From 75f54194c0e1cf6e2f8f9c685888439d00f4df9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Britney Fransen <>
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 12:41:57 -0600
Subject: LinHES-system: add more explaination of what the tool
 is going to do and improve help text.

 abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD       |   4 +-
 abs/core/LinHES-system/ | 133 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)

diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD b/abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD
index 0c2a055..3234ee2 100755
--- a/abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/PKGBUILD
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
 pkgdesc="Everything that makes LinHES an automated system"
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ md5sums=('5ee78704cab0e88ec58d1aab821fc1aa'
-         'c9f6f08c415b8adee2c45ebeb5c11edb'
+         'f2b16283a8c89b08d5e5360f7bf4c026'
diff --git a/abs/core/LinHES-system/ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
index 3badbdc..600c8fe 100644
--- a/abs/core/LinHES-system/
+++ b/abs/core/LinHES-system/
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ class disk_device:
     def partition_disk(self):
-        print "    Creating new partiton table"
+        print "    Creating new partition table"
         cmd = "parted -s -a optimal %s mklabel gpt" %self.block_path
         cmd = "parted -s -a optimal %s mkpart primary \" 1 -1\"" %self.block_path
@@ -190,20 +190,23 @@ class disk_device:
         return fstype
-    def format_disk(self):
+    def lookup_format(self):
         fstab = self.read_fstab()
-        #lookup format
         current_media_mount = self.find_options_type(fstab)[1]
         new_fstype = self.find_fstype(current_media_mount)
         #setting self.new_fstype so that it can be referenced when setting fstab
         self.new_fstype = new_fstype
+        return
+    def format_disk(self):
+        #lookup format
+        #self.lookup_format()
         #do format
-        if new_fstype == "xfs":
-            cmd = "mkfs -t %s -f %s " %(new_fstype,self.block_partition)
+        if self.new_fstype == "xfs":
+            cmd = "mkfs -t %s -f %s " %(self.new_fstype,self.block_partition)
-            cmd = "mkfs -t %s %s " %(new_fstype,self.block_partition)
-        print "    Formating %s with %s" %(self.block_partition,new_fstype)
+            cmd = "mkfs -t %s %s " %(self.new_fstype,self.block_partition)
+        print "    Formatting %s with %s" %(self.block_partition,self.new_fstype)
@@ -286,8 +289,13 @@ class disk_device:
         if no_mount == False:
-            cmd = "mount %s" %self.new_mount_point
-            runcmd(cmd)
+            if os.path.ismount(self.new_mount_point):
+                print "    Disk already mounted, will not mount:\n       %s" %self.new_mount_point
+                pass
+            else:
+                print "    Mounting %s" %self.new_mount_point
+                cmd = "mount %s" %self.new_mount_point
+                runcmd(cmd)
     def mkdirs(self,FS_LIST):
@@ -447,16 +455,16 @@ def prompt_to_add(current_drive,destruction = True):
     loop = True
     if destruction :
         prompt = '''
-        Adding the disk will remove all contents on the disk.
+        ** Adding this disk will remove all contents on the disk. **
+        This disk will be partitioned and formatted.
-        Do you wish enable this disk for MythTV storage(Y/N)?:'''
+        Enable this disk for MythTV storage (Y/N)?:'''
         prompt = '''
-        ** Preserving existing data  **
-         will not format or partition
+        ** Preserving existing contents on the disk. **
+        This disk will NOT be partitioned or formatted.
-        Do you wish enable this disk for MythTV storage(Y/N)?:
-        '''
+        Enable this disk for MythTV storage (Y/N)?:'''
     while loop:
         str1 = raw_input(prompt)
@@ -470,11 +478,17 @@ def prompt_to_add(current_drive,destruction = True):
         rc = False
     return rc
-def prompt_to_continue():
+def prompt_to_continue(process_list):
     loop = True
     #while loop:
-    print "\n\n\n\n"
-    str1 = raw_input("\n    Ready to add additional storage!\n    Press Y to add disk(s), anything else to abort:")
+    print "\n\n\n   Ready to add additional storage!\n"
+    if destruction:
+        print "** WARNING: These disk(s) WILL be partitioned and formatted. **\n   ** All content on these disk(s) will be erased. **"
+    else:
+        print "   ** These disk(s) will NOT be partitioned and formatted. **"  
+    for i in process_list:
+        print "      %s" %(i.get_name())
+    str1 = raw_input("\n   Press Y to add disk(s), any other key to cancel:")
         #if str1 in ['Y','N','y','n']:
         #    loop = False
@@ -484,6 +498,7 @@ def prompt_to_continue():
         rc = True
         rc = False
+        print "\nCancelled: No disk(s) added to your system."
