From c4fb1a3c13043bc6c2dd7fee59e6477ad3fb5f19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 08:42:55 -0500
Subject: linhes-config:  convert to nothing but a proxy for

 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ | 1444 +-----------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1443 deletions(-)

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
index 54d3b01..4f58ee2 100755
--- a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/
@@ -4,1453 +4,11 @@
 #Any changes made to config files will be removed when is run
-#set -x
-. /etc/profile
-#MVRELEASE=`cat /etc/mythvantage-release  |cut -d" " -f -2`
-MVRELEASE=`cat /etc/LinHES-release  `
 echo $@ >/tmp/
 echo "----------------------start of systemconfig $@ ----------------------"
 . /etc/profile
 . $MV_ROOT/bin/
-PACMAN="pacman --noconfirm"
 postfix=`cat ${BASE}/usr/local/share/mythtv/.releasetype`
-if [ x$1 = x"Mysql_only" ]
-    then
-    rm -f /tmp/mysql.txt
-        sed -e "s/^DBHostName=.*$/DBHostName=$2/" $TEMPLATES/mysql.txt > /tmp/mysql.txt
-        exit 0
-    fi
-if [ -f /etc/systemconfig ]
-    . /etc/systemconfig
-    setup_MYTH_vars
-echo $TEMPNET
-    echo "could not find /etc/systemconfig"
-    exit 1
-function cp_and_log () {
-    if [ -e $1 ]
-    then
-        echo "copying $1 to $2"
-        cp -rfp "$1" "$2"
-    else
-        echo "$1 is not present, skipping..."
-    fi
-function setupmysql  {
-#setup mysql.txt to find the database servers
-echo "running setup mysql"
-        if [ $SystemType = "Master_backend" ]
-        then
-            if [ $MYTHDHCP = 0 ]
-            then
-                #this grabs eth0, as that is all thats supported.
-#                dbhost=`ifconfig  | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'|head -n1`
-                dbhost=`ifconfig  | grep -C1 $default_interface| grep -v $default_interface | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`
-                sed -e "s/^dbhost=.*$/dbhost=\"$dbhost\"/" /etc/systemconfig >/tmp/systemconfig.old
-                cp_and_log /tmp/systemconfig.old ${BASE}/etc/systemconfig
-                ##logic to change master_serverip and backend_serverip  in db
-                ${BASE}${MV_ROOT}/bin/  -c BECONFIG -s master -a $dbhost
-            else
-                dbhost=$MYTHIP
-                sed -e "s/^dbhost=.*$/dbhost=\"$dbhost\"/" /etc/systemconfig >/tmp/systemconfig.old
-                cp_and_log /tmp/systemconfig.old ${BASE}/etc/systemconfig
-                #logic to change dbhost in db
-                ${BASE}${MV_ROOT}/bin/ -c BECONFIG -s master -a $dbhost
-            fi
-        fi
-        if [ $SystemType = "Slave_backend" ]
-        then
-            if [ $MYTHDHCP = 0 ]
-            then
-                #this grabs eth0, as that is all thats supported.
-                #slavehost=`ifconfig  | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'|head -n1`
-                slavehost=`ifconfig  | grep -C1 $default_interface| grep -v $default_interface | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'`
-                ##logic to change backend_serverip in db
-                ${BASE}${MV_ROOT}/bin/  -c BECONFIG -s slave  -a $slavehost
-            else
-                slavehost=$MYTHIP
-                #logic to change backend_serverif in db
-                ${BASE}${MV_ROOT}/bin/ -c BECONFIG -s slave  -a $slavehost
-            fi
-        fi
-        MYSQLTXT=${BASE}/usr/share/mythtv/mysql.txt
-        if [ $SystemType = "Standalone" ]
-        then
-            sed -e "s/^DBHostName=.*$/DBHostName="localhost"/" $TEMPLATES/mysql.txt > $MYSQLTXT
-        else
-            sed -e "s/^DBHostName=.*$/DBHostName=$dbhost/" $TEMPLATES/mysql.txt > $MYSQLTXT
-        fi
-        rm ${BASE}/home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt
-        rm ${BASE}${MV_ROOT}/bin/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt
-        if [ -f ${BASE}/home/mythtv/templates/mysql.txt ]
-        then
-            cp_and_log ${BASE}/home/mythtv/templates/mysql.txt $MYSQLTXT
-        fi
-        chmod 755 $MYSQLTXT
-        chown mythtv $MYSQLTXT
-function setupmysqlnetwork(){
-grep "#skip-networking" $BASE/$MFILE
-    if [ $SystemType = "Standalone" ]
-        then
-            sed -ie "s/^#skip-networking/skip-networking/g" $BASE/$MFILE
-            if [ $status = 0 ]
-            then
