From 690fa2bf80dba5e7576234094575bef0475e1f74 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 01:46:12 +0000
Subject: pacman & helpers:  update pacman to lastest version from archlinux

 abs/core-testing/libarchive/PKGBUILD               |  33 +++---
 abs/core-testing/libelf/delete_dir                 |   0
 abs/core-testing/libfetch/Makefile                 |   9 +-
 abs/core-testing/libfetch/PKGBUILD                 |  24 +++--
 .../libfetch/libfetch-2.33-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz       |   1 +
 abs/core-testing/libtool/PKGBUILD                  |   7 +-
 .../libtool/libtool-2.2.10-3-i686.pkg.tar.gz       |   1 +
 .../linux-api-headers-2.6.34-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz     |   1 +
 ...lback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch |  32 ------
 abs/core-testing/pacman/PKGBUILD                   |  36 ++++---
 abs/core-testing/pacman/mirrorlist                 | 101 ------------------
 ...lback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch |  32 ++++++
 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/PKGBUILD               |  74 +++++++++++++
 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/makepkg.conf           | 115 +++++++++++++++++++++
 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/mirrorlist             | 101 ++++++++++++++++++
 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/pacman.conf            |  84 +++++++++++++++
 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/pacman.install         |  53 ++++++++++
 .../pacman/pacman-3.4.1-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz          |   1 +
 abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman.conf                |   5 -
 abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman.conf.x86_64         |  84 +++++++++++++++
 abs/core-testing/wget/PKGBUILD                     |  20 ++--
 abs/core-testing/wget/wget-1.12-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz  |   1 +
 abs/core-testing/wget/wget.install                 |  20 ++++
 .../xz/xz-4.999.9beta-5-i686.pkg.tar.gz            |   1 +
 24 files changed, 646 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/libelf/delete_dir
 create mode 120000 abs/core-testing/libfetch/libfetch-2.33-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
 create mode 120000 abs/core-testing/libtool/libtool-2.2.10-3-i686.pkg.tar.gz
 create mode 120000 abs/core-testing/linux-api-headers/linux-api-headers-2.6.34-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/pacman/0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/pacman/mirrorlist
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/PKGBUILD
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/makepkg.conf
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/mirrorlist
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/pacman.conf
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/pacman/old/pacman.install
 create mode 120000 abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman-3.4.1-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman.conf.x86_64
 create mode 120000 abs/core-testing/wget/wget-1.12-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/wget/wget.install
 create mode 120000 abs/core-testing/xz/xz-4.999.9beta-5-i686.pkg.tar.gz

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/libarchive/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/libarchive/PKGBUILD
index 1c29cd2..ad44d8f 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/libarchive/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/libarchive/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,30 +1,35 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 50484 2009-08-27 22:33:42Z thomas $
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 85003 2010-07-06 13:24:34Z dan $
 # Maintainer: Dan McGee <>
 # Maintainer: Aaron Griffin <>
 pkgdesc="library that can create and read several streaming archive formats"
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('zlib' 'bzip2' 'xz-utils' 'acl' 'openssl')
+depends=('zlib' 'bzip2' 'xz' 'acl' 'openssl>=1.0.0' 'expat')
 # pacman.static build fails unless we keep the libtool files (or unless we link
 # the missing symbols inside the libarchive .a static lib, but that is dirty)
+# keep an upgrade path for older installations
 build() {
-  cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr
+  cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-xml2
   make || return 1
-  make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
+package() {
+  cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
-  # install license
-  mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/libarchive
-  install -m644 COPYING $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/libarchive/
+  install -D -m644 COPYING $pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/libarchive/COPYING
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/libelf/delete_dir b/abs/core-testing/libelf/delete_dir
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/libfetch/Makefile b/abs/core-testing/libfetch/Makefile
index 15df96e..53bcee9 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/libfetch/Makefile
+++ b/abs/core-testing/libfetch/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ FETCH_WITH_INET6 = true
 WARNINGS = -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wsign-compare -Wchar-subscripts \
-	   -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align -Wsign-compare
+	   -Wpointer-arith -Wcast-align
 CFLAGS   = -O2 -pipe -I. -fPIC $(WARNINGS) \
@@ -42,18 +42,17 @@ E = @/bin/echo
 Q = @
 all: libfetch.a
-	$(E) "  built with:  " $(CFLAGS)
 .PHONY: all
 %.o: %.c $(INCS) $(GEN)
 	$(E) "  compile   " $@
 	$(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
-ftperr.h: ftp.errors
+ftperr.h: ftp.errors Makefile
 	$(E) "  generate  " $@
 	$(Q) ./ ftp_errlist FTP ftp.errors > $@
-httperr.h: http.errors
+httperr.h: http.errors Makefile
 	$(E) "  generate  " $@
 	$(Q) ./ http_errlist HTTP http.errors > $@
@@ -61,12 +60,14 @@ $(GEN) $(INCS) $(OBJS)
 	$(E) "  build     " $@
 	$(Q) rm -f $@
 	$(Q) $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) *.o -shared -o $@
+	$(E) "  built with:  " $(CFLAGS)
 libfetch.a: $(GEN) $(INCS) $(OBJS)
 	$(E) "  build     " $@
 	$(Q) rm -f $@
 	$(Q) $(AR) rcs $@ *.o
 	$(Q) $(RANLIB) $@
+	$(E) "  built with:  " $(CFLAGS)
 	$(E) "  clean     "
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/libfetch/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/libfetch/PKGBUILD
index 8cdbd2c..641e7d4 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/libfetch/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/libfetch/PKGBUILD
@@ -3,16 +3,20 @@
 # Contributor: Xavier Chantry <>
 pkgdesc="URL based download library"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+         'a176b94f7f30344ef8a71c047ca2136b')
+# keep an upgrade path for older installations
 # source PKGBUILD && mksource
 mksource() {
@@ -28,11 +32,15 @@ mksource() {
 build() {
-  cd $srcdir/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
-  cp ../Makefile .
+  cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  cp $srcdir/Makefile .
   make || return 1
-  make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
-         '2dc53c0b5480d3dd5157482379820806')
+package() {
+  cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
+  licdir=$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/libfetch/
+  mkdir -p $licdir
+  sed -n -e '/Copyright (c)/,/SUCH DAMAGE\./p' common.c | cut -c '4-' > $licdir/LICENSE
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/libfetch/libfetch-2.33-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz b/abs/core-testing/libfetch/libfetch-2.33-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..2c8ffbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/libfetch/libfetch-2.33-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/libtool/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/libtool/PKGBUILD
index c6f5f7a..eab01ea 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/libtool/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/libtool/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 82294 2010-06-10 03:52:16Z allan $
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 87248 2010-08-11 14:10:45Z allan $
 # Maintainer: Allan McRae <>
 # Contributor: judd <>
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 pkgdesc="A generic library support script"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ md5sums=('b745d220e88163fcd9eea0a90ccf21b0')
 build() {
   cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
   ./configure --prefix=/usr
-  make || return 1
+  make
+  make check
 package() {
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/libtool/libtool-2.2.10-3-i686.pkg.tar.gz b/abs/core-testing/libtool/libtool-2.2.10-3-i686.pkg.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..76cb8a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/libtool/libtool-2.2.10-3-i686.pkg.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/linux-api-headers/linux-api-headers-2.6.34-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz b/abs/core-testing/linux-api-headers/linux-api-headers-2.6.34-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..2e2ed4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/linux-api-headers/linux-api-headers-2.6.34-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch b/abs/core-testing/pacman/0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 8baa35e..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/pacman/0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-From dc817a2061699cd1f33ca93f0d93a1fbc2f33ea1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Allan McRae <>
-Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 14:32:08 +1000
-Subject: [PATCH] makepkg: fallback to sane defaults for library stripping
-If the library stripping variables are not defined in makepkg.conf,
-libraries will be fully stripped and become broken.  Fallback to a
-sane default stripping level.
-Signed-off-by: Allan McRae <>
-Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <>
- scripts/ |    3 +++
- 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
-index d986701..e64b564 100644
---- a/scripts/
-+++ b/scripts/
-@@ -864,6 +864,9 @@ tidy_install() {
- 	if [[ $(check_option strip) = y && -n ${STRIP_DIRS[*]} ]]; then
- 		msg2 "$(gettext "Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...")"
-+		# make sure library stripping variables are defined to prevent excess stripping
-+		[[ -z ${STRIP_SHARED+x} ]] && STRIP_SHARED="-S"
-+		[[ -z ${STRIP_STATIC+x} ]] && STRIP_STATIC="-S"
- 		local binary
- 		find ${STRIP_DIRS[@]} -type f -perm -u+w 2>/dev/null | while read binary ; do
- 			case "$(file -bi "$binary")" in
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/pacman/PKGBUILD
index b18009b..27dd4ca 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/pacman/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/pacman/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,39 +1,34 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 83376 2010-06-21 12:52:09Z dan $
-# Maintainer: Aaron Griffin <>
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 89780 2010-09-04 01:05:26Z dan $
 # Maintainer: Dan McGee <>
 pkgdesc="A library-based package manager with dependency support"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
 depends=('bash' 'libarchive>=2.7.1' 'libfetch>=2.25' 'pacman-mirrorlist')
-optdepends=('fakeroot: for makepkg usage as normal user')
+optdepends=('fakeroot: for makepkg usage as normal user'
+            'curl: for rankmirrors usage')
 backup=(etc/pacman.conf etc/makepkg.conf)
-        makepkg.conf
-        0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch)
-         '80f5bb2a606553512d0db857f78d9ac2'
-         'aef317285c7d16ac495b0e53deeb948d'
-         'f8c4a3cc7702a7a70d177659441495c5')
-            '97fb68536c1179a7de52dfb8a107c6e9bf3a71eaa6a98d6ae74dc224d4ca5838'
-            '3a60e1f895c90c8e74f5ca389fa05fb3328745e9873c5452b8cd1b2e68bee418'
-            '99f1d108f930b134cfb4c1ca8c86cd282fe9efb69de39cd747218f3d448dda44')
+        pacman.conf.x86_64
+        makepkg.conf)
+         'eda9cbdb47f85fabda2e7e63801e3e16'
+         '9ba146b4fa7bcb3cc18204b06d1f6157'
+         'aef317285c7d16ac495b0e53deeb948d')
 # keep an upgrade path for older installations
 build() {
   cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
-  patch -Np1 < $srcdir/0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch
   ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-doc
   make || return 1
@@ -44,7 +39,14 @@ package() {
   # install Arch specific stuff
   mkdir -p $pkgdir/etc
-  install -m644 $srcdir/pacman.conf $pkgdir/etc/
+  case "$CARCH" in
+    i686)
+      install -m644 $srcdir/pacman.conf $pkgdir/etc/pacman.conf
+      ;;
+    x86_64)
+      install -m644 $srcdir/pacman.conf.x86_64 $pkgdir/etc/pacman.conf
+      ;;
+  esac
   install -m644 $srcdir/makepkg.conf $pkgdir/etc/
   # set things correctly in the default conf file
   case "$CARCH" in
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/mirrorlist b/abs/core-testing/pacman/mirrorlist
deleted file mode 100644
index 83e75ae..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/pacman/mirrorlist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# Arch Linux repository mirrorlist
-# North America
-# - United States
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Canada
-Server =$repo/os/@carch 
-# South America
-# - Brazil
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# Europe
-# - Austria
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Belgium
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Czech Republic
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Estonia
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - France
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Germany
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Great Britain
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Greece
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Hungary
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Ireland
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Italy
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Netherlands
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Norway
-Server =$repo/os/@carch
-# - Poland
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Portugal
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Romania
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Russia
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Sweden
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Switzerland
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Turkey
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Ukraine
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# Asia
-# - Israel
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# - Vietnam
-# Domain name is but there are frequent DNS problems
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-# Australia
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
-Server =$repo/os/@carch@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8baa35e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+From dc817a2061699cd1f33ca93f0d93a1fbc2f33ea1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Allan McRae <>
+Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2010 14:32:08 +1000
+Subject: [PATCH] makepkg: fallback to sane defaults for library stripping
+If the library stripping variables are not defined in makepkg.conf,
+libraries will be fully stripped and become broken.  Fallback to a
+sane default stripping level.
+Signed-off-by: Allan McRae <>
+Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <>
+ scripts/ |    3 +++
+ 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
+index d986701..e64b564 100644
+--- a/scripts/
++++ b/scripts/
+@@ -864,6 +864,9 @@ tidy_install() {
+ 	if [[ $(check_option strip) = y && -n ${STRIP_DIRS[*]} ]]; then
+ 		msg2 "$(gettext "Stripping unneeded symbols from binaries and libraries...")"
++		# make sure library stripping variables are defined to prevent excess stripping
++		[[ -z ${STRIP_SHARED+x} ]] && STRIP_SHARED="-S"
++		[[ -z ${STRIP_STATIC+x} ]] && STRIP_STATIC="-S"
+ 		local binary
+ 		find ${STRIP_DIRS[@]} -type f -perm -u+w 2>/dev/null | while read binary ; do
+ 			case "$(file -bi "$binary")" in
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a138950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 83376 2010-06-21 12:52:09Z dan $
+# Maintainer: Aaron Griffin <>
+# Maintainer: Dan McGee <>
+pkgdesc="A library-based package manager with dependency support"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+depends=('bash' 'libarchive>=2.7.1' 'libfetch>=2.25' 'pacman-mirrorlist')
+optdepends=('fakeroot: for makepkg usage as normal user')
+backup=(etc/pacman.conf etc/makepkg.conf)
+        pacman.conf
+        makepkg.conf
+        0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch)
+         '80f5bb2a606553512d0db857f78d9ac2'
+         'aef317285c7d16ac495b0e53deeb948d'
+         'f8c4a3cc7702a7a70d177659441495c5')
+            '97fb68536c1179a7de52dfb8a107c6e9bf3a71eaa6a98d6ae74dc224d4ca5838'
+            '3a60e1f895c90c8e74f5ca389fa05fb3328745e9873c5452b8cd1b2e68bee418'
+            '99f1d108f930b134cfb4c1ca8c86cd282fe9efb69de39cd747218f3d448dda44')
+# keep an upgrade path for older installations
+build() {
+  cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  patch -Np1 < $srcdir/0001-makepkg-fallback-to-sane-defaults-for-library-stripp.patch
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --enable-doc
+  make || return 1
+package() {
+  cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1
+  # install Arch specific stuff
+  mkdir -p $pkgdir/etc
+  install -m644 $srcdir/pacman.conf $pkgdir/etc/
+  install -m644 $srcdir/makepkg.conf $pkgdir/etc/
+  # set things correctly in the default conf file
+  case "$CARCH" in
+    i686)
+      mycarch="i686"
+      mychost="i686-pc-linux-gnu"
+      myflags="-march=i686 "
+      ;;
+    x86_64)
+      mycarch="x86_64"
+      mychost="x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+      myflags="-march=x86-64 "
+      ;;
+  esac
+  sed -i $pkgdir/etc/makepkg.conf \
+    -e "s|@CARCH[@]|$mycarch|g" \
+    -e "s|@CHOST[@]|$mychost|g" \
+    -e "s|@CARCHFLAGS[@]|$myflags|g"
+  # install completion files
+  mkdir -p $pkgdir/etc/bash_completion.d/
+  install -m644 contrib/bash_completion $pkgdir/etc/bash_completion.d/pacman
+  mkdir -p $pkgdir/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/
+  install -m644 contrib/zsh_completion $pkgdir/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_pacman
+# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/makepkg.conf b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/makepkg.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff08a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/makepkg.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# /etc/makepkg.conf
+#-- The download utilities that makepkg should use to acquire sources
+#  Format: 'protocol::agent'
+DLAGENTS=('ftp::/usr/bin/wget -c --passive-ftp -t 3 --waitretry=3 -O %o %u'
+          'http::/usr/bin/wget -c -t 3 --waitretry=3 -O %o %u'
+          'https::/usr/bin/wget -c -t 3 --waitretry=3 --no-check-certificate -O %o %u'
+          'rsync::/usr/bin/rsync -z %u %o'
+          'scp::/usr/bin/scp -C %u %o')
+# Other common tools:
+# /usr/bin/snarf
+# /usr/bin/lftpget -c
+# /usr/bin/curl
+#-- Exclusive: will only run on @CARCH@
+# -march (or -mcpu) builds exclusively for an architecture
+# -mtune optimizes for an architecture, but builds for whole processor family
+CFLAGS="@CARCHFLAGS@-mtune=generic -O2 -pipe"
+CXXFLAGS="@CARCHFLAGS@-mtune=generic -O2 -pipe"
+LDFLAGS="-Wl,--hash-style=gnu -Wl,--as-needed"
+#-- Make Flags: change this for DistCC/SMP systems
+# Defaults: BUILDENV=(fakeroot !distcc color !ccache)
+#  A negated environment option will do the opposite of the comments below.
+#-- fakeroot: Allow building packages as a non-root user
+#-- distcc:   Use the Distributed C/C++/ObjC compiler
+#-- color:    Colorize output messages
+#-- ccache:   Use ccache to cache compilation
+BUILDENV=(fakeroot !distcc color !ccache)
+#-- If using DistCC, your MAKEFLAGS will also need modification. In addition,
+#-- specify a space-delimited list of hosts running in the DistCC cluster.
+#   These are default values for the options=() settings
+# Default: OPTIONS=(strip docs libtool emptydirs zipman purge)
+#  A negated option will do the opposite of the comments below.
+#-- strip:     Strip symbols from binaries/libraries in STRIP_DIRS
+#-- docs:      Save doc directories specified by DOC_DIRS
+#-- libtool:   Leave libtool (.la) files in packages
+#-- emptydirs: Leave empty directories in packages
+#-- zipman:    Compress manual (man and info) pages in MAN_DIRS with gzip
+#-- purge:     Remove files specified by PURGE_TARGETS
+OPTIONS=(strip docs libtool emptydirs zipman purge)
+#-- File integrity checks to use. Valid: md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512
+#-- Options to be used when stripping binaries. See `man strip' for details.
+#-- Options to be used when stripping shared libraries. See `man strip' for details.
+#-- Options to be used when stripping static libraries. See `man strip' for details.
+#-- Manual (man and info) directories to compress (if zipman is specified)
+#-- Doc directories to remove (if !docs is specified)
+DOC_DIRS=(usr/{,local/}{,share/}{doc,gtk-doc} opt/*/{doc,gtk-doc})
+#-- Directories to be searched for the strip option (if strip is specified)
+STRIP_DIRS=(bin lib sbin usr/{bin,lib,sbin,local/{bin,lib,sbin}} opt/*/{bin,lib,sbin})
+#-- Files to be removed from all packages (if purge is specified)
+PURGE_TARGETS=(usr/{,share}/info/dir .packlist *.pod)
+# Default: put built package and cached source in build directory
+#-- Destination: specify a fixed directory where all packages will be placed
+#-- Source cache: specify a fixed directory where source files will be cached
+#-- Source packages: specify a fixed directory where all src packages will be placed
+#-- Packager: name/email of the person or organization building packages
+#PACKAGER="John Doe <>"
+# WARNING: Do NOT modify these variables unless you know what you are
+#          doing.
+# vim: set ft=sh ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/mirrorlist b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/mirrorlist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83e75ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/mirrorlist
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Arch Linux repository mirrorlist
+# North America
+# - United States
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Canada
+Server =$repo/os/@carch 
+# South America
+# - Brazil
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# Europe
+# - Austria
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Belgium
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Czech Republic
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Estonia
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - France
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Germany
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Great Britain
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Greece
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Hungary
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Ireland
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Italy
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Netherlands
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Norway
+Server =$repo/os/@carch
+# - Poland
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Portugal
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Romania
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Russia
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Sweden
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Switzerland
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Turkey
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Ukraine
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# Asia
+# - Israel
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# - Vietnam
+# Domain name is but there are frequent DNS problems
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+# Australia
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
+Server =$repo/os/@carch@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/pacman.conf b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/pacman.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..911c23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/pacman.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# /etc/pacman.conf
+# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
+# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
+# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
+#RootDir     = /
+#DBPath      = /var/lib/pacman/
+#CacheDir    = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
+#LogFile     = /var/log/pacman.log
+HoldPkg     = pacman glibc
+# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
+SyncFirst   = pacman
+#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
+#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - %u > %o
+#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
+Architecture = auto
+# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
+#IgnorePkg   =
+#IgnoreGroup =
+#NoUpgrade   =
+#NoExtract   =
+# Misc options (all disabled by default)
+#   - can be defined here or included from another file
+#   - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
+#   - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
+#   - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
+#     have identical names, regardless of version number
+#   - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
+#   - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
+# Repository entries are of the format:
+#       [repo-name]
+#       Server = ServerName
+#       Include = IncludePath
+# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
+# uncommented to enable the repo.
+# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
+# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
+# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
+## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
+#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
+Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
+Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
+#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
+Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+# An example of a custom package repository.  See the pacman manpage for
+# tips on creating your own repositories.
+#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/pacman.install b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/pacman.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..294222e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/pacman/old/pacman.install
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# arg 1:  the new package version
+# arg 2:  the old package version
+post_upgrade() {
+	# one time stuff for md5sum issue with older pacman versions
+	if [ "$(vercmp $2 3.0.2)" -lt 0 ]; then
+		_resetbackups
+	fi
+_resetbackups() {
+	echo ">>> Performing one-time reset of NoUpgrade md5sums. After this reset"
+	echo ">>> you are able to remove all NoUpgrade lines of already protected"
+	echo ">>> files from pacman.conf."
+	echo ">>>"
+	# path variables
+    pacconf="/etc/pacman.conf"
+    dbpath="/var/lib/pacman/local"
+    # get a list of NoUpgrade files from the user's pacman.conf
+    echo ">>> Retrieving pacman.conf NoUpgrade list..."
+    config=$(grep "^NoUpgrade" $pacconf | cut -d'=' -f2)
+    # add the standard list of files, even if they are already above
+    config="$config \
+    etc/passwd etc/group etc/shadow etc/sudoers \
+    etc/fstab etc/raidtab etc/ \
+    etc/rc.conf etc/rc.local \
+    etc/modprobe.conf etc/modules.conf \
+    etc/lilo.conf boot/grub/menu.lst"
+    # blank md5sum for use in sed expression
+    zeroes='00000000000000000000000000000000'
+    for file in $config; do
+        echo ">>> -> finding owner of /$file..."
+        line=$(LC_ALL=C LANG=C pacman -Qo /$file 2>/dev/null)
+        # if file is owned by a package, go find its incorrectly stored sum
+        if [ ! -z "$line" ]; then
+            # get the name and version of the package owning file
+            name=$(echo $line | awk '{print $5}')
+            version=$(echo $line | awk '{print $6}')
+            # set the path to the backup array holding the md5sum
+            path="$dbpath/$name-$version/files"
+            # run a sed on the path to reset the line containing $file
+            # NOTE: literal tab characters in sed expression after $file
+            echo ">>> -> resetting sum of /$file..."
+            sed -i "s#$file [0-9a-fA-F]*#$file  $zeroes#" $path
+        else
+            echo ">>> -> $file is unowned."
+        fi
+    done
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman-3.4.1-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz b/abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman-3.4.1-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..5d96387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman-3.4.1-1-i686.pkg.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman.conf b/abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman.conf
index 911c23d..3a5d875 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman.conf
+++ b/abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman.conf
@@ -58,23 +58,18 @@ Architecture = auto
 # after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
-## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
 #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
 Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
 Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
 #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
-# Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
 Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
 # An example of a custom package repository.  See the pacman manpage for
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman.conf.x86_64 b/abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman.conf.x86_64
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e825b4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/pacman/pacman.conf.x86_64
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# /etc/pacman.conf
+# See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
+# The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
+# If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
+#RootDir     = /
+#DBPath      = /var/lib/pacman/
+#CacheDir    = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
+#LogFile     = /var/log/pacman.log
+HoldPkg     = pacman glibc
+# If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
+SyncFirst   = pacman
+#XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
+#XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - %u > %o
+#CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
+Architecture = auto
+# Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
+#IgnorePkg   =
+#IgnoreGroup =
+#NoUpgrade   =
+#NoExtract   =
+# Misc options (all disabled by default)
+#   - can be defined here or included from another file
+#   - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
+#   - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
+#   - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
+#     have identical names, regardless of version number
+#   - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
+#   - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
+# Repository entries are of the format:
+#       [repo-name]
+#       Server = ServerName
+#       Include = IncludePath
+# The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
+# uncommented to enable the repo.
+# The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
+# repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
+# after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
+#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+# If you want to run 32 bit applications on your x86_64 system,
+# enable the multilib repository here.
+#Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
+# An example of a custom package repository.  See the pacman manpage for
+# tips on creating your own repositories.
+#Server = file:///home/custompkgs
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wget/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/wget/PKGBUILD
index 5a9e0cb..1ef6911 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/wget/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/wget/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,21 +1,29 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 4756 2008-07-09 20:00:54Z andyrtr $
-# Maintainer: Judd Vinet <>
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 75183 2010-04-01 01:40:17Z pierre $
+# Maintainer: Allan McRae <>
+# Contributor: Judd Vinet <>
 pkgdesc="A network utility to retrieve files from the Web"
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
 depends=('glibc' 'openssl')
+optdepends=('ca-certificates: HTTPS downloads')
 build() {
   cd ${srcdir}/$pkgname-$pkgver
   ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
   make || return 1
+package() {
+  cd ${srcdir}/$pkgname-$pkgver
   make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wget/wget-1.12-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz b/abs/core-testing/wget/wget-1.12-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..6fc2266
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/wget/wget-1.12-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/wget/wget.install b/abs/core-testing/wget/wget.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1715333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/wget/wget.install
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+post_install() {
+  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
+  for file in ${filelist[@]}; do
+    install-info $infodir/$file $infodir/dir 2> /dev/null
+  done
+post_upgrade() {
+  post_install $1
+pre_remove() {
+  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
+  for file in ${filelist[@]}; do
+    install-info --delete $infodir/$file $infodir/dir 2> /dev/null
+  done
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/xz/xz-4.999.9beta-5-i686.pkg.tar.gz b/abs/core-testing/xz/xz-4.999.9beta-5-i686.pkg.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..0423fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/xz/xz-4.999.9beta-5-i686.pkg.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
cgit v0.12

From 5c35c43b8a5d3e1912e4fcb44cc1e210b20322ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 01:46:40 +0000
Subject: core-utils: update to work with new glibc

 abs/core-testing/coreutils/PKGBUILD                |   90 +-
 abs/core-testing/coreutils/__changelog             |    2 -
 .../coreutils/coreutils-6.10-configuration.patch   |   88 -
 .../coreutils-7.1-cp-recursiveinfloop.patch        |  154 -
 .../coreutils/coreutils-7.1-sort-endoffields.patch |  102 -
 .../coreutils/coreutils-8.5-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz      |    1 +
 abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-i18n.patch    | 4065 --------------------
 abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-pam.patch     |  241 +-
 abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-uname.patch   |   30 +-
 abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils.install       |    4 +-
 abs/core-testing/coreutils/futimes.patch           |   47 -
 11 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 4641 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/coreutils/__changelog
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-6.10-configuration.patch
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-7.1-cp-recursiveinfloop.patch
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-7.1-sort-endoffields.patch
 create mode 120000 abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-8.5-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-i18n.patch
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/coreutils/futimes.patch

