From 03b3a1aef9f535b962abe26327d9fca6c64e1902 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cecil Hugh Watson <>
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2010 22:54:23 -0700
Subject: procinfo:Removed for LinHES 7.

 abs/core-testing/procinfo/PKGBUILD            |  22 --
 abs/core-testing/procinfo/procinfo-19.2.patch | 325 --------------------------
 2 files changed, 347 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/procinfo/PKGBUILD
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/procinfo/procinfo-19.2.patch

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/procinfo/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/procinfo/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index ccff37e..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/procinfo/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 356 2008-04-18 22:56:27Z aaron $
-# Maintainer: judd <>
-pkgdesc="Displays useful information from /proc"
-arch=(i686 x86_64) 
-depends=('glibc' 'ncurses' 'perl')
-	procinfo-19.2.patch)
-         '6520e2f7d7884069d3ee41251d36a86c')
-build() {
-  cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-18
-  patch -Np1 -i ../procinfo-19.2.patch || return 1
-  make LDLIBS=-lncurses || return 1
-  make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/procinfo/procinfo-19.2.patch b/abs/core-testing/procinfo/procinfo-19.2.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fb622a..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/procinfo/procinfo-19.2.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-diff -ruN procinfo-18/procinfo.c procinfo-19/procinfo.c
---- procinfo-18/procinfo.c	2001-02-25 12:29:16.000000000 +0100
-+++ procinfo-19/procinfo.c	2005-07-02 17:37:31.000000000 +0200
-@@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
-   Displays general info from /proc.
-   Date:        1995-07-08 05:30:34
--  Last Change: 2001-02-25 00:27:21
-+  Last Change: 2005-07-02 17:25:53
-   Copyright (c) 1994-2001
-+  Copyright (c) 2004-2005 (upgrades for 2.6 kernel)
-   This software is released under the GNU Public Licence. See the file
-   `COPYING' for details. Since you're probably running Linux I'm sure
-@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
- #include <string.h>
- #include <termios.h>
- #include <termcap.h>
-+#include <ctype.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <sys/param.h>	/* for HZ -- should be in <time.h> ? */
-@@ -72,9 +74,9 @@
- int nr_irqs = 0;
- int nr_cpus = 0;
--FILE *loadavgfp, *meminfofp, *modulesfp, *statfp, *uptimefp,
-+FILE *loadavgfp, *meminfofp, *modulesfp, *statfp, *uptimefp, *diskstatsfp,
-     *devicesfp, *filesystemsfp, *interruptsfp, *dmafp, *cmdlinefp,
--    *versionfp, *cpuinfofp;
-+    *versionfp, *cpuinfofp, *vmstatfp;
- char line[1024], cmdline[1024], booted[40], *version = NULL, *message = NULL;
-@@ -89,9 +91,13 @@
- {
-     unsigned long elapsed;
-     char loadavg[32];
--    int i;
-+    int i, havetwosix = 0, lastdisk;
-     static int have_m_c = -1;	/* Do we have cache info? */
-     static int have_m_l = -1;	/* Do we have new-style-one-datum-per-line? */
-+    char devicename[10];
-+    char *last;
-+    unsigned int q,w,a,s,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,y,x;
-+    int disk_counter = 0, ret;
- /**** /proc/uptime ****/
-@@ -237,6 +243,50 @@
-     printf ("Bootup: %s    Load average: %s\n\n", booted, loadavg);
-+/**** /proc/vmstat ... 2.6.x kernel only ****/