-                sudo sv restart mysql
-            echo "restarting mysql with   no network"
-            fi
-        fi
-    if [ $SystemType = "Master_backend" ]
-    then
-        sed -ie "s/^skip-networking/#skip-networking/g" $BASE/$MFILE
-            if [ $status = 1 ]
-            then
-                sudo sv restart mysql
-                echo "restarting mysql with  network"
-            fi
-    fi
-function settimezone {
-#set the timezone
-if [  x"$timezone" = x ]
-    timezone="unknown"
-rm ${BASE}/etc/localtime
-echo $timezone
-ln -s "/usr/share/zoneinfo/$timezone"  ${BASE}/etc/localtime
-        sed -e "s~^TIMEZONE=.*$~TIMEZONE=\"${timezone}\"~" ${BASE}/etc/rc.conf > $TEMPLATES/rc.conf
-if [ -f ${BASE}/etc/php/php.ini ]
-    echo "changing timezone in php.ini"
-    sed -i "s/^.*date.timezone.*$/date.timezone=${timezone}/" ${BASE}/etc/php/php.ini
-cp_and_log $TEMPLATES/rc.conf ${BASE}/etc/rc.conf
-#Check for Atomic Ant
-if grep disablemodules=agpart,intel_agp /proc/cmdline >/dev/null
-    cat /etc/rc.conf |  sed -e '/MOD_BLACKLIST/ c\MOD_BLACKLIST=($ALSABLACKLIST agpart intel_agp)' > /etc/rc.conf.aa
-    mv /etc/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf.preaa
-    mv /etc/rc.conf.aa /etc/rc.conf
-# else
-# 	exit 1
-# function setupreceiver {
-# case $ReceiverType in
-#     tinker) echo "do nothing"
-#             ;;
-#     Serial) echo "setup serial lirc"
-#             sed -i -e '/.*#lirc/d' ${BASE}/etc/modules.mythvantage
-#             echo "lirc_serial   #lirc" >> ${BASE}/etc/modules.mythvantage
-#             ;;
-#     Usb-imon) echo "setup receiver-usb-imon"
-#             sed -i -e '/.*#lirc/d' ${BASE}/etc/modules.mythvantage
-#             echo "lirc_imon     #lirc" >> ${BASE}/etc/modules.mythvantage
-#             ;;
-# Hauppauge) echo "setup hauppauge reciever (lirc_i2c)"
-#             sed -i -e '/.*#lirc/d' ${BASE}/etc/modules.mythvantage
-#             echo "lirc_i2c   #lirc" >> ${BASE}/etc/modules.mythvantage
-#             cp_and_log $TEMPLATES/modules/lirc_i2c.conf ${BASE}/etc/modprobe.d/lirc_i2c.conf
-#             rmmod lirc_i2c 2>/dev/null
-#             ;;
-#         *)   sed -i -e '/.*#lirc/d' ${BASE}/etc/modules.mythvantage
-#             ;;
-#     esac
-# }
-function setupevrouter {
-    if [  x$UseEvrouter  = x1 ]
-    then
-        case x$EvrouterConfig in
-            xtinker )
-                    echo "do nothing for evrouter"
-                    ;;
-                x ) echo "empty evrouter"
-                    ;;
-                * ) echo "setup evrouter for $EvrouterConfig "
-                    cp_and_log $TEMPLATES/evrouter/$EvrouterConfig /etc/evrouter.cfg
-                    daemon_add="evrouter Xvfb $daemon_add"
-                    ;;
-        esac
-    else
-    # disable evrouter
-    daemon_remove="evrouter Xvfb $daemon_remove"
-    fi
-function scrubnfs {
-    cp_and_log /etc/fstab $TEMPLATES/fstab.conf.template
-   sed '/^#STARTSCRUB.*$/,/^#ENDSCRUB.*$/d'  $TEMPLATES/fstab.conf.template > ${BASE}/etc/fstab
-function setupfstab () {
-#    	setupfstab $NFSserver $NFSshare $NFSmount
-        echo "#STARTSCRUB --------------anything in this block will be scrubbed" >>  ${BASE}/etc/fstab
-        echo "$1 $2  nfs" >> ${BASE}/etc/fstab
-        if [ ! -e "$2" ]
-        then
-        mkdir -p "$2"
-        chown mythtv:mythtv "$2"
-        fi
-        if [ x$DCONFIG = x  ]
-        then
-            mount $2 &
-        fi
-        echo "#ENDSCRUB" >> ${BASE}/etc/fstab
-function setupncidclient
-    sed -e "s/^set Host.*$/set Host $dbhost /" $TEMPLATES/ncid.conf.template >${BASE}/etc/ncid/ncid.conf
-function setupnciddaemon {
-    if [ x$Runncidd = x1 ]
-    then
-        cp_and_log /etc/ncid/ncidd.conf $TEMPLATES/ncidd.conf.template
-        sed -e "s/.*set ttyport.*$/set ttyport =  \/dev\/$nciddSerialPort /" $TEMPLATES/ncidd.conf.template >${BASE}/etc/ncid/ncidd.conf
-    fi
-function setupntp () {
-        #this is used for backend or standlone types
-        if [  $1 = "1" ]
-                then
-                        #MBE/STD use deafult
-                        echo "Not changing ntp config"
-                else
-                        #echo "server $dbhost" >> ${BASE}/etc/ntp.conf
-                        echo "setting ntp to $dbhost"
-                        sed -i "s/$dbhost/g" ${BASE}/etc/ntp.conf
-                fi
