From e18020d18dca7a5261283236359d833a60ef720a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2010 16:20:01 -0500
Subject: most: initial import refs 567

 abs/extra-testing/most/most-debian.patch | 1655 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1655 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/most/most-debian.patch

diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/most/most-debian.patch b/abs/extra-testing/most/most-debian.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4387420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/most/most-debian.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1655 @@
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/most.1
++++ most-4.10.2/most.1
+@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
+ Use this switch when you want to view files
+ containing 8 bit characters.
+ .I most
+-will display the file 16 bytes per line in hexidecimal notation.
++will display the file 16 bytes per line in hexadecimal notation.
+ A typical line looks like:
+ .IP
+ .Ds
+@@ -185,12 +185,13 @@
+ This option is meaningful only when used with the
+ .B \-v
+ option.
+ .BI + lineno
+ Start up at
+ .IR lineno .
+ .TP
+-.B +c
+-Make search case sensitive.
++.B -c
++Make searches case sensitive.
+ By default, they are not.
+ .TP
+ .B +d
+@@ -482,7 +483,7 @@
+ descriptors that represent the file name and line number,
+ respectively.  For example, if JED is your editor, then set
+-to 'jed %s -g %d'.
++to 'jed %s -g %d'. This will only work where the %s preceeds the %d.
+ .TP
+ This variable may be used to specify an alternate help file.
+@@ -496,7 +497,7 @@
+ .I most.rc
+ on other systems.
+-When most starts up, it tries to read a system confiuration file and
++When most starts up, it tries to read a system configuration file and
+ then a personal configuration file.  These files may be used to
+ specify keybindings and colors.
+ .PP
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/buffer.c
++++ most-4.10.2/src/buffer.c
+@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
+ Most_Buffer_Type *Most_Buf;
+-int Most_Num_Lines;
++long long Most_Num_Lines;
+-unsigned int Most_C_Offset;
+-int Most_C_Line;
++unsigned long long Most_C_Offset;
++long long Most_C_Line;
+ static unsigned char *beg_of_line1(void)
+ {
+@@ -61,24 +61,29 @@
+      {
+ 	if (*pos == '\n')
+ 	  {
+-	     pos--;
+-	     while ((pos > Most_Beg)
+-		    && (*pos != '\n'))
++	     pos--; /* Skip back the new-line. */
++	     /* This block is UTF-8 safe, because it only scans the
++		buffer for a new-line, and doesn't count
++		characters. */
++	     while ((pos > Most_Beg) && (*pos != '\n'))
+ 	       pos--;
+-	     if (*pos != '\n') return pos;
++	     if (*pos != '\n') return Most_Beg;
++	     /* from here on *pos == '\n' */
+ 	     if (pos + 1 != cpos)
+ 	       return pos + 1;
+ 	  }
+      }
+-   else pos--;
++   else
++     pos = SLutf8_bskip_char(Most_Beg, pos);
+    if (*pos != '\n')
+      {
+-	while ((pos > Most_Beg)
+-	       && (*pos != '\n'))
++	/* This block is UTF-8 safe. See comment above. */
++	while ((pos > Most_Beg) && (*pos != '\n'))
+ 	  pos--;
+ 	if (*pos != '\n') return Most_Beg;
++	/* from here on *pos == '\n' */
+ 	return pos + 1;
+      }
+@@ -93,55 +98,6 @@
+    return pos;
+ }
+-static unsigned char *forward_columns (unsigned char *b, unsigned char *e, unsigned int num_cols)
+-   unsigned int col = 0;
+-   while ((b < e)
+-	  && (col < num_cols))
+-     {
+-	unsigned char ch = *b++;
+-	if (((ch >= ' ') && (ch < 0x7F))
+-	    || (ch >= SLsmg_Display_Eight_Bit))
+-	  {
+-	     col++;
+-	     continue;
+-	  }
+-	if ((ch == '\b') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\r'))
+-	  switch (ch)
+-	    {
+-	     case '\b':
+-	       if (Most_V_Opt == 0)
+-		 {
+-		    if (col > 0) col--;
+-		 }
+-	       else col += 2;
+-	       break;
+-	     case '\r':
+-	       if (Most_V_Opt == 0)
+-		 col = 0;
+-	       else 
+-		 col += 2;
+-	       break;
+-	     case '\t':
+-	       if (Most_T_Opt == 0)
+-		 col = Most_Tab_Width * (col/Most_Tab_Width + 1);
+-	       else
+-		 col += 2;
+-	       break;
+-	    }
+-	else if (ch & 0x80)
+-	  col += 3;
+-	else
+-	  col += 2;
+-     }
+-   return b;
+ /* does not move point */
+ static unsigned char *end_of_line1(void)
+ {
+@@ -164,6 +120,9 @@
+    if (*pos != '\n')
+      {
++	/* This block is UTF-8 safe, because it only scans the buffer
++	   for a new-line, and doesn't count characters. */
+ 	n = pmax - pos;
+ 	n2 = n % 8;
+ 	pmax = pos + (n - 8);
+@@ -215,7 +174,7 @@
+    ncols = SLtt_Screen_Cols-1;
+    while (1)
+      {
+-	unsigned char *next_b = forward_columns (b, e, ncols);
++	unsigned char *next_b = most_forward_columns (b, e, ncols, 1);
+ 	if ((next_b == e) || (next_b == b))
+ 	  break;
+@@ -237,11 +196,12 @@
+      return e;
+    if (b == NULL) b = most_beg_of_line ();
+-   b = forward_columns (b, e, SLtt_Screen_Cols-1);
++   b = most_forward_columns (b, e, SLtt_Screen_Cols-1, 1);
+    /* Do not wrap the line if the last character falls on the last column 
+     * of the display.
