From c2941a012cbea19073e72af561b37a1255a1fe6c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 23:07:05 -0500
Subject: Remove wlan-ng26 as the drivers are now in the kernel.

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 .../keygen/.svn/text-base/keygen.c.svn-base        |  183 --
 .../tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/Makefile              |   49 -
 .../tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/keygen.c              |  183 --
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 .../tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/Makefile             |   11 -
 .../tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/lwepgen.c            |  162 --
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 .../.svn/prop-base/format.srcfile.html.svn-base    |    9 -
 .../.svn/prop-base/format.srcfile.svn-base         |    9 -
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 .../.svn/text-base/format.srcfile.c.svn-base       |  113 --
 .../.svn/text-base/format.srcfile.html.svn-base    |  311 ---
 .../.svn/text-base/format.srcfile.svn-base         |  138 --
 .../.svn/text-base/linux.CodingStyle.svn-base      |  212 ---
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/format.hfile           |  142 --
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/format.srcfile         |  138 --
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/format.srcfile.c       |  113 --
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/format.srcfile.html    |  311 ---
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/linux.CodingStyle      |  212 ---
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 .../tmp/trunk/doc/impnotes/.svn/entries            |   96 -
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/impnotes/.svn/format             |    1 -
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 .../impnotes/.svn/text-base/l8s_uses.obj.svn-base  |  294 ---
 .../impnotes/.svn/text-base/structptr.obj.svn-base |  256 ---
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 .../tmp/trunk/doc/impnotes/structptr.obj           |  256 ---
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 .../tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/format               |    1 -
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 .../prism2/.svn/prop-base/ridlist-mib.txt.svn-base |    9 -
 .../.svn/prop-base/ridlist-rid.html.svn-base       |    9 -
 .../prism2/.svn/prop-base/ridlist-rid.txt.svn-base |    9 -
 .../.svn/text-base/ridlist-mib.html.svn-base       | 2001 --------------------
 .../prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-mib.txt.svn-base |  510 -----
 .../.svn/text-base/ridlist-rid.html.svn-base       | 2001 --------------------
 .../prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-rid.txt.svn-base |  510 -----
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-mib.html          | 2001 --------------------
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-mib.txt           |  510 -----
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-rid.html          | 2001 --------------------
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-rid.txt           |  510 -----
 .../tmp/trunk/doc/releasepolicy.txt                |   37 -
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 .../tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base |    9 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/rc.wlan.svn-base  |   13 -
 .../trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/wlan.agent.svn-base   |   13 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base |   67 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/rc.wlan.svn-base  |   96 -
 .../trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/wlan.agent.svn-base   |   78 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/Makefile     |   67 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/entries              |  130 --
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/format               |    1 -
 .../etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base    |    9 -
 .../pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/wlan-ng.conf.svn-base    |   13 -
 .../etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/wlan-ng.svn-base     |   13 -
 .../etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base    |   81 -
 .../pcmcia/.svn/text-base/wlan-ng.conf.svn-base    |  190 --
 .../etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/wlan-ng.svn-base     |  204 --
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/Makefile                  |   81 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng                   |  204 --
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.conf              |  190 --
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/rc.wlan      |   96 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/udev/.svn/entries                |   31 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/udev/.svn/format                 |    1 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/entries        |   62 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/format         |    1 -
 .../.svn/text-base/40-prism2.rules.svn-base        |    2 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/40-prism2.rules     |    2 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan.agent   |   78 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/entries                |  198 --
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/format                 |    1 -
 .../etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base      |    9 -
 .../trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/shared.svn-base  |    9 -
 .../etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/wlan.conf.svn-base     |    9 -
 .../wlan/.svn/prop-base/wlancfg-DEFAULT.svn-base   |    9 -
 .../etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base      |   64 -
 .../trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/shared.svn-base  |  738 --------
 .../etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/  |   46 -
 .../etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/wlan.conf.svn-base     |   84 -
 .../wlan/.svn/text-base/wlancfg-DEFAULT.svn-base   |   43 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/Makefile                    |   64 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/shared  |  738 --------
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/                |   46 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/wlan.conf                   |   84 -
 .../tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT             |   43 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/entries |  232 ---
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/format  |    1 -
 .../tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base |    9 -
 .../trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/nwepgen.1.svn-base    |    9 -
 .../trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wlancfg.1.svn-base    |    9 -
 .../trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wlanctl-ng.1.svn-base |    9 -
 .../tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wland.1.svn-base  |    9 -
 .../tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base |   57 -
 .../trunk/man/.svn/text-base/nwepgen.1.svn-base    |   13 -
 .../trunk/man/.svn/text-base/prism2dl.1.svn-base   |   93 -
 .../trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wlancfg.1.svn-base    |   54 -
 .../trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wlanctl-ng.1.svn-base |   27 -
 .../tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wland.1.svn-base  |   23 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/Makefile     |   57 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/nwepgen.1    |   13 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/prism2dl.1   |   93 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wlancfg.1    |   54 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wlanctl-ng.1 |   27 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wland.1      |   23 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scm-moved-to-git |   11 -
 .../tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/dir-prop-base           |    8 -
 .../tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/entries                 |  164 --
 .../tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/format                  |    1 -
 .../.svn/prop-base/Makefile.get_options.svn-base   |    9 -
 .../trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base |    9 -
 .../scripts/.svn/prop-base/get_version.c.svn-base  |    9 -
 .../trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/   |   13 -
 .../.svn/text-base/Makefile.get_options.svn-base   |   10 -
 .../trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base |   36 -
 .../scripts/.svn/text-base/get_version.c.svn-base  |   11 -
 .../trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/   |  167 --
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/Makefile |   36 -
 .../tmp/trunk/scripts/Makefile.get_options         |   10 -
 .../tmp/trunk/scripts/get_version.c                |   11 -
 .../wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/   |  167 --
 .../tmp/wlan-ng26-svn-r1870.tar.bz2                |  Bin 702058 -> 0 bytes
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 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/wlan-ng.patch |   14 -
 200 files changed, 30101 deletions(-)
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 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/prop-base/config.linux-wlan-ng.svn-base
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 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/prop-base/rh71notes.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/capturefrm.txt.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/config.debug.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/config.linux-wlan-ng.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/releasepolicy.txt.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/rh71notes.svn-base
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 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/.svn/prop-base/format.srcfile.c.svn-base
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 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/.svn/prop-base/format.srcfile.svn-base
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 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/.svn/text-base/format.hfile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/.svn/text-base/format.srcfile.c.svn-base
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 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/prop-base/ridlist-rid.txt.svn-base
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 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-mib.txt.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-rid.html.svn-base
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 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-mib.txt
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 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-rid.txt
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/releasepolicy.txt
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/rh71notes
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/entries
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 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/rc.wlan.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/wlan.agent.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/rc.wlan.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/wlan.agent.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/entries
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/format
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/wlan-ng.conf.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/wlan-ng.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/wlan-ng.conf.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/wlan-ng.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/Makefile
 delete mode 100755 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng
 delete mode 100755 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.conf
 delete mode 100755 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/rc.wlan
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/.svn/entries
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/.svn/format
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/entries
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/format
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/text-base/40-prism2.rules.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/40-prism2.rules
 delete mode 100755 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan.agent
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/entries
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/format
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/shared.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/wlan.conf.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/wlancfg-DEFAULT.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/shared.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/wlan.conf.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/wlancfg-DEFAULT.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/shared
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/wlan.conf
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/entries
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/format
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/nwepgen.1.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wlancfg.1.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wlanctl-ng.1.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wland.1.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/nwepgen.1.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/prism2dl.1.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wlancfg.1.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wlanctl-ng.1.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wland.1.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/nwepgen.1
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/prism2dl.1
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wlancfg.1
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wlanctl-ng.1
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wland.1
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scm-moved-to-git
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/dir-prop-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/entries
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/format
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.get_options.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/get_version.c.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/Makefile.get_options.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/get_version.c.svn-base
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/Makefile
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/Makefile.get_options
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/get_version.c
 delete mode 100755 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/wlan-ng26-svn-r1870.tar.bz2
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/wlan
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/wlan-ng.patch

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d4ff75..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 14957 2008-10-11 20:14:56Z tpowa $
-# Maintainer: Tom Killian <>
-pkgdesc="Wireless Lan usb modules. For kernel26."
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
-depends=('kernel26>=2.6.27-1' 'kernel26<2.6.28' 'wlan-ng26-utils')
-	kernel-2.6.26.patch
-	kernel-2.6.27.patch)
-         '7023c8c1f048659f95c2a41e5f1ae772'
-         '9261df23043b181fd86c5e4100a84883')
-build() {
-#   cd $srcdir/linux-wlan-ng-$pkgver
-   cd $srcdir/trunk
-#   patch -Np0 -i ../kernel-2.6.26.patch || return 1
-#   patch -Np0 -i ../kernel-2.6.27.patch || return 1
-  # only built usb modules the rest is covered by hostap and orinoco driver, according to gentoo changelog 
-  sed -i "s#PRISM2_PCMCIA=y#PRISM2_PCMCIA=n#;s#TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST=#TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST=$startdir/pkg#;s#PRISM2_PLX=y#PRISM2_PLX=n#;s#PRISM2_PCI=y#PRISM2_PCI=n#;s#PRISM2_USB=n#PRISM2_USB=y#;s%#LINUX_SRC=/usr/src/linux%LINUX_SRC=/lib/modules/${_kernver}/build%"
-   make auto_config
-   make all || return 1
-   make install
-   sed -i -e "s/KERNEL_VERSION=.*/KERNEL_VERSION=${_kernver}/g" $startdir/wlan-ng26.install
-   rm -r $pkgdir/{etc,sbin,usr,init.d}
-   # fix module path
-   mkdir -p $pkgdir/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
-   mv $pkgdir/lib/modules/${_kernver}/linux-wlan-ng \
-      $pkgdir/lib/modules/${_kernver}/kernel/drivers/net/wireless
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/kernel-2.6.26.patch b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/kernel-2.6.26.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 28b61a0..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/kernel-2.6.26.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-Index: src/p80211/p80211netdev.c
---- src/p80211/p80211netdev.c	(revision 1865)
-+++ src/p80211/p80211netdev.c	(working copy)
-@@ -947,7 +947,9 @@
- #endif
- #endif
-+		dev_net_set(dev, &init_net);
- 		dev->nd_net = &init_net;
- #endif
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/kernel-2.6.27.patch b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/kernel-2.6.27.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a17f17..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/kernel-2.6.27.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
---- src/p80211/p80211wext.c	(revision 1865)
-+++ src/p80211/p80211wext.c	(working copy)
-@@ -81,6 +81,12 @@
- /* compatibility to wireless extensions */
-+    !defined(IW_REQUEST_FLAG_COMPAT)
-+#define iwe_stream_add_event(a, b, c, d, e) iwe_stream_add_event(b, c, d, e)
-+#define iwe_stream_add_point(a, b, c, d, e) iwe_stream_add_point(b, c, d, e)
- static UINT8 p80211_mhz_to_channel(UINT16 mhz)
- {
- 	if (mhz >= 5000) {
-@@ -1520,7 +1526,8 @@
-  * airo driver code.
-  */
- static char *
--wext_translate_bss(char *current_ev, char *end_buf, p80211msg_dot11req_scan_results_t *bss)
-+wext_translate_bss(struct iw_request_info *info, char *current_ev,
-+		   char *end_buf, p80211msg_dot11req_scan_results_t *bss)
- {
- 	struct iw_event iwe;	/* Temporary buffer */
-@@ -1528,7 +1535,8 @@
- 	memcpy(iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_data, bss->, WLAN_BSSID_LEN);
- 	iwe.u.ap_addr.sa_family = ARPHRD_ETHER;
- 	iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWAP;
--	current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event(current_ev, end_buf, &iwe, IW_EV_ADDR_LEN);
-+	current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event(info, current_ev, end_buf, &iwe,
-+					  IW_EV_ADDR_LEN);
- 	/* The following entries will be displayed in the same order we give them */
-@@ -1544,7 +1552,8 @@
- = size;
- = 1;
- 		iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWESSID;
--		current_ev = iwe_stream_add_point(current_ev, end_buf, &iwe, &essid[0]);
-+		current_ev = iwe_stream_add_point(info, current_ev, end_buf,
-+						  &iwe, &essid[0]);
- 		WLAN_LOG_DEBUG(1, " essid size OK.\n");
- 	}
-@@ -1563,7 +1572,8 @@
- 	}
- 	iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWMODE;
- 	if (iwe.u.mode)
--		current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event(current_ev, end_buf, &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN);
-+		current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event(info, current_ev, end_buf,
-+						  &iwe, IW_EV_UINT_LEN);
- 	/* Encryption capability */
- 	if (bss-> == P80211ENUM_truth_true)
-@@ -1572,13 +1582,15 @@
- = 0;
- 	iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWENCODE;
--	current_ev = iwe_stream_add_point(current_ev, end_buf, &iwe, NULL);
-+	current_ev = iwe_stream_add_point(info, current_ev, end_buf, &iwe,
-+					  NULL);
- 	/* Add frequency. (short) bss->channel is the frequency in MHz */
- 	iwe.u.freq.m = bss->;
- 	iwe.u.freq.e = 0;
- 	iwe.cmd = SIOCGIWFREQ;
--	current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event(current_ev, end_buf, &iwe, IW_EV_FREQ_LEN);
-+	current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event(info, current_ev, end_buf, &iwe,
-+					  IW_EV_FREQ_LEN);
- 	/* Add quality statistics */
- 	iwe.u.qual.level = bss->;
-@@ -1586,7 +1598,8 @@
- 	/* do a simple SNR for quality */
- 	iwe.u.qual.qual = qual_as_percent(bss-> - bss->;
- 	iwe.cmd = IWEVQUAL;
--	current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event(current_ev, end_buf, &iwe, IW_EV_QUAL_LEN);
-+	current_ev = iwe_stream_add_event(info, current_ev, end_buf, &iwe,
-+					  IW_EV_QUAL_LEN);
- 	return current_ev;
- }
-@@ -1627,7 +1640,8 @@
- 			break;
- 		}
--		current_ev = wext_translate_bss(current_ev, extra + IW_SCAN_MAX_DATA, &msg);
-+		current_ev = wext_translate_bss(info, current_ev,
-+						extra + IW_SCAN_MAX_DATA, &msg);
- 		scan_good = 1;
- 		i++;
- 	} while (i < IW_MAX_AP);
---- src/p80211/p80211netdev.c
-+++ src/p80211/p80211netdev.c
-@@ -869,6 +869,30 @@ static int wlan_change_mtu(netdevice_t *dev, int new_mtu)
-         return 0;
- }
-+ * wlan_alloc_netdev
-+ *
-+ * create a netdev properly over different kernel versions
-+ * this should work with kernels earlier than 2.6.26, and if
-+ * anyone cares they can change it
-+static inline netdevice_t * wlan_alloc_netdev() {
-+	netdevice_t *dev;
-+	dev = alloc_netdev(0,"wlan%d",ether_setup);
-+	dev = kmalloc(sizeof(netdevice_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+	if ( dev ) {
-+		memset( dev, 0, sizeof(netdevice_t));
-+		ether_setup(dev);
-+		dev->nd_net = &init_net;
-+	}
-+	return dev;
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -911,14 +935,12 @@ int wlan_setup(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- 		     p80211netdev_rx_bh, 
- 		     (unsigned long)wlandev);
--	/* Allocate and initialize the struct device */
--	dev = kmalloc(sizeof(netdevice_t), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+	/* Allocate and initialize the struct net device */
-+	dev = wlan_alloc_netdev();
- 	if ( dev == NULL ) {
- 		WLAN_LOG_ERROR("Failed to alloc netdev.\n");
- 		result = 1;
- 	} else {
--		memset( dev, 0, sizeof(netdevice_t));
--		ether_setup(dev);
- 		wlandev->netdev = dev;
- 		dev->priv = wlandev;
- 		dev->hard_start_xmit =	p80211knetdev_hard_start_xmit;
-@@ -946,10 +968,8 @@ int wlan_setup(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- 		dev->wireless_handlers = &p80211wext_handler_def;
- #endif
- #endif
--		dev_net_set(dev, &init_net);
- 		dev->nd_net = &init_net;
- #endif
-@@ -1044,7 +1064,12 @@ int register_wlandev(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- 	netdevice_t	*dev = wlandev->netdev;
-+/* alloc_netdev already sets up the name */
-+	i = register_netdev(dev);
-+	if (i) 
-+		return i;
- 	i = dev_alloc_name(wlandev->netdev, "wlan%d");
- 	if (i >= 0) {
- 		i = register_netdev(wlandev->netdev);
-@@ -1058,6 +1083,8 @@ int register_wlandev(wlandevice_t *wlandev)
- #else
- 	strcpy(wlandev->name, dev->name);
- #endif
- 	if (proc_p80211) {
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/wlan-ng26.install b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/wlan-ng26.install
deleted file mode 100644
index ff39264..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-svn/wlan-ng26.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# arg 1:  the new package version
-post_install() {
-  post_upgrade
-# arg 1:  the new package version
-# arg 2:  the old package version
-post_upgrade() {
-  # updating module dependencies
-  echo ">>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ..."
-  depmod -v $KERNEL_VERSION  > /dev/null 2>&1
-# arg 1:  the old package version
-pre_remove() {
-  /bin/true
-# arg 1:  the old package version
-post_remove() {
-  # updating module dependencies
-  echo ">>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ..."
-  depmod -v $KERNEL_VERSION  > /dev/null 2>&1
-$op $*
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index ecd8f14..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 7972 2008-08-05 11:03:19Z tpowa $
-# Maintainer: Tom Killian <>
-pkgdesc="Wireless Lan userspace tools."
-depends=('glibc' 'bash')
-source=($pkgver.tar.bz2 \
-	wlan-ng.patch wlan kernel-2.6.26.patch)
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-build() {
-   cd $startdir/src/trunk
-#   patch -Np0 -i ../kernel-2.6.26.patch || return 1
-   patch -p1 < ../wlan-ng.patch
-   make auto_config
-   make all || return 1
-   make install
-   mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d
-   rm -r $startdir/pkg/{init.d,lib,etc/pcmcia}
-   install -m 755 $startdir/src/wlan $startdir/pkg/etc/rc.d/wlan
-         '706464f9e6e127558aed25b9f454f905'
-         '1056365bdbe7102b1a668c84926ecb17'
-         '6ed5a5fefc2c149e0e0a98de211ba147')
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/kernel-2.6.22-r1832.patch b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/kernel-2.6.22-r1832.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f1aa310..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/kernel-2.6.22-r1832.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-diff -uNr linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/CHANGES linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/CHANGES
---- linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/CHANGES	2007-05-04 13:29:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/CHANGES	2007-06-27 11:28:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
- * Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
- *
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ - Tweaks to support Fedora 7 (Dan Williams)
-+ - Support 2.6.22 kernels
- 0.2.8
-  - Fix up a pile of sparse warnings (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Support 2.6.20 kernels (Pavel Roskin)
-diff -uNr linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/Configure linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/Configure
---- linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/Configure	2007-05-07 23:00:22.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/Configure	2007-06-27 11:28:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -277,9 +277,9 @@
- fi
- write_bool KERN_2_6_17
--if [ $VERSION_CODE -gt `version 2 6 21` ] ; then
-+if [ $VERSION_CODE -gt `version 2 6 22` ] ; then
-     $ECHO "******* WARNING WARNING WARNING *******"
--    $ECHO "Kernels newer than 2.6.21.x are not supported."
-+    $ECHO "Kernels newer than 2.6.22.x are not supported."
-     $ECHO "******* WARNING WARNING WARNING *******"
- fi
-diff -uNr linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/ linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/
---- linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/	2007-02-09 21:51:58.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/	2007-06-27 11:28:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- #LINUX_SRC=/usr/src/linux
-diff -uNr linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/etc/udev/rules.d/40-prism2.rules linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/etc/udev/rules.d/40-prism2.rules
---- linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/etc/udev/rules.d/40-prism2.rules	2006-06-26 16:03:27.000000000 +0100
-+++ linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/etc/udev/rules.d/40-prism2.rules	2007-06-27 11:28:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1 +1,2 @@
--ACTION=="add",BUS=="usb",DRIVER=="prism2_usb" ,RUN+="/etc/wlan/ %k"
-+#ACTION=="add",BUS=="usb",DRIVER=="prism2_usb" ,RUN+="/etc/wlan/ %k"
-+KERNEL="wlan*",ACTION=="add",DRIVERS=="prism2_usb" ,RUN+="/etc/wlan/ %k"
-diff -uNr linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/src/include/wlan/wlan_compat.h linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/src/include/wlan/wlan_compat.h
---- linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/src/include/wlan/wlan_compat.h	2007-02-28 15:44:02.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/src/include/wlan/wlan_compat.h	2007-06-27 11:28:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -479,6 +479,13 @@
- #endif
- #endif /* _LINUX_PROC_FS_H */
-+#define skb_reset_mac_header(__a)  (__a)->mac.raw = (__a)->data
-+#define SKB_MAC_HEADER(__a) (__a)->mac.raw
-+#define SKB_MAC_HEADER(__a) (__a)->mac_header
- #ifndef INIT_TQUEUE
- #define PREPARE_TQUEUE(_tq, _routine, _data)                    \
-diff -uNr linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/src/p80211/p80211conv.c linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/src/p80211/p80211conv.c
---- linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/src/p80211/p80211conv.c	2007-03-19 15:37:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/src/p80211/p80211conv.c	2007-06-27 11:28:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
- 	}
- 	skb->protocol = eth_type_trans(skb, netdev);
--	skb->mac.raw = (unsigned char *) e_hdr; /* new MAC header */
-+	SKB_MAC_HEADER(skb) = (unsigned char *) e_hdr; /* new MAC header */
-         /* jkriegl: process signal and noise as set in hfa384x_int_rx() */
- 	/* jkriegl: only process signal/noise if requested by iwspy */
-diff -uNr linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/src/p80211/p80211netdev.c linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/src/p80211/p80211netdev.c
---- linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/src/p80211/p80211netdev.c	2007-03-19 15:37:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/src/p80211/p80211netdev.c	2007-06-27 11:28:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -389,7 +389,8 @@
- 				/* set up various data fields */
- 				skb->dev = dev;
--				skb->mac.raw = skb->data ;
-+				skb_reset_mac_header(skb);
- 				skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
- 				skb->pkt_type = PACKET_OTHERHOST;
- 				skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_80211_RAW); 
-@@ -929,7 +930,7 @@
- 		dev->open =		p80211knetdev_open;
- 		dev->stop =		p80211knetdev_stop;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_NET_WIRELESS) || defined(WIRELESS_EXT)
- #if ((WIRELESS_EXT < 17) && (WIRELESS_EXT < 21))
- 		dev->get_wireless_stats = p80211wext_get_wireless_stats;
- #endif
-diff -uNr linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/src/prism2/driver/hfa384x.c linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/src/prism2/driver/hfa384x.c
---- linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/src/prism2/driver/hfa384x.c	2007-03-19 15:37:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/src/prism2/driver/hfa384x.c	2007-06-27 11:28:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -3645,7 +3645,7 @@
- 		/* the prism2 cards don't return the FCS */
- 		datap = skb_put(skb, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
- 		memset (datap, 0xff, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
--		skb->mac.raw = skb->data;
-+		skb_reset_mac_header(skb);
- 		/* Attach the rxmeta, set some stuff */
- 		p80211skb_rxmeta_attach(wlandev, skb);
-diff -uNr linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/src/prism2/driver/hfa384x_usb.c linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/src/prism2/driver/hfa384x_usb.c
---- linux-wlan-ng-0.2.8/src/prism2/driver/hfa384x_usb.c	2007-03-19 15:37:00.000000000 +0000
-+++ linux-wlan-ng-svn-1832/src/prism2/driver/hfa384x_usb.c	2007-06-27 11:28:14.000000000 +0100
-@@ -4255,7 +4255,7 @@
- 		/* The prism2 series does not return the CRC */
- 		memset(skb_put(skb, WLAN_CRC_LEN), 0xff, WLAN_CRC_LEN);
--		skb->mac.raw = skb->data;
-+		skb_reset_mac_header(skb);
- 		/* Attach the rxmeta, set some stuff */
- 		p80211skb_rxmeta_attach(wlandev, skb);
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/kernel-2.6.26.patch b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/kernel-2.6.26.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index ec306f0..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/kernel-2.6.26.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Index: src/p80211/p80211netdev.c
---- src/p80211/p80211netdev.c	(revision 1865)
-+++ src/p80211/p80211netdev.c	(working copy)
-@@ -947,7 +947,9 @@
- #endif
- #endif
-+		dev_net_set(dev, &init_net);
- 		dev->nd_net = &init_net;
- #endif
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/dir-prop-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/dir-prop-base
deleted file mode 100644
index f699813..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/dir-prop-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 10
-V 31
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/entries
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e39e94..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/entries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/format b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/format
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/CHANGES.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/CHANGES.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/CHANGES.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/COPYING.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/COPYING.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/COPYING.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/Configure.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/Configure.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 5336d10..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/Configure.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 14
-V 1
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/FAQ.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/FAQ.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/FAQ.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/LICENSE.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/LICENSE.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/LICENSE.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/README.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/README.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/README.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/THANKS.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/THANKS.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/THANKS.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/TODO.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/TODO.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/TODO.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/ b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/prop-base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/CHANGES.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/CHANGES.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index f286bf6..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/CHANGES.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1267 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Fix compiles with 2.6.26 (Pavel Roskin)
- - Add compatibility with 2.6.27+ WEXT API (Pavel Roskin)
- - Fix misplaced variable in PCMCIA code (Pavel Roskin)
- - Add compatibility for gfp_t and mutex APIs (Pavel Roskin)
- - Fix non-posix find arguments in script (Mark Mathews)
- - Reduce stack usage in prism2mib_priv (Richard Kennedy)
- - WEXT functions should return -EBUSY when the hardware is still
-   being initialized (Richard Kennedy)
- - Use round_jiffies wherever possible (Richard Kennedy)
- - Disallow ioctls from running until the hardware probe function has 
-   finished.   (Richard Kennedy)
- - Fix userspace scripts to work on Fedora 8 (Chris Rankin)
- - Perform the hardware reset/init sequence *before* we register
-   the netdevice.  (Karl Renton)
- - Always do an ifstate_disable before a firmware load cycle.
- - Default to wireless extension mode.
- - Make the SIWENCODE behaivor more closely match the spec. (Tormod Volden)
- - Apply a patch from Karl Relton that improves USB reliability.
- - When in wlan_wext_write=1 mode, auto-transition to ifstate_enable 
-   and bypass userspace firmware load altogether.
- - Fix bug in the GIWENCODE handler (Richard Kennedy & Tormod Volden)
- - Support 2.6.24 kernels (modified patch from Tormod Volden)
- - Support 2.6.23 kernels. (With apologies to Martin Dauskardt for a 
-   misapplied patch)
- - Support "Intersil Americas USB 802.11b WLAN DEVICE" (Peter Levart)
- - Tweaks to support Fedora 7 (Dan Williams)
- - Support 2.6.22 kernels
- - Fix up a pile of sparse warnings (Pavel Roskin)
- - Support 2.6.20 kernels (Pavel Roskin)
- - Tweaks to the udev rules (Richard Kennedy)
- - Silence a large pile of warnings with GCC4.1
- - pt_regs is gone for USB as well on 2.6.19+ (Chris Rankin)
- - Large WEXT patch that allows use of NetworkManager. (Richard Kennedy)
- - Fix license text in prism2dl.c (it is in fact MPL/GPL)
- - Fix oops in wext_autojoin (Richard Kennedy)
- - Report use of dBm for WEXT requests (Richard Kennedy)
- - Configure script better handles PREEMPT kernels (Chris Rankin)
- - 2.6.19+ uses a different IRQ handler function prototype.
- - linux/config.h is no more on 2.6.19+ kernels.
- - Fix another error that affected <2.6.15 builds on some compilers
- - Fix a cut-n-paste error that broke 2.6.18 builds.
- - 2.6.18-rc fixes.
- - A few tweaks for Wireless-Extensions-21
- - Fix an interrupt-related race that could lead to a crash on shutdown.
- - Tweaks to the prism2_usb code to improve suspendability on 2.6.15+
- - Silence many warnings under GCC 4.1
- - prism2_cs support for 2.6.16+ (untested)
- - Makefile fixes for 2.6.17+ 
- - udev support for USB targets (Richard Kennedy)
- - semaphores are deprecated as of 2.6.16 (Chris Rankin)
- - prism2_usb build fix for 2.6.16
- - Patches from Debian (via Victor Seva)
-   - Fix bugs in /etc/wlan/shared, including a security hole
-   - Fix build on 2.4.27 kernel
-   - Added man page for prism2dl
- - Generate a WEXT Event when we gain/lose association.
- - Make prism2_defer query ssid and bssid, as IBSS mode has this change.
- - Clean up prism2_defer_timer a bit.
- - Propogate linkstatus into p80211, and make ethtool aware of it.
- - Eliminate wland and entire indication infrastructure.  If you want to
-   play with it, use 0.2.4.  We can put it back in if necessary.
- - USB Build fix from Chris Rankin.
- - Add ability to install prism2 firmware seperately. (Petteri Raty)
- - Theoretically the per-frame signal/noise figures are now in dBm.
- - WEXT 16+ fixes, which came to a head with v2.6.14+ kernels.
- - Fix a circular symbol dependency glitch
- - Fix a potential panic when receiving unknown CONTROL frames.
- - get rid of p80211frm.c entirely; it's all unused code.
- - Fix prototype for pci_suspend functions to match 2.6.11+ APIs.
- - Build fixes for 2.6.14+
- - Change the type of 'request_pending' to take care of warnings.
- - Fixes for warnings generated by the 'sparse' tool (Richard Kennedy)
- - Add an explicit README.firmware containing copyright information 
-   on the firmware images.
- - Compile fixes for 2.6.8 (Victor Seva Lopez)
- - Fix an array overflow in the hotplug helper function.
- - Added in-kernel devicetable for 2.6.13+ pcmcia 
- - Updates to bring prism2_cs into the newer 2.6 kernel APIs. 
- - Fixes in the hotplug invocation with WEXT (Pavel Roskin)
- - Experimentally try using usb_reset_device on 2.4 kernels too
- - use usb_reset_device() on 2.6 kernels (Andreas Schulte)
- - Included kludged 1.8.4 PCI/PCMCIA firmware (Pavel Roskin)
- - PCMCIA card Ident fixes to coexist with orinioco driver (Pavel Roskin)
- - Ignore unexpected ctlx responses. (Chris Rankin)
- - Fix an off-by-one in scan results.
- - Change some log priorities
- - [usb] Fix a memory leak (Chris Rankin * Eroc Koenders)
- - [usb] clean up the PDA Read function a bit. (Chris Rankin)
- - [usb] Don't overwrite current CTLX URB before we're done with it. 
-   (Eric Koenders & Chris Rankin)
- - Fix a byte-order problem when parsing scan results (Eroc Koenders)
- - Added a mib item (lnxRSNAIE) to get/set the WPA/RSNA IE.
- - Applied a patch from Chris Rankin which should solve the hangs with 
-   kernel preemption turned on.
- - Cleaned up some compile warnings with GCC 3.4.x
- - Add a background thread to fetch comms quality from hardware.
- - Fixed a series of bad memsets in prism2dl
- - Added id for Viewsonic USB widget (Ekin Meroglu)
- - Eliminate the extra frame copy in the usb rx path.
- - When issuing a start/join, set MACMODE to none as to disable 
-   transmits through the hardware.
- - Get rid of the prism2_pci/plx 2.2.x compatibility code (Pavel Roskin)
- - Change default behaivor of top-level Makefile (Pavel Roskin)
- - Get rid of the #ifndef DECLARE_TASKLET cases; 2.4+ supports it.
- - Fetch the BSSID when we get an AP_CHANGE event
- - netif_carrier_off/netif_carrier_on at appropriate times
- - Hook up the dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel MIB in the prism2 code.
- - Add a default TMPDIR in case it isn't set.
- - Removed some 2.2.x cruft
- - CommsQuality now does the right thing with dBm values.
- - More makefile work from Pavel Roskin
- - A major USB patch from Chris Rankin.  This rewrites the 
-   command-queueing code to something considerably more sane.
- - A few more Makefile tweaks
- - Further compile warning fixes on 64-bit targets (Pavel Roskin)
- - Fix prism2_cs on 64-bit targets (Pavel Roskin)
- - Fix the 2.4 build (whoops)
- - Fix the "no hardware found" bug in 2.6.10+ kernels
- - Cleanups in the Makefiles and build system
- - Fix a typo in the shared.prism2 script (Chris Rankin)
- - Clean up build warnings with gcc 3.3 (and possibly older too)
- - Fix a nice race condition on device registration. 
- - Don't stop the netdev when we hit ifstate_disable.
- - hw->state wasn't being set properly on drvr_stop, nor were we 
-   clearing the port status in all cases.
- - Fix the "Debug: sleeping function called from invalid context"
-   under 2.6 with prism2_usb (Chris Rankin)
- - Wireless extension SCAN support (Dan Williams)
- - 2.6 sysfs support in the form of SET_NETDEV_DEV (Dan Willimas)
- - Fix a brown-paper bag bug in the register_wlandev code. (Giacomo Lozito)
- - Patch for the Sitecom WL-022 widget (Armijn Hemel)
- - Build fix for ancient ETHTOOL versions
- - build fix for old 2.4.x kernels
- - Fix build on 2.6.10-rc
- - Fix USB build on 2.6.x (x < 7)
- - Suspend the USB driver cleanly (Colin Leroy)
- - Fix more USB badness (Colin Leroy)
- - scan_timeout WAY too long. (Wolfram Gloger)
- - dev_get is no more, as of 2.6.10-rc2 -- switch to dev_alloc_name 
-   instead, which is present in older kernels. (reported by Colin Leroy)
- - Fix badness in 2.6.10-rc1 (Colin Leroy)
- - Compile fix for 2.6.9-rc4+ (Jeff Chua)
- - Add support for x86-64 (and possibly other 64-bit targets) (J.D. Cole)
- - Fix linkstate if driver reset without unloading. (Shiro Ninomiya)
- - Rename the man pages to have a .1 extension
- - Tweak the Configure script; change the default kernel build directory
- - put a 'sleep 1' in the firmware load sequence to improve reliability.
-   (Arnold Liu)
- - Add Linksys WUSB11 card ident
- - Add a per frame rx structure for OOB data to be passed to p80211
-	This is a step in the right direction for a major overhaul of 
-	internal frame representation.  The prism2 driver shouldn't care 
-	about sniff headers or any of that crap; it should always pass
-	everything to p80211  (via this metadata) and the p80211conv_* 
-	functions should do that work.  It's also needed to eventually
-	support different encryption types.
- - Added in beginnings of IWSPY support via patch from Josef Kriegl
- - Install modules to $MOD_DIR/linux-wlan-ng instead of $MOD_DIR/kernel
- - Primary/Secondary firmware (finally) bundled with the driver.
- - Convert to newer 2.6 module parameter code.
- - Fix an inverted test in GIWENCODE wireless extension (Shiro Ninomiya)
- - Minor script fix for SSF cards (Pavel Roskin)
- - Card idents.
- - Fixes for SSF PCI cards; default to x16 SRAM as that's more common.
-   (download script now automatically detects hardware type)
- - Fix script problems that result in a failed init returning success.
- - Fix an endian-ness buglet in prism2sta.c (Federico Pellegrin)
- - Compile fixes for 2.2.x kernels. (no tasklets or spin_lock_bh)
- - Fix up pci resources on card init failure on plx card.
- - Fix up pci resources on card init failure
- - Ident for "ROPEX FreeLan 802.11b USB Adapter" (Francesco Bochicchio)
- - ETHTOOL support now optional, fixes build on older kernels.
- - Fix prism2dl to not use kernel headers to fix 2.6.3 build (Pavel Roskin) 
- - Add a 'lnxind_roam' indication.
- - minor typo in the nwepgen makefile (Pavel Roskin)
- - More makefile fixes (Pavel Roskin)
- - brown-paper-bag fix for the 2.4 build.  And it no longer builds on 
-   2.2 thanks to an accidental makefile commit.
-  - Fix broken makefiles so that prism2dl and the rc script install
-  - Get rid of the txfid lock, it's not necessary.
-  - Tasklet-driven RX handlers.
-  - Further work towards a Wireless Extension-enabled future.
-    - SIWENCODE, SIWESSID taken from zdsta-1.0.3 (needs work)
-    - SIWCOMMIT Implemented ala autojoin.
-    - write support defaults to disabled, override via module parameter
-  - fix a warning in the wireless extension code.
-  - hfa384x.h header updates
-  - Fix prism2dl to handle the S7 record being elsewhere in the image.
-    (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Fix up brown paper bag script error for SSF hardware.
-  - Spruce up the GIWNAME wireless extension ioctl. (Natsakis Konstantinos)
-  - Added in basic ethtool support; for link status reflection.
-  - Fixed a double-locked spinlock which deadlocked on SMP boxes.
-  - /proc/net/p80211/wlanX/nsd now has useful information about the
-    prism2 hardware/firmware revisions.
-  - eliminate the unused 'collptr' from the mib structures.
-  - Fix a bug with the pcmcia script and scanning (Dan Noe)
-  - Fix a crash on a VCC mismatch.
-  - Split out most pci/plx/pcmcia/usb specific code into their own .c files.
-  - Make prism2_cs build on 2.6.2-rc
-  - Changes to support SSF hardware.
-  - Card ident for D-Link DWL-650P1
-  - Move the prism2 link notification handler operate in scheduler 
-    context to avoid a hang in softirq context.
-  - Melco WLI-USB-KB11 USB widget added (Bela Fenyvessy)
-  - Add in x86-64 support, plus other cleanups in wlan_compat.h
-  - Support the Netgear MA311 PCI card.  (Steve Berry)
-  - Implement wireless extension SETCHANNEL. (SIOCSIWFREQ)
-    - Currently broken.  :)
-  - Fix several sniffing-related bugs:
-    - disable when we're already disabled
-    - no longer perform a full h/w reset when we're already enabled
-    - Vastly reduce CPU usage on channel hop.
-  - Fix a crash on unload for pci/plx widgets (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Minor fix for the shared script (Jeff Chua)
-  - fix "bad: schedule while atomic" bug introduced by recent 2.6.0-test 
-    kernels and wireless extensions.
-  - Switch to using spin_[un]lock_bh for the cmdlock; this way we 
-    disable the transmit bh from running while issuing a card command.
-    Also have the txframe function obtain the lock.
-  - Hawking HighDB USB Widget (Allan Claghorn)
-  - Fix a double-lock in hfa384x_cmd_notify
-  - Identity for "T-Sinus 111 USB WlAN Adapter" (Roman Koutny)
-  - Fix up alignment problems on frame rx. (Ranjit Deshpande)
-  - Update the HAS_HOTPLUG test to something considerably more foolproof
-  - Add ids for the Airvast Prism3 USB widget
-  - bap locking was broken when illegal parameters were passed. (Andre McCurdy)
-  - Don't use jiffies for timeouts when interrupts are disabled. (Andre McCurdy)
-  - Make the Configure script a little saner.
-  - Remove the Zydas 1201 USB widget.  Use the Zydas modified 
-    linux-wlan-ng release instead (we hope to merge it in eventually)
-  - Fix two big-endian bugs in the scan code.
-  - Hotplug agent executes '/sbin/ifup INTERFACE' if possible.
-  - Planex GW-US11H USB adaptor (Henry Ip)
-  - Averatec USB Wlan Adapter (Stephan Miller)
-  - D-Link DWL-122 USB widget (Andrew Beresford)
-  - ASUS-WL140 Wireless USB widget
-  - Fix the WLAN_LOG_NOTICE macro for gcc 2.95.x
-  - Fix up endian bugs in lnxerq_commsquality.
-  - Get rid of the pcmcia release timer for >2.6.0-test5
-  - Card ident for 'ZyDAS ZD1201 Wireless USB Adapter' (Albert Pauw)
-  - More tweaks for 2.6.0-test4
-  - fix some bash-isms in /etc/wlan/shared (Daniel Song)
-  - Collapsed the BOUNDEDINT and INT types into one.
-  - Eliminated the WLAN_LOG_***0() macros at long last thanks to CPP 
-    trickery.  Also eliminated more cruft from wlan_compat.h
-  - Card ident for the Samsung SWL-2210P PCI card
-  - Try not to schedule a USB endpoint reset if there's one already 
-    pending. (Chris Rankin)
-  - Fix pci/plx operation on architechures with >32bit physical address 
-    sizes. (namely mips64 & some mips32)
-  - get rid of save_flags/cli/restore_flags in prism2_cs on >2.2 builds
-    (tweaked from patch by Pavel Roskin)
-  - pci_device_id tables should not be marked __devinitdata
-  - support genesis mode for RAM download of primary fimware
-  - prism2_usb now builds on 2.5/2.6.  
-    - endpoint numeration removed.
-    - hfa384x_usb_corereset unimplemented for 2.5/2.6
-  - hfa384x.h updates.
-  - p80211conv_* functions should work with netdev->mtu, not MAX_ETHFRM.
-  - Simply erase the bogus '3rdparty' drivers on Mandrake systems.
-  - Card idents for Adaptec AWN-8030/AWN-8020, and Netgear MA111
-  - Strip out all 2.2.x stuff from prism2_usb, it doesn't work.
-  - add proper __devinit/__devexit/etc tags to prism2sta.c
-  - Minor USB janitorial patch from Chris Rankin.
-  - Make most card commands require superuser access (exception is 
-    mibget)  (Original patch by Pavel Roskin)
-  - Make the wakeup flag in the usbctlx structure volatile, as well as 
-    other wait condition variables.
-  - Make the rx_urb buffer dynamically allocated so we can re-post the 
-    URB as soon as possible.
-  - Get rid of completion.h
-  - More wlan_compat updates.
-  - Disable TXEX reporting on USB as well as TXOK.  should improve
-    stability a tad.
-  - Further 2.5 USB work.  Not quite there yet.
-  - Properly initialize the prism2_cs release timer (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Eliminate the CONFIG_ISA requirement for prism2_cs (Pavel Roskin)
-  - netlink build fixes for 2.5.71
-  - Hopefully fix the 2.2.x build.
-  - More USB fixes (Chris Rankin)
-  - Compile fixes for < 2.4.20
-  - Fix the pcmcia breakage introduced in -pre2.  
-  - On USB widgets, only signal txcomplete if there was a tx error.
-  - Minor cleanups in the PCMCIA code.
-  - Add in the 'JVC MP-XP7250" USB Widget.
-  - Don't call ev_alloc on tx_complete event; only the tx urb completion.
-  - Minor tweaks to tx_timeout code
-  - More USB updates; primarily with error-handling.  (Chris Rankin) 
-  - On USB transmits, don't return 'success' if the tx_urb is still
-    pending.  Also don't wake the netdev queue if the tx fails.
-  - Hook up the tx watchdog timer and add a p80211-level handler.
-  - Fix compilation with older (<= 2.4.18) kernels.
-  - Another massive USB+other patch from Chris Rankin:
-    - a separate list for "finished" CTLX objects.
-    - correct (hopefully!) handling of -EPIPE errors, shamelessly copied
-      from^W^Winspired by David Brownell's usbnet driver.
-    - finished support for asynchronous commands, with proper tracking 
-      through the CTLX lifecycle, clean-up etc. Each asynchronous command now 
-      completes in its own tasklet.
-    - CTLX cancellation and error handling.
-    - further work on the timers and spin locks.
-    - clean up setconfig16() and setconfig32() functions so that they 
-      take appropriate value parameters, even if the underlying 
-      setconfig() commands don't.
-    - use an asynchronous command in setmulticast(). (CS, PCI and PLX 
-      are still synchronous; they just pretend not to be.)
-    - further clean up in the disconnect() handler. However, it's still 
-      not a good idea to remove the adapter while the 
-      prism2sta_inf_hostscanresults() function is sleeping, and the wlandevice
-      struct could easily have been freed before the p80211req_dorequest() 
-      function manages to clear the request_pending bit. It would be 
-      nice if we could cancel both of these operations when we call 
-      prism2sta_ifstate(P80211ENUM_ifstate_disable). 
-    - extra support for Linux 2.5 (task queue -> work queue).
-    - reset the link status when we stop the driver.
-  - Some work on module locking.  Not there yet, but getting better.
-  - Remove magic numbers from USB endpoint probe (Chris Rankin)
-  - Eliminate useless timer in p80211do_request, as all calls are 
-    synchronous.  Also clena up more function pointers, and a few other 
-    doodads. (Modified from patch by Chris Rankin)
-  - Track the current SSID in the wlandev; Make the WEXT stuff key from 
-    this.  Update the SSID when we get a linkstatus_connect notification.
-  - A couple of misc cleanups from Chris Wilson
-  - Cleanups in the 2.5 makefile code. (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Add in another PCI device ID, to handle Sony VAIO PCG-V505AP
-  - Make sure CONFIG_ISA is enabled for the prism2_cs build. (x86 only)
-  - Get rid of generic manfids in  /etc/pcmcia/wlan.conf (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Fix the 'make install' target.
-  - only call flush_scheduled_tasks() if DECLARE_TASKLET not defined.
-    (fixes 2.5.x compile)
-  - More script work; mostly cleanups and other enhancements. 
-  - Substantial prism2_usb patch from Chris Rankin.
-    - using 2 Linux lists for CTLXs
-    - remove race condition and double-free with CTLXs in disconnect()
-    - initialise URBs correctly (vital for Linux 2.5+)
-    - separate callbacks for data/CTLX OUT URBs
-    - flush task queue on shutdown
-    - more thorough use of spinlocks with CTLXs
-    - set the ASYNC_UNLINK flag when it is time to unlink an URB 
-      asynchronously, and not before.
-    - ensure we stop submitting URBs once the disconnect function 
-      is called.
-  - More USB idents (Jeff Chua)
-  - Scan now uses active scans only; should speed things up a bit.
-  - Proper module init/cleanup in prism2sta.c, plus more work for 2.5.69
-  - Added in descriptions for module parameters.
-  - Major overhaul of the hotplug stuff.  Now we use our own hotplug
-    event class, and use that to kick off configuration and whatnot.
-    All device types (pci/plx/pcmcia/usb) now use this mechanism.
-    Also brings us things like unified power management (suspend/resume)
-  - Supress spurious output when setting WEP parameters.
-  - Only query PrivacyOptionImplemented if wep was enabled in the config
-    Works around an apparent firmware bug, see
-  - Eliminate hw->name.  
-  - Card ident for NL-2511CD Plus pcmcia card.
-  - Minor tweak on pcmcia removal.
-  - Fix the USB compile on <2.4.20
-  - get rid of wlandev_get_index and whatnot.
-  - URB cleanup in the USB code.  (Chris Rankin)
-  - Moved host auth sequence out of interrupt context.
-  - USB paranoia checks (Chris Rankin)
-  - Partial rewrite of the USB shutdown sequence
-  - eliminate wlandev->hwremovedfn().
-  - Minor tweaks to the mib.
-  - Get rid of the horridly outdated skeleton driver.
-  - Fix a crash-on-unload affecting pci and plx adapters
-  - have the init script load the module if needed.
-  - Handle the new 2.5.69+ irq handler semantics
-  - Fix 2.5 with pcmcia (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Massive cleanup of the prism2/driver/Makefile (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Don't wrap the [un]register_netdevice() calls in rtnl_[un]lock()
-    And use the [un]register_netdev() calls instead.
-  - Call the hwremoved() functions on pci/plx_remove
-  - Eliminate the prism2sta_priv_t structure.
-  - Fix a memory leak on ifstate_disable
-  - Minor changes to the USB driver
-  - Widget id for "Melco WLI-USB-KS11G" (Ichiro Doi)
-  - Function pointer syntax cleanup (Chris Rankin)
-  - Push the multicast/promisc set into the prism2 driver.
-  - Move type/multicast filtering into the p80211 layer.
-  - Format fix for p802addr_to_str (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Add a check for non-Intersil firmware.
-  - Fix a infinite recursion in the usb lowlevel code. (Chris Rankin)
-  - Header updates.
-  - Add a card ident for the USR 1120 USB widget (Juan Conde)
-  - Cleaner shutdown; fixed a possible leak and a race condition.
-  - Another rearrangement of the command locks, to eliminate use of the
-    spin_is_locked() call.
-  - Fix a rare deadlock with cmd_initialize (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Add a Lucent-compatible key-generator in add-ons/lwepgen
-  - Fix a stack overflow problem. (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Further monitor mode fix for control frames (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Cleanups in the dependency generation code
-  - Initial 2.5 support.  USB currently broken.
-  - Minor build system cleanups.
-  - Use PSUEDOIBSS mode for monitor mode; this should eliminate spurious
-    beacon generation.  (Ryan Veety)
-  - Don't drop "unrecognized" frame types in monitor mode.
-  - Added ident for the Linksys WUSB12 (Brad Davidson)
-  - Eliminated most of the WLAN_LOG_???n macros.
-  - Minor fixups in /etc/wlan/shared
-  - Cleaned up some of the error messages in the conversion code.
-  - changed the "Host de-WEP failed" error to a debug message, as the 
-    /proc/net/wireless stats are updated to reflect undecryptable frames
-  - Added the p2TxPowerMax MIB item to specify the TxPower level.
-    0-30 dBm.  Needs STA>=1.7.0 or AP>=1.4.0.
-  - Clean up some spurious warnings in prism2sta.c (Pavel Roskin)
-  - A series of patches from Pavel Kankovsky, somewhat tweaked.  :)
-    - Properly set skb->mac.raw in non-monitor mode
-    - Enhancments to the p80211 frame conversion code
-    - Handle A4 frames.
-    - Don't issue linkstatus notifications in monitor mode
-    - Supress Linkstatus messages in monitor mode
-  - hfa384x.h updates for latest firmware.
-  - ZyXEL ZyAir B200 Wireless USB widget ID added (Paul Lacatus)
-  - Only enable interrupts in one place (hfa384x_drvr_start)
-  - Fix the startup scripts to disable WEP completely if not enabled.
-  - ALLNET 0193 USB widget ID (Kurt Huwig)
-  - Disable the hfa384x port before issuing the autojoin stuff.
-  - Fixed a subtle flaw in the 802.11->802.3 conversion code.
-  - Updates to hfa384x.h
-  - Add productinfo for dlink DRC650 from Petr Slansky.
-  - Minor changes to the rfmon code.
-  - Only notify us on linkstatus changes if it actually changes.
-  - Fixed the path the manpages were installed to.
-  - Properly reset the hardware state after a flash/ram download.
-  - Patch to allow escaped characters in the scan list (Derek Atkins)
-  - Re-added the txfid queue locking which somehow got dropped.
-  - Added DellTrueMobile 1180 USB ident. (Michael Hackett)
-  - Changed linkstatus messages to INFO level reporting.
-  - Ident info for the Intel Anypoint II 802.11b PCMCIA card.
-  - Added support for the SH architechure and many changes necessary for
-    2.5 support.  Modified from the patches by Ryan Veety.
-  - Compile fixes for 2.2.x introduced as part of the new hotplug support.
-  - Added man pages contributed by Joey Hess
-  - Add ident info for the Z-Com 725/726 USB Widgets.
-  - Fixes to silence GCC 3.2 warnings. (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Patch to fix int array mib manipulation.  (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Minor improvements to the build system.
-  - Moved RX processing to a bottom half instead of hard irq context.
-  - Further script improvements:  signal strength filtering, and some 
-    space handling stuff.  The latter is not complete yet.
-  - lnxreq_commsquality wasn't setting the status field properly on the
-    response messages.  
-  - Workaround for spurious interrupts generated before initialization
-    is complete. (Clay Jones)
-  - hotplug script now invokes 'ifup $DEVICE' if present.
-  - Minor cleanups (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Tenative SPARC support. (Olivier Bornet)
-  - After leaving monitor mode, disable the port if we had to enable it.
-  - Updates to hfa384x.h
-  - Further script enhancements; automatically use scan mode on hardware
-    that is known to support it properly.
-  - Fixed errors in the hotplug script, and other misc fixes.
-  - 2.2.x fixes for the new proc stuff and deferred processing stuff.
-  - Add support for the new sniff frame capture. (doc/capturefrm.txt)
-  - Get rid of some bitrot with the sniffing code.
-  - Populate the tx dropped frames statistics.
-  - Fixes for host scan when not currently joined.
-  - /proc support; some informational stuff is kept in /proc/wlandev/wlanX
-  - Complete rewrite of the configuration files and startup scripts.
-     hotplug(pci+usb), pcmcia, rc, everything uses same config file(s).
-     per-network configuration
-     supports scanning and automatically choosing a network from a set.
-  - Fix the TMD7160/ncp130 support so it acually works.  :)
-  - Make the BUG() call in cmd_access enabled only in debug builds.
-  - Minor makefile fixes.
-  - Microsoft MN520 PCMCIA ident info added.
-  - p2cnfShortPreamble is not a boolean value.  (Clay Jones)
-  - BAP access fixes for PCI platforms.  This mostly affects SMP 
-    arrangements.
-  - Back out W200 USB ident info; it's not prism-based.
-  - Patch from Tom Prado to make 'keygen' more user-friendly.
-  - bap_timeout parameter only valid on non-usb platforms
-  - Added Ident info for the USB Compaq/Intel W200 widget
-  - dot11req_scan requires firmware >=1.3.2.
-  - Added the "Acer Warplink USB Adapter" id.
-  - Rework the prism2sta_inf_linkstatus call to defer processing of
-    results until outside interrupt context.  Should fix the SMP
-    deadlocks seen on some machines.
-  - Rework the usb_disconnect code to hopefully alleviate the occasional
-    crash-on-disconnect some people see.  Solution is not SMP-safe yet.
-  - Add the D-Link DCF-660W ident info.
-  - New parameter, 'prism2_bap_timeout' to specify the timeout on
-    bap setup.  timeout*10 == timeout in microseconds.  Note that this
-    timeout occurs in spinlock context, so increasing it arbitrarily is
-    BAD!  Defaults to 1000, ie 10000us.  
-  - compile fix for prism2sta in debug mode.
-  - Only prompt for pcmcia sources if we're using non-kernel pcmcia.
-    (original patch by Beat Bolli, rewritten a bit..)
-  - Add the Linksys WCF12 CF ident info.
-  - A bunch of compile fixes for older versions of wireless extensions.
-  - Added implementations of GIWTXPOWER and GIWRETRY
-  - Some fixes to the wireless extension code (thanks to Jean Tourrilhes)
-  - wland was incorrectly using kernel headers in its compile. 
-  - Adhoc mode was auto-roaming onto "any" SSID.  Fixed.
-  - Implemented the dot11req_scan & dot11req_scan_results functions.
-      This, combined with more intelligent startup scripts, will allow
-      you per-network profiles.   Scripts are unwritten as yet.  :)
-  - hfa384x.h and MIB updates.
-  - Rewrote the wireless extension support code; moved to p80211 layer.
-      Now we're compatible with at least v6-v14, and everything
-      inbetween.   We hook up to the new iw_request structure, which
-      makes further wireless extension support much easier to add.
-  - Add the Microsoft MN510 USB device ID.
-  - Finally fix the 'crash on unload' problem for 2.2.x kernels with PCI.
-    Turns out the kcompat24 code wasn't quite complete.  (Matthew Rush)
-  - Cleaned up our usage of __FUNCTION__ to make gcc 3.x happy.
-  - Fix a typo in the prism2 makefile.  
-  - Fix an obscure PCMCIA build problem. (modversions disabled but
-    header present, and using non-kernel pcmcia)
-  - Added code to optionally truncate packets in monitor mode. (Clay Jones)
-  - Fix a polarity problem with the stripfcs argument to monitor mode.
-  - Add a test to make sure wireless.h is included.
-  - Netgear MA401A card ident.
-  - Further cleanups of the build system (Makefiles)
-  - Include wireless.h so wireless extensions work again.  :)
-  - Work around the braindead RedHat kernel build system.
-  - Fix a class of unaligned accesses in the message structures 
-    (kernel driver) and user space parsers (wlanctl-ng, etc)
-  - Fix an unpacked struct problem that affected ARM platforms
-    (thanks to Clay Jones for spotting this one)
-  - Support the new auto-unknown mode present in firmware >1.3.3
-    When issuing an autojoin, we try to join a BSS, then an IBSS, and if
-    all fails, we create a new IBSS with the given parameters. 
- 	*note*  currently disabled.
-  - Updates to hfa384x.h to reflect latest documentation
-  - Build system mini-enema.  Automagically detect kernel version,
-    pcmcia status, and modversions.  Pick up the kernel compile flags.
-  - Hopefully fixed the 'crash on unload' for 2.2.x kernels and PCI.
-  - 'p2req_join' command, see doc/wlanctl-ng.p2req_join.txt 
-    This lets you join a specific SSID.  Thanks to Clay Jones.
-  - A couple more pcmcia/cf card idents
-  - More deletions/fixes in wlan_compat.h
-  - Due to new hotplug code, atmel device detection removed
-  - Further cleanups in wlan_compat.h and non-kernel makefiles
-  - Debian package stuff yanked in favor of the "official" deb packages
-  - Rearranged the wireless extension support code a bit
-  - A fix for the promisc/allmulti stuff on USB devices
-  - Hotplug support for PCI/PLX/USB widgets
-  - A compile fix for 2.2.x (x < 18) kernels and PCI adapters
-  - Support for TMD7160-based "almost but not quite PLX" boards
-  - HP-PA support.  In theory.  Anyone care to test?
-  - pcmcia script cleanups
-  - Add ident info for the "Intel PRO/Wireless 2011B LAN USB Device"
-  - Include an almost-sane fix to the modversion madness
-  - Tweak the init order of the PCI driver structs
-  - Added ident info for ASUS WL-110/WL-100 cards
-  - Support for PCI power managment
-  - Fixed a wep hang on the transmit side
-  - Compile fixes; mainly for 2.2 kernels
-  - Add support for the SIOCGIWRATE wireless extension
-  - Restructured the driver locking.  SMP should be MUCH better now.
-  - Stripped out more dead code. (mainly FID_STACK)
-  - Fix an skb access after we call netif_rx
-  - Fixes for XScale CPUs.
-  - Added added a MiniUSB ident info
-  - Restructure of the docmd_* functions
-  - Host-based WEP decryption and encryption
-  - Partial rewrite of copy_to_bap.
-  - Debian package metadata updated to 3.0-STABLE. (David Everley)
-  - Stripped out a lot of crap from wlan_compat.h
-  - More atmel adapters added to the USB exclude list.
-  - James Goodwin's patch to fix a bug in the 80211conv code.
-  - The 3COM AirConnect board is a PLX adapter. 
-  - Added PCI ident info for the 3Com AirConnect PCI.
-  - FCS toggle now (really) defaults to false.
-  - Added PCMCIA ident info for the 3Com AirConnect 3CRW737A/3CRW777A
-  - David Everly's patch to kernel detection in the Configure script
-  - David Everly's patch to add better debian packaging bits.
-  - Added kernel tags stuff.
-  - Added PCMCIA ident info for the Actiontec 802CI2 card.
-  - Added PCMCIA ident info for the Proxim RangeLAN-DS/LAN card.
-  - Endian "fixes" for PCI PowerMacs.  This fix may be relevant for other
-    BigEndian/PCI (and PLX) platforms.
-  - FCS in monitor mode now optional; defaults to off.
-  - Populate the monitor channel in the prismheader.
-  - monitor mode now works on USB widgets.
-  - Fix an alignment bug in the rx path.
-  - Fix a brown-paper-bag bug in the usb flash code.
-  - Explicitly enumerate the USB widget endpoints, and use 'em.
-  - REALLY fix the wlan.conf overwriting.
-  - More minor cleanups in the PCI/PLX init code.
-  - endian-ness fixes in the monitor code
-  - Applied a patch from David Everly to fix another 2.2.x compile problem.
-  - Add USB entries for the "Melco WLI-USB-S11 11Mbps WLAN Adapter"
-  - Don't overwrite /etc/wlan.conf if it already exists.
-  - Compile sniffing code if packet socket is modularized.
-  - Fix a typo with the init script.
-  - Fix a compile problem with 2.2.x kernels
-  - First bits of the SMP/locking fixes.
-  - Partial rewrite of the PCI/PLX/USB driver internals.
-  - Added a makefile for the 'addons/keygen' tool.
-  - Fixed a race condition in the USB code.
-  - Applied Godmar Back's "SSIDs with spaces" patch.
-  - Applied pizza's patch to remove the pb_t structure and make all 
-    802.11<->ether conversions happen in-place.  Noticeably reduces
-    cpu load.  Also includes a few misc bugfixes to the conversion code.
-  - Workaround for the kernel panic on bringing up a USB interface
-  - Applied Mike Klar's USB patch that adds support for the MIPS
-    target and should, among other things, fix WEP under USB.
-  - Added Remy Cool's patch to add the Dynalink prism2 card ids.
-  - Tim Miller's pcmcia script install path patch
-  - Applied Tim Fletcher's patch to allow compilation against
-    the newest versions of the wireless extensions. (V13)
-  - Added jwyatt's patch for the Compaq Evo N600C USB adapter thing.
-  - Per mwelk's suggestion, changed the displaystring totext to single
-    quote the strings.  Hopefully this will take care of some of the 
-    "SSID w/ space" problems.
-  - tseward's ID code patch for Siemens SpeedStream USB adapters.
-  - pizza's patch for dropping/ignoring frames in promisc and allmulti
-    modes.
-  - crankin's new Actiontec USB IDs.
-  - crankin's fix for wext /proc zero vs. garbage problem.
-  - pizza's chkconfig comment in rc.wlan.
-  - pizza's patch to add true promiscious support to 0.1.13. Also includes
-    Experimental ALLMULTI support.
-  - pizza's patch to add PF_PACKET capture and raw transmit to 0.1.13-pre2, 
-    (with toggles for WEP in sniffing and prism header)
-    NOTE: this patch _removes_ the old netlink monitor mode (sniff) interface.
-    If you're sniffing, you need to use the latest libpcap (v7.2-pre..from CVS),
-    you'll also need to build your own ethereal (0.9.0 or greater) using the
-    latest libpcap.
-  - bhuang's fix for the hfa384x_test_command() function.
-  - crankin's revised USB ID patch.
-  - Fixed a little buggage in the p80211knetdev_set_mac_address() function.  
-  - crankin's patch for a bug in usb rrid, DBFENTER/EXIT, and Actiontec
-    USB IDs.
-  - hmuurimaa's ID patch for the Omnibook500 integrated USB adapter
-  - proskin's patch for MODULE_LICENSE conditional
-  - dstates (JediElite) submission (others submitted it too) for the
-    NDC PLX card.
-  - crankin's patch for src/prism2/driver/Makefile. PCI and USB were
-    linking with PLX's prism2wext.o file.  DOH!
-  - Synch'd the etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng scripts with the etc/wlan* scripts.
-    This should help PCI/PLX/USB Adhoc users.
-  - Added cmulliner's patch for set_mac_address(). Also changed it to
-    use dot11StationID instead of the prism2 specific mib item...Oh
-    Yeah, I also changed to comments to /*...*/  ;-)
-  - Fixed PDA reads and PDA validation.
-  - KNOWNBUG: prism2_usb + linux-2.4.17 + uhci.o : Very slow performance.
-    We need to look into having multiple posted tx and rx urbs (this is
-    also a TODO).
-  - KNOWNBUG: prism2_usb + linux-2.2.20 + uhci.o : Physically 
-    disconnecting the device causes a Panic.  The logs look like the
-    usbdev is still holding some buffers (urbs?) associated with the
-    device despite the fact that I've explicitly unlinked them.  This
-    problem does not occur on 2.4.17 and, unfortunately, I don't have
-    time to debug 2.2.20 this time around.
-  - Made all corereset() calls dependent on the prism2_doreset module
-    argument.
-  - Added corereset() support for all device types.
-  - Added the lnxreq_ifstate request message.  This request is used
-    to bring the device up to an operable state _after_ the
-    [hostbus]_probe() function is finished.  It can also be used to
-    shutdown and/or restart the driver+device.  This takes the place
-    of the "activate hardware on ifconfig up" code that was introduced
-    in 0.1.11.  This is the change that should fix most of our dhcp
-    client problems.
-  - Massive changes/cleanups to the driver init/shutdown code for all
-    device types (pcmcia|pci|plx|usb).
-  - Removed the add-ons/mibedit application from the linux-wlan-ng package.
-    We'll be re-releasing it as a separate tarball.
-  - Modified hfa384x_usb.c per dbrownell's suggestion to mark the request
-    urb's with the USB_ASYNC_UNLINK flag.  This because we're calling
-    unlink_urb() from the timer callback (intterupt context).
-  - Added arichter's patch for the RRID framelength.  It's a good catch
-    to make things truly correct.  Unfortunately, I don't think it will
-    have any effect.  Because of the 64-byte minimum, the actual RID value
-    is being transferred regardless.  Also, I don't think the RRID handler
-    in the MAC even looks at the framelen field of RRID frames.
-  - Added mwelwarsky's patch for the tx path that may fix some of the
-    "queue empty" errors.  Had to update it for 0.1.13.
-  - Added new PLX device IDs from cyokoyama's patch, but deferred the rest 
-    until we can get a clean patch against the latest release.
-  - Added pizza's v2.1 NETLINK enable/disable patch.  Note that this whole
-    NETLINK enable/disable thing is only barely tested by me.  I _always_
-    have netlink available so maintaining a separate kernel setup just to
-    test this feature is a pain.
-  - Added jdiedrich's pcmcia card ids for the Compaq ipaq PCMCIA card.
-  - Added crankin's patch fixing some more wext induced problems and adding
-    the Actiontec USB ids.
-  - Added abridgett's patch for PRIV_GENSTRING handling.
-  - Added emckee's malloc.h -> slab.h patch and made the mods to the usb
-    and wext files he missed. Some kind list soul told me
-    that the change to slab.h goes way back in the 2.2.x history, so we
-    should be OK.  If this change proves to be a problem for someone with
-    an old kernel, please submit a patch with ifdefs for the version where
-    things changed (not just the version you're using....thanks).
-  - Added jtourrhiles patch for wext reporting level and noise in dbm.
-    To enable the reporting in dbm, you must add "#define WEXT_IN_DB"
-    to the top of src/prism2/driver/prism2wext.c.
-  - Added support for the dbm-normalized RID for CommsQuality in prep
-    for working with Jean's patch.  The mibs are called p2dbmCommsQuality*.  
-    Note that this will only work for secondary firmware versions 1.2.0 
-    and higher. Earlier versions will return with a 
-    'resultcode=implementation_failure'.  Note also: The values returned
-    are signed 16-bit integers that have been stuffed into unsigned 32-bit
-    integers for the trip up to userland.  The following shell expression
-    will convert them back to the signed quantity you want:
-       if [ $val -lt 32767 ]; then
-           echo $1
-       else
-           echo $[ $1 | 0xffff0000 ]
-       fi
-  - Added mkershaw's suggestion to lengthen the wait interval for 
-    commands in hfa384x.c.
-  - Added a note to the README about dleffler's observation regarding
-    netlink troubles and using 'make mrproper'.
-  - Added gback's patch to initialize wireless extensions for non-pcmcia
-    targets.
-  - Fixed a patch induced (not sure which patch) Makefile syntax error.
-  - Added rfloeter's cool Wireless Extensions patch which was kindly 
-    updated to 0.1.12 by pizza.  Note that my own testing of this patch has
-    been minimal but I've had reports of folks who are using it successfully.
-    NOTE: The addition of this patch adds the requirement that Wireless
-    Extensions (version >= 10) be compiled into one's kernel.
-  - DOH! some somewhat kind soul on the lists pointed out that the keygen
-    program wasn't in the distributed tarball.  Basically, I forgot to 
-    check it into CVS, therefore the distribution build script couldn't
-    find it.'s now in CVS and should be included in the tarballs.
-  - Added pizza's patch fixing the "netlink disable" patch.  The 
-    p80211ind_* functions need to be handled individually instead of two
-    giant #if's, but that's a task for another day.
-  - Added theBS's patch for making the /etc stuff installation relative and
-    installing the FIXINST scripts for USB.
-  - Added crankin's SMP deadlock fix patch.
-  - Added dlyddy's string.h includes and comma fix.  Changing all malloc.h's
-    to slab.h's will have to wait until I figure which kernel version marks
-    the switch so we can ifdef it.
-  - Added bgertfield's Corega support patch.
-  - I added a check to Configure so we add the CONFIG_NETLINK symbol
-    on the compile command line if necessary.
-  - proskin's patches for netlink disable when not configured in kernel,
-    mkprintstr fix, and turn off skeleton install.  The netlink patch
-    pointed out something that might be the root cause of some problems
-    with the _cs driver.  pcmcia_cs now strips the kernel CONFIG items
-    it cares about and puts them in it's own include/linux/config.h 
-    (which is symlinked to include/pcmcia/config.h).
-  - Added mtaylor's suggested close() to do_ioctl() in wlanctl.
-  - Added mkarmak's suggested change for the GL24110P device ID as
-    PCI_DEVICE_GL24110P_ALT and an additional item in the device table
-    for PLX devices.
-  - Added crankin's suggested MODULE_LICENSE statements.  Had to figure
-    out the version ifdefs myself though.  ;-)
-  - Added vragor's patch for arm updates to the Makefiles and Configure.
-  - Added jsuhr's patch of the PLX9052 irq enable code from the orinoco
-    driver.  Note: PLX contributions are highly valued here because we rarely
-    use these devices ourselves.
-  - Added cfang's PCMCIA ident info for AirEZY card.
-  - Made USB port reset in open() an option, DEFAULT IS OFF.
-  - Cleaned up the top edge of hfa384x*.c (needs some more).
-  - Added the notion of CMD vs. AUX format MAC chip addresses.
-  - Modified isgoodpdr() to accept anything less than 0x1000.
-  - Updated the wlan-ng scripts for the new open/close behavior.
-  - Fixed a bunch of issues that caused bad breakage for hot-plugging
-    the USB module.
-  - Added a module argument to enable/disable the MAC (or usbport) reset
-    performed in prism2sta_open().
-  - Moved the port reset corereset() and the call to the open(). This
-    gets the port reset out of the probe_usb() context and appears to
-    solve the recursive probe problem in some cases.
-  - Cleaned up the overlength usb packet problems
-  - Added rmemreq/resp and wmemreq/resp support
-  - Fixed some of the 64-byte packet problems in a few commands.
-  - Note: hfa384x*.c are currently undergoing some changes.  I believe
-    these changes have broken some things for pcmcia/pci/plx support.  I'm
-    not certain since I haven't tested them.  As such, this is a USB ONLY
-    release.
-  - Cleaned up the use of hfa384x_drvr_*() vs. hfa384x_cmd_*() a little.
-    This is a work in progress.
-  - Rewrote the USB request/response machine again.
-  - Added tnewsham's keygen program to the add-ons directory.  I don't
-    include it in the overall build because I'm not comfortable with making
-    this package dependent on openssl right now.  It is supposed to generate
-    keys in a manner identical to the windows software.  I have not personally
-    verified this.  If someone wants to contribute more complete build
-    instructions for this program, please do.
-  - IMPORTANT! Note that we've changed the up/down behavior.  You now
-    must 'up' the linux netdevice interface (e.g. ifconfig wlan0 up) prior
-    to using wlanctl-ng.  Also, wlanctl commands aren't available after
-    "ifconfig down".  From a low-level perspective, this is how most
-    linux netdevices work.  We originally started trying to create a 
-    setup where "ifconfig up" on an interface that wasn't associated would
-    fail.  With PCI and even more so with USB, that has proven unworkable.
-    The idea now is:
-      Step 1: ifconfig wlan0 up 
-               Enables the hardware so it's ready to handle wlanctl-ng commands.
-      Step 2: wlanctl-ng <various commands>, repeat 
-               Set up the dot11 configuration and get yourself associated or
-               whatever.
-      Step 3: ifconfig wlan0 <address>  
-               After getting a "real" 802.11 connection, assign the address
-               to the interface (via static numbers, dhcp or whatever).
-      Note that it is very important that you do _not_ down the interface
-      between the initial 'ifconfig up' and the later ifconfig that assigns
-      the address.  'ifconfig down' will shut down and reset the hardware.
-      If you down the interface, all that good work in step 2 will be lost.
-  - Rewrote the USB request/response machine
-  - Moved all memmapped/irq interface elements from prism2*.c to hfa384x.c
-    in preparation for adding USB support.
