<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="LinuxDoc-Tools 0.9.21"> <TITLE>Installing and using MythTV: MythPlugins. </TITLE> <LINK HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-14.html" REL=next> <LINK HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-12.html" REL=previous> <LINK HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc13" REL=contents> </HEAD> <BODY> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-14.html">Next</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-12.html">Previous</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc13">Contents</A> <HR> <H2><A NAME="mythplugins_"></A> <A NAME="s13">13.</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc13">MythPlugins. </A></H2> <P>MythTV has a rich set of plugins available. Once you have downloaded the tarball, untar it and run the <B>configure</B> script:</P> <P> <BLOCKQUOTE><CODE> <PRE> $ tar -xjf mythplugins-0.21.tar.bz2 $ cd mythplugins-0.21 $ ./configure --help Usage: configure [options] Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions] NB: all --enable-* options can be reversed with --disable-* Generic options: --help print this message --enable-all Enable all options --enable-opengl enable OpenGL (Music and Gallery) [default=no] MythBrowser related options: --enable-mythbrowser build the mythbrowser plugin [default=yes] MythDVD related options: --enable-mythdvd build the mythdvd plugin [default=yes] --enable-transcode enable DVD ripping and transcoding [default=no] --enable-vcd enable VCD playing [default=no] MythGallery related options: --enable-mythgallery build the mythgallery plugin [default=yes] --enable-exif enable reading of EXIF headers [default=no] MythGame related options: --enable-mythgame build the mythgame plugin [default=yes] MythMusic related options: --enable-mythmusic build the mythmusic plugin [default=yes] --enable-fftw enable fftw visualizers [default=no] --enable-sdl use SDL for the synaesthesia output [default=no] --enable-aac enable AAC/MP4 audio file decompression [default=no] MythNews related options: --enable-mythnews build the mythnews plugin [default=yes] MythPhone related options: --enable-mythphone build the mythphone plugin [default=yes] --enable-festival enable festival TTS Engine [default=no] MythVideo related options: --enable-mythvideo build the mythvideo plugin [default=yes] MythWeather related options: --enable-mythweather build the mythweather plugin [default=yes] </PRE> </CODE></BLOCKQUOTE> </P> <P>The sections detailing configuration of the plugins assume that you are already in the <CODE>~/mythplugins-0.21/</CODE> directory.</P> <P>Note that a single <B>configure</B> script now does configuration for all modules. By default, it will compile all modules. If you do not wish to compile a module, either because it is of no use to you, or you do not have the prerequisites, the simplest course of action is to go through the various sections below, satisfying the prerequisites, and then compile all modules at once.</P> <P>For example, you would only like to compile and install MythGallery and MythMusic. For MythGallery, you would like to use the EXIF data in the .JPG file to present additional information onscreen. For MythMusic, you would like to enable support for the opengl and FFT visualizations. The command line would look like:</P> <P> <BLOCKQUOTE><CODE> <PRE> $ cd ~/mythplugins-0.21 $ ./configure --disable-all --enable-opengl --enable-mythgallery --enable-exif --enable-mythmusic --enable-fft $ qmake mythplugins.pro $ make $ su - # make install # exit $ </PRE> </CODE></BLOCKQUOTE> </P> <P>For simplicity, the examples below will disable compilation of all other modules other than the one being discussed.</P> <HR> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-14.html">Next</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO-12.html">Previous</A> <A HREF="mythtv-HOWTO.html#toc13">Contents</A> </BODY> </HTML>