From 7e5ce60d93b3f9151df01f1917bc870ed6154fa8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2012 20:27:53 -0500
Subject: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/testing' into testing

# By Britney Fransen (5) and others
# Via Britney Fransen
* origin/testing:
  LinHES-system: Add scripts for misc status in MythWeb. closes #845.
  linhes-scripts: tweak myth2mkv. Update version to 0.25-004
  dvb-firmware: add xc5000c firmware. change xc5000 modprobe options. closes #844
  v4l-dvb: update to snapshot from 20120828. refs #844
  LinHES-system: update to work with tuners in error. closes #843
  curlftpfs: Initial Inclusion.
  linhes-scripts: minor changes to myth2mkv
  mythtv:Bumped to latest fixes. Added ./configure items to close #842.
  LinHES-config:7.4 rdt 9th anniversary release.

 abs/core/LinHES-system/LinHES-system.install       |  12 +
 abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD                    |  16 +-
 abs/core/LinHES-system/   | 194 ++++++++++++
 abs/core/LinHES-system/       |  15 +
 abs/core/LinHES-system/         |  23 ++
 abs/core/LinHES-system/ | 328 +++++++++++++++++++++
 abs/core/LinHES-system/      | 105 +++++++
 abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mkv                   |   2 +-
 8 files changed, 691 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 abs/core/LinHES-system/LinHES-system.install
 create mode 100755 abs/core/LinHES-system/
 create mode 100755 abs/core/LinHES-system/
 create mode 100755 abs/core/LinHES-system/
 create mode 100755 abs/core/LinHES-system/
 create mode 100755 abs/core/LinHES-system/

diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-system/LinHES-system.install b/abs/core/LinHES-system/LinHES-system.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2185cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/LinHES-system.install
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+## arg 1:  the new package version
+post_install() {
+  /usr/LH/bin/
+## arg 1:  the new package version
+## arg 2:  the old package version
+post_upgrade() {
+  /usr/LH/bin/
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD b/abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD
index 0c956b6..d4f2173 100755
--- a/abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
 pkgdesc="scripts and things related to having an  automated system"
 depends=(linhes-sounds xdotool tilda keylaunch python_aosd 'linhes-scripts>=7-24' 'udisks' 'LinHES-config>=2.3-59' 'sudo' 'python2-dbus' 'unclutter')
@@ -23,7 +23,12 @@ binfiles="LinHES-start
 source=(LinHES-session $binfiles alsa-base
  diskspace cacheclean.cron readme_is_xml add_storage.readme)
@@ -89,6 +94,11 @@ md5sums=('4921a6e21c71b263b8d23c51c24b939c'
+         '06a628469051237943b7c874f2e29b8a'
+         '0512f859cd5ea1d9eb972840caef2f0e'
+         '45f46d1f9193c8dde18e56369ec29a1e'
+         'a8edbe7bc37e9932e8749d9f5f89c16f'
+         '14cea9e87654441b766a97576233ba5a'
diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-system/ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..92dda8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Outputs information about the most-recently-recorded shows.
+# Automatically detects database settings.
+# Includes
+    use DBI;
+    use Getopt::Long;
+    use MythTV;
+# Some variables we'll use here
+    our ($num_recordings, $live, $heading, $plain_text, $text_format, $usage);
+    our ($hours, $minutes, $seconds);
+    our ($dnum_recordings, $dheading, $dtext_format);
+    our ($dhours, $dminutes, $dseconds);
+    our ($status_text_format, $status_value_format);
+    our ($dstatus_text_format, $dstatus_value_format);
+# Default number of recent recordings to show
+    $dnum_recordings = 5;
+# Default period in which to show recordings
+    $dhours          = -1;
+    $dminutes        = -1;
+    $dseconds        = -1;
+# Default status output heading
+    $dheading='Recent Recordings:\n';
+# Default format of plain-text output
+    $dtext_format='%n/%j, %g:%i %A - %cc\n%T - %S\n%R\n\n';
+# Default format of status output display text
+    $dstatus_text_format= '<a href="javascript:void(0)">%n/%j %g:%i %A -  %cc - %T - %S<br />'.
+                          '<span><strong>%T</strong> %n/%j, %g:%i %A<br />'.
