Tux with a Remote

The Linux Home Entertainment System Release 6

    The MythWeb allows you to use a web page to control aspects of your MythTV system. MythWeb is a separate application, but it is dependent upon MythTV being installed and operational."

MythTV Web Virtual Remote:
    A web based virtual remote control for MythTV.  In order for this to work, you must enable "Network Remote Control interface".   See: Utilities/Setup -> Setup -> General -> Fourth Page.

MythTV Documentation:
    The MythTV Installation / User's Guide.

MythTV Keybindings:
    The keybindings for the normal MythTV interface.

    Describes how "The Project Leader" setup multiple systems to form a Linux Home Entertainment System.

My Folding Status:
    Status of the folding@home work for the local user.

    KnoppMyth Team status for the folding@home effort.

iPod Feeds
    Transcodes ready for the ipod (if any).

XviD Feed dir
    Any programs you transcodes to XviD.

    FUPPES - Free UPnP Entertainment Service.  A UPnP to be used inplace of the UPnP server that comes with MythTV.  If the UPnP that comes with MythTV doesn't work for you, you can try FUPPES.  Edit /etc/sv/mythtvbackend/run, and add "--noupnp" to the command line for /usr/bin/mythbackend.  Then restart the backend and start FUPPES.

sv restart mythtvbackend fuppes

If you want FUPPES to start on boot add a link to the /etc/sv/fuppes directory under /var/service.

ln -s /etc/sv/fuppes /var/service

    Motion is a software motion detector. The configuration file for motion is /etc/motion/motion.conf. All you should have to do is edit "videodevice" to point to your webcam or capture device. You'll also need to change the IP in /var/www/motion/index.html to the IP of your backend.

    As root: sv start motion will start motion. To have it start automatically add a link to the /etc/sv/motion directory under /var/service.

ln -s /etc/sv/motion /var/service

Images and video are stored in /myth/motion. Symlinks to /myth/gallery and /myth/video exist.

For further detail on configuring Motion, please read the Motion Guide.

    Hardware status graphs.

VLC HTTP Interface:
    Web interface for VideoLan Client.

Tip:  If you seem to be stuck in a loop when trying to select a video to stream from MythWeb (MythStreamTV), go back to the main MythWeb page and select  "StreamTV" again.

KnoppMyth Radio:
    Your music must be encoded as MP3 in MythMusic for this to work.