+     */
++   /* FIXME potential bug if dealing with multi-byte char. */
+    if ((b + 1 <= e) 
+        && (b + 1 < Most_Eob) 
+        && (b[1] == '\n'))
+@@ -250,10 +210,10 @@
+    return b;
+ }
+-int most_forward_line(int save)
++long long most_forward_line(long long save)
+ {
+-   int m;
+-   register int n = save;
++   long long m;
++   register long long n = save;
+    unsigned char *p;
+    unsigned char *pmax;
+@@ -346,14 +306,14 @@
+ }
+ /* Count lines in the region.  A half line counts as 1 */
+-int most_count_lines(unsigned char *beg, unsigned char *end)
++long long most_count_lines(unsigned char *beg, unsigned char *end)
+ {
+-   int save_line, n;
++   long long save_line, n;
+    unsigned char *save_beg, *save_eob;
+-   unsigned int save_pos;
++   unsigned long long save_pos;
+    int dn = 1000;
+-   if (Most_B_Opt) return(1 + (int)(end - beg) / 16);
++   if (Most_B_Opt) return(1 + (long long)(end - beg) / 16);
+    save_line = Most_C_Line; save_beg = Most_Beg; save_eob = Most_Eob;
+    save_pos = Most_C_Offset;
+@@ -371,9 +331,9 @@
+    return(n);
+ }
+-void most_goto_line(int line)
++void most_goto_line(long long line)
+ {
+-   int dif_c, dif_b,dif_t;
++   long long dif_c, dif_b,dif_t;
+    if (line < 1) line = 1;
+    most_read_to_line(line);
+@@ -420,7 +380,7 @@
+ }
+ /* return line the point is on without the final '\n's  */
+-int most_extract_line(unsigned char **beg, unsigned char **end)
++long long most_extract_line(unsigned char **beg, unsigned char **end)
+ {
+    *beg = most_beg_of_line();
+    *end = end_of_line (*beg);
+@@ -428,12 +388,12 @@
+    return 0;
+ }
+-int most_what_line(unsigned char *pos)
++long long most_what_line(unsigned char *pos)
+ {
+-   unsigned int save_pos;
+-   int save_line, dir;
+-   register int dif_c, dif_b,dif_t;
+-   int ret;
++   unsigned long long save_pos;
++   long long save_line, dir;
++   register long long dif_c, dif_b,dif_t;
++   long long ret;
+    if (Most_B_Opt)
+      {
+@@ -517,7 +477,7 @@
+ }
+ /* given a buffer position, find the line and column */
+-void most_find_row_column(unsigned char *pos, int *r, int *c)
++void most_find_row_column(unsigned char *pos, long long *r, long long *c)
+ {
+    unsigned char *beg;
+    unsigned int save_offset;
+@@ -545,7 +505,10 @@
+     /* Now we have found the line it is on so.... */
+    beg = most_beg_of_line();
+    *c = 1;
+-   while (beg++ < pos) *c = *c + 1;
++   if (Most_UTF8_Mode)
++     while ((beg = SLutf8_skip_char(beg, pos)) < pos) *c = *c + 1;
++   else
++     while (beg++ < pos) *c = *c + 1;
+    Most_C_Line = save_line;
+    Most_C_Offset = save_offset;
+ }
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/buffer.h
++++ most-4.10.2/src/buffer.h
+@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
+ extern Most_Buffer_Type *Most_Buf;
+ extern unsigned char *Most_Beg, *Most_Eob;
+-extern int Most_Num_Lines;
++extern long long Most_Num_Lines;
+ /* Offset of current position from beginning of buffer */
+-extern unsigned int Most_C_Offset;
++extern unsigned long long Most_C_Offset;
+-extern int Most_C_Line;
++extern long long Most_C_Line;
+ /*
+  *  Current line number.  If at the beginning of the buffer, it is 1.  If
+  *  we are at the last point of the buffer it is the number of lines.
+@@ -37,26 +37,26 @@
+ /* This routine does not move the point */
+ extern unsigned char *most_beg_of_line(void);
+-extern int most_forward_line(int);
++extern long long most_forward_line(long long);
+ /* This routine moves the point forward n lines. n can be negative.
+    It returns the number moved. */
+-extern void most_goto_line(int);
++extern void most_goto_line(long long);
+ /* Move the point somewhere on the nth line of the buffer returning
+    C_POS */
+-extern int most_what_line(unsigned char *);
++extern long long most_what_line(unsigned char *);
+ /* return the line number of position 'argument'. Does not move point */
+ /* count the number of lines in the region delimited by beg and end.
+    Counts lines from beg up to end but does not count end.
+    Does not move point. */
+-extern int most_count_lines(unsigned char *, unsigned char *);
+-extern int most_extract_line(unsigned char **, unsigned char **);
++extern long long most_count_lines(unsigned char *, unsigned char *);
++extern long long most_extract_line(unsigned char **, unsigned char **);
+ extern Most_Buffer_Type *most_switch_to_buffer(Most_Buffer_Type *);
+ extern Most_Buffer_Type *most_create_buffer(char *);
+-extern void most_find_row_column(unsigned char *, int *, int *);
++extern void most_find_row_column(unsigned char *, long long *, long long *);
+ #endif
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/keym.c
++++ most-4.10.2/src/keym.c
+@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
+ static void goto_percent_cmd(void)
+ {
+    unsigned char *pos;
+-   int n;
++   long long n;
+    if (Most_Digit_Arg != (int *) NULL) n = *Most_Digit_Arg;
+    else
+@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
+ static void find_next_cmd(void)
+ {
+-   int col, line, n = 1;
++   long long col, line, n = 1;
+    unsigned long ofs;
+    if (Most_Digit_Arg != NULL) n = *Most_Digit_Arg;
+@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
+ #else
+ 				 "Search: ",
+ #endif
+-				 Most_Search_Str,
++				 (char *) Most_Search_Str,
+ 				 ) == -1) return;
+    Most_Curs_Offset = Most_C_Offset;
+@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
+ #else
+ 				 "Search Backwards: ",
+ #endif
+-				 Most_Search_Str,
++				 (char *) Most_Search_Str,
+ 				 MOST_SEARCH_BUF_LEN) == -1) return;
+    find_next_cmd();
+ }
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/line.c
++++ most-4.10.2/src/line.c
+@@ -87,8 +87,7 @@
+    while (b < end)
+      {
+         ch = *b++;
+-	if (((ch >= ' ') && (ch < 0x7F))
+-	    || (ch >= SLsmg_Display_Eight_Bit))
++	if (most_isprint(ch))
+ 	  {
+ 	     *s++ = ch;
+ 	     continue;
+@@ -108,103 +107,156 @@
+    if (end > Most_Eob) end = Most_Eob;
+-   sprintf (buf, "0x%08X: ", Most_C_Offset);
++   sprintf (buf, "0x%08llX: ", Most_C_Offset);
+    ascii_format_line (beg, end, buf + 12);
+    SLsmg_write_string (buf);
+    SLsmg_erase_eol ();
+ }
+-static int most_analyse_line(unsigned char *begg, unsigned char *endd, 
+-			     char *out, char *attributes)
++int most_isprint(unsigned char ch)
+ {
+-   unsigned char *beg, *end;
+-   unsigned int min_col, max_col;
+-   unsigned int i, i_max;
++   /* Can this be directly replaced with isprint? */
++   return (ch >= ' ' && ch < 0x7F) || ch >= SLsmg_Display_Eight_Bit;
++static void most_analyse_line(unsigned char *beg, unsigned char *end,
++			      unsigned char *out, char *attributes)
++   unsigned char *pout;
++   char* pattributes;
++   /* Holds the number of columns for the current character counting
++    * from the left margin (in contrast to the leftmost visible
++    * column).
++    */
++   unsigned int col;
++   /* Holds the number of the column up to which to apply the
++    * current/following formatting. Only meaningful when format_rlim > i.