-  - Fixed 'make clean' so it doesn't generate .depend files.
-  - Removed some leftover pcmcia-cs dependencies for non-pcmcia targets.
-  - Added module param "prism2_ignorevcc".  If set to non-zero, we just
-    accept the Voltage we get from pcmcia-cs without checking.  USE WITH
-    CAUTION!!!!
-  - Changed the voltage setting code such that we never try to change it.
-  - Added NETGEAR PCI info.
-  - Fixed a problem with the interrrupt enable in mlme_start().
-  - Fixed the netdevice_t problem.
-  - Added some new CIS entries.
-  - Fixed some byte order things re: dblythe's patch.  The problem went
-    a little farther than the patch so I had to change some things.
-  - Added lye's fix for the netdevice_t problem on various targets.
-  - Added an Ad-Hoc support patch from ????? (please identify yourself,
-    it's a nice bit of code and stays within the spirit of things).  Adhoc
-    still needs work though.  Remember, only the _first_ STA in an IBSS
-    should issue an MLME-Start.request.  All the rest should scan/join
-  - Re-added the monitor mode stuff.  At this point I guess Intersil won't 
-    be taking it out.  Many thanks to those who maintained the patches and
-    my apologies for the hassle.
-  - As part of the PCI stuff, rewrote the scripts for 'fixed' (i.e. non-
-    hotswappable) cards like the ISL3874 and PLX based PCI adapters.
-  - Added support for the dot11req_reset command.  It should perform a
-    complete reset of the MAC and driver.  Note that the MAC needs to be
-    completely reconfigured from userland after the reset has occurred.
-    Also added an internal call to the reset function when unloading a
-    PCI or PLX driver.  We need this reset to make sure that the card is
-    no longer generating interrupts.  Fixed this problem:  If the driver
-    is unloaded, the card is still generating interrupts, and another active
-    device+driver is using the same interrupt....system locks up.  DDT.
-  - Rewrote the PCI support for PLX and ISL3874.  The rewrite was targeted
-    at 2.4.7 with additional code to provide backward compatibility for
-    2.2.x.  NOTE:  the PCI code still doesn't support the PCI power
-    management stuff.  It will probably need more work when laptops w/
-    the ISL3874 based mini-PCI cards show up.
-  - Whoops, forgot to put this in the original 0.1.9 release
-  - Added support for the ISL3874 based mini-pci card.  Also cleaned 
-    up some of the PLX stuff (needs more work though).
-  - Fixed some script bugs relating to WEP and generated keys.
-  - Fixed the autojoin auth type control
-  - Added/Changed some PDR numbers (thanks to BroMax for supplying hardware)
-  - Received a large patch from bjames of Rebel Computing.  Here's a 
-    summary in his words:
-     > Minor bugs (not already found in 0.1.8-pre10):
-     > 
-     > 1. p80211metamsg.c:
-     > - Wrong conversion functions for "p2req_mmi_read" (value).  enumint ==>
-     > int
-     > 
-     > 2. prism2sta.c:
-     > - "dot11_desired_bss_type" in "priv" structure left at 0 (i.e. an
-     > invalid value) after initialization so mibget could not retrieve a value
-     > unless the network was started.  Initialized to 1.
-     > 
-     > 3. prism2mgmt.c:
-     > - "prism2mgmt_channel_info()" uses HFA384x_RID_SCANREQUEST_LEN instead
-     > of ...CHANNELINFOREQUEST...  (However, they're the same size.)
-     > 
-     > 4. prism2mgmt.c:
-     > - "prism2mgmt_auxport_read()" did not set the resultcode to "success" if
-     > the read succeeded.
-     > 
-     > 5. p80211types.c:
-     > - "p80211_fromtext_displaystr()" tests for length < maxlen.  This
-     > probably should have been <= maxlen (i.e. excluding the \0), based on
-     > the maxlen values in "p80211metamib.c" and based in what
-     > "p80211_isvalid_displaystr()" checks.  Also,
-     > "p80211_isvalid_displaystr()" assumes that "pstr->len" includes the \0
-     > when it does the minlen check.  It probably shouldn't do this.
-     > 
-     > 6. p80211metamsg.c:
-     > - dot11_reassociate command has a "dot11req_reassociatefailuretimeout"
-     > argument which should probably be "reassociatefailuretimeout".
-     > 
-     > 7. prism2sta.c:
-     > - WLAN_PCI ==> WLAN_PLX in "init_module()".
-     > 
-     > Enhancements:
-     > 
-     > 1. All Prism2 RIDs are now accessible.  Unfortunately, rather a lot was
-     > changed to do this:
-     > - Rather than cut and paste many more cases into the monster
-     > "prism2mib.c" switch statement, "prism2mib.c" was completely reworked to
-     > be table-driven with a bunch of semi-generic processing functions.  That
-     > made it a lot easier to add new DIDs.  Several RID lengths in hfa384x.h
-     > had to be changed from 0 to their actual value since more of the lengths
-     > get used, now.  (Changed: prism2mib.c, hfa384x.h)
-     > - 2 new data types were added to "p80211types.c".  One to handle integer
-     > arrays (i.e. multi-word RID that a DID didn't need to be
-     > added for each element) and bit arrays (just to make them easier to deal
-     > with).  However, there wasn't enough room in the packed DID to add new
-     > types, so the type was removed from the DID (and from P80211DID_MKID)
-     > and a function written to determine the type based on the conversion
-     > functions.  (Changed: p80211meta.h, p80211types.h, p80211meta.c,
-     > p80211types.c, mkmetastruct.c, p80211metamib.c p80211metamsg.c,
-     > wlanctl/help.c)
-     > Integer arrays look like: p2PRIIdentity=21,0,0,3
-     > "meta->maxlen" specifies the number of integers.
-     > Bit arrays look like: p2ChannelList=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
-     > for bits 0-10.  "meta->min" and "meta->max" give the range of bits
-     > allowed.
-     > - The "p2Table" DIDs were split into p2Static, p2Dynamic, p2Behavior,
-     > etc., in order to correspond with the Prism Driver Programmer's Manual.
-     > A few of the names were also changed in order to correspond to the
-     > manual.  (Changed: p80211metamib.c, prism2mib.c)  The changed names (of
-     > the supported DIDs) are:
-     > p2SystemScale ==> p2CnfSystemScale
-     > p2MaxDataLen ==> p2CnfMaxDataLength
-     > p2EnhancePowerSaveMode ==> p2CnfPMEPS
-     > p2MaxSleepDurection ==> p2CnfMaxSleepDuration
-     > p2PMHoldoverDuration ==> p2CnfPMHoldoverDuration
-     > p2OwnName ==> p2CnfOwnName
-     > p2McastPMBuffer ==> p2CnfMulticastPMBuffering
-     > p2TxControlDepth ==>p2CnfTxControl
-     > p2RoamingMode ==> p2CnfRoamingMode
-     > p2MMLife ==> p2CnfMMLife
-     > p2AltRetryCount ==> p2CnfAltRetryCount
-     > p2ReserveDuration ==> p2CnfAPPCFInfo (bit 1)
-     > p2ExcludeLongPreamble ==> p2CnfExcludeLongPreamble
-     > - Added new RIDS from the Prism Driver Programmer's Manual 1.70
-     > (2000-11-29).  Added p2CnfPriorityQUsage, p2CnfTimCtrl,
-     > p2CnfThirty2Tally, p2CnfEnhSecurity.  Added "algorithm" to AuthRequest.
-     > 
-     > 2. A user utility program was written to do such things as query all
-     > read-able MIBs, query all write-able MIBs, set all write-able MIBs,
-     > etc.  A "p2req_enable" command was added (similar to the
-     > "dot11req_start" command but without requiring all the 802.11
-     > arguments).  This allows the driver to be started in a straight forward
-     > manner, simply by setting all write-able MIBs and then enabling it.
-     > (Changed: p80211metamsg.c, prism2sta.c, prism2mgmt.c, prism2mgmt.h)
-     > 
-     > 3. Support added for Prism2 CommTallies and a DID added to query the
-     > values.  The values will come back as an array of integers.  Support
-     > also added for 32-bit tallies (i.e. p2CnfThirty2Tally).  (Changed:
-     > prism2mib.c, prism2sta.c, prism2mgmt.h, p80211metamib.c, hfa384x.h)
-     > 
-     > 4. Access Point support:
-     > - Added support for maintaining a list of authenticated/associated
-     > stations and a DID added to query the list.  (Changed: prism2mib.c,
-     > prism2sta.c, prism2mgmt.h, p80211metamib.c)
-     > - Added support for host control of authentications (allowed and denied
-     > lists) and a DID added to set and query the lists.  Support for Prism2
-     > AuthenticationRequest information frames.  Not tested yet.  (Changed:
-     > prism2mib.c, prism2sta.c, prism2mgmt.h, p80211metamib.c)
-     > - Added support for Prism2 PowerSaveUserCount information frames and a
-     > DID added to query the value.  (Changed: prism2mib.c, prism2sta.c,
-     > prism2mgmt.h, p80211metamib.c)
-     > - Added a new data type to "p80211types.c" to handle arrays of MAC
-     > address (used to set/query the above lists).  (Changed: p80211types.h,
-     > p80211types.c, mkmetastruct.c, wlanctl/help.c)
-     > Address arrays look like:
-     > p2Authenticated=00:50:51:52:53:54,00:60:61:62:63:64,00:70:71:72:73:74
-     > "meta->maxlen" specifies the maximum number of addresses.
-     > - Unforetunately, all these lists are limited in length by the length of
-     > the mibattribute parameter in mibget/mibset.  This is not very nice but
-     > it was the quickest/easiest way to implement it.
-     > 
-     > 5. Changed maximum mibattribute length from 256 to 384 to support
-     > querying commtallies and MAC address arrays.  (Changed: p80211types.h)
-     > 
-     > 6. 128-bit WEP key support:
-     > - Rather than creating different MIB's for 64-bit and 128-bit WEP keys,
-     > the "octetstr" definition for dot11WEPDefaultKey0, etc., was changed to
-     > allow for a range of lengths (e.g. from 5 to 13).  The
-     > dot11WEP128DefaultKey0, etc., MIBs were removed.  (Changed:
-     > p80211meta.c, p80211types.c, p80211metamib.c, p80211metamsg.c,
-     > mkmetastruct.c, wlanctl/help.c)
-     > - WLAN_WEP_KEYLEN changed to WLAN_WEP_MAXKEYLEN and set to 13.
-     > (Changed: p80211hdr.h)
-     > - Optional "length" argument added to "nwepgen.c" so that either 5 or 13
-     > byte keys can be handled.  (Changed: nwepgen.c)
-     > - 128-bit-specific parts of "etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng" are no longer
-     > necessary.  Genstr changes to handle generation of 13-byte keys using
-     > nwepgen.  (Changed: etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng)
-     > - WEPDefaultKey's were made write-only.  A new
-     > "P80211ENUM_resultcode_cant_get_writeonly_mib" was added.  (Changed:
-     > p80211types.h, p80211types.c, p80211metamib.c, prism2mib.c)
-     > 
-     > 7. Access code in DID:
-     > - This was changed from a single bit flag (P80211DID_ACCESS_READONLY and
-     > P80211DID_ACCESS_READWRITE) to a pair of flags (P80211DID_ACCESS_READ
-     > and P80211DID_ACCESS_WRITE) since some MIBs are read/write, some are
-     > read-only, and some are write-only (e.g. WEP keys).  This makes it
-     > easier to determine which MIBs are read-able and write-able without
-     > having to go all the way to the driver and then interpret a failure
-     > error code.  (Changed: p80211types.h, p80211metamib.c)
-     > 
-     > 8. It was a bit of a hassle switching between the station driver and the
-     > AP driver...which we seemed to be doing a lot.  The additional cost was
-     > not particulary high to simply compile in both station functionality and
-     > AP functionality.    A change was made so that "prism2sta_initmac()" set
-     > an "ap" flag when it detected AP firmware.  "prism2mgmt.c" then uses the
-     > flag to determine whether or not to allow station-only or AP-only
-     > commands to be executed.  "prism2mib.c" also uses this to handle the
-     > mode-specific MIBs.  This made it possible for the same module to
-     > support either stations or APs, thereby simplifying the "make", the
-     > install, and switching between stations and APs.  The only thing that
-     > needs to change, is the value of "IS_AP" in "wlan-ng.opts".
-     > 
-     > 9. Miscellaneous small additions:
-     > - Network state (stopped, started) added and a DID to query it.
-     > - User-settable comment string added and a DID to set/query it.
-     > - Some event logging (authentications, associations, etc.) can be
-     > enabled/disabled at run time rather than only at compile time.  A DID
-     > was added to set/query it.
-     > - A "p2req_readcis" command (similar to "p2req_readpda") was added.
-     > 
-     > 10. Small changes:
-     > - Added bounds checking to "p80211item_fromtext_boundedint".  This was
-     > the only "fromtext" function that did not already do complete
-     > validation.  It should no longer be necessary to call the "isvalid"
-     > function if "fromtext" has just been called.  The call to "isvalid" was
-     > removed from "wlanctl".  (Changed: p80211types.c, wlanctl.c)
-     > - "p80211item_maxitemlen()" wasn't really adding much of value so it was
-     > amalgamated into "p80211item_getoffset()".  The DID type is now only
-     > checked once instead of three times.  (Changed: p80211meta.h,
-     > p80211meta.c)
-     > - "hfa384x_drvr_setconfig16()" and "hfa384x_drvr_setconfig32()" changed
-     > their input parameters when converting to hf384x byte order.  Potential
-     > source of bugs.  Changed to use a local variable.  (Changed: hfa384x.c)
-     > - ScanRequest, JoinRequest, etc., moved from the "Information Record"
-     > section to the "Configuration Record" section.  (Changed: hfa384x.h)
-     > - Re-worked "p80211_fromtext_setmibattribute()" to make it a little
-     > easier to follow the logic.  (Changed: p80211types.c)
-     > - Type of "channellist" argument in "p2req_channel_info" command changed
-     > from "octetstr" to "bitarray" to make it easier to deal with (can
-     > specify a variable number of channels and don't need to use hex
-     > values).  (Changed: p80211metamsg.c, prism2mgmt.c)
-     > - "auxctl" parameter set to HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS in
-     > "prism2mgmt_auxport_read()" and "prism2mgmt_auxport_write()" so that
-     > they are still compatible with 0.1.7.  (Changed: prism2mgmt.c)
-     > - Re-worked "prism2mgmt_set_grpaddr()" and added comments so that it's
-     > more obvious what is going on.  Also, deleted the check which produced
-     > an error if an attempt was made to delete an address from an empty
-     > list.  This makes things more consistent and predictable (i.e. the same
-     > as attempting to delete an address which is above the last group
-     > address...the attempt is simply ignored).  Replaced the "memcpy()" call
-     > with "memmove()" since "memcpy()" is not guaranteed to work with
-     > overlapping ranges.  (Changed: prism2mib.c)
-     > - Minimum length of "dot11OperationRateSet" changed from 126 to 1 to
-     > match the 802.11 standard.  (Changed: p80211metamib.c)
-  - Fixed some ci/co related problems pointed out by wbinjie.
-  - Added ygalayda's startup scripts for PCI in the directory 
-    ./etc/wlan_pci.  They aren't installed, that will have to be done
-    by hand.  I have not tested these scripts myself.
-  - Added sbaer's 'NULL check' fix in p80211_indicate_shutdown().
-  - Added ctedrow's 'alloc not checked' fix in prism2sta_int_rx().
-  - Added pkundrat's auth mib changes.
-  - fgrau's conf.modules/modules.conf fix.
-  - Added ygalayda's submission for the Global Sun GL24110P PLX based
-    adapter.  Also included a Makefile fix.
-  - Fixed some script bugs relating to 128-bit WEP based on smmclusky's
-    observations.  These changes have not yet been tested by me.
-  - Added rlazarev's additions to the pcmcia startup scripts
-  - Added pkundrat's wlandev-name fix for 2.3.99+ kernels
-  - Fixed some type/(to|from)text mismatches per note from pkundrat
-  - Fixed some missing MKITEMNAMEs per note from pkundrat
-  - Added D-LINK and SMC to the linux-wlan-ng.conf file
-  - Added Zoom, Linksys and Addtron to the linux-wlan-ng.conf file
-  - Added pkundrat's meta-item minlen stuff.
-  - Added conditionals for PLX vs. PCMCIA build
-  - Changed _pci driver filename to _plx
-  - Fixed undconditional MOD_INC in prismt2sta_open()
-  - Removed identification of old PCF firmware.
-  - Fixed version.h generation bug from pre5
-  - Added dhsu's (Eumitcom) code for supporting the PLX based PCI cards.
-  - pkundrat's (whoops, sorry peter) PDA display program in ./scripts.  
-    I haven't used it because my perl setup is messed up and I'm perl 
-    challenged.
-  - bcarr's patches for alpha boxes.
-  - wwoods's patches for 2.2.18 and adding bytes received to the 
-    statistics.
-  - proskin's patch adding 'network stop'
-  - Most of proskin's patch containing Configure fixes, adding file
-    existence checks, and making sure directories are present.
-  - tgriffin's patch for mrproper/memleak/nullcheck/freeonsuccess.  
-    conf.modules change is already there.
-  - Added most of jhicks ARM related patches.  I had to leave out the 
-    HOST vs. TARGET compile variables in the Makefiles though.  Some folks
-    are using that stuff.
-  - Added script changes and new mib items to support 128-bit WEP per hong's
-    suggestion.
-  - Added conf.modules alias instead of symlink
-  - Added a compat macro for kfree_s to wlan_compat.h per the suggestion
-    from rbraun.
-  - Added pkundrat's 'chinfo' patch
-  - Added pkundrat's 'small fixes' patch
-  - Added some contributed patches supporting a fix to our 'reassoc
-    under load' problem
-  - Added wlannoenable pcmcia scheme support to prevent card initialization.
-  - Removed a PDR patch requirement.
-  - Fixed the "converting eth in unknown mode" bug
-  - Added APM/ACPI suspend/resume handling
-  - Added PPC support
-  - Added Prism test command support
-  - Integrated patch to fix some structure alignment problems for ARM
-  - Added multi-transmit buffer support
-  - And much, much more.....
-  - Fixed usage of pcmcia scheme file so we're not stomping on the user's
-    scheme setting.
-  - Updated the wlan-ng script for the new config variable names and added
-    configurable download utility and a set of user MIB settings.
-  - Added support for the Samsung and Z-Com cards.
-  - Changed the name of the module (from pcmcia's point of view).
-  - Fixed the "echo \c" problem in Configure
-  - Added new and rearranged existing wlan-ng.opts configuration variables.
-  - Created a scheme for "addon software" in the ./src/Makefile
-  - Made some changes to the target detection conditionals in wlan_compat.h
-    to better support LinuxPPC (port isn't finished yet).
-  - Finally fixed the byteorder stuff to use (duh) byteorder.h
-  - Fixed a bad free of the TX skb when we signal an error to higher layers.
-  - Moved some code around and added rules to the prism2/driver (new directory
-    too) Makefile.  This is so we build two separate drivers; one for STA,
-    one for AP.  Both drivers are built from the same source files with
-    the code conditional on the WLAN_AP and WLAN_STA defines.
-  - Fixed the plugging in prism2dl so it reports ALL missing PDRs.
-  - Added an anonymously contributed patch that adds support for the -m
-    and -s cmdline options for prism2dl.  Thanks! You know who you are.@-)
-  - Added some fixes to the dependency file generation.
-  - Fixed a flash programming timeout miscalculation...and fixed it again 
-    when I introduced an integer promotion problem.
-  - Added the STA vs. AP conditionals to prism2mgmt.  Note that this causes
-    a few compile time warnings.  They're harmless and will go away in the
-    next release.
-  - Created the file prism2mib.c to hold all the MIB get/set stuff which is
-    getting a little out of hand.
-  - Added pcmcia config support for the Z-Com (supposedly) dual voltage card.
-    Unfortunately the engineering sample I have doesn't seem to work at 5v,
-    or it might be the code.....not sure yet.  We're still a little
-    bleeding edge with that card.
-  - Cleaned up the version, compatibility range, and serial number 
-    log messages.
-  - Added a loop limit to the interrupt handler. (duh)
-  - Changed the names of the driver modules for STA and AP.  make install
-    then creates a softlink depending on the make config selection.  One
-    note, both drivers report the same dev_info string to pcmcia-cs.  Trying
-    to load both of them simultaneously would be bad (I have no idea what 
-    would happen, I just thought of it).
-  - Changed a bunch of types and constants for hfa384x.
-  - Added functions for a couple of new commands in the hfa384x.
-  - Began adding support for the Prism2 unique MIB items.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/COPYING.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/COPYING.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 66801bd..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/COPYING.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-Unless otherwise indicated, this code is distributed under version 1.1
-of the Mozilla Public License ("MPL"), included in the LICENSE file.
-Where this software is combined with software released under the terms
-of the GNU Public License ("GPL") and the terms of the GPL would
-require the combined work to also be released under the terms of the
-GPL, the terms and conditions of the MPL will apply in addition to
-those of the GPL with the exception of any terms or conditions of the
-MPL that conflict with, or are expressly prohibited by, the GPL.
-        -- AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.
-Note: This file is derived from a copyrighted work of David Hinds.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/Configure.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/Configure.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b62dd2..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/Configure.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-# Configure
-# linux-wlan Open Sourc Project
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source Project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# TODO: Since we're dependent on configured pcmcia source, we should change 
-#       this such that it will ask for the pcmcia source dir and then read
-#       all our stuff from pcmcia/  Would simplify alot of things.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This script adapted from the pcmcia-cs/Configure file, license statement below:
-# pcmcia-cs/Configure 1.110 1999/06/24 17:37:36
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-# the License for the specific language governing rights and
-# limitations under the License.
-# The initial developer of the Configure code is David A. Hinds
-# <>.  Portions created by David A. Hinds
-# are Copyright (C) 1998 David A. Hinds.  All Rights Reserved.
-ECHO="/bin/echo -e "
-fail ()
-	$ECHO ""
-	$ECHO "Configuration failed"
-	$ECHO ""
-	exit 1
-usage () {
-    $ECHO "usage: Configure [-h|help|-d [filename]|-f <filename>]"
-    $ECHO ""
-    $ECHO "  -h|help       - display usage info"
-    $ECHO "  -d [filename] - automated configuration with option to specify input file"
-    $ECHO "  -f <filename> - read configuration data from file and prompt user"
-    exit 1
-if [ ! -r ]; then
-    $ECHO " does not exist!"
-    fail
-. ./
-if [ -r config.out ]; then
-    . ./config.out 2>/dev/null
-if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
-	if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "help" ] ; then 
-		usage
-	fi
-	if [ "$1" = "-d" -o "$1" = "-f" ] ; then 
-		if [ $# -gt 1 ] ; then
-			if [ -r $2 ]; then
-				. $2
-			else
-				$ECHO "$2 does not exist"
-				fail
-			fi
-		else
-			if [ "$1" = "-f" ] ; then 
-				usage
-			fi
-		fi
-		if [ "$1" = "-d" ] ; then 
-			PROMPT=n
-		fi
-	fi
-cat << 'EOF' > $CONFIG
-# Automatically generated by 'make config' -- don't edit!
-write_bool() {
-    value=`eval $ECHO '$'$1`
-    if [ "$value" = "y" ] ; then
-	$ECHO "$1=y" >> $CONFIG
-	$ECHO "$1=y" >> $CONFIG_MK
-    else
-	$ECHO "$1=n" >> $CONFIG
-	$ECHO "# $1 is not defined" >> $CONFIG_MK
-    fi
-write_str () {
-    value=`eval $ECHO '$'$1`
-    $ECHO "$1"=\"$value\" >> $CONFIG
-    $ECHO "$1=$value" >> $CONFIG_MK
-dump_str () {
-    $ECHO "$1" >> $CONFIG
-    $ECHO "$1" >> $CONFIG_MK
-prompt () {
-    eval $3=\"$2\"
-    if [ "$PROMPT" = "y" ] ; then
-	$ECHO "$1 [$2]: \c"
-	read tmp
-	if [ -n "$tmp" ] ; then eval $3=\"$tmp\" ; fi
-    else
-	$ECHO "$1 [$2]"
-    fi
-ask_bool () {
-    default=`eval $ECHO '$'$2`
-    if [ ! "$default" ] ; then default=n ; fi
-    answer=""
-    while [ "$answer" != "n" -a "$answer" != "y" ] ; do
-	prompt "$1 (y/n)" "$default" answer
-    done
-    eval "$2=$answer"
-    write_bool $2
-ask_str () {
-    default=`eval $ECHO '$'$2`
-    prompt "$1" "`$ECHO $default`" answer
-    eval $2=\"$answer\"
-    write_str $2
-mkversionh () {
-cp src/ $versionh
-printf '#define WLAN_RELEASE\t"%d.%d.%d%s"\n' \
-        ${WLAN_VERSION} \
-        ${WLAN_PATCHLEVEL} \
-        ${WLAN_SUBLEVEL} \
-        ${WLAN_EXTRAVERSION} >> $versionh
-printf '#define WLAN_RELEASE_CODE 0x%02x%02x%02x\n' \
-        ${WLAN_VERSION} \
-        ${WLAN_PATCHLEVEL} \
-        ${WLAN_SUBLEVEL} >> $versionh
-echo   "#define WLAN_BUILD_DATE \"$DATE\" " >> $versionh
-printf '\n' >> $versionh
-printf '#endif\n' >> $versionh
-# If the src/include/wlan/version.h file needs a touchup, fix or create it
-if [ -r src/include/wlan/version.h ]; then
-	OLD_RELEASE=`sed --quiet -e '/#define.*WLAN_RELEASE[^_].*\"\(.*\)\"/s//\1/p' < src/include/wlan/version.h`
-	if [ "${WLAN_RELEASE}" != "${OLD_RELEASE}" ]; then
-		# Overwrite the file
-		mkversionh
-	fi
-	# File doesn't exist, create it
-	mkversionh
-$ECHO ""
-$ECHO "-------------- Linux WLAN Configuration Script -------------"
-$ECHO ""
-$ECHO "The default responses are correct for most users."
-$ECHO ""
-# Should we build for PCMCIA Card Services?
-ask_bool "Build Prism2.x PCMCIA Card Services (_cs) driver?" PRISM2_PCMCIA
-# Should we build for PLX9052 based PCI adapters?
-ask_bool "Build Prism2 PLX9052 based PCI (_plx) adapter driver?" PRISM2_PLX
-# Should we build for Prism2 native PCI?
-ask_bool "Build Prism2.5 native PCI (_pci) driver?" PRISM2_PCI
-# Should we build for Prism2.5 USB?
-ask_bool "Build Prism2.5 USB (_usb) driver?" PRISM2_USB
-$ECHO ""
-# Collect the kernel source tree and test for sanity
-CUR_RELEASE=`uname -r`
-if [ "$LINUX_SRC" = "" ] ; then
-    LINUX_SRC=/lib/modules/$CUR_RELEASE/build
-ask_str "Linux source directory" LINUX_SRC
-if [ ! -f $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/version.h ] ; then
-	$ECHO "Linux source tree $LINUX_SRC is incomplete or missing!"
-	if [ -d $LINUX_SRC/include/linux ] ; then
-	$ECHO "    The kernel header files are present, but not " \
-		"the full source code."
-	fi
-	$ECHO "    See the HOWTO for a list of FTP sites for current" \
-	 "kernel sources."
-	fail
-KERNEL_SOURCE=$LINUX_SRC make -Cscripts 2>&1 > /dev/null
-. scripts/make.opts
-# What kernel are we compiling for?
-version () {
-	expr $1 \* 65536 + $2 \* 256 + $3
-$ECHO ""
-VERSION_CODE=`grep LINUX_VERSION_CODE $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/version.h | \
-    sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'`
-$ECHO "The kernel source tree is version $SRC_RELEASE."
-if [ $VERSION_CODE -lt `version 2 4 0` ] ; then
-	$ECHO "This package requires at least a 2.4.x series kernel."
-	fail
-if [ $VERSION_CODE -gt `version 2 5 0` ] ; then
-        KERN_25=y
-        write_bool KERN_25
-if [ $VERSION_CODE -ge `version 2 6 5` ] ; then
-    KERN_2_6_5=y
-write_bool KERN_2_6_5
-if [ $VERSION_CODE -ge `version 2 6 17` ] ; then
-    KERN_2_6_17=y
-write_bool KERN_2_6_17
-if [ $VERSION_CODE -gt `version 2 6 26` ] ; then
-    $ECHO "******* WARNING WARNING WARNING *******"
-    $ECHO "Kernels newer than 2.6.26.x are not supported."
-    $ECHO "******* WARNING WARNING WARNING *******"
-if [ "$SRC_RELEASE" != "$CUR_RELEASE" ] ; then
-	$ECHO "WARNING: the current running kernel is actually version $CUR_RELEASE."
-if [ ! -f $LINUX_SRC/.config ] ; then
-    $ECHO "WARNING: .config not present in kernel source tree.  This will"
-    $ECHO "         screw up modversions detection and build optimizations."
-    $ECHO "         Is this a RedHat kernel? Workarounds enabled." 
-    if [ -f $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/modversions.h ] ; then
-	KERNEL_MODFLAGS="-DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -include $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/modversions.h"
-    fi
-    $ECHO "         For an optimized build, copy over the relevent file from"
-    $ECHO "         $LINUX_SRC/configs/ to $LINUX_SRC/.config"
-# Check for consistent kernel build dates
-CUR_D=`uname -v | sed -e 's/^#[0-9]* //;s/SMP //;s/PREEMPT //;'`
-CUR_D=`$ECHO $CUR_D | sed -e 's/\(:[0-9][0-9]\) .* \([12][90]\)/\1 \2/'`
-$ECHO "The current kernel build date is $CUR_D."
-if [ -f $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/compile.h ] ; then
-	UTS_VERSION=`grep UTS_VERSION $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/compile.h |
-	sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)"/\1/'`
-	SRC_D=`$ECHO $UTS_VERSION | sed -e 's/^#[0-9]* //;s/SMP //;s/PREEMPT //;'`
-	SRC_D=`$ECHO $SRC_D | sed -e 's/\(:[0-9][0-9]\) .* \([12][90]\)/\1 \2/'`
-	if [ $SRC_RELEASE = $CUR_RELEASE -a "$SRC_D" != "$CUR_D" ] ; then
-	$ECHO "WARNING: the source tree has a build date of $SRC_D."
-	if [ `date -d "$SRC_D" +%s` -gt `date -d "$CUR_D" +%s` ] ; then
-		$ECHO "   Did you forget to install your new kernel?!?"
-	fi
-	fi
-$ECHO ""
-	# Test for netlink availability in the kernel
-	if grep -sq "#define.*CONFIG_NETLINK.*1" ${LINUX_SRC}/include/linux/autoconf.h; then
-	else
-	fi
-	write_bool CONFIG_NETLINK
-	# Test for pf_packet availability in the kernel
-	if grep -sq "#define.*CONFIG_PACKET.*1" ${LINUX_SRC}/include/linux/autoconf.h; then
-	else
-	fi
-	write_bool CONFIG_PACKET
-	# Test for pf_packet availability in the kernel
-	if grep -sq "#define.*CONFIG_HOTPLUG.*1" ${LINUX_SRC}/include/linux/autoconf.h; then
-	else
-	fi
-	write_bool CONFIG_HOTPLUG
-# Alternate target install root dir - the value of this variable
-# will prefix other variables, such as modules and pcmcia directories
-ask_str "Alternate target install root directory on host" TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST
-if [ $PRISM2_PCMCIA = "y" ] ; then
-	# PCMCIA script dir
-	ask_str "PCMCIA script directory" PCMCIA_DIR
-ask_str "  Module install directory" MODDIR
-write_str TARGET_MODDIR
-$ECHO ""
-# Just write some out (we're not prompting right now)
-write_str INST_EXEDIR
-# How should the startup scripts be configured?
-if [ "$PREFIX" = "" ] ; then
-	if [ -d /etc/rc.d/init.d -o -d /etc/init.d -o -d /sbin/init.d ] ; then
-	$ECHO "It looks like you have a System V init file setup."
-	if [ -d /etc/rc.d/init.d ] ; then
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/etc/rc.d" >> $CONFIG
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/etc/rc.d" >> $CONFIG_MK
-	elif [ -d /sbin/init.d ] ; then
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/sbin" >> $CONFIG
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/sbin" >> $CONFIG_MK
-	else
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/etc" >> $CONFIG
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/etc" >> $CONFIG_MK
-	fi
-	else
-	$ECHO "It looks like you have a BSD-ish init file setup."
-	if ! grep rc.wlan /etc/rc.d/rc.S >/dev/null ; then
-		$ECHO "    You'll need to edit /etc/rc.d/rc.S to invoke" \
-		 "/etc/rc.d/rc.wlan (for ISA/PCMCIA cards)"
-		$ECHO "    so that wlan cards will be started at boot time."
-	fi
-	fi
-	write_bool SYSV_INIT
-	ask_bool "System V init script layout" SYSV_INIT
-	if [ "$SYSV_INIT" = "y" ] ; then
-	ask_str "Top-level directory for RC scripts" RC_DIR
-	fi
-if [ ! -x $TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST/sbin/depmod ] ; then INSTALL_DEPMOD=n ; fi
-write_bool INSTALL_DEPMOD
-$ECHO ""
-# Make sure our target architecture is correct
-$ECHO ""
-ask_str "Prefix for build host compiler? (rarely needed)" HOST_COMPILE
-$ECHO ""
-dump_str 'HOST_AS=$(HOST_COMPILE)as'
-dump_str 'HOST_LD=$(HOST_COMPILE)ld'
-dump_str 'HOST_CC=$(HOST_COMPILE)gcc'
-dump_str 'HOST_CPP=$(HOST_CC) -E'
-dump_str 'HOST_AR=$(HOST_COMPILE)ar'
-dump_str 'HOST_NM=$(HOST_COMPILE)nm'
-dump_str 'HOST_STRIP=$(HOST_COMPILE)strip'
-dump_str 'HOST_OBJCOPY=$(HOST_COMPILE)objcopy'
-dump_str 'HOST_OBJDUMP=$(HOST_COMPILE)objdump'
-dump_str 'HOST_RANLIB=$(HOST_COMPILE)ranlib'
-dump_str 'HOST_MAKE=make'
-if [ "_$CROSS_COMPILE" = "_" ] ; then
-write_str CROSS_COMPILE
-#dump_str 'CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -pipe'
-if [ "_$CROSS_COMPILE" = "_" ] ; then
-dump_str 'AS=$(HOST_COMPILE)as'
-dump_str 'LD=$(HOST_COMPILE)ld'
-dump_str 'CC=$(HOST_COMPILE)gcc'
-dump_str 'CPP=$(HOST_CC) -E'
-dump_str 'AR=$(HOST_COMPILE)ar'
-dump_str 'NM=$(HOST_COMPILE)nm'
-dump_str 'STRIP=$(HOST_COMPILE)strip'
-dump_str 'OBJCOPY=$(HOST_COMPILE)objcopy'
-dump_str 'OBJDUMP=$(HOST_COMPILE)objdump'
-dump_str 'RANLIB=$(HOST_COMPILE)ranlib'
-dump_str 'MAKE=make'
-dump_str "AS=$CROSS_COMPILE"as
-dump_str "LD=$CROSS_COMPILE"ld
-dump_str "CC=$CROSS_COMPILE"gcc
-dump_str "CPP=$CC -E"
-dump_str "AR=$CROSS_COMPILE"ar
-dump_str "NM=$CROSS_COMPILE"nm
-dump_str "STRIP=$CROSS_COMPILE"strip
-dump_str "OBJCOPY=$CROSS_COMPILE"objcopy
-dump_str "OBJDUMP=$CROSS_COMPILE"objdump
-dump_str "RANLIB=$CROSS_COMPILE"ranlib
-dump_str "MAKE=make"
-# Should we build for debugging?
-ask_bool "Build for debugging (see doc/config.debug)" WLAN_DEBUG
-$ECHO ""
-write_str FIRMWARE_DIR
-write_str WLAN_SRC
-mv $CONFIG config.out
-$ECHO ""
-$ECHO "Configuration successful.  Now type 'make' and pray."
-$ECHO ""
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/FAQ.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/FAQ.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 83358fd..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/FAQ.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-********************** Linux-wlan-ng FAQ **************************
-For additions, corrections, and clarifications, send mail to with FAQ in the subject.
-Q: When will linux-wlan-ng be merged into the mainline kernel?
-	Short answer:  Never.
-	First, the linux-netdev people will soundly reject this driver.  
-	I don't begrudge them for this; indeed in their position I'd do 
-	exactly the same.  It's a sound engineering decision.
-	linux-wlan-ng is obselete, and effort spent fixing it is better 
-	spent elsewhere.  You can't even buy the hardware any longer.
-	The original design for linux-wlan-ng was to separate the 802.11 
-	stack from the actual hardware driver.  This added a lot of 
-	complexity, but would greatly ease the pain of supporitng 
-	multiple hardware types.  Unfortunately, the implementation was 
-	turned out to be somewhat flawed, and hardware manufaturers went 
-	away from the thick-mac model, leaving linux-wlan-ng overly 
-	complex for what it did.  
-	(Ironically, the linux kernel is adopting a similar 
-	 separation model, but it is a long way off from being ready)
-	So why not rewrite linux-wlan-ng to be more suitable, the 
-	enterprising reader may ask?
-	The kernel already has two drivers for prism2 (cs/pci/plx) 
-	hardware -- hostap and orinoco. linux-wlan-ng basically 
-	has three features not present in kernel drivers:
-		1) USB support
-		2) nearly complete implemettion of the 802.11 MIB/MLME
-		3) Firmware-based AP support
-	(3) requires an expensive license that isn't even available any 
-	longer, as the hostap mode works far better -- and is already 
-	supported by in-kernel drivers.
-	(2) would need to be removed or completely rewritten in order to 
-	be merged, as it does not fit within existing kernel APIs, and 
-	it would be effectively merging new kernel APIs.
-	(1) Is the only truly unique thing that linux-wlan-ng does that 
-	is generally needed any more.
-	To merge it into the kernel, we'd need to strip out (2), which 
-	would necessitate a complete rewrite -- to the point where 
-	writing a new driver from scratch is easier.  
-	Basically, it would take far less effort to add USB 
-	support to the in-kernel drivers than it would to make 
-	linux-wlan-ng acceptable to be merged. 
-	In other words, the short answer is:  Never.
-Q: It doesn't work/compile/sing/dance!
-	First, make sure you're using the latest linux-wlan-ng release
-	from  New releases are infrequent,
-	but tthey happen for a reason.
-	If you are using the latest release, you may want to obtain the 
-	latest development sources via subversion:
-		svn co svn://
-	Questions and problems with the developement code should be sent 
-	to the development mailing list, at:
-Q: What devices does the linux-wlan-ng driver support?
-	Currently, the linux-wlan-ng driver supports the Intersil
-	Prism2/2.5/3 chipsets.  These chipsets are used in a wide
-	variety of PCMCIA, PCI, and USB products.  If it has a Prism
-	chip in it, linux-wlan-ng should support it.
-Q: Will linux-wlan-ng support some feature or funkiness in
-   the <pick one> Linux distribution?
-	Our development target always consists of stock kernels from
- and stock pcmcia_cs.  If a given distribution
-	chooses to do something funky, we rely on users of that
-	distribution to contribute patches to deal with their
-	funkiness.
-	The quickest way to get some action on this kind of item is to
-	communicate with any users of the same distribution that you
-	can find on the linux-wlan-[devel|user] lists about working up
-	a patch.  If it's reasonably sane and doesn't break things for
-	our development environment or for other distributions, we'll
-	be more than happy to roll that patch into the next release.  
-Q: What does "resultcode=implementation_failure" mean?
-	Complicated Answer: 
-	Each command that can be issued with wlanctl-ng returns a status
-	called "resultcode".  Resultcode is something that we picked up
-	from the 802.11 MLME definition.  In the standard, resultcode
-	is an enumeration with a fixed set of values.  To be able to
-	report failures that a driver detects that are outside the
-	context of the 802.11 standard set of resultcode values, we 
-	invented the "implementation_failure" value.
-	Simple Answer:
-	Go look in your kernel log for more detailed error information.
-Q: I'm trying to use the HostAP/orinoco/aironet/wvlan driver and it
-   won't work!
-	That has nothing to do with the linux-wlan-ng driver.  Go ask
-	those responsible for those drivers.
-Q: Can I get Debian packages of linux-wlan-ng?
-A: Packages of linux-wlan-ng are now available in the Debian stable
-   tree.
-Q: Where do I find some RPMS for linux-wlan-ng? The ones on
-    the ftp are dreadfully out of date!
-	(Maintained by Tim Miller)
-Q: I installed the RPMs/compiled the driver and installed it and it
-   won't work when I try to run 'ifup wlan0' or whatnot.
-	First, ensure you're running the most up-to-date version of
-	the driver.  Many problems have been fixed in newer releases.
-	802.11 wireless networks are much more complex than wired
-	ethernet networks.  They require much more configuration than
-        an ip address.   If you are using pcmcia, edit the file 
-        /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts to set the network parameters.  For
-        PCI, PLX, or USB adapters, you need to edit /etc/wlan.conf.
-	You also need to make sure you have the correct settings in
-	/etc/modules.conf (alias wlan0 prism2_usb). 
-	Might we suggest you read the README file?
-Q: When I try to load the driver, I get a whole bunch of errors about
-   unresolved symbols.
-	The running kernel does not match the kernel the driver was
-	compiled for.  If you downloaded a RPM, make sure you
-        downloaded the correct version for your kernel.  This should not
-        happen if you compiled the driver from source -- if it does, the
-        kernel configuration you compiled against does not match the
-        running kernel.  Probably a screwed-up distro kernel.
-Q: I have a DWL-520 and it won't work!
-	The DWL-520 claims to require a PCI 2.2 compliant motherboard.
-        Only fairly new machines support this.  Yes, the box lies.  :)
-        Check the documentation for your system and/or motherboard to see if 
-	it is PCI 2.2 compliant.  
-	NOTE:  We have some reports of the DWL-520 working on PCI 2.1
-	motherboards; your mileage may vary.  See the following URL:
-        NOTE:  The Linksys WMP11 v2.7 is NOT prism-based, and
-	thus not supported by this driver.  The Actiontec PCI board is
-	still known to be prism based; you may want to try that instead.
-Q: All I see is "Tx attempt prior to association, frame dropped"
-	You are not associated with an access point.  Double-check the
-        settings in /etc/wlan.conf (USB, PCI, PLX) or /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts
-        (for PCMCIA users).    If all of these settings are correct (you
-        did check with your admin, right?) make sure the access point
-        doesn't have a MAC filter installed or has different WEP settings.
-	If all of this is verified correct, and are using a PCMCIA
-	card, try setting the "irq_mode=0" option.  See the
-	documentaiton in the pcmcia-cs sources.
-Q: I installed the modules, performed a 'wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin'
-   command, and it still won't work!
-	You did read the README, didn't you?  You need to perform a 
-	"wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable" in order to
-        torn on the radio.  The pcmcia scripts and the /etc/init.d/wlan
-        script do this for you.
-Q: I have a XXX USB 802.11b device, will it work with this driver?
-	Most 802.11b USB devices use the ATMEL AT76C503A chipset, which
-        is not supported by the linux-wlan-ng project.  However, there
-	are some prism2.5-based USB adapters, most notably the Linksys
-	WUSB v2.5.  The other versions (1.0, 2.6, 3.0) are based on
-        ATMEL chipsets.  Another supported USB device is the Actiontec
-	802UI3.
-Q: My prism2.5-based USB adapter won't work!
-	An excellent guide can be found at:
-Q: My prism2.5-based USB adapter won't come up if it's plugged in at boot! 
-	Thanks to buggy firmware, it is often necessary to perform a
-        device reset on initialization.  You can perform this by adding
-        "options prism2_usb prism2_doreset=1" in your /etc/modules.conf
-	Intersil has released Primary firmware 1.1.2, which seems to
-	have resolved this problem, at least on our test machines.
-Q: My PC crashes when the USB device is plugged in!
-	This is a result of the port reset necessitated by buggy firmware.
-	You are probably using the 'usb-uhci' driver with an intel
-        chipset.  Unfortunately, the crashes happen deep within the USB
-        core, so there's nothing the linux-wlan-ng driver can do.
-	In the mean time, try using the 'uhci' host controller driver
-        instead ("alias usb-controller uhci" in /etc/modules.conf), or
-        plug the USB device into a hub.
-	Linux kernel 2.4.19 is known to improve the situation somewhat,
-	but the right way to fix it is to turn off the port reset
-	(options prism2_usb prism2_doreset=0).  The current firmware
-	from Intersil alleviates the need to perform the reset.
-	UPDATE:  if you're using linux-wlan-ng 0.2.1-pre6 or newer and 
-        kernel < 2.4.22-pre, the 'uhci' driver will NOT work without a 
-        kernel patch! See:
-Q: How come I can't transmit when in monitor mode?
-	You can't.  It's a fundamental "feature" of the hardware.
-Q: How come the /proc/net/wireless info isn't updated when in monitor mode?
-	The definition of "signal quality" refers to the quality of the
-	link to the associated access point.  When you're in monitor
-	mode, you're not associated, so this information is by defintion 
-	irrelevant.
-	And regardless, the hardware doesn't update the registers we poll to
-	obtain this information while in monitor mode.
-Q: What do the various monitor mode options do?
-	enable=[true/false]           Turn it on and off.  required.
-	channel=[1-14]                Sniff channel.  required.
-	prismheader=[true/false]      Optionally preppend a special
-                                      radio header on the packet.
-				      Defaults to off.
-	keepwepflags=[true/false]     If you had WEP configured correctly
-				      the card will perform WEP decoding.
-				      Defaults to off.
-	stripfcs=[true/false]         When true, the 802.11 FCS is not
-				      stripped from incoming packets.
-				      Defaults off.
-	truncate=[number]             Truncates the captured frame.  
-Q: How come iwconfig/iwspy/[random other wireless tool] doesn't work?
-	linux-wlan-ng only supports a subset of the wireless
-	extensions; generally read-only things.  However, you won't
-	need any of those tools as wlan-ng comes with its own set of
-	tools that closely mirror the 802.11 spec.  Have a look
-	through the documentation and supplied scripts.
-	That said, if more complete (ie read/write) wireless extension
-	support is really important to you, you're more than welcome to
-	implement it and submit a patch.  
-	As of 0.1.16-pre1, the wireless extension plumbing has been
-	re-written, and further support is much easier now.  And many
-	more bits are hooked up now than before.
-Q: How do I know exactly what prism variant is on my card?
-	When you load the driver, you see a line which reads like:
-		ident: nic h/w id=0x8008 1.0.0
-	1.0.0 is the hardware revision.  Below is a (partial) list of IDs.
-		0x8003, 0x8008 :  Prism2 PCMCIA
-		0x800b, 0x800c :  Prism2.5 PCMCIA
-		0x8012, 0x8013 :  Prism2.5 PCI
-		0x801a, 0x801b :  Prism3 PCMCIA
-		0x8021, 0x8022 :  Prism3 PCI
-		0x800f, 0x8010 :  Prism2.5 USB  (3863)
-		0x801e, 0x801f :  Prism2.5 USB  (3861B)
-		0x8025, 0x8026 :  Prism3 USB
-Q: How do I know what firmware my card has?
-	After the driver is loaded and brought into ifstate=enable, you
-	will see the following lines in the kernel log: (eg dmesg |grep ident)
-	ident: pri f/w: id=0x15 0.3.0
-	ident: sta f/w: id=0x1f 1.7.1
-	In this case, the card has primary firmware 0.3.0 and secondary
-	firmware 1.7.1.  
-	Or, if you are using 0.2.1-pre17 or newer:
-	'cat /proc/net/p80211/wlan0/nsd' with the card running.
-Q: How can I update my firmware under Linux?
-	Use the 'prism2dl' utility.  While it does its utmost to ensure 
-	you don't fry your card, use it at your own risk.  Even the 
-	Intersil-supplied tools fail occasionally.
-Q: Where can I download updated firmware for my Prism2/2.5/3-based card?
-	As of linux-wlan-ng 0.2.1-pre21, the ram download firmware for 
-	all supported card types is bundled with the driver.  These 
-	images cannot be flashed.
-	A general FAQ on firmware updating is here:
-	It includes links to some sites with firmware images.
-	We strongly recommend against flashing a new image, instead one 
-	should use the ram-download images that are loaded when the
-	driver starts, much like the Windows drivers do.
-	See the instructions below for getting this to work.
-Q: What's this about "ram downloading"?
-	This means the driver loads up a firmware images directly into
-	card RAM, instead of using the firmware stored in the card's 
-	flash ROM.  This lets us ensure we are using the lastest available
-	code without risking ruining the hardware due to a bad flashing.
-	linux-wlan-ng will automatically perform a RAM download if you have
-	the necessary firmware images.
-Q: Okay, I have new ram download firmware images, where do I put them?
-	copy the *hex files into linux-wlan-ng-XXXX/src/prism2/
-	then build and install the driver per usual.
-Q: Can I use my 802.11b card as an AP under Linux?
-	Yes, and in the true free software fashion, there are several
-	ways:
-	a) linux-wlan-ng supports AP operation by using special tertiary
-	   firmware on prism devices.  This firmware is not generally
-	   available, however.   Contact Intersil for licensing terms.
-	b) The Prism2 HostAP driver uses the special HostAP mode of the
-           prism chipsets.  
-Q: I have a PCI adapter, and upon resuming from a suspend, the device is not
-   responsive.  
-	Much like you need to run some commands to bring the card to life 
-	when the PC is first booted, you also need to perform similar 
-	steps when the card comes out of suspend.   Run '/etc/init.d/wlan start'
-	and all should be well.
-	You'll need to be running 0.1.15-pre3 or newer for this to work
-        properly.
-	The prism2.5/3 chipsets do not support PCI power management, so
-	this is the best we can realistically do.
-Q: I have a Linksys WMP11, and under moderate to heavy traffic, I get
-   errors like "unknown port number" and "invalid frame type"
-	Make sure you're using the latest firmware avaliable from
-	Linksys's web site.  According to the firmware release notes:
-	 "Changes were made to prevent erroneous data from being 
-          transferred over the PCI bus"
-	Note that this problem has also beeen confirmed on the D-Link
-	DWL-520.  You will need firmware 1.3.5 or newer to resolve this.
-Q:  I have a D-Link DWL-650/650+/520+ card, why doesn't it work with
-    this driver?
-	The DWL-650 comes in at least three flavors; older ones have grey
-	antennae, with no revision number on the back.  
-	Second-generation  has a black antenna and the back reads 
-	"H/W J3 F/W 1.x.x". Both of these will work.  The third-
-	generation, with a grey antenna, has "H/W A1, F/W x.x", and
-	will NOT work;  It has the same hardware as the "plus" series
-	of cards.
-	The "plus" series of cards from D-Link use the Texas Instruments 
-	ACX100/TNETW1100 chipset.  TI has not been forthcoming with 
-	programming information.  Politely ask TI and D-Link for Linux
-	drivers and/or docs.
-	We've been told that TI will be releasing binary-only Linux
-	drivers sometime in December.  In the mean time, return the
-	card and buy one that works with Linux.
-Q: I have a Linksys WMP11 v2.7 card; why doesn't it work with this driver?
-	Linksys, in their grand tradition, likes to introduce completely
-	new cards but re-use the model number.  The WMP11 v2.7 utilizes the
-	Broadcomm chipset, and is not supported by linux-wlan-ng.  Politely
-	ask Linksys and/or Broadcomm for Linux drivers and/or docs.
-Q: What other resources are there for Wireless LANs under Linux?
-Q: I'm using RedHat 8.x+ (or Fedora Core), and I get this error when 
-   trying to ifup wlan0:
-	Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) :
-	    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Function not implemented.
-	Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :
-	    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Function not implemented.
-	You can safely ignore this; it is there because linux-wlan-ng
-	does not currently use the wireless extension commands for
-	configuration.
-Q: When the prism2_cs module loads, I see the message "RequestIRQ:
-   Resource in use" and the load fails! What's going on?
-   Is your card a 16-bit PCMCIA card? If it is, you may need to
-   recompile your kernel with ISA bus support enabled (CONFIG_ISA=y).
-   The PCMCIA core uses ISA bus support to help determine what IRQs
-   are available for the card. Without it, the PCMCIA core may not be
-   able to select an IRQ.
-Q: After installing linux-wlan-ng on my RedHat 9 system, pcmcia no 
-   longer works!
-	This is due to a bug in the RedHat 9 pcmcia startup scripts.
-	On or about line 105 in /etc/init.d/pcmcia, remove all of the
-	'.o' suffixes on the modprobe command lines.  It should read 
-	something like this:
-            if [ -d $PC ] ; then
-                echo -n " modules"
-                /sbin/modprobe pcmcia_core $CORE_OPTS
-                /sbin/modprobe $PCIC $PCIC_OPTS
-                /sbin/modprobe ds
-            elif [ -d $KD ] ; then
-                /sbin/modprobe pcmcia_core
-                /sbin/modprobe $PCIC
-                /sbin/modprobe ds
-            else
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-                           MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE
-                                Version 1.1
-                              ----------------
-1. Definitions.
-     1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the
-     Covered Code available to a third party.
-     1.1. ''Contributor'' means each entity that creates or contributes to
-     the creation of Modifications.
-     1.2. ''Contributor Version'' means the combination of the Original
-     Code, prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications
-     made by that particular Contributor.
-     1.3. ''Covered Code'' means the Original Code or Modifications or the
-     combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case
-     including portions thereof.
-     1.4. ''Electronic Distribution Mechanism'' means a mechanism generally
-     accepted in the software development community for the electronic
-     transfer of data.
-     1.5. ''Executable'' means Covered Code in any form other than Source
-     Code.
-     1.6. ''Initial Developer'' means the individual or entity identified as
-     the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A.
-     1.7. ''Larger Work'' means a work which combines Covered Code or
-     portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License.
-     1.8. ''License'' means this document.
-     1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum
-     extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or
-     subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein.
-     1.9. ''Modifications'' means any addition to or deletion from the
-     substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous
-     Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a
-     Modification is:
-          A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file
-          containing Original Code or previous Modifications.
-          B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or
-          previous Modifications.
-     1.10. ''Original Code'' means Source Code of computer software code
-     which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as
-     Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this License
-     is not already Covered Code governed by this License.
-     1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or
-     hereafter acquired, including without limitation,  method, process, and
-     apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.
-     1.11. ''Source Code'' means the preferred form of the Covered Code for
-     making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus any
-     associated interface definition files, scripts used to control
-     compilation and installation of an Executable, or source code
-     differential comparisons against either the Original Code or another
-     well known, available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The
-     Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the
-     appropriate decompression or de-archiving software is widely available
-     for no charge.
-     1.12. "You'' (or "Your")  means an individual or a legal entity
-     exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this
-     License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1.
-     For legal entities, "You'' includes any entity which controls, is
-     controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of
-     this definition, "control'' means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to
-     cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract
-     or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the
-     outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
-2. Source Code License.
-     2.1. The Initial Developer Grant.
-     The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
-     non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property
-     claims:
-          (a)  under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
-          trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer to use, reproduce,
-          modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original
-          Code (or portions thereof) with or without Modifications, and/or
-          as part of a Larger Work; and
-          (b) under Patents Claims infringed by the making, using or selling
-          of Original Code, to make, have made, use, practice, sell, and
-          offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the Original Code (or
-          portions thereof).
-          (c) the licenses granted in this Section 2.1(a) and (b) are
-          effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes Original
-          Code under the terms of this License.
-          (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is
-          granted: 1) for code that You delete from the Original Code; 2)
-          separate from the Original Code;  or 3) for infringements caused
-          by: i) the modification of the Original Code or ii) the
-          combination of the Original Code with other software or devices.
-     2.2. Contributor Grant.
-     Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor
-     hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license
-          (a)  under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
-          trademark) Licensable by Contributor, to use, reproduce, modify,
-          display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications
-          created by such Contributor (or portions thereof) either on an
-          unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code and/or
-          as part of a Larger Work; and
-          (b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or selling
-          of  Modifications made by that Contributor either alone and/or in
-          combination with its Contributor Version (or portions of such
-          combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made,
-          and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) Modifications made by that
-          Contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of
-          Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor
-          Version (or portions of such combination).
-          (c) the licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are
-          effective on the date Contributor first makes Commercial Use of
-          the Covered Code.
-          (d)    Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is
-          granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the
-          Contributor Version; 2)  separate from the Contributor Version;
-          3)  for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of
-          Contributor Version or ii)  the combination of Modifications made
-          by that Contributor with other software  (except as part of the
-          Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims
-          infringed by Covered Code in the absence of Modifications made by
-          that Contributor.
-3. Distribution Obligations.
-     3.1. Application of License.
-     The Modifications which You create or to which You contribute are
-     governed by the terms of this License, including without limitation
-     Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be distributed
-     only under the terms of this License or a future version of this
-     License released under Section 6.1, and You must include a copy of this
-     License with every copy of the Source Code You distribute. You may not
-     offer or impose any terms on any Source Code version that alters or
-     restricts the applicable version of this License or the recipients'
-     rights hereunder. However, You may include an additional document
-     offering the additional rights described in Section 3.5.
-     3.2. Availability of Source Code.
-     Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be
-     made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License
-     either on the same media as an Executable version or via an accepted
-     Electronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made an
-     Executable version available; and if made available via Electronic
-     Distribution Mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12)
-     months after the date it initially became available, or at least six
-     (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular Modification
-     has been made available to such recipients. You are responsible for
-     ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the
-     Electronic Distribution Mechanism is maintained by a third party.
-     3.3. Description of Modifications.
-     You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a
-     file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and
-     the date of any change. You must include a prominent statement that the
-     Modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from Original Code
-     provided by the Initial Developer and including the name of the Initial
-     Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an
-     Executable version or related documentation in which You describe the
-     origin or ownership of the Covered Code.
-     3.4. Intellectual Property Matters
-          (a) Third Party Claims.
-          If Contributor has knowledge that a license under a third party's
-          intellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights
-          granted by such Contributor under Sections 2.1 or 2.2, Contributor
-          must include a text file with the Source Code distribution titled
-          "LEGAL'' which describes the claim and the party making the claim
-          in sufficient detail that a recipient will know whom to contact.
-          If Contributor obtains such knowledge after the Modification is
-          made available as described in Section 3.2, Contributor shall
-          promptly modify the LEGAL file in all copies Contributor makes
-          available thereafter and shall take other steps (such as notifying
-          appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups) reasonably calculated to
-          inform those who received the Covered Code that new knowledge has
-          been obtained.
-          (b) Contributor APIs.
-          If Contributor's Modifications include an application programming
-          interface and Contributor has knowledge of patent licenses which
-          are reasonably necessary to implement that API, Contributor must
-          also include this information in the LEGAL file.
-          (c) Representations.
-          Contributor represents that, except as disclosed pursuant to
-          Section 3.4(a) above, Contributor believes that Contributor's
-          Modifications are Contributor's original creation(s) and/or
-          Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by
-          this License.
-     3.5. Required Notices.
-     You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source
-     Code.  If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source
-     Code file due to its structure, then You must include such notice in a
-     location (such as a relevant directory) where a user would be likely to
-     look for such a notice.  If You created one or more Modification(s) You
-     may add your name as a Contributor to the notice described in Exhibit
-     A.  You must also duplicate this License in any documentation for the
-     Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership rights
-     relating to Covered Code.  You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee
-     for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations to one or
-     more recipients of Covered Code. However, You may do so only on Your
-     own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial Developer or any
-     Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear than any such warranty,
-     support, indemnity or liability obligation is offered by You alone, and
-     You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every
-     Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial Developer or such
-     Contributor as a result of warranty, support, indemnity or liability
-     terms You offer.
-     3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions.
-     You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the
-     requirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been met for that Covered Code,
-     and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of the
-     Covered Code is available under the terms of this License, including a
-     description of how and where You have fulfilled the obligations of
-     Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously included in any notice in
-     an Executable version, related documentation or collateral in which You
-     describe recipients' rights relating to the Covered Code. You may
-     distribute the Executable version of Covered Code or ownership rights
-     under a license of Your choice, which may contain terms different from
-     this License, provided that You are in compliance with the terms of
-     this License and that the license for the Executable version does not
-     attempt to limit or alter the recipient's rights in the Source Code
-     version from the rights set forth in this License. If You distribute
-     the Executable version under a different license You must make it
-     absolutely clear that any terms which differ from this License are
-     offered by You alone, not by the Initial Developer or any Contributor.
-     You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every
-     Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial Developer or such
-     Contributor as a result of any such terms You offer.
-     3.7. Larger Works.
-     You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code
-     not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger
-     Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the
-     requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code.
-4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation.
-     If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
-     License with respect to some or all of the Covered Code due to statute,
-     judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms
-     of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the
-     limitations and the code they affect. Such description must be included
-     in the LEGAL file described in Section 3.4 and must be included with
-     all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the extent prohibited
-     by statute or regulation, such description must be sufficiently
-     detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
-5. Application of this License.
-     This License applies to code to which the Initial Developer has
-     attached the notice in Exhibit A and to related Covered Code.
-6. Versions of the License.
-     6.1. New Versions.
-     Netscape Communications Corporation (''Netscape'') may publish revised
-     and/or new versions of the License from time to time. Each version will
-     be given a distinguishing version number.
-     6.2. Effect of New Versions.
-     Once Covered Code has been published under a particular version of the
-     License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that
-     version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under the terms
-     of any subsequent version of the License published by Netscape. No one
-     other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to
-     Covered Code created under this License.
-     6.3. Derivative Works.
-     If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may
-     only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code
-     governed by this License), You must (a) rename Your license so that the
-     phrases ''Mozilla'', ''MOZILLAPL'', ''MOZPL'', ''Netscape'', "MPL",
-     ''NPL'' or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your license
-     (except to note that your license differs from this License) and (b)
-     otherwise make it clear that Your version of the license contains terms
-     which differ from the Mozilla Public License and Netscape Public
-     License. (Filling in the name of the Initial Developer, Original Code
-     or Contributor in the notice described in Exhibit A shall not of
-     themselves be deemed to be modifications of this License.)
-     8.1.  This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate
-     automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein and fail to cure
-     such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
-     sublicenses to the Covered Code which are properly granted shall
-     survive any termination of this License. Provisions which, by their
-     nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License
-     shall survive.
-     8.2.  If You initiate litigation by asserting a patent infringement
-     claim (excluding declatory judgment actions) against Initial Developer
-     or a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom You
-     file such action is referred to as "Participant")  alleging that:
-     (a)  such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly
-     infringes any patent, then any and all rights granted by such
-     Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License shall,
-     upon 60 days notice from Participant terminate prospectively, unless if
-     within 60 days after receipt of notice You either: (i)  agree in
-     writing to pay Participant a mutually agreeable reasonable royalty for
-     Your past and future use of Modifications made by such Participant, or
-     (ii) withdraw Your litigation claim with respect to the Contributor
-     Version against such Participant.  If within 60 days of notice, a
-     reasonable royalty and payment arrangement are not mutually agreed upon
-     in writing by the parties or the litigation claim is not withdrawn, the
-     rights granted by Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2
-     automatically terminate at the expiration of the 60 day notice period
-     specified above.
-     (b)  any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's
-     Contributor Version, directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then
-     any rights granted to You by such Participant under Sections 2.1(b) and
-     2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date You first made, used, sold,
-     distributed, or had made, Modifications made by that Participant.
-     8.3.  If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant
-     alleging that such Participant's Contributor Version directly or
-     indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as
-     by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of patent
-     infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses
-     granted by such Participant under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken
-     into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or
-     license.
-     8.4.  In the event of termination under Sections 8.1 or 8.2 above,  all
-     end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers)
-     which have been validly granted by You or any distributor hereunder
-     prior to termination shall survive termination.
-     The Covered Code is a ''commercial item,'' as that term is defined in
-     48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of ''commercial computer
-     software'' and ''commercial computer software documentation,'' as such
-     terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48
-     C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995),
-     all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Code with only those
-     rights set forth herein.
-     This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject
-     matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
-     unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
-     necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be governed by
-     California law provisions (except to the extent applicable law, if any,
-     provides otherwise), excluding its conflict-of-law provisions. With
-     respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of, or an
-     entity chartered or registered to do business in the United States of
-     America, any litigation relating to this License shall be subject to
-     the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern District of
-     California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County, California, with
-     the losing party responsible for costs, including without limitation,
-     court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. The
-     application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
-     International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. Any law or
-     regulation which provides that the language of a contract shall be
-     construed against the drafter shall not apply to this License.
-     As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is
-     responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly, out
-     of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to work
-     with Initial Developer and Contributors to distribute such
-     responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or
-     shall be deemed to constitute any admission of liability.
-     Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as
-     "Multiple-Licensed".  "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial
-     Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under
-     Your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified
-     by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A.
-EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License.
-     ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-     Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-     compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-     Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-     ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
-     language governing rights and
-     limitations under the License.
-     The Original Code is ______________________________________.
-     The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ________________________.
-     Portions created by ______________________ are Copyright (C) ______
-     _______________________. All Rights Reserved.
-     Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
-     Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-     the _____ license (the "[___] License"), in which case the provisions
-     of [______] License are applicable  instead of those above.  If you
-     wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of
-     the [____] License and not to allow others to use your version of this
-     file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting  the provisions
-     above and replace  them with the notice and other provisions required
-     by the [___] License.  If you do not delete the provisions above, a
-     recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
-     [___] License."
-     [NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differ slightly from the text of
-     the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should
-     use the text of this Exhibit A rather than the text found in the
-     Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.]
-     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-     The Netscape Public License Version 1.1 ("NPL") consists of the Mozilla
-     Public License Version 1.1 with the following Amendments, including
-     Exhibit A-Netscape Public License.  Files identified with "Exhibit
-     A-Netscape Public License" are governed by the Netscape Public License
-     Version 1.1.
-     Additional Terms applicable to the Netscape Public License.
-          I. Effect.
-          These additional terms described in this Netscape Public
-          License -- Amendments shall apply to the Mozilla Communicator
-          client code and to all Covered Code under this License.
-          II. ''Netscape's Branded Code'' means Covered Code that Netscape
-          distributes and/or permits others to distribute under one or more
-          trademark(s) which are controlled by Netscape but which are not
-          licensed for use under this License.
-          III. Netscape and logo.
-          This License does not grant any rights to use the trademarks
-          "Netscape'', the "Netscape N and horizon'' logo or the "Netscape
-          lighthouse" logo, "Netcenter", "Gecko", "Java" or "JavaScript",
-          "Smart Browsing" even if such marks are included in the Original
-          Code or Modifications.
-          IV. Inability to Comply Due to Contractual Obligation.
-          Prior to licensing the Original Code under this License, Netscape
-          has licensed third party code for use in Netscape's Branded Code.
-          To the extent that Netscape is limited contractually from making
-          such third party code available under this License, Netscape may
-          choose to reintegrate such code into Covered Code without being
-          required to distribute such code in Source Code form, even if such
-          code would otherwise be considered ''Modifications'' under this
-          License.
-          V. Use of Modifications and Covered Code by Initial Developer.
-               V.1. In General.
-               The obligations of Section 3 apply to Netscape, except to the
-               extent specified in this Amendment, Section V.2 and V.3.
-               V.2. Other Products.
-               Netscape may include Covered Code in products other than the
-               Netscape's Branded Code which are released by Netscape during
-               the two (2) years following the release date of the Original
-               Code, without such additional products becoming subject to
-               the terms of this License, and may license such additional
-               products on different terms from those contained in this
-               License.
-               V.3. Alternative Licensing.
-               Netscape may license the Source Code of Netscape's Branded
-               Code, including Modifications incorporated therein, without
-               such Netscape Branded Code becoming subject to the terms of
-               this License, and may license such Netscape Branded Code on
-               different terms from those contained in this License.
-          VI. Litigation.
-          Notwithstanding the limitations of Section 11 above, the
-          provisions regarding litigation in Section 11(a), (b) and (c) of
-          the License shall apply to all disputes relating to this License.
-     EXHIBIT A-Netscape Public License.
-          ''The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
-          License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-          except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-          the License at
-          Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-          IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-          implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-          rights and limitations under the License.
-          The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
-          March 31, 1998.
-          The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
-          Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
-          Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
-          Rights Reserved.
-          Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
-          Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-          terms of the _____ license (the "[___] License"), in which case
-          the provisions of [______] License are applicable  instead of
-          those above.  If you wish to allow use of your version of this
-          file only under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow
-          others to use your version of this file under the NPL, indicate
-          your decision by deleting  the provisions above and replace  them
-          with the notice and other provisions required by the [___]
-          License.  If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
-          may use your version of this file under either the NPL or the
-          [___] License."
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 1364886..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-DIRS = src doc man etc
-CTAGOPTS = --totals -I '__initdata,__exitdata,EXPORT_SYMBOL,EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS'
-default: all
-	@echo "Pick one of the following targets:"
-	@echo -e "\tmake config\t\t- interactive configure"
-	@echo -e "\tmake auto_config\t- automated configure"
-	@echo -e "\tmake default_config\t- automated configure using default config file"
-	@echo -e "\tmake all\t\t- build modules and programs"
-	@echo -e "\tmake install\t\t- install modules and programs"
-	@echo -e "\tmake clean\t\t- remove old binaries and dependency files"
-	@echo -e "\tmake mrproper\t\t- 'make clean' + remove config file"
-	@echo -e "\tmake tags\t\t- generate ctag files for source code"
-	@echo -e "\tmake TAGS\t\t- generate etag files for source code"
-	@echo " "
-	@echo "You need to configure the source first"
-	@echo "Pick one of the following targets:"
-	@echo -e "\tmake config\t\t- interactive configure"
-	@echo -e "\tmake auto_config\t- automated configure"
-	@echo -e "\tmake default_config\t- automated configure using default config file"
-	@echo -e "\tmake help\t\t- show information about other targets"
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d ; done
-distclean: mrproper
-mrproper: clean
-	rm -f config.out
-	rm -f tags.linux tags TAGS
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d clean ; done
-	rm -f core core.* *.o .*.o *.s *.a .depend tmp_make *~ tags 
-	for i in *_obj; do if [ -d $$i ]; then rm -fr $$i; fi; done
-	rm -f
-	rm -f src/include/wlan/version.h
-	find . -name .depend -exec rm {} \;
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d install ; done
-	@touch
-	@rm -f
-	@./Configure -d
-	@touch
-	@rm -f
-	@./Configure -d ./default.config
-	@touch
-	@./Configure
- config.out
-	$(MAKE) auto_config
-	@$(MAKE) help_noconfig
-	@exit 1
-tags: tags.linux dummy
-	if [ -r tags.linux ]; then cp tags.linux tags; fi 
-	find . \
-		-name '*.[ch]' -o \
-		-name '*.mk' -o \
-		-iname 'Makefile' | \
-		xargs ctags -a $(CTAGOPTS)
-	if [ -h linux ]; then \
-		find linux/include \
-			-type d \( -name 'asm-*' -o -name config \) \
-			-prune -o \
-			-name '*.h' -print | \
-			xargs ctags -a -f $@ $(CTAGOPTS) && \
-		find linux/kernel linux/drivers linux/mm linux/fs \
-			linux/net linux/ipc linux/lib linux/init \
-			-name '*.[ch]' | \
-			xargs ctags -a -f $@ $(CTAGOPTS); \
-	fi
-TAGS: dummy
-	rm -f TAGS
-#	if [ -h linux ]; then cp linux/TAGS TAGS; fi 
-	{ find . -name '*.[ch]' -print ; \
-	  find . -name '*.[ch]' -print ; \
-	  find . -name '*.mk' -print ; \
-	  find . -iname 'Makefile' -print ; } | $(ETAGS) - $(ETAGSOPTS)
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/README.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/README.svn-base
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index f81303c..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/README.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 2001 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-The linux-wlan package is a linux device driver and subsystem
-package that is intended to provide the full range of IEEE 802.11 MAC
-management capabilities for use in user-mode utilities and scripts.
-The package currently supports the Intersil 802.11b Prism2, Prism2.5, 
-and Prism3 reference designs for PCMCIA, PCI, and USB.  Additionally,
-the package includes support for PLX9052 based PCI to PCMCIA adapter
-with a few different PCMCIA cards.
