
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = 
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = teletext
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/Twinham/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/lircd-x10lola.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/lircd-x10lola.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7bfad44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/lircd-x10lola.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# lircd.conf for X-10 Lola remote
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using lirc-0.6.6(any) on Sat May 15 14:41:38 2004
+# matching MythTV configuration file at
+# brand:	X-10 Lola                       
+# model no. of remote control:  UR89A
+# devices being controlled by this remote: mythtv
+begin remote
+  name  x10_lola
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   8
+  pre_data       0x14
+  post_data_bits  16
+  post_data      0x0
+  gap          219972
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          up                       0x000000000000600B
+          down                     0x000000000000610C
+          left                     0x0000000000005D08
+          right                    0x0000000000005E09
+          M                        0x0000000000005F0A
+          1                        0x000000000000620D
+          2                        0x000000000000630E
+          3                        0x000000000000640F
+          4                        0x0000000000006510
+          5                        0x0000000000006611
+          6                        0x0000000000006712
+          7                        0x0000000000006813
+          8                        0x0000000000006914
+          9                        0x0000000000006A15
+          0                        0x0000000000006C17
+          a-d                      0x0000000000006B16
+          a-b                      0x0000000000006D18
+          pageup                   0x000000000000711C
+          pagedown                 0x0000000000007520
+          T                        0x000000000000832E
+          E                        0x000000000000842F
+          F                        0x0000000000005C07
+          S                        0x0000000000008530
+          scan-                    0x000000000000802B
+          rew                      0x0000000000007924
+          play                     0x0000000000007A25
+          ff                       0x0000000000007B26
+          scan+                    0x0000000000007F2A
+          rec                      0x0000000000007C27
+          stop                     0x0000000000007D28
+          pause                    0x0000000000007E29
+          playlist                 0x0000000000005601
+          playing                  0x000000000000822D
+          enter                    0x000000000000731E
+          eu                       0x0000000000006F1A
+          ed                       0x0000000000007722
+          el                       0x000000000000721D
+          er                       0x000000000000741F
+          alb                      0x0000000000006E19
+          art                      0x000000000000701B
+          gen                      0x0000000000007621
+          trk                      0x0000000000007823
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/lircrc-x10lola.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/lircrc-x10lola.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5fc949e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/lircrc-x10lola.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+# lircrc
+# lircrc configuration file for X-10 Lola remote for use with MythTV
+# for use with keymapping at
+# common keymappings from the keys.txt suggestions
+# This file is public domain.  No rights reserved.
+###number keys
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 0
+	config =  0 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 1
+	config =  1 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 2
+	config =  2 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 3
+	config =  3 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 4
+	config =  4 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 5
+	config =  5 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 0
+	config =  0 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 6
+	config =  6 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 7
+	config =  7 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 8
+	config =  8 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = 9
+	config =  9 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = play
+	config =  Space 
+### arrows with the multibutton
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = eu
+	config =  Up 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = ed
+	config =  Down 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = el
+	config =  Left 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = er
+	config =  Right 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = enter
+	config =  Space 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = stop
+	config =  Escape 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = alb
+	config =  m 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = art
+	config =  e 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = gen
+	config =  i 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = trk
+	config =  y 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = rec
+	config =  r 
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = pause
+	config = p
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = T
+	config = t
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = E
+	config = u
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = S
+	config = a
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = F
+	config = +
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = playing
+	config = s
+	prog=mythtv
+	button = playlist
+	config = w
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = a-d
+	config = d
+	prog = mythtv
+	button = a-b
+	config = b
+##Volume (with pageup)
+	prog=mythtv
+	button = pageup
+	config = Page Up
+        prog=mythtv
+	button = pagedown
+	config = Page Down
+	prog=mythtv
+	button = ch+
+	config = ]
+	prog=mythtv
+	button = ch-
+	config = [
+	prog=mythtv
+	button = vol-
+	config = q
+	prog=mythtv
+	button = vol+
+	config = z
+	prog=mythtv
+	button = ff
+	config = >
+	prog=mythtv
+	button = rew
+	config = <
+	prog=mythtv
+	button = scan+
+	config = }
+	prog=mythtv
+	button = scan-
+	config = {
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = alb
+repeat = 3
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+repeat = 3
+config = pause
+# Skip ahead a minute if playing
+# If paused, resume playing
+prog = mplayer
+button = play
+repeat = 3
+config = seek +1
+# Stop playback and exit
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+repeat = 3
+config = quit
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+repeat = 3
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = rew
+repeat = 3
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = ff
+repeat = 3
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = E
+repeat = 3
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = vol+
+repeat = 3
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = vol-
+repeat = 3
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = playlist
+repeat = 3
+config = vo_fullscreen
