From ffccbdd0d8ac77bd27d3d829b5c4a045afd10711 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 11:46:43 -0600
Subject: replaces ati_wonder config files with ones from FS#177

 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD            |   2 +-
 .../templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircd.ATI.conf    | 357 --------
 .../templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircd.conf        |  76 ++
 .../templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircrc            | 592 +++++++++++++
 .../remotes/ATI_wonder/lircrc-atiwonder.txt        | 922 ---------------------
 5 files changed, 669 insertions(+), 1280 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircd.ATI.conf
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircd.conf
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircrc
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircrc-atiwonder.txt

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD
index ebe19fa..45dcdd7 100755
--- a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 conflicts=(MythVantage-config MythVantage-config-dev LinHES-config-dev )
 pkgdesc="Install and configure your system"
 depends=(bc libstatgrab  mysql-python expect curl dnsutils parted sg3_utils nmbscan )
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircd.ATI.conf b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircd.ATI.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index e7c1539..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircd.ATI.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
-# Please make this file available to others
-# by sending it to <>
-# this config file was automatically generated
-# using lirc-0.7.0pre2(atiusb) on Fri Jan  2 19:09:02 2004
-# contributed by 
-# brand:     ATI Remote Wonder
-# model no. of remote control: 
-# devices being controlled by this remote:
-begin remote
-  name  wonder
-  bits           32
-  eps            30
-  aeps          100
-  one             0     0
-  zero            0     0
-  gap          147987
-  toggle_bit      0
-      begin codes
-          A                        0x0000000014C500F0
-          B                        0x0000000014C601F0
-          POWER                    0x0000000014C702F0
-          TV                       0x0000000014C803F0
-          DVD                      0x0000000014C904F0
-          WEB                      0x0000000014CA05F0
-          GUIDE                    0x0000000014CB06F0
-          GRAB                     0x0000000014CC07F0
-          VOL_DOWN                 0x0000000014CE09F0
-          VOL_UP                   0x0000000014CD08F0
-          MUTE                     0x0000000014CF0AF0
-          CH_DOWN                  0x0000000014D10CF0
-          CH_UP                    0x0000000014D00BF0
-          A                        0x0000000014C500F0
-          B                        0x0000000014C601F0
-          1                        0x0000000014D20DF0
-          2                        0x0000000014D30EF0
-          3                        0x0000000014D40FF0
-          4                        0x0000000014D510F0
-          5                        0x0000000014D611F0
-          6                        0x0000000014D712F0
-          7                        0x0000000014D813F0
-          8                        0x0000000014D914F0
-          9                        0x0000000014DA15F0
-          0                        0x0000000014DC17F0
-          MENU                     0x0000000014DB16F0
-          CHECK                    0x0000000014DD18F0
-          C                        0x0000000014DE19F0
-          D                        0x0000000014E01BF0
-          UP                       0x0000000014DF1AF0
-          LEFT                     0x0000000014E21DF0
-          DOWN                     0x0000000014E722F0
-          RIGHT                    0x0000000014E41FF0
-          OK                       0x0000000014E31EF0
-          REPLAY                   0x0000000014E11CF0
-          FULLSCREEN               0x0000000014E520F0
-          E                        0x0000000014E621F0
-          F                        0x0000000014E823F0
-          REWIND                   0x0000000014E924F0
-          FORWARD                  0x0000000014EB26F0
-          PLAY                     0x0000000014EA25F0
-          RECORD                   0x0000000014EC27F0
-          STOP                     0x0000000014ED28F0
-          PAUSE                    0x0000000014EE29F0
-      end codes
-end remote
-# this config file was automatically generated
-# using lirc-0.7.0(atiusb) on Sat Feb 12 13:22:29 2005
-# contributed by Steffen
-# brand: ATI Sapphire Remote Bob II USB
-# model no. of remote control: 5000024400
-# devices being controlled by this remote: MythTV
-begin remote
-name       wonder II
-bits       16
-eps        30
-aeps       100
-one            0 0
-zero           0 0
