From 8a24d8d6837acba283c55724acfeea6e1bd6b771 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nathan Harris <>
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 2009 17:07:19 -0500
Subject: xbmc: moved out of community in prep for update

 abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/ChangeLog    |  64 -------
 abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/PKGBUILD     | 118 -------------
 abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/xbmc.install |   9 -
 abs/extra-testing/xbmc/Lircmap.xml            | 233 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 abs/extra-testing/xbmc/PKGBUILD               |  86 ++++++++++
 abs/extra-testing/xbmc/__changelog            |   1 +
 abs/extra-testing/xbmc/xbmc.install           |   7 +
 7 files changed, 327 insertions(+), 191 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/ChangeLog
 delete mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/PKGBUILD
 delete mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/xbmc.install
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/xbmc/Lircmap.xml
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/xbmc/PKGBUILD
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/xbmc/__changelog
 create mode 100644 abs/extra-testing/xbmc/xbmc.install

diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/ChangeLog b/abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index 59f2370..0000000
--- a/abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-2009-03-07 [vEX] <>
-	* 8.10-10 :
-	Try and fix some autoconf issues (thanks Gentoo ebuild).
-2009-02-08 [vEX] <>
-	* 8.10-9 :
-	Replace some libtool '' scripts with the one from libtool 
-	installed with Arch.
-	Make sure XBMCTex isn't linked to OpenGL libraries or it will segfault
-	on systems using the nvidia driver.
-2009-01-30 [vEX] <>
-	* 8.10-8 :
-	Fix some include's so that gcc 4.3.x is happy, shouldn't complain about
-	undefined '::realloc' anymore.
-	Remove Mac OS X specific files.
-2009-01-25 [vEX] <>
-	* 8.10-7 :
-	Moved libcdio, pmount, smbclient and unrar to optdepends.
-	Removed unneeded dependency on sdl_gfx.
-	Removed dependency on libpng as sdl_image depends on it.
-2008-12-14 [vEX] <>
-	* 8.10-6 :
-	Added libpng to dependency list.
-	Added gawk to dependency list.
-	Removed '--disable-mms' and '--enable-halmount' configure flags as they
-	are not mentioned as supported in the configure script.
-2008-12-06 [vEX] <>
-	* 8.10-5 :
-	Added libmad to the dependency list.
-	Streamripper 1.64.0+ does not include tre anymore, removed streamripper
-	and added tre instead.
-	Removed subversion from makedepends.
-2008-12-06 [vEX] <>
-	* 8.10-4 :
-	Fix permissions for some more scripts, ffmpeg/ should not
-	fail any longer.
-2008-12-05 [vEX] <>
-	* 8.10-3 :
-	Added lirc to the optdepends array.
-2008-11-26 [vEX] <>
-	* 8.10-2 :
-	Added install file which informs users that a display depth of at
-	least 24-bit is required.
-2008-11-17 [vEX] <>
-	* 8.10-1 :
-	Initial package, based on previous work by Zeqadious.
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/PKGBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 950d704..0000000
--- a/abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/PKGBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# Contributor: [vEX] <>
-# Contributor: Zeqadious <>
-pkgdesc="XBMC Media Center"
-arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
-license=('GPL' 'custom')
-depends=('alsa-lib' 'curl' 'enca' 'faac' 'freetype2' 'fribidi' 'gawk' 'glew' \
-         'hal' 'jasper' 'libgl' 'libjpeg>=6b-5' 'libmad' 'libmysqlclient' \
-         'libxinerama' 'libxrandr' 'lzo2' 'sdl_image' 'sdl_mixer' 'sqlite3' \
-         'tre' 'unzip' 'x-server')
-makedepends=('autoconf' 'automake' 'boost' 'cmake' 'gcc' 'gperf' 
-             'libtool>=2.2.6a-1' 'make' 'nasm' 'patch' 'pkgconfig' 'zip')
-optdepends=('libcdio: optical disc support'
-            'lirc: remote controller support'
-            'pmount: mount removable devices as normal user'
-            'smbclient: access windows shares'
-            'unrar: access compressed files without unpacking them')
-build() {
-    cd "${srcdir}/XBMC"
-    # Remove Mac OS X specific files
-    rm -rf system/python/lib-osx/
-    rm system/players/dvdplayer/*-osx*
-    # Fix permissions for the configure scripts
-    find -type f -name "configure"|xargs chmod a+x || return 1
-    # Fix other permissions
-    find -type f -name "*.pl"|xargs chmod a+x || return 1
-    # Make it gcc 4.3.x compatible
-    sed '92i#include <stdlib.h>' -i guilib/system.h || return 1
-    # Clean up the configure files and make sure they support C++.