-For a list of elements that are still undone, see the TODO file in 
-this directory
-See the COPYING and LICENSE files.
-Top level directory for linux-wlan-ng:
-./add-ons	- additional programs that are not build from the 
-                  top level make file
-./doc		- source distribution documentation
-./etc		- scripts used at run-time
-./man		- man pages
-./scripts	- contributed scripts that may do useful things
-./src		- source code for various components
-Build Instructions:
-NOTE: You may not need to build at all.  Binary packages are
-available for various distributions.  See the FAQ for where to go.
-NOTE: This release supports building four different drivers:
-   prism2_cs	Driver for Prism2.x & Prism3  PCMCIA cards.
-   prism2_pci	Driver for Prism2.5 (ISL3874) based _native_ PCI cards.
-   prism2_plx	Driver for Prism2.x PCMCIA cards when used with 
-		a PLX9052 PCI/PCMCIA adapter.
-   prism2_usb   Driver for Prism2.x USB adapters.
-To build linux-wlan-ng you will need:
-   - Configured kernel source code for the kernel you are running.  
-     Ideally, this will be the resulting tree after building your own 
-     kernel.  Configured means that you have at least run 'make config',
-     'make menuconfig', or 'make xconfig'.  If you are trying to build
-     linux-wlan-ng for a previously existing kernel binary (one you did 
-     not build yourself), look for help on the mailing lists because it 
-     can be tricky.  I always run against kernels I've built myself, so I'm 
-     not much help in this area.
-   - The good David Leffler identified that if you are having difficulty
-     with *_netlink_* symbols, you may have a problem with 'make clean' in
-     the kernel tree.  Do a 'make mrproper' followed by 'make config' 
-     and the rest of the kernel build process.  'make mrproper' does
-     a more thorough cleaning of the kernel tree.  For more info, look
-     for David's comments in the linux-wlan-user mailing list.
-   - If you are building a driver for a PCMCIA card, you will also need
-     the configured PCMCIA source code for the pcmcia_cs subsystem you
-     are currently running.
-Building linux-wlan-ng:
-1)  untar the package using the command:
-    tar zxvf linux-wlan-ng-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
-2)  Make sure you have configured kernel and (optionally) pcmcia sources on 
-    your system.  Note that if you are _only_ building the prism2_pci,
-    prism2_plx, or prism2_usb drivers you don't need the pcmcia-cs 
-    source tree.
-3)  To configure the linux-wlan-ng package, run 'make config'.  The 
-    following set of questions will be asked. The default answer is in
-    braces (e.g. []).  Just press <Enter> to select the default answer:
-   - "Build Prism2.x PCMCIA Card Services (_cs) driver? (y/n) [y]: "
-        Select "y" if you want to build the Prism PCMCIA driver.
-        If you select "n", the PCMCIA related questions below
-        will not be asked.
-   - Build Prism2 PLX9052 based PCI (_plx) adapter driver? (y/n) [y]: 
-        Select "y" if you want to build the Prism driver for 
-        PLX PCI9052 PCI/PCMCIA adapter based solutions.
-   - Build Prism2.5 native PCI (_pci) driver? (y/n) [y]: 
-        Select "y" if you want to build the Prism driver for 
-        Prism2.5 ISL3874 based native PCI cards.  This includes
-        PCI add-in cards and the mini-pci modules included in some
-        notebook computers (but not all, some use internal USB modules).
-   - Build Prism2.5 USB (_usb) driver? (y/n) [y]: 
-        Select "y" if you want to build the Prism driver for 
-        Prism2.5 ISL3873 based USB adapters.  This includes
-        USB add-on modules and the internal modules included in some
-        notebook computers.
-   - Linux source directory [/usr/src/linux]: 
-        The config script will attempt to automagically find your kernel
-        source directory.  If found, the kernel source source directory
-        will be presented as the default selection.  If the default
-        selection is wrong, you may correct it here.
-   - pcmcia-cs source dir [/usr/src/pcmcia-cs-3.1.29]: 
-        If the "_cs" driver is selected above, the configure script will
-        attempt to present a reasonable default for the pcmcia source
-        directory.  If the presented directory is incorrect, you may
-        change it here.  If the "_cs" driver is not selected, this
-        prompt will not appear.
-   - PCMCIA script directory [/etc/pcmcia]: 
-        If the "_cs" driver is selected, this prompt allows you to 
-        change the location where the pcmcia scripts will be installed.
-        Only do this if you have installed the rest of the pcmcia_cs
-        scripts to a non-default location.
-   - Alternate target install root directory on host []:   
-        This prompt allows you to specify an alternative root directory
-        for the install process.
-   - Module install directory [/lib/modules/2.2.20]: 
-        Select where you want the driver modules to be installed.  The
-        script constructs a default location using the output of uname.
-        If you have not yet installed the kernel you will run linux-wlan
-        with, and the new kernel has a different version string, you will
-        need to change this value.
-   - Prefix for build host compiler? (rarely needed) []: 
-        When cross-compiling or using different compilers for kernel and
-        user-mode software, it is sometimes (but rarely) necessary to 
-        specify a different compiler prefix to use when compiling the 
-        _tools_ that are built to run on the build host during the 
-        linux-wlan-ng build process.
-   - Build for debugging (see doc/config.debug) (y/n) [y]: 
-        This option enables the inclusion of debug output generating
-        statements in the driver code.  Note that enabling those statements
-        requires the inclusion of insmod/modprobe command line arguments
-        when loading the modules.  See the document doc/config.debug
-        for more information.
-5)  To build the package, run 'make all'
-6)  To install the package, run 'make install' (as root).
-NOTE:  linux-wlan-ng does not fully implement the wireless extensions
-       interface.  This means that you can't use iwconfig and its kin to 
-       set things up.  Instead, read on!
-As of linux-wlan-ng 0.1.16-pre5, the configuration and launch scripts have
-been largely re-written.  pcmcia/rc/hotplug now all use a common library 
-of routines and use the same set of configuration files.
-Now, everything relevant exists in /etc/wlan/*
-	This file maps between wlan devices and network IDs, and contains
-	the names of all devices that should be initialized by the hotplug
-	and rc scripts.
-	These files are per-network configurations.  This makes it easy to 
-	switch between different SSIDs and the various settings they may
-	require, like WEP keys and whatnot.
-The bare minimum you need to do to configure your system after a fresh driver
-0)  Nothing whatsoever.  out-of-the-box, the driver will attempt to associate
-    with any access point within range.
-However, we highly recommend setting up a configuration specifically for
-your network, using the following method:
-0)  This example assumes your network name/SSID is "MyHomeNetwork"
-1)  cp /etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT /etc/wlan/wlancfg-MyHomeNetwork
-2)  edit /etc/wlan/wlan.conf and change the SSID_wlan0 line to:
-	SSID_wlan0="MyHomeNetwork"
-3)  edit /etc/wlan/wlancfg-MyHomeNetwork, and make any necessary changes 
-    necessary to support your network, such as WEP and whatnot.
-A)  Edit /etc/pcmcia/network.opts file to set up your IP settings. 
-    Note: for a station, the SSID you're connecting to will be appended to the 
-    current pcmcia scheme name.  You can use this to have different
-    IP setups for different wireless LANs you connect to (e.g. home vs. work).
-    Note2:  This only applies if you are using a stock pcmcia-cs 
-    package.  Most (if not all) distros use their own mechanisms for 
-    configuring pcmcia network interfaces, and thus 
-    /etc/pcmcia/network.opts may not even be present.
-B)  Restart pcmcia-cs with the command:
-    /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia restart
-C) Insert the card.  For most cards, a solid LED indicates that the 
-    SSID you specified was found, a bss was joined, and the firmware 
-    completed the authenticate and associate processes.
-D) Run ifconfig and route to determine if your IP and route settings are
-    listed as you wanted them.  It's also a good idea to look at the file
-    /etc/resolv.conf to see if your nameserver address has been set up 
-    correctly.
-A) You must make sure that the drivers get loaded at boot time and that the 
-   necessary initialization takes place.  The simplest way to do this is
-   to add the following commands to your rc.local file:
-     modprobe prism2_pci   [or prism2_usb/prism2_plx]
-     wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable
-     wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin ssid=<your APs SSID> authtype=opensystem
-     ifconfig wlan0 <yourIP> netmask <yourNetmask> broadcast <yourBroadcast>
-     route add default gw <yourGateway>
-   Also, don't forget to set up your resolv.conf to point at your DNS server.
-B) Alternatively, you can use the rc.wlan script, which ties into the 
-   /etc/wlan/* configuration files mentioned above.
-   We currently don't create the softlink from the runlevel directories to
-   the wlan startup script due to differences in distributions, but the
-   scripts are redhat-aware, and can be extended to hook into other tools
-   easily.  (patches welcome!)  Just make sure it is brought up early in 
-   the process, namely, before the the network interfaces are brought up. 
-C) Add an alias for wlan0 in /etc/modules.conf.  For example, a usb 
-   interface on wlan0 would be set up as:
-   alias wlan0 prism2_usb
-   Substitute prism2_plx or prism2_pci as appropriate.
-A) Make sure your kernel usb support is running
-B) Plug in the Prism2.x USB device
-C) Run 'modprobe prism2_usb prism2_doreset=1' to load the driver into memory.
-D) Run 'wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable' to initialize the
-   driver+MAC functions.
-E) Run 'wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin ssid=<your ssid> authtype=opensystem'
-   to enable the MAC in Infrastructure Station mode.
-F) Run 'ifconfig wlan0 <your IP address>'
-Or, you can use the provided hotplug scripts, if your distribution has
-hotplug support.  :) 
-IMPORTANT: Due to an issue with some versions of the Prism USB firmware,
-the driver usually needs to perform a port reset.  
-Some combinations of usb low-level drivers, kernel releases, and
-hardware don't like this, and usually end up generating a kernel OOPS.
-newer kernels are much better in this regard.  In particular, Intel usb
-controllers are the most trouble-prone.
-The OOPS is due to bugs in the linux USB core, and newer kernels
-(2.4.19 and later) behave much better in this regard.
-However, the good news is that primary firmware 1.1.2 seems to resolve
-the need for the port reset to begin with.  Contact your vendor to
-request this update.
-Also, using the 'Alt. UHCI' controller driver (uhci.o) is broken with 
-kernels older than 2.4.22 due to a bug in the controller driver.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/THANKS.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/THANKS.svn-base
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-Linux WLAN package
-This project was initially developed for personal interest and use.
-It has since evolved into it's current state through the support and
-contributions of many individuals who have taken an interest in this
-project.  We appreciate the source code contributions and bug fixes
-from those who didn't want to wait on us and fearlessly dived into
-the source code to either add a feature or fix a bug.  
-Contributions to the project are not limited to source code
-and bug fixes.  Addtitional contributions include (but not limited to)
-reporting bugs, documentation, test results, helpful and enlightening
-dicussions on the project's mailing lists, kind words and feedback
-from users as well as commercial support for the project.
-Additionally, we'd like to thank the vendors who have contributed
-wireless network cards for testing the driver.  To see a listing of
-supported wireless cards, visit the Linux WLAN Project page at our
-web site.
-Below are some of the contributors to the project.  Contributions are
-made often.  Therefore, the list is never "current" even in the 
-most recent release of the project.  ;-)
-This list includes contributors to the original linux-wlan Prism1 
-driver as well as contributors to this package.
-deadparrot - an anonymous contributor who's been an enormous help.
-             You know who you are.
-Robert Coie <>
-Geoff Hibble <>
-Yoshimura Haba <>
-Dries Buytaert <>
-Derrick Brashear <>
-Tony Awtrey <>
-Peter Teuben <>
-hong <>
-Greg Smith <>
-Peter Kundrat <>
-James Hicks <>
-Erik Kunze <>
-Larrick, Douglas <>
-Cagle, John <>
-Rob Braun <>
-Terry Griffin <>
-Ken Gordon <>
-Pavel Roskin <>
-Scott Franzyshen <>
-Will Woods <>
-Bill Carr <>
-David Hsu <>
-Alessandro <>
-Jouni Malinen <>
-Bob James<>
-Calvin Fang <>
-Jim Suhr <>
-Vragor <>
-Chris Rankin <>
-Michael Carmack <>
-Mark Taylor <>
-Ben Gertzfield <>
-Daniel Lyddy <>
-Bryan Smith <>
-Stuffed Crust <> (aka Solomon Peachy)
-Reyk Floeter <>
-Adam Richter <>
-Collin Mulliner <>
-Mike Kershaw <>
-David Leffler <>
-Godmar Back <>
-Jean Tourrilhes <>
-Erik McKee <>
-Jack Diedrich <>
-Caz Yokoyama <>
-Matthias Welwarsky <>
-David Brownell <>
-Henri Muurimaa <>
-Bryan Huang <>
-Tony Seward <>
-Matthias Welk <>
-Josh Wyatt <>
-Tim Fletcher <>
-Tim Miller <>
-Remy Cool <>
-Mike Klar <>
-Tony Likhite <>
-David Everly <>
-Nick Jafa <>
-James Goodwin <>
-Derek Atkins <>
-Michael Beattie <>
-Joey Hess <>
-Clay Jones <>
-Matthew Rush <>
-Tom Prado <>
-Olivier Bornet <>
-Ryan Veety <>
-Michael Hackett <>
-Pavel Kankovsky <>
-Brad Davidson <>
-Ralf Miunske <>
-Juan Conde <>
-Ichiro Doi <>
-Jeff Chua <>
-Chris Wilson <>
-Daniel Jiseok Song <>
-Albert Pauw <>
-Andrew Beresford <>
-Stephan M�ller <>
-Henry Ip <>
-Andre McCurdy <>
-Allan Claghorn <>
-Steve Berry <>
-Dan Noe <>
-Natsakis Konstantinos <>
-Greg Weeks <>
-Francesco Bochicchio <>
-Federico Pellegrin <>
-Nemanja Jakovljevic <nemanjaj@sezampro.yu>
-Shiro Ninomiya <>
-Josef Kriegl <>
-Arnold Liu <>
-Alain Chehikian <>
-Ashish <>
-J.D. Cole <>
-Wolfram Gloger <>
-Colin Leroy <>
-Giacomo Lozito <>
-Armijn Hemel <>
-Dan Williams <>
-Andrzej Turowski <>
-Tim Huck <>
-Ekin Meroglu <>
-Eric Koenders <>
-Andreas Schultes <>
-Victor Seva Lopez <>
-Richard Kennedy <>
-Tormod Volden <>
-Karl Relton <>
-[Many, many more.  If I've overlooked you and you want to be listed here, 
-send me e-mail and I'll fix it.  I _know_ a bunch of linux-wlan contributors
-are missing.]
--- Our Sincerest Thanks to all contributors, users and vendors
-	AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Make the command-completion interrupt driven vs busywaiting.
-- Possibly hook up DMA on the Rx side for PCI devices
-- [USB] Remove driver's port-reset when new primary firmware becomes
-  available.
-- Review changes necessary for static linking to kernel
-- Display the MAC and BBP partnum & revision at initialization time
-- Perform a more effective I/O access test and an irq test at 
-  initialization time
-- Detect dead card and perform reset and reinitialization
-- Finish the prism2 request responses for STA and AP
-  Station:
-	powermgmt
-	join
-	authenticate
-	deauthenticate
-	associate (currently only partially functional)
-	disassociate
-	reassociate
-	start
-	reset
-  Access Point
-  	deauthenticate
-	disassociate
-	reset
-- Finish the mibget/mibset
-  Prism2 specific mibs (represent all RIDs)
-- Add event detection and notification of daemon
-  Station:
-  	deauthenticate
-	disassociate
-	rxpwer_l2
-	rxpwer_l1
-  Access Point:
-  	associate
-	authenticate
-	reassociate
-- Add event handling scripts for the events above
-- Add AP support for power managing stations
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/ b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/.svn/text-base/
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-On August 17, 2008 linux-wlan-ng moved to using git as its SCM.
-Read-only access can be obtained via:
-	git clone git://
-gitweb access can be obtained via:
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/CHANGES b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/CHANGES
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1267 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Fix compiles with 2.6.26 (Pavel Roskin)
- - Add compatibility with 2.6.27+ WEXT API (Pavel Roskin)
- - Fix misplaced variable in PCMCIA code (Pavel Roskin)
- - Add compatibility for gfp_t and mutex APIs (Pavel Roskin)
- - Fix non-posix find arguments in script (Mark Mathews)
- - Reduce stack usage in prism2mib_priv (Richard Kennedy)
- - WEXT functions should return -EBUSY when the hardware is still
-   being initialized (Richard Kennedy)
- - Use round_jiffies wherever possible (Richard Kennedy)
- - Disallow ioctls from running until the hardware probe function has 
-   finished.   (Richard Kennedy)
- - Fix userspace scripts to work on Fedora 8 (Chris Rankin)
- - Perform the hardware reset/init sequence *before* we register
-   the netdevice.  (Karl Renton)
- - Always do an ifstate_disable before a firmware load cycle.
- - Default to wireless extension mode.
- - Make the SIWENCODE behaivor more closely match the spec. (Tormod Volden)
- - Apply a patch from Karl Relton that improves USB reliability.
- - When in wlan_wext_write=1 mode, auto-transition to ifstate_enable 
-   and bypass userspace firmware load altogether.
- - Fix bug in the GIWENCODE handler (Richard Kennedy & Tormod Volden)
- - Support 2.6.24 kernels (modified patch from Tormod Volden)
- - Support 2.6.23 kernels. (With apologies to Martin Dauskardt for a 
-   misapplied patch)
- - Support "Intersil Americas USB 802.11b WLAN DEVICE" (Peter Levart)
- - Tweaks to support Fedora 7 (Dan Williams)
- - Support 2.6.22 kernels
- - Fix up a pile of sparse warnings (Pavel Roskin)
- - Support 2.6.20 kernels (Pavel Roskin)
- - Tweaks to the udev rules (Richard Kennedy)
- - Silence a large pile of warnings with GCC4.1
- - pt_regs is gone for USB as well on 2.6.19+ (Chris Rankin)
- - Large WEXT patch that allows use of NetworkManager. (Richard Kennedy)
- - Fix license text in prism2dl.c (it is in fact MPL/GPL)
- - Fix oops in wext_autojoin (Richard Kennedy)
- - Report use of dBm for WEXT requests (Richard Kennedy)
- - Configure script better handles PREEMPT kernels (Chris Rankin)
- - 2.6.19+ uses a different IRQ handler function prototype.
- - linux/config.h is no more on 2.6.19+ kernels.
- - Fix another error that affected <2.6.15 builds on some compilers
- - Fix a cut-n-paste error that broke 2.6.18 builds.
- - 2.6.18-rc fixes.
- - A few tweaks for Wireless-Extensions-21
- - Fix an interrupt-related race that could lead to a crash on shutdown.
- - Tweaks to the prism2_usb code to improve suspendability on 2.6.15+
- - Silence many warnings under GCC 4.1
- - prism2_cs support for 2.6.16+ (untested)
- - Makefile fixes for 2.6.17+ 
- - udev support for USB targets (Richard Kennedy)
- - semaphores are deprecated as of 2.6.16 (Chris Rankin)
- - prism2_usb build fix for 2.6.16
- - Patches from Debian (via Victor Seva)
-   - Fix bugs in /etc/wlan/shared, including a security hole
-   - Fix build on 2.4.27 kernel
-   - Added man page for prism2dl
- - Generate a WEXT Event when we gain/lose association.
- - Make prism2_defer query ssid and bssid, as IBSS mode has this change.
- - Clean up prism2_defer_timer a bit.
- - Propogate linkstatus into p80211, and make ethtool aware of it.
- - Eliminate wland and entire indication infrastructure.  If you want to
-   play with it, use 0.2.4.  We can put it back in if necessary.
- - USB Build fix from Chris Rankin.
- - Add ability to install prism2 firmware seperately. (Petteri Raty)
- - Theoretically the per-frame signal/noise figures are now in dBm.
- - WEXT 16+ fixes, which came to a head with v2.6.14+ kernels.
- - Fix a circular symbol dependency glitch
- - Fix a potential panic when receiving unknown CONTROL frames.
- - get rid of p80211frm.c entirely; it's all unused code.
- - Fix prototype for pci_suspend functions to match 2.6.11+ APIs.
- - Build fixes for 2.6.14+
- - Change the type of 'request_pending' to take care of warnings.
- - Fixes for warnings generated by the 'sparse' tool (Richard Kennedy)
- - Add an explicit README.firmware containing copyright information 
-   on the firmware images.
- - Compile fixes for 2.6.8 (Victor Seva Lopez)
- - Fix an array overflow in the hotplug helper function.
- - Added in-kernel devicetable for 2.6.13+ pcmcia 
- - Updates to bring prism2_cs into the newer 2.6 kernel APIs. 
- - Fixes in the hotplug invocation with WEXT (Pavel Roskin)
- - Experimentally try using usb_reset_device on 2.4 kernels too
- - use usb_reset_device() on 2.6 kernels (Andreas Schulte)
- - Included kludged 1.8.4 PCI/PCMCIA firmware (Pavel Roskin)
- - PCMCIA card Ident fixes to coexist with orinioco driver (Pavel Roskin)
- - Ignore unexpected ctlx responses. (Chris Rankin)
- - Fix an off-by-one in scan results.
- - Change some log priorities
- - [usb] Fix a memory leak (Chris Rankin * Eroc Koenders)
- - [usb] clean up the PDA Read function a bit. (Chris Rankin)
- - [usb] Don't overwrite current CTLX URB before we're done with it. 
-   (Eric Koenders & Chris Rankin)
- - Fix a byte-order problem when parsing scan results (Eroc Koenders)
- - Added a mib item (lnxRSNAIE) to get/set the WPA/RSNA IE.
- - Applied a patch from Chris Rankin which should solve the hangs with 
-   kernel preemption turned on.
- - Cleaned up some compile warnings with GCC 3.4.x
- - Add a background thread to fetch comms quality from hardware.
- - Fixed a series of bad memsets in prism2dl
- - Added id for Viewsonic USB widget (Ekin Meroglu)
- - Eliminate the extra frame copy in the usb rx path.
- - When issuing a start/join, set MACMODE to none as to disable 
-   transmits through the hardware.
- - Get rid of the prism2_pci/plx 2.2.x compatibility code (Pavel Roskin)
- - Change default behaivor of top-level Makefile (Pavel Roskin)
- - Get rid of the #ifndef DECLARE_TASKLET cases; 2.4+ supports it.
- - Fetch the BSSID when we get an AP_CHANGE event
- - netif_carrier_off/netif_carrier_on at appropriate times
- - Hook up the dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel MIB in the prism2 code.
- - Add a default TMPDIR in case it isn't set.
- - Removed some 2.2.x cruft
- - CommsQuality now does the right thing with dBm values.
- - More makefile work from Pavel Roskin
- - A major USB patch from Chris Rankin.  This rewrites the 
-   command-queueing code to something considerably more sane.
- - A few more Makefile tweaks
- - Further compile warning fixes on 64-bit targets (Pavel Roskin)
- - Fix prism2_cs on 64-bit targets (Pavel Roskin)
- - Fix the 2.4 build (whoops)
- - Fix the "no hardware found" bug in 2.6.10+ kernels
- - Cleanups in the Makefiles and build system
- - Fix a typo in the shared.prism2 script (Chris Rankin)
- - Clean up build warnings with gcc 3.3 (and possibly older too)
- - Fix a nice race condition on device registration. 
- - Don't stop the netdev when we hit ifstate_disable.
- - hw->state wasn't being set properly on drvr_stop, nor were we 
-   clearing the port status in all cases.
- - Fix the "Debug: sleeping function called from invalid context"
-   under 2.6 with prism2_usb (Chris Rankin)
- - Wireless extension SCAN support (Dan Williams)
- - 2.6 sysfs support in the form of SET_NETDEV_DEV (Dan Willimas)
- - Fix a brown-paper bag bug in the register_wlandev code. (Giacomo Lozito)
- - Patch for the Sitecom WL-022 widget (Armijn Hemel)
- - Build fix for ancient ETHTOOL versions
- - build fix for old 2.4.x kernels
- - Fix build on 2.6.10-rc
- - Fix USB build on 2.6.x (x < 7)
- - Suspend the USB driver cleanly (Colin Leroy)
- - Fix more USB badness (Colin Leroy)
- - scan_timeout WAY too long. (Wolfram Gloger)
- - dev_get is no more, as of 2.6.10-rc2 -- switch to dev_alloc_name 
-   instead, which is present in older kernels. (reported by Colin Leroy)
- - Fix badness in 2.6.10-rc1 (Colin Leroy)
- - Compile fix for 2.6.9-rc4+ (Jeff Chua)
- - Add support for x86-64 (and possibly other 64-bit targets) (J.D. Cole)
- - Fix linkstate if driver reset without unloading. (Shiro Ninomiya)
- - Rename the man pages to have a .1 extension
- - Tweak the Configure script; change the default kernel build directory
- - put a 'sleep 1' in the firmware load sequence to improve reliability.
-   (Arnold Liu)
- - Add Linksys WUSB11 card ident
- - Add a per frame rx structure for OOB data to be passed to p80211
-	This is a step in the right direction for a major overhaul of 
-	internal frame representation.  The prism2 driver shouldn't care 
-	about sniff headers or any of that crap; it should always pass
-	everything to p80211  (via this metadata) and the p80211conv_* 
-	functions should do that work.  It's also needed to eventually
-	support different encryption types.
- - Added in beginnings of IWSPY support via patch from Josef Kriegl
- - Install modules to $MOD_DIR/linux-wlan-ng instead of $MOD_DIR/kernel
- - Primary/Secondary firmware (finally) bundled with the driver.
- - Convert to newer 2.6 module parameter code.
- - Fix an inverted test in GIWENCODE wireless extension (Shiro Ninomiya)
- - Minor script fix for SSF cards (Pavel Roskin)
- - Card idents.
- - Fixes for SSF PCI cards; default to x16 SRAM as that's more common.
-   (download script now automatically detects hardware type)
- - Fix script problems that result in a failed init returning success.
- - Fix an endian-ness buglet in prism2sta.c (Federico Pellegrin)
- - Compile fixes for 2.2.x kernels. (no tasklets or spin_lock_bh)
- - Fix up pci resources on card init failure on plx card.
- - Fix up pci resources on card init failure
- - Ident for "ROPEX FreeLan 802.11b USB Adapter" (Francesco Bochicchio)
- - ETHTOOL support now optional, fixes build on older kernels.
- - Fix prism2dl to not use kernel headers to fix 2.6.3 build (Pavel Roskin) 
- - Add a 'lnxind_roam' indication.
- - minor typo in the nwepgen makefile (Pavel Roskin)
- - More makefile fixes (Pavel Roskin)
- - brown-paper-bag fix for the 2.4 build.  And it no longer builds on 
-   2.2 thanks to an accidental makefile commit.
-  - Fix broken makefiles so that prism2dl and the rc script install
-  - Get rid of the txfid lock, it's not necessary.
-  - Tasklet-driven RX handlers.
-  - Further work towards a Wireless Extension-enabled future.
-    - SIWENCODE, SIWESSID taken from zdsta-1.0.3 (needs work)
-    - SIWCOMMIT Implemented ala autojoin.
-    - write support defaults to disabled, override via module parameter
-  - fix a warning in the wireless extension code.
-  - hfa384x.h header updates
-  - Fix prism2dl to handle the S7 record being elsewhere in the image.
-    (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Fix up brown paper bag script error for SSF hardware.
-  - Spruce up the GIWNAME wireless extension ioctl. (Natsakis Konstantinos)
-  - Added in basic ethtool support; for link status reflection.
-  - Fixed a double-locked spinlock which deadlocked on SMP boxes.
-  - /proc/net/p80211/wlanX/nsd now has useful information about the
-    prism2 hardware/firmware revisions.
-  - eliminate the unused 'collptr' from the mib structures.
-  - Fix a bug with the pcmcia script and scanning (Dan Noe)
-  - Fix a crash on a VCC mismatch.
-  - Split out most pci/plx/pcmcia/usb specific code into their own .c files.
-  - Make prism2_cs build on 2.6.2-rc
-  - Changes to support SSF hardware.
-  - Card ident for D-Link DWL-650P1
-  - Move the prism2 link notification handler operate in scheduler 
-    context to avoid a hang in softirq context.
-  - Melco WLI-USB-KB11 USB widget added (Bela Fenyvessy)
-  - Add in x86-64 support, plus other cleanups in wlan_compat.h
-  - Support the Netgear MA311 PCI card.  (Steve Berry)
-  - Implement wireless extension SETCHANNEL. (SIOCSIWFREQ)
-    - Currently broken.  :)
-  - Fix several sniffing-related bugs:
-    - disable when we're already disabled
-    - no longer perform a full h/w reset when we're already enabled
-    - Vastly reduce CPU usage on channel hop.
-  - Fix a crash on unload for pci/plx widgets (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Minor fix for the shared script (Jeff Chua)
-  - fix "bad: schedule while atomic" bug introduced by recent 2.6.0-test 
-    kernels and wireless extensions.
-  - Switch to using spin_[un]lock_bh for the cmdlock; this way we 
-    disable the transmit bh from running while issuing a card command.
-    Also have the txframe function obtain the lock.
-  - Hawking HighDB USB Widget (Allan Claghorn)
-  - Fix a double-lock in hfa384x_cmd_notify
-  - Identity for "T-Sinus 111 USB WlAN Adapter" (Roman Koutny)
-  - Fix up alignment problems on frame rx. (Ranjit Deshpande)
-  - Update the HAS_HOTPLUG test to something considerably more foolproof
-  - Add ids for the Airvast Prism3 USB widget
-  - bap locking was broken when illegal parameters were passed. (Andre McCurdy)
-  - Don't use jiffies for timeouts when interrupts are disabled. (Andre McCurdy)
-  - Make the Configure script a little saner.
-  - Remove the Zydas 1201 USB widget.  Use the Zydas modified 
-    linux-wlan-ng release instead (we hope to merge it in eventually)
-  - Fix two big-endian bugs in the scan code.
-  - Hotplug agent executes '/sbin/ifup INTERFACE' if possible.
-  - Planex GW-US11H USB adaptor (Henry Ip)
-  - Averatec USB Wlan Adapter (Stephan Miller)
-  - D-Link DWL-122 USB widget (Andrew Beresford)
-  - ASUS-WL140 Wireless USB widget
-  - Fix the WLAN_LOG_NOTICE macro for gcc 2.95.x
-  - Fix up endian bugs in lnxerq_commsquality.
-  - Get rid of the pcmcia release timer for >2.6.0-test5
-  - Card ident for 'ZyDAS ZD1201 Wireless USB Adapter' (Albert Pauw)
-  - More tweaks for 2.6.0-test4
-  - fix some bash-isms in /etc/wlan/shared (Daniel Song)
-  - Collapsed the BOUNDEDINT and INT types into one.
-  - Eliminated the WLAN_LOG_***0() macros at long last thanks to CPP 
-    trickery.  Also eliminated more cruft from wlan_compat.h
-  - Card ident for the Samsung SWL-2210P PCI card
-  - Try not to schedule a USB endpoint reset if there's one already 
-    pending. (Chris Rankin)
-  - Fix pci/plx operation on architechures with >32bit physical address 
-    sizes. (namely mips64 & some mips32)
-  - get rid of save_flags/cli/restore_flags in prism2_cs on >2.2 builds
-    (tweaked from patch by Pavel Roskin)
-  - pci_device_id tables should not be marked __devinitdata
-  - support genesis mode for RAM download of primary fimware
-  - prism2_usb now builds on 2.5/2.6.  
-    - endpoint numeration removed.
-    - hfa384x_usb_corereset unimplemented for 2.5/2.6
-  - hfa384x.h updates.
-  - p80211conv_* functions should work with netdev->mtu, not MAX_ETHFRM.
-  - Simply erase the bogus '3rdparty' drivers on Mandrake systems.
-  - Card idents for Adaptec AWN-8030/AWN-8020, and Netgear MA111
-  - Strip out all 2.2.x stuff from prism2_usb, it doesn't work.
-  - add proper __devinit/__devexit/etc tags to prism2sta.c
-  - Minor USB janitorial patch from Chris Rankin.
-  - Make most card commands require superuser access (exception is 
-    mibget)  (Original patch by Pavel Roskin)
-  - Make the wakeup flag in the usbctlx structure volatile, as well as 
-    other wait condition variables.
-  - Make the rx_urb buffer dynamically allocated so we can re-post the 
-    URB as soon as possible.
-  - Get rid of completion.h
-  - More wlan_compat updates.
-  - Disable TXEX reporting on USB as well as TXOK.  should improve
-    stability a tad.
-  - Further 2.5 USB work.  Not quite there yet.
-  - Properly initialize the prism2_cs release timer (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Eliminate the CONFIG_ISA requirement for prism2_cs (Pavel Roskin)
-  - netlink build fixes for 2.5.71
-  - Hopefully fix the 2.2.x build.
-  - More USB fixes (Chris Rankin)
-  - Compile fixes for < 2.4.20
-  - Fix the pcmcia breakage introduced in -pre2.  
-  - On USB widgets, only signal txcomplete if there was a tx error.
-  - Minor cleanups in the PCMCIA code.
-  - Add in the 'JVC MP-XP7250" USB Widget.
-  - Don't call ev_alloc on tx_complete event; only the tx urb completion.
-  - Minor tweaks to tx_timeout code
-  - More USB updates; primarily with error-handling.  (Chris Rankin) 
-  - On USB transmits, don't return 'success' if the tx_urb is still
-    pending.  Also don't wake the netdev queue if the tx fails.
-  - Hook up the tx watchdog timer and add a p80211-level handler.
-  - Fix compilation with older (<= 2.4.18) kernels.
-  - Another massive USB+other patch from Chris Rankin:
-    - a separate list for "finished" CTLX objects.
-    - correct (hopefully!) handling of -EPIPE errors, shamelessly copied
-      from^W^Winspired by David Brownell's usbnet driver.
-    - finished support for asynchronous commands, with proper tracking 
-      through the CTLX lifecycle, clean-up etc. Each asynchronous command now 
-      completes in its own tasklet.
-    - CTLX cancellation and error handling.
-    - further work on the timers and spin locks.
-    - clean up setconfig16() and setconfig32() functions so that they 
-      take appropriate value parameters, even if the underlying 
-      setconfig() commands don't.
-    - use an asynchronous command in setmulticast(). (CS, PCI and PLX 
-      are still synchronous; they just pretend not to be.)
-    - further clean up in the disconnect() handler. However, it's still 
-      not a good idea to remove the adapter while the 
-      prism2sta_inf_hostscanresults() function is sleeping, and the wlandevice
-      struct could easily have been freed before the p80211req_dorequest() 
-      function manages to clear the request_pending bit. It would be 
-      nice if we could cancel both of these operations when we call 
-      prism2sta_ifstate(P80211ENUM_ifstate_disable). 
-    - extra support for Linux 2.5 (task queue -> work queue).
-    - reset the link status when we stop the driver.
-  - Some work on module locking.  Not there yet, but getting better.
-  - Remove magic numbers from USB endpoint probe (Chris Rankin)
-  - Eliminate useless timer in p80211do_request, as all calls are 
-    synchronous.  Also clena up more function pointers, and a few other 
-    doodads. (Modified from patch by Chris Rankin)
-  - Track the current SSID in the wlandev; Make the WEXT stuff key from 
-    this.  Update the SSID when we get a linkstatus_connect notification.
-  - A couple of misc cleanups from Chris Wilson
-  - Cleanups in the 2.5 makefile code. (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Add in another PCI device ID, to handle Sony VAIO PCG-V505AP
-  - Make sure CONFIG_ISA is enabled for the prism2_cs build. (x86 only)
-  - Get rid of generic manfids in  /etc/pcmcia/wlan.conf (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Fix the 'make install' target.
-  - only call flush_scheduled_tasks() if DECLARE_TASKLET not defined.
-    (fixes 2.5.x compile)
-  - More script work; mostly cleanups and other enhancements. 
-  - Substantial prism2_usb patch from Chris Rankin.
-    - using 2 Linux lists for CTLXs
-    - remove race condition and double-free with CTLXs in disconnect()
-    - initialise URBs correctly (vital for Linux 2.5+)
-    - separate callbacks for data/CTLX OUT URBs
-    - flush task queue on shutdown
-    - more thorough use of spinlocks with CTLXs
-    - set the ASYNC_UNLINK flag when it is time to unlink an URB 
-      asynchronously, and not before.
-    - ensure we stop submitting URBs once the disconnect function 
-      is called.
-  - More USB idents (Jeff Chua)
-  - Scan now uses active scans only; should speed things up a bit.
-  - Proper module init/cleanup in prism2sta.c, plus more work for 2.5.69
-  - Added in descriptions for module parameters.
-  - Major overhaul of the hotplug stuff.  Now we use our own hotplug
-    event class, and use that to kick off configuration and whatnot.
-    All device types (pci/plx/pcmcia/usb) now use this mechanism.
-    Also brings us things like unified power management (suspend/resume)
-  - Supress spurious output when setting WEP parameters.
-  - Only query PrivacyOptionImplemented if wep was enabled in the config
-    Works around an apparent firmware bug, see
-  - Eliminate hw->name.  
-  - Card ident for NL-2511CD Plus pcmcia card.
-  - Minor tweak on pcmcia removal.
-  - Fix the USB compile on <2.4.20
-  - get rid of wlandev_get_index and whatnot.
-  - URB cleanup in the USB code.  (Chris Rankin)
-  - Moved host auth sequence out of interrupt context.
-  - USB paranoia checks (Chris Rankin)
-  - Partial rewrite of the USB shutdown sequence
-  - eliminate wlandev->hwremovedfn().
-  - Minor tweaks to the mib.
-  - Get rid of the horridly outdated skeleton driver.
-  - Fix a crash-on-unload affecting pci and plx adapters
-  - have the init script load the module if needed.
-  - Handle the new 2.5.69+ irq handler semantics
-  - Fix 2.5 with pcmcia (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Massive cleanup of the prism2/driver/Makefile (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Don't wrap the [un]register_netdevice() calls in rtnl_[un]lock()
-    And use the [un]register_netdev() calls instead.
-  - Call the hwremoved() functions on pci/plx_remove
-  - Eliminate the prism2sta_priv_t structure.
-  - Fix a memory leak on ifstate_disable
-  - Minor changes to the USB driver
-  - Widget id for "Melco WLI-USB-KS11G" (Ichiro Doi)
-  - Function pointer syntax cleanup (Chris Rankin)
-  - Push the multicast/promisc set into the prism2 driver.
-  - Move type/multicast filtering into the p80211 layer.
-  - Format fix for p802addr_to_str (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Add a check for non-Intersil firmware.
-  - Fix a infinite recursion in the usb lowlevel code. (Chris Rankin)
-  - Header updates.
-  - Add a card ident for the USR 1120 USB widget (Juan Conde)
-  - Cleaner shutdown; fixed a possible leak and a race condition.
-  - Another rearrangement of the command locks, to eliminate use of the
-    spin_is_locked() call.
-  - Fix a rare deadlock with cmd_initialize (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Add a Lucent-compatible key-generator in add-ons/lwepgen
-  - Fix a stack overflow problem. (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Further monitor mode fix for control frames (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Cleanups in the dependency generation code
-  - Initial 2.5 support.  USB currently broken.
-  - Minor build system cleanups.
-  - Use PSUEDOIBSS mode for monitor mode; this should eliminate spurious
-    beacon generation.  (Ryan Veety)
-  - Don't drop "unrecognized" frame types in monitor mode.
-  - Added ident for the Linksys WUSB12 (Brad Davidson)
-  - Eliminated most of the WLAN_LOG_???n macros.
-  - Minor fixups in /etc/wlan/shared
-  - Cleaned up some of the error messages in the conversion code.
-  - changed the "Host de-WEP failed" error to a debug message, as the 
-    /proc/net/wireless stats are updated to reflect undecryptable frames
-  - Added the p2TxPowerMax MIB item to specify the TxPower level.
-    0-30 dBm.  Needs STA>=1.7.0 or AP>=1.4.0.
-  - Clean up some spurious warnings in prism2sta.c (Pavel Roskin)
-  - A series of patches from Pavel Kankovsky, somewhat tweaked.  :)
-    - Properly set skb->mac.raw in non-monitor mode
-    - Enhancments to the p80211 frame conversion code
-    - Handle A4 frames.
-    - Don't issue linkstatus notifications in monitor mode
-    - Supress Linkstatus messages in monitor mode
-  - hfa384x.h updates for latest firmware.
-  - ZyXEL ZyAir B200 Wireless USB widget ID added (Paul Lacatus)
-  - Only enable interrupts in one place (hfa384x_drvr_start)
-  - Fix the startup scripts to disable WEP completely if not enabled.
-  - ALLNET 0193 USB widget ID (Kurt Huwig)
-  - Disable the hfa384x port before issuing the autojoin stuff.
-  - Fixed a subtle flaw in the 802.11->802.3 conversion code.
-  - Updates to hfa384x.h
-  - Add productinfo for dlink DRC650 from Petr Slansky.
-  - Minor changes to the rfmon code.
-  - Only notify us on linkstatus changes if it actually changes.
-  - Fixed the path the manpages were installed to.
-  - Properly reset the hardware state after a flash/ram download.
-  - Patch to allow escaped characters in the scan list (Derek Atkins)
-  - Re-added the txfid queue locking which somehow got dropped.
-  - Added DellTrueMobile 1180 USB ident. (Michael Hackett)
-  - Changed linkstatus messages to INFO level reporting.
-  - Ident info for the Intel Anypoint II 802.11b PCMCIA card.
-  - Added support for the SH architechure and many changes necessary for
-    2.5 support.  Modified from the patches by Ryan Veety.
-  - Compile fixes for 2.2.x introduced as part of the new hotplug support.
-  - Added man pages contributed by Joey Hess
-  - Add ident info for the Z-Com 725/726 USB Widgets.
-  - Fixes to silence GCC 3.2 warnings. (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Patch to fix int array mib manipulation.  (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Minor improvements to the build system.
-  - Moved RX processing to a bottom half instead of hard irq context.
-  - Further script improvements:  signal strength filtering, and some 
-    space handling stuff.  The latter is not complete yet.
-  - lnxreq_commsquality wasn't setting the status field properly on the
-    response messages.  
-  - Workaround for spurious interrupts generated before initialization
-    is complete. (Clay Jones)
-  - hotplug script now invokes 'ifup $DEVICE' if present.
-  - Minor cleanups (Pavel Roskin)
-  - Tenative SPARC support. (Olivier Bornet)
-  - After leaving monitor mode, disable the port if we had to enable it.
-  - Updates to hfa384x.h
-  - Further script enhancements; automatically use scan mode on hardware
-    that is known to support it properly.
-  - Fixed errors in the hotplug script, and other misc fixes.
-  - 2.2.x fixes for the new proc stuff and deferred processing stuff.
-  - Add support for the new sniff frame capture. (doc/capturefrm.txt)
-  - Get rid of some bitrot with the sniffing code.
-  - Populate the tx dropped frames statistics.
-  - Fixes for host scan when not currently joined.
-  - /proc support; some informational stuff is kept in /proc/wlandev/wlanX
-  - Complete rewrite of the configuration files and startup scripts.
-     hotplug(pci+usb), pcmcia, rc, everything uses same config file(s).
-     per-network configuration
-     supports scanning and automatically choosing a network from a set.
-  - Fix the TMD7160/ncp130 support so it acually works.  :)
-  - Make the BUG() call in cmd_access enabled only in debug builds.
-  - Minor makefile fixes.
-  - Microsoft MN520 PCMCIA ident info added.
-  - p2cnfShortPreamble is not a boolean value.  (Clay Jones)
-  - BAP access fixes for PCI platforms.  This mostly affects SMP 
-    arrangements.
-  - Back out W200 USB ident info; it's not prism-based.
-  - Patch from Tom Prado to make 'keygen' more user-friendly.
-  - bap_timeout parameter only valid on non-usb platforms
-  - Added Ident info for the USB Compaq/Intel W200 widget
-  - dot11req_scan requires firmware >=1.3.2.
-  - Added the "Acer Warplink USB Adapter" id.
-  - Rework the prism2sta_inf_linkstatus call to defer processing of
-    results until outside interrupt context.  Should fix the SMP
-    deadlocks seen on some machines.
-  - Rework the usb_disconnect code to hopefully alleviate the occasional
-    crash-on-disconnect some people see.  Solution is not SMP-safe yet.
-  - Add the D-Link DCF-660W ident info.
-  - New parameter, 'prism2_bap_timeout' to specify the timeout on
-    bap setup.  timeout*10 == timeout in microseconds.  Note that this
-    timeout occurs in spinlock context, so increasing it arbitrarily is
-    BAD!  Defaults to 1000, ie 10000us.  
-  - compile fix for prism2sta in debug mode.
-  - Only prompt for pcmcia sources if we're using non-kernel pcmcia.
-    (original patch by Beat Bolli, rewritten a bit..)
-  - Add the Linksys WCF12 CF ident info.
-  - A bunch of compile fixes for older versions of wireless extensions.
-  - Added implementations of GIWTXPOWER and GIWRETRY
-  - Some fixes to the wireless extension code (thanks to Jean Tourrilhes)
-  - wland was incorrectly using kernel headers in its compile. 
-  - Adhoc mode was auto-roaming onto "any" SSID.  Fixed.
-  - Implemented the dot11req_scan & dot11req_scan_results functions.
-      This, combined with more intelligent startup scripts, will allow
-      you per-network profiles.   Scripts are unwritten as yet.  :)
-  - hfa384x.h and MIB updates.
-  - Rewrote the wireless extension support code; moved to p80211 layer.
-      Now we're compatible with at least v6-v14, and everything
-      inbetween.   We hook up to the new iw_request structure, which
-      makes further wireless extension support much easier to add.
-  - Add the Microsoft MN510 USB device ID.
-  - Finally fix the 'crash on unload' problem for 2.2.x kernels with PCI.
-    Turns out the kcompat24 code wasn't quite complete.  (Matthew Rush)
-  - Cleaned up our usage of __FUNCTION__ to make gcc 3.x happy.
-  - Fix a typo in the prism2 makefile.  
-  - Fix an obscure PCMCIA build problem. (modversions disabled but
-    header present, and using non-kernel pcmcia)
-  - Added code to optionally truncate packets in monitor mode. (Clay Jones)
-  - Fix a polarity problem with the stripfcs argument to monitor mode.
-  - Add a test to make sure wireless.h is included.
-  - Netgear MA401A card ident.
-  - Further cleanups of the build system (Makefiles)
-  - Include wireless.h so wireless extensions work again.  :)
-  - Work around the braindead RedHat kernel build system.
-  - Fix a class of unaligned accesses in the message structures 
-    (kernel driver) and user space parsers (wlanctl-ng, etc)
-  - Fix an unpacked struct problem that affected ARM platforms
-    (thanks to Clay Jones for spotting this one)
-  - Support the new auto-unknown mode present in firmware >1.3.3
-    When issuing an autojoin, we try to join a BSS, then an IBSS, and if
-    all fails, we create a new IBSS with the given parameters. 
- 	*note*  currently disabled.
-  - Updates to hfa384x.h to reflect latest documentation
-  - Build system mini-enema.  Automagically detect kernel version,
-    pcmcia status, and modversions.  Pick up the kernel compile flags.
-  - Hopefully fixed the 'crash on unload' for 2.2.x kernels and PCI.
-  - 'p2req_join' command, see doc/wlanctl-ng.p2req_join.txt 
-    This lets you join a specific SSID.  Thanks to Clay Jones.
-  - A couple more pcmcia/cf card idents
-  - More deletions/fixes in wlan_compat.h
-  - Due to new hotplug code, atmel device detection removed
-  - Further cleanups in wlan_compat.h and non-kernel makefiles
-  - Debian package stuff yanked in favor of the "official" deb packages
-  - Rearranged the wireless extension support code a bit
-  - A fix for the promisc/allmulti stuff on USB devices
-  - Hotplug support for PCI/PLX/USB widgets
-  - A compile fix for 2.2.x (x < 18) kernels and PCI adapters
-  - Support for TMD7160-based "almost but not quite PLX" boards
-  - HP-PA support.  In theory.  Anyone care to test?
-  - pcmcia script cleanups
-  - Add ident info for the "Intel PRO/Wireless 2011B LAN USB Device"
-  - Include an almost-sane fix to the modversion madness
-  - Tweak the init order of the PCI driver structs
-  - Added ident info for ASUS WL-110/WL-100 cards
-  - Support for PCI power managment
-  - Fixed a wep hang on the transmit side
-  - Compile fixes; mainly for 2.2 kernels
-  - Add support for the SIOCGIWRATE wireless extension
-  - Restructured the driver locking.  SMP should be MUCH better now.
-  - Stripped out more dead code. (mainly FID_STACK)
-  - Fix an skb access after we call netif_rx
-  - Fixes for XScale CPUs.
-  - Added added a MiniUSB ident info
-  - Restructure of the docmd_* functions
-  - Host-based WEP decryption and encryption
-  - Partial rewrite of copy_to_bap.
-  - Debian package metadata updated to 3.0-STABLE. (David Everley)
-  - Stripped out a lot of crap from wlan_compat.h
-  - More atmel adapters added to the USB exclude list.
-  - James Goodwin's patch to fix a bug in the 80211conv code.
-  - The 3COM AirConnect board is a PLX adapter. 
-  - Added PCI ident info for the 3Com AirConnect PCI.
-  - FCS toggle now (really) defaults to false.
-  - Added PCMCIA ident info for the 3Com AirConnect 3CRW737A/3CRW777A
-  - David Everly's patch to kernel detection in the Configure script
-  - David Everly's patch to add better debian packaging bits.
-  - Added kernel tags stuff.
-  - Added PCMCIA ident info for the Actiontec 802CI2 card.
-  - Added PCMCIA ident info for the Proxim RangeLAN-DS/LAN card.
-  - Endian "fixes" for PCI PowerMacs.  This fix may be relevant for other
-    BigEndian/PCI (and PLX) platforms.
-  - FCS in monitor mode now optional; defaults to off.
-  - Populate the monitor channel in the prismheader.
-  - monitor mode now works on USB widgets.
-  - Fix an alignment bug in the rx path.
-  - Fix a brown-paper-bag bug in the usb flash code.
-  - Explicitly enumerate the USB widget endpoints, and use 'em.
-  - REALLY fix the wlan.conf overwriting.
-  - More minor cleanups in the PCI/PLX init code.
-  - endian-ness fixes in the monitor code
-  - Applied a patch from David Everly to fix another 2.2.x compile problem.
-  - Add USB entries for the "Melco WLI-USB-S11 11Mbps WLAN Adapter"
-  - Don't overwrite /etc/wlan.conf if it already exists.
-  - Compile sniffing code if packet socket is modularized.
-  - Fix a typo with the init script.
-  - Fix a compile problem with 2.2.x kernels
-  - First bits of the SMP/locking fixes.
-  - Partial rewrite of the PCI/PLX/USB driver internals.
-  - Added a makefile for the 'addons/keygen' tool.
-  - Fixed a race condition in the USB code.
-  - Applied Godmar Back's "SSIDs with spaces" patch.
-  - Applied pizza's patch to remove the pb_t structure and make all 
-    802.11<->ether conversions happen in-place.  Noticeably reduces
-    cpu load.  Also includes a few misc bugfixes to the conversion code.
-  - Workaround for the kernel panic on bringing up a USB interface
-  - Applied Mike Klar's USB patch that adds support for the MIPS
-    target and should, among other things, fix WEP under USB.
-  - Added Remy Cool's patch to add the Dynalink prism2 card ids.
-  - Tim Miller's pcmcia script install path patch
-  - Applied Tim Fletcher's patch to allow compilation against
-    the newest versions of the wireless extensions. (V13)
-  - Added jwyatt's patch for the Compaq Evo N600C USB adapter thing.
-  - Per mwelk's suggestion, changed the displaystring totext to single
-    quote the strings.  Hopefully this will take care of some of the 
-    "SSID w/ space" problems.
-  - tseward's ID code patch for Siemens SpeedStream USB adapters.
-  - pizza's patch for dropping/ignoring frames in promisc and allmulti
-    modes.
-  - crankin's new Actiontec USB IDs.
-  - crankin's fix for wext /proc zero vs. garbage problem.
-  - pizza's chkconfig comment in rc.wlan.
-  - pizza's patch to add true promiscious support to 0.1.13. Also includes
-    Experimental ALLMULTI support.
-  - pizza's patch to add PF_PACKET capture and raw transmit to 0.1.13-pre2, 
-    (with toggles for WEP in sniffing and prism header)
-    NOTE: this patch _removes_ the old netlink monitor mode (sniff) interface.
-    If you're sniffing, you need to use the latest libpcap (v7.2-pre..from CVS),
-    you'll also need to build your own ethereal (0.9.0 or greater) using the
-    latest libpcap.
-  - bhuang's fix for the hfa384x_test_command() function.
-  - crankin's revised USB ID patch.
-  - Fixed a little buggage in the p80211knetdev_set_mac_address() function.  
-  - crankin's patch for a bug in usb rrid, DBFENTER/EXIT, and Actiontec
-    USB IDs.
-  - hmuurimaa's ID patch for the Omnibook500 integrated USB adapter
-  - proskin's patch for MODULE_LICENSE conditional
-  - dstates (JediElite) submission (others submitted it too) for the
-    NDC PLX card.
-  - crankin's patch for src/prism2/driver/Makefile. PCI and USB were
-    linking with PLX's prism2wext.o file.  DOH!
-  - Synch'd the etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng scripts with the etc/wlan* scripts.
-    This should help PCI/PLX/USB Adhoc users.
-  - Added cmulliner's patch for set_mac_address(). Also changed it to
-    use dot11StationID instead of the prism2 specific mib item...Oh
-    Yeah, I also changed to comments to /*...*/  ;-)
-  - Fixed PDA reads and PDA validation.
-  - KNOWNBUG: prism2_usb + linux-2.4.17 + uhci.o : Very slow performance.
-    We need to look into having multiple posted tx and rx urbs (this is
-    also a TODO).
-  - KNOWNBUG: prism2_usb + linux-2.2.20 + uhci.o : Physically 
-    disconnecting the device causes a Panic.  The logs look like the
-    usbdev is still holding some buffers (urbs?) associated with the
-    device despite the fact that I've explicitly unlinked them.  This
-    problem does not occur on 2.4.17 and, unfortunately, I don't have
-    time to debug 2.2.20 this time around.
-  - Made all corereset() calls dependent on the prism2_doreset module
-    argument.
-  - Added corereset() support for all device types.
-  - Added the lnxreq_ifstate request message.  This request is used
-    to bring the device up to an operable state _after_ the
-    [hostbus]_probe() function is finished.  It can also be used to
-    shutdown and/or restart the driver+device.  This takes the place
-    of the "activate hardware on ifconfig up" code that was introduced
-    in 0.1.11.  This is the change that should fix most of our dhcp
-    client problems.
-  - Massive changes/cleanups to the driver init/shutdown code for all
-    device types (pcmcia|pci|plx|usb).
-  - Removed the add-ons/mibedit application from the linux-wlan-ng package.
-    We'll be re-releasing it as a separate tarball.
-  - Modified hfa384x_usb.c per dbrownell's suggestion to mark the request
-    urb's with the USB_ASYNC_UNLINK flag.  This because we're calling
-    unlink_urb() from the timer callback (intterupt context).
-  - Added arichter's patch for the RRID framelength.  It's a good catch
-    to make things truly correct.  Unfortunately, I don't think it will
-    have any effect.  Because of the 64-byte minimum, the actual RID value
-    is being transferred regardless.  Also, I don't think the RRID handler
-    in the MAC even looks at the framelen field of RRID frames.
-  - Added mwelwarsky's patch for the tx path that may fix some of the
-    "queue empty" errors.  Had to update it for 0.1.13.
-  - Added new PLX device IDs from cyokoyama's patch, but deferred the rest 
-    until we can get a clean patch against the latest release.
-  - Added pizza's v2.1 NETLINK enable/disable patch.  Note that this whole
-    NETLINK enable/disable thing is only barely tested by me.  I _always_
-    have netlink available so maintaining a separate kernel setup just to
-    test this feature is a pain.
-  - Added jdiedrich's pcmcia card ids for the Compaq ipaq PCMCIA card.
-  - Added crankin's patch fixing some more wext induced problems and adding
-    the Actiontec USB ids.
-  - Added abridgett's patch for PRIV_GENSTRING handling.
-  - Added emckee's malloc.h -> slab.h patch and made the mods to the usb
-    and wext files he missed. Some kind list soul told me
-    that the change to slab.h goes way back in the 2.2.x history, so we
-    should be OK.  If this change proves to be a problem for someone with
-    an old kernel, please submit a patch with ifdefs for the version where
-    things changed (not just the version you're using....thanks).
-  - Added jtourrhiles patch for wext reporting level and noise in dbm.
-    To enable the reporting in dbm, you must add "#define WEXT_IN_DB"
-    to the top of src/prism2/driver/prism2wext.c.
-  - Added support for the dbm-normalized RID for CommsQuality in prep
-    for working with Jean's patch.  The mibs are called p2dbmCommsQuality*.  
-    Note that this will only work for secondary firmware versions 1.2.0 
-    and higher. Earlier versions will return with a 
-    'resultcode=implementation_failure'.  Note also: The values returned
-    are signed 16-bit integers that have been stuffed into unsigned 32-bit
-    integers for the trip up to userland.  The following shell expression
-    will convert them back to the signed quantity you want:
-       if [ $val -lt 32767 ]; then
-           echo $1
-       else
-           echo $[ $1 | 0xffff0000 ]
-       fi
-  - Added mkershaw's suggestion to lengthen the wait interval for 
-    commands in hfa384x.c.
-  - Added a note to the README about dleffler's observation regarding
-    netlink troubles and using 'make mrproper'.
-  - Added gback's patch to initialize wireless extensions for non-pcmcia
-    targets.
-  - Fixed a patch induced (not sure which patch) Makefile syntax error.
-  - Added rfloeter's cool Wireless Extensions patch which was kindly 
-    updated to 0.1.12 by pizza.  Note that my own testing of this patch has
-    been minimal but I've had reports of folks who are using it successfully.
-    NOTE: The addition of this patch adds the requirement that Wireless
-    Extensions (version >= 10) be compiled into one's kernel.
-  - DOH! some somewhat kind soul on the lists pointed out that the keygen
-    program wasn't in the distributed tarball.  Basically, I forgot to 
-    check it into CVS, therefore the distribution build script couldn't
-    find it.'s now in CVS and should be included in the tarballs.
-  - Added pizza's patch fixing the "netlink disable" patch.  The 
-    p80211ind_* functions need to be handled individually instead of two
-    giant #if's, but that's a task for another day.
-  - Added theBS's patch for making the /etc stuff installation relative and
-    installing the FIXINST scripts for USB.
-  - Added crankin's SMP deadlock fix patch.
-  - Added dlyddy's string.h includes and comma fix.  Changing all malloc.h's
-    to slab.h's will have to wait until I figure which kernel version marks
-    the switch so we can ifdef it.
-  - Added bgertfield's Corega support patch.
-  - I added a check to Configure so we add the CONFIG_NETLINK symbol
-    on the compile command line if necessary.
-  - proskin's patches for netlink disable when not configured in kernel,
-    mkprintstr fix, and turn off skeleton install.  The netlink patch
-    pointed out something that might be the root cause of some problems
-    with the _cs driver.  pcmcia_cs now strips the kernel CONFIG items
-    it cares about and puts them in it's own include/linux/config.h 
-    (which is symlinked to include/pcmcia/config.h).
-  - Added mtaylor's suggested close() to do_ioctl() in wlanctl.
-  - Added mkarmak's suggested change for the GL24110P device ID as
-    PCI_DEVICE_GL24110P_ALT and an additional item in the device table
-    for PLX devices.
-  - Added crankin's suggested MODULE_LICENSE statements.  Had to figure
-    out the version ifdefs myself though.  ;-)
-  - Added vragor's patch for arm updates to the Makefiles and Configure.
-  - Added jsuhr's patch of the PLX9052 irq enable code from the orinoco
-    driver.  Note: PLX contributions are highly valued here because we rarely
-    use these devices ourselves.
-  - Added cfang's PCMCIA ident info for AirEZY card.
-  - Made USB port reset in open() an option, DEFAULT IS OFF.
-  - Cleaned up the top edge of hfa384x*.c (needs some more).
-  - Added the notion of CMD vs. AUX format MAC chip addresses.
-  - Modified isgoodpdr() to accept anything less than 0x1000.
-  - Updated the wlan-ng scripts for the new open/close behavior.
-  - Fixed a bunch of issues that caused bad breakage for hot-plugging
-    the USB module.
-  - Added a module argument to enable/disable the MAC (or usbport) reset
-    performed in prism2sta_open().
-  - Moved the port reset corereset() and the call to the open(). This
-    gets the port reset out of the probe_usb() context and appears to
-    solve the recursive probe problem in some cases.
-  - Cleaned up the overlength usb packet problems
-  - Added rmemreq/resp and wmemreq/resp support
-  - Fixed some of the 64-byte packet problems in a few commands.
-  - Note: hfa384x*.c are currently undergoing some changes.  I believe
-    these changes have broken some things for pcmcia/pci/plx support.  I'm
-    not certain since I haven't tested them.  As such, this is a USB ONLY
-    release.
-  - Cleaned up the use of hfa384x_drvr_*() vs. hfa384x_cmd_*() a little.
-    This is a work in progress.
-  - Rewrote the USB request/response machine again.
-  - Added tnewsham's keygen program to the add-ons directory.  I don't
-    include it in the overall build because I'm not comfortable with making
-    this package dependent on openssl right now.  It is supposed to generate
-    keys in a manner identical to the windows software.  I have not personally
-    verified this.  If someone wants to contribute more complete build
-    instructions for this program, please do.
-  - IMPORTANT! Note that we've changed the up/down behavior.  You now
-    must 'up' the linux netdevice interface (e.g. ifconfig wlan0 up) prior
-    to using wlanctl-ng.  Also, wlanctl commands aren't available after
-    "ifconfig down".  From a low-level perspective, this is how most
-    linux netdevices work.  We originally started trying to create a 
-    setup where "ifconfig up" on an interface that wasn't associated would
-    fail.  With PCI and even more so with USB, that has proven unworkable.
-    The idea now is:
-      Step 1: ifconfig wlan0 up 
-               Enables the hardware so it's ready to handle wlanctl-ng commands.
-      Step 2: wlanctl-ng <various commands>, repeat 
-               Set up the dot11 configuration and get yourself associated or
-               whatever.
-      Step 3: ifconfig wlan0 <address>  
-               After getting a "real" 802.11 connection, assign the address
-               to the interface (via static numbers, dhcp or whatever).
-      Note that it is very important that you do _not_ down the interface
-      between the initial 'ifconfig up' and the later ifconfig that assigns
-      the address.  'ifconfig down' will shut down and reset the hardware.
-      If you down the interface, all that good work in step 2 will be lost.
-  - Rewrote the USB request/response machine
-  - Moved all memmapped/irq interface elements from prism2*.c to hfa384x.c
-    in preparation for adding USB support.
-  - Fixed 'make clean' so it doesn't generate .depend files.
-  - Removed some leftover pcmcia-cs dependencies for non-pcmcia targets.
-  - Added module param "prism2_ignorevcc".  If set to non-zero, we just
-    accept the Voltage we get from pcmcia-cs without checking.  USE WITH
-    CAUTION!!!!
-  - Changed the voltage setting code such that we never try to change it.
-  - Added NETGEAR PCI info.
-  - Fixed a problem with the interrrupt enable in mlme_start().
-  - Fixed the netdevice_t problem.
-  - Added some new CIS entries.
-  - Fixed some byte order things re: dblythe's patch.  The problem went
-    a little farther than the patch so I had to change some things.
-  - Added lye's fix for the netdevice_t problem on various targets.
-  - Added an Ad-Hoc support patch from ????? (please identify yourself,
-    it's a nice bit of code and stays within the spirit of things).  Adhoc
-    still needs work though.  Remember, only the _first_ STA in an IBSS
-    should issue an MLME-Start.request.  All the rest should scan/join
-  - Re-added the monitor mode stuff.  At this point I guess Intersil won't 
-    be taking it out.  Many thanks to those who maintained the patches and
-    my apologies for the hassle.
-  - As part of the PCI stuff, rewrote the scripts for 'fixed' (i.e. non-
-    hotswappable) cards like the ISL3874 and PLX based PCI adapters.
-  - Added support for the dot11req_reset command.  It should perform a
-    complete reset of the MAC and driver.  Note that the MAC needs to be
-    completely reconfigured from userland after the reset has occurred.
-    Also added an internal call to the reset function when unloading a
-    PCI or PLX driver.  We need this reset to make sure that the card is
-    no longer generating interrupts.  Fixed this problem:  If the driver
-    is unloaded, the card is still generating interrupts, and another active
-    device+driver is using the same interrupt....system locks up.  DDT.
-  - Rewrote the PCI support for PLX and ISL3874.  The rewrite was targeted
-    at 2.4.7 with additional code to provide backward compatibility for
-    2.2.x.  NOTE:  the PCI code still doesn't support the PCI power
-    management stuff.  It will probably need more work when laptops w/
-    the ISL3874 based mini-PCI cards show up.
-  - Whoops, forgot to put this in the original 0.1.9 release
-  - Added support for the ISL3874 based mini-pci card.  Also cleaned 
-    up some of the PLX stuff (needs more work though).
-  - Fixed some script bugs relating to WEP and generated keys.
-  - Fixed the autojoin auth type control
-  - Added/Changed some PDR numbers (thanks to BroMax for supplying hardware)
-  - Received a large patch from bjames of Rebel Computing.  Here's a 
-    summary in his words:
-     > Minor bugs (not already found in 0.1.8-pre10):
-     > 
-     > 1. p80211metamsg.c:
-     > - Wrong conversion functions for "p2req_mmi_read" (value).  enumint ==>
-     > int
-     > 
-     > 2. prism2sta.c:
-     > - "dot11_desired_bss_type" in "priv" structure left at 0 (i.e. an
-     > invalid value) after initialization so mibget could not retrieve a value
-     > unless the network was started.  Initialized to 1.
-     > 
-     > 3. prism2mgmt.c:
-     > - "prism2mgmt_channel_info()" uses HFA384x_RID_SCANREQUEST_LEN instead
-     > of ...CHANNELINFOREQUEST...  (However, they're the same size.)
-     > 
-     > 4. prism2mgmt.c:
-     > - "prism2mgmt_auxport_read()" did not set the resultcode to "success" if
-     > the read succeeded.
-     > 
-     > 5. p80211types.c:
-     > - "p80211_fromtext_displaystr()" tests for length < maxlen.  This
-     > probably should have been <= maxlen (i.e. excluding the \0), based on
-     > the maxlen values in "p80211metamib.c" and based in what
-     > "p80211_isvalid_displaystr()" checks.  Also,
-     > "p80211_isvalid_displaystr()" assumes that "pstr->len" includes the \0
-     > when it does the minlen check.  It probably shouldn't do this.
-     > 
-     > 6. p80211metamsg.c:
-     > - dot11_reassociate command has a "dot11req_reassociatefailuretimeout"
-     > argument which should probably be "reassociatefailuretimeout".
-     > 
-     > 7. prism2sta.c:
-     > - WLAN_PCI ==> WLAN_PLX in "init_module()".
-     > 
-     > Enhancements:
-     > 
-     > 1. All Prism2 RIDs are now accessible.  Unfortunately, rather a lot was
-     > changed to do this:
-     > - Rather than cut and paste many more cases into the monster
-     > "prism2mib.c" switch statement, "prism2mib.c" was completely reworked to
-     > be table-driven with a bunch of semi-generic processing functions.  That
-     > made it a lot easier to add new DIDs.  Several RID lengths in hfa384x.h
-     > had to be changed from 0 to their actual value since more of the lengths
-     > get used, now.  (Changed: prism2mib.c, hfa384x.h)
-     > - 2 new data types were added to "p80211types.c".  One to handle integer
-     > arrays (i.e. multi-word RID that a DID didn't need to be
-     > added for each element) and bit arrays (just to make them easier to deal
-     > with).  However, there wasn't enough room in the packed DID to add new
-     > types, so the type was removed from the DID (and from P80211DID_MKID)
-     > and a function written to determine the type based on the conversion
-     > functions.  (Changed: p80211meta.h, p80211types.h, p80211meta.c,
-     > p80211types.c, mkmetastruct.c, p80211metamib.c p80211metamsg.c,
-     > wlanctl/help.c)
-     > Integer arrays look like: p2PRIIdentity=21,0,0,3
-     > "meta->maxlen" specifies the number of integers.
-     > Bit arrays look like: p2ChannelList=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
-     > for bits 0-10.  "meta->min" and "meta->max" give the range of bits
-     > allowed.
-     > - The "p2Table" DIDs were split into p2Static, p2Dynamic, p2Behavior,
-     > etc., in order to correspond with the Prism Driver Programmer's Manual.
-     > A few of the names were also changed in order to correspond to the
-     > manual.  (Changed: p80211metamib.c, prism2mib.c)  The changed names (of
-     > the supported DIDs) are:
-     > p2SystemScale ==> p2CnfSystemScale
-     > p2MaxDataLen ==> p2CnfMaxDataLength
-     > p2EnhancePowerSaveMode ==> p2CnfPMEPS
-     > p2MaxSleepDurection ==> p2CnfMaxSleepDuration
-     > p2PMHoldoverDuration ==> p2CnfPMHoldoverDuration
-     > p2OwnName ==> p2CnfOwnName
-     > p2McastPMBuffer ==> p2CnfMulticastPMBuffering
-     > p2TxControlDepth ==>p2CnfTxControl
-     > p2RoamingMode ==> p2CnfRoamingMode
-     > p2MMLife ==> p2CnfMMLife
-     > p2AltRetryCount ==> p2CnfAltRetryCount
-     > p2ReserveDuration ==> p2CnfAPPCFInfo (bit 1)
-     > p2ExcludeLongPreamble ==> p2CnfExcludeLongPreamble
-     > - Added new RIDS from the Prism Driver Programmer's Manual 1.70
-     > (2000-11-29).  Added p2CnfPriorityQUsage, p2CnfTimCtrl,
-     > p2CnfThirty2Tally, p2CnfEnhSecurity.  Added "algorithm" to AuthRequest.
-     > 
-     > 2. A user utility program was written to do such things as query all
-     > read-able MIBs, query all write-able MIBs, set all write-able MIBs,
-     > etc.  A "p2req_enable" command was added (similar to the
-     > "dot11req_start" command but without requiring all the 802.11
-     > arguments).  This allows the driver to be started in a straight forward
-     > manner, simply by setting all write-able MIBs and then enabling it.
-     > (Changed: p80211metamsg.c, prism2sta.c, prism2mgmt.c, prism2mgmt.h)
-     > 
-     > 3. Support added for Prism2 CommTallies and a DID added to query the
-     > values.  The values will come back as an array of integers.  Support
-     > also added for 32-bit tallies (i.e. p2CnfThirty2Tally).  (Changed:
-     > prism2mib.c, prism2sta.c, prism2mgmt.h, p80211metamib.c, hfa384x.h)
-     > 
-     > 4. Access Point support:
-     > - Added support for maintaining a list of authenticated/associated
-     > stations and a DID added to query the list.  (Changed: prism2mib.c,
-     > prism2sta.c, prism2mgmt.h, p80211metamib.c)
-     > - Added support for host control of authentications (allowed and denied
-     > lists) and a DID added to set and query the lists.  Support for Prism2
-     > AuthenticationRequest information frames.  Not tested yet.  (Changed:
-     > prism2mib.c, prism2sta.c, prism2mgmt.h, p80211metamib.c)
-     > - Added support for Prism2 PowerSaveUserCount information frames and a
-     > DID added to query the value.  (Changed: prism2mib.c, prism2sta.c,
-     > prism2mgmt.h, p80211metamib.c)
-     > - Added a new data type to "p80211types.c" to handle arrays of MAC
-     > address (used to set/query the above lists).  (Changed: p80211types.h,
-     > p80211types.c, mkmetastruct.c, wlanctl/help.c)
-     > Address arrays look like:
-     > p2Authenticated=00:50:51:52:53:54,00:60:61:62:63:64,00:70:71:72:73:74
-     > "meta->maxlen" specifies the maximum number of addresses.
-     > - Unforetunately, all these lists are limited in length by the length of
-     > the mibattribute parameter in mibget/mibset.  This is not very nice but
-     > it was the quickest/easiest way to implement it.