++    */
++   unsigned int format_rlim;
+-   beg = begg;
+-   end = endd;
+-   i = i_max = 0;
+-   min_col = Most_Column - 1;
+-   max_col = min_col + SLtt_Screen_Cols;
++   beg = most_forward_columns(beg, end, Most_Column - 1, 0);
++   pout = out;
++   pattributes = attributes;
++   col = format_rlim = 0;
+    while (beg < end)
+      {
+ 	char attr = ' ';
+-	unsigned char ch;
++	unsigned char ch = *beg++;
+-	if ('\n' == (ch = *beg++))
++	if ('\n' == ch)
+ 	  break;
+ 	if ((ch == '\r') && (Most_V_Opt == 0))
+ 	  {
+-	     if (i > i_max) i_max = i;
+-	     i = 0;
++	     if (col > format_rlim) format_rlim = col;
++	     col = 0;
+ 	     continue;
+ 	  }
+ 	if ((ch == '\b') && (Most_V_Opt == 0))
+ 	  {
+-	     if (i > i_max) i_max = i;
+-	     if (i > 0)
+-	       i--;
++	     if (col > format_rlim) format_rlim = col;
++	     if (col > 0)
++	       {
++		  if (Most_UTF8_Mode)
++		    {
++		       SLwchar_Type wc;
++		       pout = SLutf8_bskip_char(out, pout);
++		       if (SLutf8_decode(pout, pout + SLUTF8_MAX_MBLEN, &wc, NULL))
++			 {
++			    unsigned int char_len = SLwchar_wcwidth(wc);
++			    if (char_len > 1)
++			      col -= char_len - 1;
++			 }
++		    }
++		  else
++		    pout--;
++		  pattributes--;
++		  col--;
++	       }
+ 	     continue;
+ 	  }
+-	if (i < i_max)		       /* overstrike */
++	if (col < format_rlim)		       /* overstrike */
+ 	  {
+ 	     attr = 'b';
+-	     if ((i >= min_col) && (i < max_col))
++	     if (col < SLtt_Screen_Cols)
+ 	       {
+-		  if (out[i-min_col] == '_')
++		  if (*pout == '_')
+ 		    attr = 'u';
+ 		  else if (ch == '_')
+ 		    {
+ 		       attr = 'u';
+-		       ch = out[i - min_col];
++		       ch = *pout;
+ 		    }
+ 	       }
+ 	     if (ch == ' ')
+ 	       {
+-		  i++;
++		  col++;
+ 		  continue;
+ 	       }
+ 	     /* drop */
+ 	  }
+-	if ((ch >= ' ') && (ch < 0x7F))
+-	  {
+-	     if ((i >= min_col) && (i < max_col))
++	if (Most_UTF8_Mode) {
++	   unsigned char *prev = --beg;
++	   SLwchar_Type wc;
++	   unsigned int len;
++	   if (SLutf8_decode(beg, end, &wc, NULL))
++	     {
++	        unsigned int char_len = SLwchar_wcwidth(wc);
++		if (char_len > 1)
++	          col += char_len - 1;
++	     }
++	   beg = SLutf8_skip_char(beg, end);
++	   len = beg - prev;
++	   if (len > 1) {
++	     /* Non-ASCII char, display it. */
++	     if (col < SLtt_Screen_Cols)
+ 	       {
+-		  out[i-min_col] = ch;
+-		  attributes[i-min_col] = attr;
++		  memcpy(pout, prev, len);
++		  pout += len;
++		  *pattributes++ = attr;
+ 	       }
+-	     i++;
++	     col++;
+ 	     continue;
+-	  }
+-	if (ch >= SLsmg_Display_Eight_Bit)
++	   }
++	}
++	if (most_isprint(ch))
+ 	  {
+-	     if ((i >= min_col) && (i < max_col))
++	     if (col < SLtt_Screen_Cols)
+ 	       {
+-		  out[i-min_col] = ch;
+-		  attributes[i-min_col] = attr;
++		  *pout++ = ch;
++		  *pattributes++ = attr;
+ 	       }
+-	     i++;
++	     col++;
+ 	     continue;
+ 	  }
+ 	if ((ch == '\t') && (Most_T_Opt == 0) && (Most_Tab_Width))
+ 	  {
+-	     int nspaces = Most_Tab_Width * (i/Most_Tab_Width + 1) - i;
++	     /* Tab expansion must take into consideration the
++	      * leftmost visible column. However, variable col holds the
++	      * number of columns from the left margin and must be
++	      * corrected.
++	      */
++	     int vis_col = col + Most_Column - 1;
++	     int nspaces = Most_Tab_Width - (vis_col % Most_Tab_Width);
+ 	     while (nspaces > 0)
+ 	       {
+-		  if ((i >= min_col) && (i < max_col))
++		  if (col < SLtt_Screen_Cols)
+ 		    {
+-		       out[i-min_col] = ' ';
+-		       attributes[i-min_col] = attr;
++		       *pout++ = ' ';
++		       *pattributes++ = attr;
+ 		    }
+-		  i++;
++		  col++;
+ 		  nspaces--;
+ 	       }
+ 	     continue;
+@@ -212,36 +264,36 @@
+ 	if (ch & 0x80)
+ 	  {
+-	     if ((i >= min_col) && (i < max_col))
++	     if (col < SLtt_Screen_Cols)
+ 	       {
+-		  out[i-min_col] = '~';
+-		  attributes[i-min_col] = attr;
++		  *pout++ = '~';
++		  *pattributes++ = attr;
+ 	       }
+-	     i++;
++	     col++;
+ 	     ch &= 0x7F;
+ 	     /* drop */
+ 	  }
+-	if ((i >= min_col) && (i < max_col))
++	if (col < SLtt_Screen_Cols)
+ 	  {
+-	     out[i-min_col] = '^';
+-	     attributes[i-min_col] = attr;
++	     *pout++ = '^';
++	     *pattributes++ = attr;
+ 	  }
+-	i++;
++	col++;
+ 	if (ch == 0x7F) ch = '?';
+ 	else ch += '@';
+-	if ((i >= min_col) && (i < max_col))
++	if (col < SLtt_Screen_Cols)
+ 	  {
+-	     out[i-min_col] = ch;
+-	     attributes[i-min_col] = attr;
++	     *pout++ = ch;
++	     *pattributes++ = attr;
+ 	  }
+-	i++;
++	col++;
+      }
+-   if (i < i_max) 
+-     i = i_max;
++   if (col < format_rlim) 
++     col = format_rlim;
+    /* Now add "..." if selective display.  To do that, the next line needs to 
+     * be dealt with to determine whether or not it will be hidden.