+                          '<em>%S</em><br /><br />%R<br /></span></a><hr />';
+# Default format of status output value
+    $dstatus_value_format = '%n/%j, %g:%i %A - %T - %S';
+# Provide default values for GetOptions
+    $num_recordings      = $dnum_recordings;
+    $hours               = $dhours;
+    $minutes             = $dminutes;
+    $seconds             = $dseconds;
+    $heading             = $dheading;
+    $text_format         = $dtext_format;
+    $status_text_format  = $dstatus_text_format;
+    $status_value_format = $dstatus_value_format;
+# Load the cli options
+    GetOptions('num_recordings|recordings=s' => \$num_recordings,
+               'hours|o=i'                   => \$hours,
+               'minutes=i'                   => \$minutes,
+               'seconds|e=i'                 => \$seconds,
+               'live'                        => \$live,
+               'heading=s'                   => \$heading,
+               'plain_text'                  => \$plain_text,
+               'text_format=s'               => \$text_format,
+               'status_text_format=s'        => \$status_text_format,
+               'status_value_format=s'       => \$status_value_format,
+               'usage|help'                  => \$usage
+              );
+# Print usage
+    if ($usage) {
+        print <<EOF;
+$0 usage:
+--recordings [number of recordings]
+    Outputs information on the last [number of recordings] shows recorded by
+    MythTV.  To output information on all recordings, specify -1.
+    default:  $dnum_recordings
+--hours [number of hours]
+    Outputs information on recordings that occurred within [number of hours].
+    This option may be specified in conjunction with --minutes and --seconds.
+    To output information on all matching recordings regardless of start time,
+    specify -1 for --hours, --minutes, and --seconds.
+    default:  $dhours
+--minutes [number of minutes]
+    Outputs information on recordings that occurred within [number of minutes].
+    This option may be specified in conjunction with --hours and --seconds.
+    To output information on all matching recordings regardless of start time,
+    specify -1 for --hours, --minutes, and --seconds.
+    default:  $dminutes
+--seconds [number of seconds]
+    Outputs information on recordings that occurred within [number of seconds].
+    This option may be specified in conjunction with --hours and --minutes.
+    To output information on all matching recordings regardless of start time,
+    specify -1 for --hours, --minutes, and --seconds.
+    default:  $dseconds
+    Include information on recent LiveTV recordings.
+--heading [heading]
+    Output the [heading] before printing information about recordings.
+    default:  \'$dheading\'
+    Output information in plain text format (i.e. for inclusion in an e-mail
+    notification).
+--text_format [format]
+    Use the provided [format] to display information on the recordings.  The
+    format should use the same format specifiers used by, but
+    may also use \\r and/or \\n for line breaks.  This option is ignored
+    if --plain_text is not used.
+    default:  \'$dtext_format\'
+    Show this help text.
+        exit;
+    }
+# Determine the period of interest
+    my $now = time();
+    my $start_after = $now;
+    $start_after = $start_after - ($hours * 3600) if ($hours > 0);
+    $start_after = $start_after - ($minutes * 60) if ($minutes > 0);
+    $start_after = $start_after - $seconds if ($seconds > 0);
+    $start_after = 0 if (!($start_after < $now));
+# Fix the heading.
+    if (defined($plain_text)) {
+        $heading =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
+        $heading =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
+    }
+    else {
+    # Remove line break format specifiers from heading for status output
+        $heading =~ s/(\\r|\\n)//g;
+    }
+# Connect to mythbackend
+    my $Myth = new MythTV();
+# Get the list of recordings
+    my $count = 0;
+    my %rows = $Myth->backend_rows('QUERY_RECORDINGS Delete');
+    our $show;
+    foreach my $row (@{$rows{'rows'}}) {
+        last unless (($count < $num_recordings) || ($num_recordings < 0));
+        $show = new MythTV::Program(@$row);
+    # Skip LiveTV recordings?
+        next unless (defined($live) || $show->{'recgroup'} ne 'LiveTV');
+    # Within the period of interest?
+        last if (($start_after) && ($show->{'recstartts'} < $start_after));
+    # Print the recording information in the desired format
+        if (defined($plain_text)) {
+            text_print($count);
+        }
+        else {
+            status_print($count);
+        }
+        $count++;
+    }
+# Print the output for use in the backend status page.
