/* * C Implementation: vfs-file-info * * Description: File information * * * Author: Hong Jen Yee (PCMan) , (C) 2006 * * Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution * */ #include "vfs-file-info.h" #include #include "glib-mem.h" #include #include /* Query group name */ #include /* Query user name */ #include #include "vfs-app-desktop.h" #include "vfs-thumbnail-loader.h" #include "vfs-utils.h" /* for vfs_load_icon */ static int big_thumb_size = 48, small_thumb_size = 20; static gboolean utf8_file_name = FALSE; void vfs_file_info_set_utf8_filename( gboolean is_utf8 ) { utf8_file_name = is_utf8; } VFSFileInfo* vfs_file_info_new () { VFSFileInfo * fi = g_slice_new0( VFSFileInfo ); fi->n_ref = 1; return fi; } static void vfs_file_info_clear( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { if ( fi->disp_name && fi->disp_name != fi->name ) { g_free( fi->disp_name ); fi->disp_name = NULL; } if ( fi->name ) { g_free( fi->name ); fi->name = NULL; } if ( fi->disp_size ) { g_free( fi->disp_size ); fi->disp_size = NULL; } if ( fi->disp_owner ) { g_free( fi->disp_owner ); fi->disp_owner = NULL; } if ( fi->disp_mtime ) { g_free( fi->disp_mtime ); fi->disp_mtime = NULL; } if ( fi->big_thumbnail ) { gdk_pixbuf_unref( fi->big_thumbnail ); fi->big_thumbnail = NULL; } if ( fi->small_thumbnail ) { gdk_pixbuf_unref( fi->small_thumbnail ); fi->small_thumbnail = NULL; } fi->disp_perm[ 0 ] = '\0'; if ( fi->mime_type ) { vfs_mime_type_unref( fi->mime_type ); fi->mime_type = NULL; } fi->flags = VFS_FILE_INFO_NONE; } VFSFileInfo* vfs_file_info_ref( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { g_atomic_int_inc( &fi->n_ref ); return fi; } void vfs_file_info_unref( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { if ( g_atomic_int_dec_and_test( &fi->n_ref) ) { vfs_file_info_clear( fi ); g_slice_free( VFSFileInfo, fi ); } } gboolean vfs_file_info_get( VFSFileInfo* fi, const char* file_path, const char* base_name ) { struct stat file_stat; vfs_file_info_clear( fi ); if ( base_name ) fi->name = g_strdup( base_name ); else fi->name = g_path_get_basename( file_path ); if ( lstat( file_path, &file_stat ) == 0 ) { /* This is time-consuming but can save much memory */ fi->mode = file_stat.st_mode; fi->dev = file_stat.st_dev; fi->uid = file_stat.st_uid; fi->gid = file_stat.st_gid; fi->size = file_stat.st_size; fi->mtime = file_stat.st_mtime; fi->atime = file_stat.st_atime; fi->blksize = file_stat.st_blksize; fi->blocks = file_stat.st_blocks; if ( G_LIKELY( utf8_file_name && g_utf8_validate ( fi->name, -1, NULL ) ) ) { fi->disp_name = fi->name; /* Don't duplicate the name and save memory */ } else { fi->disp_name = g_filename_display_name( fi->name ); } fi->mime_type = vfs_mime_type_get_from_file( file_path, fi->disp_name, &file_stat ); return TRUE; } else fi->mime_type = vfs_mime_type_get_from_type( XDG_MIME_TYPE_UNKNOWN ); return FALSE; } const char* vfs_file_info_get_name( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return fi->name; } /* Get displayed name encoded in UTF-8 */ const char* vfs_file_info_get_disp_name( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return fi->disp_name; } void vfs_file_info_set_disp_name( VFSFileInfo* fi, const char* name ) { if ( fi->disp_name && fi->disp_name != fi->name ) g_free( fi->disp_name ); fi->disp_name = g_strdup( name ); } void vfs_file_info_set_name( VFSFileInfo* fi, const char* name ) { g_free( fi->name ); fi->name = g_strdup( name ); } off_t vfs_file_info_get_size( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return fi->size; } const char* vfs_file_info_get_disp_size( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { if ( G_UNLIKELY( !fi->disp_size ) ) { char buf[ 64 ]; vfs_file_size_to_string( buf, fi->size ); fi->disp_size = g_strdup( buf ); } return fi->disp_size; } off_t vfs_file_info_get_blocks( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return fi->blocks; } VFSMimeType* vfs_file_info_get_mime_type( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { vfs_mime_type_ref( fi->mime_type ); return fi->mime_type; } void vfs_file_info_reload_mime_type( VFSFileInfo* fi, const char* full_path ) { VFSMimeType * old_mime_type; struct stat file_stat; /* convert VFSFileInfo to struct stat */ /* In current implementation, only st_mode is used in mime-type detection, so let's save some CPU cycles and don't copy unused fields. */ file_stat.st_mode = fi->mode; /* file_stat.st_dev = fi->dev; file_stat.st_uid = fi->uid; file_stat.st_gid = fi->gid; file_stat.st_size = fi->size; file_stat.st_mtime = fi->mtime; file_stat.st_atime = fi->atime; file_stat.st_blksize = fi->blksize; file_stat.st_blocks = fi->blocks; */ old_mime_type = fi->mime_type; fi->mime_type = vfs_mime_type_get_from_file( full_path, fi->name, &file_stat ); vfs_file_info_load_special_info( fi, full_path ); vfs_mime_type_unref( old_mime_type ); /* FIXME: is vfs_mime_type_unref needed ?*/ } const char* vfs_file_info_get_mime_type_desc( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return vfs_mime_type_get_description( fi->mime_type ); } GdkPixbuf* vfs_file_info_get_big_icon( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { /* get special icons for special files, especially for some desktop icons */ if ( G_UNLIKELY( fi->flags != VFS_FILE_INFO_NONE ) ) { int w, h; int icon_size; vfs_mime_type_get_icon_size( &icon_size, NULL ); if ( fi->big_thumbnail ) { w = gdk_pixbuf_get_width( fi->big_thumbnail ); h = gdk_pixbuf_get_height( fi->big_thumbnail ); } else w = h = 0; if ( ABS( MAX( w, h ) - icon_size ) > 2 ) { char * icon_name = NULL; if ( fi->big_thumbnail ) { icon_name = ( char* ) g_object_steal_data( G_OBJECT(fi->big_thumbnail), "name" ); gdk_pixbuf_unref( fi->big_thumbnail ); fi->big_thumbnail = NULL; } if ( G_LIKELY( icon_name ) ) { if ( G_UNLIKELY( icon_name[ 0 ] == '/' ) ) fi->big_thumbnail = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file( icon_name, NULL ); else fi->big_thumbnail = vfs_load_icon( gtk_icon_theme_get_default(), icon_name, icon_size ); } if ( fi->big_thumbnail ) g_object_set_data_full( G_OBJECT(fi->big_thumbnail), "name", icon_name, g_free ); else g_free( icon_name ); } return fi->big_thumbnail ? gdk_pixbuf_ref( fi->big_thumbnail ) : NULL; } if( G_UNLIKELY(!fi->mime_type) ) return NULL; return vfs_mime_type_get_icon( fi->mime_type, TRUE ); } GdkPixbuf* vfs_file_info_get_small_icon( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return vfs_mime_type_get_icon( fi->mime_type, FALSE ); } GdkPixbuf* vfs_file_info_get_big_thumbnail( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return