# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging, os, time import commands config_file = "mv_config" data_config = __import__(config_file, globals(), locals(), []) def runcmd(cmd): if data_config.NOOPDEBUG=="FALSE": pass else: cmd = "echo "+cmd logging.debug(" %s",cmd) cmdout = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd) logging.debug(" %s",cmdout) return cmdout[0] def services(systemconfig): logging.debug("______Start of services______") logging.debug("__End services") def cp_and_log(srcfile,destfile): #return if not os.path.exists(srcfile): logging.info("%s is not present, skipping...",srcfile) else: cmd = ("rsync -arhp %s %s") %(srcfile,destfile) runcmd(cmd) def add_service(daemon): logging.info(" Adding service %s",daemon) cmd = "add_service.sh %s" %daemon runcmd(cmd) def remove_service(daemon): logging.info(" Removing service %s",daemon) cmd = "remove_service.sh %s" %daemon runcmd(cmd) def start_service(daemon): logging.info(" start service %s",daemon) cmd = "sv start %s" %daemon runcmd(cmd) def stop_service(daemon): logging.info(" stop service %s",daemon) cmd = "sv stop %s" %daemon runcmd(cmd) def restart_service(daemon): logging.info(" Restarting service %s",daemon) if daemon == "lcdd": stop_service(daemon) logging.debug(" killing all lcdd") cmd = "killall -9 LCDd" runcmd(cmd) time.sleep(2) start_service(daemon) else: cmd = "sv restart %s" %daemon runcmd(cmd) def hup_service(daemon): logging.info(" hup service %s",daemon) cmd = "sv hup %s" %daemon runcmd(cmd) def pkg_blacklist_check(pkg): cmd = '''grep -q %s /etc/blacklist.package''' %pkg rc = runcmd(cmd) if rc == 0: return True else: return False def pkg_installed_check(pkg): logging.debug(" Checking if %sis installed",pkg) cmd = "pacman -Q %s " %pkg rc = runcmd(cmd) if rc == 0: return True else: return False def pacinstall(pkg): logging.info(" Checking %s for install",pkg) #extra pkg check if pkg == "xine": pacinstall("xine-ui") elif pkg == "dvdcss": pacinstall("libdvdcss") elif pkg == "webmin": add_service("webmin") if not pkg_blacklist_check(pkg): if pkg_installed_check(pkg): logging.info(" %s is already installed, will not install",pkg) else: logging.info(" Installing %s",pkg) cmd ='''pacman --noconfirm -Sf %s ''' %pkg runcmd(cmd) else: logging.info(" %s is blacklisted, will not install",pkg) def pacremove(pkg): logging.info(" Checking %s for removal",pkg) if pkg == "xine": pacremove("xine-ui") elif pkg == "dvdcss": pacremove("libdvdcss") elif pkg == "webmin": remove_service("webmin") if not pkg_blacklist_check(pkg): if not pkg_installed_check(pkg): logging.info(" %s is not installed, will not remove",pkg) else: logging.info(" Removing %s",pkg) cmd ='''pacman --noconfirm -R %s ''' %pkg runcmd(cmd) else: logging.info(" %s is blacklisted, will not remove",pkg) def getpid(process): return commands.getoutput('pidof %s' % process) def restartLCD(RESTART_LCD): if RESTART_LCD : logging.info(" Restarting lcd server") cmd = "killall -9 mythlcdserver" runcmd(cmd) else: logging.debug(" Not restarting MYTHLCD server") def reloadfe(dbhost,RESTART_LCD): logging.debug("____Start of reloadfe____") if data_config.SYSTEMTYPE == "MythVantage": logging.info(" Clearing Backend cache") cmd = '''/usr/bin/backend_control.sh clearcache behost %s''' %dbhost runcmd(cmd) restartLCD(RESTART_LCD) for pid in getpid("mythfrontend"): cmd = ''' kill -s USR1 %s ''' %pid #runcmd(cmd) logging.info(" Reloading frontend with pid of %s",pid) logging.debug("__End of reloadfe\n") def restartfe(RESTART_LCD): logging.debug("____Start of restartfe____") if data_config.SYSTEMTYPE=="LinHES": logging.debug(" LinHES seems to be running will not restartfe") return logging.info(" Restarting frontend") restartLCD(RESTART_LCD) cmd="killall -9 mythfrontend" runcmd(cmd) cmd="killall -9 welcome" runcmd(cmd) logging.debug("__End of restartfe\n") def udev_trigger(): logging.info(" Triggering udev") cmd = "udevadm settle" runcmd(cmd) cmd = "udevadm trigger" runcmd(cmd) cmd = "udevadm settle" runcmd(cmd) cmd = "udevadm trigger" runcmd(cmd)