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/PKGBUILD
index b8418e9..2c6fab9 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,73 +1,67 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 29340 2009-03-08 00:18:55Z andyrtr $
-# Maintainer: Andreas Radke <>
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 82551 2010-06-13 12:07:11Z allan $
+# Maintainer: Allan McRae <>
 # Contributor: judd <>
 pkgdesc="The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system"
-arch=(i686 x86_64)
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-depends=('glibc>=2.9-4' 'shadow>=' 'pam>=1.0.3' 'acl>=2.2.47-1' 'gmp>=4.2.4')
-replaces=('sh-utils' 'fileutils' 'textutils' 'mktemp')
+depends=('glibc' 'shadow' 'pam' 'acl' 'gmp>=5.0' 'libcap')
-options=('!emptydirs' '!makeflags')
-	coreutils-i18n.patch
-	coreutils-6.10-configuration.patch
-	coreutils-7.1-sort-endoffields.patch
-	coreutils-7.1-cp-recursiveinfloop.patch
-	su)
+	su.pam)
+         'c4fcca138b6abf6d443d48a6f0cd8833'
+         'aad79a2aa6d566c375d7bdd1b0767278'
+         'fa85e5cce5d723275b14365ba71a8aad')
 build() {
   cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
-  # added pam patch and i18n patch from fedora cvs
-#  patch -Np1 -i ../coreutils-pam.patch || return 1
-  patch -Np1 -i ../coreutils-i18n.patch || return 1
-  patch -Np1 -i ../coreutils-6.10-configuration.patch || return 1
+  # added su wheel group pam patch (from fedora cvs)
+  patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/coreutils-pam.patch
-  # from gentoo portage
-  patch -Np1 -i ../coreutils-uname.patch || return 1
+  # linux specific uname improvement (from gentoo portage)
+  patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/coreutils-uname.patch
-  # bugfix patches from fedora
-  patch -Np1 -i ../coreutils-7.1-sort-endoffields.patch || return 1
-  patch -Np1 -i ../coreutils-7.1-cp-recursiveinfloop.patch || return 1
-  # only needed if new autoconf 2.62 is used
-  sed -i 's/1.10a/1.10.2/' || return 1 # aclocal fix
-  sed -i 's/dist-xz/dist-lzma/' || return 1
   autoreconf -v
   ./configure --prefix=/usr \
-	--enable-install-program=su \
-	--enable-pam ac_cv_func_openat=no || return 1
-  make || return 1
-  make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install || return 1
+              --enable-install-program=su \
+              --enable-no-install-program=groups,hostname,kill,uptime \
+              --enable-pam ac_cv_func_openat=no
+  make
+  make check
-  rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/hostname ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/hostname.1 || return 1
-  rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/uptime ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/uptime.1 || return 1
-  rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/groups ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/groups.1 || return 1
-  rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/kill ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1/kill.1|| return 1
+package() {
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+  make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
   cd ${pkgdir}/usr/bin
-  mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/bin ${pkgdir}/sbin ${pkgdir}/usr/sbin
-  mv su date echo false pwd stty true uname cat tr cut readlink ../../bin
-  mv dd cp df du ln ls mv rm dir sync vdir chgrp chmod chown ../../bin
-  mv mkdir mknod rmdir shred touch mkfifo dircolors install sleep ../../bin
-  mv chroot ../sbin
-  ln -sf test [
-  ln -sf /bin/sleep ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/sleep
-  install -D -m644 $startdir/src/su ${pkgdir}/etc/pam.d/su
+  install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/{bin,usr/sbin}
+  # binaries required by FHS
+  _fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls \
+        mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty su sync true uname"
+  mv ${_fhs} ${pkgdir}/bin
   ls -lha ${pkgdir}/bin/su
   chmod -v 4555 ${pkgdir}/bin/su
-  rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/share/info/dir
+  # binaries required by various Arch scripts
+  _bin="cut dir dircolors du install mkfifo readlink shred \
+        sleep touch tr vdir"
+  mv ${_bin} ${pkgdir}/bin
+  ln -sf /bin/sleep ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/sleep
+  mv chroot ${pkgdir}/usr/sbin
+  install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/su.pam ${pkgdir}/etc/pam.d/su
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/__changelog b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/__changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index f24cf44..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/__changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-removed PAM patch, as it causes su  to go bonkers and log you out.
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-6.10-configuration.patch b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-6.10-configuration.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index b9bddda..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-6.10-configuration.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN coreutils-6.11-orig/tests/mkdir/selinux coreutils-6.11/tests/mkdir/selinux
---- coreutils-6.11-orig/tests/mkdir/selinux	2008-04-19 23:34:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ coreutils-6.11/tests/mkdir/selinux	2008-04-22 13:23:50.000000000 +0200
-@@ -38,6 +28,7 @@
- # successfully, in spite of the invalid context string.
- . $srcdir/
- c=invalid-selinux-context
- msg="failed to set default file creation context to \`$c':"
-diff -urNp coreutils-6.11-orig/tests/ coreutils-6.11/tests/
---- coreutils-6.11-orig/tests/	2008-04-19 23:34:23.000000000 +0200
-+++ coreutils-6.11/tests/	2008-04-24 14:18:59.000000000 +0200
-@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ skip_if_()
- require_selinux_()
- {
--  case `ls -Zd .` in
--    '? .'|'unlabeled .')
-+  case `ls --scontext -d . | cut -f1 -d" "` in
-+    '?'|'unlabeled')
-       skip_test_ "this system (or maybe just" \
-         "the current file system) lacks SELinux support"
-     ;;
-diff -urNp coreutils-7.1-orig/gnulib-tests/test-getaddrinfo.c coreutils-7.1/gnulib-tests/test-getaddrinfo.c
---- coreutils-7.1-orig/gnulib-tests/test-getaddrinfo.c	2009-01-27 21:33:19.000000000 +0100
-+++ coreutils-7.1/gnulib-tests/test-getaddrinfo.c	2009-02-25 13:52:59.000000000 +0100
-@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@
- # define dbgprintf if (0) printf
- #endif
-+static int skip = 0;
- /* BeOS does not have AF_UNSPEC.  */
- #ifndef AF_UNSPEC
- # define AF_UNSPEC 0
-@@ -52,6 +54,9 @@ int simple (char *host, char *service)
-   struct addrinfo *ai0, *ai;
-   int res;
-+  if (skip)
-+    return 0;
-   dbgprintf ("Finding %s service %s...\n", host, service);
-   /* This initializes "hints" but does not use it.  Is there a reason
-@@ -72,8 +77,12 @@ int simple (char *host, char *service)
- 	 in-law's farm. */
-       if (res == EAI_AGAIN)
- 	{
--	  fprintf (stderr, "skipping getaddrinfo test: no network?\n");
--	  return 77;
-+	if (!skip)
-+	  {
-+	    skip++;
-+	    fprintf (stderr, "skipping getaddrinfo test: no network?\n");
-+	    return 77;
-+	  }
- 	}
-       /* IRIX reports EAI_NONAME for "https".  Don't fail the test
- 	 merely because of this.  */
-diff -urNp coreutils-7.1-orig/src/ls.c coreutils-7.1/src/ls.c
---- coreutils-7.1-orig/src/ls.c	2009-02-25 13:23:59.000000000 +0100
-+++ coreutils-7.1/src/ls.c	2009-02-25 13:25:20.000000000 +0100
-@@ -38,10 +38,6 @@
- #include <config.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
--#ifdef HAVE_CAP
--# include <sys/capability.h>
- # include <termios.h>
- #endif
-@@ -84,6 +80,10 @@
- #include "system.h"
- #include <fnmatch.h>
-+#ifdef HAVE_CAP
-+# include <sys/capability.h>
- #include "acl.h"
- #include "argmatch.h"
- #include "dev-ino.h"
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-7.1-cp-recursiveinfloop.patch b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-7.1-cp-recursiveinfloop.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 963af0b..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-7.1-cp-recursiveinfloop.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-diff -urNp coreutils-7.1-orig/src/copy.c coreutils-7.1/src/copy.c
---- coreutils-7.1-orig/src/copy.c	2009-02-27 12:07:29.000000000 +0100
-+++ coreutils-7.1/src/copy.c	2009-02-27 12:14:29.000000000 +0100
-@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ static bool copy_internal (char const *s
- 			   struct dir_list *ancestors,
- 			   const struct cp_options *x,
- 			   bool command_line_arg,
-+			   bool *first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg,
- 			   bool *copy_into_self,
- 			   bool *rename_succeeded);
- static bool owner_failure_ok (struct cp_options const *x);
-@@ -201,13 +202,16 @@ copy_attr_by_name (char const *src_path,
-    DST_NAME_IN is a directory that was created previously in the
-    recursion.   SRC_SB and ANCESTORS describe SRC_NAME_IN.
-    Set *COPY_INTO_SELF if SRC_NAME_IN is a parent of
-    (or the same as) DST_NAME_IN; otherwise, clear it.
-    Return true if successful.  */
- static bool
- copy_dir (char const *src_name_in, char const *dst_name_in, bool new_dst,
- 	  const struct stat *src_sb, struct dir_list *ancestors,
--	  const struct cp_options *x, bool *copy_into_self)
-+	  const struct cp_options *x,
-+	  bool *first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg,
-+	  bool *copy_into_self)
- {
-   char *name_space;
-   char *namep;
-@@ -237,12 +241,20 @@ copy_dir (char const *src_name_in, char 
-       ok &= copy_internal (src_name, dst_name, new_dst, src_sb->st_dev,
- 			   ancestors, &non_command_line_options, false,
-+			   first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg,
- 			   &local_copy_into_self, NULL);
-       *copy_into_self |= local_copy_into_self;
-       free (dst_name);
-       free (src_name);
-+      /* If we're copying into self, there's no point in continuing,
-+        and in fact, that would even infloop, now that we record only
-+        the first created directory per command line argument.  */
-+      if (local_copy_into_self)
-+       break;
-       namep += strlen (namep) + 1;
-     }
-   free (name_space);
-@@ -1125,6 +1137,7 @@ restore_default_fscreatecon_or_die (void
-    not known.  ANCESTORS points to a linked, null terminated list of
-    devices and inodes of parent directories of SRC_NAME.  COMMAND_LINE_ARG
-    is true iff SRC_NAME was specified on the command line.
-+   FIRST_DIR_CREATED_PER_COMMAND_LINE_ARG is both input and output.
-    Set *COPY_INTO_SELF if SRC_NAME is a parent of (or the
-    same as) DST_NAME; otherwise, clear it.
-    Return true if successful.  */
-@@ -1135,6 +1148,7 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, cha
- 	       struct dir_list *ancestors,
- 	       const struct cp_options *x,
- 	       bool command_line_arg,
-+	       bool *first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg,
- 	       bool *copy_into_self,
- 	       bool *rename_succeeded)
- {
-@@ -1815,11 +1829,15 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, cha
- 		}
- 	    }
--	  /* Insert the created directory's inode and device
--             numbers into the search structure, so that we can
--             avoid copying it again.  */
--	  if (!x->hard_link)
--	    remember_copied (dst_name, dst_sb.st_ino, dst_sb.st_dev);
-+         /* Record the created directory's inode and device numbers into
-+            the search structure, so that we can avoid copying it again.
-+            Do this only for the first directory that is created for each
-+            source command line argument.  */
-+         if (!*first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg)
-+           {
-+             remember_copied (dst_name, dst_sb.st_ino, dst_sb.st_dev);
-+             *first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg = true;
-+           }
- 	  if (x->verbose)
- 	    emit_verbose (src_name, dst_name, NULL);
-@@ -1840,6 +1858,7 @@ copy_internal (char const *src_name, cha
- 	     in a source directory would cause the containing destination
- 	     directory not to have owner/perms set properly.  */
- 	  delayed_ok = copy_dir (src_name, dst_name, new_dst, &src_sb, dir, x,
-+				 first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg,
- 				 copy_into_self);
- 	}
-     }
-@@ -2187,8 +2206,11 @@ copy (char const *src_name, char const *
-   top_level_src_name = src_name;
-   top_level_dst_name = dst_name;
-+  bool first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg = false;
-   return copy_internal (src_name, dst_name, nonexistent_dst, 0, NULL,
--			options, true, copy_into_self, rename_succeeded);
-+			options, true,
-+			&first_dir_created_per_command_line_arg,
-+			copy_into_self, rename_succeeded);
- }
- /* Set *X to the default options for a value of type struct cp_options.  */
-diff -urNp coreutils-7.1-orig/tests/cp/into-self coreutils-7.1/tests/cp/into-self
---- coreutils-7.1-orig/tests/cp/into-self	2008-09-18 09:06:57.000000000 +0200
-+++ coreutils-7.1/tests/cp/into-self	2009-02-27 12:16:21.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- #!/bin/sh
- # Confirm that copying a directory into itself gets a proper diagnostic.
--# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006-2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-+# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006-2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-@@ -28,15 +28,32 @@ fi
- . $srcdir/
--mkdir dir || framework_failure
-+mkdir a dir || framework_failure
- fail=0
- # This command should exit nonzero.
- cp -R dir dir 2> out && fail=1
-+echo 1 >> out
-+# This should, too.  However, with coreutils-7.1 it would infloop.
-+cp -rl dir dir 2>> out && fail=1
-+echo 2 >> out
-+cp -rl a dir dir 2>> out && fail=1
-+echo 3 >> out
-+cp -rl a dir dir 2>> out && fail=1
-+echo 4 >> out
- cat > exp <<\EOF
- cp: cannot copy a directory, `dir', into itself, `dir/dir'
-+cp: cannot copy a directory, `dir', into itself, `dir/dir'
-+cp: cannot copy a directory, `dir', into itself, `dir/dir'
-+cp: cannot copy a directory, `dir', into itself, `dir/dir'
- #'
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-7.1-sort-endoffields.patch b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-7.1-sort-endoffields.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 45d1e28..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-7.1-sort-endoffields.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-diff -urNp coreutils-7.1-orig/src/sort.c coreutils-7.1/src/sort.c
---- coreutils-7.1-orig/src/sort.c	2009-02-25 16:15:52.000000000 +0100
-+++ coreutils-7.1/src/sort.c	2009-02-25 16:20:35.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1598,6 +1598,9 @@ limfield_uni (const struct line *line, c
-   size_t eword = key->eword, echar = key->echar;
-   size_t remaining_bytes;
-+  if (echar == 0)
-+    eword++; /* skip all of end field. */
-   /* Move PTR past EWORD fields or to one past the last byte on LINE,
-      whichever comes first.  If there are more than EWORD fields, leave
-      PTR pointing at the beginning of the field having zero-based index,
-@@ -1673,19 +1676,22 @@ limfield_uni (const struct line *line, c
-     }
- #endif
--  /* If we're ignoring leading blanks when computing the End
--     of the field, don't start counting bytes until after skipping
--     past any leading blanks. */
--  if (key->skipeblanks)
--    while (ptr < lim && blanks[to_uchar (*ptr)])
--      ++ptr;
--  /* Advance PTR by ECHAR (if possible), but no further than LIM.  */
--  remaining_bytes = lim - ptr;
--  if (echar < remaining_bytes)
--    ptr += echar;
--  else
--    ptr = lim;
-+  if (echar != 0) /* We need to skip over a portion of the end field.  */
-+    {
-+      if (key->skipeblanks) /* blanks not counted in echar.  */
-+        {
-+          while (ptr < lim && blanks[to_uchar (*ptr)])
-+            ++ptr;
-+        }
-+      /* Advance PTR by ECHAR (if possible), but no further than LIM.  */
-+      remaining_bytes = lim - ptr;
-+      if (echar < remaining_bytes)
-+        ptr += echar;
-+      else
-+        ptr = lim;
-+    }
-   return ptr;
- }
-@@ -3736,12 +3742,9 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
- 		  badfieldspec (optarg, N_("field number is zero"));
- 		}
- 	      if (*s == '.')
--		s = parse_field_count (s + 1, &key->echar,
--				       N_("invalid number after `.'"));
--	      else
- 		{
--		  /* `-k 2,3' is equivalent to `+1 -3'.  */
--		  key->eword++;
-+                 s = parse_field_count (s + 1, &key->echar,
-+                                        N_("invalid number after `.'"));
- 		}
- 	      s = set_ordering (s, key, bl_end);
- 	    }
-diff -urNp coreutils-7.1-orig/tests/misc/sort coreutils-7.1/tests/misc/sort
---- coreutils-7.1-orig/tests/misc/sort	2009-01-27 22:11:25.000000000 +0100
-+++ coreutils-7.1/tests/misc/sort	2009-02-25 16:21:48.000000000 +0100
-@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ my $prog = 'sort';
- # Turn off localization of executable's output.
- @ENV{qw(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3;
-+my $mb_locale = $ENV{LOCALE_FR_UTF8};
-+! defined $mb_locale || $mb_locale eq 'none'
-+ and $mb_locale = 'C';
- # Since each test is run with a file name and with redirected stdin,
- # the name in the diagnostic is either the file name or "-".
- # Normalize each diagnostic to use '-'.
-@@ -110,6 +114,8 @@ my @Tests =
- ["07b", '-k 2,3', {IN=>"a a b\nz a a\n"}, {OUT=>"z a a\na a b\n"}],
- ["07c", '-k 2,3', {IN=>"y k b\nz k a\n"}, {OUT=>"z k a\ny k b\n"}],
- ["07d", '+1 -3', {IN=>"y k b\nz k a\n"}, {OUT=>"z k a\ny k b\n"}],
-+["07e", '-k 2,3.0', {IN=>"a a b\nz a a\n"}, {OUT=>"z a a\na a b\n"}],
- #
- # report an error for `.' without following char spec
- ["08a", '-k 2.,3', {EXIT=>2},
-@@ -210,6 +216,15 @@ my @Tests =
- # key start and key end.
- ["18e", '-nb -k1.1,1.2', {IN=>" 901\n100\n"}, {OUT=>"100\n 901\n"}],
-+# When ignoring leading blanks for end position, ensure blanks from
-+# next field are not included in the sort. I.E. order should not change here.
-+["18f", '-k1,1b', {IN=>"a  y\na z\n"}, {OUT=>"a  y\na z\n"}],
-+# When ignoring leading blanks for start position, ensure blanks from
-+# next field are not included in the sort. I.E. order should not change here.
-+# This was noticed as an issue on fedora 8 (only in multibyte locales).
-+["18g", '-k1b,1', {IN=>"a y\na z\n"}, {OUT=>"a y\na z\n"},
-+ {ENV => "LC_ALL=$mb_locale"}],
- # This looks odd, but works properly -- 2nd keyspec is never
- # used because all lines are different.
- ["19a", '+0 +1nr', {IN=>"b 2\nb 1\nb 3\n"}, {OUT=>"b 1\nb 2\nb 3\n"}],
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-8.5-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-8.5-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..3eef1a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-8.5-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-i18n.patch b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-i18n.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 626bac0..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-i18n.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4065 +0,0 @@
-diff -urN coreutils-6.12-orig/tests/misc/cut coreutils-6.12/tests/misc/cut
---- coreutils-6.12-orig/tests/misc/cut	2008-05-17 08:41:11.000000000 +0200
-+++ coreutils-6.12/tests/misc/cut	2008-06-02 11:13:08.000000000 +0200
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- my $prog = 'cut';
- my $try = "Try \`$prog --help' for more information.\n";
- my $from_1 = "$prog: fields and positions are numbered from 1\n$try";
--my $inval = "$prog: invalid byte or field list\n$try";
-+my $inval = "$prog: invalid byte, character or field list\n$try";
- my $no_endpoint = "$prog: invalid range with no endpoint: -\n$try";
- my @Tests =
-@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@
-   ['od-overlap5', '-b1-3,1-4', '--output-d=:', {IN=>"abcde\n"}, {OUT=>"abcd\n"}],
-   # None of the following invalid ranges provoked an error up to coreutils-6.9.
--  ['inval1', qw(-f 2-0), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1},
--   {ERR=>"$prog: invalid decreasing range\n$try"}],
-+  ['inval1', qw(-f 2-0), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1},
-+   {ERR=>"$prog: invalid byte, character or field list\n$try"}],
-   ['inval2', qw(-f -), {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>$no_endpoint}],
-   ['inval3', '-f', '4,-', {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>$no_endpoint}],
-   ['inval4', '-f', '1-2,-', {IN=>''}, {OUT=>''}, {EXIT=>1}, {ERR=>$no_endpoint}],
---- /dev/null	2007-03-01 09:16:39.219409909 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/misc/sort-mb-tests	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
-+#! /bin/sh
-+case $# in
-+  0) xx='../src/sort';;
-+  *) xx="$1";;
-+test "$VERBOSE" && echo=echo || echo=:
-+$echo testing program: $xx
-+test "$srcdir" || srcdir=.
-+test "$VERBOSE" && $xx --version 2> /dev/null
-+export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
-+locale -k LC_CTYPE 2>&1 | grep -q charmap.*UTF-8 || exit 77
-+$xx -t ï¼  -k2 -n misc/mb1.I > misc/mb1.O
-+if test $code != 0; then
-+  $echo "Test mb1 failed: $xx return code $code differs from expected value 0" 1>&2
-+  errors=`expr $errors + 1`
-+  cmp misc/mb1.O $srcdir/misc/mb1.X > /dev/null 2>&1
-+  case $? in
-+    0) if test "$VERBOSE"; then $echo "passed mb1"; fi;;
-+    1) $echo "Test mb1 failed: files misc/mb1.O and $srcdir/misc/mb1.X differ" 1>&2
-+       (diff -c misc/mb1.O $srcdir/misc/mb1.X) 2> /dev/null
-+       errors=`expr $errors + 1`;;
-+    2) $echo "Test mb1 may have failed." 1>&2
-+       $echo The command "cmp misc/mb1.O $srcdir/misc/mb1.X" failed. 1>&2
-+       errors=`expr $errors + 1`;;
-+  esac
-+$xx -t ï¼  -k4 -n misc/mb2.I > misc/mb2.O
-+if test $code != 0; then
-+  $echo "Test mb2 failed: $xx return code $code differs from expected value 0" 1>&2
-+  errors=`expr $errors + 1`
-+  cmp misc/mb2.O $srcdir/misc/mb2.X > /dev/null 2>&1
-+  case $? in
-+    0) if test "$VERBOSE"; then $echo "passed mb2"; fi;;
-+    1) $echo "Test mb2 failed: files misc/mb2.O and $srcdir/misc/mb2.X differ" 1>&2
-+       (diff -c misc/mb2.O $srcdir/misc/mb2.X) 2> /dev/null
-+       errors=`expr $errors + 1`;;
-+    2) $echo "Test mb2 may have failed." 1>&2
-+       $echo The command "cmp misc/mb2.O $srcdir/misc/mb2.X" failed. 1>&2
-+       errors=`expr $errors + 1`;;
-+  esac
-+if test $errors = 0; then
-+  $echo Passed all 113 tests. 1>&2
-+  $echo Failed $errors tests. 1>&2
-+test $errors = 0 || errors=1
-+exit $errors
---- /dev/null	2007-03-01 09:16:39.219409909 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/misc/mb2.I	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
---- /dev/null	2007-03-01 09:16:39.219409909 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/misc/mb2.X	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
---- /dev/null	2007-03-01 09:16:39.219409909 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/misc/mb1.I	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
-+Appleï¼ 10
-+Bananaï¼ 5
-+Citrusï¼ 20
-+Cherryï¼ 30
---- /dev/null	2007-03-01 09:16:39.219409909 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/tests/misc/mb1.X	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
-+Bananaï¼ 5
-+Appleï¼ 10
-+Citrusï¼ 20
-+Cherryï¼ 30
-diff -urN coreutils-6.12-orig/tests/ coreutils-6.12/tests/
---- coreutils-6.12-orig/tests/	2008-05-27 13:47:53.000000000 +0200
-+++ coreutils-6.12/tests/	2008-06-02 10:06:03.000000000 +0200
-@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@
-   misc/sort					\
-   misc/sort-compress				\
-   misc/sort-files0-from				\
-+  misc/sort-mb-tests				\
-   misc/sort-merge				\
-   misc/sort-rand				\
-   misc/sort-version				\
-@@ -391,6 +392,10 @@
-   $(root_tests)
- pr_data =					\
-+  misc/mb1.X			\
-+  misc/mb1.I			\
-+  misc/mb2.X			\
-+  misc/mb2.I			\
-   pr/0F						\
-   pr/0FF					\
-   pr/0FFnt					\
---- coreutils-6.8+/lib/linebuffer.h.i18n	2005-05-14 07:44:24.000000000 +0100
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/lib/linebuffer.h	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
- # include <stdio.h>
-+/* Get mbstate_t.  */
-+#  include <wchar.h>
-+# endif
- /* A `struct linebuffer' holds a line of text. */
- struct linebuffer
-@@ -29,6 +34,9 @@
-   size_t size;			/* Allocated. */
-   size_t length;		/* Used. */
-   char *buffer;
-+  mbstate_t state;
-+# endif
- };
- /* Initialize linebuffer LINEBUFFER for use. */
---- coreutils-6.8+/src/expand.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/src/expand.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -38,11 +38,28 @@
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
-+/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(), wcwidth(). */
-+# include <wchar.h>
- #include "system.h"
- #include "error.h"
- #include "quote.h"
- #include "xstrndup.h"
-+/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
-+   installation; work around this configuration error.  */
-+#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX < 2
-+# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
-+/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
-+#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
-+# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
- /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
- #define PROGRAM_NAME "expand"
-@@ -183,6 +200,7 @@
- 	      stops = num_start + len - 1;
- 	    }
- 	}
-       else
- 	{
- 	  error (0, 0, _("tab size contains invalid character(s): %s"),
-@@ -365,6 +383,142 @@
-     }
- }
-+static void
-+expand_multibyte (void)
-+  FILE *fp;			/* Input strem. */
-+  mbstate_t i_state;		/* Current shift state of the input stream. */
-+  mbstate_t i_state_bak;	/* Back up the I_STATE. */
-+  mbstate_t o_state;		/* Current shift state of the output stream. */
-+  char buf[MB_LEN_MAX + BUFSIZ];  /* For spooling a read byte sequence. */
-+  char *bufpos;			/* Next read position of BUF. */
-+  size_t buflen = 0;		/* The length of the byte sequence in buf. */
-+  wchar_t wc;			/* A gotten wide character. */
-+  size_t mblength;		/* The byte size of a multibyte character
-+				   which shows as same character as WC. */
-+  int tab_index = 0;		/* Index in `tab_list' of next tabstop. */
-+  int column = 0;		/* Column on screen of the next char. */
-+  int next_tab_column;		/* Column the next tab stop is on. */
-+  int convert = 1;		/* If nonzero, perform translations. */
-+  fp = next_file ((FILE *) NULL);
-+  if (fp == NULL)
-+    return;
-+  memset (&o_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  memset (&i_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  for (;;)
-+    {
-+      /* Refill the buffer BUF. */
-+      if (buflen < MB_LEN_MAX && !feof(fp) && !ferror(fp))
-+	{
-+	  memmove (buf, bufpos, buflen);
-+	  buflen += fread (buf + buflen, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, fp);
-+	  bufpos = buf;
-+	}
-+      /* No character is left in BUF. */
-+      if (buflen < 1)
-+	{
-+	  fp = next_file (fp);
-+	  if (fp == NULL)
-+	    break;		/* No more files. */
-+	  else
-+	    {
-+	      memset (&i_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+	      continue;
-+	    }
-+	}
-+      /* Get a wide character. */
-+      i_state_bak = i_state;
-+      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, bufpos, buflen, &i_state);
-+      switch (mblength)
-+	{
-+	case (size_t)-1:	/* illegal byte sequence. */
-+	case (size_t)-2:
-+	  mblength = 1;
-+	  i_state = i_state_bak;
-+	  if (convert)
-+	    {
-+	      ++column;
-+	      if (convert_entire_line == 0)
-+		convert = 0;
-+	    }
-+	  putchar (*bufpos);
-+	  break;
-+	case 0:		/* null. */
-+	  mblength = 1;
-+	  if (convert && convert_entire_line == 0)
-+	    convert = 0;
-+	  putchar ('\0');
-+	  break;
-+	default:
-+	  if (wc == L'\n')   /* LF. */
-+	    {
-+	      tab_index = 0;
-+	      column = 0;
-+	      convert = 1;
-+	      putchar ('\n');
-+	    }
-+	  else if (wc == L'\t' && convert)	/* Tab. */
-+	    {
-+	      if (tab_size == 0)
-+		{
-+		  /* Do not let tab_index == first_free_tab;
-+		     stop when it is 1 less. */
-+		  while (tab_index < first_free_tab - 1
-+		      && column >= tab_list[tab_index])
-+		    tab_index++;
-+		  next_tab_column = tab_list[tab_index];
-+		  if (tab_index < first_free_tab - 1)
-+		    tab_index++;
-+		  if (column >= next_tab_column)
-+		    next_tab_column = column + 1;
-+		}
-+	      else
-+		next_tab_column = column + tab_size - column % tab_size;
-+	      while (column < next_tab_column)
-+		{
-+		  putchar (' ');
