Tux with a Remote

The Linux Home Entertainment System Release 6

    The MythWeb allows you to use a web page to control aspects of your MythTV system. MythWeb is a separate application, but it is dependent upon MythTV being installed and operational."

MythTV Web Virtual Remote:
    A web based virtual remote control for MythTV.  In order for this to work, you must enable "Network Remote Control interface".   See: Utilities/Setup -> Setup -> General -> Fourth Page.

MythTV Documentation:
    The MythTV Installation / User's Guide.

MythTV Keybindings:
    The keybindings for the normal MythTV interface.

    Describes how "The Project Leader" setup multiple systems to form a Linux Home Entertainment System.

My Folding Status:
    Status of the folding@home work for the local user.

    KnoppMyth Team status for the folding@home effort.

iPod Feeds
    Transcodes ready for the ipod (if any).

XviD Feed dir
    Any programs you transcodes to XviD.

    FUPPES - Free UPnP Entertainment Service.  A UPnP to be used inplace of the UPnP server that comes with MythTV.  If the UPnP that comes with MythTV doesn't work for you, you can try FUPPES.

    Hardware status graphs.

KnoppMyth Radio:
    Your music must be encoded as MP3 in MythMusic for this to work.