-function setupplugins (){
-#default enabled
-for i in mythcontrols mythgallery mythmovies mythmusic mythsmolt mythvideo
-    eval pkgvalue=\$${i}
-    if [ x$pkgvalue = x ]
-    then
-        pkglistinstall="$pkglistinstall $i$postfix"
-    else
-        if [ x$pkgvalue = x1 ]
-        then
-            pkglistinstall="$pkglistinstall $i$postfix"
-        else
-            pkglistremove="$pkglistremove $i$postfix"
-        fi
-    fi
-#default disabled
-for i in mythphone mytharchive mythbrowser mythnews mythgame mythflix mythweather mythappletrailers mythstream mythvodka
-    eval pkgvalue=\$${i}
-    if [ x$pkgvalue = x ]
-    then
-        pkglistremove="$pkglistremove $i$postfix"
-    else
-        if [ x$pkgvalue = x1 ]
-        then
-            pkglistinstall="$pkglistinstall $i$postfix"
-        else
-            pkglistremove="$pkglistremove $i$postfix"
-        fi
-    fi
-#everything else
-for i in  miro xe romdb xine dvdcss webmin
-    eval pkgvalue=\$${i}
-    case $i in
-        xine)
-                if [ x$pkgvalue = x1 ]
-                then
-                    pkglistinstall="$pkglistinstall xine-ui"
-                else
-                    pkglistremove="$pkglistremove xine-ui"
-                fi
-            ;;
-        dvdcss)
-                if [ x$pkgvalue = x1 ]
-                then
-                    pkglistinstall="$pkglistinstall libdvdcss"
-                else
-                    pkglistremove="$pkglistremove libdvdcss"
-                fi
-            ;;
-        webmin)
-                ##Daemon_add is here because webmin is on the software page instead of the advanced screen
-                if [ x$pkgvalue = x1 ]
-                then
-                    pkglistinstall="$pkglistinstall webmin"
-                    daemon_add="webmin $daemon_add"
-                else
-                    pkglistremove="$pkglistremove webmin"
-                    daemon_remove="webmin $daemon_remove"
-                fi
-                ;;
-        *)
-            if [ x$pkgvalue = x1 ]
-            then
-                pkglistinstall="$pkglistinstall $i"
-            else
-                pkglistremove="$pkglistremove $i"
-            fi
-        ;;
-install="$pkglistinstall $install"
-remove="$pkglistremove $remove"
-function LCDcheck () {
-case x$LCDtype in
-    xtinker) echo "do nothing lcd "
-            ;;
-    xno_lcd) echo "no  lcd "
-                    ;;
-    xxosd) install="xosd lcdproc $install"
-            ;;
-        x) echo "lcd empty "
-        ;;
-    install="lcdproc $install"
-    ;;
-function packages () {
-#see which plugins need to be installed
-echo "  Starting to install Packages"
-if [ ! -f $PKGBLACKLIST ]
-    touch $PKGBLACKLIST
-    for i in $remove
-    do
-    if [ ! x$i = xnone ]
-    then
-        echo "-----------$i --------------"
-        grep -q $i $PKGBLACKLIST
-        if [ $? = 1 ]
-        then
-            pacman -Q $i 2>/dev/null
-            #VAR=`pacman -Q $i  2>&1 `
-            if [ $? = 0 ]
-            then
-                    if [ $i = "mythweb$postfix" ]
-                    then
-                    pacman --noconfirm -R mythweb$postfix
-                    echo removed $i
-                    else
-                    pacman --noconfirm -Rs $i
-                    echo removed $i
-                    fi
-            fi
-        else
-            echo "$i is black listed"
-        fi
-    fi
-    done
-    for i in $install
-    do
-    if [ ! x$i = xnone ]
-    then
-        echo "-----------$i --------------"
-        grep -q $i $PKGBLACKLIST
-        if [ $? = 1 ]
-        then
-                pacman -Q $i 2>/dev/null
-                #VAR=`pacman -Q $i  2>&1 `
-    #            echo $VAR |grep -vq error:
-                if [ ! $? = 0 ]
-                then
-                        pacman --noconfirm -Sf $i
-                        echo installed $i
-            else
-                echo "$i already installed"
-                fi
-        else
-        echo "$i is black listed"
-        fi
-    fi
-    done
-function daemons {
-echo "Daemons on boot"
-    for i in $daemon_remove
-    do
-        sv check $i 1>/dev/null
-            status=$?
-    if [ $status -eq 0 ]
-    then
-        sv down $i
-    fi
-   $i
-    done
-    for i in $daemon_add
-    do
-        sv check $i 1>/dev/null
-        status=$?