-+		  ++column;
-+		}
-+	    }
-+	  else  /* Others. */
-+	    {
-+	      if (convert)
-+		{
-+		  if (wc == L'\b')
-+		    {
-+		      if (column > 0)
-+			--column;
-+		    }
-+		  else
-+		    {
-+		      int width;		/* The width of WC. */
-+		      width = wcwidth (wc);
-+		      column += (width > 0) ? width : 0;
-+		      if (convert_entire_line == 0)
-+			convert = 0;
-+		    }
-+		}
-+	      fwrite (bufpos, sizeof(char), mblength, stdout);
-+	    }
-+	}
-+      buflen -= mblength;
-+      bufpos += mblength;
-+    }
- int
- main (int argc, char **argv)
- {
-@@ -429,7 +583,12 @@
-   file_list = (optind < argc ? &argv[optind] : stdin_argv);
--  expand ();
-+  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+    expand_multibyte ();
-+  else
-+    expand ();
-   if (have_read_stdin && fclose (stdin) != 0)
-     error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "-");
---- coreutils-6.8+/src/join.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/src/join.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -23,16 +23,30 @@
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
-+/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(), mbrtowc(), wcwidth().  */
-+# include <wchar.h>
-+/* Get iswblank(), towupper.  */
-+# include <wctype.h>
- #include "system.h"
- #include "error.h"
- #include "linebuffer.h"
--#include "memcasecmp.h"
- #include "quote.h"
- #include "stdio--.h"
- #include "xmemcoll.h"
- #include "xstrtol.h"
- #include "argmatch.h"
-+/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
-+#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
-+# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
- /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
- #define PROGRAM_NAME "join"
-@@ -104,10 +118,12 @@
- /* Last element in `outlist', where a new element can be added.  */
- static struct outlist *outlist_end = &outlist_head;
--/* Tab character separating fields.  If negative, fields are separated
--   by any nonempty string of blanks, otherwise by exactly one
--   tab character whose value (when cast to unsigned char) equals TAB.  */
--static int tab = -1;
-+/* Tab character separating fields.  If NULL, fields are separated
-+   by any nonempty string of blanks.  */
-+static char *tab = NULL;
-+/* The number of bytes used for tab. */
-+static size_t tablen = 0;
- /* If nonzero, check that the input is correctly ordered. */
- static enum
-@@ -199,10 +217,11 @@
-   if (ptr == lim)
-     return;
--  if (0 <= tab)
-+  if (tab != NULL)
-     {
-+      unsigned char t = tab[0];
-       char *sep;
--      for (; (sep = memchr (ptr, tab, lim - ptr)) != NULL; ptr = sep + 1)
-+      for (; (sep = memchr (ptr, t, lim - ptr)) != NULL; ptr = sep + 1)
- 	extract_field (line, ptr, sep - ptr);
-     }
-   else
-@@ -229,6 +248,148 @@
-   extract_field (line, ptr, lim - ptr);
- }
-+static void
-+xfields_multibyte (struct line *line)
-+  char *ptr = line->buf.buffer;
-+  char const *lim = ptr + line->buf.length - 1;
-+  wchar_t wc = 0;
-+  size_t mblength = 1;
-+  mbstate_t state, state_bak;
-+  memset (&state, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
-+  if (ptr == lim)
-+    return;
-+  if (tab != NULL)
-+    {
-+      unsigned char t = tab[0];
-+      char *sep = ptr;
-+      for (; ptr < lim; ptr = sep + mblength)
-+	{
-+	  sep = ptr;
-+	  while (sep < lim)
-+	    {
-+	      state_bak = state;
-+	      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, sep, lim - sep + 1, &state);
-+	      if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
-+		{
-+		  mblength = 1;
-+		  state = state_bak;
-+		}
-+	      mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
-+	      if (mblength == tablen && !memcmp (sep, tab, mblength))
-+		break;
-+	      else
-+		{
-+		  sep += mblength;
-+		  continue;
-+		}
-+	    }
-+	  if (sep == lim)
-+	    break;
-+	  extract_field (line, ptr, sep - ptr);
-+	}
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      /* Skip leading blanks before the first field.  */
-+      while(ptr < lim)
-+      {
-+        state_bak = state;
-+        mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, ptr, lim - ptr + 1, &state);
-+        if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
-+          {
-+            mblength = 1;
-+            state = state_bak;
-+            break;
-+          }
-+        mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
-+        if (!iswblank(wc))
-+          break;
-+        ptr += mblength;
-+      }
-+      do
-+	{
-+	  char *sep;
-+	  state_bak = state;
-+	  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, ptr, lim - ptr + 1, &state);
-+	  if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
-+	    {
-+	      mblength = 1;
-+	      state = state_bak;
-+	      break;
-+	    }
-+	  mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
-+	  sep = ptr + mblength;
-+	  while (sep != lim)
-+	    {
-+	      state_bak = state;
-+	      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, sep, lim - sep + 1, &state);
-+	      if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
-+		{
-+		  mblength = 1;
-+		  state = state_bak;
-+		  break;
-+		}
-+	      mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
-+	      if (iswblank (wc))
-+		break;
-+	      sep += mblength;
-+	    }
-+	  extract_field (line, ptr, sep - ptr);
-+	  if (sep == lim)
-+	    return;
-+	  state_bak = state;
-+	  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, sep, lim - sep + 1, &state);
-+	  if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
-+	    {
-+	      mblength = 1;
-+	      state = state_bak;
-+	      break;
-+	    }
-+	  mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
-+	  ptr = sep + mblength;
-+	  while (ptr != lim)
-+	    {
-+	      state_bak = state;
-+	      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, ptr, lim - ptr + 1, &state);
-+	      if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
-+		{
-+		  mblength = 1;
-+		  state = state_bak;
-+		  break;
-+		}
-+	      mblength = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
-+	      if (!iswblank (wc))
-+		break;
-+	      ptr += mblength;
-+	    }
-+	}
-+      while (ptr != lim);
-+    }
-+  extract_field (line, ptr, lim - ptr);
- static void
- freeline (struct line *line)
- {
-@@ -377,11 +601,18 @@
- /* Print the join of LINE1 and LINE2.  */
-+#define PUT_TAB_CHAR							\
-+  do									\
-+    {									\
-+      (tab != NULL) ?							\
-+	fwrite(tab, sizeof(char), tablen, stdout) : putchar (' ');	\
-+    }									\
-+  while (0)								
- static void
- prjoin (struct line const *line1, struct line const *line2)
- {
-   const struct outlist *outlist;
--  char output_separator = tab < 0 ? ' ' : tab;
-   outlist =;
-   if (outlist)
-@@ -397,12 +628,12 @@
- 	  if (o->file == 0)
- 	    {
- 	      if (line1 == &uni_blank)
--	        {
-+		{
- 		  line = line2;
- 		  field = join_field_2;
- 		}
- 	      else
--	        {
-+		{
- 		  line = line1;
- 		  field = join_field_1;
- 		}
-@@ -416,7 +647,7 @@
- 	  o = o->next;
- 	  if (o == NULL)
- 	    break;
--	  putchar (output_separator);
- 	}
-       putchar ('\n');
-     }
-@@ -434,23 +665,23 @@
-       prfield (join_field_1, line1);
-       for (i = 0; i < join_field_1 && i < line1->nfields; ++i)
- 	{
--	  putchar (output_separator);
- 	  prfield (i, line1);
- 	}
-       for (i = join_field_1 + 1; i < line1->nfields; ++i)
- 	{
--	  putchar (output_separator);
- 	  prfield (i, line1);
- 	}
-       for (i = 0; i < join_field_2 && i < line2->nfields; ++i)
- 	{
--	  putchar (output_separator);
- 	  prfield (i, line2);
- 	}
-       for (i = join_field_2 + 1; i < line2->nfields; ++i)
- 	{
--	  putchar (output_separator);
- 	  prfield (i, line2);
- 	}
-       putchar ('\n');
-@@ -859,20 +1090,41 @@
- 	case 't':
- 	  {
--	    unsigned char newtab = optarg[0];
--	    if (! newtab)
-+	    char *newtab;
-+	    size_t newtablen;
-+	    if (! optarg[0])
- 	      error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("empty tab"));
--	    if (optarg[1])
-+	    newtab = xstrdup (optarg);
-+	    if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+	      {
-+		mbstate_t state;
-+		memset (&state, 0, sizeof (mbstate_t));
-+		newtablen = mbrtowc (NULL, newtab,
-+				     strnlen (newtab, MB_LEN_MAX),
-+				     &state);
-+		if (newtablen == (size_t) 0
-+		    || newtablen == (size_t) -1
-+		    || newtablen == (size_t) -2)
-+		  newtablen = 1;
-+	      }
-+	    else
-+	      newtablen = 1;
-+	    if (newtablen == 1 && newtab[1])
-+	      {
-+		if (STREQ (newtab, "\\0"))
-+		  newtab[0] = '\0';
-+	      }
-+	    if (tab != NULL && strcmp (tab, newtab))
- 	      {
--		if (STREQ (optarg, "\\0"))
--		  newtab = '\0';
--		else
--		  error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("multi-character tab %s"),
--			 quote (optarg));
-+		free (newtab);
-+		error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("incompatible tabs"));
- 	      }
--	    if (0 <= tab && tab != newtab)
--	      error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("incompatible tabs"));
- 	    tab = newtab;
-+	    tablen = newtablen;
- 	  }
- 	  break;
-diff -urNp coreutils-6.11-orig/src/join.c coreutils-6.11/src/join.c
---- coreutils-6.11-orig/src/join.c	2008-04-21 13:44:32.000000000 +0200
-+++ coreutils-6.11/src/join.c	2008-04-21 14:03:22.000000000 +0200
-@@ -324,56 +324,115 @@ keycmp (struct line const *line1, struct
- 	size_t jf_1, size_t jf_2)
- {
-   /* Start of field to compare in each file.  */
--  char *beg1;
--  char *beg2;
--  size_t len1;
--  size_t len2;		/* Length of fields to compare.  */
-+  char *beg[2];
-+  char *copy[2];
-+  size_t len[2]; 	/* Length of fields to compare.  */
-   int diff;
-+  int i, j;
-   if (jf_1 < line1->nfields)
-     {
--      beg1 = line1->fields[jf_1].beg;
--      len1 = line1->fields[jf_1].len;
-+      beg[0] = line1->fields[jf_1].beg;
-+      len[0] = line1->fields[jf_1].len;
-     }
-   else
-     {
--      beg1 = NULL;
--      len1 = 0;
-+      beg[0] = NULL;
-+      len[0] = 0;
-     }
-   if (jf_2 < line2->nfields)
-     {
--      beg2 = line2->fields[jf_2].beg;
--      len2 = line2->fields[jf_2].len;
-+      beg[1] = line2->fields[jf_2].beg;
-+      len[1] = line2->fields[jf_2].len;
-     }
-   else
-     {
--      beg2 = NULL;
--      len2 = 0;
-+      beg[1] = NULL;
-+      len[1] = 0;
-     }
--  if (len1 == 0)
--    return len2 == 0 ? 0 : -1;
--  if (len2 == 0)
-+  if (len[0] == 0)
-+    return len[1] == 0 ? 0 : -1;
-+  if (len[1] == 0)
-     return 1;
-   if (ignore_case)
-     {
--      /* FIXME: ignore_case does not work with NLS (in particular,
--         with multibyte chars).  */
--      diff = memcasecmp (beg1, beg2, MIN (len1, len2));
-+      if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+      {
-+        size_t mblength;
-+        wchar_t wc, uwc;
-+        mbstate_t state, state_bak;
-+        memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
-+        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-+          {
-+            copy[i] = alloca (len[i] + 1);
-+            for (j = 0; j < MIN (len[0], len[1]);)
-+              {
-+                state_bak = state;
-+                mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, beg[i] + j, len[i] - j, &state);
-+                switch (mblength)
-+                  {
-+                  case (size_t) -1:
-+                  case (size_t) -2:
-+                    state = state_bak;
-+                    /* Fall through */
-+                  case 0:
-+                    mblength = 1;
-+                    break;
-+                  default:
-+                    uwc = towupper (wc);
-+                    if (uwc != wc)
-+                      {
-+                        mbstate_t state_wc;
-+                        memset (&state_wc, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
-+                        wcrtomb (copy[i] + j, uwc, &state_wc);
-+                      }
-+                    else
-+                      memcpy (copy[i] + j, beg[i] + j, mblength);
-+                  }
-+                j += mblength;
-+              }
-+            copy[i][j] = '\0';
-+          }
-+      }
-+      else
-+      {
-+        for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-+          {
-+            copy[i] = alloca (len[i] + 1);
-+            for (j = 0; j < MIN (len[0], len[1]); j++)
-+              copy[i][j] = toupper (beg[i][j]);
-+            copy[i][j] = '\0';
-+          }
-+      }
-     }
-   else
-     {
--      if (hard_LC_COLLATE)
--	return xmemcoll (beg1, len1, beg2, len2);
--      diff = memcmp (beg1, beg2, MIN (len1, len2));
-+      copy[0] = (unsigned char *) beg[0];
-+      copy[1] = (unsigned char *) beg[1];  
-     }
-+  if (hard_LC_COLLATE)
-+    return xmemcoll ((char *) copy[0], len[0], (char *) copy[1], len[1]);
-+  diff = memcmp (copy[0], copy[1], MIN (len[0], len[1]));
-   if (diff)
-     return diff;
--  return len1 < len2 ? -1 : len1 != len2;
-+  return len[0] - len[1];
- }
- /* Check that successive input lines PREV and CURRENT from input file
---- coreutils-6.8+/src/uniq.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/src/uniq.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -23,6 +23,16 @@
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
-+/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(). */
-+# include <wchar.h>
-+/* Get isw* functions. */
-+# include <wctype.h>
- #include "system.h"
- #include "argmatch.h"
- #include "linebuffer.h"
-@@ -32,7 +42,19 @@
- #include "quote.h"
- #include "xmemcoll.h"
- #include "xstrtol.h"
--#include "memcasecmp.h"
-+#include "xmemcoll.h"
-+/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
-+   installation; work around this configuration error.  */
-+#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX < 2
-+# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
-+/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
-+#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
-+# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
- /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
- #define PROGRAM_NAME "uniq"
-@@ -109,6 +131,10 @@
- /* Select whether/how to delimit groups of duplicate lines.  */
- static enum delimit_method delimit_groups;
-+/* Function pointers. */
-+static char *
-+(*find_field) (struct linebuffer *line);
- static struct option const longopts[] =
- {
-   {"count", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
-@@ -198,7 +224,7 @@
-    return a pointer to the beginning of the line's field to be compared. */
- static char *
--find_field (struct linebuffer const *line)
-+find_field_uni (struct linebuffer *line)
- {
-   size_t count;
-   char const *lp = line->buffer;
-@@ -219,6 +245,83 @@
-   return line->buffer + i;
- }
-+  do									\
-+    {									\
-+      mbstate_t state_bak;						\
-+									\
-+      CONVFAIL = 0;							\
-+      state_bak = *STATEP;						\
-+									\
-+      MBLENGTH = mbrtowc (&WC, LP + POS, SIZE - POS, STATEP);		\
-+									\
-+      switch (MBLENGTH)							\
-+	{								\
-+	case (size_t)-2:						\
-+	case (size_t)-1:						\
-+	  *STATEP = state_bak;						\
-+	  CONVFAIL++;							\
-+	  /* Fall through */						\
-+	case 0:								\
-+	  MBLENGTH = 1;							\
-+	}								\
-+    }									\
-+  while (0)
-+static char *
-+find_field_multi (struct linebuffer *line)
-+  size_t count;
-+  char *lp = line->buffer;
-+  size_t size = line->length - 1;
-+  size_t pos;
-+  size_t mblength;
-+  wchar_t wc;
-+  mbstate_t *statep;
-+  int convfail;
-+  pos = 0;
-+  statep = &(line->state);
-+  /* skip fields. */
-+  for (count = 0; count < skip_fields && pos < size; count++)
-+    {
-+      while (pos < size)
-+	{
-+	  MBCHAR_TO_WCHAR (wc, mblength, lp, pos, size, statep, convfail);
-+	  if (convfail || !iswblank (wc))
-+	    {
-+	      pos += mblength;
-+	      break;
-+	    }
-+	  pos += mblength;
-+	}
-+      while (pos < size)
-+	{
-+	  MBCHAR_TO_WCHAR (wc, mblength, lp, pos, size, statep, convfail);
-+	  if (!convfail && iswblank (wc))
-+	    break;
-+	  pos += mblength;
-+	}
-+    }
-+  /* skip fields. */
-+  for (count = 0; count < skip_chars && pos < size; count++)
-+    {
-+      MBCHAR_TO_WCHAR (wc, mblength, lp, pos, size, statep, convfail);
-+      pos += mblength;
-+    }
-+  return lp + pos;
- /* Return false if two strings OLD and NEW match, true if not.
-    OLD and NEW point not to the beginnings of the lines
-    but rather to the beginnings of the fields to compare.
-@@ -227,6 +330,8 @@
- static bool
- different (char *old, char *new, size_t oldlen, size_t newlen)
- {
-+  char *copy_old, *copy_new;
-   if (check_chars < oldlen)
-     oldlen = check_chars;
-   if (check_chars < newlen)
-@@ -234,14 +339,92 @@
-   if (ignore_case)
-     {
--      /* FIXME: This should invoke strcoll somehow.  */
--      return oldlen != newlen || memcasecmp (old, new, oldlen);
-+      size_t i;
-+      copy_old = alloca (oldlen + 1);
-+      copy_new = alloca (oldlen + 1);
-+      for (i = 0; i < oldlen; i++)
-+	{
-+	  copy_old[i] = toupper (old[i]);
-+	  copy_new[i] = toupper (new[i]);
-+	}
-     }
--  else if (hard_LC_COLLATE)
--    return xmemcoll (old, oldlen, new, newlen) != 0;
-   else
--    return oldlen != newlen || memcmp (old, new, oldlen);
-+    {
-+      copy_old = (char *)old;
-+      copy_new = (char *)new;
-+    }
-+  return xmemcoll (copy_old, oldlen, copy_new, newlen);
-+static int
-+different_multi (const char *old, const char *new, size_t oldlen, size_t newlen, mbstate_t oldstate, mbstate_t newstate)
-+  size_t i, j, chars;
-+  const char *str[2];
-+  char *copy[2];
-+  size_t len[2];
-+  mbstate_t state[2];
-+  size_t mblength;
-+  wchar_t wc, uwc;
-+  mbstate_t state_bak;
-+  str[0] = old;
-+  str[1] = new;
-+  len[0] = oldlen;
-+  len[1] = newlen;
-+  state[0] = oldstate;
-+  state[1] = newstate;
-+  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
-+    {
-+      copy[i] = alloca (len[i] + 1);
-+      for (j = 0, chars = 0; j < len[i] && chars < check_chars; chars++)
-+	{
-+	  state_bak = state[i];
-+	  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, str[i] + j, len[i] - j, &(state[i]));
-+	  switch (mblength)
-+	    {
-+	    case (size_t)-1:
-+	    case (size_t)-2:
-+	      state[i] = state_bak;
-+	      /* Fall through */
-+	    case 0:
-+	      mblength = 1;
-+	      break;
-+	    default:
-+	      if (ignore_case)
-+		{
-+		  uwc = towupper (wc);
-+		  if (uwc != wc)
-+		    {
-+		      mbstate_t state_wc;
-+		      memset (&state_wc, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+		      wcrtomb (copy[i] + j, uwc, &state_wc);
-+		    }
-+		  else
-+		    memcpy (copy[i] + j, str[i] + j, mblength);
-+		}
-+	      else
-+		memcpy (copy[i] + j, str[i] + j, mblength);
-+	    }
-+	  j += mblength;
-+	}
-+      copy[i][j] = '\0';
-+      len[i] = j;
-+    }
-+  return xmemcoll (copy[0], len[0], copy[1], len[1]);
- }
- /* Output the line in linebuffer LINE to standard output
-    provided that the switches say it should be output.
-@@ -295,15 +478,43 @@
-     {
-       char *prevfield IF_LINT (= NULL);
-       size_t prevlen IF_LINT (= 0);
-+      mbstate_t prevstate;
-+      memset (&prevstate, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
-       while (!feof (stdin))
- 	{
- 	  char *thisfield;
- 	  size_t thislen;
-+	  mbstate_t thisstate;
- 	  if (readlinebuffer_delim (thisline, stdin, delimiter) == 0)
- 	    break;
- 	  thisfield = find_field (thisline);
- 	  thislen = thisline->length - 1 - (thisfield - thisline->buffer);
-+	  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+            {
-+            thisstate = thisline->state;
-+            if (prevline->length == 0 || different_multi
-+              (thisfield, prevfield, thislen, prevlen, thisstate, prevstate))
-+              {
-+                fwrite (thisline->buffer, sizeof (char),
-+                        thisline->length, stdout);
-+                SWAP_LINES (prevline, thisline);
-+                prevfield = thisfield;
-+                prevlen = thislen;
-+                prevstate = thisstate;
-+              }
-+          }
-+	else
- 	  if (prevline->length == 0
- 	      || different (thisfield, prevfield, thislen, prevlen))
- 	    {
-@@ -322,17 +533,26 @@
-       size_t prevlen;
-       uintmax_t match_count = 0;
-       bool first_delimiter = true;
-+      mbstate_t prevstate;
-       if (readlinebuffer_delim (prevline, stdin, delimiter) == 0)
- 	goto closefiles;
-       prevfield = find_field (prevline);
-       prevlen = prevline->length - 1 - (prevfield - prevline->buffer);
-+      prevstate = prevline->state;
-       while (!feof (stdin))
- 	{
- 	  bool match;
- 	  char *thisfield;
- 	  size_t thislen;
-+	  mbstate_t thisstate;
- 	  if (readlinebuffer_delim (thisline, stdin, delimiter) == 0)
- 	    {
- 	      if (ferror (stdin))
-@@ -341,6 +561,15 @@
- 	    }
- 	  thisfield = find_field (thisline);
- 	  thislen = thisline->length - 1 - (thisfield - thisline->buffer);
-+	  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+	    {
-+              thisstate = thisline->state;
-+              match = !different_multi (thisfield, prevfield,
-+                                thislen, prevlen, thisstate, prevstate);
-+            }
-+	  else
- 	  match = !different (thisfield, prevfield, thislen, prevlen);
- 	  match_count += match;
-@@ -373,6 +602,9 @@
- 	      SWAP_LINES (prevline, thisline);
- 	      prevfield = thisfield;
- 	      prevlen = thislen;
-+	      prevstate = thisstate;
- 	      if (!match)
- 		match_count = 0;
- 	    }
-@@ -417,6 +649,19 @@
-   atexit (close_stdout);
-+  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+    {
-+      find_field = find_field_multi;
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      find_field = find_field_uni;
-+    }
-   skip_chars = 0;
-   skip_fields = 0;
-   check_chars = SIZE_MAX;
---- coreutils-6.8+/src/fold.c.i18n	2007-02-23 12:01:47.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/src/fold.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -23,11 +23,33 @@
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
-+/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(), wcwidth().  */
-+# include <wchar.h>
-+/* Get iswprint(), iswblank(), wcwidth().  */
-+# include <wctype.h>
- #include "system.h"
- #include "error.h"
- #include "quote.h"
- #include "xstrtol.h"
-+/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
-+      installation; work around this configuration error.  */
-+#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX < 2
-+# undef MB_LEN_MAX
-+# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
-+/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
-+#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
-+# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
- #define TAB_WIDTH 8
- /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
-@@ -35,20 +57,41 @@
- #define AUTHORS proper_name ("David MacKenzie")
-+#define FATAL_ERROR(Message)                                            \
-+  do                                                                    \
-+    {                                                                   \
-+      error (0, 0, (Message));                                          \
-+      usage (2);                                                        \
-+    }                                                                   \
-+  while (0)
-+enum operating_mode
-+  /* Fold texts by columns that are at the given positions. */
-+  column_mode,
-+  /* Fold texts by bytes that are at the given positions. */
-+  byte_mode,
-+  /* Fold texts by characters that are at the given positions. */
-+  character_mode,
-+/* The argument shows current mode. (Default: column_mode) */
-+static enum operating_mode operating_mode;
- /* If nonzero, try to break on whitespace. */
- static bool break_spaces;
--/* If nonzero, count bytes, not column positions. */
--static bool count_bytes;
- /* If nonzero, at least one of the files we read was standard input. */
- static bool have_read_stdin;
--static char const shortopts[] = "bsw:0::1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::9::";
-+static char const shortopts[] = "bcsw:0::1::2::3::4::5::6::7::8::9::";
- static struct option const longopts[] =
- {
-   {"bytes", no_argument, NULL, 'b'},
-+  {"characters", no_argument, NULL, 'c'},
-   {"spaces", no_argument, NULL, 's'},
-   {"width", required_argument, NULL, 'w'},
-@@ -81,6 +124,7 @@
- "), stdout);
-       fputs (_("\
-   -b, --bytes         count bytes rather than columns\n\
-+  -c, --characters    count characters rather than columns\n\
-   -s, --spaces        break at spaces\n\
-   -w, --width=WIDTH   use WIDTH columns instead of 80\n\
- "), stdout);
-@@ -98,7 +142,7 @@
- static size_t
- adjust_column (size_t column, char c)
- {
--  if (!count_bytes)
-+  if (operating_mode != byte_mode)
-     {
-       if (c == '\b')
- 	{
-@@ -121,30 +165,14 @@
-    to stdout, with maximum line length WIDTH.
-    Return true if successful.  */
--static bool
--fold_file (char const *filename, size_t width)
-+static void
-+fold_text (FILE *istream, size_t width, int *saved_errno)
- {
--  FILE *istream;
-   int c;
-   size_t column = 0;		/* Screen column where next char will go. */
-   size_t offset_out = 0;	/* Index in `line_out' for next char. */
-   static char *line_out = NULL;
-   static size_t allocated_out = 0;
--  int saved_errno;
--  if (STREQ (filename, "-"))
--    {
--      istream = stdin;
--      have_read_stdin = true;
--    }
--  else
--    istream = fopen (filename, "r");
--  if (istream == NULL)
--    {
--      error (0, errno, "%s", filename);
--      return false;
--    }
-   while ((c = getc (istream)) != EOF)
-     {
-@@ -172,6 +200,15 @@
- 	      bool found_blank = false;
- 	      size_t logical_end = offset_out;
-+	      /* If LINE_OUT has no wide character,
-+		 put a new wide character in LINE_OUT
-+		 if column is bigger than width. */
-+	      if (offset_out == 0)
-+		{
-+		  line_out[offset_out++] = c;
-+		  continue;
-+		}
- 	      /* Look for the last blank. */
- 	      while (logical_end)
- 		{
-@@ -218,11 +255,225 @@
-       line_out[offset_out++] = c;
-     }
--  saved_errno = errno;
-+  *saved_errno = errno;
-+  if (offset_out)
-+    fwrite (line_out, sizeof (char), (size_t) offset_out, stdout);
-+  free(line_out);
-+static void
-+fold_multibyte_text (FILE *istream, size_t width, int *saved_errno)
-+  char buf[MB_LEN_MAX + BUFSIZ];  /* For spooling a read byte sequence. */
-+  size_t buflen = 0;	/* The length of the byte sequence in buf. */
-+  char *bufpos;         /* Next read position of BUF. */
-+  wint_t wc;		/* A gotten wide character. */
-+  size_t mblength;	/* The byte size of a multibyte character which shows
-+			   as same character as WC. */
-+  mbstate_t state, state_bak;	/* State of the stream. */
-+  int convfail;		/* 1, when conversion is failed. Otherwise 0. */
-+  char *line_out = NULL;
-+  size_t offset_out = 0;	/* Index in `line_out' for next char. */
-+  size_t allocated_out = 0;
-+  int increment;
-+  size_t column = 0;
-+  size_t last_blank_pos;
-+  size_t last_blank_column;
-+  int is_blank_seen;
-+  int last_blank_increment;
-+  int is_bs_following_last_blank;
-+  size_t bs_following_last_blank_num;
-+  int is_cr_after_last_blank;
-+#define CLEAR_FLAGS				\
-+   do						\
-+     {						\
-+	last_blank_pos = 0;			\
-+	last_blank_column = 0;			\
-+	is_blank_seen = 0;			\
-+	is_bs_following_last_blank = 0;		\
-+	bs_following_last_blank_num = 0;	\
-+	is_cr_after_last_blank = 0;		\
-+     }						\
-+   while (0)
-+#define START_NEW_LINE			\
-+   do					\
-+     {					\
-+      putchar ('\n');			\
-+      column = 0;			\
-+      offset_out = 0;			\
-+      CLEAR_FLAGS;			\
-+    }					\
-+   while (0)
-+  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  for (;; bufpos += mblength, buflen -= mblength)
-+    {
-+      if (buflen < MB_LEN_MAX && !feof (istream) && !ferror (istream))
-+	{
-+	  memmove (buf, bufpos, buflen);
-+	  buflen += fread (buf + buflen, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, istream);
-+	  bufpos = buf;
-+	}
-+      if (buflen < 1)
-+	break;
-+      /* Get a wide character. */
-+      convfail = 0;
-+      state_bak = state;
-+      mblength = mbrtowc ((wchar_t *)&wc, bufpos, buflen, &state);
-+      switch (mblength)
-+	{
-+	case (size_t)-1:
-+	case (size_t)-2:
-+	  convfail++;
-+	  state = state_bak;
-+	  /* Fall through. */
-+	case 0:
-+	  mblength = 1;
-+	  break;
-+	}
-+      if (operating_mode == byte_mode)			/* byte mode */
-+	increment = mblength;
-+      else if (operating_mode == character_mode)	/* character mode */
-+	increment = 1;
-+      else						/* column mode */
-+	{
-+	  if (convfail)
-+	    increment = 1;
-+	  else