+@@ -249,7 +301,7 @@
+    if (Most_Selective_Display 
+        && (Most_W_Opt == 0)
+        && (beg < Most_Eob)
+-       && ((i >= min_col) && (i < max_col)))
++       && (col < SLtt_Screen_Cols))
+      {
+ 	if (*beg == '\n') beg++;
+@@ -260,37 +312,29 @@
+ 	if ((beg >= Most_Eob) || (*beg == '\n') 
+ 	    || (most_apparant_distance(beg) >= Most_Selective_Display))
+ 	  {
+-	     i_max = i + 3;
+-	     while (i < i_max)
++	     /* Add an ellipsis, if they fit on the screen. */
++	     int rlimit = col + 3;
++	     while (col < rlimit)
+ 	       {
+-		  if (i < max_col)
++		  if (col < SLtt_Screen_Cols)
+ 		    {
+-		       out[i] = '.';
+-		       attributes[i] = ' ';
++		       *pout++ = '.';
++		       *pattributes++ = ' ';
+ 		    }
+-		  i++;
++		  col++;
+ 	       }
+ 	  }
+      }
+-   i_max = i;
+-   if (i < min_col)
+-     i = min_col;
+-   else if (i >= max_col)
+-     i = max_col;
+-   i -= min_col;
+-   out[i] = 0;
+-   attributes[i] = 0;
+-   return i_max;
++   *pout = 0;
++   *pattributes = 0;
+ }
+-static void output_with_attr (unsigned char *out, unsigned char *attr)
++static void output_with_attr (unsigned char *out, char *attr)
+ {
+-   unsigned char at, ch, lat;
++   unsigned char at, lat;
+    unsigned char *p = out;
++   unsigned char *pmax = p + strlen((char *) p);
+    if (Most_V_Opt) 
+      {
+@@ -299,7 +343,7 @@
+      }
+    lat = ' ';
+-   while ((ch = *p) != 0)
++   while (p < pmax)
+      {
+ 	if (lat != *attr)
+ 	  {
+@@ -321,7 +365,7 @@
+ 	     else most_tt_normal_video ();
+ 	     lat = at;
+ 	  }
+-	p++;
++	p = SLutf8_skip_char(p, pmax);
+ 	attr++;
+      }
+@@ -340,10 +384,11 @@
+ void most_display_line (void)
+ {
+    unsigned char *beg, *end;
+-   unsigned int len;
++#if 0
+    unsigned char dollar;
+    static unsigned char *line;
+-   static unsigned char *attr;
++   static char *attr;
+    static unsigned int line_len;
+    if (Most_B_Opt)
+@@ -357,37 +402,43 @@
+    if (line_len < (unsigned int)(SLtt_Screen_Cols + 1) * SLUTF8_MAX_MBLEN)
+      {
+ 	SLfree ((char *) line);
+-	SLfree ((char *) attr);
++	SLfree (attr);
+ 	line_len = (SLtt_Screen_Cols + 1) * SLUTF8_MAX_MBLEN;
+ 	if ((NULL == (line = (unsigned char *) SLmalloc (line_len)))
+-	    || (NULL == (attr = (unsigned char *) SLmalloc (line_len))))
++	    || (NULL == (attr = SLmalloc (line_len))))
+ 	  most_exit_error ("Out of memory");
+      }
+    (void) most_extract_line (&beg, &end);
+-   len = most_analyse_line(beg, end, (char *) line, (char *) attr);
++   most_analyse_line(beg, end, line, attr);
++#if 0
++   /* Currently the dollar sign is not always being written at the
++      rightmost column when displaying multi-byte characters. */
+    dollar = 0;
+    if (Most_W_Opt)
+      {
+-	if ((end < Most_Eob)
+-	    && (*end != '\n'))
+-	  dollar = '\\';
++       if ((end < Most_Eob)
++           && (*end != '\n'))
++         dollar = '\\';
+      }
+    else if (len > (unsigned int) SLtt_Screen_Cols + (Most_Column - 1))
+      dollar = '$';
+    if (dollar)
+      {
+-	line[SLtt_Screen_Cols-1] = dollar;
+-	attr[SLtt_Screen_Cols-1] = ' ';
+-	line[SLtt_Screen_Cols] = 0;
+-	attr[SLtt_Screen_Cols] = 0;
++       unsigned char *pline =
++	 most_forward_columns(line, line + line_len, SLtt_Screen_Cols-1, 1);
++       *pline = dollar;
++       *(pline+1) = 0;
++       attr[SLtt_Screen_Cols-1] = ' ';
++       attr[SLtt_Screen_Cols] = 0;
+      }
+    output_with_attr (line, attr);
+    SLsmg_erase_eol ();
+ }
+@@ -398,21 +449,34 @@
+ int most_apparant_distance (unsigned char *pos)
+ {
+    int i;
+-   unsigned char *save_pos, ch;
++   unsigned char *save_pos, *beg, ch;
+    unsigned int save_offset;
+    save_offset = Most_C_Offset;
+    save_pos = pos;
+    Most_C_Offset = (unsigned int) (pos - Most_Beg);
+-   pos = most_beg_of_line();
++   beg = pos = most_beg_of_line();
+    Most_C_Offset = save_offset;
+    i = 0;
+    while (pos < save_pos)
+      {
+-	ch = *pos++;
+-	if (((ch >= ' ') && (ch < 0x7F))
+-	    || (ch >= SLsmg_Display_Eight_Bit))
++	ch = *pos;
++	if (Most_UTF8_Mode) {
++	   unsigned char *prev = pos;
++	   int len;
++	   pos = SLutf8_skip_char(pos, save_pos);
++	   len = pos - prev;
++	   if (len > 1) {
++	     i++;
++	     continue;
++	   }
++	} else {
++	   pos++;
++	}
++	if (most_isprint(ch))
+ 	  {
+ 	     i++;
+ 	     continue;
+@@ -420,7 +484,13 @@
+ 	if (!Most_V_Opt && (ch == '\b'))
+ 	  {
+-	     if (i > 0) i--;
++	     if (i > 0)
++	       {
++		  if (Most_UTF8_Mode)
++		    i -= pos - SLutf8_bskip_char(beg, pos);
++		  else
++		    i--;
++	       }
+ 	  }
+ 	else if (!Most_V_Opt && (ch == '\015')) /* ^M */
+ 	  {
+@@ -439,3 +509,95 @@
+      }
+    return i;
+ }
++ * Returns a pointer to the num_cols'th character after the one
++ * pointed at b. Invisible character runs are not counted toward this
++ * limit, i.e. strings that represent attributes, such as "_\b" for
++ * underlines.
++ *
++ * If multi_column is non-zero, characters spanning more than one
++ * column will add their extra width to the column count.
++ *
++ * If there the end of the buffer is reached, as delimited by argument
++ * e, then e is returned.