- $i
-        if [ $status -eq 0 ]
-        then
-                    case $i in
-                        mysql*) sv hup $i
-                                        ;;
-                        mythback*) sv hup $i
-                                        ;;
-                        lirc* ) sv hup $i
-                                        ;;
-                        frontend) sv check frontend 1>/dev/null
-                                        ;;
-                        smbd ) sv hup $i
-                                        ;;
-                        nmbd ) sv hup $i
-                                        ;;
-                        evrouter) sv restart $i
-                                    ;;
-                    *)     sv down $i
-                            sleep 1
-                            sv up $i
-                        ;;
-            esac
-                fi
-        done
-function services
-if [ x$UseEvrouter = x1 ]
-    ser_daemon_add="evrouter Xvfb $ser_daemon_add"
-    ser_daemon_remove="evrouter Xvfb $ser_remove"
-if [ x$RunDHCP = x1 ]
-        ser_daemon_add="dnsmasq  $ser_daemon_add"
-        ser_install="dnsmasq mvpmc  $ser_install"
-        ser_daemon_remove="dnsmasq  $ser_daemon_remove"
-        ser_remove="dnsmasq mvpmc  $ser_remove"
-if [ x$RunFrontend = x1 ]
-        ser_daemon_add="frontend hal   $ser_daemon_add"
-        ser_install=" $ser_install"
-        showX=true
-        ser_daemon_remove="frontend hal  $ser_daemon_remove"
-        ser_remove="$ser_remove"
-if [ x$UseMythWEB = x1 ]
-            ser_install="lighttpd  mythweb$postfix $ser_install"
-            ser_daemon_add="lighttpd $ser_daemon_add"
-        ser_remove="mythweb$postfix $ser_remove"
-        ser_daemon_remove="$ser_daemon_remove"
-if [ x$UseSamba = x1 ]
-        ser_install="samba $ser_install"
-        ser_daemon_add="nmbd smbd $ser_daemon_add "
-        if [ x$Samba_mediareadonly = x1 ]
-            then
-                smreadonly="no"
-                else
-                smreadonly="yes"
-        fi
-        if [ x$Samba_homereadonly = x1 ]
-            then
-                shreadonly="no"
-                else
-                shreadonly="yes"
-        fi
-        if [ ! -d ${BASE}/etc/samba ]
-        then
-            mkdir ${BASE}/etc/samba
-        fi
-        if [  -f ${MYTHHOME}/templates/smb.conf  ]
-        then
-            install -D -m755  ${MYTHHOME}/templates/smb.conf   ${BASE}/etc/samba/smb.conf
-        else
-            sed -e "s/^.*workgroup =.*$/ workgroup = $Samba_domain/g " \
-                -e "s/^.*server string = .*$/ server string = $hostname/g" $TEMPLATES/samba/smb.conf.template > ${BASE}/etc/samba/smb.conf
-            if [ x$Samba_media = "x1" ]
-            then
-                echo "include =  /etc/samba/" >> ${BASE}/etc/samba/smb.conf
-                sed -e "s/^.*writeable.*$/writeable = $smreadonly/g" $TEMPLATES/samba/ > ${BASE}/etc/samba/
-            fi
-            if [ x$Samba_home = "x1" ]
-            then
-                echo "include =  /etc/samba/smb.conf.home" >> ${BASE}/etc/samba/smb.conf
-                sed -e "s/^.*writeable.*$/writeable = $shreadonly/g" $TEMPLATES/samba/smb.conf.home > ${BASE}/etc/samba/smb.conf.home
-            fi
-        fi
-        ser_remove="samba $ser_remove"
-        ser_install="smbclient $ser_install"
-        ser_daemon_remove="smbd nmbd  $ser_daemon_remove"
-if [ x$UseNFS = x1 ]
-    ser_install="nfs-utils portmap $ser_install"
-    ser_daemon_add="nfsd nfs-utils portmap $ser_daemon_add"
-    sed -e "s/REPLACEME/*/g" $TEMPLATES/exports.template > ${BASE}/etc/exports
-    ser_remove="$ser_remove"
-    ser_daemon_remove="nfsd  $ser_daemon_remove"
-if [ x$Runncidd = x1 ]
-        ser_daemon_add="ncidd ncid $ser_daemon_add"
-        ser_install="ncid $ser_install"
-        ser_daemon_remove="ncidd ncid $ser_daemon_remove"
-        ser_remove="ncid $ser_remove"
-if [ x$UseEvrouter = x1 ]
-        ser_install="evrouter Xvfb $ser_install"
-        ser_remove="evrouter $ser_remove"
-if [ x$DDnsEnable = x1 ]
-        ser_daemon_add="inadyn $ser_daemon_add"
-        ser_install="inadyn $ser_install"
-        ser_daemon_remove="inadyn $ser_daemon_remove"
-        ser_remove="inadyn $ser_remove"
-case x$Screensavertype in
-    xxscreensaver)   ser_install="xscreensaver $ser_install"
-                    ser_remove="gnome-screensaver $ser_remove"
-                ;;
-    xgscreensaver)  ser_install="xscreensaver gnome-screensaver $ser_install"
-                ;;
-    xnone) ser_remove="gnome-screensaver xscreensaver $ser_remove"
-                ;;
-    xtinker) echo "tinker mode for screensaver"
-    ;;
-    esac
-#Setting the default, just to avoid the or statement..
