# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import logging, mv_common import os, re from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError config_file = "mv_config" data_config = __import__(config_file, globals(), locals(), []) def setup_zip(MVROOT,zipcode): logging.debug("____Setting up the zipcode____") if zipcode: cmd="%s/bin/restore_default_settings.sh -c ZIP -c %s" %(MVROOT,zipcode) mv_common.runcmd(cmd) #Let's also speed things up for those in North America cmd="mkdir /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grabbers_non_na" mv_common.runcmd(cmd) cmd="mv /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grab_* /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grabbers_non_na" mv_common.runcmd(cmd) cmd="mv /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/tv_grabbers_non_na/tv_grab_na* /usr/bin/perlbin/vendor/" mv_common.runcmd(cmd) else: logging.debug(" Zipcode is not set") logging.debug("__End of zipcode\n") def setup_tz(timezone,TEMPLATES): logging.info("____Setting up the timezone____") if not timezone: timezone="unknown" logging.info(" Setting timezone to %s",timezone) try: logging.debug(" Removing /etc/localtime") os.remove("/etc/localtime") except: logging.debug(" Couldn't remove /etc/localtime") pass srclink="/usr/share/zoneinfo/%s" %timezone logging.debug(" symlinking %s to /etc/localtime",srclink) try: os.symlink(srclink,"/etc/localtime") except: logging.critical(" Couldn't make symlink for /etc/localtime") cmd = '''sed -e "s/^TIMEZONE=.*$/TIMEZONE=\\"%s\\" /" /etc/rc.conf > $TEMPLATES/rc.conf''' %re.escape(timezone) mv_common.runcmd(cmd) if os.path.exists("/etc/php/php.ini"): logging.info(" Changing timezone for php") cmd = '''sed -i "s/^.*date.timezone.*$/date.timezone=%s/" ${BASE}/etc/php/php.ini''' %re.escape(timezone) mv_common.runcmd(cmd) mv_common.cp_and_log(TEMPLATES+"/rc.conf","/etc/rc.conf") logging.info("__End of timezone\n") def setup_nfs(systemconfig): nfslist=[] logging.info("____Start of setup_nfs____") scrubnfs(systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]) if systemconfig["HaveCentralNFS"] == "yes": logging.debug(" Using a Central NFS server") if systemconfig["NFSserver"] == "file:nfsmap": #if it's a file check for it, failure results in downloading attempt from MBE nfsmap_file=data_config.MYTHHOME+"/templates/nfsmap" if not os.path.exists(nfsmap_file): logging.debug(" Couldn't find local %s",nfsmap_file) logging.info(" Trying to download nfsmap from MBE") nfsmap_file = download_nfsmap(systemconfig["dbhost"]) nfslist = process_nfsmap_file(nfsmap_file) # if it's an ip parse ip and download file elif re.search(systemconfig["NFSserver"],":nfsmap"): ip=systemconfig["NFSserver"].split(":")[0] nfsmap_file = download_nfsmap(ip) nfslist = process_nfsmap_file(nfsmap_file) #else treat it as a single mount point else: item = (systemconfig["NFSserver"] , systemconfig["NFSmount"]) nfslist.append(item) setup_nfs_fstab(nfslist) logging.info("__End of nfs\n") def setup_sleep(systemconfig): logging.debug("____Setting up sleep____") autoshutdown = systemconfig["AutoShutdown"] stime1 = systemconfig["Shutdowntime"] stime2 = systemconfig["Shutdowntime2"] cstime1='' if autoshutdown == "1" : if not stime1 == "-1" : cstime1 = stime1 cshutdown = cstime1 if not stime2 == "-1" : if cstime1 : cshutdown = "%s,%s" %(cstime1,stime2) else: cshutdown = stime2 logging.debug(" Shutdown time at %s",cshutdown) cmd='''sed -e "s/HOUR/%s/g" %s/cron.template | crontab - -u mythtv''' %(cshutdown,systemconfig["TEMPLATES"]) mv_common.runcmd(cmd) else: logging.info(" Shutdown not enabled") cmd='''sed -e "/00 HOUR.*/d" %s/cron.template | crontab - -u mythtv''' %systemconfig["TEMPLATES"] mv_common.runcmd(cmd) logging.debug("__End of sleep\n") def process_nfsmap_file(mapfile): logging.debug(" processing nfsmap file %s",mapfile) nfslist = [] try: f = open(mapfile,"r") for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith("#"): continue item = line.split() if len(item) <= 1 : continue logging.debug(" %s",item) nfslist.append(item) except : logging.critical("Couldn't read file %s, or some other error",mapfile) return nfslist def scrubnfs(templates): logging.info(" Scrubbing nfs") mv_common.cp_and_log("/etc/fstab",templates+"/fstab.conf.template") #used this sed cmd because it's clean and took me forever to figure out =) cmd='''sed '/^#STARTSCRUB.*$/,/^#ENDSCRUB.*$/d' %s/fstab.conf.template > /etc/fstab''' %templates mv_common.runcmd(cmd) def download_nfsmap(ip): nfsmap_file="/tmp/nfsmap" myurl="http://%s:1337/templates/nfsmap" %ip req = Request(myurl) try: f = urlopen(req) logging.info(" downloading %s", myurl) local_file = open(nfsmap_file, "w") #Write to our local file local_file.write(f.read()) local_file.close() #handle errors except HTTPError, e: logging.info(" File download failed") logging.debug(" %s", myurl) logging.debug(" HTTP Error: %s", e.code) except URLError, e: logging.info(" File download failed") logging.debug(" %s",myurl) logging.debug(" URL Error: %s ", e.reason) return nfsmap_file def setup_nfs_fstab(nfslist): logging.info(" Adding nfs paths to fstab") try: f = open('/etc/fstab', 'a') line = "#STARTSCRUB --------------anything in this block will be scrubbed\n" f.write(line) for s, m in nfslist: line = "%s %s nfs \n" %(s,m) logging.debug(" %s",line) f.write(line) line = "#ENDSCRUB\n" f.write(line) f.close() except: logging.critical(" *Couldn't open /etc/fstab for writing") logging.debug(" Done adding nfs paths to fstab")