-pre_data_bits  8
-pre_data       0x0
-post_data_bits 16
-post_data      0x0
-gap            299851
-toggle_bit     0
-begin codes
-aux1                0x023F
-aux2                0x023F
-aux3                0x023F
-aux4                0x023F
-mouse_left_btn      0x02A9
-mouse_right_btn     0x02AA
-a                   0x0278
-b                   0x0279
-power               0x020C
-dvd                 0x0238
-tv                  0x0239
-help                0x02BE
-pc                  0x023F
-resize              0x02D5
-hand                0x02D0
-ati                 0x028E
-vol_up              0x0210
-vol_down            0x0211
-mute                0x020D
-ch_up               0x0220
-ch_down             0x0221
-mouse_up            0x013F
-mouse_down          0x013F
-mouse_left          0x013F
-mouse_right         0x013F
-1                   0x0201
-2                   0x0202
-3                   0x0203
-4                   0x0204
-5                   0x0205
-6                   0x0206
-7                   0x0207
-8                   0x0208
-9                   0x0209
-0                   0x0200
-list                0x0254
-check               0x0282
-info                0x02F9
-timer               0x0296
-arrow_up            0x0258
-arrow_left          0x025A
-arrow_right         0x025B
-arrow_down          0x0259
-ok                  0x025C
-c                   0x017A
-d                   0x027B
-play                0x022C
-e                   0x027C
-f                   0x027D
-rewind              0x0229
-rec                 0x0237
-stop                0x0231
-pause               0x0230
-ffwd                0x0228
-end codes
-end remote
-# Please make this file available to others
-# by sending it to <lirc at>
-# this config file was automatically generated
-# using lirc-0.7.0-CVS(atiusb) on Sat Jun 19 16:27:14 2004
-# contributed by gLaNDix
-# brand: ATI
-# model no. of remote control: 5000023600
-# devices being controlled by this remote: MythTV 0.14
-# USB ID: 0bc7:0004
-begin remote
-   name           REMOTE_WONDER
-   bits           16
-   eps            30
-   aeps          100
-   one             0     0
-   zero            0     0
-   pre_data_bits   8
-   pre_data       0x14
-   post_data_bits  16
-   post_data      0x0
-   gap          227933
-   toggle_bit      0
-       begin codes
-           A                        0x000000000000D500
-           B                        0x000000000000D601
-           C                        0x000000000000EE19
-           D                        0x000000000000F01B
-           E                        0x000000000000F621
-           F                        0x000000000000F823
-           POWER                    0x000000000000D702
-           TV                       0x000000000000D803
-           DVD                      0x000000000000D904
-           WEB                      0x000000000000DA05
-           BOOK                     0x000000000000DB06
-           HAND                     0x000000000000DC07
-           MOUSE_LEFT_BTN	          0x0000000000004D78
-           MOUSE_LEFTBUTTONUP       0x0000000000004E79
-           MOUSE_LEFTBUTTONDBLCLICK 0x0000000000004E79
-           MOUSE_RIGHT_BTN          0x000000000000517C
-           MOUSE_RIGHTBUTTONUP      0x000000000000527D
-           MOUSE_RIGHTBUTTONDBLCLICK 0x000000000000537E
-           MOUSE_LEFT               0x0000000000004570
-           MOUSE_RIGHT              0x0000000000004671
-           MOUSE_UP                 0x0000000000004772
-           MOUSE_DOWN               0x0000000000004873
-           MOUSE_UPRIGHT            0x0000000000004A75
-           MOUSE_DOWNRIGHT          0x0000000000004B76
-           MOUSE_DOWNLEFT           0x0000000000004C77
-           MOUSE_UPLEFT             0x0000000000004974
-           VOL_UP                   0x000000000000DD08
-           VOL_DOWN                 0x000000000000DE09
-           MUTE                     0x000000000000DF0A
-           CH_DOWN                  0x000000000000E10C
-           CH_UP                    0x000000000000E00B
-           1                        0x000000000000E20D
-           2                        0x000000000000E30E
-           3                        0x000000000000E40F
-           4                        0x000000000000E510
-           5                        0x000000000000E611
-           6                        0x000000000000E712
-           7                        0x000000000000E813
-           8                        0x000000000000E914
-           9                        0x000000000000EA15
-           0                        0x000000000000EC17
-           DVD_ROOTMENU             0x000000000000EB16
-           SETUP                    0x000000000000ED18
-           ARROW_UP                 0x000000000000EF1A
-           ARROW_RIGHT              0x000000000000F41F
-           ARROW_DOWN               0x000000000000F722