-#if [ x$UseHobbit = x ]
-#    UseHobbit=0
-#if [ x$UseHobbit = x1 ]
-#    case $SystemType in
-#        Standalone|Master_backend )
-#           ser_daemon_add="hobbit $ser_daemon_add"
-#           ser_install="hobbitserver $ser_install"
-#        ;;
-#        *)   ser_daemon_add="hobbit-client $ser_daemon_add"
-#              ser_install="hobbit-client $ser_install"
-#        ;;
-#        esac
-#           ser_daemon_remove="hobbit hobbit-client $ser_daemon_remove"
-#           ser_remove="hobbit-client hobbitserver $ser_remove"
-#            rm -f /data/srv/httpd/htdocs/hobbit/index.html
-# fi
-function setupsleep {
-if [ x$AutoShutdown = x1  ]
-    cronshutdowntime=""
-    if  [ x$Shutdowntime != x-1 ]
-    then
-        cronshutdowntime=$Shutdowntime
-    fi
-    if [ x$Shutdowntime2 != x-1 ]
-    then
-        if [ x$cronshutdowntime = x ]
-        then
-            cronshutdowntime=$Shutdowntime2
-        else
-            cronshutdowntime="${cronshutdowntime},${Shutdowntime2}"
-        fi
-    fi
-    sed -e "s/HOUR/$cronshutdowntime/g" $TEMPLATES/cron.template | crontab - -u mythtv
-    sed -e "/00 HOUR.*/d" $TEMPLATES/cron.template | crontab - -u mythtv
-function setuppacman () {
-#setup link to httpd dir
-echo "Configuring pacman"
-if [ ! x$1 = x ]
-    then
-        ln -s ${BASE}/data/var ${BASE}/data/srv/httpd/htdocs/repo
-        echo "creating the link for the pacman repo mirror"
-    fi
-    for i in mv-core mv-core-testing mv-extra mv-extra-testing
-    do
-        echo "[$i]"  > ${BASE}/etc/pacman.d/$i
-        #add mirror if needed
-        if [ x$PKG_MIRROR = x1 ]
-        then
-            echo " Server = http://$dbhost/repo/$i " >> ${BASE}/etc/pacman.d/$i
-        fi
-        #add user templates
-        USERTEMPLATES="/data/home/mythtv/templates"
-        if [ -f $USERTEMPLATES/sources/$i ]
-        then
-            echo "Adding user  $i"
-            cat $USERTEMPLATES/sources/$i  >> ${BASE}/etc/pacman.d/$i
-        fi
-        cat $TEMPLATES/sources/$i  >> ${BASE}/etc/pacman.d/$i
-        echo "setting local mirror to $dbhost for $i "
-    done
-    #sed -e "s/REPLACEME/$dbhost/g"  $TEMPLATES/sources/svc_pkg > /etc/pacman.d/svc_pkg
-function setupzipcode () {
-    if [ ! x$zipcode = x ]
-    then
-        ${MV_ROOT}/bin/ -c ZIP  -z $zipcode
-    #Let's also speed things up for those in North America
-    mkdir /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grabbers_non_na
-    mv /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grab_*  /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grabbers_non_na
-    mv  /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grabbers_non_na/tv_grab_na*  /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/
-    fi
-function process_nfsmap () {
-#first look for a local copy of nfsmap
-if [ $1 = noip ]
-    if [ -f /data/home/mythtv/templates/nfsmap ]
-    then
-        NFSMAP="/data/home/mythtv/templates/nfsmap"
-    else
-        mv -f /tmp/nfsmap /tmp/nfsmap.old
-        wget -O /tmp/nfsmap http://$dbhost:1337/templates/nfsmap
-        if [ $? = 0 ]
-        then
-            NFSMAP="/tmp/nfsmap"
-        fi
-    fi
-        mv -f /tmp/nfsmap /tmp/nfsmap.old
-        wget -O /tmp/nfsmap http://$1:1337/templates/nfsmap
-        if [ $? = 0 ]
-        then
-            NFSMAP="/tmp/nfsmap"
-        fi
-    if [ -f $NFSMAP ]
-    then
-        #read in file
-        while read line
-        do
-            NFSserver=`echo "$line"|cut -d" " -f1`
-            NFSmount=`echo "$line"|cut  -d" " -f2`
-            setupfstab $NFSserver $NFSmount
-        done <$NFSMAP
-    else
-        echo "couldn't find nfsmap"
-    fi
-function setupcnfs () {
-    scrubnfs
-        if [ $HaveCentralNFS = "yes" ]
-    then
-            case x$NFSserver in
-                xfile:nfsmap )
-                                process_nfsmap noip
-                                ;;
-            *:nfsmap )
-                                nfsmapip=`echo "$NFSserver" | cut -d: -f1 `
-                                process_nfsmap $nfsmapip
-                                ;;
-                *)  setupfstab $NFSserver $NFSmount
-                esac
-        #if [ ! x"$NFSserver" = "xfile:nfsmap" ]
-            #then
-            #    setupfstab $NFSserver $NFSmount
-            #else
-            #    process_nfsmap
-            #fi
-        else
-            echo "fe_nfs"
-            #if no central nfs found, then use the mbe.
