From f5b1d6dd7ade04eddd4ce85856efb30ef1072466 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Britney Fransen <>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2022 01:04:00 -0500
Subject: linhes-system: initial inclusion

 linhes/linhes-system/10-monitor.conf           |    3 +
 linhes/linhes-system/79-cronie.hook            |    9 +
 linhes/linhes-system/PKGBUILD                  |   87 ++
 linhes/linhes-system/            | 1185 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 linhes/linhes-system/add_storage.readme        |    3 +
 linhes/linhes-system/ |  153 +++
 linhes/linhes-system/               |   35 +
 linhes/linhes-system/           |   70 ++
 linhes/linhes-system/      |   74 ++
 linhes/linhes-system/   |  195 ++++
 linhes/linhes-system/           |   22 +
 linhes/linhes-system/           |  249 +++++
 linhes/linhes-system/fstrim.hook               |    9 +
 linhes/linhes-system/                   |  375 ++++++++
 linhes/linhes-system/        |   63 ++
 linhes/linhes-system/         |   29 +
 linhes/linhes-system/ |    7 +
 linhes/linhes-system/myth2mkv                  |  466 ++++++++++
 linhes/linhes-system/myth2mp3                  |   96 ++
 linhes/linhes-system/myth_mtc.cron             |   79 ++
 linhes/linhes-system/openssh.hook              |    9 +
 linhes/linhes-system/paccache.cron             |    2 +
 linhes/linhes-system/readme_is_xml             |    1 +
 linhes/linhes-system/         |  184 ++++
 linhes/linhes-system/system-sudo.rules         |    1 +
 linhes/linhes-system/xfs_defrag.cron           |    3 +
 26 files changed, 3409 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/10-monitor.conf
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/79-cronie.hook
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/PKGBUILD
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/add_storage.readme
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/fstrim.hook
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/myth2mkv
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/myth2mp3
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/myth_mtc.cron
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/openssh.hook
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/paccache.cron
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/readme_is_xml
 create mode 100755 linhes/linhes-system/
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/system-sudo.rules
 create mode 100644 linhes/linhes-system/xfs_defrag.cron

diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/10-monitor.conf b/linhes/linhes-system/10-monitor.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f63cc86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/10-monitor.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Section "Extensions"
+    Option    "DPMS" "Disable"
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/79-cronie.hook b/linhes/linhes-system/79-cronie.hook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59ca25e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/79-cronie.hook
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Operation = Install
+Type = Package
+Target = linhes-system
+Description = Enable and start cronie...
+When = PostTransaction
+Exec = /usr/bin/systemctl enable --now cronie.service
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/PKGBUILD b/linhes/linhes-system/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1674c61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+pkgdesc="Everything that makes LinHES a system"
+depends=('cronie' 'libnotify' 'linhes-templates' 'pacman-contrib' 'openssh' 'ttf-overlock')
+          myth2mkv myth2mp3"
+    'myth_mtc.cron' 'paccache.cron' 'xfs_defrag.cron'
+    'readme_is_xml' 'add_storage.readme'
+    '79-cronie.hook' 'fstrim.hook' 'openssh.hook'
+    '10-monitor.conf'
+    'system-sudo.rules'
+    '')
+package() {
+    cd $srcdir
+    #bin files
+    BINDIR=$pkgdir/usr/bin
+    for i in $binfiles
+    do
+        item=$i
+        echo "installing $item to $BINDIR"
+        install -m755 -D $item $BINDIR/$item
+    done
+    #startup files
+    install -D -m600 "$srcdir/" "$pkgdir/home/mythtv/.config/autostart/"    
+    #readme files
+    install -m644 -D $srcdir/readme_is_xml $pkgdir/etc/gen_is_xml.d/readme_is_xml
+    install -m644 -D $srcdir/readme_is_xml $pkgdir/etc/gen_lib_xml.d/readme_gen_xml
+    install -m644 -D $srcdir/readme_is_xml $pkgdir/etc/gen_game_xml.d/readme_gen_xml
+    install -m644 -D $srcdir/add_storage.readme $pkgdir/etc/storage.d/readme
+    #cron files
+    install -m755 -D $srcdir/paccache.cron $pkgdir/etc/cron.weekly/paccache.cron
+    install -m755 -D $srcdir/xfs_defrag.cron $pkgdir/etc/cron.weekly/xfs_defrag
+    install -m755 -D $srcdir/myth_mtc.cron $pkgdir/etc/cron.hourly/myth_mtc
+    #hooks
+	install -Dm0644 $srcdir/79-cronie.hook "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/79-cronie.hook
+	install -Dm0644 $srcdir/fstrim.hook "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/fstrim.hook
+	install -Dm0644 $srcdir/openssh.hook "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/openssh.hook
+    #sudo rules
+    mkdir -p $pkgdir/etc/sudoers.d/
+    chmod 750 $pkgdir/etc/sudoers.d/
+    chown -R root:root $pkgdir/etc/sudoers.d
+    install -o root -g root -m 0750 $srcdir/system-sudo.rules $pkgdir/etc/sudoers.d/system_sudo
+    #disable dpms
+    install -m644 -D $srcdir/10-monitor.conf $pkgdir/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf
+            'b0e8fe4d04e1f779d52a28156489fb51efc13e173efccba2d6d458044bf35904'
+            '4ab36bbabf0964f666278c225f4c2d41f4277acb42e9023163fa3a9599282466'
+            '632eb5073219b86667a361e567ad766fbd122f27dc5e775bba9983c417686aa9'
+            '11168c9cd3b117decaab6bc665c183b4aab917cf0a976bce4c1b5e4686a27bc9'
+            'ae34515e144830f424d3bd3f6b1b446892d62beed20bca6f0fb19b0bbb779f27'
+            '23358a7bff4968eccd469613b81b1415c2ae0ebe77f14f74426697333e4d88d7'
+            '2cb8d676abc3b848d579aff2fe8796ca280b96abe40be03bc30055ce50d98c02'
+            '91bdec992bb2c933e15625c181f2195c402060b879168ebf35944cb064c904b9'
+            '76f023c0cde7fea269234f1b29c32b117b91769217d4b1b8a3922daceb25f9f8'
+            'bffcc13e4b480f720feb2b3c781bc4247c63303250c3d885022c699573d45a33'
+            '0254a21644473ba7953501a223f13b9b55d7ec290c80a567724ca1ac13e02e30'
+            '9ea1b5583cd38f53bb79d9e4ccae91a028db0b6850162d7991b19122c564b9c9'
+            'cab7724cd7c792adae79ba11cf59a0908edf197c437ae6b356ce86c6a365f0da'
+            '9e97b4d68c9e8988daacadd40f1de9f0b5945d870eba596a2ceb5e0c023fa9c0'
+            '186203d3c0520bb3d611da99d33a7713e9c1563814285f1f101097234f214b2f'
+            '4533e15b9141ab722f9b02c3ec7855f61c1e4d2deedd8591b1abd0ed551be581'
+            '5f502b1bc8815d69c802320790745e4526d5817fd8ecc7b00cf8b16078f8d440'
+            '12e424432bdf2d50afe3e632c018fef847e860a35a53525eccbe656b9c4118aa'
+            '0fbc05f521aea83157c5e6f8bd29a422873093bb6cded965cb7ffe98ff776fa4'
+            '4c29e0b71071ae9556cf2dbd75de560d028577fe5eb993113105112c4b445eac'
+            '890482242434e333024c7819e8bf3c889dc16548d0a1745479c8523930fb32f7'
+            'dead17906b33a7f9d66ad13bb1c083a23438f45ece9bd5ec41ff86eda01c132a'
+            'a9d0a94ff442453f0bec0b2e8afd591cf17b2845b6ae45ff300530114efd30af'
+            '7016c4bff7275e8d625cec418928ddeab0573df785dbaeda4ac710ddf64e9770')
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..041f612
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,1185 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python used to auto add new storage to MythTV storage groups
+#If it's a new disk it will erase the entire disk and reformat.
+#Disks that are mounted, in fstab, size < 5000 bytes, optical or
+#have already been seen will not be presented as an option.
+import dbus
+import pickle
+import subprocess
+import sys,os
+import random, string
+import configparser
+from configparser import SafeConfigParser
+import glob
+from MythTV import MythDB, MythBE, Recorded, MythError
+from socket import timeout, gethostname
+storage_dir = "/etc/storage.d"
+pickle_file = "%s/storage.pkl" %storage_dir
+    'Default'    :'media/tv/',
+    'LiveTV'     :'media/tv/live/',
+    'DB Backups' :'backup/mythtv_backups/',
+    'Music'      :'media/music/',
+    'Streaming'  :'media/streaming/',
+    'Videos'     :'media/video/',
+    'Photographs':'media/photos/',
+    'Banners'    :'media/artwork/banners/',
+    'Coverart'   :'media/artwork/coverart/',
+    'Fanart'     :'media/artwork/fanart/',
+    'MusicArt'   :'media/artwork/musicart/',
+    'Screenshots':'media/artwork/screenshots/',
+    'Trailers'   :'media/artwork/trailers/',
+    }
+for key in list(SG_MAP.keys()):
+    FS_LIST.append(SG_MAP[key])
+class disk_device:
+    def  __init__(self,device,storage_dir):
+        device_obj = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.UDisks", device)
+        device_props = dbus.Interface(device_obj, dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
+        self.storage_dir = storage_dir
+        self.top_mount_dir = "/data/storage"
+        self.config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
+        self.fs_map = self.get_fsmap()
+        self.is_device = self.get_is_device(device_props)
+        self.vendor = self.get_vendor(device_props)
+        self.model = self.get_model(device_props)
+        self.mmount = False
+        self.dir_sg = False
+        self.f = self.get_mounts(device_props)
+        self.is_mounted = self.get_is_mounted(device_props)
+        self.parition_size = self.get_partition_size(device_props)
+        self.device_size = self.get_device_size(device_props)
+        self.serial_number = self.get_serial_number(device_props)
+        self.read_only = self.get_is_readonly(device_props)
+        self.is_optical = self.get_is_optical_disc(device_props)
+        self.connection = self.get_connections(device_props)
+        self.block_path = self.get_device_file(device_props)
+        self.device_file_path = self.get_device_file_path(device_props)
+        self.block_partition="%s1" %self.block_path
+        self.in_use = self.get_in_use()
+        self.uuid=''
+        self.new_mount_point=''
+        self.disk_num=''
+    def set_partition(self,partition):
+        self.block_partition = "%s%s" %(self.block_path,partition)
+    def set_mmount(self,flag):
+        self.mmount = flag
+    def set_dir_sg(self,flag):
+        self.dir_sg = flag
+    def set_disk_num(self,num):
+        self.disk_num=num
+    def get_is_device(self,device_props):
+        return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsDrive")
+    def get_vendor(self,device_props):
+        return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveVendor")
+    def get_model(self,device_props):
+        return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveModel")
+    def get_mounts(self,device_props):
+        return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceMountPaths")
+    def get_is_mounted(self,device_props):
+       return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsMounted")
+    def get_name(self):
+        filename="%s_%s" %(self.model.replace(' ',''),
+                                self.serial_number.replace(' ',''))
+        return filename
+    def get_in_use(self):
+        in_use = False
+        for i in self.fs_map:
+            if self.block_path in i[0]:
+                in_use = True
+                break
+        return in_use
+    def get_partition_size(self,device_props):
+        return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "PartitionSize")
+    def get_device_size(self,device_props):
+        return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceSize")
+    def get_serial_number(self,device_props):
+        serial_number = device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveSerial")
+        random_string = os.urandom(5)
+        if serial_number == '':
+            serial_number = "".join( [random.choice(string.letters) for i in range(6)] )
+            serial_number = "NSW%s" %serial_number
+        return serial_number
+    def get_is_readonly(self,device_props):
+        return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsReadOnly")
+    def get_is_optical_disc(self,device_props):
+        return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceIsOpticalDisc")
+    def get_connections(self,device_props):
+       return device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DriveConnectionInterface")
+    def get_device_file(self,device_props):
+       return  device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceFile")
+    def get_device_file_path(self,device_props):
+        path = device_props.Get('org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device', "DeviceFileByPath")
+        try:
+            path = path[0]
+        except:
+            path = "None"
+        return path
+    def partition_disk(self):
+        print("    Creating new partition table")
+        cmd = "parted -s -a optimal %s mklabel gpt" %self.block_path
+        runcmd(cmd)
+        cmd = "parted -s -a optimal %s mkpart primary \" 1 -1\"" %self.block_path
+        runcmd(cmd)
+        return
+    def get_fsmap(self):
+        #block,point,fs
+        fs_map=[]
+        f = open('/proc/mounts','r')
+        mounts=f.readlines()
+        f.close()
+        for line in mounts:
+            temp_fs=[]
+            split_line=line.split()
+            block=split_line[0]
+            mountp=split_line[1]
+            fs=split_line[2]
+            block=os.path.realpath(block)
+            if block.startswith("/dev"):
+                temp_fs.append(block)
+                temp_fs.append(mountp)
+                temp_fs.append(fs)
+                fs_map.append(temp_fs)
+        return fs_map
+    def find_fstype(self,moutpoint):
+        fstype="xfs"
+        mp=['/myth', '/data/storage/disk0']
+        for i in self.fs_map:
+                if i[1] in mp:
+                    fstype = i[2]
+                    break
+        return fstype
+    def lookup_format(self):
+        fstab = self.read_fstab()
+        current_media_mount = self.find_options_type(fstab)[1]
+        new_fstype = self.find_fstype(current_media_mount)
+        #setting self.new_fstype so that it can be referenced when setting fstab
+        self.new_fstype = new_fstype
+        return
+    def format_disk(self):
+        #lookup format
+        #self.lookup_format()
+        #do format
+        if self.new_fstype == "xfs":
+            cmd = "mkfs -t %s -f %s " %(self.new_fstype,self.block_partition)
+        else:
+            cmd = "mkfs -t %s %s " %(self.new_fstype,self.block_partition)
+        print("    Formatting %s with %s" %(self.block_partition,self.new_fstype))
+        runcmd(cmd)
+        return
+    def find_uuid(self,partition):
+"Finding the UUID for %s...", partition)
+        cmd = "blkid -s UUID %s" %partition
+        tmpuuid = runcmd(cmd)[1]
+        splituuid = tmpuuid.partition("=")
+        uuid = splituuid[2].replace('"', "")
+       #"The uuid is %s", uuid)
+        if uuid == '':
+            print("Could not find a UUID for device: %s" %partition)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        self.uuid = uuid.strip()
+        return uuid.strip()
+    def read_fstab(self):
+        f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r')
+        fstab=f.readlines()
+        f.close()
+        return fstab
+    def find_options_type(self,fstab):
+        mp=['/myth', '/data/storage/disk0']
+        for i in fstab:
+            split_line=i.split()
+            try:
+                if split_line[1] in mp:
+                    options = split_line[3]
+                    break
+                else:
+                    options = "defaults"
+                    mount_point = i
+            except:
+                options = "defaults"
+        return options,i
+    def add_fstab(self,bind=False):
+        new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', 'auto', 'defaults', '0', '1']
+        fstab=self.read_fstab()
+        new_fstab=[]
+        #determine mount_path
+        self.new_mount_point="%s/%s_%s" %(self.top_mount_dir,self.model.replace(' ',''),self.serial_number.replace(' ',''))
+        if bind:
+            new_fstab_list=["/data/storage/disk0" , self.new_mount_point , "none" , "rw,bind", '0', '0']
+            uuid=self.find_uuid(self.block_partition)
+        else:
+            #check for old mount point and comment out
+            for line in fstab:
+                if not line.startswith("#"):
+                    if line.find(self.new_mount_point) > -1:
+                        print("      Found old mount %s in fstab, commenting out" %self.new_mount_point)
+                        line = "#"+line
+                new_fstab.append(line)
+            fstab=new_fstab
+            #determine options
