From bae5fd65e6831ac5c641739d1e7594c24966a55e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:45:54 -0500
Subject: system-templates: add lcdproc support for nmedia branded LCD

 abs/core/system-templates/PKGBUILD                 |   2 +-
 .../templates/LCD/nmedia/LCDd.conf                 | 869 +++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 870 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 abs/core/system-templates/templates/LCD/nmedia/LCDd.conf

diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/PKGBUILD b/abs/core/system-templates/PKGBUILD
index 224b93e..1cf109e 100755
--- a/abs/core/system-templates/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 conflicts=( )
 pkgdesc="Templates used for system configuration"
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/LCD/nmedia/LCDd.conf b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/LCD/nmedia/LCDd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33400b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/LCD/nmedia/LCDd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
+# LCDd.conf -- configuration file for the LCDproc server daemon LCDd
+# This file contains the configuration for the LCDd server.
+# The format is ini-file-like. It is divided into sections that start at
+# markers that look like [section]. Comments are all line-based comments,
+# and are lines that start with '#' or ';'.
+# The server has a 'central' section named [server]. For the menu there is
+# a section called [menu]. Further each driver has a section which
+# defines how the driver acts.
+# The drivers are activated by specifiying them in a driver= line in the
+# server section, like:
+#   Driver=curses
+# This tells LCDd to use the curses driver.
+# The first driver that is loaded and is capable of output defines the
+# size of the display. The default driver to use is curses.
+# If the driver is specified using the -d <driver> command line option,
+# the Driver= options in the config file are ignored.
+# The drivers read their own options from the respective sections.
+## Server section with all kinds of settings for the LCDd server ##
+# Tells the server to load the given drivers. Multiple lines can be given.
+# The name of the driver is case sensitive and determines the section
+# where to look for further configuration options of the specific driver
+# as well as the name of the dynamic driver module to load at runtime.
+# The latter one can be changed by giving af File= directive in the
+# driver specific section.
+# The following drivers are supported:
+#   bayrad, CFontz, CFontz633, CFontzPacket, curses, CwLnx, EyeboxOne,
+#   g15, glcdlib, glk, hd44780, icp_a106, imon, IOWarrior, irman,
+#   joy, lb216,lcdm001, lcterm, lirc,MD8800, ms6931, mtc_s16209x,
+#   MtxOrb, NoritakeVFD, pyramid, sed1330, sed1520, serialVFD,
+#   sli, stv5730, svga, t6963, text, tyan, ula200, xosd
+# Tells the driver to bind to the given interface
+# Listen on this specified port; defaults to 13666.
+# Sets the reporting level; defaults to 2 (warnings and errors only).
+# Should we report to syslog instead of stderr ? Default: no
+# Sets the default time in seconds to displays a screen.
+# User to run as.  LCDd will drop its root priviledges,
+# if any, and run as this user instead.
+# If yes, the the serverscreen will be rotated as a usual info screen. If no,
+# it will be a background screen, only visible when no other screens are
+# active.
+# The server will stay in the foreground if set to true.
+# Where can we find the driver modules ?
+# IMPORTANT: Make sure to change this setting to reflect your
+#            specific setup! Otherwise LCDd won't be able to find
+#            the driver modules and will thus not be able to
+#            function properly.
+# NOTE: Always place a slash as last character !
+# The "...Key=" lines define what the server does with keypresses that
+# don't go to any client.
+# These are the defaults:
+# If you have only 4 keys, you can choose to use this:
+# If you have only 3 keys, you can choose to use this:
+## The menu section. The menu is an internal LCDproc client. ##
+# You can configure what keys the menu should use. Note that the MenuKey
+# will be reserved exclusively, the others work in shared mode.
+# The following works excellent with 4 keys or more.
