From de5c9f58828088f5c009691b701ed28d75fa9dc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Britney Fransen <>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 17:26:15 -0600
Subject: system-templates: remotes: add; add imon-mce; remove
 imon-pad; refs #651 refs #821

 abs/core/system-templates/PKGBUILD                 |   2 +-
 .../remotes/Dvico-Dual-Digital4-rev2/    |   3 +
 .../templates/remotes/dvico/             |   3 +
 .../templates/remotes/imon-mce/lircd.conf.imon     | 835 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/imon-mce/lircrc              | 922 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../templates/remotes/imon-mce/preview.jpg         | Bin 0 -> 35870 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/imon-mce/          |   4 +
 .../templates/remotes/imon-pad/lircd.conf          |  88 --
 .../templates/remotes/imon-pad/lircrc              | 240 ------
 .../templates/remotes/imon-pad/preview.jpg         | Bin 35870 -> 0 bytes
 .../templates/remotes/imon/              |   4 +
 11 files changed, 1772 insertions(+), 329 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico-Dual-Digital4-rev2/
 create mode 100644 abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/dvico/
 create mode 100755 abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/lircd.conf.imon
 create mode 100755 abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/lircrc
 create mode 100644 abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/
 delete mode 100644 abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/lircd.conf
 delete mode 100644 abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/lircrc
 delete mode 100644 abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/preview.jpg
 create mode 100755 abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon/

diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/PKGBUILD b/abs/core/system-templates/PKGBUILD
index 4f2a035..8a1df44 100755
--- a/abs/core/system-templates/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 conflicts=( )
 pkgdesc="Templates used for system configuration"
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico-Dual-Digital4-rev2/ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico-Dual-Digital4-rev2/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1168696
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/Dvico-Dual-Digital4-rev2/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/usr/sbin/lircd -r -n -d /dev/remotes/dvicoDualDigital4 --driver=devinput  --output /var/run/lirc/lircd
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/dvico/ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/dvico/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7721acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/dvico/
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/usr/sbin/lircd -r -n -d /dev/remotes/dvicoIR --driver=dvico  --output /var/run/lirc/lircd
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/lircd.conf.imon b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/lircd.conf.imon
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9b97ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/lircd.conf.imon
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+# generated by
+begin remote
+  name  devinput
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x1
+  post_data_bits  32
+  post_data      0x1
+  gap          132799
+  toggle_bit_mask 0x0
+      begin codes
+          KEY_0                    0x0200
+          KEY_102ND                0x0056
+          KEY_1                    0x0201
+          KEY_2                    0x0202
+          KEY_3                    0x0203
+          KEY_4                    0x0204
+          KEY_5                    0x0205
+          KEY_6                    0x0206
+          KEY_7                    0x0207
+          KEY_8                    0x0208
+          KEY_9                    0x0209
+          KEY_A                    0x001E
+          KEY_AB                   0x0196
+          KEY_AGAIN                0x0081
+          KEY_ALTERASE             0x00DE
+          KEY_ANGLE                0x0173
+          KEY_APOSTROPHE           0x0028
+          KEY_ARCHIVE              0x0169
+          KEY_AUDIO                0x0188
+          KEY_AUX                  0x0186
+          KEY_B                    0x0030
+          KEY_BACK                 0x009E
+          KEY_BACKSLASH            0x002B
+          KEY_BACKSPACE            0x000E
+          KEY_BASSBOOST            0x00D1
+          KEY_BATTERY              0x00EC
+          KEY_BLUE                 0x0191
+          KEY_BOOKMARKS            0x009C
+          KEY_BREAK                0x019B
+          KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN       0x00E0
+          KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP         0x00E1
+          KEY_BRL_DOT1             0x01F1
+          KEY_BRL_DOT2             0x01F2
+          KEY_BRL_DOT3             0x01F3
+          KEY_BRL_DOT4             0x01F4
+          KEY_BRL_DOT5             0x01F5
+          KEY_BRL_DOT6             0x01F6
+          KEY_BRL_DOT7             0x01F7
+          KEY_BRL_DOT8             0x01F8
+          KEY_C                    0x002E
+          KEY_CALC                 0x008C
+          KEY_CALENDAR             0x018D
+          KEY_CAMERA               0x00D4
+          KEY_CANCEL               0x00DF
+          KEY_CAPSLOCK             0x003A
+          KEY_CD                   0x017F
+          KEY_CHANNEL              0x016B
+          KEY_CHANNELDOWN          0x0193
+          KEY_CHANNELUP            0x0192
+          KEY_CHAT                 0x00D8
+          KEY_CLEAR                0x0163
+          KEY_CLOSE                0x00CE
+          KEY_CLOSECD              0x00A0
+          KEY_COFFEE               0x0098
+          KEY_COMMA                0x0033
+          KEY_COMPOSE              0x007F
+          KEY_COMPUTER             0x009D
+          KEY_CONFIG               0x00AB
+          KEY_CONNECT              0x00DA
+          KEY_COPY                 0x0085
+          KEY_CUT                  0x0089
+          KEY_CYCLEWINDOWS         0x009A
+          KEY_D                    0x0020
+          KEY_DEL_EOL              0x01C0
+          KEY_DEL_EOS              0x01C1
+          KEY_DELETE               0x006F
+          KEY_DELETEFILE           0x0092
+          KEY_DEL_LINE             0x01C3
+          KEY_DIGITS               0x019D
+          KEY_DIRECTION            0x0099
+          KEY_DIRECTORY            0x018A
+          KEY_DOCUMENTS            0x00EB
+          KEY_DOT                  0x0034
+          KEY_DOWN                 0x006C
+          KEY_DVD                  0x0185
+          KEY_E                    0x0012
+          KEY_EDIT                 0x00B0
+          KEY_EJECTCD              0x00A1
+          KEY_EJECTCLOSECD         0x00A2
+          KEY_EMAIL                0x00D7
+          KEY_END                  0x006B
+          KEY_ENTER                0x001C
+          KEY_EPG                  0x016D
+          KEY_EQUAL                0x000D
+          KEY_ESC                  0x0001
+          KEY_EXIT                 0x00AE
+          KEY_F10                  0x0044
+          KEY_F11                  0x0057
+          KEY_F12                  0x0058
+          KEY_F13                  0x00B7