-     > 
-     > 5. Changed maximum mibattribute length from 256 to 384 to support
-     > querying commtallies and MAC address arrays.  (Changed: p80211types.h)
-     > 
-     > 6. 128-bit WEP key support:
-     > - Rather than creating different MIB's for 64-bit and 128-bit WEP keys,
-     > the "octetstr" definition for dot11WEPDefaultKey0, etc., was changed to
-     > allow for a range of lengths (e.g. from 5 to 13).  The
-     > dot11WEP128DefaultKey0, etc., MIBs were removed.  (Changed:
-     > p80211meta.c, p80211types.c, p80211metamib.c, p80211metamsg.c,
-     > mkmetastruct.c, wlanctl/help.c)
-     > - WLAN_WEP_KEYLEN changed to WLAN_WEP_MAXKEYLEN and set to 13.
-     > (Changed: p80211hdr.h)
-     > - Optional "length" argument added to "nwepgen.c" so that either 5 or 13
-     > byte keys can be handled.  (Changed: nwepgen.c)
-     > - 128-bit-specific parts of "etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng" are no longer
-     > necessary.  Genstr changes to handle generation of 13-byte keys using
-     > nwepgen.  (Changed: etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng)
-     > - WEPDefaultKey's were made write-only.  A new
-     > "P80211ENUM_resultcode_cant_get_writeonly_mib" was added.  (Changed:
-     > p80211types.h, p80211types.c, p80211metamib.c, prism2mib.c)
-     > 
-     > 7. Access code in DID:
-     > - This was changed from a single bit flag (P80211DID_ACCESS_READONLY and
-     > P80211DID_ACCESS_READWRITE) to a pair of flags (P80211DID_ACCESS_READ
-     > and P80211DID_ACCESS_WRITE) since some MIBs are read/write, some are
-     > read-only, and some are write-only (e.g. WEP keys).  This makes it
-     > easier to determine which MIBs are read-able and write-able without
-     > having to go all the way to the driver and then interpret a failure
-     > error code.  (Changed: p80211types.h, p80211metamib.c)
-     > 
-     > 8. It was a bit of a hassle switching between the station driver and the
-     > AP driver...which we seemed to be doing a lot.  The additional cost was
-     > not particulary high to simply compile in both station functionality and
-     > AP functionality.    A change was made so that "prism2sta_initmac()" set
-     > an "ap" flag when it detected AP firmware.  "prism2mgmt.c" then uses the
-     > flag to determine whether or not to allow station-only or AP-only
-     > commands to be executed.  "prism2mib.c" also uses this to handle the
-     > mode-specific MIBs.  This made it possible for the same module to
-     > support either stations or APs, thereby simplifying the "make", the
-     > install, and switching between stations and APs.  The only thing that
-     > needs to change, is the value of "IS_AP" in "wlan-ng.opts".
-     > 
-     > 9. Miscellaneous small additions:
-     > - Network state (stopped, started) added and a DID to query it.
-     > - User-settable comment string added and a DID to set/query it.
-     > - Some event logging (authentications, associations, etc.) can be
-     > enabled/disabled at run time rather than only at compile time.  A DID
-     > was added to set/query it.
-     > - A "p2req_readcis" command (similar to "p2req_readpda") was added.
-     > 
-     > 10. Small changes:
-     > - Added bounds checking to "p80211item_fromtext_boundedint".  This was
-     > the only "fromtext" function that did not already do complete
-     > validation.  It should no longer be necessary to call the "isvalid"
-     > function if "fromtext" has just been called.  The call to "isvalid" was
-     > removed from "wlanctl".  (Changed: p80211types.c, wlanctl.c)
-     > - "p80211item_maxitemlen()" wasn't really adding much of value so it was
-     > amalgamated into "p80211item_getoffset()".  The DID type is now only
-     > checked once instead of three times.  (Changed: p80211meta.h,
-     > p80211meta.c)
-     > - "hfa384x_drvr_setconfig16()" and "hfa384x_drvr_setconfig32()" changed
-     > their input parameters when converting to hf384x byte order.  Potential
-     > source of bugs.  Changed to use a local variable.  (Changed: hfa384x.c)
-     > - ScanRequest, JoinRequest, etc., moved from the "Information Record"
-     > section to the "Configuration Record" section.  (Changed: hfa384x.h)
-     > - Re-worked "p80211_fromtext_setmibattribute()" to make it a little
-     > easier to follow the logic.  (Changed: p80211types.c)
-     > - Type of "channellist" argument in "p2req_channel_info" command changed
-     > from "octetstr" to "bitarray" to make it easier to deal with (can
-     > specify a variable number of channels and don't need to use hex
-     > values).  (Changed: p80211metamsg.c, prism2mgmt.c)
-     > - "auxctl" parameter set to HFA384x_AUX_CTL_EXTDS in
-     > "prism2mgmt_auxport_read()" and "prism2mgmt_auxport_write()" so that
-     > they are still compatible with 0.1.7.  (Changed: prism2mgmt.c)
-     > - Re-worked "prism2mgmt_set_grpaddr()" and added comments so that it's
-     > more obvious what is going on.  Also, deleted the check which produced
-     > an error if an attempt was made to delete an address from an empty
-     > list.  This makes things more consistent and predictable (i.e. the same
-     > as attempting to delete an address which is above the last group
-     > address...the attempt is simply ignored).  Replaced the "memcpy()" call
-     > with "memmove()" since "memcpy()" is not guaranteed to work with
-     > overlapping ranges.  (Changed: prism2mib.c)
-     > - Minimum length of "dot11OperationRateSet" changed from 126 to 1 to
-     > match the 802.11 standard.  (Changed: p80211metamib.c)
-  - Fixed some ci/co related problems pointed out by wbinjie.
-  - Added ygalayda's startup scripts for PCI in the directory 
-    ./etc/wlan_pci.  They aren't installed, that will have to be done
-    by hand.  I have not tested these scripts myself.
-  - Added sbaer's 'NULL check' fix in p80211_indicate_shutdown().
-  - Added ctedrow's 'alloc not checked' fix in prism2sta_int_rx().
-  - Added pkundrat's auth mib changes.
-  - fgrau's conf.modules/modules.conf fix.
-  - Added ygalayda's submission for the Global Sun GL24110P PLX based
-    adapter.  Also included a Makefile fix.
-  - Fixed some script bugs relating to 128-bit WEP based on smmclusky's
-    observations.  These changes have not yet been tested by me.
-  - Added rlazarev's additions to the pcmcia startup scripts
-  - Added pkundrat's wlandev-name fix for 2.3.99+ kernels
-  - Fixed some type/(to|from)text mismatches per note from pkundrat
-  - Fixed some missing MKITEMNAMEs per note from pkundrat
-  - Added D-LINK and SMC to the linux-wlan-ng.conf file
-  - Added Zoom, Linksys and Addtron to the linux-wlan-ng.conf file
-  - Added pkundrat's meta-item minlen stuff.
-  - Added conditionals for PLX vs. PCMCIA build
-  - Changed _pci driver filename to _plx
-  - Fixed undconditional MOD_INC in prismt2sta_open()
-  - Removed identification of old PCF firmware.
-  - Fixed version.h generation bug from pre5
-  - Added dhsu's (Eumitcom) code for supporting the PLX based PCI cards.
-  - pkundrat's (whoops, sorry peter) PDA display program in ./scripts.  
-    I haven't used it because my perl setup is messed up and I'm perl 
-    challenged.
-  - bcarr's patches for alpha boxes.
-  - wwoods's patches for 2.2.18 and adding bytes received to the 
-    statistics.
-  - proskin's patch adding 'network stop'
-  - Most of proskin's patch containing Configure fixes, adding file
-    existence checks, and making sure directories are present.
-  - tgriffin's patch for mrproper/memleak/nullcheck/freeonsuccess.  
-    conf.modules change is already there.
-  - Added most of jhicks ARM related patches.  I had to leave out the 
-    HOST vs. TARGET compile variables in the Makefiles though.  Some folks
-    are using that stuff.
-  - Added script changes and new mib items to support 128-bit WEP per hong's
-    suggestion.
-  - Added conf.modules alias instead of symlink
-  - Added a compat macro for kfree_s to wlan_compat.h per the suggestion
-    from rbraun.
-  - Added pkundrat's 'chinfo' patch
-  - Added pkundrat's 'small fixes' patch
-  - Added some contributed patches supporting a fix to our 'reassoc
-    under load' problem
-  - Added wlannoenable pcmcia scheme support to prevent card initialization.
-  - Removed a PDR patch requirement.
-  - Fixed the "converting eth in unknown mode" bug
-  - Added APM/ACPI suspend/resume handling
-  - Added PPC support
-  - Added Prism test command support
-  - Integrated patch to fix some structure alignment problems for ARM
-  - Added multi-transmit buffer support
-  - And much, much more.....
-  - Fixed usage of pcmcia scheme file so we're not stomping on the user's
-    scheme setting.
-  - Updated the wlan-ng script for the new config variable names and added
-    configurable download utility and a set of user MIB settings.
-  - Added support for the Samsung and Z-Com cards.
-  - Changed the name of the module (from pcmcia's point of view).
-  - Fixed the "echo \c" problem in Configure
-  - Added new and rearranged existing wlan-ng.opts configuration variables.
-  - Created a scheme for "addon software" in the ./src/Makefile
-  - Made some changes to the target detection conditionals in wlan_compat.h
-    to better support LinuxPPC (port isn't finished yet).
-  - Finally fixed the byteorder stuff to use (duh) byteorder.h
-  - Fixed a bad free of the TX skb when we signal an error to higher layers.
-  - Moved some code around and added rules to the prism2/driver (new directory
-    too) Makefile.  This is so we build two separate drivers; one for STA,
-    one for AP.  Both drivers are built from the same source files with
-    the code conditional on the WLAN_AP and WLAN_STA defines.
-  - Fixed the plugging in prism2dl so it reports ALL missing PDRs.
-  - Added an anonymously contributed patch that adds support for the -m
-    and -s cmdline options for prism2dl.  Thanks! You know who you are.@-)
-  - Added some fixes to the dependency file generation.
-  - Fixed a flash programming timeout miscalculation...and fixed it again 
-    when I introduced an integer promotion problem.
-  - Added the STA vs. AP conditionals to prism2mgmt.  Note that this causes
-    a few compile time warnings.  They're harmless and will go away in the
-    next release.
-  - Created the file prism2mib.c to hold all the MIB get/set stuff which is
-    getting a little out of hand.
-  - Added pcmcia config support for the Z-Com (supposedly) dual voltage card.
-    Unfortunately the engineering sample I have doesn't seem to work at 5v,
-    or it might be the code.....not sure yet.  We're still a little
-    bleeding edge with that card.
-  - Cleaned up the version, compatibility range, and serial number 
-    log messages.
-  - Added a loop limit to the interrupt handler. (duh)
-  - Changed the names of the driver modules for STA and AP.  make install
-    then creates a softlink depending on the make config selection.  One
-    note, both drivers report the same dev_info string to pcmcia-cs.  Trying
-    to load both of them simultaneously would be bad (I have no idea what 
-    would happen, I just thought of it).
-  - Changed a bunch of types and constants for hfa384x.
-  - Added functions for a couple of new commands in the hfa384x.
-  - Began adding support for the Prism2 unique MIB items.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/COPYING b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/COPYING
deleted file mode 100644
index 66801bd..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/COPYING
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-Unless otherwise indicated, this code is distributed under version 1.1
-of the Mozilla Public License ("MPL"), included in the LICENSE file.
-Where this software is combined with software released under the terms
-of the GNU Public License ("GPL") and the terms of the GPL would
-require the combined work to also be released under the terms of the
-GPL, the terms and conditions of the MPL will apply in addition to
-those of the GPL with the exception of any terms or conditions of the
-MPL that conflict with, or are expressly prohibited by, the GPL.
-        -- AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.
-Note: This file is derived from a copyrighted work of David Hinds.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/Configure b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/Configure
deleted file mode 100755
index 7b62dd2..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/Configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-# Configure
-# linux-wlan Open Sourc Project
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source Project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# TODO: Since we're dependent on configured pcmcia source, we should change 
-#       this such that it will ask for the pcmcia source dir and then read
-#       all our stuff from pcmcia/  Would simplify alot of things.
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This script adapted from the pcmcia-cs/Configure file, license statement below:
-# pcmcia-cs/Configure 1.110 1999/06/24 17:37:36
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-# the License for the specific language governing rights and
-# limitations under the License.
-# The initial developer of the Configure code is David A. Hinds
-# <>.  Portions created by David A. Hinds
-# are Copyright (C) 1998 David A. Hinds.  All Rights Reserved.
-ECHO="/bin/echo -e "
-fail ()
-	$ECHO ""
-	$ECHO "Configuration failed"
-	$ECHO ""
-	exit 1
-usage () {
-    $ECHO "usage: Configure [-h|help|-d [filename]|-f <filename>]"
-    $ECHO ""
-    $ECHO "  -h|help       - display usage info"
-    $ECHO "  -d [filename] - automated configuration with option to specify input file"
-    $ECHO "  -f <filename> - read configuration data from file and prompt user"
-    exit 1
-if [ ! -r ]; then
-    $ECHO " does not exist!"
-    fail
-. ./
-if [ -r config.out ]; then
-    . ./config.out 2>/dev/null
-if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
-	if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "help" ] ; then 
-		usage
-	fi
-	if [ "$1" = "-d" -o "$1" = "-f" ] ; then 
-		if [ $# -gt 1 ] ; then
-			if [ -r $2 ]; then
-				. $2
-			else
-				$ECHO "$2 does not exist"
-				fail
-			fi
-		else
-			if [ "$1" = "-f" ] ; then 
-				usage
-			fi
-		fi
-		if [ "$1" = "-d" ] ; then 
-			PROMPT=n
-		fi
-	fi
-cat << 'EOF' > $CONFIG
-# Automatically generated by 'make config' -- don't edit!
-write_bool() {
-    value=`eval $ECHO '$'$1`
-    if [ "$value" = "y" ] ; then
-	$ECHO "$1=y" >> $CONFIG
-	$ECHO "$1=y" >> $CONFIG_MK
-    else
-	$ECHO "$1=n" >> $CONFIG
-	$ECHO "# $1 is not defined" >> $CONFIG_MK
-    fi
-write_str () {
-    value=`eval $ECHO '$'$1`
-    $ECHO "$1"=\"$value\" >> $CONFIG
-    $ECHO "$1=$value" >> $CONFIG_MK
-dump_str () {
-    $ECHO "$1" >> $CONFIG
-    $ECHO "$1" >> $CONFIG_MK
-prompt () {
-    eval $3=\"$2\"
-    if [ "$PROMPT" = "y" ] ; then
-	$ECHO "$1 [$2]: \c"
-	read tmp
-	if [ -n "$tmp" ] ; then eval $3=\"$tmp\" ; fi
-    else
-	$ECHO "$1 [$2]"
-    fi
-ask_bool () {
-    default=`eval $ECHO '$'$2`
-    if [ ! "$default" ] ; then default=n ; fi
-    answer=""
-    while [ "$answer" != "n" -a "$answer" != "y" ] ; do
-	prompt "$1 (y/n)" "$default" answer
-    done
-    eval "$2=$answer"
-    write_bool $2
-ask_str () {
-    default=`eval $ECHO '$'$2`
-    prompt "$1" "`$ECHO $default`" answer
-    eval $2=\"$answer\"
-    write_str $2
-mkversionh () {
-cp src/ $versionh
-printf '#define WLAN_RELEASE\t"%d.%d.%d%s"\n' \
-        ${WLAN_VERSION} \
-        ${WLAN_PATCHLEVEL} \
-        ${WLAN_SUBLEVEL} \
-        ${WLAN_EXTRAVERSION} >> $versionh
-printf '#define WLAN_RELEASE_CODE 0x%02x%02x%02x\n' \
-        ${WLAN_VERSION} \
-        ${WLAN_PATCHLEVEL} \
-        ${WLAN_SUBLEVEL} >> $versionh
-echo   "#define WLAN_BUILD_DATE \"$DATE\" " >> $versionh
-printf '\n' >> $versionh
-printf '#endif\n' >> $versionh
-# If the src/include/wlan/version.h file needs a touchup, fix or create it
-if [ -r src/include/wlan/version.h ]; then
-	OLD_RELEASE=`sed --quiet -e '/#define.*WLAN_RELEASE[^_].*\"\(.*\)\"/s//\1/p' < src/include/wlan/version.h`
-	if [ "${WLAN_RELEASE}" != "${OLD_RELEASE}" ]; then
-		# Overwrite the file
-		mkversionh
-	fi
-	# File doesn't exist, create it
-	mkversionh
-$ECHO ""
-$ECHO "-------------- Linux WLAN Configuration Script -------------"
-$ECHO ""
-$ECHO "The default responses are correct for most users."
-$ECHO ""
-# Should we build for PCMCIA Card Services?
-ask_bool "Build Prism2.x PCMCIA Card Services (_cs) driver?" PRISM2_PCMCIA
-# Should we build for PLX9052 based PCI adapters?
-ask_bool "Build Prism2 PLX9052 based PCI (_plx) adapter driver?" PRISM2_PLX
-# Should we build for Prism2 native PCI?
-ask_bool "Build Prism2.5 native PCI (_pci) driver?" PRISM2_PCI
-# Should we build for Prism2.5 USB?
-ask_bool "Build Prism2.5 USB (_usb) driver?" PRISM2_USB
-$ECHO ""
-# Collect the kernel source tree and test for sanity
-CUR_RELEASE=`uname -r`
-if [ "$LINUX_SRC" = "" ] ; then
-    LINUX_SRC=/lib/modules/$CUR_RELEASE/build
-ask_str "Linux source directory" LINUX_SRC
-if [ ! -f $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/version.h ] ; then
-	$ECHO "Linux source tree $LINUX_SRC is incomplete or missing!"
-	if [ -d $LINUX_SRC/include/linux ] ; then
-	$ECHO "    The kernel header files are present, but not " \
-		"the full source code."
-	fi
-	$ECHO "    See the HOWTO for a list of FTP sites for current" \
-	 "kernel sources."
-	fail
-KERNEL_SOURCE=$LINUX_SRC make -Cscripts 2>&1 > /dev/null
-. scripts/make.opts
-# What kernel are we compiling for?
-version () {
-	expr $1 \* 65536 + $2 \* 256 + $3
-$ECHO ""
-VERSION_CODE=`grep LINUX_VERSION_CODE $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/version.h | \
-    sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'`
-$ECHO "The kernel source tree is version $SRC_RELEASE."
-if [ $VERSION_CODE -lt `version 2 4 0` ] ; then
-	$ECHO "This package requires at least a 2.4.x series kernel."
-	fail
-if [ $VERSION_CODE -gt `version 2 5 0` ] ; then
-        KERN_25=y
-        write_bool KERN_25
-if [ $VERSION_CODE -ge `version 2 6 5` ] ; then
-    KERN_2_6_5=y
-write_bool KERN_2_6_5
-if [ $VERSION_CODE -ge `version 2 6 17` ] ; then
-    KERN_2_6_17=y
-write_bool KERN_2_6_17
-if [ $VERSION_CODE -gt `version 2 6 26` ] ; then
-    $ECHO "******* WARNING WARNING WARNING *******"
-    $ECHO "Kernels newer than 2.6.26.x are not supported."
-    $ECHO "******* WARNING WARNING WARNING *******"
-if [ "$SRC_RELEASE" != "$CUR_RELEASE" ] ; then
-	$ECHO "WARNING: the current running kernel is actually version $CUR_RELEASE."
-if [ ! -f $LINUX_SRC/.config ] ; then
-    $ECHO "WARNING: .config not present in kernel source tree.  This will"
-    $ECHO "         screw up modversions detection and build optimizations."
-    $ECHO "         Is this a RedHat kernel? Workarounds enabled." 
-    if [ -f $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/modversions.h ] ; then
-	KERNEL_MODFLAGS="-DMODULE -DMODVERSIONS -include $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/modversions.h"
-    fi
-    $ECHO "         For an optimized build, copy over the relevent file from"
-    $ECHO "         $LINUX_SRC/configs/ to $LINUX_SRC/.config"
-# Check for consistent kernel build dates
-CUR_D=`uname -v | sed -e 's/^#[0-9]* //;s/SMP //;s/PREEMPT //;'`
-CUR_D=`$ECHO $CUR_D | sed -e 's/\(:[0-9][0-9]\) .* \([12][90]\)/\1 \2/'`
-$ECHO "The current kernel build date is $CUR_D."
-if [ -f $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/compile.h ] ; then
-	UTS_VERSION=`grep UTS_VERSION $LINUX_SRC/include/linux/compile.h |
-	sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)"/\1/'`
-	SRC_D=`$ECHO $UTS_VERSION | sed -e 's/^#[0-9]* //;s/SMP //;s/PREEMPT //;'`
-	SRC_D=`$ECHO $SRC_D | sed -e 's/\(:[0-9][0-9]\) .* \([12][90]\)/\1 \2/'`
-	if [ $SRC_RELEASE = $CUR_RELEASE -a "$SRC_D" != "$CUR_D" ] ; then
-	$ECHO "WARNING: the source tree has a build date of $SRC_D."
-	if [ `date -d "$SRC_D" +%s` -gt `date -d "$CUR_D" +%s` ] ; then
-		$ECHO "   Did you forget to install your new kernel?!?"
-	fi
-	fi
-$ECHO ""
-	# Test for netlink availability in the kernel
-	if grep -sq "#define.*CONFIG_NETLINK.*1" ${LINUX_SRC}/include/linux/autoconf.h; then
-	else
-	fi
-	write_bool CONFIG_NETLINK
-	# Test for pf_packet availability in the kernel
-	if grep -sq "#define.*CONFIG_PACKET.*1" ${LINUX_SRC}/include/linux/autoconf.h; then
-	else
-	fi
-	write_bool CONFIG_PACKET
-	# Test for pf_packet availability in the kernel
-	if grep -sq "#define.*CONFIG_HOTPLUG.*1" ${LINUX_SRC}/include/linux/autoconf.h; then
-	else
-	fi
-	write_bool CONFIG_HOTPLUG
-# Alternate target install root dir - the value of this variable
-# will prefix other variables, such as modules and pcmcia directories
-ask_str "Alternate target install root directory on host" TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST
-if [ $PRISM2_PCMCIA = "y" ] ; then
-	# PCMCIA script dir
-	ask_str "PCMCIA script directory" PCMCIA_DIR
-ask_str "  Module install directory" MODDIR
-write_str TARGET_MODDIR
-$ECHO ""
-# Just write some out (we're not prompting right now)
-write_str INST_EXEDIR
-# How should the startup scripts be configured?
-if [ "$PREFIX" = "" ] ; then
-	if [ -d /etc/rc.d/init.d -o -d /etc/init.d -o -d /sbin/init.d ] ; then
-	$ECHO "It looks like you have a System V init file setup."
-	if [ -d /etc/rc.d/init.d ] ; then
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/etc/rc.d" >> $CONFIG
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/etc/rc.d" >> $CONFIG_MK
-	elif [ -d /sbin/init.d ] ; then
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/sbin" >> $CONFIG
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/sbin" >> $CONFIG_MK
-	else
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/etc" >> $CONFIG
-		$ECHO "RC_DIR=/etc" >> $CONFIG_MK
-	fi
-	else
-	$ECHO "It looks like you have a BSD-ish init file setup."
-	if ! grep rc.wlan /etc/rc.d/rc.S >/dev/null ; then
-		$ECHO "    You'll need to edit /etc/rc.d/rc.S to invoke" \
-		 "/etc/rc.d/rc.wlan (for ISA/PCMCIA cards)"
-		$ECHO "    so that wlan cards will be started at boot time."
-	fi
-	fi
-	write_bool SYSV_INIT
-	ask_bool "System V init script layout" SYSV_INIT
-	if [ "$SYSV_INIT" = "y" ] ; then
-	ask_str "Top-level directory for RC scripts" RC_DIR
-	fi
-if [ ! -x $TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST/sbin/depmod ] ; then INSTALL_DEPMOD=n ; fi
-write_bool INSTALL_DEPMOD
-$ECHO ""
-# Make sure our target architecture is correct
-$ECHO ""
-ask_str "Prefix for build host compiler? (rarely needed)" HOST_COMPILE
-$ECHO ""
-dump_str 'HOST_AS=$(HOST_COMPILE)as'
-dump_str 'HOST_LD=$(HOST_COMPILE)ld'
-dump_str 'HOST_CC=$(HOST_COMPILE)gcc'
-dump_str 'HOST_CPP=$(HOST_CC) -E'
-dump_str 'HOST_AR=$(HOST_COMPILE)ar'
-dump_str 'HOST_NM=$(HOST_COMPILE)nm'
-dump_str 'HOST_STRIP=$(HOST_COMPILE)strip'
-dump_str 'HOST_OBJCOPY=$(HOST_COMPILE)objcopy'
-dump_str 'HOST_OBJDUMP=$(HOST_COMPILE)objdump'
-dump_str 'HOST_RANLIB=$(HOST_COMPILE)ranlib'
-dump_str 'HOST_MAKE=make'
-if [ "_$CROSS_COMPILE" = "_" ] ; then
-write_str CROSS_COMPILE
-#dump_str 'CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -pipe'
-if [ "_$CROSS_COMPILE" = "_" ] ; then
-dump_str 'AS=$(HOST_COMPILE)as'
-dump_str 'LD=$(HOST_COMPILE)ld'
-dump_str 'CC=$(HOST_COMPILE)gcc'
-dump_str 'CPP=$(HOST_CC) -E'
-dump_str 'AR=$(HOST_COMPILE)ar'
-dump_str 'NM=$(HOST_COMPILE)nm'
-dump_str 'STRIP=$(HOST_COMPILE)strip'
-dump_str 'OBJCOPY=$(HOST_COMPILE)objcopy'
-dump_str 'OBJDUMP=$(HOST_COMPILE)objdump'
-dump_str 'RANLIB=$(HOST_COMPILE)ranlib'
-dump_str 'MAKE=make'
-dump_str "AS=$CROSS_COMPILE"as
-dump_str "LD=$CROSS_COMPILE"ld
-dump_str "CC=$CROSS_COMPILE"gcc
-dump_str "CPP=$CC -E"
-dump_str "AR=$CROSS_COMPILE"ar
-dump_str "NM=$CROSS_COMPILE"nm
-dump_str "STRIP=$CROSS_COMPILE"strip
-dump_str "OBJCOPY=$CROSS_COMPILE"objcopy
-dump_str "OBJDUMP=$CROSS_COMPILE"objdump
-dump_str "RANLIB=$CROSS_COMPILE"ranlib
-dump_str "MAKE=make"
-# Should we build for debugging?
-ask_bool "Build for debugging (see doc/config.debug)" WLAN_DEBUG
-$ECHO ""
-write_str FIRMWARE_DIR
-write_str WLAN_SRC
-mv $CONFIG config.out
-$ECHO ""
-$ECHO "Configuration successful.  Now type 'make' and pray."
-$ECHO ""
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/FAQ b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/FAQ
deleted file mode 100644
index 83358fd..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/FAQ
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-********************** Linux-wlan-ng FAQ **************************
-For additions, corrections, and clarifications, send mail to with FAQ in the subject.
-Q: When will linux-wlan-ng be merged into the mainline kernel?
-	Short answer:  Never.
-	First, the linux-netdev people will soundly reject this driver.  
-	I don't begrudge them for this; indeed in their position I'd do 
-	exactly the same.  It's a sound engineering decision.
-	linux-wlan-ng is obselete, and effort spent fixing it is better 
-	spent elsewhere.  You can't even buy the hardware any longer.
-	The original design for linux-wlan-ng was to separate the 802.11 
-	stack from the actual hardware driver.  This added a lot of 
-	complexity, but would greatly ease the pain of supporitng 
-	multiple hardware types.  Unfortunately, the implementation was 
-	turned out to be somewhat flawed, and hardware manufaturers went 
-	away from the thick-mac model, leaving linux-wlan-ng overly 
-	complex for what it did.  
-	(Ironically, the linux kernel is adopting a similar 
-	 separation model, but it is a long way off from being ready)
-	So why not rewrite linux-wlan-ng to be more suitable, the 
-	enterprising reader may ask?
-	The kernel already has two drivers for prism2 (cs/pci/plx) 
-	hardware -- hostap and orinoco. linux-wlan-ng basically 
-	has three features not present in kernel drivers:
-		1) USB support
-		2) nearly complete implemettion of the 802.11 MIB/MLME
-		3) Firmware-based AP support
-	(3) requires an expensive license that isn't even available any 
-	longer, as the hostap mode works far better -- and is already 
-	supported by in-kernel drivers.
-	(2) would need to be removed or completely rewritten in order to 
-	be merged, as it does not fit within existing kernel APIs, and 
-	it would be effectively merging new kernel APIs.
-	(1) Is the only truly unique thing that linux-wlan-ng does that 
-	is generally needed any more.
-	To merge it into the kernel, we'd need to strip out (2), which 
-	would necessitate a complete rewrite -- to the point where 
-	writing a new driver from scratch is easier.  
-	Basically, it would take far less effort to add USB 
-	support to the in-kernel drivers than it would to make 
-	linux-wlan-ng acceptable to be merged. 
-	In other words, the short answer is:  Never.
-Q: It doesn't work/compile/sing/dance!
-	First, make sure you're using the latest linux-wlan-ng release
-	from  New releases are infrequent,
-	but tthey happen for a reason.
-	If you are using the latest release, you may want to obtain the 
-	latest development sources via subversion:
-		svn co svn://
-	Questions and problems with the developement code should be sent 
-	to the development mailing list, at:
-Q: What devices does the linux-wlan-ng driver support?
-	Currently, the linux-wlan-ng driver supports the Intersil
-	Prism2/2.5/3 chipsets.  These chipsets are used in a wide
-	variety of PCMCIA, PCI, and USB products.  If it has a Prism
-	chip in it, linux-wlan-ng should support it.
-Q: Will linux-wlan-ng support some feature or funkiness in
-   the <pick one> Linux distribution?
-	Our development target always consists of stock kernels from
- and stock pcmcia_cs.  If a given distribution
-	chooses to do something funky, we rely on users of that
-	distribution to contribute patches to deal with their
-	funkiness.
-	The quickest way to get some action on this kind of item is to
-	communicate with any users of the same distribution that you
-	can find on the linux-wlan-[devel|user] lists about working up
-	a patch.  If it's reasonably sane and doesn't break things for
-	our development environment or for other distributions, we'll
-	be more than happy to roll that patch into the next release.  
-Q: What does "resultcode=implementation_failure" mean?
-	Complicated Answer: 
-	Each command that can be issued with wlanctl-ng returns a status
-	called "resultcode".  Resultcode is something that we picked up
-	from the 802.11 MLME definition.  In the standard, resultcode
-	is an enumeration with a fixed set of values.  To be able to
-	report failures that a driver detects that are outside the
-	context of the 802.11 standard set of resultcode values, we 
-	invented the "implementation_failure" value.
-	Simple Answer:
-	Go look in your kernel log for more detailed error information.
-Q: I'm trying to use the HostAP/orinoco/aironet/wvlan driver and it
-   won't work!
-	That has nothing to do with the linux-wlan-ng driver.  Go ask
-	those responsible for those drivers.
-Q: Can I get Debian packages of linux-wlan-ng?
-A: Packages of linux-wlan-ng are now available in the Debian stable
-   tree.
-Q: Where do I find some RPMS for linux-wlan-ng? The ones on
-    the ftp are dreadfully out of date!
-	(Maintained by Tim Miller)
-Q: I installed the RPMs/compiled the driver and installed it and it
-   won't work when I try to run 'ifup wlan0' or whatnot.
-	First, ensure you're running the most up-to-date version of
-	the driver.  Many problems have been fixed in newer releases.
-	802.11 wireless networks are much more complex than wired
-	ethernet networks.  They require much more configuration than
-        an ip address.   If you are using pcmcia, edit the file 
-        /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts to set the network parameters.  For
-        PCI, PLX, or USB adapters, you need to edit /etc/wlan.conf.
-	You also need to make sure you have the correct settings in
-	/etc/modules.conf (alias wlan0 prism2_usb). 
-	Might we suggest you read the README file?
-Q: When I try to load the driver, I get a whole bunch of errors about
-   unresolved symbols.
-	The running kernel does not match the kernel the driver was
-	compiled for.  If you downloaded a RPM, make sure you
-        downloaded the correct version for your kernel.  This should not
-        happen if you compiled the driver from source -- if it does, the
-        kernel configuration you compiled against does not match the
-        running kernel.  Probably a screwed-up distro kernel.
-Q: I have a DWL-520 and it won't work!
-	The DWL-520 claims to require a PCI 2.2 compliant motherboard.
-        Only fairly new machines support this.  Yes, the box lies.  :)
-        Check the documentation for your system and/or motherboard to see if 
-	it is PCI 2.2 compliant.  
-	NOTE:  We have some reports of the DWL-520 working on PCI 2.1
-	motherboards; your mileage may vary.  See the following URL:
-        NOTE:  The Linksys WMP11 v2.7 is NOT prism-based, and
-	thus not supported by this driver.  The Actiontec PCI board is
-	still known to be prism based; you may want to try that instead.
-Q: All I see is "Tx attempt prior to association, frame dropped"
-	You are not associated with an access point.  Double-check the
-        settings in /etc/wlan.conf (USB, PCI, PLX) or /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts
-        (for PCMCIA users).    If all of these settings are correct (you
-        did check with your admin, right?) make sure the access point
-        doesn't have a MAC filter installed or has different WEP settings.
-	If all of this is verified correct, and are using a PCMCIA
-	card, try setting the "irq_mode=0" option.  See the
-	documentaiton in the pcmcia-cs sources.
-Q: I installed the modules, performed a 'wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin'
-   command, and it still won't work!
-	You did read the README, didn't you?  You need to perform a 
-	"wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable" in order to
-        torn on the radio.  The pcmcia scripts and the /etc/init.d/wlan
-        script do this for you.
-Q: I have a XXX USB 802.11b device, will it work with this driver?
-	Most 802.11b USB devices use the ATMEL AT76C503A chipset, which
-        is not supported by the linux-wlan-ng project.  However, there
-	are some prism2.5-based USB adapters, most notably the Linksys
-	WUSB v2.5.  The other versions (1.0, 2.6, 3.0) are based on
-        ATMEL chipsets.  Another supported USB device is the Actiontec
-	802UI3.
-Q: My prism2.5-based USB adapter won't work!
-	An excellent guide can be found at:
-Q: My prism2.5-based USB adapter won't come up if it's plugged in at boot! 
-	Thanks to buggy firmware, it is often necessary to perform a
-        device reset on initialization.  You can perform this by adding
-        "options prism2_usb prism2_doreset=1" in your /etc/modules.conf
-	Intersil has released Primary firmware 1.1.2, which seems to
-	have resolved this problem, at least on our test machines.
-Q: My PC crashes when the USB device is plugged in!
-	This is a result of the port reset necessitated by buggy firmware.
-	You are probably using the 'usb-uhci' driver with an intel
-        chipset.  Unfortunately, the crashes happen deep within the USB
-        core, so there's nothing the linux-wlan-ng driver can do.
-	In the mean time, try using the 'uhci' host controller driver
-        instead ("alias usb-controller uhci" in /etc/modules.conf), or
-        plug the USB device into a hub.
-	Linux kernel 2.4.19 is known to improve the situation somewhat,
-	but the right way to fix it is to turn off the port reset
-	(options prism2_usb prism2_doreset=0).  The current firmware
-	from Intersil alleviates the need to perform the reset.
-	UPDATE:  if you're using linux-wlan-ng 0.2.1-pre6 or newer and 
-        kernel < 2.4.22-pre, the 'uhci' driver will NOT work without a 
-        kernel patch! See:
-Q: How come I can't transmit when in monitor mode?
-	You can't.  It's a fundamental "feature" of the hardware.
-Q: How come the /proc/net/wireless info isn't updated when in monitor mode?
-	The definition of "signal quality" refers to the quality of the
-	link to the associated access point.  When you're in monitor
-	mode, you're not associated, so this information is by defintion 
-	irrelevant.
-	And regardless, the hardware doesn't update the registers we poll to
-	obtain this information while in monitor mode.
-Q: What do the various monitor mode options do?
-	enable=[true/false]           Turn it on and off.  required.
-	channel=[1-14]                Sniff channel.  required.
-	prismheader=[true/false]      Optionally preppend a special
-                                      radio header on the packet.
-				      Defaults to off.
-	keepwepflags=[true/false]     If you had WEP configured correctly
-				      the card will perform WEP decoding.
-				      Defaults to off.
-	stripfcs=[true/false]         When true, the 802.11 FCS is not
-				      stripped from incoming packets.
-				      Defaults off.
-	truncate=[number]             Truncates the captured frame.  
-Q: How come iwconfig/iwspy/[random other wireless tool] doesn't work?
-	linux-wlan-ng only supports a subset of the wireless
-	extensions; generally read-only things.  However, you won't
-	need any of those tools as wlan-ng comes with its own set of
-	tools that closely mirror the 802.11 spec.  Have a look
-	through the documentation and supplied scripts.
-	That said, if more complete (ie read/write) wireless extension
-	support is really important to you, you're more than welcome to
-	implement it and submit a patch.  
-	As of 0.1.16-pre1, the wireless extension plumbing has been
-	re-written, and further support is much easier now.  And many
-	more bits are hooked up now than before.
-Q: How do I know exactly what prism variant is on my card?
-	When you load the driver, you see a line which reads like:
-		ident: nic h/w id=0x8008 1.0.0
-	1.0.0 is the hardware revision.  Below is a (partial) list of IDs.
-		0x8003, 0x8008 :  Prism2 PCMCIA
-		0x800b, 0x800c :  Prism2.5 PCMCIA
-		0x8012, 0x8013 :  Prism2.5 PCI
-		0x801a, 0x801b :  Prism3 PCMCIA
-		0x8021, 0x8022 :  Prism3 PCI
-		0x800f, 0x8010 :  Prism2.5 USB  (3863)
-		0x801e, 0x801f :  Prism2.5 USB  (3861B)
-		0x8025, 0x8026 :  Prism3 USB
-Q: How do I know what firmware my card has?
-	After the driver is loaded and brought into ifstate=enable, you
-	will see the following lines in the kernel log: (eg dmesg |grep ident)
-	ident: pri f/w: id=0x15 0.3.0
-	ident: sta f/w: id=0x1f 1.7.1
-	In this case, the card has primary firmware 0.3.0 and secondary
-	firmware 1.7.1.  
-	Or, if you are using 0.2.1-pre17 or newer:
-	'cat /proc/net/p80211/wlan0/nsd' with the card running.
-Q: How can I update my firmware under Linux?
-	Use the 'prism2dl' utility.  While it does its utmost to ensure 
-	you don't fry your card, use it at your own risk.  Even the 
-	Intersil-supplied tools fail occasionally.
-Q: Where can I download updated firmware for my Prism2/2.5/3-based card?
-	As of linux-wlan-ng 0.2.1-pre21, the ram download firmware for 
-	all supported card types is bundled with the driver.  These 
-	images cannot be flashed.
-	A general FAQ on firmware updating is here:
-	It includes links to some sites with firmware images.
-	We strongly recommend against flashing a new image, instead one 
-	should use the ram-download images that are loaded when the
-	driver starts, much like the Windows drivers do.
-	See the instructions below for getting this to work.
-Q: What's this about "ram downloading"?
-	This means the driver loads up a firmware images directly into
-	card RAM, instead of using the firmware stored in the card's 
-	flash ROM.  This lets us ensure we are using the lastest available
-	code without risking ruining the hardware due to a bad flashing.
-	linux-wlan-ng will automatically perform a RAM download if you have
-	the necessary firmware images.
-Q: Okay, I have new ram download firmware images, where do I put them?
-	copy the *hex files into linux-wlan-ng-XXXX/src/prism2/
-	then build and install the driver per usual.
-Q: Can I use my 802.11b card as an AP under Linux?
-	Yes, and in the true free software fashion, there are several
-	ways:
-	a) linux-wlan-ng supports AP operation by using special tertiary
-	   firmware on prism devices.  This firmware is not generally
-	   available, however.   Contact Intersil for licensing terms.
-	b) The Prism2 HostAP driver uses the special HostAP mode of the
-           prism chipsets.  
-Q: I have a PCI adapter, and upon resuming from a suspend, the device is not
-   responsive.  
-	Much like you need to run some commands to bring the card to life 
-	when the PC is first booted, you also need to perform similar 
-	steps when the card comes out of suspend.   Run '/etc/init.d/wlan start'
-	and all should be well.
-	You'll need to be running 0.1.15-pre3 or newer for this to work
-        properly.
-	The prism2.5/3 chipsets do not support PCI power management, so
-	this is the best we can realistically do.
-Q: I have a Linksys WMP11, and under moderate to heavy traffic, I get
-   errors like "unknown port number" and "invalid frame type"
-	Make sure you're using the latest firmware avaliable from
-	Linksys's web site.  According to the firmware release notes:
-	 "Changes were made to prevent erroneous data from being 
-          transferred over the PCI bus"
-	Note that this problem has also beeen confirmed on the D-Link
-	DWL-520.  You will need firmware 1.3.5 or newer to resolve this.
-Q:  I have a D-Link DWL-650/650+/520+ card, why doesn't it work with
-    this driver?
-	The DWL-650 comes in at least three flavors; older ones have grey
-	antennae, with no revision number on the back.  
-	Second-generation  has a black antenna and the back reads 
-	"H/W J3 F/W 1.x.x". Both of these will work.  The third-
-	generation, with a grey antenna, has "H/W A1, F/W x.x", and
-	will NOT work;  It has the same hardware as the "plus" series
-	of cards.
-	The "plus" series of cards from D-Link use the Texas Instruments 
-	ACX100/TNETW1100 chipset.  TI has not been forthcoming with 
-	programming information.  Politely ask TI and D-Link for Linux
-	drivers and/or docs.
-	We've been told that TI will be releasing binary-only Linux
-	drivers sometime in December.  In the mean time, return the
-	card and buy one that works with Linux.
-Q: I have a Linksys WMP11 v2.7 card; why doesn't it work with this driver?
-	Linksys, in their grand tradition, likes to introduce completely
-	new cards but re-use the model number.  The WMP11 v2.7 utilizes the
-	Broadcomm chipset, and is not supported by linux-wlan-ng.  Politely
-	ask Linksys and/or Broadcomm for Linux drivers and/or docs.
-Q: What other resources are there for Wireless LANs under Linux?
-Q: I'm using RedHat 8.x+ (or Fedora Core), and I get this error when 
-   trying to ifup wlan0:
-	Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) :
-	    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Function not implemented.
-	Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :
-	    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Function not implemented.
-	You can safely ignore this; it is there because linux-wlan-ng
-	does not currently use the wireless extension commands for
-	configuration.
-Q: When the prism2_cs module loads, I see the message "RequestIRQ:
-   Resource in use" and the load fails! What's going on?
-   Is your card a 16-bit PCMCIA card? If it is, you may need to
-   recompile your kernel with ISA bus support enabled (CONFIG_ISA=y).
-   The PCMCIA core uses ISA bus support to help determine what IRQs
-   are available for the card. Without it, the PCMCIA core may not be
-   able to select an IRQ.
-Q: After installing linux-wlan-ng on my RedHat 9 system, pcmcia no 
-   longer works!
-	This is due to a bug in the RedHat 9 pcmcia startup scripts.
-	On or about line 105 in /etc/init.d/pcmcia, remove all of the
-	'.o' suffixes on the modprobe command lines.  It should read 
-	something like this:
-            if [ -d $PC ] ; then
-                echo -n " modules"
-                /sbin/modprobe pcmcia_core $CORE_OPTS
-                /sbin/modprobe $PCIC $PCIC_OPTS
-                /sbin/modprobe ds
-            elif [ -d $KD ] ; then
-                /sbin/modprobe pcmcia_core
-                /sbin/modprobe $PCIC
-                /sbin/modprobe ds
-            else
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/LICENSE b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d23a4c..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,563 +0,0 @@
-                           MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE
-                                Version 1.1
-                              ----------------
-1. Definitions.
-     1.0.1. "Commercial Use" means distribution or otherwise making the
-     Covered Code available to a third party.
-     1.1. ''Contributor'' means each entity that creates or contributes to
-     the creation of Modifications.
-     1.2. ''Contributor Version'' means the combination of the Original
-     Code, prior Modifications used by a Contributor, and the Modifications
-     made by that particular Contributor.
-     1.3. ''Covered Code'' means the Original Code or Modifications or the
-     combination of the Original Code and Modifications, in each case
-     including portions thereof.
-     1.4. ''Electronic Distribution Mechanism'' means a mechanism generally
-     accepted in the software development community for the electronic
-     transfer of data.
-     1.5. ''Executable'' means Covered Code in any form other than Source
-     Code.
-     1.6. ''Initial Developer'' means the individual or entity identified as
-     the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A.
-     1.7. ''Larger Work'' means a work which combines Covered Code or
-     portions thereof with code not governed by the terms of this License.
-     1.8. ''License'' means this document.
-     1.8.1. "Licensable" means having the right to grant, to the maximum
-     extent possible, whether at the time of the initial grant or
-     subsequently acquired, any and all of the rights conveyed herein.
-     1.9. ''Modifications'' means any addition to or deletion from the
-     substance or structure of either the Original Code or any previous
-     Modifications. When Covered Code is released as a series of files, a
-     Modification is:
-          A. Any addition to or deletion from the contents of a file
-          containing Original Code or previous Modifications.
-          B. Any new file that contains any part of the Original Code or
-          previous Modifications.
-     1.10. ''Original Code'' means Source Code of computer software code
-     which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as
-     Original Code, and which, at the time of its release under this License
-     is not already Covered Code governed by this License.
-     1.10.1. "Patent Claims" means any patent claim(s), now owned or
-     hereafter acquired, including without limitation,  method, process, and
-     apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by grantor.
-     1.11. ''Source Code'' means the preferred form of the Covered Code for
-     making modifications to it, including all modules it contains, plus any
-     associated interface definition files, scripts used to control
-     compilation and installation of an Executable, or source code
-     differential comparisons against either the Original Code or another
-     well known, available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The
-     Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the
-     appropriate decompression or de-archiving software is widely available
-     for no charge.
-     1.12. "You'' (or "Your")  means an individual or a legal entity
-     exercising rights under, and complying with all of the terms of, this
-     License or a future version of this License issued under Section 6.1.
-     For legal entities, "You'' includes any entity which controls, is
-     controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of
-     this definition, "control'' means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to
-     cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract
-     or otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the
-     outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
-2. Source Code License.
-     2.1. The Initial Developer Grant.
-     The Initial Developer hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
-     non-exclusive license, subject to third party intellectual property
-     claims:
-          (a)  under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
-          trademark) Licensable by Initial Developer to use, reproduce,
-          modify, display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Original
-          Code (or portions thereof) with or without Modifications, and/or
-          as part of a Larger Work; and
-          (b) under Patents Claims infringed by the making, using or selling
-          of Original Code, to make, have made, use, practice, sell, and
-          offer for sale, and/or otherwise dispose of the Original Code (or
-          portions thereof).
-          (c) the licenses granted in this Section 2.1(a) and (b) are
-          effective on the date Initial Developer first distributes Original
-          Code under the terms of this License.
-          (d) Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is
-          granted: 1) for code that You delete from the Original Code; 2)
-          separate from the Original Code;  or 3) for infringements caused
-          by: i) the modification of the Original Code or ii) the
-          combination of the Original Code with other software or devices.
-     2.2. Contributor Grant.
-     Subject to third party intellectual property claims, each Contributor
-     hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license
-          (a)  under intellectual property rights (other than patent or
-          trademark) Licensable by Contributor, to use, reproduce, modify,
-          display, perform, sublicense and distribute the Modifications
-          created by such Contributor (or portions thereof) either on an
-          unmodified basis, with other Modifications, as Covered Code and/or
-          as part of a Larger Work; and
-          (b) under Patent Claims infringed by the making, using, or selling
-          of  Modifications made by that Contributor either alone and/or in
-          combination with its Contributor Version (or portions of such
-          combination), to make, use, sell, offer for sale, have made,
-          and/or otherwise dispose of: 1) Modifications made by that
-          Contributor (or portions thereof); and 2) the combination of
-          Modifications made by that Contributor with its Contributor
-          Version (or portions of such combination).
-          (c) the licenses granted in Sections 2.2(a) and 2.2(b) are
-          effective on the date Contributor first makes Commercial Use of
-          the Covered Code.
-          (d)    Notwithstanding Section 2.2(b) above, no patent license is
-          granted: 1) for any code that Contributor has deleted from the
-          Contributor Version; 2)  separate from the Contributor Version;
-          3)  for infringements caused by: i) third party modifications of
-          Contributor Version or ii)  the combination of Modifications made
-          by that Contributor with other software  (except as part of the
-          Contributor Version) or other devices; or 4) under Patent Claims
-          infringed by Covered Code in the absence of Modifications made by
-          that Contributor.
-3. Distribution Obligations.
-     3.1. Application of License.
-     The Modifications which You create or to which You contribute are
-     governed by the terms of this License, including without limitation
-     Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be distributed
-     only under the terms of this License or a future version of this
-     License released under Section 6.1, and You must include a copy of this
-     License with every copy of the Source Code You distribute. You may not
-     offer or impose any terms on any Source Code version that alters or
-     restricts the applicable version of this License or the recipients'
-     rights hereunder. However, You may include an additional document
-     offering the additional rights described in Section 3.5.
-     3.2. Availability of Source Code.
-     Any Modification which You create or to which You contribute must be
-     made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License
-     either on the same media as an Executable version or via an accepted
-     Electronic Distribution Mechanism to anyone to whom you made an
-     Executable version available; and if made available via Electronic
-     Distribution Mechanism, must remain available for at least twelve (12)
-     months after the date it initially became available, or at least six
-     (6) months after a subsequent version of that particular Modification
-     has been made available to such recipients. You are responsible for
-     ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the
-     Electronic Distribution Mechanism is maintained by a third party.
-     3.3. Description of Modifications.
-     You must cause all Covered Code to which You contribute to contain a
-     file documenting the changes You made to create that Covered Code and
-     the date of any change. You must include a prominent statement that the
-     Modification is derived, directly or indirectly, from Original Code
-     provided by the Initial Developer and including the name of the Initial
-     Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an
-     Executable version or related documentation in which You describe the
-     origin or ownership of the Covered Code.
-     3.4. Intellectual Property Matters
-          (a) Third Party Claims.
-          If Contributor has knowledge that a license under a third party's
-          intellectual property rights is required to exercise the rights
-          granted by such Contributor under Sections 2.1 or 2.2, Contributor
-          must include a text file with the Source Code distribution titled
-          "LEGAL'' which describes the claim and the party making the claim
-          in sufficient detail that a recipient will know whom to contact.
-          If Contributor obtains such knowledge after the Modification is
-          made available as described in Section 3.2, Contributor shall
-          promptly modify the LEGAL file in all copies Contributor makes
-          available thereafter and shall take other steps (such as notifying
-          appropriate mailing lists or newsgroups) reasonably calculated to
-          inform those who received the Covered Code that new knowledge has
-          been obtained.
-          (b) Contributor APIs.
-          If Contributor's Modifications include an application programming
-          interface and Contributor has knowledge of patent licenses which
-          are reasonably necessary to implement that API, Contributor must
-          also include this information in the LEGAL file.
-          (c) Representations.
-          Contributor represents that, except as disclosed pursuant to
-          Section 3.4(a) above, Contributor believes that Contributor's
-          Modifications are Contributor's original creation(s) and/or
-          Contributor has sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by
-          this License.
-     3.5. Required Notices.
-     You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source
-     Code.  If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source
-     Code file due to its structure, then You must include such notice in a
-     location (such as a relevant directory) where a user would be likely to
-     look for such a notice.  If You created one or more Modification(s) You
-     may add your name as a Contributor to the notice described in Exhibit
-     A.  You must also duplicate this License in any documentation for the
-     Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership rights
-     relating to Covered Code.  You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee
-     for, warranty, support, indemnity or liability obligations to one or
-     more recipients of Covered Code. However, You may do so only on Your
-     own behalf, and not on behalf of the Initial Developer or any
-     Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear than any such warranty,
-     support, indemnity or liability obligation is offered by You alone, and
-     You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every
-     Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial Developer or such
-     Contributor as a result of warranty, support, indemnity or liability
-     terms You offer.
-     3.6. Distribution of Executable Versions.
-     You may distribute Covered Code in Executable form only if the
-     requirements of Section 3.1-3.5 have been met for that Covered Code,
-     and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of the
-     Covered Code is available under the terms of this License, including a
-     description of how and where You have fulfilled the obligations of
-     Section 3.2. The notice must be conspicuously included in any notice in
-     an Executable version, related documentation or collateral in which You
-     describe recipients' rights relating to the Covered Code. You may
-     distribute the Executable version of Covered Code or ownership rights
-     under a license of Your choice, which may contain terms different from
-     this License, provided that You are in compliance with the terms of
-     this License and that the license for the Executable version does not
-     attempt to limit or alter the recipient's rights in the Source Code
-     version from the rights set forth in this License. If You distribute
-     the Executable version under a different license You must make it
-     absolutely clear that any terms which differ from this License are
-     offered by You alone, not by the Initial Developer or any Contributor.
-     You hereby agree to indemnify the Initial Developer and every
-     Contributor for any liability incurred by the Initial Developer or such
-     Contributor as a result of any such terms You offer.
-     3.7. Larger Works.
-     You may create a Larger Work by combining Covered Code with other code
-     not governed by the terms of this License and distribute the Larger
-     Work as a single product. In such a case, You must make sure the
-     requirements of this License are fulfilled for the Covered Code.
-4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation.
-     If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this
-     License with respect to some or all of the Covered Code due to statute,
-     judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms
-     of this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the
-     limitations and the code they affect. Such description must be included
-     in the LEGAL file described in Section 3.4 and must be included with
-     all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the extent prohibited
-     by statute or regulation, such description must be sufficiently
-     detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
-5. Application of this License.
-     This License applies to code to which the Initial Developer has
-     attached the notice in Exhibit A and to related Covered Code.
-6. Versions of the License.
-     6.1. New Versions.
-     Netscape Communications Corporation (''Netscape'') may publish revised
-     and/or new versions of the License from time to time. Each version will
-     be given a distinguishing version number.
-     6.2. Effect of New Versions.
-     Once Covered Code has been published under a particular version of the
-     License, You may always continue to use it under the terms of that
-     version. You may also choose to use such Covered Code under the terms
-     of any subsequent version of the License published by Netscape. No one
-     other than Netscape has the right to modify the terms applicable to
-     Covered Code created under this License.
-     6.3. Derivative Works.
-     If You create or use a modified version of this License (which you may
-     only do in order to apply it to code which is not already Covered Code
-     governed by this License), You must (a) rename Your license so that the
-     phrases ''Mozilla'', ''MOZILLAPL'', ''MOZPL'', ''Netscape'', "MPL",
-     ''NPL'' or any confusingly similar phrase do not appear in your license
-     (except to note that your license differs from this License) and (b)
-     otherwise make it clear that Your version of the license contains terms
-     which differ from the Mozilla Public License and Netscape Public
-     License. (Filling in the name of the Initial Developer, Original Code
-     or Contributor in the notice described in Exhibit A shall not of
-     themselves be deemed to be modifications of this License.)
-     8.1.  This License and the rights granted hereunder will terminate
-     automatically if You fail to comply with terms herein and fail to cure
-     such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
-     sublicenses to the Covered Code which are properly granted shall
-     survive any termination of this License. Provisions which, by their
-     nature, must remain in effect beyond the termination of this License
-     shall survive.
-     8.2.  If You initiate litigation by asserting a patent infringement
-     claim (excluding declatory judgment actions) against Initial Developer
-     or a Contributor (the Initial Developer or Contributor against whom You
-     file such action is referred to as "Participant")  alleging that:
-     (a)  such Participant's Contributor Version directly or indirectly
-     infringes any patent, then any and all rights granted by such
-     Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2 of this License shall,
-     upon 60 days notice from Participant terminate prospectively, unless if
-     within 60 days after receipt of notice You either: (i)  agree in
-     writing to pay Participant a mutually agreeable reasonable royalty for
-     Your past and future use of Modifications made by such Participant, or
-     (ii) withdraw Your litigation claim with respect to the Contributor
-     Version against such Participant.  If within 60 days of notice, a
-     reasonable royalty and payment arrangement are not mutually agreed upon
-     in writing by the parties or the litigation claim is not withdrawn, the
-     rights granted by Participant to You under Sections 2.1 and/or 2.2
-     automatically terminate at the expiration of the 60 day notice period
-     specified above.
-     (b)  any software, hardware, or device, other than such Participant's
-     Contributor Version, directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then
-     any rights granted to You by such Participant under Sections 2.1(b) and
-     2.2(b) are revoked effective as of the date You first made, used, sold,
-     distributed, or had made, Modifications made by that Participant.
-     8.3.  If You assert a patent infringement claim against Participant
-     alleging that such Participant's Contributor Version directly or
-     indirectly infringes any patent where such claim is resolved (such as
-     by license or settlement) prior to the initiation of patent
-     infringement litigation, then the reasonable value of the licenses
-     granted by such Participant under Sections 2.1 or 2.2 shall be taken
-     into account in determining the amount or value of any payment or
-     license.
-     8.4.  In the event of termination under Sections 8.1 or 8.2 above,  all
-     end user license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers)
-     which have been validly granted by You or any distributor hereunder
-     prior to termination shall survive termination.
-     The Covered Code is a ''commercial item,'' as that term is defined in
-     48 C.F.R. 2.101 (Oct. 1995), consisting of ''commercial computer
-     software'' and ''commercial computer software documentation,'' as such
-     terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48
-     C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4 (June 1995),
-     all U.S. Government End Users acquire Covered Code with only those
-     rights set forth herein.
-     This License represents the complete agreement concerning subject
-     matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
-     unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
-     necessary to make it enforceable. This License shall be governed by
-     California law provisions (except to the extent applicable law, if any,
-     provides otherwise), excluding its conflict-of-law provisions. With
-     respect to disputes in which at least one party is a citizen of, or an
-     entity chartered or registered to do business in the United States of
-     America, any litigation relating to this License shall be subject to
-     the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts of the Northern District of
-     California, with venue lying in Santa Clara County, California, with
-     the losing party responsible for costs, including without limitation,
-     court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses. The
-     application of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the
-     International Sale of Goods is expressly excluded. Any law or
-     regulation which provides that the language of a contract shall be
-     construed against the drafter shall not apply to this License.
-     As between Initial Developer and the Contributors, each party is
-     responsible for claims and damages arising, directly or indirectly, out
-     of its utilization of rights under this License and You agree to work
-     with Initial Developer and Contributors to distribute such
-     responsibility on an equitable basis. Nothing herein is intended or
-     shall be deemed to constitute any admission of liability.
-     Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as
-     "Multiple-Licensed".  "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial
-     Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under
-     Your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified
-     by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A.
-EXHIBIT A -Mozilla Public License.
-     ``The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
-     Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-     compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-     Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-     ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
-     language governing rights and
-     limitations under the License.
-     The Original Code is ______________________________________.
-     The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ________________________.
-     Portions created by ______________________ are Copyright (C) ______
-     _______________________. All Rights Reserved.
-     Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
-     Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-     the _____ license (the "[___] License"), in which case the provisions
-     of [______] License are applicable  instead of those above.  If you
-     wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of
-     the [____] License and not to allow others to use your version of this
-     file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting  the provisions
-     above and replace  them with the notice and other provisions required
-     by the [___] License.  If you do not delete the provisions above, a
-     recipient may use your version of this file under either the MPL or the
-     [___] License."
-     [NOTE: The text of this Exhibit A may differ slightly from the text of
-     the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should
-     use the text of this Exhibit A rather than the text found in the
-     Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.]
-     -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-     The Netscape Public License Version 1.1 ("NPL") consists of the Mozilla
-     Public License Version 1.1 with the following Amendments, including
-     Exhibit A-Netscape Public License.  Files identified with "Exhibit
-     A-Netscape Public License" are governed by the Netscape Public License
-     Version 1.1.
-     Additional Terms applicable to the Netscape Public License.
-          I. Effect.
-          These additional terms described in this Netscape Public
-          License -- Amendments shall apply to the Mozilla Communicator
-          client code and to all Covered Code under this License.
-          II. ''Netscape's Branded Code'' means Covered Code that Netscape
-          distributes and/or permits others to distribute under one or more
-          trademark(s) which are controlled by Netscape but which are not
-          licensed for use under this License.
-          III. Netscape and logo.
-          This License does not grant any rights to use the trademarks
-          "Netscape'', the "Netscape N and horizon'' logo or the "Netscape
-          lighthouse" logo, "Netcenter", "Gecko", "Java" or "JavaScript",
-          "Smart Browsing" even if such marks are included in the Original
-          Code or Modifications.
-          IV. Inability to Comply Due to Contractual Obligation.
-          Prior to licensing the Original Code under this License, Netscape
-          has licensed third party code for use in Netscape's Branded Code.
-          To the extent that Netscape is limited contractually from making
-          such third party code available under this License, Netscape may
-          choose to reintegrate such code into Covered Code without being
-          required to distribute such code in Source Code form, even if such
-          code would otherwise be considered ''Modifications'' under this
-          License.
-          V. Use of Modifications and Covered Code by Initial Developer.
-               V.1. In General.
-               The obligations of Section 3 apply to Netscape, except to the
-               extent specified in this Amendment, Section V.2 and V.3.
-               V.2. Other Products.
-               Netscape may include Covered Code in products other than the
-               Netscape's Branded Code which are released by Netscape during
-               the two (2) years following the release date of the Original
-               Code, without such additional products becoming subject to
-               the terms of this License, and may license such additional
-               products on different terms from those contained in this
-               License.
-               V.3. Alternative Licensing.
-               Netscape may license the Source Code of Netscape's Branded
-               Code, including Modifications incorporated therein, without
-               such Netscape Branded Code becoming subject to the terms of
-               this License, and may license such Netscape Branded Code on
-               different terms from those contained in this License.
-          VI. Litigation.
-          Notwithstanding the limitations of Section 11 above, the
-          provisions regarding litigation in Section 11(a), (b) and (c) of
-          the License shall apply to all disputes relating to this License.
-     EXHIBIT A-Netscape Public License.
-          ''The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
-          License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-          except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-          the License at
-          Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-          IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-          implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-          rights and limitations under the License.
-          The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
-          March 31, 1998.
-          The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
-          Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
-          Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
-          Rights Reserved.
-          Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
-          Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-          terms of the _____ license (the "[___] License"), in which case
-          the provisions of [______] License are applicable  instead of
-          those above.  If you wish to allow use of your version of this
-          file only under the terms of the [____] License and not to allow
-          others to use your version of this file under the NPL, indicate
-          your decision by deleting  the provisions above and replace  them
-          with the notice and other provisions required by the [___]
-          License.  If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient
-          may use your version of this file under either the NPL or the
-          [___] License."
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/Makefile b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 1364886..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-DIRS = src doc man etc
-CTAGOPTS = --totals -I '__initdata,__exitdata,EXPORT_SYMBOL,EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS'
-default: all
-	@echo "Pick one of the following targets:"
-	@echo -e "\tmake config\t\t- interactive configure"
-	@echo -e "\tmake auto_config\t- automated configure"
-	@echo -e "\tmake default_config\t- automated configure using default config file"
-	@echo -e "\tmake all\t\t- build modules and programs"
-	@echo -e "\tmake install\t\t- install modules and programs"
-	@echo -e "\tmake clean\t\t- remove old binaries and dependency files"
-	@echo -e "\tmake mrproper\t\t- 'make clean' + remove config file"
-	@echo -e "\tmake tags\t\t- generate ctag files for source code"
-	@echo -e "\tmake TAGS\t\t- generate etag files for source code"
-	@echo " "
-	@echo "You need to configure the source first"
-	@echo "Pick one of the following targets:"
-	@echo -e "\tmake config\t\t- interactive configure"
-	@echo -e "\tmake auto_config\t- automated configure"
-	@echo -e "\tmake default_config\t- automated configure using default config file"
-	@echo -e "\tmake help\t\t- show information about other targets"
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d ; done
-distclean: mrproper
-mrproper: clean
-	rm -f config.out
-	rm -f tags.linux tags TAGS
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d clean ; done
-	rm -f core core.* *.o .*.o *.s *.a .depend tmp_make *~ tags 
-	for i in *_obj; do if [ -d $$i ]; then rm -fr $$i; fi; done
-	rm -f
-	rm -f src/include/wlan/version.h
-	find . -name .depend -exec rm {} \;
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d install ; done
-	@touch
-	@rm -f
-	@./Configure -d
-	@touch
-	@rm -f
-	@./Configure -d ./default.config
-	@touch
-	@./Configure
- config.out
-	$(MAKE) auto_config
-	@$(MAKE) help_noconfig
-	@exit 1
-tags: tags.linux dummy
-	if [ -r tags.linux ]; then cp tags.linux tags; fi 
-	find . \
-		-name '*.[ch]' -o \
-		-name '*.mk' -o \
-		-iname 'Makefile' | \
-		xargs ctags -a $(CTAGOPTS)
-	if [ -h linux ]; then \
-		find linux/include \
-			-type d \( -name 'asm-*' -o -name config \) \
-			-prune -o \
-			-name '*.h' -print | \
-			xargs ctags -a -f $@ $(CTAGOPTS) && \
-		find linux/kernel linux/drivers linux/mm linux/fs \
-			linux/net linux/ipc linux/lib linux/init \
-			-name '*.[ch]' | \
-			xargs ctags -a -f $@ $(CTAGOPTS); \
-	fi
-TAGS: dummy
-	rm -f TAGS
-#	if [ -h linux ]; then cp linux/TAGS TAGS; fi 
-	{ find . -name '*.[ch]' -print ; \
-	  find . -name '*.[ch]' -print ; \
-	  find . -name '*.mk' -print ; \
-	  find . -iname 'Makefile' -print ; } | $(ETAGS) - $(ETAGSOPTS)
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/README b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/README
deleted file mode 100644
index f81303c..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 2001 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-The linux-wlan package is a linux device driver and subsystem
-package that is intended to provide the full range of IEEE 802.11 MAC
-management capabilities for use in user-mode utilities and scripts.
-The package currently supports the Intersil 802.11b Prism2, Prism2.5, 
-and Prism3 reference designs for PCMCIA, PCI, and USB.  Additionally,
-the package includes support for PLX9052 based PCI to PCMCIA adapter
-with a few different PCMCIA cards.
-For a list of elements that are still undone, see the TODO file in 
-this directory
-See the COPYING and LICENSE files.
-Top level directory for linux-wlan-ng:
-./add-ons	- additional programs that are not build from the 
-                  top level make file
-./doc		- source distribution documentation
-./etc		- scripts used at run-time
-./man		- man pages
-./scripts	- contributed scripts that may do useful things
-./src		- source code for various components
-Build Instructions:
-NOTE: You may not need to build at all.  Binary packages are
-available for various distributions.  See the FAQ for where to go.
-NOTE: This release supports building four different drivers:
-   prism2_cs	Driver for Prism2.x & Prism3  PCMCIA cards.
-   prism2_pci	Driver for Prism2.5 (ISL3874) based _native_ PCI cards.
-   prism2_plx	Driver for Prism2.x PCMCIA cards when used with 
-		a PLX9052 PCI/PCMCIA adapter.
-   prism2_usb   Driver for Prism2.x USB adapters.
-To build linux-wlan-ng you will need:
-   - Configured kernel source code for the kernel you are running.  
-     Ideally, this will be the resulting tree after building your own 
-     kernel.  Configured means that you have at least run 'make config',
-     'make menuconfig', or 'make xconfig'.  If you are trying to build
-     linux-wlan-ng for a previously existing kernel binary (one you did 
-     not build yourself), look for help on the mailing lists because it 
-     can be tricky.  I always run against kernels I've built myself, so I'm 
-     not much help in this area.
-   - The good David Leffler identified that if you are having difficulty
-     with *_netlink_* symbols, you may have a problem with 'make clean' in
-     the kernel tree.  Do a 'make mrproper' followed by 'make config' 
-     and the rest of the kernel build process.  'make mrproper' does
-     a more thorough cleaning of the kernel tree.  For more info, look
-     for David's comments in the linux-wlan-user mailing list.
-   - If you are building a driver for a PCMCIA card, you will also need
-     the configured PCMCIA source code for the pcmcia_cs subsystem you
-     are currently running.
-Building linux-wlan-ng:
-1)  untar the package using the command:
-    tar zxvf linux-wlan-ng-X.Y.Z.tar.gz
-2)  Make sure you have configured kernel and (optionally) pcmcia sources on 
-    your system.  Note that if you are _only_ building the prism2_pci,
-    prism2_plx, or prism2_usb drivers you don't need the pcmcia-cs 
-    source tree.
-3)  To configure the linux-wlan-ng package, run 'make config'.  The 
-    following set of questions will be asked. The default answer is in
-    braces (e.g. []).  Just press <Enter> to select the default answer:
-   - "Build Prism2.x PCMCIA Card Services (_cs) driver? (y/n) [y]: "
-        Select "y" if you want to build the Prism PCMCIA driver.
-        If you select "n", the PCMCIA related questions below
-        will not be asked.
-   - Build Prism2 PLX9052 based PCI (_plx) adapter driver? (y/n) [y]: 
-        Select "y" if you want to build the Prism driver for 
-        PLX PCI9052 PCI/PCMCIA adapter based solutions.
-   - Build Prism2.5 native PCI (_pci) driver? (y/n) [y]: 
-        Select "y" if you want to build the Prism driver for 
-        Prism2.5 ISL3874 based native PCI cards.  This includes
-        PCI add-in cards and the mini-pci modules included in some
-        notebook computers (but not all, some use internal USB modules).
-   - Build Prism2.5 USB (_usb) driver? (y/n) [y]: 
-        Select "y" if you want to build the Prism driver for 
-        Prism2.5 ISL3873 based USB adapters.  This includes
-        USB add-on modules and the internal modules included in some
-        notebook computers.
-   - Linux source directory [/usr/src/linux]: 
-        The config script will attempt to automagically find your kernel
-        source directory.  If found, the kernel source source directory
-        will be presented as the default selection.  If the default
-        selection is wrong, you may correct it here.
-   - pcmcia-cs source dir [/usr/src/pcmcia-cs-3.1.29]: 
-        If the "_cs" driver is selected above, the configure script will
-        attempt to present a reasonable default for the pcmcia source
-        directory.  If the presented directory is incorrect, you may
-        change it here.  If the "_cs" driver is not selected, this
-        prompt will not appear.
-   - PCMCIA script directory [/etc/pcmcia]: 
-        If the "_cs" driver is selected, this prompt allows you to 
-        change the location where the pcmcia scripts will be installed.
-        Only do this if you have installed the rest of the pcmcia_cs
-        scripts to a non-default location.
-   - Alternate target install root directory on host []:   
-        This prompt allows you to specify an alternative root directory
-        for the install process.
-   - Module install directory [/lib/modules/2.2.20]: 
-        Select where you want the driver modules to be installed.  The
-        script constructs a default location using the output of uname.
-        If you have not yet installed the kernel you will run linux-wlan
-        with, and the new kernel has a different version string, you will
-        need to change this value.
-   - Prefix for build host compiler? (rarely needed) []: 
-        When cross-compiling or using different compilers for kernel and
-        user-mode software, it is sometimes (but rarely) necessary to 
-        specify a different compiler prefix to use when compiling the 
-        _tools_ that are built to run on the build host during the 
-        linux-wlan-ng build process.
-   - Build for debugging (see doc/config.debug) (y/n) [y]: 
-        This option enables the inclusion of debug output generating
-        statements in the driver code.  Note that enabling those statements
-        requires the inclusion of insmod/modprobe command line arguments
-        when loading the modules.  See the document doc/config.debug
-        for more information.
-5)  To build the package, run 'make all'
-6)  To install the package, run 'make install' (as root).
-NOTE:  linux-wlan-ng does not fully implement the wireless extensions
-       interface.  This means that you can't use iwconfig and its kin to 
-       set things up.  Instead, read on!
-As of linux-wlan-ng 0.1.16-pre5, the configuration and launch scripts have
-been largely re-written.  pcmcia/rc/hotplug now all use a common library 
-of routines and use the same set of configuration files.
-Now, everything relevant exists in /etc/wlan/*
-	This file maps between wlan devices and network IDs, and contains
-	the names of all devices that should be initialized by the hotplug
-	and rc scripts.