-    for file in `find . -type f -name -or -name`; do
-        echo 'AC_PROG_CXX' >> "${file}"
-        sed -e '/AM_PATH_XMMS/ c\echo' \
-	    -e '/AM_PATH_SDL2/ c\echo' \
-	    -i ${file} || return 1
-    done
-    sed -e 's/test_libFLAC++//g' \
-        -i "${srcdir}/XBMC/xbmc/cores/paplayer/flac-1.2.1/src/" || return 1
-    # Fix some autoconf issues
-    touch ${srcdir}/XBMC/xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/Codecs/libmad/{NEWS,AUTHORS,ChangeLog} || return 1
-    touch ${srcdir}/XBMC/xbmc/visualizations/Goom/goom2k4-0/ylwrap || return 1
-    touch ${srcdir}/XBMC/xbmc/lib/libid3tag/libid3tag/{NEWS,README,AUTHORS,ChangeLog} || return 1
-    for dir in \
-    	. \
-    	xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/Codecs/libDVDCSS \
-    	xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/Codecs/libdts \
-    	xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/Codecs/libdvdnav \
-    	xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/Codecs/libfaad2 \
-    	xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/Codecs/libmad \
-    	xbmc/cores/dvdplayer/Codecs/libmpeg2 \
-    	xbmc/cores/paplayer/flac-1.2.1 \
-    	xbmc/cores/paplayer/vorbisfile/libvorbis \
-    	xbmc/cores/paplayer/vorbisfile/ogg \
-    	xbmc/visualizations/Goom/goom2k4-0 \
-    	xbmc/lib/libass \
-    	xbmc/lib/libid3tag/libid3tag
-    do
-	autoreconf --install "${srcdir}/XBMC/${dir}" || return 1
-    done
-    cd "${srcdir}/XBMC/"
-    # Configure XBMC
-    ./configure --prefix=/usr \
-                --disable-debug || return 1
-    # Fix false negative detections of realloc that happens some times
-    if grep -q 'HAVE_REALLOC 0' config.h; then
-      sed -e 's|#define HAVE_REALLOC 0|#define HAVE_REALLOC 1|' \
-          -e 's|#define realloc rpl_realloc|/* #define realloc rpl_realloc */|' \
-          -i config.h || return 1
-    fi
-    # XBMCTex will segfault on systems with nvidia instaleld if linked to OpenGL
-    sed -e 's/-lGLU -lGLEW -lGL//' \
-        -i ${srcdir}/XBMC/tools/XBMCTex/Makefile
-    # Now (finally) build
-    make || return 1
-    make prefix=${pkgdir}/usr install || return 1
-    # Fix the shell script
-    sed -i '4iexport SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa' ${pkgdir}/usr/bin/xbmc
-    # Xrandr
-    install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/XBMC/xbmc-xrandr \
-                   ${pkgdir}/usr/share/xbmc/xbmc-xrandr || return 1
-    # Menu item
-    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/XBMC/tools/Linux/xbmc.desktop \
-                   ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/xbmc.desktop || return 1
-    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/XBMC/tools/Linux/xbmc.png \
-                   ${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/xbmc.png || return 1
-    # XBMCTex
-    install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/XBMC/tools/XBMCTex/XBMCTex \
-                   ${pkgdir}/usr/share/xbmc/tools/xbmctex || return 1
-    # License(s)
-    install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
-    for licensef in LICENSE.GPL README.linux copying.txt; do
-        mv ${pkgdir}/usr/share/xbmc/${licensef} \
-           ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} || return 1
-    done
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/xbmc.install b/abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/xbmc.install
deleted file mode 100644
index 9316bc8..0000000
--- a/abs/extra-testing/community/xbmc/xbmc.install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-post_install() {
-  echo ">> If XBMC won't start, but just segfaults, double check your X.Org config"
-  echo ">> so that your display depth is at least 24-bit. Eg: change "
-  echo ">> \"DefaultDepth 16\" under the \"Screen\" section so it says 24 instead"
-  echo ">> of 16."