-+	if (vmstatfp) {
-+		havetwosix = 1;
-+		fseek (vmstatfp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
-+		while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), vmstatfp)) {
-+			char *type = strtok (line, " ");
-+			if (ISSTR ("pgpgin")) {
-+				new.pgin = VAL;
-+			} else if (ISSTR ("pgpgout")) {
-+				new.pgout = VAL;
-+			} else if (ISSTR ("pgactivate")) {
-+				new.pgac = VAL;
-+			} else if (ISSTR ("pgdeactivate")) {
-+				new.pgdeac = VAL;
-+			} else if (ISSTR ("pgfault")) {
-+				new.pgfault = VAL;
-+			} else if (ISSTR ("pswpin")) {
-+				new.swin = VAL;
-+			} else if (ISSTR ("pswpout")) {
-+				new.swout = VAL;
-+			}
-+		}
-+	}
-+/**** /proc/diskstats ... 2.6.x kernel only ****/
-+   if (diskstatsfp) {
-+	havetwosix = 1;
-+	fseek (diskstatsfp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
-+	while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), diskstatsfp)) {
-+	   char *type = strtok (line, "\n");
-+		   ret = sscanf (type, "%d%d%s%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d%d", &q, &w, devicename, &a, &s, &d, &f, &g, &h, &j, &k, &l, &y, &x);
-+		   if (ret != 14) /* Everything with less than 14 elements is not a disk device */
-+			   continue;
-+         last = devicename+strlen(devicename)-1;
-+         if (isalpha(*last)) {/* Is the last char is a number ignore it .. like fd0 */
-+            if (++disk_counter > 7) /* 7 disks is all we have room for */
-+               continue;
-+            else {
-+               new.disk_r[disk_counter-1] = a;
-+               new.disk_w[disk_counter-1] = g;
-+            }
-+         }
-+      }
-+   }
- /**** /proc/stat ****/
-@@ -249,6 +299,9 @@
- 	    new.cpu_nice = VAL;
- 	    new.cpu_sys = VAL;
- 	    new.cpu_idle = VAL;
-+	    new.cpu_iowait = VAL;
-+	    new.cpu_hirq = VAL;
-+	    new.cpu_sirq = VAL;
- 	    /*
- 	     * according to bug #1959, sometimes the cpu_idle
- 	     * seems to go backwards(!) on SMP boxes.  This may
-@@ -262,34 +315,54 @@
- 	    new.disk[1] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk[2] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk[3] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk[4] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk[5] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk[6] = VAL;
- 	} else if (ISSTR ("disk_rio") && io_or_blk == 0) {
- 	    new.disk_r[0] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_r[1] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_r[2] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_r[3] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_r[4] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_r[5] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_r[6] = VAL;
-+	} else if (ISSTR ("disk_wio") && io_or_blk == 0) {
-+	    new.disk_w[0] = VAL;
-+	} else if (ISSTR ("disk_wio") && io_or_blk == 0) {
-+	    new.disk_w[0] = VAL;
-+	} else if (ISSTR ("disk_wio") && io_or_blk == 0) {
-+	    new.disk_w[0] = VAL;
- 	} else if (ISSTR ("disk_wio") && io_or_blk == 0) {
- 	    new.disk_w[0] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_w[1] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_w[2] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_w[3] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_w[4] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_w[5] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_w[6] = VAL;
- 	} else if (ISSTR ("disk_rblk") && io_or_blk == 1) {
