From a5b5987a5128e4e04c3ca6ac80771d06cd4a80cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Britney Fransen <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 16:53:42 -0500
Subject: mythplugins: mytharchive: patch for aspect ratio and
 video storage groups support
 abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/PKGBUILD   |   9 +-
 .../stable-0.24/mythplugins/      | 303 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../stable-0.24/mythplugins/qt-4.7-buildfixes.diff |  26 --
 3 files changed, 309 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/
 delete mode 100644 abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/qt-4.7-buildfixes.diff

diff --git a/abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/PKGBUILD b/abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/PKGBUILD
index c919256..83168af 100644
--- a/abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/PKGBUILD
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pkgname=('mytharchive'
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@ makedepends=("mythtv>=${pkgver}" 'mplayer' 'fftw' 'dvdauthor' 'libexif'
              'libvisual' 'perl-xml-xpath' 'perl-image-size'
              'perl-class-inspector' 'perl-datetime-format-iso8601'
              'flac' 'libvorbis' 'python2' 'python-pycurl' 'python-oauth')
@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ package_mytharchive() {
   depends=("mythtv>=${pkgver}" 'libxmu' 'pil' 'dvdauthor' 'm2vrequantiser')
 #  replaces=('mytharchive')
   cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}/${pkgbase}/mytharchive"
+  patch mythburn/scripts/ < $srcdir/ || return 1
   make INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
@@ -123,4 +125,5 @@ package_mythzoneminder() {
   cd "${srcdir}/${_gitname}/${pkgbase}/mythzoneminder"
   make INSTALL_ROOT="${pkgdir}" install || return 1
+         'adce485c4765e8d49b91b3ce9c9963ac')
diff --git a/abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/ b/abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..770119a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+---	2011-09-16 13:41:43.000000000 -0500
++++	2011-09-17 10:51:36.000000000 -0500
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+ #******************************************************************************
+ # version of script - change after each update
+ # keep all temporary files for debugging purposes
+ # set this to True before a first run through when testing
+@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
+ from fcntl import ioctl
+ import CDROM
+ from shutil import copy
++from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+ # media types (should match the enum in mytharchivewizard.h)
+ DVD_SL = 0
+@@ -606,7 +607,7 @@
+ # of a video file from its stream info file
+ def getVideoParams(folder):
+-    """Returns the video resolution, fps and aspect ratio for the video file from the streamindo.xml file"""
++    """Returns the video resolution, fps and aspect ratio for the video file from the streaminfo.xml file"""
+     #open the XML containing information about this file
+     infoDOM = xml.dom.minidom.parse(os.path.join(folder, 'streaminfo.xml'))
+@@ -642,14 +643,14 @@
+ # Gets the aspect ratio of a video file from its stream info file
+ def getAspectRatioOfVideo(index):
+-    """Returns the aspect ratio of the video file (1.333, 1.778, etc)"""
++    """Returns the aspect ratio of the original video file (1.333, 1.778, etc)"""
+     #open the XML containing information about this file
+-    infoDOM = xml.dom.minidom.parse(os.path.join(getItemTempPath(index), 'streaminfo.xml'))
++    infoDOM = xml.dom.minidom.parse(os.path.join(getItemTempPath(index), 'streaminfo_orig.xml'))
+     #error out if its the wrong XML
+     if infoDOM.documentElement.tagName != "file":
+-        fatalError("Stream info file doesn't look right (%s)" % os.path.join(getItemTempPath(index), 'streaminfo.xml'))