+          KEY_F14                  0x00B8
+          KEY_F15                  0x00B9
+          KEY_F1                   0x003B
+          KEY_F16                  0x00BA
+          KEY_F17                  0x00BB
+          KEY_F18                  0x00BC
+          KEY_F19                  0x00BD
+          KEY_F20                  0x00BE
+          KEY_F21                  0x00BF
+          KEY_F22                  0x00C0
+          KEY_F23                  0x00C1
+          KEY_F24                  0x00C2
+          KEY_F2                   0x003C
+          KEY_F                    0x0021
+          KEY_F3                   0x003D
+          KEY_F4                   0x003E
+          KEY_F5                   0x003F
+          KEY_F6                   0x0040
+          KEY_F7                   0x0041
+          KEY_F8                   0x0042
+          KEY_F9                   0x0043
+          KEY_FASTFORWARD          0x00D0
+          KEY_FAVORITES            0x016C
+          KEY_FILE                 0x0090
+          KEY_FINANCE              0x00DB
+          KEY_FIND                 0x0088
+          KEY_FIRST                0x0194
+          KEY_FN                   0x01D0
+          KEY_FN_1                 0x01DE
+          KEY_FN_2                 0x01DF
+          KEY_FN_B                 0x01E4
+          KEY_FN_D                 0x01E0
+          KEY_FN_E                 0x01E1
+          KEY_FN_ESC               0x01D1
+          KEY_FN_F                 0x01E2
+          KEY_FN_F10               0x01DB
+          KEY_FN_F1                0x01D2
+          KEY_FN_F11               0x01DC
+          KEY_FN_F12               0x01DD
+          KEY_FN_F2                0x01D3
+          KEY_FN_F3                0x01D4
+          KEY_FN_F4                0x01D5
+          KEY_FN_F5                0x01D6
+          KEY_FN_F6                0x01D7
+          KEY_FN_F7                0x01D8
+          KEY_FN_F8                0x01D9
+          KEY_FN_F9                0x01DA
+          KEY_FN_S                 0x01E3
+          KEY_FORWARD              0x009F
+          KEY_FORWARDMAIL          0x00E9
+          KEY_FRONT                0x0084
+          KEY_G                    0x0022
+          KEY_GOTO                 0x0162
+          KEY_GRAVE                0x0029
+          KEY_GREEN                0x018F
+          KEY_H                    0x0023
+          KEY_HANGEUL              0x007A
+          KEY_HANJA                0x007B
+          KEY_HELP                 0x008A
+          KEY_HENKAN               0x005C
+          KEY_HIRAGANA             0x005B
+          KEY_HOME                 0x0066
+          KEY_HOMEPAGE             0x00AC
+          KEY_HP                   0x00D3
+          KEY_I                    0x0017
+          KEY_INFO                 0x0166
+          KEY_INSERT               0x006E
+          KEY_INS_LINE             0x01C2
+          KEY_ISO                  0x00AA
+          KEY_J                    0x0024
+          KEY_K                    0x0025
+          KEY_KATAKANA             0x005A
+          KEY_KATAKANAHIRAGANA     0x005D
+          KEY_KBDILLUMDOWN         0x00E5
+          KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE       0x00E4
+          KEY_KBDILLUMUP           0x00E6
+          KEY_KEYBOARD             0x0176
+          KEY_KP0                  0x0052
+          KEY_KP1                  0x004F
+          KEY_KP2                  0x0050
+          KEY_KP3                  0x0051
+          KEY_KP4                  0x004B
+          KEY_KP5                  0x004C
+          KEY_KP6                  0x004D
+          KEY_KP7                  0x0047
+          KEY_KP8                  0x0048
+          KEY_KP9                  0x0049
+          KEY_KPASTERISK           0x0037
+          KEY_KPCOMMA              0x0079
+          KEY_KPDOT                0x0053
+          KEY_KPENTER              0x0060
+          KEY_KPEQUAL              0x0075
+          KEY_KPJPCOMMA            0x005F
+          KEY_KPLEFTPAREN          0x00B3
+          KEY_KPMINUS              0x004A
+          KEY_KPPLUS               0x004E
+          KEY_KPPLUSMINUS          0x0076
+          KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN         0x00B4
+          KEY_KPSLASH              0x0062
+          KEY_L                    0x0026
+          KEY_LANGUAGE             0x0170
+          KEY_LAST                 0x0195
+          KEY_LEFT                 0x0069
+          KEY_LEFTALT              0x0038
+          KEY_LEFTBRACE            0x001A
+          KEY_LEFTCTRL             0x001D
+          KEY_LEFTMETA             0x007D
+          KEY_LEFTSHIFT            0x002A
+          KEY_LINEFEED             0x0065
+          KEY_LIST                 0x018B
+          KEY_M                    0x0032
+          KEY_MACRO                0x0070
+          KEY_MAIL                 0x009B
+          KEY_MAX                  0x01FF
+          KEY_MEDIA                0x00E2
+          KEY_MEMO                 0x018C
+          KEY_MENU                 0x008B
+          KEY_MHP                  0x016F
+          KEY_MINUS                0x000C
+          KEY_MODE                 0x0175
+          KEY_MOVE                 0x00AF
+          KEY_MP3                  0x0187
+          KEY_MSDOS                0x0097
+          KEY_MUHENKAN             0x005E
+          KEY_MUTE                 0x0071
+          KEY_N                    0x0031
+          KEY_NEW                  0x00B5
+          KEY_NEXT                 0x0197
+          KEY_NEXTSONG             0x00A3
+          KEY_NUMLOCK              0x0045
+          KEY_O                    0x0018
+          KEY_OK                   0x0160
+          KEY_OPEN                 0x0086
+          KEY_OPTION               0x0165
+          KEY_P                    0x0019
+          KEY_PAGEDOWN             0x006D
+          KEY_PAGEUP               0x0068
+          KEY_PASTE                0x0087
+          KEY_PAUSE                0x0077
+          KEY_PAUSECD              0x00C9
+          KEY_PC                   0x0178
+          KEY_PHONE                0x00A9
+          KEY_PLAY                 0x00CF
+          KEY_PLAYCD               0x00C8
+          KEY_PLAYER               0x0183
+          KEY_PLAYPAUSE            0x00A4
+          KEY_NUMERIC_POUND        0x020B
+          KEY_POWER                0x0074
+          KEY_POWER2               0x0164
+          KEY_PREVIOUS             0x019C
+          KEY_PREVIOUSSONG         0x00A5
+          KEY_PRINT                0x00D2
+          KEY_PROG1                0x0094
+          KEY_PROG2                0x0095
+          KEY_PROG3                0x00CA
+          KEY_PROG4                0x00CB
+          KEY_PROGRAM              0x016A
+          KEY_PROPS                0x0082
+          KEY_PVR                  0x016E
+          KEY_Q                    0x0010
+          KEY_QUESTION             0x00D6
+          KEY_R                    0x0013
+          KEY_RADIO                0x0181
+          KEY_RECORD               0x00A7
+          KEY_RED                  0x018E
+          KEY_REDO                 0x00B6
+          KEY_REFRESH              0x00AD
+          KEY_REPLY                0x00E8
+          KEY_RESERVED             0x0000
+          KEY_RESTART              0x0198