-+	    {
-+	      switch (wc)
-+		{
-+		case L'\n':
-+		  fwrite (line_out, sizeof(char), offset_out, stdout);
-+		  continue;
-+		case L'\b':
-+		  increment = (column > 0) ? -1 : 0;
-+		  break;
-+		case L'\r':
-+		  increment = -1 * column;
-+		  break;
-+		case L'\t':
-+		  increment = 8 - column % 8;
-+		  break;
-+		default:
-+		  increment = wcwidth (wc);
-+		  increment = (increment < 0) ? 0 : increment;
-+		}
-+	    }
-+	}
-+      if (column + increment > width && break_spaces && last_blank_pos)
-+	{
-+	  fwrite (line_out, sizeof(char), last_blank_pos, stdout);
-+	  putchar ('\n');
-+	  offset_out = offset_out - last_blank_pos;
-+	  column = column - last_blank_column + ((is_cr_after_last_blank)
-+	      ? last_blank_increment : bs_following_last_blank_num);
-+	  memmove (line_out, line_out + last_blank_pos, offset_out);
-+	  goto rescan;
-+	}
-+      if (column + increment > width && column != 0)
-+	{
-+	  fwrite (line_out, sizeof(char), offset_out, stdout);
-+	  goto rescan;
-+	}
-+      if (allocated_out < offset_out + mblength)
-+	{
-+	  allocated_out += 1024;
-+	  line_out = xrealloc (line_out, allocated_out);
-+	}
-+      memcpy (line_out + offset_out, bufpos, mblength);
-+      offset_out += mblength;
-+      column += increment;
-+      if (is_blank_seen && !convfail && wc == L'\r')
-+	is_cr_after_last_blank = 1;
-+      if (is_bs_following_last_blank && !convfail && wc == L'\b')
-+	++bs_following_last_blank_num;
-+      else
-+	is_bs_following_last_blank = 0;
-+      if (break_spaces && !convfail && iswblank (wc))
-+	{
-+	  last_blank_pos = offset_out;
-+	  last_blank_column = column;
-+	  is_blank_seen = 1;
-+	  last_blank_increment = increment;
-+	  is_bs_following_last_blank = 1;
-+	  bs_following_last_blank_num = 0;
-+	  is_cr_after_last_blank = 0;
-+	}
-+    }
-+  *saved_errno = errno;
-   if (offset_out)
-     fwrite (line_out, sizeof (char), (size_t) offset_out, stdout);
-+  free(line_out);
-+/* Fold file FILENAME, or standard input if FILENAME is "-",
-+   to stdout, with maximum line length WIDTH.
-+   Return 0 if successful, 1 if an error occurs. */
-+static bool
-+fold_file (char *filename, size_t width)
-+  FILE *istream;
-+  int saved_errno;
-+  if (STREQ (filename, "-"))
-+    {
-+      istream = stdin;
-+      have_read_stdin = 1;
-+    }
-+  else
-+    istream = fopen (filename, "r");
-+  if (istream == NULL)
-+    {
-+      error (0, errno, "%s", filename);
-+      return 1;
-+    }
-+  /* Define how ISTREAM is being folded. */
-+  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+    fold_multibyte_text (istream, width, &saved_errno);
-+  else
-+    fold_text (istream, width, &saved_errno);
-   if (ferror (istream))
-     {
-       error (0, saved_errno, "%s", filename);
-@@ -255,7 +506,8 @@
-   atexit (close_stdout);
--  break_spaces = count_bytes = have_read_stdin = false;
-+  operating_mode = column_mode;
-+  break_spaces = have_read_stdin = false;
-   while ((optc = getopt_long (argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, NULL)) != -1)
-     {
-@@ -264,7 +516,15 @@
-       switch (optc)
- 	{
- 	case 'b':		/* Count bytes rather than columns. */
--	  count_bytes = true;
-+	  if (operating_mode != column_mode)
-+	    FATAL_ERROR (_("only one way of folding may be specified"));
-+	  operating_mode = byte_mode;
-+	  break;
-+	case 'c':
-+	  if (operating_mode != column_mode)
-+	    FATAL_ERROR (_("only one way of folding may be specified"));
-+	  operating_mode = character_mode;
- 	  break;
- 	case 's':		/* Break at word boundaries. */
---- coreutils-6.8+/src/sort.c.i18n	2007-02-24 11:23:23.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/src/sort.c	2007-03-01 15:10:57.000000000 +0000
-@@ -23,10 +23,19 @@
- #include <config.h>
-+#include <assert.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/wait.h>
- #include <signal.h>
-+# include <wchar.h>
-+/* Get isw* functions. */
-+# include <wctype.h>
- #include "system.h"
- #include "argmatch.h"
- #include "error.h"
-@@ -116,14 +125,38 @@
- /* Thousands separator; if -1, then there isn't one.  */
- static int thousands_sep;
-+static int force_general_numcompare = 0;
- /* Nonzero if the corresponding locales are hard.  */
- static bool hard_LC_COLLATE;
- static bool hard_LC_TIME;
- #endif
- #define NONZERO(x) ((x) != 0)
-+/* get a multibyte character's byte length. */
-+  do									\
-+    {									\
-+      wchar_t wc;							\
-+      mbstate_t state_bak;						\
-+									\
-+      state_bak = STATE;						\
-+      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, PTR, LIM - PTR, &STATE);			\
-+									\
-+      switch (MBLENGTH)							\
-+	{								\
-+	case (size_t)-1:						\
-+	case (size_t)-2:						\
-+	  STATE = state_bak;						\
-+		/* Fall through. */					\
-+	case 0:								\
-+	  MBLENGTH = 1;							\
-+      }									\
-+    }									\
-+  while (0)
- /* The kind of blanks for '-b' to skip in various options. */
- enum blanktype { bl_start, bl_end, bl_both };
-@@ -261,13 +294,11 @@
-    they were read if all keys compare equal.  */
- static bool stable;
--/* If TAB has this value, blanks separate fields.  */
--enum { TAB_DEFAULT = CHAR_MAX + 1 };
--/* Tab character separating fields.  If TAB_DEFAULT, then fields are
-+/* Tab character separating fields.  If tab_length is 0, then fields are
-    separated by the empty string between a non-blank character and a blank
-    character. */
--static int tab = TAB_DEFAULT;
-+static char tab[MB_LEN_MAX + 1];
-+static size_t tab_length = 0;
- /* Flag to remove consecutive duplicate lines from the output.
-    Only the last of a sequence of equal lines will be output. */
-@@ -639,6 +670,44 @@
-     update_proc (pid);
- }
-+/* Function pointers. */
-+static void
-+(*inittables) (void);
-+static char *
-+(*begfield) (const struct line*, const struct keyfield *);
-+static char *
-+(*limfield) (const struct line*, const struct keyfield *);
-+static int
-+(*getmonth) (char const *, size_t);
-+static int
-+(*keycompare) (const struct line *, const struct line *);
-+static int
-+(*numcompare) (const char *, const char *);
-+/* Test for white space multibyte character.
-+   Set LENGTH the byte length of investigated multibyte character. */
-+static int
-+ismbblank (const char *str, size_t len, size_t *length)
-+  size_t mblength;
-+  wchar_t wc;
-+  mbstate_t state;
-+  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, str, len, &state);
-+  if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
-+    {
-+      *length = 1;
-+      return 0;
-+    }
-+  *length = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
-+  return iswblank (wc);
- /* Clean up any remaining temporary files.  */
- static void
-@@ -978,7 +1047,7 @@
-   free (node);
- }
- static int
- struct_month_cmp (const void *m1, const void *m2)
-@@ -993,7 +1062,7 @@
- /* Initialize the character class tables. */
- static void
--inittables (void)
-+inittables_uni (void)
- {
-   size_t i;
-@@ -1005,7 +1074,7 @@
-       fold_toupper[i] = toupper (i);
-     }
-   /* If we're not in the "C" locale, read different names for months.  */
-   if (hard_LC_TIME)
-     {
-@@ -1031,6 +1100,64 @@
-     xstrtol_fatal (e, oi, c, long_options, s);
- }
-+static void
-+inittables_mb (void)
-+  int i, j, k, l;
-+  char *name, *s;
-+  size_t s_len, mblength;
-+  char mbc[MB_LEN_MAX];
-+  wchar_t wc, pwc;
-+  mbstate_t state_mb, state_wc;
-+  for (i = 0; i < MONTHS_PER_YEAR; i++)
-+    {
-+      s = (char *) nl_langinfo (ABMON_1 + i);
-+      s_len = strlen (s);
-+      monthtab[i].name = name = (char *) xmalloc (s_len + 1);
-+      monthtab[i].val = i + 1;
-+      memset (&state_mb, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
-+      memset (&state_wc, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
-+      for (j = 0; j < s_len;)
-+	{
-+	  if (!ismbblank (s + j, s_len - j, &mblength))
-+	    break;
-+	  j += mblength;
-+	}
-+      for (k = 0; j < s_len;)
-+	{
-+	  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, (s + j), (s_len - j), &state_mb);
-+	  assert (mblength != (size_t)-1 && mblength != (size_t)-2);
-+	  if (mblength == 0)
-+	    break;
-+	  pwc = towupper (wc);
-+	  if (pwc == wc)
-+	    {
-+	      memcpy (mbc, s + j, mblength);
-+	      j += mblength;
-+	    }
-+	  else
-+	    {
-+	      j += mblength;
-+	      mblength = wcrtomb (mbc, pwc, &state_wc);
-+	      assert (mblength != (size_t)0 && mblength != (size_t)-1);
-+	    }
-+	  for (l = 0; l < mblength; l++)
-+	    name[k++] = mbc[l];
-+	}
-+      name[k] = '\0';
-+    }
-+  qsort ((void *) monthtab, MONTHS_PER_YEAR,
-+      sizeof (struct month), struct_month_cmp);
- /* Specify the amount of main memory to use when sorting.  */
- static void
- specify_sort_size (int oi, char c, char const *s)
-@@ -1241,7 +1368,7 @@
-    by KEY in LINE. */
- static char *
--begfield (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
-+begfield_uni (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
- {
-   char *ptr = line->text, *lim = ptr + line->length - 1;
-   size_t sword = key->sword;
-@@ -1251,10 +1378,10 @@
-   /* The leading field separator itself is included in a field when -t
-      is absent.  */
--  if (tab != TAB_DEFAULT)
-+  if (tab_length)
-     while (ptr < lim && sword--)
-       {
--	while (ptr < lim && *ptr != tab)
-+	while (ptr < lim && *ptr != tab[0])
- 	  ++ptr;
- 	if (ptr < lim)
- 	  ++ptr;
-@@ -1282,11 +1409,70 @@
-   return ptr;
- }
-+static char *
-+begfield_mb (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
-+  int i;
-+  char *ptr = line->text, *lim = ptr + line->length - 1;
-+  size_t sword = key->sword;
-+  size_t schar = key->schar;
-+  size_t mblength;
-+  mbstate_t state;
-+  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  if (tab_length)
-+    while (ptr < lim && sword--)
-+      {
-+	while (ptr < lim && memcmp (ptr, tab, tab_length) != 0)
-+	  {
-+	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
-+	    ptr += mblength;
-+	  }
-+	if (ptr < lim)
-+	  {
-+	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
-+	    ptr += mblength;
-+	  }
-+      }
-+  else
-+    while (ptr < lim && sword--)
-+      {
-+	while (ptr < lim && ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
-+	  ptr += mblength;
-+	if (ptr < lim)
-+	  {
-+	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
-+	    ptr += mblength;
-+	  }
-+	while (ptr < lim && !ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
-+	  ptr += mblength;
-+      }
-+  if (key->skipsblanks)
-+    while (ptr < lim && ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
-+      ptr += mblength;
-+  for (i = 0; i < schar; i++)
-+    {
-+      GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
-+      if (ptr + mblength > lim)
-+	break;
-+      else
-+	ptr += mblength;
-+    }
-+  return ptr;
- /* Return the limit of (a pointer to the first character after) the field
-    in LINE specified by KEY. */
- static char *
--limfield (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
-+limfield_uni (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
- {
-   char *ptr = line->text, *lim = ptr + line->length - 1;
-   size_t eword = key->eword, echar = key->echar;
-@@ -1299,10 +1485,10 @@
-      `beginning' is the first character following the delimiting TAB.
-      Otherwise, leave PTR pointing at the first `blank' character after
-      the preceding field.  */
--  if (tab != TAB_DEFAULT)
-+  if (tab_length)
-     while (ptr < lim && eword--)
-       {
--	while (ptr < lim && *ptr != tab)
-+	while (ptr < lim && *ptr != tab[0])
- 	  ++ptr;
- 	if (ptr < lim && (eword | echar))
- 	  ++ptr;
-@@ -1348,10 +1534,10 @@
-      */
-   /* Make LIM point to the end of (one byte past) the current field.  */
--  if (tab != TAB_DEFAULT)
-+  if (tab_length)
-     {
-       char *newlim;
--      newlim = memchr (ptr, tab, lim - ptr);
-+      newlim = memchr (ptr, tab[0], lim - ptr);
-       if (newlim)
- 	lim = newlim;
-     }
-@@ -1384,6 +1570,113 @@
-   return ptr;
- }
-+static char *
-+limfield_mb (const struct line *line, const struct keyfield *key)
-+  char *ptr = line->text, *lim = ptr + line->length - 1;
-+  size_t eword = key->eword, echar = key->echar;
-+  int i;
-+  size_t mblength;
-+  mbstate_t state;
-+  if (echar == 0)
-+    eword++; /* skip all of end field. */
-+  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  if (tab_length)
-+    while (ptr < lim && eword--)
-+      {
-+	while (ptr < lim && memcmp (ptr, tab, tab_length) != 0)
-+	  {
-+	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
-+	    ptr += mblength;
-+	  }
-+	if (ptr < lim && (eword | echar))
-+	  {
-+	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
-+	    ptr += mblength;
-+	  }
-+      }
-+  else
-+    while (ptr < lim && eword--)
-+      {
-+	while (ptr < lim && ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
-+	  ptr += mblength;
-+	if (ptr < lim)
-+	  {
-+	    GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
-+	    ptr += mblength;
-+	  }
-+	while (ptr < lim && !ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
-+	  ptr += mblength;
-+      }
-+  /* Make LIM point to the end of (one byte past) the current field.  */
-+  if (tab_length)
-+    {
-+      char *newlim, *p;
-+      newlim = NULL;
-+      for (p = ptr; p < lim;)
-+ 	{
-+	  if (memcmp (p, tab, tab_length) == 0)
-+	    {
-+	      newlim = p;
-+	      break;
-+	    }
-+	  GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
-+	  p += mblength;
-+	}
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      char *newlim;
-+      newlim = ptr;
-+      while (newlim < lim && ismbblank (newlim, lim - newlim, &mblength))
-+	newlim += mblength;
-+      if (ptr < lim)
-+	{
-+	  GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
-+	  ptr += mblength;
-+	}
-+      while (newlim < lim && !ismbblank (newlim, lim - newlim, &mblength))
-+	newlim += mblength;
-+      lim = newlim;
-+    }
-+# endif
-+  if (echar != 0)
-+  {
-+    /* If we're skipping leading blanks, don't start counting characters
-+     *      until after skipping past any leading blanks.  */
-+    if (key->skipsblanks)
-+      while (ptr < lim && ismbblank (ptr, lim - ptr, &mblength))
-+        ptr += mblength;
-+    memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+    /* Advance PTR by ECHAR (if possible), but no further than LIM.  */
-+    for (i = 0; i < echar; i++)
-+     {
-+        GET_BYTELEN_OF_CHAR (lim, ptr, mblength, state);
-+        if (ptr + mblength > lim)
-+  	break;
-+        else
-+	  ptr += mblength;
-+      }
-+  }
-+  return ptr;
- /* Fill BUF reading from FP, moving buf->left bytes from the end
-    of buf->buf to the beginning first.  If EOF is reached and the
-    file wasn't terminated by a newline, supply one.  Set up BUF's line
-@@ -1466,8 +1753,24 @@
- 		  else
- 		    {
- 		      if (key->skipsblanks)
--			while (blanks[to_uchar (*line_start)])
--			  line_start++;
-+			{
-+			  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+			    {
-+			      size_t mblength;
-+			      mbstate_t state;
-+			      memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+			      while (line_start < line->keylim &&
-+				     ismbblank (line_start,
-+						line->keylim - line_start,
-+						&mblength))
-+				line_start += mblength;
-+			    }
-+			  else
-+			  while (blanks[to_uchar (*line_start)])
-+			    line_start++;
-+			}
- 		      line->keybeg = line_start;
- 		    }
- 		}
-@@ -1500,7 +1803,7 @@
-    hideously fast. */
- static int
--numcompare (const char *a, const char *b)
-+numcompare_uni (const char *a, const char *b)
- {
-   while (blanks[to_uchar (*a)])
-     a++;
-@@ -1510,6 +1813,25 @@
-   return strnumcmp (a, b, decimal_point, thousands_sep);
- }
-+static int
-+numcompare_mb (const char *a, const char *b)
-+  size_t mblength, len;
-+  len = strlen (a); /* okay for UTF-8 */
-+  while (*a && ismbblank (a, len > MB_CUR_MAX ? MB_CUR_MAX : len, &mblength))
-+    {
-+      a += mblength;
-+      len -= mblength;
-+    }
-+  len = strlen (b); /* okay for UTF-8 */
-+  while (*b && ismbblank (b, len > MB_CUR_MAX ? MB_CUR_MAX : len, &mblength))
-+    b += mblength;
-+  return strnumcmp (a, b, decimal_point, thousands_sep);
-+#endif /* HAV_EMBRTOWC */
- static int
- general_numcompare (const char *sa, const char *sb)
- {
-@@ -1543,7 +1865,7 @@
-    Return 0 if the name in S is not recognized.  */
- static int
--getmonth (char const *month, size_t len)
-+getmonth_uni (char const *month, size_t len)
- {
-   size_t lo = 0;
-   size_t hi = MONTHS_PER_YEAR;
-@@ -1698,11 +2020,79 @@
-   return diff;
- }
-+static int
-+getmonth_mb (const char *s, size_t len)
-+  char *month;
-+  register size_t i;
-+  register int lo = 0, hi = MONTHS_PER_YEAR, result;
-+  char *tmp;
-+  size_t wclength, mblength;
-+  const char **pp;
-+  const wchar_t **wpp;
-+  wchar_t *month_wcs;
-+  mbstate_t state;
-+  while (len > 0 && ismbblank (s, len, &mblength))
-+    {
-+      s += mblength;
-+      len -= mblength;
-+    }
-+  if (len == 0)
-+    return 0;
-+  month = (char *) alloca (len + 1);
-+  tmp = (char *) alloca (len + 1);
-+  memcpy (tmp, s, len);
-+  tmp[len] = '\0';
-+  pp = (const char **)&tmp;
-+  month_wcs = (wchar_t *) alloca ((len + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t));
-+  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  wclength = mbsrtowcs (month_wcs, pp, len + 1, &state);
-+  assert (wclength != (size_t)-1 && *pp == NULL);
-+  for (i = 0; i < wclength; i++)
-+    {
-+      month_wcs[i] = towupper(month_wcs[i]);
-+      if (iswblank (month_wcs[i]))
-+	{
-+	  month_wcs[i] = L'\0';
-+	  break;
-+	}
-+    }
-+  wpp = (const wchar_t **)&month_wcs;
-+  mblength = wcsrtombs (month, wpp, len + 1, &state);
-+  assert (mblength != (-1) && *wpp == NULL);
-+  do
-+    {
-+      int ix = (lo + hi) / 2;
-+      if (strncmp (month, monthtab[ix].name, strlen (monthtab[ix].name)) < 0)
-+	hi = ix;
-+      else
-+	lo = ix;
-+    }
-+  while (hi - lo > 1);
-+  result = (!strncmp (month, monthtab[lo].name, strlen (monthtab[lo].name))
-+      ? monthtab[lo].val : 0);
-+  return result;
- /* Compare two lines A and B trying every key in sequence until there
-    are no more keys or a difference is found. */
- static int
--keycompare (const struct line *a, const struct line *b)
-+keycompare_uni (const struct line *a, const struct line *b)
- {
-   struct keyfield const *key = keylist;
-@@ -1875,6 +2265,179 @@
-   return key->reverse ? -diff : diff;
- }
-+static int
-+keycompare_mb (const struct line *a, const struct line *b)
-+  struct keyfield *key = keylist;
-+  /* For the first iteration only, the key positions have been
-+     precomputed for us. */
-+  char *texta = a->keybeg;
-+  char *textb = b->keybeg;
-+  char *lima = a->keylim;
-+  char *limb = b->keylim;
-+  size_t mblength_a, mblength_b;
-+  wchar_t wc_a, wc_b;
-+  mbstate_t state_a, state_b;
-+  int diff;
-+  memset (&state_a, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  memset (&state_b, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  for (;;)
-+    {
-+      unsigned char *translate = (unsigned char *) key->translate;
-+      bool const *ignore = key->ignore;
-+      /* Find the lengths. */
-+      size_t lena = lima <= texta ? 0 : lima - texta;
-+      size_t lenb = limb <= textb ? 0 : limb - textb;
-+      /* Actually compare the fields. */
-+      if (key->random)
-+        diff = compare_random (texta, lena, textb, lenb);
-+      else if (key->numeric | key->general_numeric)
-+	{
-+	  char savea = *lima, saveb = *limb;
-+	  *lima = *limb = '\0';
-+	  if (force_general_numcompare)
-+	    diff = general_numcompare (texta, textb);
-+	  else
-+	    diff = ((key->numeric ? numcompare : general_numcompare)
-+		(texta, textb));
-+	  *lima = savea, *limb = saveb;
-+	}
-+      else if (key->month)
-+	diff = getmonth (texta, lena) - getmonth (textb, lenb);
-+      else
-+	{
-+	  if (ignore || translate)
-+	    {
-+	      char *copy_a = (char *) alloca (lena + 1 + lenb + 1);
-+	      char *copy_b = copy_a + lena + 1;
-+	      size_t new_len_a, new_len_b;
-+	      size_t i, j;
-+	      /* Ignore and/or translate chars before comparing.  */
-+  do									\
-+    {									\
-+      wchar_t uwc;							\
-+      char mbc[MB_LEN_MAX];						\
-+      mbstate_t state_wc;						\
-+									\
-+      for (NEW_LEN = i = 0; i < LEN;)					\
-+	{								\
-+	  mbstate_t state_bak;						\
-+									\
-+	  state_bak = STATE;						\
-+	  MBLENGTH = mbrtowc (&WC, TEXT + i, LEN - i, &STATE);		\
-+									\
-+	  if (MBLENGTH == (size_t)-2 || MBLENGTH == (size_t)-1		\
-+	      || MBLENGTH == 0)						\
-+	    {								\
-+	      if (MBLENGTH == (size_t)-2 || MBLENGTH == (size_t)-1)	\
-+		STATE = state_bak;					\
-+	      if (!ignore)						\
-+		COPY[NEW_LEN++] = TEXT[i++];				\
-+	      continue;							\
-+	    }								\
-+									\
-+	  if (ignore)							\
-+	    {								\
-+	      if ((ignore == nonprinting && !iswprint (WC))		\
-+		   || (ignore == nondictionary				\
-+		       && !iswalnum (WC) && !iswblank (WC)))		\
-+		{							\
-+		  i += MBLENGTH;					\
-+		  continue;						\
-+		}							\
-+	    }								\
-+									\
-+	  if (translate)						\
-+	    {								\
-+									\
-+	      uwc = towupper(WC);					\
-+	      if (WC == uwc)						\
-+		{							\
-+		  memcpy (mbc, TEXT + i, MBLENGTH);			\
-+		  i += MBLENGTH;					\
-+		}							\
-+	      else							\
-+		{							\
-+		  i += MBLENGTH;					\
-+		  WC = uwc;						\
-+		  memset (&state_wc, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));		\
-+									\
-+		  MBLENGTH = wcrtomb (mbc, WC, &state_wc);		\
-+		  assert (MBLENGTH != (size_t)-1 && MBLENGTH != 0);	\
-+		}							\
-+									\
-+	      for (j = 0; j < MBLENGTH; j++)				\
-+		COPY[NEW_LEN++] = mbc[j];				\
-+	    }								\
-+	  else								\
-+	    for (j = 0; j < MBLENGTH; j++)				\
-+	      COPY[NEW_LEN++] = TEXT[i++];				\
-+	}								\
-+      COPY[NEW_LEN] = '\0';						\
-+    }									\
-+  while (0)
-+	      IGNORE_CHARS (new_len_a, lena, texta, copy_a,
-+			    wc_a, mblength_a, state_a);
-+	      IGNORE_CHARS (new_len_b, lenb, textb, copy_b,
-+			    wc_b, mblength_b, state_b);
-+	      diff = xmemcoll (copy_a, new_len_a, copy_b, new_len_b);
-+	    }
-+	  else if (lena == 0)
-+	    diff = - NONZERO (lenb);
-+	  else if (lenb == 0)
-+	    goto greater;
-+	  else
-+	    diff = xmemcoll (texta, lena, textb, lenb);
-+	}
-+      if (diff)
-+	goto not_equal;
-+      key = key->next;
-+      if (! key)
-+	break;
-+      /* Find the beginning and limit of the next field.  */
-+      if (key->eword != -1)
-+	lima = limfield (a, key), limb = limfield (b, key);
-+      else
-+	lima = a->text + a->length - 1, limb = b->text + b->length - 1;
-+      if (key->sword != -1)
-+	texta = begfield (a, key), textb = begfield (b, key);
-+      else
-+	{
-+	  texta = a->text, textb = b->text;
-+	  if (key->skipsblanks)
-+	    {
-+	      while (texta < lima && ismbblank (texta, lima - texta, &mblength_a))
-+		texta += mblength_a;
-+	      while (textb < limb && ismbblank (textb, limb - textb, &mblength_b))
-+		textb += mblength_b;
-+	    }
-+	}
-+    }
-+  return 0;
-+  diff = 1;
-+  return key->reverse ? -diff : diff;
- /* Compare two lines A and B, returning negative, zero, or positive
-    depending on whether A compares less than, equal to, or greater than B. */
-@@ -2744,7 +3305,7 @@
-   initialize_exit_failure (SORT_FAILURE);
-   hard_LC_COLLATE = hard_locale (LC_COLLATE);
-   hard_LC_TIME = hard_locale (LC_TIME);
- #endif
-@@ -2765,6 +3326,27 @@
-       thousands_sep = -1;
-   }
-+  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+    {
-+      inittables = inittables_mb;
-+      begfield = begfield_mb;
-+      limfield = limfield_mb;
-+      getmonth = getmonth_mb;
-+      keycompare = keycompare_mb;
-+      numcompare = numcompare_mb;
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      inittables = inittables_uni;
-+      begfield = begfield_uni;
-+      limfield = limfield_uni;
-+      getmonth = getmonth_uni;
-+      keycompare = keycompare_uni;
-+      numcompare = numcompare_uni;
-+    }
-   have_read_stdin = false;
-   inittables ();
-@@ -3015,13 +3597,35 @@
- 	case 't':
- 	  {
--	    char newtab = optarg[0];
--	    if (! newtab)
-+	    char newtab[MB_LEN_MAX + 1];
-+	    size_t newtab_length = 1;
-+	    strncpy (newtab, optarg, MB_LEN_MAX);
-+	    if (! newtab[0])
- 	      error (SORT_FAILURE, 0, _("empty tab"));
--	    if (optarg[1])
-+	    if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+	      {
-+		wchar_t wc;
-+		mbstate_t state;
-+		size_t i;
-+		memset (&state, '\0', sizeof (mbstate_t));
-+		newtab_length = mbrtowc (&wc, newtab, strnlen (newtab,
-+							       MB_LEN_MAX),
-+					 &state);
-+		switch (newtab_length)
-+		  {
-+		  case (size_t) -1:
-+		  case (size_t) -2:
-+		  case 0:
-+		    newtab_length = 1;
-+		  }
-+	      }
-+	    if (newtab_length == 1 && optarg[1])
- 	      {
- 		if (STREQ (optarg, "\\0"))
--		  newtab = '\0';
-+		  newtab[0] = '\0';
- 		else
- 		  {
- 		    /* Provoke with `sort -txx'.  Complain about
-@@ -3032,9 +3636,12 @@
- 			   quote (optarg));
- 		  }
- 	      }
--	    if (tab != TAB_DEFAULT && tab != newtab)
-+	    if (tab_length
-+		&& (tab_length != newtab_length
-+		    || memcmp (tab, newtab, tab_length) != 0))
- 	      error (SORT_FAILURE, 0, _("incompatible tabs"));
--	    tab = newtab;
-+	    memcpy (tab, newtab, newtab_length);
-+	    tab_length = newtab_length;
- 	  }
- 	  break;
---- coreutils-6.8+/src/unexpand.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/src/unexpand.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -39,11 +39,28 @@
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
-+/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(), wcwidth(). */
-+# include <wchar.h>
- #include "system.h"
- #include "error.h"
- #include "quote.h"
- #include "xstrndup.h"
-+/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
-+      installation; work around this configuration error.  */
-+#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX < 2
-+# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
-+/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
-+#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
-+# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
- /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
- #define PROGRAM_NAME "unexpand"
-@@ -110,6 +127,208 @@
-   {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
- };
-+static FILE *next_file (FILE *fp);
-+static void
-+unexpand_multibyte (void)
-+  FILE *fp;			/* Input stream. */
-+  mbstate_t i_state;		/* Current shift state of the input stream. */
-+  mbstate_t i_state_bak;	/* Back up the I_STATE. */
-+  mbstate_t o_state;		/* Current shift state of the output stream. */
-+  char buf[MB_LEN_MAX + BUFSIZ];  /* For spooling a read byte sequence. */
-+  char *bufpos;			/* Next read position of BUF. */
-+  size_t buflen = 0;		/* The length of the byte sequence in buf. */
-+  wint_t wc;			/* A gotten wide character. */
-+  size_t mblength;		/* The byte size of a multibyte character
-+				   which shows as same character as WC. */
-+  /* Index in `tab_list' of next tabstop: */
-+  int tab_index = 0;		/* For calculating width of pending tabs. */
-+  int print_tab_index = 0;	/* For printing as many tabs as possible. */
-+  unsigned int column = 0;	/* Column on screen of next char. */
-+  int next_tab_column;		/* Column the next tab stop is on. */
-+  int convert = 1;		/* If nonzero, perform translations. */
-+  unsigned int pending = 0;	/* Pending columns of blanks. */
-+  fp = next_file ((FILE *) NULL);
-+  if (fp == NULL)
-+    return;
-+  memset (&o_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  memset (&i_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  for (;;)
-+    {
-+      if (buflen < MB_LEN_MAX && !feof(fp) && !ferror(fp))
-+	{
-+	  memmove (buf, bufpos, buflen);
-+	  buflen += fread (buf + buflen, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, fp);
-+	  bufpos = buf;
-+	}
-+      /* Get a wide character. */
-+      if (buflen < 1)
-+	{
-+	  mblength = 1;
-+	  wc = WEOF;
-+	}
-+      else
-+	{
-+	  i_state_bak = i_state;
-+	  mblength = mbrtowc ((wchar_t *)&wc, bufpos, buflen, &i_state);
-+	}
-+      if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
-+	{
-+	  i_state = i_state_bak;
-+	  wc = L'\0';
-+	}
-+      if (wc == L' ' && convert && column < INT_MAX)
-+	{
-+	  ++pending;
-+	  ++column;
-+	}
-+      else if (wc == L'\t' && convert)
-+	{
-+	  if (tab_size == 0)
-+	    {
-+	      /* Do not let tab_index == first_free_tab;
-+		 stop when it is 1 less. */
-+	      while (tab_index < first_free_tab - 1
-+		  && column >= tab_list[tab_index])
-+		tab_index++;
-+	      next_tab_column = tab_list[tab_index];
-+	      if (tab_index < first_free_tab - 1)
