From 0181c6e3609bc7b873084a0aaeca8b3a11d99e9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nathan Harris <>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 17:03:53 -0500
Subject: xbmc-svn: moved out of community

 abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/CHANGELOG        | 110 +++++++++++++
 abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/Lircmap.xml      | 233 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/PKGBUILD         |  97 ++++++++++++
 abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/__changelog      |   1 +
 abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/xbmc-svn.install |  13 ++
 5 files changed, 454 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/CHANGELOG
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/Lircmap.xml
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/PKGBUILD
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/__changelog
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/xbmc-svn.install

diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/CHANGELOG b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/CHANGELOG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddcbd53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/CHANGELOG
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+xbmc-svn Change log:
+2nd July 2009
+21333   haggy: updated to current svn head which has media flagging support if your skin
+               supports it (the shipped PM3HD does already, also Aeon and MediaStream redux)
+3rd June 2009
+20896   haggy: enabled external libs for every lib supported despite python and ffmpeg
+               enabling external python breaks python support in xbmc due to Arch's python
+               compiled with UCS2 support whereas xbmc expects UCS4. Enabling external ffmpeg
+               disables VDPAU and we don't want that for sure.
+               IMPORTANT NOTE: If compilation breaks at configure step with some message about
+               not being able to compute the size of int or size_t, try running makepkg as root
+               with 'sudo makepkg --asroot'. This is a known issue and happens only on systems
+               linked to nvidia's libgl which causes binaries to segfault within a fakeroot
+               environment. pacman 3.3 will fix this by splitting configure and installation steps.
+1st June 2009
+20818   haggy: this is the last revision before external-libs-support got patched
+               in. Unfortunately this will not compile with fakeroot. waiting for
+               pacman 3.3 which can split up configure and make install steps.
+30th May 2009
+20793   haggy: removed gcc44-fixes.patch - got merged into svn
+29th May 2009
+20755   haggy: pushed rev as requested
+27th May 2009
+20705   haggy: added a patch which fixed compilation with GCC 4.4.
+21th May 2009
+20509   haggy: xbmc got updates on goom due to the jaunty build system update. i
+               i wiped all goom specific hacks from the PKGBUILD and it compiled
+               fine, so let's see what you guys achieve.
+19th May 2009
+20449-1 richy: 1. Removed the autoreconf line as it didn't seem to help
+               2. Added !makeflags
+               3. Rev push :-)
+16th May 2009
+20343-1 richy: 1. added python as a depenency and removed x-server (namcap advised),
+               2. added autoreconf to goom before aclocal - another pot-shot at the goom compile prob.
+               3. added flax and bison to makedepends - I thought they were implicitely provided, but
+                    some users didn't have them.
+               4. Rev push to 20343
+               5. Removed the --quiet flag form SVN for now as sourcforge was timing out and
+                    failing silently.
+               Note: namcap advised a number of other changes which I ignored for now.
+15th May 2009
+20231-3 - haggy: added libsamplerate as a dependency, it is needed for the recent smoothvideo patches
+14th May 2009
+20231-2 - haggy: another shot in the dark to fix that damn goom compilation error
+13th May 2009
+20231 - haggy: smoothvideo!
+12th May 2009
+20172 - haggy: a shot in the dark: try another autoreconf inside goom and see if it helps.
+11th May 2009
+20149 - haggy: pushed rev, removed 'hitting-o-breaks...'-patch - it got fixed in svn
+9th May 2009
+20101 - haggy: an updated PM3 skin made it into xbmc. added conflicts hint to this PKGBUILD
+8th May 2009
+20059 - haggy: minor push past 9.04, removed copying the source tree to a build tree which wastes space,
+               takes ages and stresses the hdd for no reason. instead we now use svn to revert to a 
+               clean build dir.
+5th May 2009
+19941 - rich: heaps more tickets closed, Mexican translation
+30th April 2009
+19841 - haggy: lots of closed tickets worth a release, removed xsession patch
+27th April 2009
+19753 - haggy: added patch for xsession file breaking installation into fakeroot.
+22nd April 2009
+19602 - richy: version bump to address problem with python scripts and plugins
+20th April 2009
+19550 - haggy: pushed rev, some .mov fixes and better i18n in xbmc
+17th April 2009
+19517 - haggy: pushed rev, re-added installfile
+19516-2- richy: Added back autoreconf -vif in libdvdcss - still required for some folk (me)
+19516 - haggy: pushed rev, moved patches to patchfiles, added 'safe fullscreen patch', several cleanups
+15th April 2009
+19484 - haggy: pushed rev, re-enabled MAKEFLAGS to allow a more streamlined package
+14th April 2009
+19463 - haggy: added install file 
+19463 - richy: moved _svn* back inside build() on Haggy's suggestion. Let's try and avoid broken releases!