+            new_options = self.find_options_type(fstab)[0]
+            #find blkid
+            #self.block_partition="%s1" %self.block_path
+            uuid=self.find_uuid(self.block_partition)
+            #construct new line
+            new_fstab_list[0]="UUID=%s" %uuid
+            new_fstab_list[1]=self.new_mount_point
+            new_fstab_list[3]=new_options
+        new_fstab_line='\t'.join(new_fstab_list)
+        new_fstab_line="%s\n" %new_fstab_line
+        fstab.append(new_fstab_line)
+        #add line to fstab
+        f = open('/etc/fstab', 'w')
+        #f = open('/tmp/fstab', 'w')
+        for i in fstab:
+            f.write(i)
+            #f.write("\n")
+        f.close()
+        return
+    def mount_disk(self,no_mount=False):
+        try:
+            os.stat(self.new_mount_point)
+        except:
+            os.makedirs(self.new_mount_point)
+        if no_mount == False:
+            if os.path.ismount(self.new_mount_point):
+                print("    Disk already mounted, will not mount:\n       %s" %self.new_mount_point)
+                pass
+            else:
+                print("    Mounting %s" %self.new_mount_point)
+                cmd = "mount %s" %self.new_mount_point
+                runcmd(cmd)
+        return
+    def mkdirs(self,FS_LIST):
+        print("    Creating directory structure:")
+        print("       %s" %self.new_mount_point)
+        for y in FS_LIST:
+            print("          %s" %y)
+            new_dir="%s/%s" %(self.new_mount_point,y)
+            try:
+                os.stat(new_dir)
+            except:
+                os.makedirs(new_dir)
+                cmd="chown -R mythtv:mythtv /%s" %self.new_mount_point
+                runcmd(cmd)
+                cmd="chmod -R 775 /%s" %self.new_mount_point
+                runcmd(cmd)
+    def add_sg(self,DB,host,SG_MAP,weight='0',install_call=False):
+        print("    Adding storage groups")
+        sgweight=int(weight)
+        for key in SG_MAP.keys():
+            #print key," : ", SG_MAP[key]
+            gn=key
+            hn=host
+            dn="%s/%s" %(self.new_mount_point,SG_MAP[key])
+            #print dn
+            #print gn
+            #print hn
+            if install_call == True :
+                print("Will write SG for stuff after the fact")
+            else:
+                with DB as c:
+                    #delete old dir without trailing slash
+                    c.execute("""delete from storagegroup where groupname = %s and hostname = %s and dirname = %s""", (gn,hn,dn.rstrip('/')))
+                    try:
+                        c.execute("""insert into storagegroup (groupname,hostname,dirname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(gn,hn,dn))
+                        print("        Adding location: %s to storagegroup %s" %(dn,gn))
+                    except:
+                        print("        *Error inserting %s into storage groups" %dn)
+                    if sgweight > 0:
+                        try:
+                            #("SGweightPerDir:server2:/mnt/video", 99, "server2");
+                            sgw="SGweightPerDir:%s:%s" %(hn,dn)
+                            #print sgw
+                            #print sgweight
+                            #print hn
+                            #delete old dir without trailing slash
+                            c.execute("""delete from settings where value = %s and data = %s and hostname = %s""", (sgw.rstrip('/'),sgweight,hn))
+                            c.execute("""insert into settings (value,data,hostname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(sgw,sgweight,hn))
+                            print("        Adding storage group weight of %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn))
+                        except:
+                            print("        *Error setting storage group weight %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn))
+        return
+    def write_config(self):
+        print("    Writing /etc/storage.d conf file")
+        self.config.add_section('storage')
+        self.config.set('storage','uuid',self.uuid)
+        self.config.set('storage','mountpoint',self.new_mount_point)
+        self.config.set('storage','fstype',self.new_fstype)
+        self.config.set('storage','shareable','True')
+        self.config.set('storage','mmount',self.mmount)
+        self.config.set('storage','storage_groups',self.dir_sg)
+        self.config.set('storage','disk_num',self.disk_num)
+        filename="%s_%s.conf" %(self.model.replace(' ',''),
+                                self.serial_number.replace(' ',''))
+        configfile="/etc/storage.d/%s" %filename
+        print("       %s" %configfile)
+        with open(configfile, 'wb') as configfile:
+            self.config.write(configfile)
+        return
+    def symlink_disk(self):
+        print("    Creating symlink for disk%s" %self.disk_num)
+        disk_ln="%s/disk%s" %(self.top_mount_dir,self.disk_num)
+        cmd = "ln -s %s %s" %(self.new_mount_point,disk_ln)
+        runcmd(cmd)
+    def symlink(self):
+        pass
+        print("    Creating symlink for /myth")
+        if not os.path.exists("/myth"):
+            cmd = "ln -s %s/media /myth " %(self.new_mount_point)
+            runcmd(cmd)
+        else:
+            print("       Skipping symlink, /myth already exists")
+#end of class
+def runcmd(cmd):
+    if True :
+        pass
+    else:
+        cmd = "echo "+cmd
+    #print cmd
+    cmdout = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+    #logging.debug("    %s", cmdout)
+    return cmdout
+def scan_system():
+    ud_manager_obj = bus.get_object("org.freedesktop.UDisks", "/org/freedesktop/UDisks")
+    ud_manager = dbus.Interface(ud_manager_obj, 'org.freedesktop.UDisks')
+    current_drive_list=[]
+    for dev in ud_manager.EnumerateDevices():
+        drive = disk_device(dev,storage_dir)
+        if drive.is_device and drive.device_size > 5000 and not drive.is_optical :
+            current_drive_list.append(drive)
+    return current_drive_list
+def read_known_list():
+    #reading pickle file
+    known_drive_list=[]
+    try:
+        pkl_file = open(pickle_file, 'rb')
+        known_drive_list = pickle.load(pkl_file)
+        pkl_file.close()
+    except:
+        pass
+    return known_drive_list
+def write_known_drive_list(known_drive_list):
+    output = open(pickle_file, 'wb')
+    pickle.dump(known_drive_list, output, -1)
+    output.close()
+def search_for_match(system_drive,known_drive_list):
+    match_drive=False
+    for y in known_drive_list:
+        if system_drive.serial_number.startswith("NSW"):
+            #print "Match_test: hash"
+            system_drive_hash = "%s_%s_%s" %(system_drive.model,system_drive.parition_size,system_drive.device_file_path)
+            y_drive_hash = "%s_%s_%s" %(y.model,y.parition_size,y.device_file_path)
+            if system_drive_hash == y_drive_hash :
+                match_drive = True
+                print("\n*   No serial number was found, matched using hash method: %s" %system_drive.model)
+                break
+        elif y.serial_number == system_drive.serial_number:
+            #print "Match_test: serial number"
+            match_drive=True
+            break
+    return match_drive
+def prompt_to_add(current_drive,destruction = True):
+    loop = True
+    if destruction :
+        prompt = '''
+        ** Adding this disk will remove all contents on the disk. **
+        This disk will be partitioned and formatted.
+        Enable this disk for storage (Y/N)?:'''
+    else:
+        prompt = '''
+        ** Preserving existing contents on the disk. **
+        This disk will NOT be partitioned or formatted.
+        Enable this disk for storage (Y/N)?:'''
+    while loop:
+        str1 = input(prompt)
+        if str1 in ['Y','N','y','n']:
+            loop = False
+            break
+        print("\n")
+    if str1 == 'Y' or str1 == 'y':
+        rc = True
+    else:
+        rc = False
+    return rc
+def prompt_to_continue(process_list):
+    loop = True
+    print("\n\n\n   Ready to add additional storage!\n")
+    if destruction:
+        print("** WARNING: These disk(s) WILL be partitioned and formatted. **\n   ** All content on these disk(s) will be erased. **")
+    else:
+        print("   ** These disk(s) will NOT be partitioned and formatted. **")
+    for i in process_list:
+        print("      %s" %(i.get_name()))
+    str1 = input("\n   Press Y to add disk(s), any other key to cancel:")
+    if str1 == 'Y' or str1 == 'y':
+        rc = True
+    else:
+        rc = False
+        print("\nCancelled: No disk(s) added to your system.")
+    print("-----")
+    return rc
+def prompt_sg(dir_sg):
+    #check for storage groups
+    print("*" * 60)
+    if dir_sg != True:
+        loop = True
+        prompt_string='''
+    MythTV storage groups are used for artwork, database backups,
+    photos, music, streaming, TV recordings, and videos.
+    The content on these storage groups will
+    only be available while the system is online.
+    Enabling MythTV storage groups will create the directories
+    on the disk(s) and add the paths to the MythTV database.
+    Enable MythTV storage groups (Y/N)?:'''
+        while loop:
+            str1 = input(prompt_string)
+            if str1 in ['Y','N','y','n']:
+                loop = False
+                break
+            print("\n")
+        if str1 == 'Y' or str1 == 'y':
+            dir_sg = True
+            print("    ** Will add MythTV storage groups!")
+        else:
+            print("    ** Will NOT add MythTV storage groups!")
+            dir_sg = False
+    else:
+        dir_sg = True
+        print("\n    --add_sg option used")
+        print("    ** Will add MythTV storage groups!")
+    return dir_sg
+def remove_pickle():
+    try:
+        print("\n* Removing list of known disks.\n")
+        os.remove(pickle_file)
+    except:
+        pass
+def last_disk_num():
+    parser = SafeConfigParser()
+    num_list = []
+    for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir):
+        disk_num = parser.get('storage', 'disk_num')
+        num_list.append(int(disk_num))
+        num_list.sort()
+    try:
+        return num_list[-1]
+    except:
+        # conf file or disk_num is missing so fallback to /data/storage/disk# links
+        for disk_name in glob.glob('/data/storage/disk*'):
+            disk_num = disk_name.strip('/data/storage/disk')
+            num_list.append(int(disk_num))
+            num_list.sort()
+        try:
+            return num_list[-1]
+        except:
+            print("Couldn't find last disk number.")
+            sys.exit(1)
+def main(scan_only, destruction, no_mount, install_call, dir_sg):
+    global bus
+    bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+    system_drive_list = scan_system()
+    known_drive_list=[]
+    known_drive_list = read_known_list()
+    process_list=[]
+    no_process_list=[]
+    print("-" * 60)
+    print("  Scan for Disks")
+    for i in system_drive_list:
+        #print i.mount_path
+        #print i.is_mounted
+        #print i.in_use
+        #print i.model
+        #print i.block_path
+        #print "--"
+        if search_for_match(i,known_drive_list) or i.in_use :
+            if search_for_match(i,known_drive_list) :
+                dstatus = "    Ignoring - Disk has been previously skipped:"
+            if i.in_use :
+                dstatus = "    Ignoring - Disk is mounted:"
+            if search_for_match(i,known_drive_list) and i.in_use :
+                dstatus = "    Ignoring - Disk has been previously skipped and is mounted:"
+            print("\n")
+            print("    --------------------------------------------------------")
+            print(dstatus)
+            print("        model: %s" %i.model)
+            print("        location: %s" %i.block_path)
+            print("        size: %s" %i.device_size)
+            continue
+        else:
+            if not scan_only:
+                print("\n")
+                print("    --------------------------------------------------------")
+                print("    Found New Disk:")
+                print("        model: %s" %i.model)
+                print("        location: %s" %i.block_path)
+                print("        size: %s " %i.device_size)
+                if prompt_to_add(i,destruction) :
+                    print("\n    %s will be added to your system!" %i.model)
+                    process_list.append(i)
+                else:
+                    no_process_list.append(i)
+            else:
+                process_list.append(i)
+    print("\n")
+    print("  Scan Finished")
+    print("-" * 60)
+    if scan_only:
+        if len(process_list) > 0:
+            print("    Unknown or Unmounted Disks:")
+            f = open('/tmp/scan_report', 'w')
+            for i in process_list:
+                f.write("disk: %s , location: %s ,size: %s \n" %(i.model,i.block_path,i.device_size))
+                print("\n")
+                print("    ---------------------------------------------------------")
+                print("    Found New Disk:")
+                print("        model: %s" %i.model)
+                print("        location: %s" %i.block_path)
+                print("        size: %s " %i.device_size)
+            f.close()
+        sys.exit(0)
+    for i in no_process_list:
+        system_drive_list.append(i)
+    if len(process_list) > 0:
+        DB = MythDB()
+        host=gethostname()
+        for y in process_list:
+            system_drive_list.remove(y)
+        write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list)
+    else:
+        print("\nThere are no disks to add to your system.\n\nFor more options: --help\n")
+        write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list)
+            #BE = MythBE(db=DB)
+    #save new list to disk_device
+    #write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list)
+    #disk_num = last_disk_num()
+    if len(process_list) > 0:
+        print("\n  Will add %s disk(s) to your system." %len(process_list))
+        dir_sg = prompt_sg(dir_sg)
+        if prompt_to_continue(process_list) == True:
+            write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list)
+            disk_num = last_disk_num()
+            for i in process_list:
+                print("    Disk: %s" %(i.get_name()))
+                disk_num = disk_num + 1
+                i.lookup_format()
+                if destruction == True:
+                    i.partition_disk()
+                    i.format_disk()
+                i.add_fstab()
+                i.mount_disk(no_mount)
+                #if destruction == True:
+                if dir_sg == True:
+                    i.mkdirs(FS_LIST)
+                i.set_disk_num(disk_num)
+                i.set_dir_sg(dir_sg)
+                i.write_config()
+                system_drive_list.append(i)
+                write_known_drive_list(system_drive_list)
+                i.symlink_disk()
+                if dir_sg == True:
+                    i.add_sg(DB,host,SG_MAP)
+                print("-----")
+            cmd = " -m fileshare"
+            runcmd(cmd)
+        #i.add_sg(DB,host,SG_MAP)
+def myth_main(no_mount,install_call,dir_sg):
+    global bus
+    bus = dbus.SystemBus()
+    #search for root
+    f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r')
+    fstab=f.readlines()
+    f.close()
+    for i in fstab:
+        split_line=i.split()
+        if not split_line:
+            continue
+        try:
+            if split_line[1] ==  "/" :
+                uuid_device = split_line[0]
+                break
+        except:
+            print("Couldn't find / in fstab")
+            sys.exit(1)
+    if uuid_device.startswith("UUID"):
+        uuid_device = uuid_device.split("=")[1]
+        cmd = "blkid -U %s" %uuid_device
+        device = runcmd(cmd)[1]
+    else:
+        device = uuid_device.strip()
+    #should have something like /dev/sda1
+    #remove all the digits
+    device = ''.join([letter for letter in device if not letter.isdigit()])
+    system_drive_list = scan_system()
+    for i in system_drive_list:
+        if i.block_path == device:
+            break
+    else:
+        print("Couldn't find root device in block list")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    if not install_call == True:
+        DB = MythDB()
+        host=gethostname()
+    else:
+        DB = None
+        host=gethostname()
+    print("    Disk: %s" %(i.get_name()))
+    i.set_mmount(True)
+    i.set_dir_sg(dir_sg)
+    i.set_partition("7")
+    i.set_disk_num(0)
+    i.lookup_format()
+    i.add_fstab(True)
+    #if not install_call:
+    i.mount_disk(no_mount)
+    i.write_config()
+    #no need to make the sub directories because the install process has taken care of it.