-+		tab_index++;
-+	      if (column >= next_tab_column)
-+		{
-+		  convert = 0;	/* Ran out of tab stops. */
-+		  goto flush_pend_mb;
-+		}
-+	    }
-+	  else
-+	    {
-+	      next_tab_column = column + tab_size - column % tab_size;
-+	    }
-+	  pending += next_tab_column - column;
-+	  column = next_tab_column;
-+	}
-+      else
-+	{
-+	  /* Flush pending spaces.  Print as many tabs as possible,
-+	     then print the rest as spaces. */
-+	  if (pending == 1)
-+	    {
-+	      putchar (' ');
-+	      pending = 0;
-+	    }
-+	  column -= pending;
-+	  while (pending > 0)
-+	    {
-+	      if (tab_size == 0)
-+		{
-+		  /* Do not let print_tab_index == first_free_tab;
-+		     stop when it is 1 less. */
-+		  while (print_tab_index < first_free_tab - 1
-+		      && column >= tab_list[print_tab_index])
-+		    print_tab_index++;
-+		  next_tab_column = tab_list[print_tab_index];
-+		  if (print_tab_index < first_free_tab - 1)
-+		    print_tab_index++;
-+		}
-+	      else
-+		{
-+		  next_tab_column =
-+		    column + tab_size - column % tab_size;
-+		}
-+	      if (next_tab_column - column <= pending)
-+		{
-+		  putchar ('\t');
-+		  pending -= next_tab_column - column;
-+		  column = next_tab_column;
-+		}
-+	      else
-+		{
-+		  --print_tab_index;
-+		  column += pending;
-+		  while (pending != 0)
-+		    {
-+		      putchar (' ');
-+		      pending--;
-+		    }
-+		}
-+	    }
-+	  if (wc == WEOF)
-+	    {
-+	      fp = next_file (fp);
-+	      if (fp == NULL)
-+		break;          /* No more files. */
-+	      else
-+		{
-+		  memset (&i_state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+		  continue;
-+		}
-+	    }
-+	  if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
-+	    {
-+	      if (convert)
-+		{
-+		  ++column;
-+		  if (convert_entire_line == 0)
-+		    convert = 0;
-+		}
-+	      mblength = 1;
-+	      putchar (buf[0]);
-+	    }
-+	  else if (mblength == 0)
-+	    {
-+	      if (convert && convert_entire_line == 0)
-+		convert = 0;
-+	      mblength = 1;
-+	      putchar ('\0');
-+	    }
-+	  else
-+	    {
-+	      if (convert)
-+		{
-+		  if (wc == L'\b')
-+		    {
-+		      if (column > 0)
-+			--column;
-+		    }
-+		  else
-+		    {
-+		      int width;            /* The width of WC. */
-+		      width = wcwidth (wc);
-+		      column += (width > 0) ? width : 0;
-+		      if (convert_entire_line == 0)
-+			convert = 0;
-+		    }
-+		}
-+	      if (wc == L'\n')
-+		{
-+		  tab_index = print_tab_index = 0;
-+		  column = pending = 0;
-+		  convert = 1;
-+		}
-+	      fwrite (bufpos, sizeof(char), mblength, stdout);
-+	    }
-+	}
-+      buflen -= mblength;
-+      bufpos += mblength;
-+    }
- void
- usage (int status)
- {
-@@ -531,7 +750,12 @@
-   file_list = (optind < argc ? &argv[optind] : stdin_argv);
--  unexpand ();
-+  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+    unexpand_multibyte ();
-+  else
-+    unexpand ();
-   if (have_read_stdin && fclose (stdin) != 0)
-     error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, "-");
---- coreutils-6.8+/src/pr.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/src/pr.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -313,6 +313,32 @@
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
-+/* Get MB_LEN_MAX.  */
-+#include <limits.h>
-+/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
-+   installation; work around this configuration error.  */
-+#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX == 1
-+# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
-+/* Get MB_CUR_MAX.  */
-+#include <stdlib.h>
-+/* Solaris 2.5 has a bug: <wchar.h> must be included before <wctype.h>.  */
-+/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc(), wcwidth().  */
-+# include <wchar.h>
-+/* Get iswprint(). -- for wcwidth().  */
-+# include <wctype.h>
-+#if !defined iswprint && !HAVE_ISWPRINT
-+# define iswprint(wc) 1
- #include "system.h"
- #include "error.h"
- #include "mbswidth.h"
-@@ -324,6 +350,18 @@
- #include "strftime.h"
- #include "xstrtol.h"
-+/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
-+#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
-+# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
-+"this configure-time declaration test was not run"
-+extern int wcwidth ();
- /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
- #define PROGRAM_NAME "pr"
-@@ -416,7 +454,20 @@
- #define NULLCOL (COLUMN *)0
--static int char_to_clump (char c);
-+/* Funtion pointers to switch functions for single byte locale or for
-+   multibyte locale. If multibyte functions do not exist in your sysytem,
-+   these pointers always point the function for single byte locale. */
-+static void (*print_char) (char c);
-+static int (*char_to_clump) (char c);
-+/* Functions for single byte locale. */
-+static void print_char_single (char c);
-+static int char_to_clump_single (char c);
-+/* Functions for multibyte locale. */
-+static void print_char_multi (char c);
-+static int char_to_clump_multi (char c);
- static bool read_line (COLUMN *p);
- static bool print_page (void);
- static bool print_stored (COLUMN *p);
-@@ -426,6 +477,7 @@
- static void pad_across_to (int position);
- static void add_line_number (COLUMN *p);
- static void getoptarg (char *arg, char switch_char, char *character,
-+		       int *character_length, int *character_width,
- 		       int *number);
- void usage (int status);
- static void print_files (int number_of_files, char **av);
-@@ -440,7 +492,6 @@
- static void pad_down (int lines);
- static void read_rest_of_line (COLUMN *p);
- static void skip_read (COLUMN *p, int column_number);
--static void print_char (char c);
- static void cleanup (void);
- static void print_sep_string (void);
- static void separator_string (const char *optarg_S);
-@@ -455,7 +506,7 @@
-    we store the leftmost columns contiguously in buff.
-    To print a line from buff, get the index of the first character
-    from line_vector[i], and print up to line_vector[i + 1]. */
--static char *buff;
-+static unsigned char *buff;
- /* Index of the position in buff where the next character
-    will be stored. */
-@@ -559,7 +610,7 @@
- static bool untabify_input = false;
- /* (-e) The input tab character. */
--static char input_tab_char = '\t';
-+static char input_tab_char[MB_LEN_MAX] = "\t";
- /* (-e) Tabstops are at chars_per_tab, 2*chars_per_tab, 3*chars_per_tab, ...
-    where the leftmost column is 1. */
-@@ -569,7 +620,10 @@
- static bool tabify_output = false;
- /* (-i) The output tab character. */
--static char output_tab_char = '\t';
-+static char output_tab_char[MB_LEN_MAX] = "\t";
-+/* (-i) The byte length of output tab character. */
-+static int output_tab_char_length = 1;
- /* (-i) The width of the output tab. */
- static int chars_per_output_tab = 8;
-@@ -643,7 +697,13 @@
- static bool numbered_lines = false;
- /* (-n) Character which follows each line number. */
--static char number_separator = '\t';
-+static char number_separator[MB_LEN_MAX] = "\t";
-+/* (-n) The byte length of the character which follows each line number. */
-+static int number_separator_length = 1;
-+/* (-n) The character width of the character which follows each line number. */
-+static int number_separator_width = 0;
- /* (-n) line counting starts with 1st line of input file (not with 1st
-    line of 1st page printed). */
-@@ -696,6 +756,7 @@
-    -a|COLUMN|-m is a `space' and with the -J option a `tab'. */
- static char *col_sep_string = (char *) "";
- static int col_sep_length = 0;
-+static int col_sep_width = 0;
- static char *column_separator = (char *) " ";
- static char *line_separator = (char *) "\t";
-@@ -852,6 +913,13 @@
-   col_sep_length = (int) strlen (optarg_S);
-   col_sep_string = xmalloc (col_sep_length + 1);
-   strcpy (col_sep_string, optarg_S);
-+  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+    col_sep_width = mbswidth (col_sep_string, 0);
-+  else
-+    col_sep_width = col_sep_length;
- }
- int
-@@ -877,6 +945,21 @@
-   atexit (close_stdout);
-+/* Define which functions are used, the ones for single byte locale or the ones
-+   for multibyte locale. */
-+  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+    {
-+      print_char = print_char_multi;
-+      char_to_clump = char_to_clump_multi;
-+    }
-+  else
-+    {
-+      print_char = print_char_single;
-+      char_to_clump = char_to_clump_single;
-+    }
-   n_files = 0;
-   file_names = (argc > 1
- 		? xmalloc ((argc - 1) * sizeof (char *))
-@@ -949,8 +1032,12 @@
- 	  break;
- 	case 'e':
- 	  if (optarg)
--	    getoptarg (optarg, 'e', &input_tab_char,
--		       &chars_per_input_tab);
-+	    {
-+	      int dummy_length, dummy_width;
-+	      getoptarg (optarg, 'e', input_tab_char, &dummy_length,
-+			 &dummy_width, &chars_per_input_tab);
-+	    }
- 	  /* Could check tab width > 0. */
- 	  untabify_input = true;
- 	  break;
-@@ -963,8 +1050,12 @@
- 	  break;
- 	case 'i':
- 	  if (optarg)
--	    getoptarg (optarg, 'i', &output_tab_char,
--		       &chars_per_output_tab);
-+	    {
-+	      int dummy_width;
-+	      getoptarg (optarg, 'i', output_tab_char, &output_tab_char_length,
-+			 &dummy_width, &chars_per_output_tab);
-+	    }
- 	  /* Could check tab width > 0. */
- 	  tabify_output = true;
- 	  break;
-@@ -991,8 +1082,8 @@
- 	case 'n':
- 	  numbered_lines = true;
- 	  if (optarg)
--	    getoptarg (optarg, 'n', &number_separator,
--		       &chars_per_number);
-+	    getoptarg (optarg, 'n', number_separator, &number_separator_length,
-+		       &number_separator_width, &chars_per_number);
- 	  break;
- 	case 'N':
- 	  skip_count = false;
-@@ -1031,7 +1122,7 @@
- 	  old_s = false;
- 	  /* Reset an additional input of -s, -S dominates -s */
- 	  col_sep_string = bad_cast ("");
--	  col_sep_length = 0;
-+	  col_sep_length = col_sep_width = 0;
- 	  use_col_separator = true;
- 	  if (optarg)
- 	    separator_string (optarg);
-@@ -1188,10 +1279,45 @@
-    a number. */
- static void
--getoptarg (char *arg, char switch_char, char *character, int *number)
-+getoptarg (char *arg, char switch_char, char *character, int *character_length,
-+	   int *character_width, int *number)
- {
-   if (!ISDIGIT (*arg))
--    *character = *arg++;
-+    {
-+      if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)	/* for multibyte locale. */
-+	{
-+	  wchar_t wc;
-+	  size_t mblength;
-+	  int width;
-+	  mbstate_t state = {'\0'};
-+	  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, arg, strnlen(arg, MB_LEN_MAX), &state);
-+	  if (mblength == (size_t)-1 || mblength == (size_t)-2)
-+	    {
-+	      *character_length = 1;
-+	      *character_width = 1;
-+	    }
-+	  else
-+	    {
-+	      *character_length = (mblength < 1) ? 1 : mblength;
-+	      width = wcwidth (wc);
-+	      *character_width = (width < 0) ? 0 : width;
-+	    }
-+	  strncpy (character, arg, *character_length);
-+	  arg += *character_length;
-+	}
-+      else			/* for single byte locale. */
-+	{
-+	  *character = *arg++;
-+	  *character_length = 1;
-+	  *character_width = 1;
-+	}
-+    }
-   if (*arg)
-     {
-       long int tmp_long;
-@@ -1256,7 +1382,7 @@
- 	  else
- 	    col_sep_string = column_separator;
--	  col_sep_length = 1;
-+	  col_sep_length = col_sep_width = 1;
- 	  use_col_separator = true;
- 	}
-       /* It's rather pointless to define a TAB separator with column
-@@ -1288,11 +1414,11 @@
- 	     TAB_WIDTH (chars_per_input_tab, chars_per_number);   */
-       /* Estimate chars_per_text without any margin and keep it constant. */
--      if (number_separator == '\t')
-+      if (number_separator[0] == '\t')
- 	number_width = chars_per_number +
- 	  TAB_WIDTH (chars_per_default_tab, chars_per_number);
-       else
--	number_width = chars_per_number + 1;
-+	number_width = chars_per_number + number_separator_width;
-       /* The number is part of the column width unless we are
- 	 printing files in parallel. */
-@@ -1307,7 +1433,7 @@
-     }
-   chars_per_column = (chars_per_line - chars_used_by_number -
--		     (columns - 1) * col_sep_length) / columns;
-+		     (columns - 1) * col_sep_width) / columns;
-   if (chars_per_column < 1)
-     error (EXIT_FAILURE, 0, _("page width too narrow"));
-@@ -1432,7 +1558,7 @@
-   /* Enlarge p->start_position of first column to use the same form of
-      padding_not_printed with all columns. */
--  h = h + col_sep_length;
-+  h = h + col_sep_width;
-   /* This loop takes care of all but the rightmost column. */
-@@ -1466,7 +1592,7 @@
- 	}
-       else
- 	{
--	  h = h_next + col_sep_length;
-+	  h = h_next + col_sep_width;
- 	  h_next = h + chars_per_column;
- 	}
-     }
-@@ -1756,9 +1882,9 @@
- align_column (COLUMN *p)
- {
-   padding_not_printed = p->start_position;
--  if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length > 0)
-+  if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width > 0)
-     {
--      pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length);
-+      pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width);
-       padding_not_printed = ANYWHERE;
-     }
-@@ -2029,13 +2155,13 @@
-       /* May be too generous. */
-       buff = X2REALLOC (buff, &buff_allocated);
-     }
--  buff[buff_current++] = c;
-+  buff[buff_current++] = (unsigned char) c;
- }
- static void
- add_line_number (COLUMN *p)
- {
--  int i;
-+  int i, j;
-   char *s;
-   int left_cut;
-@@ -2058,22 +2184,24 @@
-       /* Tabification is assumed for multiple columns, also for n-separators,
- 	 but `default n-separator = TAB' hasn't been given priority over
- 	 equal column_width also specified by POSIX. */
--      if (number_separator == '\t')
-+      if (number_separator[0] == '\t')
-         {
-           i = number_width - chars_per_number;
-           while (i-- > 0)
- 	    (p->char_func) (' ');
-         }
-       else
--        (p->char_func) (number_separator);
-+	for (j = 0; j < number_separator_length; j++)
-+	  (p->char_func) (number_separator[j]);
-     }
-   else
-     /* To comply with POSIX, we avoid any expansion of default TAB
-        separator with a single column output. No column_width requirement
-        has to be considered. */
-     {
--      (p->char_func) (number_separator);
--      if (number_separator == '\t')
-+      for (j = 0; j < number_separator_length; j++)
-+	(p->char_func) (number_separator[j]);
-+      if (number_separator[0] == '\t')
-         output_position = POS_AFTER_TAB (chars_per_output_tab,
- 			  output_position);
-     }
-@@ -2234,7 +2362,7 @@
-   while (goal - h_old > 1
- 	 && (h_new = POS_AFTER_TAB (chars_per_output_tab, h_old)) <= goal)
-     {
--      putchar (output_tab_char);
-+      fwrite (output_tab_char, sizeof(char), output_tab_char_length, stdout);
-       h_old = h_new;
-     }
-   while (++h_old <= goal)
-@@ -2254,6 +2382,7 @@
- {
-   char *s;
-   int l = col_sep_length;
-+  int not_space_flag;
-   s = col_sep_string;
-@@ -2267,6 +2396,7 @@
-     {
-       for (; separators_not_printed > 0; --separators_not_printed)
- 	{
-+	  not_space_flag = 0;
- 	  while (l-- > 0)
- 	    {
- 	      /* 3 types of sep_strings: spaces only, spaces and chars,
-@@ -2280,12 +2410,15 @@
- 		}
- 	      else
- 		{
-+		  not_space_flag = 1;
- 		  if (spaces_not_printed > 0)
- 		    print_white_space ();
- 		  putchar (*s++);
--		  ++output_position;
- 		}
- 	    }
-+	  if (not_space_flag)
-+	    output_position += col_sep_width;
-           /* sep_string ends with some spaces */
- 	  if (spaces_not_printed > 0)
- 	    print_white_space ();
-@@ -2313,7 +2446,7 @@
-    required number of tabs and spaces. */
- static void
--print_char (char c)
-+print_char_single (char c)
- {
-   if (tabify_output)
-     {
-@@ -2337,6 +2470,74 @@
-   putchar (c);
- }
-+static void
-+print_char_multi (char c)
-+  static size_t mbc_pos = 0;
-+  static char mbc[MB_LEN_MAX] = {'\0'};
-+  static mbstate_t state = {'\0'};
-+  mbstate_t state_bak;
-+  wchar_t wc;
-+  size_t mblength;
-+  int width;
-+  if (tabify_output)
-+    {
-+      state_bak = state;
-+      mbc[mbc_pos++] = c;
-+      mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, mbc, mbc_pos, &state);
-+      while (mbc_pos > 0)
-+	{
-+	  switch (mblength)
-+	    {
-+	    case (size_t)-2:
-+	      state = state_bak;
-+	      return;
-+	    case (size_t)-1:
-+	      state = state_bak;
-+	      ++output_position;
-+	      putchar (mbc[0]);
-+	      memmove (mbc, mbc + 1, MB_CUR_MAX - 1);
-+	      --mbc_pos;
-+	      break;
-+	    case 0:
-+	      mblength = 1;
-+	    default:
-+	      if (wc == L' ')
-+		{
-+		  memmove (mbc, mbc + mblength, MB_CUR_MAX - mblength);
-+		  --mbc_pos;
-+		  ++spaces_not_printed;
-+		  return;
-+		}
-+	      else if (spaces_not_printed > 0)
-+		print_white_space ();
-+	      /* Nonprintables are assumed to have width 0, except L'\b'. */
-+	      if ((width = wcwidth (wc)) < 1)
-+		{
-+		  if (wc == L'\b')
-+		    --output_position;
-+		}
-+	      else
-+		output_position += width;
-+	      fwrite (mbc, sizeof(char), mblength, stdout);
-+	      memmove (mbc, mbc + mblength, MB_CUR_MAX - mblength);
-+	      mbc_pos -= mblength;
-+	    }
-+	}
-+      return;
-+    }
-+  putchar (c);
- /* Skip to page PAGE before printing.
-    PAGE may be larger than total number of pages. */
-@@ -2517,9 +2718,9 @@
- 	  align_empty_cols = false;
- 	}
--      if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length > 0)
-+      if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width > 0)
- 	{
--	  pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length);
-+	  pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width);
- 	  padding_not_printed = ANYWHERE;
- 	}
-@@ -2620,9 +2821,9 @@
- 	}
-     }
--  if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length > 0)
-+  if (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width > 0)
-     {
--      pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_length);
-+      pad_across_to (padding_not_printed - col_sep_width);
-       padding_not_printed = ANYWHERE;
-     }
-@@ -2635,8 +2836,8 @@
-   if (spaces_not_printed == 0)
-     {
-       output_position = p->start_position + end_vector[line];
--      if (p->start_position - col_sep_length == chars_per_margin)
--	output_position -= col_sep_length;
-+      if (p->start_position - col_sep_width == chars_per_margin)
-+	output_position -= col_sep_width;
-     }
-   return true;
-@@ -2655,7 +2856,7 @@
-    number of characters is 1.) */
- static int
--char_to_clump (char c)
-+char_to_clump_single (char c)
- {
-   unsigned char uc = c;
-   char *s = clump_buff;
-@@ -2665,10 +2866,10 @@
-   int chars;
-   int chars_per_c = 8;
--  if (c == input_tab_char)
-+  if (c == input_tab_char[0])
-     chars_per_c = chars_per_input_tab;
--  if (c == input_tab_char || c == '\t')
-+  if (c == input_tab_char[0] || c == '\t')
-     {
-       width = TAB_WIDTH (chars_per_c, input_position);
-@@ -2739,6 +2940,154 @@
-   return chars;
- }
-+static int
-+char_to_clump_multi (char c)
-+  static size_t mbc_pos = 0;
-+  static char mbc[MB_LEN_MAX] = {'\0'};
-+  static mbstate_t state = {'\0'};
-+  mbstate_t state_bak;
-+  wchar_t wc;
-+  size_t mblength;
-+  int wc_width;
-+  register char *s = clump_buff;
-+  register int i, j;
-+  char esc_buff[4];
-+  int width;
-+  int chars;
-+  int chars_per_c = 8;
-+  state_bak = state;
-+  mbc[mbc_pos++] = c;
-+  mblength = mbrtowc (&wc, mbc, mbc_pos, &state);
-+  width = 0;
-+  chars = 0;
-+  while (mbc_pos > 0)
-+    {
-+      switch (mblength)
-+	{
-+	case (size_t)-2:
-+	  state = state_bak;
-+	  return 0;
-+	case (size_t)-1:
-+	  state = state_bak;
-+	  mblength = 1;
-+	  if (use_esc_sequence || use_cntrl_prefix)
-+	    {
-+	      width = +4;
-+	      chars = +4;
-+	      *s++ = '\\';
-+	      sprintf (esc_buff, "%03o", mbc[0]);
-+	      for (i = 0; i <= 2; ++i)
-+		*s++ = (int) esc_buff[i];
-+	    }
-+	  else
-+	    {
-+	      width += 1;
-+	      chars += 1;
-+	      *s++ = mbc[0];
-+	    }
-+	  break;
-+	case 0:
-+	  mblength = 1;
-+		/* Fall through */
-+	default:
-+	  if (memcmp (mbc, input_tab_char, mblength) == 0)
-+	    chars_per_c = chars_per_input_tab;
-+	  if (memcmp (mbc, input_tab_char, mblength) == 0 || c == '\t')
-+	    {
-+	      int  width_inc;
-+	      width_inc = TAB_WIDTH (chars_per_c, input_position);
-+	      width += width_inc;
-+	      if (untabify_input)
-+		{
-+		  for (i = width_inc; i; --i)
-+		    *s++ = ' ';
-+		  chars += width_inc;
-+		}
-+	      else
-+		{
-+		  for (i = 0; i <  mblength; i++)
-+		    *s++ = mbc[i];
-+		  chars += mblength;
-+		}
-+	    }
-+	  else if ((wc_width = wcwidth (wc)) < 1)
-+	    {
-+	      if (use_esc_sequence)
-+		{
-+		  for (i = 0; i < mblength; i++)
-+		    {
-+		      width += 4;
-+		      chars += 4;
-+		      *s++ = '\\';
-+		      sprintf (esc_buff, "%03o", c);
-+		      for (j = 0; j <= 2; ++j)
-+			*s++ = (int) esc_buff[j];
-+		    }
-+		}
-+	      else if (use_cntrl_prefix)
-+		{
-+		  if (wc < 0200)
-+		    {
-+		      width += 2;
-+		      chars += 2;
-+		      *s++ = '^';
-+		      *s++ = wc ^ 0100;
-+		    }
-+		  else
-+		    {
-+		      for (i = 0; i < mblength; i++)
-+			{
-+			  width += 4;
-+			  chars += 4;
-+			  *s++ = '\\';
-+			  sprintf (esc_buff, "%03o", c);
-+			  for (j = 0; j <= 2; ++j)
-+			    *s++ = (int) esc_buff[j];
-+			}
-+		    }
-+		}
-+	      else if (wc == L'\b')
-+		{
-+		  width += -1;
-+		  chars += 1;
-+		  *s++ = c;
-+		}
-+	      else
-+		{
-+		  width += 0;
-+		  chars += mblength;
-+		  for (i = 0; i < mblength; i++)
-+		    *s++ = mbc[i];
-+		}
-+	    }
-+	  else
-+	    {
-+	      width += wc_width;
-+	      chars += mblength;
-+	      for (i = 0; i < mblength; i++)
-+		*s++ = mbc[i];
-+	    }
-+	}
-+      memmove (mbc, mbc + mblength, MB_CUR_MAX - mblength);
-+      mbc_pos -= mblength;
-+    }
-+  input_position += width;
-+  return chars;
- /* We've just printed some files and need to clean up things before
-    looking for more options and printing the next batch of files.
---- coreutils-6.8+/src/cut.c.i18n	2007-01-14 15:41:28.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.8+/src/cut.c	2007-03-01 15:08:24.000000000 +0000
-@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
-+/* Get mbstate_t, mbrtowc().  */
-+# include <wchar.h>
- #include "system.h"
- #include "error.h"
-@@ -37,6 +42,18 @@
- #include "quote.h"
- #include "xstrndup.h"
-+/* MB_LEN_MAX is incorrectly defined to be 1 in at least one GCC
-+   installation; work around this configuration error.	*/
-+#if !defined MB_LEN_MAX || MB_LEN_MAX < 2
-+# undef MB_LEN_MAX
-+# define MB_LEN_MAX 16
-+/* Some systems, like BeOS, have multibyte encodings but lack mbstate_t.  */
-+#if HAVE_MBRTOWC && defined mbstate_t
-+# define mbrtowc(pwc, s, n, ps) (mbrtowc) (pwc, s, n, 0)
- /* The official name of this program (e.g., no `g' prefix).  */
- #define PROGRAM_NAME "cut"
-@@ -67,6 +84,52 @@
-     }							\
-   while (0)
-+/* Refill the buffer BUF to get a multibyte character. */
-+  do									\
-+    {									\
-+      if (BUFLEN < MB_LEN_MAX && !feof (STREAM) && !ferror (STREAM))	\
-+	{								\
-+	  memmove (BUF, BUFPOS, BUFLEN);				\
-+	  BUFLEN += fread (BUF + BUFLEN, sizeof(char), BUFSIZ, STREAM); \
-+	  BUFPOS = BUF;							\
-+	}								\
-+    }									\
-+  while (0)
-+/* Get wide character on BUFPOS. BUFPOS is not included after that.
-+   If byte sequence is not valid as a character, CONVFAIL is 1. Otherwise 0. */ 
-+  do									\
-+    {									\
-+      mbstate_t state_bak;						\
-+									\
-+      if (BUFLEN < 1)							\
-+	{								\
-+	  WC = WEOF;							\
-+	  break;							\
-+	}								\
-+									\
-+      /* Get a wide character. */					\
-+      CONVFAIL = 0;							\
-+      state_bak = STATE;						\
-+      MBLENGTH = mbrtowc ((wchar_t *)&WC, BUFPOS, BUFLEN, &STATE);	\
-+									\
-+      switch (MBLENGTH)							\
-+	{								\
-+	case (size_t)-1:						\
-+	case (size_t)-2:						\
-+	  CONVFAIL++;							\
-+	  STATE = state_bak;						\
-+	  /* Fall througn. */						\
-+									\
-+	case 0:								\
-+	  MBLENGTH = 1;							\
-+	  break;							\
-+	}								\
-+    }									\
-+  while (0)
- struct range_pair
-   {
-     size_t lo;
-@@ -85,7 +148,7 @@
- /* The number of bytes allocated for FIELD_1_BUFFER.  */
- static size_t field_1_bufsize;
--/* The largest field or byte index used as an endpoint of a closed
-+/* The largest byte, character or field index used as an endpoint of a closed
-    or degenerate range specification;  this doesn't include the starting
-    index of right-open-ended ranges.  For example, with either range spec
-    `2-5,9-', `2-3,5,9-' this variable would be set to 5.  */
-@@ -97,10 +160,11 @@
- /* This is a bit vector.
-    In byte mode, which bytes to output.
-+   In character mode, which characters to output.
-    In field mode, which DELIM-separated fields to output.
--   Both bytes and fields are numbered starting with 1,
-+   Bytes, characters and fields are numbered starting with 1,
-    so the zeroth bit of this array is unused.
--   A field or byte K has been selected if
-+   A byte, character or field K has been selected if
-    (K <= MAX_RANGE_ENDPOINT and is_printable_field(K))
-     || (EOL_RANGE_START > 0 && K >= EOL_RANGE_START).  */
- static unsigned char *printable_field;
-@@ -109,9 +173,12 @@
-   {
-     undefined_mode,
--    /* Output characters that are in the given bytes. */
-+    /* Output bytes that are at the given positions. */
-     byte_mode,
-+    /* Output characters that are at the given positions. */
-+    character_mode,
-     /* Output the given delimeter-separated fields. */
-     field_mode
-   };
-@@ -121,6 +188,13 @@
- static enum operating_mode operating_mode;
-+/* If nonzero, when in byte mode, don't split multibyte characters.  */
-+static int byte_mode_character_aware;
-+/* If nonzero, the function for single byte locale is work
-+   if this program runs on multibyte locale. */
-+static int force_singlebyte_mode;
- /* If true do not output lines containing no delimeter characters.
-    Otherwise, all such lines are printed.  This option is valid only
-    with field mode.  */
-@@ -132,6 +206,9 @@
- /* The delimeter character for field mode. */
- static unsigned char delim;
-+static wchar_t wcdelim;
- /* True if the --output-delimiter=STRING option was specified.  */
- static bool output_delimiter_specified;
-@@ -205,7 +282,7 @@
-   -f, --fields=LIST       select only these fields;  also print any line\n\
-                             that contains no delimiter character, unless\n\
-                             the -s option is specified\n\
--  -n                      (ignored)\n\
-+  -n                      with -b: don't split multibyte characters\n\
- "), stdout);
-       fputs (_("\
-       --complement        complement the set of selected bytes, characters\n\
-@@ -362,7 +439,7 @@
- 	  in_digits = false;
- 	  /* Starting a range. */
- 	  if (dash_found)
--	    FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte or field list"));
-+	    FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte, character or field list"));
- 	  dash_found = true;
- 	  fieldstr++;
-@@ -387,14 +464,16 @@
- 	      if (!rhs_specified)
- 		{
- 		  /* `n-'.  From `initial' to end of line. */
--		  eol_range_start = initial;
-+		  if (eol_range_start == 0 ||
-+		      (eol_range_start != 0 && eol_range_start > initial))
-+		    eol_range_start = initial;
- 		  field_found = true;
- 		}
- 	      else
- 		{
- 		  /* `m-n' or `-n' (1-n). */
- 		  if (value < initial)
--		    FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid decreasing range"));
-+		    FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte, character or field list"));
- 		  /* Is there already a range going to end of line? */
- 		  if (eol_range_start != 0)
-@@ -467,6 +546,9 @@
- 	      if (operating_mode == byte_mode)
- 		error (0, 0,
- 		       _("byte offset %s is too large"), quote (bad_num));
-+	      else if (operating_mode == character_mode)
-+		error (0, 0,
-+		       _("character offset %s is too large"), quote (bad_num));
- 	      else
- 		error (0, 0,
- 		       _("field number %s is too large"), quote (bad_num));
-@@ -477,7 +559,7 @@
- 	  fieldstr++;
- 	}
-       else
--	FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte or field list"));
-+	FATAL_ERROR (_("invalid byte, character or field list"));
-     }
-   max_range_endpoint = 0;
-@@ -570,6 +652,63 @@
-     }
- }
-+/* This function is in use for the following case.
-+   1. Read from the stream STREAM, printing to standard output any selected
-+   characters. 
-+   2. Read from stream STREAM, printing to standard output any selected bytes,
-+   without splitting multibyte characters.  */
-+static void
-+cut_characters_or_cut_bytes_no_split (FILE *stream)
-+  int idx;		/* number of bytes or characters in the line so far. */
-+  char buf[MB_LEN_MAX + BUFSIZ];  /* For spooling a read byte sequence. */