++        fatalError("Stream info file doesn't look right (%s)" % os.path.join(getItemTempPath(index), 'streaminfo_orig.xml'))
+     video = infoDOM.getElementsByTagName("file")[0].getElementsByTagName("streams")[0].getElementsByTagName("video")[0]
+     if video.attributes["aspectratio"].value != 'N/A':
+         aspect_ratio = float(video.attributes["aspectratio"].value)
+@@ -1762,6 +1763,37 @@
+ #############################################################
++# Finds the path of a video file from the local video path
++# or Storage Group
++def getVideoPath(filename):
++     # connect
++    db = getDatabaseConnection()
++    # create a cursor
++    cursor = db.cursor()
++    # execute SQL statement
++    cursor.execute("""SELECT dirname 
++                      FROM storagegroup 
++                      WHERE groupname='Videos'""")
++    # get the resultset as a tuple
++    result = cursor.fetchall()
++    # make result a list and add local video path if exists
++    result = [videopath] + list(result)
++    # iterate through result set
++    for sg in result:
++        if doesFileExist(os.path.join("".join(sg), filename)) == True:
++            filepath = "".join(sg)
++            write("Video Path: %s" % filepath)
++            return (filepath)
++            break
++    db.close()
++    del db
++    del cursor
+ # Pre-process a single video/recording file
+ def preProcessFile(file, folder, count):
+@@ -1775,11 +1807,11 @@
+     #3. Extract a single frame from the video to use as a thumbnail and resolution check
+     mediafile=""
+-    if file.attributes["type"].value == "recording":
++    if file.attributes["type"].value=="recording":
+         mediafile = file.attributes["filename"].value
+-    elif file.attributes["type"].value == "video":
+-        mediafile = os.path.join(videopath, file.attributes["filename"].value)
+-    elif file.attributes["type"].value == "file":
++    elif file.attributes["type"].value=="video":
++        mediafile = os.path.join(getVideoPath(file.attributes["filename"].value), file.attributes["filename"].value)
++    elif file.attributes["type"].value=="file":
+         mediafile = file.attributes["filename"].value
+     else:
+         fatalError("Unknown type of video file it must be 'recording', 'video' or 'file'.")
+@@ -1935,9 +1967,39 @@
+     if result <> 0:
+         fatalError("Failed while running mytharchivehelper to get stream information from %s" % filename)
++    #open the XML containing information about this file
++    infoDOM = xml.dom.minidom.parse(xmlFilename)
++    #error out if its the wrong XML
++    if infoDOM.documentElement.tagName != "file":
++        fatalError("This info file doesn't look right (%s)." % xmlFilename)
++    file = infoDOM.getElementsByTagName("file")[0]
++    video = infoDOM.getElementsByTagName("file")[0].getElementsByTagName("streams")[0].getElementsByTagName("video")[0]
++    #use ffmpeg to get display aspect ratio (DAR) of video
++    cmd = path_ffmpeg[0] + " -i " + quoteFilename(file.attributes["filename"].value) + " 2>&1"
++    aspect_ratio = Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
++    if "DAR" in aspect_ratio:
++        #clean DAR string
++        aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio.split("DAR ")[-1].split(",")[0]
++        aspect_ratio = ''.join([c for c in aspect_ratio if c in '1234567890:']).split(":")
++    else:
++        #calculate aspect from video size
++        aspect_ratio = getVideoSize(xmlFilename)
++    #convert to decimal
++    aspect_ratio = float(aspect_ratio[0]) / float(aspect_ratio[1])
++    write("Video %s aspect ratio is: %s" % (filename, aspect_ratio))
++    #set aspect ratio
++    video.setAttribute("aspectratio",str(aspect_ratio))
++    WriteXMLToFile (infoDOM,xmlFilename)
+     # print out the streaminfo.xml file to the log
+-    infoDOM = xml.dom.minidom.parse(xmlFilename)
+     write("streaminfo.xml :-\n" + infoDOM.toprettyxml("    ", ""), False)
+ #############################################################