+# If you have 6 keys you may define these as well
+# If you have only 3 keys, you could use something like this:
+### Driver sections are below this line, in alphabetical order  ###
+## EMAC BayRAD driver ##
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal:  1200, 2400, 9600, 19200]
+## CrystalFontz driver (for CF632 & CF634) ##
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Select the LCD size [default: 20x4]
+# Set the initial contrast [default: 560; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# Set the initial brightness [default: 255; legal: 0 - 255]
+# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 255]
+# This value is used when the display is normally
+# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
+# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200 or 115200]
+# Set the firmware version (New means >= 2.0) [default: no; legal: yes, no]
+# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
+# normally you shouldn't need this
+## CrystalFontz633 driver (for CF633 only) ##
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Select the LCD type (size) [default: 16x2]
+# Set the initial contrast [default: 560; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# This value is used when the display is normally
+# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
+# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 115200]
+# Set the firmware version (New means >= 2.0) [default: no; legal: yes, no]
+# Currently this flag is not in use, there is no such thing as NewFirmware. ;=)
+# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
+# I want to reboot the LCD to make sure we start from a known state
+## CrystalFontz packet driver (for CF631, CF633 & CF635) ##
+# Select the LCD model [default: 633; legal: 631, 633, 635]
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Select the LCD size [default: depending on model: 635: 20x4, 631: 20x2, 633: 16x2]
+# Set the initial contrast [default: 560; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# This value is used when the display is normally
+# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
+# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 115200]
+# Set the firmware version (New means >= 2.0) [default: no; legal: yes, no]
+# Currently this flag is not in use, there is no such thing as NewFirmware. ;=)
+# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
+# I want to reboot the LCD to make sure we start from a known state
+## Curses driver ##
+# color settings
+# foreground color [default: blue]
+# background color when "backlight" is off [default: cyan]
+# background color when "backlight" is on [default: red]
+# display size [default: 20x4]
+# What position (X,Y) to start the left top corner at...
+# Default: (7,7)
+# use ASC symbols for icons & bars [default: no; legal, yes, no]
+## Cwlinux driver ##
+# Select the LCD model [default: 12232; legal: 12232, 1602]
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Select the LCD size [default: depending on model: 12232: 20x4, 1602: 16x2]
+# Set the communication speed [default: 19200; legal: 9600, 19200]
+# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
+# normally you shouldn't need this
+# If you have a keypad connected. Keypad layout is currently not
+# configureable from the config file.
+# If you have a non-standard keypad you can associate any keystrings to keys.
+# There are 6 input keys in the CwLnx hardware that generate characters
+# from 'A' to 'F'.
+# The following is the built-in default mapping hardcoded in the driver.
+# You can leave those unchanged if you have a standard keypad.
+# You can change it if you want to report other keystrings or have a non
+# standard keypad.
+# KeyMap_A=Up
+# KeyMap_B=Down
+# KeyMap_C=Left
+# KeyMap_D=Right
+# KeyMap_E=Enter
+# KeyMap_F=Escape
+# keypad_test_mode permits to test keypad assignement
+# Default value is no
+## EyeboxOne driver ##
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/ttyS1]
+# Set the display size [default: 20x4]
+# Switch on the backlight? [default: yes]
+# Switch on the cursor? [default: no]
+# Set the communication speed [default: 19200; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200]
+# Enter Key is a \r character, so it's hardcoded in the driver
+# You can find out which key of your display sends which
+# character by setting keypad_test_mode to yes and running
+# LCDd. LCDd will output all characters it receives.
+# Afterwards you can modify the settings above and set
+# keypad_set_mode to no again.