     print "-----"
     return rc
@@ -499,7 +514,7 @@ def prompt_sg(dir_be_sg,dir_fe_sg):
     The content on these storage groups will
     only be available while the system is online.
-    Do you wish enable Backend Storage Groups(Y/N)?:'''
+    Enable Backend Storage Groups (Y/N)?:'''
         while loop:
             str1 = raw_input(prompt_string)
@@ -519,14 +534,14 @@ def prompt_sg(dir_be_sg,dir_fe_sg):
     if dir_fe_sg != True:
         loop = True
         print ""
-        print "+" * 20
+        print "    ++++++++++++++++++++"
     Frontend Storage Groups are used for artwork and videos.
     The content on these storage groups will
     only be available while the system is online.
-    Do you wish enable Frontend Storage Groups(Y/N)?:'''
+    Enable Frontend Storage Groups (Y/N)?:'''
         while loop:
             str1 = raw_input(prompt_string)
             if str1 in ['Y','N','y','n']:
@@ -548,7 +563,7 @@ def prompt_sg(dir_be_sg,dir_fe_sg):
 def remove_pickle():
-        print "* Resetting list of known disks."
+        print "\n* Removing list of known disks.\n"
@@ -594,6 +609,7 @@ def main(scan_only, destruction, no_mount, install_call , dir_fe_sg, dir_be_sg):
                 dstatus = "    Ignoring - Disk has been previously skipped and is mounted:"
             print "\n"
+            print "    --------------------------------------------------------"
             print dstatus
             print "        model: %s" %i.model
             print "        location: %s" %i.block_path
@@ -604,31 +620,31 @@ def main(scan_only, destruction, no_mount, install_call , dir_fe_sg, dir_be_sg):
             if not scan_only:
                 print "\n"
                 print "    --------------------------------------------------------"
-                print "    Found new disk:"
+                print "    Found New Disk:"
                 print "        model: %s" %i.model
                 print "        location: %s" %i.block_path
                 print "        size: %s " %i.device_size
                 if prompt_to_add(i,destruction) :
-                    print "\n    Disk will be added to the storage pool!"
+                    print "\n    %s will be added to your system!" %i.model
     print "\n"
-    print "  End of Scan"
+    print "  Scan Finished"
     print "-" * 60
     if scan_only:
         if len(process_list) > 0:
-            print "    Unknown or unmounted disks:"
+            print "    Unknown or Unmounted Disks:"
             f = open('/tmp/scan_report', 'w')
             for i in process_list:
                 f.write("disk: %s , location: %s ,size: %s \n" %(i.model,i.block_path,i.device_size))
                 print "\n"
                 print "    ---------------------------------------------------------"
-                print "    Found new disk:"
+                print "    Found New Disk:"
                 print "        model: %s" %i.model
                 print "        location: %s" %i.block_path
                 print "        size: %s " %i.device_size
@@ -646,7 +662,7 @@ def main(scan_only, destruction, no_mount, install_call , dir_fe_sg, dir_be_sg):
-        print "\nDid not find any new disks to add.\n"
+        print "\nThere are no disks to add to your system.\n\nFor more options: --help\n"
             #BE = MythBE(db=DB)
@@ -660,12 +676,13 @@ def main(scan_only, destruction, no_mount, install_call , dir_fe_sg, dir_be_sg):
         print "\n  Will add %s disk(s) to your system." %len(process_list)
         dir_be_sg , dir_fe_sg = prompt_sg(dir_be_sg,dir_fe_sg)
-        if prompt_to_continue() == True:
+        if prompt_to_continue(process_list) == True:
             disk_num = last_disk_num()
             for i in process_list:
                 print "    Disk: %s" %(i.get_name())
                 disk_num = disk_num + 1
+                i.lookup_format()
                 if destruction == True:
@@ -862,7 +879,6 @@ class reconstruct_path:
         cmd = "ln -s %s %s" %(self.mount_point,disk_ln)
     def add_fstab(self):
         #new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', 'auto', 'defaults', '0', '1']
         new_fstab_list=['UUID=', 'mount_point', self.fstype, 'defaults', '0', '1']
@@ -897,8 +913,13 @@ class reconstruct_path:
         if no_mount == False :