+    if dir_sg == True:
+        i.add_sg(DB,host,SG_MAP,'99',install_call)
+    i.symlink()
+    cmd = " -m fileshare"
+    runcmd(cmd)
+def reconstruct_storagegroups():
+    print("\nRecreating storage groups from contents of /etc/storage.d/\n")
+    DB = MythDB()
+    host=gethostname()
+    for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir):
+        parser = SafeConfigParser()
+        mount_point = parser.get('storage', 'mountpoint')
+        mmount = parser.getboolean('storage', 'mmount')
+        try:
+            removed = parser.getboolean('storage', 'removed')
+        except:
+            removed = False
+        if removed:
+            print("Skipping: " + mount_point + " - removed")
+            continue
+        if not os.path.ismount(mount_point):
+            print("Skipping: " + mount_point + " - not mounted")
+            continue
+        try:
+            dir_sg = parser.getboolean('storage', 'storage_groups')
+        except configparser.NoOptionError as err:
+            print("SG not found in conf, get setting from DB")
+            dir_sg = False
+            # Get storage sroup directories from DB
+            recs = DB.getStorageGroup(groupname="Default")
+            for record in recs:
+                if record.dirname.startswith(mount_point):
+                    dir_sg = True
+            # Write SG usage to conf
+            parser.set('storage','storage_groups',str(dir_sg))
+            with open(conf_file, 'wb') as conf_file:
+                parser.write(conf_file)
+        if dir_sg is True:
+            print("SGs Enabled for: " + mount_point)
+            print("    Creating directory structure:")
+            print("       %s" %mount_point)
+            for y in FS_LIST:
+                new_dir="%s/%s" %(mount_point,y)
+                try:
+                    os.stat(new_dir)
+                    print("          %s - exists" %y)
+                except:
+                    os.makedirs(new_dir)
+                    cmd="chown -R mythtv:mythtv /%s" %new_dir
+                    runcmd(cmd)
+                    cmd="chmod -R 775 /%s" %new_dir
+                    runcmd(cmd)
+                    print("          %s - created" %y)
+            print("    Adding storage groups to DB")
+            if mmount is True:
+                sgweight=99
+            else:
+                sgweight=0
+            for key in SG_MAP.keys():
+                gn=key
+                hn=host
+                dn="%s/%s" %(mount_point,SG_MAP[key])
+                with DB as c:
+                    #delete old dir without trailing slash
+                    c.execute("""delete from storagegroup where groupname = %s and hostname = %s and dirname = %s""", (gn,hn,dn.rstrip('/')))
+                    try:
+                        c.execute("""insert into storagegroup (groupname,hostname,dirname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(gn,hn,dn))
+                        print("        Added: %s to storagegroup %s" %(dn,gn))
+                    except:
+                        print("        Skipping: %s exists" %dn)
+                    if sgweight > 0:
+                        try:
+                            sgw="SGweightPerDir:%s:%s" %(hn,dn)
+                            #delete old dir without trailing slash
+                            c.execute("""delete from settings where value = %s and data = %s and hostname = %s""", (sgw.rstrip('/'),sgweight,hn))
+                            if DB.settings[hn][sgw] == '99':
+                                print("        Skipping: storage group weight DB entry exists")
+                            else:
+                                c.execute("""insert into settings (value,data,hostname) values (%s,%s,%s)""",(sgw,sgweight,hn))
+                                print("        Adding storage group weight of %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn))
+                        except:
+                            print("        *Error setting storage group weight %s for %s\n" %(sgweight,gn))
+        else:
+            print("SGs Disabled for: " + mount_point)
+    return
+class reconstruct_path:
+    def  __init__(self,conf_file):
+        self.conf_file = conf_file
+        parser = SafeConfigParser()
+        self.config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
+        self.uuid = parser.get('storage', 'uuid')
+        self.mount_point = parser.get('storage', 'mountpoint')
+        self.shareable = parser.get('storage', 'shareable')
+        self.myth_mount = parser.get('storage', 'mmount')
+        self.bind = self.myth_mount
+        self.disk_num = parser.get('storage', 'disk_num')
+        self.top_mount_dir = os.path.dirname(self.mount_point)
+        try:
+            self.fstype = parser.get('storage', 'fstype')
+        except:
+            self.fstype = self.get_fstype()
+        try:
+            self.removed = parser.get('storage', 'removed')
+        except:
+            self.removed = False
+    def get_fstype(self):
+        cmd = "fsck -N UUID=%s" %self.uuid
+        tmpfstype = runcmd(cmd)
+        tmpfstype = tmpfstype[1].split('/sbin/fsck.')
+        tmpfstype = tmpfstype[1].split(' ')
+        self.fstype = tmpfstype[0]
+        self.write_config()
+        return self.fstype
+    def get_conf(self):
+        return self.conf_file
+    def get_uuid(self):
+        return self.uuid
+    def get_mount_point(self):
+        return self.mount_point
+    def get_shareable(self):
+        return self.shareable
+    def get_is_myth_mount(self):
+        return self.myth_mount
+    def get_disk_num(self):
+        return self.disk_num
+    def get_removed(self):
+        return self.removed
+    def create_mount_point(self):
+        try:
+            os.stat(self.mount_point)
+        except:
+            os.makedirs(self.mount_point)
+    def find_options_type(self,fstab):
+        mp=['/myth', '/data/storage/disk0']
+        for i in fstab:
+            split_line=i.split()
+            try:
+                if split_line[1] in mp:
+                    options = split_line[3]
+                    break
+                else:
+                    options = "defaults"
+                    mount_point = i
+            except:
+                options = "defaults"
+        return options,i
+    def read_fstab(self):
+        f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r')
+        fstab=f.readlines()
+        f.close()
+        return fstab
+    def check_in_fstab(self,fstab,check_path):
+        for line in fstab:
+            if line.find(check_path) > -1:
+                return True
+        return False
+    def append_fstab(self,line):
+        new_fstab_line='\t'.join(line)
+        new_fstab_line="%s\n" %new_fstab_line
+        f = open('/etc/fstab', 'a')
+        #f = open('/tmp/fstab', 'a')
+        f.write(new_fstab_line)
+        #f.write("\n")
+        f.close()
+    def symlink(self):
+        print("    Creating symlink for /myth")
+        if not os.path.exists("/myth"):
+            cmd = "ln -s %s/media /myth " %(self.mount_point)
+            runcmd(cmd)
+        else:
+            print("       Skipping symlink, /myth already exists")
+    def symlink_disk(self):
+        print("    Creating symlink for disk%s" %self.disk_num)
+        disk_ln="%s/disk%s" %(self.top_mount_dir,self.disk_num)
+        cmd = "ln -s %s %s" %(self.mount_point,disk_ln)
+        runcmd(cmd)
+    def add_fstab(self):
+        #new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', 'auto', 'defaults', '0', '1']
+        new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', self.fstype, 'defaults', '0', '1']
+        fstab=self.read_fstab()
+        if self.bind == "True":
+            self.symlink()
+        if self.check_in_fstab(fstab,self.uuid) == True:
+            print("    Found UUID of disk in fstab, will not add it")
+        else:
+            print("    Adding storage to fstab")
+            if self.bind == "True" :
+                print("    Bind mount")
+                new_fstab_list=["/data/storage/disk0" , self.mount_point , "none" , "rw,bind", '0', '0']
+                if self.check_in_fstab(fstab,self.mount_point) == False:
+                    self.append_fstab(new_fstab_list)
+                else:
+                    print("    Found bind storage in fstab, will not add it")
+            else:
+                #check for old mount point and comment out
+                f = open('/etc/fstab', 'w')
+                for line in fstab:
+                    if not line.startswith("#"):
+                        if line.find(self.mount_point) > -1:
+                            print("      Found old mount %s in fstab, commenting out" %self.mount_point)
+                            line = "#"+line
+                    f.write(line)
+                f.close()
+                #construct new line
+                new_options = self.find_options_type(fstab)[0]
+                new_fstab_list[0]="UUID=%s" %self.uuid
+                new_fstab_list[1]=self.mount_point
+                new_fstab_list[3]=new_options
+                self.append_fstab(new_fstab_list)
+    def mount_disk(self,no_mount=False):
+        try:
+            os.stat(self.mount_point)
+        except:
+            os.makedirs(self.mount_point)
+        if no_mount == False :
+            if os.path.ismount(self.mount_point):
+                print("    Disk already mounted, will not mount:\n       %s" %self.mount_point)
+                pass
+            else:
+                print("    Mounting %s" %self.mount_point)
+                cmd = "mount %s" %self.mount_point
+                runcmd(cmd)
+        return
+    def write_config(self):
+        print("    Writing /etc/storage.d conf file")
+        self.config.add_section('storage')
+        self.config.set('storage','uuid',self.uuid)
+        self.config.set('storage','mountpoint',self.mount_point)
+        self.config.set('storage','fstype',self.fstype)
+        self.config.set('storage','shareable','True')
+        self.config.set('storage','mmount',self.myth_mount)
+        self.config.set('storage','storage_groups',self.dir_sg)
+        self.config.set('storage','disk_num',self.disk_num)
+        print("       %s" %self.conf_file)
+        with open(self.conf_file, 'wb') as self.conf_file:
+            self.config.write(self.conf_file)
+        return
+def reconstruct_mounts(no_mount):
+    print("\nRecreating disks from contents of /etc/storage.d/")
+    for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir):
+        print("\n")
+        cf = reconstruct_path(conf_file)
+        # skip if the disk was removed
+        if cf.get_removed():
+            continue
+        #print cf.get_conf()
+        #print cf.get_uuid()
+        print("    Recreating %s" %cf.get_mount_point())
+        #print cf.get_shareable()
+        #print cf.get_is_myth_mount()
+        #print cf.get_disk_num()
+        cf.create_mount_point()
+        cf.add_fstab()
+        cf.symlink_disk()
+        cf.mount_disk(no_mount)
+    print("\n\nDone recreating disks.\n")
+    pass
+def usage():
+    help='''
+ finds and sets up disks for MythTV usage.
+    It's a powerful tool that could destroy data if not used correctly,
+        please be careful.
+    Scanned disks are ignored if they are mounted or have been
+        previously skipped by
+    The file system type for disks added by is
+        automatically set to the type selected for the data partition
+        at install.
+    Normal operations without options include (in this order):
+        Partition the disk
+        Format the disk
+        Add disk to /etc/fstab
+        Mount the disk
+        Create the directories
+            (if user enables MythTV storage groups)
+        Write out the disk config file to /etc/storage.d/
+        Create disk# symlink at /data/storage/
+        Create /myth symlink (if applicable)
+        Create MythTV storage group paths in MythTV database
+            (if user enables MythTV storage groups)
+    Options:
+    --add_sg:           Create the MythTV storage group directories and
+                           database entries for database backups, TV
+                           recordings, photos, music, streaming, videos
+                           and artwork.
+    -h, --help:         Show this help message.
+    --new_init:         Erase the list of known disks and rescan.
+    --no_destruction:   Will not partition or format the disk.
+                           All other normal operations will be performed.
+                           Can be used to import disks from other systems
+                           however, only works with the first
+                           partition on a disk and ignores all others.
+    --no_mount:         Do not mount the disk.
+                           All other normal operations will be performed.
+    --reconstruct:      Recreate mount point, /myth symlink, fstab entry,
+                           /data/storage/disk# symlink, and mount the disk.
+                           --no_mount is the only option that works with
+                           --reconstruct.
+    --reconstruct_sg:   Recreate the MythTV storage group directories and
+                           database entries if they don't exist.
+                           No other options work with --reconstruct_sg.
+    --report:           Scan disks and print new found disks.