-+  char *bufpos;		/* Next read position of BUF. */
-+  size_t buflen;	/* The length of the byte sequence in buf. */
-+  wint_t wc;		/* A gotten wide character. */
-+  size_t mblength;	/* The byte size of a multibyte character which shows
-+			   as same character as WC. */
-+  mbstate_t state;	/* State of the stream. */
-+  int convfail;		/* 1, when conversion is failed. Otherwise 0. */
-+  idx = 0;
-+  buflen = 0;
-+  bufpos = buf;
-+  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  while (1)
-+    {
-+      REFILL_BUFFER (buf, bufpos, buflen, stream);
-+      GET_NEXT_WC_FROM_BUFFER (wc, bufpos, buflen, mblength, state, convfail);
-+      if (wc == WEOF)
-+	{
-+	  if (idx > 0)
-+	    putchar ('\n');
-+	  break;
-+	}
-+      else if (wc == L'\n')
-+	{
-+	  putchar ('\n');
-+	  idx = 0;
-+	}
-+      else
-+	{
-+	  idx += (operating_mode == byte_mode) ? mblength : 1;
-+	  if (print_kth (idx, NULL))
-+	    fwrite (bufpos, mblength, sizeof(char), stdout);
-+	}
-+      buflen -= mblength;
-+      bufpos += mblength;
-+    }
- /* Read from stream STREAM, printing to standard output any selected fields.  */
- static void
-@@ -692,13 +831,192 @@
-     }
- }
-+static void
-+cut_fields_mb (FILE *stream)
-+  int c;
-+  unsigned int field_idx;
-+  int found_any_selected_field;
-+  int buffer_first_field;
-+  int empty_input;
-+  char buf[MB_LEN_MAX + BUFSIZ];  /* For spooling a read byte sequence. */
-+  char *bufpos;		/* Next read position of BUF. */
-+  size_t buflen;	/* The length of the byte sequence in buf. */
-+  wint_t wc = 0;	/* A gotten wide character. */
-+  size_t mblength;	/* The byte size of a multibyte character which shows
-+			   as same character as WC. */
-+  mbstate_t state;	/* State of the stream. */
-+  int convfail;		/* 1, when conversion is failed. Otherwise 0. */
-+  found_any_selected_field = 0;
-+  field_idx = 1;
-+  bufpos = buf;
-+  buflen = 0;
-+  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+  c = getc (stream);
-+  empty_input = (c == EOF);
-+  if (c != EOF)
-+    ungetc (c, stream);
-+  else
-+    wc = WEOF;
-+  /* To support the semantics of the -s flag, we may have to buffer
-+     all of the first field to determine whether it is `delimited.'
-+     But that is unnecessary if all non-delimited lines must be printed
-+     and the first field has been selected, or if non-delimited lines
-+     must be suppressed and the first field has *not* been selected.
-+     That is because a non-delimited line has exactly one field.  */
-+  buffer_first_field = (suppress_non_delimited ^ !print_kth (1, NULL));
-+  while (1)
-+    {
-+      if (field_idx == 1 && buffer_first_field)
-+	{
-+	  int len = 0;
-+	  while (1)
-+	    {
-+	      REFILL_BUFFER (buf, bufpos, buflen, stream);
-+		(wc, bufpos, buflen, mblength, state, convfail);
-+	      if (wc == WEOF)
-+		break;
-+	      field_1_buffer = xrealloc (field_1_buffer, len + mblength);
-+	      memcpy (field_1_buffer + len, bufpos, mblength);
-+	      len += mblength;
-+	      buflen -= mblength;
-+	      bufpos += mblength;
-+	      if (!convfail && (wc == L'\n' || wc == wcdelim))
-+		break;
-+	    }
-+	  if (wc == WEOF)
-+	    break;
-+	  /* If the first field extends to the end of line (it is not
-+	     delimited) and we are printing all non-delimited lines,
-+	     print this one.  */
-+	  if (convfail || (!convfail && wc != wcdelim))
-+	    {
-+	      if (suppress_non_delimited)
-+		{
-+		  /* Empty.	*/
-+		}
-+	      else
-+		{
-+		  fwrite (field_1_buffer, sizeof (char), len, stdout);
-+		  /* Make sure the output line is newline terminated.  */
-+		  if (convfail || (!convfail && wc != L'\n'))
-+		    putchar ('\n');
-+		}
-+	      continue;
-+	    }
-+	  if (print_kth (1, NULL))
-+	    {
-+	      /* Print the field, but not the trailing delimiter.  */
-+	      fwrite (field_1_buffer, sizeof (char), len - 1, stdout);
-+	      found_any_selected_field = 1;
-+	    }
-+	  ++field_idx;
-+	}
-+      if (wc != WEOF)
-+	{
-+	  if (print_kth (field_idx, NULL))
-+	    {
-+	      if (found_any_selected_field)
-+		{
-+		  fwrite (output_delimiter_string, sizeof (char),
-+			  output_delimiter_length, stdout);
-+		}
-+	      found_any_selected_field = 1;
-+	    }
-+	  while (1)
-+	    {
-+	      REFILL_BUFFER (buf, bufpos, buflen, stream);
-+		(wc, bufpos, buflen, mblength, state, convfail);
-+	      if (wc == WEOF)
-+		break;
-+	      else if (!convfail && (wc == wcdelim || wc == L'\n'))
-+		{
-+		  buflen -= mblength;
-+		  bufpos += mblength;
-+		  break;
-+		}
-+	      if (print_kth (field_idx, NULL))
-+		fwrite (bufpos, mblength, sizeof(char), stdout);
-+	      buflen -= mblength;
-+	      bufpos += mblength;
-+	    }
-+	}
-+      if ((!convfail || wc == L'\n') && buflen < 1)
-+	wc = WEOF;
-+      if (!convfail && wc == wcdelim)
-+	++field_idx;
-+      else if (wc == WEOF || (!convfail && wc == L'\n'))
-+	{
-+	  if (found_any_selected_field
-+	      || (!empty_input && !(suppress_non_delimited && field_idx == 1)))
-+	    putchar ('\n');
-+	  if (wc == WEOF)
-+	    break;
-+	  field_idx = 1;
-+	  found_any_selected_field = 0;
-+	}
-+    }
- static void
- cut_stream (FILE *stream)
- {
--  if (operating_mode == byte_mode)
--    cut_bytes (stream);
-+  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && !force_singlebyte_mode)
-+    {
-+      switch (operating_mode)
-+	{
-+	case byte_mode:
-+	  if (byte_mode_character_aware)
-+	    cut_characters_or_cut_bytes_no_split (stream);
-+	  else
-+	    cut_bytes (stream);
-+	  break;
-+	case character_mode:
-+	  cut_characters_or_cut_bytes_no_split (stream);
-+	  break;
-+	case field_mode:
-+	  cut_fields_mb (stream);
-+	  break;
-+	default:
-+	  abort ();
-+	}
-+    }
-   else
--    cut_fields (stream);
-+    {
-+      if (operating_mode == field_mode)
-+	cut_fields (stream);
-+      else
-+	cut_bytes (stream);
-+    }
- }
- /* Process file FILE to standard output.
-@@ -748,6 +1066,8 @@
-   bool ok;
-   bool delim_specified = false;
-   char *spec_list_string IF_LINT(= NULL);
-+  char mbdelim[MB_LEN_MAX + 1];
-+  size_t delimlen = 0;
-   initialize_main (&argc, &argv);
-   set_program_name (argv[0]);
-@@ -770,7 +1090,6 @@
-       switch (optc)
- 	{
- 	case 'b':
--	case 'c':
- 	  /* Build the byte list. */
- 	  if (operating_mode != undefined_mode)
- 	    FATAL_ERROR (_("only one type of list may be specified"));
-@@ -778,6 +1097,14 @@
- 	  spec_list_string = optarg;
- 	  break;
-+	case 'c':
-+	  /* Build the character list. */
-+	  if (operating_mode != undefined_mode)
-+	    FATAL_ERROR (_("only one type of list may be specified"));
-+	  operating_mode = character_mode;
-+	  spec_list_string = optarg;
-+	  break;
- 	case 'f':
- 	  /* Build the field list. */
- 	  if (operating_mode != undefined_mode)
-@@ -789,10 +1116,35 @@
- 	case 'd':
- 	  /* New delimiter. */
- 	  /* Interpret -d '' to mean `use the NUL byte as the delimiter.'  */
--	  if (optarg[0] != '\0' && optarg[1] != '\0')
--	    FATAL_ERROR (_("the delimiter must be a single character"));
--	  delim = optarg[0];
--	  delim_specified = true;
-+	    {
-+	      if(MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+		{
-+		  mbstate_t state;
-+		  memset (&state, '\0', sizeof(mbstate_t));
-+		  delimlen = mbrtowc (&wcdelim, optarg, strnlen(optarg, MB_LEN_MAX), &state);
-+		  if (delimlen == (size_t)-1 || delimlen == (size_t)-2)
-+		    ++force_singlebyte_mode;
-+		  else
-+		    {
-+		      delimlen = (delimlen < 1) ? 1 : delimlen;
-+		      if (wcdelim != L'\0' && *(optarg + delimlen) != '\0')
-+			FATAL_ERROR (_("the delimiter must be a single character"));
-+		      memcpy (mbdelim, optarg, delimlen);
-+		    }
-+		}
-+	      if (MB_CUR_MAX <= 1 || force_singlebyte_mode)
-+		{
-+		  if (optarg[0] != '\0' && optarg[1] != '\0')
-+		    FATAL_ERROR (_("the delimiter must be a single character"));
-+		  delim = (unsigned char) optarg[0];
-+		}
-+	    delim_specified = true;
-+	  }
- 	  break;
-@@ -805,6 +1157,7 @@
- 	  break;
- 	case 'n':
-+	  byte_mode_character_aware = 1;
- 	  break;
- 	case 's':
-@@ -827,7 +1180,7 @@
-   if (operating_mode == undefined_mode)
-     FATAL_ERROR (_("you must specify a list of bytes, characters, or fields"));
--  if (delim != '\0' && operating_mode != field_mode)
-+  if (delim_specified && operating_mode != field_mode)
-     FATAL_ERROR (_("an input delimiter may be specified only\
-  when operating on fields"));
-@@ -854,15 +1207,34 @@
-     }
-   if (!delim_specified)
--    delim = '\t';
-+    {
-+      delim = '\t';
-+      wcdelim = L'\t';
-+      mbdelim[0] = '\t';
-+      mbdelim[1] = '\0';
-+      delimlen = 1;
-+    }
-   if (output_delimiter_string == NULL)
-     {
--      static char dummy[2];
--      dummy[0] = delim;
--      dummy[1] = '\0';
--      output_delimiter_string = dummy;
--      output_delimiter_length = 1;
-+      if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1 && !force_singlebyte_mode)
-+	{
-+	  output_delimiter_string = xstrdup(mbdelim);
-+	  output_delimiter_length = delimlen;
-+	}
-+      if (MB_CUR_MAX <= 1 || force_singlebyte_mode)
-+	{
-+	  static char dummy[2]; 
-+	  dummy[0] = delim;
-+	  dummy[1] = '\0';
-+	  output_delimiter_string = dummy;
-+	  output_delimiter_length = 1;
-+	}
-     }
-   if (optind == argc)
-diff -urNp coreutils-6.12/src/join.c coreutils-6.12-orig/src/join.c
---- coreutils-6.12/src/join.c	2008-07-16 14:08:01.000000000 +0200
-+++ coreutils-6.12-orig/src/join.c	2008-07-16 14:07:02.000000000 +0200
-@@ -634,6 +634,11 @@ get_line (FILE *fp, struct line *line, i
-       return false;
-     }
-+  if (MB_CUR_MAX > 1)
-+    xfields_multibyte (line);
-+  else
-   xfields (line);
-   if (prevline[which - 1])
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-pam.patch b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-pam.patch
index 7171522..e61908f 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-pam.patch
+++ b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-pam.patch
@@ -1,17 +1,96 @@
---- coreutils-6.7/src/	2006-11-24 21:28:10.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.7/src/	2007-01-09 17:00:01.000000000 +0000
-@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
- # If necessary, add -lm to resolve use of pow in lib/strtod.c.
+diff -urNp coreutils-8.4-orig/ coreutils-8.4/
+--- coreutils-8.4-orig/	2010-01-11 18:20:42.000000000 +0100
++++ coreutils-8.4/	2010-02-12 10:17:46.000000000 +0100
+@@ -126,6 +126,13 @@ if test "$gl_gcc_warnings" = yes; then
+ fi
++dnl Give the chance to enable PAM
++AC_ARG_ENABLE(pam, dnl
++[  --enable-pam              Enable use of the PAM libraries],
++[AC_DEFINE(USE_PAM, 1, [Define if you want to use PAM])
++LIB_PAM="-ldl -lpam -lpam_misc"
+ optional_bin_progs=
+diff -urNp coreutils-8.4-orig/doc/coreutils.texi coreutils-8.4/doc/coreutils.texi
+--- coreutils-8.4-orig/doc/coreutils.texi	2010-01-03 18:06:20.000000000 +0100
++++ coreutils-8.4/doc/coreutils.texi	2010-02-12 10:17:46.000000000 +0100
+@@ -15081,8 +15081,11 @@ to certain shells, etc.).
+ @findex syslog
+ @command{su} can optionally be compiled to use @code{syslog} to report
+ failed, and optionally successful, @command{su} attempts.  (If the system
+-supports @code{syslog}.)  However, GNU @command{su} does not check if the
+-user is a member of the @code{wheel} group; see below.
++supports @code{syslog}.)
++This version of @command{su} has support for using PAM for
++authentication.  You can edit @file{/etc/pam.d/su} to customize its
+ The program accepts the following options.  Also see @ref{Common options}.
+@@ -15124,6 +15127,8 @@ environment variables except @env{TERM},
+ @env{PATH} to a compiled-in default value.  Change to @var{user}'s home
+ directory.  Prepend @samp{-} to the shell's name, intended to make it
+ read its login startup file(s).
++Additionaly @env{DISPLAY} and @env{XAUTHORITY} environment variables 
++are preserved as well for PAM functionality.
+ @item -m
+ @itemx -p
+@@ -15163,33 +15168,6 @@ Exit status:
+ the exit status of the subshell otherwise
+ @end display
+-@cindex wheel group, not supported
+-@cindex group wheel, not supported
+-@cindex fascism
+-@subsection Why GNU @command{su} does not support the @samp{wheel} group
+-(This section is by Richard Stallman.)
+-@cindex Twenex
+-@cindex MIT AI lab
+-Sometimes a few of the users try to hold total power over all the
+-rest.  For example, in 1984, a few users at the MIT AI lab decided to
+-seize power by changing the operator password on the Twenex system and
+-keeping it secret from everyone else.  (I was able to thwart this coup
+-and give power back to the users by patching the kernel, but I
+-wouldn't know how to do that in Unix.)
+-However, occasionally the rulers do tell someone.  Under the usual
+-@command{su} mechanism, once someone learns the root password who
+-sympathizes with the ordinary users, he or she can tell the rest.  The
+-``wheel group'' feature would make this impossible, and thus cement the
+-power of the rulers.
+-I'm on the side of the masses, not that of the rulers.  If you are
+-used to supporting the bosses and sysadmins in whatever they do, you
+-might find this idea strange at first.
+ @node timeout invocation
+ @section @command{timeout}: Run a command with a time limit
+diff -urNp coreutils-8.4-orig/src/ coreutils-8.4/src/
+--- coreutils-8.4-orig/src/	2010-01-03 18:06:20.000000000 +0100
++++ coreutils-8.4/src/	2010-02-12 10:17:46.000000000 +0100
+@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ factor_LDADD += $(LIB_GMP)
+ # for crypt
+-su_LDADD += $(LIB_CRYPT)
- dir_LDADD += $(LIB_ACL)
- ls_LDADD += $(LIB_ACL)
---- coreutils-6.7/src/su.c.pam	2007-01-09 17:00:01.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.7/src/su.c	2007-01-09 17:16:43.000000000 +0000
-@@ -38,6 +38,16 @@
+ # for various ACL functions
+ copy_LDADD += $(LIB_ACL)
+diff -urNp coreutils-8.4-orig/src/su.c coreutils-8.4/src/su.c
+--- coreutils-8.4-orig/src/su.c	2010-02-12 10:15:15.000000000 +0100
++++ coreutils-8.4/src/su.c	2010-02-12 10:24:29.000000000 +0100
+@@ -37,6 +37,16 @@
     restricts who can su to UID 0 accounts.  RMS considers that to
     be fascist.
@@ -28,9 +107,9 @@
     Compile-time options:
     -DSYSLOG_SUCCESS	Log successful su's (by default, to root) with syslog.
     -DSYSLOG_FAILURE	Log failed su's (by default, to root) with syslog.
-@@ -59,6 +69,15 @@
-    prototype (returning `int') in <unistd.h>.  */
- #define getusershell _getusershell_sys_proto_
+@@ -53,6 +63,15 @@
+ #include <pwd.h>
+ #include <grp.h>
 +#ifdef USE_PAM
 +# include <signal.h>
@@ -44,18 +123,13 @@
  #include "system.h"
  #include "getpass.h"
-@@ -128,15 +147,22 @@
+@@ -120,10 +139,17 @@
  /* The user to become if none is specified.  */
  #define DEFAULT_USER "root"
 +#ifndef USE_PAM
  char *crypt (char const *key, char const *salt);
- char *getusershell (void);
- void endusershell (void);
- void setusershell (void);
- extern char **environ;
 -static void run_shell (char const *, char const *, char **, size_t)
 +static void run_shell (char const *, char const *, char **, size_t,
@@ -68,7 +142,7 @@
  /* If true, pass the `-f' option to the subshell.  */
  static bool fast_startup;
-@@ -225,7 +251,26 @@
+@@ -209,7 +235,26 @@ log_su (struct passwd const *pw, bool su
@@ -95,7 +169,7 @@
     Return true if the user gives the correct password for entry PW,
     false if not.  Return true without asking for a password if run by UID 0
     or if PW has an empty password.  */
-@@ -233,6 +278,44 @@
+@@ -217,6 +262,44 @@ log_su (struct passwd const *pw, bool su
  static bool
  correct_password (const struct passwd *pw)
@@ -140,7 +214,7 @@
    char *unencrypted, *encrypted, *correct;
    /* Shadow passwd stuff for SVR3 and maybe other systems.  */
-@@ -257,6 +340,7 @@
+@@ -241,6 +324,7 @@ correct_password (const struct passwd *p
    encrypted = crypt (unencrypted, correct);
    memset (unencrypted, 0, strlen (unencrypted));
    return STREQ (encrypted, correct);
@@ -148,26 +222,26 @@
  /* Update `environ' for the new shell based on PW, with SHELL being
-@@ -270,12 +354,18 @@
+@@ -254,12 +338,18 @@ modify_environment (const struct passwd 
        /* Leave TERM unchanged.  Set HOME, SHELL, USER, LOGNAME, PATH.
           Unset all other environment variables.  */
        char const *term = getenv ("TERM");
 +      char const *display = getenv ("DISPLAY");
 +      char const *xauthority = getenv ("XAUTHORITY");
        if (term)
- 	term = xstrdup (term);
+         term = xstrdup (term);
        environ = xmalloc ((6 + !!term) * sizeof (char *));
        environ[0] = NULL;
        if (term)
- 	xsetenv ("TERM", term);
+         xsetenv ("TERM", term);
 +      if (display)
-+	xsetenv ("DISPLAY", display);
++        xsetenv ("DISPLAY", display);
 +      if (xauthority)
-+	xsetenv ("XAUTHORITY", xauthority);
++        xsetenv ("XAUTHORITY", xauthority);
        xsetenv ("HOME", pw->pw_dir);
        xsetenv ("SHELL", shell);
        xsetenv ("USER", pw->pw_name);
-@@ -308,8 +398,13 @@
+@@ -292,8 +382,13 @@ change_identity (const struct passwd *pw
    errno = 0;
@@ -177,13 +251,13 @@
 +    pam_close_session(pamh, 0);
 +    pam_end(pamh, PAM_ABORT);
-     error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("cannot set groups"));
+     error (EXIT_CANCELED, errno, _("cannot set groups"));
 +  }
    endgrent ();
    if (setgid (pw->pw_gid))
-@@ -318,6 +413,31 @@
-     error (EXIT_FAILURE, errno, _("cannot set user id"));
+@@ -302,6 +397,31 @@ change_identity (const struct passwd *pw
+     error (EXIT_CANCELED, errno, _("cannot set user id"));
 +#ifdef USE_PAM
@@ -214,12 +288,12 @@
  /* Run SHELL, or DEFAULT_SHELL if SHELL is empty.
     If COMMAND is nonzero, pass it to the shell with the -c option.
     Pass ADDITIONAL_ARGS to the shell as more arguments; there
-@@ -325,17 +445,49 @@
+@@ -309,17 +429,49 @@ change_identity (const struct passwd *pw
  static void
  run_shell (char const *shell, char const *command, char **additional_args,
--	   size_t n_additional_args)
-+	   size_t n_additional_args, const struct passwd *pw)
+-           size_t n_additional_args)
++           size_t n_additional_args, const struct passwd *pw)
    size_t n_args = 1 + fast_startup + 2 * !!command + n_additional_args + 1;
    char const **args = xnmalloc (n_args, sizeof *args);
@@ -265,7 +339,7 @@
        shell_basename = last_component (shell);
        arg0 = xmalloc (strlen (shell_basename) + 2);
        arg0[0] = '-';
-@@ -360,6 +512,66 @@
+@@ -344,6 +496,67 @@ run_shell (char const *shell, char const
      error (0, errno, "%s", shell);
      exit (exit_status);
@@ -303,12 +377,12 @@
 +      pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WUNTRACED);
-+      if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) {
-+          kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP);
++      if (((pid_t)-1 != pid) && (0 != WIFSTOPPED (status))) {
++          kill(getpid(), WSTOPSIG(status));
 +          /* once we get here, we must have resumed */
 +          kill(pid, SIGCONT);
 +      }
-+    } while (WIFSTOPPED(status));
++    } while (0 != WIFSTOPPED(status));
 +  }
 +  if (caught) {
@@ -327,12 +401,13 @@
 +    fprintf(stderr, " ...killed.\n");
 +    exit(-1);
 +  }
-+  exit (WEXITSTATUS(status));
++  exit ((0 != WIFEXITED (status)) ? WEXITSTATUS (status)
++                                  : WTERMSIG (status) + 128);
 +#endif /* USE_PAM */
  /* Return true if SHELL is a restricted shell (one not returned by
-@@ -527,9 +739,9 @@
+@@ -511,9 +724,9 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
    shell = xstrdup (shell ? shell : pw->pw_shell);
    modify_environment (pw, shell);
@@ -342,82 +417,12 @@
 -    error (0, errno, _("warning: cannot change directory to %s"), pw->pw_dir);
+   /* error() flushes stderr, but does not check for write failure.
+      Normally, we would catch this via our atexit() hook of
+@@ -523,5 +736,5 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
+   if (ferror (stderr))
+     exit (EXIT_CANCELED);
 -  run_shell (shell, command, argv + optind, MAX (0, argc - optind));
 +  run_shell (shell, command, argv + optind, MAX (0, argc - optind), pw);
---- coreutils-6.7/doc/coreutils.texi.pam	2006-10-27 15:30:48.000000000 +0100
-+++ coreutils-6.7/doc/coreutils.texi	2007-01-09 17:00:01.000000000 +0000
-@@ -13395,8 +13395,11 @@
- @findex syslog
- @command{su} can optionally be compiled to use @code{syslog} to report
- failed, and optionally successful, @command{su} attempts.  (If the system
--supports @code{syslog}.)  However, GNU @command{su} does not check if the
--user is a member of the @code{wheel} group; see below.
-+supports @code{syslog}.)
-+This version of @command{su} has support for using PAM for
-+authentication.  You can edit @file{/etc/pam.d/su} to customize its
- The program accepts the following options.  Also see @ref{Common options}.
-@@ -12815,6 +12815,8 @@
- @env{PATH} to a compiled-in default value.  Change to @var{user}'s home
- directory.  Prepend @samp{-} to the shell's name, intended to make it
- read its login startup file(s).
-+Additionaly @env{DISPLAY} and @env{XAUTHORITY} environment variables 
-+are preserved as well for PAM functionality.
- @item -m
- @itemx -p
-@@ -13477,33 +13480,6 @@
- the exit status of the subshell otherwise
- @end display
--@cindex wheel group, not supported
--@cindex group wheel, not supported
--@cindex fascism
--@subsection Why GNU @command{su} does not support the @samp{wheel} group
--(This section is by Richard Stallman.)
--@cindex Twenex
--@cindex MIT AI lab
--Sometimes a few of the users try to hold total power over all the
--rest.  For example, in 1984, a few users at the MIT AI lab decided to
--seize power by changing the operator password on the Twenex system and
--keeping it secret from everyone else.  (I was able to thwart this coup
--and give power back to the users by patching the kernel, but I
--wouldn't know how to do that in Unix.)
--However, occasionally the rulers do tell someone.  Under the usual
--@command{su} mechanism, once someone learns the root password who
--sympathizes with the ordinary users, he or she can tell the rest.  The
--``wheel group'' feature would make this impossible, and thus cement the
--power of the rulers.
--I'm on the side of the masses, not that of the rulers.  If you are
--used to supporting the bosses and sysadmins in whatever they do, you
--might find this idea strange at first.
- @node timeout invocation
- @section @command{timeout}: Run a command with a time limit
---- coreutils-6.7/	2006-12-07 21:30:24.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.7/	2007-01-09 17:18:04.000000000 +0000
-@@ -44,6 +44,13 @@
- gl_INIT
- coreutils_MACROS
-+dnl Give the chance to enable PAM
-+AC_ARG_ENABLE(pam, dnl
-+[  --enable-pam              Enable use of the PAM libraries],
-+[AC_DEFINE(USE_PAM, 1, [Define if you want to use PAM])
-+LIB_PAM="-ldl -lpam -lpam_misc"
- optional_bin_progs=
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-uname.patch b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-uname.patch
index 93cb134..b458abe 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-uname.patch
+++ b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils-uname.patch
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ func in the linux/arch/<ARCH>/ source tree of the kernel.
 --- coreutils/src/uname.c
 +++ coreutils/src/uname.c
-@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@
+@@ -50,6 +50,11 @@
  # include <mach-o/arch.h>
-+#if defined (__linux__)
++#if defined(__linux__)
 +# define USE_PROCINFO
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ func in the linux/arch/<ARCH>/ source tree of the kernel.
 +	}
-+static int __linux_procinfo (int x, char *fstr, size_t s)
++static int __linux_procinfo(int x, char *fstr, size_t s)
 +	FILE *fp;
@@ -148,26 +148,26 @@ func in the linux/arch/<ARCH>/ source tree of the kernel.
 +#if ( HAVE_SYSINFO && defined SI_ARCHITECTURE ) || defined(USE_PROCINFO)
- 	static char processor[257];
+         static char processor[257];
 +#if defined(USE_PROCINFO)
-+	if (0 <= __linux_procinfo (PROCINFO_PROCESSOR, processor, sizeof processor))
++        if (0 <= __linux_procinfo (PROCINFO_PROCESSOR, processor, sizeof processor))
- 	if (0 <= sysinfo (SI_ARCHITECTURE, processor, sizeof processor))
+         if (0 <= sysinfo (SI_ARCHITECTURE, processor, sizeof processor))
- 	  element = processor;
+           element = processor;
 @@ -306,9 +404,13 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
        if (element == unknown)
- 	{
- 	  static char hardware_platform[257];
+         {
+           static char hardware_platform[257];
 +#if defined(USE_PROCINFO)
-+	  if (0 <= __linux_procinfo (PROCINFO_HARDWARE_PLATFORM, hardware_platform, sizeof hardware_platform))
++          if (0 <= __linux_procinfo (PROCINFO_HARDWARE_PLATFORM, hardware_platform, sizeof hardware_platform))
- 	  size_t s = sizeof hardware_platform;
- 	  static int mib[] = { CTL_HW, UNAME_HARDWARE_PLATFORM };
- 	  if (sysctl (mib, 2, hardware_platform, &s, 0, 0) >= 0)
+           size_t s = sizeof hardware_platform;
+           static int mib[] = { CTL_HW, UNAME_HARDWARE_PLATFORM };
+           if (sysctl (mib, 2, hardware_platform, &s, 0, 0) >= 0)
- 	    element = hardware_platform;
- 	}
+             element = hardware_platform;
+         }
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils.install b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils.install
index 37ebe29..dff2dc5 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils.install
+++ b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/coreutils.install
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ filelist=(
 post_install() {
  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
  for file in ${filelist[@]}; do
-    usr/bin/install-info $infodir/$file $infodir/dir 2> /dev/null
+    usr/bin/install-info $infodir/$file.gz $infodir/dir 2> /dev/null
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ post_upgrade() {
 pre_remove() {
  [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
   for file in ${filelist[@]}; do
-    usr/bin/install-info --delete $infodir/$file $infodir/dir 2> /dev/null
+    usr/bin/install-info --delete $infodir/$file.gz $infodir/dir 2> /dev/null
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/futimes.patch b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/futimes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index bb08384..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/futimes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
---- coreutils-6.9/lib/utimens.h.futimens	2007-02-23 18:25:21.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.9/lib/utimens.h	2007-06-13 11:40:37.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- #include <time.h>
--int futimens (int, char const *, struct timespec const [2]);
-+int gl_futimens (int, char const *, struct timespec const [2]);
- int utimens (char const *, struct timespec const [2]);
---- coreutils-6.9/lib/utimens.c.futimens	2007-01-18 08:33:34.000000000 +0000
-+++ coreutils-6.9/lib/utimens.c	2007-06-13 11:40:37.000000000 +0100
-@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ struct utimbuf
-    Return 0 on success, -1 (setting errno) on failure.  */
- int
--futimens (int fd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-+gl_futimens (int fd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- 	  char const *file, struct timespec const timespec[2])
- {
-   /* Some Linux-based NFS clients are buggy, and mishandle time stamps
-@@ -185,5 +185,5 @@ futimens (int fd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
- int
- utimens (char const *file, struct timespec const timespec[2])
- {
--  return futimens (-1, file, timespec);
-+  return gl_futimens (-1, file, timespec);
- }
---- coreutils-6.9/src/copy.c.futimens	2007-06-13 11:56:44.000000000 +0100
-+++ coreutils-6.9/src/copy.c	2007-06-13 11:57:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ copy_reg (char const *src_name, char con
-       timespec[0] = get_stat_atime (src_sb);
-       timespec[1] = get_stat_mtime (src_sb);
--      if (futimens (dest_desc, dst_name, timespec) != 0)
-+      if (gl_futimens (dest_desc, dst_name, timespec) != 0)
- 	{
- 	  error (0, errno, _("preserving times for %s"), quote (dst_name));
- 	  if (x->require_preserve)
---- coreutils-6.9/src/touch.c.futimens	2007-06-13 11:58:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ coreutils-6.9/src/touch.c	2007-06-13 11:58:06.000000000 +0100
-@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ touch (const char *file)
-       t = timespec;
-     }
--  ok = (futimens (fd, (fd == STDOUT_FILENO ? NULL : file), t) == 0);
-+  ok = (gl_futimens (fd, (fd == STDOUT_FILENO ? NULL : file), t) == 0);
-   if (fd == STDIN_FILENO)
-     {
cgit v0.12