+          KEY_REWIND               0x00A8
+          KEY_RIGHT                0x006A
+          KEY_RIGHTALT             0x0064
+          KEY_RIGHTBRACE           0x001B
+          KEY_RIGHTCTRL            0x0061
+          KEY_RIGHTMETA            0x007E
+          KEY_RIGHTSHIFT           0x0036
+          KEY_RO                   0x0059
+          KEY_S                    0x001F
+          KEY_SAT                  0x017D
+          KEY_SAT2                 0x017E
+          KEY_SAVE                 0x00EA
+          KEY_SCREEN               0x0177
+          KEY_SCROLLDOWN           0x00B2
+          KEY_SCROLLLOCK           0x0046
+          KEY_SCROLLUP             0x00B1
+          KEY_SEARCH               0x00D9
+          KEY_SELECT               0x0161
+          KEY_SEMICOLON            0x0027
+          KEY_SEND                 0x00E7
+          KEY_SENDFILE             0x0091
+          KEY_SETUP                0x008D
+          KEY_SHOP                 0x00DD
+          KEY_SHUFFLE              0x019A
+          KEY_SLASH                0x0035
+          KEY_SLEEP                0x008E
+          KEY_SLOW                 0x0199
+          KEY_SOUND                0x00D5
+          KEY_SPACE                0x0039
+          KEY_SPORT                0x00DC
+          KEY_STOP                 0x0080
+          KEY_STOPCD               0x00A6
+          KEY_SUBTITLE             0x0172
+          KEY_SUSPEND              0x00CD
+          KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE      0x00E3
+          KEY_SYSRQ                0x0063
+          KEY_T                    0x0014
+          KEY_TAB                  0x000F
+          KEY_TAPE                 0x0180
+          KEY_TEEN                 0x019E
+          KEY_TEXT                 0x0184
+          KEY_TIME                 0x0167
+          KEY_TITLE                0x0171
+          KEY_TUNER                0x0182
+          KEY_TV                   0x0179
+          KEY_TV2                  0x017A
+          KEY_TWEN                 0x019F
+          KEY_U                    0x0016
+          KEY_UNDO                 0x0083
+          KEY_UNKNOWN              0x00F0
+          KEY_UP                   0x0067
+          KEY_V                    0x002F
+          KEY_VCR                  0x017B
+          KEY_VCR2                 0x017C
+          KEY_VENDOR               0x0168
+          KEY_VIDEO                0x0189
+          KEY_VOLUMEDOWN           0x0072
+          KEY_VOLUMEUP             0x0073
+          KEY_W                    0x0011
+          KEY_WAKEUP               0x008F
+          KEY_WWW                  0x0096
+          KEY_X                    0x002D
+          KEY_XFER                 0x0093
+          KEY_Y                    0x0015
+          KEY_YELLOW               0x0190
+          KEY_YEN                  0x007C
+          KEY_Z                    0x002C
+          KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU       0x0055
+          KEY_ZOOM                 0x0174
+          BTN_0                    0x0100
+          BTN_1                    0x0101
+          BTN_2                    0x0102
+          BTN_3                    0x0103
+          BTN_4                    0x0104
+          BTN_5                    0x0105
+          BTN_6                    0x0106
+          BTN_7                    0x0107
+          BTN_8                    0x0108
+          BTN_9                    0x0109
+          BTN_A                    0x0130
+          BTN_B                    0x0131
+          BTN_BACK                 0x0116
+          BTN_BASE                 0x0126
+          BTN_BASE2                0x0127
+          BTN_BASE3                0x0128
+          BTN_BASE4                0x0129
+          BTN_BASE5                0x012A
+          BTN_BASE6                0x012B
+          BTN_C                    0x0132
+          BTN_DEAD                 0x012F
+          BTN_DIGI                 0x0140
+          BTN_EXTRA                0x0114
+          BTN_FORWARD              0x0115
+          BTN_GAMEPAD              0x0130
+          BTN_GEAR_DOWN            0x0150
+          BTN_GEAR_UP              0x0151
+          BTN_JOYSTICK             0x0120
+          BTN_LEFT                 0x0110
+          BTN_MIDDLE               0x0112
+          BTN_MISC                 0x0100
+          BTN_MODE                 0x013C
+          BTN_MOUSE                0x0110
+          BTN_PINKIE               0x0125
+          BTN_RIGHT                0x0111
+          BTN_SELECT               0x013A
+          BTN_SIDE                 0x0113
+          BTN_START                0x013B
+          BTN_STYLUS               0x014B
+          BTN_STYLUS2              0x014C
+          BTN_TASK                 0x0117
+          BTN_THUMB                0x0121
+          BTN_THUMB2               0x0122
+          BTN_THUMBL               0x013D
+          BTN_THUMBR               0x013E
+          BTN_TL                   0x0136
+          BTN_TL2                  0x0138
+          BTN_TOOL_AIRBRUSH        0x0144
+          BTN_TOOL_BRUSH           0x0142
+          BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP       0x014D
+          BTN_TOOL_FINGER          0x0145
+          BTN_TOOL_LENS            0x0147
+          BTN_TOOL_MOUSE           0x0146
+          BTN_TOOL_PEN             0x0140
+          BTN_TOOL_PENCIL          0x0143
+          BTN_TOOL_RUBBER          0x0141
+          BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP       0x014E
+          BTN_TOP                  0x0123
+          BTN_TOP2                 0x0124
+          BTN_TOUCH                0x014A
+          BTN_TR                   0x0137
+          BTN_TR2                  0x0139
+          BTN_TRIGGER              0x0120
+          BTN_WHEEL                0x0150
+          BTN_X                    0x0133
+          BTN_Y                    0x0134
+          BTN_Z                    0x0135
+      end codes
+end remote
+# generated by (obsolete 32 bit version)
+begin remote
+  name  devinput
+  bits           16
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  pre_data_bits   16
+  pre_data       0x8001
+  gap          132799
+  toggle_bit_mask 0x0
+      begin codes
+          KEY_0                    0x0200
+          KEY_102ND                0x0056
+          KEY_1                    0x0201
+          KEY_2                    0x0202
+          KEY_3                    0x0203
+          KEY_4                    0x0204
+          KEY_5                    0x0205
+          KEY_6                    0x0206
+          KEY_7                    0x0207
+          KEY_8                    0x0208
+          KEY_9                    0x0209
+          KEY_A                    0x001E
+          KEY_AB                   0x0196
+          KEY_AGAIN                0x0081
+          KEY_ALTERASE             0x00DE
+          KEY_ANGLE                0x0173
+          KEY_APOSTROPHE           0x0028
+          KEY_ARCHIVE              0x0169
+          KEY_AUDIO                0x0188
+          KEY_AUX                  0x0186
+          KEY_B                    0x0030
+          KEY_BACK                 0x009E
+          KEY_BACKSLASH            0x002B
+          KEY_BACKSPACE            0x000E
+          KEY_BASSBOOST            0x00D1
+          KEY_BATTERY              0x00EC
