diff -ruBbd --unidirectional-new-file grub-0.96/stage2/builtins.c grub-0.96-patched/stage2/builtins.c
--- grub-0.96/stage2/builtins.c	2004-06-20 09:33:04.000000000 -0400
+++ grub-0.96-patched/stage2/builtins.c	2007-01-04 13:56:06.000000000 -0500
@@ -1229,14 +1229,15 @@
   for (drive = 0x80; drive < 0x88; drive++)
       unsigned long part = 0xFFFFFF;
-      unsigned long start, len, offset, ext_offset;
-      int type, entry;
+      unsigned long start, len, offset, ext_offset, gpt_offset;
+      int type, entry, gpt_count, gpt_size;
       char buf[SECTOR_SIZE];
       current_drive = drive;
       while (next_partition (drive, 0xFFFFFF, &part, &type,
 			     &start, &len, &offset, &entry,
-			     &ext_offset, buf))
+                            &ext_offset, &gpt_offset,
+                            &gpt_count, &gpt_size, buf))
 	  if (type != PC_SLICE_TYPE_NONE
 	      && ! IS_PC_SLICE_TYPE_BSD (type)
@@ -2806,8 +2807,8 @@
   int new_type;
   unsigned long part = 0xFFFFFF;
-  unsigned long start, len, offset, ext_offset;
-  int entry, type;
+  unsigned long start, len, offset, ext_offset, gpt_offset;
+  int entry, type, gpt_count, gpt_size;
   char mbr[512];
   /* Get the drive and the partition.  */
@@ -2844,7 +2845,14 @@
   /* Look for the partition.  */
   while (next_partition (current_drive, 0xFFFFFF, &part, &type,
 			 &start, &len, &offset, &entry,
-			 &ext_offset, mbr))
+			 &ext_offset, &gpt_offset, &gpt_count, &gpt_size, mbr))
+	  /* The partition may not be a GPT partition.  */
+	  if (gpt_offset != 0)
+	    {
+		errnum = ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
+		return 1;
+	    }
       if (part == current_partition)
diff -ruBbd --unidirectional-new-file grub-0.96/stage2/disk_io.c grub-0.96-patched/stage2/disk_io.c
--- grub-0.96/stage2/disk_io.c	2004-05-23 12:35:24.000000000 -0400
+++ grub-0.96-patched/stage2/disk_io.c	2007-01-04 14:01:08.000000000 -0500
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #include <shared.h>
 #include <filesys.h>
+#include <gpt.h>
 # define GRUB	1
@@ -502,8 +503,8 @@
 set_partition_hidden_flag (int hidden)
   unsigned long part = 0xFFFFFF;
-  unsigned long start, len, offset, ext_offset;
-  int entry, type;
+  unsigned long start, len, offset, ext_offset, gpt_offset;
+  int entry, type, gpt_count, gpt_size;
   char mbr[512];
   /* The drive must be a hard disk.  */
@@ -524,7 +525,14 @@
   /* Look for the partition.  */
   while (next_partition (current_drive, 0xFFFFFF, &part, &type,           
 			 &start, &len, &offset, &entry,
-			 &ext_offset, mbr))
+			 &ext_offset, &gpt_offset, &gpt_count, &gpt_size, mbr))
+	  /* The partition may not be a GPT partition.  */
+	  if (gpt_offset != 0)
+	    {
+		errnum = ERR_BAD_ARGUMENT;
+		return 1;
+	    }
       if (part == current_partition)
@@ -577,11 +585,14 @@
 		unsigned long *partition, int *type,
 		unsigned long *start, unsigned long *len,
 		unsigned long *offset, int *entry,
-		unsigned long *ext_offset, char *buf)
+               unsigned long *ext_offset,
+               unsigned long *gpt_offset, int *gpt_count,
+               int *gpt_size, char *buf)
   /* Forward declarations.  */
   auto int next_bsd_partition (void);
   auto int next_pc_slice (void);
+  auto int next_gpt_slice(void);
   /* Get next BSD partition in current PC slice.  */
   int next_bsd_partition (void)
@@ -666,6 +677,40 @@
 	  return 0;
+      /* If this is a GPT partition table, read it as such.  */
+      if (*entry == -1 && *offset == 0 && PC_SLICE_TYPE (buf, 0) == PC_SLICE_TYPE_GPT)
+       {
+         struct grub_gpt_header *hdr = (struct grub_gpt_header *) buf;
+         /* Read in the GPT Partition table header.  */
+         if (! rawread (drive, 1, 0, SECTOR_SIZE, buf))
+           return 0;
+         if (hdr->magic == GPT_HEADER_MAGIC && hdr->version == 0x10000)
+           {
+             /* Let gpt_offset point to the first entry in the GPT
+                partition table.  This can also be used by callers of
+                next_partition to determine if a entry comes from a
+                GPT partition table or not.  */
+             *gpt_offset = hdr->partitions;
+             *gpt_count = hdr->maxpart;
+             *gpt_size =  hdr->partentry_size;
+             return next_gpt_slice();
+           }
+         else
+           {
+             /* This is not a valid header for a GPT partition table.