+    '''
+    print(help)
+    sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    scan_only = False
+    myth_mount = False
+    no_mount = False
+    destruction = True
+    install_call = False
+    dir_sg = False
+    reconstruct = False
+    reconstruct_sg = False
+    try:
+        os.remove("/tmp/scan_report")
+    except:
+        pass
+    if not os.geteuid()==0:
+        sys.exit("\nRoot access is required to run this program.\n")
+    if "--help" in sys.argv or "-h" in sys.argv:
+        usage()
+    if "--install_call" in sys.argv:
+        install_call = True
+    if "--no_mount" in sys.argv :
+        no_mount = True
+    if "--no_destruction" in sys.argv:
+        destruction = False
+    if "--new_init" in sys.argv :
+        remove_pickle()
+    if "--report" in sys.argv :
+        scan_only = True
+    if "--add_sg" in sys.argv:
+        dir_sg = True
+       #there is no distinction between FE and BE sg anymore
+       #but leaving these for backwards compatibility
+    if "--add_fe_sg" in sys.argv:
+        dir_sg = True
+    if "--add_be_sg" in sys.argv:
+        dir_sg = True
+    if "--reconstruct" in sys.argv:
+        reconstruct = True
+    if "--reconstruct_sg" in sys.argv:
+        reconstruct_sg = True
+    if "--double_myth" in sys.argv:
+        myth_main(no_mount, install_call, dir_sg)
+    elif reconstruct == True:
+        reconstruct_mounts(no_mount)
+    elif reconstruct_sg == True:
+        reconstruct_storagegroups()
+    else:
+        main(scan_only, destruction, no_mount, install_call, dir_sg)
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/add_storage.readme b/linhes/linhes-system/add_storage.readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4435d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/add_storage.readme
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Files here are autogenerated by
+They will be used by systemconfig to generate nfs, smb and mountpoint recovery.
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0dd4b01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+import argparse, glob, operator, os, random, shutil, subprocess, sys, signal
+shouldQuit = False
+def getFreeSpaceForDir(dir):
+    stats = os.statvfs(dir)
+    return (stats.f_bavail * stats.f_frsize)
+def getFreePercentForDir(dir):
+    stats = os.statvfs(dir)
+    total = (stats.f_blocks)
+    avail = (stats.f_bavail)
+    return (total - avail) / float(total)
+def getFileSize(fullPath):
+    return os.path.getsize(fullPath)
+def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'):
+    for unit in ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']:
+        if abs(num) < 1024.0:
+            return "%3.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
+        num /= 1024.0
+    return "%.1f %s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)
+def signal_handler(signal, frame):
+    print("\nWill quit when file has been moved.\nMoving File...")
+    global shouldQuit
+    shouldQuit = True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--checkonly', action='store_true', help="Check only, don't move any files.")
+    parser.add_argument('-p', '--percent', type=int, default=7, help="The percentage difference between the most full dir and least full dir that will stop balancing.")
+    cmdargs = parser.parse_args()
+    SGDIRS = []
+    SGgrp = "Default"
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
+    print("\nBalance MythTV Storage Group Directories\nPress Ctrl+C to quit")
+    # Get Storage Groups from MythDB
+    try:
+        from MythTV import MythDB
+        mythDB = MythDB()
+        records = mythDB.getStorageGroup()
+    except:
+        print("Couldn't connect to MythTV database.")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # Get Storage Group directories
+    for record in records:
+        if record.groupname == SGgrp:
+            dirname = record.dirname
+            SGDIRS.append(dirname)
+    # If there are less than 2 directories defined bail as we can't move anything
+    if len(SGDIRS) < 2:
+        print("There are less than 2 directories defined. Exiting.")
+        sys.exit(0)
+    while not shouldQuit:
+        SGDIRSdata = []
+        print("\n------------------------------------------------")
+        print("'" + SGgrp + "' Storage Group Directories - Percent Used:")
+        # Get percent free and size free
+        for directory in SGDIRS:
+            # Check if SG path exists
+            if not os.path.exists(directory):
+                print("  " + directory + " - Not Mounted")
+                continue
+            freePcent = getFreePercentForDir(directory)
+            freeSize = getFreeSpaceForDir(directory)
+            SGDIRSdata.append([directory, freePcent, freeSize])
+            print("  %s - %.2f%%" % (directory, freePcent * 100))
+        # Sort data on percent free
+        SGDIRSdata = sorted(SGDIRSdata, reverse=True, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+        #print SGDIRSdata
+        # Check if SG has any ts, mpg or nuv files
+        i=0
+        for dir in SGDIRSdata:
+            mostFull = SGDIRSdata[i]
+            i=i+1
+            if len(glob.glob1(mostFull[0],"*.ts")) or len(glob.glob1(mostFull[0],"*.mpg")) or len(glob.glob1(mostFull[0],"*.nuv")):
+                break
+            else:
+                if i == 1:
+                    print("------------------------------------------------")
+                print("  " + mostFull[0] + " - NO files to move")
+        leastFull = SGDIRSdata[-1]
+        print("------------------------------------------------")
+        print("Most Used Storage Group Directory with files to move: ")
+        print("  %s - %.2f%%" % (mostFull[0], mostFull[1] * 100))
+        print("Least Used Storage Group Directory: ")
+        print("  %s - %.2f%%" % (leastFull[0], leastFull[1] * 100))
+        # Check if mostFull and leastFull are within the percent var of each other
+        if mostFull[1] - (float(cmdargs.percent) / 100) < leastFull[1]:
+            print("\nThe most used and least used storage group directories are\nwithin " + str(cmdargs.percent) + "% used of each other. No files will be moved.")
+            sys.exit()
+        # Get random file from most used dir
+        fileToMove = random.choice([f for f in os.listdir(mostFull[0]) if f.endswith(".ts") or f.endswith(".mpg") or f.endswith(".nuv")])
+        filePathToMove = mostFull[0] + "/" + fileToMove
+        # Check that the file isn't too big for least used dir
+        fileSize = getFileSize(filePathToMove)
+        if (fileSize > getFreeSpaceForDir(leastFull[0])):
+            # Too big to move
+            print(filePathToMove + " is too big to move to " + leastFull[0])
+            sys.exit()
+        print("------------------------------------------------")
+        print("Move File:")
+        print("  " + filePathToMove)
+        print("  Size: " + sizeof_fmt(os.path.getsize(filePathToMove)))
+        print("To:")
+        print("  " + leastFull[0])
+        print("  Available: " + sizeof_fmt(getFreeSpaceForDir(leastFull[0])))
+        # Move file
+        if cmdargs.checkonly:
+            print("------------------------------------------------")
+            print("Check Only option was used. No files were moved.")
+            shouldQuit = True
+        else:
+            print("------------------------------------------------")
+            print("Checking System Status...")
+            if["/usr/bin/python2", "/usr/LH/bin/", "-s"]):
+                print("  System is busy. The file will not be moved.")
+                sys.exit()
+            print("Moving File...")
+            try:
+                shutil.move(filePathToMove, leastFull[0])
+            # eg. src and dest are the same file
+            except shutil.Error as e:
+                print(('Error: %s' % e))
+            except IOError as e:
+                print(('Error: %s' % e.strerror))
+            # Remove png files
+            print("------------------------------------------------")
+            print("Removing png Files:")
+            pngFiles = glob.glob(filePathToMove + "*.png")
+            for p in pngFiles:
+                os.remove(p)
+                print("  " + p)
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b5f7a64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#simple program to check if mythbackend is up and running
+#exit code of 0 is success, anything else means it can't connect
+import sys
+class Logger(object):
+    def __init__(self, filename="/tmp/Default.log"):
+        #self.terminal = sys.stdout
+        try:
+            self.log = open(filename, "a")
+        except:
+            pass
+    def write(self, message):
+        try:
+            #self.terminal.write(message)
+            self.log.write(message)
+        except:
+            pass
+sys.stdout = Logger("/tmp/be_check.log")
+from MythTV import MythBE,MythDB
+#import datetime,time,sys,subprocess
+    be=MythBE()
+    db = MythDB()
+    sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d25eaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Bash script by Gene Alexander (
+# of ERA Computers & Consulting (,,
+# Written using vim, the BEST plain text file editor in all of Creation.
+# Teach yourself bash scripting:
+# Purpose: To check fragmentation on XFS with xfs_db and run xfs_fsr on XFS mount points that
+# are above a specific fragmentation threshold.
+# What is xfs_db? Use 'man xfs_db' to find out.
+# What is xfs_fsr? Use 'man xfs_fsr' to find out.
+# Any busy files, such as open logs on /var/log, will be skipped. To defragment logs one should
+# wrap this script with another script to stop and restart logging. Or, even better, write
+# one's own script just for defragmentation of the logs.
+# Warranty: NONE. Use at your own discretion and be aware that data loss is on your head if
+# you choose to use this script.
+# License: GPL 2.0
+# Suggested Usage: crontab file for root
+# 0 0 * * * /root/bin/chkxfsfrag # Run at midnight
+# Original Release: 2011 December 15 (Merry Christmas!)
+e='/usr/bin/echo -e'                                # Use the echo command, not built-in.
+xfsfsr=/usr/bin/xfs_fsr                            # Set variable with the path to xfs_fsr.
+xfsdb=/usr/bin/xfs_db                              # Set variable with the path to xfs_db.
+ionice=/usr/bin/ionice                             # Set variable with the path to ionice.
+idle='/usr/LH/bin/ -s'                      # Set varialbe with path to
+pctmax=12                                        # Set maxiumum frag percent needed for defrag.
+                                                # This is zero here for testing purposes only
+                                                # a higher number should be used in production.
+array=`df -T|grep xfs|cut -f 1 --delim=" "`     # Array of all XFS file systems.
+for i in ${array[@]};
+        #check for idle flag
+        if [[ $1 == "--idle" ]]
+        then
+            while ! $idle
+            do
+                echo "System is busy. Waiting 10 minutes before trying again."
+                sleep 600
+            done
+        fi
+        #check that the device is SATA and skip defrag on SSDs
+        device=`echo ${i} | cut -f 3 --delim="/" | sed 's/[0-9]//g'`
+        isSATA=`cat /sys/block/${device}/queue/rotational`
+        if [[ $isSATA -eq 1 ]]
+        then
+            percentage=`$xfsdb -c frag -r ${i}|grep factor|cut -f 7 --delim=" "`
+            percent2=`$e $percentage|cut -f 1 --delim=.`
+            if [ "$percent2" -gt "$pctmax" ]
+            then
+                $e "${i} is $percentage fragmented. Running defragment on ${i}."
+                # Only uncomment one of the following two lines.
+                #$xfsfsr -v ${i}        # Uncomment for verbose defrag.
+                $ionice -c3 $xfsfsr ${i}           # Uncomment for quiet defrag.
+            else
+                $e "${i} is $percent2% fragmented and is below the fragmentation threshold of $pctmax%. Skipping."
+            fi
+        else
+            echo "${i} is an SSD. Skipping."
+        fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0aa44f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#script to create the media directories
+#used for building ISO ( and LiveCD (
+#call it like so /top_level_path
+if [ x$topdir = "x" ]
+    echo "Top level dir is empty"
+    exit 1
+if [ ! -d "$topdir" ]
+    echo "$topdir is not a dir or does not exist"
+    exit 2
+while read dirname
+    mkdir -p "${topdir}/${dirname}"
+    touch "${topdir}/${dirname}/.media"
+    chown  mythtv:users "${topdir}/${dirname}"
+    chmod  775  "${topdir}/${dirname}"
+    chmod  775  "${topdir}/${dirname}/.media"
+done <<EOF
+chown -R mythtv:users ${topdir}
+chmod -R 775  ${topdir}
+chmod  1777  "${topdir}/media/tmp"
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b5aff8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+import argparse, glob, operator, os, random, shutil, subprocess, sys, signal
+shouldQuit = False
+def getFreeSpaceForDir(dir):
+    stats = os.statvfs(dir)
+    return (stats.f_bavail * stats.f_frsize)
+def getFreePercentForDir(dir):
+    stats = os.statvfs(dir)
+    total = (stats.f_blocks)
+    avail = (stats.f_bavail)
+    return (total - avail) / float(total)
+def getFileSize(fullPath):
+    return os.path.getsize(fullPath)
+def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='B'):
+    for unit in ['','Ki','Mi','Gi','Ti','Pi','Ei','Zi']:
+        if abs(num) < 1024.0:
+            return "%3.1f %s%s" % (num, unit, suffix)
+        num /= 1024.0
+    return "%.1f %s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix)
+def signal_handler(signal, frame):
+    print("\nWill quit when file has been moved.\nMoving File...")
+    global shouldQuit
+    shouldQuit = True
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-c', '--checkonly', action='store_true', help="Check only, don't move any files.")
+    cmdargs = parser.parse_args()
+    SGs = []
+    SGDIRS = []
+    SGgrp = "Default"
+    SGselectdata = []
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
+    print("\nEmpty a MythTV Storage Group Directory\nPress Ctrl+C to quit")
+    # Get Storage Groups from MythDB
+    try:
+        from MythTV import MythDB
+        mythDB = MythDB()
+        records = mythDB.getStorageGroup()
+        recs = mythDB.getStorageGroup()
+    except:
+        print("Couldn't connect to MythTV database.")
+        sys.exit(1)
+    # get list of non duplicate SGs
+    for record in records:
+        SGs.append(record.groupname)
+        SGs=list(set(SGs))
+    # Move Default to top of list
+    if "Default" in SGs:
+        SGs.remove("Default")
+        SGs.insert(0,"Default")
+    # ask user which SG to use
+    print("\n------------------------------------------------")
+    print("Storage Groups:")
+    for i,sg in enumerate(SGs):
+        print(str(i+1) + ": " + sg)
+    try:
+        SGselect=input("\nEnter the number of the storage group to use (default 1): ") or 1
+        SGselect=int(SGselect)
+        if SGselect > len(SGs) or SGselect < 1:
+            SGselect=int("e")
+    except ValueError:
+        print("You must enter a number between 1 and " + str(len(SGs)) + ". Exiting.")
+        sys.exit(0)
+    SGgrp=SGs[SGselect-1]
+    # Get Storage Group directories
+    for record in recs:
+        if record.groupname == SGgrp:
+            dirname = record.dirname
+            SGDIRS.append(dirname)
+    # If there are less than 2 directories defined bail as we can't move anything
+    if len(SGDIRS) < 2:
+        print("There are less than 2 directories defined. Exiting.")
+        sys.exit(0)
+    while not shouldQuit:
+        SGDIRSdata = []
+        print("\n------------------------------------------------")
+        print("'" + SGgrp + "' Storage Group Directories - Percent Used:")
+        SGcnt=0
+        # Get percent free and size free
+        for directory in SGDIRS:
+            # Check if SG path exists
+            if not os.path.exists(directory):
+                print("  " + directory + " - Not Mounted")
+                continue
+            # Check if SG has data files to move
+            if len(glob.glob1(directory,"*.ts")) or len(glob.glob1(directory,"*.mpg")) or len(glob.glob1(directory,"*.nuv")) or len(glob.glob1(directory,"*.jpg")):
+                freePcent = getFreePercentForDir(directory)
+                freeSize = getFreeSpaceForDir(directory)
+                SGDIRSdata.append([directory, freePcent, freeSize])
+                SGcnt=SGcnt+1
+                print("%s: %s - %.2f%%" % (SGcnt, directory, freePcent * 100))
+            else:
+                # Check if the selected SG dir has no data files exit
+                if SGselectdata and SGselectdata[0] == directory:
+                    print("\n'" + SGgrp + "' Storage Group directories have no files to move. Exiting")
+                    sys.exit(0)
+        # Exit if no SGs with data found
+        if SGcnt is 0:
+            print("\n'" + SGgrp + "' Storage Group directories have no files to move. Exiting.")