fi->big_thumbnail ? gdk_pixbuf_ref( fi->big_thumbnail ) : NULL; } GdkPixbuf* vfs_file_info_get_small_thumbnail( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return fi->small_thumbnail ? gdk_pixbuf_ref( fi->small_thumbnail ) : NULL; } const char* vfs_file_info_get_disp_owner( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { struct passwd * puser; struct group* pgroup; char uid_str_buf[ 32 ]; char* user_name; char gid_str_buf[ 32 ]; char* group_name; /* FIXME: user names should be cached */ if ( ! fi->disp_owner ) { puser = getpwuid( fi->uid ); if ( puser && puser->pw_name && *puser->pw_name ) user_name = puser->pw_name; else { sprintf( uid_str_buf, "%d", fi->uid ); user_name = uid_str_buf; } pgroup = getgrgid( fi->gid ); if ( pgroup && pgroup->gr_name && *pgroup->gr_name ) group_name = pgroup->gr_name; else { sprintf( gid_str_buf, "%d", fi->gid ); group_name = gid_str_buf; } fi->disp_owner = g_strdup_printf ( "%s:%s", user_name, group_name ); } return fi->disp_owner; } const char* vfs_file_info_get_disp_mtime( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { if ( ! fi->disp_mtime ) { char buf[ 64 ]; strftime( buf, sizeof( buf ), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", localtime( &fi->mtime ) ); fi->disp_mtime = g_strdup( buf ); } return fi->disp_mtime; } time_t* vfs_file_info_get_mtime( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return & fi->mtime; } time_t* vfs_file_info_get_atime( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return & fi->atime; } static void get_file_perm_string( char* perm, mode_t mode ) { perm[ 0 ] = S_ISDIR( mode ) ? 'd' : ( S_ISLNK( mode ) ? 'l' : '-' ); perm[ 1 ] = ( mode & S_IRUSR ) ? 'r' : '-'; perm[ 2 ] = ( mode & S_IWUSR ) ? 'w' : '-'; perm[ 3 ] = ( mode & S_IXUSR ) ? 'x' : '-'; perm[ 4 ] = ( mode & S_IRGRP ) ? 'r' : '-'; perm[ 5 ] = ( mode & S_IWGRP ) ? 'w' : '-'; perm[ 6 ] = ( mode & S_IXGRP ) ? 'x' : '-'; perm[ 7 ] = ( mode & S_IROTH ) ? 'r' : '-'; perm[ 8 ] = ( mode & S_IWOTH ) ? 'w' : '-'; perm[ 9 ] = ( mode & S_IXOTH ) ? 'x' : '-'; perm[ 10 ] = '\0'; } const char* vfs_file_info_get_disp_perm( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { if ( ! fi->disp_perm[ 0 ] ) get_file_perm_string( fi->disp_perm, fi->mode ); return fi->disp_perm; } void vfs_file_size_to_string( char* buf, guint64 size ) { char * unit; /* guint point; */ gfloat val; /* FIXME: Is floating point calculation slower than integer division? Some profiling is needed here. */ if ( size > ( ( guint64 ) 1 ) << 30 ) { if ( size > ( ( guint64 ) 1 ) << 40 ) { /* size /= ( ( ( guint64 ) 1 << 40 ) / 10 ); point = ( guint ) ( size % 10 ); size /= 10; */ val = ((gfloat)size) / ( ( guint64 ) 1 << 40 ); unit = "TB"; } else { /* size /= ( ( 1 << 30 ) / 10 ); point = ( guint ) ( size % 10 ); size /= 10; */ val = ((gfloat)size) / ( ( guint64 ) 1 << 30 ); unit = "GB"; } } else if ( size > ( 1 << 20 ) ) { /* size /= ( ( 1 << 20 ) / 10 ); point = ( guint ) ( size % 10 ); size /= 10; */ val = ((gfloat)size) / ( ( guint64 ) 1 << 20 ); unit = "MB"; } else if ( size > ( 1 << 10 ) ) { /* size /= ( ( 1 << 10 ) / 10 ); point = size % 10; size /= 10; */ val = ((gfloat)size) / ( ( guint64 ) 1 << 10 ); unit = "KB"; } else { unit = size > 1 ? "Bytes" : "Byte"; sprintf( buf, "%u %s", ( guint ) size, unit ); return ; } /* sprintf( buf, "%llu.