+    sub status_print {
+        my $count = shift;
+        my $text = $show->format_name($status_text_format, ' ', ' ', 1, 0 ,1);
+        my $value = $show->format_name($status_value_format, ' ', ' ',
+                                       1, 0 ,1);
+        print("$heading<div class=\"schedule\">") if ($count == 0);
+        print("$text");
+        print("</div>") if ($count == ($num_recordings - 1));
+        print("[]:[]recording$count");
+        print("[]:[]$value\n");
+    }
+# Print the output in plain text format
+    sub text_print {
+        my $count = shift;
+        my $text = $show->format_name($text_format, ' ', ' ', 1, 0 ,1);
+        $text =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
+        $text =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
+        print("$heading") if ($count == 0);
+        print("$text");
+    }
diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-system/ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0a0ba6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# This script will configure the myth db to use the misc_status_info scripts
+from socket import gethostname
+from MythTV import MythDB
+mythdb = MythDB()
+localhostname = gethostname()
+# mythtv-setup
+if mythdb.settings[localhostname].MiscStatusScript == u'':
+    mythdb.settings[localhostname].MiscStatusScript = u'/usr/LH/bin/'
+    print 'The MythTV database setting MiscStatusScript was updated to /usr/LH/bin/'
+    print 'The MythTV database setting MiscStatusScript is already set and will not be updated.'
diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-system/ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..14a972c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Show all upcoming conflicts
+/usr/LH/bin/ --recordings -1 \
+                            --no_show_scheduled \
+                            --heading '<h3>Recording Conflicts</h3>' \
+                            --no_conflicts_message '<h3>No Recording Conflicts</h3>' 
+# Show all the shows recorded today
+/usr/LH/bin/ --recordings=-1 --hours=24 \
+                          --heading '<h3>Shows Recorded In The Last 24 Hours</h3>'
+# Get Encoder that was used for recordings from the backend log
+loglist=`find /var/log/ -name *_mythbackend.*.log*`
+for i in `ls -t $loglist`
+    if [ $firstrun -eq 1 ]; then
+        echo "<h3>Encoder Information</h3><div class=\"schedule\""
+        firstrun=0
+    fi
+    /usr/LH/bin/ --noheader $i
diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-system/ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..377c2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Provides notification of upcoming recordings.
+# Automatically detects database settings.
+# Includes
+    use DBI;
+    use Getopt::Long;
+    use MythTV;
+# Some variables we'll use here
+    our ($num_recordings, $heading, $plain_text, $text_format, $usage);
+    our ($hours, $minutes, $seconds, $no_conflicts_message);
+    our ($scheduled, $duplicates, $deactivated, $conflicts);
+    our ($dnum_recordings, $dheading, $dtext_format);
+    our ($dhours, $dminutes, $dseconds, $dno_conflicts_message);
+    our ($dscheduled, $dduplicates, $ddeactivated, $dconflicts);
+    our ($status_text_format, $status_value_format);
+    our ($dstatus_text_format, $dstatus_value_format);
+# Default number of upcoming recordings to show
+    $dnum_recordings = 5;
+# Default period in which to show recordings
+    $dhours          = -1;
+    $dminutes        = -1;
+    $dseconds        = -1;
+# Default recording status types to show
+    $dscheduled      = 1;
+    $dduplicates     = 0;
+    $ddeactivated    = 0;
+    $dconflicts      = 1;
+# Default status output heading
+    $dheading='Upcoming Recordings:\n';
+# Default format of plain-text output
+    $dtext_format='%rs\n%n/%j, %g:%i %A - %cc\n%T - %S\n%R\n\n';
+# Default "no conflicts" message
+    $dno_conflicts_message='No conflicts.\n';
+# Default format of status output display text
+    $dstatus_text_format= '<a href="javascript:void(0)">%rs - %n/%j %g:%i %A -  %cc - '.
+                          '%T - %S<br />'.
+                          '<span><strong>%T</strong> %n/%j, %g:%i %A<br />'.
+                          '<em>%S</em><br /><br />%R<br /></span></a><hr />';
+# Default format of status output value
+    $dstatus_value_format = '%n/%j %g:%i %A - %T - %S';
+# Provide default values for GetOptions
+    $num_recordings       = $dnum_recordings;
+    $hours                = $dhours;
+    $minutes              = $dminutes;
+    $seconds              = $dseconds;
+    $scheduled            = $dscheduled;
+    $duplicates           = $dduplicates;
+    $deactivated          = $ddeactivated;
+    $conflicts            = $dconflicts;
+    $heading              = $dheading;
+    $text_format          = $dtext_format;
+    $no_conflicts_message = $dno_conflicts_message;
+    $status_text_format   = $dstatus_text_format;
+    $status_value_format  = $dstatus_value_format;
+# Load the cli options
+    GetOptions('num_recordings|recordings=s'         => \$num_recordings,
+               'hours|o=i'                           => \$hours,
+               'minutes=i'                           => \$minutes,
+               'seconds|s=i'                         => \$seconds,
+               'show_scheduled|_show_scheduled|scheduled|_scheduled|e!'