+## g15 driver for Logitech G15 Keyboard LCDs ##
+# Display size (currently unused)
+## glcdlib meta driver for graphical LCDs ##
+## mandatory:
+# which graphical display supported by graphlcd-base to use [default: image]
+# (see /etc/graphlcd.conf for possible drivers)
+# no=use graphlcd bitmap fonts (they have only one size / font file)
+# yes=use fonts supported by FreeType2 (needs Freetype2 support in libglcdprocdriver and its dependants)
+# text resolution in fixed width characters [default: 16x4]
+# (if it won't fit according to available physical pixel resolutioni
+# and the minimum available font face size in pixels, then 
+# 'DebugBorder' will automatically be turned on)
+# path to font file to use
+## these only apply if UseFT2=yes:
+# character encoding to use
+# minumum size in pixels in which fonts should be rendered
+## optional:
+Brightness=50			# Brightness (in %) if applicable
+Contrast=50			# Contrast (in %) if applicable
+Backlight=no			# Backlight if applicable
+UpsideDown=no			# flip image upside down
+Invert=no			# invert light/dark pixels
+ShowDebugFrame=no		# turns on/off 1 pixel thick debugging
+				# border whithin the usable text area,
+				# for setting up TextResolution and
+				# MinFontFaceSize (if using FT2);
+ShowBigBorder=no		# border around the unused area
+ShowThinBorder=yes		# border around the unused area
+## Matrix Orbital GLK driver ##
+# select the serial device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# set the initial contrast value [default: 560; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# set the serial port speed [default: 19200; legal: 9600, 19200, 38400]
+## Hitachi HD44780 driver ##
+# Select what type of connection. See documentation for types.
+# Port where the LPT is. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
+# Device of the serial interface (default is /dev/lcd)
+# Bitrate of the serial port (0 for interface default)
+# If you have a keypad connected.
+# You may also need to configure the keypad layout further on in this file.
+# set the initial contrast (for bwctusb only) [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# If you have a switchable backlight.
+# If you have the additional output port ("bargraph") and you want to
+# be able to control it with the lcdproc OUTPUT command
+# Specifies if the last line is pixel addressable or it controls an
+# underline effect. [default: true (= pixel addressable); legal: yes, no]
+# Specifies the size of the LCD.
+# In case of multiple combined displays, this should be the total size.
+# For multiple combined displays: how many lines does each display have.
+# Vspan=2,2 means both displays have 2 lines.
+# If you have an HD66712, a KS0073 or an other 'almost HD44780-compatible',
+# set this flag to get into extended mode (4-line linear).
+# This flag is NOT the old obsolete Extended option.
+# Character map to to map ISO-8859-1 to the LCD's character set
+# [default: hd44780_default; legal: hd44780_default, ea_ks0073 ]
+# If your display is slow and cannot keep up with the flow of data from
+# LCDd, garbage can appear on the LCDd. Set this delay factor to 2 or 4
+# to increase the delays. Default: 1.
+# You can reduce the inserted delays by setting this to false.
+# On fast PCs it is possible your LCD does not respond correctly.
+# Default: true.
+# If you have a keypad you can assign keystrings to the keys.
+# See documentation for used terms and how to wire it.
+# For example to give directly connected key 4 the string "Enter", use:
+#   KeyDirect_4=Enter
+# For matrix keys use the X and Y coordinates of the key:
+#   KeyMatrix_1_3=Enter
+## ICP A106 driver ##
+## Code Mercenaries IO-Warrior driver ##
+# display dimensions
+# serial number [exactly as listed by usbview]
+# (if not given, the 1st IOWarrior found gets used)
+# Specifies if the last line is pixel addressable or it controls an
+# underline effect. [default: true (= pixel addressable); legal: yes, no]
+## Soundgraph/Ahanix/Silverstone/Uneed/Accent iMON driver ##
+# select the device to use
+# display dimensions
+## IrMan driver ##
+#if in trouble with IrMan, try Lirc emulator for IrMan
+# Select the input device to use
+# Select the configuration file to use
+## Joystick driver ##
+# Select the input device to use [default: /dev/js0]
+# set the axis map
+# set the button map
+## LB216 driver ##
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Set the initial brightness [default: 255; legal: 0 - 255]
+# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal: 2400, 9600]
+# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
+## LCDM001 driver ##
+# keypad settings
+# Keyname      Function
+#              Normal context              Menu context
+# -------      --------------              ------------
+# PauseKey     Pause/Continue              Enter/select
+# BackKey      Back(Go to previous screen) Up/Left
+# ForwardKey   Forward(Go to next screen)  Down/Right
+# MainMenuKey  Open main menu              Exit/Cancel
+# You can rearrange the settings here.