+19463 - richy: makedepends 'subversion' instead of 'svn' because that's what's in the guidelines
+19463 - richy: changed licens from ('GPL' 'custom') to ('GPL', 'LGPL') - See:
+13th April 2009 - initial upload to AUR, tested on 32bit and 64bit.
+19444 - richy: Moved _svn* outside of build so that users get the latest SVN.
+19444 - richy: Added a symlink for XBMCtex to usr/bin/XBMCtex
+19444 - richy: Moved libcdio into depends from opt-depends - right now it is a dependency.
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/Lircmap.xml b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/Lircmap.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600567f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/Lircmap.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+<!-- This file contains the mapping of LIRC keys to XBMC keys used in Keymap.xml  -->
+<!--                                                                              -->
+<!-- How to add remotes                                                           -->
+<!-- <remote device="name_Lirc_calls_the_remote">                                 -->
+<!--                                                                              -->
+<!-- For the commands the layout following layout is used                         -->
+<!-- <XBMC_COMMAND>LircButtonName</XBMC_COMMAND>                                  -->
+<!--                                                                              -->
+<!-- For a list of XBMC_COMMAND's check out the <remote> sections of keymap.xml   -->
+	<remote device="mceusb">
+		<pause>Pause</pause>
+		<stop>Stop</stop>
+		<forward>Forward</forward>
+		<reverse>Rewind</reverse>
+		<left>Left</left>
+		<right>Right</right>
+		<up>Up</up>
+		<down>Down</down>
+		<select>OK</select>
+		<pageplus>ChanUp</pageplus>
+		<pageminus>ChanDown</pageminus>
+		<back>Back</back>
+		<menu>PreviousMenu</menu>
+		<title>Play</title>
+		<info>More</info>
+		<skipplus>Skip</skipplus>
+		<skipminus>Replay</skipminus>
+		<display>Teletext</display>
+		<start>Home</start>
+		<record>Record</record>
+		<volumeplus>VolUp</volumeplus>
+		<volumeminus>VolDown</volumeminus>
+		<mute>Mute</mute>
+		<power>Power</power>
+		<myvideo>Videos</myvideo>
+		<mymusic>Music</mymusic>
+		<mypictures>Pictures</mypictures>
+		<mytv>TV</mytv>
+		<one>One</one>
+		<two>Two</two>
+		<three>Three</three>
+		<four>Four</four>
+		<five>Five</five>
+		<six>Six</six>
+		<seven>Seven</seven>
+		<eight>Eight</eight>
+		<nine>Nine</nine>
+		<zero>Zero</zero>
+		<mytv>Red</mytv>
+		<mymusic>Green</mymusic>
+		<mypictures>Yellow</mypictures>
+		<myvideo>Blue</myvideo>
+	</remote>
+	<remote device="mceusb2">
+		<pause>Pause</pause>
+		<stop>Stop</stop>
+		<forward>Forward</forward>
+		<reverse>Rewind</reverse>
+		<left>Left</left>
+		<right>Right</right>
+		<up>Up</up>
+		<down>Down</down>
+		<select>OK</select>
+		<pageplus>ChanUp</pageplus>
+		<pageminus>ChanDown</pageminus>
+		<back>Back</back>
+		<menu>PreviousMenu</menu>
+		<title>Play</title>
+		<info>More</info>
+		<skipplus>Skip</skipplus>
+		<skipminus>Replay</skipminus>
+		<display>Teletext</display>
+		<start>Home</start>
+		<record>Record</record>
+		<volumeplus>VolUp</volumeplus>
+		<volumeminus>VolDown</volumeminus>
+		<mute>Mute</mute>
+		<power>Power</power>
+		<myvideo>Videos</myvideo>
+		<mymusic>Music</mymusic>
+		<mypictures>Pictures</mypictures>
+		<mytv>TV</mytv>
+		<one>One</one>
+		<two>Two</two>
+		<three>Three</three>
+		<four>Four</four>
+		<five>Five</five>
+		<six>Six</six>
+		<seven>Seven</seven>
+		<eight>Eight</eight>
+		<nine>Nine</nine>
+		<zero>Zero</zero>
+		<mytv>Red</mytv>
+		<mymusic>Green</mymusic>
+		<mypictures>Yellow</mypictures>
+		<myvideo>Blue</myvideo>
+	</remote>
+	<remote device="XboxDVDDongle">
+		<play>PLAY</play>
+		<pause>PAUSE</pause>
+		<stop>STOP</stop>
+		<forward>FORWARD</forward>
+		<reverse>REVERSE</reverse>
+		<left>LEFT</left>
+		<right>RIGHT</right>
+		<up>UP</up>
+		<down>DOWN</down>
+		<select>SELECT</select>
+		<back>BACK</back>
+		<menu>MENU</menu>