+                                                     => \$scheduled,
+               'show_duplicates|_show_duplicates|duplicates|_duplicates|p!'
+                                                     => \$duplicates,
+               'show_deactivated|_show_deactivated|deactivated|_deactivated|v!'
+                                                     => \$deactivated,
+               'show_conflicts|_show_conflicts|conflicts|_conflicts!'
+                                                     => \$conflicts,
+               'heading=s'                           => \$heading,
+               'plain_text'                          => \$plain_text,
+               'text_format=s'                       => \$text_format,
+               'no_conflicts_message=s'              => \$no_conflicts_message,
+               'status_text_format=s'                => \$status_text_format,
+               'status_value_format=s'               => \$status_value_format,
+               'usage|help'                          => \$usage
+              );
+# Print usage
+    if ($usage) {
+    # Make default "--show_*" options readable
+        $dscheduled   = ($dscheduled   ? '--show_scheduled' :
+                                         '--no_show_scheduled');
+        $dduplicates  = ($dduplicates  ? '--show_duplicates' :
+                                         '--no_show_duplicates');
+        $ddeactivated = ($ddeactivated ? '--show_deactivated' :
+                                         '--no_show_deactivated');
+        $dconflicts   = ($dconflicts   ? '--show_conflicts' :
+                                         '--no_show_conflicts');
+        print <<EOF;
+$0 usage:
+--recordings [number of recordings]
+    Outputs information on the next [number of recordings] shows to be recorded
+    by MythTV and that match the criteria specified for --scheduled,
+    --duplicates, --deactivated, and --conflicts.  To output information on all
+    matching recordings, specify -1.
+    default:  $dnum_recordings
+--hours [number of hours]
+    Outputs information on recordings starting in the next [number of hours]
+    and that match the criteria specified for --scheduled, --duplicates,
+    --deactivated, and --conflicts.  This option may be specified in
+    conjunction with --minutes and --seconds.  To output information on all
+    matching recordings regardless of start time, specify -1 for --hours,
+    --minutes, and --seconds.
+    default:  $dhours
+--minutes [number of minutes]
+    Outputs information on recordings starting in the next [number of minutes]
+    and that match the criteria specified for --scheduled, --duplicates,
+    --deactivated, and --conflicts.  This option may be specified in
+    conjunction with --hours and --seconds.  To output information on all
+    matching recordings regardless of start time, specify -1 for --hours,
+    --minutes, and --seconds.
+    default:  $dminutes
+--seconds [number of seconds]
+    Outputs information on recordings starting in the next [number of seconds]
+    and that match the criteria specified for --scheduled, --duplicates,
+    --deactivated, and --conflicts.  This option may be specified in
+    conjunction with --hours and --minutes.  To output information on all
+    matching recordings regardless of start time, specify -1 for --hours,
+    --minutes, and --seconds.
+    default:  $dseconds
+    Outputs information about scheduled recordings.  Scheduled recordings are
+    those that MythTV plans to actually record.
+    default:  $dscheduled
+    Outputs information about duplicate recordings.  Duplicate recordings are
+    those that will not be recorded because of the specified duplicate matching
+    policy for the rule.
+    default:  $dduplicates
+    Outputs information about deactivated recordings.  Deactivated recordings
+    are those that MythTV will not record because the schedule is inactive,
+    because the showing was set to never record, because the show is being
+    recorded in an earlier or later showing, because there are too many
+    recordings or not enough disk space to allow the recording, or because
+    the show you\'ve specified for recording is not listed in the timeslot
+    specified.
+    default:  $ddeactivated
+    Outputs information about conflicts (those shows that MythTV cannot record
+    because of other higher-priority scheduled recordings).
+    default:  $dconflicts
+--heading [heading]
+    Output the [heading] before printing information about recordings.
+    default:  \'$dheading\'
+    Output information in plain text format (i.e. for inclusion in an e-mail
+    notification).