%u %s", size, point, unit ); */ sprintf( buf, "%.1f %s", val, unit ); } gboolean vfs_file_info_is_dir( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { if ( S_ISDIR( fi->mode ) ) return TRUE; if ( S_ISLNK( fi->mode ) && 0 == strcmp( vfs_mime_type_get_type( fi->mime_type ), XDG_MIME_TYPE_DIRECTORY ) ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } gboolean vfs_file_info_is_symlink( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return S_ISLNK( fi->mode ) ? TRUE : FALSE; } gboolean vfs_file_info_is_image( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { /* FIXME: We had better use functions of xdg_mime to check this */ if ( ! strncmp( "image/", vfs_mime_type_get_type( fi->mime_type ), 6 ) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } gboolean vfs_file_info_is_desktop_entry( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return 0 != (fi->flags & VFS_FILE_INFO_DESKTOP_ENTRY); } gboolean vfs_file_info_is_unknown_type( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { if ( ! strcmp( XDG_MIME_TYPE_UNKNOWN, vfs_mime_type_get_type( fi->mime_type ) ) ) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /* full path of the file is required by this function */ gboolean vfs_file_info_is_executable( VFSFileInfo* fi, const char* file_path ) { //return mime_type_is_executable_file( file_path, fi->mime_type->type ); return mime_type_is_executable_file( file_path, "crfap" ); } /* full path of the file is required by this function */ gboolean vfs_file_info_is_text( VFSFileInfo* fi, const char* file_path ) { return mime_type_is_text_file( file_path, fi->mime_type->type ); } /* * Run default action of specified file. * Full path of the file is required by this function. */ gboolean vfs_file_info_open_file( VFSFileInfo* fi, const char* file_path, GError** err ) { VFSMimeType * mime_type; char* app_name; VFSAppDesktop* app; GList* files = NULL; gboolean ret = FALSE; char* argv[ 2 ]; if ( vfs_file_info_is_executable( fi, file_path ) ) { argv[ 0 ] = (char *) file_path; argv[ 1 ] = '\0'; ret = g_spawn_async( NULL, argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_STDOUT_TO_DEV_NULL| G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, err ); } else { mime_type = vfs_file_info_get_mime_type( fi ); app_name = vfs_mime_type_get_default_action( mime_type ); if ( app_name ) { app = vfs_app_desktop_new( app_name ); if ( ! vfs_app_desktop_get_exec( app ) ) app->exec = g_strdup( app_name ); /* FIXME: app->exec */ files = g_list_prepend( files, (gpointer) file_path ); /* FIXME: working dir is needed */ ret = vfs_app_desktop_open_files( gdk_screen_get_default(), NULL, app, files, err ); g_list_free( files ); vfs_app_desktop_unref( app ); g_free( app_name ); } vfs_mime_type_unref( mime_type ); } return ret; } mode_t vfs_file_info_get_mode( VFSFileInfo* fi ) { return fi->mode; } gboolean vfs_file_info_is_thumbnail_loaded( VFSFileInfo* fi, gboolean big ) { if ( big ) return ( fi->big_thumbnail != NULL ); return ( fi->small_thumbnail != NULL ); } gboolean vfs_file_info_load_thumbnail( VFSFileInfo* fi, const char* full_path, gboolean big ) { GdkPixbuf* thumbnail; if ( big ) { if ( fi->big_thumbnail ) return TRUE; } else { if ( fi->small_thumbnail ) return TRUE; } thumbnail = vfs_thumbnail_load_for_file( full_path, big ? big_thumb_size : small_thumb_size , fi->mtime ); if( G_LIKELY( thumbnail ) ) { if ( big ) fi->big_thumbnail = thumbnail; else fi->small_thumbnail = thumbnail; } else /* fallback to mime_type icon */ { if ( big ) fi->big_thumbnail = vfs_file_info_get_big_icon( fi ); else fi->small_thumbnail = vfs_file_info_get_small_icon( fi ); } return ( thumbnail != NULL ); } void vfs_file_info_set_thumbnail_size( int big, int small ) { big_thumb_size = big; small_thumb_size = small; } void vfs_file_info_load_special_info( VFSFileInfo* fi, const char* file_path ) { /*if ( G_LIKELY(fi->type) && G_UNLIKELY(fi->type->name, "application/x-desktop") ) */ if ( G_UNLIKELY( g_str_has_suffix( fi->name, ".desktop") ) ) { VFSAppDesktop * desktop; const char* icon_name; fi->flags |= VFS_FILE_INFO_DESKTOP_ENTRY; desktop = vfs_app_desktop_new( file_path ); if ( vfs_app_desktop_get_disp_name( desktop ) ) { vfs_file_info_set_disp_name( fi, vfs_app_desktop_get_disp_name( desktop ) ); } if ( (icon_name = vfs_app_desktop_get_icon_name( desktop )) ) { GdkPixbuf* icon; int big_size, small_size; vfs_mime_type_get_icon_size( &big_size, &small_size ); if( ! fi->big_thumbnail ) { icon = vfs_app_desktop_get_icon( desktop, big_size, FALSE ); if( G_LIKELY(icon) ) fi->big_thumbnail =icon; } if( ! fi->small_thumbnail ) { icon = vfs_app_desktop_get_icon( desktop, small_size, FALSE ); if( G_LIKELY(icon) ) fi->small_thumbnail =icon; } } vfs_app_desktop_unref( desktop ); } } void vfs_file_info_list_free( GList* list ) { g_list_foreach( list, (GFunc)vfs_file_info_unref, NULL ); g_list_free( list ); } char* vfs_file_resolve_path( const char* cwd, const char* relative_path ) { GString* ret = g_string_sized_new( 4096 ); int len; gboolean strip_tail; g_return_val_if_fail( G_LIKELY(relative_path), NULL ); len = strlen( relative_path ); strip_tail = (0 == len || relative_path[len-1] != '/'); if( G_UNLIKELY(*relative_path != '/') ) /* relative path */ { if( G_UNLIKELY(relative_path[0] == '~') ) /* home dir */ { g_string_append( ret, g_get_home_dir()); ++relative_path; } else { if( ! cwd ) { char *cwd_new; cwd_new = g_get_current_dir(); g_string_append( ret, cwd_new ); g_free( cwd_new ); } else g_string_append( ret, cwd ); } } if( relative_path[0] != '/' && (0 == ret->len || ret->str[ ret->len - 1 ] != '/' ) ) g_string_append_c( ret, '/' ); while( G_LIKELY( *relative_path ) ) { if( G_UNLIKELY(*relative_path == '.') ) { if( relative_path[1] == '/' || relative_path[1] == '\0' ) /* current dir */ { relative_path += relative_path[1] ? 2 : 1; continue; } if( relative_path[1] == '.' && ( relative_path[2] == '/' || relative_path[2] == '\0') ) /* parent dir */ { gsize len = ret->len - 2; while( ret->str[ len ] != '/' ) --len; g_string_truncate( ret, len + 1 ); relative_path += relative_path[2] ? 3 : 2; continue; } } do { g_string_append_c( ret, *relative_path ); }while( G_LIKELY( *(relative_path++) != '/' && *relative_path ) ); } /* if original path contains tailing '/', preserve it; otherwise, remove it. */ if( strip_tail && G_LIKELY( ret->len > 1 ) && G_UNLIKELY( ret->str[ ret->len - 1 ] == '/' ) ) g_string_truncate( ret, ret->len - 1 ); return g_string_free( ret, FALSE ); }