-	These files are per-network configurations.  This makes it easy to 
-	switch between different SSIDs and the various settings they may
-	require, like WEP keys and whatnot.
-The bare minimum you need to do to configure your system after a fresh driver
-0)  Nothing whatsoever.  out-of-the-box, the driver will attempt to associate
-    with any access point within range.
-However, we highly recommend setting up a configuration specifically for
-your network, using the following method:
-0)  This example assumes your network name/SSID is "MyHomeNetwork"
-1)  cp /etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT /etc/wlan/wlancfg-MyHomeNetwork
-2)  edit /etc/wlan/wlan.conf and change the SSID_wlan0 line to:
-	SSID_wlan0="MyHomeNetwork"
-3)  edit /etc/wlan/wlancfg-MyHomeNetwork, and make any necessary changes 
-    necessary to support your network, such as WEP and whatnot.
-A)  Edit /etc/pcmcia/network.opts file to set up your IP settings. 
-    Note: for a station, the SSID you're connecting to will be appended to the 
-    current pcmcia scheme name.  You can use this to have different
-    IP setups for different wireless LANs you connect to (e.g. home vs. work).
-    Note2:  This only applies if you are using a stock pcmcia-cs 
-    package.  Most (if not all) distros use their own mechanisms for 
-    configuring pcmcia network interfaces, and thus 
-    /etc/pcmcia/network.opts may not even be present.
-B)  Restart pcmcia-cs with the command:
-    /etc/rc.d/init.d/pcmcia restart
-C) Insert the card.  For most cards, a solid LED indicates that the 
-    SSID you specified was found, a bss was joined, and the firmware 
-    completed the authenticate and associate processes.
-D) Run ifconfig and route to determine if your IP and route settings are
-    listed as you wanted them.  It's also a good idea to look at the file
-    /etc/resolv.conf to see if your nameserver address has been set up 
-    correctly.
-A) You must make sure that the drivers get loaded at boot time and that the 
-   necessary initialization takes place.  The simplest way to do this is
-   to add the following commands to your rc.local file:
-     modprobe prism2_pci   [or prism2_usb/prism2_plx]
-     wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable
-     wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin ssid=<your APs SSID> authtype=opensystem
-     ifconfig wlan0 <yourIP> netmask <yourNetmask> broadcast <yourBroadcast>
-     route add default gw <yourGateway>
-   Also, don't forget to set up your resolv.conf to point at your DNS server.
-B) Alternatively, you can use the rc.wlan script, which ties into the 
-   /etc/wlan/* configuration files mentioned above.
-   We currently don't create the softlink from the runlevel directories to
-   the wlan startup script due to differences in distributions, but the
-   scripts are redhat-aware, and can be extended to hook into other tools
-   easily.  (patches welcome!)  Just make sure it is brought up early in 
-   the process, namely, before the the network interfaces are brought up. 
-C) Add an alias for wlan0 in /etc/modules.conf.  For example, a usb 
-   interface on wlan0 would be set up as:
-   alias wlan0 prism2_usb
-   Substitute prism2_plx or prism2_pci as appropriate.
-A) Make sure your kernel usb support is running
-B) Plug in the Prism2.x USB device
-C) Run 'modprobe prism2_usb prism2_doreset=1' to load the driver into memory.
-D) Run 'wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable' to initialize the
-   driver+MAC functions.
-E) Run 'wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin ssid=<your ssid> authtype=opensystem'
-   to enable the MAC in Infrastructure Station mode.
-F) Run 'ifconfig wlan0 <your IP address>'
-Or, you can use the provided hotplug scripts, if your distribution has
-hotplug support.  :) 
-IMPORTANT: Due to an issue with some versions of the Prism USB firmware,
-the driver usually needs to perform a port reset.  
-Some combinations of usb low-level drivers, kernel releases, and
-hardware don't like this, and usually end up generating a kernel OOPS.
-newer kernels are much better in this regard.  In particular, Intel usb
-controllers are the most trouble-prone.
-The OOPS is due to bugs in the linux USB core, and newer kernels
-(2.4.19 and later) behave much better in this regard.
-However, the good news is that primary firmware 1.1.2 seems to resolve
-the need for the port reset to begin with.  Contact your vendor to
-request this update.
-Also, using the 'Alt. UHCI' controller driver (uhci.o) is broken with 
-kernels older than 2.4.22 due to a bug in the controller driver.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/THANKS b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/THANKS
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-Linux WLAN package
-This project was initially developed for personal interest and use.
-It has since evolved into it's current state through the support and
-contributions of many individuals who have taken an interest in this
-project.  We appreciate the source code contributions and bug fixes
-from those who didn't want to wait on us and fearlessly dived into
-the source code to either add a feature or fix a bug.  
-Contributions to the project are not limited to source code
-and bug fixes.  Addtitional contributions include (but not limited to)
-reporting bugs, documentation, test results, helpful and enlightening
-dicussions on the project's mailing lists, kind words and feedback
-from users as well as commercial support for the project.
-Additionally, we'd like to thank the vendors who have contributed
-wireless network cards for testing the driver.  To see a listing of
-supported wireless cards, visit the Linux WLAN Project page at our
-web site.
-Below are some of the contributors to the project.  Contributions are
-made often.  Therefore, the list is never "current" even in the 
-most recent release of the project.  ;-)
-This list includes contributors to the original linux-wlan Prism1 
-driver as well as contributors to this package.
-deadparrot - an anonymous contributor who's been an enormous help.
-             You know who you are.
-Robert Coie <>
-Geoff Hibble <>
-Yoshimura Haba <>
-Dries Buytaert <>
-Derrick Brashear <>
-Tony Awtrey <>
-Peter Teuben <>
-hong <>
-Greg Smith <>
-Peter Kundrat <>
-James Hicks <>
-Erik Kunze <>
-Larrick, Douglas <>
-Cagle, John <>
-Rob Braun <>
-Terry Griffin <>
-Ken Gordon <>
-Pavel Roskin <>
-Scott Franzyshen <>
-Will Woods <>
-Bill Carr <>
-David Hsu <>
-Alessandro <>
-Jouni Malinen <>
-Bob James<>
-Calvin Fang <>
-Jim Suhr <>
-Vragor <>
-Chris Rankin <>
-Michael Carmack <>
-Mark Taylor <>
-Ben Gertzfield <>
-Daniel Lyddy <>
-Bryan Smith <>
-Stuffed Crust <> (aka Solomon Peachy)
-Reyk Floeter <>
-Adam Richter <>
-Collin Mulliner <>
-Mike Kershaw <>
-David Leffler <>
-Godmar Back <>
-Jean Tourrilhes <>
-Erik McKee <>
-Jack Diedrich <>
-Caz Yokoyama <>
-Matthias Welwarsky <>
-David Brownell <>
-Henri Muurimaa <>
-Bryan Huang <>
-Tony Seward <>
-Matthias Welk <>
-Josh Wyatt <>
-Tim Fletcher <>
-Tim Miller <>
-Remy Cool <>
-Mike Klar <>
-Tony Likhite <>
-David Everly <>
-Nick Jafa <>
-James Goodwin <>
-Derek Atkins <>
-Michael Beattie <>
-Joey Hess <>
-Clay Jones <>
-Matthew Rush <>
-Tom Prado <>
-Olivier Bornet <>
-Ryan Veety <>
-Michael Hackett <>
-Pavel Kankovsky <>
-Brad Davidson <>
-Ralf Miunske <>
-Juan Conde <>
-Ichiro Doi <>
-Jeff Chua <>
-Chris Wilson <>
-Daniel Jiseok Song <>
-Albert Pauw <>
-Andrew Beresford <>
-Stephan M�ller <>
-Henry Ip <>
-Andre McCurdy <>
-Allan Claghorn <>
-Steve Berry <>
-Dan Noe <>
-Natsakis Konstantinos <>
-Greg Weeks <>
-Francesco Bochicchio <>
-Federico Pellegrin <>
-Nemanja Jakovljevic <nemanjaj@sezampro.yu>
-Shiro Ninomiya <>
-Josef Kriegl <>
-Arnold Liu <>
-Alain Chehikian <>
-Ashish <>
-J.D. Cole <>
-Wolfram Gloger <>
-Colin Leroy <>
-Giacomo Lozito <>
-Armijn Hemel <>
-Dan Williams <>
-Andrzej Turowski <>
-Tim Huck <>
-Ekin Meroglu <>
-Eric Koenders <>
-Andreas Schultes <>
-Victor Seva Lopez <>
-Richard Kennedy <>
-Tormod Volden <>
-Karl Relton <>
-[Many, many more.  If I've overlooked you and you want to be listed here, 
-send me e-mail and I'll fix it.  I _know_ a bunch of linux-wlan contributors
-are missing.]
--- Our Sincerest Thanks to all contributors, users and vendors
-	AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/TODO b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/TODO
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index 57ac976..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/TODO
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@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Make the command-completion interrupt driven vs busywaiting.
-- Possibly hook up DMA on the Rx side for PCI devices
-- [USB] Remove driver's port-reset when new primary firmware becomes
-  available.
-- Review changes necessary for static linking to kernel
-- Display the MAC and BBP partnum & revision at initialization time
-- Perform a more effective I/O access test and an irq test at 
-  initialization time
-- Detect dead card and perform reset and reinitialization
-- Finish the prism2 request responses for STA and AP
-  Station:
-	powermgmt
-	join
-	authenticate
-	deauthenticate
-	associate (currently only partially functional)
-	disassociate
-	reassociate
-	start
-	reset
-  Access Point
-  	deauthenticate
-	disassociate
-	reset
-- Finish the mibget/mibset
-  Prism2 specific mibs (represent all RIDs)
-- Add event detection and notification of daemon
-  Station:
-  	deauthenticate
-	disassociate
-	rxpwer_l2
-	rxpwer_l1
-  Access Point:
-  	associate
-	authenticate
-	reassociate
-- Add event handling scripts for the events above
-- Add AP support for power managing stations
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/.svn/entries
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-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
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-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
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-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/.svn/prop-base/keygen.c.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/.svn/prop-base/keygen.c.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/.svn/prop-base/keygen.c.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 0561a9e..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	gcc -o keygen keygen.c -lcrypto
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/.svn/text-base/keygen.c.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/.svn/text-base/keygen.c.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index fe29738..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/.svn/text-base/keygen.c.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- * keygen.c
- *	WEP Key Generators
- *
- * This program generates WEP keys using de facto standard key
- * generators for 40 and 128 bit keys.
- *
- * Link against OpenSSL's libcrypto.a
- *
- * I place this code in the public domain.
- * May 2001, Tim Newsham
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#define WEPKEYSIZE      	5
-#define WEPKEYS         	4
- * generate four subkeys from a seed using the defacto standard
- */
-wep_seedkeygen(int val, u_char *keys)
-    int i;
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        val *= 0x343fd;
-        val += 0x269ec3;
-        keys[i] = val >> 16;
-    }
-    return;
- * generate one key from a string using the de facto standard
- *
- * resultant key is stored in
- *   one 128 bit key: keys[0-15]
- *
- * (NOTE: I'm not sure why, but it seems that only values 0-12 are used,
- * resulting in 104 bits of keying, not 128)
- */
-wep_keygen128(char *str, u_char *keys)
-    MD5_CTX ctx;
-    u_char buf[64];
-    int i, j;
-    /* repeat str until buf is full */
-    j = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
-        if(str[j] == 0)
-            j = 0;
-        buf[i] = str[j++];
-    }
-    MD5_Init(&ctx);
-    MD5_Update(&ctx, buf, sizeof buf);
-    MD5_Final(buf, &ctx);
-    memcpy(keys, buf, WEPSTRONGKEYSTORE);
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE; i++) {
-        keys[i] = buf[i];
-    }
-    for(; i < WEPSTRONGKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        keys[i] = 0;
-    }
-    return;
- * generate four subkeys from a string using the defacto standard
- *
- * resultant keys are stored in 
- *   four 40 bit keys: keys[0-4], keys[5-9], keys[10-14] and keys[15-20]
- */
-wep_keygen40(char *str, u_char *keys) 
-    int val, i, shift;
-    /*
-     * seed is generated by xor'ing in the keystring bytes
-     * into the four bytes of the seed, starting at the little end
-     */
-    val = 0;
-    for(i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
-        shift = i & 0x3;
-        val ^= (str[i] << (shift * 8));
-    }
-    wep_seedkeygen(val, keys);
-    return;
-wep_keyprint40(u_char *keys)
-    int i;
-    char sepchar;
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        sepchar = (i % WEPKEYSIZE == WEPKEYSIZE - 1) ? '\n' : ':';
-        printf("%02x%c", keys[i], sepchar);
-    }
-    return;
-wep_keyprint128(u_char *keys)
-    int i;
-    char sepchar;
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPSTRONGKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        sepchar = (i % WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE == WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE - 1) ? '\n' : ':';
-        printf("%02x%c", keys[i], sepchar);
-    }
-    return;
-usage(char *prog)
-    printf("Usage:  %s keystring [-s || 5 || 13]\n", prog);
-    exit(1);
-main(int argc, char **argv) 
-    u_char keys[WEPKEYSTORE];
-    u_char strongkeys[WEPSTRONGKEYSTORE];
-    char *prog, *genstr;
-    int strong, ch;
-    prog = argv[0];
-    strong = 0;
-    while((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "s")) != EOF) {
-        switch(ch) {
-        case 's':
-            strong ++;
-            break;
-        default:
-            usage(prog);
-        }
-    }
-    argc -= optind;
-    argv += optind;
-    if(argc==2) 
-    	if(!strcmp(argv[1],"13")) 
-	{ 
-		strong++; 
-		argc--; 
-	}
-	else argc--;
-    if(argc != 1)
-        usage(prog);
-    genstr = argv[0];
-    if(strong)
-    {
-        wep_keygen128(genstr, strongkeys);
-        wep_keyprint128(strongkeys);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        wep_keygen40(genstr, keys);
-        wep_keyprint40(keys);
-    }
-    return 0;
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/Makefile b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 0561a9e..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-# Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-	gcc -o keygen keygen.c -lcrypto
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/keygen.c b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/keygen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fe29738..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/keygen/keygen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- * keygen.c
- *	WEP Key Generators
- *
- * This program generates WEP keys using de facto standard key
- * generators for 40 and 128 bit keys.
- *
- * Link against OpenSSL's libcrypto.a
- *
- * I place this code in the public domain.
- * May 2001, Tim Newsham
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#define WEPKEYSIZE      	5
-#define WEPKEYS         	4
- * generate four subkeys from a seed using the defacto standard
- */
-wep_seedkeygen(int val, u_char *keys)
-    int i;
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        val *= 0x343fd;
-        val += 0x269ec3;
-        keys[i] = val >> 16;
-    }
-    return;
- * generate one key from a string using the de facto standard
- *
- * resultant key is stored in
- *   one 128 bit key: keys[0-15]
- *
- * (NOTE: I'm not sure why, but it seems that only values 0-12 are used,
- * resulting in 104 bits of keying, not 128)
- */
-wep_keygen128(char *str, u_char *keys)
-    MD5_CTX ctx;
-    u_char buf[64];
-    int i, j;
-    /* repeat str until buf is full */
-    j = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
-        if(str[j] == 0)
-            j = 0;
-        buf[i] = str[j++];
-    }
-    MD5_Init(&ctx);
-    MD5_Update(&ctx, buf, sizeof buf);
-    MD5_Final(buf, &ctx);
-    memcpy(keys, buf, WEPSTRONGKEYSTORE);
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE; i++) {
-        keys[i] = buf[i];
-    }
-    for(; i < WEPSTRONGKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        keys[i] = 0;
-    }
-    return;
- * generate four subkeys from a string using the defacto standard
- *
- * resultant keys are stored in 
- *   four 40 bit keys: keys[0-4], keys[5-9], keys[10-14] and keys[15-20]
- */
-wep_keygen40(char *str, u_char *keys) 
-    int val, i, shift;
-    /*
-     * seed is generated by xor'ing in the keystring bytes
-     * into the four bytes of the seed, starting at the little end
-     */
-    val = 0;
-    for(i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
-        shift = i & 0x3;
-        val ^= (str[i] << (shift * 8));
-    }
-    wep_seedkeygen(val, keys);
-    return;
-wep_keyprint40(u_char *keys)
-    int i;
-    char sepchar;
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        sepchar = (i % WEPKEYSIZE == WEPKEYSIZE - 1) ? '\n' : ':';
-        printf("%02x%c", keys[i], sepchar);
-    }
-    return;
-wep_keyprint128(u_char *keys)
-    int i;
-    char sepchar;
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPSTRONGKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        sepchar = (i % WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE == WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE - 1) ? '\n' : ':';
-        printf("%02x%c", keys[i], sepchar);
-    }
-    return;
-usage(char *prog)
-    printf("Usage:  %s keystring [-s || 5 || 13]\n", prog);
-    exit(1);
-main(int argc, char **argv) 
-    u_char keys[WEPKEYSTORE];
-    u_char strongkeys[WEPSTRONGKEYSTORE];
-    char *prog, *genstr;
-    int strong, ch;
-    prog = argv[0];
-    strong = 0;
-    while((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "s")) != EOF) {
-        switch(ch) {
-        case 's':
-            strong ++;
-            break;
-        default:
-            usage(prog);
-        }
-    }
-    argc -= optind;
-    argv += optind;
-    if(argc==2) 
-    	if(!strcmp(argv[1],"13")) 
-	{ 
-		strong++; 
-		argc--; 
-	}
-	else argc--;
-    if(argc != 1)
-        usage(prog);
-    genstr = argv[0];
-    if(strong)
-    {
-        wep_keygen128(genstr, strongkeys);
-        wep_keyprint128(strongkeys);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        wep_keygen40(genstr, keys);
-        wep_keyprint40(keys);
-    }
-    return 0;
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/entries
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e4c690..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/entries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/format b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/format
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/prop-base/lwepgen.c.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/prop-base/lwepgen.c.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/prop-base/lwepgen.c.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index e960692..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-default: lwepgen
-lwepgen: lwepgen.c
-	 gcc -Wl,/usr/lib/ -o lwepgen lwepgen.c
-	echo lwepgen.c missing!
-	false
-	rm -rf lwepgen
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/text-base/lwepgen.c.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/text-base/lwepgen.c.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 73dc439..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/.svn/text-base/lwepgen.c.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- * keygen.c
- *      WEP Key Generators
- *
- * This program generates WEP keys using de facto standard key
- * generators for 40 and 128 bit keys.
- *
- * Link against OpenSSL's libcrypto.a
- *
- * I place this code in the public domain.
- * May 2001, Tim Newsham
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#define WEPKEYSIZE              5
-#define WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE        13
-#define WEPKEYS                 4
- * generate four subkeys from a seed using the defacto standard
- */
-wep_seedkeygen(int val, u_char *keys)
-    int i;
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        val *= 0x343fd;
-        val += 0x269ec3;
-        keys[i] = val >> 16;
-    }
-    return;
- * generate one key from a string using the de facto standard
- *
- * resultant key is stored in
- *   one 128 bit key: keys[0-15]
- *
- * (NOTE: I'm not sure why, but it seems that only values 0-12 are used,
- * resulting in 104 bits of keying, not 128)
- */
-wep_keygen128(char *str, u_char *keys)
-    MD5_CTX ctx;
-    u_char buf[64];
-    int i, j;
-    /* repeat str until buf is full */
-    j = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
-        if(str[j] == 0)
-            j = 0;
-        buf[i] = str[j++];
-    }
-    MD5_Init(&ctx);
-    MD5_Update(&ctx, buf, sizeof buf);
-    MD5_Final(buf, &ctx);
-    memcpy(keys, buf, WEPKEYSTORE);
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE; i++) {
-        keys[i] = buf[i];
-    }
-    for(; i < WEPKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        keys[i] = 0;
-    }
-    return;
- * generate four subkeys from a string using the defacto standard
- *
- * resultant keys are stored in 
- *   four 40 bit keys: keys[0-4], keys[5-9], keys[10-14] and keys[15-20]
- */
-wep_keygen40(char *str, u_char *keys) 
-    int val, i, shift;
-    /*
-     * seed is generated by xor'ing in the keystring bytes
-     * into the four bytes of the seed, starting at the little end
-     */
-    val = 0;
-    for(i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
-        shift = i & 0x3;
-        val ^= (str[i] << (shift * 8));
-    }
-    wep_seedkeygen(val, keys);
-    return;
-wep_keyprint(u_char *keys, int strong)
-    int i, printlength, keylength;
-    char sepchar;
-    printlength = strong ? WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE : WEPKEYSTORE;
-    keylength   = strong ? WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE : WEPKEYSIZE;
-    for(i = 0; i < printlength; i++) {
-        sepchar = (i % keylength == keylength - 1) ? '\n' : ':';
-        printf("%02x%c", keys[i], sepchar);
-    }
-    return;
-usage(char *prog)
-    printf("%s: generates Lucent compatible WEP keys from a string\n", prog);
-    printf("Usage:  %s [-s] keystring\n", prog);
-    exit(1);
-main(int argc, char **argv) 
-    u_char keys[WEPKEYSTORE];
-    char *prog, *genstr;
-    int strong, ch;
-    prog = argv[0];
-    strong = 0;
-    while((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "s")) != EOF) {
-        switch(ch) {
-        case 's':
-            strong ++;
-            break;
-        default:
-            usage(prog);
-        }
-    }
-    argc -= optind;
-    argv += optind;
-    if(argc != 1)
-        usage(prog);
-    genstr = argv[0];
-    if(strong)
-        wep_keygen128(genstr, keys);
-    else
-        wep_keygen40(genstr, keys);
-    wep_keyprint(keys, strong);
-    return 0;
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/Makefile b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e960692..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-default: lwepgen
-lwepgen: lwepgen.c
-	 gcc -Wl,/usr/lib/ -o lwepgen lwepgen.c
-	echo lwepgen.c missing!
-	false
-	rm -rf lwepgen
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/lwepgen.c b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/lwepgen.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 73dc439..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/add-ons/lwepgen/lwepgen.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
- * keygen.c
- *      WEP Key Generators
- *
- * This program generates WEP keys using de facto standard key
- * generators for 40 and 128 bit keys.
- *
- * Link against OpenSSL's libcrypto.a
- *
- * I place this code in the public domain.
- * May 2001, Tim Newsham
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <openssl/md5.h>
-#define WEPKEYSIZE              5
-#define WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE        13
-#define WEPKEYS                 4
- * generate four subkeys from a seed using the defacto standard
- */
-wep_seedkeygen(int val, u_char *keys)
-    int i;
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        val *= 0x343fd;
-        val += 0x269ec3;
-        keys[i] = val >> 16;
-    }
-    return;
- * generate one key from a string using the de facto standard
- *
- * resultant key is stored in
- *   one 128 bit key: keys[0-15]
- *
- * (NOTE: I'm not sure why, but it seems that only values 0-12 are used,
- * resulting in 104 bits of keying, not 128)
- */
-wep_keygen128(char *str, u_char *keys)
-    MD5_CTX ctx;
-    u_char buf[64];
-    int i, j;
-    /* repeat str until buf is full */
-    j = 0;
-    for(i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
-        if(str[j] == 0)
-            j = 0;
-        buf[i] = str[j++];
-    }
-    MD5_Init(&ctx);
-    MD5_Update(&ctx, buf, sizeof buf);
-    MD5_Final(buf, &ctx);
-    memcpy(keys, buf, WEPKEYSTORE);
-    for(i = 0; i < WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE; i++) {
-        keys[i] = buf[i];
-    }
-    for(; i < WEPKEYSTORE; i++) {
-        keys[i] = 0;
-    }
-    return;
- * generate four subkeys from a string using the defacto standard
- *
- * resultant keys are stored in 
- *   four 40 bit keys: keys[0-4], keys[5-9], keys[10-14] and keys[15-20]
- */
-wep_keygen40(char *str, u_char *keys) 
-    int val, i, shift;
-    /*
-     * seed is generated by xor'ing in the keystring bytes
-     * into the four bytes of the seed, starting at the little end
-     */
-    val = 0;
-    for(i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
-        shift = i & 0x3;
-        val ^= (str[i] << (shift * 8));
-    }
-    wep_seedkeygen(val, keys);
-    return;
-wep_keyprint(u_char *keys, int strong)
-    int i, printlength, keylength;
-    char sepchar;
-    printlength = strong ? WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE : WEPKEYSTORE;
-    keylength   = strong ? WEPSTRONGKEYSIZE : WEPKEYSIZE;
-    for(i = 0; i < printlength; i++) {
-        sepchar = (i % keylength == keylength - 1) ? '\n' : ':';
-        printf("%02x%c", keys[i], sepchar);
-    }
-    return;
-usage(char *prog)
-    printf("%s: generates Lucent compatible WEP keys from a string\n", prog);
-    printf("Usage:  %s [-s] keystring\n", prog);
-    exit(1);
-main(int argc, char **argv) 
-    u_char keys[WEPKEYSTORE];
-    char *prog, *genstr;
-    int strong, ch;
-    prog = argv[0];
-    strong = 0;
-    while((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "s")) != EOF) {
-        switch(ch) {
-        case 's':
-            strong ++;
-            break;
-        default:
-            usage(prog);
-        }
-    }
-    argc -= optind;
-    argv += optind;
-    if(argc != 1)
-        usage(prog);
-    genstr = argv[0];
-    if(strong)
-        wep_keygen128(genstr, keys);
-    else
-        wep_keygen40(genstr, keys);
-    wep_keyprint(keys, strong);
-    return 0;
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-Author Date Id Revision
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-Author Date Id Revision
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-# doc/Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
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-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
--include ../
-	@echo "Nothing to do..."
-	@echo "Nothing to do..."
-	rm -f core core.* *.o .*.o *.s *.a .depend tmp_make *~ tags
-	for i in *_obj; do if [ -d $$i ]; then rm -fr $$i; fi; done
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-AVS Capture Frame Format
-Version 2.1.1
-1. Introduction
-The original header format for "monitor mode" or capturing frames was
-a considerable hack.  The document covers a redesign of that format.
-  Any questions, corrections, or proposed changes go to
-2. Frame Format
-All sniff frames follow the same format:
-	Offset	Name		Size		Description
-	--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	0	CaptureHeader			AVS capture metadata header
-	64	802.11Header	[10-30]		802.11 frame header
-	??	802.11Payload	[0-2312]	802.11 frame payload
-	??	802.11FCS	4		802.11 frame check sequence
-Note that the header and payload are variable length and the payload
-may be empty.
-If the hardware does not supply the FCS to the driver, then the frame shall
-have a FCS of 0xFFFFFFFF.
-3. Byte Order
-All multibyte fields of the capture header are in "network" byte
-order.  The "host to network" and "network to host" functions should
-work just fine.  All the remaining multibyte fields are ordered
-according to their respective standards.
-4. Capture Header Format
-The following fields make up the AVS capture header:
-	Offset	Name		Type
-	------------------------------
-	0	version		uint32
-	4	length		uint32
-	8	mactime		uint64
-	16	hosttime	uint64
-	24	phytype		uint32
-	28	frequency	uint32
-	32	datarate	uint32
-	36	antenna		uint32
-	40	priority	uint32
-	44	ssi_type	uint32
-	48	ssi_signal	int32
-	52	ssi_noise	int32
-	56	preamble	uint32
-	60	encoding	uint32
-	64	sequence	uint32
-	68      drops           uint32
-        72      receiver_addr   uint8[6]
-        78      padding         uint8[2]
-	------------------------------
-	80
-The following subsections detail the fields of the capture header.
-4.1 version
-The version field identifies this type of frame as a subtype of
-ETH_P_802111_CAPTURE as received by an ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM or
-an ARPHRD_IEEE80211_CAPTURE device.  The value of this field shall be
-0x80211002.  As new revisions of this header are necessary, we can
-increment the version appropriately.
-4.2 length
-The length field contains the length of the entire AVS capture header,
-in bytes.
-4.3 mactime
-Many WLAN devices supply a relatively high resolution frame reception
-time value.  This field contains the value supplied by the device.  If
-the device does not supply a receive time value, this field shall be
-set to zero.  The units for this field are microseconds.  
-If possible, this time value should be absolute, representing the number
-of microseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch.
-4.4 hosttime
-The hosttime field is set to the current value of the host maintained
-clock variable when the frame is received by the host. 
-If possible, this time value should be absolute, representing the number 
-of microseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch.
-4.5 phytype
-The phytype field identifies what type of PHY is employed by the WLAN 
-device used to capture this frame.  The valid values are:
-	PhyType				Value
-	-------------------------------------
-	phytype_fhss_dot11_97		 1
-	phytype_dsss_dot11_97		 2
-	phytype_irbaseband		 3
-	phytype_dsss_dot11_b		 4
-	phytype_pbcc_dot11_b		 5
-	phytype_ofdm_dot11_g		 6
-	phytype_pbcc_dot11_g		 7
-	phytype_ofdm_dot11_a		 8
-	phytype_dss_ofdm_dot11_g	 9
-4.6 frequency
-This represents the frequency or channel number of the receiver at the 
-time the frame was received.  It is interpreted as follows:
-For frequency hopping radios, this field is broken in to the 
-following subfields:
-	Byte	Subfield
-	------------------------
-	Byte0	Hop Set
-	Byte1	Hop Pattern
-	Byte2	Hop Index
-	Byte3	reserved
-For non-hopping radios, the frequency is interpreted as follows:
-       Value                Meaning
-    -----------------------------------------
-       < 256	       Channel number (using externally-defined
-                         channelization)
-       < 10000         Center frequency, in MHz
-      >= 10000         Center frequency, in KHz
-4.7 datarate
-The data rate field contains the rate at which the frame was received
-in units of 100kbps.
-4.8 antenna
-For WLAN devices that indicate the receive antenna for each frame, the
-antenna field shall contain an index value into the dot11AntennaList.
-If the device does not indicate a receive antenna value, this field
-shall be set to zero.
-4.9 priority
-The priority field indicates the receive priority of the frame.  The
-value is in the range [0-15] with the value 0 reserved to indicate
-contention period and the value 6 reserved to indicate contention free
-4.10 ssi_type
-The ssi_type field is used to indicate what type of signal strength
-information is present: "None", "Normalized RSSI" or "dBm".  "None"
-indicates that the underlying WLAN device does not supply any signal
-strength at all and the ssi_* values are unset.  "Normalized RSSI"
-values are integers in the range [0-1000] where higher numbers
-indicate stronger signal.  "dBm" values indicate an actual signal 
-strength measurement quantity and are usually in the range [-108 - 10].
-The following values indicate the three types:
-	Value	Description
-	---------------------------------------------
-	0	None
-	1	Normalized RSSI
-	2	dBm
-	3 	Raw RSSI
-4.11 ssi_signal
-The ssi_signal field contains the signal strength value reported by
-the WLAN device for this frame.  Note that this is a signed quantity
-and if the ssi_type value is "dBm" that the value may be negative.
-4.12 ssi_noise
-The ssi_noise field contains the noise or "silence" value reported by
-the WLAN device.  This value is commonly defined to be the "signal
-strength reported immediately prior to the baseband processor lock on
-the frame preamble".  If the hardware does not provide noise data, this
-shall equal 0xffffffff.
-4.12 preamble
-For PHYs that support variable preamble lengths, the preamble field
-indicates the preamble type used for this frame.  The values are:
-	Value	Description
-	---------------------------------------------
-	0	Undefined
-	1	Short Preamble
-	2	Long Preamble
-4.13 encoding
-This specifies the encoding of the received packet.  For PHYs that support
-multiple encoding types, this will tell us which one was used.
-	Value	Description
-	---------------------------------------------
-	0	Unknown
-	1	CCK           
-	2	PBCC
-	3	OFDM
-	5       BPSK
-        6       QPSK
-        7       16QAM
-        8       64QAM
-4.14 sequence
-This is a receive frame sequence counter.  The sniff host shall 
-increment this by one for every valid frame received off the medium.
-By watching for gaps in the sequence numbers we can determine when 
-packets are lost due to unreliable transport, rather than a frame never 
-being received to begin with.
-4.15 drops
-This is a counter of the number of known frame drops that occured.  This 
-is particularly useful when the system or hardware cannot keep up with 
-the sniffer load.
-4.16 receiver_addr
-This specifies the MAC address of the receiver of this frame.  
-It is six octets in length.  This field is followed by two octets of 
-padding to keep the structure 32-bit word aligned.
-Changes: v2->v2.1
- * Added contact e-mail address to introduction
- * Added sniffer_addr, drop count, and sequence fields, bringing total 
-   length to 80 bytes
- * Bumped version to 0x80211002
- * Mactime is specified in microseconds, not nanoseconds
- * Added 64QAM, 16QAM, BPSK, QPSK encodings
-Changes: v2.1->v2.1.1
- * Renamed 'channel' to 'frequency'
- * Clarified the interpretation of the frequency/channel field.
- * Renamed 'sniffer address' to 'receiver address'
- * Clarified timestamp fields.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/config.debug.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/config.debug.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index d37c18b..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-* doc/config.debug
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-The kernel components of linux-wlan currently have debugging code
-that can be enabled via a "make config" option.  If debug output
-has been compiled into a driver, enable it by setting the value of the 
-module parameter xxx_debug
-where xxx is the name of the component.  There are five levels of
-debugging (1-5).  Here's a summary of the levels and their usage:
-    1 - Enables most error messages for exception (but rare) conditions
-    2 - Enables more exceptions  
-    3 - Enables MAC status output
-    4 - More status
-    5 - Function entry and exit
-The levels are additive.  For example, level 3 includes level 3
-messages plus levels 1 and 2.
-To configure p80211.o for debug output, put the following line (with
-your own level number) in your modutils configuration file (usually
-/etc/conf.modules or /etc/modules.conf):
-  options p80211 wlan_debug=2
-To configure the prism2_cs driver for debug output, put the following
-line (with your own level number) in your /etc/pcmcia/config.opts
-  module "prism2_cs" opts "prism2_debug=2"
-To configure the PCI, PLX, or USB driver for debug output, put the following
-line (with your own level number) in your modutils configuration file (usually
-/etc/conf.modules or /etc/modules.conf):
-  options prism2_pci prism2_debug=3
-  options prism2_plx prism2_debug=3
-  options prism2_usb prism2_debug=3
-Then configure the collection and display of your kernel output.  This
-is usually done using syslog.  Here are the relevant entries from the
-/etc/syslog.conf file on one of our test machines:
-kern.*						/var/log/kernel
-kern.*						/dev/tty9
-*.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none	/var/log/messages
-*.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none	/dev/tty10
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/config.linux-wlan-ng.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/config.linux-wlan-ng.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index c6ec9d8..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/config.linux-wlan-ng.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-* doc/config.linux-wlan-ng
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-1. Summary
-This document describes a little more of the detail behind configuring the
-linux-wlan system.  
-2. Installed Componenents
-The linux-wlan-ng package consists of the following components:
-   p80211.o		Kernel module for 802.11 services
-   prism2sta_cs.o	Kernel module for the Prism2 PCMCIA device
-   			driver.
-   wlanctl-ng		User-mode utility for sending commands to
-   			802.11 services and MAC-specific drivers.
-   wland		User-mode daemon for receiving and handling
-   			events from 802.11 services and MAC-specific
-			drivers (not used in this version).
-   /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng*	PCMCIA event and configuration scripts
-   *prism2dl		This utility is used for loading firmware
-   			images into prism2 cards.  DO NOT USE IT! 
-			This utility has the capability to damage a
-			card in a way that can only be repaired by the
-			manufacturer.
-When a 'make install' is performed, the modules are copied to the
-/usr/lib/modules/<kernelver>/net and /usr/lib/modules/pcmcia directory,
-the user-mode utilities are copied to /sbin, and the contents of
-linux-wlan-ng/etc/pcmcia are copied to the /etc/pcmcia directory.  If
-necessary, the pcmcia config files are altered to include a reference to
-the wlan-ng.conf file containing the information cardmgr uses to match
-card CIS information to specific device drivers at card insertion time.
-NOTE: It is very important that you restart your pcmcia services after
-installing linux-wlan-ng.  cardmgr will not recognize the information
-in the wlan-ng.conf file until after it has been restarted.
-3. Configuration Variables
-To configure your installation for use, it will probably be necessary
-to edit the /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts file.  This file contains a
-collection of variable assignments that are used by the wlan-ng script
-to intialize your card at insertion time.  The variables are broken
-Many of the choices involved in choosing configuration variable
-settings are dependent on whether you are setting up your system as a 
-Station (STA) or an Access Point (AP).  STA configuration is most
-common.  If you are using a mobile station that will connect to one or
-more APs, STA configuration is all you will need.
-3.1 ENABLE Group
-The only variable is this group is:
-	This variable determines whether the card will be intialized,
-	configured for operation, and your protocol stack configured.
-	Generally, you always want this set to 'y'.  For some cards,
-	you will set this variable to 'n' when performing card
-	maintenance like firmware upgrades.
-3.2 DOWNLOAD Group
-The DOWNLOAD group contains variables that indicate if code or data
-needs to be downloaded to the card prior to initialization and normal
-operation.  Currently, this is only required for the Prism2 card when
-running in AP mode.
-	Set this variable to 'y' if code or data must be downloaded
-	into the card prior to operation.
-	This variable contains the name of the program used to
-	download the code into the card.
-	This variable contains the name of the file you wish to
-	download.
-3.3 USER MIB Group
-There is only one variable in this group, USER_MIBS.  You may add your
-own local MIB item assignments assignments to this variable.  The
-wlan-ng script will loop through the assignments found in this
-variable and configure the card with each one prior to final
-configuration and enable.
-3.4 WEP Group
-The variables in the WEP group are used to configure the 802.11 "Wired
-Equivalent Privacy" element of the MAC if it is supported.  The driver
-is queried for WEP support prior to attempting WEP configuration.  If
-the driver states that WEP is NOT supported, these variables are
-ignored.  Note that you may need to set some of these variables even if 
-you are not using the privacy service.  If shared-key authentication
-is used, the WEP keys must be present.
-	Set this variable to "true" to enable the WEP support.
-	Set these to true if you want WEP to be handled by the driver
-	instead of the hardware.  The only downside of this is that it
-	takes a bit of CPU time and you lose the ability to handle
-	fragmentation.   However, with prism2 cards, you should see a
-	performance boost, and with prism2.5 cards, this may avoid lockups.
-	This variable identifies which of the WEP keys is the default
-	key used for all transmits from this station.  In some
-	implementations, this can be changed (or rotated) later.
-	Setting this variable to "true" and dot11PrivacyInvoked to
-	true, has the effect of making WEP completely required for this 
-	station (or AP).  If set to "true", this STA will discard any
-	received frames that are not encrypted.
-	Some vendors include "WEP Key Generator" programs as part of
-	their windows or AP implementations.  This is purely a
-	convenience to prevent you from having to type in 40
-	hexadecimal digits.  It does not contribute to the secrity of
-	your system at all.  In some cases, we've included small
-	programs that generate keys in a manner compatible with the
-	vendor's method.  If you wish to use this capability, include
-	the name of the generator program here.
-	Every generator implementation we've seen so far uses some
-	kind of 'passphrase' to generate the keys.  This variable
-	contains the passphrase.  To disable the use of a generator,
-	leave this variable empty.
-	If you are configuring your keys by hand, you need to assign
-	these four variables.  The format is "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" and the
-	order of the keys in these variables IS IMPORTANT.  Note: If
-	the PRIV_GENSTR variable is not empty, these variables are
-	ignored.
-3.5 STA Group
-Currently, there is only one variable in the STA group.  This will
-change over time.
-	This variable contains the SSID or "network name" of the
-	wireless network you wish to associate with.
-3.6 AP START Group
-If you have access to the necessary hardware and firmware, this driver
-can be used to set up a Access Point.  To configure for an access
-point, set the IS_AP variable to 'y'.  The following is a quick
-summary of the other AP configuration variables:
-	Defines the ethernet device that will be the 'other' port for
-	bridging 802.11 frames.
-	Defines the SSID that the AP will use when creating the network.
-	Defines the beacon interval (in Kus) that the AP will use.
-	Defines the DTIM interval (in beacon intervals).
-   false    |   false    | No point coordination by this AP
-   false    |   true     | AP will point coordinate for delivery only
-   true     |   false    | AP will point coordinate for deliver and polling
-   true     |   true     | Reserved
-	Defines how often the contention free period occurrs (in
-	beacons).
-	Defines the maximum length of the contention free period (in
-	Kus).
-	Not used for infrastructure networks, any value is valid.
-	Channel that the AP will create the network on.  Range of valid
-	values depends on you regulatory domain.  In the USA and Canada 
-	the range is 1-11.  In Japan the range is 1-14.
-	A whitespace separated list of data rates in units of 500Kb/s.
-	The basic rate set is the set of rates that stations MUST
-	support to be allowed to join the network.
-APOPRATES="2 4 11 22"
-	A whitespace separated list of data rates in units of 500Kb/s.
-	The operational rate set is the set of rates that are allowed
-	in the network.  It must be a superset of the basic rates
-	above.
-To complete the configuration of an Access Point, you will need to
-make sure you have kernel bridging enable in your currently running
-kernel and have the brcfg utility installed.  One version of the brcfg
-utility can be found at
-To start the access point running, make sure the ethernet card is in the
-system first.  Then insert the WLAN card and everything should be
-configured automatically by the /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng script.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/releasepolicy.txt.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/releasepolicy.txt.svn-base
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-linux-wlan Release Policy/Checklist
-[MSM Note: Here's a _quick_ attempt at a release policy for linux-wlan.
-           It's very brief and relatively simple.  I'm open to suggestions
-           for improvement.
-The following steps should be taken each time a new release of linux-wlan
-is ready for distribution:
-0) Make sure the current code builds, loads, associates, and ftps 
-   cleanly on all 3 AVS lab build boxes.
-1) Assign an W.X.Y-preZ version number.
-2) Update the version number in
-3) Tag the files.
-4) Build the tarball. (Bonehead! double check next time that the tarball
-   and version number match, eh?)
-5) Release to ftp.
-6) Announce on linux-wlan-annouce as a feature frozen 'pre' release.
-7) Announce on freshmeat (Pavel? ;-)
-8) Allow at least 24 hours for bug reports and (hopefully) bugfix patches.
-9a) After 24 hour period, if bugfix patches and/or local fixes to bug 
-    reports are present, apply patches and GOTO step 0.
-9b) If no show-stopper bug-reports and/or patches are received during the
-    'pre' release period GOTO step 10.
-10) Make sure the current code builds, loads, associates, and ftps 
-    cleanly on all 3 AVS lab build boxes.
-11) Assign an W.X.Y version number.
-12) Update the version number in
-13) Tag the files.
-14) Build the tarball. (Bonehead! double check next time that the tarball
-    and version number match, eh?)
-15) Release to ftp.
-16) Announce on linux-wlan-annouce as a final W.X.Y release.
-17) Announce on freshmeat.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/rh71notes.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/.svn/text-base/rh71notes.svn-base
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-[MSM]: Here's an old e-mail.  I'm not sure if it's in the list archives
-so I figured I'd save it here.
-It may be useful for those using RH71.
-Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 16:03:20 +0800
-From: Leonard Ye <>
-Subject: [lwlan-user]: REDHAT 7.1 + wlan-ng 0.1.18 HOWTO
-Hi all,
-Just get the wlan-ng 0.1.18pre11 working on my redhat 7.1 and I would like 
-to share the experiences with you.
-         a default installation of redhat 7.1 with 
-kernel-pcmcia-cs-3.1.24-2.rpm installed
-Four steps as followings:
-1) Get kernel source ready
-install kernel-source-2.4.2-2 if you don't have the kernel source ready on 
-the machine
-copy a suitable configuration file from the configs directory to .config
-make dep
-2) Get pcmcia-cs header files ready
-download the pcmcia-cs-3.1.24.tar.gz package
-unzip it at appropriate place
-make config
-         when you were asked what kind of kernel configuration you want to 
-use, select "1"
-make all
-DON'T "make install"
-3) compile the wlan-ng-0.1.18pre11 code
-download the linux-wlan-ng-0.1.18pre11.tar.gz
-unzip it at appropriate place
-make config
-         select build-in kernel support
-make all
-make install
-4) some minor configuration
-edit /etc/pcmcia/config.opts to comment out the card definition for 
-"Intersil PRISM2 11 .."
-edit /etc/wlan-ng.opts
-         change string p2RoamingMode to p2CnfRoamingMode
-         set appropriate SSID for variable DesiredSSID
-create an ifcfg-wlan0 file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
-Ok, your machine should be able to work as a STA using 
-wlan-ng-0.1.18pre11.  If you have experience with enabling AP mode, it 
-shouldn't be a problem for you enable it in redhat 7.1
-Leonard Ye
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/Makefile b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/Makefile
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-# doc/Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
--include ../
-	@echo "Nothing to do..."
-	@echo "Nothing to do..."
-	rm -f core core.* *.o .*.o *.s *.a .depend tmp_make *~ tags
-	for i in *_obj; do if [ -d $$i ]; then rm -fr $$i; fi; done
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/capturefrm.txt b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/capturefrm.txt
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-AVS Capture Frame Format
-Version 2.1.1
-1. Introduction
-The original header format for "monitor mode" or capturing frames was
-a considerable hack.  The document covers a redesign of that format.
-  Any questions, corrections, or proposed changes go to
-2. Frame Format
-All sniff frames follow the same format:
-	Offset	Name		Size		Description
-	--------------------------------------------------------------------
-	0	CaptureHeader			AVS capture metadata header
-	64	802.11Header	[10-30]		802.11 frame header
-	??	802.11Payload	[0-2312]	802.11 frame payload
-	??	802.11FCS	4		802.11 frame check sequence
-Note that the header and payload are variable length and the payload
-may be empty.
-If the hardware does not supply the FCS to the driver, then the frame shall
-have a FCS of 0xFFFFFFFF.
-3. Byte Order
-All multibyte fields of the capture header are in "network" byte
-order.  The "host to network" and "network to host" functions should
-work just fine.  All the remaining multibyte fields are ordered
-according to their respective standards.
-4. Capture Header Format
-The following fields make up the AVS capture header:
-	Offset	Name		Type
-	------------------------------
-	0	version		uint32
-	4	length		uint32
-	8	mactime		uint64
-	16	hosttime	uint64
-	24	phytype		uint32
-	28	frequency	uint32
-	32	datarate	uint32
-	36	antenna		uint32
-	40	priority	uint32
-	44	ssi_type	uint32
-	48	ssi_signal	int32
-	52	ssi_noise	int32
-	56	preamble	uint32
-	60	encoding	uint32
-	64	sequence	uint32
-	68      drops           uint32
-        72      receiver_addr   uint8[6]
-        78      padding         uint8[2]
-	------------------------------
-	80
-The following subsections detail the fields of the capture header.
-4.1 version
-The version field identifies this type of frame as a subtype of
-ETH_P_802111_CAPTURE as received by an ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM or
-an ARPHRD_IEEE80211_CAPTURE device.  The value of this field shall be
-0x80211002.  As new revisions of this header are necessary, we can
-increment the version appropriately.
-4.2 length
-The length field contains the length of the entire AVS capture header,
-in bytes.
-4.3 mactime
-Many WLAN devices supply a relatively high resolution frame reception
-time value.  This field contains the value supplied by the device.  If
-the device does not supply a receive time value, this field shall be
-set to zero.  The units for this field are microseconds.  
-If possible, this time value should be absolute, representing the number
-of microseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch.
-4.4 hosttime
-The hosttime field is set to the current value of the host maintained
-clock variable when the frame is received by the host. 
-If possible, this time value should be absolute, representing the number 
-of microseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch.
-4.5 phytype
-The phytype field identifies what type of PHY is employed by the WLAN 
-device used to capture this frame.  The valid values are:
-	PhyType				Value
-	-------------------------------------
-	phytype_fhss_dot11_97		 1
-	phytype_dsss_dot11_97		 2
-	phytype_irbaseband		 3
-	phytype_dsss_dot11_b		 4
-	phytype_pbcc_dot11_b		 5
-	phytype_ofdm_dot11_g		 6
-	phytype_pbcc_dot11_g		 7
-	phytype_ofdm_dot11_a		 8
-	phytype_dss_ofdm_dot11_g	 9
-4.6 frequency
-This represents the frequency or channel number of the receiver at the 
-time the frame was received.  It is interpreted as follows:
-For frequency hopping radios, this field is broken in to the 
-following subfields:
-	Byte	Subfield
-	------------------------
-	Byte0	Hop Set
-	Byte1	Hop Pattern
-	Byte2	Hop Index
-	Byte3	reserved
-For non-hopping radios, the frequency is interpreted as follows:
-       Value                Meaning
-    -----------------------------------------
-       < 256	       Channel number (using externally-defined
-                         channelization)
-       < 10000         Center frequency, in MHz
-      >= 10000         Center frequency, in KHz
-4.7 datarate
-The data rate field contains the rate at which the frame was received
-in units of 100kbps.
-4.8 antenna
-For WLAN devices that indicate the receive antenna for each frame, the
-antenna field shall contain an index value into the dot11AntennaList.
-If the device does not indicate a receive antenna value, this field
-shall be set to zero.
-4.9 priority
-The priority field indicates the receive priority of the frame.  The
-value is in the range [0-15] with the value 0 reserved to indicate
-contention period and the value 6 reserved to indicate contention free
-4.10 ssi_type
-The ssi_type field is used to indicate what type of signal strength
-information is present: "None", "Normalized RSSI" or "dBm".  "None"
-indicates that the underlying WLAN device does not supply any signal
-strength at all and the ssi_* values are unset.  "Normalized RSSI"
-values are integers in the range [0-1000] where higher numbers
-indicate stronger signal.  "dBm" values indicate an actual signal 
-strength measurement quantity and are usually in the range [-108 - 10].
-The following values indicate the three types:
-	Value	Description
-	---------------------------------------------
-	0	None
-	1	Normalized RSSI
-	2	dBm
-	3 	Raw RSSI
-4.11 ssi_signal
-The ssi_signal field contains the signal strength value reported by
-the WLAN device for this frame.  Note that this is a signed quantity
-and if the ssi_type value is "dBm" that the value may be negative.
-4.12 ssi_noise
-The ssi_noise field contains the noise or "silence" value reported by
-the WLAN device.  This value is commonly defined to be the "signal
-strength reported immediately prior to the baseband processor lock on
-the frame preamble".  If the hardware does not provide noise data, this
-shall equal 0xffffffff.
-4.12 preamble
-For PHYs that support variable preamble lengths, the preamble field
-indicates the preamble type used for this frame.  The values are:
-	Value	Description
-	---------------------------------------------
-	0	Undefined
-	1	Short Preamble
-	2	Long Preamble
-4.13 encoding
-This specifies the encoding of the received packet.  For PHYs that support
-multiple encoding types, this will tell us which one was used.
-	Value	Description
-	---------------------------------------------
-	0	Unknown
-	1	CCK           
-	2	PBCC
-	3	OFDM
-	5       BPSK
-        6       QPSK
-        7       16QAM
-        8       64QAM
-4.14 sequence
-This is a receive frame sequence counter.  The sniff host shall 
-increment this by one for every valid frame received off the medium.
-By watching for gaps in the sequence numbers we can determine when 
-packets are lost due to unreliable transport, rather than a frame never 
-being received to begin with.
-4.15 drops
-This is a counter of the number of known frame drops that occured.  This 
-is particularly useful when the system or hardware cannot keep up with 
-the sniffer load.
-4.16 receiver_addr
-This specifies the MAC address of the receiver of this frame.  
-It is six octets in length.  This field is followed by two octets of 
-padding to keep the structure 32-bit word aligned.
-Changes: v2->v2.1
- * Added contact e-mail address to introduction
- * Added sniffer_addr, drop count, and sequence fields, bringing total 
-   length to 80 bytes
- * Bumped version to 0x80211002
- * Mactime is specified in microseconds, not nanoseconds
- * Added 64QAM, 16QAM, BPSK, QPSK encodings
-Changes: v2.1->v2.1.1
- * Renamed 'channel' to 'frequency'
- * Clarified the interpretation of the frequency/channel field.
- * Renamed 'sniffer address' to 'receiver address'
- * Clarified timestamp fields.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/.svn/entries
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-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
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-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
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-Author Date Id Revision
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-Author Date Id Revision
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-Author Date Id Revision
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-Author Date Id Revision
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-/* aheader.h: [one line description of the file]
-*    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-*   [Project Name]
-*   [License Statement, eg.
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at ]
-*   [Warranty Statement, eg.
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License. ]
-*   [Author contact, eg.
-*   Copyright (C) 1998 AbsoluteValue Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-*   Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-*   made directly to:
-*   AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* ]
-*   [Change History]
-*   [Verbose Description]
-*   [Implementation and usage notes]
-*   [References]
-*    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _AHEADER_H
-#define _AHEADER_H
-/*------ Constants --------------------------------------------*/
-/*--- Fixed memory offsets --------------------------*/
-#define SU_OFF_LAST_TXDESC        0x3ec
-#define SU_OFF_RSVD1              0x400
-#define SU_OFF_BANNER             0x480
-#define SU_OFF_CMD_BLK            0x4a0
-#define SU_OFF_CNTL_STATUS_BLK    0x4f0
-#define SU_OFF_VBM                0x500
-#define SU_OFF_BUFFER             0x600
-/*--- Global Sizes ----------------------------------*/
-#define SU_LEN_BANNER             32
-/*------ Macros -----------------------------------------------*/
-/*--- next testing macro (applies to Rx and Tx) -------*/
-#define SUTXD_ISLAST(x)            ((x) & BIT31)
-#define SURXD_ISLAST(x)            ((x) & BIT31)
-/*------ Types and their related constants --------------------*/
-/*--- Last Completed Tx Descriptor Block ---------------*/
-typedef struct am930txcmplt_blk
-    volatile UINT32    last_bcast    __WLAN_ATTRIB_PACK__;
-    volatile UINT32    last_mgmt     __WLAN_ATTRIB_PACK__;
-    volatile UINT32    last_data     __WLAN_ATTRIB_PACK__;
-    volatile UINT32    last_pspoll   __WLAN_ATTRIB_PACK__;
-    volatile UINT32    last_cfpoll   __WLAN_ATTRIB_PACK__;
-} am930txcmplt_blk_t;
-#define TXCMPLT_OFF_BCAST     0
-#define TXCMPLT_OFF_MGMT      4
-#define TXCMPLT_OFF_DATA      8
-#define TXCMPLT_OFF_PSPOLL    12
-#define TXCMPLT_OFF_CFPOLL    16      
-typedef void (*am930hw_scan_callback_t)(void *);
-/*--- Function Declarations -----------------------------------*/
-/* public: */
-am930hw_construct(UINT32 irq, UINT32 iobase,
-                  UINT32 membase, am930mac_t *mac);
-am930hw_destruct(am930hw_t *hw);
-am930hw_init_rx_tx( am930hw_t *hw );
-am930hw_ISR( am930hw_t *hw );
-am930hw_joinbss( am930hw_t *hw, UINT32 ch, UINT32 newBSS, 
-                 UINT8 *bssid, wlan_ie_ssid_t *ssid, UINT32 bcn_int,
-                 wlan_bss_ts_t ts, UINT32 sutro_ref_time );
-am930hw_scan( am930hw_t *hw, UINT32 cntl, UINT8 *bssid, 
-              UINT32 ch, UINT32 duration,
-              am930hw_scan_callback_t cb, void *callback_arg );
-am930hw_reset( am930hw_t *hw );
-/*--- Inline Function Definitions (if supported) --------------*/
-*	am930hw_reset
-*   Perform reset of am930 part and test for valid operation
-*   operation following reset.
-*	returns: zero on success, non-zero if part fails to come up
-*            after reset.
-__INLINE__ UINT32 am930hw_reset( am930hw_t* hw)
-	UINT32   result = 0;
-	/* perform reset */
-	/* test part */
-	return result;
-#endif /* _AHEADER_H */
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@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* [filename]: [one line description of the file]
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [File Description]
-* [Implementation and Usage Notes] 
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* System Includes */
-/* Project Includes */
-/* Local Constants */
-/* Local Macros */
-/* Local Types */
-/* Local Static Definitions */
-/* --A subsection */
-/* Local Function Declarations */
-* [function name]
-* [Description]
-* Arguments:
-*	[arglist]
-* Returns: 
-*	[retlist]
-* Side effects:
-*	[desc]
-* Call context:
-*	[desc]
-int afunction(void)
-        DBFENTER;
-        if ( a ) {
-                prinf("xxx");
-        }
-        DBFEXIT;
-        return 0;
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-    <TITLE>AVS C Source file format</TITLE>
-<H1>1. C Source file format</H1>
-The following defines the common C source file format for linux-wlan.
-Most of the C-code formatting rules come from the linux kernel
-document <CODE>CodingStyle</CODE>.
-<H1>2. Characters and Code layout</H1>
-<H2>2.1. Character Set</H2>
-For all source files, we'll stick to the US character set and avoid all 
-<H2>2.2. Indentation</H2>
-All indentation will be done using tab characters which are mapped to a 
-spacing of eight characters.
-<H2>2.3. Braces</H2>
-Braces will be placed according to the format originally established
-in Kernighan and Ritchie's book "The C Programming Language".  Here
-are some example statements:
-<TABLE border=1><TR><TD><PRE>
-for ( i= 0; i &lt; N; i++) {
-   .
-   .
-   .
-if ( a &lt; b ) {
-   .
-   .
-   .
-} else {
-   .
-   .
-   .
-do {
-   .
-   .
-   .
-} while ( i &gt> 0 );
-<H1>3. Naming and Definition Conventions</H1>
-<H2>3.1. Preprocessor Elements</H2>
-All elements defined via the C preprocessor (constants and macros) are
-named using all capital letters.  An exception is for macros that are
-either wrapping function calls for portability or for macros that are
-inline replacements for code that would normally be in a function.
-<H2>3.2. Types</H2>
-All programmer defined types must have single word type names
-defined using the <PRE>typedef</PRE> statement.  All type names
-should be identified with an <PRE>_t</PRE> suffix.  This is
-particularly important for function pointers that are members of
-structures or arguments to functions.
-Anonymous types are not allowed.  All struct, union, and enum
-types shall be named and typedef'd.
-<H2>3.3. Variables</H2>
-The following conventions should be followed for variable
-declaration and naming:
-	<UL>
-		<LI>Variables should be named using meaningful names.
-		<LI>Avoid variables with static lifetimes.
-		<LI>If static lifetime variables must be used, use file
-		scoped static variables and avoid static lifetime
-		variables with visibility beyond file scope. 
-		<LI>All static lifetime variables should be declared in
-		the "Local Statics" section near the top of a given
-		source file.
-	</UL>
-<H2>3.4. Functions</H2>
-The following conventions should be followed for function
-declaration and definition:
-	<UL>
-		<LI><B>All</B> functions must be declared above the point
-		where they are called.
-		<LI>Any functions that are only intended to be called
-		within a given source file should be declared static
-		within that file.
-		<LI>Functions defined within a common source file that are 
-		visible across source file boundaries should be named
-		using a prefix that is unique to that source file.
-	</UL>
-<H1>4. File Layout</H1>
-Each file should be layed out using a common format.  The
-following shows a complete file with all its major sections.
-Each major section within the file is begun with a comment of the
-/* [Section Name] */
-Subsections within a major section are denoted using:
-/*  [Subsection Name]  */
-<TABLE border=1><TR><TD>
-/* [filename]: [one line description of the file]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [Project Name]
-* [License Statement]
-* [Warranty Statement]
-* [Initial Author Statement]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [Initial Author Contact]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [File Description]
-* [Implementation and Usage Notes]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* System Includes */
-/* Project Includes */
-/* Local Constants */
-/* Local Macros */
-/*  [A subsection]  */
-/* Local Types */
-/* Local Static Definitions */
-/* Local Function Declarations */
-/* Function Definitions */
-<H2>4.1. System  Includes Section</H2>
-Preprocessor <CODE>#include</CODE> statements that are including
-<I>system</I> includes shall be placed in this section.  System
-includes are those include files that are <B>not</B> part of the
-managed source for this project.
-<H2>4.2. Project Includes Section</H2>
-Preprocessor <CODE>#include</CODE> statements that are including
-<I>project</I> includes shall be placed in this section.  Project 
-includes are those include files that are a part of the
-managed source for this project.
-<H2>4.3. Local Constants Section</H2>
-Preprocessor "manifest" constants that are local to this file shall be
-placed in this section.  "Manifest" constants are preprocessor macros
-that take no arguments.
-<H2>4.4. Local Macros Section</H2>
-Proprocessor macros that accept arguments shall be placed in this
-<H2>4.5. Local Types Section</H2>
-Programmer defined types that are only used within the scope of this
-file shall be defined in this section.  Programmer defined types that
-are used in more than one source file should be defined in a header
-<H2>4.6. Local Static Definitions Section</H2>
-Variables with static extent that are defined within this file shall
-be placed in this section.  Whether a variable has scope beyond this
-file will be apparent based on the presence or absence of the
-<CODE>static</CODE> keyword in the declaration.  If a variable is
-declared without the <CODE>static</CODE> keyword, there should be an
-<CODE>extern</CODE> declaration for that variable in a header file.
-<H2>4.6. Local Function Declarations Section</H2>
-Functions that are only used within this file should be declared
-(prototyped) in this section.  Additionally, these functions should be
-declared using the <CODE>static</CODE> keyword.  This avoids polluting
-the global namespace with function names that need not be
-Any functions defined in this file that <I>are</I> called from outside
-this file should be declared (prototyped) in a header file.
-<H2>4.6. Function Definitions Section</H2>
-This section contains the definitions of the functions in this file.
-Each function (or group of strongly related functions) will be
-preceded by a function header comment (see below).
-<H1>5. Comments</H1>
-<H2>5.1. File Header</H2>
-Each source file will have a header comment containing information
-about the file as a whole.  That comment shall be formatted:
-<TABLE border=1><TR><TD><PRE>
-/* [filename]: [one line description of the file]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [Project Name]
-* [License Statement]
-* [Warranty Statement]
-* [Initial Author Statement]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [Initial Author Contact]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [File Description]
-* [Implementation and Usage Notes]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-<H2>5.2. Function Header</H2>
-Each function (or group of closely related functions) will be preceded 
-by a function comment header.  The <CODE>Side effects</CODE> and
-<CODE>Call context</CODE> sections are optional.
-<TABLE border=1><TR><TD><PRE>
-* [function name]
-* [description]
-* Arguments:
-*	[argument list]
-* Returns: 
-*	[return value list]
-* Side effects:
-*	[description of function side effects]
-* Call context:
-*	[description of calling context]
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-<TABLE border=1>
-/* asource.c: [one line description of file]
-*    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-*   [Project Name]
-*   [License Statement, eg.
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at ]
-*   [Warranty Statement, eg.
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License. ]
-*   [Author contact, eg.
-*   Copyright (C) 1998 AbsoluteValue Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-*   Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-*   made directly to:
-*   AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* ]
-*   [Change History]
-*   [Verbose Description]
-*   [Implementation and usage notes]
-*   [References]
-*    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* Portability/Compatibility header */
-#include &lt;wlan/wlan_compat.h&gt;
-/* The following prevents &quot;kernel_version&quot; from being set in this file. */
-#define __NO_VERSION__
-/* Non-project specific includes */
-/* PCMCIA headers generated during PCMCIA package installation */
-#include &lt;pcmcia/config.h&gt;
-#include &lt;pcmcia/k_compat.h&gt;
-/* Module related headers, non-module drivers should not include */
-#include &lt;linux/version.h&gt;
-#include &lt;assert.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/delay.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/kernel.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/types.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/fcntl.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/interrupt.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/ptrace.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/ioport.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/in.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/malloc.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/string.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/timer.h&gt;
-#include &lt;asm/system.h&gt;
-#include &lt;asm/bitops.h&gt;
-#include &lt;asm/io.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/errno.h&gt;
-/* Project Includes */
-#include &lt;wlan/version.h&gt;
-#include &lt;wlan/am930mib.h&gt;
-#include &lt;wlan/p80211hdr.h&gt;
-#include &lt;wlan/p80211mgmt.h&gt;
-#include &lt;wlan/wlan_ioctl.h&gt;
-#include &lt;wlan/wlan_stable.h&gt;
-#include &quot;am930di.h&quot;
-#include &quot;am930llc.h&quot;
-#include &quot;am930mac.h&quot;
-#include &quot;am930hw.h&quot;
-#include &quot;am930mgr.h&quot;
-/* Local Constants                                                    */
-#define ACONSTANT    22
-/* Local Types                                                        */
-typdef struct atype
-    struct atype *next;
-    struct atype *prev;
-} atype_t;
-/* Static data defined in this file                                   */
-    { 0xf1, 0x10, 0xec, 0xe0, 0xdc },
-    { 0x0f, 0xf2, 0x04, 0x09, 0xfb },
-    { 0x13, 0x37, 0xf2, 0xf9, 0x2d },
-    { 0xe9, 0x17, 0x19, 0x63, 0xc7 }
-/* Local Function Declarations                                        */
-static void am930mgr_authen1_rx( am930mgr_t *mgr, wlan_fr_authen_t *f );
-static void am930mgr_authen2_rx( am930mgr_t *mgr, wlan_fr_authen_t *f );
-static void am930mgr_authen3_rx( am930mgr_t *mgr, wlan_fr_authen_t *f );
-static void am930mgr_authen4_rx( am930mgr_t *mgr, wlan_fr_authen_t *f );
-/* Function Definitions                                               */
-*    am930mgr_assoc_begin_sta
-*    Start the station association procedure.  Namely, send an
-*    association request frame to the AP.
-*    returns: nothing for now
-void am930mgr_assoc_begin_sta(am930mgr_t *mgr)
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-		Linux kernel coding style 
-This is a short document describing the preferred coding style for the
-linux kernel.  Coding style is very personal, and I won't _force_ my
-views on anybody, but this is what goes for anything that I have to be
-able to maintain, and I'd prefer it for most other things too.  Please
-at least consider the points made here. 
-First off, I'd suggest printing out a copy of the GNU coding standards,
-and NOT read it.  Burn them, it's a great symbolic gesture. 
-Anyway, here goes:
-	 	Chapter 1: Indentation
-Tabs are 8 characters, and thus indentations are also 8 characters. 
-There are heretic movements that try to make indentations 4 (or even 2!)
-characters deep, and that is akin to trying to define the value of PI to
-be 3. 
-Rationale: The whole idea behind indentation is to clearly define where
-a block of control starts and ends.  Especially when you've been looking
-at your screen for 20 straight hours, you'll find it a lot easier to see
-how the indentation works if you have large indentations. 
-Now, some people will claim that having 8-character indentations makes
-the code move too far to the right, and makes it hard to read on a
-80-character terminal screen.  The answer to that is that if you need
-more than 3 levels of indentation, you're screwed anyway, and should fix
-your program. 
-In short, 8-char indents make things easier to read, and have the added
-benefit of warning you when you're nesting your functions too deep. 
-Heed that warning. 
-		Chapter 2: Placing Braces
-The other issue that always comes up in C styling is the placement of
-braces.  Unlike the indent size, there are few technical reasons to
-choose one placement strategy over the other, but the preferred way, as
-shown to us by the prophets Kernighan and Ritchie, is to put the opening
-brace last on the line, and put the closing brace first, thusly:
-	if (x is true) {
-		we do y
-	}
-However, there is one special case, namely functions: they have the
-opening brace at the beginning of the next line, thus:
-	int function(int x)
-	{
-		body of function
-	}
-Heretic people all over the world have claimed that this inconsistency
-is ...  well ...  inconsistent, but all right-thinking people know that
-(a) K&R are _right_ and (b) K&R are right.  Besides, functions are
-special anyway (you can't nest them in C). 
-Note that the closing brace is empty on a line of its own, _except_ in
-the cases where it is followed by a continuation of the same statement,
-ie a "while" in a do-statement or an "else" in an if-statement, like
-	do {
-		body of do-loop
-	} while (condition);
-	if (x == y) {
-		..
-	} else if (x > y) {
-		...
-	} else {
-		....
-	}
-Rationale: K&R. 
-Also, note that this brace-placement also minimizes the number of empty
-(or almost empty) lines, without any loss of readability.  Thus, as the
-supply of new-lines on your screen is not a renewable resource (think
-25-line terminal screens here), you have more empty lines to put
-comments on. 
-		Chapter 3: Naming
-C is a Spartan language, and so should your naming be.  Unlike Modula-2
-and Pascal programmers, C programmers do not use cute names like
-ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter.  A C programmer would call that
-variable "tmp", which is much easier to write, and not the least more
-difficult to understand. 
-HOWEVER, while mixed-case names are frowned upon, descriptive names for
-global variables are a must.  To call a global function "foo" is a
-shooting offense. 
-GLOBAL variables (to be used only if you _really_ need them) need to
-have descriptive names, as do global functions.  If you have a function
-that counts the number of active users, you should call that
-"count_active_users()" or similar, you should _not_ call it "cntusr()". 
-Encoding the type of a function into the name (so-called Hungarian
-notation) is brain damaged - the compiler knows the types anyway and can
-check those, and it only confuses the programmer.  No wonder MicroSoft
-makes buggy programs. 
-LOCAL variable names should be short, and to the point.  If you have
-some random integer loop counter, it should probably be called "i". 
-Calling it "loop_counter" is non-productive, if there is no chance of it
-being mis-understood.  Similarly, "tmp" can be just about any type of
-variable that is used to hold a temporary value. 
-If you are afraid to mix up your local variable names, you have another
-problem, which is called the function-growth-hormone-imbalance syndrome. 
-See next chapter. 
-		Chapter 4: Functions
-Functions should be short and sweet, and do just one thing.  They should
-fit on one or two screenfuls of text (the ISO/ANSI screen size is 80x24,
-as we all know), and do one thing and do that well. 
-The maximum length of a function is inversely proportional to the
-complexity and indentation level of that function.  So, if you have a
-conceptually simple function that is just one long (but simple)
-case-statement, where you have to do lots of small things for a lot of
-different cases, it's OK to have a longer function. 
-However, if you have a complex function, and you suspect that a
-less-than-gifted first-year high-school student might not even
-understand what the function is all about, you should adhere to the
-maximum limits all the more closely.  Use helper functions with
-descriptive names (you can ask the compiler to in-line them if you think
-it's performance-critical, and it will probably do a better job of it
-that you would have done). 
-Another measure of the function is the number of local variables.  They
-shouldn't exceed 5-10, or you're doing something wrong.  Re-think the
-function, and split it into smaller pieces.  A human brain can
-generally easily keep track of about 7 different things, anything more
-and it gets confused.  You know you're brilliant, but maybe you'd like
-to understand what you did 2 weeks from now. 
-		Chapter 5: Commenting
-Comments are good, but there is also a danger of over-commenting.  NEVER
-try to explain HOW your code works in a comment: it's much better to
-write the code so that the _working_ is obvious, and it's a waste of
-time to explain badly written code. 
-Generally, you want your comments to tell WHAT your code does, not HOW. 
-Also, try to avoid putting comments inside a function body: if the
-function is so complex that you need to separately comment parts of it,
-you should probably go back to chapter 4 for a while.  You can make
-small comments to note or warn about something particularly clever (or
-ugly), but try to avoid excess.  Instead, put the comments at the head
-of the function, telling people what it does, and possibly WHY it does
-		Chapter 6: You've made a mess of it
-That's OK, we all do.  You've probably been told by your long-time Unix
-user helper that "GNU emacs" automatically formats the C sources for
-you, and you've noticed that yes, it does do that, but the defaults it
-uses are less than desirable (in fact, they are worse than random
-typing - a infinite number of monkeys typing into GNU emacs would never
-make a good program). 
-So, you can either get rid of GNU emacs, or change it to use saner
-values.  To do the latter, you can stick the following in your .emacs file:
-(defun linux-c-mode ()
-  "C mode with adjusted defaults for use with the Linux kernel."
-  (interactive)
-  (c-mode)
-  (c-set-style "K&R")
-  (setq c-basic-offset 8))
-This will define the M-x linux-c-mode command.  When hacking on a
-module, if you put the string -*- linux-c -*- somewhere on the first
-two lines, this mode will be automatically invoked. Also, you may want
-to add
-(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("/usr/src/linux.*/.*\\.[ch]$" . linux-c-mode)
-                       auto-mode-alist))
-to your .emacs file if you want to have linux-c-mode switched on
-automagically when you edit source files under /usr/src/linux.
-But even if you fail in getting emacs to do sane formatting, not
-everything is lost: use "indent".
-Now, again, GNU indent has the same brain dead settings that GNU emacs
-has, which is why you need to give it a few command line options. 