+--text_format [format]
+    Use the provided [format] to display information on the recordings.  The
+    format should use the same format specifiers used by, but
+    may also use \\r and/or \\n for line breaks and %rs for recording status.
+    This option is ignored if --plain_text is not used.
+    default:  \'$dtext_format\'
+--no_conflicts_message [message]
+    Use the provided [message] to specify there are no conflicts.  This option
+    is used when only information about conflicts is requested and there are
+    no conflicts.  I.e. it is only used with the combination of show_*
+    options --show_conflicts, --no_show_scheduled, --no_show_deactivated,
+    and --no_show_duplicates .
+    default:  \'$dno_conflicts_message\'
+    Show this help text.
+        exit;
+    }
+# Determine the period of interest
+    my $now = time();
+    my $start_before = $now;
+    $start_before = $start_before + ($hours * 3600) if ($hours > 0);
+    $start_before = $start_before + ($minutes * 60) if ($minutes > 0);
+    $start_before = $start_before + $seconds if ($seconds > 0);
+    $start_before = 0 if (!($start_before > $now));
+# Fix the heading.
+    if (defined($plain_text)) {
+        $heading =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
+        $heading =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
+    }
+    else {
+    # Remove line break format specifiers from heading for status output
+        $heading =~ s/(\\r|\\n)//g;
+    }
+# Connect to mythbackend
+    my $Myth = new MythTV();
+# Get the list of recordings
+    my $count = 0;
+    my %rows = $Myth->backend_rows('QUERY_GETALLPENDING', 2);
+    my $has_conflicts = $rows{'offset'}[0];
+    if ((!$has_conflicts) &&
+        (($conflicts) &&
+         (!(($scheduled) || ($duplicates) || ($deactivated))))) {
+        $no_conflicts_message =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
+        $no_conflicts_message =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
+        print "$no_conflicts_message";
+        exit 0;
+    }
+    my $num_scheduled = $rows{'offset'}[1];
+    our $show;
+    foreach my $row (@{$rows{'rows'}}) {
+        last unless (($count < $num_recordings) || ($num_recordings < 0));
+        $show = new MythTV::Program(@$row);
+        last if (($start_before) && ($show->{'recstartts'} > $start_before));
+        next if ((!$scheduled) && (is_scheduled($show->{'recstatus'})));
+        next if ((!$duplicates) && (is_duplicate($show->{'recstatus'})));
+        next if ((!$deactivated) && (is_deactivated($show->{'recstatus'})));
+        next if ((!$conflicts) && (is_conflict($show->{'recstatus'})));
+    # Print the recording information in the desired format
+        if (defined($plain_text)) {
+            text_print($count);
+        }
+        else {
+            status_print($count);
+        }
+        $count++;
+    }
+# Returns true if the show is scheduled to record
+    sub is_scheduled {
+        my $recstatus = (shift() or 0);
+        return (($MythTV::recstatus_willrecord == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_recorded == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_recording == $recstatus));
+    }
+# Returns true if the show is a duplicate
+    sub is_duplicate {
+        my $recstatus = (shift() or 0);
+        return (($MythTV::recstatus_repeat == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_previousrecording == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_currentrecording == $recstatus));
+    }
+# Returns true if the recording is deactivated
+    sub is_deactivated {
+        my $recstatus = (shift() or 0);
+        return (($MythTV::recstatus_inactive == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_toomanyrecordings == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_cancelled == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_deleted == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_aborted == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_notlisted == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_dontrecord == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_lowdiskspace == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_tunerbusy == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_neverrecord == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_earliershowing == $recstatus) ||
+                ($MythTV::recstatus_latershowing == $recstatus));
+    }
+# Returns true if the show cannot be recorded due to a conflict
+    sub is_conflict {
+        my $recstatus = (shift() or 0);
+        return ($MythTV::recstatus_conflict == $recstatus);
+    }
+# Print the output for use in the backend status page.