+            sys.exit(0)
+        # Ask user to select which SG to empty if not already selected
+        if not SGselectdata:
+            try:
+                SGDIRselect=int(input("\nEnter the number of the storage group directory to empty: "))
+                if SGDIRselect > SGcnt or SGDIRselect < 1:
+                    SGDIRselect=int("e")
+            except ValueError:
+                print("You must enter a number between 1 and %s. Exiting." %SGcnt)
+                sys.exit(0)
+            SGselectdata=SGDIRSdata[SGDIRselect-1]
+        # Sort data on percent free
+        SGDIRSdata = sorted(SGDIRSdata, reverse=True, key=operator.itemgetter(1))
+        leastFull = SGDIRSdata[-1]
+        # Make sure leastFull and SGselectdata are not the same dir
+        if leastFull[0] == SGselectdata[0]:
+            leastFull = SGDIRSdata[-2]
+        # Get random file from user selected dir
+        fileToMove = random.choice([f for f in os.listdir(SGselectdata[0]) if f.endswith(".ts") or f.endswith(".mpg") or f.endswith(".nuv") or f.endswith(".jpg")])
+        filePathToMove = SGselectdata[0] + "/" + fileToMove
+        # Check that the file isn't too big for least used dir
+        fileSize = getFileSize(filePathToMove)
+        if (fileSize > getFreeSpaceForDir(leastFull[0])):
+            # Too big to move
+            print(filePathToMove + " is too big to move to " + leastFull[0])
+            sys.exit()
+        print("------------------------------------------------")
+        print("Move File:")
+        print("  " + filePathToMove)
+        print("  Size: " + sizeof_fmt(os.path.getsize(filePathToMove)))
+        print("To:")
+        print("  " + leastFull[0])
+        print("  Available: " + sizeof_fmt(getFreeSpaceForDir(leastFull[0])))
+        # Move file
+        if cmdargs.checkonly:
+            print("------------------------------------------------")
+            print("Check Only option was used. No files were moved.")
+            shouldQuit = True
+        else:
+            print("------------------------------------------------")
+            print("Checking System Status...")
+            if["/usr/bin/python2", "/usr/LH/bin/", "-s"]):
+                print("  System is busy. The file will not be moved.")
+                sys.exit()
+            print("Moving File...")
+            try:
+                shutil.move(filePathToMove, leastFull[0])
+            # eg. src and dest are the same file
+            except shutil.Error as e:
+                a=input("\n%s. Overwrite destination (y/n)? " % e)
+                if a == "y" or a == "Y":
+                    os.remove(leastFull[0] + "/" + fileToMove)
+                    shutil.move(filePathToMove, leastFull[0])
+                else:
+                    b=input("\nRemove %s (y/n)? " % filePathToMove)
+                    if b == "y" or b == "Y":
+                        os.remove(filePathToMove)
+            # eg. source or destination doesn't exist
+            except IOError as e:
+                print(('Error: %s' % e.strerror))
+            # Remove png files for Default & LiveTV SGs
+            if SGgrp == "Default" or SGgrp == "LiveTV":
+                print("------------------------------------------------")
+                print("Removing png Files:")
+                pngFiles = glob.glob(filePathToMove + "*.png")
+                for p in pngFiles:
+                    os.remove(p)
+                    print("  " + p)
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8a9847a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+for vendProdID in `lsusb | sed -e 's/.*ID \([a-f0-9]\+:[a-f0-9]\+\).*/\1/g'`
+    foundRemote=`grep -i "$vendProdID" /usr/share/linhes/templates/remotes/`
+    if [[ $? = 0 ]]
+    then
+        #echo Found: $foundRemote
+        vendID=`echo $vendProdID | cut -d":" -f1`
+        prodID=`echo $vendProdID | cut -d":" -f2`
+        for usbDevice in `grep . /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/wakeup | cut -d"/" -f6`
+        do
+            foundVendID=`cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/$usbDevice/idVendor`
+            foundProdID=`cat /sys/bus/usb/devices/$usbDevice/idProduct`
+            if [[ $foundVendID == $vendID && $foundProdID == $prodID ]]
+            then
+                echo "Enable wake for $foundRemote on $usbDevice"
+                sudo sh -c "echo 'enabled' > /sys/bus/usb/devices/$usbDevice/power/wakeup"
+            fi
+        done
+    fi
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..964d6e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+from MythTV import MythDB, MythBE, Recorded, MythError
+from socket import timeout
+import os
+import sys
+def human_size(s):
+    s = float(s)
+    o = 0
+    while s > 1000:
+        s /= 1000
+        o += 1
+    return str(round(s,1))+('B ','KB','MB','GB','TB')[o]
+class File( str ):
+    def __new__(self, host, group, path, name, size):
+        return str.__new__(self, name)
+    def __init__(self, host, group, path, name, size):
+ = host
+ = group
+        self.path = path
+        self.size = int(size)
+    def pprint(self):
+        name = '%s: %s' % (, os.path.join(self.path, self))
+        print('  {0:<90}{1:>8}'.format(name, human_size(self.size)).encode('utf-8'))
+    def delete(self):
+        be = MythBE(, db=DB)
+        be.deleteFile(self,
+class MyRecorded( Recorded ):
+    _table = 'recorded'
+    def pprint(self):
+        name = '{0.hostname}: {0.title}'.format(self)
+        if self.subtitle:
+            name += ' - '+self.subtitle
+        print('  {0:<70}{1:>28}'.format(name,self.basename).encode('utf-8'))
+def printrecs(title, recs):
+    print(title)
+    for rec in sorted(recs, key=lambda x: x.title):
+        rec.pprint()
+    print('{0:>87}{1:>12}'.format('Count:',len(recs)).encode('utf-8'))
+def printfiles(title, files):
+    print(title)
+    for f in sorted(files, key=lambda x: x.path):
+        f.pprint()
+    size = sum([f.size for f in files])
+    print('{0:>87}{1:>12}'.format('Total:',human_size(size)).encode('utf-8'))
+def populate(host=None):
+    unfiltered = []
+    kwargs = {'livetv':True}
+    if host:
+        with DB as c:
+            c.execute("""SELECT count(1) FROM settings
+                         WHERE hostname=%s AND value=%s""",
+                        (host, 'BackendServerIP'))
+            if c.fetchone()[0] == 0:
+                raise Exception('Invalid hostname specified on command line.')
+        hosts = [host]
+        kwargs['hostname'] = host
+    else:
+        with DB as c:
+            c.execute("""SELECT hostname FROM settings
+                         WHERE value='BackendServerIP'""")
+            hosts = [r[0] for r in c.fetchall()]
+    for host in hosts:
+        for sg in DB.getStorageGroup():
+            if sg.groupname in ('Videos','Banners','Coverart','Fanart',\
+                                'Music','MusicArt', 'Photographs',\
+                                'Screenshots','Trailers'):
+                continue
+            try:
+                dirs,files,sizes = BE.getSGList(host, sg.groupname, sg.dirname)
+                for f,s in zip(files,sizes):
+                    newfile = File(host, sg.groupname, sg.dirname, f, s)
+                    if newfile not in unfiltered:
+                        unfiltered.append(newfile)
+            except:
+                pass
+    recs = list(DB.searchRecorded(**kwargs))
+    zerorecs = []
+    orphvids = []
+    for rec in list(recs):
+        if rec.basename in unfiltered:
+            recs.remove(rec)
+            i = unfiltered.index(rec.basename)
+            f = unfiltered.pop(i)
+            if f.size < 1024:
+                zerorecs.append(rec)
+            name = rec.basename.rsplit('.',1)[0]
+            for f in list(unfiltered):
+                if name in f:
+                    unfiltered.remove(f)
+    for f in list(unfiltered):
+        if not (f.endswith('.mpg') or f.endswith('.nuv') or f.endswith('.ts')):
+            continue
+        orphvids.append(f)
+        unfiltered.remove(f)
+    orphimgs = []
+    for f in list(unfiltered):
+        if not f.endswith('.png'):
+            continue
+        orphimgs.append(f)
+        unfiltered.remove(f)
+    dbbackup = []
+    for f in list(unfiltered):
+        if 'sql' not in f:
+            continue
+        dbbackup.append(f)
+        unfiltered.remove(f)
+    return (recs, zerorecs, orphvids, orphimgs, dbbackup, unfiltered)
+def delete_recs(recs):
+    printrecs('The following recordings will be deleted', recs)
+    print('Are you sure you want to continue? (yes/no)')
+    try:
+        res = input('> ')
+        while True:
+            if res == 'yes':
+                for rec in recs:
+                    rec.delete(True, True)
+                break
+            elif res == 'no':
+                break
+            else:
+                res = input("'yes' or 'no' > ")
+    except MythError:
+        name = '{0.hostname}: {0.title}'.format(rec)
+        if rec.subtitle:
+            name += ' - '+rec.subtitle
+        print("Warning: Failed to delete '" + name + "'")
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        pass
+    except EOFError:
+        sys.exit(0)
+def delete_files(files):
+    printfiles('The following files will be deleted', files)
+    print('Are you sure you want to continue? (yes/no)')
+    try:
+        res = input('> ')
+        while True:
+            if res == 'yes':
+                for f in files:
+                    f.delete()
+                break
+            elif res == 'no':
+                break
+            else:
+                res = input("'yes' or 'no' > ")
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        pass
+    except EOFError:
+        sys.exit(0)
+def main(host=None):
+   while True:
+        recs, zerorecs, orphvids, orphimgs, dbbackup, unfiltered = populate(host)
+        if len(recs):
+            printrecs("Recordings with missing files", recs)
+        if len(zerorecs):
+            printrecs("Zero byte recordings", zerorecs)
+        if len(orphvids):
+            printfiles("Orphaned video files", orphvids)
+        if len(orphimgs):
+            printfiles("Orphaned snapshots", orphimgs)
+        if len(dbbackup):
+            printfiles("Database backups", dbbackup)
+        if len(unfiltered):
+            printfiles("Other files", unfiltered)
+        if not printOnly:
+            opts = []
+            if len(recs):
+                opts.append(['Delete orphaned recording entries', delete_recs, recs])
+            if len(zerorecs):
+                opts.append(['Delete zero byte recordings', delete_recs, zerorecs])
+            if len(orphvids):
+                opts.append(['Delete orphaned video files', delete_files, orphvids])
+            if len(orphimgs):
+                opts.append(['Delete orphaned snapshots', delete_files, orphimgs])
+            if len(unfiltered):
+                opts.append(['Delete other files', delete_files, unfiltered])
+            opts.append(['Refresh list', None, None])
+            print('Please select from the following:')
+            for i, opt in enumerate(opts):
+                if opt[0] == "Refresh list":
+                    print(' R. {1}'.format(i+1, opt[0]))
+                    refreshNum=i+1
+                else:
+                    print(' {0}. {1}'.format(i+1, opt[0]))
+            print(' Q. Quit')
+            try:
+                inner = True
+                res = input('> ')
+                while inner:
+                    try:
+                        res = int(res)
+                    except:
+                        if res == "Q" or res == "q":
+                            sys.exit(0)
+                        elif res == "R" or res == "r":
+                            res = refreshNum
+                        else:
+                            res = input('Invalid selection > ')
+                        continue
+                    if (res <= 0) or (res > len(opts)):
+                        res = input('Invalid selection > ')
+                        continue
+                    break
+                opt = opts[res-1]
+                if opt[1] is None:
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    opt[1](opt[2])
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                break
+            except EOFError:
+                sys.exit(0)
+        else:
+            sys.exit(0)
+DB = MythDB()
+BE = MythBE(db=DB)
+DB.searchRecorded.handler = MyRecorded
+DB.searchRecorded.dbclass = MyRecorded
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    global printOnly
+    if "--printonly" in sys.argv :
+        printOnly=True
+    else:
+        printOnly=False
+    if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] != "--printonly":
+        main(sys.argv[1])
+    else:
+        main()
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/fstrim.hook b/linhes/linhes-system/fstrim.hook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f80657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/fstrim.hook
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Operation = Install
+Type = Package
+Target = linhes-system
+Description = Enable fstrim.timer...
+When = PostTransaction
+Exec = /usr/bin/systemctl enable fstrim.timer
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..373ae24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+import argparse, os, re, subprocess, sys, time
+from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta
+def msg(cmdargs,msg):
+    if cmdargs.silent is False:
+        print("%s" %msg)
+def mythshutdownlock_check(cmdargs,cursor):
+    if (cmdargs.lock):
+        msg(cmdargs,"    Checking mythshutdown for lock...")
+        try:
+            cursor.execute("select data from settings where value = 'MythShutdownLock'")
+            results=cursor.fetchone()
+        except:
+            return True
+        lock=results[0]
+        if int(lock) == 0 :
+            msg(cmdargs,"        mythshutdown is NOT locked.")
+            return True
+        else:
+            msg(cmdargs,"        mythshutdown is locked.")
+            return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def dailywake_check(cmdargs,cursor):
+    if (cmdargs.daily):
+        msg(cmdargs,"    Checking if in a daily wake period...")
+        dailyWake=False
+        today =
+        now =
+        try:
+            cursor.execute("select data from settings where value = 'DailyWakeupStartPeriod1'")
+            results=cursor.fetchone()
+            p1Start=datetime.strptime(' '.join([str(today), results[0]]), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
+            cursor.execute("select data from settings where value = 'DailyWakeupEndPeriod1'")
+            results=cursor.fetchone()
+            p1End=datetime.strptime(' '.join([str(today), results[0]]), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
+            cursor.execute("select data from settings where value = 'DailyWakeupStartPeriod2'")
+            results=cursor.fetchone()
+            p2Start=datetime.strptime(' '.join([str(today), results[0]]), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
+            cursor.execute("select data from settings where value = 'DailyWakeupEndPeriod2'")
+            results=cursor.fetchone()
+            p2End=datetime.strptime(' '.join([str(today), results[0]]), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
+        except:
+            print("error")
+            return True
+        # Check for time periods that cross midnight
+        if (p1End < p1Start):
+            if (now > p1End):
+                p1End = p1End + timedelta(days=1)
+            else:
+                p1Start = p1Start + timedelta(days=-1)
+        if (p2End < p2Start):
+            if (now > p2End):
+                p2End = p2End + timedelta(days=1)
+            else:
+                p2Start = p2Start + timedelta(days=-1)
+        #Check for one of the daily wakeup periods
+        if (p1Start != p1End):
+            if (now >= p1Start and now <= p1End):
+                msg(cmdargs,"        Currently in daily wake period 1.")