-  /bin/true
-# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/Lircmap.xml b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/Lircmap.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600567f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/Lircmap.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+<!-- This file contains the mapping of LIRC keys to XBMC keys used in Keymap.xml  -->
+<!--                                                                              -->
+<!-- How to add remotes                                                           -->
+<!-- <remote device="name_Lirc_calls_the_remote">                                 -->
+<!--                                                                              -->
+<!-- For the commands the layout following layout is used                         -->
+<!-- <XBMC_COMMAND>LircButtonName</XBMC_COMMAND>                                  -->
+<!--                                                                              -->
+<!-- For a list of XBMC_COMMAND's check out the <remote> sections of keymap.xml   -->
+	<remote device="mceusb">
+		<pause>Pause</pause>
+		<stop>Stop</stop>
+		<forward>Forward</forward>
+		<reverse>Rewind</reverse>
+		<left>Left</left>
+		<right>Right</right>
+		<up>Up</up>
+		<down>Down</down>
+		<select>OK</select>
+		<pageplus>ChanUp</pageplus>
+		<pageminus>ChanDown</pageminus>
+		<back>Back</back>
+		<menu>PreviousMenu</menu>
+		<title>Play</title>
+		<info>More</info>
+		<skipplus>Skip</skipplus>
+		<skipminus>Replay</skipminus>
+		<display>Teletext</display>
+		<start>Home</start>
+		<record>Record</record>
+		<volumeplus>VolUp</volumeplus>
+		<volumeminus>VolDown</volumeminus>
+		<mute>Mute</mute>
+		<power>Power</power>
+		<myvideo>Videos</myvideo>
+		<mymusic>Music</mymusic>
+		<mypictures>Pictures</mypictures>
+		<mytv>TV</mytv>
+		<one>One</one>
+		<two>Two</two>
+		<three>Three</three>
+		<four>Four</four>
+		<five>Five</five>
+		<six>Six</six>
+		<seven>Seven</seven>
+		<eight>Eight</eight>
+		<nine>Nine</nine>
+		<zero>Zero</zero>
+		<mytv>Red</mytv>
+		<mymusic>Green</mymusic>
+		<mypictures>Yellow</mypictures>
+		<myvideo>Blue</myvideo>
+	</remote>
+	<remote device="mceusb2">
+		<pause>Pause</pause>
+		<stop>Stop</stop>
+		<forward>Forward</forward>
+		<reverse>Rewind</reverse>
+		<left>Left</left>
+		<right>Right</right>
+		<up>Up</up>
+		<down>Down</down>
+		<select>OK</select>
+		<pageplus>ChanUp</pageplus>
+		<pageminus>ChanDown</pageminus>
+		<back>Back</back>
+		<menu>PreviousMenu</menu>
+		<title>Play</title>
+		<info>More</info>
+		<skipplus>Skip</skipplus>
+		<skipminus>Replay</skipminus>
+		<display>Teletext</display>
+		<start>Home</start>
+		<record>Record</record>
+		<volumeplus>VolUp</volumeplus>
+		<volumeminus>VolDown</volumeminus>
+		<mute>Mute</mute>
+		<power>Power</power>
+		<myvideo>Videos</myvideo>
+		<mymusic>Music</mymusic>
+		<mypictures>Pictures</mypictures>
+		<mytv>TV</mytv>
+		<one>One</one>
+		<two>Two</two>
+		<three>Three</three>
+		<four>Four</four>
+		<five>Five</five>
+		<six>Six</six>
+		<seven>Seven</seven>
+		<eight>Eight</eight>
+		<nine>Nine</nine>
+		<zero>Zero</zero>
+		<mytv>Red</mytv>
+		<mymusic>Green</mymusic>
+		<mypictures>Yellow</mypictures>
+		<myvideo>Blue</myvideo>
+	</remote>
+	<remote device="XboxDVDDongle">
+		<play>PLAY</play>
+		<pause>PAUSE</pause>
+		<stop>STOP</stop>
+		<forward>FORWARD</forward>
+		<reverse>REVERSE</reverse>
+		<left>LEFT</left>
+		<right>RIGHT</right>
+		<up>UP</up>
+		<down>DOWN</down>
+		<select>SELECT</select>
+		<back>BACK</back>
+		<menu>MENU</menu>
+		<title>TITLE</title>
+		<info>INFO</info>
+		<skipplus>SKIP+</skipplus>
+		<skipminus>SKIP-</skipminus>
+		<display>DISPLAY</display>
+		<one>1</one>
+		<two>2</two>
+		<three>3</three>