+@@ -2322,7 +2384,7 @@
+ #############################################################
+ # Re-encodes a file to mpeg2
+-def encodeVideoToMPEG2(source, destvideofile, video, audio1, audio2, aspectratio, profile):
++def encodeVideoToMPEG2(source, destvideofile, video, folder, audio1, audio2, aspectratio, profile):
+     """Encodes an unknown video source file eg. AVI to MPEG2 video and AC3 audio, use ffmpeg"""
+     profileNode = findEncodingProfile(profile)
+@@ -2347,6 +2409,18 @@
+             value = quoteFilename(destvideofile)
+         if value == "%aspect":
+             value = aspectratio
++        if value == "720x480" or value == "720x576":
++            #add padding to correct for aspects > than 1.9:1
++            videores, fps, videoAR = getVideoParams(folder)
++            if float(videoAR) >= 1.9:
++                if videomode == "ntsc":
++                    videoheight = 480
++                else:
++                    videoheight = 576
++                croppixels = videoheight - int(videores.split("x")[1])
++                write("CropPixels Total: %s" % croppixels)
++                value = "720x%d -vf pad=720:%d:0:%d:black" % (videoheight - croppixels, videoheight, croppixels / 2)
+         # only re-encode the audio if it is not already in AC3 format
+         if audio1[AUDIO_CODEC] == "AC3":
+@@ -2383,12 +2457,12 @@
+         command += " -newaudio" 
+     #make sure we get the correct stream(s) that we want
+-    command += " -map 0:%d -map 0:%d " % (video[VIDEO_INDEX], audio1[AUDIO_INDEX])
++    command += " -map 0:%d -map 0:%d" % (video[VIDEO_INDEX], audio1[AUDIO_INDEX])
+     if audio2[AUDIO_ID] != -1:
+         command += "-map 0:%d" % (audio2[AUDIO_INDEX])
+     if passes == 1:
+-        write(command)
++        write("Running ffmpeg: %s" % command)
+         result = runCommand(command)
+         if result!=0:
+             fatalError("Failed while running ffmpeg to re-encode video.\n"
+@@ -2399,7 +2473,7 @@
+         pass1 = string.replace(command, "%passno","1")
+         pass1 = string.replace(pass1, "%passlogfile", passLog)
+-        write("Pass 1 - " + pass1)
++        write("Running ffmpeg Pass 1: %s" % pass1)
+         result = runCommand(pass1)
+         if result!=0:
+@@ -2411,7 +2485,7 @@
+         pass2 = string.replace(command, "%passno","2")
+         pass2 = string.replace(pass2, "%passlogfile", passLog)
+-        write("Pass 2 - " + pass2)
++        write("Running ffmpeg Pass 2: %s" % pass2)
+         result = runCommand(pass2)
+         if result!=0:
+@@ -2443,10 +2517,6 @@
+     outaudiosamplerate = 48000
+     outaudiocodec = "ac3"
+     deinterlace = 0
+-    croptop = 0
+-    cropright = 0
+-    cropbottom = 0
+-    cropleft = 0
+     qmin = 5
+     qmax = 31
+     qdiff = 31
+@@ -2470,14 +2540,6 @@
+             outvideores = value
+         if name == "-deinterlace":
+             deinterlace = 1
+-        if name == "-croptop":
+-            croptop = value
+-        if name == "-cropright":
+-            cropright = value
+-        if name == "-cropbottom":
+-            cropbottom = value
+-        if name == "-cropleft":
+-           cropleft = value
+         if name == "-qmin":
+            qmin = value
+         if name == "-qmax":
+@@ -2526,7 +2588,6 @@
+     command += "-aspect %s -r %s " % (aspectratio, fps)
+     if (deinterlace == 1):
+         command += "-deinterlace "
+-    command += "-croptop %s -cropright %s -cropbottom %s -cropleft %s " % (croptop, cropright, cropbottom, cropleft)
+     command += "-s %s -b %s -vcodec mpeg2video " % (outvideores, outvideobitrate)
+     command += "-qmin %s -qmax %s -qdiff %s " % (qmin, qmax, qdiff)
+     command += "-ab %s -ar %s -acodec %s " % (outaudiobitrate, outaudiosamplerate, outaudiocodec)
+@@ -2543,7 +2604,7 @@
+     if (not(doesFileExist(os.path.join(folder, "audout")) and doesFileExist(os.path.join(folder, "vidout")))):
+         fatalError("Waited too long for mythtranscode to create the fifos - giving up!!")
