#!/bin/bash #Wrapper script to manage USERNAME accounts + web security # myth_USERNAME_all -c add -u USERNAME # myth_USERNAME_all -c delete -u USERNAME # myth_USERNAME_all -c pass -u USERNAME -p pass # myth_USERNAME_all -c web -u USERNAME -p pass INIT_CHECK=TRUE FULL_CALL="$@" function CHROOT_CHECK { INIT=`ps -p 1 -o comm=` if [ x$INIT = xrunit ] then CHROOT_NEEDED=FALSE else CHROOT_NEEDED=TRUE fi } function store_commands () { echo "$FULL_CALL" >> /root/myth_user_call.out chmod 600 /root/myth_user_call.out } function add_user() { if [ $CHROOT_NEEDED = TRUE ] then echo "calling myth_call_user in chroot to add user" store_commands else echo "adding user $USERNAME" useradd $USERNAME fi } function del_user() { if [ $CHROOT_NEEDED = TRUE ] then echo "calling myth_call_user in chroot to delete user" store_commands else echo "removing user $USERNAME" userdel $USERNAME fi } function pass_change() { if [ $CHROOT_NEEDED = TRUE ] then echo "calling myth_call_user in chroot to change password" store_commands else echo "changing password for $USERNAME" echo $USERNAME:$PASSWORD | chpasswd fi } function web_security { echo "this is just a stub" } function ARG_ERR() { if [ x$OPTARG = "x" ] then echo "$SWITCH NEEDS AND ARG" exit 11 fi } function print_help { echo "Valid options are:" echo " -c (add|delete|pass|web)" echo " -u USERNAMEname" echo " -p password" exit 1 } if [ $# -eq 0 ] then print_help fi declare -r OPTSTRING="c:u:p:i" while getopts "$OPTSTRING" SWITCH do case $SWITCH in c) ARG_ERR OPERATION=$OPTARG ;; u) ARG_ERR USERNAME=$OPTARG ;; p) ARG_ERR PASSWORD=$OPTARG ;; i) INIT_CHECK=FALSE esac done if [ $INIT_CHECK = TRUE ] then CHROOT_CHECK else CHROOT_NEEDED=FALSE fi case $OPERATION in add) if [ x$USERNAME = x ] then print_help fi add_user ;; delete) if [ x$USERNAME = x ] then print_help fi del_user ;; pass) if [ x$USERNAME = x ] then print_help fi if [ x$PASSWORD = x ] then print_help fi pass_change ;; web) if [ x$USERNAME = x ] then print_help fi if [ x$PASSWORD = x ] then print_help fi echo "adding webUSERNAME $USERNAME with $PASS" ;; *) print_help ;; esac