+          KEY_BLUE                 0x0191
+          KEY_BOOKMARKS            0x009C
+          KEY_BREAK                0x019B
+          KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN       0x00E0
+          KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP         0x00E1
+          KEY_BRL_DOT1             0x01F1
+          KEY_BRL_DOT2             0x01F2
+          KEY_BRL_DOT3             0x01F3
+          KEY_BRL_DOT4             0x01F4
+          KEY_BRL_DOT5             0x01F5
+          KEY_BRL_DOT6             0x01F6
+          KEY_BRL_DOT7             0x01F7
+          KEY_BRL_DOT8             0x01F8
+          KEY_C                    0x002E
+          KEY_CALC                 0x008C
+          KEY_CALENDAR             0x018D
+          KEY_CAMERA               0x00D4
+          KEY_CANCEL               0x00DF
+          KEY_CAPSLOCK             0x003A
+          KEY_CD                   0x017F
+          KEY_CHANNEL              0x016B
+          KEY_CHANNELDOWN          0x0193
+          KEY_CHANNELUP            0x0192
+          KEY_CHAT                 0x00D8
+          KEY_CLEAR                0x0163
+          KEY_CLOSE                0x00CE
+          KEY_CLOSECD              0x00A0
+          KEY_COFFEE               0x0098
+          KEY_COMMA                0x0033
+          KEY_COMPOSE              0x007F
+          KEY_COMPUTER             0x009D
+          KEY_CONFIG               0x00AB
+          KEY_CONNECT              0x00DA
+          KEY_COPY                 0x0085
+          KEY_CUT                  0x0089
+          KEY_CYCLEWINDOWS         0x009A
+          KEY_D                    0x0020
+          KEY_DEL_EOL              0x01C0
+          KEY_DEL_EOS              0x01C1
+          KEY_DELETE               0x006F
+          KEY_DELETEFILE           0x0092
+          KEY_DEL_LINE             0x01C3
+          KEY_DIGITS               0x019D
+          KEY_DIRECTION            0x0099
+          KEY_DIRECTORY            0x018A
+          KEY_DOCUMENTS            0x00EB
+          KEY_DOT                  0x0034
+          KEY_DOWN                 0x006C
+          KEY_DVD                  0x0185
+          KEY_E                    0x0012
+          KEY_EDIT                 0x00B0
+          KEY_EJECTCD              0x00A1
+          KEY_EJECTCLOSECD         0x00A2
+          KEY_EMAIL                0x00D7
+          KEY_END                  0x006B
+          KEY_ENTER                0x001C
+          KEY_EPG                  0x016D
+          KEY_EQUAL                0x000D
+          KEY_ESC                  0x0001
+          KEY_EXIT                 0x00AE
+          KEY_F10                  0x0044
+          KEY_F11                  0x0057
+          KEY_F12                  0x0058
+          KEY_F13                  0x00B7
+          KEY_F14                  0x00B8
+          KEY_F15                  0x00B9
+          KEY_F1                   0x003B
+          KEY_F16                  0x00BA
+          KEY_F17                  0x00BB
+          KEY_F18                  0x00BC
+          KEY_F19                  0x00BD
+          KEY_F20                  0x00BE
+          KEY_F21                  0x00BF
+          KEY_F22                  0x00C0
+          KEY_F23                  0x00C1
+          KEY_F24                  0x00C2
+          KEY_F2                   0x003C
+          KEY_F                    0x0021
+          KEY_F3                   0x003D
+          KEY_F4                   0x003E
+          KEY_F5                   0x003F
+          KEY_F6                   0x0040
+          KEY_F7                   0x0041
+          KEY_F8                   0x0042
+          KEY_F9                   0x0043
+          KEY_FASTFORWARD          0x00D0
+          KEY_FAVORITES            0x016C
+          KEY_FILE                 0x0090
+          KEY_FINANCE              0x00DB
+          KEY_FIND                 0x0088
+          KEY_FIRST                0x0194
+          KEY_FN                   0x01D0
+          KEY_FN_1                 0x01DE
+          KEY_FN_2                 0x01DF
+          KEY_FN_B                 0x01E4
+          KEY_FN_D                 0x01E0
+          KEY_FN_E                 0x01E1
+          KEY_FN_ESC               0x01D1
+          KEY_FN_F                 0x01E2
+          KEY_FN_F10               0x01DB
+          KEY_FN_F1                0x01D2
+          KEY_FN_F11               0x01DC
+          KEY_FN_F12               0x01DD
+          KEY_FN_F2                0x01D3
+          KEY_FN_F3                0x01D4
+          KEY_FN_F4                0x01D5
+          KEY_FN_F5                0x01D6
+          KEY_FN_F6                0x01D7
+          KEY_FN_F7                0x01D8
+          KEY_FN_F8                0x01D9
+          KEY_FN_F9                0x01DA
+          KEY_FN_S                 0x01E3
+          KEY_FORWARD              0x009F
+          KEY_FORWARDMAIL          0x00E9
+          KEY_FRONT                0x0084
+          KEY_G                    0x0022
+          KEY_GOTO                 0x0162
+          KEY_GRAVE                0x0029
+          KEY_GREEN                0x018F
+          KEY_H                    0x0023
+          KEY_HANGEUL              0x007A
+          KEY_HANJA                0x007B
+          KEY_HELP                 0x008A
+          KEY_HENKAN               0x005C
+          KEY_HIRAGANA             0x005B
+          KEY_HOME                 0x0066
+          KEY_HOMEPAGE             0x00AC
+          KEY_HP                   0x00D3
+          KEY_I                    0x0017
+          KEY_INFO                 0x0166
+          KEY_INSERT               0x006E
+          KEY_INS_LINE             0x01C2
+          KEY_ISO                  0x00AA
+          KEY_J                    0x0024
+          KEY_K                    0x0025
+          KEY_KATAKANA             0x005A
+          KEY_KATAKANAHIRAGANA     0x005D
+          KEY_KBDILLUMDOWN         0x00E5
+          KEY_KBDILLUMTOGGLE       0x00E4
+          KEY_KBDILLUMUP           0x00E6
+          KEY_KEYBOARD             0x0176
+          KEY_KP0                  0x0052
+          KEY_KP1                  0x004F
+          KEY_KP2                  0x0050
+          KEY_KP3                  0x0051
+          KEY_KP4                  0x004B
+          KEY_KP5                  0x004C
+          KEY_KP6                  0x004D
+          KEY_KP7                  0x0047
+          KEY_KP8                  0x0048
+          KEY_KP9                  0x0049
+          KEY_KPASTERISK           0x0037
+          KEY_KPCOMMA              0x0079
+          KEY_KPDOT                0x0053
+          KEY_KPENTER              0x0060
+          KEY_KPEQUAL              0x0075
+          KEY_KPJPCOMMA            0x005F
+          KEY_KPLEFTPAREN          0x00B3
+          KEY_KPMINUS              0x004A
+          KEY_KPPLUS               0x004E
+          KEY_KPPLUSMINUS          0x0076
+          KEY_KPRIGHTPAREN         0x00B4
+          KEY_KPSLASH              0x0062
+          KEY_L                    0x0026
+          KEY_LANGUAGE             0x0170
+          KEY_LAST                 0x0195
+          KEY_LEFT                 0x0069
+          KEY_LEFTALT              0x0038
+          KEY_LEFTBRACE            0x001A
+          KEY_LEFTCTRL             0x001D
+          KEY_LEFTMETA             0x007D