-           ARROW_LEFT               0x000000000000F21D
-           OK                       0x000000000000F31E
-           MAXAMIZE                 0x000000000000F520
-           TV_ON_DEMAND             0x000000000000F11C
-           BACK                     0x000000000000F924
-           PLAY                     0x000000000000FA25
-           NEXT                     0x000000000000FB26
-           RECORD                   0x000000000000FC27
-           STOP                     0x000000000000FD28
-           PAUSE                    0x000000000000FE29
-       end codes
-end remote
-# Please make this file available to others
-# by sending it to <>
-# this config file was automatically generated
-# using lirc-0.7.0pre1(atiusb) on Fri Nov 28 16:56:46 2003
-# contributed by Jason Piterak
-# brand:                       ati
-#                                   This uses the atiusb driver
-# model no. of remote control: 5000022000
-# devices being controlled by this remote:
-# MythTV PVR using knopmyth by Cecil and Dale at
-# Key map names are as per ATI's website:
-# Feel free to change them as you see fit :-)
-# NOTE:  There are 16 channels for this remote; this file only
-# supports one channel.  See the GATOS project for information
-# on how to change the channel.  Not tested.  Unknown channel.
-begin remote
-  name  atiusb
-  bits           16
-  eps            30
-  aeps          100
-  one             0     0
-  zero            0     0
-  pre_data_bits   8
-  pre_data       0x14
-  post_data_bits  16
-  post_data      0xF000
-  gap          139891
-  toggle_bit      0
-      begin codes
-          a                        0x000000000000C500
-          b                        0x000000000000C601
-          power                    0x000000000000C702
-          tv                       0x000000000000C803
-          dvd                      0x000000000000C904
-          web                      0x000000000000CA05
-          media_library            0x000000000000CB06
-          drag                     0x000000000000CC07
-          mouse-button_left        0x0000000000003D78
-          mouse-button_right       0x000000000000417C
-          mouse-up                 0x0000000000003772
-          mouse-down               0x0000000000003873
-          mouse-left               0x0000000000003570
-          mouse-right              0x0000000000003671
-          mouse-left_up            0x0000000000003974
-          mouse-right_up           0x0000000000003A75
-          mouse-left_down          0x0000000000003C77
-          mouse-right_down         0x0000000000003B76
-          vol-up                   0x000000000000CD08
-          vol-down                 0x000000000000CE09
-          mute                     0x000000000000CF0A
-          chan-up                  0x000000000000D00B
-          chan-down                0x000000000000D10C
-          1                        0x000000000000D20D
-          2                        0x000000000000D30E
-          3                        0x000000000000D40F
-          4                        0x000000000000D510
-          5                        0x000000000000D611
-          6                        0x000000000000D712
-          7                        0x000000000000D813
-          8                        0x000000000000D914
-          9                        0x000000000000DA15
-          0                        0x000000000000DC17
-          dvd-root_menu            0x000000000000DB16
-          launch_setup             0x000000000000DD18
-          c                        0x000000000000DE19
-          d                        0x000000000000E01B
-          tv_on_demand             0x000000000000E11C
-          max_window               0x000000000000E520
-          cursor-up                0x000000000000DF1A
-          cursor-down              0x000000000000E722
-          cursor-left              0x000000000000E21D
-          cursor-right             0x000000000000E41F
-          ok                       0x000000000000E31E
-          e                        0x000000000000E621
-          f                        0x000000000000E823
-          rewind                   0x000000000000E924
-          play                     0x000000000000EA25
-          fast_forward             0x000000000000EB26
-          record                   0x000000000000EC27
-          stop                     0x000000000000ED28
-          pause                    0x000000000000EE29
-      end codes
-end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircd.conf b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircd.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..087b9ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircd.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+# brand: ATI Remote Wonder
+# model no. of remote control: 5000023600
+# devices being controlled by this remote: ATI USB Receiver
+# Found on a forum, thanks.