+-    write("Running ffmpeg")
++    write("Running ffmpeg: %s" % command)
+     result = runCommand(command)
+     if result != 0:
+         os.kill(PID, signal.SIGKILL)
+@@ -4724,7 +4785,7 @@
+     elif file.attributes["type"].value=="recording":
+         mediafile = file.attributes["filename"].value
+     elif file.attributes["type"].value=="video":
+-        mediafile=os.path.join(videopath, file.attributes["filename"].value)
++        mediafile = os.path.join(getVideoPath(file.attributes["filename"].value), file.attributes["filename"].value)
+     elif file.attributes["type"].value=="file":
+         mediafile=file.attributes["filename"].value
+     else:
+@@ -4834,8 +4895,7 @@
+                 starttime = -1
+                 usecutlist = -1
+-            encodeNuvToMPEG2(chanid, starttime, mediafile, os.path.join(folder, "newfile2.mpg"), folder,
+-                         profile, usecutlist)
++            encodeNuvToMPEG2(chanid, starttime, mediafile, os.path.join(folder, "newfile2.mpg"), folder, profile, usecutlist)
+             mediafile = os.path.join(folder, 'newfile2.mpg')
+         else:
+             #we need to re-encode the file, make sure we get the right video/audio streams
+@@ -4861,8 +4921,7 @@
+                 profile = defaultEncodingProfile
+             #do the re-encode 
+-            encodeVideoToMPEG2(mediafile, os.path.join(folder, "newfile2.mpg"), video,
+-                            audio1, audio2, aspectratio, profile)
++            encodeVideoToMPEG2(mediafile, os.path.join(folder, "newfile2.mpg"), video, folder, audio1, audio2, aspectratio, profile)
+             mediafile = os.path.join(folder, 'newfile2.mpg')
+             #remove the old mediafile that was run through mythtranscode
+@@ -4936,7 +4995,7 @@
+     elif file.attributes["type"].value=="recording":
+         mediafile = file.attributes["filename"].value
+     elif file.attributes["type"].value=="video":
+-        mediafile=os.path.join(videopath, file.attributes["filename"].value)
++        mediafile = os.path.join(getVideoPath(file.attributes["filename"].value), file.attributes["filename"].value)
+     elif file.attributes["type"].value=="file":
+         mediafile=file.attributes["filename"].value
+     else:
+@@ -4988,8 +5047,7 @@
+                 starttime = -1
+                 usecutlist = -1
+-            encodeNuvToMPEG2(chanid, starttime, mediafile, os.path.join(folder, "newfile2.mpg"), folder,
+-                         profile, usecutlist)
++            encodeNuvToMPEG2(chanid, starttime, mediafile, os.path.join(folder, "newfile2.mpg"), folder, profile, usecutlist)
+             mediafile = os.path.join(folder, 'newfile2.mpg')
+         else:
+             #we need to re-encode the file, make sure we get the right video/audio streams
+@@ -5015,8 +5073,7 @@
+                 profile = defaultEncodingProfile
+             #do the re-encode 
+-            encodeVideoToMPEG2(mediafile, os.path.join(folder, "newfile2.mpg"), video,
+-                            audio1, audio2, aspectratio, profile)
++            encodeVideoToMPEG2(mediafile, os.path.join(folder, "newfile2.mpg"), video, folder, audio1, audio2, aspectratio, profile)
+             mediafile = os.path.join(folder, 'newfile2.mpg')
+     #remove an intermediate file
diff --git a/abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/qt-4.7-buildfixes.diff b/abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/qt-4.7-buildfixes.diff
deleted file mode 100644
index dcffebe..0000000
--- a/abs/core/mythtv/stable-0.24/mythplugins/qt-4.7-buildfixes.diff
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Index: /branches/release-0-23-fixes/mythplugins/mythnetvision/mythnetvision/netsearch.cpp
---- /branches/release-0-23-fixes/mythplugins/mythnetvision/mythnetvision/netsearch.cpp	(revision 24265)
-+++ /branches/release-0-23-fixes/mythplugins/mythnetvision/mythnetvision/netsearch.cpp	(revision 26391)
-@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
-       m_progress(NULL),              m_busyPopup(NULL),
-       m_okPopup(NULL),               m_popupStack(),
--      m_netSearch(),                 m_currentSearch(NULL),
--      m_currentGrabber(0),           m_currentCmd(NULL),
--      m_currentDownload(NULL),       m_pagenum(0),
-+      m_netSearch(),                 m_currentSearch(QString()),
-+      m_currentGrabber(0),           m_currentCmd(QString()),
-+      m_currentDownload(QString()),  m_pagenum(0),
-       m_lock(QMutex::Recursive)
- {
-Index: /branches/release-0-23-fixes/mythplugins/mythvideo/mythvideo/videodlg.h
---- /branches/release-0-23-fixes/mythplugins/mythvideo/mythvideo/videodlg.h	(revision 22916)
-+++ /branches/release-0-23-fixes/mythplugins/mythvideo/mythvideo/videodlg.h	(revision 26391)
-@@ -151,5 +151,5 @@
-     QString GetCoverImage(MythGenericTree *node);
-     QString GetFirstImage(MythGenericTree *node, QString type,
--                          QString gpnode = NULL, int levels = 0);
-+                          QString gpnode = QString(), int levels = 0);
-     QString GetImageFromFolder(Metadata *metadata);
-     QString GetScreenshot(MythGenericTree *node);
cgit v0.12