+		<four>4</four>
+		<five>5</five>
+		<six>6</six>
+		<seven>7</seven>
+		<eight>8</eight>
+		<nine>9</nine>
+		<zero>0</zero>
+	</remote>
+	<remote device="Microsoft_Xbox">
+		<play>PLAY</play>
+		<pause>PAUSE</pause>
+		<stop>STOP</stop>
+		<forward>FORWARD</forward>
+		<reverse>REVERSE</reverse>
+		<left>LEFT</left>
+		<right>RIGHT</right>
+		<up>UP</up>
+		<down>DOWN</down>
+		<select>SELECT</select>
+		<back>BACK</back>
+		<menu>MENU</menu>
+		<title>TITLE</title>
+		<info>INFO</info>
+		<skipplus>SKIP+</skipplus>
+		<skipminus>SKIP-</skipminus>
+		<display>DISPLAY</display>
+		<one>1</one>
+		<two>2</two>
+		<three>3</three>
+		<four>4</four>
+		<five>5</five>
+		<six>6</six>
+		<seven>7</seven>
+		<eight>8</eight>
+		<nine>9</nine>
+		<zero>0</zero>
+	</remote>
+	<remote device="PinnacleSysPCTVRemote">
+		<play>Play</play>
+		<pause>pause</pause>
+		<stop>Stop</stop>
+		<forward>FForward</forward>
+		<reverse>Rewind</reverse>
+		<left>Vol-Rew</left>
+		<right>Vol+FF</right>
+		<up>Chan+Play</up>
+		<down>Chan-Stop</down>
+		<pageplus>channel+</pageplus>
+		<pageminus>channel-</pageminus>
+		<select>middle</select>
+		<back>undo</back>
+		<menu>Menu</menu>
+		<title>L</title>
+		<info>Info</info>
+		<skipplus>next</skipplus>
+		<display>Fullscreen</display>
+		<record>Record</record>
+		<volumeplus>vol+</volumeplus>
+		<volumeminus>vol-</volumeminus>
+		<mute>Mute</mute>
+		<power>Power</power>
+		<one>1</one>
+		<two>2</two>
+		<three>3</three>
+		<four>4</four>
+		<five>5</five>
+		<six>6</six>
+		<seven>7</seven>
+		<eight>8</eight>
+		<nine>9</nine>
+		<zero>0</zero>
+	</remote>
+        <remote device="Streamzap_PC_Remote">
+                <play>PLAY</play>
+                <pause>PAUSE</pause>
+                <stop>STOP</stop>
+                <forward>&gt;&gt;</forward>
+                <reverse>&lt;&lt;</reverse>
+                <left>LEFT</left>
+                <right>RIGHT</right>
+                <up>UP</up>
+                <down>DOWN</down>
+                <pageplus>CH_UP</pageplus>
+                <pageminus>CH_DOWN</pageminus>
+                <select>OK</select>
+                <back>EXIT</back>
+                <menu>MENU</menu>
+                <title>RED</title>
+                <info>GREEN</info>
+                <skipplus>&gt;&gt;|</skipplus>
+                <display>YELLOW</display>
+                <record>RECORD</record>
+                <volumeplus>VOL_UP</volumeplus>
+                <volumeminus>VOL_DOWN</volumeminus>
+                <mute>MUTE</mute>
+                <power>POWER</power>
+                <one>1</one>
+                <two>2</two>
+                <three>3</three>
+                <four>4</four>
+                <five>5</five>
+                <six>6</six>
+                <seven>7</seven>
+                <eight>8</eight>
+                <nine>9</nine>
+                <zero>0</zero>
+        </remote>
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/PKGBUILD b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/PKGBUILD
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81755b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/PKGBUILD
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# Contributor: [vEX] <>
+# Contributor: Zeqadious <>
+pkgdesc="XBMC Media Center"
+arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
+license=('GPL' 'custom')
+depends=('alsa-lib' 'curl' 'enca' 'faac' 'freetype2' 'fribidi' 'gawk' 'glew'
+         'hal' 'jasper' 'libgl' 'libjpeg>=6b-5' 'libmad' 'libmysqlclient'
+         'libxinerama' 'libxrandr' 'lzo2' 'sdl_image' 'sdl_mixer' 'sqlite3'
+         'tre' 'unzip' 'x-server' 'libcdio' 'wavpack' 'libmpeg2' 'a52dec'
+         'smbclient' 'faad2' 'libsamplerate' 'libmms' 'xorg-utils')
+makedepends=('autoconf' 'automake' 'boost' 'cmake' 'gcc' 'gperf'