+begin remote
+  name  ati_remote
+  bits           40
+  eps            30
+  aeps          100
+  one             0     0
+  zero            0     0
+  gap          235966
+  toggle_bit      0
+      begin codes
+          a                        0x00000014D5000000
+          b                        0x00000014D6010000
+          power                    0x00000014D7020000
+          tv                       0x00000014D8030000
+          dvd                      0x00000014D9040000
+          web                      0x00000014DA050000
+          media_library            0x00000014DB060000
+          drag                     0x00000014DC070000
+          mouse-button_left        0x000000144D780000
+          mouse-button_right       0x00000014517C0000
+          mouse-up                 0x0000001447720000
+          mouse-down               0x0000001448730000
+          mouse-left               0x0000001445700000
+          mouse-right              0x0000001446710000
+          mouse-left_up            0x0000001449740000
+          mouse-right_up           0x000000144A750000
+          mouse-left_down          0x000000144C770000
+          mouse-right_down         0x000000144B760000
+          vol-up                   0x00000014DD080000
+          vol-down                 0x00000014DE090000
+          mute                     0x00000014DF0A0000
+          chan-up                  0x00000014E00B0000
+          chan-down                0x00000014E10C0000
+          1                        0x00000014E20D0000
+          2                        0x00000014E30E0000
+          3                        0x00000014E40F0000
+          4                        0x00000014E5100000
+          5                        0x00000014E6110000
+          6                        0x00000014E7120000
+          7                        0x00000014E8130000
+          8                        0x00000014E9140000
+          9                        0x00000014EA150000
+          0                        0x00000014EC170000
+          dvd-root_menu            0x00000014EB160000
+          launch_setup             0x00000014ED180000
+          c                        0x00000014EE190000
+          d                        0x00000014F01B0000
+          tv_on_demand             0x00000014F11C0000
+          max_window               0x00000014F5200000
+          cursor-up                0x00000014EF1A0000
+          cursor-down              0x00000014F7220000
+          cursor-left              0x00000014F21D0000
+          cursor-right             0x00000014F41F0000
+          ok                       0x00000014F31E0000
+          e                        0x00000014F6210000
+          f                        0x00000014F8230000
+          rewind                   0x00000014F9240000
+          play                     0x00000014FA250000
+          fastforward              0x00000014FB260000
+          record                   0x00000014FC270000
+          stop                     0x00000014FD280000
+          pause                    0x00000014FE290000
+      end codes
+end remote
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircrc b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2f1ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircrc
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+# ~/.mythtv/lircrc
+# MythTV native LIRC config file for
+# the ATI-Wonder Remote
+# using lirc_atiusb driver
+#Jumppoint for Program Guide created in Mythweb
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = tv
+    config = ! 