+          KEY_LEFTSHIFT            0x002A
+          KEY_LINEFEED             0x0065
+          KEY_LIST                 0x018B
+          KEY_M                    0x0032
+          KEY_MACRO                0x0070
+          KEY_MAIL                 0x009B
+          KEY_MAX                  0x01FF
+          KEY_MEDIA                0x00E2
+          KEY_MEMO                 0x018C
+          KEY_MENU                 0x008B
+          KEY_MHP                  0x016F
+          KEY_MINUS                0x000C
+          KEY_MODE                 0x0175
+          KEY_MOVE                 0x00AF
+          KEY_MP3                  0x0187
+          KEY_MSDOS                0x0097
+          KEY_MUHENKAN             0x005E
+          KEY_MUTE                 0x0071
+          KEY_N                    0x0031
+          KEY_NEW                  0x00B5
+          KEY_NEXT                 0x0197
+          KEY_NEXTSONG             0x00A3
+          KEY_NUMLOCK              0x0045
+          KEY_NUMERIC_POUND        0x020B
+          KEY_O                    0x0018
+          KEY_OK                   0x0160
+          KEY_OPEN                 0x0086
+          KEY_OPTION               0x0165
+          KEY_P                    0x0019
+          KEY_PAGEDOWN             0x006D
+          KEY_PAGEUP               0x0068
+          KEY_PASTE                0x0087
+          KEY_PAUSE                0x0077
+          KEY_PAUSECD              0x00C9
+          KEY_PC                   0x0178
+          KEY_PHONE                0x00A9
+          KEY_PLAY                 0x00CF
+          KEY_PLAYCD               0x00C8
+          KEY_PLAYER               0x0183
+          KEY_PLAYPAUSE            0x00A4
+          KEY_POWER                0x0074
+          KEY_POWER2               0x0164
+          KEY_PREVIOUS             0x019C
+          KEY_PREVIOUSSONG         0x00A5
+          KEY_PRINT                0x00D2
+          KEY_PROG1                0x0094
+          KEY_PROG2                0x0095
+          KEY_PROG3                0x00CA
+          KEY_PROG4                0x00CB
+          KEY_PROGRAM              0x016A
+          KEY_PROPS                0x0082
+          KEY_PVR                  0x016E
+          KEY_Q                    0x0010
+          KEY_QUESTION             0x00D6
+          KEY_R                    0x0013
+          KEY_RADIO                0x0181
+          KEY_RECORD               0x00A7
+          KEY_RED                  0x018E
+          KEY_REDO                 0x00B6
+          KEY_REFRESH              0x00AD
+          KEY_REPLY                0x00E8
+          KEY_RESERVED             0x0000
+          KEY_RESTART              0x0198
+          KEY_REWIND               0x00A8
+          KEY_RIGHT                0x006A
+          KEY_RIGHTALT             0x0064
+          KEY_RIGHTBRACE           0x001B
+          KEY_RIGHTCTRL            0x0061
+          KEY_RIGHTMETA            0x007E
+          KEY_RIGHTSHIFT           0x0036
+          KEY_RO                   0x0059
+          KEY_S                    0x001F
+          KEY_SAT                  0x017D
+          KEY_SAT2                 0x017E
+          KEY_SAVE                 0x00EA
+          KEY_SCREEN               0x0177
+          KEY_SCROLLDOWN           0x00B2
+          KEY_SCROLLLOCK           0x0046
+          KEY_SCROLLUP             0x00B1
+          KEY_SEARCH               0x00D9
+          KEY_SELECT               0x0161
+          KEY_SEMICOLON            0x0027
+          KEY_SEND                 0x00E7
+          KEY_SENDFILE             0x0091
+          KEY_SETUP                0x008D
+          KEY_SHOP                 0x00DD
+          KEY_SHUFFLE              0x019A
+          KEY_SLASH                0x0035
+          KEY_SLEEP                0x008E
+          KEY_SLOW                 0x0199
+          KEY_SOUND                0x00D5
+          KEY_SPACE                0x0039
+          KEY_SPORT                0x00DC
+          KEY_STOP                 0x0080
+          KEY_STOPCD               0x00A6
+          KEY_SUBTITLE             0x0172
+          KEY_SUSPEND              0x00CD
+          KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE      0x00E3
+          KEY_SYSRQ                0x0063
+          KEY_T                    0x0014
+          KEY_TAB                  0x000F
+          KEY_TAPE                 0x0180
+          KEY_TEEN                 0x019E
+          KEY_TEXT                 0x0184
+          KEY_TIME                 0x0167
+          KEY_TITLE                0x0171
+          KEY_TUNER                0x0182
+          KEY_TV                   0x0179
+          KEY_TV2                  0x017A
+          KEY_TWEN                 0x019F
+          KEY_U                    0x0016
+          KEY_UNDO                 0x0083
+          KEY_UNKNOWN              0x00F0
+          KEY_UP                   0x0067
+          KEY_V                    0x002F
+          KEY_VCR                  0x017B
+          KEY_VCR2                 0x017C
+          KEY_VENDOR               0x0168
+          KEY_VIDEO                0x0189
+          KEY_VOLUMEDOWN           0x0072
+          KEY_VOLUMEUP             0x0073
+          KEY_W                    0x0011
+          KEY_WAKEUP               0x008F
+          KEY_WWW                  0x0096
+          KEY_X                    0x002D
+          KEY_XFER                 0x0093
+          KEY_Y                    0x0015
+          KEY_YELLOW               0x0190
+          KEY_YEN                  0x007C
+          KEY_Z                    0x002C
+          KEY_ZENKAKUHANKAKU       0x0055
+          KEY_ZOOM                 0x0174
+          BTN_0                    0x0100
+          BTN_1                    0x0101
+          BTN_2                    0x0102
+          BTN_3                    0x0103
+          BTN_4                    0x0104
+          BTN_5                    0x0105
+          BTN_6                    0x0106
+          BTN_7                    0x0107
+          BTN_8                    0x0108
+          BTN_9                    0x0109
+          BTN_A                    0x0130
+          BTN_B                    0x0131
+          BTN_BACK                 0x0116
+          BTN_BASE                 0x0126
+          BTN_BASE2                0x0127
+          BTN_BASE3                0x0128
+          BTN_BASE4                0x0129
+          BTN_BASE5                0x012A
+          BTN_BASE6                0x012B
+          BTN_C                    0x0132
+          BTN_DEAD                 0x012F
+          BTN_DIGI                 0x0140
+          BTN_EXTRA                0x0114
+          BTN_FORWARD              0x0115
+          BTN_GAMEPAD              0x0130
+          BTN_GEAR_DOWN            0x0150
+          BTN_GEAR_UP              0x0151
+          BTN_JOYSTICK             0x0120
+          BTN_LEFT                 0x0110
+          BTN_MIDDLE               0x0112
+          BTN_MISC                 0x0100
+          BTN_MODE                 0x013C
+          BTN_MOUSE                0x0110
+          BTN_PINKIE               0x0125
+          BTN_RIGHT                0x0111
+          BTN_SELECT               0x013A
+          BTN_SIDE                 0x0113
+          BTN_START                0x013B
+          BTN_STYLUS               0x014B