-            if [ $SystemType = "Frontend_only" ]
-            then
-                setupfstab ${dbhost}:/myth /myth
-            fi
-    fi
-function setupbootsplash () {
-if  [ x$Usebootsplash = x1 ]
-    COMMAND="%s/^default.*0/default 1/g"
-    COMMAND="%s/^default.*1/default 0/g"
-ex ${BASE}/boot/grub/menu.lst <<EOF
-function setuphobbitclient () {
-ex ${BASE}/data/srv/hobbit/client/etc/hobbitclient.cfg <<EOF
-function setupSyslog () {
-COMMAND="%s/^destination d_remote.*$/destination d_remote \{tcp\(\"${dbhost}\" port\(514\)\) \;\} \;/"
-ex ${BASE}/etc/syslog-ng.conf <<EOF
-function setupfuncminion () {
-COMMAND="%s/^certmaster.*$/certmaster = ${dbhost}/"
-ex ${BASE}/etc/func/minion.conf <<EOF
-function setupDNSMASQ(){
-if [ x$RunDHCP = x1   ]
-    echo "DNSMASQ setup"
-#set default route to my GW
-ex ${BASE}/etc/dnsmasq.conf <<EOF
-#setup dns to my ip
-ex ${BASE}/etc/dnsmasq.conf <<EOF
-#change nfsroot to my ip
-ex ${BASE}/data/srv/tftp/pxelinux.cfg/default <<EOF
-#add to /etc/resolv.conf
-        echo "search lan" > ${BASE}/etc/resolv.conf
-        echo "nameserver" >> ${BASE}/etc/resolv.conf
-        echo "nameserver $nameserver" >> ${BASE}/etc/resolv.conf
-#setup dongle.config
-COMMAND="%s/mvpmc -f .*/mvpmc -f \/etc\/helvR10.fon -s ${ip} \& /"
-ex ${BASE}/data/srv/tftp/dongle.bin.config <<EOF
-#setup dongle.config
-function reloadfe(){
-PID=`ps -ef |grep mythfrontend|grep -v grep |awk  '{print $2 }'`
-/usr/bin/  clearcache  behost $dbhost
-if [ x$RESTART_LCD = xtrue ]
-    killall -9 mythlcdserver
-if [  x = x$PID ]
-    echo "Mythfrontend not running, will not reload"
-        kill -s USR1 $PID
-exit 0
-function setup_db (){
-            install="mysql avahi"
-            daemon_add="mysql"
-            packages
-            daemons
-while [ ! $status = 0  ]
-    sv stop mysql
-    sleep 1
-    sv  start mysql
-    mysqlstatus=$?
-    if [ $mysqlstatus = 0 ]
-    then
-    mysql -e "show databases;"
-        showstatus=$?
-        if [ $showstatus = 0 ]
-        then
-            pacman --noconfirm -R mythdb-initial
-            pacman --noconfirm  -S mythdb-initial
-            $MV_ROOT/bin/ -c load
-            if [ $SystemType = "Master_backend" ]
-            then
-                $MV_ROOT/bin/  -c  BECONFIG  -s master  -a $dbhost
-            fi
-            #update database to allow user jobs on this host.
-            $MV_ROOT/bin/  -c  USERJOBALLOW
-            $MV_ROOT/bin/  -c  ACCESSCONTROL
-    if [ -d /data/srv/mysql/mythconverg ]
-    then
-        pacman --noconfirm -R webcalendar
-            pacman --noconfirm --nodeps  -S webcalendar
-        status=0
-    fi
-    fi
-    fi
-function setup_web_auth {
-    if [ x$UseMythWEB_auth = x1 ]
-    then
-        #enable auth
-        sed -ie "s/^.*include.*auth-inc.conf.*$/include \"\/etc\/lighttpd\/auth-inc.conf\"/g" /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
-    else
-        #disable auth
-        sed -ie "s/^.*include.*auth-inc.conf.*$/#include \"\/etc\/lighttpd\/auth-inc.conf\"/g" /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
-    fi
-    sudo sv restart lighttpd
-function mplayer_saver_check () {
-    if [ ! -f $BASE/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf ]
-    then
-        mkdir -p $BASE/etc/mplayer
-        touch $BASE/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
-        #cp -f $TEMPLATES/mplayer.conf.template $BASE/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
-    fi
-    grep -q stop-xscreensaver  $BASE/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
-    if [ $? = 0 ]
-    then
-        sed -i "s/^.*stop-xscreensaver.*$/stop-xscreensaver = 1 / g" $BASE/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
-    else
-        echo  stop-xscreensaver = 1 >> $BASE/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
-    fi
-    grep -q heartbeat-cmd  $BASE/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
-    if [ $? = 0 ]
-    then
-       sed -i '/^.*heartbeat-cmd.*$/d' $BASE/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
-       #sed -i "s/^.*heartbeat-cmd.*$/heartbeat-cmd=\"$1\"/ g" $BASE/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
-    fi
-    echo  "heartbeat-cmd = \"$1\"" >> $BASE/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
-function killxscreensaver {
-    xscreensaver-command --exit &
-    killall xscreensaver &
-function killgscreensaver(){
-    gnome-screensaver-command --exit &
-    killall gnome-screensaver &
-function setupscreensaver {
-#copy in template
-case x$Screensavertype in
-    xxscreensaver)
-                killgscreensaver
-                #why can't it have a nice conf tool like gconf
-                if [ ! -f  $MYTHHOME/.xscreensaver ]
-                then
-                    #copy in template
-                    cp -f $TEMPLATES/xscreensaver.template $MYTHHOME/.xscreensaver
-                fi
-                #change the idle
-                    sed -i "s/^timeout.*$/timeout:    0:$Screensaveridle:00/g" $MYTHHOME/.xscreensaver