From 81d44f51cb5f57d25b9b15ee9ca3d29f10acc2e3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 01:49:02 +0000
Subject: gcc: update to 4.5.1

 abs/core-testing/cloog-ppl/PKGBUILD           |  9 ++--
 abs/core-testing/coreutils/su                 |  9 ----
 abs/core-testing/coreutils/su.pam             |  9 ++++
 abs/core-testing/gcc/PKGBUILD                 | 57 ++++++++++++------------
 abs/core-testing/gcc/buildfix_new_bison.patch | 22 ---------
 abs/core-testing/gcc/gcc-java-driver.patch    | 11 -----
 abs/core-testing/gcc/r160561.patch            | 64 ---------------------------
 7 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 138 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/coreutils/su
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/coreutils/su.pam
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/gcc/buildfix_new_bison.patch
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/gcc/gcc-java-driver.patch
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/gcc/r160561.patch

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/cloog-ppl/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/cloog-ppl/PKGBUILD
index 16f0369..56af019 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/cloog-ppl/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/cloog-ppl/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 78357 2010-04-22 02:43:20Z allan $
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 87235 2010-08-11 12:10:19Z allan $
 # Maintainer: Allan McRae <>
 # Contributor: ezzetabi <ezzetabi at gawab dot com>
 pkgdesc="Library that generates loops for scanning polyhedra"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ md5sums=('806e001d1b1a6b130069ff6274900af5')
 build() {
   cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  # "Add" ppl-0.11 compatibility
+  sed -i "/ppl_minor_version=/s#10#11#" configure
   ./configure --prefix=/usr --infodir=/usr/share/info \
     --with-bits=gmp --with-ppl=/usr 
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/su b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/su
deleted file mode 100644
index cf15f40..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/su
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-auth		sufficient
-# Uncomment the following line to implicitly trust users in the "wheel" group.
-#auth		sufficient trust use_uid
-# Uncomment the following line to require a user to be in the "wheel" group.
-#auth		required use_uid
-auth		required
-account		required
-session		required
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/coreutils/su.pam b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/su.pam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf15f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/coreutils/su.pam
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+auth		sufficient
+# Uncomment the following line to implicitly trust users in the "wheel" group.
+#auth		sufficient trust use_uid
+# Uncomment the following line to require a user to be in the "wheel" group.
+#auth		required use_uid
+auth		required
+account		required
+session		required
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/gcc/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/gcc/PKGBUILD
index 40fd4b6..1cec41a 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/gcc/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/gcc/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 82472 2010-06-11 13:12:15Z allan $
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 87242 2010-08-11 12:46:24Z allan $
 # Maintainer: Jan de Groot <>
 # Maintainer: Allan McRae <>
@@ -6,31 +6,30 @@
 # NOTE: libtool requires rebuilt with each new gcc version
 pkgname=('gcc' 'gcc-libs' 'gcc-fortran' 'gcc-objc' 'gcc-ada')
-_libstdcppmanver=20100312	# Note: check source directory name when updating this
+_libstdcppmanver=20100719	# Note: check source directory name when updating this
 pkgdesc="The GNU Compiler Collection"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
 license=('GPL' 'LGPL' 'custom')
-makedepends=('binutils>=2.20.1' 'libmpc>=0.8.2-2' 'cloog-ppl>=0.15.8' 'libelf' 'gcc-ada')
+makedepends=('binutils>=2.20.1' 'libmpc>=0.8.2-2' 'cloog-ppl>=0.15.9-2' 'elfutils' 'gcc-ada')
 options=('!libtool' '!emptydirs')
+	#${_snapshot}/gcc-{core,g++,fortran,objc,ada}-${_snapshot}.tar.bz2
-	gcc-hash-style-both.patch
-	r160561.patch)
-         '4c5369d27b8cb4c4e447553f064d0f16'
-         '2c191ab600e600c774a65674c542e210'
-         'a569128d6daf741b242e39f5c24debe4'
-         'a7527896c33759ccc40bb82173f8f27f'
-         'f9a21b9dfc174f49a09ddaacfd3ac78f'
+	gcc-hash-style-both.patch)
+         'b294953ff0bb2f20c7acb2bf005d832a'
+         '7567c2f8df8a8bf61b48fe414b88de65'
+         '3c11b7037896e967eddf8178af2ddd98'
+         'c92111e2e22fc60d1e0adb1b5c7fa4f9'
+         '226ae0c6364cfe2c1f7ac88d06088d5a'
-         '6fd395bacbd7b6e47c7b74854b478363'
-         '79cb26e66eb2502171ef69438fa8666d')
+         '6fd395bacbd7b6e47c7b74854b478363')
 if [ -n "${_snapshot}" ]; then
@@ -46,6 +45,9 @@ build() {
   cd ${_basedir}
+  # "Add" ppl-0.11 compatibility
+  sed -i "/ppl_minor_version=/s#10#11#" configure
   # Do not install libiberty
   sed -i 's/install_to_$(INSTALL_DEST) //' libiberty/
@@ -53,12 +55,9 @@ build() {
   sed -i 's@\./fixinc\.sh@-c true@' gcc/
   if [ "${CARCH}" = "x86_64" ]; then
-    patch -Np1 -i ../gcc_pure64.patch || return 1
+    patch -Np1 -i ../gcc_pure64.patch
-  patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/gcc-hash-style-both.patch || return 1
-  #
-  patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/r160561.patch || return 1
+  patch -Np0 -i ${srcdir}/gcc-hash-style-both.patch
   echo ${pkgver} > gcc/BASE-VER
@@ -71,14 +70,14 @@ build() {
       --with-system-zlib --with-ppl --with-cloog \
       --libdir=/usr/lib --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
       --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info
-  make || return 1
+  make
   pkgdesc="Runtime libraries shipped by GCC for C and C++ languages"
-  depends=('glibc>=2.12-4')
+  depends=('glibc>=2.11.1-2')
   cd ${_basedir}/build
@@ -105,14 +104,14 @@ package_gcc-libs()
-  depends=('binutils>=2.20.1' 'libmpc>=0.8.1-2' 'cloog-ppl>=0.15.8' 'libelf')
+  depends=('binutils>=2.20.1' 'libmpc>=0.8.1-2' 'cloog-ppl>=0.15.9-2' 'elfutils')
   cd ${_basedir}/build
   # much, much easier to install the lot and clean-up the mess
-  make -j1 DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install || return 1
+  make -j1 DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
   rm $pkgdir/usr/bin/{*gfortran,gnat*}
   rm $pkgdir/usr/lib/gcc/$CHOST/${pkgver}/{ada{include,lib},finclude,include/objc}/*
   rm $pkgdir/usr/lib/gcc/$CHOST/${pkgver}/{cc1obj{,plus},f951,gnat1,libgfortranbegin.a}
@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ EOF
   # install the libstdc++ man pages
   install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man3
-  install -m644 ${srcdir}/libstdc++-man.${_libstdcppmanver}/man3/* \
+  install -m644 ${srcdir}/libstdc++-api-${_libstdcppmanver}.man/man3/* \
   # deal with conflicts...
   rm -f ${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man3/{ctime,queue,random,regex,string}.3
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/gcc/buildfix_new_bison.patch b/abs/core-testing/gcc/buildfix_new_bison.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 01b8880..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/gcc/buildfix_new_bison.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
---- gcc/treelang/parse.y	2007-07-18 08:19:29.000000000 +0000
-+++ gcc/treelang/	2008-11-20 06:40:00.013275486 +0000
-@@ -369,7 +369,6 @@
-   current_function = NULL;
- }
- ;
- variable_defs_opt:
- /* Nil.  */ {
-   $$ = 0;
-@@ -685,9 +684,9 @@
- expressions_with_commas_opt:
- /* Nil.  */ {
--$$ = 0
-+$$ = 0;
- }
--|expressions_with_commas { $$ = $1 }
-+|expressions_with_commas { $$ = $1; }
- ;
- expressions_with_commas:
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/gcc/gcc-java-driver.patch b/abs/core-testing/gcc/gcc-java-driver.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 528b528..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/gcc/gcc-java-driver.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- gcc/	2008-03-08 09:52:09.000000000 +0000
-+++ gcc/	2008-03-08 09:54:09.000000000 +0000
-@@ -421,8 +421,8 @@
- xm_defines=@xm_defines@
- lang_checks=check-gcc
- lang_opt_files=@lang_opt_files@ $(srcdir)/c.opt $(srcdir)/common.opt
-+lang_specs_files=@lang_specs_files@ $(srcdir)/java/lang-specs.h
- lang_tree_files=@lang_tree_files@
- target_cpu_default=@target_cpu_default@
- GCC_THREAD_FILE=@thread_file@
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/gcc/r160561.patch b/abs/core-testing/gcc/r160561.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f3c386b..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/gcc/r160561.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
---- trunk/gcc/tree-sra.c	2010/06/10 16:44:04	160560
-+++ trunk/gcc/tree-sra.c	2010/06/10 16:49:09	160561
-@@ -1689,9 +1689,10 @@
- /* Build a subtree of accesses rooted in *ACCESS, and move the pointer in the
-    linked list along the way.  Stop when *ACCESS is NULL or the access pointed
--   to it is not "within" the root.  */
-+   to it is not "within" the root.  Return false iff some accesses partially
-+   overlap.  */
--static void
-+static bool
- build_access_subtree (struct access **access)
- {
-   struct access *root = *access, *last_child = NULL;
-@@ -1706,24 +1707,32 @@
- 	last_child->next_sibling = *access;
-       last_child = *access;
--      build_access_subtree (access);
-+      if (!build_access_subtree (access))
-+	return false;
-     }
-+  if (*access && (*access)->offset < limit)
-+    return false;
-+  return true;
- }
- /* Build a tree of access representatives, ACCESS is the pointer to the first
--   one, others are linked in a list by the next_grp field.  Decide about scalar
--   replacements on the way, return true iff any are to be created.  */
-+   one, others are linked in a list by the next_grp field.  Return false iff
-+   some accesses partially overlap.  */
--static void
-+static bool
- build_access_trees (struct access *access)
- {
-   while (access)
-     {
-       struct access *root = access;
--      build_access_subtree (&access);
-+      if (!build_access_subtree (&access))
-+	return false;
-       root->next_grp = access;
-     }
-+  return true;
- }
- /* Return true if expr contains some ARRAY_REFs into a variable bounded
-@@ -2062,9 +2071,7 @@
-       struct access *access;
-       access = sort_and_splice_var_accesses (var);
--      if (access)
--	build_access_trees (access);
--      else
-+      if (!access || !build_access_trees (access))
- 	disqualify_candidate (var,
- 			      "No or inhibitingly overlapping accesses.");
-     }
cgit v0.12