- 	    new.disk_r[0] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_r[1] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_r[2] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_r[3] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_r[4] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_r[5] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_r[6] = VAL;
- 	} else if (ISSTR ("disk_wblk") && io_or_blk == 1) {
- 	    new.disk_w[0] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_w[1] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_w[2] = VAL;
- 	    new.disk_w[3] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_w[4] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_w[5] = VAL;
-+	    new.disk_w[6] = VAL;
- 	} else if (ISSTR ("disk_io:")) {
--	    int disk_counter = 0, ret;
- 	    unsigned int q, w, e, r, t, y, u; /* I'm NOT in the mood today. */
- 	    char *barf;
- 	    while ((barf = strtok (NULL, " "))) {
--		if (++disk_counter > 4) /* 4 is all we have room for */
-+		if (++disk_counter > 7) /* 7 is all we have room for */
- 		    continue;
- 		ret = sscanf (barf, "(%d,%d):(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)",
-@@ -374,7 +447,10 @@
-     printf ("system: %s %s",
- 	    hms (bDIFF (cpu_sys)), perc (bDIFF (cpu_sys), elapsed, nr_cpus));
--    printf ("  swap in :%9lu", bDIFF (swin));
-+    if (havetwosix)
-+        printf ("  page act:%9lu", bDIFF (pgac));
-+    else
-+        printf ("  swap in :%9lu", bDIFF (swin));
-     if (new.disk_r[2])
- 	printf ("  disk 3: %8lur%8luw\n", bDIFF (disk_r[2]),
- 		bDIFF (disk_w[2]));
-@@ -383,14 +459,53 @@
-     else
- 	putchar ('\n');
-+    if (havetwosix) {
-+        printf ("IOwait: %s %s",
-+            hms (bDIFF (cpu_iowait)), perc (bDIFF (cpu_iowait), elapsed, nr_cpus));
-+        printf ("  page dea:%9lu", bDIFF (pgdeac));
-+        if (new.disk_r[3])
-+	    printf ("  disk 4: %8lur%8luw\n", bDIFF (disk_r[3]),
-+		bDIFF (disk_w[3]));
-+        else if (new.disk[3])
-+	    printf ("  disk 4: %8lu\n", bDIFF (disk[3]));
-+        else
-+	    putchar ('\n');
-+        printf ("hw irq: %s %s",
-+            hms (bDIFF (cpu_hirq)), perc (bDIFF (cpu_hirq), elapsed, nr_cpus));
-+        printf ("  page flt:%9lu", bDIFF (pgfault));
-+        if (new.disk_r[4])
-+	    printf ("  disk 5: %8lur%8luw\n", bDIFF (disk_r[4]),
-+		bDIFF (disk_w[4]));
-+        else if (new.disk[4])
-+	    printf ("  disk 5: %8lu\n", bDIFF (disk[4]));
-+        else
-+	    putchar ('\n');
-+        printf ("sw irq: %s %s",
-+            hms (bDIFF (cpu_sirq)), perc (bDIFF (cpu_sirq), elapsed, nr_cpus));
-+        printf ("  swap in :%9lu", bDIFF (swin));
-+        if (new.disk_r[5])
-+	    printf ("  disk 6: %8lur%8luw\n", bDIFF (disk_r[5]),
-+		bDIFF (disk_w[5]));
-+        else if (new.disk[5])
-+	    printf ("  disk 6: %8lu\n", bDIFF (disk[5]));
-+        else
-+	    putchar ('\n');
-+    }
-     printf ("idle  : %s %s",
- 	    hms (bDIFF (cpu_idle)), perc (bDIFF (cpu_idle), elapsed, nr_cpus));
-     printf ("  swap out:%9lu", bDIFF (swout));
--    if (new.disk_r[3])
--	printf ("  disk 4: %8lur%8luw\n", bDIFF (disk_r[3]),
--		bDIFF (disk_w[3]));
--    else if (new.disk[3])
--	printf ("  disk 4: %8lu\n", bDIFF (disk[3]));
-+    if (havetwosix)
-+        lastdisk = 5;
-+    else
-+        lastdisk = 2;
-+    if (new.disk_r[lastdisk])
-+	printf ("  disk %d: %8lur%8luw\n", lastdisk+1, bDIFF (disk_r[lastdisk]),