+    sub status_print {
+        my $count = shift;
+        my $text = $show->format_name($status_text_format, ' ', ' ', 1, 0 ,1);
+        $text =~ s/%rs/$MythTV::RecStatus_Types{$show->{'recstatus'}}/g;
+        my $value = $show->format_name($status_value_format, ' ', ' ',
+                                       1, 0 ,1);
+        $value =~ s/%rs/$MythTV::RecStatus_Types{$show->{'recstatus'}}/g;
+        print("$heading<div class=\"schedule\">") if ($count == 0);
+        print("$text");
+        print("</div>") if ($count == ($num_recordings - 1));
+        print("[]:[]recording$count");
+        print("[]:[]$value\n");
+    }
+# Print the output in plain text format
+    sub text_print {
+        my $count = shift;
+        my $text = $show->format_name($text_format, ' ', ' ', 1, 0 ,1);
+        $text =~ s/%rs/$MythTV::RecStatus_Types{$show->{'recstatus'}}/g;
+        $text =~ s/\\r/\r/g;
+        $text =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
+        print("$heading") if ($count == 0);
+        print("$text");
+    }
diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-system/ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f8a1022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Parses the backend log file and includes information on which encoder was used to record shows.
+my ($time, $title, $subtitle, $chanid, $cardid, $sourceid);
+my $index = 0;
+sub print_text
+    print "$time - $title";
+    print ": $subtitle" if ($subtitle);
+    print "\n";
+    print " - Encoder ID: $cardid\n";
+    print " - Video Source ID: $sourceid\n";
+    print " -      Channel ID: $chanid\n";
+sub print_xml
+    print "<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\">$time - $title";
+    print ": $subtitle" if ($subtitle);
+    print " - Encoder: $cardid<br />".
+          "<span><strong>$title</strong> $time<br />";
+    print "<em>$subtitle</em><br />" if ($subtitle);
+    print "<br />Channel ID: $chanid<br />Encoder ID: $cardid<br />".
+          "Video Source ID: $sourceid<br /></span></a><hr />";
+    # For XML parsers
+    print "[]:[]capture_info$index\[]:[]time='$time':title='$title'".
+          ":subtitle='$subtitle':chanid='$chanid':cardid='$cardid'".
+          ":sourceid='$sourceid'\n";
+my $mode = shift;
+my $log_file = shift;
+if (($mode ne "--text") && ($mode ne "--noheader"))
+    $log_file = $mode;
+if ($log_file =~ m/^--.*/i) 
+    die ("Only one option can be used at a time.\n");
+if ($log_file =~ /\.gz$/)
+#   read top down
+#    open($fh, "gunzip -c $log_file |") or die "Unable to open log file '$log_file', stopping:";   
+    open($fh, "gunzip -c $log_file |tac |") or die "Unable to open log file '$log_file', stopping:";   
+#   read top down
+#    open($fh, "<$log_file") or die "Unable to open log file '$log_file', stopping:";
+    open($fh, "tac $log_file |") or die "Unable to open log file '$log_file', stopping:";
+while (<$fh>)
+#   Myth .24 regex to find start of recording
+#    if (/^(.*)(?:\d(?: I )?|I.* -) (?:Started|Tuning) recording: (.*): channel (\d+) on cardid (\d+), sourceid (\d+)/)
+    if (/^(\d+-\d+-\d+T\d+\:\d+\:\d+)(?:.*) (?:Started|Tuning) recording: (.*): channel (\d+) on cardid (\d+), sourceid (\d+)/)
+    {
+        if ($mode eq "--noheader")
+        {
+            print "<div class=\"schedule\">"
+            if (($index == 0) && ($mode ne "--text"));
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            print "<h3>Encoder Information</h3><div class=\"schedule\">"
+            if (($index == 0) && ($mode ne "--text"));
+        }        
+        $index++;
+        ($time, $title, $chanid, $cardid, $sourceid) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
+        $time = `date -d $time +%a' '%m/%d' '%H:%M' '%p`;
+        chomp ($time);
+        if (($title =~ /"?(.+)"?:"?(.*)"?/) || ($title =~ /(.+) "(.*)"/))
+        {
+            $title = $1;
+            $subtitle = $2;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $subtitle = '';
+        }
+        $title =~ s/^"//;
+        $subtitle =~ s/^"//;
+        $title =~ s/"$//;
+        $subtitle =~ s/"$//;
+        if ($mode eq "--text")
+        {
+            print_text;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            print_xml;
+        }
+    }
+print "</div>" if (($index > 0) && ($mode ne "--text"));
+close $fh;
diff --git a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mkv b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mkv
index 447e3c4..aedccff 100644
--- a/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mkv
+++ b/abs/core/linhes-scripts/myth2mkv
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # Convert video to AVC-1 / h264
-# version 0.25-003
+# version 0.25-004
 # Prerequisites:
 #   - mythtv >= 0.25
cgit v0.12