-However, that's not too bad, because even the makers of GNU indent
-recognize the authority of K&R (the GNU people aren't evil, they are
-just severely misguided in this matter), so you just give indent the
-options "-kr -i8" (stands for "K&R, 8 character indents"). 
-"indent" has a lot of options, and especially when it comes to comment
-re-formatting you may want to take a look at the manual page.  But
-remember: "indent" is not a fix for bad programming. 
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--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/format.hfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-/* aheader.h: [one line description of the file]
-*    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-*   [Project Name]
-*   [License Statement, eg.
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at ]
-*   [Warranty Statement, eg.
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License. ]
-*   [Author contact, eg.
-*   Copyright (C) 1998 AbsoluteValue Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-*   Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-*   made directly to:
-*   AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* ]
-*   [Change History]
-*   [Verbose Description]
-*   [Implementation and usage notes]
-*   [References]
-*    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-#ifndef _AHEADER_H
-#define _AHEADER_H
-/*------ Constants --------------------------------------------*/
-/*--- Fixed memory offsets --------------------------*/
-#define SU_OFF_LAST_TXDESC        0x3ec
-#define SU_OFF_RSVD1              0x400
-#define SU_OFF_BANNER             0x480
-#define SU_OFF_CMD_BLK            0x4a0
-#define SU_OFF_CNTL_STATUS_BLK    0x4f0
-#define SU_OFF_VBM                0x500
-#define SU_OFF_BUFFER             0x600
-/*--- Global Sizes ----------------------------------*/
-#define SU_LEN_BANNER             32
-/*------ Macros -----------------------------------------------*/
-/*--- next testing macro (applies to Rx and Tx) -------*/
-#define SUTXD_ISLAST(x)            ((x) & BIT31)
-#define SURXD_ISLAST(x)            ((x) & BIT31)
-/*------ Types and their related constants --------------------*/
-/*--- Last Completed Tx Descriptor Block ---------------*/
-typedef struct am930txcmplt_blk
-    volatile UINT32    last_bcast    __WLAN_ATTRIB_PACK__;
-    volatile UINT32    last_mgmt     __WLAN_ATTRIB_PACK__;
-    volatile UINT32    last_data     __WLAN_ATTRIB_PACK__;
-    volatile UINT32    last_pspoll   __WLAN_ATTRIB_PACK__;
-    volatile UINT32    last_cfpoll   __WLAN_ATTRIB_PACK__;
-} am930txcmplt_blk_t;
-#define TXCMPLT_OFF_BCAST     0
-#define TXCMPLT_OFF_MGMT      4
-#define TXCMPLT_OFF_DATA      8
-#define TXCMPLT_OFF_PSPOLL    12
-#define TXCMPLT_OFF_CFPOLL    16      
-typedef void (*am930hw_scan_callback_t)(void *);
-/*--- Function Declarations -----------------------------------*/
-/* public: */
-am930hw_construct(UINT32 irq, UINT32 iobase,
-                  UINT32 membase, am930mac_t *mac);
-am930hw_destruct(am930hw_t *hw);
-am930hw_init_rx_tx( am930hw_t *hw );
-am930hw_ISR( am930hw_t *hw );
-am930hw_joinbss( am930hw_t *hw, UINT32 ch, UINT32 newBSS, 
-                 UINT8 *bssid, wlan_ie_ssid_t *ssid, UINT32 bcn_int,
-                 wlan_bss_ts_t ts, UINT32 sutro_ref_time );
-am930hw_scan( am930hw_t *hw, UINT32 cntl, UINT8 *bssid, 
-              UINT32 ch, UINT32 duration,
-              am930hw_scan_callback_t cb, void *callback_arg );
-am930hw_reset( am930hw_t *hw );
-/*--- Inline Function Definitions (if supported) --------------*/
-*	am930hw_reset
-*   Perform reset of am930 part and test for valid operation
-*   operation following reset.
-*	returns: zero on success, non-zero if part fails to come up
-*            after reset.
-__INLINE__ UINT32 am930hw_reset( am930hw_t* hw)
-	UINT32   result = 0;
-	/* perform reset */
-	/* test part */
-	return result;
-#endif /* _AHEADER_H */
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index 3c4b4c1..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/format.srcfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-<TABLE border=1>
-/* asource.c: [one line description of file]
-*    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-*   [Project Name]
-*   [License Statement, eg.
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at ]
-*   [Warranty Statement, eg.
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License. ]
-*   [Author contact, eg.
-*   Copyright (C) 1998 AbsoluteValue Software, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-*   Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-*   made directly to:
-*   AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* ]
-*   [Change History]
-*   [Verbose Description]
-*   [Implementation and usage notes]
-*   [References]
-*    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* Portability/Compatibility header */
-#include &lt;wlan/wlan_compat.h&gt;
-/* The following prevents &quot;kernel_version&quot; from being set in this file. */
-#define __NO_VERSION__
-/* Non-project specific includes */
-/* PCMCIA headers generated during PCMCIA package installation */
-#include &lt;pcmcia/config.h&gt;
-#include &lt;pcmcia/k_compat.h&gt;
-/* Module related headers, non-module drivers should not include */
-#include &lt;linux/version.h&gt;
-#include &lt;assert.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/delay.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/kernel.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/types.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/fcntl.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/interrupt.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/ptrace.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/ioport.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/in.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/malloc.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/string.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/timer.h&gt;
-#include &lt;asm/system.h&gt;
-#include &lt;asm/bitops.h&gt;
-#include &lt;asm/io.h&gt;
-#include &lt;linux/errno.h&gt;
-/* Project Includes */
-#include &lt;wlan/version.h&gt;
-#include &lt;wlan/am930mib.h&gt;
-#include &lt;wlan/p80211hdr.h&gt;
-#include &lt;wlan/p80211mgmt.h&gt;
-#include &lt;wlan/wlan_ioctl.h&gt;
-#include &lt;wlan/wlan_stable.h&gt;
-#include &quot;am930di.h&quot;
-#include &quot;am930llc.h&quot;
-#include &quot;am930mac.h&quot;
-#include &quot;am930hw.h&quot;
-#include &quot;am930mgr.h&quot;
-/* Local Constants                                                    */
-#define ACONSTANT    22
-/* Local Types                                                        */
-typdef struct atype
-    struct atype *next;
-    struct atype *prev;
-} atype_t;
-/* Static data defined in this file                                   */
-    { 0xf1, 0x10, 0xec, 0xe0, 0xdc },
-    { 0x0f, 0xf2, 0x04, 0x09, 0xfb },
-    { 0x13, 0x37, 0xf2, 0xf9, 0x2d },
-    { 0xe9, 0x17, 0x19, 0x63, 0xc7 }
-/* Local Function Declarations                                        */
-static void am930mgr_authen1_rx( am930mgr_t *mgr, wlan_fr_authen_t *f );
-static void am930mgr_authen2_rx( am930mgr_t *mgr, wlan_fr_authen_t *f );
-static void am930mgr_authen3_rx( am930mgr_t *mgr, wlan_fr_authen_t *f );
-static void am930mgr_authen4_rx( am930mgr_t *mgr, wlan_fr_authen_t *f );
-/* Function Definitions                                               */
-*    am930mgr_assoc_begin_sta
-*    Start the station association procedure.  Namely, send an
-*    association request frame to the AP.
-*    returns: nothing for now
-void am930mgr_assoc_begin_sta(am930mgr_t *mgr)
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deleted file mode 100644
index fdbb997..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/format.srcfile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* [filename]: [one line description of the file]
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [File Description]
-* [Implementation and Usage Notes] 
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* System Includes */
-/* Project Includes */
-/* Local Constants */
-/* Local Macros */
-/* Local Types */
-/* Local Static Definitions */
-/* --A subsection */
-/* Local Function Declarations */
-* [function name]
-* [Description]
-* Arguments:
-*	[arglist]
-* Returns: 
-*	[retlist]
-* Side effects:
-*	[desc]
-* Call context:
-*	[desc]
-int afunction(void)
-        DBFENTER;
-        if ( a ) {
-                prinf("xxx");
-        }
-        DBFEXIT;
-        return 0;
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@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-    <TITLE>AVS C Source file format</TITLE>
-<H1>1. C Source file format</H1>
-The following defines the common C source file format for linux-wlan.
-Most of the C-code formatting rules come from the linux kernel
-document <CODE>CodingStyle</CODE>.
-<H1>2. Characters and Code layout</H1>
-<H2>2.1. Character Set</H2>
-For all source files, we'll stick to the US character set and avoid all 
-<H2>2.2. Indentation</H2>
-All indentation will be done using tab characters which are mapped to a 
-spacing of eight characters.
-<H2>2.3. Braces</H2>
-Braces will be placed according to the format originally established
-in Kernighan and Ritchie's book "The C Programming Language".  Here
-are some example statements:
-<TABLE border=1><TR><TD><PRE>
-for ( i= 0; i &lt; N; i++) {
-   .
-   .
-   .
-if ( a &lt; b ) {
-   .
-   .
-   .
-} else {
-   .
-   .
-   .
-do {
-   .
-   .
-   .
-} while ( i &gt> 0 );
-<H1>3. Naming and Definition Conventions</H1>
-<H2>3.1. Preprocessor Elements</H2>
-All elements defined via the C preprocessor (constants and macros) are
-named using all capital letters.  An exception is for macros that are
-either wrapping function calls for portability or for macros that are
-inline replacements for code that would normally be in a function.
-<H2>3.2. Types</H2>
-All programmer defined types must have single word type names
-defined using the <PRE>typedef</PRE> statement.  All type names
-should be identified with an <PRE>_t</PRE> suffix.  This is
-particularly important for function pointers that are members of
-structures or arguments to functions.
-Anonymous types are not allowed.  All struct, union, and enum
-types shall be named and typedef'd.
-<H2>3.3. Variables</H2>
-The following conventions should be followed for variable
-declaration and naming:
-	<UL>
-		<LI>Variables should be named using meaningful names.
-		<LI>Avoid variables with static lifetimes.
-		<LI>If static lifetime variables must be used, use file
-		scoped static variables and avoid static lifetime
-		variables with visibility beyond file scope. 
-		<LI>All static lifetime variables should be declared in
-		the "Local Statics" section near the top of a given
-		source file.
-	</UL>
-<H2>3.4. Functions</H2>
-The following conventions should be followed for function
-declaration and definition:
-	<UL>
-		<LI><B>All</B> functions must be declared above the point
-		where they are called.
-		<LI>Any functions that are only intended to be called
-		within a given source file should be declared static
-		within that file.
-		<LI>Functions defined within a common source file that are 
-		visible across source file boundaries should be named
-		using a prefix that is unique to that source file.
-	</UL>
-<H1>4. File Layout</H1>
-Each file should be layed out using a common format.  The
-following shows a complete file with all its major sections.
-Each major section within the file is begun with a comment of the
-/* [Section Name] */
-Subsections within a major section are denoted using:
-/*  [Subsection Name]  */
-<TABLE border=1><TR><TD>
-/* [filename]: [one line description of the file]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [Project Name]
-* [License Statement]
-* [Warranty Statement]
-* [Initial Author Statement]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [Initial Author Contact]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [File Description]
-* [Implementation and Usage Notes]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* System Includes */
-/* Project Includes */
-/* Local Constants */
-/* Local Macros */
-/*  [A subsection]  */
-/* Local Types */
-/* Local Static Definitions */
-/* Local Function Declarations */
-/* Function Definitions */
-<H2>4.1. System  Includes Section</H2>
-Preprocessor <CODE>#include</CODE> statements that are including
-<I>system</I> includes shall be placed in this section.  System
-includes are those include files that are <B>not</B> part of the
-managed source for this project.
-<H2>4.2. Project Includes Section</H2>
-Preprocessor <CODE>#include</CODE> statements that are including
-<I>project</I> includes shall be placed in this section.  Project 
-includes are those include files that are a part of the
-managed source for this project.
-<H2>4.3. Local Constants Section</H2>
-Preprocessor "manifest" constants that are local to this file shall be
-placed in this section.  "Manifest" constants are preprocessor macros
-that take no arguments.
-<H2>4.4. Local Macros Section</H2>
-Proprocessor macros that accept arguments shall be placed in this
-<H2>4.5. Local Types Section</H2>
-Programmer defined types that are only used within the scope of this
-file shall be defined in this section.  Programmer defined types that
-are used in more than one source file should be defined in a header
-<H2>4.6. Local Static Definitions Section</H2>
-Variables with static extent that are defined within this file shall
-be placed in this section.  Whether a variable has scope beyond this
-file will be apparent based on the presence or absence of the
-<CODE>static</CODE> keyword in the declaration.  If a variable is
-declared without the <CODE>static</CODE> keyword, there should be an
-<CODE>extern</CODE> declaration for that variable in a header file.
-<H2>4.6. Local Function Declarations Section</H2>
-Functions that are only used within this file should be declared
-(prototyped) in this section.  Additionally, these functions should be
-declared using the <CODE>static</CODE> keyword.  This avoids polluting
-the global namespace with function names that need not be
-Any functions defined in this file that <I>are</I> called from outside
-this file should be declared (prototyped) in a header file.
-<H2>4.6. Function Definitions Section</H2>
-This section contains the definitions of the functions in this file.
-Each function (or group of strongly related functions) will be
-preceded by a function header comment (see below).
-<H1>5. Comments</H1>
-<H2>5.1. File Header</H2>
-Each source file will have a header comment containing information
-about the file as a whole.  That comment shall be formatted:
-<TABLE border=1><TR><TD><PRE>
-/* [filename]: [one line description of the file]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [Project Name]
-* [License Statement]
-* [Warranty Statement]
-* [Initial Author Statement]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [Initial Author Contact]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* [File Description]
-* [Implementation and Usage Notes]
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-<H2>5.2. Function Header</H2>
-Each function (or group of closely related functions) will be preceded 
-by a function comment header.  The <CODE>Side effects</CODE> and
-<CODE>Call context</CODE> sections are optional.
-<TABLE border=1><TR><TD><PRE>
-* [function name]
-* [description]
-* Arguments:
-*	[argument list]
-* Returns: 
-*	[return value list]
-* Side effects:
-*	[description of function side effects]
-* Call context:
-*	[description of calling context]
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/linux.CodingStyle b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/linux.CodingStyle
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index edba246..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/codingstd/linux.CodingStyle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-		Linux kernel coding style 
-This is a short document describing the preferred coding style for the
-linux kernel.  Coding style is very personal, and I won't _force_ my
-views on anybody, but this is what goes for anything that I have to be
-able to maintain, and I'd prefer it for most other things too.  Please
-at least consider the points made here. 
-First off, I'd suggest printing out a copy of the GNU coding standards,
-and NOT read it.  Burn them, it's a great symbolic gesture. 
-Anyway, here goes:
-	 	Chapter 1: Indentation
-Tabs are 8 characters, and thus indentations are also 8 characters. 
-There are heretic movements that try to make indentations 4 (or even 2!)
-characters deep, and that is akin to trying to define the value of PI to
-be 3. 
-Rationale: The whole idea behind indentation is to clearly define where
-a block of control starts and ends.  Especially when you've been looking
-at your screen for 20 straight hours, you'll find it a lot easier to see
-how the indentation works if you have large indentations. 
-Now, some people will claim that having 8-character indentations makes
-the code move too far to the right, and makes it hard to read on a
-80-character terminal screen.  The answer to that is that if you need
-more than 3 levels of indentation, you're screwed anyway, and should fix
-your program. 
-In short, 8-char indents make things easier to read, and have the added
-benefit of warning you when you're nesting your functions too deep. 
-Heed that warning. 
-		Chapter 2: Placing Braces
-The other issue that always comes up in C styling is the placement of
-braces.  Unlike the indent size, there are few technical reasons to
-choose one placement strategy over the other, but the preferred way, as
-shown to us by the prophets Kernighan and Ritchie, is to put the opening
-brace last on the line, and put the closing brace first, thusly:
-	if (x is true) {
-		we do y
-	}
-However, there is one special case, namely functions: they have the
-opening brace at the beginning of the next line, thus:
-	int function(int x)
-	{
-		body of function
-	}
-Heretic people all over the world have claimed that this inconsistency
-is ...  well ...  inconsistent, but all right-thinking people know that
-(a) K&R are _right_ and (b) K&R are right.  Besides, functions are
-special anyway (you can't nest them in C). 
-Note that the closing brace is empty on a line of its own, _except_ in
-the cases where it is followed by a continuation of the same statement,
-ie a "while" in a do-statement or an "else" in an if-statement, like
-	do {
-		body of do-loop
-	} while (condition);
-	if (x == y) {
-		..
-	} else if (x > y) {
-		...
-	} else {
-		....
-	}
-Rationale: K&R. 
-Also, note that this brace-placement also minimizes the number of empty
-(or almost empty) lines, without any loss of readability.  Thus, as the
-supply of new-lines on your screen is not a renewable resource (think
-25-line terminal screens here), you have more empty lines to put
-comments on. 
-		Chapter 3: Naming
-C is a Spartan language, and so should your naming be.  Unlike Modula-2
-and Pascal programmers, C programmers do not use cute names like
-ThisVariableIsATemporaryCounter.  A C programmer would call that
-variable "tmp", which is much easier to write, and not the least more
-difficult to understand. 
-HOWEVER, while mixed-case names are frowned upon, descriptive names for
-global variables are a must.  To call a global function "foo" is a
-shooting offense. 
-GLOBAL variables (to be used only if you _really_ need them) need to
-have descriptive names, as do global functions.  If you have a function
-that counts the number of active users, you should call that
-"count_active_users()" or similar, you should _not_ call it "cntusr()". 
-Encoding the type of a function into the name (so-called Hungarian
-notation) is brain damaged - the compiler knows the types anyway and can
-check those, and it only confuses the programmer.  No wonder MicroSoft
-makes buggy programs. 
-LOCAL variable names should be short, and to the point.  If you have
-some random integer loop counter, it should probably be called "i". 
-Calling it "loop_counter" is non-productive, if there is no chance of it
-being mis-understood.  Similarly, "tmp" can be just about any type of
-variable that is used to hold a temporary value. 
-If you are afraid to mix up your local variable names, you have another
-problem, which is called the function-growth-hormone-imbalance syndrome. 
-See next chapter. 
-		Chapter 4: Functions
-Functions should be short and sweet, and do just one thing.  They should
-fit on one or two screenfuls of text (the ISO/ANSI screen size is 80x24,
-as we all know), and do one thing and do that well. 
-The maximum length of a function is inversely proportional to the
-complexity and indentation level of that function.  So, if you have a
-conceptually simple function that is just one long (but simple)
-case-statement, where you have to do lots of small things for a lot of
-different cases, it's OK to have a longer function. 
-However, if you have a complex function, and you suspect that a
-less-than-gifted first-year high-school student might not even
-understand what the function is all about, you should adhere to the
-maximum limits all the more closely.  Use helper functions with
-descriptive names (you can ask the compiler to in-line them if you think
-it's performance-critical, and it will probably do a better job of it
-that you would have done). 
-Another measure of the function is the number of local variables.  They
-shouldn't exceed 5-10, or you're doing something wrong.  Re-think the
-function, and split it into smaller pieces.  A human brain can
-generally easily keep track of about 7 different things, anything more
-and it gets confused.  You know you're brilliant, but maybe you'd like
-to understand what you did 2 weeks from now. 
-		Chapter 5: Commenting
-Comments are good, but there is also a danger of over-commenting.  NEVER
-try to explain HOW your code works in a comment: it's much better to
-write the code so that the _working_ is obvious, and it's a waste of
-time to explain badly written code. 
-Generally, you want your comments to tell WHAT your code does, not HOW. 
-Also, try to avoid putting comments inside a function body: if the
-function is so complex that you need to separately comment parts of it,
-you should probably go back to chapter 4 for a while.  You can make
-small comments to note or warn about something particularly clever (or
-ugly), but try to avoid excess.  Instead, put the comments at the head
-of the function, telling people what it does, and possibly WHY it does
-		Chapter 6: You've made a mess of it
-That's OK, we all do.  You've probably been told by your long-time Unix
-user helper that "GNU emacs" automatically formats the C sources for
-you, and you've noticed that yes, it does do that, but the defaults it
-uses are less than desirable (in fact, they are worse than random
-typing - a infinite number of monkeys typing into GNU emacs would never
-make a good program). 
-So, you can either get rid of GNU emacs, or change it to use saner
-values.  To do the latter, you can stick the following in your .emacs file:
-(defun linux-c-mode ()
-  "C mode with adjusted defaults for use with the Linux kernel."
-  (interactive)
-  (c-mode)
-  (c-set-style "K&R")
-  (setq c-basic-offset 8))
-This will define the M-x linux-c-mode command.  When hacking on a
-module, if you put the string -*- linux-c -*- somewhere on the first
-two lines, this mode will be automatically invoked. Also, you may want
-to add
-(setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("/usr/src/linux.*/.*\\.[ch]$" . linux-c-mode)
-                       auto-mode-alist))
-to your .emacs file if you want to have linux-c-mode switched on
-automagically when you edit source files under /usr/src/linux.
-But even if you fail in getting emacs to do sane formatting, not
-everything is lost: use "indent".
-Now, again, GNU indent has the same brain dead settings that GNU emacs
-has, which is why you need to give it a few command line options. 
-However, that's not too bad, because even the makers of GNU indent
-recognize the authority of K&R (the GNU people aren't evil, they are
-just severely misguided in this matter), so you just give indent the
-options "-kr -i8" (stands for "K&R, 8 character indents"). 
-"indent" has a lot of options, and especially when it comes to comment
-re-formatting you may want to take a look at the manual page.  But
-remember: "indent" is not a fix for bad programming. 
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/config.debug b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/config.debug
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index d37c18b..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/config.debug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-* doc/config.debug
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-The kernel components of linux-wlan currently have debugging code
-that can be enabled via a "make config" option.  If debug output
-has been compiled into a driver, enable it by setting the value of the 
-module parameter xxx_debug
-where xxx is the name of the component.  There are five levels of
-debugging (1-5).  Here's a summary of the levels and their usage:
-    1 - Enables most error messages for exception (but rare) conditions
-    2 - Enables more exceptions  
-    3 - Enables MAC status output
-    4 - More status
-    5 - Function entry and exit
-The levels are additive.  For example, level 3 includes level 3
-messages plus levels 1 and 2.
-To configure p80211.o for debug output, put the following line (with
-your own level number) in your modutils configuration file (usually
-/etc/conf.modules or /etc/modules.conf):
-  options p80211 wlan_debug=2
-To configure the prism2_cs driver for debug output, put the following
-line (with your own level number) in your /etc/pcmcia/config.opts
-  module "prism2_cs" opts "prism2_debug=2"
-To configure the PCI, PLX, or USB driver for debug output, put the following
-line (with your own level number) in your modutils configuration file (usually
-/etc/conf.modules or /etc/modules.conf):
-  options prism2_pci prism2_debug=3
-  options prism2_plx prism2_debug=3
-  options prism2_usb prism2_debug=3
-Then configure the collection and display of your kernel output.  This
-is usually done using syslog.  Here are the relevant entries from the
-/etc/syslog.conf file on one of our test machines:
-kern.*						/var/log/kernel
-kern.*						/dev/tty9
-*.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none	/var/log/messages
-*.info;mail.none;news.none;authpriv.none	/dev/tty10
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/config.linux-wlan-ng b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/config.linux-wlan-ng
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--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/config.linux-wlan-ng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-* doc/config.linux-wlan-ng
-* Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* linux-wlan
-*   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-*   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-*   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-*   the License at
-*   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-*   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-*   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-*   rights and limitations under the License.
-*   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-*   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-*   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-*   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-*   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-*   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-*   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-*   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-*   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-*   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-* made directly to:
-* AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-* Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-* Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-* --------------------------------------------------------------------
-1. Summary
-This document describes a little more of the detail behind configuring the
-linux-wlan system.  
-2. Installed Componenents
-The linux-wlan-ng package consists of the following components:
-   p80211.o		Kernel module for 802.11 services
-   prism2sta_cs.o	Kernel module for the Prism2 PCMCIA device
-   			driver.
-   wlanctl-ng		User-mode utility for sending commands to
-   			802.11 services and MAC-specific drivers.
-   wland		User-mode daemon for receiving and handling
-   			events from 802.11 services and MAC-specific
-			drivers (not used in this version).
-   /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng*	PCMCIA event and configuration scripts
-   *prism2dl		This utility is used for loading firmware
-   			images into prism2 cards.  DO NOT USE IT! 
-			This utility has the capability to damage a
-			card in a way that can only be repaired by the
-			manufacturer.
-When a 'make install' is performed, the modules are copied to the
-/usr/lib/modules/<kernelver>/net and /usr/lib/modules/pcmcia directory,
-the user-mode utilities are copied to /sbin, and the contents of
-linux-wlan-ng/etc/pcmcia are copied to the /etc/pcmcia directory.  If
-necessary, the pcmcia config files are altered to include a reference to
-the wlan-ng.conf file containing the information cardmgr uses to match
-card CIS information to specific device drivers at card insertion time.
-NOTE: It is very important that you restart your pcmcia services after
-installing linux-wlan-ng.  cardmgr will not recognize the information
-in the wlan-ng.conf file until after it has been restarted.
-3. Configuration Variables
-To configure your installation for use, it will probably be necessary
-to edit the /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts file.  This file contains a
-collection of variable assignments that are used by the wlan-ng script
-to intialize your card at insertion time.  The variables are broken
-Many of the choices involved in choosing configuration variable
-settings are dependent on whether you are setting up your system as a 
-Station (STA) or an Access Point (AP).  STA configuration is most
-common.  If you are using a mobile station that will connect to one or
-more APs, STA configuration is all you will need.
-3.1 ENABLE Group
-The only variable is this group is:
-	This variable determines whether the card will be intialized,
-	configured for operation, and your protocol stack configured.
-	Generally, you always want this set to 'y'.  For some cards,
-	you will set this variable to 'n' when performing card
-	maintenance like firmware upgrades.
-3.2 DOWNLOAD Group
-The DOWNLOAD group contains variables that indicate if code or data
-needs to be downloaded to the card prior to initialization and normal
-operation.  Currently, this is only required for the Prism2 card when
-running in AP mode.
-	Set this variable to 'y' if code or data must be downloaded
-	into the card prior to operation.
-	This variable contains the name of the program used to
-	download the code into the card.
-	This variable contains the name of the file you wish to
-	download.
-3.3 USER MIB Group
-There is only one variable in this group, USER_MIBS.  You may add your
-own local MIB item assignments assignments to this variable.  The
-wlan-ng script will loop through the assignments found in this
-variable and configure the card with each one prior to final
-configuration and enable.
-3.4 WEP Group
-The variables in the WEP group are used to configure the 802.11 "Wired
-Equivalent Privacy" element of the MAC if it is supported.  The driver
-is queried for WEP support prior to attempting WEP configuration.  If
-the driver states that WEP is NOT supported, these variables are
-ignored.  Note that you may need to set some of these variables even if 
-you are not using the privacy service.  If shared-key authentication
-is used, the WEP keys must be present.
-	Set this variable to "true" to enable the WEP support.
-	Set these to true if you want WEP to be handled by the driver
-	instead of the hardware.  The only downside of this is that it
-	takes a bit of CPU time and you lose the ability to handle
-	fragmentation.   However, with prism2 cards, you should see a
-	performance boost, and with prism2.5 cards, this may avoid lockups.
-	This variable identifies which of the WEP keys is the default
-	key used for all transmits from this station.  In some
-	implementations, this can be changed (or rotated) later.
-	Setting this variable to "true" and dot11PrivacyInvoked to
-	true, has the effect of making WEP completely required for this 
-	station (or AP).  If set to "true", this STA will discard any
-	received frames that are not encrypted.
-	Some vendors include "WEP Key Generator" programs as part of
-	their windows or AP implementations.  This is purely a
-	convenience to prevent you from having to type in 40
-	hexadecimal digits.  It does not contribute to the secrity of
-	your system at all.  In some cases, we've included small
-	programs that generate keys in a manner compatible with the
-	vendor's method.  If you wish to use this capability, include
-	the name of the generator program here.
-	Every generator implementation we've seen so far uses some
-	kind of 'passphrase' to generate the keys.  This variable
-	contains the passphrase.  To disable the use of a generator,
-	leave this variable empty.
-	If you are configuring your keys by hand, you need to assign
-	these four variables.  The format is "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx" and the
-	order of the keys in these variables IS IMPORTANT.  Note: If
-	the PRIV_GENSTR variable is not empty, these variables are
-	ignored.
-3.5 STA Group
-Currently, there is only one variable in the STA group.  This will
-change over time.
-	This variable contains the SSID or "network name" of the
-	wireless network you wish to associate with.
-3.6 AP START Group
-If you have access to the necessary hardware and firmware, this driver
-can be used to set up a Access Point.  To configure for an access
-point, set the IS_AP variable to 'y'.  The following is a quick
-summary of the other AP configuration variables:
-	Defines the ethernet device that will be the 'other' port for
-	bridging 802.11 frames.
-	Defines the SSID that the AP will use when creating the network.
-	Defines the beacon interval (in Kus) that the AP will use.
-	Defines the DTIM interval (in beacon intervals).
-   false    |   false    | No point coordination by this AP
-   false    |   true     | AP will point coordinate for delivery only
-   true     |   false    | AP will point coordinate for deliver and polling
-   true     |   true     | Reserved
-	Defines how often the contention free period occurrs (in
-	beacons).
-	Defines the maximum length of the contention free period (in
-	Kus).
-	Not used for infrastructure networks, any value is valid.
-	Channel that the AP will create the network on.  Range of valid
-	values depends on you regulatory domain.  In the USA and Canada 
-	the range is 1-11.  In Japan the range is 1-14.
-	A whitespace separated list of data rates in units of 500Kb/s.
-	The basic rate set is the set of rates that stations MUST
-	support to be allowed to join the network.
-APOPRATES="2 4 11 22"
-	A whitespace separated list of data rates in units of 500Kb/s.
-	The operational rate set is the set of rates that are allowed
-	in the network.  It must be a superset of the basic rates
-	above.
-To complete the configuration of an Access Point, you will need to
-make sure you have kernel bridging enable in your currently running
-kernel and have the brcfg utility installed.  One version of the brcfg
-utility can be found at
-To start the access point running, make sure the ethernet card is in the
-system first.  Then insert the WLAN card and everything should be
-configured automatically by the /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng script.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/impnotes/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/impnotes/.svn/entries
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-K 13
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-Author Date Id Revision
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-K 13
-V 6
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-Author Date Id Revision
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-	"Kernel Network")])
-	"Device Interface")])
-	"p80211 Network")])
-	"Device Interface")])
-	"Frame")])
-	"Convert")])
-	"Packet")])
-	"Buffer")])
-	"Request")])
-	"Interface")])
-	"Indication")])
-	"Interface")])
-	"MAC")])
-	"Management")])
-	"Interface")])
-	"Frame")])
-	"Construct &")])
-	"Parse")])
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-	"doc/impnotes/l8s_uses.obj")])
-	"L8S Internal/External Using Relations")])
-	"11/14/99")])
-	"Arrows indicate 'uses'")])
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-	"blue", 0, 0, 65535, 0, 0, 65535, 1,
-	"yellow", 65535, 65535, 0, 65535, 65535, 0, 1,
-	"pink", 65535, 49344, 52171, 65535, 49344, 52171, 1,
-	"cyan", 0, 65535, 65535, 0, 65535, 65535, 1,
-	"CadetBlue", 24415, 40606, 41120, 24415, 40606, 41120, 1,
-	"white", 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 1,
-	"black", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
-	"DarkSlateGray", 12079, 20303, 20303, 12079, 20303, 20303, 1
-	"doc/structptr.obj")])
-	"11/14/99")])
-	"dev_link_t  (from pcmcia)")])
-	"dev_node_t   *dev")])
-	"void         *priv")])
-	100,124,100,156],0,1,1,16,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	"Shows the links established between the")])
-	"netdevice, wlandevice, pcmcia, and private")])
-	"structures at initialization time.")])
-	"char         *name")])
-	"wlandevice_t (from L8S)")])
-	"void         *priv")])
-	"netdevice_t  *netdev")])
-	100,292,100,332],0,1,1,53,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	"char         *name")])
-	"struct device ")])
-	"(aka netdevice_t)")])
-	"(from linux kernel)")])
-	"void         *priv")])
-	104,484,104,540],0,1,1,66,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	"devpriv_t (from MSD)")])
-	"dev_link_t     *link")])
-	388,276,388,316],0,1,1,79,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	"dev_node_t     node")])
-	"(from pcmcia)")])
-	"char  name[32]")])
-	388,228,388,260],0,1,1,92,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	216,168,256,168,256,220,60,220,60,268,76,268],1,1,1,116,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "00","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	228,360,256,360,256,396,60,396,60,460,80,460],1,1,1,119,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "00","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	212,112,332,112,332,204,364,204],1,1,1,121,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	216,280,320,280,320,216,340,216],1,1,1,127,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	216,344,304,344,304,172,352,172],1,1,1,135,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	224,552,260,552,260,592,32,592,32,268,60,268],1,1,1,136,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "00","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	220,472,340,472,340,216,376,216],1,1,1,141,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	508,328,536,328,536,64,56,64,56,100,76,100],1,1,1,156,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "00","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-	"yellow", 65535, 65535, 0, 65535, 65535, 0, 1,
-	"pink", 65535, 49344, 52171, 65535, 49344, 52171, 1,
-	"cyan", 0, 65535, 65535, 0, 65535, 65535, 1,
-	"CadetBlue", 24415, 40606, 41120, 24415, 40606, 41120, 1,
-	"white", 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 1,
-	"black", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
-	"DarkSlateGray", 12079, 20303, 20303, 12079, 20303, 20303, 1
-	"L8S")])
-	144,312,144,384],1,1,1,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	292,292,424,292,424,316],1,1,1,26,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	388,316,388,380],0,1,1,27,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-    "0","",[
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-    "00","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-    "00","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	508,220,464,220],1,1,1,34,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	244,188,244,128],1,1,1,37,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	244,580,244,520],1,1,1,39,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	468,568,468,408,448,408,448,380],1,1,1,41,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	"Kernel Network")])
-	"Device Interface")])
-	"p80211 Network")])
-	"Device Interface")])
-	"Frame")])
-	"Convert")])
-	"Packet")])
-	"Buffer")])
-	"Request")])
-	"Interface")])
-	"Indication")])
-	"Interface")])
-	"MAC")])
-	"Management")])
-	"Interface")])
-	"Frame")])
-	"Construct &")])
-	"Parse")])
-	544,516,544,576],1,1,1,66,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	596,576,596,516],1,1,1,67,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	"doc/impnotes/l8s_uses.obj")])
-	"L8S Internal/External Using Relations")])
-	"11/14/99")])
-	"Arrows indicate 'uses'")])
-	536,196,536,128],1,1,1,70,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	292,200,332,200],1,1,1,71,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-	"blue", 0, 0, 65535, 0, 0, 65535, 1,
-	"yellow", 65535, 65535, 0, 65535, 65535, 0, 1,
-	"pink", 65535, 49344, 52171, 65535, 49344, 52171, 1,
-	"cyan", 0, 65535, 65535, 0, 65535, 65535, 1,
-	"CadetBlue", 24415, 40606, 41120, 24415, 40606, 41120, 1,
-	"white", 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 1,
-	"black", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
-	"DarkSlateGray", 12079, 20303, 20303, 12079, 20303, 20303, 1
-	"doc/structptr.obj")])
-	"11/14/99")])
-	"dev_link_t  (from pcmcia)")])
-	"dev_node_t   *dev")])
-	"void         *priv")])
-	100,124,100,156],0,1,1,16,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	"Shows the links established between the")])
-	"netdevice, wlandevice, pcmcia, and private")])
-	"structures at initialization time.")])
-	"char         *name")])
-	"wlandevice_t (from L8S)")])
-	"void         *priv")])
-	"netdevice_t  *netdev")])
-	100,292,100,332],0,1,1,53,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	"char         *name")])
-	"struct device ")])
-	"(aka netdevice_t)")])
-	"(from linux kernel)")])
-	"void         *priv")])
-	104,484,104,540],0,1,1,66,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	"devpriv_t (from MSD)")])
-	"dev_link_t     *link")])
-	388,276,388,316],0,1,1,79,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	"dev_node_t     node")])
-	"(from pcmcia)")])
-	"char  name[32]")])
-	388,228,388,260],0,1,1,92,0,0,5,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	216,168,256,168,256,220,60,220,60,268,76,268],1,1,1,116,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "00","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	228,360,256,360,256,396,60,396,60,460,80,460],1,1,1,119,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "00","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	216,280,320,280,320,216,340,216],1,1,1,127,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	216,344,304,344,304,172,352,172],1,1,1,135,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	224,552,260,552,260,592,32,592,32,268,60,268],1,1,1,136,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "00","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	220,472,340,472,340,216,376,216],1,1,1,141,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "0","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
-	508,328,536,328,536,64,56,64,56,100,76,100],1,1,1,156,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'1',0,0,
-    "00","",[
-    0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[0,8,3,0,'8','3','0'],[
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-K 13
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-Author Date Id Revision
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2001 +0,0 @@
-	<TITLE>802.11 to PRISM2 RID Mapping List</TITLE>
-<B>doc/prism2/ridlist-mib.html<BR>Copyright (C) 2000 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</B>
-<BR>API - The document source for this RID is the API Enhancements Document
-<BR>PRO - The document source for this RID is the CW10 Programmer's Manual
-<BR>[1] - read mode is implemented internally within the driver
-<BR>[2] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver during implementation of the Group Addresses RID (0xFC80)
-<BR>[3] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver
-<TABLE border=1>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>PRISM2<BR>RID<BR>VALUE</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>PRISM2<BR>RID<BR>NAME</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>STA</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>AP</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>802.11 MibItem Name</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>Doc<BR>Src</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>Implemented?</B>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F200
-		<TD valign=bottom>LinkStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F201
-		<TD valign=bottom>AssociationStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F202
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F203
-		<TD valign=bottom>PowerSaveUserCount
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC29
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPKeyMappingTable
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2A
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAuthentication
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2B
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxAssociatedStations
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2C
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfTxControl
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2D
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfRoamingMode
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2E
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfHostAuthentication
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC30
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfRcvCrcError
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC31
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMMLife
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC32
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAltRetryCnt
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC33
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfBeaconInterval
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC34
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAPPCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC35
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSTAPCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9E
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9F
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA0
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA1
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA2
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA3
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA4
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB0
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfShortPreamble
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB1
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfExcludeLongPreamble
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB3
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfBasicRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE1
-		<TD valign=bottom>ScanRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE2
-		<TD valign=bottom>JoinRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE3
-		<TD valign=bottom>authenticateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE4
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelInfoRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F101
-		<TD valign=bottom>ScanResults
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F102
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelInfoResults
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC00
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPortType
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC03
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC04
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnSSID IBSS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC05
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnATIMWindow
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC06
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSystemScale
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC07
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxDataLength
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC08
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0A
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMEPS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0B
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMulticastReceive
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0C
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxSleepDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0D
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMHoldoverDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0E
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnName
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC11
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC12
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC13
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC14
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC15
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC16
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC17
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMulticastPMBuffering
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC81
-		<TD valign=bottom>CreateIBSS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC90
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC91
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC92
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC93
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC94
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC95
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC96
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC97
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC98
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC99
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9A
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9B
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9C
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9D
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB4
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSupportedRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE0
-		<TD valign=bottom>TickTime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD00
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxLoadTime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD01
-		<TD valign=bottom>DownloadBuffer
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD02
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRIIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD03
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD04
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0A
-		<TD valign=bottom>NICSerialNumber
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0B
-		<TD valign=bottom>NICIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0C
-		<TD valign=bottom>MFISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0D
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD10
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelList
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD11
-		<TD valign=bottom>RegulatoryDomains
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD13
-		<TD valign=bottom>CIS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD20
-		<TD valign=bottom>STAIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD21
-		<TD valign=bottom>STASupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD22
-		<TD valign=bottom>MFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD23
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD40
-		<TD valign=bottom>PortStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD41
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD42
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentBSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD43
-		<TD valign=bottom>CommsQuality
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD44
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD46
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentScaleThresholds
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD80
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD81
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD82
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD83
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD84
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD85
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC2
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentPowerState
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC6
-		<TD valign=bottom>SupportedDataRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ACKFailureCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC85
-		<TD valign=bottom>PromiscuousMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address1-32
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [2]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address10
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address11
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address12
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address13
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address14
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address15
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address16
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address17
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address18
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address19
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address20
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address21
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address22
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address23
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address24
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address25
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address26
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address27
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address28
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address29
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address30
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address31
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address32
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address7
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address8
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address9
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AntennaListIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD47
-		<TD valign=bottom>ProtocolRspTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AssociationResponseTimeOut
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticateFailStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticateFailStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4D
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationAlgorithms
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4D
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationAlgorithms
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB2
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAuthenticationRspTO
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationResponseTimeOut
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD45
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentBeaconInterval
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11BeaconPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAModeSupported
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogCountMax
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogCountMin
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMax
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMin
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPMaxDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4C
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFPollable
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPollable
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ChannelAgilityEnabled
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ChannelAgilityPresent
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC3
-		<TD valign=bottom>CCAMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentCCAMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC1
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentChannelNumber
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentDwellTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentPattern
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentRegDomain
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentRxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentSet
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentTxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC10
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnDTIMPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DTIMPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DeauthenticateReason
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DeauthenticateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DesiredBSSType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC02
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDesiredSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DesiredSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DisassociateReason
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DisassociateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DiversitySelectionRx
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DiversitySupport
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11EDThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC28
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPFlags
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ExcludeUnencrypted
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FCSErrorCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FailedCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC82
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FragmentationThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FrameDuplicateCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11HopTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD49
-		<TD valign=bottom>LongRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11LongRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD86
-		<TD valign=bottom>OwnMACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ManufacturerID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxDwellTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4B
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxReceiveLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxReceiveLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4A
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxTransmitLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MediumOccupancyLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MultipleRetryCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11NumberSupportedPowerLevels
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC84
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11OperationalRateSet
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PBCCOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC0
-		<TD valign=bottom>PHYType
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PHYType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC09
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMEnabled
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PowerManagementMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC28
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPFlags
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PrivacyInvoked
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4F
-		<TD valign=bottom>PrivacyOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ProductID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSFailureCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSSuccessCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC83
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ReceivedFragmentCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RegDomainsSupportIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RegDomainsSupportValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RetryCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ShortPreambleOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD48
-		<TD valign=bottom>ShortRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ShortRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC01
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnMACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11StationID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesRxIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesRxValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesTxIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesTxValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedRxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedTxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD12
-		<TD valign=bottom>TempType
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TempType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TransmittedFragmentCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TransmittedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel7
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel8
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC24
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey0
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey0
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC25
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey1
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey1
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC26
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey2
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey2
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC27
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey3
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey3
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC23
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPDefaultKeyID
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKeyID
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPExcludedCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPICVErrorCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingLength
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingWEPOn
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPUndecryptableCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-mib.txt.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-mib.txt.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index eeac25b..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-mib.txt.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2000 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-API - The document source for this RID is the API Enhancements Document
-PRO - The document source for this RID is the CW10 Programmer's Manual
-[1] - read mode is implemented internally within the driver
-[2] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver during implementation of the Group Addresses RID (0xFC80)
-[3] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver
-PRISM2 | PRISM2               |     |     |                                       |     |  
-RID    | RID                  |     |     |                                       | Doc |  
-VALUE  | NAME                 | STA | AP  | MibItem NAME                          | Src | Implemented?
-F200   | LinkStatus           |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F201   | AssociationStatus    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F202   | AuthenticationReques |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F203   | PowerSaveUserCount   |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC29   | cnfWEPKeyMappingTabl |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2A   | cnfAuthentication    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2B   | cnfMaxAssociatedStat |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2C   | cnfTxControl         |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2D   | cnfRoamingMode       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2E   | cnfHostAuthenticatio |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC30   | cnfRcvCrcError       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC31   | cnfMMLife            |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC32   | cnfAltRetryCnt       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC33   | cnfBeaconInterval    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC34   | cnfAPPCFInfo         |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC35   | cnfSTAPCFInfo        |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC9E   | TxRateControl0       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC9F   | TxRateControl1       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA0   | TxRateControl2       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA1   | TxRateControl3       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA2   | TxRateControl4       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA3   | TxRateControl5       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA4   | TxRateControl6       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB0   | cnfShortPreamble     |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB1   | cnfExcludeLongPreamb |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB3   | cnfBasicRates        |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE1   | ScanRequest          |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE2   | JoinRequest          |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE3   | authenticateStation  |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE4   | ChannelInfoRequest   |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F101   | ScanResults          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-F102   | ChannelInfoResults   |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC00   | cnfPortType          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC03   | cnfOwnChannel        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC04   | cnfOwnSSID IBSS      |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC05   | cnfOwnATIMWindow     |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC06   | cnfSystemScale       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC07   | cnfMaxDataLength     |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC08   | cnfWDSAddress        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0A   | cnfPMEPS             |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0B   | cnfMulticastReceive  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0C   | cnfMaxSleepDuration  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0D   | cnfPMHoldoverDuratio |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0E   | cnfOwnName           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC11   | cnfWDSAddress1       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC12   | cnfWDSAddress2       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC13   | cnfWDSAddress3       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC14   | cnfWDSAddress4       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC15   | cnfWDSAddress5       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC16   | cnfWDSAddress6       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC17   | cnfMulticastPMBuffer |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC81   | CreateIBSS           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC90   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC91   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC92   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC93   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC94   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC95   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC96   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC97   | RTSThreshold0        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC98   | RTSThreshold1        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC99   | RTSThreshold2        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9A   | RTSThreshold3        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9B   | RTSThreshold4        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9C   | RTSThreshold5        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9D   | RTSThreshold6        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FCB4   | cnfSupportedRates    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FCE0   | TickTime             |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD00   | MaxLoadTime          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD01   | DownloadBuffer       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD02   | PRIIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD03   | PRISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD04   | CFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0A   | NICSerialNumber      |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0B   | NICIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0C   | MFISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0D   | CFISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD10   | ChannelList          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD11   | RegulatoryDomains    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD13   | CIS                  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD20   | STAIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD21   | STASupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD22   | MFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD23   | CFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD40   | PortStatus           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD41   | CurrentSSID          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD42   | CurrentBSSID         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD43   | CommsQuality         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD44   | CurrentTxRate        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD46   | CurrentScaleThreshol |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD80   | CurrentTxRate1       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD81   | CurrentTxRate2       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD82   | CurrentTxRate3       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD83   | CurrentTxRate4       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD84   | CurrentTxRate5       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD85   | CurrentTxRate6       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FDC2   | CurrentPowerState    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FDC6   | SupportedDataRates   |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ACKFailureCount                  | PRO | 
-FC85   | PromiscuousMode      | X   |     | dot11Address1-32                      | PRO | R/W [2]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address10                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address11                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address12                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address13                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address14                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address15                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address16                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address17                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address18                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address19                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address1                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address20                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address21                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address22                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address23                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address24                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address25                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address26                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address27                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address28                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address29                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address2                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address30                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address31                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address32                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address3                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address4                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address5                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address6                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address7                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address8                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address9                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AntennaListIndex                 | PRO | 
-FD47   | ProtocolRspTime      | X   | X   | dot11AssociationResponseTimeOut       | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticateFailStation          | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticateFailStatus           | PRO | R [3]
-FD4D   | AuthenticationAlgori | X   | X   | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm1         | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm2         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm3         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm4         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm5         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm6         | PRO | 
-FD4D   | AuthenticationAlgori | X   | X   | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable1  | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable2  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable3  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable4  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable5  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable6  | PRO | 
-FCB2   | cnfAuthenticationRsp | X   |     | dot11AuthenticationResponseTimeOut    | API | R
-FD45   | CurrentBeaconInterva | X   | X   | dot11BeaconPeriod                     | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAModeSupported                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogCountMax              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogCountMin              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMax              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMin              | PRO | 
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11CFPMaxDuration                   | PRO | R
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11CFPPeriod                        | PRO | R
-FD4C   | CFPollable           | X   |     | dot11CFPollable                       | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ChannelAgilityEnabled            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ChannelAgilityPresent            | PRO | 
-FDC3   | CCAMode              | X   | X   | dot11CurrentCCAMode                   | PRO | R
-FDC1   | CurrentChannel       | X   | X   | dot11CurrentChannel                   | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentChannelNumber             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentDwellTime                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentIndex                     | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentPattern                   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentRegDomain                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentRxAntenna                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentSet                       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentTxAntenna                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel              | PRO | 
-FC10   | cnfOwnDTIMPeriod     |     | X   | dot11DTIMPeriod                       | API | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DeauthenticateReason             | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DeauthenticateStation            | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DesiredBSSType                   | PRO | R/W [3]
-FC02   | cnfDesiredSSID       | X   |     | dot11DesiredSSID                      | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DisassociateReason               | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DisassociateStation              | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DiversitySelectionRx             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DiversitySupport                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11EDThreshold                      | PRO | 
-FC28   | cnfWEPFlags          | X   | X   | dot11ExcludeUnencrypted               | API | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FCSErrorCount                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FailedCount                      | PRO | 
-FC82   | FragmentationThresho | X   |     | dot11FragmentationThreshold           | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FrameDuplicateCount              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11HopTime                          | PRO | 
-FD49   | LongRetryLimit       | X   | X   | dot11LongRetryLimit                   | PRO | R
-FD86   | OwnMACAddress        |     | X   | dot11MACAddress                       | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ManufacturerID                   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MaxDwellTime                     | PRO | 
-FD4B   | MaxReceiveLifetime   |     |     | dot11MaxReceiveLifetime               | PRO | R
-FD4A   | MaxTransmitLifetime  |     |     | dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime          | PRO | R
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11MediumOccupancyLimit             | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount      | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MultipleRetryCount               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11NumberSupportedPowerLevels       | PRO | 
-FC84   | TxRateControl        | X   |     | dot11OperationalRateSet               | API | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11PBCCOptionImplemented            | PRO | 
-FDC0   | PHYType              | X   | X   | dot11PHYType                          | PRO | R
-FC09   | cnfPMEnabled         | X   |     | dot11PowerManagementMode              | PRO | R/W
-FC28   | cnfWEPFlags          | X   | X   | dot11PrivacyInvoked                   | API | R/W
-FD4F   | PrivacyOptionImpleme |     |     | dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented         | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ProductID                        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RTSFailureCount                  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RTSSuccessCount                  | PRO | 
-FC83   | RTSThreshold         | X   |     | dot11RTSThreshold                     | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ReceivedFragmentCount            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RegDomainsSupportIndex           | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RegDomainsSupportValue           | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RetryCount                       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ShortPreambleOptionImplemented   | PRO | 
-FD48   | ShortRetryLimit      | X   | X   | dot11ShortRetryLimit                  | PRO | R
-FC01   | cnfOwnMACAddress     | X   |     | dot11StationID                        | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesRxIndex        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesRxValue        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesTxIndex        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesTxValue        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedRxAntenna               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedTxAntenna               | PRO | 
-FD12   | TempType             | X   | X   | dot11TempType                         | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TransmittedFragmentCount         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TransmittedFrameCount            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel1                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel2                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel3                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel4                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel5                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel6                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel7                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel8                    | PRO | 
-FC24   | cnfDefaultKey0       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey0                   | API | R/W
-FC25   | cnfDefaultKey1       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey1                   | API | R/W
-FC26   | cnfDefaultKey2       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey2                   | API | R/W
-FC27   | cnfDefaultKey3       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey3                   | API | R/W
-FC23   | cnfWEPDefaultKeyID   | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKeyID                  | API | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPExcludedCount                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPICVErrorCount                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingAddress             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingIndex               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingLength              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingValue               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingWEPOn               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPUndecryptableCount            | PRO | 
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-rid.html.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-rid.html.svn-base
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index b6ebacb..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-rid.html.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2001 +0,0 @@
-	<TITLE>802.11 to PRISM2 RID Mapping List</TITLE>
-<B>doc/prism2/ridlist-rid.html<BR>Copyright (C) 2000 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</B>
-<BR>API - The document source for this RID is the API Enhancements Document
-<BR>PRO - The document source for this RID is the CW10 Programmer's Manual
-<BR>[1] - read mode is implemented internally within the driver
-<BR>[2] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver during implementation of the Group Addresses RID (0xFC80)
-<BR>[3] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver
-<TABLE border=1>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>PRISM2<BR>RID<BR>VALUE</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>PRISM2<BR>RID<BR>NAME</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>STA</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>AP</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>802.11 MibItem Name</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>Doc<BR>Src</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>Implemented?</B>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ACKFailureCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AntennaListIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticateFailStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticateFailStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAModeSupported
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogCountMax
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogCountMin
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMax
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMin
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ChannelAgilityEnabled
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ChannelAgilityPresent
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentChannelNumber
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentDwellTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentPattern
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentRegDomain
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentRxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentSet
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentTxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DeauthenticateReason
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DeauthenticateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DesiredBSSType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DisassociateReason
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DisassociateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DiversitySelectionRx
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DiversitySupport
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11EDThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FCSErrorCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FailedCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FrameDuplicateCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11HopTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ManufacturerID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxDwellTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MultipleRetryCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11NumberSupportedPowerLevels
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PBCCOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ProductID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSFailureCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSSuccessCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ReceivedFragmentCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RegDomainsSupportIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RegDomainsSupportValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RetryCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ShortPreambleOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesRxIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesRxValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesTxIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesTxValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedRxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedTxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TransmittedFragmentCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TransmittedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel7
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel8
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPExcludedCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPICVErrorCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingLength
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingWEPOn
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPUndecryptableCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F101
-		<TD valign=bottom>ScanResults
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F102
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelInfoResults
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F200
-		<TD valign=bottom>LinkStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F201
-		<TD valign=bottom>AssociationStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F202
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F203
-		<TD valign=bottom>PowerSaveUserCount
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC00
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPortType
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC01
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnMACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11StationID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC02
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDesiredSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DesiredSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC03
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC04
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnSSID IBSS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC05
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnATIMWindow
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC06
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSystemScale
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC07
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxDataLength
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC08
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC09
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMEnabled
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PowerManagementMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0A
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMEPS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0B
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMulticastReceive
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0C
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxSleepDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0D
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMHoldoverDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0E
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnName
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC10
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnDTIMPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DTIMPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC11
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC12
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC13
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC14
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC15
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC16
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC17
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMulticastPMBuffering
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC23
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPDefaultKeyID
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKeyID
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC24
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey0
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey0
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC25
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey1
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey1
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC26
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey2
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey2
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC27
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey3
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey3
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC28
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPFlags
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ExcludeUnencrypted
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC28
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPFlags
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PrivacyInvoked
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC29
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPKeyMappingTable
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2A
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAuthentication
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2B
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxAssociatedStations
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2C
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfTxControl
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2D
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfRoamingMode
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2E
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfHostAuthentication
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC30
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfRcvCrcError
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC31
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMMLife
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC32
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAltRetryCnt
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC33
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfBeaconInterval
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC34
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAPPCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC35
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSTAPCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address10
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address11
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address12
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address13
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address14
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address15
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address16
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address17
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address18
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address19
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address20
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address21
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address22
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address23
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address24
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address25
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address26
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address27
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address28
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address29
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address30
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address31
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address32
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address7
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address8
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address9
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC81
-		<TD valign=bottom>CreateIBSS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC82
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FragmentationThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC83
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC84
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11OperationalRateSet
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC85
-		<TD valign=bottom>PromiscuousMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address1-32
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [2]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC90
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC91
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC92
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC93
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC94
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC95
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC96
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC97
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC98
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC99
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9A
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9B
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9C
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9D
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9E
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9F
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA0
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA1
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA2
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA3
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA4
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB0
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfShortPreamble
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB1
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfExcludeLongPreamble
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB2
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAuthenticationRspTO
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationResponseTimeOut
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB3
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfBasicRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB4
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSupportedRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE0
-		<TD valign=bottom>TickTime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE1
-		<TD valign=bottom>ScanRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE2
-		<TD valign=bottom>JoinRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE3
-		<TD valign=bottom>authenticateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE4
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelInfoRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD00
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxLoadTime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD01
-		<TD valign=bottom>DownloadBuffer
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD02
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRIIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD03
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD04
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0A
-		<TD valign=bottom>NICSerialNumber
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0B
-		<TD valign=bottom>NICIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0C
-		<TD valign=bottom>MFISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0D
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD10
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelList
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD11
-		<TD valign=bottom>RegulatoryDomains
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD12
-		<TD valign=bottom>TempType
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TempType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD13
-		<TD valign=bottom>CIS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD20
-		<TD valign=bottom>STAIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD21
-		<TD valign=bottom>STASupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD22
-		<TD valign=bottom>MFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD23
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD40
-		<TD valign=bottom>PortStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD41
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD42
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentBSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD43
-		<TD valign=bottom>CommsQuality
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD44
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD45
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentBeaconInterval
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11BeaconPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD46
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentScaleThresholds
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD47
-		<TD valign=bottom>ProtocolRspTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AssociationResponseTimeOut
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD48
-		<TD valign=bottom>ShortRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ShortRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD49
-		<TD valign=bottom>LongRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11LongRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4A
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxTransmitLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4B
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxReceiveLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxReceiveLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4C
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFPollable
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPollable
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4D
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationAlgorithms
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4D
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationAlgorithms
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4F
-		<TD valign=bottom>PrivacyOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD80
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD81
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD82
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD83
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD84
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD85
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD86
-		<TD valign=bottom>OwnMACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPMaxDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MediumOccupancyLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC0
-		<TD valign=bottom>PHYType
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PHYType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC1
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC2
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentPowerState
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC3
-		<TD valign=bottom>CCAMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentCCAMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC6
-		<TD valign=bottom>SupportedDataRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-rid.txt.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-rid.txt.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f3063..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/.svn/text-base/ridlist-rid.txt.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2000 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-API - The document source for this RID is the API Enhancements Document
-PRO - The document source for this RID is the CW10 Programmer's Manual
-[1] - read mode is implemented internally within the driver
-[2] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver during implementation of the Group Addresses RID (0xFC80)
-[3] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver
-PRISM2 | PRISM2               |     |     |                                       |     |  
-RID    | RID                  |     |     |                                       | Doc |  
-VALUE  | NAME                 | STA | AP  | MibItem NAME                          | Src | Implemented?
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ACKFailureCount                  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AntennaListIndex                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticateFailStation          | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticateFailStatus           | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm2         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm3         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm4         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm5         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm6         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable2  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable3  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable4  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable5  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable6  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAModeSupported                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogCountMax              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogCountMin              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMax              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMin              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ChannelAgilityEnabled            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ChannelAgilityPresent            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentChannelNumber             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentDwellTime                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentIndex                     | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentPattern                   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentRegDomain                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentRxAntenna                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentSet                       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentTxAntenna                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DeauthenticateReason             | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DeauthenticateStation            | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DesiredBSSType                   | PRO | R/W [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DisassociateReason               | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DisassociateStation              | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DiversitySelectionRx             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DiversitySupport                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11EDThreshold                      | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FCSErrorCount                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FailedCount                      | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FrameDuplicateCount              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11HopTime                          | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ManufacturerID                   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MaxDwellTime                     | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount      | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MultipleRetryCount               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11NumberSupportedPowerLevels       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11PBCCOptionImplemented            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ProductID                        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RTSFailureCount                  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RTSSuccessCount                  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ReceivedFragmentCount            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RegDomainsSupportIndex           | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RegDomainsSupportValue           | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RetryCount                       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ShortPreambleOptionImplemented   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesRxIndex        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesRxValue        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesTxIndex        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesTxValue        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedRxAntenna               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedTxAntenna               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TransmittedFragmentCount         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TransmittedFrameCount            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel1                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel2                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel3                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel4                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel5                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel6                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel7                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel8                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPExcludedCount                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPICVErrorCount                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingAddress             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingIndex               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingLength              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingValue               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingWEPOn               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPUndecryptableCount            | PRO | 
-F101   | ScanResults          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-F102   | ChannelInfoResults   |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-F200   | LinkStatus           |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F201   | AssociationStatus    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F202   | AuthenticationReques |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F203   | PowerSaveUserCount   |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC00   | cnfPortType          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC01   | cnfOwnMACAddress     | X   |     | dot11StationID                        | PRO | R/W
-FC02   | cnfDesiredSSID       | X   |     | dot11DesiredSSID                      | PRO | R/W
-FC03   | cnfOwnChannel        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC04   | cnfOwnSSID IBSS      |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC05   | cnfOwnATIMWindow     |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC06   | cnfSystemScale       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC07   | cnfMaxDataLength     |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC08   | cnfWDSAddress        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC09   | cnfPMEnabled         | X   |     | dot11PowerManagementMode              | PRO | R/W
-FC0A   | cnfPMEPS             |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0B   | cnfMulticastReceive  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0C   | cnfMaxSleepDuration  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0D   | cnfPMHoldoverDuratio |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0E   | cnfOwnName           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC10   | cnfOwnDTIMPeriod     |     | X   | dot11DTIMPeriod                       | API | R/W
-FC11   | cnfWDSAddress1       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC12   | cnfWDSAddress2       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC13   | cnfWDSAddress3       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC14   | cnfWDSAddress4       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC15   | cnfWDSAddress5       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC16   | cnfWDSAddress6       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC17   | cnfMulticastPMBuffer |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC23   | cnfWEPDefaultKeyID   | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKeyID                  | API | R/W
-FC24   | cnfDefaultKey0       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey0                   | API | R/W
-FC25   | cnfDefaultKey1       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey1                   | API | R/W
-FC26   | cnfDefaultKey2       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey2                   | API | R/W
-FC27   | cnfDefaultKey3       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey3                   | API | R/W
-FC28   | cnfWEPFlags          | X   | X   | dot11ExcludeUnencrypted               | API | R/W
-FC28   | cnfWEPFlags          | X   | X   | dot11PrivacyInvoked                   | API | R/W
-FC29   | cnfWEPKeyMappingTabl |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2A   | cnfAuthentication    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2B   | cnfMaxAssociatedStat |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2C   | cnfTxControl         |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2D   | cnfRoamingMode       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2E   | cnfHostAuthenticatio |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC30   | cnfRcvCrcError       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC31   | cnfMMLife            |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC32   | cnfAltRetryCnt       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC33   | cnfBeaconInterval    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC34   | cnfAPPCFInfo         |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC35   | cnfSTAPCFInfo        |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address10                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address11                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address12                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address13                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address14                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address15                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address16                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address17                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address18                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address19                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address1                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address20                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address21                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address22                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address23                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address24                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address25                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address26                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address27                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address28                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address29                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address2                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address30                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address31                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address32                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address3                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address4                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address5                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address6                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address7                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address8                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address9                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC81   | CreateIBSS           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC82   | FragmentationThresho | X   |     | dot11FragmentationThreshold           | PRO | R/W
-FC83   | RTSThreshold         | X   |     | dot11RTSThreshold                     | PRO | R/W
-FC84   | TxRateControl        | X   |     | dot11OperationalRateSet               | API | R/W
-FC85   | PromiscuousMode      | X   |     | dot11Address1-32                      | PRO | R/W [2]
-FC90   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC91   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC92   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC93   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC94   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC95   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC96   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC97   | RTSThreshold0        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC98   | RTSThreshold1        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC99   | RTSThreshold2        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9A   | RTSThreshold3        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9B   | RTSThreshold4        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9C   | RTSThreshold5        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9D   | RTSThreshold6        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9E   | TxRateControl0       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC9F   | TxRateControl1       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA0   | TxRateControl2       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA1   | TxRateControl3       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA2   | TxRateControl4       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA3   | TxRateControl5       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA4   | TxRateControl6       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB0   | cnfShortPreamble     |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB1   | cnfExcludeLongPreamb |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB2   | cnfAuthenticationRsp | X   |     | dot11AuthenticationResponseTimeOut    | API | R
-FCB3   | cnfBasicRates        |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB4   | cnfSupportedRates    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FCE0   | TickTime             |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FCE1   | ScanRequest          |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE2   | JoinRequest          |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE3   | authenticateStation  |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE4   | ChannelInfoRequest   |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FD00   | MaxLoadTime          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD01   | DownloadBuffer       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD02   | PRIIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD03   | PRISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD04   | CFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0A   | NICSerialNumber      |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0B   | NICIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0C   | MFISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0D   | CFISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD10   | ChannelList          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD11   | RegulatoryDomains    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD12   | TempType             | X   | X   | dot11TempType                         | PRO | R
-FD13   | CIS                  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD20   | STAIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD21   | STASupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD22   | MFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD23   | CFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD40   | PortStatus           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD41   | CurrentSSID          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD42   | CurrentBSSID         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD43   | CommsQuality         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD44   | CurrentTxRate        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD45   | CurrentBeaconInterva | X   | X   | dot11BeaconPeriod                     | PRO | R/W
-FD46   | CurrentScaleThreshol |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD47   | ProtocolRspTime      | X   | X   | dot11AssociationResponseTimeOut       | PRO | R
-FD48   | ShortRetryLimit      | X   | X   | dot11ShortRetryLimit                  | PRO | R
-FD49   | LongRetryLimit       | X   | X   | dot11LongRetryLimit                   | PRO | R
-FD4A   | MaxTransmitLifetime  |     |     | dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime          | PRO | R
-FD4B   | MaxReceiveLifetime   |     |     | dot11MaxReceiveLifetime               | PRO | R
-FD4C   | CFPollable           | X   |     | dot11CFPollable                       | PRO | R
-FD4D   | AuthenticationAlgori | X   | X   | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm1         | PRO | R/W
-FD4D   | AuthenticationAlgori | X   | X   | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable1  | PRO | R/W
-FD4F   | PrivacyOptionImpleme |     |     | dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented         | PRO | R
-FD80   | CurrentTxRate1       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD81   | CurrentTxRate2       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD82   | CurrentTxRate3       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD83   | CurrentTxRate4       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD84   | CurrentTxRate5       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD85   | CurrentTxRate6       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD86   | OwnMACAddress        |     | X   | dot11MACAddress                       | PRO | R/W
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11CFPMaxDuration                   | PRO | R
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11CFPPeriod                        | PRO | R
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11MediumOccupancyLimit             | PRO | R
-FDC0   | PHYType              | X   | X   | dot11PHYType                          | PRO | R
-FDC1   | CurrentChannel       | X   | X   | dot11CurrentChannel                   | PRO | R
-FDC2   | CurrentPowerState    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FDC3   | CCAMode              | X   | X   | dot11CurrentCCAMode                   | PRO | R
-FDC6   | SupportedDataRates   |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-mib.html b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-mib.html
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-	<TITLE>802.11 to PRISM2 RID Mapping List</TITLE>
-<B>doc/prism2/ridlist-mib.html<BR>Copyright (C) 2000 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</B>
-<BR>API - The document source for this RID is the API Enhancements Document
-<BR>PRO - The document source for this RID is the CW10 Programmer's Manual
-<BR>[1] - read mode is implemented internally within the driver
-<BR>[2] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver during implementation of the Group Addresses RID (0xFC80)
-<BR>[3] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver
-<TABLE border=1>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>PRISM2<BR>RID<BR>VALUE</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>PRISM2<BR>RID<BR>NAME</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>STA</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>AP</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>802.11 MibItem Name</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>Doc<BR>Src</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>Implemented?</B>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F200
-		<TD valign=bottom>LinkStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F201
-		<TD valign=bottom>AssociationStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F202
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F203
-		<TD valign=bottom>PowerSaveUserCount
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC29
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPKeyMappingTable
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2A
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAuthentication
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2B
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxAssociatedStations
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2C
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfTxControl
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2D
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfRoamingMode
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2E
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfHostAuthentication
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC30
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfRcvCrcError
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC31
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMMLife
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC32
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAltRetryCnt
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC33
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfBeaconInterval
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC34
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAPPCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC35
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSTAPCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9E
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9F
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA0
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA1
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA2
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA3
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA4
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB0
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfShortPreamble
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB1
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfExcludeLongPreamble
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB3
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfBasicRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE1
-		<TD valign=bottom>ScanRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE2
-		<TD valign=bottom>JoinRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE3
-		<TD valign=bottom>authenticateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE4
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelInfoRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F101
-		<TD valign=bottom>ScanResults
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F102
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelInfoResults
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC00
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPortType
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC03
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC04
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnSSID IBSS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC05
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnATIMWindow
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC06
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSystemScale
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC07
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxDataLength
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC08
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0A
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMEPS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0B
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMulticastReceive
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0C
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxSleepDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0D
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMHoldoverDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0E
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnName
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC11
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC12
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC13
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC14
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC15
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC16
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC17
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMulticastPMBuffering
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC81
-		<TD valign=bottom>CreateIBSS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC90
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC91
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC92
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC93
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC94
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC95
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC96
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC97
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC98
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC99
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9A
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9B
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9C
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9D
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB4
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSupportedRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE0
-		<TD valign=bottom>TickTime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD00
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxLoadTime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD01
-		<TD valign=bottom>DownloadBuffer
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD02
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRIIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD03
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD04
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0A
-		<TD valign=bottom>NICSerialNumber
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0B
-		<TD valign=bottom>NICIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0C
-		<TD valign=bottom>MFISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0D
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD10
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelList
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD11
-		<TD valign=bottom>RegulatoryDomains
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD13
-		<TD valign=bottom>CIS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD20
-		<TD valign=bottom>STAIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD21
-		<TD valign=bottom>STASupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD22
-		<TD valign=bottom>MFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD23
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD40
-		<TD valign=bottom>PortStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD41
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD42
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentBSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD43
-		<TD valign=bottom>CommsQuality
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD44
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD46
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentScaleThresholds
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD80
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD81
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD82
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD83
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD84
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD85
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC2
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentPowerState
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC6
-		<TD valign=bottom>SupportedDataRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ACKFailureCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC85
-		<TD valign=bottom>PromiscuousMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address1-32
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [2]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address10
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address11
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address12
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address13
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address14
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address15
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address16
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address17
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address18
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address19
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address20
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address21
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address22
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address23
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address24
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address25
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address26
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address27
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address28
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address29
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address30
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address31
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address32
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address7
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address8
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address9
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AntennaListIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD47
-		<TD valign=bottom>ProtocolRspTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AssociationResponseTimeOut
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticateFailStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticateFailStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4D
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationAlgorithms
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4D
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationAlgorithms
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB2
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAuthenticationRspTO
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationResponseTimeOut
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD45
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentBeaconInterval
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11BeaconPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAModeSupported
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogCountMax
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogCountMin
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMax
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMin
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPMaxDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4C
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFPollable
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPollable
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ChannelAgilityEnabled
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ChannelAgilityPresent
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC3
-		<TD valign=bottom>CCAMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentCCAMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC1
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentChannelNumber
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentDwellTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentPattern
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentRegDomain
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentRxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentSet
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentTxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC10
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnDTIMPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DTIMPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DeauthenticateReason
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DeauthenticateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DesiredBSSType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC02
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDesiredSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DesiredSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DisassociateReason
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DisassociateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DiversitySelectionRx
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DiversitySupport
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11EDThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC28
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPFlags
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ExcludeUnencrypted
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FCSErrorCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FailedCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC82
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FragmentationThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FrameDuplicateCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11HopTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD49
-		<TD valign=bottom>LongRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11LongRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD86
-		<TD valign=bottom>OwnMACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ManufacturerID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxDwellTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4B
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxReceiveLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxReceiveLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4A
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxTransmitLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MediumOccupancyLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MultipleRetryCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11NumberSupportedPowerLevels
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC84
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11OperationalRateSet
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PBCCOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC0
-		<TD valign=bottom>PHYType
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PHYType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC09
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMEnabled
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PowerManagementMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC28
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPFlags
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PrivacyInvoked
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4F
-		<TD valign=bottom>PrivacyOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ProductID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSFailureCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSSuccessCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC83
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ReceivedFragmentCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RegDomainsSupportIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RegDomainsSupportValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RetryCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ShortPreambleOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD48
-		<TD valign=bottom>ShortRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ShortRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC01
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnMACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11StationID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesRxIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesRxValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesTxIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesTxValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedRxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedTxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD12
-		<TD valign=bottom>TempType
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TempType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TransmittedFragmentCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TransmittedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel7
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel8
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC24
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey0
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey0
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC25
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey1
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey1
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC26
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey2
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey2
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC27
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey3
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey3
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC23
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPDefaultKeyID
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKeyID
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPExcludedCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPICVErrorCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingLength
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingWEPOn
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPUndecryptableCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
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- Copyright (C) 2000 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-API - The document source for this RID is the API Enhancements Document
-PRO - The document source for this RID is the CW10 Programmer's Manual
-[1] - read mode is implemented internally within the driver
-[2] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver during implementation of the Group Addresses RID (0xFC80)
-[3] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver
-PRISM2 | PRISM2               |     |     |                                       |     |  
-RID    | RID                  |     |     |                                       | Doc |  
-VALUE  | NAME                 | STA | AP  | MibItem NAME                          | Src | Implemented?