From f14927e1af177f820215e97b6ad716c8eca7ea94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 01:49:34 +0000
Subject: git-ignore: add package pattern to ignore file

 .gitignore | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f59d25e..35f631b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -20,3 +20,4 @@ srclinks.*
cgit v0.12

From aac56d7440da6f1d1f4e85c3baddd2d8ff735239 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 01:50:14 +0000
Subject: ppl: update to .11

 abs/core-testing/ppl/PKGBUILD | 24 ++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/ppl/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/ppl/PKGBUILD
index e432e18..ee5979a 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/ppl/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/ppl/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 72640 2010-03-19 03:03:03Z allan $
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 87232 2010-08-11 12:07:18Z allan $
 # Maintainer: Allan McRae <>
 # Contributor: ezzetabi <ezzetabi at gawab dot com>
 pkgdesc="A modern library for convex polyhedra and other numerical abstractions."
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
 options=('!docs' '!libtool')
-        ppl-0.10.2-gmp-5.0.patch)
-         '4da347693c76ccccba4fb5b60ca0f321')
 build() {
   cd $srcdir/ppl-$pkgver
-  patch -Np1 -i $srcdir/ppl-0.10.2-gmp-5.0.patch
-  autoreconf -vf
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-interfaces="c,cxx"
+  make
+  make check
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-interfaces="c,cxx" || return 1
-  make || return 1
-  make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1
+package() {
+  cd $srcdir/ppl-$pkgver
+  make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install
cgit v0.12

From 45029077b5c9898c6b08032a8e6d55a9a917227f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 01:51:25 +0000
Subject: elfutils: add to repo, replaces libelf

 abs/core-testing/elfutils/PKGBUILD | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 abs/core-testing/elfutils/PKGBUILD

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/elfutils/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/elfutils/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ecdcde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core-testing/elfutils/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 87360 2010-08-13 03:21:31Z allan $
+# Maintainer: Allan McRae <>
+# Contributor: Andrej Gelenberg <>
+pkgdesc="Collection of libraries and utilities for working with ELF object files and DWARF debugging information"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+#optdepends=('zlib' 'xz' 'bzip2')
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --program-prefix="eu-"
+  make
+  make check
+  cd ${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+  make DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
cgit v0.12

From 218835f9d544411a8161f207f8d35ebaae8a7b76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 01:51:43 +0000
Subject: libelf: remove from repo

 abs/core-testing/libelf/PKGBUILD   | 23 -----------------------
 abs/core-testing/libelf/delete_dir |  0
 2 files changed, 23 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/libelf/PKGBUILD
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/libelf/delete_dir

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/libelf/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/libelf/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f4877..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/libelf/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 66485 2010-01-31 10:45:08Z allan $
-# Maintainer: Allan McRae <>
-# Maintainer: Jan de Groot <>
-# Contributor: Tom Newsom <>
-pkgdesc="libelf is a free ELF object file access library"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-build() {
-    cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
-    ./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-shared \
-      --enable-gnu-names --enable-compat || return 1
-    make || return 1
-    make prefix="${pkgdir}/usr" install || return 1
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/libelf/delete_dir b/abs/core-testing/libelf/delete_dir
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
cgit v0.12

From 2c9f6fdd58635438b375bd0acf271075fe41dc1a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 01:52:07 +0000
Subject: ssh: update to 5.6

 abs/core-testing/openssh/PKGBUILD         |  6 ++---
 abs/core-testing/openssh/sshd.patch       | 42 -------------------------------
 abs/core-testing/openssh/sshd_config.diff |  0
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/openssh/sshd.patch
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/openssh/sshd_config.diff

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/openssh/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/openssh/PKGBUILD
index 504ed4a..36a82bd 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/openssh/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/openssh/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 80964 2010-05-24 06:39:23Z allan $
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 89278 2010-08-30 21:38:00Z thomas $
 # Maintainer: Aaron Griffin <>
 # Contributor: judd <>
 pkgdesc='A Secure SHell server/client'
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ backup=('etc/ssh/ssh_config' 'etc/ssh/sshd_config' 'etc/pam.d/sshd')
 depends=('openssl' 'zlib' 'pam' 'tcp_wrappers' 'heimdal')
         'sshd' 'sshd.confd' 'sshd.pam')
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/openssh/sshd.patch b/abs/core-testing/openssh/sshd.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f3ba392..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/openssh/sshd.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
---- openssh-5.1p1/	2010-03-08 23:43:07.000000000 +0000
-+++ openssh-5.1p1/sshd_config	2010-03-08 23:45:37.000000000 +0000
-@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@
- # Authentication:
- #LoginGraceTime 2m
--#PermitRootLogin yes
-+PermitRootLogin no
- #StrictModes yes
- #MaxAuthTries 6
- #MaxSessions 10
- #RSAAuthentication yes
--#PubkeyAuthentication yes
--#AuthorizedKeysFile	.ssh/authorized_keys
-+PubkeyAuthentication yes
-+AuthorizedKeysFile	.ssh/authorized_keys
- # For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
- #RhostsRSAAuthentication no
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
- #AllowAgentForwarding yes
- #AllowTcpForwarding yes
- #GatewayPorts no
--#X11Forwarding no
-+X11Forwarding yes
- #X11DisplayOffset 10
- #X11UseLocalhost yes
- #PrintMotd yes
-@@ -110,10 +110,11 @@
- #Banner none
- # override default of no subsystems
--Subsystem	sftp	/usr/libexec/sftp-server
-+Subsystem	sftp	/usr/lib/ssh/sftp-server
- # Example of overriding settings on a per-user basis
- #Match User anoncvs
- #	X11Forwarding no
- #	AllowTcpForwarding no
- #	ForceCommand cvs server
-+DenyUsers mythtv
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/openssh/sshd_config.diff b/abs/core-testing/openssh/sshd_config.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
cgit v0.12

From 6264aaba64f4165fd714220e10c4900401b85617 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: James Meyer <>
Date: Fri, 10 Sep 2010 01:52:44 +0000
Subject: glibc: update to 2.12.1

 abs/core-testing/glibc/ChangeLog             |  39 ---
 abs/core-testing/glibc/PKGBUILD              |  22 +-
 abs/core-testing/glibc/fix-makecontext.patch |  33 --
 abs/core-testing/glibc/glibc.install         |   4 +-
 abs/core-testing/glibc/locale.gen            | 438 ---------------------------
 5 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 523 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/glibc/ChangeLog
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/glibc/fix-makecontext.patch
 delete mode 100644 abs/core-testing/glibc/locale.gen

diff --git a/abs/core-testing/glibc/ChangeLog b/abs/core-testing/glibc/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 631f360..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/glibc/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-glibc 2.9-3
-- remove texinfo dep
-- only call install-info when needed
-glibc 2.9-2
-- apply Fedora10 changes to fix
-  name resolving issues
-glibc 2.9-1
-- bump to new 2.9 branch
-glibc 2.8-2
-- fix an old memory issue again
-glibc 2.8-1
-- no more tarballs
-- we checkout the current release branch incl. libidn
-- cleanup the patches
-glibc 2.7-6
-- fix broken locales with upstream changes
-- disable the whole weekday patch, fixes #8530
-glibc 2.7-5
-- fix a regression:
-  mainly for x86_64 where using gcc-gcj eats all memory
-glibc 2.7-4
-- extract /etc/locale.gen from sources to have all new locales supported
-- mask other broken locales / added a comment to post.install message
-- apply changes from Debian 2.7-exp7 pkg
-  to fix some broken locales
-glibc 2.7-3
-- removed locale/check-unknown-symbols.diff
-          localedata/tailor-iso14651_t1.diff partly
-  to fix broken et_EE locale
-- switch to compressed patches
-- added ChangeLog
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/glibc/PKGBUILD b/abs/core-testing/glibc/PKGBUILD
index e31d7b6..673951b 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/glibc/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core-testing/glibc/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $Id: PKGBUILD 83855 2010-06-23 10:51:26Z allan $
+# $Id: PKGBUILD 87193 2010-08-11 00:55:29Z allan $
 # Maintainer: Jan de Groot <>
 # Maintainer: Allan McRae <>
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
 # NOTE: valgrind requires rebuilt with each new glibc version
 pkgdesc="GNU C Library"
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ backup=(etc/locale.gen
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ mksource() {
   pushd glibc
   git checkout -b glibc-2.12-arch origin/release/2.12/master
-  tar -cvjf glibc-${pkgver}_${_glibcdate}.tar.bz2 glibc/*
+  tar -cvJf glibc-${pkgver}_${_glibcdate}.tar.xz glibc/*
 build() {
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ package() {
   [[ $CARCH = "i686" ]] && strip $STRIP_BINARIES usr/bin/lddlibc4
   strip $STRIP_STATIC usr/lib/*.a \
-                      lib/{{ld,libpthread}-2.12,libthread_db-1.0}.so
+                      lib/{{ld,libpthread}-${pkgver},libthread_db-1.0}.so
-  strip $STRIP_SHARED lib/{libanl,libBrokenLocale,libc,libcidn,libcrypt} \
-                      lib/libnss_{compat,dns,files,hesiod,nis,nisplus} \
-                      lib/{libdl,libm,libnsl,libresolv,librt,libutil} \
+  strip $STRIP_SHARED lib/{libanl,libBrokenLocale,libc,libcidn,libcrypt}-${pkgver}.so \
+                      lib/libnss_{compat,dns,files,hesiod,nis,nisplus}-${pkgver}.so \
+                      lib/{libdl,libm,libnsl,libresolv,librt,libutil}-${pkgver}.so \
                       lib/{libmemusage,libpcprofile,libSegFault}.so \
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/glibc/fix-makecontext.patch b/abs/core-testing/glibc/fix-makecontext.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index f507b7a..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/glibc/fix-makecontext.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-RCS file: /cvs/glibc/libc/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/makecontext.S,v
-retrieving revision 1.8
-retrieving revision 1.9
-diff -u -r1.8 -r1.9
---- libc/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/makecontext.S	2007/12/03 04:56:56	1.8
-+++ libc/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/i386/makecontext.S	2008/01/09 19:35:15	1.9
-@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- /* Create new context.
--   Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-+   Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2005, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
-    Contributed by Ulrich Drepper <>, 2001.
-@@ -41,13 +41,15 @@
- 	movl	12(%esp), %ecx
- 	movl	%ecx, oEBX(%eax)
--	/* Make room on the new stack for the parameters.  */
-+	/* Make room on the new stack for the parameters.
-+	   Room for the arguments, return address (== L(exitcode)) and
-+	   oLINK pointer is needed.  One of the pointer sizes is subtracted
-+	   after aligning the stack.  */
- 	negl	%ecx
--	leal	-8(%edx,%ecx,4), %edx
-+	leal	-4(%edx,%ecx,4), %edx
- 	negl	%ecx
- 	/* Align the stack.  */
--	addl	$16, %edx
- 	andl	$0xfffffff0, %edx
- 	subl	$4, %edx
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/glibc/glibc.install b/abs/core-testing/glibc/glibc.install
index 0b250b4..5e15c81 100644
--- a/abs/core-testing/glibc/glibc.install
+++ b/abs/core-testing/glibc/glibc.install
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ filelist=(
 post_upgrade() {
-  ldconfig -r .
-  [ -x /sbin/init ] && init u
+  sbin/ldconfig -r .
+  [ -x sbin/init ] && sbin/init u
   [ -x usr/bin/install-info ] || return 0
diff --git a/abs/core-testing/glibc/locale.gen b/abs/core-testing/glibc/locale.gen
deleted file mode 100644
index c739380..0000000
--- a/abs/core-testing/glibc/locale.gen
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,438 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for locale-gen
-# lists of locales that are to be generated by the locale-gen command.
-# Each line is of the form:
-#     <locale> <charset>
-#  where <locale> is one of the locales given in /usr/share/i18n/locales
-#  and <charset> is one of the character sets listed in /usr/share/i18n/charmaps
-#  Examples:
-#  en_US ISO-8859-1
-#  en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
-#  de_DE ISO-8859-1
-#  de_DE@euro ISO-8859-15
-#  The locale-gen command will generate all the locales,
-#  placing them in /usr/lib/locale.
-#  A list of supported locales is included in this file.
-#  Uncomment the ones you need.
-#aa_DJ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#aa_DJ ISO-8859-1  
-#aa_ER UTF-8  
-#aa_ER@saaho UTF-8  
-#aa_ET UTF-8  
-#af_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#af_ZA ISO-8859-1  
-#am_ET UTF-8  
-#an_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#an_ES ISO-8859-15  
-#ar_AE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_AE ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_BH.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_BH ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_DZ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_DZ ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_EG.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_EG ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_IN UTF-8  
-#ar_IQ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_IQ ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_JO.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_JO ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_KW.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_KW ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_LB.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_LB ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_LY.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_LY ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_MA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_MA ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_OM.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_OM ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_QA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_QA ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_SA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_SA ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_SD.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_SD ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_SY.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_SY ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_TN.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_TN ISO-8859-6  
-#ar_YE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ar_YE ISO-8859-6  
-#az_AZ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#as_IN.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ast_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ast_ES ISO-8859-15  
-#be_BY.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#be_BY CP1251  
-#be_BY@latin UTF-8  
-#ber_DZ UTF-8  
-#ber_MA UTF-8  
-#bg_BG.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#bg_BG CP1251  
-#bn_BD UTF-8  
-#bn_IN UTF-8  
-#br_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#br_FR ISO-8859-1  
-#br_FR@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#bs_BA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#bs_BA ISO-8859-2  
-#byn_ER UTF-8  
-#ca_AD.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ca_AD ISO-8859-15  
-#ca_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ca_ES ISO-8859-1  
-#ca_ES@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#ca_ES.UTF-8@valencia UTF-8  
-#ca_ES@valencia ISO-8859-15  
-#ca_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ca_FR ISO-8859-15  
-#ca_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ca_IT ISO-8859-15  
-#crh_UA UTF-8  
-#cs_CZ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#cs_CZ ISO-8859-2  
-#csb_PL UTF-8  
-#cy_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#cy_GB ISO-8859-14  
-#da_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#da_DK ISO-8859-1  
-#da_DK.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15  
-#de_AT.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#de_AT ISO-8859-1  
-#de_AT@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#de_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#de_BE ISO-8859-1  
-#de_BE@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#de_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#de_CH ISO-8859-1  
-#de_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#de_DE ISO-8859-1  
-#de_DE@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#de_LU.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#de_LU ISO-8859-1  
-#de_LU@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#dz_BT UTF-8  
-#el_GR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#el_GR ISO-8859-7  
-#el_CY.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#el_CY ISO-8859-7  
-#en_AU.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_AU ISO-8859-1  
-#en_BW.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_BW ISO-8859-1  
-#en_CA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_CA ISO-8859-1  
-#en_DK.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_DK.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15  
-#en_DK ISO-8859-1  
-#en_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_GB ISO-8859-1  
-#en_GB.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15  
-#en_HK.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_HK ISO-8859-1  
-#en_IE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_IE ISO-8859-1  
-#en_IE@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#en_IN UTF-8  
-#en_NG UTF-8  
-#en_NZ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_NZ ISO-8859-1  
-#en_PH.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_PH ISO-8859-1  
-#en_SG.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_SG ISO-8859-1  
-#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_US ISO-8859-1  
-#en_US.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15  
-#en_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_ZA ISO-8859-1  
-#en_ZW.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#en_ZW ISO-8859-1  
-#eo.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#eo ISO-8859-3  
-#es_AR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_AR ISO-8859-1  
-#es_BO.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_BO ISO-8859-1  
-#es_CL.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_CL ISO-8859-1  
-#es_CO.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_CO ISO-8859-1  
-#es_CR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_CR ISO-8859-1  
-#es_DO.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_DO ISO-8859-1  
-#es_EC.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_EC ISO-8859-1  
-#es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_ES ISO-8859-1  
-#es_ES@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#es_GT.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_GT ISO-8859-1  
-#es_HN.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_HN ISO-8859-1  
-#es_MX.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_MX ISO-8859-1  
-#es_NI.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_NI ISO-8859-1  
-#es_PA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_PA ISO-8859-1  
-#es_PE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_PE ISO-8859-1  
-#es_PR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_PR ISO-8859-1  
-#es_PY.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_PY ISO-8859-1  
-#es_SV.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_SV ISO-8859-1  
-#es_US.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_US ISO-8859-1  
-#es_UY.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_UY ISO-8859-1  
-#es_VE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#es_VE ISO-8859-1  
-#et_EE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#et_EE ISO-8859-1  
-#et_EE.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15  
-#eu_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#eu_ES ISO-8859-1  
-#eu_ES@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#eu_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#eu_FR ISO-8859-1  
-#eu_FR@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#fa_IR UTF-8  
-#fi_FI.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#fi_FI ISO-8859-1  
-#fi_FI@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#fil_PH UTF-8  
-#fo_FO.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#fo_FO ISO-8859-1  
-#fr_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#fr_BE ISO-8859-1  
-#fr_BE@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#fr_CA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#fr_CA ISO-8859-1  
-#fr_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#fr_CH ISO-8859-1  
-#fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#fr_FR ISO-8859-1  
-#fr_FR@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#fr_LU.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#fr_LU ISO-8859-1  
-#fr_LU@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#fur_IT UTF-8  
-#fy_NL UTF-8  
-#fy_DE UTF-8  
-#ga_IE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ga_IE ISO-8859-1  
-#ga_IE@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#gd_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#gd_GB ISO-8859-15  
-#gez_ER UTF-8  
-#gez_ER@abegede UTF-8  
-#gez_ET UTF-8  
-#gez_ET@abegede UTF-8  
-#gl_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#gl_ES ISO-8859-1  
-#gl_ES@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#gu_IN UTF-8  
-#gv_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#gv_GB ISO-8859-1  
-#ha_NG UTF-8  
-#he_IL.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#he_IL ISO-8859-8  
-#hi_IN UTF-8  
-#hr_HR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#hr_HR ISO-8859-2  
-#hsb_DE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#hsb_DE ISO-8859-2  
-#hu_HU.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#hu_HU ISO-8859-2  
-#hy_AM UTF-8  
-#ia UTF-8  
-#id_ID.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#id_ID ISO-8859-1  
-#ig_NG UTF-8  
-#ik_CA UTF-8  
-#is_IS.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#is_IS ISO-8859-1  
-#it_CH.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#it_CH ISO-8859-1  
-#it_IT.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#it_IT ISO-8859-1  
-#it_IT@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#iu_CA UTF-8  
-#iw_IL.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#iw_IL ISO-8859-8  
-#ja_JP.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ka_GE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#kk_KZ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#kk_KZ PT154  
-#kl_GL.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#kl_GL ISO-8859-1  
-#km_KH UTF-8  
-#kn_IN UTF-8  
-#ko_KR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ku_TR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ku_TR ISO-8859-9  
-#kw_GB.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#kw_GB ISO-8859-1  
-#ky_KG UTF-8  
-#lg_UG.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#lg_UG ISO-8859-10  
-#li_BE UTF-8  
-#li_NL UTF-8  
-#lo_LA UTF-8  
-#lt_LT.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#lt_LT ISO-8859-13  
-#lv_LV.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#lv_LV ISO-8859-13  
-#mai_IN UTF-8  
-#mg_MG.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#mg_MG ISO-8859-15  
-#mi_NZ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#mi_NZ ISO-8859-13  
-#mk_MK.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#mk_MK ISO-8859-5  
-#ml_IN UTF-8  
-#mn_MN UTF-8  
-#mr_IN UTF-8  
-#ms_MY.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ms_MY ISO-8859-1  
-#mt_MT.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#mt_MT ISO-8859-3  
-#nb_NO.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#nb_NO ISO-8859-1  
-#nds_DE UTF-8  
-#nds_NL UTF-8  
-#ne_NP UTF-8  
-#nl_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#nl_BE ISO-8859-1  
-#nl_BE@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#nl_NL.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#nl_NL ISO-8859-1  
-#nl_NL@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#nn_NO.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#nn_NO ISO-8859-1  
-#nr_ZA UTF-8  
-#nso_ZA UTF-8  
-#oc_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#oc_FR ISO-8859-1  
-#om_ET UTF-8  
-#om_KE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#om_KE ISO-8859-1  
-#or_IN UTF-8  
-#pa_IN UTF-8  
-#pa_PK UTF-8  
-#pap_AN UTF-8  
-#pl_PL.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#pl_PL ISO-8859-2  
-#pt_BR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#pt_BR ISO-8859-1  
-#pt_PT.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#pt_PT ISO-8859-1  
-#pt_PT@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#ro_RO.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ro_RO ISO-8859-2  
-#ru_RU.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ru_RU.KOI8-R KOI8-R  
-#ru_RU ISO-8859-5  
-#ru_RU.CP1251 CP1251  
-#ru_UA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ru_UA KOI8-U  
-#rw_RW UTF-8  
-#sa_IN UTF-8  
-#sc_IT UTF-8  
-#se_NO UTF-8  
-#si_LK UTF-8  
-#sid_ET UTF-8  
-#sk_SK.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#sk_SK ISO-8859-2  
-#sl_SI.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#sl_SI ISO-8859-2  
-#so_DJ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#so_DJ ISO-8859-1  
-#so_ET UTF-8  
-#so_KE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#so_KE ISO-8859-1  
-#so_SO.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#so_SO ISO-8859-1  
-#sq_AL.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#sq_AL ISO-8859-1  
-#sr_ME UTF-8  
-#sr_RS UTF-8  
-#sr_RS@latin UTF-8  
-#ss_ZA UTF-8  
-#st_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#st_ZA ISO-8859-1  
-#sv_FI.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#sv_FI ISO-8859-1  
-#sv_FI@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#sv_SE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#sv_SE ISO-8859-1  
-#sv_SE.ISO-8859-15 ISO-8859-15  
-#ta_IN UTF-8  
-#te_IN UTF-8  
-#tg_TJ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#tg_TJ KOI8-T  
-#th_TH.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#th_TH TIS-620  
-#ti_ER UTF-8  
-#ti_ET UTF-8  
-#tig_ER UTF-8  
-#tk_TM UTF-8  
-#tl_PH.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#tl_PH ISO-8859-1  
-#tn_ZA UTF-8  
-#tr_CY.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#tr_CY ISO-8859-9  
-#tr_TR.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#tr_TR ISO-8859-9  
-#ts_ZA UTF-8  
-#tt_RU.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#tt_RU@iqtelif.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#ug_CN UTF-8  
-#uk_UA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#uk_UA KOI8-U  
-#ur_PK UTF-8  
-#uz_UZ.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#uz_UZ ISO-8859-1  
-#uz_UZ@cyrillic UTF-8  
-#ve_ZA UTF-8  
-#vi_VN UTF-8  
-#vi_VN.TCVN TCVN5712-1  
-#wa_BE.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#wa_BE ISO-8859-1  
-#wa_BE@euro ISO-8859-15  
-#wo_SN UTF-8  
-#xh_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#xh_ZA ISO-8859-1  
-#yi_US.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#yi_US CP1255  
-#yo_NG UTF-8  
-#zh_CN.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#zh_CN.GB18030 GB18030  
-#zh_CN.GBK GBK  
-#zh_CN GB2312  
-#zh_HK.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#zh_HK BIG5-HKSCS  
-#zh_SG.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#zh_SG.GBK GBK  
-#zh_SG GB2312  
-#zh_TW.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#zh_TW BIG5  
-#zu_ZA.UTF-8 UTF-8  
-#zu_ZA ISO-8859-1  
cgit v0.12