-+		bDIFF (disk_w[lastdisk]));
-+    else if (new.disk[lastdisk])
-+	printf ("  disk %d: %8lu\n", lastdisk+1, bDIFF (disk[lastdisk]));
-     else
- 	putchar ('\n');
-@@ -786,6 +901,8 @@
-     meminfofp = myfopen (PROC_DIR "meminfo");
-     statfp = myfopen (PROC_DIR "stat");
-     /* These may be missing, so check for NULL later. */
-+    diskstatsfp = fopen (PROC_DIR "diskstats", "r");
-+    vmstatfp = fopen (PROC_DIR "vmstat", "r");
-     modulesfp = fopen (PROC_DIR "modules", "r");
-     devicesfp = fopen (PROC_DIR "devices", "r");
-     filesystemsfp = fopen (PROC_DIR "filesystems", "r");
-@@ -990,6 +1107,9 @@
- 			new.disk_r[1] = new.disk_w[1] =
- 			new.disk_r[2] = new.disk_w[2] =
- 			new.disk_r[3] = new.disk_w[3] = 0;
-+			new.disk_r[4] = new.disk_w[4] = 0;
-+			new.disk_r[5] = new.disk_w[5] = 0;
-+			new.disk_r[6] = new.disk_w[6] = 0;
- 		    redrawn = 1;
- 		    message = io_or_blk ? "showing I/O in blocks" :
- 			"showing I/O per requests";
-diff -ruN procinfo-18/procinfo.h procinfo-19/procinfo.h
---- procinfo-18/procinfo.h	2001-02-25 00:30:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ procinfo-19/procinfo.h	2005-07-02 17:37:54.000000000 +0200
-@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@
-   procinfo.h
-   Date:        1995-04-15 23:54:06
--  Last Change: 2001-02-24 23:43:08
-+  Last Change: 2005-07-02 17:37:32
-   Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Sander van Malssen <>
-+  Copyright (c) 2004-2005 (upgrades for 2.6 kernel)
-   This software is released under the GNU Public Licence. See the file
-   `COPYING' for details. Since you're probably running Linux I'm sure
-@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@
- 			  new.x)
- #define bDIFF(x)	(show_diff ? \
--			 (unsigned long) (((new.x)-(old.x))/rate) : \
-+			 (unsigned long) ((((new.x)-(old.x))/rate)*10) : \
- 		 	 (show_from_baseline ? \
- 			  new.x - base.x : new.x))
-@@ -81,11 +82,11 @@
-     unsigned long uptime;
-     long m_to, m_us, m_fr, m_sh, m_bu, m_ca;
-     long s_to, s_us, s_fr;
--    unsigned long cpu_user, cpu_nice, cpu_sys, cpu_idle;
--    unsigned long disk[5];
--    unsigned long disk_r[5];
--    unsigned long disk_w[5];
--    unsigned long pgin, pgout, swin, swout;
-+    unsigned long cpu_user, cpu_nice, cpu_sys, cpu_idle, cpu_iowait, cpu_hirq, cpu_sirq;
-+    unsigned long disk[8];
-+    unsigned long disk_r[8];
-+    unsigned long disk_w[8];
-+    unsigned long pgin, pgout, pgac, pgdeac, pgfault, swin, swout;
-     unsigned long *intr;	/* Phew. That's better. */
-     unsigned long old_intr;
-     unsigned long ctxt;
-diff -ruN procinfo-18/routines.c procinfo-19/routines.c
---- procinfo-18/routines.c	2001-02-25 00:30:45.000000000 +0100
-+++ procinfo-19/routines.c	2005-07-02 17:18:36.000000000 +0200
-@@ -388,9 +388,13 @@
- hms (unsigned long t)
- {
-     unsigned int d, h, m, s;
-+    unsigned long q;
-     static char buf[22];
--    t = t * 100 / HZ;
-+    q = 100 / HZ; /* We need this because the libc does something funny here */
-+                  /* if we try to use: t = t * 100 / HZ; here! */
-+                  /* 11. Feb. 2004 */
-+    t = t * q;
-     d = (int) (t / 8640000);
-     t = t - (long) (d * 8640000);
-     h = (int) (t / 360000);
-@@ -424,6 +428,7 @@
-     /* if (v > 1000)
- 	return "+++.+%";
-     else */
-+	//sprintf (buf, "%3u.%u%%", v, v % 10);
- 	sprintf (buf, "%3u.%u%%", v / 10, v % 10);
-     return buf;
- }
cgit v0.12