-F200   | LinkStatus           |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F201   | AssociationStatus    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F202   | AuthenticationReques |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F203   | PowerSaveUserCount   |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC29   | cnfWEPKeyMappingTabl |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2A   | cnfAuthentication    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2B   | cnfMaxAssociatedStat |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2C   | cnfTxControl         |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2D   | cnfRoamingMode       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2E   | cnfHostAuthenticatio |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC30   | cnfRcvCrcError       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC31   | cnfMMLife            |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC32   | cnfAltRetryCnt       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC33   | cnfBeaconInterval    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC34   | cnfAPPCFInfo         |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC35   | cnfSTAPCFInfo        |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC9E   | TxRateControl0       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC9F   | TxRateControl1       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA0   | TxRateControl2       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA1   | TxRateControl3       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA2   | TxRateControl4       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA3   | TxRateControl5       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA4   | TxRateControl6       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB0   | cnfShortPreamble     |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB1   | cnfExcludeLongPreamb |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB3   | cnfBasicRates        |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE1   | ScanRequest          |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE2   | JoinRequest          |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE3   | authenticateStation  |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE4   | ChannelInfoRequest   |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F101   | ScanResults          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-F102   | ChannelInfoResults   |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC00   | cnfPortType          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC03   | cnfOwnChannel        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC04   | cnfOwnSSID IBSS      |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC05   | cnfOwnATIMWindow     |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC06   | cnfSystemScale       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC07   | cnfMaxDataLength     |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC08   | cnfWDSAddress        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0A   | cnfPMEPS             |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0B   | cnfMulticastReceive  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0C   | cnfMaxSleepDuration  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0D   | cnfPMHoldoverDuratio |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0E   | cnfOwnName           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC11   | cnfWDSAddress1       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC12   | cnfWDSAddress2       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC13   | cnfWDSAddress3       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC14   | cnfWDSAddress4       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC15   | cnfWDSAddress5       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC16   | cnfWDSAddress6       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC17   | cnfMulticastPMBuffer |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC81   | CreateIBSS           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC90   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC91   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC92   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC93   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC94   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC95   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC96   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC97   | RTSThreshold0        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC98   | RTSThreshold1        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC99   | RTSThreshold2        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9A   | RTSThreshold3        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9B   | RTSThreshold4        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9C   | RTSThreshold5        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9D   | RTSThreshold6        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FCB4   | cnfSupportedRates    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FCE0   | TickTime             |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD00   | MaxLoadTime          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD01   | DownloadBuffer       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD02   | PRIIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD03   | PRISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD04   | CFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0A   | NICSerialNumber      |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0B   | NICIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0C   | MFISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0D   | CFISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD10   | ChannelList          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD11   | RegulatoryDomains    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD13   | CIS                  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD20   | STAIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD21   | STASupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD22   | MFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD23   | CFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD40   | PortStatus           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD41   | CurrentSSID          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD42   | CurrentBSSID         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD43   | CommsQuality         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD44   | CurrentTxRate        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD46   | CurrentScaleThreshol |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD80   | CurrentTxRate1       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD81   | CurrentTxRate2       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD82   | CurrentTxRate3       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD83   | CurrentTxRate4       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD84   | CurrentTxRate5       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD85   | CurrentTxRate6       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FDC2   | CurrentPowerState    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FDC6   | SupportedDataRates   |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ACKFailureCount                  | PRO | 
-FC85   | PromiscuousMode      | X   |     | dot11Address1-32                      | PRO | R/W [2]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address10                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address11                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address12                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address13                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address14                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address15                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address16                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address17                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address18                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address19                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address1                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address20                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address21                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address22                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address23                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address24                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address25                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address26                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address27                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address28                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address29                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address2                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address30                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address31                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address32                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address3                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address4                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address5                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address6                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address7                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address8                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address9                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AntennaListIndex                 | PRO | 
-FD47   | ProtocolRspTime      | X   | X   | dot11AssociationResponseTimeOut       | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticateFailStation          | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticateFailStatus           | PRO | R [3]
-FD4D   | AuthenticationAlgori | X   | X   | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm1         | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm2         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm3         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm4         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm5         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm6         | PRO | 
-FD4D   | AuthenticationAlgori | X   | X   | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable1  | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable2  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable3  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable4  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable5  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable6  | PRO | 
-FCB2   | cnfAuthenticationRsp | X   |     | dot11AuthenticationResponseTimeOut    | API | R
-FD45   | CurrentBeaconInterva | X   | X   | dot11BeaconPeriod                     | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAModeSupported                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogCountMax              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogCountMin              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMax              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMin              | PRO | 
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11CFPMaxDuration                   | PRO | R
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11CFPPeriod                        | PRO | R
-FD4C   | CFPollable           | X   |     | dot11CFPollable                       | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ChannelAgilityEnabled            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ChannelAgilityPresent            | PRO | 
-FDC3   | CCAMode              | X   | X   | dot11CurrentCCAMode                   | PRO | R
-FDC1   | CurrentChannel       | X   | X   | dot11CurrentChannel                   | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentChannelNumber             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentDwellTime                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentIndex                     | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentPattern                   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentRegDomain                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentRxAntenna                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentSet                       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentTxAntenna                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel              | PRO | 
-FC10   | cnfOwnDTIMPeriod     |     | X   | dot11DTIMPeriod                       | API | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DeauthenticateReason             | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DeauthenticateStation            | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DesiredBSSType                   | PRO | R/W [3]
-FC02   | cnfDesiredSSID       | X   |     | dot11DesiredSSID                      | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DisassociateReason               | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DisassociateStation              | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DiversitySelectionRx             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DiversitySupport                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11EDThreshold                      | PRO | 
-FC28   | cnfWEPFlags          | X   | X   | dot11ExcludeUnencrypted               | API | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FCSErrorCount                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FailedCount                      | PRO | 
-FC82   | FragmentationThresho | X   |     | dot11FragmentationThreshold           | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FrameDuplicateCount              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11HopTime                          | PRO | 
-FD49   | LongRetryLimit       | X   | X   | dot11LongRetryLimit                   | PRO | R
-FD86   | OwnMACAddress        |     | X   | dot11MACAddress                       | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ManufacturerID                   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MaxDwellTime                     | PRO | 
-FD4B   | MaxReceiveLifetime   |     |     | dot11MaxReceiveLifetime               | PRO | R
-FD4A   | MaxTransmitLifetime  |     |     | dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime          | PRO | R
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11MediumOccupancyLimit             | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount      | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MultipleRetryCount               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11NumberSupportedPowerLevels       | PRO | 
-FC84   | TxRateControl        | X   |     | dot11OperationalRateSet               | API | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11PBCCOptionImplemented            | PRO | 
-FDC0   | PHYType              | X   | X   | dot11PHYType                          | PRO | R
-FC09   | cnfPMEnabled         | X   |     | dot11PowerManagementMode              | PRO | R/W
-FC28   | cnfWEPFlags          | X   | X   | dot11PrivacyInvoked                   | API | R/W
-FD4F   | PrivacyOptionImpleme |     |     | dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented         | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ProductID                        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RTSFailureCount                  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RTSSuccessCount                  | PRO | 
-FC83   | RTSThreshold         | X   |     | dot11RTSThreshold                     | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ReceivedFragmentCount            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RegDomainsSupportIndex           | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RegDomainsSupportValue           | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RetryCount                       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ShortPreambleOptionImplemented   | PRO | 
-FD48   | ShortRetryLimit      | X   | X   | dot11ShortRetryLimit                  | PRO | R
-FC01   | cnfOwnMACAddress     | X   |     | dot11StationID                        | PRO | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesRxIndex        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesRxValue        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesTxIndex        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesTxValue        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedRxAntenna               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedTxAntenna               | PRO | 
-FD12   | TempType             | X   | X   | dot11TempType                         | PRO | R
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TransmittedFragmentCount         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TransmittedFrameCount            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel1                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel2                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel3                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel4                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel5                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel6                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel7                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel8                    | PRO | 
-FC24   | cnfDefaultKey0       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey0                   | API | R/W
-FC25   | cnfDefaultKey1       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey1                   | API | R/W
-FC26   | cnfDefaultKey2       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey2                   | API | R/W
-FC27   | cnfDefaultKey3       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey3                   | API | R/W
-FC23   | cnfWEPDefaultKeyID   | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKeyID                  | API | R/W
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPExcludedCount                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPICVErrorCount                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingAddress             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingIndex               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingLength              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingValue               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingWEPOn               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPUndecryptableCount            | PRO | 
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-	<TITLE>802.11 to PRISM2 RID Mapping List</TITLE>
-<B>doc/prism2/ridlist-rid.html<BR>Copyright (C) 2000 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.</B>
-<BR>API - The document source for this RID is the API Enhancements Document
-<BR>PRO - The document source for this RID is the CW10 Programmer's Manual
-<BR>[1] - read mode is implemented internally within the driver
-<BR>[2] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver during implementation of the Group Addresses RID (0xFC80)
-<BR>[3] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver
-<TABLE border=1>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>PRISM2<BR>RID<BR>VALUE</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>PRISM2<BR>RID<BR>NAME</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>STA</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>AP</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>802.11 MibItem Name</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>Doc<BR>Src</B>
-		<TD valign=bottom><B>Implemented?</B>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ACKFailureCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AntennaListIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticateFailStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticateFailStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAModeSupported
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogCountMax
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogCountMin
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMax
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMin
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ChannelAgilityEnabled
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ChannelAgilityPresent
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentChannelNumber
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentDwellTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentPattern
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentRegDomain
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentRxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentSet
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentTxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DeauthenticateReason
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DeauthenticateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DesiredBSSType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DisassociateReason
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DisassociateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R [3]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DiversitySelectionRx
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DiversitySupport
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11EDThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FCSErrorCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FailedCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FrameDuplicateCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11HopTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ManufacturerID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxDwellTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MultipleRetryCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11NumberSupportedPowerLevels
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PBCCOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ProductID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSFailureCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSSuccessCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ReceivedFragmentCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RegDomainsSupportIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RegDomainsSupportValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RetryCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ShortPreambleOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesRxIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesRxValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesTxIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedDataRatesTxValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedRxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11SupportedTxAntenna
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TransmittedFragmentCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TransmittedFrameCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel7
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TxPowerLevel8
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPExcludedCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPICVErrorCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingIndex
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingLength
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingValue
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPKeyMappingWEPOn
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPUndecryptableCount
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F101
-		<TD valign=bottom>ScanResults
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F102
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelInfoResults
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F200
-		<TD valign=bottom>LinkStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F201
-		<TD valign=bottom>AssociationStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F202
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>F203
-		<TD valign=bottom>PowerSaveUserCount
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC00
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPortType
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC01
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnMACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11StationID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC02
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDesiredSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DesiredSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC03
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC04
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnSSID IBSS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC05
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnATIMWindow
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC06
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSystemScale
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC07
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxDataLength
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC08
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC09
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMEnabled
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PowerManagementMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0A
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMEPS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0B
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMulticastReceive
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0C
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxSleepDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0D
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfPMHoldoverDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC0E
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnName
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC10
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfOwnDTIMPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11DTIMPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC11
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC12
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC13
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC14
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC15
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC16
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWDSAddress6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC17
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMulticastPMBuffering
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC23
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPDefaultKeyID
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKeyID
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC24
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey0
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey0
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC25
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey1
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey1
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC26
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey2
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey2
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC27
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfDefaultKey3
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11WEPDefaultKey3
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC28
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPFlags
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ExcludeUnencrypted
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC28
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPFlags
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PrivacyInvoked
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC29
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfWEPKeyMappingTable
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2A
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAuthentication
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2B
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMaxAssociatedStations
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2C
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfTxControl
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2D
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfRoamingMode
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC2E
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfHostAuthentication
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC30
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfRcvCrcError
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC31
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfMMLife
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC32
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAltRetryCnt
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC33
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfBeaconInterval
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC34
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAPPCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC35
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSTAPCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address10
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address11
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address12
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address13
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address14
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address15
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address16
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address17
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address18
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address19
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address20
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address21
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address22
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address23
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address24
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address25
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address26
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address27
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address28
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address29
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address2
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address30
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address31
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address32
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address3
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address4
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address5
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address6
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address7
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address8
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC80
-		<TD valign=bottom>GroupAddresses
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address9
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [1]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC81
-		<TD valign=bottom>CreateIBSS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC82
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11FragmentationThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC83
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11RTSThreshold
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC84
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11OperationalRateSet
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC85
-		<TD valign=bottom>PromiscuousMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11Address1-32
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W [2]
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC90
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC91
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC92
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC93
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC94
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC95
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC96
-		<TD valign=bottom>FragmentationThreshold6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC97
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC98
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC99
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9A
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9B
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9C
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9D
-		<TD valign=bottom>RTSThreshold6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9E
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl0
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FC9F
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA0
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA1
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA2
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA3
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCA4
-		<TD valign=bottom>TxRateControl6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB0
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfShortPreamble
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB1
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfExcludeLongPreamble
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB2
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfAuthenticationRspTO
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationResponseTimeOut
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB3
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfBasicRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCB4
-		<TD valign=bottom>cnfSupportedRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE0
-		<TD valign=bottom>TickTime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE1
-		<TD valign=bottom>ScanRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE2
-		<TD valign=bottom>JoinRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE3
-		<TD valign=bottom>authenticateStation
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FCE4
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelInfoRequest
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>API
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD00
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxLoadTime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD01
-		<TD valign=bottom>DownloadBuffer
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD02
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRIIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD03
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD04
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0A
-		<TD valign=bottom>NICSerialNumber
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0B
-		<TD valign=bottom>NICIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0C
-		<TD valign=bottom>MFISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD0D
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFISupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD10
-		<TD valign=bottom>ChannelList
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD11
-		<TD valign=bottom>RegulatoryDomains
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD12
-		<TD valign=bottom>TempType
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11TempType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD13
-		<TD valign=bottom>CIS
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD20
-		<TD valign=bottom>STAIdentity
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD21
-		<TD valign=bottom>STASupRange
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD22
-		<TD valign=bottom>MFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD23
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFIActRanges
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD40
-		<TD valign=bottom>PortStatus
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD41
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD42
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentBSSID
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD43
-		<TD valign=bottom>CommsQuality
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD44
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD45
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentBeaconInterval
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11BeaconPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD46
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentScaleThresholds
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD47
-		<TD valign=bottom>ProtocolRspTime
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AssociationResponseTimeOut
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD48
-		<TD valign=bottom>ShortRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11ShortRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD49
-		<TD valign=bottom>LongRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11LongRetryLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4A
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxTransmitLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4B
-		<TD valign=bottom>MaxReceiveLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MaxReceiveLifetime
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4C
-		<TD valign=bottom>CFPollable
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPollable
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4D
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationAlgorithms
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4D
-		<TD valign=bottom>AuthenticationAlgorithms
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable1
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD4F
-		<TD valign=bottom>PrivacyOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD80
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate1
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD81
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate2
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD82
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate3
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD83
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate4
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD84
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate5
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD85
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentTxRate6
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD86
-		<TD valign=bottom>OwnMACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MACAddress
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R/W
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPMaxDuration
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CFPPeriod
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FD87
-		<TD valign=bottom>PCFInfo
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11MediumOccupancyLimit
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC0
-		<TD valign=bottom>PHYType
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11PHYType
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC1
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentChannel
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC2
-		<TD valign=bottom>CurrentPowerState
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC3
-		<TD valign=bottom>CCAMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>X
-		<TD valign=bottom>dot11CurrentCCAMode
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom>R
-	<TR>
-		<TD valign=bottom>FDC6
-		<TD valign=bottom>SupportedDataRates
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
-		<TD valign=bottom>PRO
-		<TD valign=bottom><PRE>   </PRE>
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-rid.txt b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-rid.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 02f3063..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/prism2/ridlist-rid.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,510 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (C) 2000 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-API - The document source for this RID is the API Enhancements Document
-PRO - The document source for this RID is the CW10 Programmer's Manual
-[1] - read mode is implemented internally within the driver
-[2] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver during implementation of the Group Addresses RID (0xFC80)
-[3] - This RID is implemented internally in the driver
-PRISM2 | PRISM2               |     |     |                                       |     |  
-RID    | RID                  |     |     |                                       | Doc |  
-VALUE  | NAME                 | STA | AP  | MibItem NAME                          | Src | Implemented?
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ACKFailureCount                  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AntennaListIndex                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticateFailStation          | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticateFailStatus           | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm2         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm3         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm4         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm5         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm6         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable2  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable3  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable4  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable5  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable6  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAModeSupported                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogCountMax              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogCountMin              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMax              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CCAWatchdogTimerMin              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ChannelAgilityEnabled            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ChannelAgilityPresent            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentChannelNumber             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentDwellTime                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentIndex                     | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentPattern                   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentRegDomain                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentRxAntenna                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentSet                       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentTxAntenna                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11CurrentTxPowerLevel              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DeauthenticateReason             | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DeauthenticateStation            | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DesiredBSSType                   | PRO | R/W [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DisassociateReason               | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DisassociateStation              | PRO | R [3]
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DiversitySelectionRx             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11DiversitySupport                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11EDThreshold                      | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FCSErrorCount                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FailedCount                      | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11FrameDuplicateCount              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11HopTime                          | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ManufacturerID                   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MaxDwellTime                     | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount      | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11MultipleRetryCount               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11NumberSupportedPowerLevels       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11PBCCOptionImplemented            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ProductID                        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RTSFailureCount                  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RTSSuccessCount                  | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ReceivedFragmentCount            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RegDomainsSupportIndex           | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RegDomainsSupportValue           | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11RetryCount                       | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11ShortPreambleOptionImplemented   | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesRxIndex        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesRxValue        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesTxIndex        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedDataRatesTxValue        | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedRxAntenna               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11SupportedTxAntenna               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TransmittedFragmentCount         | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TransmittedFrameCount            | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel1                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel2                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel3                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel4                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel5                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel6                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel7                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11TxPowerLevel8                    | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPExcludedCount                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPICVErrorCount                 | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingAddress             | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingIndex               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingLength              | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingValue               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPKeyMappingWEPOn               | PRO | 
-       |                      |     |     | dot11WEPUndecryptableCount            | PRO | 
-F101   | ScanResults          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-F102   | ChannelInfoResults   |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-F200   | LinkStatus           |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F201   | AssociationStatus    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F202   | AuthenticationReques |     |     |                                       | API | 
-F203   | PowerSaveUserCount   |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC00   | cnfPortType          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC01   | cnfOwnMACAddress     | X   |     | dot11StationID                        | PRO | R/W
-FC02   | cnfDesiredSSID       | X   |     | dot11DesiredSSID                      | PRO | R/W
-FC03   | cnfOwnChannel        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC04   | cnfOwnSSID IBSS      |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC05   | cnfOwnATIMWindow     |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC06   | cnfSystemScale       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC07   | cnfMaxDataLength     |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC08   | cnfWDSAddress        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC09   | cnfPMEnabled         | X   |     | dot11PowerManagementMode              | PRO | R/W
-FC0A   | cnfPMEPS             |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0B   | cnfMulticastReceive  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0C   | cnfMaxSleepDuration  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0D   | cnfPMHoldoverDuratio |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC0E   | cnfOwnName           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC10   | cnfOwnDTIMPeriod     |     | X   | dot11DTIMPeriod                       | API | R/W
-FC11   | cnfWDSAddress1       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC12   | cnfWDSAddress2       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC13   | cnfWDSAddress3       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC14   | cnfWDSAddress4       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC15   | cnfWDSAddress5       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC16   | cnfWDSAddress6       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC17   | cnfMulticastPMBuffer |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC23   | cnfWEPDefaultKeyID   | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKeyID                  | API | R/W
-FC24   | cnfDefaultKey0       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey0                   | API | R/W
-FC25   | cnfDefaultKey1       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey1                   | API | R/W
-FC26   | cnfDefaultKey2       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey2                   | API | R/W
-FC27   | cnfDefaultKey3       | X   | X   | dot11WEPDefaultKey3                   | API | R/W
-FC28   | cnfWEPFlags          | X   | X   | dot11ExcludeUnencrypted               | API | R/W
-FC28   | cnfWEPFlags          | X   | X   | dot11PrivacyInvoked                   | API | R/W
-FC29   | cnfWEPKeyMappingTabl |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2A   | cnfAuthentication    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2B   | cnfMaxAssociatedStat |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2C   | cnfTxControl         |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2D   | cnfRoamingMode       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC2E   | cnfHostAuthenticatio |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC30   | cnfRcvCrcError       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC31   | cnfMMLife            |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC32   | cnfAltRetryCnt       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC33   | cnfBeaconInterval    |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC34   | cnfAPPCFInfo         |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC35   | cnfSTAPCFInfo        |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address10                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address11                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address12                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address13                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address14                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address15                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address16                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address17                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address18                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address19                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address1                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address20                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address21                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address22                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address23                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address24                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address25                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address26                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address27                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address28                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address29                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address2                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address30                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address31                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address32                        | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address3                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address4                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address5                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address6                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address7                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address8                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC80   | GroupAddresses       | X   |     | dot11Address9                         | PRO | R/W [1]
-FC81   | CreateIBSS           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC82   | FragmentationThresho | X   |     | dot11FragmentationThreshold           | PRO | R/W
-FC83   | RTSThreshold         | X   |     | dot11RTSThreshold                     | PRO | R/W
-FC84   | TxRateControl        | X   |     | dot11OperationalRateSet               | API | R/W
-FC85   | PromiscuousMode      | X   |     | dot11Address1-32                      | PRO | R/W [2]
-FC90   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC91   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC92   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC93   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC94   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC95   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC96   | FragmentationThresho |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC97   | RTSThreshold0        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC98   | RTSThreshold1        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC99   | RTSThreshold2        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9A   | RTSThreshold3        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9B   | RTSThreshold4        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9C   | RTSThreshold5        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9D   | RTSThreshold6        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FC9E   | TxRateControl0       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FC9F   | TxRateControl1       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA0   | TxRateControl2       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA1   | TxRateControl3       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA2   | TxRateControl4       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA3   | TxRateControl5       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCA4   | TxRateControl6       |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB0   | cnfShortPreamble     |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB1   | cnfExcludeLongPreamb |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB2   | cnfAuthenticationRsp | X   |     | dot11AuthenticationResponseTimeOut    | API | R
-FCB3   | cnfBasicRates        |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCB4   | cnfSupportedRates    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FCE0   | TickTime             |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FCE1   | ScanRequest          |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE2   | JoinRequest          |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE3   | authenticateStation  |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FCE4   | ChannelInfoRequest   |     |     |                                       | API | 
-FD00   | MaxLoadTime          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD01   | DownloadBuffer       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD02   | PRIIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD03   | PRISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD04   | CFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0A   | NICSerialNumber      |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0B   | NICIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0C   | MFISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD0D   | CFISupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD10   | ChannelList          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD11   | RegulatoryDomains    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD12   | TempType             | X   | X   | dot11TempType                         | PRO | R
-FD13   | CIS                  |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD20   | STAIdentity          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD21   | STASupRange          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD22   | MFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD23   | CFIActRanges         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD40   | PortStatus           |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD41   | CurrentSSID          |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD42   | CurrentBSSID         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD43   | CommsQuality         |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD44   | CurrentTxRate        |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD45   | CurrentBeaconInterva | X   | X   | dot11BeaconPeriod                     | PRO | R/W
-FD46   | CurrentScaleThreshol |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD47   | ProtocolRspTime      | X   | X   | dot11AssociationResponseTimeOut       | PRO | R
-FD48   | ShortRetryLimit      | X   | X   | dot11ShortRetryLimit                  | PRO | R
-FD49   | LongRetryLimit       | X   | X   | dot11LongRetryLimit                   | PRO | R
-FD4A   | MaxTransmitLifetime  |     |     | dot11MaxTransmitMSDULifetime          | PRO | R
-FD4B   | MaxReceiveLifetime   |     |     | dot11MaxReceiveLifetime               | PRO | R
-FD4C   | CFPollable           | X   |     | dot11CFPollable                       | PRO | R
-FD4D   | AuthenticationAlgori | X   | X   | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithm1         | PRO | R/W
-FD4D   | AuthenticationAlgori | X   | X   | dot11AuthenticationAlgorithmsEnable1  | PRO | R/W
-FD4F   | PrivacyOptionImpleme |     |     | dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented         | PRO | R
-FD80   | CurrentTxRate1       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD81   | CurrentTxRate2       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD82   | CurrentTxRate3       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD83   | CurrentTxRate4       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD84   | CurrentTxRate5       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD85   | CurrentTxRate6       |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FD86   | OwnMACAddress        |     | X   | dot11MACAddress                       | PRO | R/W
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11CFPMaxDuration                   | PRO | R
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11CFPPeriod                        | PRO | R
-FD87   | PCFInfo              |     | X   | dot11MediumOccupancyLimit             | PRO | R
-FDC0   | PHYType              | X   | X   | dot11PHYType                          | PRO | R
-FDC1   | CurrentChannel       | X   | X   | dot11CurrentChannel                   | PRO | R
-FDC2   | CurrentPowerState    |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
-FDC3   | CCAMode              | X   | X   | dot11CurrentCCAMode                   | PRO | R
-FDC6   | SupportedDataRates   |     |     |                                       | PRO | 
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/releasepolicy.txt b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/releasepolicy.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b66a571..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/releasepolicy.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-linux-wlan Release Policy/Checklist
-[MSM Note: Here's a _quick_ attempt at a release policy for linux-wlan.
-           It's very brief and relatively simple.  I'm open to suggestions
-           for improvement.
-The following steps should be taken each time a new release of linux-wlan
-is ready for distribution:
-0) Make sure the current code builds, loads, associates, and ftps 
-   cleanly on all 3 AVS lab build boxes.
-1) Assign an W.X.Y-preZ version number.
-2) Update the version number in
-3) Tag the files.
-4) Build the tarball. (Bonehead! double check next time that the tarball
-   and version number match, eh?)
-5) Release to ftp.
-6) Announce on linux-wlan-annouce as a feature frozen 'pre' release.
-7) Announce on freshmeat (Pavel? ;-)
-8) Allow at least 24 hours for bug reports and (hopefully) bugfix patches.
-9a) After 24 hour period, if bugfix patches and/or local fixes to bug 
-    reports are present, apply patches and GOTO step 0.
-9b) If no show-stopper bug-reports and/or patches are received during the
-    'pre' release period GOTO step 10.
-10) Make sure the current code builds, loads, associates, and ftps 
-    cleanly on all 3 AVS lab build boxes.
-11) Assign an W.X.Y version number.
-12) Update the version number in
-13) Tag the files.
-14) Build the tarball. (Bonehead! double check next time that the tarball
-    and version number match, eh?)
-15) Release to ftp.
-16) Announce on linux-wlan-annouce as a final W.X.Y release.
-17) Announce on freshmeat.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/rh71notes b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/rh71notes
deleted file mode 100644
index 399a2e4..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/doc/rh71notes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-[MSM]: Here's an old e-mail.  I'm not sure if it's in the list archives
-so I figured I'd save it here.
-It may be useful for those using RH71.
-Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 16:03:20 +0800
-From: Leonard Ye <>
-Subject: [lwlan-user]: REDHAT 7.1 + wlan-ng 0.1.18 HOWTO
-Hi all,
-Just get the wlan-ng 0.1.18pre11 working on my redhat 7.1 and I would like 
-to share the experiences with you.
-         a default installation of redhat 7.1 with 
-kernel-pcmcia-cs-3.1.24-2.rpm installed
-Four steps as followings:
-1) Get kernel source ready
-install kernel-source-2.4.2-2 if you don't have the kernel source ready on 
-the machine
-copy a suitable configuration file from the configs directory to .config
-make dep
-2) Get pcmcia-cs header files ready
-download the pcmcia-cs-3.1.24.tar.gz package
-unzip it at appropriate place
-make config
-         when you were asked what kind of kernel configuration you want to 
-use, select "1"
-make all
-DON'T "make install"
-3) compile the wlan-ng-0.1.18pre11 code
-download the linux-wlan-ng-0.1.18pre11.tar.gz
-unzip it at appropriate place
-make config
-         select build-in kernel support
-make all
-make install
-4) some minor configuration
-edit /etc/pcmcia/config.opts to comment out the card definition for 
-"Intersil PRISM2 11 .."
-edit /etc/wlan-ng.opts
-         change string p2RoamingMode to p2CnfRoamingMode
-         set appropriate SSID for variable DesiredSSID
-create an ifcfg-wlan0 file in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
-Ok, your machine should be able to work as a STA using 
-wlan-ng-0.1.18pre11.  If you have experience with enabling AP mode, it 
-shouldn't be a problem for you enable it in redhat 7.1
-Leonard Ye
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/entries
deleted file mode 100644
index f9c4a3a..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/entries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/format b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/format
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/rc.wlan.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/rc.wlan.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 5336d10..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/rc.wlan.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 14
-V 1
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/wlan.agent.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/wlan.agent.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 5336d10..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/prop-base/wlan.agent.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 14
-V 1
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d46fd2..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# etc/Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
--include ../
-DIRS= pcmcia wlan
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d all; done
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d clean; done
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d install; done
-	if [ ! -d $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)$(RC_DIR)/init.d ]; then \
-		mkdir -p $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)$(RC_DIR)/init.d; \
-	fi; \
-	cp rc.wlan $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)$(RC_DIR)/init.d/wlan; \
-	chmod 755 $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)$(RC_DIR)/init.d/wlan ;\
-	if [ -d $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/hotplug ]; then \
-		cp wlan.agent $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/hotplug; \
-		rm -f $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/hotplug/usb/prism2_usb; \
-                rm -f $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/hotplug/pci/prism2_pci; \
-                rm -f $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/hotplug/pci/prism2_plx; \
-	fi
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/rc.wlan.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/rc.wlan.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 70e0c54..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/rc.wlan.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# rc.wlan 
-# chkconfig: 2345 9 91 
-# description: Activates/Configures/Disables the devices
-if [ ! -f /etc/wlan/shared ] ; then
-    echo "/etc/wlan/shared not present"
-    exit 0
-. /etc/wlan/shared
-if [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ] ; then
-	. /etc/init.d/functions
-    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}"
-if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then usage ; exit 1 ; fi
-case "$action" in
-	# This will implicitly fire off wland via hotplug.
-	echo -n "Starting WLAN Devices: "
-	if ! $MODPROBE p80211; then
-		echo "Failed to load p80211.o."
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	# NOTE: We don't explicitly insmod the card driver here.  The
-	#  best thing to do is to specify an alias in /etc/modules.conf.
-	    # if we don't have hotplug.. do things the old-fashioned way.
-	    if [ $HAS_HOTPLUG = 'n' ] ; then
-		wlan_bring_it_up $DEVICE
-	    fi
-	done
-	# And hotplug will take care of the rest, namely device 
-	# initialization and whatnot.
-        if [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ] ; then
-                echo_success
-        else
-                echo
-        fi
-	;;
-	echo -n "Shutting Down WLAN Devices: "
-	echo -n "Shutting Down WLAN Devices: "
-	# Do a reset on each device to make sure none of them are still
-	#  trying to generate interrupts.
-		wlan_disable $DEVICE
-		ifconfig $DEVICE down
-	done
-	# remove p80211, which will implictly kill wland.
-	$MODPROBE -r p80211
-        if [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ] ; then
-                echo_success
-        else
-                echo
-        fi
-	;;
-	status wland
-	;;
-	$0 stop
-	$0 start
-	;;
-    *)
-	usage
-	;;
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/wlan.agent.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/wlan.agent.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cf800a..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/.svn/text-base/wlan.agent.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# p80211/wlan hotplug policy agent.
-# wlan hotplug params include:
-#	ACTION=%s [register|remove|shutdown|startup|suspend|resume]
-#       NSDNAME=%s
-cd /etc/hotplug
-. hotplug.functions
-#DEBUG=yes export DEBUG
-if [ "$INTERFACE" = "" ]; then
-    mesg Bad WLAN invocation: \$INTERFACE is not set
-    exit 1
-if [ "$NSDNAME" = "" ]; then
-    mesg Bad WLAN invocation: \$NSDNAME is not set
-    exit 1
-if [ "$NSDNAME" = "prism2_cs" ] ; then
-    mesg "WLAN Hotplug bypassed for pcmcia"
-    exit 0
-# load up the shared scripts
-if [ ! -f /etc/wlan/shared ] ; then
-    mesg "/etc/wlan/shared not present, aborting"
-    exit 1
-. /etc/wlan/shared
-case $ACTION in
-	debug_mesg WLAN $INTERFACE registered.
-	wlan_bring_it_up $INTERFACE $WLAN_WEXT
-	if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	    mesg WLAN $INTERFACE brought up successfully.
-		if [ -x /etc/wlan/pre-ifup ] ; then
-			# pre-ifup is presumed to call ifup if it
-			#  wants may choose to skip it.
-			mesg "WLAN bringing up layer 3+ with /etc/wlan/pre-ifup"
-			/etc/wlan/pre-ifup $INTERFACE
-		else
-			mesg "WLAN bringing up layer 3+ with /sbin/ifup"
-			/sbin/ifdown $INTERFACE
-			/sbin/ifup $INTERFACE
-		fi
-	else
-	    mesg WLAN Could not bring up $INTERFACE
-	fi
-	# eventually invoke net.agent on $INTERFACE w/ REGISTER
-	debug_mesg WLAN $INTERFACE removed.
-	# kick off wland.
-	debug_mesg WLAN p80211 starting!
-	debug_mesg WLAN p80211 shutting down!
-    debug_mesg WLAN $ACTION event not supported
-    exit 1 ;;
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/Makefile b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d46fd2..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-# etc/Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
--include ../
-DIRS= pcmcia wlan
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d all; done
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d clean; done
-	set -e; for d in $(DIRS); do $(MAKE) -C $$d install; done
-	if [ ! -d $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)$(RC_DIR)/init.d ]; then \
-		mkdir -p $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)$(RC_DIR)/init.d; \
-	fi; \
-	cp rc.wlan $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)$(RC_DIR)/init.d/wlan; \
-	chmod 755 $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)$(RC_DIR)/init.d/wlan ;\
-	if [ -d $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/hotplug ]; then \
-		cp wlan.agent $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/hotplug; \
-		rm -f $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/hotplug/usb/prism2_usb; \
-                rm -f $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/hotplug/pci/prism2_pci; \
-                rm -f $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/hotplug/pci/prism2_plx; \
-	fi
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/entries
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ab4851..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/entries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/format b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/format
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/wlan-ng.conf.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/wlan-ng.conf.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 5336d10..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/wlan-ng.conf.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 14
-V 1
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/wlan-ng.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/wlan-ng.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 5336d10..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/prop-base/wlan-ng.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 14
-V 1
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index e9f612f..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# etc/pcmcia/Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
--include ../../
-	@echo "Nothing to do"
-	@echo "Nothing to do"
-ifeq ($(PRISM2_PCMCIA), y)
-	mkdir -p $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR) ; \
-	if [ -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng ]; then \
-		mv -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng.O ; \
-	fi ; \
-	cp wlan-ng $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR) ; \
-	chmod +x $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng ; \
-	if [ -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng.conf ]; then \
-		mv -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng.conf $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng.conf.O ; \
-	fi ; \
-	cp wlan-ng.conf $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR) ; \
-	if [ -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config ]; then \
-	if ! grep -sq 'source.*\.\/\*\.conf$$' $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config ; then \
-		if ! grep -sq 'source \.\/wlan-ng.conf' $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config ; then \
-			mv -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config.O ; \
-			( echo "source ./wlan-ng.conf"; cat $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config.O) > $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config ; \
-		fi ; \
-	fi ; \
-	fi
-	@echo "Nothing to do"
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/wlan-ng.conf.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/wlan-ng.conf.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e5db9..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/wlan-ng.conf.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-device "prism2_cs"
-   class "wlan-ng" module "prism2_cs"
-card "Intersil PRISM2 Reference Design 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "INTERSIL", "HFA384x/IEEE"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Compaq WL100/200 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   manfid 0x0138, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Compaq iPaq HNW-100 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   manfid 0x028a, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Samsung SWL2000-N 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   manfid 0x0250, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Z-Com XI300 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   manfid 0xd601, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "ZoomAir 4100 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "ZoomAir 11Mbps High", "Rate wireless Networking"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Linksys WPC11 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "Instant Wireless ", " Network PC CARD", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Addtron AWP-100 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "Addtron", "AWP-100 Wireless PCMCIA", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "D-Link DWL-650 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "D", "Link DWL-650 11Mbps WLAN Card", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "SMC 2632W 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "SMC", "SMC2632W", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "BroMax Freeport 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 2.5)"
-  version "Intersil", "PRISM 2_5 PCMCIA ADAPTER", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "U.S. Robotics IEEE 802.11b PC-CARD"
-   version "U.S. Robotics", "IEEE 802.11b PC-CARD", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Level-One WPC-0100"
-   version "Digital Data Communications", "WPC-0100"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Bromax OEM 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 2.5)"
-   manfid 0x0274, 0x1612
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Bromax OEM 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 3)"
-   manfid 0x0274, 0x1613
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "corega K.K. Wireless LAN PCC-11"
-   version "corega K.K.", "Wireless LAN PCC-11"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "corega K.K. Wireless LAN PCCA-11"
-   version "corega K.K.", "Wireless LAN PCCA-11"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-   manfid 0xc001, 0x0008
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "PLANEX GeoWave/GW-NS110"
-   version "PLANEX", "GeoWave/GW-NS110"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Ambicom WL1100 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "OEM", "PRISM2 IEEE 802.11 PC-Card", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "LeArtery SYNCBYAIR 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "LeArtery", "SYNCBYAIR 11Mbps Wireless LAN PC Card", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Intermec MobileLAN 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   manfid 0x01ff, 0x0008
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "NETGEAR MA401 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card"
-   version "NETGEAR MA401 Wireless PC", "Card", "Version 01.00"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Intersil PRISM Freedom 11mbps 802.11 WLAN Card"
-   version "Intersil", "PRISM Freedom PCMCIA Adapter", "ISL37100P", "Eval-RevA"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "OTC Wireless AirEZY 2411-PCC 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card"
-   version "OTC", "Wireless AirEZY 2411-PCC WLAN Card", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Dynalink L11HDT 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card"
-   version "802.11", "11Mbps Wireless LAN Card", "v08C1", ""   
-   manfid 0xc250, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-   version "PROXIM", "RangeLAN-DS/LAN PC CARD"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "ACTIONTEC PRISM Wireless LAN PC Card"
-   version "ACTIONTEC", "PRISM Wireless LAN PC Card", "0381", "RevA"
-   manfid 0x1668, 0x0101
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "3Com AirConnect 3CRWE737A"
-   version "3Com", "3CRWE737A AirConnect Wireless LAN PC Card"
-   bind "prism2_cs" 
-card "3Com AirConnect 3CRWE777A"
-   version "3Com", "3CRWE777A AirConnect Wireless LAN PCI Card"  
-   bind "prism2_cs" 
-card "ASUS WL-100 802.11b WLAN  PC Card"
-   version "ASUS", "802_11b_PC_CARD_25"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "ASUS WL-110 802.11b WLAN CF Card"
-   version "ASUS", "802_11B_CF_CARD_25"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "BUFFALO WLI-CF-S11G 802.11b WLAN Card"
-  version "BUFFALO", "WLI-CF-S11G"
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Linksys WCF11 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 2.5)"
-  version "The Linksys Group, Inc.", "Wireless Network CF Card", "ISL37300P", "RevA"
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Linksys WCF12 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 3)"
-  version "Linksys", "Wireless CompactFlash Card", "", ""
-  manfid 0x028a, 0x0673
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "NETGEAR MA401RA 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card"
-   version "NETGEAR MA401RA Wireless PC", "Card", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "D-Link DCF-660W  11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-  manfid 0xd601, 0x0005
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Microsoft Wireless Notebook Adapter MN-520"
-  manfid 0x02d2, 0x0001
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "AnyPoint(TM) Wireless II PC Card"
-  manfid 0x0089, 0x0002
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "D-Link DRC-650 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "D", "Link DRC-650 11Mbps WLAN Card", "Version 01.02", "" 
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Adaptec AWN-8030"
-   manfid 0x9005, 0x0021
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "D-Link DWL-650 rev P 802.11b WLAN card"
-   manfid 0x000b, 0x7110
-#  version "D-Link", "DWL-650 Wireless PC Card RevP", "ISL37101P-10", "A3"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "I-Gate 11M PC Card"
-   version "INTERSIL",  "I-GATE 11M PC Card / PC Card plus", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "benQ AWL100 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "BENQ", "AWL100 PCMCIA ADAPTER", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA"
-   manfid 0x000b, 0x7300
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Intersil Prism 2 card"
-   version "INTERSIL"
-   manfid 0x0156, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/wlan-ng.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/wlan-ng.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 76b63cd..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/.svn/text-base/wlan-ng.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# [MSM]: Moved here because wlan/shared may is intended to be used by 
-#  other scripts
-wlan_usage ()
-    echo "usage: wlan-ng [action] [device name] [debug]"
-    echo "  actions: start|resume, stop|suspend, check|cksum|restart"
-    echo "  debug  : enables shell debug"
-    exit 1
-if [ "$3" = "debug" ]; then set -x ; fi
-# Note: this 'shared' comes with the WLAN package
-if [ ! -f /etc/wlan/shared ] ; then
-    echo "/etc/wlan/shared not present"
-    exit 0
-. /etc/wlan/shared
-# [MSM]: This test supplied by rlazarev, it's commented out due to pcmcia
-#   stab file movement.  This test needs to be 'functionized' and made a
-#   little more robust.
-#if [ ! -f /var/run/stab ] ; then
-#	echo "Error: Possibly PCMCIA CS is not started";
-#	wlan_usage;
-#	exit 1;
-# If number of args is less than 2 display usage
-if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then wlan_usage ; fi
-# Note: this 'shared' comes with the PCMCIA package
-# ACTION=$1 and DEVICE=$2 are assigned in pcmcia/shared
-if [ -f /etc/pcmcia/shared ] ; then . /etc/pcmcia/shared ; fi
-# XXXX we can do stuff with $SCHEME still..?
-case "$ACTION" in
-	#=======ENABLE========================================
-	# Do we want to init the card at all?
-	if ! is_true $WLAN_ENABLE ; then
-		exit 0
-	fi
-	if is_true $WLAN_DOWNLOAD; then
-	    wlan_download $DEVICE
-        fi
-	wlan_enable $DEVICE
-	#=======MAC STARTUP=========================================
-	wlan_supports_scan $DEVICE
-	if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	    wlan_scan $DEVICE 
-	    if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-		wlan_source_config_for_ssid "$ssid" "$bssid"
-		wlan_user_mibs $DEVICE
-		wlan_wep $DEVICE
-		grep 'autojoin' /proc/net/p80211/$DEVICE/wlandev > /dev/null
-		if [ $? = 0 ]; then
-		    wlan_infra $DEVICE
-		else
-		    wlan_dot11_join $DEVICE
-		fi
-	    else
-		echo "network not found.  maybe start IBSS?"
-	    fi
-	else
-	    wlan_source_config $DEVICE
-	    wlan_user_mibs $DEVICE
-	    wlan_wep $DEVICE
-	    if is_true $IS_ADHOC ; then	
-		wlan_adhoc $DEVICE
-	    else
-		wlan_infra $DEVICE
-	    fi
-	fi
-	# ==========PCMCIA NETDEVICE=============================
-	# Append the SSID to the pcmcia scheme name
-	wlan_set_ssid_schemefile "$WLAN_SCHEMESSID"
-	# Call the normal network initialization
-	./network $1 $2
-	if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
-#		echo "/etc/pcmcia/network $1 $2 failed."
-		wlan_restore_schemefile
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	# Restore scheme file to it's prior contents
-	wlan_restore_schemefile
-	;;
-	# ==========PCMCIA NETDEVICE=============================
-	# Append the SSID to the pcmcia scheme name
-	wlan_set_ssid_schemefile "$DesiredSSID"
-	# Call the normal network initialization
-	./network $1 $2
-	if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
-#		echo "/etc/pcmcia/network $1 $2 failed."
-		wlan_restore_schemefile
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	#=======DISABLE IFSTATE=============================
-	# Take the device down to a quiescent state.
-	wlan_disable $DEVICE
-	# Restore scheme file to it's prior contents
-	wlan_restore_schemefile
-	;;
-	# ==========STA ====================================
-	# Just passes through for normal network device
-	# behavior.
-	if is_true $IS_ADHOC; then
-	else
-	fi
-	# ==========PCMCIA NETDEVICE=============================
-	# Append the SSID to the pcmcia scheme name
-	wlan_set_ssid_schemefile "$WLAN_SCHEMESSID"
-	# Call the normal network initialization
-	./network $1 $2 $3:$WLAN_SCHEMESSID
-	if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
-#		echo "/etc/pcmcia/network $1 $2 $3 failed."
-		wlan_restore_schemefile
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	# Restore scheme file to it's prior contents
-	wlan_restore_schemefile
-	;;
-    usage
-    ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/Makefile b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e9f612f..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# etc/pcmcia/Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
--include ../../
-	@echo "Nothing to do"
-	@echo "Nothing to do"
-ifeq ($(PRISM2_PCMCIA), y)
-	mkdir -p $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR) ; \
-	if [ -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng ]; then \
-		mv -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng.O ; \
-	fi ; \
-	cp wlan-ng $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR) ; \
-	chmod +x $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng ; \
-	if [ -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng.conf ]; then \
-		mv -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng.conf $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/wlan-ng.conf.O ; \
-	fi ; \
-	cp wlan-ng.conf $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR) ; \
-	if [ -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config ]; then \
-	if ! grep -sq 'source.*\.\/\*\.conf$$' $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config ; then \
-		if ! grep -sq 'source \.\/wlan-ng.conf' $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config ; then \
-			mv -f $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config.O ; \
-			( echo "source ./wlan-ng.conf"; cat $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config.O) > $(TARGET_PCMCIA_DIR)/config ; \
-		fi ; \
-	fi ; \
-	fi
-	@echo "Nothing to do"
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng
deleted file mode 100755
index 76b63cd..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-# etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# [MSM]: Moved here because wlan/shared may is intended to be used by 
-#  other scripts
-wlan_usage ()
-    echo "usage: wlan-ng [action] [device name] [debug]"
-    echo "  actions: start|resume, stop|suspend, check|cksum|restart"
-    echo "  debug  : enables shell debug"
-    exit 1
-if [ "$3" = "debug" ]; then set -x ; fi
-# Note: this 'shared' comes with the WLAN package
-if [ ! -f /etc/wlan/shared ] ; then
-    echo "/etc/wlan/shared not present"
-    exit 0
-. /etc/wlan/shared
-# [MSM]: This test supplied by rlazarev, it's commented out due to pcmcia
-#   stab file movement.  This test needs to be 'functionized' and made a
-#   little more robust.
-#if [ ! -f /var/run/stab ] ; then
-#	echo "Error: Possibly PCMCIA CS is not started";
-#	wlan_usage;
-#	exit 1;
-# If number of args is less than 2 display usage
-if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then wlan_usage ; fi
-# Note: this 'shared' comes with the PCMCIA package
-# ACTION=$1 and DEVICE=$2 are assigned in pcmcia/shared
-if [ -f /etc/pcmcia/shared ] ; then . /etc/pcmcia/shared ; fi
-# XXXX we can do stuff with $SCHEME still..?
-case "$ACTION" in
-	#=======ENABLE========================================
-	# Do we want to init the card at all?
-	if ! is_true $WLAN_ENABLE ; then
-		exit 0
-	fi
-	if is_true $WLAN_DOWNLOAD; then
-	    wlan_download $DEVICE
-        fi
-	wlan_enable $DEVICE
-	#=======MAC STARTUP=========================================
-	wlan_supports_scan $DEVICE
-	if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	    wlan_scan $DEVICE 
-	    if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-		wlan_source_config_for_ssid "$ssid" "$bssid"
-		wlan_user_mibs $DEVICE
-		wlan_wep $DEVICE
-		grep 'autojoin' /proc/net/p80211/$DEVICE/wlandev > /dev/null
-		if [ $? = 0 ]; then
-		    wlan_infra $DEVICE
-		else
-		    wlan_dot11_join $DEVICE
-		fi
-	    else
-		echo "network not found.  maybe start IBSS?"
-	    fi
-	else
-	    wlan_source_config $DEVICE
-	    wlan_user_mibs $DEVICE
-	    wlan_wep $DEVICE
-	    if is_true $IS_ADHOC ; then	
-		wlan_adhoc $DEVICE
-	    else
-		wlan_infra $DEVICE
-	    fi
-	fi
-	# ==========PCMCIA NETDEVICE=============================
-	# Append the SSID to the pcmcia scheme name
-	wlan_set_ssid_schemefile "$WLAN_SCHEMESSID"
-	# Call the normal network initialization
-	./network $1 $2
-	if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
-#		echo "/etc/pcmcia/network $1 $2 failed."
-		wlan_restore_schemefile
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	# Restore scheme file to it's prior contents
-	wlan_restore_schemefile
-	;;
-	# ==========PCMCIA NETDEVICE=============================
-	# Append the SSID to the pcmcia scheme name
-	wlan_set_ssid_schemefile "$DesiredSSID"
-	# Call the normal network initialization
-	./network $1 $2
-	if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
-#		echo "/etc/pcmcia/network $1 $2 failed."
-		wlan_restore_schemefile
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	#=======DISABLE IFSTATE=============================
-	# Take the device down to a quiescent state.
-	wlan_disable $DEVICE
-	# Restore scheme file to it's prior contents
-	wlan_restore_schemefile
-	;;
-	# ==========STA ====================================
-	# Just passes through for normal network device
-	# behavior.
-	if is_true $IS_ADHOC; then
-	else
-	fi
-	# ==========PCMCIA NETDEVICE=============================
-	# Append the SSID to the pcmcia scheme name
-	wlan_set_ssid_schemefile "$WLAN_SCHEMESSID"
-	# Call the normal network initialization
-	./network $1 $2 $3:$WLAN_SCHEMESSID
-	if [ $? = 1 ] ; then
-#		echo "/etc/pcmcia/network $1 $2 $3 failed."
-		wlan_restore_schemefile
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	# Restore scheme file to it's prior contents
-	wlan_restore_schemefile
-	;;
-    usage
-    ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.conf b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.conf
deleted file mode 100755
index 25e5db9..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-device "prism2_cs"
-   class "wlan-ng" module "prism2_cs"
-card "Intersil PRISM2 Reference Design 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "INTERSIL", "HFA384x/IEEE"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Compaq WL100/200 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   manfid 0x0138, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Compaq iPaq HNW-100 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   manfid 0x028a, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Samsung SWL2000-N 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   manfid 0x0250, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Z-Com XI300 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   manfid 0xd601, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "ZoomAir 4100 11Mb/s 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "ZoomAir 11Mbps High", "Rate wireless Networking"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Linksys WPC11 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "Instant Wireless ", " Network PC CARD", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Addtron AWP-100 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "Addtron", "AWP-100 Wireless PCMCIA", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "D-Link DWL-650 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "D", "Link DWL-650 11Mbps WLAN Card", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "SMC 2632W 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "SMC", "SMC2632W", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "BroMax Freeport 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 2.5)"
-  version "Intersil", "PRISM 2_5 PCMCIA ADAPTER", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "U.S. Robotics IEEE 802.11b PC-CARD"
-   version "U.S. Robotics", "IEEE 802.11b PC-CARD", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Level-One WPC-0100"
-   version "Digital Data Communications", "WPC-0100"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Bromax OEM 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 2.5)"
-   manfid 0x0274, 0x1612
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Bromax OEM 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 3)"
-   manfid 0x0274, 0x1613
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "corega K.K. Wireless LAN PCC-11"
-   version "corega K.K.", "Wireless LAN PCC-11"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "corega K.K. Wireless LAN PCCA-11"
-   version "corega K.K.", "Wireless LAN PCCA-11"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-   manfid 0xc001, 0x0008
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "PLANEX GeoWave/GW-NS110"
-   version "PLANEX", "GeoWave/GW-NS110"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Ambicom WL1100 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "OEM", "PRISM2 IEEE 802.11 PC-Card", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "LeArtery SYNCBYAIR 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "LeArtery", "SYNCBYAIR 11Mbps Wireless LAN PC Card", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Intermec MobileLAN 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   manfid 0x01ff, 0x0008
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "NETGEAR MA401 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card"
-   version "NETGEAR MA401 Wireless PC", "Card", "Version 01.00"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Intersil PRISM Freedom 11mbps 802.11 WLAN Card"
-   version "Intersil", "PRISM Freedom PCMCIA Adapter", "ISL37100P", "Eval-RevA"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "OTC Wireless AirEZY 2411-PCC 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card"
-   version "OTC", "Wireless AirEZY 2411-PCC WLAN Card", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Dynalink L11HDT 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card"
-   version "802.11", "11Mbps Wireless LAN Card", "v08C1", ""   
-   manfid 0xc250, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-   version "PROXIM", "RangeLAN-DS/LAN PC CARD"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "ACTIONTEC PRISM Wireless LAN PC Card"
-   version "ACTIONTEC", "PRISM Wireless LAN PC Card", "0381", "RevA"
-   manfid 0x1668, 0x0101
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "3Com AirConnect 3CRWE737A"
-   version "3Com", "3CRWE737A AirConnect Wireless LAN PC Card"
-   bind "prism2_cs" 
-card "3Com AirConnect 3CRWE777A"
-   version "3Com", "3CRWE777A AirConnect Wireless LAN PCI Card"  
-   bind "prism2_cs" 
-card "ASUS WL-100 802.11b WLAN  PC Card"
-   version "ASUS", "802_11b_PC_CARD_25"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "ASUS WL-110 802.11b WLAN CF Card"
-   version "ASUS", "802_11B_CF_CARD_25"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "BUFFALO WLI-CF-S11G 802.11b WLAN Card"
-  version "BUFFALO", "WLI-CF-S11G"
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Linksys WCF11 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 2.5)"
-  version "The Linksys Group, Inc.", "Wireless Network CF Card", "ISL37300P", "RevA"
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Linksys WCF12 11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card (Prism 3)"
-  version "Linksys", "Wireless CompactFlash Card", "", ""
-  manfid 0x028a, 0x0673
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "NETGEAR MA401RA 11Mbps 802.11 WLAN Card"
-   version "NETGEAR MA401RA Wireless PC", "Card", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "D-Link DCF-660W  11Mbps 802.11b WLAN Card"
-  manfid 0xd601, 0x0005
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Microsoft Wireless Notebook Adapter MN-520"
-  manfid 0x02d2, 0x0001
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "AnyPoint(TM) Wireless II PC Card"
-  manfid 0x0089, 0x0002
-  bind "prism2_cs"
-card "D-Link DRC-650 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "D", "Link DRC-650 11Mbps WLAN Card", "Version 01.02", "" 
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Adaptec AWN-8030"
-   manfid 0x9005, 0x0021
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "D-Link DWL-650 rev P 802.11b WLAN card"
-   manfid 0x000b, 0x7110
-#  version "D-Link", "DWL-650 Wireless PC Card RevP", "ISL37101P-10", "A3"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "I-Gate 11M PC Card"
-   version "INTERSIL",  "I-GATE 11M PC Card / PC Card plus", "Version 01.02"
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "benQ AWL100 802.11b WLAN Card"
-   version "BENQ", "AWL100 PCMCIA ADAPTER", "ISL37300P", "Eval-RevA"
-   manfid 0x000b, 0x7300
-   bind "prism2_cs"
-card "Intersil Prism 2 card"
-   version "INTERSIL"
-   manfid 0x0156, 0x0002
-   bind "prism2_cs"
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/rc.wlan b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/rc.wlan
deleted file mode 100755
index 70e0c54..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/rc.wlan
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-# rc.wlan 
-# chkconfig: 2345 9 91 
-# description: Activates/Configures/Disables the devices
-if [ ! -f /etc/wlan/shared ] ; then
-    echo "/etc/wlan/shared not present"
-    exit 0
-. /etc/wlan/shared
-if [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ] ; then
-	. /etc/init.d/functions
-    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}"
-if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then usage ; exit 1 ; fi
-case "$action" in
-	# This will implicitly fire off wland via hotplug.
-	echo -n "Starting WLAN Devices: "
-	if ! $MODPROBE p80211; then
-		echo "Failed to load p80211.o."
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	# NOTE: We don't explicitly insmod the card driver here.  The
-	#  best thing to do is to specify an alias in /etc/modules.conf.
-	    # if we don't have hotplug.. do things the old-fashioned way.
-	    if [ $HAS_HOTPLUG = 'n' ] ; then
-		wlan_bring_it_up $DEVICE
-	    fi
-	done
-	# And hotplug will take care of the rest, namely device 
-	# initialization and whatnot.
-        if [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ] ; then
-                echo_success
-        else
-                echo
-        fi
-	;;
-	echo -n "Shutting Down WLAN Devices: "
-	echo -n "Shutting Down WLAN Devices: "
-	# Do a reset on each device to make sure none of them are still
-	#  trying to generate interrupts.
-		wlan_disable $DEVICE
-		ifconfig $DEVICE down
-	done
-	# remove p80211, which will implictly kill wland.
-	$MODPROBE -r p80211
-        if [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ] ; then
-                echo_success
-        else
-                echo
-        fi
-	;;
-	status wland
-	;;
-	$0 stop
-	$0 start
-	;;
-    *)
-	usage
-	;;
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/.svn/entries
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c396df..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/.svn/entries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/.svn/format b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/.svn/format
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/.svn/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/entries
deleted file mode 100644
index f486ad7..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/entries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/format b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/format
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/text-base/40-prism2.rules.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/text-base/40-prism2.rules.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 1134445..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/.svn/text-base/40-prism2.rules.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#ACTION=="add",BUS=="usb",DRIVER=="prism2_usb" ,RUN+="/etc/wlan/ %k"
-KERNEL="wlan*",ACTION=="add",DRIVERS=="prism2_usb" ,RUN+="/etc/wlan/ %k"
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/40-prism2.rules b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/40-prism2.rules
deleted file mode 100644
index 1134445..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/udev/rules.d/40-prism2.rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-#ACTION=="add",BUS=="usb",DRIVER=="prism2_usb" ,RUN+="/etc/wlan/ %k"
-KERNEL="wlan*",ACTION=="add",DRIVERS=="prism2_usb" ,RUN+="/etc/wlan/ %k"
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan.agent b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan.agent
deleted file mode 100755
index 7cf800a..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan.agent
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# p80211/wlan hotplug policy agent.
-# wlan hotplug params include:
-#	ACTION=%s [register|remove|shutdown|startup|suspend|resume]
-#       NSDNAME=%s
-cd /etc/hotplug
-. hotplug.functions
-#DEBUG=yes export DEBUG
-if [ "$INTERFACE" = "" ]; then
-    mesg Bad WLAN invocation: \$INTERFACE is not set
-    exit 1
-if [ "$NSDNAME" = "" ]; then
-    mesg Bad WLAN invocation: \$NSDNAME is not set
-    exit 1
-if [ "$NSDNAME" = "prism2_cs" ] ; then
-    mesg "WLAN Hotplug bypassed for pcmcia"
-    exit 0
-# load up the shared scripts
-if [ ! -f /etc/wlan/shared ] ; then
-    mesg "/etc/wlan/shared not present, aborting"
-    exit 1
-. /etc/wlan/shared
-case $ACTION in
-	debug_mesg WLAN $INTERFACE registered.
-	wlan_bring_it_up $INTERFACE $WLAN_WEXT
-	if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	    mesg WLAN $INTERFACE brought up successfully.
-		if [ -x /etc/wlan/pre-ifup ] ; then
-			# pre-ifup is presumed to call ifup if it
-			#  wants may choose to skip it.
-			mesg "WLAN bringing up layer 3+ with /etc/wlan/pre-ifup"
-			/etc/wlan/pre-ifup $INTERFACE
-		else
-			mesg "WLAN bringing up layer 3+ with /sbin/ifup"
-			/sbin/ifdown $INTERFACE
-			/sbin/ifup $INTERFACE
-		fi
-	else
-	    mesg WLAN Could not bring up $INTERFACE
-	fi
-	# eventually invoke net.agent on $INTERFACE w/ REGISTER
-	debug_mesg WLAN $INTERFACE removed.
-	# kick off wland.
-	debug_mesg WLAN p80211 starting!
-	debug_mesg WLAN p80211 shutting down!
-    debug_mesg WLAN $ACTION event not supported
-    exit 1 ;;
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/entries
deleted file mode 100644
index 698bde6..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/entries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/format b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/format
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/shared.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/shared.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/shared.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/wlan.conf.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/wlan.conf.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/wlan.conf.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/wlancfg-DEFAULT.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/wlancfg-DEFAULT.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/prop-base/wlancfg-DEFAULT.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 8133cf3..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# etc/wlan/Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
--include ../../
-	echo "Nothing to do"
-	echo "Nothing to do"
-	mkdir -p $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan
-	if [ ! -f $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/wlan.conf ] ; then \
-		cp wlan.conf $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/wlan.conf ; \
-	fi 
-	cp shared wlancfg-DEFAULT \
-		$(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan
-	chmod 600 $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/wlancfg-*
-	chmod 600 $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/wlan.conf
-	chmod 755 $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/
-	echo FIRMWARE_DIR=$(FIRMWARE_DIR) >> $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/shared
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/shared.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/shared.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d84bb8..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/shared.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-# etc/wlan/shared
-# Copyright (C) 2002 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-if [ ! -n "$ECHO" ]; then
-	ECHO=echo
-if [ ! -n "$WLAN_UDEV" ] ; then
-if [ -x /sbin/modprobe ] ; then
-	MODPROBE=/sbin/modprobe
-	${ECHO} "/sbin/modprobe not found."
-	exit 1
-if [ -x /sbin/wlanctl-ng ] ; then 
-	WLANCTL=/sbin/wlanctl-ng
-	${ECHO} "/sbin/wlanctl-ng not found."
-	exit 1
-# linux-wlan-ng > 0.2.4 there is no wland 
-#if [ -x /sbin/wland ] ; then
-#    WLAND=/sbin/wland
-#    ${ECHO} "/sbin/wland not found."
-#    exit 1
-if [ -z "$WLAN_UDEV" ] ; then
-	if [ -f /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug -a \
-	     -f /etc/hotplug/wlan.agent ] ; then
-		HOTPLUGGER=$(</proc/sys/kernel/hotplug)
-		if [ -n "$HOTPLUGGER" ] ; then
-			if [ -x $HOTPLUGGER ] ; then
-			fi
-		fi
-	fi
-# Source the wlan configuration
-if [ -f /etc/wlan/wlan.conf ] ; then
-	. /etc/wlan/wlan.conf
-	${ECHO} "/etc/wlan/wlan.conf not found."
-	exit 0
-# Source NSD specific functions
-# nsd_fwload
-# nsd_mibset
-# Debian mod. If there is shared.dpkg-old we get a endless loop
-if [ "`ls /etc/wlan/shared.* 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
-	for i in `find /etc/wlan -name 'shared.*' -a ! -name '*.dpkg*'` ; do 
-		. $i
-	done
-	${ECHO} "/etc/wlan/shared.* not found."
-	exit 0
-is_true ()
-	# $1 == string containing a t/f indicator.
-	[ "$1" = "y" -o "$1" = "Y" -o "$1" = "yes" -o "$1" = "YES" \
-	  -o "$1" = "t" -o "$1" = "T" -o "$1" = "true" -o "$1" = "TRUE" ]
-wlan_nsdname ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	# Writes the given device's name to stdout
-	grep 'nsd name' /proc/net/p80211/$1/wlandev | sed -e 's/.*: \(.*\)_.*/\1/'
-wlan_enable ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	#=======ENABLE IFSTATE=============================
-	# Bring the device into its operable state
-    # if running under udev module must be loaded to get here so skip checks
-    if [ ! -n "$WLAN_UDEV" ] ; then 
-	# First, make sure the driver is loaded....
-	if ! ifconfig $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
-		${ECHO} "Error: Device $1 does not seem to be present."
-		${ECHO} "Make sure you've inserted the appropriate"
-		${ECHO} "modules or that your modules.conf file contains"
-		${ECHO} "the appropriate aliase(s)."
-		return 1
-	fi
-     fi
-	# Call the nsd script's fwload function, in case the card needs
-	# a firmware load, or could use an optional one.
-	nsdname=`wlan_nsdname $1`
-	if ! ${nsdname}_fwload $1 ; then
-		${ECHO} "Firmware failed to load for device $1"
-		return 1
-	fi
-	# Enable the interface
-	result=`$WLANCTL $1 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable`
-	if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-		eval $result
-		if [ $resultcode != "success" ]; then
-			${ECHO} "Failed to enable the device, resultcode=" \
-				$resultcode "."
-			return 1
-		fi
-	else
-		${ECHO} "Failed to enable the device, exitcode=" $? "."
-		return 1
-	fi
-	# Set any NSD specific MIBs
-	${nsdname}_mibset $1
-wlan_user_mibs ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	#=======USER MIB SETTINGS=============================
-	# Set the user specified MIB items.
-	for i in $USER_MIBS ; do
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset "mibattribute=$i"`
-		if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-			eval $result
-			if [ $resultcode != "success" ] ; then 
-				${ECHO} "Failed to set user MIB $i."
-				return 1
-			fi
-		else
-			${ECHO} "Failed to set user MIB $i."
-			return 1
-		fi
-	done
-wlan_source_config ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	# XXX what about stray singlequotes.
-	eval 'GOSSID="$SSID_'$1'"'
-	wlan_source_config_for_ssid "$GOSSID"
-wlan_source_config_for_ssid ()
-	# $1 == ssid[:bssid]
-        # $2 == bssid (optional)
-        DesiredSSID="$1"
-        DesiredBSSID="$2"
-        if [ -n "$2" ] ; then
-               token_ssid=`echo $1 | sed -ne 's/\(.*\)\(:..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\1/p'`
-               token_bssid=`echo $1 | sed -ne 's/\(.*\):\(..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\2/p'`
-	       if [ -n "$token_ssid" ] ; then
-		   DesiredSSID="$token_ssid"
-		   DesiredBSSID="$token_bssid"
-	       fi
-	fi
-	if [ -f "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-$DesiredSSID:$DesiredBSSID" ] ; then
-		. "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-$DesiredSSID:$DesiredBSSID"
-	elif [ -f "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-$DesiredSSID" ] ; then
-		. "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-$DesiredSSID"
-	else 
-		if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
-			${ECHO} "Failed to open network config file /etc/wlan/wlancfg-$1, using default."
-		fi
-		. "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT"
-	fi
-wlan_disable ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	$WLANCTL $1 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=disable
-wlan_ssid_in_list ()
-	# $1 == wlandev, $2 == ssid,  $3 == bssid
-  	eval 'GOSSID="$SSID_'$1'"'
-	# This "eval" hackery is to allow escapes in GOSSID...
-	cmd="for token in $GOSSID ; do
-		ssid_token=\`echo \"\$token\" | sed -ne 's/\(.*\)\(:..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\1/p'\`
-		bssid_token=\`echo \"\$token\" | sed -ne 's/\(.*\):\(..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\2/p'\`
-		if [ -z \"\$ssid_token\" ] ; then
-			ssid_token="\$token"
-  		fi
-		if [ -n \"\$bssid_token\" ] ; then
-			if [ \"\$bssid_token\" = \"\$3\" ] ; then
-  				return 0
-  			fi
-		elif [ \"\$2\" = \"\$ssid_token\" ] ; then
-  			return 0	
-  		fi
-	done"
-	eval "$cmd"
-	return 1
-wlan_supports_scan ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	if is_true "$WLAN_SCAN" ; then
-		cat /proc/net/p80211/$1/wlandev | grep 'scan' > /dev/null
-		if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-			return 0
-		fi
-	fi
-	return 1
-wlan_scan ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	# find our allowed SSID list.
-	# XXX what about stray singlequotes.
-	eval 'GOSSID="$SSID_'$1'"'
-	# kick off a quick scan with the broadcast SSID.
-	wlan_scan_one $1 '' '' n
-	if [ $? = 0  -a \
-	    "$GOSSID" = "" ] ; then
-	    # if successful and our ssid list is null, return.
-	    sleep 1
-	    return 0
-	fi	
-	# otherwise we walk through the list, and scan for eacn in turn.
-	# this "eval" hackery is to allow escapes in GOSSID
-	cmd="for token in $GOSSID ; do
-		ssid_token=\`echo \"\$token\" | sed -ne 's/\(.*\)\(:..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\1/p'\`
-		bssid_token=\`echo \"\$token\" | sed -ne 's/\(.*\):\(..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\2/p'\`
-		if [ -z \"\$ssid_token\" ] ; then
-			ssid_token=\"\$token\"
-		fi
-		wlan_scan_one \$1 \"\$ssid_token\" \"\$bssid_token\"
-		if [ \$? = 0 ] ; then
-			sleep 1
-			return 0
-		fi
-	done"
-	eval "$cmd"
-	# We got to the end of the list.  Maybe try "any"
-	if is_true "$WLAN_ANY" ; then
-		wlan_scan_one $1
-		sleep 1
-		return $?
-	fi
-	sleep 1
-	return 1
-wlan_scan_one ()
-	# $1 == wlandev, [ $2 == ssid, $3 == bssid, $4 == append ]
-    if [ -z "$4" ] ; then
-	append=true
-    else
-	append=false
-    fi
-	numbss=0
-	result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_scan bsstype=any bssid=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff \
-		scantype=active probedelay=0 channellist=$ChannelList ssid="$2" \
-		minchanneltime=$ChannelMinTime maxchanneltime=$ChannelMaxTime append=$append`
-	eval $result
-	if [ $resultcode != 'success' ] ; then
-		${ECHO} "Scan failed ($resultcode) "
-		return 1
-	fi
-	## XXX if numbss == 0, repeat with $2 $3 $4?
-	i=0
-	bssfound=""
-	# walk through the results and do first-cut matching.
-	while [ $i -lt $numbss ] ; do
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_scan_results bssindex=$i`
-		eval $result
-		if [ -n "$3" ] ; then
-                        if [ "$3" = "$bssid" ] ; then
-                               bssfound="$bssfound $i"
-			fi
-		elif [ -z "$2" ] ; then
-			# if our ssid is "", then we pick the first entry.
-			bssfound="$bssfound $i"
-		elif [ "$2" = "$ssid" ] ; then
-			bssfound="$bssfound $i"
-		fi
-		i=`expr $i + 1`
-	done
-	if [ -z "$bssfound" ]; then	# No BSSs found, bail.
-		return 1
-	else
-		# Now find the closest
-		bigsignal=0
-		for i in $bssfound ; do
-			result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_scan_results bssindex=$i`
-			eval $result
-			if [ $bigsignal -lt $signal ]; then
-				bigsignal=$signal
-				bigbssindex=$i
-			fi
-		done
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_scan_results bssindex=$bigbssindex`
-		eval $result
-		return 0
-	fi
-wlan_wep ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	#=======WEP===========================================
-	# Setup privacy
-	if [ ${dot11PrivacyInvoked:-"false"} = "false" ] ; then
-		return 0;
-	fi
-	result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibget mibattribute=dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented`
-	if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-		eval $result
-		eval $mibattribute
-	else
-		${ECHO} "dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented mibget failed."
-		return 1
-	fi
-	if [ $dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented = "false" ] ; then
-		${ECHO} "Cannot enable privacy, dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented=false."
-		return 1
-	fi
-	# Do we want host-based WEP?
-	result=`$WLANCTL $1 lnxreq_hostwep \
-	    decrypt="${lnxreq_hostWEPDecrypt:-false}"    \
-	    encrypt="${lnxreq_hostWEPEncrypt:-false}"`
-	# set up the rest of the parametsrs.
