From a9de1d077995654485d5de3eeb2f3008324c388a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Britney Fransen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 17:32:23 -0500
Subject: linhes-scripts: update and add

 abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/PKGBUILD           | 30 ++++++-
 .../linhes-scripts/           | 95 +++++++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/PKGBUILD
index f671142..02fba0e 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/PKGBUILD
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 pkgdesc="Various scripts that help to make LinHES, LinHES."
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 build() {
@@ -102,3 +103,30 @@ md5sums=('f56985b2d602e11dc1e10d3e7848b2a5'
+         '623b6e9ba6cc4a19771005e750f337a7'
+         '9ae2cd7a0c42d57ad8b5f515d7d60196'
+         '1274bad3fb7296f00acd2d44804bad14'
+         'b4f858834ea92418208ab496ca39ad32'
+         '6b6e7d34a4bda6d608d150039adefd07'
+         '3fe554dbbf7d09e1f9925032ba888bf5'
+         '18263972b6326e140bbef0bb7dfa2da9'
+         '410795ef9039e4c6c0484e706ecfd567'
+         '0750d7c65109d12aa536f312a38410d1'
+         'ac2a4a6b4100f4d7bfb9ecd9356c8c6e'
+         'd2b475821f902c5e081e7da43a35e6ac'
+         '95c092f67036a361ef7a57436f44332e'
+         '3b776bbff68906ddc2f62b7e0dde3fe4'
+         '15f3143d2b1369da431e4268029aba40'
+         '3d0adf26280cde55a0c47188fff34826'
+         '93aaa2940e33ec9ebb305b839ac46a3e'
+         '972e42e02a11575da91f5e051d4de1d2'
+         'b527b01d119d3bc33b8fa69bdf1082bb'
+         'c537c44156d8404016cc4b405b092d45'
+         '4e66f302a77f1a857476e7f289d0c157'
+         'be324dba44ae96676973a74421944853'
+         'c9dc0dd07369622879a000247ac55074'
+         '65629302a4d2c3adf88cdf0ebc10d493'
+         'ea5492d4dab8271db20cb84416c001dc'
+         'd7c7914225ec86bf3ea46104a364f977'
+         '25c1baeb97a49656456ae33f7e7a9f06')
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/
index 8ca61c7..5cd81bb 100755
--- a/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/
+++ b/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-#   v0.1  05/17/09
-# Utility to automatically limit mythcommflag if CPU usage is above a certain level.
+#   v0.2  03/2/10
+# Utility to automatically limit mythcommflag if CPU system load is above a certain level
+# and if backend usage is above a certain level
 # Uses cpulimit from
 # Free for any use.
 # Installation:
@@ -8,47 +9,83 @@
 #  chmod +x /usr/LH/bin/
 # Usage: Executed from runit limit-mythcommflag at boot
-# Threshold for when mythcommflag will be paused
-# Limit mythcommflag to percentage
-# Log file to write (use /dev/null for no log)
 # Number of seconds to wait between checking for mythcommflag process
+# Backend and Frontend thresholds above which mythcommflag is stopped
-#sleep $SLEEP
+# Arg_1 = LimitedRangeNum; Arg_2 = CPULimitPercent; Arg_3 = Commflag PID
+if [ $ALREADYLIMITED -ne $1 ] ; then
+    if [ $cpulimit_pid -ne 0 ]; then
+        kill $cpulimit_pid
+    fi
+    cpulimit -p $3 -l $2 &
+    cpulimit_pid=$!
-touch $LOG
+if [ $ALREADYLIMITED -ne 0 ]; then
+    if [ $cpulimit_pid -ne 0 ]; then
+        kill $cpulimit_pid
+        cpulimit_pid=0
+    fi
 while true; do
     PROCCOMMFLAG=`pidof mythcommflag`
-    if [ -n "${PROCCOMMFLAG}" ]
-    then
-        FRONTENDCPU=`top -bn1u mythtv | grep mythfrontend | awk '{ print $9 }'`
-        if [ "$FRONTENDCPU" -ge "$CPUTHRESHOLD" ]
-        then
-            echo "$(date) FE CPU $FRONTENDCPU% is greater than $CPUTHRESHOLD%, LIMIT Commflagging" # >> $LOG
-            if [ $ALREADYLIMITED -eq 0 ]; then
-                cpulimit -e mythcommflag -l $LIMITCPU &
-		cpulimit_pid=$!