+                return False
+        if (p2Start != p2End):
+            if (now >= p2Start and now <= p2End):
+                msg(cmdargs,"        Currently in daily wake period 2.")
+                return False
+        #Are we about to start a daily wakeup period using the -t TIME var
+        if (p1Start != p1End):
+            delta=p1Start-now
+            if (delta.seconds >= 0 and delta.seconds <= cmdargs.time * 60):
+                msg(cmdargs,"        Daily wake period 1 will start in less than %s minutes." %cmdargs.time)
+                return False
+        if (p2Start != p2End):
+            delta=p2Start-now
+            if (delta.seconds >= 0 and delta.seconds <= cmdargs.time * 60):
+                msg(cmdargs,"        Daily wake period 2 will start in less than %s minutes." %cmdargs.time)
+                return False
+        msg(cmdargs,"        Currently NOT in a daily wake period.")
+        return True
+    else:
+        return True
+def schemalock_check(cmdargs,cursor):
+    msg(cmdargs,"    Checking if the schema is locked...")
+    try:
+        cursor.execute("select count(*) from schemalock")
+        results=cursor.fetchone()
+    except:
+        return True
+    schemalock=results[0]
+    if schemalock == 0:
+        msg(cmdargs,"        The schema is NOT locked.")
+        return True
+    else:
+        msg(cmdargs,"        The schema is locked.")
+        return False
+def in_use(cmdargs,cursor):
+    msg(cmdargs,"    Checking if programs are in use...")
+    try:
+        cursor.execute("select count(*) from inuseprograms")
+        results=cursor.fetchone()
+    except:
+        return True
+    prginuse=results[0]
+    if prginuse == 0 :
+        msg(cmdargs,"        Programs are NOT in use.")
+        return True
+    else:
+        msg(cmdargs,"        Programs are in use.")
+        return False
+def job_check(cmdargs,cursor):
+    msg(cmdargs,"    Checking jobqueue for active jobs...")
+    try:
+        cursor.execute("select count(*) from jobqueue where status between 2 and 5")
+        results=cursor.fetchone()
+    except:
+        return True
+    jobs=results[0]
+    if jobs == 0 :
+        msg(cmdargs,"        No jobs are active.")
+        return True
+    else:
+        msg(cmdargs,"        Jobs are active.")
+        return False
+def upcoming_check(cmdargs,mythBE):
+    msg(cmdargs,"    Checking for recordings in the next %s minutes..." %cmdargs.time)
+    try:
+        upcoming = mythBE.getUpcomingRecordings()
+    except:
+        msg(cmdargs,"        Could not get upcoming recordings.")
+        return True
+    time_diff=10000
+    r=0
+    for i in upcoming:
+        r += 1
+        if r > 1:
+            break
+        show=str(i)
+        show=show.strip()
+        showtime=re.split("[-+]\d\d:\d\d",str(i.starttime))[0]
+        now=time.time()
+        rec_time=time.strptime( showtime ,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" )
+        r=time.mktime(rec_time)
+        time_diff = ( r - now ) / 60
+    if ( time_diff > cmdargs.time) :
+        msg(cmdargs,"        No recordings starting in %s minutes." %cmdargs.time)
+        return True
+    else:
+        msg(cmdargs,"        A recording is starting in %s minutes." %int(time_diff))
+        return False
+def mfd_check(cmdargs):
+    msg(cmdargs,"    Checking if mythfilldatabase is running...")
+    with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull:
+        mythfilldatabase_ret =["pidof", "mythfilldatabase"], stdout=fnull)
+    if mythfilldatabase_ret == 0 :
+        msg(cmdargs,"        mythfilldatabase is running.")
+        return False
+    else:
+        msg(cmdargs,"        mythfilldatabase is NOT running.")
+        return True
+def mythtvsetup_check(cmdargs):
+    msg(cmdargs,"    Checking if mythtv-setup is running...")
+    with open(os.devnull, "w") as fnull:
+        mythsetup_ret =["pidof", "mythtv-setup"], stdout=fnull)
+    if mythsetup_ret == 0 :
+        msg(cmdargs,"        mythtv-setup is running.")
+        return False
+    else:
+        msg(cmdargs,"        mythtv-setup is NOT running.")
+        return True
+def userlogins_check(cmdargs):
+    if (cmdargs.logins):
+        u=False
+        msg(cmdargs,"    Checking for users logged in...")
+        users=subprocess.check_output("who")
+        names=([x.split() for x in users.splitlines()])
+        for i in names:
+            if (i[0] == "mythtv" and i[4] == "(:0)"):
+                msg(cmdargs,"        Ignoring %s %s" %(i[0],i[4]))
+            else:
+                msg(cmdargs,"        User logged in: %s %s" %(i[0],i[4]))
+                u=True
+        if u:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return True
+    else:
+        return True
+def sambafiles_check(cmdargs):
+    if (cmdargs.sambafiles):
+        msg(cmdargs,"    Checking if Samba files are in use...")
+        try:
+            smbstatus=subprocess.check_output(["smbstatus", "-L"])
+        except:
+            smbstatus="No locked files"
+        if "No locked files" in smbstatus:
+            msg(cmdargs,"        Samba files are NOT in use.")
+            return True
+        else:
+            msg(cmdargs,"        Samba files are in use.")
+            return False
+    else:
+        return True
+def mythfe_check(cmdargs,cursor,mythDB):
+    #checks to see if a frontend is considered idle
+    # True means FE is idle
+    if ( cmdargs.runningfe ):
+        msg(cmdargs,"    Checking for running and playing mythfrontends...")
+    else:
+        msg(cmdargs,"    Checking for playing mythfrontends...")
+    try:
+        cursor.execute("select distinct hostname from settings where hostname is not null;")
+        frontends=cursor.fetchall()
+    except:
+        return True
+    for i in frontends:
+        try:
+            msg(cmdargs,"        Checking %s's mythfrontend status..." %i)
+            frontend = mythDB.getFrontend(''.join(i))
+            if ( cmdargs.runningfe ):
+                msg(cmdargs,"            %s's mythfrontend is RUNNING." %i)
+                return False
+            location = frontend.sendQuery('Location')
+            if location == "standbymode":
+                msg(cmdargs,"            %s's mythfrontend is in Standby Mode." %i)
+                continue
+            if ( location.startswith('Playback ') ):
+                msg(cmdargs,"            %s's mythfrontend is PLAYING." %i)
+                return False
+            else:
+                msg(cmdargs,"            %s's mythfrontend is NOT playing." %i)
+            if '.xml' in location or 'mainmenu' in location:
+                msg(cmdargs,"            %s's mythfrontend is in MENUS." %i)
+            else:
+                #FE is not in menus, so it must be active in a plugin
+                msg(cmdargs,"            %s's mythfrontend is NOT in menus." %i)
+                return False
+        except:
+            msg(cmdargs,"            Could not connect to %s's mythfrontend." %i)
+    if ( cmdargs.runningfe ):
+        msg(cmdargs,"        mythfrontends are not running or playing or are in menus.")
+    else:
+        msg(cmdargs,"        mythfrontends are not playing or are in menus.")
+    return True
+def usage():
+    line = '''
+ checks if the system is idle.
+    Use -h to see options.
+ checks these parts of the system in this order to
+    determine if it is idle:
+    - (option -g) users are logged in return busy
+        ignores mythtv (:0) for busy
+    - (option -f) Samba files are in use return busy
+    - (option -l) mythshutdown is locked return busy
+    - (option -d) in a daily wake period or
+        about to start a daily wake period return busy
+        checks the next 15 minutes. -t TIME changes time
+    - schema is locked return busy
+    - there are in use programs return busy
+    - there are active jobs in the job queue return busy
+    - mythfilldatabase is running return busy
+    - mythtv-setup is running return busy
+    - there are upcoming recordings return busy
+        checks the next 15 minutes. -t TIME changes time
+    - (option -r) mythfrontends running return busy
+    - mythfrontends playing back a recording or video return busy
+    - mythfrontends not in menus return busy
+ stops checking and returns false (busy) when the first busy is found.
+    '''
+    print(line)
+    sys.exit(0)
+def main(args=[False]):
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-d', '--daily', action='store_true', help='Include daily wake & about to start wake in system busy. (default: daily wake & about to start wake is system idle)')
+    parser.add_argument('-g', '--logins', action='store_true', help='Include user logins in system busy. Ignores mythtv (:0) in system busy.')
+    parser.add_argument('-f', '--sambafiles', action='store_true', help='Include Samba files in use in system busy.')
+    parser.add_argument('-l', '--lock', action='store_true', help='Include mythshutdown lock in system busy. (default: mythshutdown lock is system idle)')
+    parser.add_argument('-r', '--runningfe', action='store_true', help='Include running mythfrontends in system busy. (default: running mythfrontends are system idle)')
+    parser.add_argument('-s', '--silent', action='store_true', help='Run without printing output. Recommended for use in cron jobs or scripts.')
+    parser.add_argument('-t', '--time', type=int, default=15, help='Minutes of idle time needed to return idle for upcoming recordings and daily wake.')
+    parser.add_argument('-u', '--usage', action='store_true', help='Print usage instructions.')
+    if args[0] is False:
+        cmdargs = parser.parse_args()
+    else:
+        cmdargs = parser.parse_args(args)
+    if cmdargs.usage:
+        usage()
+    idle=True
+    msg(cmdargs,"Checking system idle...")
+    if (userlogins_check(cmdargs)):
+        idle = True
+    else:
+        idle = False
+    if (idle and sambafiles_check(cmdargs)):
+        idle = True
+    else:
+        idle = False
+    try:
+        from MythTV import MythDB
+        mythDB = MythDB()
+        cursor = mythDB.cursor()
+        db_conn=True
+    except:
+        msg(cmdargs,"Couldn't connect to MythTV database.")
+        db_conn=False
+    try:
+        from MythTV import MythBE
+        mythBE = MythBE()
+        be_conn=True
+    except:
+        msg(cmdargs,"Couldn't connect to MythTV backend.")
+        be_conn=False
+    if ( db_conn and idle ):
+        if (mythshutdownlock_check(cmdargs,cursor) and dailywake_check(cmdargs,cursor) and schemalock_check(cmdargs,cursor) and in_use(cmdargs,cursor) and job_check(cmdargs,cursor)):
+            idle=True
+        else:
+            idle=False
+    if ( be_conn and idle ):
+        if (mfd_check(cmdargs) and mythtvsetup_check(cmdargs) and upcoming_check(cmdargs,mythBE)):
+            idle=True
+        else:
+            idle=False
+    if ( db_conn and idle ):
+        if (mythfe_check(cmdargs,cursor,mythDB)):
+            idle=True
+        else:
+            idle=False
+    if ( idle ):
+        msg(cmdargs,"System is idle.")
+    else:
+        msg(cmdargs,"System is busy.")
+    return idle
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    idle=main()
+    if ( idle ):
+        exit(0)
+    else:
+        exit(1)
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6a567cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import argparse, os, re, subprocess, sys, time
+from MythTV import MythDB, Job
+mythDB = MythDB()
+cursor = mythDB.cursor()
+def set_cmds(cmdargs,job):
+    #print "Setting cmds on job %s to %s" %(cmdargs.jobid,cmdargs.cmd)
+    cursor.execute("update jobqueue set cmds = '%s' where id = '%s'" %(cmdargs.cmd,cmdargs.jobid))
+def set_comment(cmdargs,job):
+    #print "Setting comment on job %s to %s" %(cmdargs.jobid,cmdargs.comment)
+    job.setComment("%s" %cmdargs.comment)
+def set_status(cmdargs,job):
+    #print "Setting status on job %s to %s" %(cmdargs.jobid,cmdargs.status)
+    job.setStatus("%s" %cmdargs.status)
+def run_cursor(cmdargs):
+    cursor.execute("%s" %cmdargs.man_cursor)
+    results=cursor.fetchone()
+    print(results[0])
+def usage():
+    line = '''
+ provides MythTV job queue functions
+    using python bindings for bash scripts.
+    Use -h to see options.
+    '''
+    print(line)
+    sys.exit(0)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-cs', '--comment_set', action='store', dest='comment', help='Set the comment of the jobid')
+    parser.add_argument('-cmds', '--cmd_set', type=int, default=77777, action='store', dest='cmd', help='Set the cmd of the jobid')
+    parser.add_argument('-ss', '--status_set', type=int, action='store', dest='status', help='Set the status of the jobid')
+    action = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
+    action.add_argument('-j', '--jobid', type=int, help='jobid of the job to control')
+    action.add_argument('-m', '--man_cursor', action='store', dest='man_cursor', help='Manual mysql cursor command')
+    action.add_argument('-u', '--usage', action='store_true', help='Print usage instructions.')
+    cmdargs = parser.parse_args()
+    if cmdargs.usage:
+        usage()
+    if cmdargs.jobid:
+        job = Job(cmdargs.jobid)
+    if cmdargs.comment:
+        set_comment(cmdargs, job)
+    if cmdargs.status:
+        set_status(cmdargs, job)
+    if cmdargs.cmd != 77777:
+        set_cmds(cmdargs, job)
+    if cmdargs.man_cursor:
+        run_cursor(cmdargs)
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cd32cdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+. /etc/profile
+#. /etc/systemconfig
+function msg(){
+    /usr/bin/notify-send --app-name="LinHES" --icon=dialog-information "$1" "$2"
+function applyUIsettings(){
+    plasma-apply-wallpaperimage /usr/share/linhes/templates/lights-bud-abstract-4k-cq.jpg &
+    plasma-apply-colorscheme BreezeDark &
+    kwriteconfig5 --group KDE --key SingleClick false
+    kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kscreenlockerrc --group Daemon --key Autolock false
+    kwriteconfig5 --file ~/.config/kscreenlockerrc --group Daemon --key LockOnResume false
+    cp /usr/share/linhes/templates/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc ~/.config/
+    #restart plasma
+    kquitapp5 plasmashell
+    kstart5 plasmashell
+    #disable file indexing
+    balooctl disable &
+/usr/bin/ &
+msg "Welcome to LinHES 9!"