+                Re-read the MBR or the boot sector of the extended
+                partition.  */
+             if (! rawread (drive, *offset, 0, SECTOR_SIZE, buf))
+               return 0;
+           }
+       }
+      /* Not a GPT partition.  */
+      *gpt_offset = 0;
       /* Increase the entry number.  */
@@ -710,6 +755,43 @@
       return 1;
+  /* Get the next GPT slice.  */
+  int next_gpt_slice (void)
+    {
+      struct grub_gpt_partentry *gptentry = (struct grub_gpt_partentry *) buf;
+      /* Make GPT partitions show up as PC slices.  */
+      int pc_slice_no = (*partition & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
+      /* If this is the first time...  */
+      if (pc_slice_no == 0xFF)
+       {
+         pc_slice_no = -1;
+         *entry = -1;
+       }
+      do {
+       (*entry)++;
+       if (*entry >= *gpt_count)
+         {
+           errnum = ERR_NO_PART;
+           return 0;
+         }
+       /* Read in the GPT Partition table entry.  */
+       if (! rawread (drive, (*gpt_offset) + GPT_ENTRY_SECTOR (*gpt_size, *entry), GPT_ENTRY_INDEX (*gpt_size, *entry), *gpt_size, buf))
+         return 0;
+      } while (! (gptentry->type1 && gptentry->type2));
+      pc_slice_no++;
+      *start = gptentry->start;
+      *len = gptentry->end - gptentry->start + 1;
+      *type = PC_SLICE_TYPE_EXT2FS;
+      *entry = pc_slice_no;
+      *partition = (*entry << 16) | 0xFFFF;
+      return 1;
+    }
   /* Start the body of this function.  */
 #ifndef STAGE1_5
@@ -717,6 +799,9 @@
     return 0;
+  if (*partition != 0xFFFFFF && *gpt_offset != 0)
+    return next_gpt_slice ();
   /* If previous partition is a BSD partition or a PC slice which
      contains BSD partitions...  */
   if ((*partition != 0xFFFFFF && IS_PC_SLICE_TYPE_BSD (*type & 0xff))
@@ -755,6 +840,9 @@
   unsigned long dest_partition = current_partition;
   unsigned long part_offset;
   unsigned long ext_offset;
+  unsigned long gpt_offset;
+  int gpt_count;
+  int gpt_size;
   int entry;
   char buf[SECTOR_SIZE];
   int bsd_part, pc_slice;
@@ -766,7 +854,8 @@
       int ret = next_partition (current_drive, dest_partition,
 				&current_partition, &current_slice,
 				&part_start, &part_length,
-				&part_offset, &entry, &ext_offset, buf);
+                               &part_offset, &entry, &ext_offset,
+                               &gpt_offset, &gpt_count, &gpt_size, buf);
       bsd_part = (current_partition >> 8) & 0xFF;
       pc_slice = current_partition >> 16;
       return ret;
diff -ruBbd --unidirectional-new-file grub-0.96/stage2/gpt.h grub-0.96-patched/stage2/gpt.h
--- grub-0.96/stage2/gpt.h	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ grub-0.96-patched/stage2/gpt.h	2007-01-04 13:52:14.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ *  GRUB  --  GRand Unified Bootloader
+ *  Copyright (C) 2002,2005,2006   Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef _GPT_H
+#define _GPT_H
+typedef signed char grub_int8_t;
+typedef signed short grub_int16_t;
+typedef signed int grub_int32_t;
+typedef signed long long int grub_int64_t;
+typedef unsigned char grub_uint8_t;
+typedef unsigned short grub_uint16_t;
+typedef unsigned int grub_uint32_t;
+typedef unsigned long long int grub_uint64_t;
+struct grub_gpt_header
+  grub_uint64_t magic;
+  grub_uint32_t version;
+  grub_uint32_t headersize;
+  grub_uint32_t crc32;
+  grub_uint32_t unused1;
+  grub_uint64_t primary;
+  grub_uint64_t backup;
+  grub_uint64_t start;
+  grub_uint64_t end;
+  grub_uint8_t guid[16];
+  grub_uint64_t partitions;
+  grub_uint32_t maxpart;
+  grub_uint32_t partentry_size;
+  grub_uint32_t partentry_crc32;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct grub_gpt_partentry
+  grub_uint64_t type1;
+  grub_uint64_t type2;
+  grub_uint8_t guid[16];
+  grub_uint64_t start;
+  grub_uint64_t end;
+  grub_uint8_t attrib;
+  char name[72];
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#define GPT_HEADER_MAGIC       0x5452415020494645UL
+#define        GPT_ENTRY_SECTOR(size,entry)                                    \
+       ((((entry) * (size) + 1) & ~(SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) >> SECTOR_BITS)
+#define        GPT_ENTRY_INDEX(size,entry)                                     \
+       ((((entry) * (size) + 1) & (SECTOR_SIZE - 1)) - 1)
+#endif /* _GPT_H */
diff -ruBbd --unidirectional-new-file grub-0.96/stage2/pc_slice.h grub-0.96-patched/stage2/pc_slice.h
--- grub-0.96/stage2/pc_slice.h	2003-07-09 07:45:53.000000000 -0400
+++ grub-0.96-patched/stage2/pc_slice.h	2007-01-04 13:52:14.000000000 -0500
@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@
 #define PC_SLICE_TYPE_VSTAFS		0x9e
 #define PC_SLICE_TYPE_DELL_UTIL		0xde
+#define PC_SLICE_TYPE_GPT              0xee
diff -ruBbd --unidirectional-new-file grub-0.96/stage2/shared.h grub-0.96-patched/stage2/shared.h
--- grub-0.96/stage2/shared.h	2004-06-19 12:40:09.000000000 -0400
+++ grub-0.96-patched/stage2/shared.h	2007-01-04 13:52:15.000000000 -0500
@@ -934,7 +934,9 @@
 		    unsigned long *partition, int *type,
 		    unsigned long *start, unsigned long *len,
 		    unsigned long *offset, int *entry,
-		    unsigned long *ext_offset, char *buf);
+                   unsigned long *ext_offset,
+                   unsigned long *gpt_offset, int *gpt_count,
+                   int *gpt_size, char *buf);
 /* Sets device to the one represented by the SAVED_* parameters. */
 int make_saved_active (void);