+		<title>TITLE</title>
+		<info>INFO</info>
+		<skipplus>SKIP+</skipplus>
+		<skipminus>SKIP-</skipminus>
+		<display>DISPLAY</display>
+		<one>1</one>
+		<two>2</two>
+		<three>3</three>
+		<four>4</four>
+		<five>5</five>
+		<six>6</six>
+		<seven>7</seven>
+		<eight>8</eight>
+		<nine>9</nine>
+		<zero>0</zero>
+	</remote>
+	<remote device="Microsoft_Xbox">
+		<play>PLAY</play>
+		<pause>PAUSE</pause>
+		<stop>STOP</stop>
+		<forward>FORWARD</forward>
+		<reverse>REVERSE</reverse>
+		<left>LEFT</left>
+		<right>RIGHT</right>
+		<up>UP</up>
+		<down>DOWN</down>
+		<select>SELECT</select>
+		<back>BACK</back>
+		<menu>MENU</menu>
+		<title>TITLE</title>
+		<info>INFO</info>
+		<skipplus>SKIP+</skipplus>
+		<skipminus>SKIP-</skipminus>
+		<display>DISPLAY</display>
+		<one>1</one>
+		<two>2</two>
+		<three>3</three>
+		<four>4</four>
+		<five>5</five>
+		<six>6</six>
+		<seven>7</seven>
+		<eight>8</eight>
+		<nine>9</nine>
+		<zero>0</zero>
+	</remote>
+	<remote device="PinnacleSysPCTVRemote">
+		<play>Play</play>
+		<pause>pause</pause>
+		<stop>Stop</stop>
+		<forward>FForward</forward>
+		<reverse>Rewind</reverse>
+		<left>Vol-Rew</left>
+		<right>Vol+FF</right>
+		<up>Chan+Play</up>
+		<down>Chan-Stop</down>
+		<pageplus>channel+</pageplus>
+		<pageminus>channel-</pageminus>
+		<select>middle</select>
+		<back>undo</back>
+		<menu>Menu</menu>
+		<title>L</title>
+		<info>Info</info>
+		<skipplus>next</skipplus>
+		<display>Fullscreen</display>
+		<record>Record</record>
+		<volumeplus>vol+</volumeplus>
+		<volumeminus>vol-</volumeminus>
+		<mute>Mute</mute>
+		<power>Power</power>
+		<one>1</one>
+		<two>2</two>
+		<three>3</three>
+		<four>4</four>
+		<five>5</five>
+		<six>6</six>
+		<seven>7</seven>
+		<eight>8</eight>
+		<nine>9</nine>
+		<zero>0</zero>
+	</remote>
+        <remote device="Streamzap_PC_Remote">
+                <play>PLAY</play>
+                <pause>PAUSE</pause>
+                <stop>STOP</stop>
+                <forward>&gt;&gt;</forward>
+                <reverse>&lt;&lt;</reverse>
+                <left>LEFT</left>
+                <right>RIGHT</right>
+                <up>UP</up>
+                <down>DOWN</down>
+                <pageplus>CH_UP</pageplus>
+                <pageminus>CH_DOWN</pageminus>
+                <select>OK</select>
+                <back>EXIT</back>
+                <menu>MENU</menu>
+                <title>RED</title>
+                <info>GREEN</info>
+                <skipplus>&gt;&gt;|</skipplus>
+                <display>YELLOW</display>
+                <record>RECORD</record>
+                <volumeplus>VOL_UP</volumeplus>
+                <volumeminus>VOL_DOWN</volumeminus>
+                <mute>MUTE</mute>
+                <power>POWER</power>
+                <one>1</one>
+                <two>2</two>
+                <three>3</three>
+                <four>4</four>
+                <five>5</five>
+                <six>6</six>
+                <seven>7</seven>
+                <eight>8</eight>
+                <nine>9</nine>
+                <zero>0</zero>
+        </remote>
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7debbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Contributors : Ralf Barth <archlinux dot org at haggy dot org>
+#                Richard Atkinson atkinsonr-at-gmail 
+# Original credits go to Edgar Hucek <gimli at dark-green dot com>
+# for his xbmc-vdpau-vdr PKGBUILD at
+pkgdesc="XBMC Media Center from SVN"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL' 'LGPL')
+depends=('alsa-lib' 'curl' 'enca' 'faac' 'freetype2' 'fribidi' 'gawk' 'glew'
+         'hal' 'jasper' 'libgl' 'libmad' 'libmysqlclient' 'libjpeg'
+         'libxinerama' 'libxrandr' 'lzo2' 'sdl_image' 'sdl_mixer' 'sqlite3'
+         'tre' 'unzip' 'libcdio' 'libsamplerate' 'python' 'avahi' 'libmad' 
+         'a52dec' 'libdca' 'faad2' 'libmpeg2' 'libvorbis' 'libogg' 'libmms'
+         'libmpcdec' 'flac' 'wavpack' 'xorg-utils' 'smbclient' 'libvdpau')
+makedepends=('subversion' 'autoconf' 'automake' 'boost' 'cmake' 'gcc' 'gperf' 