++ */
++unsigned char *most_forward_columns (unsigned char *beg, unsigned char *e, unsigned int num_cols, int multi_column)
++   unsigned int col = 0;
++   unsigned int prev_width = 1;
++   unsigned char* b = beg;
++   while ((b < e)
++	  && ((col < num_cols)
++	      || (*b == '\b')
++	      || (*b == '\r')))
++     {
++	unsigned char ch = *b;
++	if (Most_UTF8_Mode)
++	  {
++	     unsigned char *prev = b;
++	     int len;
++	     b = SLutf8_skip_char(b, e);
++	     len = b - prev;
++	     if (len > 1)
++	       {
++		  if (multi_column)
++		    {
++		        SLwchar_Type wc;
++			if (SLutf8_decode(prev, e, &wc, NULL))
++			  col += prev_width = SLwchar_wcwidth(wc);
++		    }
++		  else
++		    col++;
++		  continue;
++	       }
++	  }
++	else
++	  b++;
++	if (most_isprint(ch))
++	  {
++	     col++;
++	     prev_width = 1;
++	     continue;
++	  }
++	if ((ch == '\b') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\r'))
++	  switch (ch)
++	    {
++	     case '\b':
++	       if (Most_V_Opt == 0)
++		 {
++		    if (col > 0) col -= prev_width;
++		 }
++	       else col += 2;
++	       break;
++	     case '\r':
++	       if (Most_V_Opt == 0)
++		 col = 0;
++	       else
++		 col += 2;
++	       break;
++	     case '\t':
++	       if (Most_T_Opt == 0)
++		 col = Most_Tab_Width * (col/Most_Tab_Width + 1);
++	       else
++		 col += 2; /* ^I is two chars long. */
++	       break;
++	    }
++	else if (ch & 0x80)
++	  col += 3;
++	else
++	  col += 2;
++     }
++   /* Last character was too wide. Backstep it. */
++   if (col > num_cols)
++     b = SLutf8_bskip_char(beg, b);
++   return b;
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/line.h
++++ most-4.10.2/src/line.h
+@@ -7,5 +7,7 @@
+ extern void most_display_line(void);
+ extern int most_apparant_distance(unsigned char *);
++extern int most_isprint(unsigned char);
++extern unsigned char *most_forward_columns (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned int, int);
+ #endif
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/most.c
++++ most-4.10.2/src/most.c
+@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
+    ch = *(++str);
+    if ( ch == '/')
+      {
+-	strcpy (Most_Search_Str,++str);
++	strcpy ((char *) Most_Search_Str,++str);
+ 	return;
+      }
+@@ -329,7 +329,8 @@
+ static void do_most (char *file, int start)
+ {
+-   int piped, row, col;
++   int piped;
++   long long row, col;
+    most_get_cdir(Most_C_Dir);
+@@ -347,7 +348,7 @@
+    Most_Curs_Offset = Most_C_Offset;
+    if (*Most_Search_Str
+-       && ((row = most_search (Most_Beg + Most_C_Offset, 1, &col)) > 0))
++       && ((row = most_search (Most_Beg + Most_C_Offset, 1LL, &col)) > 0))
+      most_goto_line(row);
+    else
+      {
+@@ -455,13 +456,7 @@
+    SLtt_get_terminfo();
+ #if SLANG_VERSION >= 20000
+-#if 0
+-   Most_UTF8_Mode = SLutf8_enable (1);
+-   if (Most_UTF8_Mode)
+-     {
+-	fprintf (stderr, "UTF-8 Mode is in effect\n");
+-     }
++   Most_UTF8_Mode = SLutf8_enable (-1);
+ #endif
+    SLtt_Ignore_Beep = 1;
+    if (No_Colors) 
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/most.h
++++ most-4.10.2/src/most.h
+@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ #include "config.h"
++#define SLANG_REGEXP
+ extern int Most_S_Opt;
+ extern int Most_A_Opt;             /* automatically choose -b if necessary */
+ extern int Most_V_Opt;             /* display control chars */
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/search.c
++++ most-4.10.2/src/search.c
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ */
+ #include "config.h"
++#include <ctype.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <slang.h>
+@@ -31,18 +32,18 @@
+ #include "display.h"
+ #include "search.h"
+-/* Note!!!  The regular expression searches may not work.  I have not
+- * tested them.
+- * FIXME!!!
+- */
+ int Most_Case_Sensitive = 0;
+-char Most_Search_Str[256];
++unsigned char Most_Search_Str[256];
+ int Most_Search_Dir = 1;
+ #include "jdmacros.h"
+-#define UPCASE(ch) ((!Most_Case_Sensitive && (ch <= 'z') && (ch >= 'a')) ? (ch - 32) : ch)
++#if SLANG_VERSION < 20000
++# define NORM_CHAR(ch) ((!Most_Case_Sensitive) ? toupper(ch) : ch)
++# define UPCASE(ch) NORM_CHAR(ch)
++# define NORM_CHAR(ch) (ch)
+ #if	defined(HAVE_V8_REGCOMP) || defined(SLANG_REGEXP)
+@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
+  * This function is called by the V8 regcomp to report
+  * errors in regular expressions.
+  */
+-static void regerror(char *s)
++static void regerror(const char *s)
+ {
+    char	string[256];
+@@ -95,13 +96,17 @@
+  *	      0	 error
+  *
+  */
+-static int do_regcomp(unsigned char *key)
++static int do_regcomp(const unsigned char *key)
+ {
+    static int old_Most_Case_Sensitive;
+-   unsigned char UpCaseKey[sizeof(savepattern)];
+ # ifndef HAVE_V8_REGCOMP
+    int	posn;			/* reg exp error at this offset */
+ # endif
++# if SLANG_VERSION < 20000
++   unsigned char UpCaseKey[sizeof(savepattern)];
++# else
++   int re_flags = 0;
++# endif
+    /*
+     *	Only recompile search string if it has changed
+@@ -124,6 +129,7 @@
+    old_Most_Case_Sensitive = Most_Case_Sensitive;
++# if SLANG_VERSION < 20000
+    if ( Most_Case_Sensitive == 0 )
+      {
+ 	register unsigned char	*p;		/* ptr to UpCaseKey */
+@@ -141,6 +147,7 @@
+ 	*p = '\0';
+      }
++# endif
+    strcpy((char *)savepattern, (char *)key);
+@@ -162,7 +169,12 @@
+ #  else
+    if (Regexp != NULL)
+      SLregexp_free (Regexp);
+-   if (NULL == (Regexp = SLregexp_compile ((char *)key, Most_Case_Sensitive ? 0 : SLREGEXP_CASELESS)))
++   if (!Most_Case_Sensitive)
++     re_flags |= SLREGEXP_CASELESS;
++   if (Most_UTF8_Mode)
++     re_flags |= SLREGEXP_UTF8;
++   if (NULL == (Regexp = SLregexp_compile ((char *)key, re_flags)))
+      posn = -1;
+    else
+      posn = 0;
+@@ -187,7 +199,7 @@
+  * Call the appropriate regular expression execute function
+  */
+-static unsigned char *do_regexec(unsigned char *string)
++static unsigned char *do_regexec(const unsigned char *string, size_t length)
+ {
+ # ifdef	HAVE_V8_REGCOMP
+    if ( regexec(regpattern, (char *)string) )
+@@ -196,40 +208,46 @@
+      return( NULL );
+ # else
+ #  if SLANG_VERSION < 20000
+-   return ( SLang_regexp_match(string, strlen((char *)string), &regdata) );
++   return ( SLang_regexp_match(string, length, &regdata) );
+ #  else
+-   return (unsigned char *)SLregexp_match (Regexp, (char *)string, strlen ((char *)string));
++   return (unsigned char *)SLregexp_match (Regexp, (char *)string, length);
+ #  endif
+ # endif	/* HAVE_V8_REGCOMP */
+ }
+ /*
+- *  Make a upper case copy of a string.	 Also changes any "c\b" character
+- *  strings into just "" so that highlighted and underlined characters
+- *  can be searched.