+          BTN_STYLUS2              0x014C
+          BTN_TASK                 0x0117
+          BTN_THUMB                0x0121
+          BTN_THUMB2               0x0122
+          BTN_THUMBL               0x013D
+          BTN_THUMBR               0x013E
+          BTN_TL                   0x0136
+          BTN_TL2                  0x0138
+          BTN_TOOL_AIRBRUSH        0x0144
+          BTN_TOOL_BRUSH           0x0142
+          BTN_TOOL_DOUBLETAP       0x014D
+          BTN_TOOL_FINGER          0x0145
+          BTN_TOOL_LENS            0x0147
+          BTN_TOOL_MOUSE           0x0146
+          BTN_TOOL_PEN             0x0140
+          BTN_TOOL_PENCIL          0x0143
+          BTN_TOOL_RUBBER          0x0141
+          BTN_TOOL_TRIPLETAP       0x014E
+          BTN_TOP                  0x0123
+          BTN_TOP2                 0x0124
+          BTN_TOUCH                0x014A
+          BTN_TR                   0x0137
+          BTN_TR2                  0x0139
+          BTN_TRIGGER              0x0120
+          BTN_WHEEL                0x0150
+          BTN_X                    0x0133
+          BTN_Y                    0x0134
+          BTN_Z                    0x0135
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/lircrc b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/lircrc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f16bfc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/lircrc
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+# /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lircrc
+# Media Center Edition Remote Control and Remote Control Keys on Media Center Keyboard
+# For use with the USB MCE ir receiver
+# MythTV LIRC config file for the mceusb2 or lirc_mod_mce module
+# Info about lircrc statment
+#       prog    = ...     Program controlled, irxevent, irexec, mythtv, mplayer, xine, or others
+#       remote  = ...     mceusb, or what ever you happen to have or want to call it
+#       button  = ...      remote keys names from your lircd.conf file
+#       repeat  = ...     repeat = 2 is fast, repeat = 4 is slower
+#       delay   = ...     delay before repeat, 1 is short, 4 is longer
+#       config  = ...     output key presses to key bindings editor
+#       mode    = ...
+#       flags   = ...
+# Updated January 30th 2008 BAK
+# for the Knoppmyth project
+######################################################## irexec ####################
+# the lirc irexec program must be running for this section
+# Will perform a complete shutdown
+#       prog = irexec
+#       button = Power
+#       config =  /usr/bin/sudo halt
+# Teletext = used as power down button
+       prog = irexec
+       button = KEY_SUBTITLE
+       config =  /usr/bin/sudo halt
+#       config = sudo /sbin/shutdown -h -t 0 now
+################################################ Mythtv Section ####################
+# MythTV Key Binding Editor     location
+# Mythtv Menu >>Utilities / Setup >>Edit Keys
+# Key Bindings can also be found in Myth Web
+# Record
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_RECORD
+       config = R
+# Stop
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_STOP
+       config = Esc
+# Pause
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_PAUSE
+       config = P
+# Rewind (while viewing)
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_REWIND
+       repeat = 0
+       delay   = 1
+       config = <
+# Fast forward (while viewing)
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_FASTFORWARD
+       repeat = 0
+       delay   = 1
+       config = >
+# Play
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_PLAY
+       config = L
+# Skip backward (1 min default)
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_PREVIOUS
+       repeat = 4
+       delay   = 4
+       config = PgUp
+# Skip forward (1 min default)
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_NEXT
+       repeat = 4
+       delay   = 4
+       config = PgDown
+#<><><><><><><><><><><> Mythtv Control <><><><>
+# Escape/Exit/Back
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_EXIT
+       config = Esc
+# Bring up OSD info
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_INFO
+       config = I
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_LEFT
+       repeat = 3
+       delay   = 4
+       config = Left
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_RIGHT
+       repeat = 3
+       delay   = 4
+       config = Right
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_UP
+       repeat = 3
+       delay   = 4
+       config = Up
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_DOWN
+       repeat = 3
+       delay   = 4
+       config = Down
+# OK/Select
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_OK
+       config = Return
+# The Start Button is really just a Menu key
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_MEDIA
+       config = M
+# Volume-Up
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_VOLUMEUP
+       repeat = 2
+       config = ]
+# Volume-Down
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = VOLUMEDOWN
+       repeat = 2
+       config = [
+# Mute
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_MUTE
+       config = |
+# Channel Up
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_CHANNELUP
+       repeat = 3
+#       delay   = 1
+       config = Up
+# Channel Down
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = CHANNELDOWN
+       config = Down
+       repeat = 3
+#       delay   = 1
+# Numbers 0-9 <><><><><><><><><><><>
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_1
+#       repeat = 2
+       config = 1
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_2
+#       repeat = 2
+       config = 2
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_3
+#       repeat = 2
+       config = 3
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_4
+#       repeat = 2
+       config = 4
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_5
+#       repeat = 2
+       config = 5
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_6
+#       repeat = 2
+       config = 6
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_7
+#       repeat = 2
+       config = 7
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_8
+#       repeat = 2
+       config = 8
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_9
+#       repeat = 2
+       config = 9
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_0
+#       repeat = 2
+       config = 0
+# Use Zoom for Aspect Ratio
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_ZOOM
+       config = W
+# Seek to previous commercial cut point
+# or remove all cut points from the Editing Cutlist
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_BLUE
+       config = Q
+# Seek to next commercial cut point
+# or add commericial cut points to the Editing Cutlist
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_NUMERIC_POUND
+       config = Z
+# Brings up the delete box
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_DELETE
+       repeat = 0
+       config = D
+# Toggle Editing Cutlist on or off
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_ENTER
+       repeat = 0
+       config = E
+#<><><><><><><><> Additional Remote Commands <><><><><><><><>
+# All buttons in this section must be configured using
+# MythTV's KeyBindings JumpPoints editor.