+# If your device is broken, have a look at /usr/lib/lcdproc/lcdm001.h
+## HNE LCTerm driver ##
+## LIRC input driver ##
+# Specify an alternative location of the lircrc file [default: ~/.lircrc]
+# Must be the same as in your lircrc
+##The driver for the VFD of the Medion MD8800 PC ##
+# device to use [default: /dev/ttyS1]
+# display size [default: 16x2]
+# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# This value is used when the display is normally
+# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
+## MSI MS-6931 driver for displays in 1HU servers ##
+# device to use [default: /dev/ttyS1]
+# display size [default: 16x2]
+## MTC-S16209x driver ##
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Set the initial brightness [default: 255; legal: 0 - 255]
+# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [default: no; legal: yes, no]
+## Matrix Orbital driver ##
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Set the display size [default: 20x4]
+# Switch on the backlight? [default: yes]
+# NOTE: The driver will ignore this if the display is a vfd or vkd
+#       as they crash if the backlight is turned off
+# Set the initial contrast [default: 480]
+# NOTE: The driver will ignore this if the display
+#       is a vfd or vkd as they don't have this feature
+# Set the communication speed [default: 19200; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200]
+# Set the display type [default: lcd; legal: lcd, lkd, vfd, vkd]
+# The following table translates from MtxOrb key letters to logical key namess.
+# By default no keys are mapped, meaning the keypad is not used at all.
+# See the [menu] section for an explanation of the key mappings
+# You can find out which key of your display sends which
+# character by setting keypad_test_mode to yes and running
+# LCDd. LCDd will output all characters it receives.
+# Afterwards you can modify the settings above and set
+# keypad_set_mode to no again.
+## Noritake VFD driver ##
+# device where the VFD is. Usual values are /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyS1 [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Specifies the size of the LCD.
+# set the brightness
+# set the serial port speed [default: 9600, legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 115200]
+# re-initialize VFD ?
+## Pyramid LCD driver ##
+# device to connect to [default: /dev/lcd]
+## Seiko Epson 1330 driver ##
+# Port where the LPT is. Common values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
+# Type of LCD module (legal: G321D, G121C, G242C, G191D, G2446)
+# Note: G321D is the only one that is tested currently.
+## Seiko Epson 1520 driver ##
+# Port where the LPT is. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
+## Serial VFD driver ##
+## Drives various (see below) serial 5x7dot VFD's.  ##
+# Specifies the displaytype.[default: 0]
+# 0 NEC (FIPC8367 based) VFDs.
+# 1 KD Rev 2.1.
+# 2 Noritake VFDs (*).
+# 3 Futaba VFDs
+# (* most should work, not testet yet.)
+# "no" if display connected serial, "yes" if connected parallel. [default: no(=serial)]
+# Number of Custom-Characters [default: displaytype dependent]
+# Portaddress where the LPT is. Used in parallelmode only. Usual values are 0x278, 0x378 and 0x3BC
+# Device to use in serial mode. Usual values are /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyS1
+# Specifies the size of the VFD.
+# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# (4 steps 0-250, 251-500, 501-750, 751-1000)
+# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 0; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# This value is used when the display is normally
+# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
+# (4 steps 0-250, 251-500, 501-750, 751-1000)
+# set the serial port speed [default: 9600; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 115200]
+# enable ISO 8859 1 compatibility [default: yes; legal: yes, no]
+## stv5730 driver ##
+# Port the device is connected to [default: 0x378]
+## SVGAlib driver ##
+# svgalib mode to use [default: G320x240x256; legal: supported svgalib modes]
+# set display size [default: 20x4]
+# Set the initial contrast [default: 500; legal: 0 - 1000]
+# Can be set but does not change anything internally
+# Set the initial brightness [default: 1000; legal: 1 - 1000]
+# Set the initial off-brightness [default: 500; legal: 1 - 1000]
+# This value is used when the display is normally
+# switched off in case LCDd is inactive
+## Text driver ##
+# Set the display size [default: 20x4]
+## Toshiba T6963 driver ##
+# set display size [default: 20x6]
+# port to use [default: 0x378; legal: 0x200 - 0x400]
+# Is ECP mode on? [default: yes; legal: yes, no]
+# Use graphics? [default: no; legal: yes, no]
+## Tyan Barebones LCD driver (GS10 & GS12 series) ##
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Set the communication speed [default: 9600; legal: 4800, 9600]
+# set display size [default: 16x2]
+## ELV ula200 driver ##
+# Select the LCD size [default: 20x4]
+# If you have a non standard keypad you can associate any keystrings to keys.
+# There are 6 input key in the CwLnx hardware that generate characters
+# from 'A' to 'F'.
+# The following it the built-in default mapping hardcoded in the driver.
+# You can leave those unchanged if you have a standard keypad.
+# You can change it if you want to report other keystrings or have a non
+# standard keypad.
+# KeyMap_A=Up
+# KeyMap_B=Down
+# KeyMap_C=Left
+# KeyMap_D=Right
+# KeyMap_E=Enter
+# KeyMap_F=Escape
+## Wirz SLI LCD driver ##
+# Select the output device to use [default: /dev/lcd]
+# Set the communication speed [default: 19200; legal: 1200, 2400, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200]
+## OnScreen Display using libxosd ##
+# set display size [default: 20x4]
+# font to use
+# EOF
cgit v0.12

From 88894761addea4ab33c6109f62ddd6ac398c8415 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:46:32 -0500
Subject: remove almost all Advanced X, introduce reading available modes from

 abs/core/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD   |   4 +-
 abs/core/LinHES-config/ | 130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 abs/core/mythinstall/PKGBUILD     |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD b/abs/core/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD
index ddfc5a4..a6d8d54 100644
--- a/abs/core/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 conflicts=(MythVantage-config MythVantage-config-dev LinHES-config-dev LinHes-config )
 pkgdesc="Install and configure your system"
 depends=('bc' 'libstatgrab'  'mysql-python' 'expect' 'curl' 'dnsutils' 'parted'
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ md5sums=('6259677916192a92d1adf47b276f7829'
-         '7af56cecd1081d45f57fb207df0a0c87'
+         '960017a34d9cc78af6298f45aad6eb8e'
diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-config/ b/abs/core/LinHES-config/
index 4237fcc..a601352 100755
--- a/abs/core/LinHES-config/
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-config/
@@ -54,47 +54,51 @@ function presetupX {
                 echo "Copy your config file to $MYTHHOME/templates/xorg.user" > "$XORG_CONF"
-            if [ "$XUseAdvanced" = 1 ]
-            then
-                setupAdvancedX
-            else
+            #if [ "$XUseAdvanced" = 1 ]
+            #then
+            #    setupAdvancedX
+            #else
-            fi
+            #fi
 function setupAdvancedX {