-	if [ $dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented = "true" -a \
-	     $dot11PrivacyInvoked = "true" ] ; then
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			  mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKeyID=$dot11WEPDefaultKeyID `
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11ExcludeUnencrypted=$dot11ExcludeUnencrypted `
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11PrivacyInvoked=$dot11PrivacyInvoked`
-		if [ "${PRIV_GENSTR:-empty}" != "empty" ] ; then
-			if [ ${PRIV_KEY128:-"false"} = "false" ]; then
-			else
-			fi
-				knum=0
-			for i in $keys ; do
-				result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-				mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKey$knum=$i`
-				knum=`expr $knum + 1`
-			done
-		else 
-			result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKey0=$dot11WEPDefaultKey0 `
-			result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKey1=$dot11WEPDefaultKey1 `
-			result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKey2=$dot11WEPDefaultKey2 `
-			result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKey3=$dot11WEPDefaultKey3 `
-		fi
-	else
-		# disable wep explicitly.
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11PrivacyInvoked=$dot11PrivacyInvoked `
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11ExcludeUnencrypted=false `
-	fi
-wlan_adhoc ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	#=======IBSS STARTUP==================================
-	startcmd="$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_start "
-	startcmd="$startcmd ssid=$DesiredSSID"
-	startcmd="$startcmd bsstype=independent"
-	startcmd="$startcmd beaconperiod=$BCNINT" 
-	startcmd="$startcmd dtimperiod=3"
-	startcmd="$startcmd cfpollable=false"
-	startcmd="$startcmd cfpollreq=false"
-	startcmd="$startcmd cfpperiod=3"
-	startcmd="$startcmd cfpmaxduration=100"
-	startcmd="$startcmd probedelay=100"
-	startcmd="$startcmd dschannel=$CHANNEL"
-	j=1
-	for i in $BASICRATES ; do
-		startcmd="$startcmd basicrate$j=$i"
-		j=`expr $j + 1`
-		done
-	j=1
-	for i in $OPRATES ; do
-		startcmd="$startcmd operationalrate$j=$i"
-		j=`expr $j + 1`
-	done
-	results=`$startcmd`	# Here's where it runs
-	if [ $? = 0 ]; then 
-		eval $results
-		if [ $resultcode != "success" ] ; then 
-			${ECHO} "IBSS not started, resultcode=$resultcode"
-			exit 1
-		else
-			${ECHO} "IBSS mode started."
-		fi
-	else
-		${ECHO} FAILED: $startcmd
-		return 1
-	fi
-wlan_infra ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	#==== INFRASTRUCURE STARTUP===========================
-	# XXX TODO:  Grok DesiredBSSID
-	sleep 5
-	results=`$WLANCTL $1 lnxreq_autojoin \
-		"ssid=$DesiredSSID" \
-		authtype=${AuthType:="opensystem"} | sed 's/\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)/\1="\2"/'`
-	eval $results
-	if [ ${resultcode:-"failure"} != "success" ] ; then
-		${ECHO} 'error: Autojoin indicated failure!'
-		return 1;
-	fi
-wlan_dot11_join ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	joincmd="$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_join bssid=$DesiredBSSID"
-	joincmd="$joincmd joinfailuretimeout=1"
-	j=1
-	for i in $OPRATES ; do
-		joincmd="$joincmd operationalrate$j=$i"
-		j=`expr $j + 1`
-	done
-	results=`$joincmd`
-	eval $results
-	if [ ${resultcode:-"failure"} != "success" ] ; then
-		${ECHO} "$1: JOIN Failure"
-		${ECHO} "joincmd=$joincmd"
-		${ECHO} "results=$results"
-		return 1;
-	fi
-wlan_dot11_auth_assoc ()
-    # $1 == wlandev
-	if [ $bsstype = "infrastructure" ] ; then 
-		results=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_authenticate \
-				peerstaaddress=$DesiredBSSID \
-				authenticationtype=$AuthType \
-				authenticationfailuretimeout=2000`
-		eval $results
-		if [ ${resultcode:-"failure"} != "success" ] ; then
-			${ECHO} "error:  dot11req_authenticate failed, "\
-				"resultcode=$resultcode"
-			return 1;
-		fi
-		results=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_associate \
-				listeninterval=1000 \
-				associatefailuretimeout=2000 `
-		if [ ${resultcode:-"failure"} != "success" ] ; then
-			${ECHO} 'error:  dot11req_associate failed!'
-			return 1;
-		fi
-	fi
-wlan_set_ssid_schemefile ()
-	# $1 == SSID
-	# Find the scheme file 
-	if [ -r /var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme ] ; then
-		# Debian
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme"
-	elif [ -d /var/state/pcmcia ] ; then
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/state/pcmcia/scheme"
-	elif [ -d /var/lib/pcmcia ] ; then
-        	WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/lib/pcmcia/scheme"
-	else
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/run/pcmcia-scheme"
-	fi
-	# Collect the current scheme name and save the file
-	if [ -r $WLAN_SCHEMEFILE ] ; then
-		cp $WLAN_SCHEMEFILE /var/run/wlan_scheme_`date +"%T"`.tmp
-	else
-		touch /var/run/wlan_scheme_`date +"%T"`.tmp
-	fi
-	# Set up the <scheme:SSID> string
-	if [ ! "$WLAN_SCHEME" ] ; then 
-		WLAN_SCHEME="default"
-	fi
-	# Write to schemefile
-wlan_restore_schemefile ()
-	# Find the scheme file 
-	if [ -r /var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme ] ; then
-		# Debian
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme"
-	elif [ -d /var/state/pcmcia ] ; then
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/state/pcmcia/scheme"
-	elif [ -d /var/lib/pcmcia ] ; then
-        	WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/lib/pcmcia/scheme"
-	else
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/run/pcmcia-scheme"
-	fi
-	TMPFILE=`ls /var/run/wlan_scheme*.tmp | tail -n 1`
-	if [ -r $TMPFILE ] ; then
-		rm -f $TMPFILE
-	else
-		${ECHO} "wlan_restore_schemefile: No wlan_scheme\*.tmp file found."
-	fi
-wlan_bring_it_up ()
-    # $1 == wlandev
-    # $2 == non-null if wext enabled.
-    #=======ENABLE========================================
-    # Do we want to init the card at all?
-    eval 'WLAN_ENABLE=$ENABLE_'$1
-    if ! is_true $WLAN_ENABLE ; then
-	return 1
-    fi
-    if wlan_enable $1 ; then
-	if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
-	    wlan_scan_and_join $1
-	    return $?
-	else
-	    ${ECHO} "Bypassing configuration due to wireless extensions"
-	fi	
-    else
-	return 1;
-    fi
-    return 1
-wlan_scan_and_join ()
-    #=======MAC STARTUP=========================================
-    wlan_supports_scan $1
-    if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	wlan_scan $1 
-	if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	    wlan_source_config_for_ssid "$ssid" "$bssid"
-	    wlan_user_mibs $1
-	    wlan_wep $1
-	    wlan_join $1
-	else
-	    if is_true $IS_ADHOC ; then     
-		# start an IBSS; we didn't find one.
-		wlan_adhoc $1
-	    else
-		return 1
-	    fi
-	fi
-    else
-	wlan_source_config $1
-	wlan_user_mibs $1
-	wlan_wep $1
-	if is_true $IS_ADHOC ; then     
-	    wlan_adhoc $1
-	else
-	    wlan_infra $1
-	fi
-    fi
-    return $?
-wlan_join ()
-    # $1 == wlandev
-    grep 'autojoin' /proc/net/p80211/$1/wlandev > /dev/null
-    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
-	wlan_infra $1
-    else
-	wlan_dot11_join $1
-	wlan_dot11_auth_assoc $1
-    fi
-tmpname ()
-	# $1 == prefix
-	local i=0
-	local tname=$TMPDIR/${1}_$$
-	if [ -f ${tname}.tmp ] ; then
-		for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
-			if [ ! -f ${tname}_${i}.tmp ] ; then
-				echo ${tname}_${i}.tmp 
-				return 0
-			fi
-		done
-	else
-		echo ${tname}.tmp
-	fi
-	return 0
-source_procfile ()
-	# $1 == procfile to source
-	local fname=`tmpname wlan_procfile`
-	cat "$1" > $fname
-	. $fname
-	rm -f $fname
-# This is set by the Configure script as part of 'make install'
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/ b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 879dd14..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# script to start prism2 wlan for fedora FC5 udev 
-#udev rule
-#ACTION=="add",BUS=="usb",DRIVER=="prism2_usb",RUN+="/etc/wlan/ %k"
-# 01-01-2007 (rsk) add check for wlan_wext_write
-# 31-01-2007 (rsk) get the check right this time :)
-. /etc/wlan/shared
-if [ -f $WEXT_PARAM ]; then
-if [ $WLAN_WEXT = 1 ]; then
-    wlan_bring_it_up $DEVICE TRUE
-	# set encrypt on card not host
-	result=`$WLANCTL $DEVICE lnxreq_hostwep decrypt="false" encrypt="false"`
-	if [ $? != 0 ]; then
-	    echo "Cannot enable wep $result"
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-    echo calling wlan_bring_it_up
-    wlan_bring_it_up $DEVICE
-    if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	echo $DEVICE start OK
-        #allow time during boot to let other things start
-	#sleep 5
-	/sbin/ifup $DEVICE
-    else
-	echo $DEVICE failed to come up! >&2
-	exit 1
-    fi
-exit 0
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/wlan.conf.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/wlan.conf.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index fc8dcfa..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/wlan.conf.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh 
-# Wireless LAN adapter configuration
-# etc/wlan/wlan.conf
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This file is sourced by all configuration scripts.
-# The WLAN_DEVICES variable identifies the device names of each WLAN device.
-# If you have more than one, make sure each one is identified in a whitespace
-# separated list that's assigned to WLAN_DEVICES.
-# Below is the list of channels to scan, when we scan.
-# Below is the min and max time we linger on a channel during a scan.
-# And here we have the master scan toggle. 
-# if you want temporary files to go elsewhere, change this.
-# Note:  To bind to a specific network, change the SSID to something different
-#        and create the file /etc/wlan/wlancfg-<SSID> with your network-
-#        specific settings.  If this file is not present, the settings in
-#        /etc/wlancfg/wlancfg-DEFAULT are used.
-# for example:
-#    SSID_wlan0="linux-wlan"
-# This expects a file called "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-linux-wlan" to be present.
-# Use a SSID of "" to associate with any network in range.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/wlancfg-DEFAULT.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/wlancfg-DEFAULT.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index d916034..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/.svn/text-base/wlancfg-DEFAULT.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#=======USER MIB SETTINGS=============================
-# You can add the assignments for various MIB items
-#  of your choosing to this variable, separated by 
-#  whitespace.  The wlan-ng script will then set each one.
-# Just uncomment the variable and set the assignments 
-#  the way you want them.
-#USER_MIBS="p2CnfRoamingMode=1 p2CnfShortPreamble=mixed"
-# [Dis/En]able WEP.  Settings only matter if PrivacyInvoked is true
-lnxreq_hostWEPEncrypt=false     # true|false
-lnxreq_hostWEPDecrypt=false     # true|false
-dot11PrivacyInvoked=false	# true|false
-dot11WEPDefaultKeyID=0		# 0|1|2|3
-dot11ExcludeUnencrypted=true	# true|false, in AP this means WEP is required.
-# If PRIV_GENSTR is not empty, use PRIV_GENTSTR to generate 
-#  keys (just a convenience)
-# add-ons/ in the tarball contains other key generators.
-PRIV_GENERATOR=/sbin/nwepgen	# nwepgen, Neesus compatible
-PRIV_KEY128=false		# keylength to generate
-# or set them explicitly.  Set genstr or keys, not both.
-dot11WEPDefaultKey0=		# format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx   or
-dot11WEPDefaultKey1=		#         xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
-dot11WEPDefaultKey2=		#  e.g.   01:20:03:40:05   or
-dot11WEPDefaultKey3=		#         01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0a:0b:0c:0d
-#=======SELECT STATION MODE===================
-IS_ADHOC=n 			# y|n, y - adhoc, n - infrastructure
-#======= INFRASTRUCTURE STATION  ===================
-# What kind of authentication?
-AuthType="opensystem"		# opensystem | sharedkey (requires WEP)
-#======= ADHOC STATION ============================
-BCNINT=100			# Beacon interval (in Kus)
-CHANNEL=6			# DS channel for BSS (1-14, depends 
-				#   on regulatory domain)
-BASICRATES="2 4"		# Rates for mgmt&ctl frames (in 500Kb/s)
-OPRATES="2 4 11 22"		# Supported rates in BSS (in 500Kb/s)
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/Makefile b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8133cf3..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-# etc/wlan/Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
--include ../../
-	echo "Nothing to do"
-	echo "Nothing to do"
-	mkdir -p $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan
-	if [ ! -f $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/wlan.conf ] ; then \
-		cp wlan.conf $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/wlan.conf ; \
-	fi 
-	cp shared wlancfg-DEFAULT \
-		$(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan
-	chmod 600 $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/wlancfg-*
-	chmod 600 $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/wlan.conf
-	chmod 755 $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/
-	echo FIRMWARE_DIR=$(FIRMWARE_DIR) >> $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/etc/wlan/shared
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/shared b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/shared
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d84bb8..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/shared
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-# etc/wlan/shared
-# Copyright (C) 2002 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-if [ ! -n "$ECHO" ]; then
-	ECHO=echo
-if [ ! -n "$WLAN_UDEV" ] ; then
-if [ -x /sbin/modprobe ] ; then
-	MODPROBE=/sbin/modprobe
-	${ECHO} "/sbin/modprobe not found."
-	exit 1
-if [ -x /sbin/wlanctl-ng ] ; then 
-	WLANCTL=/sbin/wlanctl-ng
-	${ECHO} "/sbin/wlanctl-ng not found."
-	exit 1
-# linux-wlan-ng > 0.2.4 there is no wland 
-#if [ -x /sbin/wland ] ; then
-#    WLAND=/sbin/wland
-#    ${ECHO} "/sbin/wland not found."
-#    exit 1
-if [ -z "$WLAN_UDEV" ] ; then
-	if [ -f /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug -a \
-	     -f /etc/hotplug/wlan.agent ] ; then
-		HOTPLUGGER=$(</proc/sys/kernel/hotplug)
-		if [ -n "$HOTPLUGGER" ] ; then
-			if [ -x $HOTPLUGGER ] ; then
-			fi
-		fi
-	fi
-# Source the wlan configuration
-if [ -f /etc/wlan/wlan.conf ] ; then
-	. /etc/wlan/wlan.conf
-	${ECHO} "/etc/wlan/wlan.conf not found."
-	exit 0
-# Source NSD specific functions
-# nsd_fwload
-# nsd_mibset
-# Debian mod. If there is shared.dpkg-old we get a endless loop
-if [ "`ls /etc/wlan/shared.* 2>/dev/null`" ]; then
-	for i in `find /etc/wlan -name 'shared.*' -a ! -name '*.dpkg*'` ; do 
-		. $i
-	done
-	${ECHO} "/etc/wlan/shared.* not found."
-	exit 0
-is_true ()
-	# $1 == string containing a t/f indicator.
-	[ "$1" = "y" -o "$1" = "Y" -o "$1" = "yes" -o "$1" = "YES" \
-	  -o "$1" = "t" -o "$1" = "T" -o "$1" = "true" -o "$1" = "TRUE" ]
-wlan_nsdname ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	# Writes the given device's name to stdout
-	grep 'nsd name' /proc/net/p80211/$1/wlandev | sed -e 's/.*: \(.*\)_.*/\1/'
-wlan_enable ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	#=======ENABLE IFSTATE=============================
-	# Bring the device into its operable state
-    # if running under udev module must be loaded to get here so skip checks
-    if [ ! -n "$WLAN_UDEV" ] ; then 
-	# First, make sure the driver is loaded....
-	if ! ifconfig $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then
-		${ECHO} "Error: Device $1 does not seem to be present."
-		${ECHO} "Make sure you've inserted the appropriate"
-		${ECHO} "modules or that your modules.conf file contains"
-		${ECHO} "the appropriate aliase(s)."
-		return 1
-	fi
-     fi
-	# Call the nsd script's fwload function, in case the card needs
-	# a firmware load, or could use an optional one.
-	nsdname=`wlan_nsdname $1`
-	if ! ${nsdname}_fwload $1 ; then
-		${ECHO} "Firmware failed to load for device $1"
-		return 1
-	fi
-	# Enable the interface
-	result=`$WLANCTL $1 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable`
-	if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-		eval $result
-		if [ $resultcode != "success" ]; then
-			${ECHO} "Failed to enable the device, resultcode=" \
-				$resultcode "."
-			return 1
-		fi
-	else
-		${ECHO} "Failed to enable the device, exitcode=" $? "."
-		return 1
-	fi
-	# Set any NSD specific MIBs
-	${nsdname}_mibset $1
-wlan_user_mibs ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	#=======USER MIB SETTINGS=============================
-	# Set the user specified MIB items.
-	for i in $USER_MIBS ; do
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset "mibattribute=$i"`
-		if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-			eval $result
-			if [ $resultcode != "success" ] ; then 
-				${ECHO} "Failed to set user MIB $i."
-				return 1
-			fi
-		else
-			${ECHO} "Failed to set user MIB $i."
-			return 1
-		fi
-	done
-wlan_source_config ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	# XXX what about stray singlequotes.
-	eval 'GOSSID="$SSID_'$1'"'
-	wlan_source_config_for_ssid "$GOSSID"
-wlan_source_config_for_ssid ()
-	# $1 == ssid[:bssid]
-        # $2 == bssid (optional)
-        DesiredSSID="$1"
-        DesiredBSSID="$2"
-        if [ -n "$2" ] ; then
-               token_ssid=`echo $1 | sed -ne 's/\(.*\)\(:..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\1/p'`
-               token_bssid=`echo $1 | sed -ne 's/\(.*\):\(..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\2/p'`
-	       if [ -n "$token_ssid" ] ; then
-		   DesiredSSID="$token_ssid"
-		   DesiredBSSID="$token_bssid"
-	       fi
-	fi
-	if [ -f "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-$DesiredSSID:$DesiredBSSID" ] ; then
-		. "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-$DesiredSSID:$DesiredBSSID"
-	elif [ -f "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-$DesiredSSID" ] ; then
-		. "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-$DesiredSSID"
-	else 
-		if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
-			${ECHO} "Failed to open network config file /etc/wlan/wlancfg-$1, using default."
-		fi
-		. "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT"
-	fi
-wlan_disable ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	$WLANCTL $1 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=disable
-wlan_ssid_in_list ()
-	# $1 == wlandev, $2 == ssid,  $3 == bssid
-  	eval 'GOSSID="$SSID_'$1'"'
-	# This "eval" hackery is to allow escapes in GOSSID...
-	cmd="for token in $GOSSID ; do
-		ssid_token=\`echo \"\$token\" | sed -ne 's/\(.*\)\(:..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\1/p'\`
-		bssid_token=\`echo \"\$token\" | sed -ne 's/\(.*\):\(..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\2/p'\`
-		if [ -z \"\$ssid_token\" ] ; then
-			ssid_token="\$token"
-  		fi
-		if [ -n \"\$bssid_token\" ] ; then
-			if [ \"\$bssid_token\" = \"\$3\" ] ; then
-  				return 0
-  			fi
-		elif [ \"\$2\" = \"\$ssid_token\" ] ; then
-  			return 0	
-  		fi
-	done"
-	eval "$cmd"
-	return 1
-wlan_supports_scan ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	if is_true "$WLAN_SCAN" ; then
-		cat /proc/net/p80211/$1/wlandev | grep 'scan' > /dev/null
-		if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-			return 0
-		fi
-	fi
-	return 1
-wlan_scan ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	# find our allowed SSID list.
-	# XXX what about stray singlequotes.
-	eval 'GOSSID="$SSID_'$1'"'
-	# kick off a quick scan with the broadcast SSID.
-	wlan_scan_one $1 '' '' n
-	if [ $? = 0  -a \
-	    "$GOSSID" = "" ] ; then
-	    # if successful and our ssid list is null, return.
-	    sleep 1
-	    return 0
-	fi	
-	# otherwise we walk through the list, and scan for eacn in turn.
-	# this "eval" hackery is to allow escapes in GOSSID
-	cmd="for token in $GOSSID ; do
-		ssid_token=\`echo \"\$token\" | sed -ne 's/\(.*\)\(:..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\1/p'\`
-		bssid_token=\`echo \"\$token\" | sed -ne 's/\(.*\):\(..:..:..:..:..:..\).*/\2/p'\`
-		if [ -z \"\$ssid_token\" ] ; then
-			ssid_token=\"\$token\"
-		fi
-		wlan_scan_one \$1 \"\$ssid_token\" \"\$bssid_token\"
-		if [ \$? = 0 ] ; then
-			sleep 1
-			return 0
-		fi
-	done"
-	eval "$cmd"
-	# We got to the end of the list.  Maybe try "any"
-	if is_true "$WLAN_ANY" ; then
-		wlan_scan_one $1
-		sleep 1
-		return $?
-	fi
-	sleep 1
-	return 1
-wlan_scan_one ()
-	# $1 == wlandev, [ $2 == ssid, $3 == bssid, $4 == append ]
-    if [ -z "$4" ] ; then
-	append=true
-    else
-	append=false
-    fi
-	numbss=0
-	result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_scan bsstype=any bssid=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff \
-		scantype=active probedelay=0 channellist=$ChannelList ssid="$2" \
-		minchanneltime=$ChannelMinTime maxchanneltime=$ChannelMaxTime append=$append`
-	eval $result
-	if [ $resultcode != 'success' ] ; then
-		${ECHO} "Scan failed ($resultcode) "
-		return 1
-	fi
-	## XXX if numbss == 0, repeat with $2 $3 $4?
-	i=0
-	bssfound=""
-	# walk through the results and do first-cut matching.
-	while [ $i -lt $numbss ] ; do
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_scan_results bssindex=$i`
-		eval $result
-		if [ -n "$3" ] ; then
-                        if [ "$3" = "$bssid" ] ; then
-                               bssfound="$bssfound $i"
-			fi
-		elif [ -z "$2" ] ; then
-			# if our ssid is "", then we pick the first entry.
-			bssfound="$bssfound $i"
-		elif [ "$2" = "$ssid" ] ; then
-			bssfound="$bssfound $i"
-		fi
-		i=`expr $i + 1`
-	done
-	if [ -z "$bssfound" ]; then	# No BSSs found, bail.
-		return 1
-	else
-		# Now find the closest
-		bigsignal=0
-		for i in $bssfound ; do
-			result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_scan_results bssindex=$i`
-			eval $result
-			if [ $bigsignal -lt $signal ]; then
-				bigsignal=$signal
-				bigbssindex=$i
-			fi
-		done
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_scan_results bssindex=$bigbssindex`
-		eval $result
-		return 0
-	fi
-wlan_wep ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	#=======WEP===========================================
-	# Setup privacy
-	if [ ${dot11PrivacyInvoked:-"false"} = "false" ] ; then
-		return 0;
-	fi
-	result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibget mibattribute=dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented`
-	if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-		eval $result
-		eval $mibattribute
-	else
-		${ECHO} "dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented mibget failed."
-		return 1
-	fi
-	if [ $dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented = "false" ] ; then
-		${ECHO} "Cannot enable privacy, dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented=false."
-		return 1
-	fi
-	# Do we want host-based WEP?
-	result=`$WLANCTL $1 lnxreq_hostwep \
-	    decrypt="${lnxreq_hostWEPDecrypt:-false}"    \
-	    encrypt="${lnxreq_hostWEPEncrypt:-false}"`
-	# set up the rest of the parametsrs.
-	if [ $dot11PrivacyOptionImplemented = "true" -a \
-	     $dot11PrivacyInvoked = "true" ] ; then
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			  mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKeyID=$dot11WEPDefaultKeyID `
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11ExcludeUnencrypted=$dot11ExcludeUnencrypted `
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11PrivacyInvoked=$dot11PrivacyInvoked`
-		if [ "${PRIV_GENSTR:-empty}" != "empty" ] ; then
-			if [ ${PRIV_KEY128:-"false"} = "false" ]; then
-			else
-			fi
-				knum=0
-			for i in $keys ; do
-				result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-				mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKey$knum=$i`
-				knum=`expr $knum + 1`
-			done
-		else 
-			result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKey0=$dot11WEPDefaultKey0 `
-			result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKey1=$dot11WEPDefaultKey1 `
-			result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKey2=$dot11WEPDefaultKey2 `
-			result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11WEPDefaultKey3=$dot11WEPDefaultKey3 `
-		fi
-	else
-		# disable wep explicitly.
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11PrivacyInvoked=$dot11PrivacyInvoked `
-		result=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_mibset \
-			mibattribute=dot11ExcludeUnencrypted=false `
-	fi
-wlan_adhoc ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	#=======IBSS STARTUP==================================
-	startcmd="$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_start "
-	startcmd="$startcmd ssid=$DesiredSSID"
-	startcmd="$startcmd bsstype=independent"
-	startcmd="$startcmd beaconperiod=$BCNINT" 
-	startcmd="$startcmd dtimperiod=3"
-	startcmd="$startcmd cfpollable=false"
-	startcmd="$startcmd cfpollreq=false"
-	startcmd="$startcmd cfpperiod=3"
-	startcmd="$startcmd cfpmaxduration=100"
-	startcmd="$startcmd probedelay=100"
-	startcmd="$startcmd dschannel=$CHANNEL"
-	j=1
-	for i in $BASICRATES ; do
-		startcmd="$startcmd basicrate$j=$i"
-		j=`expr $j + 1`
-		done
-	j=1
-	for i in $OPRATES ; do
-		startcmd="$startcmd operationalrate$j=$i"
-		j=`expr $j + 1`
-	done
-	results=`$startcmd`	# Here's where it runs
-	if [ $? = 0 ]; then 
-		eval $results
-		if [ $resultcode != "success" ] ; then 
-			${ECHO} "IBSS not started, resultcode=$resultcode"
-			exit 1
-		else
-			${ECHO} "IBSS mode started."
-		fi
-	else
-		${ECHO} FAILED: $startcmd
-		return 1
-	fi
-wlan_infra ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	#==== INFRASTRUCURE STARTUP===========================
-	# XXX TODO:  Grok DesiredBSSID
-	sleep 5
-	results=`$WLANCTL $1 lnxreq_autojoin \
-		"ssid=$DesiredSSID" \
-		authtype=${AuthType:="opensystem"} | sed 's/\([^=]*\)=\(.*\)/\1="\2"/'`
-	eval $results
-	if [ ${resultcode:-"failure"} != "success" ] ; then
-		${ECHO} 'error: Autojoin indicated failure!'
-		return 1;
-	fi
-wlan_dot11_join ()
-	# $1 == wlandev
-	joincmd="$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_join bssid=$DesiredBSSID"
-	joincmd="$joincmd joinfailuretimeout=1"
-	j=1
-	for i in $OPRATES ; do
-		joincmd="$joincmd operationalrate$j=$i"
-		j=`expr $j + 1`
-	done
-	results=`$joincmd`
-	eval $results
-	if [ ${resultcode:-"failure"} != "success" ] ; then
-		${ECHO} "$1: JOIN Failure"
-		${ECHO} "joincmd=$joincmd"
-		${ECHO} "results=$results"
-		return 1;
-	fi
-wlan_dot11_auth_assoc ()
-    # $1 == wlandev
-	if [ $bsstype = "infrastructure" ] ; then 
-		results=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_authenticate \
-				peerstaaddress=$DesiredBSSID \
-				authenticationtype=$AuthType \
-				authenticationfailuretimeout=2000`
-		eval $results
-		if [ ${resultcode:-"failure"} != "success" ] ; then
-			${ECHO} "error:  dot11req_authenticate failed, "\
-				"resultcode=$resultcode"
-			return 1;
-		fi
-		results=`$WLANCTL $1 dot11req_associate \
-				listeninterval=1000 \
-				associatefailuretimeout=2000 `
-		if [ ${resultcode:-"failure"} != "success" ] ; then
-			${ECHO} 'error:  dot11req_associate failed!'
-			return 1;
-		fi
-	fi
-wlan_set_ssid_schemefile ()
-	# $1 == SSID
-	# Find the scheme file 
-	if [ -r /var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme ] ; then
-		# Debian
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme"
-	elif [ -d /var/state/pcmcia ] ; then
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/state/pcmcia/scheme"
-	elif [ -d /var/lib/pcmcia ] ; then
-        	WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/lib/pcmcia/scheme"
-	else
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/run/pcmcia-scheme"
-	fi
-	# Collect the current scheme name and save the file
-	if [ -r $WLAN_SCHEMEFILE ] ; then
-		cp $WLAN_SCHEMEFILE /var/run/wlan_scheme_`date +"%T"`.tmp
-	else
-		touch /var/run/wlan_scheme_`date +"%T"`.tmp
-	fi
-	# Set up the <scheme:SSID> string
-	if [ ! "$WLAN_SCHEME" ] ; then 
-		WLAN_SCHEME="default"
-	fi
-	# Write to schemefile
-wlan_restore_schemefile ()
-	# Find the scheme file 
-	if [ -r /var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme ] ; then
-		# Debian
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/lib/misc/pcmcia-scheme"
-	elif [ -d /var/state/pcmcia ] ; then
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/state/pcmcia/scheme"
-	elif [ -d /var/lib/pcmcia ] ; then
-        	WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/lib/pcmcia/scheme"
-	else
-		WLAN_SCHEMEFILE="/var/run/pcmcia-scheme"
-	fi
-	TMPFILE=`ls /var/run/wlan_scheme*.tmp | tail -n 1`
-	if [ -r $TMPFILE ] ; then
-		rm -f $TMPFILE
-	else
-		${ECHO} "wlan_restore_schemefile: No wlan_scheme\*.tmp file found."
-	fi
-wlan_bring_it_up ()
-    # $1 == wlandev
-    # $2 == non-null if wext enabled.
-    #=======ENABLE========================================
-    # Do we want to init the card at all?
-    eval 'WLAN_ENABLE=$ENABLE_'$1
-    if ! is_true $WLAN_ENABLE ; then
-	return 1
-    fi
-    if wlan_enable $1 ; then
-	if [ -z "$2" ] ; then
-	    wlan_scan_and_join $1
-	    return $?
-	else
-	    ${ECHO} "Bypassing configuration due to wireless extensions"
-	fi	
-    else
-	return 1;
-    fi
-    return 1
-wlan_scan_and_join ()
-    #=======MAC STARTUP=========================================
-    wlan_supports_scan $1
-    if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	wlan_scan $1 
-	if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	    wlan_source_config_for_ssid "$ssid" "$bssid"
-	    wlan_user_mibs $1
-	    wlan_wep $1
-	    wlan_join $1
-	else
-	    if is_true $IS_ADHOC ; then     
-		# start an IBSS; we didn't find one.
-		wlan_adhoc $1
-	    else
-		return 1
-	    fi
-	fi
-    else
-	wlan_source_config $1
-	wlan_user_mibs $1
-	wlan_wep $1
-	if is_true $IS_ADHOC ; then     
-	    wlan_adhoc $1
-	else
-	    wlan_infra $1
-	fi
-    fi
-    return $?
-wlan_join ()
-    # $1 == wlandev
-    grep 'autojoin' /proc/net/p80211/$1/wlandev > /dev/null
-    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
-	wlan_infra $1
-    else
-	wlan_dot11_join $1
-	wlan_dot11_auth_assoc $1
-    fi
-tmpname ()
-	# $1 == prefix
-	local i=0
-	local tname=$TMPDIR/${1}_$$
-	if [ -f ${tname}.tmp ] ; then
-		for i in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do
-			if [ ! -f ${tname}_${i}.tmp ] ; then
-				echo ${tname}_${i}.tmp 
-				return 0
-			fi
-		done
-	else
-		echo ${tname}.tmp
-	fi
-	return 0
-source_procfile ()
-	# $1 == procfile to source
-	local fname=`tmpname wlan_procfile`
-	cat "$1" > $fname
-	. $fname
-	rm -f $fname
-# This is set by the Configure script as part of 'make install'
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/ b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/
deleted file mode 100644
index 879dd14..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/bash
-# script to start prism2 wlan for fedora FC5 udev 
-#udev rule
-#ACTION=="add",BUS=="usb",DRIVER=="prism2_usb",RUN+="/etc/wlan/ %k"
-# 01-01-2007 (rsk) add check for wlan_wext_write
-# 31-01-2007 (rsk) get the check right this time :)
-. /etc/wlan/shared
-if [ -f $WEXT_PARAM ]; then
-if [ $WLAN_WEXT = 1 ]; then
-    wlan_bring_it_up $DEVICE TRUE
-	# set encrypt on card not host
-	result=`$WLANCTL $DEVICE lnxreq_hostwep decrypt="false" encrypt="false"`
-	if [ $? != 0 ]; then
-	    echo "Cannot enable wep $result"
-	    exit 1
-	fi
-    echo calling wlan_bring_it_up
-    wlan_bring_it_up $DEVICE
-    if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
-	echo $DEVICE start OK
-        #allow time during boot to let other things start
-	#sleep 5
-	/sbin/ifup $DEVICE
-    else
-	echo $DEVICE failed to come up! >&2
-	exit 1
-    fi
-exit 0
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/wlan.conf b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/wlan.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index fc8dcfa..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/wlan.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh 
-# Wireless LAN adapter configuration
-# etc/wlan/wlan.conf
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This file is sourced by all configuration scripts.
-# The WLAN_DEVICES variable identifies the device names of each WLAN device.
-# If you have more than one, make sure each one is identified in a whitespace
-# separated list that's assigned to WLAN_DEVICES.
-# Below is the list of channels to scan, when we scan.
-# Below is the min and max time we linger on a channel during a scan.
-# And here we have the master scan toggle. 
-# if you want temporary files to go elsewhere, change this.
-# Note:  To bind to a specific network, change the SSID to something different
-#        and create the file /etc/wlan/wlancfg-<SSID> with your network-
-#        specific settings.  If this file is not present, the settings in
-#        /etc/wlancfg/wlancfg-DEFAULT are used.
-# for example:
-#    SSID_wlan0="linux-wlan"
-# This expects a file called "/etc/wlan/wlancfg-linux-wlan" to be present.
-# Use a SSID of "" to associate with any network in range.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT
deleted file mode 100644
index d916034..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/etc/wlan/wlancfg-DEFAULT
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#=======USER MIB SETTINGS=============================
-# You can add the assignments for various MIB items
-#  of your choosing to this variable, separated by 
-#  whitespace.  The wlan-ng script will then set each one.
-# Just uncomment the variable and set the assignments 
-#  the way you want them.
-#USER_MIBS="p2CnfRoamingMode=1 p2CnfShortPreamble=mixed"
-# [Dis/En]able WEP.  Settings only matter if PrivacyInvoked is true
-lnxreq_hostWEPEncrypt=false     # true|false
-lnxreq_hostWEPDecrypt=false     # true|false
-dot11PrivacyInvoked=false	# true|false
-dot11WEPDefaultKeyID=0		# 0|1|2|3
-dot11ExcludeUnencrypted=true	# true|false, in AP this means WEP is required.
-# If PRIV_GENSTR is not empty, use PRIV_GENTSTR to generate 
-#  keys (just a convenience)
-# add-ons/ in the tarball contains other key generators.
-PRIV_GENERATOR=/sbin/nwepgen	# nwepgen, Neesus compatible
-PRIV_KEY128=false		# keylength to generate
-# or set them explicitly.  Set genstr or keys, not both.
-dot11WEPDefaultKey0=		# format: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx   or
-dot11WEPDefaultKey1=		#         xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
-dot11WEPDefaultKey2=		#  e.g.   01:20:03:40:05   or
-dot11WEPDefaultKey3=		#         01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08:09:0a:0b:0c:0d
-#=======SELECT STATION MODE===================
-IS_ADHOC=n 			# y|n, y - adhoc, n - infrastructure
-#======= INFRASTRUCTURE STATION  ===================
-# What kind of authentication?
-AuthType="opensystem"		# opensystem | sharedkey (requires WEP)
-#======= ADHOC STATION ============================
-BCNINT=100			# Beacon interval (in Kus)
-CHANNEL=6			# DS channel for BSS (1-14, depends 
-				#   on regulatory domain)
-BASICRATES="2 4"		# Rates for mgmt&ctl frames (in 500Kb/s)
-OPRATES="2 4 11 22"		# Supported rates in BSS (in 500Kb/s)
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/entries
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index f402324..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/entries
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@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/format b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/format
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index ec63514..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/format
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
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@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/nwepgen.1.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/nwepgen.1.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wlancfg.1.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wlancfg.1.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wlanctl-ng.1.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wlanctl-ng.1.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wland.1.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/prop-base/wland.1.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b68c73..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# man/Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
--include ../
-	@echo "Nothing to do..."
-	mkdir -p $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/usr/local/man/man1
-	cp *.1 	$(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/usr/local/man/man1
-	rm -f core core.* *.o .*.o *.s *.a .depend tmp_make *~ tags
-	for i in *_obj; do if [ -d $$i ]; then rm -fr $$i; fi; done
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/nwepgen.1.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/nwepgen.1.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c803ed..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/nwepgen.1.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-nwepgen \- generates Neesus Datacom compatible WEP keys
-.B nwepgen genstr length
-.B nwepgen
-generates Neesus Datacom compatible WEP keys from a string. You will
-typically not run it by hand, but it is called by the linux-wlan-ng
-initialization scripts if you specify a WEP key string in the config file.
-This minimal man page was written by Joey Hess.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/prism2dl.1.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/prism2dl.1.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f4758d..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/prism2dl.1.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-prism2dl \- 802.11 frame dump utility
-.B prism2dl [OPTIONS] devname
-.B prism2dl
-User utility for downloading prism2 images
-.B -s (status)
-Show CIS, PDA from card and exit
-.B -v (verbose)
-Show more status info during operation
-.B -V (Version)
-Show version and exit
-.B -n (nowrite)
-Do all processing, including card PDA read but do not write to card
-.B -d (debug)
-Do all processing, excluding card PDA read but do not write to card. A valid
-interface name is _not_ required for this mode.
-.B -g (generate)
-Show the PDA in a format readable by this program.  Useful for saving the
-existing from a card.
-.B -r <file> (ram)
-Load SREC file to card RAM.  This option may be specified multiple times.
-If the value is "stdin", the file will be read from stdin and the option
-may only be specified once.
-.B -f <file> (flash)
-Load SREC file to card FLASH. This option may be specified multiple times.
-If the value is "stdin", the file will be read from stdin and the option
-may only be specified once.
-.B -a <file> (addpdr)
-Add the PDRs from file to the PDA from card. This option may be specified
-multiple times.
-.B -p <file> (pda)
-Replace the card PDA with the contents of file.
-.B -m <haddr> (macaddr)
-Overwrite the MAC address PDR with the given value.
-<addr> ::= xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, where xx is a two digit hex number.
-.B -S <str> (Sernum)
-Overwrite the serial number PDR with the given string. String must be <= 12
-characters, any extra will be truncated.
-.B -l <adrr> (padloc)
-PDA location in card memory.  Commonly values:
-  HFA3841 ==> 0x003f0000
-  HFA3842 ==> 0x007f0000
-.B devname
-Linux device name (e.g. eth0, wlan0)
-Review card status:
-  prism2dl -s wlan0
-Load a new PDA:
-  prism2dl -p pdafile.txt wlan0
- or
-  prism2dl -p pdafile.txt -a pda1.txt -a pda2.txt wlan0
-  Note that the f/w images will most likely contain bogus plug info after
-  rewriting the PDA by itself.  It is generally recommended to reload the 
-  primage and secondary images at the same time as modifying the PDA.
-Load a FLASH image _and_ PDA:
-  prism2dl -p pdafile.txt -f CIS.hex -f primary.hex -f secondary.hex wlan0
-Load a RAM image:
-  prism2dl -a pda1.txt -r tertiary.hex
-Note: PDA records are additive starting with the records from the card
-   OR the records from the -p specified file.  -a specified file(s)
-   overwrite, append, or remove records one at a time.  If multiple
-   files are specified using the -a option, the files are processed
-   from left to right.  This implies that a record removed from the
-   current working PDA may then be added again by a record that
-   appears after the "remove" record in the file set.
-This minimal man page was written by Victor Seva.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wlancfg.1.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wlancfg.1.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 257ccd8..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wlancfg.1.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-wlancfg \- manupulate linux-wlan-ng MIB values
-.B wlancfg query dev
-.B wlancfg show dev [all]
-.B wlancfg set dev
-.B wlancfg list
-.B wlancfg version
-The wlancfg utility program provides an alternative method to
-.B wlanctl-ng (1)
-, for manipulating MIB values.  It was designed to provide
-an easier mechanism for saving and restoring the complete wireless
-configuration (i.e. when re-starting the device driver) and to provide
-a more efficient mechanism for GUI's to query multiple MIB's.
-.B dev
-The name of the device (e.g., wlan0).
-.B query
-Read MIB names (separated by whitespace) from stdin
-and output their values (separated by carriage returns)
-to stdout.  The MIB's may be either read/write or
-.B show
-Query the values of all supported read/write MIB's and
-output their values (separated by carriage returns) to
-stdout. The syntax of the output will be:
-  name=value
-If the "all" parameter is specified, then all supported
-MIB's (i.e. read-only MIB's as well) are output.
-.B set
-Read MIB name/value pairs (separated by carriage returns)
-from stdin and set the values of the specified MIB's.  The
-pairs must have the same syntax as above.  The MIB's must
-be read/write.
-.B list
-Display a list of all supported MIB's.
-.B version
-Display the compiled version of wlancfg.
-This minimal man page was written by Joey Hess.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wlanctl-ng.1.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wlanctl-ng.1.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6186a..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wlanctl-ng.1.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-wlanctl-ng \- control utility for linux-wlan-ng 802.11 devices
-.B wlanctl-ng interface|verson|commands|mibs cmd cmdarg [cmdarg..]
-The wlanctl-ng utility program is used to set up linux-wlan-ng 802.11
-devices. linux-wlan-ng devices are configured using a MIB.
-Only experts will want to use this program, as it is quite complicated.
-Everyone else edits a config file and uses a script that runs this program
-as necessary.
-.B commands
-Output a list of all available commands.
-.B mibs
-Outputs a list of available mibs.
-.B version
-Outputs the version of the program.
-.B interface
-The name of a wireless network interface, such as wlan0.
-This minimal man page was written by Joey Hess.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wland.1.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wland.1.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 02250e1..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/.svn/text-base/wland.1.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-wland \- linux-wlan-ng daemon
-.B wland [-V|-v] [-d wlandpath] [-u]
-.B wland
-is a daemon for receiving and handling events from 802.11 services and
-MAC-specific linux-wlan-ng drivers. It is not currently used.
-.B -V
-.B -v
-Display version number.
-.B -d wlandpath
-Specify the directory to run in.
-.B -u
-Do not daemonize; run in foreground.
-This minimal man page was written by Joey Hess.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/Makefile b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b68c73..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# man/Makefile
-# Copyright (C) 1999 AbsoluteValue Systems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# linux-wlan
-#   The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
-#   License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
-#   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
-#   the License at
-#   Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
-#   IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
-#   implied. See the License for the specific language governing
-#   rights and limitations under the License.
-#   Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the
-#   terms of the GNU Public License version 2 (the "GPL"), in which
-#   case the provisions of the GPL are applicable instead of the
-#   above.  If you wish to allow the use of your version of this file
-#   only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use
-#   your version of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision
-#   by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-#   and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you do not delete
-#   the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this
-#   file under either the MPL or the GPL.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Inquiries regarding the linux-wlan Open Source project can be
-# made directly to:
-# AbsoluteValue Systems Inc.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Portions of the development of this software were funded by 
-# Intersil Corporation as part of PRISM(R) chipset product development.
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------
--include ../
-	@echo "Nothing to do..."
-	mkdir -p $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/usr/local/man/man1
-	cp *.1 	$(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/usr/local/man/man1
-	rm -f core core.* *.o .*.o *.s *.a .depend tmp_make *~ tags
-	for i in *_obj; do if [ -d $$i ]; then rm -fr $$i; fi; done
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/nwepgen.1 b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/nwepgen.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c803ed..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/nwepgen.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-nwepgen \- generates Neesus Datacom compatible WEP keys
-.B nwepgen genstr length
-.B nwepgen
-generates Neesus Datacom compatible WEP keys from a string. You will
-typically not run it by hand, but it is called by the linux-wlan-ng
-initialization scripts if you specify a WEP key string in the config file.
-This minimal man page was written by Joey Hess.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/prism2dl.1 b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/prism2dl.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f4758d..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/prism2dl.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-prism2dl \- 802.11 frame dump utility
-.B prism2dl [OPTIONS] devname
-.B prism2dl
-User utility for downloading prism2 images
-.B -s (status)
-Show CIS, PDA from card and exit
-.B -v (verbose)
-Show more status info during operation
-.B -V (Version)
-Show version and exit
-.B -n (nowrite)
-Do all processing, including card PDA read but do not write to card
-.B -d (debug)
-Do all processing, excluding card PDA read but do not write to card. A valid
-interface name is _not_ required for this mode.
-.B -g (generate)
-Show the PDA in a format readable by this program.  Useful for saving the
-existing from a card.
-.B -r <file> (ram)
-Load SREC file to card RAM.  This option may be specified multiple times.
-If the value is "stdin", the file will be read from stdin and the option
-may only be specified once.
-.B -f <file> (flash)
-Load SREC file to card FLASH. This option may be specified multiple times.
-If the value is "stdin", the file will be read from stdin and the option
-may only be specified once.
-.B -a <file> (addpdr)
-Add the PDRs from file to the PDA from card. This option may be specified
-multiple times.
-.B -p <file> (pda)
-Replace the card PDA with the contents of file.
-.B -m <haddr> (macaddr)
-Overwrite the MAC address PDR with the given value.
-<addr> ::= xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, where xx is a two digit hex number.
-.B -S <str> (Sernum)
-Overwrite the serial number PDR with the given string. String must be <= 12
-characters, any extra will be truncated.
-.B -l <adrr> (padloc)
-PDA location in card memory.  Commonly values:
-  HFA3841 ==> 0x003f0000
-  HFA3842 ==> 0x007f0000
-.B devname
-Linux device name (e.g. eth0, wlan0)
-Review card status:
-  prism2dl -s wlan0
-Load a new PDA:
-  prism2dl -p pdafile.txt wlan0
- or
-  prism2dl -p pdafile.txt -a pda1.txt -a pda2.txt wlan0
-  Note that the f/w images will most likely contain bogus plug info after
-  rewriting the PDA by itself.  It is generally recommended to reload the 
-  primage and secondary images at the same time as modifying the PDA.
-Load a FLASH image _and_ PDA:
-  prism2dl -p pdafile.txt -f CIS.hex -f primary.hex -f secondary.hex wlan0
-Load a RAM image:
-  prism2dl -a pda1.txt -r tertiary.hex
-Note: PDA records are additive starting with the records from the card
-   OR the records from the -p specified file.  -a specified file(s)
-   overwrite, append, or remove records one at a time.  If multiple
-   files are specified using the -a option, the files are processed
-   from left to right.  This implies that a record removed from the
-   current working PDA may then be added again by a record that
-   appears after the "remove" record in the file set.
-This minimal man page was written by Victor Seva.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wlancfg.1 b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wlancfg.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 257ccd8..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wlancfg.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-wlancfg \- manupulate linux-wlan-ng MIB values
-.B wlancfg query dev
-.B wlancfg show dev [all]
-.B wlancfg set dev
-.B wlancfg list
-.B wlancfg version
-The wlancfg utility program provides an alternative method to
-.B wlanctl-ng (1)
-, for manipulating MIB values.  It was designed to provide
-an easier mechanism for saving and restoring the complete wireless
-configuration (i.e. when re-starting the device driver) and to provide
-a more efficient mechanism for GUI's to query multiple MIB's.
-.B dev
-The name of the device (e.g., wlan0).
-.B query
-Read MIB names (separated by whitespace) from stdin
-and output their values (separated by carriage returns)
-to stdout.  The MIB's may be either read/write or
-.B show
-Query the values of all supported read/write MIB's and
-output their values (separated by carriage returns) to
-stdout. The syntax of the output will be:
-  name=value
-If the "all" parameter is specified, then all supported
-MIB's (i.e. read-only MIB's as well) are output.
-.B set
-Read MIB name/value pairs (separated by carriage returns)
-from stdin and set the values of the specified MIB's.  The
-pairs must have the same syntax as above.  The MIB's must
-be read/write.
-.B list
-Display a list of all supported MIB's.
-.B version
-Display the compiled version of wlancfg.
-This minimal man page was written by Joey Hess.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wlanctl-ng.1 b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wlanctl-ng.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6186a..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wlanctl-ng.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-wlanctl-ng \- control utility for linux-wlan-ng 802.11 devices
-.B wlanctl-ng interface|verson|commands|mibs cmd cmdarg [cmdarg..]
-The wlanctl-ng utility program is used to set up linux-wlan-ng 802.11
-devices. linux-wlan-ng devices are configured using a MIB.
-Only experts will want to use this program, as it is quite complicated.
-Everyone else edits a config file and uses a script that runs this program
-as necessary.
-.B commands
-Output a list of all available commands.
-.B mibs
-Outputs a list of available mibs.
-.B version
-Outputs the version of the program.
-.B interface
-The name of a wireless network interface, such as wlan0.
-This minimal man page was written by Joey Hess.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wland.1 b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wland.1
deleted file mode 100644
index 02250e1..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/man/wland.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-wland \- linux-wlan-ng daemon
-.B wland [-V|-v] [-d wlandpath] [-u]
-.B wland
-is a daemon for receiving and handling events from 802.11 services and
-MAC-specific linux-wlan-ng drivers. It is not currently used.
-.B -V
-.B -v
-Display version number.
-.B -d wlandpath
-Specify the directory to run in.
-.B -u
-Do not daemonize; run in foreground.
-This minimal man page was written by Joey Hess.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scm-moved-to-git b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scm-moved-to-git
deleted file mode 100644
index 70c7573..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scm-moved-to-git
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-On August 17, 2008 linux-wlan-ng moved to using git as its SCM.
-Read-only access can be obtained via:
-	git clone git://
-gitweb access can be obtained via:
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/dir-prop-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/dir-prop-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a8363b..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/dir-prop-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-K 10
-V 23
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/entries b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/entries
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f4156e..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/entries
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-svn:special svn:externals svn:needs-lock
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/format b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/format
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.get_options.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.get_options.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.get_options.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/get_version.c.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/get_version.c.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b57b30..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/get_version.c.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/ b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5336d10..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/prop-base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-K 13
-V 6
-K 14
-V 1
-K 12
-V 23
-Author Date Id Revision
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/Makefile.get_options.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/Makefile.get_options.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index d8a1524..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/Makefile.get_options.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-KERNEL_VERSION := $(shell $(CURR_DIR)/get_version)
-KERNEL_RELEASE := $(shell echo $(KERNEL_VERSION) | cut -d\" -f2| cut -c-5)
-include Makefile
-	echo "KERNEL_RELEASE=$(KERNEL_VERSION)" >> $(CURR_DIR)/make.opts
-	echo "CROSS_COMPILE='$(CROSS_COMPILE)'" >> $(CURR_DIR)/make.opts
-	echo "HOST_CC='$(HOSTCC)'" >> $(CURR_DIR)/make.opts
-	echo "HOST_CFLAGS='$(HOSTCFLAGS)'" >> $(CURR_DIR)/make.opts
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f37e49..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/Makefile.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-CURR_DIR :=$(shell pwd)
-export CURR_DIR
-.PHONY: get_version
-all: clean get_version get_options 
-	@if [ ! -d $(KERNEL_SOURCE)/ ]; then \
-		echo "";\
-		echo "$(KERNEL_SOURCE) directory does not exist. Please edit the file 'config'";\
-		echo "in this directory and set KERNEL_SOURCE to the correct location of your ";\
-		echo "kernel source.";\
-		echo "";\
-		echo "You are currently running kernel version `uname -r`, the source code should";\
-		echo "be for this version.";\
-		echo "";\
-		exit 1;\
-	fi
-	@if [ ! -f $(KERNEL_SOURCE)/include/linux/version.h ]; then \
-		echo "$(KERNEL_SOURCE)/include/linux/version.h is missing. Please run make config";\
-		echo "in your kernel source tree";\
-		exit 1;\
-	fi
-	$(CC) -I$(KERNEL_SOURCE)/include get_version.c -o get_version
-	$(MAKE) -f $(CURR_DIR)/Makefile.get_options -C $(KERNEL_SOURCE) get_version_target
-	$(RM) get_version make.opts 
-distclean: clean
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/get_version.c.svn-base b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/get_version.c.svn-base
deleted file mode 100644
index cde9707..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/get_version.c.svn-base
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#include <linux/version.h>
-#ifndef UTS_RELEASE
-#include <linux/utsrelease.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-	printf("%s", UTS_RELEASE);
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/ b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d2464f..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/.svn/text-base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-use Getopt::Long;
-GetOptions(qw(pda! diff! repl! xdiff=s));
-sub usage {
-  print(q{
-Usage: pdafile 
-or --pda --diff --xdiff=0x0104,0x0007 pda1 pda2 > diff-pda1-pda2.pda
---diff     takes 2 filenams and prints a diff (2nd file will override the first on
-           records that are present in both
---pda      saves output suitable for loading via prism2dl (mainly for --diff)
---repl     generates merged PDA, that could be used as a replacement (prism2dl -p)
---xdiff    exclude given PDR's from beeing overridden by dst PDA => those will be
-           generated from src pdafile (comma separated hexlist)
-  exit(0);
-$pdr_codes = {
-	0x0001 => 'PCB_PARTNUM', 0x0002 => 'PCB_TRACENUM', 0x0003 => 'NIC_SERIAL',
-	0x0004 => 'MKK_MEASUREMENTS', 0x0005 => 'NIC_RAMSIZE', 0x0006 => 'MFISUPRANGE',
-	0x0007 => 'CFISUPRANGE', 0x0008 => 'NICID', 0x0010 => 'REFDAC_MEASUREMENTS',
-	0x0040 => 'MODEM_TRIMDAC_MEASUREMENTS', 0x0101 => 'MAC_ADDRESS', 0x0102 => 'MKK_CALLNAME',
-	0x0103 => 'REGDOMAIN', 0x0104 => 'ALLOWED_CHANNEL', 0x0105 => 'DEFAULT_CHANNEL',
-	0x0106 => 'PRIVACY_OPTION', 0x0107 => 'TEMPTYPE', 0x0110 => 'REFDAC_SETUP',
-	0x0120 => 'VGDAC_SETUP', 0x0130 => 'LEVEL_COMP_SETUP', 0x0140 => 'TRIMDAC_SETUP',
-	0x0200 => 'IFR_SETTING', 0x0201 => 'RFR_SETTING', 0x0202 => 'HFA3861_BASELINE',
-	0x0203 => 'HFA3861_SHADOW', 0x0204 => 'HFA3861_IFRF', 0x0300 => 'HFA3861_CHCALSP',
-	0x0301 => 'HFA3861_CHCALI', 0x0900 => 'HFA3861_MANF_TESTSP', 0x0901 => 'HFA3861_MANF_TESTI',
-	0x0000 => 'END_OF_PDA',
-$pdr_fmt = {
-   0x0001 => \&x2ascii_list, 0x0002 => \&x2ascii_list, 0x0003 => \&x2ascii_list,
-   0x0101 => \&x2hex_list,   0x0103 => \&x2dec_list,   0x0104 => \&x2bit_list,
-   0x0001 => \&x2ascii_list,
-if (defined $opt_xdiff) {
-  @xdiff = map {hex} split /\s*,\s*/, $opt_xdiff;
-  print "@@ xdiff: $opt_xdiff\n";
-if (!defined $srcfile) {
-  usage();
-if ($opt_diff) {
-  if (!defined $dstfile) {
-    usage();
-  }
-  $dst=read_pda($dstfile);
-  map { $join{$_->{code}} = 1; $src{$_->{code}} = $_; } @$src;
-  map { $join{$_->{code}} = 1; $dst{$_->{code}} = $_; } @$dst;
-  for $code (sort {($a || $a+0x1000) <=> ($b || $b+0x1000)} keys %join) {
-    if (!defined $dst{$code}) {
-       push @{$diff{src}}, $src{$code};
-    } elsif (!defined $src{$code}) {
-       push @{$diff{dst}}, $dst{$code};
-    } elsif ($src{$code}{data} ne $dst{$code}{data}) {
-       push @{$diff{diff}}, [$src{$code}, $dst{$code}];
-    } else {
-       push @{$diff{same}}, [$src{$code}, $dst{$code}];
-    }
-  }
-  print "@@ Only in $srcfile:\n";
-  for my $pdr (@{$diff{src}}) {
-    print_pdr($pdr, {prefix=>$opt_pda && !$opt_repl ? "#- " : ""});
-  }
-  print "@@ Only in $dstfile:\n";
-  for my $pdr (@{$diff{dst}}) {
-    print_pdr($pdr);
-  }
-  print "@@ Different:\n";
-  for my $pdr (@{$diff{diff}}) {
-    if (grep {$_ == $pdr->[0]{code}} @xdiff) {
-      print_pdr($pdr->[0]);
-    } else {
-      if ($opt_pda && !$opt_repl && $pdr->[0]{len} != $pdr->[1]{len}) {
-	  printf "0x%04x, 0x%04x,\n", 1, $pdr->[0]{code};
-      }
-      print_pdr($pdr->[0], {prefix=>($opt_pda ? "#" : "").'- '});
-      print_pdr($pdr->[1], {prefix=>($opt_pda ? "" : "+ ")});
-    }
-  }
-  print "@@ Same:\n";
-  for my $pdr (@{$diff{same}}) {
-    print_pdr($pdr->[0], {header=>!$opt_pda});
-  }
-} else {
-  for $pdr (sort {($a->{code} || $a->{code}+0x1000) <=> ($b->{code} || $b->{code}+0x1000)} @$src) {
-    print_pdr($pdr);
-  }
-sub x2ascii_list {
-  my ($pdr) = @_;
-  my ($data) =  $pdr->{data};
-  $data =~ s/[\x0-\x1f\x80-\x9f]/sprintf "\\x%02x", $&/eg;
-  return $data;
-sub x2hex_list {
-  my ($pdr) = @_;
-  return join(':', map { sprintf "%02x", ord($_) } split //, $pdr->{data});
-sub x2dec_list {
-  my ($pdr) = @_;
-  return join(',', unpack('C*', $pdr->{data}));
-sub x2bit_list {
-  my ($pdr) = @_;
-  my ($start) = 1;
-  return join(',', map { $_ ? $start++ : scalar($start++, undef) } 
-                       split //, unpack("b*", $pdr->{data}));
-sub print_pdr {
-  my ($pdr, $opts) = @_;
-  my $data;
-  if (exists($pdr_fmt->{$pdr->{code}})) {
-     $data = &{$pdr_fmt->{$pdr->{code}}}($pdr);
-  }
-  printf "%s# %s (0x%04x/0x%04x) %s\n", $opts->{prefix},
-	 $pdr_codes->{$pdr->{code}}, $pdr->{code}, $pdr->{len}, $data && "= $data"; 
-  print $opts->{prefix}.join('', map {sprintf "0x%04x, ", $_} $pdr->{len}, $pdr->{code}, @{$pdr->{nums}})."\n"
-    unless $opts->{header};
-sub read_pda {
-  my ($file) = @_;
-  my (@pda, $pdrs);
-  open PDA, "$file" or die "$file: $!\n";
-  while (<PDA>) {
-    s/[^\s\da-fx,].*//;
-    push @pda, grep { /^0x[\da-z]+$/i } split /[^x\da-z]+/i;
-  }
-  close PDA;
-  my ($len, $op, @data);
-  for (my $i=0; $i < @pda; $i+=$len+1) {
-    $len   = hex($pda[$i]);
-    $code  = hex($pda[$i+1]);
-    next unless $code;
-    $nums  = [ map { hex } @pda[$i+2 .. $i+$len] ];
-    $data  = pack("v*", @$nums);
-    push @$pdrs, {len=>$len, code=>$code, data=>$data, nums=>$nums};
-  }
-  return $pdrs;
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/Makefile b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f37e49..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-CURR_DIR :=$(shell pwd)
-export CURR_DIR
-.PHONY: get_version
-all: clean get_version get_options 
-	@if [ ! -d $(KERNEL_SOURCE)/ ]; then \
-		echo "";\
-		echo "$(KERNEL_SOURCE) directory does not exist. Please edit the file 'config'";\
-		echo "in this directory and set KERNEL_SOURCE to the correct location of your ";\
-		echo "kernel source.";\
-		echo "";\
-		echo "You are currently running kernel version `uname -r`, the source code should";\
-		echo "be for this version.";\
-		echo "";\
-		exit 1;\
-	fi
-	@if [ ! -f $(KERNEL_SOURCE)/include/linux/version.h ]; then \
-		echo "$(KERNEL_SOURCE)/include/linux/version.h is missing. Please run make config";\
-		echo "in your kernel source tree";\
-		exit 1;\
-	fi
-	$(CC) -I$(KERNEL_SOURCE)/include get_version.c -o get_version
-	$(MAKE) -f $(CURR_DIR)/Makefile.get_options -C $(KERNEL_SOURCE) get_version_target
-	$(RM) get_version make.opts 
-distclean: clean
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/Makefile.get_options b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/Makefile.get_options
deleted file mode 100644
index d8a1524..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/Makefile.get_options
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-KERNEL_VERSION := $(shell $(CURR_DIR)/get_version)
-KERNEL_RELEASE := $(shell echo $(KERNEL_VERSION) | cut -d\" -f2| cut -c-5)
-include Makefile
-	echo "KERNEL_RELEASE=$(KERNEL_VERSION)" >> $(CURR_DIR)/make.opts
-	echo "CROSS_COMPILE='$(CROSS_COMPILE)'" >> $(CURR_DIR)/make.opts
-	echo "HOST_CC='$(HOSTCC)'" >> $(CURR_DIR)/make.opts
-	echo "HOST_CFLAGS='$(HOSTCFLAGS)'" >> $(CURR_DIR)/make.opts
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/get_version.c b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/get_version.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cde9707..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/get_version.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#include <linux/version.h>
-#ifndef UTS_RELEASE
-#include <linux/utsrelease.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-	printf("%s", UTS_RELEASE);
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/ b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4d2464f..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/trunk/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-use Getopt::Long;
-GetOptions(qw(pda! diff! repl! xdiff=s));
-sub usage {
-  print(q{
-Usage: pdafile 
-or --pda --diff --xdiff=0x0104,0x0007 pda1 pda2 > diff-pda1-pda2.pda
---diff     takes 2 filenams and prints a diff (2nd file will override the first on
-           records that are present in both
---pda      saves output suitable for loading via prism2dl (mainly for --diff)
---repl     generates merged PDA, that could be used as a replacement (prism2dl -p)
---xdiff    exclude given PDR's from beeing overridden by dst PDA => those will be
-           generated from src pdafile (comma separated hexlist)
-  exit(0);
-$pdr_codes = {
-	0x0001 => 'PCB_PARTNUM', 0x0002 => 'PCB_TRACENUM', 0x0003 => 'NIC_SERIAL',
-	0x0004 => 'MKK_MEASUREMENTS', 0x0005 => 'NIC_RAMSIZE', 0x0006 => 'MFISUPRANGE',
-	0x0007 => 'CFISUPRANGE', 0x0008 => 'NICID', 0x0010 => 'REFDAC_MEASUREMENTS',
-	0x0040 => 'MODEM_TRIMDAC_MEASUREMENTS', 0x0101 => 'MAC_ADDRESS', 0x0102 => 'MKK_CALLNAME',
-	0x0103 => 'REGDOMAIN', 0x0104 => 'ALLOWED_CHANNEL', 0x0105 => 'DEFAULT_CHANNEL',
-	0x0106 => 'PRIVACY_OPTION', 0x0107 => 'TEMPTYPE', 0x0110 => 'REFDAC_SETUP',
-	0x0120 => 'VGDAC_SETUP', 0x0130 => 'LEVEL_COMP_SETUP', 0x0140 => 'TRIMDAC_SETUP',
-	0x0200 => 'IFR_SETTING', 0x0201 => 'RFR_SETTING', 0x0202 => 'HFA3861_BASELINE',
-	0x0203 => 'HFA3861_SHADOW', 0x0204 => 'HFA3861_IFRF', 0x0300 => 'HFA3861_CHCALSP',
-	0x0301 => 'HFA3861_CHCALI', 0x0900 => 'HFA3861_MANF_TESTSP', 0x0901 => 'HFA3861_MANF_TESTI',
-	0x0000 => 'END_OF_PDA',
-$pdr_fmt = {
-   0x0001 => \&x2ascii_list, 0x0002 => \&x2ascii_list, 0x0003 => \&x2ascii_list,
-   0x0101 => \&x2hex_list,   0x0103 => \&x2dec_list,   0x0104 => \&x2bit_list,
-   0x0001 => \&x2ascii_list,
-if (defined $opt_xdiff) {
-  @xdiff = map {hex} split /\s*,\s*/, $opt_xdiff;
-  print "@@ xdiff: $opt_xdiff\n";
-if (!defined $srcfile) {
-  usage();
-if ($opt_diff) {
-  if (!defined $dstfile) {
-    usage();
-  }
-  $dst=read_pda($dstfile);
-  map { $join{$_->{code}} = 1; $src{$_->{code}} = $_; } @$src;
-  map { $join{$_->{code}} = 1; $dst{$_->{code}} = $_; } @$dst;
-  for $code (sort {($a || $a+0x1000) <=> ($b || $b+0x1000)} keys %join) {
-    if (!defined $dst{$code}) {
-       push @{$diff{src}}, $src{$code};
-    } elsif (!defined $src{$code}) {
-       push @{$diff{dst}}, $dst{$code};
-    } elsif ($src{$code}{data} ne $dst{$code}{data}) {
-       push @{$diff{diff}}, [$src{$code}, $dst{$code}];
-    } else {
-       push @{$diff{same}}, [$src{$code}, $dst{$code}];
-    }
-  }
-  print "@@ Only in $srcfile:\n";
-  for my $pdr (@{$diff{src}}) {
-    print_pdr($pdr, {prefix=>$opt_pda && !$opt_repl ? "#- " : ""});
-  }
-  print "@@ Only in $dstfile:\n";
-  for my $pdr (@{$diff{dst}}) {
-    print_pdr($pdr);
-  }
-  print "@@ Different:\n";
-  for my $pdr (@{$diff{diff}}) {
-    if (grep {$_ == $pdr->[0]{code}} @xdiff) {
-      print_pdr($pdr->[0]);
-    } else {
-      if ($opt_pda && !$opt_repl && $pdr->[0]{len} != $pdr->[1]{len}) {
-	  printf "0x%04x, 0x%04x,\n", 1, $pdr->[0]{code};
-      }
-      print_pdr($pdr->[0], {prefix=>($opt_pda ? "#" : "").'- '});
-      print_pdr($pdr->[1], {prefix=>($opt_pda ? "" : "+ ")});
-    }
-  }
-  print "@@ Same:\n";
-  for my $pdr (@{$diff{same}}) {
-    print_pdr($pdr->[0], {header=>!$opt_pda});
-  }
-} else {
-  for $pdr (sort {($a->{code} || $a->{code}+0x1000) <=> ($b->{code} || $b->{code}+0x1000)} @$src) {
-    print_pdr($pdr);
-  }
-sub x2ascii_list {
-  my ($pdr) = @_;
-  my ($data) =  $pdr->{data};
-  $data =~ s/[\x0-\x1f\x80-\x9f]/sprintf "\\x%02x", $&/eg;
-  return $data;
-sub x2hex_list {
-  my ($pdr) = @_;
-  return join(':', map { sprintf "%02x", ord($_) } split //, $pdr->{data});
-sub x2dec_list {
-  my ($pdr) = @_;
-  return join(',', unpack('C*', $pdr->{data}));
-sub x2bit_list {
-  my ($pdr) = @_;
-  my ($start) = 1;
-  return join(',', map { $_ ? $start++ : scalar($start++, undef) } 
-                       split //, unpack("b*", $pdr->{data}));
-sub print_pdr {
-  my ($pdr, $opts) = @_;
-  my $data;
-  if (exists($pdr_fmt->{$pdr->{code}})) {
-     $data = &{$pdr_fmt->{$pdr->{code}}}($pdr);
-  }
-  printf "%s# %s (0x%04x/0x%04x) %s\n", $opts->{prefix},
-	 $pdr_codes->{$pdr->{code}}, $pdr->{code}, $pdr->{len}, $data && "= $data"; 
-  print $opts->{prefix}.join('', map {sprintf "0x%04x, ", $_} $pdr->{len}, $pdr->{code}, @{$pdr->{nums}})."\n"
-    unless $opts->{header};
-sub read_pda {
-  my ($file) = @_;
-  my (@pda, $pdrs);
-  open PDA, "$file" or die "$file: $!\n";
-  while (<PDA>) {
-    s/[^\s\da-fx,].*//;
-    push @pda, grep { /^0x[\da-z]+$/i } split /[^x\da-z]+/i;
-  }
-  close PDA;
-  my ($len, $op, @data);
-  for (my $i=0; $i < @pda; $i+=$len+1) {
-    $len   = hex($pda[$i]);
-    $code  = hex($pda[$i+1]);
-    next unless $code;
-    $nums  = [ map { hex } @pda[$i+2 .. $i+$len] ];
-    $data  = pack("v*", @$nums);
-    push @$pdrs, {len=>$len, code=>$code, data=>$data, nums=>$nums};
-  }
-  return $pdrs;
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/wlan-ng26-svn-r1870.tar.bz2 b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/wlan-ng26-svn-r1870.tar.bz2
deleted file mode 100644
index 93db584..0000000
Binary files a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/tmp/wlan-ng26-svn-r1870.tar.bz2 and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/wlan b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/wlan
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b3252d..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/wlan
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-if [ ! -f /etc/wlan/shared ] ; then
-  echo "/etc/wlan/shared not present"
-  exit 0
-. /etc/wlan/shared
-. /etc/rc.conf
-. /etc/rc.d/functions
-case "$1" in
-  start)
-    # This will implicitly fire off wland via hotplug.
-    stat_busy "Starting WLAN Devices"
-    if ! $MODPROBE p80211; then
-      echo "Failed to load p80211.o."
-      exit 1
-    fi
-    # NOTE: We don't explicitly insmod the card driver here.  The
-    #  best thing to do is to specify an alias in /etc/modules.conf.
-    for DEVICE in $WLAN_DEVICES; do
-      # if we don't have hotplug.. do things the old-fashioned way.
-      if [ $HAS_HOTPLUG = 'n' ] ; then
-        wlan_bring_it_up $DEVICE
-      fi
-    done
-    # And hotplug will take care of the rest, namely device 
-    # initialization and whatnot.
-    add_daemon wlan
-    stat_done
-   ;;
-  stop)
-    stat_busy "Shutting Down WLAN Devices"
-    # Do a reset on each device to make sure none of them are still
-    #  trying to generate interrupts.
-    for DEVICE in $WLAN_DEVICES; do
-      wlan_disable $DEVICE
-      ifconfig $DEVICE down
-    done
-    # remove p80211, which will implictly kill wland.
-    $MODPROBE -r p80211
-    rm_daemon wlan
-    stat_done
-    ;;
-  restart)
-    $0 stop
-    $0 start
-    EXITCODE=$?
-    ;;
-  *)
-    echo "usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
-    ;;
-exit 0
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/wlan-ng.patch b/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/wlan-ng.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9449975..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/wlan-ng26-utils-svn/wlan-ng.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-diff -ur linux-wlan-ng-0.2.1pre22/man/Makefile linux-wlan-ng-0.2.1pre22-new/man/Makefile
---- linux-wlan-ng-0.2.1pre22/man/Makefile	2004-08-04 14:09:27.000000000 -0700
-+++ linux-wlan-ng-0.2.1pre22-new/man/Makefile	2004-10-18 12:23:19.000000000 -0700
-@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
- 	@echo "Nothing to do..."
- install:
--	mkdir -p $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/usr/local/man/man1
--	cp *.1 	$(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/usr/local/man/man1
-+	mkdir -p $(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/usr/share/man/man1
-+	cp *.1 	$(TARGET_ROOT_ON_HOST)/usr/share/man/man1
- clean:
- 	rm -f core core.* *.o .*.o *.s *.a .depend tmp_make *~ tags
cgit v0.12