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..478f3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/myth2mkv b/linhes/linhes-system/myth2mkv
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..51a0c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/myth2mkv
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+# Convert video to AVC-1 / h264
+# version 0.27-001
+# Prerequisites:
+#   - mythtv >= 0.27
+#   - handbrake-cli
+#   - mplayer
+#   - mkvtoolnix
+#   -
+# Arguments
+# $1 must be the directory/file of the recording
+# $2 must be chanid
+# $3 must be starttime
+# $4 must be title
+# $5 must be subtitle
+# $6 must be jobid
+# $7 must be quality of encode
+# As a MythTV user job:
+# myth2mkv "%DIR%/%FILE%" "%CHANID%" "%STARTTIME%" "%TITLE%" "%SUBTITLE%" "%JOBID%" "HP|HQ|MQ|LQ"
+# Select only 1 quality setting
+# HP is similar to the HandBrake built-in preset High Profile
+#                      #
+# Adjustable variables #
+#                      #
+# TMPDIR is for large transient files
+# x264 tuning:
+# Tune x264 based on content. Valid options for TUNING are:
+# film, animation, grain, stillimage, psnr, ssim, fastdecode, zerolatency
+# Separate multiple options with a comma. DEFAULT: none
+# Custom cropping. Useful if you have a 4:3 image in a HD frame or if
+# HandBrake's autocrop smarts fail you.
+# Crop 240 pixels off the left and right for 4:3 image in 1920x1080 frame
+# Crop 160 pixels off the left and right for 4:3 image in 1280x720 frame
+# <T:B:L:R>
+# i.e. 0:0:240:240
+# Default: In HP and HQ: CROP="0:0:0:0" (no cropping).
+#          IN MQ and LQ: autocrop.
+# Force custom output resolution.
+# Default: Keep same resolution as input file (less any cropping).
+# The HP quality setting always keeps the same resolution as the input file.
+# Force use/non-use of deinterlacing filter. Y|N|G (Yes, No, Guess)
+# Default: G - Guess based on source resolution.
+# If the source video width is 1920, 1440, 852, 704, 640 or 528 pixels
+# "G" will deinterlace the video. Change to "Y" to force use of deinterlacing
+# filter or to "N" to NOT use deinterlace filter no matter the resolution.
+#                          #
+# End adjustable variables #
+#                          #
+if [[ ! -d ${TMPDIR} ]] ; then
+  mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}
+if [[ ! -d ${OUTDIR} ]] ; then
+  mkdir -p ${OUTDIR}
+# Arg_1 = COMMENT
+if [ ${NO_JOBID} -eq 0 ]; then
+    ` -j ${JOBID} -cs "${1}"`
+# check handbrake progress in background
+while [ ! -f ${HB_RETURN_CODE} ]
+    sleep 15
+    check_myth_jobcmds
+    pass=`tail -1 ${STATUSFILE} | egrep -o -e 'task [0-9] of [0-9], ' | tail -1 | sed 's/task\ /Pass\ /g'`
+    prog_percent=`tail -1 ${STATUSFILE} | egrep -o -e '[0-9]*\.[0-9]. %' | tail -1 | sed 's/\ %//g'`
+    current_FPS=`tail -1 ${STATUSFILE} | egrep -o -e 'avg [0-9.]*\.[0-9]* fps' | tail -1 | sed -e 's/avg\ //g' -e 's/\ fps//g'`
+    current_ETA=`tail -1 ${STATUSFILE} | egrep -o -e 'ETA [0-9.][0-9.]h[0-9.][0-9.]m[0-9.][0-9.]s' | tail -1`
+    if [ -n "$prog_percent" ]; then
+        echo "${pass}${prog_percent}% @ ${current_FPS} fps. ${current_ETA}"
+        update_comment "${pass}${prog_percent}% @ ${current_FPS} fps. ${current_ETA}"
+    fi
+# check the myth database for stop pause or resume commands
+if [[ ${NO_JOBID} -eq 0 ]] ; then
+    CURRENT_CMD=` -m "select cmds from jobqueue where id = ${JOBID}"`
+    case "${CURRENT_CMD}" in
+        # JOB_RUN
+        0) ;;
+        # JOB_PAUSE
+        1) ` -j ${JOBID} -ss 6`
+           kill -s STOP ${handbrake_pid} ;;
+        # JOB_RESUME
+        2) ` -j ${JOBID} -ss 4`
+           ` -j ${JOBID} -cmds 0`
+           kill -s CONT ${handbrake_pid} ;;
+        # JOB_STOP
+        4) ` -j ${JOBID} -ss 5`
+           ` -j ${JOBID} -cmds 0`
+           kill -9 ${handbrake_pid} ${command_pid}
+           clean_up_files
+           echo "Encode Cancelled" >> ${LOGFILE}
+           ` -j ${JOBID} -ss 320`
+           exit ;;
+    esac
+get_info_for_hb() {
+# Collect some info about source file
+/usr/bin/mplayer -nolirc -identify -frames 0 "${HBINPUTFILE}" \
+  2>/dev/null 1>"${IDFILE}"
+VIDEOW=$( grep ID_VIDEO_WIDTH= "${IDFILE}" | awk -F= '{ print $NF }' )
+FPS=$( grep ID_VIDEO_FPS= "${IDFILE}" | awk -F= '{ print $NF }' )
+# HandBrake does not like a framerate of 29.970, so let's drop the 0
+if [[ ${FPS} = "29.970" ]] ; then
+  FPS="29.97"
+# HandBrake does not like a framerate of 59.940, so let's drop the 0
+if [[ ${FPS} = "59.940" ]] ; then
+  FPS="59.94"
+# A rough guestimation that if the video width is 1920, 1440, 852, 704, 640 or
+# 528 pixels it is probably interlaced.
+if [[ ${DEINT} = Y ]] ; then
+  DEINT="-d slow"
+  if [[ ${DEINT} = N ]] ; then
+    DEINT=""
+  else
+    if [[ ${VIDEOW} = 1920 || ${VIDEOW} = 1440 || ${VIDEOW} = 852 || \
+        ${VIDEOW} = 704 || ${VIDEOW} = 640 || ${VIDEOW} = 528 ]] ; then
+      DEINT="-d slow"
+    else
+      DEINT=""
+    fi
+  fi
+if [[ -n ${DEINT} ]] ; then
+  if [[ ${QUALITY} = LQ ]] ; then
+    DEINT="-d fast"
+  fi
+if [[ -n ${TUNING} ]] ; then
+  TUNING="--x264-tune ${TUNING}"
+if [[ -n ${CROP} ]] ; then
+  CROP="--crop ${CROP}"
+if [[ -n ${WIDTH} ]] ; then
+  WIDTH="-w ${WIDTH} -X ${WIDTH}"
+if [[ -n ${HEIGHT} ]] ; then
+if [[ ${QUALITY} = HP ]] ; then
+  if [[ -n ${CROP} ]] ; then
+    CROP="--crop ${CROP}"
+  else
+    CROP="--crop 0:0:0:0 --auto-anamorphic"
+  fi
+  HB_OPTS="-o ${TMPFILE} -e x264 ${TUNING} -q 20.0 -a 1,1 -E copy:ac3,faac -B 160,160 -6 dpl2,auto -R Auto,Auto -D 0.0,0.0 --audio-copy-mask aac,ac3,dtshd,dts,mp3 --audio-fallback ffac3 -f mkv --decomb --loose-anamorphic --modulus 2 -m --x264-preset medium --h264-profile high --h264-level 4.1 ${CROP} -s 1"
+elif [[ ${QUALITY} = HQ ]] ; then
+  if [[ -n ${CROP} ]] ; then
+    CROP="--crop ${CROP}"
+  else
+    CROP="--crop 0:0:0:0 --auto-anamorphic"
+  fi
+  HB_OPTS="-o ${TMPFILE} -f mkv -m -e x264 ${TUNING} -x b-adapt=2:rc-lookahead=50 -b 5000 -2 -T ${WIDTH} ${HEIGHT} -r ${FPS} --cfr ${CROP} ${DEINT} -a 1 -E copy -s 1"
+  if [[ ${CROP} = "--crop 0:0:0:0" ]] ; then
+    CROP="${CROP} --auto-anamorphic"
+  fi
+  if [[ ${QUALITY} = LQ ]] ; then
+    HB_OPTS="-o ${TMPFILE} -f mkv -m -e x264 ${TUNING} -b 1250 ${WIDTH} ${HEIGHT} -r ${FPS} --pfr ${CROP} ${DEINT} -a 1 -E lame -B 128 -Q 8 -6 stereo -s 1"
+  else
+    # Fallback to "MQ"
+    HB_OPTS="-o ${TMPFILE} -f mkv -m -e x264 ${TUNING} -b 2500 -2 -T ${WIDTH} ${HEIGHT} -r ${FPS} --pfr ${CROP} ${DEINT} -a 1 -E lame -B 256 -Q 3 -6 stereo -s 1"
+  fi
+while [ "${process_name}" != "found" ]; do
+   handbrake_pid=`expr ${handbrake_pid} + 1`
+   i1=`expr ${i1} + 1`
+   if [ "`ps ${handbrake_pid} | grep HandBrakeCLI | sed 's_.*\(HandBrakeCLI\).*_\1_'`" = "HandBrakeCLI" ]; then
+      process_name="found"
+   fi
+   if [ ${i1} -gt 20 ]; then
+      break
+   fi
+tag_file() {
+# Create a tag file here
+echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>" > "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo ""  >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "<!DOCTYPE Tags SYSTEM 'matroskatags.dtd'>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "<Tags>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo " <Tag>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "   <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "     <Name>TITLE</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "     <String>${TITLE}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "     <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       <Name>SUBTITLE</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       <String>${SUBTITLE}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "         <Name>SUMMARY</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "         <String>${DESCR}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "         <Name>DATE_RELEASED</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "         <String>${OAD}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "         <Name>SEASON</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "         <String>${SEASON}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "         <Name>EPISODE</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "         <String>${EPISODE}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "     </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "   </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "   <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       <Name>ENCODED_BY</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       <String>HandBrakeCLI ${HBCLIVER}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "   </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "   <Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       <Name>DATE_TAGGED</Name>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "       <String>${DATE}</String>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "   </Simple>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo " </Tag>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+echo "</Tags>" >> "${TAG_FILE}"
+# Add tag info into MKV file
+echo "Adding tag info to ${TITLE} - ${SUBTITLE} ..." >> ${LOGFILE}
+/usr/bin/mkvpropedit -r ${LOGFILE} -t all:"${TAG_FILE}" "${TMPFILE}"
+# clean up left over files
+unlink ${TMPFILE} 2> /dev/null
+unlink ${TMPCUTFILE} 2> /dev/null
+unlink ${TMPCUTFILE}.map 2> /dev/null
+unlink ${STATUSFILE} 2> /dev/null
+unlink ${IDFILE} 2> /dev/null
+unlink ${HB_RETURN_CODE} 2> /dev/null
+unlink ${TAG_FILE} 2> /dev/null
+#-------MAIN SCRIPT------------
+# create temp filename so multiple instances won't conflict
+BASE=`basename ${HBINPUTFILE}`
+HBCLIVER=`pacman -Q | grep handbrake-cli | awk '{ print $NF }' | awk -F"-" '{ print $1 }'`
+SEASON=` -m "select season from recorded where basename LIKE '${BASE}'"`
+SEASON=`printf "%02d" $SEASON`
+EPISODE=` -m "select episode from recorded where basename LIKE '${BASE}'"`
+EPISODE=`printf "%02d" $EPISODE`
+OAD=` -m "select originalairdate from recorded where basename LIKE '${BASE}'"`
+DESCR=` -m "select description from recorded where basename LIKE '${BASE}'" | sed 's/\&/and/g'`
+# check if %JOBID% is passed from command line
+if [ -z ${JOBID} ]; then
+    NO_JOBID=1
+    NO_JOBID=0
+# log file location
+echo "" >> ${LOGFILE}
+echo $CDate >> ${LOGFILE}
+echo "File to encode: ${HBINPUTFILE}" >> ${LOGFILE}
+echo "    --> Name: ${TITLE} - ${SUBTITLE}" >> ${LOGFILE}
+echo "        --> Temporary Files: ${TMPNAME}.*" >> ${LOGFILE}
+echo "" >> ${LOGFILE}
+if [[ ${ERROR} != 0 ]] ; then
+  echo "Error parsing source file information!" >> ${LOGFILE}
+  cat ${IDFILE} >> ${LOGFILE}
+  clean_up_files
+  exit 1
+# start timer
+beforetime="$(date +%s)"
+# If there is a cutlist, use it:
+if [[ -n `mythutil --getcutlist --chanid "${2}" --starttime "${3}" | grep \
+  Cutlist: | awk -F": " '{ print $NF }'` ]] ; then
+  echo "Applying cutlist for ${TITLE} - ${SUBTITLE} ..." >> ${LOGFILE}
+  mythtranscode --chanid "${2}" --starttime "${3}" -m --honorcutlist \
+    -q --loglevel info --logpath "${LOGPATH}" -o "${TMPCUTFILE}"
+  mythtrans_pid=$!
+  ERROR=$?