-    echo "#Doing the advanced X setup" > /tmp/options
+    echo "#Doing the advanced X setup" >> $LOGFILE
+    #Xcategory=`echo "$Xresadvanced" | cut -d_ -f1`
+    #Xres=`echo "$Xresadvanced" | cut -d_ -f2`
     Xcategory=`echo "$Xresadvanced" | cut -d_ -f1`
-    Xres=`echo "$Xresadvanced" | cut -d_ -f2`
-    echo "$Xcategory"
-    if [ "$Xcategory" = "nVidia Modeline" ]
+    Xres=${Xres}
+    #echo "$Xcategory"
+    #echo $Xres
+    if [ "$Xcategory" = "Nvidia" ]
-        Xres=""
+        #Xres=""
         if [ "$XnVidia1080p" = "1" ]
-            Xres="${Xres} \"1920x1080_60\""
+            Xres="${Xres} 1920x1080_60"
         if [ "$XnVidia1080i" = "1" ]
-            Xres="${Xres}  \"1920x1080_60i\""
+            Xres="${Xres} 1920x1080_60i"
         if [ "$XnVidia720p" = "1" ]
-            Xres="${Xres}  \"1280x720_60\""
+            Xres="${Xres} 1280x720_60"
         if [ "$XnVidia480p" = "1" ]
-            Xres="${Xres}  \"720x480_60\""
+            Xres="${Xres} 720x480_60"
-            ML="\t Modes ${Xres}"
-    else
-    ML="\t Modes \"${Xres}\""
+        #ML="\t Modes ${Xres}"
+#     else
+#         ML="\t Modes \"${Xres}\""
-#    echo $ML
     case $Xcardtype in
@@ -119,21 +123,21 @@ function setupAdvancedX {
                 #echo "Option \"FlatPanelProperties\" \"Scaling = centered, Dithering = enabled\"" >> /tmp/options
                 #echo "Option \"DigitalVibrance\" \"0\"" >> /tmp/options
-            if  [ "$XignoreEDID" = 1 ]
-            then
-                EDIDvalue=true
-                EDIDFREQ=false
-                DS="    DisplaySize $XDisplaysize"
-                HS="    HorizSync   $XHsync"
-                VR="    VertRefresh $XVrefresh"
-            else
-                EDIDvalue=false
-                EDIDFREQ=true
-                DS="# Display size edid used "
-                HS="# Hsync edid used "
-                VR="# Vertrefresh edid used "
-            fi
+#             if  [ "$XignoreEDID" = 1 ]
+#             then
+#                 EDIDvalue=true
+#                 EDIDFREQ=false
+#                 DS="    DisplaySize $XDisplaysize"
+#                 HS="    HorizSync   $XHsync"
+#                 VR="    VertRefresh $XVrefresh"
+#             else
+#                 EDIDvalue=false
+#                 EDIDFREQ=true
+#                 DS="# Display size edid used "
+#                 HS="# Hsync edid used "
+#                 VR="# Vertrefresh edid used "
+#             fi
 #             echo "Option  \"UseEdidFreqs\" \"$EDIDFREQ\"" >> /tmp/options
 #             echo "Option  \"IgnoreEDID\" \"$EDIDvalue\"" >> /tmp/options
@@ -144,6 +148,9 @@ function setupAdvancedX {
 #                 -e "s/^#.*HorizSync.*$/ $HS/g" \
 #                 -e "s/^#.*VertRefresh.*$/ $VR/g" \
 #                 -e "/INSERT HERE/r /tmp/options" "$TEMPLATES/xorg/xorg.conf.nvidia" > "$XORG_CONF"
+            #nvidia-xconfig -c /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-automv.conf --mode-list=\"${Xres}\"
+            eval nvidia-xconfig -c /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-automv.conf --mode-list=\"${Xres}\"
@@ -203,7 +210,7 @@ function nvidia_driver_install {
         cp "$TEMPLATES/xorg/xorg.conf.nvidia"  $BASE/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-automv.conf
+        installed=0
         if [ "$TESTMODE" != "test" ]
@@ -215,37 +222,62 @@ function nvidia_driver_install {
                 echo "Installing current nvidia drivers"
                 pacman --noconfirm  -S nvidia nvidia-utils >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+                installed=1
+            if [ $installed = 0 ]
+            then
+                #nvidia check right here
+                grep -qi "$CARDID" "$NVIDIA_96XX"
+                if [ $? = 0 ]
+                then
+                    #install 96xx drivers
+                    echo "Installing nvidia 96xx drivers"
+                    nvidia_prepare
+                    pacman --noconfirm  -S nvidia-96xx nvidia-96xx-utils  >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+                    installed=1