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/X10_Lola/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/lircd-snapstreammini.conf b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/lircd-snapstreammini.conf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..edc97f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/lircd-snapstreammini.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# this config file was automatically generated
+# using WinLIRC 0.6.5 (LIRC 0.6.1pre3) on Sat Sep 09 22:22:16 2006
+# contributed by David Salisbury
+# brand:             SnapStream
+# model:             Firefly-Mini
+# supported devices: 
+begin remote
+  name  SnapStream_Firefly-Mini
+  bits           16
+  flags SPACE_ENC
+  eps            25
+  aeps          100
+  header       9052  4475
+  one           627  1623
+  zero          627   496
+  ptrail        627
+  repeat       9081  2206
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0xFF
+  gap          39962
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          Close                    0xC23D
+          Mute                     0xE21D
+          1                        0xD22D
+          2                        0xF20D
+          3                        0xCA35
+          4                        0xEA15
+          5                        0xDA25
+          6                        0xFA05
+          7                        0x827D
+          8                        0xA25D
+          9                        0x926D
+          0                        0x8A75
+          VolumeUp                 0xB24D
+          VolumeDown               0x9A65
+          ChannelUp                0xAA55
+          ChannelDown              0x02FD
+          Up                       0xBA45
+          Down                     0x0AF5
+          Left                     0x22DD
+          Right                    0x32CD
+          OK                       0x12ED
+          Last                     0x2AD5
+          Exit                     0x1AE5
+          Option                   0x3AC5
+          Firefly                  0xC03F
+          Menu                     0xE01F
+          Record                   0xD02F
+          Guide                    0xF00F
+          Stop                     0xC837
+          Previous                 0xE817
+          Play                     0xD827
+          Next                     0xF807
+          Rewind                   0x40BF
+          Pause                    0x609F
+          FastForward              0x50AF
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/lircrc-snapstreammini.txt b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/lircrc-snapstreammini.txt
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4c557a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/lircrc-snapstreammini.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+# Channel Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = ChannelUp
+config = Up
+# Channel Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = ChannelDown
+config = Down
+# General Left
+prog = mythtv
+button = Left
+config = Left
+# General Right
+prog = mythtv
+button = Right
+config = Right
+ # LiveTV browse up channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Up
+config = Up
+# LiveTV browse down channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Down
+config = Down
+# Volume Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = VolumeUp
+config = F11
+# Volume Down
+prog = mythtv
+button = VolumeDown
+config = F10
+ # OK/Select
+prog = mythtv
+button = OK
+config = Space
+# Play
+prog = mythtv
+button = Play
+config = Return
+# Stop
+prog = mythtv
+button = Stop
+config = Esc
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+prog = mythtv
+button = Exit
+config = Esc
+# Power Off/Exit
+prog = irexec
+button = Firefly
+config = /usr/bin/
+# Pause
+prog = mythtv
+button = Pause
+config = P
+# Mute
+prog = mythtv
+button = Mute
+config = |
+# Fast forward (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = FastForward
+config = Right
+# Rewind (10 sec default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Rewind
+config = Left
+# Skip forward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Next
+config = PgDown
+# Skip backward (10 min default)
+prog = mythtv
+button = Previous
+config = PgUp
+# Record
+prog = mythtv
+button = Record
+config = R
+# Delete
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = D
+# OSD browse
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = O
+# Display EPG while in live TV,
+# View selected show while in EPG
+prog = mythtv
+button = Guide
+config = M
+# Bring up OSD info
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = I
+# Change display aspect ratio
+prog = mythtv
+button = Option
+config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Z
+# Numbers 0-9
+prog = mythtv
+button =  0
+config = 0
+prog = mythtv
+button =  1
+config = 1
+prog = mythtv
+button =  2
+config = 2
+prog = mythtv
+button =  3
+config = 3
+prog = mythtv
+button =  4
+config = 4
+prog = mythtv
+button =  5
+config = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button =  6
+config = 6
+prog = mythtv
+button =  7
+config = 7
+prog = mythtv
+button =  8
+config = 8
+prog = mythtv
+button =  9
+config = 9
+# Previous channel
+prog = mythtv
+button = Last
+config = H
+# Closed Captioning
+prog = mythtv
+button = Close
+config = T
+# Picture in Picture
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = V
+# Change channels on both cards
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = N
+# Clear cutpoints in cutlist
+prog = mythtv
+button = 
+config = Q
+### MPlayer lirc setup
+# Show OSD
+prog = mplayer
+button = Guide
+config = osd
+# Pause playback
+prog = mplayer
+button = Pause
+config = pause
+# Mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = Mute
+config = mute
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = Rewind
+config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+prog = mplayer
+button = FastForward
+config = seek +30
+# Quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = Stop
+config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = Next
+config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+prog = mplayer
+button = Previous
+config = seek -600
+# Toggle full-screen
+prog = mplayer
+button = 
+config = vo_fullscreen
+### Xine lirc setup
+prog = xine
+button = Play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = Exit
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = Pause
+config = Pause
+prog = xine
+button = Up
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = Down
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = Left
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = Right
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = OK
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = Guide
+config = Menu
+prog = xine
+button = FastForward
+#config = SpeedFaster
+config = SeekRelative+60
+prog = xine
+button = Rewind
+#config = SpeedSlower
+config = SeekRelative-60
+prog = xine
+button = VolumeUp
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = VolumeDown
+config = Volume-
+prog = xine
+button = Mute
+config = Mute
+prog = xine
+button = Stop
+config = RootMenu
+prog = xine
+button = Next
+config = EventNext
+prog = xine
+button = Previous
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = Firefly
+config = OSDStreamInfos
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/preview.jpg b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a034186
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core-testing/system-templates/templates/remotes/snapstream_mini/preview.jpg differ
cgit v0.12