+             'libtool>=2.2.6a-1' 'make' 'nasm' 'patch' 'pkgconfig' 'zip' 'flex' 'bison')
+optdepends=('lirc: remote controller support'
+            'pmount: mount removable devices as normal user'
+            'unrar: access compressed files without unpacking them')
+build() {
+    _svntrunk=
+    cd ${srcdir}/
+    if [ -d $_svnmod/.svn ]; then
+        msg "SVN tree found, reverting changes and updating to -r$pkgver"
+        (cd $_svnmod && svn revert -R . && svn up -r $pkgver) || return 1
+    else
+        msg "Checking out SVN tree of -r$pkgver"
+        svn co $_svntrunk --config-dir ./ -r $pkgver $_svnmod || return 1
+    fi
+    # Configure XBMC
+    #
+    # Note on external-libs:
+    #   - We cannot use external python because Arch's python was built with
+    #     UCS2 unicode support, whereas xbmc expects UCS4 support
+    #   - We cannot use Arch's libass because it's incompatible with XBMC's
+    #     subtitle rendering
+    #   - We cannot use external ffmpeg because we would loose VDPAU functionality
+    cd "$srcdir/$_svnmod" 
+    msg "Configuring XBMC" 
+    ./bootstrap
+    ./configure --prefix=${_prefix} \
+                --enable-external-liba52 \
+                --enable-external-libdts \
+                --enable-external-libmpeg2 \
+                --enable-external-libogg \
+                --enable-external-libwavpack \
+                --disable-external-libass \
+                --disable-external-ffmpeg \
+                --disable-external-python \
+                --disable-debug || return 1
+    # Now (finally) build
+    msg "Running make" 
+    make || return 1
+    cd "$srcdir/$_svnmod"
+    msg "Running make install" 
+    make prefix=${pkgdir}${_prefix} install || return 1
+    # Install 
+    install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/$_svnmod/xbmc-xrandr \
+                   ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/xbmc/xbmc-xrandr || return 1
+    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/$_svnmod/tools/Linux/xbmc.desktop \
+                   ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/applications/xbmc.desktop || return 1
+    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/$_svnmod/tools/Linux/xbmc.png \
+                   ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/pixmaps/xbmc.png || return 1
+    install -dm755 ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/licenses/${pkgname}
+    for licensef in LICENSE.GPL README.linux copying.txt; do
+        mv ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/xbmc/${licensef} \
+           ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/licenses/${pkgname} || return 1
+    done
+    # Use custom Lircmap to support StreamZap remote
+    cp ${srcdir}/Lircmap.xml ${pkgdir}${_prefix}/share/xbmc/system/Lircmap.xml
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/__changelog b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/__changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf1705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/__changelog
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Added Lircmap.xml to PKGBUILD to support MCE2 and StreamZap remotes
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/xbmc-svn.install b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/xbmc-svn.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acf409c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc-svn/xbmc-svn.install
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+post_install() {
+  echo ">> If XBMC won't start, but just segfaults, double check your X.Org config"
+  echo ">> so that your display depth is at least 24-bit. Eg: change "
+  echo ">> \"DefaultDepth 16\" under the \"Screen\" section so it says 24 instead"
+  echo ">> of 16."
+  echo ">> If you have problems or suggestions for this PKGBUILD, have a look at its"
+  echo ">> dedicated forum thread:"
+  echo ">> or the wiki:"
+  echo
+  /bin/true
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
cgit v0.12