+#Jumppoint for DVD playback created in Mythweb
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = dvd
+    config = @
+    prog = mythtv
+#Jumppoint for MythWeater created in Mythweb
+    button = web
+    config = #
+    prog = mythtv
+#Jumppoint for MythVideo created in Mythweb
+    button = media_library
+    config = $
+    prog = mythtv
+#Jumppoint for MythWeater created in Mythweb
+    button = HAND
+    config = %
+prog = mythtv
+button = 1
+config = 1
+repeat = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 2
+config = 2
+repeat = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 3
+config = 3
+repeat = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 4
+config = 4
+repeat = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 5
+config = 5
+repeat = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 6
+config = 6
+repeat = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 7
+config = 7
+repeat = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 8
+config = 8
+repeat = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 9
+config = 9
+repeat = 5
+prog = mythtv
+button = 0
+config = 0
+repeat = 5
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = mouse-up
+    config = Up
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = mouse-down
+    config = Down
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = mouse-left
+    config = Left
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = mouse-right
+    config = Right
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = mouse-button-right
+    config = Esc
+    prog = mythtv
+# Enter button
+    button = mouse-button-left
+    config = Return
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = power
+    config = Esc
+    prog = mythtv
+# Enter button
+    button = ok
+    config = Return
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = cursor-up
+    config = Up
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = cursor-down
+    config = Down
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = cursor-left
+    config = Left
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = cursor-right
+    config = Right
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = D
+    config = Esc
+prog = mythtv
+button = chan-up
+config = Up
+prog = mythtv
+button = chan-down
+config = Down
+  prog = mythtv
+  button = vol-down
+  repeat = 3
+  config = F10  
+  prog = mythtv
+  button = vol-up
+  repeat = 3
+  config = F11  
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = mute
+    config = F9  
+# Mute for MythMusic
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = mute
+    config = |  
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = dvd-root_menu
+    config = M  
+    prog = mythtv
+# Enter button
+    button = launch_setup
+    config = Return
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = a 
+    config = S  
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = b
+    config = I   
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = c
+    config = T   
+prog = mythtv
+# Change focus for PiP (to change channel in the other window)
+button = max_window
+config = B
+prog = mythtv
+# Toggle PiP on/off
+button = tv_on_demand
+config = V
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = rewind
+    config = Left  
+    prog = mythtv
+    button = fastforward
+    config = Right  
+prog = mythtv
+button = record
+config = R
+prog = mythtv
+button = stop
+config = Esc
+prog = mythtv
+button = play
+config = P
+prog = mythtv
+button = pause
+config = P
+prog = mythtv
+button = e
+# Use for backwards commercial skip
+config = Q
+prog = mythtv
+button = f
+# Use for forward commercial skip
+config = Z
+prog = mplayer
+button = play
+config = pause
+prog = mplayer
+button = pause
+config = pause
+prog = mplayer
+button = stop
+config = quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = power
+config = quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = d
+config = quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = mouse-button-right
+config = quit
+prog = mplayer
+button = mute
+config = mute
+prog = mplayer
+button = e
+repeat = 6
+config = seek -10
+prog = mplayer
+button = r
+repeat = 6
+config = seek 10
+prog = mplayer
+button = rewind
+repeat = 6
+config = seek -70
+prog = mplayer
+button = fastforward
+repeat = 6
+config = seek 70
+prog = mplayer
+button = vol-down
+repeat = 6
+config = volume -1
+prog = mplayer
+button = vol-up
+repeat = 6
+config = volume 1
+prog = xine
+button = play
+config = Play
+prog = xine
+button = pause
+config = PAUSE
+prog = xine
+button = stop
+config = Stop
+prog = xine
+button = power
+config = Quit
+prog = xine
+button = d
+config = quit
+prog = xine
+button = mouse-button-right
+config = quit
+prog = xine
+button = cursor-up
+repeat = 4
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = cursor-down
+repeat = 4
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = cursor-left
+repeat = 4
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = corsor-right
+repeat = 4
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = ok
+repeat = 0
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = mouse-up
+repeat = 4
+config = EventUp
+prog = xine
+button = mouse-down
+repeat = 4
+config = EventDown
+prog = xine
+button = mouse-left