-                ALREADYLIMITED=1
+    if [ -n "${PROCCOMMFLAG}" ]; then
+        BACKENDCPU=`top -bn1u mythtv | grep -m 1 mythbackend | awk '{ print $9 }'`
+        FRONTENDCPU=`top -bn1u mythtv | grep -m 1 mythfrontend | awk '{ print $9 }'`
+        if [ "$FRONTENDCPU" = "" ]; then
+            FRONTENDCPU=0
+        fi
+        if [ "$BACKENDCPU" -ge "$BETHRESHOLD" ]; then
+            if [ "$FRONTENDCPU" -ge $FETHRESHOLD ]; then
+                if [ $STOPPED -eq 0 ]; then
+                    kill -s STOP $PROCCOMMFLAG
+                    STOPPED=1
+                fi
+            else
+                if [ $STOPPED -eq 1 ]; then
+                    kill -s CONT $PROCCOMMFLAG
+                    STOPPED=0
+                fi
+                stop_limit
-            echo "$(date) FE CPU $FRONTENDCPU% is less than $CPUTHRESHOLD%, UNLIMIT Commflagging" #>> $LOG
-            if [ $ALREADYLIMITED -eq 1 ]; then
-	        kill $cpulimit_pid
-                ALREADYLIMITED=0
+            if [ $STOPPED -eq 1 ]; then
+                kill -s CONT $PROCCOMMFLAG
+                STOPPED=0
+            case $FRONTENDCPU in
+	        [0-9]|[0-3][0-9] )
+                stop_limit;;
+	        [4-5][0-9] ) 
+                limit_cpu "1" "70" $PROCCOMMFLAG;;
+	        [6-7][0-9] ) 
+                limit_cpu "2" "50" $PROCCOMMFLAG;;
+	        [8-9][0-9] ) 
+                limit_cpu "3" "20" $PROCCOMMFLAG;;
+	        [1][0-9][0-9] )
+                limit_cpu "4" "10" $PROCCOMMFLAG;;
+	        esac
 #    else
-#        echo "No COMMFLAG Process Active" >> $LOG
+#        echo "No COMMFLAG Process Active"
     sleep $SLEEP
cgit v0.12

From 07e3780b54276246314d4fbf479d188759eebfc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Britney Fransen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 17:52:21 -0500
Subject: oops, actually add

 .../linhes-scripts/            | 213 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 213 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/ b/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..70e2e52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/linhes-scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+# remove commercials from recordings using the user generated cutlist or
+# optionally using the mythcommflag generated cutlist.
+# version 0.2  3/24/2010
+# usage:
+# first parameter must be %DIR% of the recording
+# second parameter must be %FILE% of the recording
+# third parameter must be %CHANID%
+# fourth parameter must be %STARTTIME%
+# fifth parameter must be %JOBID% for the User Job status to be updated in MythTV
+# in the mythtv setup screen invoke this script like this:
+# MYTHTV User Job Command:
+# /usr/LH/bin/ "%DIR%" "%FILE%" "%CHANID%" "%STARTTIME%" "%JOBID%"
+# If no cutlist is found USE_MYTHCOMMFLAG_CUTLIST=YES will use mythcommflag 
+#          to generate a cutlist.
+# WARNING: Using this option could result in part of the recording being cut if 
+#          mythcommflag incorrectly flagged the commercial.