++ *  Changes any "c\b" character strings into just "" so that
++ *  highlighted and underlined characters can be searched.  Stores in
++ *  length the new size of the string, after the aforementioned
++ *  changes.
++ *
++ *  If using a version of S-Lang that does not support case
++ *  insensitive regular expressions, this function upper cases the
++ *  input string, as well.
+  *
+  *  Reuses malloced memory, so a copy cannot be retained between calls.
+  */
+-static unsigned char *StrUpCaseCopy(unsigned char *input)
++static const unsigned char *StrNormCopy(const unsigned char *input,
++					size_t *length)
+ {
+    static unsigned char *uppercase;	/* ptr to malloced area */
+    static size_t	  bufsize;	/* size of malloced area */
+-   unsigned char	 *src;		/* ptr to source */
++   const unsigned char	 *src;		/* ptr to source */
++   const unsigned char	 *end;		/* ptr to end of source */
+    register unsigned char *dest;	/* ptr to destination */
+    register int	  idx;	/* index into uppercase[] */
+-   register unsigned char c;		/* source character */
+-   size_t		  length;	/* size of string to copy */
+    src = input;
+-   length = strlen((char *)src) + 1;	/* len of line plus terminator */
++   end = input + *length;
+-   if ( length > bufsize )
++   if ( *length >= bufsize )
+      {
+ 	if ( uppercase != (unsigned char *)NULL )
+ 	  free(uppercase);
+-	bufsize = (length > 256 ) ? length : 256;	/* 256 byte default */
++	/* len of line plus terminator */
++	bufsize = (*length >= 256 ) ? *length + 1 : 256; /* 256 byte default */
+ 	uppercase = (unsigned char *)malloc(bufsize);
+ 	if ( uppercase == (unsigned char *)NULL )
+@@ -242,8 +260,9 @@
+    dest = uppercase;
+-   for ( idx = 0 ; (c = *src) != '\0' ; src++ )
++   for ( idx = 0 ; src < end ; src++ )
+      {
++	unsigned char c = *src;
+ 	if ( c == '\b' )		/* backspace */
+ 	  {
+ 	     if ( idx-- > 0 )
+@@ -252,54 +271,79 @@
+ 	else
+ 	  {
+ 	     if ( idx++ >= 0 )
+-	       *dest++ = UPCASE(c);
++	       *dest++ = NORM_CHAR(c);
+ 	  }
+      }
+    *dest = '\0';		/* add termination */
++   *length = dest - uppercase;
+    return(uppercase);
+ }
+ /*
+- *  Given an offset into a copy made by StrUpCaseCopy() and a pointer to the
++ *  Given an offset into a copy made by StrNormCopy() and a pointer to the
+  *  original string, returns a pointer into the original string corresponding
+  *  to this offset.
+  */
+-static unsigned char *GetOrigPtr(unsigned char *original, int offset)
++static const unsigned char *
++GetOrigPtr(const unsigned char *original, int offset,
++	   const unsigned char *end)
+ {
+-   register unsigned char *p = original;
++   const unsigned char *p = original;
+    register int	    j = offset;
+     /*
+      *	Step through, adjusting offset according to backspaces found
+      */
+-   while ( *p != '\0' )
++   while ( p < end )
+      {
++	const unsigned char *next;
++	if (Most_UTF8_Mode)
++	  next = SLutf8_skip_char((unsigned char*) p, (unsigned char*) end);
++	else
++	  next = p + 1;
++	size_t length_last = next - p;
+ 	if ( *p == '\b' )
+-	  j++;
++	  j += length_last;
+ 	else
+-	  j--;
++	  j -= length_last;
+ 	if ( j < 0 )
+ 	  break;
+ 	else
+-	  p++;
++ 	  p = next;
+      }
+    return(p);
+ }
+ #endif	/* HAVE_V8_REGCOMP || SLANG_REGEXP */
++/* Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of '\n' in string beg, or
++ * end if no '\n' can be found between inclusive beg and exclusive
++ * end.
++ */
++static const unsigned char *
++find_eol(const unsigned char *beg, const unsigned char *end)
++   const unsigned char *p;
++   if ( (p = memchr(beg, '\n', end - beg)) != NULL)
++     return p;
++   else
++     return end;
+ /* This routine returns the 1 + position of first match of key in str.
+    key is modified to match the case of str. */
+ /* We should try to optimize this routine */
+ /* searches from beg up to but not including end */
+-static unsigned char *forw_search_region(unsigned char *beg,
+-					 unsigned char *end,
+-					 unsigned char *key)
++static const unsigned char *
++forw_search_region(const unsigned char *beg,
++		   const unsigned char *end,
++		   const unsigned char *key)
+ {
+ #if	defined(HAVE_V8_REGCOMP) || defined(SLANG_REGEXP)
+     /*
+@@ -307,10 +351,11 @@
+      *	to be broken into lines.
+      *
+      */
+-   unsigned char	*p;		/* temp pointer */
+-   unsigned char	*linebeg;	/* beginning of working line */
+-   unsigned char	*copy;		/* ptr to upper case copy */
++   const unsigned char	*linebeg;	/* beginning of working line */
++   const unsigned char	*lineend;	/* end of working line */
++   const unsigned char	*norm_line;	/* ptr to normalized line */
+    unsigned char	*match;		/* ptr to matching string */
++   int			anchored_re;
+     /*
+      *	Compile "key" into an executable regular expression
+@@ -318,58 +363,35 @@
+    if ( do_regcomp(key) == 0 )
+      return(Most_Eob);
+-    /*
+-     *	For regular expression searches we need to do a line by line
+-     *	search, so it is necessary to temporarily replace '\n' with '\0'
+-     *	characters.