+	     'libtool>=2.2.6a-1' 'make' 'nasm' 'patch' 'pkgconfig' 'zip'
+	     'libvdpau')
+optdepends=('libcdio: optical disc support'
+            'lirc: remote controller support'
+            'pmount: mount removable devices as normal user'
+            'smbclient: access windows shares'
+            'unrar: access compressed files without unpacking them')
+source=("$pkgver/xbmc-${pkgver/_/-}.tar.gz" \
+	'Lircmap.xml')
+build() {
+    cd "${srcdir}/xbmc-${pkgver/_/-}"
+    _xbmcprefix=/opt/xbmc
+    if [ $NOEXTRACT -ne 1 ]; then
+#    if true; then
+    ./bootstrap
+    ./configure --prefix=${_xbmcprefix} \
+                --enable-vdpau \
+                --disable-pulse \
+                --disable-avahi \
+                --enable-external-liba52 \
+                --enable-external-libdts \
+                --enable-external-libmpeg2 \
+                --enable-external-libogg \
+                --enable-external-libwavpack \
+                --disable-external-libass \
+                --disable-external-ffmpeg \
+                --disable-external-python \
+                --disable-debug || return 1
+    fi
+    make || return 1
+    make prefix=${pkgdir}${_xbmcprefix} install || return 1
+    # Fix the shell script
+    sed -i '3iexport SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa' ${pkgdir}${_xbmcprefix}/bin/xbmc
+    # Menu item
+    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/xbmc-${pkgver/_/-}/tools/Linux/xbmc.desktop \
+                   ${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/xbmc.desktop || return 1
+    install -Dm644 ${srcdir}/xbmc-${pkgver/_/-}/tools/Linux/xbmc.png \
+                   ${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/xbmc.png || return 1
+    # XBMCTex
+#    install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/xbmc-${pkgver/_/-}/tools/XBMCTex/XBMCTex \
+#                   ${pkgdir}${_xbmcprefix}/share/xbmc/tools/xbmctex || return 1
+    # License(s)
+    install -dm755 ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
+    for licensef in LICENSE.GPL README.linux copying.txt; do
+        mv ${pkgdir}${_xbmcprefix}/share/xbmc/${licensef} \
+           ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} || return 1
+    done
+    # profile.d
+    mkdir -p $pkgdir/etc/profile.d/ && \
+    echo "export PATH=\$PATH:${_xbmcprefix}/bin" >$pkgdir/etc/profile.d/ && \
+    chmod 0755 $pkgdir/etc/profile.d/ || return 1
+    # fix .desktop
+    sed -i 's#Exec=xbmc#Exec=/opt/xbmc/bin/xbmc#' $pkgdir/opt/xbmc/share/xsessions/XBMC.desktop $pkgdir/usr/share/applications/xbmc.desktop
+    # Use custom Lircmap to support StreamZap remote
+    cp ${srcdir}/Lircmap.xml ${pkgdir}${_xbmcprefix}/share/xbmc/system/Lircmap.xml
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/__changelog b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/__changelog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf1705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/__changelog
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Added Lircmap.xml to PKGBUILD to support MCE2 and StreamZap remotes
diff --git a/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/xbmc.install b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/xbmc.install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb4e9d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/abs/extra-testing/xbmc/xbmc.install
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+post_install() {
+  echo ">> If XBMC won't start, but just segfaults, double check your X.Org config"
+  echo ">> so that your display depth is at least 24-bit. Eg: change "
+  echo ">> \"DefaultDepth 16\" under the \"Screen\" section so it says 24 instead"
+  echo ">> of 16."
+  /bin/true
cgit v0.12