+# Auguments passed from command line
+# database settings
+SQLCMD="mysql -u $DBUSERNAME --password=$DBPASSWORD -h $BACKEND_HOSTNAME mythconverg -e"
+# Arg_1 = COMMENT
+if [ $NO_JOBID = 0 ]; then
+    `$SQLCMD "update jobqueue set comment=\"$1\" where id=\"$JOBID\";"`
+# Arg_1 = status code
+if [ $NO_JOBID = 0 ]; then
+    `$SQLCMD "update jobqueue set status=\"$1\" where id=\"$JOBID\";"`
+# check the myth database for stop pause or resume commands
+if [ $NO_JOBID = 0 ]; then
+    CURRENT_CMD=`$SQLCMD "select cmds from jobqueue where id=\"$JOBID\";" | sed '/[0-9]/!d'`
+    case "$CURRENT_CMD" in
+	0) ;;
+	1) update_status 6 
+	    kill -s STOP $TPID ;;
+	2) update_status 4
+       `$SQLCMD "update jobqueue set cmds=\"0\" where id=\"$JOBID\";"` 
+       kill -s CONT $TPID ;;
+	4) update_status 5
+	   `$SQLCMD "update jobqueue set cmds=\"0\" where id=\"$JOBID\";"`
+	   kill -9 $TPID
+       clean_up_files
+       echo "Cancelled"
+       update_status 320
+ 	   exit ;;
+    esac
+#check progress in background
+while [ `tail -1 $STATUSFILE | grep -c "Done"` = 0 ]
+    sleep 5
+    check_myth_jobcmds
+    current_status=`tail -1 $STATUSFILE`
+    if [ `expr match "$current_status" '.*\complete'` -ne 0 ]; then
+        prog_percent=`echo "$current_status" | awk '{print $3}'`
+        if [ -n "$prog_percent" ]; then
+            echo "Removing Commercials - $prog_percent Completed"
+            update_comment "Removing Commercials - $prog_percent Completed"
+        fi
+    fi
+while [ "$process_name" != "found" ]; do
+   if [ "`ps $TPID | grep mythtranscode | sed 's_.*\(mythtranscode\).*_\1_'`" = "mythtranscode" ]; then
+      process_name="found"
+   else
+      TPID=`expr $TPID + 1`
+   fi
+   i1=`expr $i1 + 1`
+   if [ $i1 -gt 20 ]; then
+      break
+   fi
+# clean up left over files
+unlink $TMPFILE 2> /dev/null
+unlink $ 2> /dev/null
+unlink $STATUSFILE 2> /dev/null
+unlink $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME.tmp 2> /dev/null
+#-------MAIN SCRIPT------------
+# check if %JOBID% is passed from command line
+if [ -z "$JOBID" ]; then
+    NO_JOBID=1
+    NO_JOBID=0
+# check if file is a .mpg
+if [ `expr match "$FILENAME" '.*\.mpg'` -ne 0 ]; then
+    MPEG="--mpeg2"
+    MPEG=""
+# create temp filename so multiple instances won't conflict
+update_status 4
+# check for cutlist
+MYTHCOMMFRAMES=`mythcommflag --getcutlist -f $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME | grep 'Cutlist:' | cut -d \  -f 2`
+    echo "Generating cutlist..."
+    update_comment "Generating cutlist..."
+    /usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/mythcommflag --gencutlist -f $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME
+    MYTHCOMMFRAMES=`mythcommflag --getcutlist -f $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME | grep 'Cutlist:' | cut -d \  -f 2`
+if [ -n "$MYTHCOMMFRAMES" ]; then
+    echo "Removing Commercials..."
+    update_comment "Removing Commercials..."
+    ( /usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/mythtranscode -c $CHANID -s $STARTTIME -o $TMPFILE $MPEG --honorcutlist --showprogress > $STATUSFILE 2>&1 ; echo "Done" >> $STATUSFILE ) &
+    TPID=$!
+    get_pid
+    check_background_progress
+    ERROR=$?
+    if [ $ERROR -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "Transcoding failed for ${FILENAME} with error $ERROR"
+        exit $ERROR
+    fi
+    check_myth_jobcmds
+    # move temp file to output location
+    echo "Moving file..."
+    update_comment "Moving file..."
+    if [ `$SQLCMD "select data from settings where value='SaveTranscoding';" | sed '/[0-9]/!d'` = 1 ]; then
+        echo "DB is set to save transcoding"
+    fi
+    # file has changed, rebuild index
+    echo "Rebuilding index..."
+    update_comment "Rebuilding index..."
+    mythcommflag -c $CHANID -s $STARTTIME --rebuild
+    ERROR=$?
+    if [ $ERROR -ne 0 ]; then
+        echo "Rebuilding seek list failed for ${FILENAME} with error $ERROR"
+        exit $ERROR
+    fi
+    # remove old cutlist
+    echo "Removing old cutlist..."
+    update_comment "Removing old cutlist..."
+    mythcommflag -c $CHANID -s $STARTTIME --clearcutlist
+    ERROR=$?
+    if [ $ERROR -eq 0 ]; then
+        # Fix the database entry for the file
+        `$SQLCMD UPDATE recorded SET cutlist = 0, filesize = $(ls -l $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME | awk '{print $5}') WHERE basename = '$FILENAME';` > /dev/null
+    else
+        echo "Clearing cutlist failed for ${FILENAME} with error $ERROR"
+        exit $ERROR
+    fi
+    clean_up_files
+    echo "Commercials Removed"
+    update_status 272
+    update_comment "Sucessfully Completed." 