-            cmd = "mount %s" %self.mount_point
-            runcmd(cmd)
+            if os.path.ismount(self.mount_point):
+                print "    Disk already mounted, will not mount:\n       %s" %self.mount_point
+                pass
+            else:
+                print "    Mounting %s" %self.mount_point
+                cmd = "mount %s" %self.mount_point
+                runcmd(cmd)
     def write_config(self):
@@ -917,14 +938,14 @@ class reconstruct_path:
 def reconstruct_mounts(no_mount):
-    print "Recreating disks based on contents of /etc/storage.d"
+    print "\nRecreating disks from contents of /etc/storage.d/"
     for conf_file in glob.glob('%s/*.conf' %storage_dir):
         print "\n"
         cf = reconstruct_path(conf_file)
         #print cf.get_conf()
         #print cf.get_uuid()
-        print "    %s" %cf.get_mount_point()
+        print "    Recreating %s" %cf.get_mount_point()
         #print cf.get_shareable()
         #print cf.get_is_myth_mount()
         #print cf.get_disk_num()
@@ -934,6 +955,7 @@ def reconstruct_mounts(no_mount):
+    print "\n\nDone recreating disks.\n"
@@ -941,31 +963,43 @@ def usage():
     help=''' finds and sets up disks for MythTV usage.
     It's a powerful tool that could destroy data if not used correctly,
-        so please be careful.
+        please be careful.
+    Scanned disks are ignored if they are mounted or have been
+        previously skipped by
     The file system type for disks added by is 
-        automatically set to the type you selected at install.
+        automatically set to the type selected for the data partition
+        at install.
-    Normal operations include (in this order):
+    Normal operations without options include (in this order):
         Partition the disk
         Format the disk
         Add disk to /etc/fstab
         Mount the disk
         Create the directories
-        Write out the config file to /etc/storage.d
+        Write out the disk config file to /etc/storage.d/
+        Create disk# symlink at /data/storage/
+        Create /myth symlink (if applicable)
         Add new locations to MythTV storage groups
-    --no_mount:         Do not mount the disk, only add it to /etc/fstab
-                        and create the directory.
+    --add_be_sg:        Create the storage group directories for backup,
+                           tv and streaming. Excludes artwork and video.
+    --add_fe_sg:        Create the storage group directories for artwork
+                           and video. Excludes backup, tv and streaming.
+    -h, --help:         Show this help message.
+    --new_init:         Erase the list of known disks and rescan.
     --no_destruction:   Will not partition or format the disk.
-                        This can be used to import disks from other systems.
-    --new_init:         Erase the list of new disks and rescan.
+                           All other normal operations will be performed.
+                           Can be used to import disks from other systems.
+    --no_mount:         Do not mount the disk.
+                           All other normal operations will be performed.
+    --reconstruct:      Recreate mount point, /myth symlink, fstab entry,
+                           /data/storage/disk# symlink, and mount the disk.
+                           no_mount is the only option that works with
+                           reconstruct.
     --report:           Scan disks and print new found disks.
-    --add_fe_sg:        Create the storage group directories for artwork
-                        and video. Excludes backup, tv and streaming.
-    --add_be_sg:        Create the storage group directories for backup,
-                        tv and streaming.
     print help
@@ -988,9 +1022,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     if not os.geteuid()==0:
-        sys.exit("\nRoot access is required to run this program\n")
+        sys.exit("\nRoot access is required to run this program.\n")
-    if "--help" in sys.argv:
+    if "--help" in sys.argv or "-h" in sys.argv:
     if "--install_call" in sys.argv:
@@ -1014,7 +1048,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     if "--add_be_sg" in sys.argv:
         dir_be_sg = True
     if "--reconstruct" in sys.argv:
         reconstruct = True
cgit v0.12