+-     */
+-   p = beg;
+-   linebeg = beg;
++   anchored_re = key[0] == '^';
+-   while (linebeg < end)
++   for ( linebeg = beg ; linebeg < end ; linebeg = lineend + 1 )
+      {
+-	while ((p < end) && (*p != '\n')) p++;
+-	if (p == end) break;
+-	*p = 0;
++	size_t length;
+-	if ( Most_Case_Sensitive == 0 )	/* i.e. case insensitive */
+-	  {
+-	     copy = StrUpCaseCopy(linebeg);
+-	     if ( copy == (unsigned char *)NULL )
+-	       return(Most_Eob);
+-	  }
++ 	lineend = find_eol(linebeg, end);
++	length = lineend - linebeg;
++	if (0 == length) continue; /* Skip empty lines. */
++	norm_line = StrNormCopy(linebeg, &length);
++	if ( norm_line == NULL )
++	  return(Most_Eob);
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Quick sanity check for beginning of line archored tests.
+-	 * If 1st char of key is "^", then the character before linebeg (which
+-	 * must be beyond the start of the window), must be a "\n",
+-	 * otherwise do_regexec() isn't called.
++	 * If 1st char of key is "^", then the character before
++	 * linebeg (which must be within the buffer), must be a "\n".
+ 	 */
+-	if ( 
+-# if 0
+-	     ((*key != '^') 
+-	      || (linebeg > Most_Win->beg_pos && linebeg[-1] == '\n'))
+-	     &&
+-	     (match = do_regexec(Most_Case_Sensitive ? linebeg : copy)))
++	if ( !(anchored_re && (linebeg <= Most_Beg || linebeg[-1] != '\n'))
++	     && (match = do_regexec(norm_line, length)) )
+ 	  {
+-	     *p = '\n';
+-	     if ( Most_Case_Sensitive == 0 )
+-	       {
+-		/*
+-		 *  Use offset into "copy" as idx to find point in
+-		 *  real line.
+-		 */
+-		  return( GetOrigPtr(linebeg, match - copy) );
+-	       }
+-	     else
+-	       {
+-		  return( match );
+-	       }
++	     /*
++	      *  Use offset into "norm_line" as idx to find point in
++	      *  real line.
++	      */
++	     return( GetOrigPtr(linebeg, match - norm_line, lineend) );
+ 	  }
+-	*p++ = '\n';
+-	linebeg = p;
+      }
+    return(Most_Eob);
+@@ -475,23 +497,18 @@
+  *  pattern "key".
+  */
+-static unsigned char *back_search_region(unsigned char *beg,
+-					 unsigned char *end,
+-					 unsigned char *key)
++static const unsigned char *
++back_search_region(const unsigned char *beg,
++		   const unsigned char *end,
++		   const unsigned char *key)
+ {
+ #if	defined(HAVE_V8_REGCOMP) || defined(SLANG_REGEXP)
+-   register unsigned char	*p;
+-   unsigned char		*endp,		/* end of line */
+-   *lastmatch,	/* last match in line */
++   const unsigned char	*p;
++   const unsigned char	*endp,		/* end of line */
++   *lastmatch,		/* last match in line */
+    *endprevline,	/* end of line before this one */
+    *match;		/* ptr to matching string */
+-   unsigned char		savec;		/* last char on line */
+-    /*
+-     *	Compile "key" into an executable regular expression
+-     */
+-   if ( do_regcomp(key) == 0 )
+-     return(Most_Eob);
++   int			anchored_re;
+     /*
+      *	Starting from the end of the buffer, break the buffer into lines
+@@ -501,84 +518,60 @@
+      *	and isn't that what we want to do in a reverse search.
+      */
+    endp = end;
+-   lastmatch = Most_Eob;
+-   while ( 1 )			/* forever loop */
+-     {
+-	if ( (endp < beg) )
+-	  return(Most_Eob);		/* Reach start of buffer, no match */
++   endprevline = end;
++   match = Most_Eob;
+-	/* Find the real end of current line */
+-	if ( (p = (unsigned char *)strchr((char *)endp, '\n')) != NULL )
+-	  endp = p;
+-	savec = *endp;
+-	*endp = '\0';			/* terminate line with NULL */
++   /* Find out whether the regexp attempts to match a line boundary.
++    * In this case, only a match on the full line should be attempted.
++    */
++   anchored_re = key[strlen((const char *) key)-1] == '$';
++   while ( endp > beg )
++     {
+ 	/* Find the beginning of line */
+ 	for ( p = endp - 1 ; (p >= beg) && (*p != '\n') ; p-- )
+ 	  {
+ 	  }
++	if ( p < beg )
++	  break;
+ 	endprevline = p;
+-	p++;			/* point to 1st char after newline */
++	/*
++	 * Quick sanity check for end of line archored tests.  If last
++	 * char of key is "$", then the character after endp (which
++	 * must be within the buffer), must be a "\n".
++	 */
++	if ( anchored_re && endp < Most_Eob && endp[0] != '\n' )
++	  {
++	     endp = p;
++	     continue;
++	  }
+ 	/*
+ 	 *  Keep searching forward in this line till no more matches
+ 	 */
+-	if ( Most_Case_Sensitive == 0 )		/* i.e. case insensitive */
++	do
+ 	  {
+-	     unsigned char	*copy;		/* ptr to upper case copy */
+-	     unsigned char	*savecopy;	/* copy of "copy" */
+-	     copy = StrUpCaseCopy(p);
+-	     if ( copy == (unsigned char *)NULL )
+-	       return(Most_Eob);
++	     lastmatch = match;
+-	     savecopy = copy;
+-	    /*
+-	     * Quick sanity check for beginning of line archored tests.
+-	     * Must be at start of line.
+-	     */
+-	     while ( ((*key != '^') || (copy == savecopy))
+-		    && (match = do_regexec(copy)) )
+-	       {
+-		  if ( GetOrigPtr(p, match - savecopy) > end )
+-		    break;
+-		  lastmatch = match;
+-		  if ( *lastmatch == '\0' )	/* key must be "$" or "^" */
+-		    break;
+-		  copy = lastmatch + 1;		/* character after match */
+-	       }
++	     if (Most_UTF8_Mode)
++	       p = SLutf8_skip_char((unsigned char*) p, (unsigned char*) endp);
++	     else
++	       p++;
+-	     if ( lastmatch != Most_Eob )	/* found a match */
+-	       lastmatch = GetOrigPtr(p, lastmatch - savecopy);
+-	  }
+-	else
+-	  {
+-	    /*
+-	     * Quick sanity check for beginning of line archored tests.