+    echo "No cutlist found."
cgit v0.12

From 53c208f892ad378efebba5974dda374f5575f6bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Britney Fransen <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 18:53:58 -0500
Subject: change name of script in and
 remove removecommercials package because it was moved to linhes-scripts.
 Closes #459

 abs/core-testing/tweaker/PKGBUILD                  |   4 +-
 abs/core-testing/tweaker/bin/        |   2 +-
 abs/extra-testing/removecommercials/PKGBUILD       |  11 --
 .../removecommercials/removecommercials            | 195 ---------------------
 4 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 abs/extra-testing/removecommercials/PKGBUILD
 delete mode 100755 abs/extra-testing/removecommercials/removecommercials

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/tweaker/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/tweaker/PKGBUILD
index 79fc20d..85df000 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/tweaker/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/tweaker/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 pkgdesc="applies tweaks to the baseline configuration and attempts to optimize settings for the hardware it finds"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -41,3 +41,5 @@ build() {
    # Copy our tweaker Perl modules for general use
    install -m0555  lib/Tweaker/* $startdir/pkg/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/Tweaker/
+         'e897b87dd308f9562d0867de9fab2de0')
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/tweaker/bin/ b/abs/core-testing/tweaker/bin/
index 23572bc..f89912c 100755
--- a/abs/core-testing/tweaker/bin/
+++ b/abs/core-testing/tweaker/bin/
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ sub implement_option {
 	    change_or_make_setting('UserJob1', 'myth2ipod \"%DIR%\" \"%FILE%\"');
 	    change_or_make_setting('UserJob2', 'myt2xvid3 \"%DIR%\" \"%FILE%\"');
 	    change_or_make_setting('UserJob3', 'myth2x264 \"%DIR%/%FILE%\" \"%TITLE% - %SUBTITLE%\" \"%CHANID%\" \"%STARTTIME%\" \"%JOBID%\"');
-	    change_or_make_setting('UserJob4', 'removecommercials \"%DIR%\" \"%FILE%\" \"%CHANID%\" \"%STARTTIME%\" \"%JOBID%\"');
+	    change_or_make_setting('UserJob4', ' \"%DIR%\" \"%FILE%\" \"%CHANID%\" \"%STARTTIME%\" \"%JOBID%\"');
 	    change_or_make_setting('UserJobDesc1', 'Transcode for iPod');
 	    change_or_make_setting('UserJobDesc2', 'Transcode to xvid');
 	    change_or_make_setting('UserJobDesc3', 'Transcode to h264');
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/removecommercials/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra-testing/removecommercials/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100755
index 312f965..0000000
--- a/abs/extra-testing/removecommercials/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-pkgdesc="A multimedia framework based on the MPEG-4 Systems standard"
-source=( removecommercials )
-build() {
-	cd $startdir
-	install -D -m 755 removecommercials $startdir/pkg/usr/bin/removecommercials
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/removecommercials/removecommercials b/abs/extra-testing/removecommercials/removecommercials
deleted file mode 100755
index d7b910f..0000000
--- a/abs/extra-testing/removecommercials/removecommercials
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-# remove commercials from recording
-# version 0.1
-# usage:
-# first parameter must be %DIR% of the recording
-# second parameter must be %FILE% of the recording
-# third parameter must be %CHANID%
-# fourth parameter must be %STARTTIME%
-# fifth parameter must be %JOBID% for the User Job status to be updated in MythTV
-# in the mythtv setup screen invoke this script like this:
-# MYTHTV User Job Command:
-# /usr/LH/bin/removecommercials "%DIR%" "%FILE%" "%CHANID%" "%STARTTIME%" "%JOBID%"
-# Auguments passed from command line
-# database settings
-SQLCMD="mysql -u $DBUSERNAME --password=$DBPASSWORD -h $BACKEND_HOSTNAME mythconverg -e"
-# Arg_1 = COMMENT
-if [ $NO_JOBID = 0 ]; then
