From d3cec1f30285b9fa6a774443a59c9f4d65a9263f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cecil Hugh Watson <>
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 13:05:57 -0700
Subject: Modified index.html to reflect more LinHES work.

 abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/index.html | 73 ++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/index.html b/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/index.html
index 661f673..14d5c22 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/index.html
+++ b/abs/core-testing/local-website/htdocs/index.html
@@ -1,22 +1,39 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
   <meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type">
   <meta content="Cecil Watson" name="author">
   <title>LinHES R6</title>
   <link href="KnoppMyth.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
 <p align="center"><a href="">
       <img src="header.png" alt="Tux with a Remote" align="middle" border="0"></a>
 <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="5">
 	<td style="vertical-align: top;">
       <p class="headerimage" align="center"><b>The Linux Home Entertainment System Release 6</b></p>
       <p><a href="mythweb/mythweb.php"><b>MythWeb</b></a>: <br>
 		&nbsp; &nbsp; The MythWeb allows you to use a web page to control
@@ -24,6 +41,7 @@
 		but it is dependent upon MythTV being installed and operational."
       <p><a href="remote/index.html"><b>MythTV Web Virtual Remote</b></a>: <br>
 		&nbsp; &nbsp; A web based virtual remote control for MythTV.
@@ -32,32 +50,38 @@
 		<b>Utilities/Setup -&gt; Setup -&gt; General -&gt; Fourth Page</b>.
       <p><a href="mythtv-doc/mythtv-HOWTO.html"><b>MythTV Documentation</b></a>: <br>
 		&nbsp; &nbsp; The MythTV Installation / User's Guide.
       <p><a href="mythtv-doc/keys.txt"><b>MythTV Keybindings</b></a>: <br>
 		&nbsp; &nbsp; The keybindings for the normal MythTV interface.
       <p><a href="linhes.html"><b>LinHES</b></a>: <br>
 		&nbsp; &nbsp; Describes how "The Project Leader" setup multiple systems
 		to form a <b>Lin</b>ux <b>H</b>ome <b>E</b>ntertainment <b>S</b>ystem.
       <p><a href="folding@home/"><b>My Folding Status</b></a>: <br>
 		&nbsp; &nbsp; Status of the folding@home work for the local user.
       <p><a href=";teamnum=50975"><b>Folding@home</b></a>: <br>
 		&nbsp; &nbsp; KnoppMyth Team status for the folding@home effort.
       <p><a href="ipodfeed/"><b>iPod Feeds</b></a> <br>
 		&nbsp; &nbsp; Transcodes ready for the ipod (if any).</p>
@@ -67,62 +91,27 @@
 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; FUPPES - Free UPnP Entertainment Service. &nbsp;A
 UPnP to be used inplace of the UPnP server that comes with MythTV.
 &nbsp;If the UPnP that comes with MythTV doesn't work for you, you can
-try FUPPES. &nbsp;Edit <i>/etc/sv/mythtvbackend/run</i>, and add "<i>--noupnp</i>"
-to the command line for <i>/usr/bin/mythbackend</i>. &nbsp;Then restart the
-backend and start FUPPES.</p>
-      <p style="font-weight: bold;">sv restart mythtvbackend fuppes</p>
-      <p>If you want FUPPES to start on boot add a link to the
-      <i>/etc/sv/fuppes</i> directory under <i>/var/service</i>.</p>
-      <p><b>ln -s /etc/sv/fuppes /var/service</b></p>
-      <p></p>
-      <p><a href="motion/index.html"><b>Motion</b></a>: <br>
-		&nbsp; &nbsp; Motion is a software motion detector. The configuration file for
-		motion is <i>/etc/motion/motion.conf</i>. All you should have to do is edit
-		"videodevice" to point to your webcam or capture device. You'll also
-		need to change the IP in <i>/var/www/motion/index.html</i> to the IP of your
-		backend.
-		<br><br>
-		&nbsp; &nbsp; As root: <b>sv start motion</b> will start motion.
-		To have it start automatically add a link to the
-                <i>/etc/sv/motion</i> directory under <i>/var/service</i>.</p>
-                <p><b>ln -s /etc/sv/motion /var/service</b></p>
-		<p>Images and video are stored in <i>/myth/motion</i>.
-		Symlinks to <i>/myth/gallery</i> and <i>/myth/video</i> exist.
-                <br><br>
-		For further detail on configuring Motion, please read the
-		<a href="">Motion Guide</a>.
-	  </p>
+try FUPPES.
       <p><a href="rrd/index.html"><b>RRDTool</b></a>: <br>
 		&nbsp; &nbsp; Hardware status graphs.
-      <p><a href="vlc_control.php"><b>VLC HTTP Interface</b></a>: <br>
-		&nbsp; &nbsp; Web interface for VideoLan Client.
-	  </p>
-	  <b>Tip:</b>
-		&nbsp;If you seem to be stuck in a
-		loop when trying to select a video to stream from MythWeb
-		(MythStreamTV), go back to the main
-		<a href="mythweb/">MythWeb</a> page and select &nbsp;"StreamTV" again.
       <p><a href="javascript:void(0)"onclick="'mythweb/data/mp3player.html','linkname','height=100, width=260,scrollbars=no')"><b>KnoppMyth Radio</b></a>: <br>
                 &nbsp; &nbsp; Your music must be encoded as MP3 in MythMusic for this to work.</p>
       <td style="vertical-align: top;"></td>
cgit v0.12