+# >>> Utilities/ Setup >>> Edit Keys >>> JumpPoints >>>
+# Listen to Myth Music
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_AUDIO
+       config = Ctrl+T
+# at this time connects to MythStreem
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_RADIO
+       config = Ctrl+Alt+S
+# View Pictures
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_CAMERA
+       config = Ctrl+G
+# Watch Videos
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_VIDEO
+       config = Ctrl+V
+# Watch Live TV with Live TV Guide open
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_TV
+       config = Ctrl+S
+# Watch Live TV
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_GREEN
+       config = Ctrl+Alt+L
+# Recorded TV Programs
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_PVR
+       config = Ctrl+R
+# Program Guide
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_EPG
+       config = Ctrl+Alt+G
+# Play DVD
+# There must be a disk in the DVD drive or it dos nothing
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_DVD
+       config = Ctrl+Alt+D
+# unused key
+#       prog = mythtv
+#       button = Messenger
+#       config = Ctrl+Alt+A
+# <><><><><><><><><><><><><> Teletext Buttons <><><><><><><><><><><>
+# Teletext = Show interactive MHEG screens
+#       prog = mythtv
+#       button = Teltext
+#       config = F7
+# Red = Red button for interactive screens.
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_RED
+       config = F2
+# Green = Green button for interactive screens.
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_GREEN
+       config = F3
+# Yellow = Yellow button for interactive screens.
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_YELLOW
+       config = F4
+# Blue = Blue button for interactive screens.
+       prog = mythtv
+       button = KEY_BLUE
+       config = F5
+######################################################################### MPlayer Section #####
+# "mplayer -input keylist" Prints all keys that can be bound to commands.
+# "mplayer -input cmdlist" Prints all commands that can be bound to keys
+# "man mplayer" Prints documentation for MPlayer
+# Show OSD
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_OK
+       config = osd
+# Pause playback
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_PAUSE
+       config = pause
+# If paused, resume playing
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_PLAY
+       config = pause
+# Stop playback and exit
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_STOP
+       config = q
+# Exit playback
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_EXIT
+       config = q
+# Subtitle 
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_TITLE
+       config = sub_visibility
+# Subtitle language 
+       prog = mplayer
+#       button = Language
+       button = KEY_BLUE
+       config = vobsub_lang
+# Audio language 
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_LANGUAGE
+       config = switch_audio
+# Volume-Up
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_VOLUMEUP
+       repeat = 2
+       config = volume +1
+# Volume-Down
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN
+       repeat = 2
+       config = volume -1
+# Mute
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_MUTE
+       config = mute
+# Seek back 60 seconds
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_LEFT
+       repeat = 2
+       config = seek -60
+# Seek forward 60 seconds
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_RIGHT
+       repeat = 2
+       config = seek +60
+# Seek back 10 seconds
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_REWIND
+       repeat = 2
+       config = seek -10
+# Seek forward 30 seconds
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_FASTFORWARD
+       repeat = 2
+       config = seek +30
+# Quit
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_EXIT
+       config = quit
+# Seek forward 10 minutes
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_NEXT
+       repeat = 2
+       config = seek +600
+# Seek backward 10 minutes
+       prog = mplayer
+       button = KEY_PREVIOUS
+       repeat = 2
+       config = seek -600
+# increase brightness
+       button = KEY_CHANNELUP
+       prog   = mplayer
+       repeat = 2
+       config = brightness +1
+# decrease brightness
+       button = KEY_CHANNELDOWN
+       prog   = mplayer
+       repeat = 2
+       config = brightness -1
+# Toggle full-screen
+#       prog = mplayer
+#       button = #???????????????????????????
+#       repeat = 2
+#       config = vo_fullscreen
+######################################################################## XINE Section ##########
+# For a compleate list of Xine's Lirc Keybindings use comand
+#        xine --keymap=lirc>.lircrc.xine.keybindings
+# This creates a file in current directory called ".lircrc.xine.keybindings"
+# Note: Xine has diferent sets of keybindings for lirc and keyboard
+##  01/14/2008
+# xine key bindings.
+# Automatically generated by xine-ui version 0.99.6cvs.
+#<><><><><><><><><><> Xine Video Movement <><><><>
+# start playback
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_PLAY
+  config = Play
+# playback pause toggle
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_PAUSE
+  config = Pause
+# stop playback
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_STOP
+  config = Stop
+# take a snapshot
+#   prog   = xine
+#   button = Record
+#   repeat = 2
+#   config = Snapshot
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_FASTFORWARD
+       repeat = 2
+#       delay   = 1
+       config = SeekRelative+7
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_REWIND
+       repeat = 2
+#       delay   = 1
+       config = SeekRelative-7
+# set position to -60 seconds in current stream
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_PREVIOUS
+       repeat = 2
+       delay   = 1
+       config = SeekRelative-60
+# set position to +60 seconds in current stream
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_NEXT
+       repeat = 2
+       delay   = 1
+       config = SeekRelative+60
+#<><><><><><><><><><><><>Xine Control<><><><><><><><><>
+# quit the program
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_EXIT
+  config = Quit
+#display stream information using OSD
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_INFO
+  config = OSDStreamInfos
+# menu navigate up
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_UP
+       repeat = 2
+       delay   = 2
+       config = EventUp
+# menu navigate down
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_DOWN
+       repeat = 2
+       delay   = 2
+       config = EventDown
+# menu navigate left
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_LEFT
+       repeat = 2
+       delay   = 2
+       config = EventLeft
+# menu navigate right
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_RIGHT
+       repeat = 2
+       delay   = 2
+       config = EventRight
+# menu select
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_OK
+       config = EventSelect
+# jump to Root Menu
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_MEDIA
+       config = Menu
+#<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Xine Volume / Channel <><><><><><><><>
+# increment audio volume
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_VOLUMEUP
+  repeat = 1
+  config = Volume+
+# decrement audio volume
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN
+  repeat = 1
+  config = Volume-
+# audio muting toggle
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_MUTE
+  config = Mute
+# increase brightness by 10
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_CHANNELUP
+  config = BrightnessControl+
+# decrease brightness by 10
+  prog   = xine
+  config = BrightnessControl-
+#<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Xine Menu <><><><>
+# unused key
+#   prog   = xine
+#   button = RecordedTV
+#   config = ????????
+# visibility toggle of stream info window
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_EPG
+  config = SetupShow
+# unused key
+#   prog   = xine
+#   button = LiveTV
+#   config = ????????
+# jump to Title Menu
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_DVD
+       config = RootMenu
+#<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Xine Stream Position <><><><>
+# set position in current stream
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_0
+       config = SetPosition0%
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_1
+  config = SetPosition10%
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_2
+  config = SetPosition20%
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_3
+  config = SetPosition30%
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_4
+  config = SetPosition40%
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_5
+  config = SetPosition50%
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_6
+  config = SetPosition60%
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_7
+  config = SetPosition70%
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_8
+  config = SetPosition80%
+  prog   = xine
+  button = KEY_9
+  config = SetPosition90%
+# decrement playback speed (slow motion slowdown)
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_BLUE
+       config = SpeedSlower
+# increment playback speed (slow motion speedup)
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_NUMERIC_POUND
+       config = SpeedFaster
+# reset playback speed
+       prog   = xine
+       button = KEY_DELETE
+       config = SpeedReset
+# unused key
+#       prog   = xine
+#       button = clear
+#       config = ?????????