-    `$SQLCMD "update jobqueue set comment=\"$1\" where id=\"$JOBID\";"`
-# Arg_1 = status code
-if [ $NO_JOBID = 0 ]; then
-    `$SQLCMD "update jobqueue set status=\"$1\" where id=\"$JOBID\";"`
-# check the myth database for stop pause or resume commands
-if [ $NO_JOBID = 0 ]; then
-    CURRENT_CMD=`$SQLCMD "select cmds from jobqueue where id=\"$JOBID\";" | sed '/[0-9]/!d'`
-    case "$CURRENT_CMD" in
-	0) ;;
-	1) update_status 6 
-	    kill -s STOP $TPID ;;
-	2) update_status 4
-       `$SQLCMD "update jobqueue set cmds=\"0\" where id=\"$JOBID\";"` 
-       kill -s CONT $TPID ;;
-	4) update_status 5
-	   `$SQLCMD "update jobqueue set cmds=\"0\" where id=\"$JOBID\";"`
-	   kill -9 $TPID
-       clean_up_files
-       echo "Cancelled"
-       update_status 320
- 	   exit ;;
-    esac
-#check progress in background
-while [ `tail -1 $STATUSFILE | grep -c "Done"` = 0 ]
-    sleep 5
-    check_myth_jobcmds
-    current_status=`tail -1 $STATUSFILE`
-    if [ `expr match "$current_status" '.*\complete'` -ne 0 ]; then
-        prog_percent=`echo "$current_status" | awk '{print $3}'`
-        if [ -n "$prog_percent" ]; then
-            echo "Removing Commercials - $prog_percent Completed"
-            update_comment "Removing Commercials - $prog_percent Completed"
-        fi
-    fi
-while [ "$process_name" != "found" ]; do
-   if [ "`ps $TPID | grep mythtranscode | sed 's_.*\(mythtranscode\).*_\1_'`" = "mythtranscode" ]; then
-      process_name="found"
-   else
-      TPID=`expr $TPID + 1`
-   fi
-   i1=`expr $i1 + 1`
-   if [ $i1 -gt 20 ]; then
-      break
-   fi
-# clean up left over files
-unlink $TMPFILE 2> /dev/null
-unlink $ 2> /dev/null
-unlink $STATUSFILE 2> /dev/null
-unlink $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME.tmp 2> /dev/null
-#-------MAIN SCRIPT------------
-# check if %JOBID% is passed from command line
-if [ -z "$JOBID" ]; then
-    NO_JOBID=1
-    NO_JOBID=0
-# check if file is a .mpg
-if [ `expr match "$FILENAME" '.*\.mpg'` -ne 0 ]; then
-    MPEG="--mpeg2"
-    MPEG=""
-# create temp filename so multiple instances won't conflict
-update_status 4
-# check for cutlist
-MYTHCOMMFRAMES=`mythcommflag --getcutlist -f $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME | grep 'Cutlist:' | cut -d \  -f 2`
-if [ -n "$MYTHCOMMFRAMES" ]; then
-    echo "Extracting cutlist..."
-    update_comment "Removing Commercials..."
-    ( /usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/bin/mythtranscode -c $CHANID -s $STARTTIME -o $TMPFILE $MPEG --honorcutlist --showprogress > $STATUSFILE 2>&1 ; echo "Done" >> $STATUSFILE ) &
-    TPID=$!
-    get_pid
-    check_background_progress
-    ERROR=$?
-    if [ $ERROR -ne 0 ]; then
-        echo "Transcoding failed for ${FILENAME} with error $ERROR"
-        exit $ERROR
-    fi
-    check_myth_jobcmds
-    # move temp file to output location
-    echo "Moving file..."
-    update_comment "Moving file..."
-    if [ `$SQLCMD "select data from settings where value='SaveTranscoding';" | sed '/[0-9]/!d'` = 1 ]; then
-        echo "DB is set to save transcodeing"
-    fi
-    # file has changed, rebuild index
-    echo "Rebuilding index..."
-    update_comment "Rebuilding index..."
-    mythcommflag -c $CHANID -s $STARTTIME --rebuild
-    ERROR=$?
-    if [ $ERROR -ne 0 ]; then
-        echo "Rebuilding seek list failed for ${FILENAME} with error $ERROR"
-        exit $ERROR
-    fi
-    # remove old cutlist
-    echo "Removing old cutlist..."
-    update_comment "Removing old cutlist..."
-    mythcommflag -c $CHANID -s $STARTTIME --clearcutlist
-    ERROR=$?
-    if [ $ERROR -eq 0 ]; then
-        # Fix the database entry for the file
-        `$SQLCMD UPDATE recorded SET cutlist = 0, filesize = $(ls -l $VIDEODIR/$FILENAME | awk '{print $5}') WHERE basename = '$FILENAME';` > /dev/null
-    else
-        echo "Clearing cutlist failed for ${FILENAME} with error $ERROR"
-        exit $ERROR
-    fi
-    clean_up_files
-    echo "Commercials Removed"
-    update_status 272
-    update_comment "Sucessfully Completed." 
-    echo "No cutlist found."
cgit v0.12