-                #set the mode
-                    case x$Screensavertheme in
-                    xRandom)
-                      sed -i "s/^mode.*$/mode:     random/g" $MYTHHOME/.xscreensaver
-                    ;;
-                    xBlank)
-                        sed -i "s/^mode.*$/mode:    blank/g" $MYTHHOME/.xscreensaver
-                    ;;
-                    *)  sed -i "s/^mode.*$/mode:    one/g" $MYTHHOME/.xscreensaver
-                        #set the theme
-                        start=`awk '/programs/{print NR" "}' $MYTHHOME/.xscreensaver`
-                        ss=`awk  '/'$Screensavertheme'/{print NR" "}' $MYTHHOME/.xscreensaver`
-                        sspos=$((ss-start-1))
-                        sed -i "s/^selected.*$/selected:   $sspos/g" $MYTHHOME/.xscreensaver
-                    ;;
-                 esac
-                mplayer_saver_check "/usr/bin/xscreensaver-command -deactivate &"
-                ;;
-    xgscreensaver)
-                gconftool-2 --direct   --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory  --type bool   --set /apps/gnome-screensaver/lock_enabled false
-                gconftool-2 --direct  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory  --type int -s "/apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_delay" $Screensaveridle
-                gconftool-2 --direct  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory  --type string -s "/apps/gnome-screensaver/mode" single
-                case x$Screensavertheme in
-                    xRandom)
-                        gconftool-2 --direct  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory  --type string -s "/apps/gnome-screensaver/mode" random
-                    ;;
-                    xBlank)
-                        gconftool-2 --direct  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory  --type string -s "/apps/gnome-screensaver/themes" blank
-                    ;;
-                    *)
-                     gconftool-2  --direct  --config-source xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --set --type list --list-type=string /apps/gnome-screensaver/themes [screensavers-$Screensavertheme]
-                     ;;
-                 esac
-                mplayer_saver_check "/usr/bin/gnome-screensaver-command -p &"
-                killxscreensaver
-                ;;
-    xnone)       killgscreensaver
-                killxscreensaver
-                ;;
-    xtinker) echo "tinker mode for setupscreensaver"
-    ;;
-    esac
-# #start it if not already running.
-#     if [ x$XScreensaver = x1 ]
-#     then
-#         #check if it's running, it not start it.
-#         if [ ! x$MV_NEW_INSTALL = "xtrue" ]
-#         then
-#             su - mythtv -c "/usr/bin/gnome-screensaver "
-#         fi
-#     else
-#         #kill it
-#         gnome-screensaver-command --exit &
-#         killall gnome-screensaver &
-#     fi
-#----------------------------------------------------MAIN PROGRAM-------------------------------------------
-eval LAST=\$$#
-LIST=`echo $LAST | tr , " " `
-for i in  $LIST
-echo $i
-case $i in
-    misc) showmisc="true"
-        ;;
-    sleep) showsleep="true"
-        ;;
-    hostype) showhost="true"
-            showX="true"
-        ;;
-    hostypec) hosttypechange="true"
-            ;;
-    advanced) showadvanced="true"
-        ;;
-    audio) showaudio="true"
-        ;;
-    network) shownetwork="true"
-        ;;
-    advancedX)  showX="true"
-        ;;
-    webuser)  setup_web_auth
-        ;;
-    restartfe)  killall -9 mythfrontend
-                killall -9 mythwelcome
-                exit 0
-        ;;
-    reloadfe)  reloadfe
-        ;;
-    ddns) services
-        install=$ser_install
-        remove=$ser_remove
-        daemon_add=$ser_daemon_add
-        daemon_remove=$ser_daemon_remove
-        ;;
-     screensaver)
-        services
-        install=$ser_install
-        remove=$ser_remove
-        daemon_add=$ser_daemon_add
-        daemon_remove=$ser_daemon_remove
-        showscreensaver="true"
-        ;;
-     ir)
-        showir="true"
-        ;;
-    this_is_install) MV_NEW_INSTALL="true"
-        ;;
-    user)
-            if [ x$rootSSH = "x1" ]
-            then
-                sed -i "s/^.*PermitRootLogin.*$/PermitRootLogin yes/" $BASE/etc/ssh/sshd_config
-            else
-                sed -i "s/^.*PermitRootLogin.*$/PermitRootLogin no/" $BASE/etc/ssh/sshd_config
-            fi
-            sv hup sshd
-        ;;
-    esac
-if [ x$MV_NEW_INSTALL = xtrue ]
-    hosttypechange="false"
-#  exit 1
-if [ x"$shownetwork" = xtrue ]
-    OLDHOSTNAME=`hostname`
-    NEWHOSTNAME=$hostname
-    then
-    ${MV_ROOT}/bin/  -cuhostname -o -h$OLDHOSTNAME
-    RESTART_FE="true"
-    hostname $NEWHOSTNAME
-    if [ $SystemType != "Frontend_only" ]
-    then
-        sv restart mythbackend
-    fi
-    fi
-    setup_network
-    CMDLINE=$(cat /proc/cmdline)
-    echo $CMDLINE |grep -q netboot
-    NETBOOT=$?