+# set position to -30 seconds in current stream         config = SeekRelative-30
+# set position to +30 seconds in current stream         config = SeekRelative+30
+# eject the current medium                                      config = Eject
+# zoom in                                                       config = ZoomIn
+# zoom out                                                      config = ZoomOut
+# fullscreen toggle                                             config = ToggleFullscreen
+# End of xine .
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/preview.jpg b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/preview.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2e46a3
Binary files /dev/null and b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/preview.jpg differ
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b6052db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-mce/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+/usr/bin/ir-keytable -c -p RC6 -w /etc/rc_keymaps/imon_mce
+/usr/sbin/lircd -r -n --driver devinput -d /dev/remotes/SoundGraph --output /var/run/lirc/lircd
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/lircd.conf b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/lircd.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 97bbf4c..0000000
--- a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/lircd.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# Please make this file available to others
-# by sending it to <>
-# this config file was automatically generated
-# using lirc-0.8.0(imon_pad) on Mon Jan 23 20:22:11 2006
-# contributed by M.Brakemeier
-# brand:                       SoundGraph
-# model no. of remote control: iMON-PAD
-# devices being controlled by this remote:
-begin remote
-  name     iMON-PAD
-  bits           32
-  eps            30
-  aeps          100
-  one             0     0
-  zero            0     0
-  gap          235965
-  min_repeat      1
-  toggle_bit      0
-      begin codes
-          AppExit                  0x288195B7
-        Power                    0x289115B7
-          Record                   0x298115B7
-          Play                     0x2A8115B7
-	  Open			   0x29B1d5B7
-          Rewind                   0x2A8195B7
-          Pause                    0x2A9115B7
-          FastForward              0x2B8115B7
-          PrevChapter              0x2B9115B7
-          Stop                     0x2B9715B7
-          NextChapter              0x298195B7
-          Esc                      0x2BB715B7
-          Eject                    0x299395B7
-          AppLauncher              0x29B715B7
-          MultiMon                 0x2AB195B7
-          TaskSwitcher             0x2A9395B7
-          Mute                     0x2B9595B7
-          Vol+                     0x28A395B7
-          Vol-                     0x28A595B7
-          Ch+                      0x289395B7
-          Ch-                      0x288795B7
-          Timer                    0x2B8395B7
-          1                        0x28B595B7
-          2                        0x2BB195B7
-          3                        0x28B195B7
-          4                        0x2A8595B7
-          5                        0x299595B7
-          6                        0x2AA595B7
-          7                        0x2B9395B7
-          8                        0x2A8515B7
-          9                        0x2AA115B7
-          0                        0x2BA595B7
-          ShiftTab                 0x28B515B7
-          Tab                      0x29A115B7
-        Red                      0x2B8515B7 # MyMovie
-        Green                    0x299195B7 # MyMusic
-        Blue                     0x2BA115B7 # MyPhoto
-        Yellow                   0x28A515B7 # MyTV
-          Bookmark                 0x288515B7
-          Thumbnail                0x2AB715B7
-          AspectRatio              0x29A595B7
-          FullScreen               0x2AA395B7
-        Purple                   0x29A295B7 # MyDVD
-          Menu                     0x2BA385B7
-          Caption                  0x298595B7
-          Language                 0x2B8595B7
-          MouseKeyboard            0x299115B7
-          SelectSpace              0x2A9315B7
-          MouseMenu                0x28B715B7
-          MouseRightClick          0x688481B7
-          Enter                    0x28A195B7
-          MouseLeftClick           0x688301B7
-          WindowsKey               0x2B8195B7
-          Backspace                0x28A115B7
-        Mouse_N                  0x690281B7
-        Mouse_S                  0x688291B7
-        Mouse_W                  0x6A8281B7
-        Mouse_E                  0x688A81B7
-      end codes
-end remote 
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/lircrc b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/lircrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ad34d8..0000000
--- a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/lircrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# lircrc config as used by Stev391 June 2007
-# Not all of the buttons are configured yet, only the commonly used buttons
-# Escape
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = AppExit
-    config = Esc
-    repeat = 3
-# Escape Key 2
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = Esc
-    config = Esc
-# Channel Up
-    prog   = mythtv
-    button = Ch+
-    config = Up
-    repeat = 3
-# Channel Down
-    prog   = mythtv
-    button = Ch-
-    config = Down
-    repeat = 3
-# Volume Up
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = Vol+
-    repeat = 3
-    config = Right
-# Volume Down
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = Vol-
-    repeat = 3
-    config = Left
-# Enter/Return
-    prog   = mythtv
-    button = Enter
-    config = Return
-# Menu Button
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = Menu
-    config = M
-# Mute
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = Mute
-    config = F9  
-# Rewind
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = Rewind
-    config = PgUp  
-# Fast Forward
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = FastForward
-    config = PgDown  
-# Play
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = Play
-    config = P  
-# Pause
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = Pause
-    config = P  
-# Record
-  prog = mythtv
-  button = Record
-  config = R  
-# Stop
-   prog = mythtv
-   button = Stop
-   config = O  
-# Previous Track/Chapter
-   prog = mythtv
-   button = PrevChapter
-   config = Home  
-# Next Track/Chapter
-   prog = mythtv
-   button = NextChapter
-   config = End
-# Jump Point to MythVideo
-   prog = mythtv
-   button = MyMovie
-   config = F12
-# Jump Point to MythMusic
-   prog = mythtv
-   button = MyMusic
-   config = F11
-# Jump Point to LiveTV
-   prog = mythtv
-   button = MyTV
-   config = F10
-# Jump Point to Main Menu
-   prog = mythtv
-   button = Multimon
-   config = F2
-# Jump Point to Myth Gallery
-   prog = mythtv
-   button = MyPhoto
-   config = F3
-# Jump Point to Play DVD
-   prog = mythtv
-   button = MyDVD
-   config = F4
-# Display Information
-   prog = mythtv
-   button = Caption
-   config = I
-# Numbers
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = 0
-    config = 0  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = 1
-    config = 1  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = 2
-    config = 2  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = 3
-    config = 3  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = 4
-    config = 4  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = 5
-    config = 5  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = 6
-    config = 6  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = 7
-    config = 7  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = 8
-    config = 8  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = 9
-    config = 9  
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/preview.jpg b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/preview.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index a2e46a3..0000000
Binary files a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon-pad/preview.jpg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon/ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d0ab2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/system-templates/templates/remotes/imon/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+/usr/bin/ir-keytable -c -p lirc -w /etc/rc_keymaps/imon_pad
+/usr/sbin/lircd -r -n --driver devinput -d /dev/remotes/SoundGraph --output /var/run/lirc/lircd
cgit v0.12