+repeat = 4
+config = EventLeft
+prog = xine
+button = mouse-right
+repeat = 4
+config = EventRight
+prog = xine
+button = mouse-button-left
+repeat = 0
+config = EventSelect
+prog = xine
+button = dvd-root_menu
+repeat = 0
+config = Menu
+#vol down
+prog = xine
+button = vol-down
+repeat = 1
+config = Volume-
+#vol up
+prog = xine
+button = vol-up
+repeat = 1
+config = Volume+
+prog = xine
+button = tv_on_demand
+repeat = 1
+config = ZoomIn
+prog = xine
+button = max_window
+repeat = 1
+config = ZoomOut
+#skip chapter forward
+prog = xine
+button = fastforward
+repeat = 1
+config = EventNext
+#skip chapter backward
+prog = xine
+button = rewind
+repeat = 1
+config = EventPrior
+prog = xine
+button = f
+repeat = 2
+config = SeekRelative+45
+prog = xine
+button = e
+repeat = 2
+config = SeekRelative-45
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircrc-atiwonder.txt b/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircrc-atiwonder.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 80eec07..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/LinHES-config/templates/remotes/ATI_wonder/lircrc-atiwonder.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,922 +0,0 @@
-# ~/.mythtv/lircrc
-# MythTV native LIRC config file for
-# the ATI-Wonder Remote
-# using lirc_atiusb driver
-prog = mythtv
-button = a
-config = E
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = A
-config = E
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = b
-config = O
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = B
-config = O
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = B
-config = O
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = stop
-config = Esc
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = STOP
-config = Esc
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = ffwd
-config = Right
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = FORWARD
-config = Right
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = rewind
-config = Left
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = REWIND
-config = Left
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = pause
-config = P
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = PAUSE
-config = P
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = play
-config = P
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = PLAY
-config = P
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = mute
-config = |
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = MUTE
-config = |
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = vol_down
-config = F10
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = VOL_DOWN
-config = F10
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = vol_up
-config = F11
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = VOL_UP
-config = F11
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = f
-config = PgDown
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = F
-config = PgDown
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = e
-config = Esc
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = E
-config = Esc
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = ch_up
-config = Up
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = CH_UP
-config = Up
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = ch_down
-config = Down
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = CH_DOWN
-config = Down
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = ok
-config = Enter
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = OK
-config = Enter
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 1
-config = 1
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 2
-config = 2
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 3
-config = 3
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 4
-config = 4
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 5
-config = 5
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 6
-config = 6
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 7
-config = 7
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 8
-config = 8
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 9
-config = 9
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 0
-config = 0
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = rec
-config = R
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = RECORD
-config = R
-repeat = 5
-# ~/.mythtv/lircrc
-# MythTV native LIRC config file for
-# the ATI-Wonder Remote
-# using lirc_atiusb driver
-#Jumppoint for Program Guide created in Mythweb
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = TV
-    config = ! 
-#Jumppoint for DVD playback created in Mythweb
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = DVD
-    config = @
-    prog = mythtv
-#Jumppoint for MythWeater created in Mythweb
-    button = WEB
-    config = #
-    prog = mythtv
-#Jumppoint for MythVideo created in Mythweb
-    button = BOOK
-    config = $
-    prog = mythtv
-#Jumppoint for MythWeater created in Mythweb
-    button = HAND
-    config = %
-prog = mythtv
-button = 1
-config = 1
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 2
-config = 2
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 3
-config = 3
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 4
-config = 4