+                fi
+            fi
-            #nvidia check right here
-            grep -qi "$CARDID" "$NVIDIA_96XX"
-            if [ $? = 0 ]
+            if [ $installed = 0 ]
-                #install 96xx drivers
-                echo "Installing nvidia 96xx drivers"
-                nvidia_prepare
-                pacman --noconfirm  -S nvidia-96xx nvidia-96xx-utils  >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+                grep -qi "$CARDID" "$NVIDIA_173"
+                if [ $? = 0 ]
+                then
+                    #install latest drivers
+                    echo "Installing 173 nvidia drivers"
+                    nvidia_prepare
+                    pacman --noconfirm  -S nvidia-173xx nvidia-173xx-utils >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+                    installed=1
+                fi
-            grep -qi "$CARDID" "$NVIDIA_173"
-            if [ $? = 0 ]
+            if [ $installed = 0 ]
+                #this is a failsafe, can't find the right driver, then use the latest'
                 #install latest drivers
-                echo "Installing 173 nvidia drivers"
+                echo "Couldn't find the card in the supported list"
+                echo "Installing current nvidia drivers"
-                pacman --noconfirm  -S nvidia-173xx nvidia-173xx-utils >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+                pacman --noconfirm  -S nvidia nvidia-utils >> $LOGFILE 2>&1
+                installed=1
-        if [ ${Xres} = Auto ]
+        if [ \"$Xres\" = "Auto" ]
             nvidia-xconfig -c /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-automv.conf --mode-list="nvidia-auto-select"
-            nvidia-xconfig -c /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-automv.conf --mode-list=${Xres}
+            #nvidia-xconfig -c /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-automv.conf --mode-list=$Xres
+            eval nvidia-xconfig -c /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-automv.conf --mode-list=\"${Xres}\"
         echo "/usr/lib/" > "$XVMC_CONFIG"
-        rm $BASE/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf
+        #rm $BASE/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf
diff --git a/abs/core/mythinstall/PKGBUILD b/abs/core/mythinstall/PKGBUILD
index 7a10d19..92ba4bb 100644
--- a/abs/core/mythinstall/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core/mythinstall/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Maintainer: Jams
 pkgdesc="LinHES installer/systemconfig GUI."
cgit v0.12

From a440f241a0f3f7ebfe46bd4b82d3faa97a1bec62 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Britney Fransen <>
Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 18:32:00 -0500
Subject: runit-scripts: lircd run: remove ir-keytable. It was replaced by

 abs/core/runit-scripts/PKGBUILD                        | 2 +-
 abs/core/runit-scripts/runitscripts/services/lircd/run | 8 +-------
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/abs/core/runit-scripts/PKGBUILD b/abs/core/runit-scripts/PKGBUILD
index bae19e3..df07eed 100755
--- a/abs/core/runit-scripts/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core/runit-scripts/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 pkgdesc="collection of startup scripts for runit"
diff --git a/abs/core/runit-scripts/runitscripts/services/lircd/run b/abs/core/runit-scripts/runitscripts/services/lircd/run
index b23e348..480a884 100755
--- a/abs/core/runit-scripts/runitscripts/services/lircd/run
+++ b/abs/core/runit-scripts/runitscripts/services/lircd/run
@@ -37,13 +37,7 @@ else
     . /etc/systemconfig
     stat_runit "Starting lirc"
-     in_kernel_support "disable"
-    #enable lirc bridge protocol
-    printhl  "    lirc: ir-keytable"
-    /usr/bin/ir-keytable -p lirc > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
+    in_kernel_support "disable"
     [ -e /etc/sv/lircd/.runtime ] || mkdir -p /etc/sv/lircd/.runtime
     [ -e /var/run/lirc ] || mkdir -p /var/run/lirc
cgit v0.12