-    if [   x$NETBOOT = x1  ]
-        then
-            echo "loading network"
-            ${BASE}/etc/net/scripts/network.init reload
-            ${BASE}/etc/net/scripts/network.init restart
-        else
-            echo "netboot, will not start network"
-        fi
-if [ x$showhost = "xtrue" ]
-    . $MV_ROOT/bin/
-    setupir
-    case $SystemType in
-        Standalone)
-                setupntp 1
-                services
-                if [ x$hosttypechange = "xtrue" ]
-                then
-                    setup_db
-                fi
-                if [ -f   ${BASE}/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service     ]
-                then
-                            rm -f ${BASE}/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service
-                            sudo sv restart avahi
-                fi
-                install="mysql mythdb-initial  avahi portmap nfs-utils local-website $ser_install"
-                remove="none $ser_remove"
-                daemon_add="mysql  mythbackend  avahi portmap nfs-utils netfs lighttpd $ser_daemon_add"
-                daemon_remove="none $ser_daemon_remove"
-                ;;
-        Master_backend)
-                setupntp 1
-                services
-                if [  !  -f   ${BASE}/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service     ]
-                then
-                            mkdir  ${BASE}/etc/avahi/services
-                            cp $TEMPLATES/mysql.service  ${BASE}/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service
-                            sudo sv restart  avahi
-                fi
-                install="mysql  mythdb-initial avahi portmap nfs-utils local-website myth2ipod mythtv-status $ser_install  "
-                remove="$ser_remove"
-                daemon_add="mysql mythbackend  avahi   portmap nfs-utils netfs lighttpd $ser_daemon_add"
-                daemon_remove="$ser_daemon_remove"
-                ;;
-        Slave_backend)
-                setupntp 0
-                services
-                if [ x$hosttypechange = "xtrue" ]
-                then
-                setup_db
-                fi
-                if [    -f   ${BASE}/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service     ]
-                then
-                            rm -f ${BASE}/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service
-                            sudo sv restart  avahi
-                fi
-                #cp $TEMPLATES/mysql.service  ${BASE}/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service
-                install="mysql  avahi  local-website portmap nfs-utils $ser_install  "
-                remove=" $ser_remove"
-                daemon_add="mythbackend avahi portmap nfs-utils netfs lighttpd $ser_daemon_add"
-                daemon_remove="$ser_daemon_remove"
-                ;;
-        Frontend_only)
-            #Add values for services
-            setupntp 0
-            services
-            if [  -f   ${BASE}/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service     ]
-                then
-                            rm -f ${BASE}/etc/avahi/services/mysql.service
-                            sudo sv restart  avahi
-                fi
-            install="libmysqlclient mysql-clients portmap nfs-utils avahi local-website $ser_install"
-            remove="mysql mythweb$postfix $ser_remove"
-            daemon_add="avahi portmap nfs-utils netfs lighttpd $ser_daemon_add "
-            daemon_remove="mysql   mythbackend  $ser_daemon_remove"
-    ;;
-    esac
-    #setupSyslog
-#apply these to ALL types
-if [ x$showhost = "xtrue" ]
-    setupmysqlnetwork
-    setupmysql
-    #setupremote
-    #grab the new dbhost key
-    #/usr/bin/
-if [ x$showaudio = "xtrue" ]
-    #setupsoundtype
-    if [ ! x$Audiotype = xtinker  ]
-    then
-        ${MV_ROOT}/bin/ -t real -i $Audiotype -d $SoundDevice
-    fi
-#should always run
-if [ x$showmisc = "xtrue" ]
-    setupzipcode
-    settimezone
-    setupcnfs
-if [ x$showsleep = "xtrue" ]
-    setupsleep
-if [ x$showX = "xtrue" ]
-    ${MV_ROOT}/bin/
-if [ x$showadvanced = "xtrue" ]
-    if [ ! x$showhost = "xtrue" ]
-    then
-        services
-        install="none $ser_install"
-        remove="none $ser_remove"
-        daemon_add=" none $ser_daemon_add"
-        daemon_remove="none $ser_daemon_remove"
-        packages
-        if [ x$SystemType = xMaster_backend ]
-        then
-            setuppacman link
-            else
-            setuppacman
-        fi
-    fi
-    setupncidclient
-    setupnciddaemon
-    setupbootsplash
-    setuphobbitclient
-    #setupreceiver
-    setupevrouter
-    #setupblaster
-    #setupLCD
-    setupDNSMASQ
-if [ x$showscreensaver  = xtrue ]
-     setupscreensaver
-if [ x$showir = xtrue ]
-    . $MV_ROOT/bin/
-    setupir
-#add check for lcd, and restart if needed.
-if [ x$RESTART_FE = xtrue ]
-    reloadfe
-case $SystemType in
-    Standalone)  smoltsystem=6
-                    MVRELEASE="$MVRELEASE  (Standalone)"
-                    ;;
-            if [ x$RunFrontend = x1 ]
-            then
-                smoltsystem=2
-                MVRELEASE="$MVRELEASE  (MBE with Frontend)"
-            else
-                smoltsystem=1
-                MVRELEASE="$MVRELEASE  (MBE)"
-            fi
-            ;;
-            if [ x$RunFrontend = x1 ]
-            then
-                smoltsystem=5
-                MVRELEASE="$MVRELEASE  (SLAVE  with Frontend)"
-            else
-                smoltsystem=5
-                MVRELEASE="$MVRELEASE  (SLAVE)"
-            fi
-            ;;
-    Frontend_only)
-        smoltsystem=3
-        MVRELEASE="$MVRELEASE  ( Frontend only)"
-            ;;
-echo $MVRELEASE > /etc/os_myth_release
-echo "systemtype=$smoltsystem" > /home/mythtv/.mythtv/ 2>/dev/null
-echo "remote=$Remotetype" >> /home/mythtv/.mythtv/ 2>/dev/null -m $@
cgit v0.12