+-	     * Must be at start of buffer or start of line
+-	     */
+-	     while ( ( (*key != '^') || (p == endprevline + 1) )
+-		    && (match = do_regexec(p)) )
+-	       {
+-		  if ( match > end )
+-		    break;
+-		  lastmatch = match;
+-		  if ( *lastmatch == '\0' )	/* key must be "$" or "^" */
+-		    break;
+-		  p = lastmatch + 1;		/* character after match */
+-	       }
++	     match = forw_search_region(p, endp, key);
+ 	  }
++	while ( match <= endp );
+-	*endp = savec;
+ 	if ( lastmatch != Most_Eob )	/* found a match */
+ 	  return(lastmatch);
+ 	endp = endprevline;
+      }
++   return(Most_Eob);		/* Reached start of buffer, no match */
+ #else
+    char ch, char1, work[256];
+    unsigned char *pos;
+@@ -670,15 +663,15 @@
+ #endif	/* HAVE_V8_REGCOMP || SLANG_REGEXP */
+ }
+-int most_search(unsigned char *from, int repeat, int *col)
++long long most_search(const unsigned char *from, int repeat, long long *col)
+ {
+     /* return the line match was found as well as line number,
+      * search from i on; assume that line_array match the i so we need
+      * no initial lookup */
+-   int test, save_line, the_col, row, s_len;
++   long long test, save_line, the_col, row, s_len;
+    char string[300];
+-   unsigned char *pos;
++   const unsigned char *pos;
+    unsigned int save_ofs;
+    unsigned int found_ofs;
+@@ -687,7 +680,10 @@
+    save_line = Most_C_Line;
+    found_ofs = Most_Eob - Most_Beg;
+    *col = 0;
+-   s_len = strlen (Most_Search_Str);
++   if (Most_UTF8_Mode)
++     s_len = SLutf8_strlen (Most_Search_Str, 0);
++   else
++     s_len = strlen ((char *) Most_Search_Str);
+    pos = from;
+    if (*Most_Search_Str)
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/search.h
++++ most-4.10.2/src/search.h
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ extern int Most_Case_Sensitive;
+ extern int Most_Search_Dir;
+ #define MOST_SEARCH_BUF_LEN	256
+-extern char Most_Search_Str[MOST_SEARCH_BUF_LEN];
+-extern int most_search(unsigned char *, int, int *);
++extern unsigned char Most_Search_Str[MOST_SEARCH_BUF_LEN];
++extern long long most_search(const unsigned char *, int, long long *);
+ #endif
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/window.c
++++ most-4.10.2/src/window.c
+@@ -48,10 +48,11 @@
+ Most_Window_Type *Most_Win;
+ Most_Window_Type *Most_Top_Win;
+-int Most_Top_Line;		       /* row number of top window */
+-int Most_Curs_Row;
+-int Most_Curs_Col;
+-int Most_Column = 1;
++long long Most_Top_Line;		       /* row number of top window */
++long long Most_Curs_Row;
++long long Most_Curs_Col;
++/* The leftmost visible column. */
++long long Most_Column = 1;
+ int Most_Restore_Width_To = 0;
+ char Most_Mini_Buf[256];
+ unsigned long Most_Curs_Offset;
+@@ -156,7 +157,7 @@
+ 	SLsmg_write_nchars (buf + point, len - point);
+ 	if (col < SLtt_Screen_Cols)
+ 	  break;
+-	buf++; point--; len--;      /* FIXME for UTF-8 */
++	buf++; point--; len--;
+      }
+    SLsmg_erase_eol ();
+    SLsmg_gotorc (SLtt_Screen_Rows - 1, col);
+@@ -227,6 +228,8 @@
+ {
+    SLang_RLine_Info_Type *rli;
+    unsigned int flags = SL_RLINE_BLINK_MATCH;
++   if (Most_UTF8_Mode)
++     flags |= SL_RLINE_UTF8_MODE;
+    if (NULL == (rli = SLrline_open (SLtt_Screen_Cols, flags)))
+      return NULL;
+@@ -258,7 +261,7 @@
+    /* do not use default.  The up arrow can always get it back. */
+    if ((what != NULL) 
+-       && (*what) && (what != Most_Search_Str))
++       && (*what) && (what != (char *) Most_Search_Str))
+      {
+ 	if (-1 == SLrline_set_line (Most_RLI, what))
+ 	  return -1;
+@@ -593,7 +596,8 @@
+    unsigned int num_chars;
+    unsigned int field_width, info_len;
+    unsigned char *eob;
+-   int r, x;
++   int r;
++   long long x;
+    eob = Most_Eob;
+@@ -601,20 +605,20 @@
+      eob = Most_Beg + Most_Buf->mmap_size;
+ #endif
+-   if (eob == Most_Beg) x = 100;
++   if (eob == Most_Beg) x = 100LL;
+    else
+      {
+-	x = Most_C_Offset * 100;
++	x = Most_C_Offset * 100LL;
+ 	x = x / (eob - Most_Beg);
+      }
+    if (Most_C_Line + (Most_Win->bot - Most_Win->top + 1) >= Most_Num_Lines)
+-     x = 100;
++     x = 100LL;
+    /* for files with end of file above the bottom row (due to window manipulations) */
+-   if (x > 100) x = 100;
++   if (x > 100LL) x = 100LL;
+-   sprintf (info, "(%d,%d) %d%%", Most_C_Line, Most_Column, x);
++   sprintf (info, "(%lld,%lld) %d%%", Most_C_Line, Most_Column, (int)x);
+    r = Most_Win->bot + 1;
+    most_goto_rc (r,1);
+--- most-4.10.2.orig/src/window.h
++++ most-4.10.2/src/window.h
+@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@
+ typedef struct _Most_Window_Type
+ {
+    unsigned long top_offset; /* offset of top line of window from bob */
+-   int beg_line;             /* line number of top */
+-   int curs_line;            /* line number of curs pos */
+-   int curs_col;             /* column number of curs pos */
++   long long beg_line;       /* line number of top */
++   long long curs_line;      /* line number of curs pos */
++   long long curs_col;       /* column number of curs pos */
+    unsigned long curs_offset;  /* pos of cursor from bob*/
+-   int col;                  /* column offset */
++   long long col;             /* column offset */
+    int n_lines;              /* number of lines of buffer (mode dependent) */
+    int top;                  /* screen location of top */
+    int bot;                  /* screen location of bot */
+@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@
+ extern Most_Window_Type *Most_Win;
+ extern Most_Window_Type *Most_Top_Win;
+ extern unsigned long Most_Curs_Offset;
+-extern int Most_Column;
+-extern int Most_Curs_Row;
+-extern int Most_Curs_Col;
++extern long long Most_Column;
++extern long long Most_Curs_Row;
++extern long long Most_Curs_Col;
+ #define MOST_MINI_BUF_LEN	256
+ extern char Most_Mini_Buf[MOST_MINI_BUF_LEN];
+ extern int Most_Selective_Display;
cgit v0.12