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 5
-config = 5
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 6
-config = 6
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 7
-config = 7
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 8
-config = 8
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 9
-config = 9
-repeat = 5
-prog = mythtv
-button = 0
-config = 0
-repeat = 5
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = MOUSE_UP
-    config = Up
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = MOUSE_DOWN
-    config = Down
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = MOUSE_LEFT
-    config = Left
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = MOUSE_RIGHT 
-    config = Right
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = MOUSE_RIGHT_BTN
-    config = Esc
-    prog = mythtv
-# Enter button
-    button = MOUSE_LEFT_BTN 
-    config = Return
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = POWER
-    config = Esc
-    prog = mythtv
-# Enter button
-    button = OK
-    config = Return
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = ARROW_UP
-    config = Up
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = ARROW_DOWN
-    config = Down
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = ARROW_LEFT
-    config = Left
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = ARROW_RIGHT 
-    config = Right
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = D
-    config = Esc
-prog = mythtv
-button = CH_UP
-config = Up
-prog = mythtv
-button = CH_DOWN
-config = Down
-  prog = mythtv
-  button = VOL_DOWN
-  repeat = 3
-  config = F10  
-  prog = mythtv
-  button = VOL_UP
-  repeat = 3
-  config = F11  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = MUTE
-    config = |  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = DVD_ROOTMENU
-    config = M  
-    prog = mythtv
-# Enter button
-    button = SETUP 
-    config = Return
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = A 
-    config = S  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = B
-    config = I   
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = C
-    config = T   
-prog = mythtv
-# Change focus for PiP (to change channel in the other window)
-button = MAXAMIZE
-config = B
-prog = mythtv
-# Toggle PiP on/off
-button = TV_ON_DEMAND
-config = V
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = BACK
-    config = <  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = NEXT
-    config = >  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = BACK
-    config = Left  
-    prog = mythtv
-    button = NEXT
-    config = Right  
-prog = mythtv
-button = RECORD
-config = R
-prog = mythtv
-button = STOP
-config = Esc
-prog = mythtv
-button = PLAY
-config = P
-prog = mythtv
-button = PAUSE
-config = P
-#Page Up/Down
-prog = mythtv
-button = E
-config = PgUp
-prog = mythtv
-button = F
-config = PgDown
-prog = mythtv
-button = E
-# Use for backwards commercial skip
-config = Q
-prog = mythtv
-button = F
-# Use for forward commercial skip
-config = Z
-prog = mplayer
-button = PLAY
-config = pause
-prog = mplayer
-button = PAUSE
-config = pause
-prog = mplayer
-button = STOP
-config = quit
-prog = mplayer
-button = POWER
-config = quit
-prog = mplayer
-button = D
-config = quit
-prog = mplayer
-config = quit
-prog = mplayer
-button = MUTE
-config = mute
-prog = mplayer
-button = E
-repeat = 6
-config = seek -10
-prog = mplayer
-button = F
-repeat = 6
-config = seek 10
-prog = mplayer
-button = BACK
-repeat = 6
-config = seek -70
-prog = mplayer
-button = NEXT
-repeat = 6
-config = seek 70
-prog = mplayer
-button = VOL_DOWN
-repeat = 6
-config = volume -1
-prog = mplayer
-button = VOL_UP
-repeat = 6
-config = volume 1
-prog = xine
-button = PLAY
-config = Play
-prog = xine
-button = PAUSE
-config = PAUSE
-prog = xine
-button = Mute
-config = Mute
-prog = xine
-button = STOP
-config = Stop
-prog = xine
-button = POWER
-config = Quit
-prog = xine
-button = D
-config = quit
-prog = xine
-config = quit
-prog = xine
-button = ARROW_UP
-repeat = 4
-config = EventUp
-prog = xine
-button = ARROW_DOWN
-repeat = 4
-config = EventDown
-prog = xine
-button = ARROW_LEFT
-repeat = 4
-config = EventLeft
-prog = xine
-button = ARROW_RIGHT
-repeat = 4
-config = EventRight
-prog = xine
-button = OK
-repeat = 0
-config = EventSelect
-prog = xine
-button = MOUSE_UP
-repeat = 4
-config = EventUp
-prog = xine
-button = MOUSE_DOWN
-repeat = 4
-config = EventDown
-prog = xine
-button = MOUSE_LEFT
-repeat = 4
-config = EventLeft
-prog = xine
-button = MOUSE_RIGHT
-repeat = 4
-config = EventRight
-prog = xine
-button = MOUSE_LEFT_BTN
-repeat = 0
-config = EventSelect
-prog = xine
-button = DVD_ROOTMENU
-repeat = 0
-config = Menu
-#vol down
-prog = xine
-button = VOL_DOWN
-repeat = 1
-config = Volume-
-#vol up
-prog = xine
-button = VOL_UP
-repeat = 1
-config = Volume+
-prog = xine
-button = TV_ON_DEMAND
-repeat = 1
-config = ZoomIn
-prog = xine
-button = MAXAMIZE
-repeat = 1
-config = ZoomOut
-#skip chapter forward
-prog = xine
-button = NEXT
-repeat = 1
-config = EventNext
-#skip chapter backward
-prog = xine
-button = BACK
-repeat = 1
-config = EventPrior
-prog = xine
-button = F
-repeat = 2
-config = SeekRelative+45
-prog = xine
-button = E
-repeat = 2
-config = SeekRelative-45
cgit v0.12