+if [[ ${ERROR} != 0 ]] ; then
+  echo "MythTranscode error!" >> ${LOGFILE}
+  echo "Check ${LOGPATH}/${mythtrans_pid}.log for mythtranscode error" >> ${LOGFILE}
+  clean_up_files
+  exit 1
+# run handbrake in background to do conversion
+echo "Encoding ${TITLE} - ${SUBTITLE} ..." >> ${LOGFILE}
+( /usr/bin/nice -n19 nohup /usr/bin/HandBrakeCLI -i ${HBINPUTFILE} ${HB_OPTS} \
+  > ${STATUSFILE} 2>&1 ; echo $? > ${HB_RETURN_CODE} ) &
+if [[ `cat ${HB_RETURN_CODE}` != 0 ]] ; then
+  echo "HandBrakeCLI error!" >> ${LOGFILE}
+  cat ${STATUSFILE} >> ${LOGFILE}
+  clean_up_files
+  exit 1
+if [[ ${ERROR} != 0 ]] ; then
+  echo "Error creating tag file!" >> ${LOGFILE}
+  cat ${TAG_FILE} >> ${LOGFILE}
+  clean_up_files
+  exit 1
+# make output filename unique and do not clobber an existing file
+# Build a final file name
+if [[ $SEASON != "00" && $EPISODE != "00" ]]; then
+    FILE=$( echo "${TITLE,,} s${SEASON}e${EPISODE} ${SUBTITLE,,}" | tr -d [:punct:] | tr [:blank:] "_" | tr -s "_" )
+    FILE=$( echo "${TITLE,,} ${OAD} ${SUBTITLE,,}" | tr -d [:punct:] | tr [:blank:] "_" | tr -s "_" )
+while [ -e "${OUTPUTFILE}" ]
+    OUTPUTFILE="${OUTDIR}/${FILE}-${i}.mkv"
+    i=`expr $i + 1`
+# move temp file to output location
+chown -v "${USER}" "${TMPFILE}" >> ${LOGFILE}
+if [[ ${ERROR} != 0 ]] ; then
+  echo "Error moving ${TMPFILE} to ${OUTPUTFILE} !" >> ${LOGFILE}
+  clean_up_files
+  exit 1
+# stop timer
+aftertime="$(date +%s)"
+seconds="$(expr ${aftertime} - ${beforetime})"
+if [ ${ERROR} -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo "File Encoded Successfully: ${OUTPUTFILE}" >> ${LOGFILE}
+    hours=$((seconds / 3600))
+    seconds=$((seconds % 3600))
+    minutes=$((seconds / 60))
+    seconds=$((seconds % 60))
+    if [ $hours -eq 0 ]; then
+        hours=""
+    elif [ $hours -eq 1 ]; then
+        hours=" $hours hour"
+    else
+        hours=" $hours hours"
+    fi
+    if [ $minutes -eq 1 ]; then
+        minutes="$minutes minute"
+    else
+        minutes="$minutes minutes"
+    fi
+    if [ $seconds -eq 1 ]; then
+        seconds="$seconds second"
+    else
+        seconds="$seconds seconds"
+    fi
+    echo "Encoding took${hours} ${minutes} ${seconds} @ ${current_FPS} fps." >> ${LOGFILE}
+    ` -j ${JOBID} -ss 272`
+    update_comment "Encode Successful. Encoding Time:${hours} ${minutes} ${seconds}"
+    echo "ERROR: ${ERROR}" >> ${LOGFILE}
+# Clean up
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/myth2mp3 b/linhes/linhes-system/myth2mp3
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..69d5d3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/myth2mp3
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# convert recordings to as mp3 audio only
+# version 1.1.3
+# usage:
+# first parameter must be %DIR%/%FILE% of the recording
+# second parameter must be the desired base name of the output
+# third parameter must be %CHANID% if you set USECUTLIST=Y
+# fourth parameter must be %STARTTIME% if you set USECUTLIST=Y
+# In the mythtv setup screen invoke this script like this:
+# MYTHTV User Job Command:
+# /usr/LH/bin/myth2mp3 "%DIR%/%FILE%" "%TITLE% - %SUBTITLE%" "%CHANID%" "%STARTTIME%"
+# options:
+BITRATE=256k		#ie. 128k, 160k, 192k, 224k, 256k
+# where the converted audio is stored
+# create temp filename so multiple instances won't conflict
+TITLE=`echo $2 | sed 's/\//_/g'`
+# log file location
+echo "" >> $LOGFILE
+echo $CDate >> $LOGFILE
+echo "File to encode: $1     Name: $TITLE" >> $LOGFILE
+# start timer
+beforetime="$(date +%s)"
+# check if using cutlist
+if [ $USECUTLIST = Y ];then
+    MYTHCOMMFRAMES=`mythutil --getcutlist --chanid "$3" --starttime "$4" | grep 'Cutlist:' | cut -d \  -f 2`
+    if [ -n "$MYTHCOMMFRAMES" ]; then
+        echo "Extracting Cutlist..." >> $LOGFILE
+        /usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/mythtranscode --chanid "$3" --starttime "$4" --outfile "$TMPCUTFILE" --mpeg2 --honorcutlist
+    fi
+# run ffmpeg to do conversion to wav
+echo "Encoding to intermediate wav..." >> $LOGFILE
+/usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "$FFINPUTFILE" -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 "$TMPFILE.wav"
+# Normalize the intermediate wav
+echo "Normalizing intermediate wav..." >> $LOGFILE
+/usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/normalize -q "$TMPFILE.wav"
+# Final encode of normalized wav to mp3
+echo "Encoding normalized wav to mp3..." >> $LOGFILE
+/usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i "$FFINPUTFILE" -vn -acodec libmp3lame -ab $BITRATE -ar 44100 -ac 2 "$TMPFILE.mp3"
+# make output filename unique
+while [ -e "$OUTPUTFILE" ]
+    i=`expr $i + 1`
+# move temp file to output location
+chown mythtv "$TMPFILE.mp3" && mv "$TMPFILE.mp3" "$OUTPUTFILE"
+# stop timer
+aftertime="$(date +%s)"
+seconds="$(expr $aftertime - $beforetime)"
+if [ $ERROR -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo "File Encoded Sucessfully: $OUTPUTFILE" >> $LOGFILE
+    hours=$((seconds / 3600))
+    seconds=$((seconds % 3600))
+    minutes=$((seconds / 60))
+    seconds=$((seconds % 60))
+    echo "Encoding Time: $hours hour(s) $minutes minute(s) $seconds second(s)" >> $LOGFILE
+    echo "ERROR: $ERROR" >> $LOGFILE
+# clean up left over files
+unlink $TMPFILE.mp3 2> /dev/null
+unlink $TMPFILE.wav 2> /dev/null
+unlink $TMPCUTFILE 2> /dev/null
+unlink $ 2> /dev/null
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/myth_mtc.cron b/linhes/linhes-system/myth_mtc.cron
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d70058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/myth_mtc.cron
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+. /etc/systemconfig
+. /etc/profile
+date=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
+timestamp=`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'`
+log="logger -t myth_mtc -p"
+if [ ! -f $logFile ]; then
+    touch $logFile
+    echo "" | $log
+#check logfile for Finished and if not run
+if ! grep -q "Finished Maintenance" $logFile
+    if ! grep -q "Finished checking size of MythTV home" $logFile
+    then
+        MYTHCONFDIR=/usr/share/mythtv unbuffer --check_home | $log
+        if [ $? = 0 ]
+        then
+            echo "" | $log
+        else
+            echo "Time Exceeded" | $log
+            exit
+        fi
+    fi
+    if ! grep -q "Finished Optimize" $logFile
+    then
+        if [ $SystemType = Frontend_only ]
+        then
+            echo "Will not run Optimize on Frontend Only systems." | $log
+            echo "Finished Optimize" | $log
+        else
+            MYTHCONFDIR=/usr/share/mythtv unbuffer --optimize | $log
+            if [ $? = 0 ]
+            then
+                echo "" | $log
+            else
+                echo "Time Exceeded" | $log
+                exit
+            fi
+        fi
+    fi
+    if ! grep -q "Finished Backup" $logFile && grep -q "Finished Optimize" $logFile
+    then
+        MYTHCONFDIR=/usr/share/mythtv unbuffer --backup | $log
+        if [ $? = 0 ]
+        then
+            echo "" | $log
+        else
+            echo "Time Exceeded" | $log
+            exit
+        fi
+    fi
+    if ! grep -q "Finished Update" $logFile
+    then
+        MYTHCONFDIR=/usr/share/mythtv unbuffer --update | $log
+        if [ $? = 0 ]
+        then
+            echo "" | $log
+        else
+            echo "Time Exceeded" | $log
+            exit
+        fi
+    fi
+    if grep -q "Finished checking size of MythTV home" $logFile && grep -q "Finished Optimize" $logFile && grep -q "Finished Backup" $logFile && grep -q "Finished Update" $logFile
+    then
+        echo "Finished Maintenance" | $log
+    fi
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/openssh.hook b/linhes/linhes-system/openssh.hook
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f9f866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/openssh.hook
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Operation = Install
+Type = Package
+Target = linhes-system
+Description = Enable and start sshd...
+When = PostTransaction
+Exec = /usr/bin/systemctl enable --now sshd.service
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/paccache.cron b/linhes/linhes-system/paccache.cron
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3ca082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/paccache.cron
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/usr/bin/paccache -r -q
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/readme_is_xml b/linhes/linhes-system/readme_is_xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0a13cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/readme_is_xml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Files ending in .conf will be read by or or and output xml as appropriate
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/ b/linhes/linhes-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..15dbffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python2 removes disks that were added using
+#Only disks that have a conf file in /etc/storage.d/ are presented
+#as choices to remove.
+import os,sys,subprocess
+import configparser
+from configparser import SafeConfigParser
+import glob
+from socket import gethostname
+from MythTV import MythDB
+storage_dir = "/etc/storage.d"
+def runcmd(cmd):
+    if True :
+        pass
+    else:
+        cmd = "echo "+cmd
+    #print cmd
+    cmdout = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
+    #logging.debug("    %s", cmdout)
+    return cmdout
+def read_fstab():
+    f = open('/etc/fstab', 'r')
+    fstab=f.readlines()
+    f.close()
+    return fstab
+def unmount_disk(conf):
+    if os.path.ismount(conf[1]):
+        print("Unmounting " + conf[1] + ".")
+        cmd = "umount %s" %conf[1]
+        runcmd(cmd)
+def remove_fstab_entry(conf):
+    fstab=read_fstab()
+    f = open('/etc/fstab', 'w')
+    for line in fstab:
+        if not line.startswith("#"):
+            if line.find(conf[1]) > -1 and line.find(conf[2]) > -1 :
+                print("Removing " + conf[1] + " from fstab.")
+            else:
+                f.write(line)
+        else:
+            f.write(line)
+    f.close()
+def remove_SG_entries(conf):
+    DB = MythDB()
+    host=gethostname()
+    with DB as c:
+        print("Removing " + conf[1] + " storage group\n    paths from MythTV database.")
+        c.execute("""delete from storagegroup where hostname = %s and dirname like %s""", (host,conf[1] + '%'))
+        c.execute("""delete from settings where hostname = %s and value like %s""", (host,'SGweightPerDir:' + host + ':' + conf[1] + '%'))
+def remove_disk_link(conf):
+    if os.path.islink("/data/storage/disk" + str(conf[0])):
+        print("Removing link /data/storage/disk%s." %(conf[0]))
+        cmd = "rm -f /data/storage/disk%s" %(conf[0])
+        runcmd(cmd)
+def remove_disk_mount(conf):
+    print("Removing mountpoint %s." %(conf[1]))
+    cmd = "rm -rf %s" %(conf[1])
+    runcmd(cmd)
+def update_conf_file(conf):
+    print("Updating %s file\n    and running systemconfig." %(conf[4]))
+    parser = SafeConfigParser()
+    parser.set('storage','shareable',"False")
+    parser.set('storage','removed',"True")
+    with open(conf[4], 'wb') as conf[4]:
+        parser.write(conf[4])
+    cmd = " -m fileshare"
+    runcmd(cmd)
+def usage():
+    help='''
+ removes disks that were added using
+    Only disks that have a conf file in /etc/storage.d/ are presented
+    as choices to remove.
+    Disks removed from the system are not erased or formatted.
+    Normal operations include (in this order):
+        Ask which disk to remove
+        Unmount the disk if mounted
+        Remove disk from /etc/fstab
+        Remove MythTV storage group paths in MythTV database
+        Remove disk# symlink at /data/storage/
+        Remove disk name mountpoint at /data/storage/
+        Make shareable = False in /etc/storage.d/DISKNAME.conf
+        Add removed = True in /etc/stoarge.d/DISKNAME.conf
+        Run -m fileshare to update File Shares
+    Options:
+    -h, --help:         Show this help message.
+    '''
+    print(help)
+    sys.exit(0)
+def main():
+    all_confs = []
+    # get conf files that are not disk0 or not removed
+    for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir):
+        this_conf = []
+        parser = SafeConfigParser()
+        mounted = ""
+        disk_num = parser.get('storage', 'disk_num')
+        try:
+            removed = parser.get('storage', 'removed')
+        except:
+            removed = False
+        if disk_num == "0" or removed:
+            continue
+        this_conf.append(int(disk_num)) #0
+        this_conf.append(parser.get('storage', 'mountpoint')) #1
+        this_conf.append(parser.get('storage', 'uuid')) #2
+        if os.path.ismount(this_conf[1]):
+            this_conf.append("(mounted)") #3
+        else:
+            this_conf.append("") #3
+        this_conf.append(conf_file) #4
+        all_confs.append(this_conf)
+    # sort confs on disk num
+    all_confs.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
+    # exit if no disks found
+    if len(all_confs) == 0:
+        print("\nThere are no disks to remove. Exiting.")
+        sys.exit(0)
+    print("\nDisks found in /etc/storage.d/:\n")
+    # print list of disks to remove
+    for i,conf in enumerate(all_confs):
+        print(str(i+1) + ": " + conf[1] + " (disk" + str(conf[0]) + ") " + conf[3])
+    # get user input of disk to remove
+    try:
+        conf_select=input("\nEnter the number of the disk to remove: ")
+        conf_select=int(conf_select)
+        if conf_select > len(all_confs) or conf_select < 1:
+            conf_select=int("e")
+    except ValueError:
+        print("You must enter a number between 1 and " + str(len(all_confs)) + ". Exiting.")
+        sys.exit(0)
+    selected_conf = all_confs[conf_select-1]
+    # confirm selection
+    confirm_select=input("\nDisk " + selected_conf[1] + " (disk" + str(selected_conf[0]) + ") will be removed.\nAre you sure you want to remove it (yes/no)? ")
+    if confirm_select != "yes":
+        print("Exiting.")
+        sys.exit(0)
+    print("")
+    unmount_disk(selected_conf)
+    remove_fstab_entry(selected_conf)
+    remove_SG_entries(selected_conf)
+    remove_disk_link(selected_conf)
+    remove_disk_mount(selected_conf)
+    update_conf_file(selected_conf)
+    print("\nDisk " + selected_conf[1] + " has been removed.")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    if not os.geteuid()==0:
+        sys.exit("\nRoot access is required to run this program.\n")
+    if "--help" in sys.argv or "-h" in sys.argv:
+        usage()
+    else:
+        main()
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/system-sudo.rules b/linhes/linhes-system/system-sudo.rules
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86e1b72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/system-sudo.rules
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+mythtv    ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL
diff --git a/linhes/linhes-system/xfs_defrag.cron b/linhes/linhes-system/xfs_defrag.cron
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..792a4b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/linhes/linhes-system/xfs_defrag.cron
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+#. /etc/profile
+/usr/LH/bin/ --idle | /usr/bin/logger -t xfs_defrag
cgit v0.12